Eating Disorder Awareness and You
DECEmber 2010 Edition by The Cofounder
“To dream of the person you’d like to be is to waste the person you are.” – Anonymous his is our final issue for 2010 and we are so excited about it. This year has seen our beloved EternityWatch magazine transform from a humble newsletter to a magazine. While I fully agree with the sentiment that dreaming of the person you’d like to be is wasting the person you are. I would add a caveat: it is that continuing living in that dream at the expense of today is really wasting the precious time you have. I had a dream for EternityWatch magazine way back in 2007. Back then I didn’t have a clue about making that dream a reality. But I did not daydream about it. I put it on my vision board and continued on with my life. Even though I kept on with my life, I never gave up on the dream. I simply kept changing my approach until I found something that work. It also took time and the new knowledge about the technologies out there for me to get it going.
Now in 2010, you have the benefit of seeing my vision become a reality. I am proud of the team of
our staff. They all add value to this circle of life by being part of a project filled with passion and love. Here’s a quick snapshot of my personal report card. Overall, this year has been an A+ year! The December issue of EternityWatch will feature reprints of our favourite stories of 2010. They’ve been selected because of their level of quality and their educational value. Use them as a discussion piece when you sit down with friends and loved ones for a dinner. I’ve already begun my planning for 2011. Here’s a few tips for you when striving for success. 1. Write down you goals and make sure you don’t have goals that are opposites like “losing 40 lbs” and “winning the pie eating contest.” 2. Keep working at your goals each day. Even if it is just to look at them and remind yourself. 3. Involve others in your goal. You can’t do it alone no matter how brilliant you are so get others involved in 2011. 4. Be positive, loving and compassionate along the way. Don’t waste a single moment of this precious life. Enjoy the magazine! Peace and be well.
RN, Health Educator
contributors and
A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
DECEMBEr 2010 Edition
Eating Disorder Awareness and You (From February 2010) ating Disorders is a concept that all Canadians need to be aware of especially where our youths and children are concerned. These days there is so much sexualisation of everything that young people erroneously get the impression that the thin “sexy” body is what all men desire. And young men get the programming that older men desire young “sexy” women and women don’t like men who are out of shape. This article takes a serious look at an important issue for youths and young adults.
Colon Cancer, A Toothless Lion
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(From March 2010)
ny kind of colon issues are pose a very traumatic experience for patients. Think of the loss of dignity one experiences when a doctor or nurse needs to insert their hand into the rectum in order to pick out the hardened stool. Think of the inner shame and physical pain of a person suffering from such an ailment. This article explores the various elements of this affliction.
A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
DECEMBEr 2010 Edition
Winning The Battle Against Cholesterol
(From June 2010) irstly, cholesterol is not an enemy of your body. It is a waxy steroid metabolite found within cell membranes and throughout the blood plasma of all animals including humans. Cholesterol is an essential foundation building component of cell membranes in animals. This article will unmask the Cholesterol symptom and increase your understanding about this disease.
Solution To Pollution Is Dilution (From October 2010)
Raw Spirit Festival: A Phenomenal Success (From November 2010)
How To Recover From Holiday Binge Eating (From November 2010)
Burnout Of Our Medical Personnel
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(From September 2010) he burnout of our medical personnel is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. It has been said that you do not miss your health until it’s gone. I’d also add that you don’t miss your friendly medical personnel until you’re sick or wounded somewhere without anyone to provide medical care. This article will consider some of the factors behind this looming catastrophe on the Canadian medical horizon.
A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
EternityWatch is published by Eating4Eternity.Org and the Durham Raw Food Society. Email:
SUBSCRIPTIONS EternityWatch is intended for anyone who is conscious about healthy living and an abundant life. To subscribe go to
ADVERTISEMENTS To inquire about advertising in EternityWatch, please send an email to info “at” or call 905-903-5667. Potential advertisers must share our philosophy of good health and natural living.
