EternityWatch Magazine October 2010

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Welcome Message by The Cofounder “Medical professionals do not understand the vital role of water in the human body.” – F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. his issue is all about drinking and I am extremely satisfied by the developments in our magazine since our last issue. We have hired a wonderful Layout and Design specialist, Mohammed Shine. He is already demonstrating his creative mind in the new layout of our magazine. We have higher expectations for his talented eye. We welcome him into our family with love and gratitude. You’ll also notice the international contributors on our roster. I am personally delighted by this and will be actively seeking ways to recruit new contributors from around the globe. I’d like us all to benefit from the insights of others in health and wellness field globally. Earlier in the year, I told you that we had big dreams for our magazine and hard work and diligence has created opportunities for us to grow. Thank you for your loyal readership and growing with us. The quote above expresses a key thought in how knowledge of water as the most potent aid in our health is being lost. However you can learn for yourself. In this issue you’ll read the exciting news about juice feasting and learn from the experience of our contributor. You’ll also get insight into why you need to dilute your internal pollution. We also have stories on wheatgrass, and dehydration and disease. We also have a special review of the Raw 42 restaurant in Copenhagen. With all this going on, you’d think I would be busy enough. I’ll be on a speaking tour in the Durham region to promote education about acidity and alkalinity and the link to health. If you’re in the neighbourhood come on out.Our November issue will focus on the holidays so be sure to get that issue. I encourage you to forward this magazine to your friends and family member because they need to know this stuff. I enjoyed the magazine and know you will too. Enjoy!


As always, peace and we well.

RN, Health Educator


October 2010 Edition ETERNITyWATCh EternityWatch is published by Eating4Eternity.Org and the Durham Raw Food Society. Email:

SUBSCRIPTIONS EternityWatch is intended for anyone who is conscious about healthy living and an abundant life. To subscribe go to

ADVERTISEMENTS To inquire about advertising in EternityWatch, please send an email to info “at” or call 905-903-5667. Potential advertisers must share our philosophy of good health and natural living.

EDITORIALS / ARTICLES To submit an article for consideration in EternityWatch, please send an email to info “at” or call 905-903-5667. We are interested in original writings relevant to the alternative health and lifestyle community, nurses and doctors who share our philosophy. If you have a comment or question about an article or editorial published in EternityWatch, or if you have a suggestion for a topic you would like to see featured in a future issue, please send an email to info “at”

ETERNITYWATCH POLICY The information and opinions expressed by contributing authors and advertisers within EternityWatch do not necessarily reflect those of the company, the staff or our founder and should not be considered as endorsed

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication


October 2010 Edition

Wheatgrass juice is an amazing juice from a humble blade of grass that has changed the face of health and wellness. Made popular by the grandmother of wheatgrass, Dr. Ann Wigmore, this juice is the drink of choice at Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida amongst others. This article gives you an overview about wheatgrass.

WHEAT GRASS JUICE DEhyDRATION AND DISEASE Do you realize exactly how dehydrated are the cells in your body? We’ve heard so many times, “Drink Your Water.” After hearing it from our parents, our doctors, our spouses and even our well meaning friends, we simply tune it out. We don’t want to hear about drinking more water. But water is more important than we think. In this article, I’ll discuss some of the reasons we need to get water into our bodies.

RESTAURANT REVIEW: 42 RAW Derryck, our citizen journalist, raw food enthusiast, walks us through his raw food dining experience in Copenhagen, Denmark. Eating out is generally expensive in Copenhagen, eating in the Pillestraede is even more expensive, and eating raw in the Pillestraede is pure trendy. You’ll get the raw details in this article.

JUICE FEASTINg JOURNEy Today I ended an eight-day juice feast (or juice fast as I used to call it). Four years ago, I completed a 32-day juice feast, and sixteen months before that I did a 16-day juice feast.The two longer experiences were profoundly healing. This article covers Phil’s experience with juice feasting.

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

SOlUTION TO POllUTION IS DIlUTION Many decades ago, diseases were mostly due to poor hygiene and now, our society moved into a new generation of diseases that are chronic and long lasting - such as obesity, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, depression. We tend to overeat (mostly highly processed foods), barely exercise, work far too many hours, take too many pharmaceuticals, and rely a great deal on harmful household chemicals. This article will take a brief look at areas we can dilute those toxins.


October 2010 Edition


A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition

Phil Bolsta is author of "Sixty Seconds: One Moment Chang es Everything" (sixtysecondsbook .com), a collection of 45 inspiring, life-changing stories from prominent people he interviewed, including Joan Borysenko, Deepak Chopra, geneticist Dr. Francis Collins, acclaimed sportswriter Frank Deford, Dr. Larry Dossey, Wayne Dyer, Dan Millman, Caroline Myss, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen, Dr. Bernie Siegel, James Van Praagh, singer Billy Vera, Doreen Virtue, Neale Donald Walsch, and bassist Victor Wooten. He updates his uplifting blog daily at Phil can be reached at philbolsta@ma oday I ended an eight-day juice feast (or juice fast as I used to call it). Four years ago, I completed a 32-day juice feast, and sixteen months before that I did a 16-day juice feast. The two longer experiences were profoundly healing. Many people are curious about juice feasting so I put together this FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) list. There were differences between the two longer feasts, as outlined below. I’m writing only about my own experience here. For the science behind the power of juice feasting, here are a few websites you can start with:


Juice Feasting (David Rainoshek) The Healing Power of Juicing (Dr. Foster’s Essentials) Juicing for Health (Healing Daily) Juice Fasting (FalconBlanco) Juicing and Juice Fasting by

JUICING FEASTING JOURNEY By Phil Bolsta (originally written on his blog. Used with his permission)

