EternityWatch Nov 2010

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What’s InsIde Raw SpiRit FeStival: a phenomenal SucceSS

A Primer To rAw Food desserTs HeAlTHy HolidAysnAcks

November 2010 Edition


a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

November 2010 Edition

Welcome Message by The Cofounder

“Very informative and has given be lots to think about.” – Pat M. Pickering, Ontario..


ooking at the quote that i have used, you'll see that it is not by a famous person. pat is simply someone who attended one of my lecturers and was impressed to leave a comment. She may not be a famous person but she is tremendously worthwhile in my eyes. it seems like today the world is becoming ever more jaded. it's been said that people today know the price of everything and the value of nothing. maybe it was the advent of telemarketing, or internet marketing or e-mail marketing that has left many people a bit disenfranchised by these methods. or perhaps they fear, dare i say, the dreaded multilevel marketing. it is really sad that people no long to take the time to pay attention to marketing. Somewhere in their mind they believe that someone is trying to sell something. one marketer has said that people hate to be sold but they love to buy. this really is sad. it is a sign of the decline of critical thinking skills within the individual person. an intelligent human being is able to analyse any information presented before that person and extract what is good while disregarding what is bad. never does the fear of new information enter into the mind of the individual. and this is why i selected pat’s quote above. it is because of the strength of mind and her will to succeed. She came out to hear new information that will be beneficial to her and her family. as we enter into the holidays, take this time to explore new things and new concepts which you can discuss with your families around the holiday dinner table. in this issue we have no shortage of new concepts and ideas. Dr heather takes us on a little journey through choosing heart healthy snacks for children and other members of the family. She also gives some tips on how you can interest your young children in these new foods so be sure to check out this article. Ryan is tackling the subject of binge eating. this is certainly a timely article for the season. i have said before that people sometimes forget how much they eat while enjoying a good meal with family members and friends. Ryan takes a hard look at this and provides some practical insights in his article. this season has changed. everything around us has changed. For those of us living in canada we can see the change and feel change in the environment. on some level regardless of where we are around the globe, we ought to consider that we need to make changes for the season. in this article we’ll look at practical steps to help you adjust your eating habits for the holiday season. Derryck, our resident man about town, reports on the success of the Raw Spirit Festival. Derek tries to capture the heart and soul of this in pictures and his story. Derek is also president of the Raw Spirit Festival and his point of view is worth considering. our December issue will focus on the best of 2010 so be sure to get that issue. i encourage you to forward this magazine to your friends and family member because they need to know this stuff. i enjoyed the magazine and know you will too. enjoy! peace and be well.

Rn, health educator

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication


NOVEMBEr 2010 Edition



The winter season brings in a new plate of new foods. One of my favourite things to do when introducing a new food to the family, is tell a little tale about its’ history, weaving in some geography and gardening. This article will help you discover my technique for getting kids interested in strange new foods.



How To recover From HolidAy Binge eATing Recovering from the binge eating festivities that are all-too common this time of year starts with preparing the mind beforehand. how you think about the upcoming holiday season will greatly influence how far off course your eating habits will or will not stray. this article takes a look at some of the blatant mistakes people make and provides some practical steps to help you avoid binge eating.


a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

NOVEMBEr 2010 Edition

AdjusTing your eATing HABiTs For THe seAson what normally happens just after the winter? it's the same for most people. we gain weight. Gaining weight seems to happen by default over the winter season. in this article, we’ll take a look at some of the things we do which encourage weight gain and also some changes we can make to prevent this from happening.


rAw sPiriT FesTivAl: A PHenomenAl success

eTerniTywATcH eternitywatch is published by and the Durham Raw Food Society. email:

suBscriPTions eternitywatch is intended for anyone who is conscious about healthy living and an abundant life. to subscribe go to


AdverTisemenTs to inquire about advertising in eternitywatch, please send an email to info “at” or call 905-903-5667. potential advertisers must share our philosophy of good health and natural living.

Derryck, our citizen journalist, raw food enthusiast, discusses the Raw Spirit Festival 2010 held in prescott, arizona from the 24th to the 26th of September 2010. prescott is about 5000 feet above sea level, and the 100km drive from phoenix to prescott shows off the astonishing variety of landscapes and terrains that arizona has to offer. this year, only one festival has been organised, this one spanned three days (instead of the normal two days), and featured a dazzling array of raw chefs, musicians, and guest presenters. You’ll get the raw details in this article.


A Primer To rAw Food desserTs it’s the most wonderful time of the year. the winter holidays are excellent. So many religions have their holidays around the season that it is easy to rest from the cares of everyday life. however, one negative of the holidays is the tendency of people to overeat and overindulge in sweets. in this article, we’ll look at some healthy raw food snacks that you’ll love and will not be as unhealthy as conventional snacks.

EDITORIALS / ARTICLES To submit an article for consideration in EternityWatch, please send an email to info “at” or call 905-903-5667. We are interested in original writings relevant to the alternative health and lifestyle community, nurses and doctors who share our philosophy. If you have a comment or question about an article or editorial published in EternityWatch, or if you have a suggestion for a topic you would like to see featured in a future issue, please send an email to info “at”

ETERNITYWATCH POLICY The information and opinions expressed by contributing authors and advertisers within EternityWatch do not necessarily reflect those of the company, the staff or our founder and should not be considered as endorsed

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication


NOVEMBer 2010 Edition Simply kid delicious: carefully take out the seeds and add some color to your green salad, or sprinkle the seeds on top of your vanilla yogurt or ice cream!

A Heart Healthy

And Kid Friendly


Purple Peruvian Potato history: Known as the, “Gem of the andes,” these South american potatoes, purple inside and out, are delicious and nutritious and add some flair to the dinner table! Simply organic: a perfect after-school snack. Slice them up, mix with salt, pepper, garlic and olive oil and bake in the oven like a french fry! Simply delicious: any potato recipe can be substituted with this lively vegetable! try serving it next time in replacement of your oven roasted po-

HEATHER MANLEY, N.D he winter season brings in a new plate of new foods. one of my favorite things to do when introducing a new food to the family, is tell a little tale about its’ history, weaving in some geography and gardening. Kids love the simple trivia (although at times i do stretch the truth!) and get them a little curious to give the new vegetable a taste.