EDITOrIALS / ArTICLES To submit an article for consideration in EternityWatch, please send an email to info “at” or call 905-903-5667. We are interested in original writings relevant to the alternative health and lifestyle community, nurses and doctors who share our philosophy. If you have a comment or question about an article or editorial published in EternityWatch, or if you have a suggestion for a topic you would like to see featured in a future issue, please send an email to info “at”
ETErNITYWATCH POLICY The information and opinions expressed by contributing authors and advertisers within EternityWatch do not necessarily reflect those of the company, the staff or our founder and should not be considered as endorsed 5
DECEMBEr 2010 Edition
ebruary 1 – 7, 2010 is national eating disorder awareness week. I believe that this is something that all Canadians need to be aware of especially where our youths and children are concerned. These days there is so much sexualisation of everything that young people erroneously get the impression that the thin sexy body is what all men desire. And young men get the programming that older men desire young sexy women and women don’t like men who are out of shape. This plays havoc with the minds of young adults which lays the foundation for future eating disorders.
So how exactly does someone develop an eating disorder? There are many subtle factors that influence the development of such a condition. There could be influences from family members, parents, siblings, classmates, advertising and society and even the types of toys parents allow their children to play with. Could we be seeing the impact of the generations of the thin and sexy blond Barbie figure? It’s not only those standard
Eating Disorder Awareness And You by 6
Jenny berkeley, rn, HealtH educator A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
DECEMBEr 2010 Edition
factors but also traumatic experiences may lead to the development of an eating disorder. A poor self image can pose a risk and even how children are taught to deal with life situations. Regardless of how the situation came to arise in a person, it is necessary to get to the root of it and correct the situation. People with eating disorders often describe themselves as feeling powerless against it. This is because their mind, body and soul has turned the particular eating activity into a form
of coping mechanism. The disorder helps them cope with what is troubling them.
Some clinical eating disorders include:
You can try this eating disorder selfcheck:
Anorexia nervosa: This is where a person loses weight and becomes too thin because they are hardly eating anything. Even though the person is thin, they still consider themselves fat and hence avoid eating sufficient food for good health. Gaining weight represents a loss of control over this person’s body. elfcheck.html
Bulimia nervosa: This is where a person binges followed by purg-
If the way you eat and think about food interferes with your life and keeps you from enjoying life and moving forward, then that is disordered eating. You need to speak to a professional about it.
A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
DECEMber 2010 Edition
Jenny Berkeley is a nurse of over 18 years and a health educator. Her knowledge of allopathic medicine and alternative enables her to understand holistically how the body works and heals. She educates her clients in the knowledge of their own body and their role in keeping themselves well. She is an author, speaker, teacher, founder of the Durham raw food society. She works in hospitals in Durham and Toronto, lectures in the community and is a social media maven. Her belief, “Good health is your birthright. Keeping it is your choice.”
comes apparent that the mental perception of the person is a key factor in what drives a person to exhibit one of these habits. Unfortunately, people also live in a world of dead, nutrient deficient foods that disrupt the normal mechanisms of the body. A plant based living food diet should be considered as a major dietary reform pillar in order to supplement whatever treatment of the condition being considered. The human body is a wonderfully created machine that, when given the proper nutrients in the proper state, will tend to heal itself. At the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida, the qualified medical staff have seen people with all types of conditions get on the path to restoring their personal health and gaining vitality and longevity. A key component of this is the raw/living food diet. There is also exercise, supplements, juicing and other healthful habits. Mind, body and spirit are allowed to undergo the healing process during the 3-week life change program. Whether you choose to go the conventional medical route or alternative medical route, do what is best to heal your mind, body and spirit. True and lasting health must be dealt with on a holistic level. If you or anyone you know is suffering with or is potential on the verge of an eating disorder. Seek help and give lots of love along the way. Resources:
ing. The person will eat out of control then try to get rid of the food by forced vomiting, abusing laxatives or over exercising. This tends to cause weight fluctuations and these ways of purging the body are harmful. Binge-eating disorder (BED): This is where a person will eat so much that they become uncomfortably full. They also eat to comfort themselves, eat in secret, eat because of shame, and eat because of guilt. This is also compulsive eating. This is different from Bulimia in that there is no effort to get rid of the food. Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (ED-NOS): This is where a person experiences one or more of the above or a mix. They do not simply fit neatly into one category but they still suffer from an eating disorder. Feedback Matt C. ( writes: “Thanks for this article! Lets hope that the National eating disorder awareness week does just what it hopes to do! The pressures from society affecting our body image and self esteem only seem to be getting greater. And I agree about the holistic approach needed – sufferers need emotional and psychological help as well as nutritional rehabilitation.” Fiona P. (http://eatingdisorderhopeculture.blogs writes: “Whatever one chooses to eat recovery involves an holistic approach as mentioned above.”
