Eastbourne Old Town Crier Oct/Nov 13

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EASTBOURNE Old Town Crier Issue 24

Oct & Nov 2013


Friends of Old Town Rec Latest News from Community Wise A View from the Potting Shed What’s On?

Delivered free to homes and businesses in Eastbourne Old Town

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October and November 2013 - Issue 24


...and welcome to the new look Eastbourne Old Town Crier! As you will have read in the last issue, I have taken over from Claire as the new editor and I’m looking forward to it very much. This is my first issue and I aim to continue to produce an interesting and useful magazine for residents and local businesses’ and to enhance the sense of community in the area. I want to help local businesses to promote themselves to the community in a successful and cost effective way, and I would like to support local clubs, organisations and charities, helping them to let everyone know who they are and what they’re up to! So, if you are a local business who would like more customers’ or you belong to a local club or organisation and want to let everyone know about it, then please do contact me. I’d love to hear from you. On another note, if you fancy trying your hand at writing an article on a topic of interest, or you have news about the club or organisation that you belong to, then drop me an email. The chances are that you’re work could be published in this magazine!

4 Local History Walks in Eastbourne Old Town 6 Friends of Old Town Rec 7 Latest News From Community Wise Centre 14 Butterflies of Sussex with Bob Eade 12 A View From The Potting Shed 15 Fascinating facts About Eider Ducks 17 Get Safe Online 18 The Poppy’s Appeal 19 Claud Award For Schools in Sussex 21 A Good Read 23 Do You want to Know More About Magistrates? 26 What’s On in October & November? 29 What’s On Weekly 29 Important Local Numbers 30 Index of Advertisers

I do hope you enjoy this issue, it’s just a taster of what’s to come. Enjoy!


Fran Tegg

Front cover photo by Mark Jarvis www.facebook.com/MarkJarvisPhotography


Find Harvey Competition Cinema Ticket Winner: Robert Dodds

‘Look out for witches!’ T: 01273 710793 E: fran@theoldtowncrier.co.uk www.theoldtowncrier.co.uk facebook.com/theoldtowncrier twitter.com/TheOldTownCrier

Well done to everyone who entered and spotted Harvey on page 18. Look for Harvey in this issue and email: fran@seafordscene.co.uk by 15th October 2013. Sponsored by Curzon Cinema. Contact Curzon Cinema Eastbourne on 01323 731441 or visit www.eastbournecurzon.net Fran Tegg, Eastbourne Old Town Crier, Publishing Partners, 4th Floor, Intergen House, 65-67 Western Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 2JQ.

To advertise in The Old Town Crier please call 01273 710793 or email fran@theoldtowncrier.co.uk


Local History Walks in Eastbourne Old Town If you ever want to know more about the history of Eastbourne Old Town, the origins of the Bourne, stories behind the historic buildings and parks or get to know the families who once lived in the area, then I’d recommend you take one of the guided walks led by local story teller Derek Legg. Having taken over as editor of the Old Town Crier magazine, I thought it would be a good idea to go on one of the guided walks and familiarise myself with the area. A group of more than 20 of us met on a mild Sunday at the beginning of September, at the Lamb Inn car park on High Street. Derek handed out information sheets that included a map and illustrations of the buildings we were going to be viewing on the walk. It soon became clear that Derek was a fountain of knowledge, taking us back to 100 million years ago when the South Downs and coast were formed and dinosaurs

roamed the forests and swamps in the area. At that time the sea reached as far in as Hailsham, and the Bourne stream started from a natural spring in the Old Town. Saxon burial grounds have been discovered locally as have Roman ruins and Bourne is listed in the Domesday Book as having 350 residents.

From The Lamb Inn we walked to another pub, The Star, where we found ourselves standing over the Bourne stream and then continued to The Court


House, built in 1599. Walking from Spring Gardens and Motcroft Road we arrived at The Manor House, 35 The Goffs, a 15th-century Hall House, timber and Jacobean in style. Why is ‘The Goffs’, called The Goffs? Well, you’ll have to go on one of the walking tours to find out! From here we visited the peaceful Manor Gardens, Guildredge Park and Manor House, which used to house the Towner Collection. However in 2006 the house was sold to a private developer, and it stood empty and derelict for six years. Thankfully in 2011 it was bought by Emma Chamberlain, who has lovingly restored it back to its former glory, and it is now open to visitors and the community for a wide range of uses. Leaving the park via Compton Lane we continued via Greys Road and past where the original St Mary’s Hospital stood. Crossing Church Street we then continued to Motcombe Park and to the source for the Bourne stream. The last stretch of the tour took us all the way back to The Lamb Inn where the tour had begun. I spent a wonderful three hours, taking in the sights and sounds, and enjoying tales of Eastbourne Old Town in the capable hands of Derek Legg. He not only gave more information than I could personally digest but delivered it enthusiastically and in a most interesting way. “There’s still more you can see,” he explained at the end of the tour!As this was the last of his summer tours for 2013, I’ll just have to wait until next year! Fran Tegg Derek is leading a “spooky” Guided Walk of Historic Old Town on Thursday 31st October. See the What’s On pages for more details. Photos top - bottom: The Hermitage, Manor Gardens, The Lamb Inn, diagram of the Bourne stream, The Manor House.

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To advertise in The Old Town Crier please call 01273 710793 or email fran@theoldtowncrier.co.uk


OLD TOWN REC IN ART Local artists and photographers took up the challenge from the Friends of Old Town Rec and submitted lots of entries for the group’s first Art and Photography Competition. The results were displayed at the Old Town Summer Fête on 20th July, and well-known local artist Nigel Greaves FRSA had the difficult task of selecting winners in each age category. Eva Alvey’s entry was judged best in the under 11s art section; and Zachary Shrubb in photography. In the 11 years and over category, Brodie came first for art and William Hotchkin for photography. Jared Godden’s entry waon first place (art) in the over 16s category and Ed Godfrey took the first prize for photography. Nigel Greaves congratulated the winners and said “All the entries were of a high standard but the winners stood out as having that extra bit of magic about them”. The winning entries are exhibited at the prestigious Nigel Greaves Gallery, Grand Hotel Buildings in Compton Street; and will be added to the Friends of Old Town Rec website. Vice-chairman of the Friends, Paul Scott, said the group’s stand at the fete had been very popular. “Twenty new members joined during the afternoon,” he said “and there was a lot of interest in samples of the twenty different varieties that have been planted to create a wildflower meadow in the Rec.”