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication


October 2010 Edition Dr. Ben Kim (a $4.95 downloadable e-book) I also very highly recommend Dr. Tim O’Shea’s website, The Doctor Within, especially these three chapters: Journey to the Center of Your Colon, Enzymes: The Key to Longevity, and Allergies: The Threshold of Reactivity. What did you expect a juice feast to accomplish? Digestion requires more of your body’s energy—about thirty percent—than any other bodily process. By minimizing digestion, your body can use that energy to detoxify, heal, and repair what needs to be repaired. Although juice feasting is perhaps the most healing thing you can do for your body, it’s not necessarily a miracle cure-all. I started the 32-day juice feast because digestive-tract issues had caused me to feel fatigued virtually every morning for six months. While I didn’t expect juice feasting to completely heal me, it was indisputably invaluable—especially when combined with the digestive-tract supplements I was taking.

exercise regularly, all you’re doing by juice feasting is opening a window of opportunity for better health, which will slam shut with the first bite of your next bacon-doublecheeseburger. Is there an optimal time of year for juice feasting? You’ll likely have better luck doing juice feasting in the spring and summer, when your body naturally is more conducive to a “spring cleaning.” I did my 32-day feast in December only because I had a pressing health concern and felt I couldn’t wait. Feasting is tougher to do in the winter, especially for novices. How long should a feast last? If you’ve never juice feasted before, don’t start with a specific number of days in mind. That’s a recipe for failure. It may take you three or four tries just to make it past the first day. I’ve found that the big difference-maker was my motive for doing the juice feast. If it was just to see if I could do it, my chances for success were pretty low. That wasn’t a strong enough incentive to keep me focused and moti-

Although juice feasting is perhaps the most healing thing you can do for your body, it’s not necessarily a miracle cure-all.

How do I continue to heal my body after I end a juice feast? Many people fall victim to the Santa Claus Syndrome—believing they can atone for years of “naughty” nutrition with a week or so of “nice” nutritious juicing. Juicing is a phenomenal way to start your healing journey, but unless you continue to eat cleanly (no animal products, refined carbs, refined sugar, or caffeine) and


A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition

vated. If, however, I had a specific health goal in mind, and was convinced that juice feasting was the best and quickest way for me to reach that goal, my chances for success skyrocketed. I had heard for quite awhile that a thirty-day juice feast was optimal so that was my target this time. Keep in mind that I had already completed a very successful 16-day juice feast so I knew what I was doing and I

knew what to expect. So start slowly and work your way up over time. Even one day of juice feasting is healing. Do I need to prepare before beginning a feast? The cleaner you eat, and the longer you eat that way before starting a feast, the better off you’ll be. That way, you’ll be further down the detox path, and juice feasting won’t be as much of a shock to your body. Ideally, you should eat strictly vegan for at least a few weeks—and only raw fruit and vegetables for at least one week—before beginning a feast. Did you feel weak and tired during the juice feast?

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication


October 2010 Edition Nope. Overall, I had more energy and vitality. 16-day: There were two three-day periods (starting near the end of week one and again a week later) where I felt very sluggish the first day, half as sluggish the next, and a bit sluggish the third day. Each time, during the first very sluggish day, I felt like my body had hung out a sign: DO NOT FEED ME, HEALING IN PROGRESS. On those days, I went twenty-eight hours and thirty-four hours with no juice and barely any water. My body had, in a sense, “shut down” and was in detoxification mode. Except for those three-day periods, I enjoyed “paradise health”—waking up feeling nothing short of euphoric with razor-sharp mental clarity. I had A+ energy all day long and well into the night. No matter how late I stayed up—even once until 2 AM, which is unheard of for me—I woke up the next morning feeling vibrant and spectacular again. 32-day: This feast was surprisingly consistent. Every day was the same. My hunger pattern was identical to normal, food-eating days. On Day Sixteen—and for all but one of the next ten days—I woke up feeling spectacular. The best part is, I felt my life force surging back. It was wonderful. However, the last week of the feast, I once again woke up a bit tired, although the tiredness was greatly reduced and it was easier for me to recover from it. After I ended the feast,


I began waking up feeling terrific again most mornings. Is juice feasting hard to do? It depends. The first few days are the toughest. I’ve ended a handful of juice feasts after one to five days because I just couldn’t make it. Once I make it six or seven days, however, it’s smooth sailing. After that point, discipline is a non-issue—“have to” is replaced by “want to.” Juicing becomes a joy. Can I exercise during a juice feast? It’s best to avoid weightlifting and other demanding types of exercise. Daily walks and yoga, however, are perfectly fine. How can I do a juice feast when I have to be at work all day? Prepare, prepare, prepare. Although juice ideally should be drunk right after it’s made to max-

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition

imize its nutritional content, it’s certainly fine to bring a pitcher with you to work. One strategy to keep the feast going when you don’t think you can make it is to keep some powdered meal replacement or powdered medical food or green superfood powder (like blue-green algae) on hand. While these are foods and will activate your digestion, it’s a reasonable concession to make if that’s what it takes to continue the feast. Did you miss eating? Not at all. Once I established a rhythm, I looked forward to juicing every single day. Juice is so delicious, I couldn’t wait until my next glass. I didn’t even think about eating solid food until the morning of Day Thirty-Two. Intuitively, I knew then that it was time to end the feast. Weren’t you depriving your body of nutrients? Just the opposite. Juice feasting floods your body with far more nutrients than you normally take in. Just think how many fruits and vegetables go into making your daily gallon of juice. What’s more, those nutrients are far more easily assimilated. How was your sleep affected? While many people report that they need to sleep far less while juicing, that wasn’t my experience. Yes, I occasionally woke up feeling terrific during both feasts with an hour or two less sleep than I normally get, but that was the exception, not the rule.

