TRANSPORTATION/INFRASTRUCTURE OUTCOMES BUILDING CONSESUS - Prioritized transportation/infrastructure project list for TXDOT based on stakeholder input. I-10 East Expansion/San Jacinto River Bridge Economic Alliance’s Transportation Taskforce has long advocated for this project and in 2022 TxDOT has included over $170M of funding for a new I-10 Bridge in their Unified Transportation Program. A new bridge will not only bring an end to our constant concerns with barge strikes, but it will also bring much-needed traffic relief to the region. The taskforce will continue to monitor the project to ensure the project is adequately funded and completed on time
Beltway 8 Bridge and Direct Connectors The Transportation Taskforce compiled a support letter that advocated for funding of all 8 direct connectors for the Beltway 8 Bridge, currently only 5 of the 8 connectors are funded. The support letter sent to key Officials at TxDOT, HGAC and HCRTA was signed by all Houston Port region Federal representatives, local State of Texas Senate and House representatives, Harris County Precinct 2 Commissioner and all local Mayors urging the agencies to work together to find a solution for funding the 8 direct connectors.