EDF Shopping Directory Fall 2010

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ECO Shopping Directory Brought to you by



Welcome to our first edition of The Eco Design Fair’s Shoppers Directory. In addition to our bi-annual fair, we recognise that our visitors need information at other times of the year and so we have compiled this handy little book of our favourite eco brands and services across Shanghai for your perusal. We hope you will also enjoy all the little extra eco snippits and tips that we have included. If you want to get in touch with us with any eco related questions, have general feedback, or if you are a business and would like to be involved in our next edition or fair, simply email us at nihao@ecodesignfair.cn and we will be happy to help. from the Eco Design Fair team

环保设计指南前言 欢迎来到我们环保设计展购物目录 的第一版,除了我们一年两次的交 易会外.我们意识到来宾们需要一年 中其余时间的信息,基于此我们编 制了一本有关我们喜爱的环保品牌 和其上海区域内服务的手册以方便 来宾细读。 我们真诚的希望你能在所有收录的 小提示和额外的信息中有所获益。 如果你想要与我们取得联系,不论 是与环保有关的问题,日常反馈, 还是你正从事有关事业,亦或打算 参与我们下一次的编写或展销会, 我们都表示非常欢迎,请发邮件至 nihao@ecodesignfair.cn 环保设计交易会小组 致

Categories Gifts / Stationary 礼品/文具 Lifestyle 生活方式 Fashion 时尚 Food / Drink 食品/领料 Advice / Support / Events 建议/支持/活动 Building / Technology 建筑/科技 Health / Beauty 健康/美丽

你在寻找什 么呢? 帮助你能我们的目录 中快捷,简单,方便 的定位上述的分类, 之后可以通过相应颜 色的按钮开始参阅 详情。

What are you looking for? To help you navigate our directory quickly & easily, simply choose a category from above and then flip through our alphabetised pages looking out for the corresponding coloured dot.

ECO Waste Reduction

minimising waste throughout production of goods / focus on minimal packaging.

Fair working conditions

ensuring a fair living wage and safe working practices throughout production

Biodiversity protection Education & Expertise

a priority for raising awareness on environmental and social issues and promoting positive behavior change for sustainable living, or a specialist in an area of sustainability consulting

ensuring the protection of our natural world, from the Minimisation of the depletion of natural resources through to the protection of endangered species


All of the Eco Design Fair vendors are committed in some way to making more responsible products and services, and are pushing the agenda for a different way of consumption. At different stages of their journey, they all have different priority areas of focus, whether it be using more renewable materials, improving working conditions, to focusing on education of consumers.


Recycling used materials to create new products, or producing items that replace the disposable / short use items we are used to throwing away

We have developed a list of focus areas, set out below to help you to understand more where our vendors excel - Just look out for these symbols against each listing. You can also visit each of their listed websites to find out about their commitments in more detail.

Carbon Reduction

This product or service focuses on the reduction of emissions, whether through energy efficiency or through using alternative low carbon materials within products

Energy Efficiency

Focus on energy efficiency from production through to consumer use

Reduced chemical content Environmentally friendly materials

Using materials that are renewable or less environmentally damaging, to items that biodegrade

From Organic materials that use no pesticides in their growth, to the replacement of harmful chemicals in products. These companies focus on providing safer products

ECO 公平公正的工作条件 减少浪费

整个生产过程确保公平公正薪 酬制度以及安全的工作条件

整个生产过程注重最简式包 装,将浪费减到最小化

生物多样性保护 教育和专业知识的普及 优先考虑提升环保和社会意 识,向可持续领域的专家咨 询环保信息,为可持续生活 带来积极实在的改变

自然资源达到最小化损耗以 及保护濒危物种,从而确保 我们自然世界的多样性


环保设计展所有参展商在某种程 度上要致力于生产更加环保产 品,提供更多相关环保服务,肩 负起更多社会责任,积极倡导并 推动全新不同的消费方式。无论 是采用更多可再生资源,改善工 作条件,还是注重教育消费者, 展商在整个生产过程的不同的阶 段要有不同的侧重点。

为了帮助您更多了解我们展商产品 的优势所在,我们罗列了哪些领域 值得我们关注的如下清单供你们参 考。您可以快速浏览每条内容前的 小标题。如您欲获取更多有关他们 关注领域的详情,尽请浏览他们所 列举的任意一个网站。