Below are some heart and kid friendly foods: Red Pomegranate history: one of the oldest fruits known, the brightly hued pomegranate originated from china, it later made its’ way to italy where it was known as the, “royal fruit.” Simply organic: Splitting open the pomegranate reveals the stunning bright red seeds, however, one then wonders what to do with those seeds? ideally, eating the whole seed gives you a pack of nutrition and a healthy dose of fiber, so, indulge yourself on the crunchy seed and succulent tart juice!


Dr. heather manley, who in 2001 received her medical degree from the national college of naturopathic medicine in portland, oregon, is a practicing physician whose primary interest is preventative healthcare for families. She is the author of human Body Detectives, her educational series of storytelling audiobooks and accompanying activity workbooks. She also promotes wellness and naturopathic healthcare on her website She lives on the Big island of hawaii with her husband and two daughters, and is currently at work on the next human Body Detectives adventure.

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication


NOVEMber 2010 Edition

One of the oldest fruits known, the brightly hued pomegranate originated from China, it later made its’ way to Italy where it was known as the, “royal fruit.�

tatoes. Walnut and Cranberries history in asia, people believe the shape of the walnut resembles a brain and that it keeps the blood flowing smoothly and cranberries are full of magnesium and fiber Simply organic: mix the walnuts and cranberries together during holiday final school exams and as and before bedtime snack! Simply delicious: add some color, flavor and nutrition to your holiday salad by sprinkling walnut and cranberry mixture on top.

Herbal Tea history: over five thousand years ago, it is thought that the first sip of a herbal tea was drank in the country of china. one legend says that it was by accident that servants threw in leaves from a tea plant into a pot of boiling water, to which their master did drink and enjoy! Simply organic: easy to brew up your favorite herbal tea, so make a larger pitcher and have it available in the fridge instead of juice or pop. Simply delicious: mix in mint, honey and sliced lemons to add extra nutrition and taste.

Mandarin Oranges history: three thousand years ago, mandarin oranges grew wild in the northeast india. they then traveled to china, europe, north africa and australia before making it to north america. Simply organic: have a big bowl of mandarin oranges available through out he holiday season. have a contest to see who can peel the mandarin in one peel! Simply delicious: mandarins are full of potassium, vitamin c and fiber. they are an easy snack that is sweet, delicious and also make a nice, colorful centerpiece!

Edamame history: the earliest writings were from china before the 7th century B.c. it is believed that in 1175 the beans and pods were first eaten. Simply organic: place a bag of soybeans in a pot of boiling water. cook for 5 minutes, drain and add sea salt to taste. Serve warm. Simply delicious: Simple to make, and easy to dress up with sesame seeds, garlic and teriyaki. edamame are an ideal lean protein snack (or addition to you meal!) and kids love them!


a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

NOVEMber 2010 Edition t’s the most wonderful time of the year. the winter holidays are excellent. So many religions have their holidays around the season that it is easy to rest from the cares of everyday life. however, one negative of the holidays is the tendency of people to overeat and overindulge in sweets. in this article, i’ll look at some health raw food snacks that you’ll love and will not be as unhealthy as conventional snacks.


What is raw food? Raw food is food that is uncooked above 105 F. the raw food movement is based on the belief that raw foods contain their vital nutrients and enzymes for digestion and optimal health. when these foods are cooked, they lose a substantial part if not all of the nutritive value. in essence, the raw Foodist considers cooked food to be dead because it is devoid of most of its

A Primer To


Jenny Berkeley is a nurse of over 18 years and a health educator. her knowledge of allopathic medicine and alternative enables her to understand holistically how the body works and heals. She educates her clients in the knowledge of their own body and their role in keeping themselves well. She is an author, speaker, teacher, founder of the Durham raw food society. She works in hospitals in Durham and toronto, lectures in the community and is a social media maven. her belief, “Good health is your birthright. Keeping it is your choice.”

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication


NOVEMBER 2010 Edition


a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

NOVEMBER 2010 Edition beneficial nutrient value. Why eat raw foods? we already eat raw foods today. think of when you eat a raw carrot or an orange. think of that big yummy slice of watermelon. unfortunately, for too many people, they do not get enough servings of raw food per day. the typical raw Foodist aims at getting anything more than 50% of their food intake raw. uncooked foods contain their own enzymes necessary for the breakdown of that particular food. when you cook the food, the body must then use its own enzyme store to breakdown the cooked food. For example, a raw celery stick contains the vitamins, nutrients and enzymes necessary to breakdown the celery. when you cook the celery, you lose the enzymes and some nutrients. keep the sweetness level under control. Some Cooked Dishes You Can Make Raw. Raw Pumpkin Pie (Thanksgiving Dish) what would the holidays be without a traditional pumpkin pie? well, for those of you that would love to enjoy a tasty pumpkin pie but would also like to stick to a healthy choice, there is always the raw pumpkin pie. Being raw it still contains all the vital nutrients and enzymes needed for proper digestion and assimilation of the food. Your ingredients can be the best freshest and the most tasty. also you can substitute a natural alternative to sugar such as Stevia as your sweetener. Raw Ice-cream (Good for any holiday) Raw ice cream is so delicious. and once again when preparing your raw ice cream you have the option of using organic, raw, ripe and fresh ingredients. it is quite easy to make raw ice cream and if you already have the necessary equipment to make ice cream you'll find it fun using fresh ingredients. Raw Pecan Pie (Christmas Dessert) there are many people that love pecan pie. it is a raw dish that there is an excellent alternative to the conventional baked pecan pie. however in this recipe it would be advisable to ensure that you

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

Raw Cookies (Good for any holiday) Raw cookies are really fast to make and can be very helpful when you're in a time crunch. take for example a carob nut cookie. it has only three ingredients. these are your raw nuts (cashews or walnuts or pecans), your carob powder, and about a cup of soaked raisons. Blend it up in the food processor until sticky and roll into the little balls on a serving tray. there are countless combinations of nuts and other ingredients that you can combine to make your own raw cookie creation. Kids and adults will love these raw cookies. and if you should happen to run out, you can make a new batch in a snap. i personally enjoy making raw crackers. they are not sweet but boy are they crunchy. in order to make these you would need a dehydrator if you wanted to make your own crackers. if you would like to start out with some simple recipes why not check out your local library and borrow a raw food book. once you see it as something that you can do and you would like to continue doing it then make the investment and purchase your own raw books for your personal library. happy holidays to you.


