Vol.07 No. 01 | October - December 2016 Vol.07 No. 02 | January - March 2017
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Features Full time to freelance. How to take the leap? r«MjY£zŸp »~ˆ{xYf r‹ý»~p‰pf pK...
14 15
KO Neu gzpapypUe;J Rje;jpu gzpf;F vt;thW fhyb itg;gJ?
Xt |²š z¹Y£{ lª… ënƒ~‰ {¯l‰ÜY»xY‰ pK.... How to get work in Sri Lanka when you’re a freelancer
17 18
xU Rje;jpu gzpahsu; vDk; tifapy; ,yq;ifapy; XU
njhopy;tha;g;ig vt;thW ngwyhk;
‘With commitment and a concerted effort, together we can The World of Part - time Writing 20 Work + Pay = Two in One 21 Ntiy + nfhLg;gdT = xU fy;ypy; ,U khq;fha; 22 ~Ÿv£{£~‹Y »~ˆ{x 23 R£~‹ù, WY ñë»~Y‰, ƒ¥Ãx£{p‰ ÷~Y‰ 24 10 tUl g+u;j;jpia nfhz;lhLk; vnlf;]; Xtpak;: ,sk; fiyQu;fis Cf;Ftpj;J cr;rk; njhlitj;Js;sJ
EDEX ~‹lª{K n¥Y‰v ny¥{p‰»[‰ ~‹ƒ‹p ~‹lª{K Yyp n¥{¥p‰l ~‹lª{và EDEX Sithuwam celebrates 10 years of empowering young artists to excel Wp‰p Xtl‰ Xù‡‰»zˆK ƒ£ WY‰{p‰p »ƒ£q »nxY‰ nš »ƒ£q R£n£xvY‰ ztp‰p Ro³£rëY r²nM|pxY‰ l£y¥j³xf RMm{l‰ Rl‰n¥ÄvY‰ {p‰»p‰ »Y»~ˆ n? 7 Jobs You Can Do Anywhere in the world
People who prove it’s never too late to change careers »p£ƒ‹lp »v£»ƒ£lY [vp‰ v` »{p~‰ Yy cx[l‰»l¤ |úy[l R¥z‰»Y£»ƒ£z‰ »~¤n˜~‹xf p{ »v{zvY‰ Be a Professional Cricketer ënƒ~‰ {¯l‰ÜYxYª þv [¥p v»[‰ Rl‰n¥ÄK “Learning of Books and Men”, given a new dimension in the new Royal College Activity Room R~šy¥ ý}xp‰ rƒ~¨Yy{p y£cÄx ýn³£z»xˆ òx£Y£yYK Y£vyx Enriching, Fun yet Serious
How to be a pro freelancer in Sri Lanka ënƒ~‰ |²ñYxp‰f R{~‰m£ nƒ~‰ [jpY‰ ,yq;ifapy; xU njhopy;rhu; Rje;jpu gzpahsuhtJ vg;gb?
RMo Y£zŸp »zˆZYx£ y¥ÇYl‰{x, ~lªf ƒ£ pv³|Ÿz‹t{ Part Time Writer Passion, Fun and Flexibility gFjp Neu ,iza gzp
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Careers gFjp Neu vOj;jhsu; mJ Nguhu;tk;>Mde;jk;>nefpo;T
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January - March 2017
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How to be a pro freelancer in Sri Lanka
By Nadeesha Paulis
"There are hundreds of opportunities out there - if you are determined enough to reach out" to think that freelancing wasn’t II’veused a good career option but now that been a freelance writer for almost 5 years, I hardly see myself doing anything else. Most people like steady 9-5 jobs because of the stability that it gives them, but believe it or not, most freelancers end up creating their own businesses and making enough money to pay off wages too! The notion that you must join a reputed company to live a fulfilling career life is a myth. That being said, it’s always best to work for a company because there is a LOT you can learn. In fact, the ideal situation is that at the start of your career life, you work
fulltime at a company where you can learn a lot but continue with freelancing in your spare time so that you gain reputation in your craft.
You NEED a skill! A perfect freelancing career cannot be achieved without a skill set that has demand. In Sri Lanka, many of the creative and IT trades such as writing, graphics and web designing/ developing as well as areas such as HR, teaching and finance are excellent skills to pursue as freelance careers because many other companies and individuals require the skills of specialists in these areas. In other countries, there are freelance opportunities for Sales & Marketing and Administration. If you are exceptional in a skill, you can easily make money out of it without depending on a full-time job. The key is to harness a skill set that others will have a demand for and marketing it so that your service is made use of by them while making money for you.
Pros and Cons Freelancing has its ups and down — I have complete control over what projects I do and how much I get paid for them, but on the down side, there is a risk of having no projects (and no money) for many months. When you’re your own boss you have to keep strict deadlines lest you end up with no money, disappointed clients and worst of all, bad reputation. In a society that is built on good networking, negative reputation about your work can have a serious impact on your freelance career. Freelancing is different to part-part time work because there are no fixed times. There’s no fixed ‘anything’ for that matter. The universal law that governs all other careers; “Give your 110%” still applies here. If you work hard, build your contacts and market yourself as an excellent provider of a particular service, you will become a pro freelancer.
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,yq;ifapy; xU njhopy;rhu; Rje;jpu gzpahsuhtJ vg;gb? ejP\h ngsyp]; jkpopy;: wp];thd; NrF KifjPd;
'gy;yhapuk; tha;g;Gfs; - ePq;fs; epidj;jhy; mtw;iw milayhk;"
je;jpu gzp; (Freelancing) xU rpwe;j njhopy; njupT vd ehd; epidj;jpUf;ftpy;iy. MapDk; Rkhu; 5 tUlq;fshf xU Rje;jpu gzpahsuhf (Freelancer) flik Gupe;J tUfpNwd;> vd;dhy; mJ jtpu gytw;iwAk; nra;a Kbfpd;wJ. ngUk;ghyhNdhu; tpUk;GtJ 9 - 5 kzp NtiyfisNa tpUk;Gfpd;wdu;. fhuzk; mjd; epue;juj;jd;ik> Mdhy; ek;g Kbahj tplak; ahnjdpy;> ngUk;ghyhd Rje;jpu gzpahsu;fs;> jkf;nfd;wnjhU tpahghuj;ij Nkw;nfhs;tNjhL Nghjpastpy; gzj;ijAk; rk;ghjpj;jthW> rpwe;j nfhLg;gditAk; ngWfpd;wdu; vd;gNj. xU Gfo; ngw;w epWtdk; xd;wpy; ,ize;J gzpahw;Wtjd; %yNk njhopy;rhu; tho;f;ifia rpwg;ghf nfhz;L nry;y KbAk; vd;gJ fl;Lf;fijahFk;. xU epWtdk; xd;wpy; gzpahw;Wk;NghNj ngUksthd tplaq;fis fw;Wf;nfhs;syhk;> vDk; xU fUj;J epyTfpd;wJ. cz;ikapy;> epyTfpd;w epiyikf;F mikthf> cq;fsJ njhopy; uPjpahd tho;f;ifia Muk;gpj;J> xU KONeu gzpahsuhf epWtdnkhd;wpy; flikahw;Wq;fs;.
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jpwik mtrpak; xU rpw;ej Rje;jpugzp njhopiy mJ nfhz;Ls;s Nfs;tpapd; mbg;gilapy; xU rpy jpwikfspd;wp ,yFthf ngw KbahJ. ,yq;ifapy;> Rje;jpugzp njhopy; tha;g;ig ngWtjw;F> gy;NtW Mw;wy;kpf;f> njhopy;El;gk; rhu;e;j> vOj;J> cUt tbtikg;G> ,iza tbtikg;G my;yJ ,iza Mf;fk; mJ Nghd;W kdpjts Kfhik> fw;gpj;jy; kw;Wk; tu;j;jfk; Nghd;wtw;wpyhd jpwikfs; Kf;fpa ,lj;ijg; gpbf;fpd;wd. fhuzk; ngUk;ghyhd epWtdq;fshYk; jdpg;gl;l egu;fshYk; ,j;Jiwfspy; tpNrlj;Jtk; kpf;ftu;fs; Njlg;gl;L tUfpd;wdu;. Vida ehLfisf; fUJk;NghJ> tpw;gid kw;Wk; re;ijg;gLj;jy;> epu;thfk; Nghd;wtw;wpy; Rje;jpug;gzp tha;g;Gfs; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. ePq;fs; ,j;Jiwfspy; kpfr; rpwe;jtu;fshapd;> KO Neu njhopypy; jq;fpapUf;fhJ> mjd; %yk; kpf ,yFthf gzk; <l;lyhk; vd;gJ Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. jpwikNa Kf;fpa fUtpahFk;. mjw;Nf mjpf Nfs;tp> re;ijtha;g;G fhzg;gLtjhy;> cq;fs; Nrit mtu;fSf;F Njit vd;gNjhL> mjd; %yk; ePq;fSk; rk;ghjpf;fyhk;.
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v »zˆZY»xY‰ñ. vv ~`y£{Yf RMoY£zŸp »zˆZY»xY‰ »z~ z‹r‹ ~rxñ. YªvY‰n »{p~? z‹þv v»[‰ nY‰}l£{xõ. pv§l‰ v£ Wƒ‹ »x»np‰»p‰ RMoY£zŸp{x. v£»[‰ y£cY£ú Y£zx r§Mj Y£zŸp »zˆZY»xY‰f {h£ »t£»ƒ¤ »~õp‰ pv³|ŸzŸx. »vxf R{|³ {p‰»p‰ YªvY‰n? Wõp‰ Rnƒ~‰ {p‰»p‰ z‹þv »t£»ƒ¤ ënƒ~‰ Y£MxxY‰ {p v§l‰ ëxñl n˜pf »ry Y… x§lª t{õ. vf z¥»tp »l‰v£{Y‰ Rp§{ {§{n v»[‰ ~‰{£êp Rnƒ~‰ z‹þvf ƒ¥Ã Rly v»[‰ z‹r‹ ~¹~‰Yyjx Ãúvf ~¹~‰Y£yY{y»xY‰ R¥l. {ap [jp
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z‹þvf v£ »x£v§{« R£Y£yx. ~¥týp‰v Wx »v»~ˆõ. 2007 {~»M ~v£cvx ~`y£{Y‰ ~½nƒ£ »zˆZYxp‰ »~£x£ Sunday Times r§{l‰r»lƒ‹ r… {« n¥p‰þvYf v£ Sz‰ûKrlY‰ x¥{« Rly, r~§{ X{§ƒ§ v£ ~Kv§Z rúY‰}jxY‰ ~½nƒ£ Y¥½n{«ƒ. vf U~~‰ z‹þ»K ƒ¥Ãx£{Y‰ R¥Ü t{ v£ n¥p ~‹Ñxl‰, v»[‰ z‹þ»K y¥ÇYl‰{x ƒ£ nY‰}l£{x »rp‰{£ Wƒ‹ ~¹~‰Y£yY{yx£ »vp‰v »{…½n Y…vj£Yy¥»[‰ ~‹l‰ n˜p£[l x§lª ýx. X{§p»[‰ v§ûl¥p‰»[õ {« »K~»xˆnš r¥{Ü ~Kv§Z rúY‰}jxY‰ R£Y£y»xˆ ~§ƒn|Ÿz‹ ~£YDb£{Ãp‰ r~§ X{§p‰ »vp‰v »K~x xf ~‹Ñ tz‰z£n v£ ~v[ ñl² ýx. pv§l‰ vf z¥t§j©§ R£Y£y»xˆ ~§ƒn|Ÿz‹ t{Y‰ Xtf »p£z¥»Jý. Xt ~£Kr²n£õY ~Kv§Z rúY‰}jxYf ~«n£pK ýx x§lªõ. Xt»[‰ ~ƒÜY rl² {h£l‰ {¯l‰Ýxvx R£Y£y»xp‰ Sn˜ùrl‰ Y… x§lªõ. W»vp‰v zŸþ»Kn˜ »ƒ¤ »{pl‰ Bp¦v Y£MxxYnš Xt {h£l‰ Y¥vÜ RMoY£zŸp R{~‰m£{ Urùv vGfñp‰ ÷Y [¥ìvf Ul‰~£ƒ Y… x§lªx. W»vp‰v Xt RMoY£zŸp »zˆZY»xY‰ pK X»J »[þK r«MjY£zŸp »zˆZY»xY‰f {h£ ~£v£p³»xp‰ Sƒ…x. WpK X»J Rlf {¥Õr§y v§nz‰ z¥»Jý. pv§l‰ Xtf r«MjY£zŸp »zˆZY»xY‰ z¥»tp{£ »vp‰ EPF/ETF {¥ë Rvly {yr²~£n pK ë~¥Y{v »p£z¥»Jý. R{~£p {|»xp‰ Ã{ x§lª »nxY‰ R¥l. WpK ÷Ãx£{ RMoY£zŸp {§{n r«MjY£zŸp {§{n Wx »Y»yƒ‹ Xt nY‰{p R£nyx, R£|£{ ƒ£ Y¥rþv pK ~M{~v ýx x§lªvx.
