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taylor wassep
Taylor Wassep is a Second Life photographer and writer with a uniquely stylized style all his own. Rezzing into the grid in 2008, he has found one creative outline to another. Going from aspiring model to his earlier years on the grid to now; photographer, blogger and writer.
Well, I think I was extremely fortunate to have the friends and family that I have. What will always stick with me are these vivid memories of coming out to my friends first. Two girls who were my rock and still are to this day. This memory occurred sometime in my high school years - so like 15 or 16 years old. We were hanging out on this random jungle gym in a park at night, as one does. And I remember we were sitting on this raised flooring, the crickets were chirping and one of my friends was just singing Katy Perry’s song, “I Kissed a Girl”. That is when I just blurted it out to them, “I think I’m Gay.” Instant adrenaline rushed through me as my friends turned to me and just said, “yeah?” Like it was no big deal.
After talking to them about it, they told me they would have been more shocked if I wasn’t gay. Which can be good or bad, depending on which way you want to look at it. That is vastly how my experience went with coming out to friends and family. More of a situation where they just knew already who I was before I even told them. Though we don’t make it the centerpiece of our conversations, just them knowing and accepting me is all I can ask for really. Coming out is a scary thing, no matter if someone has the most secure and safeties living environment possible. It is scary to expose something so core to who we are. That is why it is so important to allow people the space and time needed to find who they are. Then allow them the time to open up and share with whoever when they feel ready to.