NOVEMBER 2010 Edition

Raw Food Groups In and Around The GTA

event Details november 7: early Bird Deadline for the transform Your health 2010. tickets: Barrie Raw Food - november Rawluck november 11, 2010, 6:00 pm Bodystream, 51 King St., units 1@2, Barrie, on 12

we're very honoured to have peter vernon Quenter Dhm (pract.), nhc joining us as our guest speaker. price: caD5.00 per person to RSvp call 705-726-2004 Raw living Food toronto potluck Saturday november 13th @ 6pm hosted by irena vormittag

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

NoVEMber 2010 Edition

to RSvp: $1 donation at the door. come at 6pm. november 22: transform Your health 2010 event @ 7 pm. tickets: Barrie Raw Food Group november Rawluck #2 november 24, 2010 6:00 pm price: caD5.00 per person Bodystream, 51 King St., units 1@2, Barrie, on casual rawluck. Bring your appetite, your raw dish and your enthusiasm:-)) to RSvp to this meetup:

Raw living Food toronto potluck Sunday november 28th @ 5:30pm hosted by joyseeker to RSvp: Raw living Food toronto potluck Sunday December 12th @ 5pm hosted by tamaRa penn to RSvp: Raw living Food toronto potluck Sunday December 26th @ 5pm hosted by irena vormittag to RSvp: $1 donation at the door. come at 5pm.

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication


NOVEMBer 2010 Edition




BINGEEATING bY RYAN kRANE ecovering from the binge eating festivities that are all-too common this time of year starts with preparing the mind beforehand. how you think about the upcoming holiday season will greatly influence how far off course your eating habits will or will not stray. many make the mistake of setting impossible dietary restrictions. if pumpkin pie is your favorite food in the world, for instance, don’t restrict yourself from enjoying a slice on thanksgiving. Just be sure to restrict yourself from enjoying multiple slices every night of the week of thanksgiving. instead of seeing the holiday season as three all-youcan-eat months, focus on the few holidays that will realistically present an opportunity for you to overindulge and binge eat, like thanksgiving, christmas, and new Years eve. this is a fundamental mental adjustment that will go a long way. if you see the holiday season as a few key days to pay attention to, curbing the craving to binge eat will feel far less overwhelming and much more manageable. and when/if you do find yourself binge eating, compensate for it by exercising more. Get off the couch and go for a walk. if you know you’re going to eat too much on a specific evening, go for jog that morning. every effort you make to stay active and diet-conscious throughout the holiday season will leave you with that much less to recover from. there is an old english proverb that goes, “hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.” when preparing your mind for



Ryan Krane is a certified tennis coach, sports nutritionist, personal trainer, and life coach in the Greater los angeles region. a proponent of advocare, Ryan dedicates his time to help others succeed in both sports and life through the use of healthy supplements and lifelong fitness education. Blog: web: email:

the holidays, you can hope that you won’t cave-in to the tempting food all around you, but you owe it to yourself to prepare for the worst case scenario. Remember, the holiday season is a time of year when multiple weight-gaining factors align. colder weather leads to less exercise, more layers of clothes, fewer body-image motivations, general laziness, and boredom; all of which am-

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

NOVEMBer 2010 Edition

plify the instinct to eat unnecessarily. on top of the cold weather, holidays bring together family, which can be a beautiful thing, but often times makes for a stressful occasion with larger-than-normal portions of food readily available. Stress can often lead to binge eating, and drinking too much alcohol. alcohol consumption is often compensated by eating more food ... and so on. in short, retain hope that you will feel fewer urges to binge eat, but prepare for and expect the usual urges. the more conscious you remain of the factors working against your long-term fitness goals, the less likely you are to succumb to holiday binge eating ... if only to less of an extent than last year. come January, any progress you make will come in handy. and no matter how far off course you stray, you can always recover in the new Year (it just may take longer than you prefer).

cause. Don’t get down on yourself. Don’t you want to look and feel great for next year’s holiday season? instead, own up to the collateral damage caused by your binge eating. check out your body in the mirror and ask yourself, “what’s changed since last summer? and what can i do to get my body back to that level of fitness?” Don’t Let Your Taste Buds Take Over Binge eating is all about instant gratification; with every bite, the taste buds are gratified for your choice of food. all of your organs might be struggling as a result—your waistline expanding, heart working overtime, stomach stretching-out—but your taste buds remain grateful. a big part of getting back into shape is addressing the disconnection between your overall health and the level of satisfaction experienced by your taste buds. For months now you have been spoiling your taste buds, and in the new Year, a little tough love may be in order. like a spoiled child who always gets what he wants, your taste buds need to relearn patience and how to feel satisfied with fewer, healthier bites. Depending on how far off-course you strayed, the difficulty in this goal will vary from person to person.

Returning to Fitness After the Holiday Binge the new Year arrives and you’re ready to get back into shape. the simple truth is that the more you were able to hold back the urge to binge throughout the holidays, the easier your return to fitness is bound to be. there are psychological hurdles, such as quitting your favorite foods all over again, and several physical challenges to overcome. maybe your taste buds have never been happier, but the same can’t be said for your digestive system, or the fat accumulating in your “problem areas,” or your stretched-out stomach from all the largerthan-usual portions. Give Yourself a Break many people can start to feel depressed after the holidays. You return to your normal routines a little heavier, a little lazier, and with tons of leftovers in the fridge. this is often how cycles of weight gain get their jump-start: post-holiday depression can make fitness aspirations feel like a lost

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication


NOVEMBer 2010 Edition

this is my new format for the twitter #Follow Friday. i want to add more value to you, my follower and subscribers. please read the information below and i encourage you to #Follow Friday! if you want to know why we (my

