MAY 2011
Diabetes Does Not Have To Be A Life Sentence
Behind The Veil
The First Annual Toronto Raw/Vegan Festival Saturday, June 11, 2011
918 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. - RawFood Cooking Demo by RawFood Chef Francesco Comito - How to Improve Your Eyesight Naturally by Jane Kabarguina - Healing effects of radiation by Dr. Kiriac - Raw at 50 and Detoxing by Natasha Kyssa - Super Immunity with Essential Oils by Nadine Artemis
First 500 guests receive a Permachart Laminated Reference Guide Yoga by House of Yoga Hourly Raffle Prizes
FREE ADMISSION Proudly Sponsored by:
2Volume 2 Issue 5 | 2011
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2011 2
elcome to another issue of the magazine. This month we are covering the topics of CANCER and DIABETES. These two diseases are among us and it seems that there is no sign of them being eradicated. You hear about them hundreds of times during the year, in newspapers, on television, on the internet, from friends, from associations, and even from family members. Does CANCER or DIABETES evoke some emotion in you? I’ll tell you, they make me MAD! Every time I see another person suffering from CANCER, I think how terrible this disease is. Every time I hear of a person dying from CANCER, I get MAD at CANCER. And you know what? Millions of people around the world are passionate about their hatred of CANCER! In Canada, there were about 173,800 new cases of CANCER in 2010 and 76,200 estimated deaths from CANCER in 2010. That’s a lot of people and their families suffering because of this disease. Diabetes also makes me MAD. In my mind, it is a slow death where the patient suffers in stages over the years until their entire
“Each one of the substances of a man’s diet acts upon his body and changes it in some way, and upon these changes, his whole life depends, whether he be in health, in sickness, or convalescent.” –Hippocrates, Father of Modern Medicine.
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body succumbs to the disease. This month we explore these diseases and how we can do our part in the FIGHT AGAINST CANCER and DIABETES. And we all have to do our part because these diseases affect communities not just a single patient. Its friends, family members, children, parents, spouses, and people we care about that are affected. However, we’re different from others because with us, it’s not about bombarding people constantly with it. This month only is focused on these diseases. The rest of the year, we have other topics on holistic living. There is so much information we need to share about living a life of joy and abundance. If you feel as strongly as we do about reducing the impact of CANCER and DIABETES then you will enjoy the work we put into this issue. Thank you for being our supporter. We’d love to hear from you. Send your feedback to Enjoy the magazine! Peace and be well.
RN, Health Educator
A Better Approach To Cancer I have been a nurse for 21 years now. For most it takes a few years to find an area that becomes your specialty. Taking care of cancer patients started early on in my nursing
career, and I even remember taking care of several patients during nursing school with cancer. This article will help you understand how to approach this disease.
Cancer: Behind The Veil There is something ominous and scary about CANCER. It has become the bogyman for adults. Children are always afraid of the bogyman and only the tenderness of a strong mommy or daddy can drive mr bogyman away. Unfortunately, there are only a few strong people to help adults drive the CANCER bogyman away compared to the millions of sufferers. This article will help you face and defeat the CANCER bogyman.
Pre-Diabetic? Prevention Is The Key
Statistics reveal that 8.3% of the population in the United States has diabetes. (25.8 million adults and children). These facts come from the 2011 National diabetes fact sheet. More than 9 million Canadians are living with diabetes or pre-diabetes according to the 2010 report by the Canadian Diabetes Association. This article will offer some practical steps for anyone considered pre-diabetic. 4
Bringing Back Self To recover is to regain one’s truest self. In the disconnected culture that we reside in, it is easy to lose direction. When we become lost, it is harder to make positive choices. Most of us seem to be grabbing at straws, engaged in a lottery rather than drawing up a concise, proactive plan to get back on track. This article offers you a look into the miracle of health that can happen when you plan for it. Volume 2 Issue 5 |
Diabetes Does Not Have To Be A Life Sentence Diabetes is one of the fastest growing diseases of the 21st century. Many people are diagnosed as pre-diabetic or diabetic. Some people are type 1 or type 2. Most people believe there is no cure for diabetes. And to a certain extent, conventional medicine has no cure for diabetes. But there are a few doctors and other health practitioners on the bleeding edge of a solution. This article will help you see that options available to you.