gFjp Neu vOj;jhsu;
mJ Nguhu;tk;>Mde;jk;>nefpo;T rhu;ypd; b rpf;Nfuh jkpopypy;: wp];thd; NrF KifjPd;
d; xU vOj;jhsd;> mJ khj;jpukd;wp rQ;rpiffSf;fhf gFjp Neuk; vOjp tUfpd;Nwd;. ,tw;wpy; tpj;jpahrk; fhz vd;d ,Uf;fpwJ? vdJ Mw;wy; vOJtJ. Mdhy; mjpy; gFjp Neuk; <LgLfpNwd;. mj;Jld; KO Neu vOj;jhsupYk; ghu;f;f ehd; vdJ Neuj;ij rpwg;ghf gad;gLj;JfpNwd;. ,jd; %yk; vd;d nrhy;y KbAk;? Mk;> vOJtij Neuk; fpilf;Fk;NghJ Nkw;nfhs;s KbAk;. MapDk; mJ Fwpj;j Neuj;jpw;Fs; Kbf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. vd;dhYk; gyjug;gl;l tplaq;fis Rje;jpukhf vOj KbAk; MapDk; vdJ gjpTfis mg;gj;jpupifapd; Mrpupau; kPsikg;ghu;. nrhw;fs; 600 vd tiuaiwf;Fl;gl;bUf;Fk; MapDk; Gifg;glq;fis ehd; toq;f Ntz;bajpy;iy. ,jw;fg;ghy;> rQ;rpiffSf;F KO Neuk; flik Gupfpd;Nwd;. EDEX rQ;rpifapy; jw;NghJ flikGupfpd;Nwd;. ,jpy; vdJ gq;F> Neu;fhz Ntz;batiu re;jpg;gJld; mJ njhlu;gpy; Neu tiuaiwia cUthf;FtJ. MapDk; ,r;nraw;ghLfSf;F> xU gFjpNeu gzpahsuhy; Fwpg;gplj;jf;f
mstpyhd rpwe;j Neuj;ij toq;f KbAk;. vdJ gFjp Neu gq;fspg;G ahnjdpy;> rpWtu; guhkupg;G njhlu;gpy; xU my;yJ ,U tplaq;fis Muha;jy;. ,jpy; rpWtu; mgptpUj;jp kw;Wk; rpWtu; cstpay; vd;gd cs;slq;Ffpd;wd. rpWtu;fs; njhlu;ghd tplaq;fis Mu;tkhf Nfl;Fk;NghJ fl;Liu NkYk; tpNrlkhf mikAk;. fl;Liuapd; KOf;fhl;rpAk;> Foe;ijfspd; cs;sj;jpypUe;J tUtjhy; mJ kw;WnkhU KO fhl;rpia cs;slf;fpajhf ,Uf;Fk;. ,g;gFjpNeu Ntiyfis Guptjpy; rpf;fy;fs; vOfpd;wjh? vd ePq;fs; Nfl;fyhk;. cz;ikapy; 2007 ,y; ehd; rz;Nl ilk;]; gj;jpupifapy; tpsk;gug;gLj;jg;gl;l r%ftpay; rQ;rpif njhlu;ghd vOj;jhsu; gjtpf;F tpz;zg;gpj;jpUe;Njd;. vdJ Ratpgu Nfhitia mDg;gpaJk;> Neu;Kf guPl;irf;F miof;fg;gl;Nld;. vdf;F rpwe;j vOj;jhw;wy; cz;L vd ehd; mwpe;jpUe;Njd;. MapDk; gj;jpupif Mrpupau;> re;ijg;gLj;jy; Kfhikahsupd; kdq;fis> vdJ vOj;jhw;wy; kw;Wk; ehd; nfhz;Ls;s Mu;tj;jpd; %yk; ntw;wpnfhs;s epidj;Njd;. mtu;fsJ czT Nkirapy; xU gd;Kfg;gLj;jg;gl;l
fye;Jiuahly; tbtpyhd Neu;Kfg; guPl;iria vjpu;nfhz;lik> mk;Nkirapd; fPopUe;j md;ghd eha; vd;gd vdf;F jpUg;jpia toq;fpaJ MapDk; vdf;F fpilj;jJ Nghd;w> el;G uPjpahdJk; neUf;fkhdJkhd Neu;Kfg; guPl;ir cq;fSf;F fpilf;fhtpbd;> ePq;fs; xU cj;jpNahfg+u;t Neu;Kf guPl;irf;F jahuhfpr; nry;y Ntz;Lk;. ePq;fs; cq;fs; jifikfis njhopy;rhu; uPjpapy; toq;f Ntz;Lk; vd;gNjhL> ePq;fs; Mu;tkhf ,Uf;Fk; mg;gFjp Neu ,lj;ij ngw;Wf;nfhs;s cq;fshy; ,ad;w Kaw;rpfis Nkw;nfhs;Sq;fs;. mjw;fhf vOJq;fs; my;yJ Kaw;rpAq;fs;. mj;Jld; KO Neu vOj;jhsupYk; ghu;f;f gFjp Neu vOj;jhsupw;fhd nfhLg;gdT mjpfkhFk;. ePq;fs; cq;fs; ifr;nryTf;F mjpf gzj;ij ngWtPu;fs; vd;gJ ,jpypUe;J Gydhfpd;wJ. MapDk; KO Neu vOj;jhsu;fs; ngWk;> Vida trjpfs; Copau; Nrkyhg epjp> Copau; ek;gpf;if epjp Nghd;wit cq;fSf;F fpilf;fhJ. MapDk; cz;ik ahnjdpy;> gFjp NeuNkh KO NeuNkh Nguhu;tk;> <LghL kw;Wk; mjd; kPjhd fhjy; vd;gJ nfhs;ifastpy; xNu khjpupahdjhFk;.
Part Time Writer
Passion, Fun and Flexibility By Sharlene De Chickera
am a writer. Then again I write partIdifference? time for a Magazine. What is the My talent is writing. But my engagement is part-time. And my time is more ďŹ&#x201A;exi-time than a full-time writer. What does this entail? It means writing more at a leisurely pace, but still to a deadline. I am also at liberty to write themes out of my free-will and have the Editor, edit my articles. The word count is ďŹ xed at 600 words and I do not have to supply pix. Contrary to this I write full-time for the Magazine, I am now writing for the EDEX Magazine. This engagement means that I have to meet the respective Interviewees and have a ďŹ xed deadline also. So though one says part-time, there is a considerable amount of quality time spent on this exercise. My part-time engagement entails researching a topic or two in terms of Child Care. This includes Child Development and Child Psychology. Listening with interest to stories of children makes the content more special. This perspective brings an added perspective to the story as it comes from the heart of the children.
You may ask how I stumbled upon this part-time work? Actually I was responding to an advertisement in the Sunday Times newspapers for writer for a societal magazine in 2007. After I sent in my resume, I was called for an interview. I knew that I had very good writing skills, but needed to win over the Editor and Marketing Manager in terms of my writing prowess and interest. Having a cordial chat-like interview at their kitchen table helped heaps and the dog under the table was friendly as well. But if you do not have a friendly and cordial setting like I did, you must be prepared for a more formal interview. You need to present your credentials in a professional manner and try your level best to secure the part-time slot that you are interested in, be it for writing or any other endeavour. Also payment for a parttimer writer is generally higher than if you
are a full-time writer. This means that you will have more pocket-money in your hand. But you will not necessarily have the perks that other full-time writers may have such as EPF/ETF. The bottom-line is that even if it is full-time or part-time the passion, commitment and love for the job should ideally be the same!