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

What kind of juice did you drink? It’s crucial to only drink fresh, organic fruit and vegetable juice. That means either juicing it yourself or buying it from a restaurant or juice bar. Juice fruit in the morning because fruit is cleansing. Juice veggies after that because veggies are building. Drink a lot of different juices to ensure a variety of nutrients and to avoid boredom. You can find juice recipes all over the Internet and in a number of books. Here were my favorites. Fruit juices: Watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple (juice the rind for all three—if and only if they’re organic), grapefruit, orange (don’t juice citrus rinds), and apple (remove the seeds, add lemon and ginger to make lemonade). Vegetable juices: Carrot (add beet and apple for a surprisingly tasty treat), and green juice (typically cucumber, celery, and lime, with plenty of leafy greens such as spinach, kale, chard, and parsley,


October 2010 Edition so, skipping your supplement regimen for the duration of the feast should be a non-issue. One more important note: If you’re taking capsules, pull the capsule apart and mix the powder with juice or water. That way, you’ll assimilate it faster and your digestion won’t be activated by the capsule housing. I recommend taking probiotics daily. Look for a product that contains these three ingredients: L. bulgaricus, L. acidophilus, and Bifidus (B. bifidum). How do I maximize detoxification during a feast?

Jack LaLanne's Power Juicer

and occasionally broccoli and asparagus). For a real challenge, try drinking nothing but wheatgrass (two ounces a day) and green juice for three days. (Click here for info on wheatgrass.) How much juice did you drink? I typically drank thirty-two ounces at a time, three to four times a day. That’s roughly a gallon of juice a day. However, there were days during my 16-day feast when I drank very little because my body just didn’t require it. Drink whenever you’re hungry, and drink until you’re full. There’s no reason to ever go hungry on a juice feast. IMPORTANT: Fresh juice is a food, not a drink. Don’t guzzle it. For optimal results, “chew” your juice. That means taking one mouthful at a time and actually using a chewing motion to swish it around in your mouth. The juice will then blend with your saliva and be digested much more easily. You’ll find that you will also consume significantly less quantities of juice. What supplements should I take during a juice feast? It’s best to avoid supplements that will activate your digestion. Unless your health will be compromised by doing


During a juice feast, your body releases a great deal of toxins. It’s paramount that you move these toxins out of your body as quickly and efficiently as you can. The problem is, the peristaltic motion of your colon— which activates elimination—is itself activated by eating. And since you’re not eating, elimination is stalled. Therefore, it’s essential to perform an enema at least every other day (you can buy an enema kit—be sure to get one that includes a hot-water bottle— for $12 at Walgreen’s). For even greater cleansing, do a weekly colonic. Trust me, you will be amazed at the results. If you’re inexperienced with these methods, check out Optimal Health Network. Isn’t juicing a hassle? Nope. Once you establish a routine, it takes maybe fifteen to twenty-five minutes to juice AND clean up afterward. After just a few times, you can do it in your sleep. I actually enjoyed cleaning up. I only had to wash the juicer’s screen—all other parts can simply be rinsed off. What kind of juicing machine should I

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition use? For my 16-day feast, I used the Juiceman II. It did the job just fine. Then I discovered the Jack LaLanne Power Juicer. The chute was far wider so I could put in larger amounts of produce. Plus, it produced a lot more juice, and therefore a lot less pulp. Although I did feed in lots of greens, neither of those juicers are built for greens. The Green Star is a great greens juicer. Other popular green juicer brands are Champion and Omega. So, bottom line, how did the juice feast help you? Both my 16-day and 32day feasts made a tremendous difference. I felt far less toxic and far more euphoric, especially after my 16-day feast. My digestive challenges, which first alerted me to the need to change my diet two and a half years ago, had advanced considerably by the time I began my 32-day feast. While I believe that the 32-day feast initiated great healing—in conjunction with the supplements I was taking—I have more work to do. Still, my morning fatigue has been dramatically reduced, and I feel more in tune with my life force, if that makes sense. Will you do another juice feast? Definitely, and on a regular basis. Ideally, for the sake of maintenance and additional healing, I’d like to do a three-to-seven-day juice feast every few months and a two-week juice feast once a year. My belief in juice feasting—based on research, and especially my own experience—is unshakable. r

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication


October 2010 Edition o you realize exactly how dehydrated are the cells in your body? We’ve heard so many times, “Drink Your Water.” After hearing it from our parents, our doctors, our spouses and even our well meaning friends, we simply tune it out. We don’t want to hear about drinking more water. But water is more important than we think. In this article, I’ll discuss some of the reasons we need to get water into our bodies.


Dehydration and Disease By Jenny Berkeley, rn, hhe

“Medical professionals do not understand the vital role of water in the human body.” – F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. “I would add that many patients do not understand the vital role of water in the human body.” – Jenny Berkeley, RN. For well over a year, every patient I see in the emergency room, I always ask the same question. I ask, “How much water have you had to drink in the last 24 hours?” The answer is almost always the same, “Not much.” Sometimes people get creative and begin to count their cups of coffee, their pop/cola drinks, and even their juices as water. But to be realistic, Tim Horton’s coffee never fell from the sky during a rainy day. It is the same whether young or old, the people don’t drink water. Parents bring their young toddlers, 3 to 6 year olds, and teens. They all haven’t had enough water to drink. Think of the oil in a car engine. That oil is essential for the proper running of that engine. My brother-in-law’s engine leaked out the oil and after driving not noticing


it. His engine seized. It was wrecked. He had to replace the entire engine. Water is the MOST ESSENTIAL component within our bodies. It is required for air to get inside our body. It is responsible for nutrients to feed our cells. It is responsible for removing waste from our body. Think of constipation. When you are not having bowel movements, when the stool eventually comes it is hard and devoid of water. Now think of your internal organs, your veins and arteries, and your cells. Without sufficient water you are slowly committing suicide. And if you don’t give your kids enough water, you are putting them on a path that will lead to chronic degenerative diseases in the mid-life years. Water does not cure disease but many diseases are a symptom of dehydration within your body. F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. was a very avid proponent of using water