ETERNITYWATCH EternityWatch is published by Eating4Eternity.Org and the Durham Raw Food Society. Email: SUBSCRIPTIONS EternityWatch is intended for anyone who is conscious about healthy living and an abundant life. To subscribe go to ADVERTISEMENTS To inquire about advertising in EternityWatch, please send an email to info “at” or call 905-9035667. Potential advertisers must share our philosophy of good health and natural living. EDITORIALS / ARTICLES To submit an article for consideration in EternityWatch, please send an email to info “at” or call 905903-5667. We are interested in original writings relevant to the alternative health and lifestyle community, nurses and doctors who share our philosophy. If you have a comment or question about an article or editorial published in EternityWatch, or if you have a suggestion for a topic you would like to see featured in a future issue, please send an email to info “at” ETERNITYWATCH POLICY The information and opinions expressed by contributing authors and advertisers within EternityWatch do not necessarily reflect those of the company, the staff or our founder and should not be considered as endorsed.
ETERNITY WATCH ROSTER OF CONTRIBUTORS Dr. Brian Clement Andrea Nison PhD, LN, NMD. (West Palm Beach, Director of Florida), Hippocrates Health www.OurRawLife. Institute (West Palm com Beach, Florida) Heather Manley, ND Joyce Harrell, RN Susan Lerner (Hawaii) OCN, (North Health Educator Carolina), (West Palm drheathernd Beach, Florida) www.drheathernd. Joyce HarrellRN http: com http:/ www.poweruphealthsusan lerner, http://www.meetup .com/VitalLongevityRaw Derryck Lamptey Vaughn Berkeley Bryan Berkeley (Toronto, ON) MBA(Whitby, ON) CPL (Toronto, ON) derryck vsberkeley bryanberkeley livenow
Jenny Berkeley, RN Health Educator (Toronto, ON) sproutqueen
Lily Lanczi (Toronto, ON)
Dr. Salna Smith,ND (Whitby,ON) www.peakbrooklin. com
Dr. Howard Fisher
Volume 2 Issue 5 |
Course on
Detoxification For Health Registration: Open
Course Description: This 40 session course covers various aspects of toxicity in your life. Participants receive background information on important areas in toxicity in your home, foods, drinks, body, and mental life. Participants will also learn various methods of detoxification and have access to preferred service providers who are able to help. These principles are designed to become part of the participant lifestyle. Each day access to a new session will open up. Sessions are designed to be sufficient for the learner to digest. Additional information will be available via assigned readings, links, videos, and other materials.
Outcome: Certificate of Completion Location: Online Delivery Only Type: Continuing Education Duration: 60 days to complete 40 sessions Who’s This Course For: Persons with an interest in detoxification Assessment Method: Self-study plus online quizzes Materials: Provided via the online workspace. Tuition: $500 CDN (all included) Referral Fees: Registered students get the opportunity to partner with us in promoting this course.
Objectives: By the end of this course, students will have: current cutting-edge knowledge in environmental and human health toxins; be familiar with methods of detoxification; completed a preliminary detoxification of their environment and biological toxins; have a working knowledge of lifestyle enhancements to minimize the rate of toxic buildup in the body. Topics Covered:
Overview of Detoxification What Are Toxins How Are We Exposed Common Toxic Chemicals I to III Toxins In Your Water Dehydration and Disease The Best Drinking Water Detoxification For Beauty The Importance of Juices Detoxification For Weight Loss Toxic Food Supply
Detoxification Via Major Organs of Elimination Detoxification & Your Emotions Detoxification & Spirituality Detoxification Steps 1 to 12 (one step at the end of a block of sessions throughout the course) 3 Quizzes 1 Final Exam These course details are based on information provided to date by the associated course developmental area. Course specific information remains subject to change until the actual date of course commencement. In the event of a discrepancy between the course information provided here and on the course website, the course website will be taken as official.