jkpopy;: wp];thd; NrF KifjPd;
y;NtW tifapyhd khw;wq;fs;> ngUk;ghyhNdhiu gFjp Neu gzpapy; <LgLtij J}z;bAs;sJ. ,jw;F gy;NtW tplaq;fs; fhuzkhfpd;wd. Foe;ijia ngw;nwLj;j gpd;du;> jha;khUf;F mjpf Neuk; fpilf;fpd;wik> rpwe;j Ntiy - tho;f;ifr; rkepiyia ,isQu;fs; vjpu;ghu;f;fpd;wik> KO Neuj; njhopypy;> Mw;wy;fs; KOikahf ghuhl;lg;glhik kw;Wk; tajhd cwTfis ftdpf;f Ntz;ba r%f czu;T mjpfupj;Js;sik Nghd;wtw;iw mjw;fhd fhuzq;fshf Fwpg;gplyhk;. jw;fhypf gzp> Rje;jpu gzp> tpLKiwapYs;stUf;F gjpyhd gzp> MNyhrid toq;Fjy; Nghd;w gy;NtW tifahd gFjp Neu Ntiyfs; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. jw;fhy epiyapy;> jq;fsJ trjpf;Nfw;g> tPl;bNyh my;yJ ntW vq;NfDkpUe;Njh epiyikf;F Vw;wthW ,izaj;jpy; gzpGupAk; trjpahdJ> ,isQu;fs; kj;jpapy; ngUk; tuNtw;igg; ngw;w xd;whf fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. tsu;r;rp fz;Ls;s etPd njhopy;El;gj;ijg; gad;gLj;jp ,t;thwhd gzpapy; <LgLtJ mtu;fSf;F kpf ,yFthdjhf fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. jpUl;L> Vkhw;W> rl;l kPwy; Nghd;w nraw;ghLfisf; fUj;jpw; nfhz;L> gy;NtW rYiffis toq;Ffpd;w ,izaj;jsq;fspd; cz;ikj; jd;ik gw;wp Muha;tjw;F flikg;gl;Ls;sPu;fs;. ,jpy;> mtu;fs; cq;fs; ek;gpf;iff;F ghj;jpukhf> vt;tifahd rl;lg+u;tj;jd;ik> mq;fPfhuk;> ek;gfj;jd;ik vd;gtw;iw nfhz;Ls;shu;fs; vd;gd mlq;Ffpd;wd. rpy njhopy;fspy; cq;fs; Mw;wiy gad;gLj;j Ntz;bajhf ,Uf;Fk; vd;gNjhL> rpy njhopy;fs; cq;fSf;F ,ytr gapw;rpahf mikAk;. ,jpy; ve;jnthd;Wk; ,ytrkd;W. vdNt> gapw;rp ngWtjw;fhf Cjpak; ngWtJ vd;gJ cq;fSf;F rpwe;j gaidj; jUk;. MapDk; cq;fis KOikahf mjpy; <LgL;j;Jtjhy; Muk;gk; vd;gjw;fhf rYif> fopTfis toq;fhjPu;fs;. nghWikahfTk;> Mu;tj;JlDk; mJ Fwpj;J mwpe;J MuhAq;fs;. Muk;gj;jpy; vt;thW Kd;Ndhf;fpr; nry;tJ vd;gJ Fwpj;J ePq;fs; mwpahjNghJk;> xU epiyapy;> cq;fSf;F vJ cfe;jNjh mjid ePq;fs; milayhk;. jfty; ghJfhg;G> ,yj;jpudpay; re;ijg;gLj;jy;> kha juT Nrkpg;G jPu;Tfs;> tu;j;jf MNyhrid> jfty; epWtdq;fs;> fy;tp> Rfhjhuk;> njhlu;ghly; kw;wk; Clfk; Nghd;w gy;NtW Jiwfspy; gFjpNeu njhopy;tha;g;Gfs; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. fzdp gOJghu;j;jy; Kjy; ,izaj;js guhkupg;G njhl;L ,iza ghJfhg;G Nghd;w jfty; njhlu;ghly; njhopy;El;gk; rhu;e;j Ntiyfspy;> cq;fshy; gFjp Neu njhopy; xd;iw ngw;Wf;nfhs;s KbAk; vd;gJ cq;fSf;Fj; njupAkh? vdNt> kpf vspjhd njhopy;fs; Kjy; kpfr; rpf;fyhd njhopy;fs; tiuahd njhopy;fspy;> cq;fshy; vt;thwhd tplaq;fis Nkw;nfhs;syhk; vd ghu;g;Nghk;.
gFjp Neu ,iza gzp
fPNo toq;fg;gl;Ls;s midj;J cjhuzq;fspYk;> ,iza trjp kw;Wk; juTg; ghJfhg;Gldhd fzdpfspd; gad;ghL mtrpak; vd;gNjhL> ntspehLfis ikakhff; nfhz;l njhopy;fshf ,Ug;gjhy; Mq;fpy mwpT mtrpakhdJ. MapDk; ePq;fs; trpf;Fk; ,lk; fUj;jpw; nfhs;sg;glkhl;lhJ. mj;Jld; mtu;fs; mnkupf;f nlhy;fspNyNa nfhLg;gdit Nkw;nfhs;tu;. ,q;F Fwpg;gplg;gLk; ,izaj;jsq;fs;> ePq;fs; mJ Fwpj;jhd tpsf;fj;ij ngWtjw;fhfNt toq;fg;gLfpd;wNjhL> ,t;thwhd xd;Nwh my;yJ xd;Wf;F Nkw;gl;l ,izaj;jsq;fs; fhzg;glyhk;. vdNt mit rpghupR nra;ag;gl;lit my;y vd;gij fUj;jpw;nfhs;sTk;.
vspa juT cs;sPL toq;fg;gl;Ls;s (Mtzq;fs;> glq;fs;> Gj;jfq;fs; Vidait...) tplaj;ij ghUq;fs;. mjpy; cs;stw;iw ikf;Nuhnrhg;l; Ntu;l;> Nehl;Ngl; my;yJ mJ Nghd;w jl;lr;R nra;af;$ba nkd;nghUspd; %yk;> toq;fg;gl;Ls;s topfhl;ly;fSf;Nfw;g jl;lr;R nra;Aq;fs;. http://workathomeads.us/posts/jobs/1273/ PartTime-Data-Entry-And-Data-Collectionwork
Ma;T kjpg;gPL gbtk; epug;Gjy; Fwpg;gpl;l xd;W my;yJ gy nghUl;fs; kw;Wk; Nritfs; njhlu;ghd> cq;fsJ fUj;Jfs;> vz;zq;fs; kw;Wk; ntspg;ghLfis toq;fp> Ma;T epWtdq;fshy; toq;fg;gLk; ,iza Ma;T kjpg;gPL gbtj;jpy; mjid cs;sPL nra;Aq;fs;. http://www.online-survey-jobs.net/
,iza top fw;gpj;jy; ];ifg; Nghd;w ,iza top %ykhd Neub tPbNah miog;G trjpia gad;gLj;jp> cyfpd; ve;jnthU %iyapYk; cs;s khztu;fSf;F fw;gpf;fyhk;. ,jw;fhf> ePq;fs; fw;gpj;jy; mDgtk; kw;Wk; guPl;irf;Fj; jahu;gLj;Jk; mDgtj;ijAk; nfhz;bUj;jy; mtrpakhFk;. ePq;fs; fw;gpf;Fk; ghlk; njhlu;gpy;> ePq;fs; ty;Yduhf ,Ug;gPu;fshapd;> mJ njhlu;ghd MNyhrid NritfisAk; ePq;fs; toq;fyhk;.
tplak; njhlu;gpy; vOJjy; ,izaj;jpy; fhzg;gLfpd;w> Clftpay; njhlf;fk; tof;fkhd gpujp nra;jy; tiuahd nraw;ghL xd;wpypUe;J xd;W NtWgl;ljhFk;. mit xU Fwpg;gpl;l nghUis tpw;gid nra;jy; my;yJ
Cf;Ftpj;jy; njhlu;ghdjhf fhzg;gLk;. Nrit ngWduhy; toq;fg;gLk; topfhl;ly;fspy;> NjLjs Vw;wjhf;fy; (Search Engine Optimisation - SE)> mjhtJ nrhw;gj cs;sPL Nghd;wtw;wpd; %yk; Fwpj;j jsj;ij ,yFthf Njbf; nfhs;Sjy;. tplak; njhlu;ghd juk; kpf cau;thdjhfTk;> kpf njspthdjhfTk; ciu tbtikg;G NjLjs Vw;wjhf;fy; (SE) Njitia g+u;j;jp nra;af;$bajhfTk; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. ,jw;fhf Capyscape nkd;nghUis gad;gLj;jp> cq;fsJ Mf;fk; Kjw;gpujp vdTk;> kw;nwhUtuhy; vOjg;glhj xd;W vdTk; cWjp nra;Aq;fs;. http://www.submitexpress.com/career-seo-
nkhopngau;g;ghsu; Mq;fpyk; cs;spl;l gy;NtW nkhopfs; njhlu;ghd Nju;r;rpia gad;gLj;jp> Mtzq;fs;> Cf;Ftpg;G tplaq;fs;> ifNaLfs; Nghd;wtw;wpd; cau; jukhd nkhopngau;g;ig toq;Fq;fs;. https://www.onehourtranslation.com/ translation/blog/freelance-translation-workhome-mothers
xg;GNehf;Fdu; toq;fg;gl;l tplaj;jpy; fhzg;gLk; ,yf;fzk;> epWj;jw; Fwpfs;> vOj;Jg; gpiofs; kw;Wk; nkhop njhlu;ghd Vida tOf;fs;> gpur;rpidfs; Nghd;wtw;iw Rl;bf;fhl;b rup nra;Aq;fs;. Mq;fpy Mtzq;fis rupghu;f;f Grammarly vDk; jsk; cq;fSf;F gaDs;sjhf mikAk;. http://www.dataconversionjobs.com/ proofreading-jobs/
gFjp Neu Gifg;glgpbg;ghsu; ePq;fs; vLj;j Gifg;glj;ij> mJ juKs;sjhf fhzg;gLk; epiyapy> ,izaj;jpy; Neubahf tpw;fNth my;yJ iStockPhoto Nghd;w jsj;jpw;F toq;fyhk;. mit cyfshtpa uPjpapyhd tpw;gidf;fhf vLj;Jf;nfhs;sg;gLk; Kd;> mg;Gifg;glj;jpd; juk; kw;Wk; nghUe;Jk; jd;ik Mfpad Fwpj;J Muhag;gLk;. xt;nthU tpw;gidapd;NghJk;> gq;fspg;ghsu;> 15 - 40 tPjkhd juFj; njhifia ngWtu;.
KbTfs; gFjp Neu njhopypd; %yk;> ve;j xUtuhYk; VNjDnkhU ed;ikia ngw;Wf;nfhs;s KbAk;. MdhYk;> ,w;iwg;gLj;jpa epiyikia njhlUjy;> Xa;t+jpak; kw;Wk; Rfhjhu ghukupg;G nryTfis vjpu;nfhs;tjpy; mJ gpd;dilit Vw;gLj;Jfpd;wJ.
By Nalin Goonewardene
taking C hanges place have
prompted many more people to start working part time. There are several reasons for this, such as mothers having more time after delivering children, young people wanting a better work-life balance, skills not being fully appreciated in full time work and increasing social consciousness to take care of elderly relatives. There are many types of part time work including casual work, freelancing, filling in for people on leave, consulting and many more. The current trend with young people is to work online, from home or anywhere with which they feel comfortable. Having grown up using modern technology this is very easy for them. For the sake of safety from theft, being cheated and breaking the law, you need to verify the credentials of websites offering various ‘deals’. This includes how legitimate, recognised and reliable they are and if you can trust them. Some jobs require you to use your skills while others offer to train you for a fee. Nothing is for free, so paying for training may be valuable to you, if it means investing in yourself, so don’t discount this from the beginning. Explore, be curious, be patient when you start as you won’t know the ropes, but there could be something that fits what you want. There are part time opportunities in Industries like information security, digital marketing, cloud solutions, business consulting, information companies, education, healthcare, communications, and media. Do you know that you can get part time ICT related work in a range of areas from computer repair to website maintenance to Internet security? So let’s look at what you can do, from very simple to more sophisticated jobs. All the examples below require use of a computer with internet access and data security together with knowledge of English as most jobs are abroad, but your location does not matter. They also pay in US$. The websites mentioned are only a few of many for illustration purposes, so not a recommendation.
Part Time Online Simple Data Entry
LOOK at the material (documents, images, books etc) provided and type what you see into MS Word, Notepad or similar following guidelines as directed http://workathomeads.us/posts/ jobs/1273/PartTime-Data-Entry-AndData-Collection-work
Fill in Survey Forms Fill up online survey forms from market research companies to provide feedback on your opinion and reactions to a number of products and services. http://www.online-survey-jobs.net/
Online Tutor Use online video chat facilities such as Skype, to provide tuition to students anywhere. You need to have some teaching experience including preparing for examinations. If you are expert in your subject matter, you may also be able to provide consultancy services.