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication


October 2010 Edition to treat many diseases. His theories did not gain popularity even through they were effective because there’s no money to be made by the drug companies if people drank more water. Think of all the industries that would lose money, the alcohol industry, the pop/soda industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the medical industry and yes even the funeral industry. If people understood the hydration/dehydration effect of different foods and drinks on the body and cared more about their health companies would not be so happy. This article is about dehydration and disease so I’ll highlight a few things here. Before we do that, I must include a legal disclaimer that you should check with your doctor before undertaking any new course of action or find a doctor who is more knowledgeable than your current doctor. The advice here is for informational purposes and is not recommended to replace a face to face consultation with a qualified medical professional. Constipation: I touched on water and constipation earlier but this is very common. Some people think it is normal to go to the toilet every other day or less. This is already a sign of dehydration in the body. Infants sometime have periods where they go days without elimination. This is not normal. If any child or adult is not pooping every day then your body is saying it needs more water. Vomiting/Unable To Keep Food Down: In many instances I see people or their children come into the hospital ER complaining that


they or their kids can’t keep any food down. They eat and throw up. They drink pop, sugary drinks and throw up. Nothing stays down. At this point, if one were to recognize the importance of water in digestion, you might consider that your body is rejecting more substances because it does not have enough internal water to digest it. Asthma/Allergies: Water escapes the body through the lungs via water vapour when you exhale. When you are in a state of dehydration, in order to restrict the loss of water further, you body will begin restricting the blood vessels in the lungs to reduce the surface are for water loss. Migraines: The brain is a wonderful organ that does not feel pain in the way the rest of the body does. It requires water and salts to transmit signals and receive signals from the body. When it is in a state of stress for water, it triggers the feeling of a migraine headache to alert the body that more water is required. These are just four but there are numerous more ways that the right water can be beneficial to your body. Additional water has the following benefits: • Water: Cleanses and detoxifies your body. • Water: Necessary for our existence. • Water: Hydrates our cells. • Water: Important for beautiful skin. • Water: Necessary for blood.

Dr. Hiromi Shinya, author of the book, The Enzyme Factor, and Chief of Surgical Endoscopy at Beth Israel Medical Center, has treated over 370,000 people with colon problems over the decades. There is a special kind of water that he recommends his patients drink regularly to help their body maintain proper colon function. Water: The Bottom Line. You need water to be part of your overall health and wellness management strategy. No longer should water be considered as an afterthought. In order to maximize your results make water a vital part of your strategy. Acidic waters such as those found in soda pop, coffees, some designer waters and the like should be avoided and alkaline waters be consumed. Few people have heard of water with anti-oxidant properties. Most people have heard of the beneficial properties of antioxidants on the body. You can find these properties in foods and drinks. Some recommend red wine or grape juice because of the antioxidant properties. Drink waters with strong antioxidant (anti-aging) properties while water with strong oxidizing (aging) properties are avoided. Remember, water is a partner in your health and wellness program. If your water is not helping you, it just may be hurting your health and wellness efforts. If you’ve never given your water the thought it deserves then perhaps now is the time. Have a glass of refreshing, healthful water! Peace and be well. r

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition

Raw Food Groups In and Around The GTA

Event Details October 13: Barrie Raw Food Potluck 6 pm $5 Held at Bodystream, 51 King St., Units 1@2, Barrie, ON Tel: 705-726-2004 Devin McEachern, Naturopathic Doctor, will be our guest speaker at this meeting. He is going to share the philosophy of naturopathic medicine and the virtues of practicing holistic/preventative health care. To RSVP: October 17: Toronto Raw Food, 4 PM This is an organic vegan raw food potluck. Bring your own plate and utensils and a yummy dish for 8 to 12 people. Bring ORGANIC RAW VEGAN food. Raw food doesn't include: canned, 'cold pressed' oils distilled, pasteurized, sushi, store-bought salad dressings. Come at 4pm. Start eating at 4:30pm For full details and to RSVP: October 27: Barrie Raw Food Potluck 6 pm $5 Bodystream in Barrie, ON To RSVP: October 30: Toronto Raw Food 6 PM Yonge and Eglinton in Toronto, ON To RSVP:

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication


October 2010 Edition

Liquid Gold for Your Body

Wheatgrass By Jenny Berkeley, rn, health educator


A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition

Wheatgrass juice helps to increase the enzyme level in our cells, aiding in rejuvenation of the body.It is one of the most direct and highly concentrated forms of the sun's energy.

t’s amazing how many people are complete unaware of the benefits of wheatgrass juice. Dr. Ann Wigmore, through her personal experience and her dedication, took an obscure food and popularized it among the health and wellness community. This was in 1958. She observed animals when they were sick and what they ate. She saw that cats and dogs ate grass. She first started eating lawn grass and then tried other grasses and weeds. She conducted numerous tests on grasses of different seeds. She selected wheatgrass juice because of its mild taste, its incredibly high nutrient content and its overall health benefits. Dr. Ann Wigmore authored several books on wheatgrass and founded the Hippocrates Health Institute in Boston. In her senior years, it was said that her hair was still it’s natural colour without the greying we expect of seniors. And the health and wellness movement’s love affair with wheatgrass juice began. Wheatgrass is one of the richest natural resources of vitamins A, C, D, K, and the complete B complex. Wheatgrass is also a natural source of Iaerril (B-17). Wheatgrass is the richest source of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the "blood" of plants, with a molecular structure almost identical to the haemoglobin molecule of human blood. Wheatgrass contains beta carotene, which is found in red, green, and yellow pigmented fruits and vegetables. Beta-carotene acts as a scavenger against harmful molecules flowing naturally through the body, or through toxins inhaled from cigarette smoke, air pollution and other sources. Chlorophyll helps wash drug deposits from the body, purifies the blood and organs, and counteracts toxins. Wheatgrass helps remove toxic heavy metals (lead, mercury,