In each of the disorders above, it be8
A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
DECEMber 2010 Edition arch is Colorectal Cancer awareness month and it is indeed something that every man and woman need to be aware of. In fact, no one is immune from the possibility of having colon issues within their lifetime. As a emergency room nurse, I cannot tell you how many times over the years I have seen people come into Emerg with colon issues such as constipation or more serious
conditions. It is a very traumatic experience for patients to have to go through colon issues. Think of the loss of dignity one experiences when a doctor or nurse needs to insert their hand into the rectum in order to pick out the hardened stool. Think of the inner shame and physical pain of a person suffering from such an ailment. Colon health or colon sickness is no joking matter and certainly nothing to take lightly or ignore. Colorectal Cancer can be made a toothless lion if the patient is willing to adhere to proper dietary and lifestyle changes that will enhance their health and vitality. At the Hippocrates Health Institute, the qualified
staff recognizes that colon health is one of the foundation principles. Patients at the institute will go through a regime designed to help clean up the junk down there. Dr. Hiromi Shinya, Chief of Surgical Endoscopy Unit at Beth Israel Medical Center and Clinical Professor of Surgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine is the world’s foremost authority on the colon. He is the inventor of the colonoscope. He invented the method for removing polyps via a polypectomy. In fact, after he developed the procedure a new field of surgical endoscopy was created as a result. He has treated over 350,000 patients with colon cancer during his decades of work with a 0% recurrence among those who followed his med-
Colon Cancer: A Toothless Lion by
Jenny berkeley, rn, HealtH educator
A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
DECEMBER 2010 Edition
A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
DECEMBER 2010 Edition COLON from pg 9 ical advice. Unfortunately many ordinary people are uneducated about the value of making colon health their priority. So for this group of people, colorectal cancer is a raging lion with fierce fangs ready to devour them in sickness. You can find them at home languishing in emotional and physical pain. They show up to the hospital emotional and physical wrecks and I attend to them with love, professionalism and enlightenment. Then there is another group of people who are enlightened about their own health. For this group, good health is a birthright and continued good health is a result of deliberate choices. This group chooses health each day and receive it. Even if some health situation pops up, this groups is calm rational and able to address the situation from a head on approach. For this group, colorectal cancer is a toothless old lion that is harmless and tired. This group of people live life to the fullest. As a person reading my articles you cannot be considered as ordinary because you are on the path to your own health destiny. You may not be enlightened yet because health and wellness is a process for those who do not know it. As a health educator, I teach my clients about colon health. My clients are part of an enlightened group of people who will ultimately look at all disease as toothless old lions. They know that their continued good health is a matter of choice. Anyone already diagnosed with colorectal cancer needs to address the matter head on with their doctor. Anyone who has gone through treatment should consider investing some time and money on my services. It is a necessary investment in one’s own future health and wellness enlightenment. With that said, I will share three points which can serve as useful habits for good digestion. Don’t drink anything with your meal: You should not drink anything 30 minutes before your meal, during your meal and at least 1.5 hours after your meal is finished. Adding liquids to your stomach dilute your stomach acid, disrupt your natural digestion process and over time will facilitate ill health. Eat your raw veggies daily: Have you ever tried a veggie platter made up of cauliflower, broccoli, celery, carrots with a nice dip? Eating a plate of veggies once or twice a day will add plant fibres to your diet. These act as little brooms as they move through your colon. Eat them daily to sweep your insides. When eating, 80, 90 or 100% raw foods, many raw foodists will notice that their stool is not hard or stuck. It breaks up like grains of rice in the toilet bowl. You want to have stool that is easy to move and breaks up easily like that. Drink enough water: Most people do not drink enough water. A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
And some count coffee, tea, or some other drink as their water intake. This is wrong. One needs to drink the amount of water recommended by the doctors. This is 2 Litres to start but can be more if one exercises a lot, lives in a hot climate, or sweats or urinates frequently. In my consultations and lectures I go into much more detail on how to maintain a healthy colon with my clients. However, the three points above is a good basic start for anyone and most people overlook these three to begin with. If you could see your colon, you would take better care of it. Since you can’t see it, exercise a little faith that it needs looking after. Resources: [1] Shinya, H. (2007). The Enzyme Factor: How To Live Long and Never Be Sick. USA: Council Oak Books. [2] [3]