Content writing Content differs from journalism or conventional copywriting in that it
appears on websites that are designed to sell/promote specific products. A brief provided by the client includes requirements for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) such as keyword density so the website can be found on searches. Quality of the content needs to be high with clear, fluently written text wrapped around the SEO requirements. Use Copyscape to verify your material is original and not a copy of someone else’s work. http://www.submitexpress.com/ career-seo-content-writing-part-time. html
Translator Use fluency in languages including English to provide high quality translations of documents, promotional material, manuals etc. https://www.onehourtranslation. com/translation/blog/freelancetranslation-work-home-mothers
Proof-reader Check work submitted to ensure that issues, such as grammar, punctuation, spelling, and other linguistic problems are highlighted and corrected. You may use a site called Grammarly to help you. http://www.dataconversionjobs. com/proofreading-jobs/
Part time Photography You can either sell your photos online or submit them to sites like iStockPhoto if they are excellent. Images are screened for quality and suitability before being included for sale worldwide. Contributors can receive a commission of between 15% and 40% of each sale.
Conclusions There is something for everyone with advantages of part time work perhaps outweighing the disadvantages of having to manage keeping up to date and taking care of your pension and healthcare expenses.
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rƒl ~‹xû ÷Ãx£ ~½nƒ£ Rp‰lMc£z r±»N| ~ƒ nl‰l R£yY‰}jx (data security) ~ƒ‹l rù[jYxY‰ u£ýlx »vp‰v »t£»ƒ¤ ÷Ãx£ R{~‰m£ ý»nŠ| yf{z A{£ t¥ýp‰ S¹[²š~‹ n¥p§v R{|³»N. pv§l‰ Xt ~‹Ñp ~m£px ~¥… Ãx x§lª Yy¥jY‰ »p£»N. X{§p‰ »[þK Yyp‰»p‰ R¥vùY£p§ »h£zM{z‹ë. rƒl n¥Y‰»{p »{J Rhý ƒ§»nY‰ Un£ƒyj ËrxY‰ ~½nƒ£ ñ~ ëM»nŠ|x ~½nƒ£ »p£»N.
nl‰l R¥lªzl‰ Ãúv z‹r‹, y¦r, »r£l‰ {¥ë ~rx£ R¥Üâ tz£ Xt nÃp »nŠ MSWord, Notepad ƒ‹ fõr‰ Yyp‰p. W»~ˆ »p£v¥ÜpK, http:// workathomeads.us/posts/jobs/1273/ PartTime-Data-Entry-And-DataCollection-work ƒ‹ nY‰{£ R¥Ü Ur»n~‰ Rp§[vpx Yyp‰p.
~òY‰}j »r¤yv r‹yþv Rp‰lMc£zx ƒyƒ£ »{…½n»r£z rM»xˆ}j ~v£[K ý~‹p‰ u£j‰h ƒ£ »~ˆ{£ »t£»ƒ£vxY‰ r‹…‹t½n Xt»[‰ Rnƒ~‰ ƒ£ r±Üa£y n¥p[¥ìv ~½nƒ£ ~rx£ R¥Ü ~òY‰}j »r¤yv r§y{p‰p. http://www.online-survey-jobs.net/÷
Rp‰lMc£z Ur»nŠ|Yx£ Skype {¥ë Rp‰lMc£zx ƒyƒ£ y¦rvx ~¹{£n (video chat) rƒ~§YK ƒyƒ£ Bp¦v ~‰m£pxY ~‹Ñp ~‹~§p‰ ~½nƒ£ Rvly S[¥p‰þK ~‹ãYyp‰p. Xtf S[¥p‰þ»K »vp‰v ýu£[ ~½nƒ£ ~«n£pK Ãú»K r…r§y¥n‰n R{|³ »Ný. Xt ý}x Yy¥j§ r‹…‹t½n r±þj»xY‰ pK Xtf Ur»nŠ|p »~ˆ{£ ~¥rövf n ƒ¥Ã »Ný.
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rù{MlYx£ Sƒz [ªj£l‰vY t{Ãp‰ x§lª z‹xýz‹, r±{Mop æ{³, Rl‰»r£l‰ {¥ë â ƒ‹ rù{MÜl r‹frl‰, ~¥röv ~½nƒ£ S¹[²š~‹ n R¥lªzl‰{ u£}£ r±þpl‰{x »x£n£[p‰p. https://www.onehourtranslation.com/ translation/blog/freelance-translationwork-home-mothers
»~¤ãrl‰ Ãx{p‰p£ R{~p‰Yy R¥Ü Y£Mxxp‰ ƒ‹ {³£Yyj, ýy£v zY‰}j, RY‰}y ýp³£~ ƒ£ R»pYªl‰ u£}£ [¥fû {¥ë â zYªj§ Yy ë{¥yn™ Yyp‰p. Grammarly »{J Rhý»xƒ‹ ~ƒx Xtf zt£ [l ƒ¥Ãx. http://www.dataconversionjobs.com/ proofreading-jobs/÷
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Full time to Freelance. How to Take the Leap?
By Nadeesha Paulis
think part-time or freelance Sperksome work is “risky”. Even though the such as flexible working hours entice us, not receiving a “salary” at the end of the month scares us. In Sri Lanka, “not going to office” may result in relatives to raising their eyebrows at you too.
How do you know when you are ready? Most freelancers quit their full-time jobs when they make more money and get more comfortable with their freelancing. Remember that freelancing is more like running a business. You have to keep an eye on finances, and you have to give out the best service while marketing yourself so that you steadily build your client base and thus get more paid work.
Have a clear mindset that allows you to see your goals through. If you worry too much about not being able to earn enough money you are losing focus on engaging in productive work that pays.
When to make the leap? Sort your finances. Have enough savings to last you for at least 5 or 6 months if you are planning on making an immediate switch. It is your backup in case you don’t get any work immediately. However, I don’t recommend letting go of your present job that fast. First start freelancing while you work full-time. Build a rapport. Get experience. Stay in tune with the modern trends of your field. Then, with time you can make the transition. Brace yourself. Shocks of quitting or not having full-time jobs ▪ You’ll miss the office.
You may not like the 9 - 5 rat race but you might start missing going to office. Office space is more than just work. It’s a space for team thinking, discussion and brainstorming. When you’re freelancing, apart from meeting your clients or suppliers, you are pretty much on your own. ▪ The lines between work life and personal life may get blurred. For most of us, we leave work at office and retire home to get away from work. But when you’re working from home as a freelancer, you tend to lose track of what is work and what isn’t. ▪ You are out of the “scene” (Somewhat) You might lose out on latest trends and inspirations that you would have caught on had you been working. Especially in the creative fields (Designing, PR, Advertising) where you learn quite a lot.
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Fjp Neu gzp my;yJ Rje;jpu gzp vd;gJ Mgj;jhdJ vd xU rpyu; vz;Zfpd;wdu;. MapDk; tpUg;gj;jpw;Nfw;w Ntiy Neuk; Nghd;w rpwe;j tplaq;fs; vk;ik ftUk;> rpy Ntisfspy; khj ,Wjpapy; rk;gsk; ,d;wpa epiy> vk;ik gaKWj;Jk;. Mdhy;; ,yq;ifapy;> ~mYtyfk; xd;wpw;F nry;yhjpUj;jy;| vd;gjd; tpisT> cq;fs; cwtpdu;fs; cq;fis mfyf; fz; nfhz;L ghu;f;Fk; epiyia Njhw;Wtpf;fyhk;.
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miltjw;F mJ topia fhz;gpf;Fk;. Nghjpa gzj;ij vk;khy; <l;l Kbatpy;iy vd;gJ njhlu;gpy; mjpfkhf tUe;JtPu;fNsahdhy;> gzj;ij rk;ghjpf;Fk; rpwe;j gilg;ig toq;FtJ njhlu;ghd cq;fs; ftdj;jpypUe;J ePq;fs; tpyfpr; nry;y NeupLk;.
vg;NghJ mjpy; fhyb itg;gJ? cq;fs; epjp epiyfis rPu;gLj;Jq;fs;. ePq;fs; cldbahf ,jpy; fhyb vLj;J itf;f vz;ZtPu;fshdhy;> vjpu;tUk; 5 my;yJ 6 khjq;fSf;F mtrpakhd gz Nrkpg;ig cWjpg;gLj;jpf; nfhs;Sq;fs;. cq;fSf;F cldbahf vt;tpj tUkhdKk; fpl;ltpy;iy vdpd;> mJ cq;fSf;F cjTk;. vt;thwhapDk;> ePq;fs; jw;NghJs;s njhopiy tpl;L cldbahf tpyFkhW ehd; rpghupR nra;akhl;Nld;. njhlf;fj;jpy;> KO Neu gzpapy; <Lgl;lthW> Rje;jpu gzpia Nkw;nfhz;L thUq;fs;. rpwe;j njhopy; cwTfis Vw;gLj;Jq;fs;. mjpf mDgtj;ij ngWq;fs;. cq;fs; Jiw njhlu;gpy;> jw;fhy epiyf;F Vw;w tifapy; cq;fis jahu;gLj;jpf; nfhs;Sq;fs;. mjd; gpd;du;> cq;fs; vz;zk; Nghy; ,j;Jiwapy; fhyb itf;fyhk;. KO Neu njhopyw;w my;yJ mjpypUe;J tpyFtJ njhlu;ghd
mjpu;r;rp njhlu;gpy; cq;fis ePq;fs; jahu;gLj;Jq;fs; 1. ePq;fs; cq;fs; mYtyfj;ij vz;zp Vq;FtPu;fs;. fhiy 9 Kjy; khiy 5 vDk; vypg; ge;jaj;ij ePq;fs; tpUk;ghj NghjpYk;> mYtyfk; nry;tJ njhlu;gpy; Vq;FtPu;fs;. Xu; ,lj;jpypUe;J gzp GuptJ vd;gjpYk;> mYtyfk; Nghd;w ,lk; vd;gJ rpwg;ghdjhFk;. xU FOthf rpe;jpg;gjw;Fk; fye;jhNyhrpg;gjw;Fk;> vz;zq;fs; cUthtjw;Fkhd ,lNk mJ. ePq;fs; Rje;jpu gzpapy; <LgLfpd;w epiyapy;> cq;fs; Nrit ngWdu; my;yJ toq;Fdiu re;jpg;gJ jtpu;e;j Vida tplaq;fspy;> ePq;fs; cq;fs; vz;zj;jpw;Nfw;g elf;Fk; xUtuhfpd;wPu;fs;. 2. njhopy; tho;f;iff;Fk;> jdpg;gl;l tho;f;iff;Fk; ,ilapyhd ,ilntsp njsptw;wjhf khWk;. vq;fspy; ngUk;ghyhNdhu;> mYtyfj;jpw;F nrd;W gzp Gupe;j gpd;du; tPl;bw;F te;J mg;gzpapypUe;J tpyfpatu;fshf ,Uf;fpd;Nwhk;. Mdhy; xU Rje;jpu gzpahsu; vDk; tifapy; tPl;bypUe;J gzp Gupfpd;w epiyapy;> vJ gzp> vJ gzp my;y vd;gJ njhlu;gpy; njspthd milahsj;ij fhz Kbahj epiyf;F js;sg;gLtPu;fs;. 3. ePq;fs; fhl;rpf;F ntspNa tPrg;glyhk; (rpy Ntisfspy;) ePq;fs; Kd;du; gzpGupe;jNghJ jpdKk; ePq;fs; ngw;W te;j> ,w;iwg;gLjp;jpa epiy> ntspg;gLj;Jk; tpjk; Nghd;wit njhlu;gpy; gpd;dilit re;jpf;f NeupLk;. Fwpg;ghf> ePq;fs; mjpfstpy; fw;Wf;nfhz;l Mf;fg+u;tkhd Jiwfspy; (tbtikg;G> kf;fs; njhlu;G> tpsk;gug;gLj;jy;) ,e;epiy Vw;glyhk;.