A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

aluminum) that have become stored in the tissues. Wheatgrass juice helps to increase the enzyme level in our cells, aiding in rejuvenation of the body.It is one of the most direct and highly concentrated forms of the sun's energy. When wheatgrass is made into fresh juice, it is the optimum energizer. Nutritionally, 1 1/2 oz. of wheatgrass juice is equivalent to 2 1/2 pounds of fresh vegetables and contains 103 vitamins and minerals. It cleanses, purifies, and feeds the body by oxidizing the white blood cells, which boosts the body's immune system. It is also beneficial for people who wish to lose weight or cleanse their bodies. The American Journal of Surgery [1940], Benjamin Gruskin, M.D. recommends chlorophyll for its antiseptic benefits. The article suggests the following clinical uses of chlorophyll: to clear up foul smelling odours, neutralize strep infections, heal wounds, hasten skin grafting, overcome chronic sinusitis, overcome chronic inner ear inflammation and infections, reduce varicose veins and heal leg ulcers, eliminate impetigo and other scabby eruptions, heal rectal sores, successfully treat inflammation of the uterine cervix, get rid of parasitic vaginal infections, reduce typhoid fever, and cure advanced pyorrhoea, in many cases. Wheatgrass, as you can see, has numerous uses and this has been known at least 70 years now if we go be the date of Dr. Benjamin Gruskin’s published report. So why isn’t wheatgrass the preferred item for treatment of var-


October 2010 Edition ious diseases. The answer is simply MONEY. Wheatgrass juice is not exactly as profitable as the pharmaceutical pills and potions. Wheatgrass juice also doesn’t have a long shelf life; it must be ingested fresh. How can you get wheatgrass juice? You can purchase it fresh from your local juice bar. They usually sell a one ounce or two ounce shot of the wheatgrass juice. You can also grow your own wheatgrass at home which is cheaper than buying it per ounce. You may also be able to find a supplier of the wheatgrass and you juice it yourself at home with your juicer. If you’re opting for growing your own wheatgrass and ensure that your juice is the best quality and contains all the love and attention you will give to the plant then I commend you. However, if

Jenny Berkeley is a nurse of over 18 years and a health educator. Her knowledge of allopathic medicine and alternative enables her to understand holistically how the body works and heals. She educates her clients in the knowledge of their own body and their role in keeping themselves well. She is an author, speaker, teacher, founder of the Durham raw food society. She works in hospitals in Durham and Toronto, lectures in the community and is a social media maven. Her belief, “Good health is your birthright. Keeping it is your choice.”

Fresh Wheagrass Options Buy From The Local Juicebar Buy the grass from a supplier Grow your own wheatgrass



They do all the work for you and give you a 1 or 2 oz shot. Cheaper than buying by the ounce.

It is the most expensive option

The most cost effective way to get your fresh juice. You control the quality of your seeds, grass and juice.

You have spend a bit of time caring for your wheatgrass and making the juice yourself.

You have to juice the wheatgrass yourself

you are a busy professional and opt for convenience then you are still doing well by drinking your wheatgrass. Extracting your juice If you are making your own juice then you need to find a good juicer what can juice wheatgrass. Some juicers are not able to juice the tender blades of wheatgrass. To make the experience as enjoyable as possible, your juicer should have the following qualities: • It should be relatively inexpensive • It should be able to slowly extract the juice (fast spinning components may destroy/cook your juice. • It should have few components so it is easy to setup, use and clean up. The juicer that I personally use and have had great benefit with is the Lexen Healthy Juice. It is quick and easy to use and clean up. You can buy it at a huge discount by clicking on the ad in this month’s magazine. Classes/Workshop You could probably try to grow the wheatgrass yourself from reading some books on it from your local library. If you are not able, then you could always take a sprouting class. I offer these a couple of times a year when my schedule permits. As my readers are from around the globe, I suggest looking up the local raw food group or local farmer for help on growing your own wheatgrass if you don’t have an instructor nearby. I’ve given you enough information to digest for now. Write me and let me know your first experience with wheatgrass juice. I’d love to know. Peace and be well.r


A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition ityy A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication


October 2010 Edition

A 19



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oAdEating4Eternity.Org Society Publi o/nDurham

Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition

he solution to pollution is dilution, is a common phrase mostly referring to the environmental industry. The avid use of water and air is commonly used to dilute pollution (harmful chemicals) that is present on earth. But is also applies to our bodies. Environmental pollution is not only a problem on our planet but it may pose many health issues. Many decades ago, diseases were mostly due to poor hygiene and now, our society moved into a new generation of diseases that are chronic and long lasting - such as obesity, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, depression. We tend to overeat (mostly highly processed


T he solution to pollution is

dilution dr. heather Manley

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

foods), barely exercise, work far too many hours, take too many pharmaceuticals, and rely a great deal on harmful household chemicals. There are many approaches to help prevent these and one being – hydration. One simple solution to helping our bodies avoid these chronic diseases is drinking water. Keeping our body’s cells fueled increases circulation, which in turn helps the body’s elimination pathways in flushing out toxins.


October 2010 Edition What are environmental pollutants? Pollution can take many forms. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil where we grow our food — may all contribute to health problems. Although, difficult to avoid all of these on a daily basis, it is possible to lower our exposure lesson the impact and increase our bodies defense against the toxins. • Household cleaning agents like bleach. • Weed killers. • Chemicals or hormones added to foods. • Pesticides. How do environmental pollutants effects upon humans? A healthy human can adapt to mild and periodic exposure to pollutants in air, water and food. The body is cleverly designed with elimination outlets (also called emunctories) to aid the body in eliminating these toxins exhaling, sweating, urinating and having bowel movements, all help in clearing body toxins. However, prolonged toxic exposure and not keeping hydrated may lead to a difficult problem with eliminating such toxins thus putting a large burden in the body. • Suppressed immune system; Poor circulation and possibly inflamed cells, the immune system can not keep up with its job optimally.