Feedback Pedro S. writes: “Excellent brief article on the importance of caring for your colon. As a Health Educator of Hippocrates Health Institute, I also teach the simple ways to maintain a colon health routine, which you can learn more from my blog. The habit of not mixing liquids with your meals is one of the simplest way to maintain a healthy digestive system. It’s amazing how little known that is.” Vaughn B. writes: “I know that looking after the colon is important but because it is inside of us instead of outside like out skin we tend to not notice it until there is pain and discomfort. Your advice is the ounce of prevention we need. Good job Jenny.” 11
DECEmber 2010 Edition
BINGEEATING by ryan krane ecovering from the binge eating festivities that are all-too common this time of year starts with preparing the mind beforehand. How you think about the upcoming holiday season will greatly influence how far off course your eating habits will or will not stray. Many make the mistake of setting impossible dietary restrictions. If pumpkin pie is your favorite food in the world, for instance, don’t restrict yourself from enjoying a slice on Thanksgiving. Just be sure to restrict yourself from enjoying multiple slices every night of the week of Thanksgiving. Instead of seeing the holiday season as three all-youcan-eat months, focus on the few holidays that will realistically present an opportunity for you to overindulge and binge eat, like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Eve. This is a fundamental mental adjustment that will go a long way. If you see the holiday season as a few key days to pay attention to, curbing the craving to binge eat will feel far less overwhelming and much more manageable. And when/if you do find yourself binge eating, compensate for it by exercising more. Get off the couch and go for a walk. If you know you’re going to eat too much on a specific evening, go for jog that morning. Every effort you make to stay active and diet-conscious throughout the holiday season will leave you with that much less to recover from. There is an old English proverb that goes, “Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.” When preparing your mind for
Ryan Krane is a certified tennis coach, sports nutritionist, personal trainer, and life coach in the Greater Los Angeles region. A proponent of AdvoCare, Ryan dedicates his time to help others succeed in both sports and life through the use of healthy supplements and lifelong fitness education. Blog: Web: Email:
the holidays, you can hope that you won’t cave-in to the tempting food all around you, but you owe it to yourself to prepare for the worst case scenario. Remember, the holiday season is a time of year when multiple weight-gaining factors align. Colder weather leads to less exercise, more layers of clothes, fewer body-image motivations, general laziness, and boredom; all of which amplify the in-
A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
DECEmber 2010 Edition
stinct to eat unnecessarily. On top of the cold weather, holidays bring together family, which can be a beautiful thing, but often times makes for a stressful occasion with larger-than-normal portions of food readily available. Stress can often lead to binge eating, and drinking too much alcohol. Alcohol consumption is often compensated by eating more food ... and so on. In short, retain hope that you will feel fewer urges to binge eat, but prepare for and expect the usual urges. The more conscious you remain of the factors working against your long-term fitness goals, the less likely you are to succumb to holiday binge eating ... if only to less of an extent than last year. Come January, any progress you make will come in handy. And no matter how far off course you stray, you can always recover in the New Year (it just may take longer than you prefer).
make fitness aspirations feel like a lost cause. Don’t get down on yourself. Don’t you want to look and feel great for next year’s holiday season? Instead, own up to the collateral damage caused by your binge eating. Check out your body in the mirror and ask yourself, “What’s changed since last summer? And what can I do to get my body back to that level of fitness?” Don’t Let Your Taste Buds Take Over Binge eating is all about instant gratification; with every bite, the taste buds are gratified for your choice of food. All of your organs might be struggling as a result—your waistline expanding, heart working overtime, stomach stretching-out—but your taste buds remain grateful. A big part of getting back into shape is addressing the disconnection between your overall health and the level of satisfaction experienced by your taste buds. For months now you have been spoiling your taste buds, and in the New Year, a little tough love may be in order. Like a spoiled child who always gets what he wants, your taste buds need to relearn patience and how to feel satisfied with fewer, healthier bites. Depending on how far off-course you strayed, the difficulty in this goal will vary from person to person.