Xt |²š z¹Y£{ lª… ënƒ~‰ {¯l‰ÜY»xY‰ pK.... ~fƒp - pnŸ}£ r{§z‹~ˆ rù{Mlpx - v£zÝ yl‰p»~ˆYy ~lª{ ë{¥yn˜ Yª~zl£ Xt~¹YzpxY‰ R¥l‰pK |²š z¹Y£{
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A LinkedIn profile
Xt LinkedIn profile u£ýl »p£Yyõ pK Wxf r‹ý»~p‰p. Wx {¯l‰ÜYxp‰ ~½nƒ£ {p ~v£c Rp‰lMc£zxÃ. Xtf ýýo »~ˆ{£ n£xYxp‰ ~v[ ëv Yyp zn {³£r¯Ü r‹…‹t½n X{§p‰»[‰ R¥[öK v[‹p‰ Xt»[‰ Y£Mxx r‹…‹t½n ~ƒÜYxY‰ zt£[l ƒ¥Ãx. A ~‹xz‰z Bp¦v »Y»pYªf n¥Ãx ƒ¥Ã »z~ R£YM}Ûx{ ~Y~£ Üðv Xt»[‰ p{ »~ˆ{£n£xYxp‰f {h£l‰ rƒ~§{Y‰ »N.
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A Portfolio - z‹r‹»[£p§ Y{yx
X»J »~ˆ{x R»zý Ãúv
X»J »~ˆ{£n£xYx£ Xt Yy R¥Ü »nŠ ƒyƒ£ X»J ƒ¥Ãx£{ n¥p[l x§lªx. Wv ë~£ X»J z‹r‹»[£p§ Y{yx (portfolio) ƒyƒ£ r²Üy¦rxY‰ »[£hp[£ [l x§lªx. Xt [²¥‡‹Y‰ ëMv£jYy¥»{Y‰ pK {h£l‰ ëMv£j£l‰vY »z~ behance.com »{J Rhýx v[‹p‰ n Xt »zˆZY»xY‰ »ƒ¤ r§{l‰rl‰ {£Ml£Yy¥»{Y‰ pK clippings. me »ƒ¤ wordpress.com »{J Rhý v[‹p‰n X»J ëMv£j ~‹xz‰z R¥lª…l‰ »ƒ£½n z‹r‹»[£p§ Y{yxY‰ ëMv£j Yy[l ƒ¥Ã»Ný. z‹r‹»[£p§ Y{yx (portfolio) »~ˆ{£n£xYõp‰ Rly x¥þvf u£ýl Yyp Rlyv Xt»[‰ ýn³§l‰ l¥r¥z‰ Rl‰~p »z~n u£ýl Yyp‰p. Wýf Wx {h£l‰ r²az‹l »Ný.
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»~ˆ{£n£xYx£ ƒ£ R¥Ü vp£ ~t½nl£{ vp£ »z~ ý|‹}‰f »~ˆ{xY‰ Yyp‰p. Xt»[‰ Urùv ƒ¥Ãx£{p‰ »x£n£ »[p »~ˆ{£n£xYx£ l¯r‰Üvl‰ Yyp‰p. Xt WY‰ »~ˆ{£n£xY»xY‰ l¯r‰Üvl‰ Y… »ƒ£l‰ X{§p‰ Xt{ Rp‰ Rxfl‰ ƒ¼ãp‰{£ »nŠý. W»vp‰v Sn˜ù»xˆnš Xt»[‰v »~ˆ{x Sz‰z£ý. v£ {¥ëv ënƒ~‰ {¯l‰ÜY»xY‰ »z~ »zˆZp Yz£»N »x»np Rxf v£ ~¥výfv »np Ur»n~ pK ý»nŠ|Ÿx »~ˆ{£n£xYxp‰ f n lv »~ˆ{x ~rxp‰p. (Ul‰~£ƒ n¥úv Ã~‹ý»fYl‰ r£h¨{Y‰ »[p »p£ Aý.) Xtf r‹ý~‹x ƒ¥Ã »t£»ƒ¤ »{J Rhý R¥l. Upwork, Fiverr, peopleperhour ƒ£ Guru ~‹xû {¯l‰ÜYxp‰ ~½nƒ£ n, 99designs.com ƒ£ designcrowd.com ƒ‹ Çl² ëMv£j ~½nƒ£n FreelancingWritingGigs »zˆZYxp‰ ~½nƒ£ n »N. »K{£»xˆ Xt»[‰ »l£ylªy¥ R¥lª…l‰ z‹r‹»[£p§{Y‰ (portfolio) ëMv£jx Yy ñz [jp‰ n Sn˜ùrl‰ Yyp‰p. Xt»[‰ ~¦v »~ˆ{£ [p§»np§{Ãp‰v ~§û v§nzY‰ »{J Rhýx ~½nƒ£ »{pv v Rx Yy [ìý. ýýo£Y£y R»rˆY‰}£{p‰ ~ƒ‹l »~ˆ{£n£xYõp‰ ~‹Òý. pv§l‰ Xtf y¥Ç »nŠ »l¤y£»[p Wx vp£{ ëvYy ~§yY‰}‹l{ X{§p‰»[‰ Rlf rl‰ Yyp‰p. »[þK zt£ [¥ìvf Xt zt£ [p‰p£ {³¯r¯Üx ëxñl Y£zx lª… ëv Yyp‰p.
How to Get Work in Sri Lanka When You’re a Freelancer By Nadeesha Paulis
ou can make a good part-time Y or full-time income by being a freelancer in Sri Lanka if you have the correct combination of skills. Lucrative freelancing skills include the creative and IT trades such as mobile development, e-commerce, content creation and data science-related jobs. Writing, graphics and web developing, HR, teaching and finance are good fields to be an expert in. If you’re a freelancer, you need to be ▪ good in what you do ▪ offer competitive pricing ▪ known by the outside world needs that you are responsible and will put in genuine work. Other tools that help you along the way:
A portfolio A freelancing career will not thrive without your clients knowing your previous work. So build a portfolio. If you’re a graphics designer, use creative ways to build your portfolio on behance. com. If you’re a writer / journalist, clippings.me or wordpress.com are a good sites to create a portfolio with all your articles. Use the portfolio to send
around to clients and even use it on your email signature so that it gets more exposure.
A LinkedIn profile Get on LinkedIn if you aren’t. It is THE social network for professionals. You can get testimonials, previous work projects done with different clients and what they think about your work, all laid out beautifully to anyone who needs to know more about the people you have worked with.
Smart pricing Freelancing is tough and there maybe instances where you run out of work. Sometimes you can’t be picky with your client. Be ready to negotiate a price for your service. When you start off, you may have to ask for low rates. (No client is going to pay you big money if they aren’t sure about the work you do or haven’t heard about you) Once you begin to build your reputation and get better in your skill, you deserve to increase your fee.
Market yourself Know yourself, and be honest with what you can and cannot do. It’s one
thing to train along the way, but another thing entirely to start off saying you’re good in something you aren’t. So market yourself correctly. Let your friends and colleagues know that you do engage in giving out freelance work. Have a business card specifically for your freelance services. Network with people in your industry.
An excellent client rapport Do a good, if not great job. To the best of your abilities and you will not disappoint your client. If you please once client, there is chance that they will recommend your work AND give you more work in the future. I always advice to freelance writers (as I am one myself) to get on a foreign set of clients too. (It never hurts to try, right?) There are many websites (Upwork, Fiverr, peopleperhour and Guruhas a bit for everyone. 99designs. com and designcrowd.com for graphics and FreelancingWritingGigs for writers) that you can create a portfolio and “bid” for work. You will be charged a small fee off each of your assignments by the site separately too. There will be clients requiring various types of content. Select assignments you like and pitch your work to them to secure the assignment. Once you get the project, finish it by the deadline to get paid.
ejP\h ngsyp]; jkpopy;: wp];thd; NrF KifjPd;
q;fs; rpwe;j jpwikfisf; nfhz;l xUtuhf ,Ug;gpd;> gFjp Neukhf my;yJ KO Neu tUkhdk; xd;iw ngWk; Rje;jpu gzpahsuhf ,yq;ifapy; gzp Gupayhk;. rpwe;j tUkhdk; ngWk; tifapyhd Rje;jpu gzpf;Fupa jpwikfSs;> gilg;ghw;wy; kw;Wk; njhopy;El;g tu;j;jfj;ij Fwpg;gplyhk;. mjpy;> ifalf;f njhiyNgrp tpUj;jp> ,iza tu;j;jfk;> tpla cUthf;fk;> juT tpQ;Qhdk; njhlu;ghd njhopy;fs; Kf;fpa ,lj;ij gpbf;fpd;wd. vOj;jhw;wy;> fzdp tiugpay; kw;Wk; ,izaj;js tpUj;jp> kdpj ts Kfhikj;Jtk;> fw;gpj;jy; kw;Wk; epjp rhu;e;j tplaq;fs; vd;gd rpwe;j Jiwfshf Fwpg;gplyhk; vd;gNjhL> mjpy; ty;YduhfTk; Mfyhk;. ePq;fs; xU Rje;jpu gzpahsu; vdpd;> ePq;fs;> m. vijr; nra;fpd;wPu;fNsh mij jpwd;glr; nra;a Ntz;Lk;. M. rpwe;j Nghl;bj;jd;ik kpf;f tpiyia epu;zak; nra;a Ntz;Lk;. ,. nghWg;ghd xUtu; vdTk;> Ntiyia rpwg;ghf Kbg;gtu; vdTk; ntsp cyfk; cq;fis milahsg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;. ,t;tplaj;ij njhlu;tjw;F; cjtf;$ba kw;Wk; rpy fUtpfs;:
Ra gilg;G Nfhit cq;fs; Nritia ngw tpUk;Ggtu;> cq;fsJ Ke;ija gzpfs; njhlu;gpy; mwpahj tiuapy; Rje;jpu gzp vDk; njhopy;Jiwapy; ePq;fs; Kd;Ndw;wkila KbahJ. vdNt cq;fs; Ke;ija gzpfs; mlq;fpa Ra gilg;G Nfhit Xd;iw jahupAq;fs;. ePq;fs; xU fzdp tiufiyQu; vdpd;> behance.com vDk; ,izaj;jsj;ij gad;gLj;jp gilg;ghw;wy; kpf;f tifapy; cq;fs; Ra gilg;G Nfhitia> jahupj;J nfhs;Sq;fs;. ePq;fs; xU vOj;jhsu; my;yJ Clftpayhsu; vdpd;> cq;fs; midj;J fl;LiufisAk; nfhz;l Ra gilg;Gf; Nfhitia cUthf;Ftjw;F> clippings.me my;yJ wordpress. com vd;gd rpwe;j ,izaj;jsq;fshFk;. Fwpj;j Ra gilg;Gf; Nfhitia cq;fs; Nritia ngw tpUk;GgtUf;F mDg;Gtjd; %yKk; cq;fs; kpd;dQ;ry; ifnahg;gkhfTk; gad;gLj;Jtjd; %yKk;> mJ mjpf ftdj;ijg; ngWk;. LinkedIn Ratpgu
ePq;fs; ,d;Dk; LinkedIn ,izaj;jsj;jpy; ,izatpy;iy vdpd;> ,d;Nw ,ize;J nfhs;Sq;fs;. mJNt njhopy;rhu; jpwikahsu;fSf;fhd r%ftiyj;jskhFk;. mjpy;> ePq;fs; rpwe;j tpku;rdq;fis ngw KbAk;. cq;fs; gzp njhlu;gpy;> Vw;fdNt Nkw;nfhz;l gilg;Gfs; njhlu;ghd> gy;NtW Nrit ngWdu;fspd; tpku;rdq;fis mjpy; ngw KbAk;. mjd; %yk;> ePq;fs; gzp Gupe;jtu;fs; cq;fis gw;wp nrhy;tij> cq;fis mwpe;J nfhs;s tpUk;GNthuhy; mwpe;J nfhs;s KbAk;.