• Detoxification system in overdrive: The liver becomes overworked with the excessive amounts chemical and drugs that our bodies are exposed to. • Prolonged suppressed immune system and decreased detoxification creates many chronic diseases as stated above. What can we do? Exposure to environmental pollution is inevitable. Here are some tips on how decrease your exposure and help your body clean it self out:

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition • Keep yourself hydrated: Drink purified water, infuse you purified water with lemons, oranges or cucumbers, or drink herbal teas. The golden rule is to drink half your body weight. If you weigh 100 pounds, then drinking 50 ounces of water can be quite beneficial. • Make healthy food choices, such as "organic" produce. Organic produce has less exposure to pesticides, and has no added hormones to chickens or cows. Find a local farmer and purchase produce from them. • Instead of using Round Up to kill your weeds, begin with pulling them out and then try table or sea salt. • Pass on the harsh household cleaners such as bleach. Vinegar mixed with water is a powerful cleaning agent. Now doesn't that make you feel like having a nice cool refreshing glass of water? r

Dr. Heather Manley, who in 2001 received her medical degree from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon, is a practicing physician whose primary interest is preventative healthcare for families. She is the author of Human Body Detec tives, her educational series of story-telling audiobooks and accompanying activity workbooks. She also promotes wellness and naturopathic healthcare on her website She lives on the Big Island of Hawaii with her husband and two daughters, and is currently at work on the next Human Body Detectives adventure.

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October 2010 Edition


A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition



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October 2010 Edition Jennys Love Kitchen Corner - Featured This Month

This is a tasty and nutritious green drink for the whole family. Preparation Level: Beginner Category: Drink Equipment Required: Knife, Juicer Ingredients 1 1/2 cup of organic carrots (sliced) 1 bunch of organic lettuce or romaine 1/2 bunch of organic spinach 1/4 bunch of organic kale 1 clove of organic garlic 5 stalks of organic celery 1 organic cucumber 1/4 bunch of organic parsley


GREEN FOR LIFE JUICE se the knife to cut the ingredients into medium sized pieces. Process everything in a juicer. Start with the leafy items then add the firm items to push the leafy items. If your juicer has a high/low setting, use the low setting to preserve the nutrients and enzymes. When the juice has been extracted, dilute with alkaline Kangen water. Use equal parts of green juice and water.

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Drink Jenny’s Green For Life juice to alkalize your body and bring it closer to a more pH balanced. SAVE your brittle bones! To get more recipes go to: r

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition this is my new format for the twitter #Follow Friday. i want to add more value to you, my follower and subscribers. Please read the information below and i encourage you to #Follow Friday! if you want to know why we (my friend/mentor, alex) are doing this,then follow the link [here] to read how alex describes it. he said it all.

aBout Paul nison (@paulnison)

his Follow Friday, I have a good friend of mine, Paul Nison. I met Paul at Hippocrates Health Institute when he was a lecturer there. Funny story about how we met. I was in the institute’s book store browsing and I saw this guy reading a book that looked interesting. I asked him if I could take a look at it. I scanned it quickly and told him it was great and I wanted to buy it. He told me I couldn’t buy the book


because it belongs to Paul Nison. I asked him, “Who’s Paul Nison.” He was my lecturer later that day. Then in 2008 he came to Canada to speak at a meeting I had arranged. I’ve known him to be a kind, passionate, honest person and he loves to share his knowledge of health. While he is not a medical professional, he has learned over many years from many doctors including Dr. Brian Clement, Dr. Fred Bisci, Dr Leonard Coldwell and many more. Paul is also the creator and producer of the Raw Life Health Show. He made me a video bio below to share with all of you. Paul is my fol-

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

low Friday pick. Go follow. Be sure to check out his bio on my blog. If you would like to be featured on our #Follow Friday format and you believe that we can connect then follow @sprout queen on twitter and DM me. As always, peace and be well, my friend. – J. (@sproutqueen)

eZine Archive : Blog: For health and wellness info, join my mailing list:


Restaurant Review

October 2010 Edition

in Copenhagen, Denmark By derryck laMPtey n my last visit to Copenhagen, I treated my family to a visit to "42 raw" - currently the only live food restaurant in Copenhagen. The only one in Denmark, for that matter. 42 Raw is suitably placed in a small unit in Pillestraede - this is the centre of Copenhagen's shopping district - it is a pedestrian zone only, ensuring that you maximize your time looking at the shop windows. Eating out is generally expensive in Copenhagen, eating in the Pillestraede is even more expensive, and eating raw in the Pillestraede is pure trendy. 42 Raw is the perfect place to stop for a light, living bite after a heavy day of shopping. It is a hop and step from the more touristy Nyhavn quarter. In contrast to North American raw "heritage", which is heavily weighted towards gourmet mock-tasting and mock-named dishes (e.g. "neat balls"), the 42 Raw approach lends a greener look to their counters. The starters



Derryck is a committed live food enthusiast living in the Durham region. He works in IT, spends time with family and friends and does voluntary work in his spare time. Scout leader (, and President of Raw Spirit ( He is also a member of the Durham Raw Food Society and a regular contributor to the EternityWatch magazine. He enjoys kayaking, reading and traveling in whatever time is left over. This visit was in May of 2010.

that a North American might be used to (like "Nachos" and "rolls") do not feature on the 42 Raw menu. The heart of the 42 Raw menu are signature gourmet salads, featuring quinoa and other sprouted grains. The service was executed with the usual danish efficiency - the service is not table-service. 42 Raw also offers a wide selection of juices and milkshakes. They are said to feature "pancakes", but they were not seen on the menu on that day.We settled on some salads and gourmet desserts (raw cookies). We ordered, hung around to see a few visitors - and then we took out. 42 Raw is a great place to meet a couple of friends for a short meal. The small size of the eating area does not lend itself well to the type of "meetup" that we might be accustomed to. The place could comfortably sit