Returning to Fitness After the Holiday Binge The New Year arrives and you’re ready to get back into shape. The simple truth is that the more you were able to hold back the urge to binge throughout the holidays, the easier your return to fitness is bound to be. There are psychological hurdles, such as quitting your favorite foods all over again, and several physical challenges to overcome. Maybe your taste buds have never been happier, but the same can’t be said for your digestive system, or the fat accumulating in your “problem areas,” or your stretched-out stomach from all the largerthan-usual portions. Give Yourself a Break Many people can start to feel depressed after the holidays. You return to your normal routines a little heavier, a little lazier, and with tons of leftovers in the fridge. This is often how cycles of weight gain get their jump-start: post-holiday depression can A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
DECEMBER 2010 Edition
January is a month that is usually free from overindulgence occasions, so take advantage of it before the Super Bowl comes around and you have to confront all the familiar temptations. Every week you put off dieting can add another month of recovery time, especially if your weight continues to climb. Don’t Buy a New Wardrobe The last thing you want to do is buy a new wardrobe because your clothes are starting to feel snug. When your clothes are snug, you can’t help but tighten your stomach muscles. Have you ever tried to overeat while holding in your gut? It’s nearly impossible. Use the snugness of your clothes to your advantage. If you need clothes that fit better, work on getting your body to fit your clothes, not the other way around.
Clean Out the Fridge Surround yourself with healthy, delicious, fresh foods. Trying to save a couple bucks living on fattening leftovers is not the way you want to start the year. Give the food away or throw it away; just get rid of it. Then clean out your fridge with warm water and soap. Resetting your diet and getting back in shape is tough enough on its own, you don’t need to be questioning whether or not your foods are staying cool in a clean, sanitary environment. Fresh fruit, for example, can compensate for your sweet tooth. Instead of thinking to yourself, “A pumpkin pie would really hit the spot right now,” ask yourself, “What would be a healthy way to satisfy my craving for pumpkin pie?” Make a grocery list with these healthy alternatives in mind. Don’t Put Off Getting Back into Shape “Next week” is usually the best-sounding time to start taking your health seriously, but always the least effective. Because you know what will sound best when “next week” comes around? The following “next week.” 36
Stay Positive The only way to change the past is to learn from it and not repeat it. Maintaining a positive attitude is essential for a successful recovery after a season of holiday binge eating. Positivity leads to productivity which leads to momentum. A New Year diet will only succeed if you can create enough momentum for you to ride during those moments of weakness, when you feel tempted by the drive-thru, tempted to make yourself an unnecessary second plate of food, tempted to watch more television instead of hitting the gym. Fueled by your commitment to fitness and supported by a positive attitude, momentum will help you get through even the most challenging day. And if you do indulge, let your positivity, productivity, and momentum steer you back on course. When In Doubt, Seek Advice Be honest with yourself and whether or not you possess the self-discipline necessary to get your diet and waistline back on track. Depending on the distance between your fitness goals and daily routines, a personal trainer and certified nutritionist who can jump-start your motivation, and plan a diet that is catered to your cravings and likings, may be the best investment you have ever made for your mind, body, and the future of both.
A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
DECEMBER 2010 Edition
Gratitude & Love “The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences.” – Louise L. Hay Selected Quotes From Seminar Attendees "Jenny’s talk on dehydration and disease was very very thorough and informative. I have been to other talks but was never told in such explicated descriptive terms of the connection between water and disease and therefore the absolute need for drinking more water. - J.M., Whitby “I loved Jenny’s talk on dehydration and disease. She gave us good information on water and cholesterol, water and asthma, and others. If people understand the connection between water and disease in the body, they’ll be light years ahead of the rest. Great job, Jenny. Next time, we need a longer session.” – V.B., Whitby "A very informative presentation. Although my type 2 diabetes is not out of control, I'm going to try and incorporate some of the foods into my diet and see where I can take it." - h.D., Retired teacher "Jenny is very informative, upbeat and delivers her seminar with humour." - l.B, Pickering "I believe in the program. Excellent program." - R.M., Ajax "The information was logically presented and did support the method of hydration as a main health facilitator as well as others for your body. Well done Jenny." - M.l., Scarborough "Very good. Excellent. I'll recommend this to my friends." - S.B., Ajax "Thank you for taking your precious time & efforts in giving and helping me and our community on the road to wellness. Your testimonies and expertise in nursing in relation to health matters and nutrition is encouraging to see the two come together. Thank you for your spirit and energy and for sharing with us your passion." - D.t., Pickering, Registered holistic Nutritionist A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