For more information, visit www.otr.webeden.co.uk Photo: Nigel Greaves (left) with Ed Godfrey and his winning entry.



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LATEst NEWS FROM Community Wise Centre

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New for this term “Container Gardening – Tips and Techniques” is a fourweek course on Mondays from 2 – 4pm starting on 14th October. This exciting new FREE course will give you the know-how to grow practically anything you want in any available small space during the winter! Suitable for all experience levels, places are limited so please contact us to book.

Wide variety of local produce, crafts & stalls. Refreshments/teas/coffees

Last Saturday each month 10am - 12.30pm


July 27 August 31 September 28 October 26 November 30 No Dec market

January 26 February 23 No March market April 27 May 25 June 29

Our Farmers Markets continue to be popular, with many local food producers and crafters selling their wares on the last Saturday of the month. The next one is October 26th. November 30th will be our bumper Christmas Market: if you’re looking to do Christmas on a budget and support small local business too, this is the place to be! Open 10 – 12.30pm, entry is free and refreshments will be on sale.

Community Wise, Ocklynge Road Motcombe Village, Eastbourne BN21 1PY

Quiz Night

Our Quiz Nights are always hugely entertaining and highly anticipated! Get together a team of 6 friends and come on Saturday 16th November at 7.30pm for a fun evening out. Tickets are £1.50 per head (pay on the night) and funds raised will go directly to supporting the work of Community Wise. Bring your own drinks and nibbles.



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Container Gardening – TipsAnnand Techniques: Mondays, 2 – 4pm, e’s Ev Rd er per sfi tostarts eld on 14th October. nR d Rd Ladies Club: Every Tuesday afternoon 2.30 – 4pm. Farmers Market: Sat 26th Oct and Bumper Christmas Fayre Sat St An A2270 Up ne A2040are on sale. pFree 30th Nov open 10am – 12.30pm. and refreshments er ’s R to nG d d5 Drama Workshop: Thurs 31st Oct for ns – 11yr olds 10am – 12noon. A259 Quiz Night: Sat 16th November 7.30pm £1.50 per person, teams of Up pe rto six. Funds raised going towards the work of Community Wise. nR d


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A2021 If you have 5 – 11yr olds at home who may be looking for something to do in the October half term why not book them in to our Drama St An ne Workshop taking place on Thursday 31st. It’s a fun morning with plenty ’s R d of activities to keep everyone happy! Carew Rd


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Take buses 1, 1A or 55, disembark at the Lamb Inn and take a very short walk down Ocklynge Road.

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Jenni Osbourn


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To advertise in The Old Town Crier please call 01273 710793 or email fran@theoldtowncrier.co.uk



October & November With the summer now just a distant memory and with the hours of daylight getting shorter the butterfly year is almost at an end. On the warmer days there will still be plenty of butterflies flying but many will now be looking rather jaded and worn. Downland species still flying will include the very common Meadow Brown, Small Heath, Small and Large White, Small Copper and in the early part of the month possibly Common Blues. On woodland rides Speckled Wood and Brimstone can also be found most years in reasonable numbers. Brimstone will spend the winter hibernating in dense foliage but the Speckled Wood can overwinter as either a caterpillar or a chrysalis with the adult butterflies dying off as the cold weather arrives. Even this late in the year some of our more familiar garden butterflies can be seen. Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral, Comma and Peacock, as well as possibly

Painted Lady can often be seen nectaring on late flowering plants as well as feeding on rotting windfall apples and any blackberries still on the bushes. In the early spring this year Small Tortoiseshell were seen in much higher numbers than they have been seen for many years. This is possibly due to favourable conditions last winter where many butterflies hibernated through the worst of the cold. There was also evidence of many migrating into the country in April, boosting the numbers already here. These early butterflies will have bred and the offspring will have emerged in late June and July. These in turn will have produced the butterflies that we will hopefully see flying in October. These butterflies will now hibernate through the winter and can be seen during any warm spell between now and next spring. Red Admirals were until recent years unable to survive our winters. However, this butterfly appears to have changed its behaviour and now seems to make it through to the following spring in large numbers. Peacock and Comma also hibernate throughout the winter, with the former occasionally being seen on warm days throughout the colder months. The Peacock is a particularly handsome butterfly with large eye spots on its wings that are thought to scare off predators. As we ourselves spend the winter keeping warm, a few native butterflies will be hibernating, while others will spend the winter as an egg, caterpillar or chrysalis to appear in 2014 to add colour to the countryside and to our lives. Remember you can help Sussex butterflies by joining Butterfly Conservation. More details can be found at www.sussex-butterflies.org.uk Bob Eade Clockwise from left: Comma, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral


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To advertise in The Old Town Crier please call 01273 710793 or email fran@theoldtowncrier.co.uk


Old Town Chiropractic Offering McTimoney Chiropractic, Sports Massage and Kinesiology ! Back, neck and shoulder pain ! Pain, discomfort and stiffness in joints ! Muscle aches ! Migraine ! Arthritic pain 24 Church Street, Old Town, BN21 1HS (with free parking opposite the clinic) E: oldtownchiro@yahoo.co.uk

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A view from the Potting Shed


Experiment with vivid red Helenium such as “Rubinzwerg” which look fantastic when planted in front of the biscuit coloured flower spikes of Calamagrostis “Karl Foerster”, or try the much lower, but no less dramatic double pink flowers of Colchicum “Water lily” towards the front of the border. I would challenge anyone who does not favour grasses to find another species offers colour and texture to match this diverse range of plants. As I sit in the autumn garden right now, perched on a cold metal bench, I can admire the wonderful tall arching stems of Stipa gigantea swaying in the gentle breeze. Standing proud since July, this majestic grass will carry on performing until the heavy snow flattens the delicate oat-like flower spikes. If the subtlety of the grassy flowers are not enough to sustain your need for autumn colour, then try Aster “October Skies” for a splash of late season lilac. The daisy-like flowers are produced in abundance over a long period of time, and the great news is that it’s happy growing on dry poor soil in sun or even part shade. It won’t get much bigger than 45cm tall so doesn’t need staking, and the colours seem to intensify as the light levels fall. As we progress further into October and November, the bright yellows, oranges and reds slowly deepen before fading to a muddy brown. As the aroma of decay intensifies, I notice the evening light fades faster of late, as the autumn sun sets on another gardening day. Lee Bestall



to d o

ood planning and preparation can make this time of year a dramatic moment in the garden, but if you feel your outside space lacks autumn pizazz, the work for next year’s spectacle begins right now. You still have time to plant late flowering herbaceous perennials and hardy grasses, both of which have beautiful flowers in bloom right now, but aim to do this at the beginning of October.