JoYcE HARRELL RN, ocN t seems like an eternity and at the same time like yesterday when i knew my calling was to be a nurse. i was only 14 when i knew this was to be included in my journey. Just like when i was 20 and i knew i

i 16

friend/mentor, alex) are doing this, then follow the link [here] to read how alex describes it. he said it all. this Follow Friday, i have a new friend/pick. though Joyce and i have not met in person, i was deeply moved by her story. after i visited her blog and found out more information about her, i decided to keep following her. i asked her to do a bio for me and she most graciously agreed. i always ask my #Follow Friday picks to do a completely unique bio for you. it must not be something from their website or blog or twitter. i must admit that when i read the bio Joyce sent me, it almost brought tears to my eyes. Joyce is my follow Friday pick. Go follow. if you would like to be featured on our #Follow Friday format and you believe that we can connect then follow @sproutqueen on twitter and Dm me. as always, peace and be well, my friend. – J. (@sproutqueen) eZine archive : Blog: For health and wellness info, join my mailing list:

would marry a minister even though i hadn’t even met him yet. i journeyed down the path of my life and went to college, met and married my minister husband, and had three beautiful children before i took a deep breath and plunged into one of the most exciting rides of my life – nursing school. i loved nursing school. my favorite class was anatomy and physiology. it is here i learned how fearfully and wonderfully made we actually are. what an awesome God to so intricately design the human body and bring life from the dust of the earth. there are experiences in school that i will never forget

and experiences that i continue to have that remind me just how precious is life and how important it is for one human to touch another. i was given the assignment one week to care for a woman with metastatic to bone breast cancer. there literally was no place on her frail body that wasn’t touched by the disease. every turn, you would hear a bone crack just a little. every turn, you would feel the bones that were already broken and pray that your touch would not cause more pain. my prayer those two days were to do no harm. my prayer was to be able to gently bath her, and maybe

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

NOVEMBer 2010 Edition

bring a small amount of relief from her suffering with a tender, caring touch. that event so touched my life, i eventually became a cancer nurse. During our semester in pediatrics, we all had our turn with Joy. (not her real name) She was three, and had been born premature to a drug addicted mother. She was cared for by her grandmother. her mother was in and out of jail due to prostitution and drugs. Joy had short gut syndrome due to complications from her prematurity and multiple surgeries. it was hard to keep her potassium levels normal. She was fed by tube feedings for optimal nutrition. her teeth had rotten areas due partially to still getting a milk bottle. we were all scared at first to care for her because her needs were many, and her medications were complicated. her smile could warm anyone. we all loved her, held her, and allowed her to touch our heart. we all wanted to be a little judgmental toward Joy’s mother whom we had never met. Joy’s physician told me that her mother loved Joy very much and for me to look past the troubled woman, and see the heart of the mom. i saw her differently that day. So on the last day of that class, when we got word that Joy had coded and died, and that the hospital tried their best to get Joy’s mom to the picu before she died, my heart cried; for the

little girl who was no more, and for the mom, who through her circumstances lost out on so much. the caring factor was so important to me. i didn’t realize until many years later, and i was taking more nursing classes there were others who felt the same way. i realized we were nurses practicing in a scientific medical model. i don’t discount the fact we as nurses need to understand the science. what i began to realize is the scientific had taken away from the emphasis on the caring. i discovered nurse theorists like Dr. Jean watson and her 10 caritas. (caring factors) as a cancer center manager i had implemented many caring practices in the clinic. it is just as important to me that a woman has a nice wig and feels good about herself during treatment, or that a woman can know where to get a breast prosthesis when she can’t afford one so she doesn’t have to stuff her bra with socks. today, i share with families how to touch their loved one or express feelings when they just are at a loss for what to do or say. when i care for a patient, i am also caring for their family. Families feel helpless when they have a terminal loved one. i had some soothing essential oils in my nursing bag the other day. a family member had expressed she loved aromatherapy and

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

wished she had some for her mother’s feet. we used a few drops of lavender and lotion, and she rubbed her mama’s feet. i am not sure who received a healing that day, the daughter, the mama, or probably both. healing is not curing. healing of the mind, body, and spirit is so important. my patients are not their disease. i have a passion to share with others how to incorporate the much needed caring into their practice, and to share with family caregivers how they can be instrumental in the healing journey. as i share with others in a realm of prevention, better health, and caring, the emphasis is on wellness. wellness encompasses more than the physical. each area touches the other. i am Joyce harrell. i am a nurse.

Joyce harrell, Rn, ocn is an oncology Registered nurse and wellness coach. Joyce provides education and workshops on a variety of subjects relating to the health and wellness of cancer patients and their families, as well as workshops for nurses. Joyce practices integrative care, which is adding integrative therapies to conventional medicine. She can be reached through her website at


NOVEMBEr 2010 Edition Clean Out the Fridge Surround yourself with healthy, delicious, fresh foods. trying to save a couple bucks living on fattening leftovers is not the way you want to start the year. Give the food away or throw it away; just get rid of it. then clean out your fridge with warm water and soap. Resetting your diet and getting back in shape is tough enough on its own, you don’t need to be questioning whether or not your foods are staying cool in a clean, sanitary environment. Fresh fruit, for example, can compensate for your sweet tooth. instead of thinking to yourself, “a pumpkin pie would really hit the spot right now,” ask yourself, “what would be a healthy way to satisfy my craving for pumpkin pie?” make a grocery list with these healthy alternatives in mind. Don’t Put Off Getting Back into Shape “next week” is usually the best-sounding time to start taking your health seriously, but always the least effective. Because you know what will sound best when “next week” comes around? the following “next week.” January is a month that is usually free from over-indulgence occasions, so take advantage of it before the Super Bowl comes around and you have to confront all the familiar temptations. every week you put off dieting can add another month of recovery time, especially if your weight continues to climb. Don’t Buy a New Wardrobe the last thing you want to do is buy a new wardrobe because your clothes are starting to feel snug. when your clothes are snug, you can’t help but tighten your stomach muscles. have you ever tried to overeat


while holding in your gut? it’s nearly impossible. use the snugness of your clothes to your advantage. if you need clothes that fit better, work on getting your body to fit your clothes, not the other way around. Stay Positive the only way to change the past is to learn from it and not repeat it. maintaining a positive attitude is essential for a successful recovery after a season of holiday binge eating. positivity leads to productivity which leads to momentum. a new Year diet will only succeed if you can create enough momentum for you to ride during those moments of weakness, when you feel tempted by the drive-thru, tempted to make yourself an unnecessary second plate of food, tempted to watch more television instead of hitting the gym. Fueled by your commitment to fitness and supported by a positive attitude, momentum will help you get through even the most challenging day. and if you do indulge, let your positivity, productivity, and momentum steer you back on course. When In Doubt, Seek Advice Be honest with yourself and whether or not you possess the self-discipline necessary to get your diet and waistline back on track. Depending on the distance between your fitness goals and daily routines, a personal trainer and certified nutritionist who can jump-start your motivation, and plan a diet that is catered to your cravings and likings, may be the best investment you have ever made for your mind, body, and the future of both.