DECEMBER 2010 Edition
A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
DECEMBER 2010 Edition
A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
december 2010 Edition
Durham lakeside Vegetarians December 1st - Dinner at Mexico Lindo in Oshawa - 7p.m. Hola! On Wednesday, December 1st, at 7pm, DLV members and friends will celebrate winter and all our favourite holidays at Mexico Lindo - Oshawa, at 74 Simcoe Street North. Come and get a Free DLV t-shirt! A variety of Mexican burritos, tortillas and enchiladas can be made with vegetarian or vegan fillings and toppings. Specials made just for DLV will also be available. Salsa dancing encouraged! RSVP at before November 26, 2010. the hands of hope Art Auction Produced by Nelson Mandela Children's Foundation December 15, 2010, 6 pm This initiative is organized by the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund (Canada) and will be curated by the renowned Canadian artist Travis Shilling. Once again, the diverse and vibrant international art community will come together to raise funds for the vulnerable children and youth in Southern Africa. Since 2005, NMCF (Canada) has been supported by numerous internationally acclaimed artists, who donated their talents and work. Annie Leibovitz, Robert Bateman, Nick Brandt, the late Herb Ritts, among many others, have generously offered their talents to the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund (Canada). tickets: $100 (VIP Reception & Auction) $50 (Auction only) For more information call 416496-8403 Ext: 237 or email
tVA Dinner Social group December 16, 2010 at 7 pm Location: Vegetarian Haven, 17 Baldwin St. Please join us for lively conversation and delicious food at our upcoming event. Vegetarian Haven will be hosting a special holiday dinner with a set menu at various price ranges. All members and non members, veg, vegan and transitioning are welcome! Please RSVP by the Wednesday before each event at: or by phone: 416-544-9800. Seating is limited. the Oakville-Burlington Vegetarian Meetup group Saturday, January 8 at 1:00 PM Join us for something different at Nzyme in downtown Oakville! Oakville, ON L6J 1J6 - Canada Details: o a k - Ve g e t a r i a n - M e e t u p Group/calendar/15453813/ Conference - Your Food, Your Choice: grounds For Change Saturday Feb 19, 2011, 19 am -5 pm Presented by Canadian Organic Growers in association with The Big Carrot Saturday, February 20, 2010, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm University of Toronto Conference Centre, 89 Chestnut St., Toronto $65 ($85 after Jan. 31); COG members $55 Rates for seniors, students and unwaged. Organic lunch included ! Info and registration: or 416-466-4420 For Raw Food Potlucks check their specific pages.
They said that
Events and Announcements
A health filled life will create the foundation which brings you the ability to embrace complete happiness.
Dr Brian R Clement hippocrates health Program
Odds and Ends
In The Canadian Press
( These story headlines caught my attention in the last month and I wanted to highlight them.) Blood pressure ‘worrisome’ in 8% of kids: study Up to eight per cent of Canadian children have elevated blood pressure that could be cause for concern, researchers say. Healthy options sought at fast-food outlets A new survey shows a growing number of Canadians are avoiding what they perceive as unhealthy foods at fast-food restaurants. Vitamin D tests not covered for most Ontarians Ontario is delisting vitamin D testing for most of the population as of Dec. 1, meaning most people will have to pay to determine their levels. N.S. expands home-caregiver program The provincial government is expanding its caregiver benefit program, which pays family and friends to take care of people with impairments in their homes. links courtesy of (check it out!) Free eBook about Water Free Kangen Water Demo (15min)
A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
DECEMBER 2010 Edition
A man had a parrot that could talk. Unfortunately, it swore a lot. In an effort to get the parrot to be quiet, he put him in a cupboard. The parrot continued swearing and after a while the man decided to put the bird in the freezer. After that, the parrot started swearing even more. After a few minutes, he suddenly became
quiet. The man opened up the freezer and the parrot said, “I’m sorry, sir, it will never happen again.” As the man took the bird out of the freezer he wondered what the difference was between the cupboard and the freezer. Just then, the parrot said, “So, uh, what’d the chicken do?”
SUDOKU solution to last month
A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
december 2010 Edition
ETERNITY WATCH ROSTER OF CONTRIBUTORS Jenny Berkeley, RN, Health Educator (Toronto, ON)
Joyce Harrell, RN, OCN (North Carolina)
Heather Manley, ND (Hawaii)
Vaughn Berkeley, MBA (Whitby, ON)
Derryck Lamptey (Toronto, ON)
Bryan Berkeley, CPL (Toronto, ON)
Ryan Krane (California) Susan Lerner, Health Educator (West Palm Beach, Florida)
This Could Be You!! Be Part of a great team!
A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication
DECEMBER 2010 Edition
A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication