The 1979 Football Factbook has been prepared especially for the members of the press, radio and television who cover th e Colonels. We sincerely hope that it will provide many of the answer s concerning the Colonels and Eastern Kentucky University. If you de s ire additional information, special features, p ictures, etc., or have questions not answered in this brochure, feel free to contact the Division of Public Information located in the Jones Building (Telephone: 606-622-2301 and 606-622-2302).

Information for Visiting Newsmen
WORKING PRESS TICKETS - All requests for press tickets by work ing n ewspaper, radio, or television pers onnel should be made BY NAME, a s far in advance as possible. Press tickets cannot be mailed less than one week in advance of the game. In the event of a large press turnout, priority will go to our regular coverage and state wide media.
RADIO - All correspondence concerning Radio Broadcasting R ig hts should be addressed to the Division of Public Information Eastern Kentu c ky University. Reques t s should be made BY NAM E as early as possible. Lines are t o be o rdered by the req uest ing station direct from th e South Central Bell Telephone Company with in s truction s to contact this office prior to installing lines. Spotters can be made available if reque sted in advance. The "official station", as de s ignated by the Di re ctor of Athletics of the visiting institution, will be assigned priority space. Requests by other stations will be considered in relation to availabilit y of space and date of reques t.
TELEVISION - Live television c overage is prohibited unless permission is granted by the Vi ce President for Public Affairs well in advance.
SCOUTS - All requests by scouts should be made BY NAM E as far in advance as possible. Scouts represe nting a college or university are limited to two per school, while professional scouts are restricted to one per team. Professional scouts' requests a rc to be made from the team's main office.
BY NAME are required and, as a general policy, there should be no more than one photographer per school or medium. Photographers may take pictures from the s id el ines during the game provided they remain within specified areas - away from the immediate sidelines and the front of the bench and coaching areas (30 to 30 yd. line). Motion picture crews may use the facilities provid ed in the press box, upper deck .
SEAT ING - In reque sting working p res s tickets, please advise BY NAME as to the number in your part y It is desired that newspaper requests be limited to no more than two pers o n s, radio requests, three persons
PRESS TAGS - Press ta gs m ust be worn for id e ntification by all newsmen, photographers and scouts seated in the press box or located on the field. Please not e : all press passes arc issued BY NAME to authorized working personnel and are non-transferable.
The working newspaper and radio personnel, as well as scouts and other officials, will be furnished a copy of the play-by-p lay report and complete team and individual s tati s t ics at halftime and approximately five minutes after the game. Refres hm ents are served before and during the game.
Location - R ichmond, Madison County, Kentucky , a growing city of about 17,000.
Enrollment - 13, 8 15
Founded - 1906
President - Dr. J. C. Powell
Vice President for Academic Affairs - Dr. John Rowlett
Athletic Conference - Ohio Valley, N.C.A A. - Men; K WJ C, AJA W - Women
Gymnasium - Alumni Coliseum (capacity 7,500)
Stadium - Hanger Field (capacity 20,000)
Nickname - Colonels, Maroo ns
Symbol - Col o nel
Colors - Maroon and White
Growth - in quantity and quality - has been the th e me at Eastern Ke ntu cky University. The quantity spea ks fo r itself. With an e nr o llm e nt of nearly 14,000 stude nt s, t he Un ive r s it y's st ud en t bo dy ha s more than t r ip led sin ce 1960. As a resul t , new do r mitori es and large , well-equipped academic structures have been built.
D r. J. C. Powell will be comp leti ng his thi rd year as president o f the Univers ity in October. Powell, the sc hool's seven th president, succeeded Dr. Robert R M artin who se r ve d EK U in that position for 16 ¼ years.
At a 1978 Boa rd o f R egents meeting, Eastern was reo r ganized int o ni ne colleges and a grad uate sc hool. Five c o lleges - App lied Arts and T ec h nology, Bus iness, Ed uca t io n, Law Enforcement an d Allied Health and Nursing - remained in tact.
Four new colleges we r e creat ed, includ in g College o f Natural and Mathema t ica l Sciences, Social and Behavioria l Sciences, Arts and H um an ities and Health , Ph ys ica l Educa tion , Recreation and Athlet ics.
Th e ma ste rs degree is offered in seve ral fields as is t he spec ialist deg ree. A joi nt d octoral program in etlu ca ti on is s ponso red in cooperatio n with the U niv ers it y of Ke ntu c ky.
Th e ph ys ical plant ha s u nd e rgone building a nd renovation programs to talin g more th an $ 125 million si n ce 1960. Durin g thi s pe r iod every ex isting major campus facility has been rem od e led o r completely reco nst ructed.
Athletic Committee
Members: Dr. Russell Bogue , Chai rm an; Dr. Dixon Barr; Dr. Ann e Brooks; Dr. Larue Cocanougher; Dr. C lyde L ewis; Dr. Na n cy Pee l; Mr. Doug Whitlock ; Mrs. Jeannette Crockett; Dr. Doris Sutton; Mr. C. E . Baldw in ; Mr. A. L. Wh itt; Mr. D o nald Co m bs and D r . Martha Mullins, ex-offici o.
Director of Ath letics - Donald G. Co m bs
Ass istant Director of At heltics - Dr. Martha Mullins.
H ea d Foo tball Coac h - Roy Kidd (Eastern Kentuck y, 1954)
Line Coaches - Joe Kinnan (Florida St a t e 1968) ; Jim Tanara (U T -Cha tta nooga, 1965)
Bac kfield C oac hes - J ac k Ison (Eastern Ken t ucky, 1961); Joe Blanke nship (Eastern Ke ntu c ky , 1965); Leon Hart (Ma ryv ille, 1973).
Dr. J. C. Powell, Preside nt

Head Coaches Othe r Sports - Baseball : Jim Ward; Bas ketball : Ed Byhr e; Golf: R ay S tru der; Swimming: Dan Lichty; M e n's Track: Art Har vey; M en's T enn is: Tom Hi gg ins; G y mnast ic s: Dr. Gerald Ca lk in; R ifl e : Sgt. Nelso n Beard; W omen' s T enn is : Dr. Marth a Mullins; Women's Volleyball: Dr. Ger i Po lvi no; Wo men's Bas k e tball: T o be announced; Women's Gymnas t ics: Dr. Agn es C hrietzb e rg; Women's Field Hockey: Lyn ne Harv e l; Women's T rack a nd Field: Sandra Martin .
A ssistant Coaches Other S por ts - Basketba ll : Max Good and Bobby Washing t o n; Wom en's Bas ketball: To be anno u nced.
Traine r - Bobby Barton .
Ass ista nt Tra in er - Donna Reed
S ports Information Ed itor - Ka r l Park.
Board of Regents
C hairman R obe rt 8. Begley, R ichmond; Vice - C hai r man, C harles C. Co mbs , Ri c hmond ; L u t her Farmer, McKee; J e r ry I kerd , Somerset; H e nry D. Stratton, Pikev ille ; J W Phelps , L ouisville; Beverly Yeis er, Winc hester; J ohn Ke ith , Cy nthia na; Dr. Lee Ge ntry, facul ty r e p rese nt ative , Ri ck Rob inson, s tu dent r e prese nta tive
The School of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics, sponsors seven interco llegiate sports for men, six in tercollegiate sports for women and two coeduca tiona l intercollegiat e sports. Ex te nsive intramural programs are sponsored providing varied partic ipa t ion opportunities for all.
These programs are an integral part of the total program and development of Eastern students. They offer experiences which contrib ute immeasurably to the h ealth, vitality and preparation of young peop le as citizens and for their leadership contributions to the youth in the nation's schools and elsewhere.
The School of Health, Physical Educat ion, Recrea tion and Athletics offers a variety of degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The coaches of athletics are among the fifty seven full-time faculty members representing more than a score of the finest colleges and universities in the nation, required to produce academic, intramural and varsity athletic programs .
Th e extensive indoor and outdoor facilities are used interchangeably for i nstructio n and athletics as is th e faculty. The School, which is organ ized under a si ngle administrative unit , includes three academic departments under which t here are seventeen undergraduate and graduate degree programs and interco llegiate athletics. This type organization contributes significantly to successful coo rd inatio n of the program, faculty and facilities for maximum co ntributio n to the overall mission of the University.
Th e School of Health, Physical Edu cation, Recreat ion and Athletics (will be Co ll ege of H PERA in fall of 19 79) is headed by Dean Russell Bogue It s three academ ic departments arc: School and Public Hea lth, chaired by Dr. Herman Bush; Recreation and Park Administration, chaired by Dr. Jam es McChesney; Physical Education, chaired by Dr. Fred Darling. The Schoo l's p rogram of intercollegiate athletics is administered by Athleti c Director, Mr. Donald G. Combs, and Assistant Athletic Di re ctor, Dr. Martha Mullins.

Through its departments, t he School offe rs s ix baccalaureate degree programs and four two-year assoc iate of arts cu rricula for undergraduate stud ents . At the graduate level seve n graduate degree pro grams within the Masters of Arts in Education, the Master of Science, and the Specia list in Education
degrees are offered. Rank 11 and Rank l teacher certification programs and other certification and endorsement programs are offered.
T he School also serves EK U' s general education program t hro ug h requ ired physical education and health classes for freshmen and sopho mores.
Enrolled in the School's academic programs are some 1,300 majors, in clud ing more t ha n 500 graduate s tudents. To serve this large enrollment, the School boast s a full- time faculty of 57, including 25 members with the earned doctorate. Thirty-five grad u a te assistants perform teaching and other services.
A balanced athle ti c program , intramural, sportS clubs and intercollegia te , is provided by the Schoo l. Intram ura l and sports clubs' programs arc sponsored through the physical e ducati on department by intramural directo rs. Compet ition in numerous sports, including softball, flag football , soccer, racquetball, bowling, vo ll eyball, table tennis, track , basketball and fie ld hockey provide physical outlets for EK U students.
EK U, a mem ber of the NCAA and Ohio Valley Conference, fi elds ath letic teams in basebal l, basketball, cross country, football, sw im mi ng , golf, tennis , track (indoor and outdoor), r ifle and gymnas ti cs. Basketball, field hockey, gymnast ics, tennis, trac k and field and volleyball make u p the intercollegiate program for wom en, under the AlAW and KWlC.
Outstanding facilities a re required to support an o p eration with the scope of Eastern's School of HPERA. The School's programs a r e housed in five major campus structuresThe Robert B. Begley Buildi ng, where it is headquartered , the Alumni Coliseum, the Weaver Health Building, t he P re s nell Bui lding and the G reg Adams Building Numerous tennis courts, recreation areas, Gertrude Hood Field, Tur key Hu ghes Ba se ball Field, and the Tom C. Samuels grass-lex su rfaced ni ne- la ne track with tartan infield are among the other faci li ties of the School. An 18-hole go lf course and an outdoor educa t ionrecreation demonstration area are located at Arlington. There a rc four equ ipped training rooms attached to the intercollegiate locker rooms in four Buildings. Th e Department of School and Pub lic Healt h has an enviro n me nt al health labor a tory in the ne w Rowlett Buildin g.
The seven-story Beg ley Building is designed t o serve nearly 2,000 students hourl y in classes and also provides seating for more than 20, 000 footba ll spec tators. Inclu ded in the structure are thr ee gymnasiums, 12 handball courts, 36 c lassrooms, 60 offices and the dr essing fa cilities for physical education and football. A training area includes two exercise and weight-lifting rooms, a steam room and a lar ge therapy tank. A se minar room and recep ti on area are located on th e second level of the building. Offices on this level have been accoustically treated to absorb sound from the open-top a thl et ic area.
The "Thomas E McD ono ugh I ntramural Fields," which boasts 10 football fields, two of
which are va r si t y practice fields and ano t her two wh ich are large eno ugh for soccer pla y, are in use. In season, eig ht softball fields may be superi mposed on the foo t ball layo uts.
Th e Gl e nn Pres nell Building houses football locker and showe r rooms, a t ra ining room, res t rooms and storage , office· and lec ture areas. A n equipment check-out room and ot her service fac ilities are located to serve the studen t s who participa te in th e intramural programs.
Rece ntl y dedicated is the new Greg Adams indoor tennis facility. It became available fo r use in th e fall of 1976. It consti tute s the fifth building on campus devoted to housing the activities o f the School of HPERA.

In 1941, foresighted men had visions of an Ohio Valley Conference. Sportswriters speculated about the impending division of the Kentucky Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. Virtually all agreed it was just a matter of time until the division took place and a new athletic conference was formed.
Then the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and America was plunged into World War 11.
Seven years late r, after the hostilities had ceased, a pre-war dream became a post-war reality. The "Big Five" of the K.I.A.C. withdrew to form the Ohio Valley Conference.
Making the move were Western Kentucky State College, Eastern Kentucky State College, Murray State College, Morehead State College and the University of Louisville They were joined by Evansville College and, shortly thereafter, by Tennessee Tech and Marshall College.
Purpose of the O.V.C., as set forth in its constitution, is "to regulate, control and promote all the recognized branches of intercollegiate athletics in institutions represented."
Through a gradual process, the Ohio Valley Conference was to become a league of Kentucky and Tennessee state colleges. Middle Tennessee State College joined the rolls in 1952, East Tennessee State University in 1957 and Austin Peay State College in the spring of 1962. They replaced Louisville, which became an· independent in 1949, and Marshall and Evansville, which departed in 1952. Akron was added to the conference last year, replacing East Tennessee who joined the Southern Conference.
University of Akron's Zips became the eighth member of the Ohio Valley Conference on July I, 1978

Eastern's women' s teams are members of the 19-school Kentucky Women's Intercollegiate Conference KWIC is the official athletic conference for all recognized women's collegiate programs in Kentucky.
K WIC conducts state tournaments for college-women in basketball, field hockey , gymnas tics, tennis, track a nd field and volleyball and is the recognized affiliate of the national o rganization, the Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIA W).
Eastern also competes against other OVC schools in a regular season schedule in basketball and a post-season tournament in tennis.
Eastern ranks first in the conference's alltime standings with a 115- 76-7 won-lost record. The Colonels have won five regular season title s o utright ( in '54, '67, '68, '74, and '76) and shared one t itle in 1962. Eastern a lso won the NCAA Mideast Regional c hampionship in 1967.
Annually, the OVC presents an All-Sports Trophy for over-all excellence in the entire athletic program .
For additional info r mation, fea t ures or pictures contact:
Telephone (606) 622- 230 I
James Delany, a 31-year-old former NCAA investigator, is serving his first year as commissioner of the Ohio Valley Conference. He succeeded Bob Vanatta on July I as the OVC's fourth commissioner after being among five applicants considered for the post.
The Succasunna , New Jersey native becomes the youngest commissioner to serve the conference The other OVC commissioners prior to Vanatta were Arthur Guepe and Paul Dietzel.
Dela ny is a 1970 graduate of the University of North Carolina where he played basketball for coach Dean Smith's Tarheels from 1967-70 and served as co-captain on the 1969- 70 squad.
Following graduation Delany entered the UNC Law School and served as an assistant coach under Smith He received his law degree in 1973 before joining the NCAA staff.
the coaches

Roy Kidd, who begins his 16th yea r at the h elm of the C olonels' football tea m , gives an anx ious loo k lasl yea r on th e s id e lines in a conies! at Hanger Field. He was presenled wi t h his 100th collegiate coaching viclory in th e '79 finale with a 30- 0 blanking o f Morehead S l ate. Kidd is 100-48- 6 at EKU an d ranks second in numbe r of victor ies in lh c NCAA's new D i vis ion I -A A.