低碳 回收再利用

回收使用材料来创造新产 品,或者研发生产可替代 以往被丢弃的一次性用品 或短期消耗品的产品

这类产品/服务注重节能减排或 在产品内使用低碳替代材料


产品的生产、使用和消费阶段 都注重节能

减少化学成分 环保材料

使用可再生材料或者对 生态环境破坏较小的材 料到可生物降解的产品

有机材料在其生长过程不使用任何农 药,来代替含有有毒化学成分的产 品。这类公司注重生产更安全的产品

Arabica Roasters www.arabicaroasters.com 上海市徐汇区宛平南路521号恒昌花园B幢1104室 阿罗科咖啡焙制(北京)有限公司 021 6428 8941 Bambu @ NEST www.bambuhome.com 210 Taikang lu, building 3, studio 201 021 6466 9524 Bebemamie Food Company www.bebemamie.com No.2003 Hami Road near Hong qiao Road, changning district order@bebemamie.com 021 6269 1701 / 6269 1702 BEE inc. www.bee-incorporated.com 安生态有限公司 市卢湾区进贤路169号 169 Jinxian Rd., Luwan 021 5175 1525 Biofarm www.biofarm.cn 百欧欢有机生态农场 市浦东新区 川沙镇六团 川沙路8019号 8019, Chuan Sha Rd., Liou Tuan 021 6469 1721 Brown Rice www.nuomishanghai.com 上海米米服饰有限公司 海市泰康路274弄12号 NuoMi Lane274No.12 Taikang Rd 021 6210 0902 Charyou www.xingeng.org 上海益优青年服务中心 市愚园路168号环球世界大厦1603室 lohas-7@charyou.org 13916743528

Green Drinks

BEE inc.

BEE inc.

Bisagni Environmental Enterprise

中国绿色畅饮 上海绿色畅饮活动一般在 每个月的第二个星期四举 行。请登陆中国绿色畅饮 网站了解最新资讯 www.greendrinkschina.org Green Drinks Shanghai meets the 2nd Thursday of the month Check www.greendrinkschina. org for the latest information

安生态有限公司 上海市卢湾区进贤路169号. 邮编: 200020 169 Jinxian Rd., Luwan, Shanghai 200020 www.bee-incorporated.com

21 5175-1525


Good to Shanghai

Love life, live sustainably email susanevanskelly@ gmail.com for more details 210 Taikang lu, building 3, studio 201 www.kplunk.com 15026832961 This book printed on FSC certified paper using soy based inks


or call 6471 6634

for more information visit threaddesign.com.cn

Directway Biotechnology en.obusiness.cn 上海市静安区北京西路509号1-3楼 509 West Beijing Road Shanghai 021 6218 7799 ecoBibi

www.ecobibi.com sales@ecobibi.com 0086 512 5712 7280

Eco Chic

www.green2greener.com info@green2greener.com 00852 2861 0360

Elke Martini elke.martini@gmail.com Eco paper products 13818960329 Elsie & Elva Contact elsieandelva@gmail.com for stocklist details 13817239584

Erel www.erelbeauty.com 长寿路1118号 悦达国际大厦B幢24C 15821318779 room 24C, Yueda International Building, 1118 Changshou Road Fabric Art Workshop

34 Liu He Road, Dongtai Antique Market 18821139155.00

Famili Plays www.miyim.cn Miyim Toys contact familiplays@gmail.com 21 54030753 Fields

www.fieldschina.com A Taste of Quality 15021880200

Finch Designs www.finchdesigns.com Nest, Taikang Lu, Lane 210, Rm. 201, 2/F, Bldg 3 艺术制作设计中心,泰康路210弄3号楼201室 Good to Shanghai

www.kplunk.com 210 Taikang lu, building 3, studio 201 email susanevanskelly@gmail.com for more details 15026832961

Green Drinks www.greendrinkschina.org 中国绿色畅饮 2nd Thursday of the month. Check www.greendrinkschina.org for the latest information Green Ideas Green Action (GIGA) www.gigabase.org GIGA is a platform for sharing ‘best of practice’ knowledge and ideas about local solutions to sustainability. Greenovate

www.greennovate.net info@greenovate.net 021 3229 0343

Hyism Co Ltd www.hyism.com yourism@hyism.com 13621820175 IQ Air www.IQ-china.com 市闵行区吴中路1050号13栋3101室 021 6126 5435 ICICLE www.icicle.com.cn 南京西路1618号久光百货3F 1618 Nanjing Road, Jiu Guang 3F 6288 5892 Jiashan Market by BAU

www.jiashanmarket.com 陕西南路550弄25-37号 邮编200031 25-37, Lane 550, Shanxi South Road 021 5465 9519

Jooi Design @ Nest www.jooi.com 艺术制作设计中心,泰康路210弄3号楼201室 Taikang Lu, Lane 210, Rm. 201, 2/F, Bldg 3 021 6466 9524 Les Lucioles www.les-lucioles.net 进贤路203号, 近陕西南路 203 Jinxian Road (near Shanxi Road) Littlefoot

www.mylittlefoot.net contact kmann@mylittlefoot.net for more details Measure, manage and reduce carbon emissions in your business


GREEN BABY TIPS Parents of all eco-stripes can use the tips below to take baby steps or giant leaps in the green direction.