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

NOVEMBEr 2010 Edition

Adjusting Your Eating Habits For The Season bY JENNY bERkELEY RN, HEALTH EDucAToR or people across the globe it may not be necessary to adjust your eating habits if the typically rises and sets at the same time all year. however in canada, we can get sunsets at 10 pm during the summer and sunset at 4 pm during the winter. what normally happens just after the winter? it's the same for most people. we gain weight. Gaining weight seems to happen by default over the winter season. there are of course several minor league reasons why we keep weight which include sweets and candies, numerous large meals at family gatherings, and less exercise. they are also natural biological reasons why we keep gaining weight during the winter season. Just look at the example of bears and other forest animals that hibernate. they eat a whole lot just prior to which the in order to build up fat deposit as part of the survival mechanism. Do you think it might be possible that all bodies during these winters also decide to the increase all our storage as a defence mechanism?why would we want to adjust our eating habits? to make it easier for us to get rid of the


a / Durham Raw Food Society publication


NOVEMber 2010 Edition ityy 20

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

NOVEMber 2010 Edition

weight or to have less weight to get rid of come spring. the affordable winners to continue to keep our slim and trim body over the winter season or minimise the weight gain during that time. #1: Do not give into temptation to overeat people tend to get excited at family gatherings and at times they may forget the size of their own stomachs and overeat. other times it will mean schedule 2 or three visits on or wrong in specific holiday and on each visit their encouraged to eat a big meal. in fact, even without a family gathering as an excuse, people today overeat. take for example a bagel. it has grown from a 3-inch diameter, 20 years ago to a whopping 6-inch diameter and 350 calories. next take a look at popcorn. popcorn is the traditional snack when watching movies. But just look at how it has grown from a 5-cup portion 20 years ago to a whopping tub. we have not become giants that re-

quire more food so monitor your portion size and your frequency of meals this holiday season. #2: Eat at the Right Times (No Night Eating) in the universe that we live in is designed to run on cycles. think of the sun and the earth and the other planets. they all rotate around the sun on a set cycle. For us on planet earth, we know that 365 days equals to one revolution of the earth around the sun. we also know that the daily rotation of the earth is 24 hours. the moon rotates around the earth and with its cycle, it affects the tides of the ocean (and some women). human beings and indeed all of nature is designed to run on a set cycle. therefore as an enlightened human being we ought to recognise within ourselves that we function on a cycle. if we suppose that each day has 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night, then we would sleep during the night hours and be awake and active during the daylight hours. we know that we do not eat while we are sleeping. thus, we should reduce our caloric intake several hours before bedtime. i would say about 3 to 4 hours. a normal bedtime would be about 2 to 3 hours after dark where you have 12 hours of darkness. So putting this all to-

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication


november 2010 Edition gether, your last meal should be roughly one hour to 30 minutes before sunset. in canada, where we have sunset at 4 pm in winter, you should eat your last meal at 3 pm. this meal should be light and easy to digest so as not to stress your digestive system. if you feel hungry at 7 pm or later, then hydrate your body with water. most people can live 30 days without food so you can go without food for a couple of hours to support your digestion. paul nison, world famous author and raw food chef, has written a book called the Daylight Diet, which has excellent information on the subject of when to eat meals. #3: Incorporate More Raw Foods and Green Juices into your diet By now many people are waking up to the fact that adding more raw, ripe, fresh, organic foods into the diet is beneficial. and this is a good thing. During the winter months you should do your best to incorporate some of these foods into your diet. if you have a juicer to try making fresh and choose from seasonal fruits available. also increase your intake of green juices or green smoothies. this is important for many reasons. First, you will get the benefit of having your nutrients and enzymes delivered to you in a liquid form when you juice. Secondly Green juices and contain chlorophyll. chlorophyll is an excellent nutrient for the blood. it is a cleanser. Green juices also have the benefit of promoting more oxygen in the blood and reduction of clumping of blood cells. During the winter time you especially want your circular system to be working and its op-


timal level to get warmth and nutrients to the extremities of your body. #4: Reverse the size order of your meals most people tend to eat from small to large. that is, they eat a small breakfast, a bigger lunch and a huge dinner. this may be good in the summer time when we have more daylight hours but in the winter, we would have too much food in our stomach at night or while it is dark outside. typical order: Small Breakfast g medium lunch g large Dinner new order: large Breakfast g medium lunch g Small Dinner this tip is not about eating but it is good advice for those of us experiencing the harsh cold of winter. Bonus Tip: Bundle Up where the deposition of that on the body is a form of natural defence against the cold atmosphere around our bodies, then it makes sense to simply dress warmer during the winter season. Sometimes i see young ladies dressed for spring or fall, not winter. when anything is i've been coming to that the body will now receive stimuli which will encourage it to store at a wrong those areas that are not properly covered. So bundle up this winter season. it will reduce the stress on your body trying to regular your temperature in the extreme cold. in november, i will be speaking in toronto. the website for all the details is have a safe, happy and healthy holiday season.

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

november 2010 Edition

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication


november 2010 Edition

cHANTALE RoY ''la Belle verte'' this is my new format for the twitter #Follow Friday. i want to add more value to you, my follower and subscribers. please read the information below and i encourage you to #Follow Friday! if you want to know why we (my friend/mentor, alex) are doing this, then follow the link [here] to read how alex describes it. he said it all. this Follow Friday, i have a new friend/pick. my pick this time is none other than chantale Roy. when i read her story of how she got into the raw food movement and became a raw food chef, i knew that i wanted to profile her. She is a survivor and best of all; she is now a successful raw food chef, business owner and raw food university lecturer. when i contacted chantale and asked her to do a bio for me her response was one of joyful enthusiasm. i suspect her enthusiastic energy also flows to her yummy products, and her restaurants. i encourage you all to check out her website, follow her on twitter and have a rawsome time. chantale is my follow Friday pick. Go follow.


that is the title of a french movie. it's a story about a very evolved civilization living on a planet called (if i would dare translate) ''the Beautiful Green''. Who is Chantale Roy? chantale Roy has been living her childhood on a green paradise like ''la Belle verte''. more than 800 acres of fields and forests enchanted her and allowed her to see life as an opportunity to manifest her dearest dreams. enjoying the delight of being alive always meant for her: being authentic, exploring her talents and sharing her gifts. her sensitivity and closeness to nature led her to experiment, like everyone, joyful events and painful ones too. Still, the memory of the green paradise led her to believe that a life exempt of sufferings was her ultimate dream. if she could live that way as a little girl, on an ordinary farm in Quebec, there would certainly be a way or different ways for every human being to achieve it. through the challenges of her journey as an adult, different angels showed up to remind her this dream. in 2004, living light culinary art institute inspired her so much that she went back to Quebec in her hometown to open her first raw food restaurant ''tout cru Dans l'Bec''.