JIM TANARA Down Linemen Coach
J im T a nara, a former assistant foo tball coach at the Un i vers it y of Alabama. will handl e the down linemen in his first year as an assis t ant coach at Easte rn.
ROY KIDD Head Coach

The 1978 seaso n is one Ro y K idd will remember for many years to come
It was a season which saw h is team encounter Weste rn in a regional t e le v ision contest on the ABC network and a year in which the Colonels again led the league in total offe n se and points scored .
But perhaps, most importantly o f all, I978 was t he year the Eastern Colonels prese nted Kidd, who will be beginning his 16th year at EKU this fall, with his 100th co ll eg iate coachi n g victo r y. This particular win came in th e season's finale, a 30-0 romp over M o re head State, and enabled the Co lon e ls to tie the sc ho ol reco rd for most wins in a season for the e levent h time in history. Eastern finished 8-2 overall.
K id d believes prospects for another good seaso n are promising as he tries t o recapture the Ohio Valley Conference tit le and a berth in the NCAA 's Division I-AA pla yoffs.
"We're g oing to have a fine football team if w e can stay h e althy," Kidd said. "We cou ld even be a b e tt er t ea m than last year. However, with the schedule we're playing, it might mean w e will not have as good a won-lost re cord ."
During these past 15 years, Eastern ha s captured four OVC cha mpion shi p s, had an unbeaten string of I 5 games in th e le a g ue and won the 1967 NCAA Mideast R eg ional Champio n ship (cove ring more than I 00teams in a IO-state area) by defeating Ball S tat e 27-13 in the Grantland Rice Bowl. EK U has co mpile d a record of I00-48-6 dur ing thi s period
Kidd is married to the former Susan Pur cell of Richm o nd. They have three children : Ma rc (21 ), Kath y ( 18) and Keith ( 16).
Ta nara, 37. comes t o EK U from the staff of Hea r Br ya nt at Alabama where he se r ved 11 years in charge of the Tide's defensive front.
While at Alabama. Tanara was a member of the sta ff that directed the Tide to two natio nal champ ions hip s a nd appearances in 11 bowl games. H e a lso se r ved as UA's head wrestl ing coach fo r 11 years.
Tanara was a 1960 grad uat e of Spring-Ford H igh School in R oycrs Ford. Pa where he earned all-state honors in foot ball and wrestled for hi s hi gh school team.
H e lat er was a three-year letterman for UTChatta nooga a nd started at both defensive e nd an d tight end. While co lle ct in g Litt le AllAmerican hono r s in I 964 , he re ceived h is bachelor of sc ie nce degree in I965 and wa s drafted by the New Orleans Saints u p on graduation.
He was an ass is tant football coac h at Cleveland ( T e nn .) H igh School fo r three yea rs before going to Alabama in 1968. H e received hi s master's degree from Alabama in 1970
Tanara is married to the forme r Carol Sanders of C hattan ooga, Tenn and the y have two children .Ju lie (8) and Ji mmy (4).
LEON HART Offensive Backfield Coach
Leo n Ha rt begi ns his second seaso n a s a fullti m e ass istant in cha rge o f t he E K U offens ive backfield, h opi n g to co n t inu e the explosive effi c iency exhib ited by recen t Colone l offe nsive attacks.
W ith s t andou ts Bi ll H ughes a nd Chris Isaac re t urni n g a t t he quar te rback pos t. and A IIOVC firs t-teamer Dale Pa tt on bac k at fullbac k , Coach Ha rt w ill be try in g t o le ad th e Colo ne l offe n se to its th ird co n secu ti ve O VC tota l offense crown.
H art g raduated from M ansfield (Oh io) M a d ison H igh Sch oo l i n 1969 . a nd we n t on to M a r yvi ll e College wh ere he received hi s B.A. in ed u cat ion in 1973
Whi le at M a ryv ille, H art lettered four yea rs in foo t ball a nd th r ee yea rs in baseball. serv ing as ca ptai n of the base ball squ ad as a senior. H e wa s a safe t y fo r t he Maryville gridders, lead ing the team in in te r cep t ions h is last th ree seaso ns.
Hart is mar r ied t o th e forme r Becki Sowers o f M a nsfield a nd they have o n e son, Timot h y Robe r t (2) .
Backfield Coach
C o ach Ison w ill have a situation t his yea r quite d ifferent from 1978 w hen graduat io n losse s le ft hi m w it h only two starters returning. T h is sea so n Ison ha s everyone back. includ ing A II -OVC co rn erbac k Danny Martin. Steve Fle t cher, and two o t her st arte r s George F loyd a nd C ha rl es Bru nso n !son's d efenses have t he classic "bend but don't brea k" characterist ic which has made the Colo ne ls so ha rd to sco r e upo n.
Ison will a lso serve as defensive coordi na t or aga in t his seaso n and is t he dean of Colonel ass is t ant coac h es
The Ru ssell na ti ve is mar r ied t o the fo r me r Patricia Lykins, whom he met as a classmate at East e rn They have two daughters, El izabeth ( 17) and M elinda ( 13)
JOE BLANKENSHIP End and Linebacker Coach
T he de fen s ive ends an d lin eb a c ke rs w ill be handle d by J oe Bl a nk enshi p , beginning his thi rd sea so n as an EK U ass is t a nt. Bl a nk e ns hi p s tr esses hard n osed, aggr essive p lay out o f hi s charge s, e v id en t in c ur re nt Colonel li nebacker standou t s Ed F ine ll a and Bob M c In tyre, a seco nd- team A ll-OYC c ho ice las t year.
A fte r s pe nd ing hi s fr es h man ye ar of co llege at th e Un ivers ity o f Ke nt uc k y , Blankenship played hi s fina l th ree yea rs a t Eastern, receivi n g h is bac he lo r's degree in 1965 a nd hi s m as t e r' s d egree i n 1966 fr o m E K U. Bla nk e nship also put i n a coac hi ng stint at Louisv ille Se neca H igh School before com ing t o E a ste rn. Blankens hi p , 37, is m a rried t o t he fo rmer Brenda Wooden of Lo uisv ille an d t hey have t wo c hild re n. K imb e rl y Ly nn ( 16) and J ose ph T roy (8)_-
J oe K inn an wi ll tell you t ha t n o m a tter h ow good your runn ing backs are. they have to have a good line in front of them to be successfu l.
Beginn ing his fou rt h ye a r as offe nsive coordi n ator. Coach Kinn an wi ll ha ve A ll -OVC ce n ter Dav id Neal back to anchor t he li ne. along w ith o th er lette r men D anny H ope and D ar ryl Lawson. and t ig h t e nds C r is C u rt is a nd Carl G reeene. These players will t ry to lead EK U backs to th ei r seven th consec ut ive 2.000yard rushing season
Th e Colone ls again led t he league in t otal offense last season despite losi n g three star t ers off th e offensive line. and Coach K innan has ano ther tough job faci n g h im in the form of replac i ng AII-OVC guard Dea n S tu cky in 1979
K innan received his bachelor's deg ree fro m Flor ida State in 1968 and hi s m a s t e r s degree in educat io n from t here also in 1969 He is married t o t he former L ind a No r wood of A nn a Marie. Fla .. and t hey have one son . .J oe J r., (8).
DONALD G. COMBS Director of Athletics
Donald G. Combs begins his ni nt h year as Director of Athletics at Easte rn , after se rving t he university 13 years as swimming coach . Combs, who was kn own throughout t he sta t e as th e dean of Kentucky collegiate swimming coaches, ha nded over his swim min g coachi ng duties to Dan Lichty, h is assista n t, in 1975.

R ecog nized as a "Master Coach" by the Co llege Swimming Coac hes Association of America in 1970, Combs coached Eas tern' s s w im team f rom 1963-75 . During those years, the E K U Eels captured 12 consecutive Ke ntucky Intercollegiate Swim ming and Diving Championships.
A 1949 gradua t e of Mod el Laboratory Sc hoo l, Combs rece ived h is B.S. in 1953 and M.A . in 1965. Bot h degrees are from Eastern.
The son of Baseball H all-of-Famer Earle B. Com bs, Sr., and M rs. Com bs of Ri c hm ond , Com bs and his wife , P au l ine, have four c hildren.
DR. BOBBY BARTON Athletic Trainer
D r. Bob by Barton of Lexington is be gi nning h is fourth seaso n as a th le t ic trainer at EK U. Barton came to Eastern from the U nive r si ty of Kentuck y wh e re he served as associate t ra iner in charge of the baske t ball Wildcats.
Barton received hi s B. A. degree from th e University of Kentucky in 1968 and his M .S. at M arshall Univers it y in 1970. H e earned hi s D octor of Arts degree in Adapt ed Physical Education at Middle Tennessee State U n ive r sity in 1975 and ha s al so comple ted t he requirements for hi s certificate in cor rec tive therapy from Texas A&M Unive r si t y. Ba rt on is ma rried t o t h e former Joj ea n Chestnut of Lexington and they have one son , Brian (six months)
DR. MARTHA MULLINS Assistant Athletic Director
Dr. Martha Mu ll ins has en te red he r fourth year as Assistan t Athletic Directo r, combining thi s position with her ta len ts as women's te nni s coach at Eastern.
She has been the Coordinator of Women's I nterco llcgiate Ath letics at Eastern for the past eight yea r s
This yea r will be the 11th year Mu lli ns has served as head coach of t he E K U women ' s tennis team. In he r yea rs as coach of the Eastern team, EK U has finished as high as second in the s tat e and third in the Ohio Valley Conference.
TOM DARBY Part-Time Assistant Coach
Tom Darby , a g raduate of Livingston (Ala.) University, will serve as a part -time assistant for the Co lone ls aga in th is season. H e will wo r k sole ly with t he defensive en ds for coach Roy Kid d and his s t aff for the coming year.
Darby, who spent two yea rs as athlet ic director for Hernando Hi g h Sc h oo l in Brook sv i lle, Fla., was the head t rac k and a n assistant football coac h at H erna ndo from 1972-78.
A 1966 graduate of H ernando Hi gh School , Dar by was a two-year track letterman at Centra l Flo rid a Commu nity College and twoyear letter wi nn er at L ivi ngston , where he received hi s bachelo r's degree in ph ys ica l education in 1970
Darby, a native of Baltimore, Md., is married to the fo rm er Ann Meadows of Brooksv ille .
TE D DY TAYL OR Noseguard and Offensive Scout Team Co ac h
T eddy Ta ylor, a 1970 graduate of E aste rn. w ill serve as a pa rt - tim e coac h fo r Ki dd's Colone ls during the cu rrent season.
While se rv i ng as dorm d i recto r. T ay lo r will wo rk ll'ith th e noseguards and offe n sive sco u t t eam for t h e Colonels.
An All-A m erican noseguard at Eastern in 1969. Taylor was a s ig nifi ca nt force in E K U's Mideast R eg ion al a n d Ohio Valley Confe re nce champ ionship team o f 1967 and th e OVC cham pi o n squad o f 1968.
T aylo r h as served as head coach at Pinevi ll e lli g h Sc h ool afte r fillin g a n assistant's post there for tw o yea rs H e was vot ed South East Ken tu cky Co nference Coach of th e Year last yea r while g u idi n g hi s team t o a 9 - 3 r eco rd.
KA RL PARKS ports Inform a tion Ed i tor
Karl Park, a 1970 gra du ate of [ K U. is beg inning his tenth year as Spo rt s Infor ma ti o n Editor fo r Eas t e rn \ ath letic t eams H e served as s ports editor of th e schoo l newspape r The Eastern Pro g ress, fo r t..h rec years while a st u de nt of the U ni versi t y. The JO-year -old Richmond, K y . native is a m ember of the College Sports Information Directo rs o f America (COS IIJA). th e United Sta t es Ra s k e tball Writers Associa tion and the National Collegia t e Baseball Writ e r s Associa ti on.


As ce rta in as the leaves turn brown each fall , the folks at Eastern Kentuck y University expect another winning football season from coach Roy Kidd's Colonel s
With 38 lettermen r eturnin g from last yea r 's team that finished 8-2 overall and 5-1 in the Ohio Valley Conference there appears to be good rea son for s uch loft y expectations in 1979 Howeve r, the Colonels may be hardpressed to equal their 1978 performance a s t hey face a strong I I-game schedule, called by Kidd, "the toughest we have ever had ."
"We could possibly ha ve a better team personnel- wise this season , but from the looks of these team s on th e sc hedule, our record might not be as good as in '78 ," said Kidd, who begi ns his 16th year at the Colo nels' helm with a 100-48-6 coaching mark.
Highlighting the 1979 schedule are home dates with 1978 Division I-AA playoff semifinalist Ja ckso n State; D iv ision I foe California State-Fullerton; Division II powe rhouse Troy State ; and the traditiona l homecoming battle with arch-rival Western Kentucky It was Western that handed the Colonels their only OVC setb ack las t year, 17-16, in an ABC-TV regional game of the week.
If there is a question mark about this sq uad , Kidd feels it would ha ve to be the lack of experienced depth at th e run ningback and offensive line positions. Gone at those positions from last year's team are All-OVC selections Stan Mitchell , tailback, and offensive guard Dean Stucky. Another key position that Kidd must fill is one of the defens ive end slots left vacant by Chris Roberts, another All-OVC performer.
Otherwise the EK U fortunes a ppear s trong as a legion of fleet-footed receive rs return along with a tested quarterback, All-OVC fullback and kicking specialist, and an exp er ie n ced defensive line and secondary to lead the Colonels in their effort to capture th ei r first OVC title since 1976.
"General" Dale Patton, a junior fullba ck from Cincinnati, Jed the Colonels' ground a ttack last year as he rus h ed for 985 yards on 206 carries and reached enemy paydirt I 5 times for touchdowns.
Also expec ted to share the running load are junior tailback Bruce Cox, of Miami, Fla., who has been hampered by injuries during his E K U career, and junior fullbac k Alvin Miller, Ft. Pierce, Fla.
Returning for his senior year at quarterback is Bill Hughes, of Lancaste r, Ohio, who took command of the Colonels' offense las t season after serving as understudy for two years t o All -OVC se lection Ernie House. Hughes accounted for 1,039 total ya rds offense and passed for five touchdowns. H is accurate passing (47 for 89, a .528 p e rcentage) proved a perfect complimen t for Eastern's s trong ground game Waiting in th e wings at quarterback is sop homore Chris Isaac, New Smyrna Beach, Fla., who saw considerable action last year and executes the option pla y with precision.
On the receiving end of t hose Hughes and I saac aerials will be split ends David Booze and Jerry Parrish, flanker Rick Sang, of Ashland, and tight ends Carl Greene, Cincinnati, and C ris Curtis. Booze, of St. Petersburg, Fla., led Eastern's receivers last year with 18 catches for 406 yards and four TDs. Kidd says Parrish, of Auburndale, Fla. , is the fastest pla ye r he ha s ever had at Eastern Last year, as a freshman, Parrish caught I I pa sses for 192 yards and one touchdown while showing he can break a long play at any time. C urtis, from Titusville, Fla. , had 133 yards o n eight catches.
Eastern's kicking game could be considered second to none in the OVC with junior placekicker and second t ea m All- OVC pick David Flores, of C incinnati , coming back along with punter Joel Scrafton of Marion, Ind. Flores set an Eastern team record for most points by a kicker with 59 as he converted 32 of 33 extra points and hit 9 of 14 field goal attempts Scrafton missed the seco nd half of last season with a broken arm s uffered in the Western game, but he is expected to b e fully recovered to resume th e punting dutie s. At the time of his injur y he had averaged 42.5 ya rds on 22 kicks. Leadin g the offen s ive line will be senior center David Neal of Lexington , an All-OVC selection last year.
Junior tackle Jame s Shelton and se nior linebacker Bob Mclnt vrc will also be back on the Colonel defense. ·whi le 4uarte r back Bill Hu g he s will be back to call signals for hi s sen ,or season.
Losses due to graduation inclu de t h ree AIIOVC selections. offensive guard Dean Stu cky
and defensive end Chris Roberts. both fi rst team selections: and tailback Stan M itc hel l. off the second t eam
Coach Ro y Kidd. beginning his 16th yea r at the Colond h el m. is optimistic and feels the Colonels "ill be in t he thick of the OVC race this t imc around.