3Make chutney from the left-over autumn harvest such as pears, apples and carrots. Stewed and pickled fruit and vegetables make great personalised gifts for Christmas. 3Sow broad beans now if you have a light soil or raised beds, and you will have an earlier crop next year. Give them protection with fleece to keep out the worst of the weather. 3Move tender plants into a heated greenhouse, or pot them on and bring indoors. 3Continue to plant spring flowering bulbs including alliums, daffs, crocus and iris. Delay planting tulips until next month. 3Collect seed from the garden and dry in paper bags. Sow them next spring, and if you have too many give them away.

Just before the weather turns cold:

3Prune hybrid tea roses to about half their size. This will prevent wind-rock during the winter. 3Now is the perfect time to plant tulip bulbs, but protect them from squirrels. 3Ensure leaves are cleared from ponds and lawns regularly. 3Finish planting up pots and baskets with winter flowering bedding plants. 3Don’t forget to cover cabbages, broccoli and other brassicas with net if pigeons are a problem. 3Insulate outdoor taps, or better still turn off their supply. 3If you have fruit trees that are susceptible to winter moth, fix grease bands to the trunks.

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Garden Maintenance Garden Maintenance Jungle Clearance, Jungle Clearance, Lawns Cut, Turfing, Lawns Cut, Turfing, Garden Rubbish Removed, Garden Rubbish Removed, Shed Bases, Tree Work, Shed Bases, Tree Work, Patios (Landscaping) Patios (Landscaping)

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09/09/2013 09:48

Fascinating Facts about… eider ducks Best known for providing us with feathers for eiderdowns (before the introduction of synthetic materials) the eider duck is a true sea duck, rarely found away from coasts.

eider ducks: l

are the UK’s heaviest and fastest flying duck.


are bulky with a wedgeshaped bill. Males have a black and white plumage with a pale green patch at the back of their necks, the females are brown.


dive underwater to feed on shellfish, especially mussels, found in shallow waters off rocky coastlines. They eat mussels by swallowing them whole; the shells are then crushed in their gizzard and excreted.


have formed a particularly famous colony on the Farne Islands in Northumberland. These birds were the subject of one of the first ever bird protection laws, established by Saint Cuthbert in the year 676. About 1,000 pairs still nest there every year. They are Northumberland’s emblem bird.


have soft, fluffy down, which the mother duck plucks from her chest to line her nest. This is collected after the ducklings have left the nest to provide stuffing for pillows and quilts.

If you would like to tell us about your wildlife experiences, please visit the wildlife advice pages on our website: www.sussexwildlifetrust.org.uk. There’s an easy online recording form for your sightings and the data is passed to the Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre, enabling us to build up a picture of where our wildlife is living. Or, if you have a wildlife query, ring our hotline – WildCall – on 01273 494777 or alternatively visit our advice page at www.sussexwildlifetrust.org.uk

To advertise in The Old Town Crier please call 01273 710793 or email fran@theoldtowncrier.co.uk


Get Safe Online National Get Safe Online Week 21st – 25th October Last week I was out for coffee with a friend and our conversation turned to computers. “I’m actually a bit scared of mine,” she admitted. “I’m wary of online banking and of buying things online, and I’m terrified to let my eleven-year-old use it because of all the media publicity about paedophiles.” She’s not alone. A good many of us are worried about online security, but there are real steps we can take to improve our safety. Use the latest OS (Operating System). The most recent OS is generally the safest. Microsoft’s Windows 8 is their most up-to-date OS and anything earlier should really be upgraded. Don’t forget that free software updates are issued all the time. Take advantage of these and update regularly. Install security software. The main threats to your online security are hackers, viruses and spyware, (this last one is a programme that may be used to log your


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credit card details). Ideally you should have a firewall, plus antivirus and anti-spyware software as an absolute minimum. You really need all three, because individually they won’t protect you against every attack. Be sure to update them regularly. Ditch the SPAM! As far as possible don’t open anything you think is SPAM. Use “disposable” email addresses for registrations on sites with which you’re unfamiliar, and use SPAM filter software. Wi-Fi Wisdom! Wireless networks can offer an easy way for people to eavesdrop on your PC. Because they use radio waves, anyone within range can pick up the signal, making them a target for hackers who could be after your financial details, as well as freeloading unauthorised users who might piggyback your signal to access your broadband connection. Use an up-to-date router. Make sure you rename your network to make it more difficult to find, create a unique password and always turn on the encryption. Backup! Backup! Backup! Just in case. Back all your data up regularly, and check the backups from time to time. Don’t Forget... Never give out User IDs, Pins or Passwords. No legitimate corporation will EVER ask for them. l Never give out financial or personal information unless you initiated the contact, and you are sure about who you’re dealing with. l For children and teens. Use an appropriate browser and buy or download software which monitors their online activity, limits the amount of time they can spend online, and blocks their ability to send out personal information. Most importantly SUPERVISE THEM! l

Visit www.getsafeonline.org.uk for more information about National Get Safe Online week. Sarah Davey

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TEL: 01323 721 067



To advertise in The Old Town Crier please call 01273 710793 or email fran@theoldtowncrier.co.uk


The Poppy’s Appeal How the humble poppy came to symbolise remembrance and raise millions to help war veterans... 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War. More than nine million soldiers were killed during the four-year conflict. Much of the worst fighting took place in Flanders, the western part of Belgium. The whole area was completely devastated, with homes, farms, roads and trees all completely destroyed. The land became a bleak, muddy graveyard for the thousands of soldiers who fell there. One plant, however, thrived in the disturbed soil and that, of course, was the poppy. Year after year, as the warm weather arrived, the poppies bloomed and turned the bare ground into a sea of red. Nowadays, we are all familiar with the poppy as a symbol of remembrance and a way to raise funds to support veterans. But how did the iconic flower make the journey from the fields to our lapels?