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

november 2010 Edition

then she opened her second one in nelson, Bc ''Rawfreshing cuisine''. in the last years, she has been manufacturing raw chocolate bars, raw cakes and raw snacks. She also acted as a consultant for several other raw food businesses. after feeding and teaching raw vegan cuisine to thousands of people, she is now focussing mainly on sharing her passion for health and free of suffering lifestyle at a university level. She developed a program of raw food cuisine at university of British columbia in vancouver, Bc. her green paradisiacal life is now an easy reality to manifest again. She is back to her childhood's freedom and innocence state.

Jenny’s Healthy Chia Breakfast Cereal

this is a tasty and nutritious chia cereal for the whole family. preparation level: Beginner category: cereal equipment Required: none Ingredients

For more details about chantale, you can look at her website: chantale Roy living Food chef instructor, chocolatière Rawsta Flora organics / Rawfreshing cuisine vancouver, Bc 604-984-8818 604-790-8859 (cell)

5 tbsp of organic chia seeds 1/2 cup of organic almond milk 2 tbsp of organic hemp nuts a pinch of organic cinnamon powder a pinch of organic nutmeg a pinch of sea salt 1 organic slices ripe banana 5 organic slices of ripe strawberries 3 tbsp of organic wild blueberries 1 tbsp of organic vanilla extract Soak the organic chia seeds with almond milk 1/2 hours, it will form like gel texture and become soft. than add the rest of the ingredients hemp nuts, cinnamon powder, nutmeg, banana, strawberries, blueberries, vanilla and sea salt. Set the mix aside for 15-20 minutes, let all the flavour soak together. enjoy with a smile and with love & GRatitute. Start off with a positive day. to get more recipes go to:

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november 2010 Edition

Raw Spirit Festival 2010

A Phenomenal Success! DERRYck LAMpTEY he Raw Spirit Festival 2010 took place in prescott, arizona from the 24th to the 26th of September 2010. prescott is about 5000 feet above sea level, and the 100km drive from phoenix to prescott shows off the astonishing variety of landscapes and terrains that arizona has to offer. little surprise that phoenix is home to the most number of canucks after Florida, and has a thriving hockey team! watson lake park itself is an amazing location to have hosted the Raw Spirit Festival. the park provides



sufficient amenities for year-round camping, and facilities for renting canoes and kayaks to explore the lake which nearly encircles the park. this year, only one festival has been organised, this one spanned three days (instead of the normal two days), and featured a dazzling array of raw chefs, musicians, and guest presenters. the full list of performers can be seen at the chefs performed their magic at the "hilltop pagoda", an open-air structure sitting at the highest point in watson lake park, so it

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

november 2010 Edition was breezy even at the hottest part of the day (close to 40 degrees in the day). the chef challenge was a fund-raiser event run for local charities, and offered the chefs to bake off with each other to create amazing dishes, and people bid on the dishes. the chef's hilltop pagoda was always packed to capacity! the performers were split across two main stages - the meadow stage (near to the food and vendor stalls) and the lake stage (with a calming view of the watson lake). the lake stage had non-stop music from 10am to 8pm each day, the meadow stage had musicians slotted in between a fantastic array of speakers. Some of my favourite speakers (paul nison and tim van orden) did not make it out to arizona, but i had a great time listening to those that presented. For those in search of quiet time and mind-body healing, the healing Dome featured a wide variety of healing practitioners, ranging from chiropractors to blood analysis work, and others to help facilitate the healing process. the children's program was held in a custom-built teepee, and featured everything from marimba lessons to hoola hooping lessons for kids and adults to yoga classes for kids. i enjoyed participating in the Kids yoga class with Koya webb, most of the fun came from the comments that the kids made! the most common regret that i heard from the attendees was that they could not simultaneously be in all the places that they would have liked to have been. the nights were a cool 10 - 15 degrees, anyone visiting prescott in September for camping is well-advised to carry a couple of fleeces and a good ground mat! the prescott air is thinner, due to the altitude, so you can feel breathless after a short walk, but the body adjusts to the altitude in a couple of days by manufacturing red blood cells! prescott has astoundingly green vegetation, compared to the rest of phoenix, and the air is sparkling and crisp.

Derryck lamptey is a member of the Durham Raw Food Society in ontario, canada and a raw food enthusiast. he is also president of the Raw Spirit Festival. Derryck wears many hats in and around the raw food community and is always a fun person to be around. this year, as the Raw Spirit onsite volunteer coordinator, he worked with an amazing set of volunteers from 4 continents, and he reports having an amazing experience with such warm people.

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NOVEMBER 2010 Edition My personal favourites: Chefs - Khepra anu (www.mojocraig Somers m), ( and Jason (wheatgrass and coconut cocktails @ Vendors - Brad's Raw crackers and health Force music - Shakti ( m/index2.htm) and Fantuzzi ( Sessions - wild woman and the walk-about session with Katrina Blair, David carmos Movies - "wild edible plants" all in all, everyone managed to find their silence in the hectic pace of the festival, and i spoke to thousands of people. they all had a great time (a few people complained about the mosquitoes at night, and a few people wanted the music to end earlier)


my lasting impressions of prescott - the pristine prescott air, the crisp nights which allow you to see the stars with amazing clarity, the warmth of the prescott people and the perfect camping weather. we had two weeks of rainless weather. i am pleased that the next Raw Spirit will be held at prescott, and i am already looking forward to it! For the second year running, the Raw Spirit Festival is hosting a winter rejuvenation retreat in maui in the middle of February, 2011. while the cuisine will be raw vegan, the retreat will feature whole-body and mind healing sessions (yoga, meditation, breathing and pranayama, etc) more details at or the Raw Spirit Festival is a registered 501c3 charity, with a mission to provide educational outreach related to healthy living, and incorporating more greens into our lives.