4 1 2 Choose the right diapers

-cloth diapers made from eco-friendly materials such as hemp, bamboo or organic cotton -fitted cloth diapers with Velcro or snap closures for convenience biodegradable, compostable diapers made of plant-based plastics (bioplastics) -hybrid diapers with removable inserts that safely biodegrade when flushed -energy efficient machine non-toxic or natural laundry detergent -line-dry is ideal and don’t bother ironing

Chow down on solid foods

Wash up: Green laundry and washing

-make home-cooked foods with organic produce and foods freeze in ice cube trays and defrost when needed -buy organic or fresh frozen baby foods for convenience

-wash nappies and baby clothes with pure soap and warm water -consider natural soap nuts -make your own nontoxic cleansers with simple ingredients such as baking soda and vinegar

Lather up with natural skin care

Dress your baby in smart green clothing

-plain old olive oil - natural, and unperfumed - as baby lotion -keep products as natural, organic, and fragrance-free as possible -avoid parabens and perfume in shampoo and bodywash

organic cotton, bamboo or wool fabrics made without toxic chemicals are best against a baby’s sensitive skin and last longer with the constant washing second-hand or hand-me-down clothing as an affordable option

3 5

10 8 6 Rest easy with green furniture and accessories

Feed your little one

-breastfeeding is free, has health benefits for mother and baby, has no environmental impact, and is a precious bonding experience. -re-usable organic cotton or wool felt breast pads -fair-trade organic infant formula -recyclable glass or plastic BPA-free, nontoxic baby bottles


Make play-time green-time with greener toys

-natural wooden toys with non-toxic finishes and lead-free paints -organic cotton or homemade teddies and plush toys -second-hand toys -toys that help build a child’s bond with nature and the natural world

-second-hand baby furniture -high quality, durable pieces made of sustainable, low-toxicity materials -consider alternatives to the regular old wooden baby bed such as an organic cotton baby hammock or a cot that extends into a bed and lasts 6-7 years


Improve your indoor air quality and maintain a healthy household environment

-natural and low-VOC paints to decorate the nursery -do not lay new carpet within three months before the baby is born -allow new items to off-gas for a few days outside the room before using with baby

Wipe out chemical cleaners and disposable liners

-avoid propylene glycol, parabens and perfume commonly used in diaper wipes natural organic cotton or wool cloths and water as natural wipes -reusable cloth handkerchiefs for face and nose wipes -avoid disposable changing mats and perfumed diaper bags

Live Green Eco www.livegreen.com.cn 向绿 上海浦东蔡伦路780号807室 on-line store at www.livegreen.com.cn 021 5855 6298 Motherwear www.motherwear.com 3211 Hongmei Lu, rm404 Hongqiao; 300 fangdian lu, laya plaza 3rd flr. jinqiao pudong 021 6422 0683 Naked Retreats

www.nakedretreats.cn info@nakedretreats.cn 021 6431 8901


www.nestshanghai.com 巢 艺术制作设计中心,泰康路210弄3号楼201室 Taikang Lu, Lane 210, Rm. 201, 2/F, Bldg 3 021 6466 9524

02 Magazine

www.02mag.com editor.hk@gmail.com

Ogilvy Earth www.ogilvyearth.com 奥美爱地球 The Center , 989 Changle Lu email hannah.lane@ogilvy.com for more details OMG Cupcakes Organic Cupcakes 139 1876 6874


BIKE Ride a

Riding a bike will reduce

your CO2 emissions

Did you know? Commuting by bicycle produces zero carbon! One hour of cycling can burn 600 calories. 16 bicycles can be parked in the space of one car.