6 Albert Parade Green Street ! Eastbourne Tel: 01323 439010

It all began with Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, a Canadian physician who fought in Flanders. In May 1915,


his friend, a fellow soldier, was killed in action. Looking at the poppies growing alongside his grave moved McCrae to write the poem In Flanders Fields, which was later published in Punch magazine. The idea to use the poppy as a symbol of remembrance came from an American professor and YWCA worker, Moina Michael, in 1918. She wrote a poem in reply to McCrae’s called We Shall Keep the Faith and started to sell silk poppies. The idea was adopted by the American Legion in 1920 and she became known as “The Poppy Lady”. In 1921, Anna E. Guerin started making artificial poppies in France and gained the support of Field Marshal Douglas Haig, founder of the Royal British Legion. The first poppy appeal was held on Armistice Day 1921. It was hugely popular and, despite a recommended selling price of threepence per poppy, single petals sold for £5. In all, the appeal raised £106,000 – that’s nearly £30 million in today’s terms! Some people choose to wear a white poppy, either instead of or alongside a traditional red one. This symbolises pacifism and remembers the civilians killed in war, as well as the soldiers. The idea was initially put forward in 1926 by the No More War Movement, and the first white poppies were sold by the Cooperative Women’s Guild in 1933. They are now distributed by the Peace Pledge Union, a British pacifist non-governmental organisation that works for a world without war. And finally, did you know that there is also a purple poppy? It commemorates the animals that have been victims of war and raises money for Animal Aid. Alex Brown

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‘Claude Award’ for schools in Sussex Sussex Wildlife Trust is encouraging primary pupils to think about creatures that live beneath the waves this term with a special award. The “Claude Award” (based on a cartoon character of a hermit crab) will take the form of certificates and badges for classes that complete a variety of marinebased tasks. It is open to all primary schools in Sussex aimed at Key Stages 1 and 2, and involves activities such as rockpooling, creating beach art and beach walks. But if your school is too far from the seashore to visit you can still take part, as some of the “Claude Award” activities include designing a poster of your favourite marine creature, creating a beach display in your school, writing a story about a sea creature or becoming a friend of a Marine Conservation Zone. Schools can register a class for the award by contacting Nikki Hills, Sussex Wildlife Trust Making Waves Project Officer at www.makingwavesproject.org.uk or call her on 07943 504479.

All teachers are CRB Checked Fully qualified ASA teachers Call Michele Boby 01323 491063 or 07531972019 Michele@bobyswimschool.co.uk www.bobyswimschool.co.uk Sponsored by Southern Water Learn to Swim Scheme

To receive a free copy of our Making Waves family beach activity leaflet “What’s in the sea?” or a marine themed bookmark, call Sussex Wildlife Trust on 01273 492630. Making Waves is an exciting marine education and awareness partnership project between Sussex Wildlife Trust and Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust. Supported by a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund, the project is spreading the word about our wonderful marine life and the importance of protecting it. To advertise in The Old Town Crier please call 01273 710793 or email fran@theoldtowncrier.co.uk


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A Good Read

The Crow Road – Iain Banks

“He’s away the crow road.” So says Prentice McHoan’s grandmother before she takes that path, and sadly, so now is Banks himself. What better way to recognise the enormous contribution he made to modern fiction than to revisit some of his work, and what better place to start than The Crow Road? For a start, it has one of the best opening lines in modern literature: “It was the day my grandmother exploded.” In the aforementioned Prentice, it has an engaging, honest and endearing hero, and in his family it has a complex, disturbing and fascinating cast of characters. There is drama, humour, mystery and philosophy in equal measure. What’s not to love? The central strand of the story is the disappearance of Prentice’s Uncle Rory – presumed dead by many, but presumed alive by Prentice’s father, Kenneth. Rory’s unfinished papers include the idea of ‘Crow Road’ – a novel? a factual account? Nothing is clear. As Prentice attempts to unravel the thread, Banks moves his own story backwards and forwards in time, switching perspectives and retelling events from different angles. For a novel that is frequently about death, there is an awful lot of humour too – often dark, but equally hilarious. Fans are divided on which of Banks’ novels is his best. It’s a hard choice. How do you choose between say The Wasp Factory and Complicity? Many readers would stake a claim for his science fiction, written as Iain M. Banks, and ask you to Consider Phlebas” I have a great deal of affection for his whisky-logue Raw Spirit, which is not only well written, but has been responsible for a lot of good drams – cheers Iain. However, whether or not it is his best, The Crow Road is certainly my favourite – and I know I am not alone.

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in and a n? Old Tow OCTOBER

Tuesday 1st Open Ended Towner, Devonshire Park, College Road 10am - 12. Exploration of the museum’s collection, and tea time meet and greet, for people with memory problems and their carers. Entry £4 inc tea/coffee on arrival, carers free. Booking essential. Tel: 01323 434670. www.townereastbourne.org.uk Eastbourne’s Tea Dances Floral Hall, Winter Garden, Compton St 2 - 5pm. Enjoy an afternoon of music with Chris Mannion. Tickets £5, inc tea and biscuit. Tel: 01323 412000 www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk Eastbourne Flower Club St John’s Parish Hall, Meads Road 2.30pm. Demonstration “Let’s Imagine” by Pam Bryant. Competition “Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness”. Visitors welcome. Tel: 01323 638821 Wednesday 2nd The Lamb Folk Club Lamb Inn, High Street 8pm. Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer. Effortless blend of traditional material and original compositions. £6. Tel: 01323 728268 www.lambfolkclub@freeuk.com Thursday 3rd Eastbourne Blind Society Open Day 124-142 Longstone Road 10am - 3pm. An opportunity for visually impaired people and carers to try out equipment from a range of manufacturers. Several service providers in attendance and staff available for questions. Free entry, refreshments available. Tel: 01323 729511. www.eastbourneblindsociety.org.uk Family Roots, Eastbourne & District Family History Society Ocklynge School,Victoria Drive 7.15 for 7.30pm. Talk by Richard Gray on “Deceased Online”. Book stand and help desk available. Visitors £1.50 inc refreshments, new members welcome. Tel: 01323 731792 www.eastbournefhs.org.uk National Poetry Day - A Celebration The Underground Theatre, I Grove Road, Eastbourne 7.30pm, doors open 7pm. Words and music to celebrate National Poetry Day. Tickets £10 (UGT mem/students £9) from Eastbourne Tourist Info or box office 0845 6801926. www.undergroundtheatre.co.uk