Volume 2 Issue 5 |
Cancer A Better Approach To
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have been a nurse for 21 years now. For most it takes a few years to find an area that becomes your specialty. Taking care of cancer patients started early on in my nursing career, and I even remember taking care of several patients during nursing school with cancer. I remember one in particular by the name of Jim. He was 26 years old, and I was 28. I remember how handsome he was and by looking at his records I was pretty sure unless a miracle took place he wouldn’t make his 27th birthday. My youngest patient was an 18 year old breast cancer patient, while my oldest was in his 90’s. There was a 32 year old woman with breast cancer who had 4 children and she didn’t make it. One of the hardest calls I received was from a physician office referring a 42 year old whose x-rays showed probable cancer throughout the lungs, with tumors on the adrenal glands and part of the liver. She was my next door neighbor, and my husband’s first cousin. She was an awesome woman, married to her high school sweet heart, and had two teenage children. Jackie had a very aggressive small cell lung cancer, and she died seven months later, and I was with her when she died, along with her husband and mother. I felt totally helpless as this aggressive cancer took away her very breath. About this time you may be asking yourself why I am telling these stories. It is because since Volume 2 Issue 5 |
1998 when oncology became my nursing specialty, I have known hundreds if not thousands of people diagnosed with this dis-ease and personally knew at least 50 people per year who died of this dis-ease. As a nurse who has become a health and wellness coach I am very motivated to see people take their health seriously. The latest rates for the United States from the American Cancer Society for projected deaths in 2010 were 299,200 for men, and 270,290 for women. Lung cancer was the number one killer for both men and women. Prostate cancer deaths
I felt totally helpless as this aggressive cancer took away her very breath. were number 2 for men and breast cancer deaths claimed the number 2 spot for women. Colon cancer was the number 3 death for both men and women. I am building up to the fact that I don’t really like cancer very much. So what can be done? Do we as humans just learn to accept dis-ease as a way of life, and something to expect? In nursing school, I learned about homeostasis. This is the body’s own built in mechanism to try and bring things back to order when things have gone haywire. The American Cancer Society suggests that people stay away from tobacco, eat healthy and get active. The ACS actually suggests that plant based foods are very healthy and when you look at all the suggestions on the website at, people would really benefit from what they have to say. While I applaud the ACS for trying to suggest prevention, who really is carrying out this education? In reality I don’t see the nutritional push in the medical institutions. Actually, unless you happen to frequent a holistic physician, I don’t see nutrition discussed as a way of prevention or even support with illness. Why is that? I am not a medical doctor, so as a nurse it is out of my scope of practice to prescribe treatment of any illness. What I do as a health coach is to encourage people to take ownership of their actions. What choices are you making to positively impact your outcomes and to assist the body in its quest toward homeostasis? As I have previously stated, taking responsibility or ownership is the first step. Realize that most medical offices or institutions are not going to call you up and ask you to come in for health education and disease prevention. Take time to
study. Take time to research holistic health data and trends. Most people are deficient in Vitamin D. This vitamin is essential to optimal health. Vitamin E is essential. I read an article recently that said men who had higher levels of Vitamin E were 33% less likely to die from their prostate cancer than men with low levels of Vitamin E. Antioxidants. This almost goes without saying. There is so much