xU Rje;jpu gzpahsu; vDk; tifapy; ,yq;ifapy; XU njhopy;tha;g;ig vt;thW ngwyhk;
rpwe;j tpiy epu;zak;
Rje;jpu gzp nraw;ghL xU fbdkhd xd;whFk;. ,jd;NgJ vt;tpj NtiyAk; ,d;wpa re;ju;g;gq;fSf;Fk; Kfk;nfhLj;jpUg;gPu;fs;. Rpy Ntisfspy; cq;fs; NritngWdu; cq;fis njupT nra;akhl;lhu;. cq;fs; Nrit njhlu;ghd fl;lzj;ij epu;zak; nra;tjpy; fye;jhNyhrid nra;a Kd;thUq;fs;. Muk;g kl;lj;jpy;> Fiwe;j fl;lzj;ijNa Nfl;f NeupLk;. (cq;fs; Ntiyiag; gw;wp epr;rakw;w my;yJ cq;fisg; gw;wp mwpahj ve;jnthU Nrit ngWdUk;> cq;fSf;F mjpf gzj;ij jukhl;lhu;fs;) ePq;fs;> rpwe;j ,lnkhd;iw cUthf;fpf; nfhz;L cq;fs; jpwikia tsu;j;Jf;nfhs;tjd; %yk;> ePq;fs; ngWk; fl;lzj;ij mjpfupf;Fk; tha;g;ig ngw KbAk;.
cq;fis re;ijgLj;Jq;fs; cq;fisg; gw;wp mwpe;Jnfhz;L> cq;fshy; vijr; nra;a KbAk;> vijr; nra;a KbahJ vd;gJ njhlu;gpy; cz;ikahf ele;Jnfhs;Sq;fs;. mJ ,g;gzpapd; gazj;jpw;fhd Kf;fpakhd mk;rkhFk;. Mdhy; cq;fshy; nra;a Kbahj xd;iw> cq;fshy; rpwg;ghf nra;a KbAk; vd nrhy;tjpypUe;J Kw;whf jtpu;e;J nfhs;tJ mtrpakhFk;. vdNt cq;fis rupahd tifapy; re;ijg;gLj;Jq;fs;. ePq;fs; Rje;jpu gzpapy; <Lgl;Ls;sPu;fs; vd cq;fs; ez;gu;fSk; cq;fis mwpe;jtu;fSk; mwpAkhW nra;Aq;fs;. cq;fs; Rje;jpu gzp njhlu;gpy; tpNrl njhlu;G ml;ilia itj;jpUq;fs;. cq;fs; Jiw njhlu;ghNdhUld; njhlu;ig NgZq;fs;.
Nrit ngWdUld; rpwe;j njhlu;G ePq;fs; rpwe;j Nritia toq;fhtpbDk; rpwe;jijNa nra;Aq;fs;. cq;fsplk;
fhzg;gLk; nrayhw;wy; %yk;> cq;fs; Nrit ngWdiu jpUg;jp ngwhj xUtuhf Mf;fkhl;Bu;fs;. ePq;fs; cq;fs; Nrit ngWdiu ,jkhf ifahStPu;fshapd;> mtu;fs; cq;fis kw;WnkhUtUf;F rpghupR nra;tjw;fhd tha;g;G Vw;gLk; vd;gNjhL> vjpu;fhyj;jpy; mtu;fs; NkYk; gy gzpfis cq;fSf;F toq;Ftjw;fhd tha;g;Gk; Vw;glyhk;. Rje;jpu gzp vOj;jhsu;fs;> ntspehl;L Nrit ngWeu;fisAk; Njbf;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk; vd> (mjpy; xUtu; vDk; tifapy;) ehd; mtu;fSf;F vg;NghJk; rpghupR nra;fpd;Nwd;. (mt;thW Kaw;rpg;gJ vk;ik Jd;gj;jpw;Fs;shf;fhJ jhNd?) ,jw;nfd fhzg;gLk; gy;NtW ,izaj;jsq;fspy; (Upwork, Fiverr, Peopleperhousr, Guru vDk; midj;J Jiwf;fhd jsq;fs;;> 99designs.com, designcrowd. com Nghd;w fzdp tiufiyf;fhd jsq;fs;;> FreelanceWritingGigs vDk; vOj;jhsu;fSf;fhd jsq;fs;) Ra gilg;G Nfhitfis jahupf;fTk; Vyj;jpy; Ntiyfis NfhuTk; KbAk;. ,jw;nfd Fwpj;j jsj;jpy; cq;fSfplkpUe;J rpwpa mstpyhd fl;lzKk; mwtplg;gLk; vd;gJk; Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. ,q;F gy;NtW tplaq;fs; njhlu;gpyhd Nritfis vjpu;ghu;f;Fk; Nrit ngWdu;fs; fhzg;gLfpd;wdu;. mjpy; cq;fSf;Fg; gpbj;j Ntiyfis njupT nra;J> mtu;fsJ gzpf;fhd mbj;jsj;ij toq;Ftjd; %yk; Fwpj;j gzpia jdjhf;fpf; nfhs;Sq;fs;. ePq;fs; Fwpg;gpl;l xU gzpia ngw;Wf;nfhz;lJk;> mjid cupa KbTj; jpfjpf;Fs; Kbj;J> mjw;fhd $ypia ngw;Wf;nfhs;Sq;fs;.
The World of Part - time Writing By Lasni Silva
always been an avid I have reader and as an adolescent
I was often found ensconced in an enticing novel, completely deaf to my surroundings as my mother called out rather loudly to get me downstairs for dinner. Despite my hearing, nothing much has changed as I still find the allure of a good book irresistible. Reading is what paves the way to your first article, short story or poem. If you absolutely love reading, chances are you already know how to write. When it comes to “real life” however, more often than not, writing takes a backseat and University, school or work takes precedence. While compromise may not be an option, a flexible writing assignment is. By taking up writing as part-time work, you give yourself the flexibility that is needed to balance a full time job, classes or any other priority while also being able to write during your free time. There are several other perks to part-time writing. First and foremost, you get to do what you enjoy while making some extra cash. Having a career and a life outside of writing is also to your advantage, as your writing is often coloured by your interactions and first-hand experiences. The people you meet, the observations you make, the altercations and emotions that you are faced with, all inspire your writing.
I recognized my passion for writing when I started my very first short story as a mere twelve year old. Now between my full time job and my Masters degree, time is not the most abundant resource. But taking into account how much I truly enjoy writing, I consider it time well spent, staring into space engrossed in weaving the perfect fantasy. And yes, my personal inclination is towards story-telling. Nevertheless I still find writing magazine articles and self-help articles incredibly gratifying. If you are starting out, it is always best to pick a topic you are already conversant in. This will put you at ease while allowing you to focus more on the quality of writing rather than expend all your efforts on research. My experience thus far has been that the level of confidence in a given topic is often reflected in my writing. But if the topic assigned to you is unfamiliar, be sure to do ample research before venturing into new territory. Considering platforms for part-time writers, the array of options available are truly mindboggling. From self-publishing and blogging to freelancing for magazines, part-time writers are afforded the luxury of choice. With the opportunity to try your hand at different niches, genres, and different types of publications, this field offers endless possibilities. And being able to do it part-time ensures that your priorities stay intact. Now if you find yourself blessed with a penchant for writing, you know what to do!
By Navangi De Silva
nternship’ is a repetitive catchphrase ‘I for most people who are entering the latter years of high school or attending university. Internships may be paid or un-paid, can be with or without academic credit and have varying lengths – perhaps a semester, a summer, a year or more depending on your/ the companies requirements. Most internship jobs are reputed for being unpaid, but as of today, many organisations offer paid internships in order to recruit creative young people to hone their talents for the benefit of the company. Internships offer realworld work experiences where students fulfil short-term positions within an organisation in order to receive handson experience about a particular career. For those seeking a paid internship, the Internet is the number one directory as there are whole websites catered for youth trying find such internships. Websites such as everjobs. lk offers you both paid and unpaid internship opportunities, along with work experiences where you can work part-time. Another relatively fool-proof method which is very common in Sri Lanka is through personal contacts.
Work + Pay = Two in One
Numerous companies also advertise internship opportunities throughFacebook or other social media platforms such as LinkedIn. Paid internships are a win-win situation because it's a great way to gain specific skills and knowledgeabout a chosen career field while earning money at the same time. It will be greatly beneficial in the long run as employers are increasingly using work
experiences as a screening device to assess the competency and skill level of prospective employees. Employers like to see that you've had some type of related experience before they consider you for a position. Having additional work experience before applying gives you an edge over other candidates in any competitive job market. Internships also give you the opportunity to test out careers prior to graduation. An internship provides you with a more accurate picture of the criteria required to fill certain professions. Upon experiencing a particular job environment and seeing what it entails, you can even decide if it's the best suited career prospect for you. You then have the option to change your career plans and work to find a path that is a better match for your interests and skills.