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition

about 12 people, and the configuration of the seating (by design or coincidence) lends itself to talking between groups of diners. Living food information, seminars festivals are woefully unavailable to Danes in particular, and more generally Scandina-

vians. Lots of "celebrity rawfooders" do go to Denmark for visits and short tours, but (perhaps because of travel expenses) these sessions (David Wolfe, etc) can cost up to $300 for a session (day). The people who can afford this are few and far between. This has got to change in order to bring the live food message to Denmark. But - things are looking up. Denmark has one raw restaurant now, and it is a good start. r

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October 2010 Edition


A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition

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October 2010 Edition


A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition

Sandra’s T Song

his month’s inspiration comes from Sandra Cappadocia, deceased December 23, 2005. She was only 30 years old. She was the youngest of 6 children. Her brother Frank, transcribed some of her writings in a little booklet. I read it and it was filled with emotion; both the love of a brother and the love a young woman who recognized that her time on earth was ending but her love would endure. She had brain cancer. She went through the treatment and radiation. In the end, she suffered physically as her body could not survive the after effects of cancer treatment. In the moment of utter dependence read an excerpt of her words below.

Issues with the Health Industry:


I need the Story out. Talk to me, I have lots to say and it’s actually very interesting and different… “Remember your job and what you do; I’m sure it’s better to get paid to be working in a hospital then to be the patient. This is bringing them enough satisfaction to ignore their other complaints in my life is so busy, hectic, time I work such long hours etc… Shut up listen to these poor groaning patients – don’t ignore/dismiss their dependence on you. Their lives are in your hands! I was in hospital and it was very scary, alarming, and disturbing – something needs to be done.” (SC) “The Health Industry needs people who are HELPING… it requires a sincerity, honesty and caring not people who are not in it for the money. They are hurting and harming which is the opposite of what health professionals are trying to accomplish. Our knowledge awareness and passion needs to be spread. When people lose their focus of what their job is that’s when the problems begin. The nurses at St. Mikes… that wasn’t ‘health care’ its life threatening – who suffers? Not the workers who are bitter… the patients, clients, customers, etc. Health = states of being well in body or mind. A person’s mental or physical condition, soundness. HELP = providing a person with the means towards what is needed or sought, assist or give support, be of use or serve to contribute to alleviating preventing or remedying. Sought = seek or search for and find, aim at, attempt, make a search or inquiry try or want to find or get ask for or request some aid. Endeavour or try resort to a place, person for advice.” “I’ve been committed to a very strict healthy lifestyle for over 8 years – I followed Canada’s food guide and physical activity to the tee. I treated my body like a temple and once I got sick, I went from self-reliance to depending and counting on other health professionals to treat my body with the same respect for it that I had. I am a bit disappointed with Dr.’s most truly lack people training, who are cold and at times unprofessional.” (SC) This booklet on the thoughts of Sandy is free. It is a final tribute to a young woman of courage and love. To get the full booklet : To download the full story, CLICK HERE . r

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication


October 2010 Edition


About Sue MAcco (@nurseforhealth)

’ve wanted to be a Nurse since I was about four years old. As far back as I can remember, I watched as many of the Dr/Hospital/Nurse shows on TV as I could. I never thought

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it would really happen though, since I didn’t pursue, or didn?t know how to actually pursue the goal. My tenacity to continue pursuing my dream came a few years after graduation. Working at a gas station, an Assistant boss, knowing my passion, told me that the Nursing home his wife worked at needed lots of help. But first, I’d have to learn how to be a Nurses? Aide. So that’s what I did, & left my job at the gas station to be an Aide. While in training though, I met a girl who had applied to Mercy Medical Center School of Nurs-

his is my new format for the twitter #Follow Friday. i want to add more value to you, my follower and subscribers. Please read the information below and i encourage you to #Follow Friday! if you want to know why we (my friend/mentor, alex) are doing this, then follow the link [here] to read how alex describes it. he said it all. this Follow Friday, i have a new friend. though sue and i have not met in person, i was deeply moved by her story of how she got into nursing and how she got to where she is.i asked her to do a bio for me and she most graciously agreed. When you read her story of heartache and triumph over her lot in life and her battle with cancer, i am certain you’ll see why i follow her and why you should too. sue is my follow Friday pick. Go follow.

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition

ing and she exuberantly told me her plans. She encouraged me to apply, even though I had no pre-requisites for getting in. I did the NLN entrance exam and completely bombed it, no surprise there. My rejection letter came, and with tears flowing I called the school to see “just who are you to tell me I couldn’t become a Nurse”? This is where the tenacity finally kicked in! As my sad friend was meeting with the School Administrator, she was asked, “why the long face”? She explained that her friend (me) didn’t get in. Then she was asked if I was the one who had called the school, and “yes, she WAS”! That gave me the break I needed, and I was able to attend, accepted on probation since I met none of the requirements. It was not easy for me, and I put long study hours in. I made it through, and passed my State Boards on the first try, which in those days was quite satisfying! I started my Nursing career in the NICU, and after several years became a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner. I moved on from there to work in surgery for high risk Cardiac/Thoracic/ Neurology

cases for a couple years, then moved to little Marshfield, WI, where got a plum of a job as a Pediatric Orthopedic Nurse Clinician at Marshfield Clinic. I did that for almost nine years until moving back to my home town. I then worked in Dialysis, Air Ambulance Transports, and then NICU again. Then I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. After all I had been studying and doing, why me? I know why… After the shock, my husband & I studied diligently about traditional and alternative therapy. After consults with four (some prominent) facilities, the treatment just did not sit well, OR make sense to me. So we packed up and went to Mexico for my treatment. We learned a world of information and healing methods there, much of which we could bring back and share with others. People were doing so well there, particularly post operatively, that I decided to have my surgery there, a lumpectomy & 12 lymph nodes removed. I was up in the dining room for breakfast the very next morning feeling a little sore, but good. I was then on my way to becoming a teacher of Natural

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

and Nutritional remedies, and “Functional Medicine,” the best of both Traditional and Non-traditional Medicine. In Oct 2009, I became certified in Natural Health. My next goal is to become a Digestive Health Specialist, since digestion plays a major role in immunity. I see clients by appointment, and I love it that I can help people get well with educating them on what they can feed themselves to help their bodies heal themselves without toxic drugs. What I do now is more rewarding than anything else I’ve done in my career.