Offense - !- Pro-Set.
Defense - 5-2 or Oklahoma.
St rengths - Recei vers : Ki c king Game: Defensive Line: Defensi ve Secondary.
Weaknesses - Lack of experienced depth at Runnin gback and Offensive Lin c.
Lettermen Lost - 7.
Lettermen Returning (38)
Ends David BooLe Ri ck Sang, Carl Greene. Tim Frommeyer .Jerry Parrish. Ed Laski. Cris Curtis. David H olla nd .
Tackles - Budd y Moor. J ames Shelton, Ri c kie Rhod es Darryl Lawson. David Dihrk op
Guards - Joe Sehipske. Danny H ope Kevin Greve.
Centers - David Nea l. Prentis Ragland. No seguard - Jo e Ri chard. Tom Berger.
Tai lback s Bruce Cox.
Fullbacks - Dale Pat1on. Alvin M iller
Qua rte rbacks - Bill Hugh es, Chr is Isaac
Lin e backers - Bob Mc Int yre. Ed Finella, Gary Ford. Fred Griffin. H e nry R obi nson .
Secondary Danny Martin. R odney Byrd. S t eve Fletcher. T o m White. Charles Brunson. George Fl oy d.
K ick in g Spec iali st Da vid I-lores. Jo el Scrafto n.

asaturdav with the Colonels


Bill Hu g h es Stnioc 22 6-11/z 204 One Leiter
1.ancas ler, Ohio Bill was chosen OVC Player of the We e k t wice during last season enjoyed fine ·73 season and guided EK lJ to 8-2 last year as the Start ing quarte r back t ied conference record fo r accuracy when he hit 12- 15 passes versus Dayton good f u ndamentali st elected offen s ive co-capta in for the second stra ight year member of winner's club in 1978 high s th()o [ t:Oach - John Young of Lancast e r
C hris l suc So phomore 20 5- 10½ 167 One Letter New S m yrna Beach Fla Chr is showed considerable imp rovem e nt in fundamentals in 1hc sp rin g has e xcellent qu ickness and goo d st r o ng arm sta!'ted Mu rr ay State game last year as a fr es hman runs the opt ion well high school coach Rill Moreman of New Smyrna Beach
Da le Patton Junior 21 5· 10 220 Two Lctcers. C incinnati, O hi o Dale gained 985 yard s rus h i ng and sco r e d 15 touc hdown:. t o rank in th e t op 10 in Divi:.ion I-AA sta tisti cs in bo t h c;:1tc g oriC!i a fir!;t t ea m All-OVC ch o ice in 19 78 honorable men t ion A!l•Americ an reci p ient of OV C P layer of the Wed twice excdlcnt blocker ;111d goo<l strong runner gained 102 yar d s in th e sp rin g g am e. will se rve a s o ffensive co capt.i in m ember of winn e r' :. cl ub in 1978 high s c h oo l coa ch Ste ve Schwei1Ler o f Aiken
Ah in i\'lil ler Junior 20 5·8 19 1 One Leller. F t. Pi ere(', Fla Alvin did an exce ll e nt j ob a:. a backup ful l bac k last fal l s hov.cd imp rovemen t in blocking during th e s pring had oubi.rnd ing gaml~ \ Cr~ u :. Ea st Tenn c ~:.ec la:.t yea r by picking up 129 yard:. in 11 carril·~ 4uick and aggre~s ive run ne r hi g h school coac h Phill ip Far i nella of F1. Pie rce Central.
:",;icky Yeasl Freshman 19 5 ·1 I 227 No Letters ll arrodsb u rg. K,· N ick y \~a:. rCd • ~hirtl·d a:,,.a freshman. mad e good prngn.::.:,,. in thl' spring s1 rnng, runn er sh o u ld baulc l or p la y ing t irm.: th is sp rin g high schoo l co;1eh Ah·is .J uhn:.on of llarrnd s burg,
<;A 1n 1rn ,:-c11
O:ill'id Fl o res Junio r 22 5-9 17 0 Two Lette rs Ci ncinnati , Ohio Da vid sc i an OVC record for co n sccu t i \1 C extra point s with a s tring of 60 includ in g JI i n a row a s a fre shman hi s 59 poi m s b y kicking last sea son sci a single season sch ool record vo t ed U PI Player of th e Weck once during '78 s easo n se cond tcMn Al l-OVC sdccti on last year me mber o f win ne r 's c lu b in 1978 g raduate of Ma ri emont ll igh School.
CJ.JFI· \kn 1.1 ot·1; 11
Bruce Cox Jun io r 2 1. ~.g. 173 One Letter Mi_ami, Fla .•.. R rucc ru s h ed fo r 2 10 yard"S i n 1978 wh i ks1>illlmg time _a t tai lback wit h Stan M it c hell st a rtcJ sc \ cra l gamc s c nJ oyc d excellent :.pring until s uffering ham-str ing pu ll m !:1st tw o wee ks of :-.pring drill:. vcrv atti\e i n Fcll o w:-.h 1p of Chr is tian A lhk tl'S tiigh scho~ l coa c h Je sse Davi s of Pa l mcuo.
Tony Hra x 1011 Sophomor e 20 ~ 101/: 198 No l.ctt~rs _c in dnna1 i. Ohi o T o n y d id a g ood job i n re senl' rnle 1n 1978 h a s good speed a11J 4uicknc!>s hard \\•Orkn ru s he d for~ ya rd s and a to uc hd ow n ,·.s t T SU injured mo~t o f t he s pring sh o uld ad d \:t luab lc d ep th <ti tail ha ck gradua t e o f \\' it lm )\l 11 igh Sclwol.
Ga r y Rranch Fres h ma n 19 5 -11 Jlt',1 .• • i\o L e llers Uayton. O hi o Ci ar y v.a ~ rc J • s hirt ed in 1978 co n_ve n cd h > ta ilbitd rn id,,ay thr o ugh spr i n g d r ill s 1rad s p rnl!er _. g reat pott·rHia l ~hO \H'd con tinul d i mpro\t·· flll'nts high school l oad1 G eorge Kel l a r of Ml'a d O\\ d ak.
,J.I). William heshman 19 6• 1 188 1\la r il'lta. C a J. D was re d •s h irt l'd in 197~ ha :. s ill' and ~tl'l'll gth to be a io ugh rn nner a t tai l ba ck g 1H pkot ) o f \\ Or k in :,,.pri ng, and mad(.: ::c,o m c pr ogres~ p 1l\\ Cr• t\ pt· runner ,dw need:. 1 1 <.He co m ist e ncv and co ncc n t r at inn o n ho ld ini 011 to t he foo1ball also n eed s t o impro\ l' ~rcl'<I g.rad u;.111.: o l Sprayba ry High S ch oo l.
Cliff ~kCullough Frl'shman 6 -0 195- No l.l't lcrs : P o r t Urn r l oltc, Fl.t Cliff \\";b rcd•:.hirtcJ i n J 9 78 ha~ :,,.1/c and :. p c,·d t11 b e .i n l'xl dk nt tailbac k \\ .tS b o th ered h v ham~ir i n ~ inJ u_ r y 111 ~p r rn g need :, t o prove hi.melt in fo ll t ~ c am pla y ing timt: graLluatc of Charlotte Hi gh Schoo l
lll C K S ,\M;
C ri s C urlis • Soph o m o r e 6-3
2 18 On e Letter
T i lUs \·ille , 1: 1a C h ris s ca rc cd eight ga m es la s t year a t t ight end was t h ird leadi ng receive r o n t he t ea m w i t h eig ht catches fo r 133 ya rds cl u tch receive r w ith good hands hard v. , :'kc r very st rong cx ccllcn c pu nte r an d m a y sec d ut y 1hcrc t h is fa ll good s t ude n t membe r of w i n ner' :-. club in ·7g bc nch-p r cssc~ ) 40 1>oinds high school coach Jay l)on ndl y ()f As t rona ut.
C..:a r l G n en c St ni o r 6- 1 2 06 T hr ee l .ctl('rs
C in ci nn a ti , O hio Ca rl wa~ ~lowe d by i njuries i n t h e fa ll b ut recovered t o ha ve a n e xce ll ent spring will co mp ete fo r t he start m g p os1 t 1011 w ill ~cc ple n ty of a ctio n in E K u·'.'> doub le t igh1 end a tt ack good block er on o p1ion hig h Sl' hool coac h Pat Man rnso of Pri ncc1on.
O av id 8 0 0lt' .•. J uni o r 21 6-3 188 T w o Letlus SI. l'e le rs b u r g, Fla D a vid was 1he Colonels' leadi n g rece iver la s t year with 18 cat c hes for 4 06 yards a nd fou r T D' s h a s e xcelle n1 s pee d and s ize great compc11to r s h o uld be o ne o f t he p remier rece i vers i n th e lea g ue la s t year had ou ts t a nd i ng sp rin g. cat ching t he winning touchdow n pass on th e las t p lay of t he ga me me mber of w i n ner's clu b h igh sc hool coac h - Ha r ry Ka min s ky o f La ke wood.
J e rry P a rris h S o pho mo r e 19 5- 11 1/J 16 7 One Ldt er A ubu rnd a le, Fla J err y was t he seco nd leadi ng rece ive r las t year with 11 ca1 c h cs for 192ya rd s a nd o ne TO wh il e pl a yi ng in a res erve ro le ran i ndoor track and tie d sc h ool rec o rd for 60 yd dash at 6. 1 has great speed a nd ha nd s s ec-o nd in na ti o n i n k ic ko ff r eturn s a s fresh man with 28.5 ave rage pe r retu rn hig h sc hool coach Joe Parrish of Aub u rnd al e.
Ric k S an g Senior 20 6-1 193 T wo 1.ett ers

Ashl a nd, K )' , Rick fi nishe d spr i ng as the No I nan ker. exce lle nt block er with good hand s and moves w 11la lso co nt e nd for th e No. I punter s p o t caught t h ree passes for o ne T D las t yea r be nc h- presse d 320 po u nds member of winn er-s· clu b hig h schoo l coach - Herb Con ley of As hlan d
Ra n ard Mc rha u l S oph o m o re 20 S-8 I SO • No
Letle rs M ia mi , Fl a Ran a rd made e x celle nt p rogress in s p ri ng s h ould g i ve us added de p th at receive r n ifty runne r o nce he catc h es the foot ba ll spr i nter o n track tea m h igh sc h ool coa c h - C hris Va go tis of Killian
D a r r y l Lawso n J uni o r 2 1 5 -1 I •. 249 T wo Lett ers •. Cin c inn a ti, O hio Darryl was a s tar te r m ost of the yea r at o ffen s i ve ta c kl e started a ll t h rough sp ring d rill s q u ic k feet ex pl osive one- o n- o n e blocke r imp roved stre ngth a nd s pe ed tre me nd ous ly t his sp ri ng. membe r of wi n ne rs' cl ub high schoo l coac h - 0 ob Lew is of W yo mi n g
Ouid Dihrk op Sop ho mo re 20 6- 4 24 5 On e Letter J ames tol" n Ohi o David s ta rt ed mos1of las t yea r ev e n t ho ugh a red -s hin freshma n most i mpro ved b locker i n the sp ri ng .. . n a iled d own left tack le position . .. ve ry cons is tent pcr fo.r mer hig h schoo l coa c h - J e rry Bon te of G ree n view.
Mike S hee h a n J unior 21 6 -4 250 One Le tt er L o ui s vill e Ky .•. M i ke wa s u sed i n a b acku p role last se a son has e xcelle nt size a nd s irc n g th had fi ne s pri ng shou ld add de pt h to tackle posit io n high sc h ool coach - B ill Glaser of S t. Xavie r.
Scolt P ar th e m o re F re shm an 18 6-S 260 No Le lle rs M t. Vict o r y, O hi o Scott came to Eastern a fte r s ig n i ng i n J a n uary has g rea t pote nt ial need s wor k o n fun da me nta ls co u ld a dd d ept h to tackl e posi ti on gradu• ate of R id gcmont.
S teve C o lem a n Fr es hma n 19 6 ~1 225 • No Lette rs S t a n ford , K)· S t eve came as a wa l k-on in 1978 a nd e arned a sc h o larshi p had 11ne s p ring exce ll e n t wor k mg a tt i t ud e was s witc h ed from g uard to tac kle midway th ro u g h s p ri ng p rac tice a ggress ive b loc ker hi g h sc h o ol coa c h - Bi ll Leedy of Li ncol n Coun ty.
~L\ll K \\ II.IOI ( ;1111\ C II IUS T .-\ \ LOH
Oa nny I l ope Ju n ior 20 6-0½ 230 Two L t:ll c r s Mia mi , Fla Danny is a re turning s tart er and a member ()f 1hc winners' c lub ve ry co n s iste nt performer t'Xt rcm cly compctit i \" c love~ t o both r la y and pra ctic e has pl ayed so me .:it ('enter s hould hi:.· o ne of b ett er guards in OVC ne xt yea r h ig h sch oo l coach - Chr is Vago tis of K i lli a n.
K e ,•in G ren· Sophomo r e 19 6-1 228 O ne L ett e r C in cin n a ti , Oh io Kevin ha s o ut s tandingstre ng 1h and qui ck ne ss very coachabk and in telligent wo rk e1 ended spring as '.'Jo. I right guard s aw p lenty of ac t ion i n bac k u p role la~ t year high schoo l coach .Jerr y Faust of M oel ler.
M a rk W ill o u g h by F reshman 19 6-1 • • 227 No Lett ers L o ui sville , K y •.. Mark wa~ a red -s hirt freshman last year ha~ Cxl·clle n t .:1ggrcs~ivcncs s and speed but n eed s l o wor k on tcc hni4 uc c ould add d~pth al guard hi g h s<.·hool coac h - Co rk y Miller of Faird a le.
C h ris l ay lo r F res h man 19 6- 3½ 22 1 No Lt tl cr s WaJc ross, Ga..• Chris is an o u1 s 1anding a 1hkt1.· who i s adapting well w the guard po-; i t ion a red-shirt in 1978 l'Ou ld be out s tanding performer w ith ad d it io nal experience g radu ate of Ware Count y
1\tlike S t aggs Freshni:.m 19 6- 1½ 225 No lett ers : Gallipolis Ohi o Mike w as red - sh irt ed as a freshman la s t year co n verted from l ineback e r in the sp rin g aggr ess iv e bu t lads expe rie nce and tec hn iq ue C<l uld add dcpth to guard po si tion graduate of(.ia ll ia Ac a demy Hi g h Schoo l.