Realize that most medical offices or institutions are not going to call you up and ask you to come in for health education and disease prevention. Take time to study. research on grape seed extract, fruits, and vegetables. It is encouraging to me that the Bible talks about dis-ease. Ezekiel 47:12 talks about our food as medicine. Deuteronomy has several references to eating and how God promised the diseases of the Egyptians would not come upon His people if they followed His statutes. There were many dietary laws set forth in Leviticus. When I review these dietary laws, and I think today of why God talked about staying away from these foods, it just makes sense. Some of the foods mentioned like pork are animals that consume waste. Shellfish are often referred to as bottom feeders. They feed off 10
waste. Why would I want to put this in my body? Our cells are alive. Does it not make sense to give our bodies nutritionally sound substances? I’m not writing as one who lives by the law as a legalist. I practice liberty in Christ. However, I understand the principles by which life flourishes. Moving forward, what is your best defense when thinking of cancer prevention? 1) Stay away from smoking, 2) Work on maintaining normal weight for your height, 3) Increase the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables you consume, and takes steps toward a plant based diet, 4) Exercise or move at least 30 minutes/day, 5) Avoid unhealthy fats, while making sure you have an intake of healthy fats, 6) Avoid personal care products with parabens and toxic chemicals 7) Use essential oils to clean with, avoiding toxic chemicals as much as possible. 8) Use pharmaceutical grade supplements to fill in any gaps not obtained by your healthy eating, 9) Increase your water and fiber consumption (i.e.; get those bowels moving), and 10) Continue to read and research. I have only touched the tip of the iceberg on cancer prevention. These are my thoughts and do not reflect any clinical trials I have done. My statements are not meant to have you avoid any type of medical treatment or intervention. I am a nurse with a passion to have others learn the value of leading a more natural lifestyle. I truly believe the body was made to heal itself if given the proper nutrition and environment. My parting thought is to not allow fear to overtake your life. I have one verse I want to leave you with: 2 Timothy 1:7... For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Joyce Harrell, RN, OCN is an Oncology Registered Nurse and Wellness Coach. Joyce provides education and workshops on a variety of subjects relating to the health and wellness of cancer patients and their families, as well as workshops for nurses. Joyce practices integrative care, which is adding integrative therapies to conventional medicine. She can be reached through her website at Volume 2 Issue 5 |
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ODDS AND ENDS Woman who avoided wheelchair says medical innovation saves money Ashley Caldwell was 3 when she fell out of bed and was injured to the point of partial paralysis for six months. Her life changed. Ontario law means dentists who treat their spouses are guilty of sex abuse “If I treat my wife, it means I am sexually abusing her,” says an incredulous Ontario dentist. “It means I would be an outlaw.” Ginseng capsules recalled after Health Canada finds contamination The contaminated capsules from Mary Ginsend House could cause serious infection of the lower intestine causing
cramps and watery, bloody diarrhea in those with weakened immune systems. Cancer breath test 'step closer' A breath test using an "electronic nose" can distinguish between healthy patients and those with various cancers, according to a study. Waiting time 'at three-year high' Hospital waiting times in England are at their longest for three years, according to an independent health think tank. Hand transplant 'surreal,' U.S. woman says A woman who received a transplant for her right hand has adapted so well that she
can barely remember what it was like not to have one, she says. Posted: April 20, 2011, 12:54 am Alzheimer's guidelines revise diagnostic criteria New Alzheimer's guidelines in the U.S. reflect changes in understanding how the disease gradually develops. Posted: April 19, 2011, 11:36 pm Manitoba is among the first in Canada to set up an online organ donation registry in a bid to boost the number of life-saving transplants. Posted: April 19, 2011, 7:32 pm.