Friday 4th Screaming Blue Murder Comedy Club Floral Hall, Winter Garden, Compton St 8pm. Jonny Awsum, Noel James, Paddy Lennox, compere Martin Coyote. Ages 16+. Tickets £10/£8. Tel: 01323 412000 www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk Saturday 5th Henrietta the Hippo’s Fun House Royal Hippodrome, 108-112 Seaside Road 10.30am. Children’s themed variety show, dressing up encouraged! Ages 3-10. Tickets £4 in advance/£6 on the day. Tel: 01323 412000 www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk The Greatness of Haig Redoubt Fortress & Military Museum, Royal Parade 2 - 4pm. Talk by Peter Hart, author and oral historian at the Imperial War Museum. Tickets £12/£10. Tel: 01323 410300. www.eastbournemuseums.co.uk Twilight Tour Redoubt Fortress & Military Museum, Royal Parade 7-8pm. Atmospheric tour of the Redoubt by candlelight, complete with spooky ghost stories. £4.50/£3.50/£2.50. Tel: 01323 410300. www.eastbournemuseums.co.uk Eastbourne Bonfire Society Procession & Fireworks Eastbourne Seafront 7.30pm - 9pm. Torchlit bonfire procession from Fisherman’s Green. Culminates with bonfire lighting between bandstand and Wish Tower, with fire juggling display and fireworks. Sunday 6th Matthew McCombie - piano concert The Under Ground Theatre, Grove Road 2.45pm. Opening recital of the theatre’s 15th season of chamber concerts. Tickets £9/£8/£5., from the theatre or Eastbourne Tourist Information Centre. Available with booking fee on 0845 6801926 or www.undergroundtheatre.co.uk Last Night at the Proms Congress Theatre, Carlisle Road 7.30pm. Special proms concert with the British Philharmonic Concert Orchestra, celebrating the many anniversaries in 2013. Tickets £22.50/£18.50. Tel: 01323 412000 www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk Oi Oi Comedy The Counting House, Croft Lodge, Moat Croft Road 8pm for 8.30pm start. Free entry. To book your act tel: 07773 147986 www.oioicomedy.com Monday 7th Guild of Friendship Upperton United Reformed Church, corner of Watts Lane & Upperton Road 2.30pm. “The Natural History of Eastbourne” Patrick Coulcher. Tel: 01323 726092

Thursday 10th St Mary’s Parish Church Mothers’ Union Old Parsonage, Church Street 2.30pm. “Friends of the DGH” by Jancine Potts. Visitors are always welcome. Details from Kathryn Anderson on 01323 370403 Thursday 10th - Saturday 12th Eastbourne Beer Festival Winter Garden, Compton Street 6 - 11pm (Thurs), 5.30 - 11pm (Fri), (11am - 4pm, 6pm - 11pm (Sat). Over 150 real cask ales, plus wine, cider and international bottled beers. Tickets £3 - £9.50. Tel: 01323 412000. www. visiteastbourne.com/beer-festival Friday 11th Piotr Grudzien and Friends Birley Centre, Carlisle Road 7pm. Concert with violinist and musicologist Piotr Grudzien in aid of Friends of the Lisiecki Homes in Poland. Free with retiring collection. Tel: 01323 452255 Saturday 12th Twilight Tour Redoubt Fortress & Military Museum, Royal Parade 7-8pm. Atmospheric tour of the Redoubt by candlelight, complete with spooky ghost stories. £4.50/£3.50/£2.50. Tel: 01323 410300. www.eastbournemuseums.co.uk Saturday 12th - Sunday 27th Charity Art Auction Birley Centre, Carlisle Road 11am - 4pm, Sats and Suns only. In aid of St Wilfrid’s Hospice. Admission free. Sunday 13th The Underground Theatre Movie “The Country Girl” I Grove Road, Eastbourne 2.30pm, doors open 2.10pm. Tickets £6.50 from the theatre Fri & Sat,10am - 4pm or from Eastbourne Tourist Info or box office 0845 6801926. www.undergroundtheatre. co.uk Monday 14th Guild of Friendship Upperton United Reformed Church, corner of Watts Lane & Upperton Road 2.30pm. Members afternoon, raffle. Tel: 01323 726092 Wednesday 16th John Agard Birley Centre, Carlisle Road 7pm. Recital by the poet, performer and anthologist. Part of a series of talks on Englishness. Tickets £10. Tel: 01323 452255 The Lamb Folk Club Lamb Inn, High Street 8pm. Boo Hewerdine. Exceptional singer and guitarist. £7. Tel: 01323 728268 www.lambfolkclub@freeuk.com

To advertise in The Old Town Crier please call 01273 710793 or email fran@seafordscene.co.uk

Thursday 17th Eastbourne College present Birley Live Lounge Birley Centre, Carlisle Road 7.30pm. Music by the college’s best singer/ songwriters, backed by our own house band. Free. Tel: 01323 452255

Thursday 24th - Saturday 26th The Haven Players Present “Mary’s Boys” College Theatre, Old Wish Road 2pm. Brand new musical written by local teachers Gaynor Newham, Michelle Pollard and Darren Vallier. £10, concs available. tel: 01323 767816

Saturday 19th Twilight Tour Redoubt Fortress & Military Museum, Royal Parade 7-8pm. Atmospheric tour of the Redoubt by candlelight, complete with spooky ghost stories. £4.50/£3.50/£2.50. Tel: 01323 410300. www.eastbournemuseums.co.uk

Friday 25th The Big Charity Concert Royal Hippodrome, 108-112 Seaside Road 7.30pm. In aid of St Wilfred’s Hospice. Tickets £14/£12, concessions available. Tel: 01323 412000 www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk

Monday 21st Guild of Friendship Upperton United Reformed Church, corner of Watts Lane & Upperton Road 2.30pm. “History of the Magistracy”, Sandra Yarwood. Tel: 01323 726092 Tuesday 22nd Eastbourne’s Tea Dances Floral Hall, Winter Garden, Compton Street 2 - 5pm. Enjoy an afternoon of music with Chris Mannion. Tickets £5, inc tea and biscuit. Tel: 01323 412000 www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk Wednesday 23rd Skeptics in the Pub Bibendum, 1 Grange Road 8pm. “The Secret Anarchy of Science”. Quantum physicist Michael Brooks reveals the secret anarchy behind some of science’s greatest discoveries. www.eastbourne.skepticsinthepub.org Ghost Tour Redoubt Fortress & Military Museum, Royal Parade 8-10pm. Atmospheric tour of the Redoubt by candlelight, complete with spooky ghost stories. £4.50/£3.50/£2.50. Tel: 01323 410300. www.eastbournemuseums.co.uk Thursday 24th St Mary’s Parish Church Mothers’ Union Old Parsonage, Church Street 2.30pm. “18 months in Bangladesh” by Dr Beccy Scott. Visitors are always welcome. Details from Kathryn Anderson on 01323 370403 Fostering Information Evening Lansdowne Hotel, King Edward’s Parade 5 - 8pm. If you have ever thought about fostering, come along for an informal chat to find out what you can do for a local child. Tel: 01323 464129 The Under Ground Theatre Movie Night “Round Ireland with a Fridge” I Grove Road, Eastbourne 7.30pm, doors open 7pm. (PG). Tickets £5 from the theatre Fri & Sat 10am - 4pm or from Eastbourne Tourist Info or box office 0845 6801926 www.undergroundtheatre.co.uk

Saturday 26th Beachy Head Marathon Bedes School, Dukes Drive 9am start. Scenic and challenging route through the South Downs National Park countryside for 1,750 runners, joggers and walkers. Live music at start, runners return 12 noon - 6pm. www.visiteastbourne.com/ events/BeachyHeadMarathon Community Wise Farmer’s Market Community Wise, Ocklynge Road 10am - 12.30pm. Wide variety of local produce and crafts. Refreshments available. Free entry. www.communitywise.org.uk Twilight Tour Redoubt Fortress & Military Museum, Royal Parade 7-8pm. Atmospheric tour of the Redoubt by candlelight, complete with spooky ghost stories. £4.50/£3.50/£2.50. Tel: 01323 410300. www.eastbournemuseums.co.uk Monday 28th Guild of Friendship Upperton United Reformed Church, corner of Watts Lane & Upperton Road 2.30pm. “An Afternoon with Fay and Joyce Grenfell”. Tel: 01323 726092 Weds 30th October - Sat 2nd November The Rattonians present “Bugsy Malone” Royal Hippodrome, 108-112 Seaside Road 7.30pm (daily), plus 2.30pm (Thurs, Sat only).Epic production by the ever-popular Rattonians Youth Group. Tickets £12, concessions available. Tel: 01323 412000 www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk Young EODS present “A Christmas Carol” Devonshire Park Theatre, Compton Street 7.45pm (Weds-Fri), plus 2.30pm (Fri, Sat only).The award-winning EODS Youth section works its magic on the Dickens classic. Family musical for ages 5 and up. Tickets £12, concessions available. Tel: 01323 412000 www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk Thursday 31st Drama Workshop Community Wise, Ocklynge Road 10am - 12noon. For 5 - 11year olds. www.communitywise.org.uk

Thursday 31st “Spooky” Guided Walk of the Historic Old Town Lamb Inn, 36 High Street 6 - 8pm. Local storyteller Derek Legg leads a guided walk around Eastbourne’s oldest streets, telling ghost stories and spooky tales about the area’s history and residents. £5 per person (funds for Historic Old Town’s Christmas event), booking essential. Tel: 01323 735970, dlegg80@gmail.com

NOVEMBER Weds 30th October - Sat 2nd November The Rattonians present “Bugsy Malone” Royal Hippodrome, 108-112 Seaside Road 7.30pm (daily), 2.30pm (Thurs, Sat only). Epic production by the ever-popular Rattonians Youth Group. Tel: 01323 412000 www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk Young EODS present “A Christmas Carol” Devonshire Park Theatre, 7.45pm (daily), plus 2.30pm (Fri, Sat only). The award-winning EODS Youth section works its magic on the Dickens classic. Family musical for ages 5 and up. Tickets £12, concs available. Tel: 01323 412000 www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk Sunday 3rd Oi Oi Comedy The Counting House, Croft Lodge, Moat Croft Road 8pm for 8.30pm start. Free entry. To book your act tel: 07773 147986 www.oioicomedy.com Monday 4th Guild of Friendship Upperton United Reformed Church, corner of Watts Lane & Upperton Road 2.30pm. “The History of Bonfires”, Derek Legg. Tel: 01323 726092 Tuesday 5th Open Ended Towner, Devonshire Park, College Road 10am - 12. Exploration of the museum’s collection and tea time meet and greet, for people with memory problems and their carers. Entry £4 inc tea/coffee on arrival, carers free. Booking essential. Tel: 01323 434670. www.townereastbourne.org.uk Eastbourne Flower Club St John’s Parish Hall, Meads Road 2.30pm. Workshop with Pam Gibson work or watch! Visitors welcome. Tel: 01323 638821 Wednesday 6th The Lamb Folk Club Lamb Inn, High St 8pm. Open stage. £1 entry, free for floor singers. Tel: 01323 728268 www.lambfolkclub@freeuk.com

Cont over...



in and a n? Old Tow

Thursday 7th Family Roots, Eastbourne & District Family History Society Ocklynge School,Victoria Drive 7.15 for 7.30pm. Talk by Don Dray on “Sounds and Songs of WWII’. Book stand and help desk available. Visitors £1.50 inc refreshments, new members welcome. Tel: 01323 731792 www.eastbournefhs.org.uk Friday 8th Remembrance at the Redoubt Redoubt Fortress & Military Museum, Royal Parade Free entry to the parade ground. Tel: 01323 410300. www.eastbournemuseums.co.uk Friday 8th Screaming Blue Murder Comedy Club Floral Hall, Winter Garden, Compton St 8pm. Ian Cognito, Holly Walsh, Paul Thorne, compere martyn Coyote. Ages 16+. Tickets £10/£8. Tel: 01323 412000 www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk Saturday 9th Henrietta the Hippo’s Fun House Royal Hippodrome, 108-112 Seaside Road 10.30am. Children’s themed variety show, dressing up encouraged! Ages 3-10. Tickets £4 in advance/£6 on the day. Tel: 01323 412000 www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk Monday 11th Guild of Friendship Upperton United Reformed Church, corner of Watts Lane & Upperton Road 2.30pm. Members afternoon, raffle. Tel: 01323 726092 Secondary Schools’ Prom Concert Floral Hall, Winter Garden, Compton St 7pm. Annual celebration of music in East Sussex Schools.Tickets £6/£4. Tel: 01323 412000 www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk Tuesday 12th Age Concern Free Talk Under Ground Theatre, I Grove Road, 2pm. Enhancing and improving peoples experiences in later life. 1 hour question and answer session Tel: 01323 638474 www.undergroundtheatre.co.uk Eastbourne’s Tea Dances Floral Hall, Winter Garden, Compton St 2 - 5pm. Enjoy an afternoon of music with Chris Mannion. Tickets £5, inc tea and biscuit. Tel: 01323 412000 www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk


Thursday 14th St Mary’s Parish Church Mothers’ Union Old Parsonage, Church Street 2.30pm. “Macular Disease Society” by Berul Geall. Visitors are always welcome. Details from Kathryn Anderson on 01323 370403 Saturday 16th Food Fair @ Meads St John’s Parish Church, Meads Street 10am - 2pm. Selection of local and independent fine food producers. Free admission, food and refreshments from the cafe. No. 3 bus from the town centre. Tel: 01323 895410 or 07790 709972 Guild of Friendship Upperton United Reformed Church, corner of Watts Lane & Upperton Road 10am. Coffee morning. Tel: 01323 726092 Quiz Night Community Wise, Ocklynge Road 7.30pm. Teams of six, £1.50 per person. Funds raised for the work of Community Wise www.communitywise.org.uk Sunday 17th The Under Ground Theatre Movie “Rear Window” Dir. Alfred Hitchcock I Grove Road, Eastbourne 2.30pm, doors open 2.10pm. Tickets £6.50 at the theatre Fri & Sat,10am - 4pm or from Eastbourne Tourist Info or box office 0845 6801926. www.undergroundtheatre.co.uk Monday 18th Guild of Friendship Upperton United Reformed Church, corner of Watts Lane & Upperton Road 2.30pm. “The Magic of Pantomime”, Ian Gledhill. Tel: 01323 726092 Tuesday 19th Specialist Valuation Day International Lawn Tennis Club, Devonshire Park, College Road 10am - 2pm. Free expert valuations from experts of Lockdales auctioneers. 01473 627110 www.lockdales.com Touchstone Opera Birley Centre, Carlisle Road 7.30pm. Four young singers and a pianist introduce a line-up of around 20 excerpts from well-known operas along with some surprises. Tickets £9. Tel: 01323 452255 Wednesday 20th Eastbourne College presents Dr Graham Griffiths “Stravinsky’s Piano - Genesis of a Musical Language” Birley Centre, Carlisle Road 6.15pm. Light-hearted and engaging assessment of Stravinsky’s musical upbringing, plus performance of a complete piano sonata. Free. Tel: 01323 452255 The Lamb Folk Club Lamb Inn, High Street 8pm. 4 Square. Infectiously energetic instrumentals, mellow three-part harmonies and spectacular clog dancing! £6. Tel: 01323 728268 www.lambfolkclub@freeuk.com

Skeptics in the Pub Bibendum, 1 Grange Road 8pm. “The Heretics”. Will Storr on how the stories we tell ourselves about the world can lead to self-deception, toxic partisanship and science denial. www.eastbourne.skepticsinthepub.org Thursday 21st The Under Ground Theatre Movie Night “Silent Scream” I Grove Road, Eastbourne 7.30pm, doors open 7pm. (Cert.15) Tickets £5 from the theatre Fri & Sat, 10am - 4pm or from Eastbourne Tourist Info or box office 0845 6801926. www. undergroundtheatre.co.uk Monday 25th Guild of Friendship Upperton United Reformed Church, corner of Watts Lane & Upperton Road 2.30pm. Members afternoon, raffle. Tel: 01323 726092 Thursday 28th St Mary’s Parish Church Mothers’ Union Old Parsonage, Church Street 2.30pm. members afternoon. Visitors are always welcome. Details from Kathryn Anderson on 01323 370403 Friday 29th Screaming Blue Murder Comedy Club Floral Hall, Winter Garden, Compton St 8pm. Dave Johns, Geoff Boyz, Anthony King, compere Dan Evans. Ages 16+. Tickets £10/£8. Tel: 01323 412000 www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk Saturday 30th Community Wise Bumper Christmas Fayre Community Wise, Ocklynge Road 10am - 12.30pm. Wide variety of local produce and crafts. Refreshments available. Free entry. www.communitywise.org.uk


Art and Drawing Classes No. 1 Green Street (behind Tally-Ho pub) Find your artistic talent and make friends in a relaxed, creative environment. Basic materials and refreshments included. Weds: 9.30 - 11.30am & 7 - 9pm. £10. Thurs: 9.30 - 11.30am. £10. Sat: 9.30am - 12.30pm. £15. Tel: 07885 262968, email: ktgart@gmail.com www.thedrawingroom.eu

CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS Boys’ Brigade Victoria Baptist Church, Eldon Road Wed: 5.15 - 8pm. Term time only. Tel: 01323 737974

Please mention Eastbourne Old Town Crier when contacting advertisers

By The Way Old Town Community Church, Old Town Community Centre Wed: 9.45am - 12.30pm. Community drop-in meeting. Do come in for coffee and a chat! Ladies Club Community Wise, Ocklynge Road Tue: 2.30 - 4pm. Tel: 01323 722924 www.communitywise.org.uk Drop-in for members of Cavendish School Victoria Baptist Church, Eldon Road Weds: 3 - 5pm. Term time only. Games and other activities. Tel: 01323 737974

CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS Girls Brigade Victoria Baptist Church, Eldon Road Mon: 6 - 8pm.. Term time only. Tel: 01323 737974

Guild of Friendship Upperton United Reformed Church, corner of Watts Lane & Upperton Road Mon: 2.30pm. Please come and join us, all are welcome. Enquiries to Gillian Grimmond on 01323 726092 Here4U 1A Albert Parade, Green Street Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 9.30am - 1.30pm Sat: 10am - 12 noon Old Town Community Church local enquiry and advice centre. Offers a friendly face, a listening ear and introduces you to the local agencies to address your needs.


Old Town Community Church Old Town Community Centre Sun: 10.30am - 12 noon. Everyone invited, children’s programmes too!


Sovereign Singers Eastbourne Blind Society Hall, 124 Longstone Road Wed: 9.20am - 12.15pm. Female harmony choir for enthusiastic singers - if you like the Military Wives concept, you’ll enjoy this. Tuneful voice required, music-reading ability not necessary. sovereignpolyphony@uwclub.net VOICES Choir Alice Croft House, Confield Lane Weds (or Thurs???): 7 - 9pm. Rocking, swinging choir for all - no experience necessary. £5 per session. Tel: 01323 766994, voiceschoir@hotmail.com The Under Ground Theatre Saturday Morning Music I Grove Road, Eastbourne Sat: 10am - 12noon. Free live music with our regular coffee morning. Tel: 01323 411906. www.undergroundtheatre.co.uk Please recycle this magazine when you have finished with it.

(free safety checks) 01323 722924 Community Wise and Living Stones Community Church Old Town Community 07505 297696 Centre (hall bookings) Old Town Community Church Edgmond Evangelical Church

Vicky Bees Parent & Toddler Group Victoria Baptist Church, Eldon Road Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 - 11.45am, term time only. Coffee/tea and chat for adults, little ones can enjoy toys, crafts, songs and stories. Tel: 01323 737974


Ladies Movement to Music St Elizabeth’s Church Hall,Victoria Drive Mon: 7.30 - 8.30pm. Nominal charge. Tel Margaret on 01323 723870 Pilates Community Wise, Ocklynge Road Six week courses for all abilities. Mon: 5.15pm. Foundation level mat work. 6.30pm. Improvers mat work, for those who have a full understanding of the basic principles of the pilates method and have previously attended the Foundation course. Tel Mary on 07980 655928, email: maryspilates@yahoo.co.uk

01323 430571 01323 725420 01323 649728

St Gregory's RC

01323 723222

Victoria Baptist Church Upperton URC RSPCA

National Rail - train times Eastbourne Railway Station Eastbourne Borough Council Stephen Lloyd Member of Parliament for Old Town C Heaps - County and Borough Councillor

08457 484950 0871 2004950

Motcombe Swimming Facilities Pool

01323 410748

Cavendish Sports Centre Old Town Community Library Eastbourne Library

01323 647683 01323 649964

Doctor - Green Street Clinic Samaritans Eastbourne General Hospital British Red Cross (Sussex)

01323 736664

01323 470653 Local

Greenfield Methodist Church St Elisabeth’s Church & Centre for Community St Mary's Church St Michael & All Angels

Animal Care

Little Treasures Salvation Army Hall, Royal Sussex Drive Tues: 10am - 12 noon, term time only. For parents and babies/toddlers. Come along for a chat with other local parents while the children play, craft, sing, have lunch and much more! £1.50 per family, under-1s free.

If you would like a club, organisation or event listed on these pages, please email Fran: fran@seafordscene.co.uk Deadline for the next Dec/Jan issue is TUES 5th NOV.

Police & Fire Eastbourne Police Station 0845 6070999 Travel Crimestoppers 0800 555111 (non emergency) East Sussex Fire & Rescue 0845 1308855 Council Community Centres & Churches


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INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Health Co-working/Office Space Acupuncture 17 Lushington Chiropractic Old Town Acupuncture 11 Cohub Mala Cranial Osteopath Cranial Osteopathy Aerials Old Town Acupuncture Mala Cranial Osteopath 11 Astrasat 20 Old Town Chiropractic Smart Aerials 20 Curtains & Blinds Blind Design 22 Southdowns Clinic Auctioneers 25 Kitchens & Bathrooms Lockdales Auctioneers 5 Curtains by Katie Bradford Bespoke Double Glazing Arborist/Tree Surgeon 24 Life Coaching Cosgrove Tree Surgery 15 Windowcraft V T Lifecoach Electricians Barbers 20 Painting & Decorating Jazz Barbers 18 PSP Plumbing & Electrics Sunflower Electrics 21 Paul Leach Blinds Neil Bradford Blind Design 22 Estate Agents Rager & Roberts 32 Pet Services Building and Repairs Headland Cattery Albion Property Maintenance 21 Farmers Market Plasterers Community Wise 7 Kiwi Builders 21 Paul Leach Fencing Carpentry/Joinery 14 Plumbing D W Carpentry 25 Fullers Fencing & Decking PSP Plumbing & Electrics Food Fairs Carpet Supplies Property Repairs Food Fair @ Meads 6 Rainbow Carpets 25 Albion Property Maintenance Gardening Children’s Activities 13 Sports & Exercise Boby Swim Club 19 Archery Gardening Boby Swim Club NCT - Bumps & Babies 19 Hairdressers Wave Leisure Jazz Barbers 18 Wave Leisure - Dino Soft Play 2 Metcalfe Hair Studio 18 Willingdon Golf Club Chiropractors Tree Surgery Lushington Chiropractic 10 NEXT DEC/Jan ISSUE Cosgrove Tree Surgeons Old Town Chiropractic 10 DEADLINE: Window Cleaner Cleaning Services Tues 5th NOVember Osprey 20 5 Osprey 20 Oven Wizards 5 Clothing & Accessories Cambridge & Co 13 Simply Sussex Produce- Gift Hampers Clubs & Organisations Fantastic local products from Free Radicals 8 Sussex in handmade gift Trugs NCT - Bumps & Babies 19 Computer Advice, Repair It’s a great way to say “Thank-you” & Tuition to a customer, friend or colleague or Silver Training 16 “Happy Birthday” to someone special... Councillors www.simplysussexproduce.co.uk Old Town Councillors 6

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Willingdon Golf Club – Established 1898

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OLD TOWN’S MOST SUCCESSFUL AGENT The combined marketing coverage given by our Town Centre office as well as our Old Town office consistently achieves more sales than any other estate agent within this very desirable residential area of Eastbourne. Quality brochures and particulars

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