If you would like to be featured on our #Follow Friday format and you believe that we can connect then follow @sprout queen on twitter and DM me. As always, peace and be well, my friend. – J. (@sproutqueen) eZine Archive : Blog: For health and wellness info, join my mailing list:


October 2010 Edition


A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition knowledge of alternative medicine. Paul Nison, a seasoned world renowned speaker, author, raw food chef, and teacher of health and wellness for over 17 years. He just finished his American book tour for his latest book, The Daylight Diet. He will be sharing insights from his discoveries. Tickets go on sale online October 1 at

Events and Announcements

Eat-In Ontario: A project of FoodShare Friday, October 8 Info and to volunteer: or recipeforchange@foodshare.n et Email: Eat-In Ontario is part of FoodShare's Recipe for Change initiative, a partnership to build food literacy across Ontario by delivering hands-on, curriculum-linked activities. It is a province-wide fall harvest celebration with fun-filled activities, using fresh local produce to teach students of all ages the joys of cooking, growing and tasting good, healthy food. In Toronto, we will be gathering over 700 students from JK to Grade 12 at Queen's Park to celebrate and enjoy the harvest in Ontario as they participate in a series of four worksh

ops per grade. Over the coming months we'll make these curriculum-linked activities and resources available online. Why Organic? Celebrating the Impact, Principles and Passion of Organic Agriculture in Word and Pictures A photo exhibit and commentary featuring photos by Anna Prior. Get a sense of the commitment and challenge of growing organically and the beauty and benefit of organic food through stunning visual images Saturday, October 9 - Thursday, October 14 Location: Metro Hall Rotunda, 55 John St., outh-east corner of King and John (two blocks east of Spadina) Cost: Free Transform Your Health 2010 Mark the date: November 22, 2010. The year is almost over and all your health and wellness goals were shot. You had good intentions at the beginning of 2010 but time and circumstance conspired against you. Don’t worry about it. This is an evening of two great speakers on health and wellness. Jenny Berkeley, RN and Health Educator will be speaking on health and wellness combining her intimate knowledge of the medical industry with her

WholeLife Expo November 26 to 28, 2010 Canada's largest showcase of natural health, alternative medicine, and eco-friendly lifestyles. With 60 speakers and over 200 exhibitors, Whole Life Expo brings you the most comprehensive array of natural health products and services ever gathered under one roof. Metro Toronto Convention Centre. For Raw Food Potlucks check their specific pages.

They said that

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

The typical nutrient poor and highly acidic diet can throw off the delicate balance in our bodies, resulting in unhealthy cells. Unhealthy cells can lead to the growth of damaging pathogens which through their very survival, release more acid wastes which damages more cells. The body attempts to adapt to this acidic environment, but as it maintains this unhealthy cycle it begins to experience negative symptoms. These diseases are diagnosed as diseases though they are really signs of an underlying pH imbalance. Dr Michelle Schoffro Cook, The Ultimate pH Solution, pg 52

Durham Lakeside Vegetarians Wed. Oct 6 - Evening with Erika Sullivan If you are a new vegetarian or even thinking about a change to your lifestyle, join us at the Oshawa Public Libraries' McLaughlin Branch for all of the latest news regarding a healthful vegetarian lifestyle. Erika Sullivan is a veterinarian in Whitby and an international advocate for vegetarianism. 9/70/


October 2010 Edition

Odds and Ends In The Canadian Press

( These story headlines caught my attention in the last month and I wanted to highlight them.) • Canadian obesity rates climb: report Canadians are struggling in the battle against obesity, a report from a prominent economic organization says. • Diabetes drug Avandia pulled in Europe GlaxoSmithKline's diabetes drug Avandia has been ordered off shelves in Europe, and U.S. regulators have further restricted its use because of heart attack risks. Angel's Cradle in Vancouver gets 1st abandoned baby A two-day-old baby was abandoned at Angel's Cradle at St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver this summer — the first time the newborn drop-off facility has been accessed, the hospital said Tuesday. Links courtesy of (check it out!) Free eBook about Water Free Kangen Water Demo (15min) 38

Top Ten Reasons You Know You’re A Raw Foodist 1. Your friends and coworkers use any excuse to point out “oh she or he doesn’t eat thattttt” 2. Your hosts always asks you in advance of attending any event if this or that is okay for you. 3. Your spouse complains that your breath always smells like grass. 4. Your oven is additional storage space. 5. You brush your teeth with soap. 6. Your stove top has a cutting board covering the burners. 7. You never buy clothes that fit. You buy them slightly too small so you can wear them longer. 8. You know all the produce people/farmers in the area on a first name basis. 9. Your recipes don't say anything about baking, boiling, or frying. 10. People give you fruit baskets for the holidays.

A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication

October 2010 Edition


Jenny Berkeley RN, Health Educator (Toronto)

Heather Manley ND (Hawaii)

Derryck Lamptey (Toronto)

Ryan Krane (California) A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society Publication


Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Society | Proudly Serving Toronto and Durham Region Phone: 905.903.5667 | | A Eating4Eternity.Org / Durham Raw Food Publication 6 Help us spread the word about good healthSociety and prosperity by forwarding this to those you care about!

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