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EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR RAW FOOD POTLUCKS CHECK THE RAW FOOD GROUPS PAGES. ** DETOX FOR HEALTH ECOURSE (PREVIOUSLY CALLED ADVANCED DETOXIFICATION) Online workshop! This newest online workshop is designed to give students an education into the detoxification and how it can be beneficial to their lives. Students will learn the theory of toxins and the practical means to address them. For starting dates & more information visit, ** HOME GROWN ASPARAGUS May 1, 2011 at 2 pm Cost: Free Cultivated for thousands of years asparagus is one of nature´s most perfect foods. Did you know that an asparagus spear can grow 10 inches in a day? Or that an asparagus patch can produce for 15 years if cared for properly? Expert Ferdinand Otawa will discuss how to plant and maintain your own patch of this wonderful veggie! 2-3 pm Hosted by Telephone: 1-800668-HERB ** ONTARIO STRAW BALE BUILDING COALITION AGM Sun May 1, 2011, 9 AM, Ontario Straw Bale Building Coalition - AGM Join the Ontario Straw Bale Building Coalition on Sunday, May 1 for our 2011 Annual General Meeting. It is a great opportunity to network with the builders, designers and home owners from across Ontario that focus on natural materials and good design to create a more environmentally responsible built environment. Contact: Please RSVP info (at) or phone: 1-877-872-9225 Location: Ryerson U Architecture Building, 325 Church St (at Gerrard), Toronto ** COGS – DURHAM CHAPTER PLANT AUCTION May 4, 2011 Make sure you don’t miss the annual PLANT AUCTION, our most popular event! Get lots of great, healthy plants and seedlings at bargain prices!
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calendar/ ** NORTH AMERICAN NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY WILDFLOWER SALE Sat May 7, 2011, Markham, ON, 10 am to 3pm Native wildflowers, ferns, grasses and sedges, as well as trees and shrubs, for every garden, from the sunniest to the shadiest! Native plants attract birds, butterflies and other pollinators, and help restore local ecologies. Experts will be on hand to help you find the plants for light and soil conditions in your garden, and the habitat you want to recreate. Also a great selection of nature books and free presentations “Making it Work, How to Create Pollinator Habitat in your City” by Vicki Beard and “Invasive Garden Plants” by Colleen Cirillo. Phone: 416-631-4438 Markham Civic Centre Atrium, 101 Town Centre Blvd (Hwy 7 and Warden). Check the plant list and advance ordering information online at ** DURHAM LAKESIDE VEGETARIANS – VEGETARIAN PICNIC Saturday, May 14, 12:30 p.m. - The Roosters Inn DLV-TVA members and guests are invited to visit the Scugog-Port Perry area and The Roosters Inn B&B/Farm Sanctuary for a vegetarian picnic and time to enjoy the rescued animals. We are all invited to pitch-in too and help out with chores. Your choice. For more information or to RSVP, please email ** EARTH RUN - 5KM TORONTO - RUN FOR YOUR PLANET! Sat May 28, 2011, Toronto, ON Join thousands across Canada and Run/ Walk to raise awareness and funds for a healthy planet! Create a team with family, friends or co-workers to make a bigger difference. Top fundraising individuals and teams are eligible for some great prizes and special awards. The 5km Earth Run/Walk is unlike any run event. We follow strict FitPlanet guidelines and create zero waste at the end of the event! All proceeds go towards David Suzuki Foundation. Come join us in Toronto at 9:30am Saturday May
28th, 2011. We start at Coronation Park and run along the Lakeshore path. More information can be found here: http://earthrun. com/toronto.html ** ECOFEST BARRIE Sat & Sun, June 11 &12, 2011, Barrie, ON Ecofest Barrie celebrates the beauty of the Lake Simcoe Region. We invite all artists, musicians, foodies, green thinkers, green sellers, crafters, and businesses to take part in a learn, share and fun experience. Taking place at Heritage Park on the shores of beautiful Lake Simcoe. Join the movement. Jenny Berkeley, our founder will be doing a raw food demo on site. THE FIRST ANNUAL TORONTO RAW/VEGAN FESTIVAL! Sat June 11, 2011, Toronto, ON, 10:00 am to 8:00 pm The first annual Toronto Raw/Vegan Festival will offer all you need for healthy, crueltyfree, eco-friendly green living. You don`t have to be vegan to attend! Come and see why people are increasingly adopting a raw/vegan lifestyle. The festival will feature: * FREE Admission! * All day raw/vegan food demo’s and sampling by Toronto’s leading raw/vegan chefs * All day speakers on eco-green topics of interest * Food vendors * Ethical clothing & footwear stalls * Cruelty-free cosmetics, toiletries and healthcare products * Live entertainment For more information, visit the Festival website: Jenny Berkeley, our founder will be speaking on wheatgrass.