Biking TIps 骑车提示

参加一个自行车安全课程 当你要转弯的时候请打手势 显眼一些!让大家可以看见你 .避免拥挤的街道 戴上头盔吧 当骑车时让开车的司机们能看见你 这样更安全 在你骑车听音乐时注意安全

1. Take a bike safety course 2. Signal your turns 3. Light up – be seen! 4. Avoid busy streets 5. Wear a helmet 6. Ride as if you are invisible to drivers for better safety 7. Be aware – rethink listening to music while riding

In partnership with

Arabica Roasters

阿罗科咖啡焙制(北京) 有限公司


上海市徐汇区宛平南路521 号恒昌花园B幢1104室

Youdai Jazz Coffee

www.arabicaroasters.com 021 6428 8941

Live Green Eco

向绿 love earth, live green


in your order to get a pack of



Motherwear 3211 Hongmei Lu, rm404 Hongqiao; 300 fangdian lu, laya plaza 3rd flr. jinqiao pudong

on-line store at www.livegreen.com.cn




www.livegreen.com.cn 021 58556298

Paper TIger @ Nest www.papertigershanghai.com 艺术制作设计中心,泰康路210弄3号楼201室 Taikang Lu, Lane 210, Rm. 201, 2/F, Bldg 3 021 6466 9524 Plyboo www.plyboo.com Info@plyboo.com 139 68062723 Rap @ Nest www.nestshanghai.com 艺术制作设计中心,泰康路210弄3号楼201室 Taikang Lu, Lane 210, Rm. 201, 2/F, Bldg 3 rénnovate www.rennovate.com a human centered design and innovation studio pigeon@rennovate.com 13661784480 Rose's Milk Carton Bags Recycled milk cartons fashioned into bags and accessories by a group of retired friends 564159747@qq.com 13817030728



Info@mtpchina.org 021 530600001

Seal Carbon www.seal-carbon.com 熙碳 上海市徐汇区乌鲁木齐南路63弄4号B 4B, Lane 63, South Wulumuqi Road 021 6466 2380

Nest 巢 在繁忙的田子坊小巷之中,坐落着 一家新概念零售店——Nest- 巢 店。它聚集了众多国外设计师品 牌,向人们展示了当代的设计,环 保且可持续发展的理念。店内种类 繁多,有机厨具竹制品,婴幼儿玩 具用品及服饰,流行服饰、家居饰 品等等,更多的信息请浏览 A multi-brand shop, nestled above the busy lanes of Tian Zi Fang, dedicated to contemporary products designed with sustainability in mind for home and living. Featuring organic bamboo kitchenware, baby/ kids clothing and toys, fashion accessories and clothing, home decor and much more.

艺术制作设计中心,泰康路210弄3 号楼201室

Taikang Lu, Lane 210, Rm. 201, 2/F, Bldg 3 www.nestshanghai.com 021 6466 9524

URBN Hotel


雅悦酒店 胶州路183号 183 jiaozhou lu

Creating ways to live healthier in cities -Wellness Innovation, Research and Events



021 5153 4600

1381 874 3967

Shanghai Bamboo Bike www.shanghaibamboobike.com Fahuazhen road 330 near Panyu lu Shanghaibamboobike@gmail.com 15221787956

Shanghai Daily www.shanghaidaily.com/ucenter eco paper free alternatives - ipad application, iphone, mobile, kindle or blackberry newspaper editions available 021 5292 0151 Shanghai Talk


021 6083 1199

Shokay www.shokay.com 泰康路274弄9号前门 Taikang Lu, Lane 274, No. 9 021 54660907 Stella Chen

www.stellachen.com stellachen@stellachen.com 21 63186919

The Freshary

www.thefreshary.com 芮品 日月光中心 徐家汇路618号B2,T-13 SML Center, 618 Xujiahui Road, B2 Level, T-13 021-5403-3464

Thread Design

www.threaddesign.com.cn 上海市 200031 乌鲁木齐中路310弄5号 No 5 Lane 310 Wulumuqi Zhong Lu 021 6471 6634

Twine www.twinestudio.net 繭裹子 twine2006@gmail.com 15921800698

URBN Hotels


雅悦酒店 上海 胶州路183号 183 jiaozhou lu 021 5153 4600

Urban Tribe

www.urbantribe.cn 城市山民 No. 14, Lane 248 Taikang Lu 133 Fuxing Xi Lu 021 6433 5366 / 5465 1668


www.welnessecity.cn Wellness Innovation, Research and Events 021 6431 8901


www.wobabybasics.com 窝零零有限公司 泰康路210号3号楼201室 Nest, Taikang Lu, Lane 210, Rm. 201, 2/F, Bldg 3 021 6466 9524

World Health Store

www.worldhealthstore.com.cn 维衡生 Shanghai store arriving soon margie@worldhealthstore.com.cn 13003231162


www.xingeng.org 欣耕工坊 上海浦东新区峨山路679弄1号206室 www.xingeng.org/Cn/pro.asp 021 5889 0786

YK Pao School

www.ykpaoschool.cn contactus@ykpaoschool.cn 21 5237 8403

Wobabybasics’ distinctive organic cotton collection for babies and children to inspire them to be their best, naturally. 宝贝窝提供100%有机棉儿童基本款, 款式简约、怀 旧,却不失现代实用性. 我们相信您和您的孩子会 感受到全新的不同.