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

NOVEMber 2010 Edition

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november 2010 Edition


a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

november 2010 Edition


his month’s inspiration is from an olympic runner who finished last! now you are probably asking yourself how is it possible for somebody who finished last to be an inspiration? as far as i know there are no awards being given for last place, at least not the ones that want to show appreciation. Go back in your mind if you will to the olympics of 1992. For the young runner coming to Barcelona to compete in the 400m race was his dream. he was a runner who overcame tremendous obstacles in his career. Several years earlier he had injured his achilles tendons. But he was a fighter. he went through the agonising process of undergoing operations over a four-year period. he had trained hard. he knew he was ready for this. his father, Jim, nurtured the young boy to become the man that he had become. in Barcelona both were going to share the victory in the achievement of dreams of the runner.


as the race is about to start we see the runners take their positions at the starting line. Ready, set, bang. the starter pistol goes off. our runner is off to a marvellous start. he is keeping pace with the runners and is ahead of a few. then suddenly at around the 250m mark something terrible happened. he felt as if he had been shot in the leg. the pain was so intense that our runner fell to the ground in a haze of pain and confusion. he cries out in excruciating pain. his leg refused to function. at that moment, so many thoughts seem to whirl through his mind amidst the agonizing pain. he would later be quoted in london’s the Guardian newspaper as saying, “everything i had worked for was finished. i hated everybody. i hated the world... and i hated it all. i felt so bitter...” he was down and his life up until that moment in time was flashing before his eyes. thousands of eyes look at the fallen runner from the stands of the olympic stadium and indeed the millions of other eyes watching on television. as medics came towards the runner something unbelievable happened. against the odds, against the pain, against certain defeat, the runner stood up. he began to hop on one leg trying to finish the race. he had 150 m to go. there was a hush over the crowd. the tv cameras caught the runner in tears screaming in pain as he hopped along the track. Suddenly a man ran unto the track towards the runner. there was an exchange of words as the runner hopped along and the man walking beside him. after what seemed liked an eternity the runner placed his arm over the shoulder of the man and they

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

both began the trip down that final stretch of track. Jim, our runner’s father, had run onto the field and spoke to his son about the race. when his son would not quit, Jim did what a father could do. he placed his son’s arm around him for support and supported him to the finish line. walking together with tears in their eyes, they would finish what they had started together. london’s the Guardian newspaper quotes our runner, “. i felt so bitter that i was injured again. i told myself i had to finish. i kept hopping round. then, with 100 metres to go, i felt a hand on my shoulder. it was my old man.” the love of a father and the determination of attaining the dream of a runner converged on the track that faithful day.they crossed the finish line. there was a standing ovation in the stands of that olympic stadium and one could imagine the cheers of the millions around the globe. they all saw the fullness of the human spirit taking flight against the odds. the runner was Derek Redmond. not many people remember who was first, second or third but most of the people whose heart was touched that day will remember Derek. may you find the support you need to run your own race and finish with dignity. peace and be well. – Jenny Berkeley Rn, health educator to view the race set to music: =eDgvske63cY&feature=player_e mbedded to view the race no music: ?v=nifq3Ke2Q30&feature=player_ embedded


november 2010 Edition


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november 2010 Edition 2:00 pm Do you love desserts, but don’t indulge in your favorites because you’re afraid that sweet treats just aren’t healthy and nutritious? the goal of this course is to show you how you can have your raw cake and eat it too! You can enjoy delicious raw dessets and still stay true to your vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or just plain health-conscious lifestyle. and what’s really exciting is that these easy-to-prepare recipes use everyday ingredients you probably already have in your pantry, and they don’t require baking so you can whip them up in no time even if you’re not a master chef. to obtain your seat now go to:

Events and Announcements

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair nov 5-14 ,2010- exhibition place, toronto Durham Lakeside Vegetarians Sunday, november 14, 2010 humane Society Fundraiser the humane Society of Durham Region is holding a fundraising event on Sunday, november 14th at Boston pizza, 8 Salem Road (Salem Road & hwy #2) in ajax. the event happens between the dinner hours of 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. humane Society “team” will be there to help the serving staff to serve your food. 0/ Transform Your Health 2010 mark the date: november 22, 2010. the year is almost over and all your health and wellness goals were shot. You had good intentions at the beginning of 2010 but time and circumstance conspired against you. Don’t worry about it. this is an evening of two great speakers on health and wellness. Jenny Berkeley, Rn and health educator will be speaking on health and wellness combining her intimate knowl-

edge of the medical industry with her knowledge of alternative medicine. paul nison, a seasoned world renowned speaker, author, raw food chef, and teacher of health and wellness for over 17 years. he just finished his american book tour for his latest book, the Daylight Diet. he will be sharing insights from his discoveries. early Bird ticket sales ending soon! Get your tickets now at

WholeLife Expo november 26 to 28, 2010 canada's largest showcase of natural health, alternative medicine, and eco-friendly lifestyles. with 60 speakers and over 200 exhibitors, whole life expo brings you the most comprehensive array of natural health products and services ever gathered under one roof. metro toronto convention centre.

Organic Dinner and Jazz Night thursday nov 25, 2010, 6pm -11 pm- hart house of university of toronto For more information or to rsvp contact Jodi at 519-998-4992. tell her you heard about her event from Jenny and eternitywatch Workshop: Understanding Colon Health: A practical experience Sunday, november 28, 2010 at 2:00 pm (et) the primary goal of this workshop is to provide participants with a broad and practical knowledge of the fundamentals of the human digestion in relation to the gastrointestinal tract. Specifically we'll explore this topic as it relates to causes of poor colon health and restoring colon function. these tools are not a quick fix but over time will yield the result of a healthier and happier colon. to obtain your seat now go to: m/ Workshop: Understanding Colon Health: A practical experience Sunday, December 05, 2010 at

Conference - Your Food, Your Choice: Grounds For Change Saturday Feb 19, 2011,19 am -5 pm presented by canadian organic Growers in association with the Big carrot Saturday, February 20, 2010, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm university of toronto conference centre, 89 chestnut St., toronto $65 ($85 after Jan. 31); coG members $55 Rates for seniors, students and unwaged. organic lunch included ! info and registration: or 416466-4420 For Raw Food potlucks check their specific pages.