They Said That “Normal vitamin D levels in childhood ensure development of a healthy immune system, and that lowers your risk of immune-mediated diseases later on in life, such as thyroid disease, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis. A healthy immune system also helps you fight or prevent cancer.”
The Vitamin D Cure, pg 191-192
emember the Milton Bradley game Operation? Well, before cancer forced me to educate myself, that gem was my main reference for the body’s organ systems. I was still looking for the “wishbone” when, out of nowhere, my vascular system blew up! Why hadn’t I been paying attention? Why had I been strutting around in stupid acting classes? I should have gone to medical school; I should have listened in biology class instead of passing notes to my friends and flirting with pimply schoolboys. Oh, I wish I could go back and undo. Get in line, right? Who doesn’t feel that way about something? If only we could press STOP the moment before it all changed…but it doesn’t work that way. When the red phone rang with my wake-up call, a light bulb went off. Back then, I had no idea how to take care of myself, to eat right and nourish my body. My idea of nutrition was based on what to eat to keep (or whittle away) my figure for my job. PowerBars, coffee, fat-free this and take-out that: my meals were planned according to 38
convenience. I didn’t have time to cook! Order, pick up, or nuke, that pretty much described my routine. I chose restaurants based on wine lists, not the nutritional value of their food. Please, how square! The worst part about my ignorance was that I assumed it was my body’s job to sort it all out. I put the junk in, and it dealt with it. I had no idea how, but that wasn’t my problem. My job was to keep the junk on the table. Whatever my body was doing, well, it just had to keep doing it, and if I drove
my bus like a bat out of hell today, I promised I would slow it down tomorrow. I was in my twenties! Savings accounts, retirement packages, and fiber were for boring people! I wanted juicy, luscious living, and I didn’t want to have to think about it. I was too cool for that. Then I got sick: stage 4 cancer to be exact. It was Valentine’s Day, 2003. I was just 31 and shattered by the news that not only did I have an advanced cancer but it was inoperable with no treatment and no cure. Hello! My darn body was asleep at the wheel. Or was I? I couldn’t help but wonder: in my ignorance, had I pulled the trigger on an already existing pre-disposition? Was my immune system struggling as I looked the other way, partied, and numbed out? I’ll never know for sure, but it was certainly food for thought. When my wonderful doctor told me to “watch and wait,” I went nuts. No way! I’m stage 4 – and there is no Stage 5! So I chose to explore alternative/ holistic medicine, not because I wanted to be a brave pioneer, but because in my mind there were no other options. To Volume 2 Issue 5 |
watch and wait and do nothing felt totally disempowering. I wanted to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. So I read countless books on nutrition and natural recoveries from cancer. I traveled the country taking workshops and seminars, interviewing top researchers, Western doctors, Eastern doctors, teachers, gurus, alternative practitioners, nutritionists, naturopaths, yogis, and healers. I left no stone unturned and basically became a guinea pig with certifications. I did liver flushes, gallbladder cleanses, and blood cleanses: I fasted, drank gallons of herbs (sock juice, as my dad calls the concoctions), downed supplements, and even drank my own urine – once! I spent a year driving back and forth to Philly to study macrobiotics, and then I finally found Hippocrates. I devoured the three-week Life Change Program and decided to become a Health Educator. It was then that the pieces of the puzzle finally began to fit together. The Hippocrates approach to healing through cleansing the body and eating a raw, living food diet rich in enzymes and oxygen made sense. Bringing my body back into balance was actually much simpler than I thought. Anyone who has ever heard the words, “You have Cancer” knows the catastrophic recoil Volume 2 Issue 5 |
that rips through your body as you are suddenly introduced to your mortality. Time stops. We struggle to understand how, why, and when. We freak out as the perception of our former “healthy” self slowly vanishes. Hello fear, the great thief of time. Fear can be more dangerous than disease. Days, weeks, even years can slip by as the weight of a label strangles our breath. If left untreated, fear metastasizes into every aspect of our lives. It prevents us from stepping up to the plate and becoming an empowered participant in our healing. But if we actively create an environment where regeneration can occur, then “miracles” (the result of a commonsense approach to living) can happen. It’s that easy, but it also takes a colossal leap of faith and a willingness to break from the herd. Today the cancer I have is completely stable. As Brian Clement taught me to say, I have locked it in the closet and I hold the key. Is cancer a gift? No, not to me, but it was my catalyst for personal revolution. Since my diagnosis I have radically changed my life. I moved out of the city, met my soul mate, got married, and made a documentary about my journey called CrazySexyCancer Tips, full of many of the lessons I learned at HHI as well as other tools
for the newly diagnosed gal (or chap) who could use some tips and tricks for navigating the journey. Heck, I was even on Oprah! But the biggest transformation in my life, since cancer woke me up, is perhaps the most important change of all, I am truly happy and enormously grateful. Desperation led me to inspiration and a much needed education. It’s been an amazing trip and it’s far from over. I will always be thankful to Hippocrates for giving me the skills and the courage to live NOW. They taught me how to take responsibility and plan for the future…a long one! For more information on my book, film, retreats and community, please go to www. HERE IS THE PROTOCOL I FOLLOWED IN A (WAL)NUT SHELL: # Get back to nature and back to the garden. # Shake your booty. # Eat and drink the right alkaline foods full of vitamins, minerals, oxygen and enzymes. # Drink pure water. # Give your colon a regular spring cleaning. # Dry brush and sauna. Remember your skin is your largest organ, it loves to eliminate! # Keep the stress level down and the joy factor up. # Snooze. Snooze. Snooze. (reprinted with permission of Hippocrates Health Institute)
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Volume 2 Issue 5 |
y #Follow Friday picks is a bit of a hybrid. I love meeting people on twitter. I have met some really interesting people whose lives are an inspiration. My respected friend, Alex Blom, got me on this idea when I saw his Follow Friday format. This year, 2011, I am doing something different. I am letting my twitter followers/friends contact me and tell me their story. My staff looks at the bio and then I make the final decision about who I want to promote. I give my friends a chance to share their personal story plus they get free promotion on my blog, and my magazine. Pretty cool, eh?