10% discount 九折优惠 offer valid only with presentation of this ad until 2011/03/31 at: Wobabybasics Shanghai Showroom Lane 588 Julu Road, #3, 1F 上海市巨鹿路588弄3号1楼 info@wobabybasics.com

Stop by our Shanghai Showroom or your closest Wobabybasics Retail Partner to feel the softness of our latest collection. NEST Lane 210 Taikang Road, Studio 201 T: +8621 6473 9524

Lollipop Boutique Hong Qiao 3211 Hong Mei Road, 6F +8621 6406 8220

Pink Parade 1138 South Pudong Road, 2F, Unit 216-222 +86 21 5877 1022

Lollipop Boutique Flagship Store 86 Wulumuqi Road (near Anfu Road) +8621 5403 2582

Baby International Yueyang Road No. 79 House 20 +8621 6473 2749

Gi Zone Shanghai In Point Mall, 2F, 169 Wujiang Lu


URBAN FARMING 如何拥有 自己的蔬果花园?

当你选择种植的区域时,需要考虑到阳光,通风, 排水以及土壤的情况。如果你想把它们种在盆子 中,可以使用一些底部有洞孔的干净容器。

2 1 3 首先,准备并混合 你的土壤与堆肥。 关于盆栽,可以使 用 大面积的石头 或者瓷砖作为底部 盆栽来维持良好的 排水,你的播种方 式将取决于蔬菜的 品种。参考种子包 装的介绍可以获取 更多相关的信息。 但为了要确认幼苗 能生长.你要转植 一些种子到另一些 盆子里以避免过度 拥挤。

对于日常照料和 收割:水分,除 草,肥料供给,充 足的阳光以及防止 虫病。对于那些盆 栽的植物,尤其注 意光照,在它们 成熟的时候记得 收割。 如果你在大棚或者 露台中种植,使用 塑料瓶子的上半部 分或者硬纸套管来 保护蔬果幼苗的 生长。

在哪里可以得到种 子:你以后通过 www.biofarm.cn 购买有机植物的种 子,或者在当地的 花草市中买到一些 普通的种子。

In partnership with

Ogilvy Earth is the global sustainability practice within the Ogilvy & Mather group. We help brands to harness the power of sustainability, through strategy planning and communications. We work with visionary companies that are looking to make sustainability a growth driver for both their business and the communities they serve. Contact Hannah Lane for more information hannah.lane@ogilvy.com 021 2405 1626

Look out for our “Bridging the Green Gap� report – Closing the gap between Chinese consumers articulated attitudes to environmentally sustainable and their actual consumption practice.


Littlefoot www.mylittlefoot.net 021 6428 8941 Measure, manage and reduce carbon emissions in your business kmann@mylittlefoot.net 最具效力的报告 集中式电源管理 明确的用户参与 一个降低成本 且环保的快速解方案

FILMS to look out for for more information on

Eco Issues & Climate Change

The End of the Line - A look into the devastating ecological impact of overfishing, weaving global and local stories and a glimpse at the future that awaits us should we do not adjust our fishing and consumption practices. The Age of Stupid - A man living alone in the devastated future world of 2055 looks at film footage from 2008 and asks: why didn’t we stop climate change when we had the chance. Addicted to Plastic - Addicted To Plastic is a global journey to invetigate what we really know about the “material of a thousand uses” and why there’s so darnn much of it.

China Blue - A journey into the harsh world of sweatshop workers. A deep-access account of what both China and the international retailers don’t want us to see—how the clothes we buy are actually made. Home - With aerial footage from 54 countries, Home is a depiction of how the Earth’s problems are all interlinked.

For the kids Hoot - A light teen comedy that aims to deliver the message that people who care

about other species, especially endangered ones, should act to prevent their corrupt destruction. In this case, owls.

WALL-E - This movie is an entertaining social commentary on a not so unrealistic

future, where mankind has abandoned an earth covered with trash, and evolved into obese, lazy consumers; while WALL-E, a garbage collecting robot has been left to clean up the mess back on earth to make life once again sustainable.

From where it springs by Maya Kramer, is an interactive installation where viewers speak wishes into the wishing well and the trees speak the viewers’ wishes back at random. The piece is made from mostly recycled materials, --old wood, bricks, magazines and collected trash. It addresses how our collective desires shape the present and invites viewers to reflect on how their current desire will shape the future. ayamremark@gmail.com

The Eco Design Fair emphasizes eco-responsible design products and designers, and draws national attention to Shanghai’s unique intersection of art, commerce, and sustainability. Find out more at www.ecodesignfair.con


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