D av id 7'eal Se ni o r 22 • • 6-21/: • 25-' Two l. elt crs Lex i nglon , K y. Dav id was a f i rs t-team AII -OVC s electi o n and honorab le m cnl i o n ..-\II-Am e ri can me mber of the w inn ers· clu b ha s pm potential s t rnng. explos i ve blocker wit h ab ility t o stay on the bl o ck e xce llent attit ude high sc h oo l coac h J im Poy nter of Lafa ye tt e.
P IU. '.\ n s H .-\( ; l.,\ "d)
Oa n J\1 lartin Se n ior 2 1 5- 11 189 Three Lelt e rs L o u is,•illt-. K y Dan was a fi r st {c am !\ll- OVC cho ice in 1978 at defe nsi ve ba c k h ad a r\ cxcdknt spr in g p ractice in tent 1._) n ha v in g a g oo d yn1 r in 79 mc mhcr of wi n ne rs· cl ub in ' 78 hlgh ~choo l cnach Uill Glaser of S t. Xa vi er.
Steve F le tcht' r Se nio r 2 1 5- 11 177 T hrec L eners Lou isv ill e. K )" S t eve had an c xcclle 111 spri ng pra ct ice al~o read y to have a good ca s on for the Colonel s three yea r~ of cxpt::r ience p lus d edication s h n u ld prove t o be very val uable- t o Eas te rn se condary h igh schoo l co ach Uob Lewis o f W y om ing
J oel Scra flo n Senior 22 6-0 ½ 188 ••. T h r t'e L t' ll er s M arion , O hi o J oel was start in g at free safet y unt i l he suffe red a broke n .:i r m in t he We stern Ke ntu cky contest a t mid - seas on s uffer ed recurren ce o f sam e injury in spr ing drills led OVC in punting last year unt il injl1ry wi th 42.S aver.:1gc h is return in the fall c o uld become ve ry imp ort ant fac10r to Co lo nel s" s ceon dary high school coa ch - L aw of Oak Hill.
C harl es Br u n so n J u n ior 20 • 6-1 194 Three L et l ers M ia m i, Fla C harle~ wa s a defensi ve tack le in h igh school and afte r st art ing three ga mc,s i n th e secon d ar y h is fres h ma n y~ a r. came on to be a very stead y perfo r me r a s a sophom(nc has the abilit y to make 1he b ig play o n defen s e a s ind icated by h is punt n::Lurn and i nt ercept io n r et urn for touch d owns la s l sea so n w il l be o ne of o ur punt return specia li s ts high school coach Chris Vago t is of Killian.
STE\' E FI. E T C II E lt .•. 1-'ra n k lin ,·ille, N J Joe was s witched from guard la -; t
J oeSr hips kt' Ju n i or 2 1 5 -11 1/1 220 O n e l. e1tcr
s pr ing one of the s trongest pla yers o n th e t eam benchpresse s 390 p o u nds s t arting cen te r on punt s and extra po ints. had excelle nt s prin g very aggressiv e b locker hig h sc h oo l coach J o hn Oberg o f D eh:ca
P renti s Ragl a nd Senior 22 6 - 2 225 T wo Letters Cincinna ti O hio P re nti s was hurt last se ason with a ba c k injury and missed m os t of the season has good quickness. lacks experience at the center pos itio n high sc hoo l coa c h Ste ve Schwci t1c r of Aiken
Ell Fl :\ HI..\
Geo q::e F l oy d .• Soph omor e · 19 • 5- 11 • • 185 .• On e
Letter. Br o oksv ill e, Fl a G e o r ge c ame t o E K U a s a h igh l y re garded foo tba ll p la ye r and by mi d- se a so n had m o,•c d in to t he s t art ing li ne up a t ro vc rbac k vn y in te n se co mpet i t or alo ng w ith t h e pas t ye a r's ex pe r ienc e, s houl d ha ve o utsta nd i ng se aso n high sch oo l coa ch C huck W o (1d of H ern a nd o
Rod n ey By rd So p h o more l 9 5- 11 178 One L ett e r Bro o k sv i lle. Fla R o d ne y had a s uper s p r i ng :-. aw limit ed act io n in defe nsive ba c k field la s t year got be t t e r e ach 1im e o ut on the field read y t o p la y no w wil l he one of th e punt ret u rn s p ec ia lists fo r t he C o l o ne l s th is fal l h i g h schoo l coa c h Chuck Wo od o f H ernand o
Tom W h ite S oph o m o r e 19 5-9 177 One Lett er C.t o r getown, K )' I om m a d e so me b ig pla y!) fo r 1hc C()!Oncls la st yea r wa~ a n o uts ta mling runn i ng. bac k in h igh sc h o o l s h o u ld ha ve exce llent yc;tr w i t h e x p e r ie nce he ha~ n o w ,111alned g raduat e of Sco ll Count y II ig h S c h ool.
Bo b M cI nty r e Se n io r 2 1 6·0 207 T hre e Le tters L o ui s ville', K y Bo b was a seco nd - t ea m A II- OV C select io n l ast year at l ine back e r fo r the Colo ne ls had o u tst and i ng s p r in g is ho ped he wi ll e nd hi sco l lcg ia t ccarccr i n st y le at E K U th is fa l l h ig h sc h oo l coac h Ui ll (..i la sc r of St Xa vie r
E d F i ne lla Se ni o r 2 2 6-0 22 1 T h ree Le lt e rs. Orlan d o, F la Ed wi ll sec plr.:n t y o f actio n again t hi s year for th e Co lone ls h as th e s peed a n d agil i ty t o be a n all -s ta r lin eba c ke r ex perie n ce is an o t he r ()f h is ma in a sseb s h o u ld h ave banne r year in 19 79 h ig h sch o<)l coa c h Paul Adams o f O a k R id ge.
Fre d Griffi n Senio r 22 5- 10 202 On e l ,elte r. Sou th Mia m i , Fl a F red too c ame to Easte rn fro m .:1j uni o , co ll e ge an d had a fine year a s a back up man 11.tst year fi ni~ hcd s pr i ng d r ill s a s a s ta r ter a gg rc ss i vcn cs,; an d pu r s ui t to lhe ball c .i r r ier arc t w o of hi s a ssets has ma d e g rea t p rogress h i g h s ch ool co a c h C h;1 r!cs Ya nda o f Sou 1h M i ami S enio r.

C. a r )· Ford Sen i o c 2 1 5- 11 205 T wo Lett e rs l.o ui s\ ill e, K)' · Ga r y pu lled a h am s tr ing i n t he wi nte r p r ogra m and never fu lly rc coven.-d all t h rou g h sp r i ng d r ill s has grea t det e rminati o n an d pride . . . in te ll igent a nd ha s th e w inni ng a tti t ud e w h ic h ma kes hi m o ne o f our 1'.) J) linebackers h igh sc h oo l coa c h Dave Peak of Wa ggener
(; ,\In FUl!D A I.LX 1)0\ 11 :SC
A le ,: Dom i ngu e z Fr es h ma n 19 6- 1 205 No Le lt ers S ou lh M iami, Fla Ale x s u ffered a n inju red knee a nd wa s ope ra te d o n d ur in g t he s p r i n g his stat us for t he co ming seaso n is unk n own was j u s t co min g rn to hi s o w n wh en t he inj ury occ ur red g r ad u a te of S ou th M ia mi
H enry Robi nso n Sop h o m or e 20 5 - 11 220 One 1.ettcr Lo u is \ ill c, K y • ll e nr y was m oved b a c k to l ineb a ck e r in t he sp r ing need ed work !here t o re gain h is kn o w ledg e o f t he posi ti on. b ut a n ea r ly k nee injur y fo r ced hi m to the s ide li nes sa w ac t ion a t noscguard las t yc ,1r w h e r e h e s t a rted t he L> a yt o n g a me grad uat e o f .Je ffe rso nt own ll ig h Sc ho o l.
.l.\ \l b S II U 10',
Hl IJI)\ \I OOH:
J a mes S helton J u nio r 2 1 6 -2
1 / 1 • 257 T wo
Le llers Ci n cinnati Oh io, J,un cs wa s a seco nd tea m All • OVC c ho ice at t ac k le la st year made consider,1b le improveme nt t owar d the e nd o f sp ri ng dr ills had hi g h est g r a de o f <rn y d o wn l inc mc u in 1h c s pr ing g:1rnc ca p a bl e ol b ei ng a fin e player wi ll vie for s ta rtin g assign m c n1 t h is yea r h igh sch oo l co ac h S teve S chwcit1cr of A ik en
B u dd y Moo r ,Ju nio r 19 , 6-5
2 50 T wo l. ellers • Va ldos ta , C.a Rudd y st an ed seve ral ga m es last yc;tr for t h e Co l o nels ha s gc)od s peed , agi lity a nd 4u ick ncss. has im p roved s t re ng th i n the winte r progra in co u ld b e a g r ea t p l ayer wa s rea lly co min g on duri ng f i nal da ys an d scr im mages o f t he s prin g hi g h sc h ool co a c h Joe W ilso n of Low ndes
Ri c ki e Rh odes Se ni o r 2 1 6- -t 243 T hree Letle rs Lou isville. K y. Ri c k ie ma de im p ro ve ment d u r ing spri ng drills wi l l cha lle nge for st ani ngjob in 19 79 added we i g ht and sirc ngt h d u r ing off-season p rogram h o p eful of havi ng f i ne senior season for t he Colonch h i g h schoo l coac h Cli n t Lovel y of Cen tra l.
l\h rk S ie m o n .J uni or 19 6--t 223 N o Letl e r s Sprin gfield, Ohi o Mar k m ade JHO!;ress d u ri ng sp r ing d r il ls an d sh o u ld ad d d epth t o th e d ow n li ne m en needs experie nce in ga me con dit io n s has t he too ls t o be a ver y fine co ll eg ia te l in e man g r a du a te o f Sh a wnee
J oe R ichard S enior 21 5- 1 I 21 9 Three Le tt e rs Lex in g t o n. K y J o e w as a fi rs t 11;·am A II- OVCc h oic c at noseguard for t he Col one ls la s1 se ason h as exccll e m s peed (4 6) a nd stren gth lea di ng t a c k ler o n t he t e am lai;t year wit h 6 1 and 31 tackle s a nd assis 1s. res p ec1 ivel y mos t cons is te nt o f the down l ine m e n made several b ig p la ys d urin g his fi r s t t h ree yea rs al Eas te rn s ho u ld be o ut s tandin g ca nd idate for pos t -se aso n ho n o rs a ga in in 1979 h igh sc hool coach Terry Cl a r k of Br yan S t atio n
l"o m B er ger S e nior 22 5-9 205 Three Le tte rs
Cin c innati, O hi o T(>m w il l sec a ct io n a nd a l o l o f pla y in g t ime at bo t h n osc g uard and lin e bac ker in the upco min g sea son p la ys we ll a nd ve ry aggressive m akes a lo t o f tackle s ha s a we al t h o f ialc nt always g i ves good e ffort wil l be i m port ant p ar t of t he d cfrnsi vc sc h cmc a gai n t h is seaso n o ne c f the best at h let es o n t he t eam hi g h sc h oo l c oa c h - Bo b L e w is o f W yomi ng
t: d La s ki Se ni o r 23 6- 2'/2 • •• 21 9 T hree Le ll ers
C hi ca20 Ill. Ed wa s e nj oy in g a fin e s p ring pract ice until s u fferi n g a knee i njury had ga i ned s t rengt h a nd i m prove d spee d t re m e nd o us ly a t wo-year sta rte r for t he Colo ne l s is per formi ng n ow up 10 expccta1io ns me m be r o f w inn e r s· 1..:l ub grad uat e of de Sa les
Tim Fromm eyer Seni o r 22 5-11 208 T hre e Le tte rs Cold S pring, Ky• • T i m wa s a pa rt -tim e st arte r la st year o ne of lhe st ronge st playe rs o n the t eam m ost r e l ia ble in t er m s o f c on s is te ncy ex ce ll e ni job in th e s prin g drills very fine st ud e nt will serve a s c o -capt ai n o n defense i n 1979 h igh sc h o o l coa c h Bob Mille r o f Cam pb e ll Co u nty
O:ni d Holland Juni o r 21 6-2 2UIJ O n e l.eHe r Cy nth iana K y l) avid p layed i n .:1 rese rve role la s t yea r a s 1he No J defensive end was i nj u red in t he s pr in g ha s good s ize and goo d s peed w ith gam t exper ience s h ould d e vel op im o a fine e nd g rad ua te o f H a rriso n Cou nty

Fred Pea ce F r es hman 19 6-0 214 •. N o Letlers Middlesb o ro K y Fr ed wa s mo ve d from l i ne b a c ke r t o d e fe ns ive end ho peful of hav in g good fall sc a's on was ma k i n g i m pr o ve m ents as s p ri ng p rogresse d n eed s t o deve lo p s i,e an d st r e ng th
Ric hard B e ll Fr es hman 19 • 6- 3 •.• 2 10 No Le lters M a ri ett a , C a R ic ha rd wa s red -s h irted l ast year d id ou tsta nding job i n the sp r i ng ve r y stro ng good m obi l ity needs to w o rk o n a ggn::ssi vc nci;s g r ad u a te of S pra yberry.
Tom Nix Junlor 20 6- 0 2 01 No L e tl er s. P o mp a n o Beac h F la T o m en d e d the s p r i ng a s a s tarte r aft er i nj u r ies to Laski and H ol lan d impro ved agg ress i ven ess ha s s h o wn i m proveme nt is beco m ing a s t ea dy performer at t h is pos it io n h ig h sc hoo l c oach L> e nn is Lync h o f Oeerfiel d Beac h.
Tro n Arms trong wid er ece iver 6- 2 185 S t. Pdersb ur g F la Tro n, of Lake wood High School i n St. Pe lersburg. lettered in t hree vars ity s ports in high school. ln his senior year, he was named to All-City and A ll -Conference teams while helping Lakewood to a city c hampionshi p Coach ed by Bob Stephens, he holds the school re cord for most touchdowns by a receiver In t rack , he was a member of the school re cord-setting mile relay and 440- relay teams. A tremendous leaper, he set a school record in basketball for most slam dun ks at Lakewood Tron plans to major in psyc hology at Eas t ern.
S t eve Bird .• wid e receive r 6-0 170 .•. Co r b in , K y•... St eve wa s a four -s p ort standout whil e at Corbin High School, winning lcLtcrs in track , baseball, and basketball a s well as footba ll. He was an Associated Press All-Stater and Player of the Year in t h e S E. K.C. h is senior season for c oach Archie Powers Redh ou nds and wa s also an All- Conference bas ketball performer as a senior. He holds the schoo l record for most recep tions in one game with 14, setting the mark a s a junior. Steve is the son of former University of Kentu cky basketball standout J erry Bird, and Nancy Bird, and will major in architec t u re at Eastern
Victor Rhea
wr ighl i Ky • Victor lettered six years in football, five years i n track and four years in basketball at W hee lwright High School. While competing for the track team, he won t he shot pu t competition for two years in a row in the reg ional meet. He played foo t ball for coach Don Daniels at Whee lwright.
P a ul S h eddan offensi ve ta ckl e 6-31 / 1 ••• 255 S umrn e rl a nd Key, F la An All-State hono rable mention choice for coach G e ne Roberts this past season at Key West High School, P au l was a four-year partic i pant in football and recipient of the Mos t I mprov ed Offe nsive Player Awa rd at Key West his j unior yea r He was a two-year se lection on the All-Region and All-Count y tea m and also received c itation for his sch ool's bes t guard or tackle last year. He is the so n o f Mr. a n d Mrs Paul Sheddan and plans to major in law enforcement at EKU.
R a nd y T ay lo r d e fe ns ive e nd 6-3 210 Ci ncin nati i Ohi o Rand y, who played four yea rs o f football for coach Jack Campb e ll at Woodward High School, was a fi rst team All-Cit y and All - Public High School League choice this past yea r I-le plans to major in broadcast in g at EK U this fa ll.
P a ul Kr a ft on line b ac k er 6-1
2 20 Salem , N.H .•. Paul played football last season for M ilford Acad e my P rep School in S alem, N H Th e E K U coach ingstaffhopeshe can add depth to the Colonels ' linebacking corps for a ssista nt coach J oe Blankenship
T o m l.a Fary defe n si ve tac kle 6- 3 • 215 Cin cin n a ti Ohi o T o m was a second-team select ion o n last year's AllGreater C incinnati League all -star team while competing four years for coach Ray Heidorn at Lasalle High School. He was also an outstand ing high school wrestler, winning the h eavyweigh t division this past yea r i n th e GCL whi le bei ng named to th e first team All GCL wrestling team Tom , the 18year old son o f M r and Mrs. Walt LaFary. plan s to major in art at EKU
Bre n t M uncy quarterback 6-2 175 R u sse ll , Ky. Brent led the Red Devils t o the s tate Cla ss AAA ch ampionship th is past sea son a nd was a fi rst- team selection o n the All-Sta te te am. He was a three-year letter man for coach Ivan M c Glonc in football and an All - Area football p layer for two se a so n s. T he 17-year old so n of Mr and M rs. Robert Muncy of As h land Bre nt plan s to major in a ccou nting at Eastern.
Mi ke Neal d efe n s i ve lack le 6·2 210 O rl a ndo, Fl a. • Mike led a defe nse which catapulted Edge wat e r High School to the state p la yoffs in F lo rid a las t ~cason. He was recipient of ho n ora ble me ntion All-State acco lades dur ing the 1978 seaso n
G us Par k s runnin it b ac k -d e fens i ve b ack 6-0 175 Harrodsbu rg, Ky Gus wa s a first- te am All -State se lec t io n his se nio r ye ar and was also named 10 the AII-C KC and AllArca teams Besides letter ing fo ur years for coa ch Alvis J ohns o n in foot ba ll, Park s earned two le tte rs eac h in ba s ketball, base ball and track at Harrodsburg High Sc h oo l. He is the so n of M r an d Mrs. Will iam Park s.

S co tt P ar them ore offe n s i ve tack le 6-6 260 Ridgeway. Oh io Scott. a four -y ear lett erman in foo t ball an d track at Ridgemont Hig h Sc hool wh ile gai ning hon o rab le menti on All-American plaudits, wi ll ad d d epth and s trengt h to E K U"s powe rfu l offens ive line T he son of M r. and Mrs. Dallas Parthem o re. Sco tt plans to maJ o r m agncullure at Eastern
Bo b W a rd d efe n s ive t ackl e 6-4 225 ••. Knoxv ille, Te n n.• Bob played offensive and de fe n sive tackle at Bea rden High Sch oo l fo r coac h Bill Young, participating four years in football, three season s in bas ketba ll and two in tra ck.
A seco nd team All- Knox v ill e Football League c h oice at defens ive ta c kle , he se rved as ca ptain o f hi s team in 1978 and c opp ed the most valuable defensive player honors that sea so n Bob. the son of M r. and Mrs . David Wa rd, was also chosen ··sc h olast ic Athlet e·· at Bearden in 1978
Mik e Wagers lin e b ack er 6-3 195 Brooksvill e, Fla. Mike wa s an out st andi n g player at He rnando High Schoo l in Brooksv ille where h e played two years ago for Easte rn parttime ass is tant coa c h Tom Darby T he Eastern coaching s taff hopes he will add depth to the Colone ls' linc bac king crew
Bobby Woods noseg u a rd , 6-2 210 Oak Hill , F lo ri d a Bob by, who a lso p la yed fullback for c oac h Bill M o reman at New Smyrna Beac h Hig h School. let tered 1hree years i n football whi le garnering h o n orable me nt ion all-state honors last year. H e is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lincol n W o od s and plan s to majo r in business at EK U
Gar y ''Tuc k ,. Woo lu m q uarte rb ac k 6-0 195 P in ev ill e, Ky • Tuck lettered four yea rs in four s portsbasketball baseb a ll , golf an d football - at P i neville Hi gh School, while setting sc hoo l caree r marks for passes th ro wn, pass es com pl e ted , yards pass i ng and touchdown pass es He was voted Bac k of th e Year in th e Southeast Ke ntuck y Co nference an d was a fi rst team AII-S E KC qua rterba c k choice He is a member of Who·s Who Amo ng American H igh Sc h oo l Ath le te s and t he so n of Or and Mrs. Jerry Woolum.

First Game
Sept. 8, 1979 - at K e nt, Ohio
1:30 P.M. EDT
Locati on - Ke nt , Ohio
Founded - 1910
President - Dr. Brage Golding
Enrollment - 16,000
Colors - Blue & Go ld
Conference - Mid-American
Nickname - Golden Fl as hes
Athletic Director - Don Dufek
Head Coach - Ron Blackledge
Assistant Coac hes - Mike Bushi, Bob Felio, Bill Frey , Greg Lon g, John Romeo
Trainer - Scott Anderson
SID - Terry Barnard
Stadium - Dix Stad ium (28, 748)
Le tt er m e n Lost - 21
Lettermen Returning - 30
Football is a game of challenges and Kent State h ead coach Ron Blackledge faces one in 1979 as he attempts to improve on the Flas hes' 4-7 record (2-6 in MAC) in 1978 with several new faces.

The challenge is even mor e demanding when its po inted out that Kent State is the only Mid-Ame rica n Conference team that will not return an all-conference performe r.
"We have to find the individua ls who can play MAC compe tition," Blackledge said. "We have a lot of faces that ha ve not yet bee n tested. This will be the e x perimental st age ."
Despite th e influx of several new starters , the second-year field boss is pleased with the return of 31 lettermen , 19 of whom have starting ex per ie nce. The comeback of s uch key performers as halfback Mike McQueen and linebacke r Ben Batton from '78 kne e injuries is also hoped for.
First game of the series.
Sept. 15 at Akron
Sept. 29 at Ohio
Oct. 6 at Western Michigan
Oct. 20 at Eastern Michigan
Nov. 3 at Northern Illinois
Nov. 17 at
Ron Blackledge Head Coach Mike McQueen HalfbackS e cond Gam e
S e pt. 15 - a t R ic hmond
2 :00 P. M. E DT
Loca ti o n - Tro y, A la.
Fo und ed - 1887
P r es id e n t - D r. Ralph W. A dam s
E n ro llme nt - 12,0 00
Co lo rs - Ca rdinal, S il ve r , Whi t e & Blac k
C o nfere nce - G u lf So uth
N ic kn a me - Troj a ns
Athl e t ic D i re cto r - R o be r t S t ewar t
H ea d C oac h - C h arlie B rad s haw
A s s is t a nt Coac he s - Jim T o mpkins, Vi c Kin g , Ri c k R hoad e s, R o be rt
M addox
Train e r - J o hn And e r s on
S ID - G ar y S t og ne r
S t a d i u m - M e m oria l S tad i um (8 ,600)
Le tte r m e n L os t - 8
Lett e rm en R eturn i ng - 38
C h a rli e Bradsh aw
Head C oach
Boy d Gran t
Tail back
R e p la c in g e ig ht se ni o r s t ar ters in cl ud i ng A ll-A merican li ne bac k e r T i m
T u c k e r a ppears t o be th e bigg es t t as k fa c ing T roy Stat e foot ba ll coac h
C harli e Brad s ha w.
T he offe n se , w it h n i ne s t art e r s r eturnin g, a pp ea r s s t a ble . H e ad ing u p th e
l is t of r eturn ees ar e All- G ul f S outh C on fere n ce t a ilb ac k Boyd G rant a nd w ide r ece ive r a nd re turn s pec ia lis t Vi r gil Seay .
Q uar t e rba ck s Eddie Ro h r ba u g h a nd Willie T ullis , w h o s hared s t art in g res p o n s ibiliti es las t yea r , a r e a lso b ac k. Middl e g ua rd Bu b ba William s a nd de fe n s ive e n d Ke nn y C raik are th e t o p re turn ing play ma ke rs o n de fe n se.
Tro y S t ate l eads th e series , 1- 0 .

Third Game
Sept. 22 - at Johnson City
7:30 P. M. EDT
Location - Johnson City , Te nn.
Founded - 1911
Pres id en t - Dr. Arthur H. DeRosier, Jr.
Enrollment - I 0,000
Colors - Blue and Gold
Co nference - Southern
Nickname - Buccaneers
Athletic Dir ec tor - Madison Brooks
Head Coac h - Jack Ca rli sle
Assistant Coaches - Robert McGraw, Cole Proctor, Gl e n C umbe e, Keith Daniels, Bill Clement, Burnie Miller
Trainer - J e rry Robert so n
SID - John Cathey
Stadium - M emo rial Ce nter (12,000)
Lettermen Lost - 9
Lettermen Returning - 39
Jack Carlisle • Head CoachThe E TS U Bucs begin th ei r first quest for championship honors in th e Southern Conference with talent and depth in the ski ll positions but a serious need of big, quick linemen.
The quarterback, runningback and wide receiver positions are well-stocked with veterans abounding who hav e good, so lid experience. The problem areas are primaril y in the offensive and defensive lines where there is some experience but a notable lack of s ize and quickness is evi dent.
The top candidate for all-star honors will be senior quarterback Mark Hutsell who fini shed last season as th e No. 8 total offense leader in the nation. He completed 171 of 294 pas ses for 2,160 yards, 14 touchdowns and 15.5 completions per game . In total offense, he accounted for 2,318 yards which averaged out to 2 IO. 7 yards per ga me.
Eastern leads the series, 18- 7-2.

Sept. I 5 at Northern Illinoi s
Sept. 29 at Furman
O ct. 6 at VMI
Oct. 13
Oct. 20
Oct. 27
Nov. 3 at North Alabama
Nov. IO
Nov. 17
Mark Hutsell QuarterbackFourt h Game
Sept. 29 - a t Richmond
2:00 P.M. EDT
Location - Clarksville, Tenn.
Founded - 1927
Pres id e nt - Dr. Robert 0. Riggs
Enro llme nt - 5,200
Colors - R ed & White
Conference - Ohi o Valley
Nickname - Governors
Athletic Director - Johnny Miller
Head Coach - Wat s on Brown
Ass is tant Coaches - John Palermo , Rick Christop he l, Bobby Marcum , Greg Mantooth, Louis Thompson
Trainer - Jeff Daniel
S I D - Martin Harmon
Stadium - Municipal (8 , 900)
Lettermen Lost - 13
Letterme n Returning - 32
F irst yea r Head Coac h Watson Brown comes to Austin Peay in hopes of improv ing the Govs offensive attack this seaso n.
Known for a tough d efense last year, Austin Peay ranked seco nd in total d efe nse s tats, but fini s he d a dismal sixth in the total offense catego r y.
A key i n help ing the Govs r eturn the form that led them t o an OVC champ ionship in 1977 will be the offe ns ive backfield
Four-year s ta r ter Randy Christophel is gone at quarterback, a nd senior Steve Brewe r and juco transfer Sonny D e fillips loom as most likel y heirs apparent. Leading ru s h er Dona ld Brown is back at runnin g back a lon g with Craig Woods.

Steve Puthoff, with 30 catc h es last season , return s at wide recei ver, whi le center Stan Burns will ret urn to anchor the offens ive lin e.
All-OVC performers Jo e Grimsley and Lynn Ha il stock wi ll pick up the s lack in the defensive backfield, which is minu s All-Ame rican free safety Mike Betts.
Eastern lead s the series, 17-3.
Fift h Game
Oct. 6 - at Murfrees b oro, Te nn .
7:30 P. M . CDT
Location - Mu rfree s boro , Tenn.
Founded - 19 11
Pre s ident - Dr. Sam Ingram
Enrollment - 10, 300
Co lors - Blue and White
Confe rence - Ohio Va lley
Nickname - Blue Raiders
Ath le tic Direc tor - Bubber Murph y
Head Coach - Boots Donne lly
Assi stan t Coaches - Ed Bunio , Tom
Fiveash, Bubba H oo ker , J o hn
J e nnings, Duke Shackleford
Tra iner - George Camp
S I D - J im Freeman
Stadium - H o rac e Jones Fi eld ( I 5,000)
Le tt e rmen Lost - 37
Lettermen R et urning - 19
B oots Donne ll y H ead Coac h ~- ~
Head football coac h Jame s "Boots" Donnelly return e d to his a lma m a t e r , Middle Tennessee State, after two successful seaso ns at ri va l Au s tin P eay, wh er e his teams quickly e a rn ed the respect o f eve r yo ne in th e OVC.
Offe ns ive ly, Donn e lly fee ls t hat hi s quart e rback situation is sta ble with 197 8 s ta r ter Duane Wes t bac k for hi s s ophomore seaso n. W es t is bein g pus hed b y tr a n sfe r Gus Purvis , s on of former MTS U great Ra y Pur vis.
Guard Bill Ming h ead s the offensive line, which includes J e rry Thompson , who made th e mov e from ti g ht e n d , g uard Bria n Knight and n e wcom e r s David Rash an d Bill Spurlock.
Vete ran t ac kle s R eggie Be ll , E dd ie Deeb and Bill C h e rr y head th e down
line m en , while All-OVC Stan ley Wri g ht is th e top l inebac ker. E nd J ames McCle llan , seco nd te a m All-OVC, wa s injured and mi ssed m ost o f s pr in g drills. i
T he series is tied , 13-13.

Sixth Game
Oct. 13 - at Richmond
2:00 P. M. EDT
Location - Fullerton, Calif.
Founded - 1957
President - Dr. L. Donald Shields
Enrollment - 22,500
Colors - Blu e, Orange, and White
Conference - Pacific Coast Athletic A ssociation
Nickname - Titans
Athletic Director - Neale R. Stoner
Head Coach - Jim Colletto
Assistant Coaches: Tom Hayes, Wayne Nunnely, Greg Robinson, Bill White , Rodney Bell
Trainer - Jerr y Lloyd
SID - John Culwell
Stad ium - Cerritos (I 5,000)
L ette rmen Lost - 20
L etterme n Returning - 36
This season Head Coach Jim Colletto hopes to continue the progress that saw his Titans finish at 5- 7 las t year, their best record s ince 1974.
Cal Sta t e-Fulle rton finish ed strongly las t seaso n, winning four of their las t six games, to garner a fourth place fini s h in the PCAA , their highest ever.
One of the main problems for Colletto is how to replace fullb ack Obie Graves. Graves rushed for 1,789 yards last year, the fourth highest total in NCAA history, and was nam ed to the third team All-American Squad by th e Associated Press.
Gone along with Graves are other offensive backfield s talwarts , tailback Mike Martin and quarterback Dal e Bunn.
Leading returnees for the Titans include lineback e r John Bungartz and offensive guard Mike McC!inton , both All-PCAA se l~c ti o ns last year. Coach Colletto will also rely on several transfer athletes to fill graduation gaps.
First game of the series.

Sept. 8 at Nevada-Las Vegas
Sept. 22 Open
Sept. 29 at P ac ifi c
Oct. 6 at San Jose State
Oct. 13 at Eastern K entucky
Oct. 20 at Northeast Louisia na
Oct. 27 at Northridge State
Nov. 3 at Utah State
Nov. 10 Fresno State
Nov. 17 at Idaho State
S eve nth Game
Oct. 20 - at Richmond
2:00 P.M. EDT ( H omecoming)
Lo cat ion - Bowling Green, Ky
F ounde d - 1906
Pres id ent - Dr. Donald Zac harias
Colors - Red and White
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Hillt op p ers
Athl e tic Director - J o hn O ldh am
H ead Coac h - Jimm y Feix
Assis tant Coac hes - But c h Gilbe rt , Bill Hap e, C larence Ba ker, Sam
Cla r k, Larry W a l ke r , Bob Raffe rt y
Tra iner - Ron Dunn
SID - P a ul Jus t
Stadium - L. T. S mith ( 19,250)
Lettermen Lost - 9
Lette rmen Returning - 38 PROSP ECTUS
Jimm y Fe ix's Hilltopper s turn ed a re buildin g ye ar into a c hampi o n s hip seaso n in I 978, winn ing th eir seve nth Ohio Valley Co nfe r e nce titl e while po sti ng an 8-2 record.
Fe ix welcomes back seve ral key performers as he begi ns his 12th seaso n at th e Hilltopp e r he lm . H eading th e list of re turn ees for W este rn a re All-OVC juni o r qu a rte rba ck John H a ll , who p assed for more than 1,400 ya rd s last year, and his fa vo rit e t a r ge t , se ni or s plit e nd Ed di e Preston, who le d th e "Toppe r s" in receptions with 37.
Seco nd team All-co nfe r e n ce se lect io ns J eff Als up and P et e W a lte r s r et urn in the offe n s ive lin e , while defensive ba ck Ca rl Braz ley a nd linebac ke r C harl es D eLacey will head a vetera n W es te rn defense.
Notable performe rs th e H illto ppe r s mu s t r e place include All- OV C defe ns ive players Tony Towns a nd Re g inald Hayden , a nd fullback George Stevenson o n offense.
Western l ea ds th e
32- 17- 2.

Eighth Game
Oct. 27 at Murray
1:30 P.M. CDT
Loca tion - Murray, Ky.
F o unded - 1922
President - Dr. Cons t a ntine W. Curris
Enrollment - 8,200
Colors - Blue a nd Gold
Confere n ce - Ohio Valley
N ickname - Racers
Athl et ic Director - Johnny R eagan
Head Coach - Mike Gottfried
Assistant Coac h es - T ommy Liggons, Bill Baldridge, Dan Walker, John
Be hling, Frank Beamer , Ron Zook
Tra iner - Tom Simmons
SID - Doug Yance
Stad ium - R oy Stewart ( I 6,800)
Lettermen Lost - I 7
Lettermen Returning - 27
Eve n thou gh 27 letter m e n r et urning and a pri ze r ec ruitin g class are r easo ns enough to boast , head coach Mik e Gottfried isn't making any promises.
"We're building th e program one blo ck at a tim e and our goa l in 1979 is a winning seaso n ," said Gottfried as he readies fo r his seco nd yea r with the Racers. "We are st ill young with j ust four se ni ors on the roster, so the r e is much about our team that remains a question mark."

Top returnee for the Racers is Danny Lee Johnson, a 205-pound junior tailback who earned OVC Offensive Player of the Year honors last year with 1,217 yards rushing which ranked him s ixth in Div is ion I-AA statistics.
Gottfr ied a lso has high h opes for 6-4 , 215-pound fullback Greg Whetsel, a talented Ohio prep star who transferred to Murray after one season at Nebraska.
Eastern leads the series, 18-15-4.
Mike Gottfried Head Coach Danny Lee Johnson TailbackNinth Game
Nov. 3 at Richmond
1:30 P.M. EST
Location - Cookeville, Tenn.
Founded - 1915 .
President - Dr. Arliss Roaden
Enrollment - 7,500 plus
Colors - Purple and Gold
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Golden Eagles
Athletic Director - Don Wade
Head Coach - Don Wade
Assistant Coaches - Jack Henderson, Bob Joye, Chuck Kocz wara, Rich a rd May, Jim Hughes, Laure n Kardatzke
Trainer - Steve Moore
SID - Randy Stacy
Stadium - Overall Field (16,500)
Lettermen Lost - I 0
Letterme n Returning - 40 PROSPECTUS
Forty returning lettermen, including 17 starters and two specialists, have TTU head football coach Don Wade smiling about the 1979 season. Of these returning let termen , 18 are on defense, 20 are on offense and two are specialists.

Nine starters are back on defense, Jed by All-OVC second-teamers Ronnie Dyer at end, Roddna Rockymore at tackle and Greg Bauer at cornerback.
"We're excited about our defe nse. We have a great deal of ex perience at every position. We may not be the bigges t team around, but I think we will play with intelligence and desire and h a ve a pretty good defensi ve football team," Wade said.
Based on the large number of returnees, plus a good r ec ruiting year, Wade is optimistic about 1979. "We have a lot of experience and we believe we've added some outstanding freshmen and junior college transfers. If we can avoid another epidemic of injuries , I believe we can be a good football team," Wad e said.
Don Wade Head Coach Kevin Tillman Running BackTenth Game
Nov. IO - at Richmond
1:30 P.M. EST
Location - Jackson, Miss.
Founded - 1877
President - Dr. John E. Peopoes, Jr.
Enrollment - 8 ,000
Colors - Blue and White
Conference - Southwestern Athletic
Nickname - Tigers
Athletic Director - Dr. Walter Reed
Head Coach - W. C. Gorden
Assistant Coaches - Melvin Pete, Houston Markham , James Carson , Sylveste r Collins , Stari Blackmon, Tommy Williams , Cardell Jones
Trainer - Willie Barnes
SID - Samuel Jefferson
Stadium - Memorial (46,500)
Lettermen Lost - 12
Lettermen Returning - 38
W. C. Gorden Head CoachCoach W. C. Gorden faces somewhat of a rebuilding job, especially on defense where the Tigers will be minus All-American tackle Robert Hardy. JS U is also minus its entire starting defensive backfield and two linebackers from the 1978 unit.

On offense, Gorden will welcome one of his two 1,000-yard rushers , halfback Perry Harrington who scampered for I, I05 yards and 14 TD's during the regular season. He also had an impressive 8.4 yards per game average, while rushing for IO touchdowns of 19 yards or more last year. Sophomore Keith Taylor will handle the quarterback duties.
If the Tigers are to match their I 0-2 record of '78 , they must also compensate in their offensive backfield for the graduated Jeffrey Moor e who rushed for 1,205 yards.
First game of the series.
Sept. 15 at Prairie View
Sept. 22 at Mississippi Valley
Sept. 29 Open
Oct. 6 at Arkansas-Pine Bluff
Oct. 13
Oct. 20
Oct. 27 Open
Nov. 3 at Texas Southern
Nov. IO at Eastern Kentucky
Nov. 17
Nov. 22
Perry Harrington HalfbackEleventh Game
Nov. 17 - at More h ead
1:30 P.M. EST
Location - Morehead, K y.
Founded - 1922
Pres id en t - Dr. M or ri s L. Norfleet
Enrollment - 7,682
Co lors - Roy a l Blu e and G old
Conference - Ohio Valley
Nickname - Eagle s
Athl eti c Director - So nn y Moran
H ead Coach - Tom Lichtenberg
Assis tant C oac hes - George Ad a m s , J o hn Fritsch , Van Hollaway , Tom
J o nes, S t eve Lon ey
Trainer - Ken Wr ight
SID - Jim W e ll s
Stadium - Ja yne ( 10,000)
Lettermen L ost - I 0
Lette rm e n Returnin g - 37
Tom Lichtenberg, MSU 's first-year h ead football coac h , must a n swer t he ques tion " Who's m y q uart e rb ack?" wh e n the Eagles ope n fall drills.
Go ne is Phil Simms , a three-year starter at quarterback, wh o was na med th e OVC "Player of the Yea r" as a junio r a nd who was drafted in th e first round of the NF L draft b y the New York Giants.
As poss ibl e h e ir t o th e position, Lic htenb erg mu s t choose between last yea r's two backups , s e ni o r Tommy Fox a nd fre s hman G r eg Ha l l. A lso in the pict ure will be co nve rte d wide re ceiver Doug J oi n e r a nd d efe nsi ve sa fet y Ken H opk ins.
Stre ng th s o n th e team, which was 2-6-1 las t sea s on, s hould be sen io r lin ebackers R od ney J e ffe r son , 5-11 , 195 and T omm y W a r re n , 6-3 , 2 15 . Jefferson was a first team All-OVC performer last year and Warren wa s AllOV C th e yea r befo r e.
Eastern l eads the series, 30- 15-4.



Most ex tra points-8 ("Moon" Mullins 1951 ; J e rry Pullins vs. Hill sdale, I 968)
Longcsl run from scrimmagc - 97 yards (Don Daly vs. Morehe ad, 19SI)
M ost runs fro m M'.rimmagc-43 (Alfred Thompson vs. M orehead, 1973)
Most yard s rushing- 252 (Stan Mitchell vs. A shland Colleg e, 197S)
Mos t passes ancmpted-45 (Jim Guice vs. Middl e Tennessee, 1966)
Most passes compl ctcd - 25 (J im G ui ce vs. Akron, 1968)
Mos t yards passing- 317 (Jcrf Mc Carthy vs. T e nnesse e Tech, 1973)
Mos t touchdown passes thrown - 4 ( J im Guice vs. Norlhwood, 1967 and Ernie H ouse v s. Austin P eay , 1975)
M ost touchdowns scored- 4 (Aaro n Marsh vs. Northwood, 1967 ; Jimmy Brooks vs. East Tennessee, 197 1; S tan M itchell vs Ashland, 197S)
Most passes rcccivcd - 19 (Aaron Marsh vs . Northwood, 1967)
M ost rece ivi ng yardagc - 3 16 (A aron Marsh vs . Northwood , 1967)
Most passes interce p tcd - 4 (Budd y Pfaadt vs Austin P eay. 1966)
Most times punted-13 (Jeff McCar thy vs. Mo rehead, J97I)
Most yard s pun tcd- 468 ( J eff McCarthy vs. Morehead, 197 1)
Longest fi eld goal - 49 yards (David Flores vs. Mur ray State, 1977)
L o ngest punt-78 yard s (B ob P lott s vs. T ampa, 1966)
Longes1 pun t return - 86 yards (Jimmy Chiu um vs. Mu rray, 1961 )
Most field goa ls 3 ( krry Pullin:i. vs. Morehead. 1968: F.arl Cody vs. Morehead. 1973. ,m d \'!J, Mu rra y. 1974: Da vid F l on·!J v:i.. W estern 1971-t)
Mos1 poi n ts scored by kicking - 13 (Ea rl Cody vs. Morehead, 1973)
Most yanh k ickoff retlll'll!I 20 2 (Jerry Parri h vs. Mu rray State. 197X)
Mos t point s sco red 90 (Dale Patt on 1978)
Most tou c hd o wns :i.corcd I S (Dale !'anon. 1978)
Most cxua points (kic k )-37 (J erry Pullins. 1968)
Mm.t poi nh :,.core d b~ \..id.. 59 (D:n id H o re:,., 1978)
Most runs from scrimmage- 271 (Alfred Tho mpson. 1973)
Most yards rush ing- 1,478 (Everett T a lbert, 1974)
Most passes atl empt ed-2 26 (J im G uice, 1966)
Bes t pa ssing pcrcentage-62. 1 (Larry Ma r mie, 1965)
Most ya rd s passing- 1. :547 (Ernie H o use. 1977)
Most yards total offensc- 1,740 ( Ern ie H ouse, 1977)
M ost t ouc hdown pass es th rown - 14 (J im Guice. 1966)
M ost touc hdown passes received - I I (Aaron Marsh, 1966)
Best ru shing average (min. 50 tim es )-6.7 yard s (Ch uck Bell, 19SJ)
Most ya rdage on pass rcceiving- 1,09:5 (Aaron Marsh , 1967)
Most passes receivcd - 73 (Aa ron Marsh , 1966)
Best punt ing avc rage - 42.2 {Frcd "Malins, 196:5)
Most passes intcrc e pl cd-9 (Budd y Pfaad1, 1966)
M ost yard s rushing- 3,842 (Jimm y Brooks, 1968-7 1)
Most yards passing- :5,041 (J im Gu ice, 196:5-68)
Most p la ys 101 al offen se - 92 1 ( J im my Brooks, 1968-71)
Most rus h ing anempts-920 (Jimm y Brooks. 1968-7 1)
M ost fie ld goals in a carcer- 23 ( Earl Cody, 1972-7:5)
M ost point s scored by kick-134 (Earl Cody, 1972-75)
Mos1 point s scored - 2 20 ( Jimm y Broo ks, 1968-7 1)
Most touc hdowns sco rcd-36 (Jimmy Brooks, 1968-7 1)
Mo st kickoffs rclurncd - 57 (John Reve re, 1972-75)
Most yards on kickoffs returned - 1,2 12 (John Revere, 1972-7S)
Mo!)I con:,.cw t iH· e xt rn poinb l-. idcd 60 ( l);n i d I-lores. 1~77-7~)
Most points scored by opponcnt- 99 vs. Witte nberg i n 1931
Largest vic tory margin-67 -0 vs. Morehead in 1925
La rges t d e feat margin-99-0 vs. Witte n berg in 193 I
Most net yard s rus hing- 5 10 vs. East Ten nessee in 1977
Mos t pass a ttempts- SO vs Akron in 1968
Most pa ss c ompletions-29 vs. Akron in 1968
Most pass ing ya rdage- 42 5 vs. Northwood in 1967
Most ya rds total o H c nse-662 vs East T en nessee in 1977
Most firs t down s-33 vs. W isconsin-Os hkosh in l97S
Most first d owns rushing - 23 vs. A s hland College in 1975
Most to uchdowns scored - 9 vs E vansv ille in l9S 3
Mos t ex tra pain ts-8 vs Ersk ine in 1951; vs. H illsda le, 1968
Most yards pcnalizcd-155 vs. Mor ehead, 1977
Least ne t yards ~ush ing by opponent-IO vs. Aust in Peay in l97S
Mos t to uchdow n passcs- 6 vs. No rthwood in 1967
Fewes t fi rs t d o wns g ive n up-2 vs. Mu rray Sta te i n 1976
Undefea ted seasons- 1940 (8-0-0); 19S4 (8-0- 1)'
M o ~, win s 8 in eleven diffcrc m sea :,on~. 1940 (8-0-0): 1948 (X-3- 0): 1953 (X-2-0): 1954(8-0- 1): 1967(8-1 -2): 1968(X-2-0): 1970 (8-2-0): 19 74 18-2-0): 1975 (8-2-1 ): 19 76 ( 8-3-0): 1978 (8-2-0)
Most defea ts-8 in 1929 ( 1-8 -0)
Most t ies-3 in 1933 (1 -2-3)
Most paints sco red-298 ( 1968)
Most poi n ts by opposi t ion - 264 (1930)
Leas t point s scored - IS (1930)
Most consecutive games without a loss- 15 ( 1953 -54-:5:5), 2 tics
Most consecutive games won- 13 (1939-40-41 )
Most touchd o wn s scored-4 1 ( 1940; 1968)
Most ext ra Point s made-37 (1968)
• Tanger ine Bowl G ame not included (Remainder includes 19:52 through 19 77, inclusive)
Most passes completed-170 ( 1967)
Most pa sses attcmptcd-300 ( 1967)
Best passing pcrcc ntage-58.2 (1965)
Least ya rds rushing by oppanc n ts- 9:5 1 ( 1953)
Lea.st ya rds passi ng by opponent s-48 7 ( 1957)
Bes! pu nt ing averagc- 42.2 (196S)
Most ya rds penalized-7 36 ( 1972)
MoSI ya rds ru s h ing- 2,68~ ( l97S)
Most yards passing-2.133 (1967)
Best iota! offense - 3,999 ( 1967)
M O!ll fi l'~I <lO\\.O:,. rushing 1:\4 ( 19 78 )
Mos t passes intercepted b y-2 1 (1976)

Mo!t F umbles Lost - 7-Tennessee Tec h vs. Western Ken tucky 1967
Most Kickofrs Rccei vcd-8- Wcstern vs. T ennesstt T ech !
Mos t Yard s On P unt Return s- 153Wcste rn vs, Mo re head
1965 1953 197~
t Rushi ng A verage - 8.6Eas lcrn Ky vs East Tennessee
1977 Ea s te rn Kemu c ky vs Nort hwood 1967 Mmray vs. M iddle Tennessee
Mo st Passes A1tem p1ed - 59Wcs1ern Kentuck y vs. Akr o n 1969
Mosl Passes Compleled- 37Wcstcrn Keni ucky v'i, A kron. 1969
Mos1 Tou c hdown Pa:,ses-6Eas1crn Kentucky vs. Northwood 1967
M o~I Two -Point C onversions-3 -
Middk T e nnessee vs. UT Ma rt in
Best Com p Percentage X0.0
We s tern K y vs De lta St~1tc ( 16 of 20J
l:.1!)!C1 ' 1\ K y vs. l )a\'IOrl ( 12 of 15)
Most Passcss Ha d l nterccpted - 7-
M orehead vs. W e'-1crn Kentucky
Eas1 Tennessee vs Aust in Peay
Most Pa,;scs Jn1erceptcd - 7-
wc tem Kcntudy ,.. s. Moreh ead
Ea"it Tennc:,see V'i. Austin Peay
Most Yard 'i l111ercep1ions Re1u rned - 139-
WC'$ tcrn Ky. vs. W ~I. Illinoi s
Fc wc, t Pass ing Yard s Allow ed- M inu s 3-
Wl'slern Ky. vs. Au'itin P ea y
Bes1 Pun t ing Ave ragc- 54.0-
M ost fir 'S t Downs- 33 - Ea~m~rn Kentuc ky , s
Most Fir'it Downs Ru ,hi ng - 23 -
Tcnncssee Tech vs. Mo rningside
Eu tern Kcntul'k y vs. As hland
Mos1 Firs! Down s Pa'i,;; ing - 19Murray vs. Io wa Wesleyan
1967 1952 IYn 1965 1971 1965 1971 1968 1973
197 1
1972 1975
Murray 1967 1967 1972
Mos t P lays - 825-Eastern Kentucky
Mos, A vg. Yards Per Gamc- 311 .4Middl e Tenn essee 1959
Fewest Yard s 8)' Oppo nen ts - 485Wcstern Kent ucky .. 1963
Mosl Rushi ng Allempts-722 - Tennessec Tech
Mos1 Au e mpt s-380- Murray
East T ennessee
19 7X
iddle Tenne"isee
Most Punt Returns-60- Wcst ern Kentucky
Most Kickoff Re turns- 40-Western Kentucky.
Most P enalti es- SI-West e rn Kentucky.
Most Yards Pen alized-919Western Ken1ucky
Fewes t Yards Penalized -3 12-
T ech
Most Fumbles Lost - 31- T enne ssee T ech . .... ... . ..
Most Fumbles R cc overed-26Western Kentuck y Mos t Yards On Punt Returns - 633-
M ost Yards Total Offense - 4 28-Joh nny Vance, WK vs. Ak ron
Most Pla ys Total Offense - 69-Joh nn y Vanc e. WK vs. Akron
Highest Av erage Per Play- 20 0 ( 120 yards in 6 atts.)Hal Emerson, EK vs Wiscons in-Osh kos h
Most Anempt s- 43- Alfred Thom pson, EK vs Mo
M ost Yards Gain ed Rush ing-297 - Clarence Jackson, WK vs. Butler
Longes t Run from Scrimmage-97 yardsDon Daly, EK vs . M o . . ... . .. . ... . .. .. 1951 Carl Walker , Mu. vs. AP. 1954
Most Att e mpts - 59- Johnny Van ce, WK \IS. Akron 1969
Most Completions-37- Johnny Vance, WK \IS. Akron 1969
Most Consecutive Completions- I I-Bil ly Walker , MT vs. UT Mar ti n
Best percentage- 1000/o -Teddy Morris (9 -9), MT \IS. UT Cha1tano oga
Mos t Yards Gained Passing-4 25 - Larry Tillman , M u. vs. MT 1967
Most T ouc hdown Passes-6-Charles Porter Mo. vs Marshall 1950
Most Passes Caughl- 20- Harol d Roberts, AP \IS Murray (NCAA Record) 1967
Most Yards On Passes Caught - 316-Aaron Mars h , EK vs Northwood 1967
Most Touchdown Passes Caught - 4Aar on Marsh, EK \IS. Northwood 1967
Harold Roberts AP vs. Murra y 1967 Porter Will iams, WK vs. M urray 1973
Mo st lntcrcepti o ns-4-B uddy Pfaadt, EK \IS AP 1966
Longest Pa ss Comple tion-96 yardsLeo Peckenpaugh to P orter Will ia ms. WK vs Mu 1970
Most Two-Point Conversions-3-Billy Walker, MT vs. UT Mart in 1967
Most Poin ts By Passing - 36-Billy Wa lker , MT vs . UT Marti n . . . ... .. . 1967
Most P oin ts - 28 - H arold Roberts AP vs Mu 1969
Most Touchdowns-4 - Held by Eight Players
Mo st PoinlS By Ki cki ng-13-Earl Cody (3 FG's, 4 EP), EK vs. M O. 1973
Most Ext ra Poi nts Kicked-8Tom Atwo o d, WK vs. TT
J e rry Pu lli ns , EK vs. H ill sdale
Si eve W ilson, WK vs. MU
Most Field Goals - 3-Pat Hauser, ET vs Mo (Tied b y Nine Others)
Longest Fi eld Goal - 58 yards - S1an Watts, Mu. vs. WK.
Most Puncs - 14- Mik e Johnson, AP vs T T
vs. Ball
Lo nges t Punt Ret urn- I 00 yards -Phil Fos te r , Mu vs. Mo 1950
Longest Kic koff Return-JOO yards-Buford Crager, Mo vs. ET 1959
L o nges t Pass Int e rception Ret u rn - 100 yardsRay O ldham, MT vs UT C halla nooga 1970
Longest Run with Rec overed Fumble- 99 yardsRay Ne a l. MT \IS M uskin~ham 1964
Most Yards Kickoff Returns 202 - Jer rv P a rr ish. Eastern Kentucky vs Murray State · 1978
Most Total Yard s-2.782- Charles P orter Morehe ad .1950
Mos t Total Plays--464- Larry Tillman, Murray 1967
Most Rushing Attempls-286-Larry Schreibe r, Tennesse Tech 1968
Most Ya rds Rus hin g - 1,522- Larry Schr eiber, T e nn essee T ec h 1969
Highest Ru s hing Ave rage-9 1-Ra y Purvis. Middle T e nnessee (Min. 50 a tt .) 1959
Mos t Pass Attempts-380- Larry Tillman, Murray 1967
Most Pass Comp let ions-190- Larry Tillman, Mu rray. 1967

Most Yards Gained Passing - 2.345 - Charl es Porter, Mo rehead 1950
Best Completion P ercentage-66.20/o - Cha rl es Porter, More head 1950
Mo st Touchdown Passes Thrown - 25- Larry T il lman, Murray. 1968
Mos t Passes Caught - 88- Harvey Tanner, Murra y 1967
Most Ya rd s On Passes Caught - 1,069- Aaron Marsh , Eastern Ky 1967
Most Tou chdo wn Passes C augh l-13 -Bill y Hess , Murray 1968
M ost Passes lnt e rcept ed- 12-John F itzpatrick, T e nn essee Tech 1972
Mos t Points Scored-1 14-Dickie Moore, Weste rn Kentuck y ·. 1967
Mos1 Touchdowns Scored- 19- Dicki e Moo re, Western Ke nt ucky 1967
Mos t Points By Kick in g - 60-Butch Gentry, T e nnessee T ech 1972
Mas i Ex tra P oints Kic ked-37-J crry Pullins. Eastern Ke ntucky 1968
Most Field Go als-I I-Stan Watts, Mur ray and Kenny No lan , Middle Tennessee 1971 Butc h Gentry, Tenne ssee T ech 1972
. .
Most Pun is- 83-Rich ard Mc G lothlin. East Tennessee 1969
Bes t Pun t ing Average - 43 9-Mike Shawen, Midd le T e nn essee 1974
Most Punts Return ed-50--Vir gil Li ve rs, W estern Ken t ucky 1974
Mo H olli ngs worth , More head Virg il Livers. Western Kentucky . 1971 .. . 197



Men's Cross Country
1979 SCHE D U LE
Sept. I
Se p t. I
S ept. 22
Sept. 29
Oct. 6
Oct. 13
Oct. 27
N ov. IO
C harl es t o n Dis tan c e Run
J o e Bink s Me moria l Run
Ke ntu c k y Invitationa l
Ke n tu c k y Inte rcollegiat e
C ham p io ns h ip M ee t
I nd iana I nvitational
E K U In vi t ational
OVC C hampionship Me e t
NC A A Dis tr ic t 111 M ee t
N ov 19 ' CAA Ch a mpion s h ip M ee t

Na m e
Steve A ngerman
By ron Arbau g h
D e nnis C r ee kmore
And y C r o wle y
Gen e F it z hugh
Gerry Gib lin
Terry Lak es
Bill Mo r gan
Gary No el
Martin O' H an lon
Ed Strobac h
C lass
S ite
C ha r les t o n, W. Va
Louisv ille . Ky.
Le xingt o n , Ky .
Murra y, Ky .
Blo o mi ng t on , Ind
H om e
C ook e vill e , T e nn
G ree n vi lle , S . C.
Ho m etown
D a yt on , Ohio
Lu casv ille, Ohi o
Wi ll ia m s b urg Ky
D an v ille , Ky
Le xin g t o n , Ky
D u bl in , I reland
Richmond, In d.
Ro c hes te r , Mi c h.
Lo ui sv ill e, Ky .
D u b lin, I reland
C ha gr in Falls , O h io
Th e 1979 C o lonels' m e n' s cross coun t ry t e a m w ill be le d t h is sea so n b y AII-OV C juni o r Bill Morgan a nd se ni o r 1 10 p e r c e nt award win ne r o f 1977 Ed S troba c h .
Ot hers e xpe c ted to a d d s tr e n g t h a nd dept h to thi s ye ar' s s q ua d are seni o r G ar y ' oel; j uni o rs
Dennis C r ee k more, S t e ve An ge rman and Gene F it zh ug h ; sop hom o re s And y Cro wl ey, Ge r r y Gi bl in and T e rry Lakes; a nd fres hm e n By ron Arba ug h a nd M ar tin O ' H a nlon. C r ee k m o r e is a past rec ipie nt o f th e C o lon e ls' M o st Valu a ble C ro ss C ou n try ru nner awa rd be fore bein g inj u re d la s t year.
Eas t e rn h as p laced thi rd for th e pas t two sea s ons a nd wi ll be h o p ing t o imp rove t hose fi n is hes t hi s fa l l.
Ed S trobach
Women's Cross Country
The success of the 1979 cross country team wi ll depend largely on the recruiting. The returnin g runners are strong bu t will need help in the depth of the team. Five runners cannot expect to go th r ough the entire season injury - free. EK U is looking forward to having a very competitive season.

Paula Gas t on Sr. Richmond. K y.
Mar ie Geisler Soph. Ocean Gate. N .J
Lauren Geiss .Jr Hol mdel. N .J.
Na n cy He sse Jr. Matawan .. J
Vicki Hul e tte .Jr. Bu rl in gton Ky
Mars h a ll M cCa llum Soph. Radcliff. K y
Denise Mc Coy Sr. Anch orage. K y
Kathr yn M e rchant Soph. Ragdad . K y .
P eggy Pa i nt e r Jr. Cincin nati. Ohio
T er i Scippcl Sr. Ke tt e rin g. Ohio
Judy Smith Soph. H a r rison . Ohio
Terry S p ea r s Sr. Danville. K y.
J anice Text or Sr. Mont v ille. N.J.
Sharon Walker Jr. Cinc innati. Ohio
Lillian Whit e Sr. Georgetown. K y
Paula Gas t o n - me m ber o f th e 1978 team w h ich fi nish ed s ixth in th e A IA W Na ti o nal m ee t , has compet ed n ati o na ll y th ree yea r s i n e it her t ra c k or c r oss count r y.

S ue Sc h ae fe r - coming off an inj u ry tha t kep t her out the entire 1978-79 season. S ue s hould be back in top fo r m in tim e fo r th e 79 cross c ountry sea son S ue was fi f th na ti o na lly i n c r oss co u ntry.
P eggy Pain te r - me m ber of t he 1978 t ea m w h ich fi n ished si xt h in th e A I A W. a t ional m eet.
Sa ndy Martin !l ead Coac hMen's Golf
Sep t. 21-22
Sept. 28-30
Oct. 6 -7
Nov. 15- 17

Dave Gaer
Doug Brehme
Mike Frey
T im North
Tom North
Greg W aggoner
Murray l nvi1a1ional
Opry land Classic
EK U Fall Invitat io na l
All-Dixie Int erco ll egiate
Des Moines, Iowa
St. Petersburg, Fla.
Lombard, Ill.
Fenton, Mich.
Fenton, Mich.
Mt. Pleasant, Mi ch.
Second-year coach Ra y S t ruder is hoping for an outs tandi ng seaso n in I 979-80. After a disap p ointi ng second place finish in the Ohio Valley Conference Tournament and two s pring t ournament championships, the Colonels are hopeful of better things to com e thi s year.
Lead in g the way a re seniors Dave Gaer and Doug Brehme, who finished 1-2 in average o n last year' s team. Gaer was an AII-OVC c ho ice by virtue of his second p lace fin ish in the OVC tourney. Other members of last year's top five include sen io r Greg Waggoner and junior Mike Frey
EK U will be trying to defend the two titles it won las t year - the Opryland Classic and the EKU Fall Inv it ational.
Women's Field Hockey

Miam i
Ball State
Lo uisville
Da yton
De n ison Centre Ohio
So Illinois Kentucky
EKU I nvitational
Ind iana
Roano k e Kentucky Louisville
E . Illinoi s
S. Illinois (Edwa r dsv ille)
Nov. 2- 3
K WIC Champions hip s
Nov. 28-Dcc. AIA W Region 11 To urnament A JA W National Tourname nt
Nov. 9-10
Dawn Aldridge Goali e
Fran Burt
Debb ie Campbell
J ea n Dic kson Link
Pa tty Drumm Forward
Teresa Garchinsky Halfbac k
Pat Ha lpin Link
Suza nn e Has tings Goalie
Monica Keifer Forward
Theresa Lang Link
Carol Lankford Halfback
Lisa L oran Forward
Lisa Norton Forward
Lau ra Purdy
Carmen Shannon
Jack ie Stivers
S haron St ive r s
C indy Ta y lor
Deb bie Wright
li e
Th e Eastern·s women ' s fie ld h ockey team shou ld be a s tronger team thi s yea r b ecause o f the exper ien ce of their 8 relllrning s tarters and 14 r e turnin g playe rs. Th e team has s h own mu c h imp rovement over las t yea r's squad and ha s the pote ntial for an excelle nt season.

Eas t e rn 's sc h ed ule co n sis t s of seve ral stro n g competitive t eams s uch a s I ndiana University, University of Da y t o n , YPI , and S o uthern Illinoi s Unive rs it y The women' s fi e ld hockey team will al so hos t t h e EK U In vitational whi c h consists of two Virginia teams. Indi ana U nive rsit y and U ni ve r si t y of Ke nt uc k y.
This yea r' s team will be st r e ngthen e d b y returni n g players Sharon S ti ve rs. D eb bie Wri g ht and sophomore Je a n Dick so n
Ly nn e Harv el Head Coac hWomen's Volleyball

Op ponent Miami
Ke ntu cky
M ars hall
No rthern Ke ntuc ky
Ohio Stat e
College of Mt. S t. J os e ph
EKU In vitational
Morehead State
No rth e rn Kent uc ky
Lou isvi ll e
Mi c hi gan State
Int e rnational Invitationa l
Ken tu c ky
Wr igh t State Inv it atio nal
Oct. 26-27
Oct. 30
Oct. 31
Nov. 5
Nov. 9- 10
Nov. 16-1 7
SI U Inv ita ti o nal Tourname nt
St. Xa vier
Midw ay College
Tennessee Te c h
KWIC Champions hip, Division
AIA W Region II Champio n s hip , Division I
Dec. 6-8 A IA W ational ChampionshipUni ve rsity o f Hawaii
1979 RO STE R
Letters o r Recogn ition : .
Lauri e Briggs - Suburban Trib All-Star; Kim Dodson - Honorable Me nti o n All Kettering Area and Wes tern Ohio League Teams; Brenda Magee- Hi gh School letter in Volleyball , College Le tt e r , two years ; Ramona M cGovern - All-Conferen ce 1st Team , All- Reg ion 1s t Tea m; J o an Messerknecht - Player of the year in mid-state league; Tina Nibert - Hig h Sc hool letter in Vo lley ball; S haron Renners - College letter in Volleyball, three years; Sharon Wa lkerNume rous award s a nd re cognition s in high s chool, College lett e r two years; Na ncy StoeckleAll Reg iona l Player; Nancy Wingat e - C ollege lette r in Volleyball, three years.
A young and d etermined team will face the challenge of regaining Eas tern 's traditional top ranked position in volleyball. The y will encounter one of the toughest schedules ever put together. The EKU Invitational will draw teams from seven s tates and incl ude teams with top AJA W national titles. Kentucky volley ball has advanced to a point where both repre sentatives took winner and runner-up titles in the AJA W Regionals. In-state competition wi ll afford no re lief from th e tough sc he dule.
Senior setter Nancy Wingate will lead the team's offense. He r experience and sound judgemen t will contribute stability to the young team. The success of th e offense wi ll depend upon Nancy's ability to free her hitters enabling th em to spike one on one against the opponent's block.
The 1979 Eastern t eam will be a power attack team and will be led by junior Sharon Walk e r and so phomo re Laurie Briggs and Nancy Stoeckle Strong defensive leadersh ip will come from senio r Sharon Renners and sop homore Kay Biege r. A co n sistent and determined effort wi ll be necessary to achieve this season' s goals.

Nancy Stoeckle - 1978 KWIC All Star Team. Received the set more t imes than any me mber of the t eam ( 1780) for a 62% s piking av erage
Laurie Briggs - Hold s the record for th e highest spiking ave rage in a s ingle match with a 94% against George Wa s hingt o n College.
Nancy Wingate - Played no com petitive high school volleyball. She wi ll be the t eam's leading sette r. Nan cy has p lay ed backup setter for three years and is well prepared for he r new assignment.
Brenda Magee - Played no co mpetitiv e high sc h oo l volleyball. She read s the opponents attac k , as the middl e blocker , better than any member of the team. She has bee n an outstanding midd le bloc ker throughout her two years of co ll ege play.
I. W o n 67% state , regiona l and national competition since 1967.
2. Above record in cludes 4 KWIC state cha mpion shi ps, 3 AIAW Region II cha m pionships.
3. Team Records
Spi king: Evy Abell 67% (Class of 1979)
Serving: Kim Shibinski 85 % (Class of 19 79)
Pass ing: Kay Biege r 75% (Soph)
Block in g: Janie Burgess 55% (will not return next season)
Serve Receive: Evy Abell 71 % (Class of 1979)
Women's Tennis
Sept. 15
Sept. 20
Sept. 21-22
Southern Illinois - Edwardsville
Southern Illinois - Carbondale
Eastern Illinois Illinois State
Memphis State
Sept. 26
Sept. 28
Oct. 2
Oct. 5
Oct. 6
Oct. 10
Oct. 12
Oct. 16
Oct. 20
Oct. 26- 27
Morehead Sta te
Murray State
East Tenn essee Kentucky
Ball State
Western Kentucky Marshall
Miami Middle Tennessee K WIC Champions h ip Division I

Name Class
Deanna Addis Soph
Nancy Elder Jr.
Mary Ho chwalt Jr.
Mendy Jack s on J r.
Rita Olins Soph
Joy Rupert Fr. (Others to be added following fall try-outs)
Th e cha llenge for t he yo ung team again is to maintain its significant fi ni sh in t he Kentuck y Women's Int erco llegiate Con fere nce (K WIC) competition. Veteran team members Elder, Ho chwa lt , and J ackson are expected to provide the nucleus, boosted by Addis and -Olins who will begin their second year with t he Eastern team. Newcomer Joy Rupert , ranked No. 3 in Kentucky, promises to round out t he s ubst ance of Eastern's fall drive
Top Returning Players:
Mendy Jackson - 12-2 last fall a nd K WIC and OVC Champion at 113
Nancy Elder - 11-3 last fall , hampered by illness in the spring, should be back to full s treng th.
Modern Records:
Overall team match score since 1970 is 75-32. I n 1978 , £KU placed second in th e KWIC Championship
Colonels' notes

Delmas Freeman. guard 1948
Paul Wright. center I948
Carl Plantholt. guard 1949
Ray Pelfrey , bac k 1949
Ed Zoretic, bad; 194 9
Chuck Hen zer, back 1951
Chud Schrniu. 1ac kl< 1952
Ale~ Kilakows k i. e nd 1952
Carl Oa k ley. ,cu ard 1953
Roy Kidd, back 1953
Fred Win.:;che r. e nd 1954
Frank Na.:;._, ida , tackle 1954
Jerr) Johns, guard 1954
James Hanlon back 1954
Don Daly , ba c k 1954
Boh Muller, bad: 1954
Tom Schulte, end 1955
Jo hn Sd><<I , bac k 1957
Da n• Bisho p. bac k 1958
St e\'C Herczcg, tackle 1959
Fd dic Miller, g ua rd l 959
Joe G raybeal, cen t er 195 9
Don Ma cDonald guard 1961
J imm y Chitlum. ba c k 1961, 1962
K en Goodhew, guard 1962
Roscoe Perkins. guard 1965
C huck Seimo n. e nd 1964, 1967
Ro )' E vans 1ac.:k lc 1965
Jim Guice. bac k 1966-1968
Buddy Pfaa d1. bac k 1965, 1966
M i ke S m ilh. ba c k 1966
Aar o n Ma r;h, end 1966, 1967
Bill Brew er. lac kk 1967 , 1968
Fred Tro ik e. g uard 1967, 1968
Ro n Reed. linebacker 1967
Ha rry Lenz, back 1967
Jim Moberl y, linebacker 1968
La rr y Kaelin. guard 1969
T eddy T aylor, guar d 1967 - 1969
Ji m m y Bro o ks , back 1968 - 197 1
H arry Irwin, tackle 1970
R utc h Evans, fu l lb ac k 1970
J ames W il ,;o n, ligh t end 1971
Ja mes P orter. back 1971
Wallace C h amber s , 1acklc 1970, 1972
James Croudcp, lin eback e r 1970, 1972

L 1rry Kirk'iC)', end 1972
Alfred Thompson, bac k 1973
Rich Th om a s , linebacker 1973
Eve re 11 T a lbe n, back 1974, 1976
Joe Alvin o, guard 1974, 1975, 1976
John Re vere, nank er .1974
Robyn Hatley, tackle 1974, 1975
Earl Cody. k icker 1974
Stan Robe rt s , n oscguar d 1974
Juni o r Hardin. tackle 1974 , 1975
Elmo Boyd. sp lit - end 1975, 1976
Scott M cCallis1cr bac k 1975
Erni e H o use back 1976
Roosevelt Kelly. c en1cr 1976
Anlh o n y M i ller , back 1976, 1977
Stan M itchell. b ack 1977
Ra ndy Heabe rlin tackle 1977
Dc,111 Stu ck y. guard 1977. 197R
Jim '\d"on. Oankcr 1977
Chrb Robcrtl<>. end 1978
0.:1\ id ~ca l. center 1978
J oe Ri c hard tlOl<>C!lUa rd 1978
IJ alc P at1o n. fullback 1978
Dann ) Martin. bad 1978
WEK U-FM. Ri chmond, is th e originati ng station for the E K U root ba ll Network. P lay-bypla y will be p rovide d b y G reg Stote lme yc r.
:-SEWS P APE R S Richmond Regis t er (da il y. p.m.) ............................... ..... ...... Ken Green
Ma dison County Pos t (wee kly) Sports Editor
Ma di so n County Newsw eek (weekly) ................... . .............. S ports Editor
Th e Eas tern P rogress (wee kly) ............. .... ............ ...... ..... Spo rt s Editor
Lex in gton Herald (daily, a.m .)
Mik e J ohnson, R ick Bailey
Lexington Lead er (daily, p.m.) Stuart Warn er, G e ne M cLea n, D. G. Fitzmaurice
Courier-J ournal (daily. a.m .) Billy R eed Bob K irl ey. Stan Sutton , Earl Cox
Louisv ille Times (daily, p.m. ) ..........
Radio WE K U-F M
( Lexington)
WK YT-TV (Lexington)
WLEX -TY (Lexington )
R a di o W H AS & TY (Lou isvi ll e)
Radio WA VE & TV (Louisville)
Lou Younkin
Fred Alve