his Follow Friday, I have a new friend/pick. Jennifer Hicks, is an interesting woman with the heart and soul of a winner. She is a Speech-Language Pathologist, a NIA instructor, and a Reiki practitioner. Her story really made me feel her experience of being trapped inside her own turmoil. Yet she found her path to overcome it. I’m grateful for the opportunity to call her a new friend on twitter and delighted have the opportunity to present her to you, my followers/friends. Enjoy her bio below!. Jennifer is my Twitter Follow Friday pick. Go follow. 42
f you would like to be featured on our #Follow Friday format? Think you’re one of the people that is changing the world for the better, one person at a time? I’d love to know more about you and maybe promote you. Click on the link for details: As always, peace and be well, my friend. – J. (@sproutqueen)
veryone in the Toronto and GTA, you’ve got to check out Jennifer’s NIA class or contact her for her SLP or Reiki services. She is a woman of real strength and can certainly help anyone. Visit her website at You can connect with her on twitter @ jennelizhicks. I encourage you to talk to her about how her exercise program and skill set can help you overcome your situation! Volume 2 Issue 5 |
t the age of 30 I became an exercise addict. This was really odd because prior to that, I’d never been keen on exercise. Not at all; I was the awkward kid who failed swimming lessons, got demoted from baseball to the t-ball league, and was always the liability who got picked last for sports teams. Instead of living in and loving my body, I lived in my mind, valuing academic achievement as my identity. After completing my master’s degree in 1998, I enjoyed several very rich and meaningful years working as a SpeechLanguage Pathologist. I had finally attained my ultimate academic goal and began to establish a solid reputation in the field. And then, in 2003, my life took a downward spiral. I began experiencing extreme anxiety and hyperactivity. That was the same year I married the man with whom I had a loving and stable relationship. Despite the joy of my marriage, I was confused and, for the first time in my life, not in control. This horribly torturous anxiety had taken over. To cope, I spun into a dangerous habit of over exercising and under eating. Somehow, this addiction to fitness slowly crept up on me, and before I Volume 2 Issue 5 |
knew it I couldn’t stop myself from engaging in extremely rigourous physical fitness regimes. I would exercise up to 8 hours a day: in the middle of the night, early mornings before work, on my lunch breaks, most of the evening. I had more energy than imaginable and was creative about fitting that much exercise into my day despite having a full-time and part-time job. Excessive kilo metres of running and cycling and too many fitness classes eventually took their toll on my body causing extreme weight loss which quickly led to anorexia. Many encounters with the health care system left me defenseless and in a more desperate place. Depression set in, and even though I was exhausted, exercise offered an escape from these increasingly serious physical and mental health problems. I continued working but my behavior drastically changed. I began shoplifting, hoarding food and clothing, dressing like a 12 year old, sleeping on the front porch, begging my husband to have sex in public, and burning myself. I hated myself and my body and was angry, scared and out of control. Eventually I stopped showering and finally I was asked
to leave work. After seeing 6 psychiatrists, I was finally diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. That explained my excessive energy and was a good start to my recovery. About 6 months into my medical leave from work, I found Nia. Nia is a cardiovascular fitness program combining dance, martial arts and healing arts. It satisfied my craving for exercise, but taught me that fitness and wellness is about being kind to one’s body, finding joy and accessing one’s spirit. Nia broke my obsession with exercise and my eating disorder. Now, I teach Nia. It is a MAJOR part of my wellness plan that helps me manage the highs and lows of my life with Bipolar Disorder. Nia makes me feel like a dancer and a lover of my body and offers me the fun, inspiring, creative workout that my body craves. I have taken my passion through Nia around the world on retreats to India, Croatia, Hungary and Colombia. Nia saved my life, helped me burst into my creative self and gave me a business to nurture and grow. Not only does my Nia practice serve me, but it also challenges me to help others access their creative selves and their own ability to heal from the inside out.
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Digital Saves Trees
We care about people and the environment. Keeping our magazine in digital format saves trees, inks from being manufactured, and reduces the carbon footprint.
Digital Equity Jenny Berkeley, our founder has over 33,000 followers on her twitter account. Her tweets have had a measured reach of anywhere from 44,000 to 115,000 people. Twitter, facebook, and other social medial tools enable the magazine to have a expanded reach. Our partners in this project share in this digital equity.
Facebook has over 500 million users. They spend 700 billion minutes per month logged on. Are you missing out on a great opportunity for your business to connect online?
Facebook apps are a way to interact with users. They can be games or trivia or other items. We design a type of Trivia App which is customized for our clients. Quotes for the similar types of custom facebook apps can range anywhere from $2000 to $5000 with a long development time.
We’re offering a limited time special introductory $699 flat fee with a turnaround of 7 to 10 business days. Whether you’re a small business owner, an author, an artist, a professional, or just looking for a vanity facebook application email Vaughn Berkeley at
Volume 2 Issue 5 |
Jenny Recommends... Click on any of the images to learn more:
Volume 2 Issue 5 |
Volume 2 Issue 5 |