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mtuJ jpwik kw;Wk; Mw;wiy mstpLk; fUtpahfTk; mjidf; fUJfpd;wdu;. njhopy; toq;Fdu;fs;> jk;khy; toq;fg;gLk; Fwpg;gpl;l njhopy; njhlu;gpy;> njhopy; ngWgtu; VNjDnkhU mDgtj;ij nfhz;Ls;shuh vd;gJ njhlu;gpy; ftdk; nrYj;Jfpd;wdu;. xU Fwpg;gpl;l njhopYf;fhf tpz;zg;gpf;Fk; Kd;> mj;njhopy; njhlu;ghd mjpf mDgtj;ij ngw;wpUg;gjd; %yk;> Nghl;b kpf;f njhopy; re;ijapy; epiwe;J fhzg;gLk; tpz;zg;gjhupfSf;F kj;jpapy;> Nkyjpfkhf xU gb Kd;Ndwpatuhf jpfoyhk;. gl;lnkhd;iw ngWtjw;F Kd;du;> Fwpg;gpl;l xU njhopy; njhlu;gpy; cq;fs; epiyia guPl;rpg;gjw;fhd tha;g;ig gapw;rpf;fhy njhopy; toq;Ffpd;wJ. xU gapw;rpf;fhy njhopy;> xU Fwpg;gpl;l njhopw;Jiw njhlu;ghd mk;rq;fis g+u;j;jp nra;tJ njhlu;gpy; kpfr; rupahd mstPnlhd;iw toq;Ffpd;wJ. Fwpg;gpl;l njhopy; njhlu;ghd mDgtj;ij ngw;W> mjpy; fhzg;gLk; tplaq;fis mtjhdpg;gjw;fhd tha;g;gpd; %yk;> Fwpj;j njhopyhdJ cq;fSf;F vt;tifapy; nghUe;Jk; vd;gJ njhlu;gpYk; ePq;fs; jPu;khdpf;fyhk;. mjd; %yk;> cq;fSf;F tpUg;gkhdJk; cq;fs; Mw;wYf;F nghUe;Jfpd;w tifapyhdJkhd njhopw;Jiw kw;Wk; njhopy; njhlu;ghd ghijia fz;lwptjw;fhd tha;g;Gk; Vw;gLfpd;wJ.
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EDEX Sithuwam celebrates 10 years of empowering young artists to excel Sithuwam, art E DEX competition, has
created a genuine interest in art lovers, who look forward to take part in this popular competition, which gives an opportunity for each artist from a suburban or rural milieu, to become a STAR! This year the MAS Arena Building of the Royal College Union, became the colourful canopy to showcase more than 250 winning paintings, from child artists islandwide, and to recognise them at the annual Art Competition. These young artists who are the proud winners of the EDEX Expo, Sithuwam 2017, have been selected for skill, ingenuity, interpretation of theme, and sharing their talent, perception and creativity. This year too, LankemRobbailac was the sponsor, for the 4th consecutive time, aligning its brand to EDEX Sithuwam, which has aligned itself to the EDEX Sithuwam Competition, in making dreams a reality.
This Year’s Proud Winners Are: Primary Category
The organisers appreciate the support given to make this art competition a success, as the sponsors have created a heartfelt alliance to promote the competition and the budding artists. The Judges of the competition had a gigantic task to select the winners, from a total of more than 12,000, as each entry was special. All entries received were colourful, bold and beautiful to behold, and the organisers felt a sense of pride as the entries kept flowing in. This has been the appeal of Sithuwam, touching the hearts and minds of the children, who take time of their busy school schedules to indulge art.
1. W.P. Binul Dulmika Pathirana St. Bernadett’s Model School, Polgahawela 2. Nuthara Yenuri Abhayawickrama Musaeus College Colombo 07 3. P.G. Devhara Nethuki Paranagama Muhandiram Vidyalaya, Deraniyagala
Junior Category
1. J.K. Yasasi Hansina - Ananda Balika Vidyalaya, Colombo 10 2. H.G. Vinuth Apsara - President’s College, Sri Jayawardhanapura, Kotte 3. Shenalie Kavya Mendis Musaeus College, Colombo 07
Intermediate Category
1. A.K. Ewmini Minthara Perera Visakha Vidyalaya, Colombo 05 2. K. Kavindu Shehan Mahinda Rajapaksha College, Homagama 3. S.M. Thamasha Dinithi Manawage Ferguson High School, Rathnapura
Senior Category
1. U.K.D. Dulhan Rajitha Senevirathna Maliyadeva V. Kurunegala 2. I.W.M. Tharini Chamodi Wanigasuriya Thopawewa M.V.Polonnaruwa 3. K.P.D. Sasindu Lakshan Sri Sarananda Central College, Wewagama
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By Amanda Walkins
9-5 office job isn’t T heyourtraditional only option. Did you know
that? Sure, it works for plenty of people. In at 9 a.m., out the door as the bells chime 5p.m., lather, rinse, repeat. Monday through Friday, 52 weeks per year for 40 years or more. It works for plenty of people. If you are not in that group of plenty, fear not. Your options are endless! Here are just a few of the amazing alternatives to the traditional cubicle life that you can take with you anywhere in the world. After all, if you love what you do, you’ll conquer more obstacles and motivate yourself more for a longer period of time. Happy travels and happy days! ● Masseuse/Holistic Therapist/Physical Therapist/ Chiropractor Who doesn’t need a good massage?! Touristy areas bring ample opportunity for spa treatments and anywhere with outdoor activities brings exhausted local workers who need some work done. They’re outside doing physical activity daily, which can certainly take a toll on the body over time. The demand is everywhere, so go offer the supply! ● Writer/Photographer Great with words? Have an eye for detail? Take your work with you anywhere you go — traveling will inspire you even more! Whatever genre of writing you prefer, inspiration comes in many forms and the more you travel and meet new people, the easier your writing will flow. Photographers have endless options — families want memories whether they’re local or visiting. Weddings happen all over the globe, children go to school and parents want annual pictures, and tourists want their activities captured on camera to show to their friends and families back home. Increase your portfolio and broaden your scope with photos and stories from around the world. ● Web Design/Graphic Design/ Marketing These skills can be carried anywhere and are useful everywhere. Go to a touristy spot and connect with a few expat business owners. They will want your expertise — your ability to make
their signs and logos and websites in the style they’re used to from back home. Go anywhere and keep your connections from back home. You can still work on their websites, design new materials, and consult from afar without anyone even knowing you’re not in the same room. Not to mention your traveling will likely offer you new perspectives and inspiration in your own design elements. Embrace them!
most of the time, but you will be repaid in meals, housing, and appreciation. Travel anywhere with the supplies you can carry — you will be greeted with warmth. There are absolutely never enough medical facilities to cover all the needs of the people of this world. Go out to them and you will make an incredible impact on others’ lives. ● IT/Virtual Assistant Grab your laptop, find yourself a comfy seat and some WiFi and settle in. Your new office could be at a cafe, in a hammock, on your front porch, or underneath the world’s most popular structures. Being able to work remotely means really remotely. If you specialize in IT services you can do that for anyone anywhere. As a Virtual Assistant you can do the same work you’re doing now but from the comfort of your own front porch. Or couch. Or beach. Or favorite cafe on the corner. Sure, you might have to worry about time differences and make yourself available at odd hours, but then you have the rest of the day to explore and enjoy! Think about it: if you are able to telecommute, what’s holding you to your current city or town? You can telecommute from anywhere in the world! ● Teacher/Translator/ Interpreter Whatever your mother tongue, someone wants to learn it. You can trade your skills to learn a new language, or sell your skills to those who want to learn. Teaching and tutoring is an easy career for travel — each new place you go will find you someone or many someones who want to learn and to practice. Translators and interpreters are used in a variety of professions, ask around and you will find a void you can easily fill. TEFL/TESOL certifications carry a lot of weight, so check out courses online and in-person to gain experience before taking on a classroom by yourself. These are only a few suggestions as the options and opportunities for working while traveling are truly endless. Don’t be afraid you’ll lose your career if you travel! It can not only enhance your resume, it will most certainly enhance your daily life through the interactions you have along your journey. Enjoy the journey.
7 Jobs You Can Do Anywhere in The World ● Electrician/Plumber/Mechanic/ General HandyPerson Where have you ever gone where people haven’t needed help fixing something in their homes, at their offices, with their vehicles? Nowhere. Everyone needs help because we can’t all be experts at everything. Especially look for expats who have imported appliances from home or who look for the same standard of living they had back home. They will want someone from home who understands their needs and who has experience working with the brands they have installed at home. Bonus: you can fix everything in your own home so your expenses are minimal. Well played! ● Medical anything - Nurse, Doctor, Therapist, Veterinarian, Dentist, Dermatologist, you name it. Medical skills are so highly prized throughout the world that you will never want for work. Of course, you may also find yourself volunteering
By Manjula Wijayarathne
o you find yourself sitting at your 9 D to 5 job feeling like you’ll be stuck to that desk forever? There is hope for you, dear reader!. ◊ J.K. Rowling JK Rowling worked as a secretary for the London office of Amnesty International, but she dreamed of being a writer. She secretly wrote stories on her work computer and daydreamed about a teenage wizard named Harry Potter. Today, she's the multi-billionaire author of one of the most successful book series of all time. ◊ Raymond Albert Kroc Ray Kroc spent his career as a milkshake-device salesman before buying McDonald's at age 52 in 1954. He grew it into the world's biggest fastfood franchise. ◊ Michael Bloomberg After graduating from Johns Hopkins with a degree in electrical engineering and earning an MBA from Harvard, Bloomberg landed a job at Salomon Brothers in New York City, where he spent countless hours counting out stocks and bonds in the bank’s vault. He eventually worked his way up the ranks and was named partner in 1972. In 1978, he was put in charge of running the firm’s information technology division — a clear demotion. But he stayed at Salomon for three more years. After leaving Salomon, Bloomberg decided to take what he’d learned and start his own company, originally called Innovative Market Solutions. The company aimed to make it easier for
Michael Bloomberg
Anna Mary Robertson Moses
J.K. Rowling
traders to wade through data. The company, renamed Bloomberg LP, became widely successful throughout the '80s and was worth $2 billion by 1989. Eventually, Bloomberg began branching out into other forms of media, including Bloomberg News and Bloomberg TV. In 2001, Bloomberg decided to enter the world of politics and ran for mayor of New York City as a Republican. He won and took office in 2002, where he helped rebuild the city in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. ◊ Martha Stewart Martha Stewart was a full-time model until, as a 25-year-old mother, she found few modeling jobs coming her way. After a stint as a Wall Street stockbroker, Stewart turned her love of gourmet cooking and creative presentation into what is now Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, which was recently valued at more than $400 million. ◊ Arnold Schwarzenegger Arnold Schwarzenegger has made not one, but two major career changes, first when he transitioned from world champion bodybuilder in his 20s to awardwinning actor in his 30s, then when he became the Governor of California in 2003 at 56. ◊ Anna Mary Robertson Moses Anna Mary Robertson Moses, better known as Grandma Moses, began her prolific painting career at 78. In 2006, one of her paintings sold for $1.2 million. Previously, she was a housekeeper and farm laborer.
People who prove it's never too late to change careers
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Be a Professional Cricketer By Nalin Goonewardene
of big matches is here and T hewithseason it the excitement of watching great battles when not just making a noise and generally enjoying ourselves. Thoughts come to some about the honour of becoming a Professional Cricketer but more important is to have the passion for it. In many countries, there are professional sports persons who earn enough not to have to do another job as well. In Sri Lanka, the only such profession is in cricket for men through national contracts, premier leagues and sponsorships. Unfortunately that same state is not available for women as yet. However, there is more to being a fee earning professional than the ability to hit a six or bowl agoogly. Basically, you have to become an ‘entrepreneur’ running a ‘business’ where the income is what you earn. You will also need to team up with a lawyer, accountant, doctor, fitness guru, coach and capable assistants which will become clear as you read on. If you find this too frightening, don’t go ahead. While the rewards are obvious, the difficulties (see below) are not always recognized until too late. First, you may have to overcome parental prejudice as cricketing is not seen as a professional career, unlike one where formal qualifications are achieved. Second, you have to earn your place in the cricketing world by demonstrating your capabilities as being above average. As any career, you will need to build it up in steps first identifying your skills as bowling, batting or both. Remember, fielding and wicket keeping come as additional essential skills without which your primary skill will not be given credibility.