They said that

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

Durham Lakeside Vegetarians november 3rd - Dinner at chef tommy's in ajax - 7p.m. Join us in november for dinner and music at chef tommy's. Special vegan dishes will be prepared. chef tommy's is located just off Bayly at 325 westney Rd South. please RSvp to if you intend to come. Seating is limited because the dinner-hour music is popular. 0/

if you don’t understand the principles of the spirit of words, this happening will indeed seem strange, but we know that this spirit of words has the power to influence all of existence and change the world almost immediately. Dr masaru emoto, the hidden messages in water, pg 144


november 2010 Edition

A SHORT HISTORY OF MEDICINE Doctor, I have an ear ache...


4000 B.c. >> here, eat this root. 500 B.c. >> that root is heathen, say this prayer. 1700 a.D. >> that prayer is superstition, drink this potion. 1920 a.D. >> that potion is snake oil, swallow this pill. 1975 a.D. >> that pill is ineffective, take this antibiotic. 2000 a.D. >> that antibiotic is artificial. here, eat this root extract! 2010 a.D. >> that root extract is processed. eat it Raw!

a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

november 2010 Edition

Odds and Ends In The Canadian Press

( These story headlines caught my attention in the last month and I wanted to highlight them.) • Canada ill-prepared for pandemic: CMA head Canada is still vulnerable to the risks posed by a pandemic because the health system is not ready for a surge in patients, the head of the Canadian Medical Association said. • Alberta ER doctors fear 'catastrophic collapse' Alberta emergency department doctors are warning of a potentially catastrophic collapse of emergency care if wait times are not reduced immediately. • VIDEO: Growth charts for babies change When a baby ranks below average on a growth chart, parents often worry about their infant's nutrition. But as CBC's Dan Halton found, health authorities in Canada and the U.S. say the problem might not be with the child but the guidelines. ******* Links courtesy of (check it out!) Free eBook about Water Free Kangen Water Demo (15min)

“Wishing you all the best of the season from the management, staff and contributors of EternityWatch Magazine ”

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november 2010 Edition

Understanding Colon Health Sunday, November 28, 2010

REGISTER HERE RE SISTER HE RE NOW NOW You have a colon like everyone else but do you really understand what goes on in there? Most people never give colon health a thought until a disease has set it. It could be constipation, diarrhoea, IBS or the dreaded colon cancer. W hy wait for these conditions to afflict you? The age old DGDJH ³$Q RXQFH RI SUHYHQWLRQ LV ZRUWK D SRXQG RI FXUH´ LV WUXHU WRGD\ PRUH WKDQ HYHU : KDW LI \RX were given the strategies for maintaining a healthy colon? Do you think those strategies are worth knowing? This is your chance! Previous workshop attendees may quality for a special discount. Call 905-903-5667to get your discount code.

Delicious Raw Desserts Level I Sunday, December 5, 2010 RESISTER HERE HERE NOW NOW REGISTER How would you like mouth-watering delicious desserts that you can eat without worrying about gaining weight? In the lecture, I teach you how to make a some healthy raw desserts from scratch that are guaranteed to have you and the whole family smacking your lips. These healthy snacks are the perfect DOWHUQDWLYH WR WUDGLWLRQDO VQDFNV GXULQJ WKH KROLGD\ VHDVRQV DQG WKH ZKROH \HDU 'R \RX WKLQN \RXÂśG enjoy some delicious healthy treats that are easy to prepare? This is your chance! Previous workshop attendees may quality for a special discount. Call 905 -903-5667 to get your discount code.

Sprouting 101 Sunday, January 9, 2010 RE SISTER HE RE NOW NOW REGISTER HERE Sprouts are a delicious nutritious addition to any meal. They contain vital nutrients and enzymes for health plus they contain the life force of the plant. They are the ultimate living foods. But buying them in the store can get to be expensive. W ould \RX HDW PRUH RI WKHP LI \RX FRXOG JHW WKHP LQH[SHQVLYHO\" 'R \RX WKLQN \RXÂśG HQMR\ WKH EHQHILWV RI these wonders of nature if you knew how to prepare them? This is your chance! Previous workshop attendees may quality for a special discount. Call 905-903-5667to get your discount code.


a / Durham Raw Food Society publication

november 2010 Edition


Gratitude & Love “Loving my body is the first step in healing.” – Louise L. Hay

Jenny Berkeley RN, Health Educator (Toronto)

Heather Manley ND (Hawaii)

Derryck Lamptey (Toronto)

Ryan Krane (California)

Selected Quotes From Seminar Attendees "A very informative presentation. Although my type 2 diabetes is not out of control, I'm going to try and incorporate some of the foods into my diet and see - H.D., Retired Teacher where I can take it." "Jenny is very informative, upbeat and delivers her - L.B, Pickering seminar with humour." "I believe in the program. Excellent program." - R.M., Ajax "The information was logically presented and did support the method of hydration as a main health facilitator as well as others for your body. Well done - M.L., Scarborough Jenny." "Very good. Excellent. I'll recommend this to my friends." - S.B., Ajax "Thank you for taking your precious time & efforts in giving and helping me and our community on the road to wellness. Your testimonies and expertise in nursing in relation to health matters and nutrition is encouraging to see the two come together. Thank you for your spirit and energy and for sharing with us your passion." - D.T., Pickering, Registered Holistic Nutritionist

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NOVEMBER 2010 Edition

)HHGEDFN $ERXW -HQQ\ ³6SURXWTXHHQ´ %HUNHOH\ I found her professional background informative and very interesting and I think her medical training definitely helps to add validation to her new passion of helping educate the public about maintaining a healthy body. There are so many "experts" out there who profess to be knowledgeable about health & nutrition but they lack a professional background of medical training to help validate their claim. Jenny is well educated in the conventional medical field and knows very well what is lacking in our health care system. It is refreshing to see someone step out of the arena of conventional medicine and convey what is truly missing. Her belief that it's back to the basics, naturally, and without pharmaceutical intervention is certainly welcomed. S.R. via email

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