Third, you need a calm state of mind, where you know when to be patient, how to combat fear, control your anger, minimize distractions, notice body language, judge speed and distance, and get along with team mates, the media and sponsors. As you cannot always be on top, you must cultivate discipline, to manage stress, deal with failure and cope under pressure. Many modern athletes practice mindfulness and meditation to achieve the mental states needed for this which also enables a batter to go past mid level scores to a century or bowlers not fall to pieces when they get a thrashing. Fourth, you need to understand the difficulties of a cricketing career. As it is your chosen livelihood, you need to be consistently ‘in form’ and available for matches. So, you need to be fit, healthy and
drug-free like any other athlete, practice your skills regularly both at the nets and in matches and be ‘available’ when needed. Politics in cricket and elsewhere may not enable you to earn a consistent income, so you may need a balanced alternative part-time income earning activity as well. Finally, an ‘education’ IS required, to look after your own interests e.g. to communicate in the worldwide language of English, negotiate your terms of engagement and make savings and investments for your future, hence the expert help. Even though your earning potential from playing begins to reduce in your thirties the skills you have learned can be re-used in many scenarios after that. So, consider all this before embarking on a professional cricketing career.
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“Learning of Books and Men”, given a new dimension in the new Royal College Activity Room aking learning M interesting, interactive and fun, was the intention of the Past Royalists’ Infrastructure Development Committee (IDC), when they gifted a state-of-the art Activity Room to the students of Royal College, on March 13th 2017. The room which was refurbished and equipped at a cost of Rs. 650,000 is a boost to interactive learning with the use of Technology, to enhance the learning experience of the students. Project was entirely funded by Past Royalists Associations of New South Wales and Canberra, Australia. The facility was declared open by Mr. ThayaPonniah, representing Past Royalists of New South Wales, together with Mr. B.A. Abeyrathna, Principal Royal College. The Secretary, IDC, Mr. Vidushan Premathirartne and Mr Nalin Jayasinghe, Architect, and Committee Member graced the occasion, along with the Deputy Principals, and Assistant Principals.
Speaking on the occasion, Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Mahinda Galagedera, stated, that, “this Activity Room was a long felt need to ensure that young Royalists are exposed to new methods of learning, to motivateand empower them to learn at optimum level, with the aid of Technology”.
The enthusiasm of the students during the project was a plus point, and was symbolic of the youth enjoying learning with devices such as Blue-tooth, lap-tops and interactive projections. The Royal College class-room converted in the Grade 10 block for this special utility room will make life a hundred times more interesting for the young Royalists, who dabble in Blue-tooth and i-phones on a daily basis. Using their favourite tools in class will be an added bonus. The gem of a thought to create an Activity Room was originated by Mr.Nihal Premarathnaformer assistant grade head for 10 and 11, together with Mr Kapila Vidanagama grade head of grade 10 and 11who desired young Royalists to be enthused and energised while learning, and get optimum results.The state-ofthe-art project when fully utilised will be worth the time, love and efforts.
Magazine ~fƒp - 냣zˆ »r±ˆvyl‰p Ro³£rp»xˆ WY‰ r±tz |²š z¹Y£»N ñp§K nj‰hY‰ »z~ áY‰ýx ƒ¥Ã »v{zvY‰ {p‰»p‰ ýu£[ r±Üszõ. Sp‰ v¨zˆv c£ÜY ýu£[x »z~ R.»r£.~. (~£/»r…) áY‰ýx ƒ¥Ãõ. Wv ýu£[»xˆ r±Üsz vl y»G Rp£[lx n™|£[l {p t{ Yy¥j© ý|‰»zˆ}jx Y… ýf »rp‰p¨K Y… ƒ¥Ãx. Wt¥ýp‰ »vv R.»r£.~. (~£/»r…) ýu£[x c£ÜY {|»xp‰ {¥n[l‰ {p‰p£ »~ˆv Wv ýu£[»xˆ nŸ Rë{£Mxx ý}xxY‰ »z~ ~¥…»Yp [Úlx ý}x n A ƒ£ ~v£p{v {¥n[l‰ l¥pY‰ [ì. »K ë~£ [Úlx ý}x ~qƒ£ nY‰{p Upp‰ã{ ƒ£ Wx ~vl‰Yy [¥ìvf nyj »{»ƒ~ R»pY‰ ý}xp‰f {h£ {¥Õ t{ »r»p‰. l{n »vv ý}x S»[p [¥ìvf ~‹~¨p‰ nyj Ul‰~£ƒxl‰ v{§r‹xp‰ A »{p§»{p‰ Yyp§ ztp Y¥rþvl‰ RÜvƒl‰ t{ »p£Ã{ vp£x. A »Y£lyK Ul‰~£ƒ Y… n, Y¥rþK Y… n, [Úl ý}x ~vl‰þ»K r²Ü|lx ~…Y£ t¥ü Yz Wx 60% f Rh¨ vGfvY r{Üp t{ r±Üsz ý|‰»zˆ}j {£Ml£ ~p£m Yyõ. W»vp‰v 40% Y rvj r‹ù~Y‰ [Úlx ~vl‰ {§{ n, X{§p‰»[p‰ U~~ˆ »r… [Úlx, ýn³£{ »ƒ¤ {£ëc ý}x o£y£{p‰ ƒ¥âú»K nŸ p¥{ll‰ »vv [Úlx ý}x»xˆ RuŒ»x¤[xf ~‹~¨p‰ zY‰ {p t{ U~~ˆ »r… r±Üsz ~£Y‰}‹ nyõ. »K Rp§{ ~…Y£ tzp Yz [Úl ý}x ~vl‰ þv Rh¨ vGfvY r{Üp t{l‰, Wv ý}x ~vl‰ {§{ n, A r‹…‹tq vp£ Yª~zl£{xY‰ ~ƒŒl ~‹~¨p‰ Rh¨ r±Ü|lxY‰ ~‹Ñp t{ n r¥ƒ¥n™z‹ »N. »K r‹…‹tq{ [Úl [ªy¥{yxYª »z~ ~‹ãYyp zn rM»xˆ}j ƒ£ [ªy¥ ~‹~¨ R£Yzˆr r‹…‹tq{ ýv~šv v[Œp‰ áp§{l‰ {«»xˆ [Úl ý}x Rv£y¥ ìy~ »vp‰v ~¦v »Y»pYªfv S»[p [l »p£ƒ¥Ã »z~ ~v£cx lª… »r£ã ~¹YzˆrxY‰ »[£hp¥[› R¥Ü t{õ. W»vp‰v [ªy¥ Ìýl»xˆ {~y 28 Y RéY Y£zxY‰ ~‹~¨ ny¥{p‰ ~v` ëyp‰ly S»[p§K S[¥p‰þK òx£{z‹»x‰ nŸ v£ ãf§»N [Úl ~¹Yzˆr ë~‹ rùn™ [²ƒjx Yy »p£[¥ì»Kl‰ A{£ l£MÃY t¨nŠévx òx£Y£úl‰{xf ƒ~¨ »p£þ»Kl‰ r±Üsz »z~ ~‹~¨p‰ »K ll‰l‰{xf rl‰{ R¥Ü t{õ. Wv ë~£ »K ll‰l‰{»xp‰ ~‹~¨ ryr§y v¨n{£»[p [Úl ý}x Sl£ y~{l‰ r±‹xcpY òx£Y£yYK v£z£{Y‰ ~ƒŒl l£MÃY t¨nŠéxf »[¤ay {p, Yzˆ r{Üp vlYxf rl‰{p ý}xY‰ t{f rl‰ Ãú»K R~šy¥ YMl{³xf v¨ƒ¨j nŸv ~qƒ£ ~‹ã Y… ƒ¥Ã ý»|‰} {³£r¯ÜxY‰
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Enriching, Fun yet Serious By Sharlene De Chickera
y work entails being a part-time M Educational Counsellor at EDEX Secretariat. Initially I was trained by Mr. Ajith Jayawardhane. That was in 2011. Since then, every year, a training has taken place for our Careers Team to be updated in terms of administering the Psychometric test to youth between 16-24 years. The platform that is created at each EDEX Expo is large, and encompasses youth from different walks of life who wish to take the Psychometric test. Some do the test with eager anticipation of the results. Some with trepidation, some are luke-warm. But when engaging with the youth, they become interested in their own career path and what the future entails for them. My first reaction to taking the test myself was, “Wow! This is quite good and it is accurate. I had a high score for being ‘Artistic’, and ‘Social’. One interesting fact over the years has been the steady increase of the ‘Entrepreneur’ in ‘me’. This I guess happened because of my association with EDEX. Being a Career Guidance Counsellor is fun! I recall one event, when a young lady came for a counselling and did the test with our team. She was extremely artistic and wanted to pursue a Career as an Artist. Her father, had other
designs. Upon hearing that his daughter was encouraged to pursue her artistic streak, he came booming over to the Careers Stall and ‘politely’ inquired as to who was mis-guiding his daughter, as he wanted her to be a Lawyer! I must admit that we have had a few challenges like that, when there was a veritable tug-o-war between parent and child, over the best career path. These are challenging issues we still face. But the onus is on the parent to give the freedom to the child to pursue his or her ideal career. Ultimately the young person in concern has to make a clinical decision to be aligned to his or her intrinsic talents and skills. There has been genuine joy in discovering young people who are truly multitalented. Some have been at genius level. It has been an interesting
challenge to guide them. Over the years there have been young people from different social strata who have walked in to our lives, and we hope that we have guided them accurately to be empowered and happy in their chosen educational or career path.
By Lasni Silva
Part-time work has never been as popular as it is in today’s world. With a high speed internet connection, much of what a job entails can be done from the comfort of your own home, be it research, marketing or writing. This is further facilitated by easy access to freelance work through sites such as upwork.com and freelancer.com. These websites act as an interface between you and your potential client. With a user friendly layout which is extremely easy to navigate, all you have to do is go through the description of the assignment and send in your proposal. Once you register yourself with your name and email address as a worker, you are redirected to a page where you are asked to pick areas of expertise. The assignments available are divided into categories such as web developers, mobile app developers, designers and creative people, virtual assistants, sales and marketing experts, finance experts and writers. These areas are further divided into specific niches which will be invaluable when it comes to narrowing down
projects that are suitable for you. Once you are registered, you are then directed to your online profile which must be completed in order to proceed. You are also given some space to enter a small description about yourself. Use this space wisely to promote yourself as an experienced and capable individual. Ensure that there are no mistakes in this area as it could cost you potential clients, especially if you are a writer. After completing and submitting your online profile the website verifies your account within 12 – 24 hours and you can start submitting proposals for potential jobs. It is also noteworthy that upwork.com charges a commission of 20% per assignment when submitting proposals. Assignments for writers can range from writing resumes, editing and proof-reading to 30,000 word stories, often given with a brief outline of the plot. With the whole process of submitting proposals, completing and submitting the assignment and receiving the payment all being done online, it is the most convenient form of part-time work that is available today for any enterprising youngster.
A freelancer’s dream
Join the
you are wanted! Part-Time Writers, Translators, Photographers Enjoy meeting people and writing for a global brand that champions youth! Empower Youth to reach the Pinnacle!
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