Edex Magazine April 2016

Page 1

Vol.06 No.03 April 2016


Top Story One Size Doesn’t Fit All Xt»[‰ l£Y‰}ÚY Yª~zl£{xp‰ ~¹a£yY {³£r£yxf u£ýl£ Yyp‰p Ntfkhf Kd;NdWk; Rw;Wyhj; Jiwapd; tsu;r;rpg; gbapy; ePq;fs;...

04 05 06

Features Eco Team Sri Lanka Tea-trails, temples and a thousand temptations Taking The ‘Untrodden Path’ Riding A Magic Carpet Travel Agent a well-paid career ke;jpuf;fk; gsg;gazk; gazKftu; rpwg;ghdnjhU njhopw;Jiw

29 33 38 39 40

Education ~¹a£yY ~ƒ [vp‰ Y‰»}ˆl²x ~‹l‰ R¥nŸ xp {¯l‰Ývx »l¤y£[¥ìvY‰ The Tourism and Travel Industry A career choice to die for! The Hospitality and Tourism Industry A cup of tea, in style! ~¹a£yY YMv£p‰lx ý|Œ}ˆgl‰{»xp‰ XJtf

34 35 36 37

Myriad opportunities for Hospitality Professionals Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ »ƒ£½nv »[þv R¥Ü {¯l‰Ýp‰ ly[ {¥nšvf ~§ã~§ òx£|ŸzŸ {¯l‰Ýp‰ rpwe;j Cjpak; jUk; njhopy; Jiwfs; Dynamic Jobs To Compete For Jiwrhu; tsu;r;rpAk; mjd; Nghf;Fk; Trends and Career Development X»J Rp£[l ÷Ãx£{ SzY‰Y Yyp‰p p¥w§y¥l£ ~ƒ {¯l‰Ýx ~¹{Mopx The Globe-Trotting Modern Tourist »z¤Y rùa£yY p«lp ~¹a£yYx£ Rw;WyhJiw ehl;bd; tsu;r;rpf;Fg; ngUk; gq;fspf;Fk; njhopy; Jiwfspy; xd;W n˜z‹ë ~v[ ~¹a£yx 'jpypdp'Ald;gazk; Travel with Dilini »nŠ|›x R£ƒ£y »z£{f »[p [Œx Y£z{Mj ñë~£ What’s in the Chef’s Hat? Not a Rabbit, but a recipe for hard-work! The endless horizons for the Human Spirit vp§}³£l‰vu£{xp‰ ~nƒ£ Rpp‰l ~Ÿv£{p‰ kdpjcj;Ntf j;jpd;Kbtw;w vy;iyfs; Vacation Experts – a taste of Hospitality Y¥rþ {¥h Ãúv ~l‰Y£yY YMv£p‰l»xˆnš ~s…»N tpUe;Njhk;gy; ty;Ydu;fSf;fhd vz;zw;w tha;g;Gf;fs;

07 08 09 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

24 26 27 28 30 31 32

Disclaimer : Opinions expressed in the articles and in other material are those of the authors; they do not necessarily reflect the views or the policy of EDEX or the attached institutions.



Seylan Bank (Advertorial page 11)

Pg 01


APIIT (Advertorial page 11)

Pg 03



Nalin Goonewardene Deputy Editor - English Sharlene De Chickera Deputy Editor - English Deepal Wijethilake -


Deputy Editor - Sinhala Arunothayan Raveendran Deputy Editor - Tamil

Managing Editor - Special Publications

(Advertorial page 25) Pg 22-23



Studying in Canada

Kusum Gunawardena



Nadeesha Paulis

Inner Back


Job Fair at EDEX

Maheshika Premachandra



Kamal Abeysinghe - Chairman Abhaya Amaradasa - Consultant Dr. Nandaka Molagoda - Editor


DESIGN W.D. Shanaka Chathuranga


Navangi De Silva

The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd

Z.M. Rauf Marfyne

Commercial Printing Dept.

Dulmin Wijerathne


Gitanjali Chakravarthy Haaland


Indika Kudahetty

Danushka Godakumbura

Imagine -

Pg 25 Back


Nuwanthi Udatiyawala


EDEX Advisory and Management Committee Royal College Union Rajakeeya Mawatha, Colombo 07 Tel : + 94 (11) 4327070 E-mail : magazine@edex.lk


Top Story


One Size Doesn’t Fit All By Nalin Goonewardene

we think of Tourism, we W hen imagine lots of people travelling

from their country to ours and vice versa. But, going to India is relatively easy whereas going to outer Mongolia is difficult. Why is this? We don't normally look ‘behind the scenes’ to see how this is possible. Several factors enable these movements, most of which have been made possible by governments agreeing to cooperate on trade, visas, currency exchanges etc, as well as providing services and assistance to the tourist industry in their countries. The Ceylon Tourist Board was established on 2nd May 1966 by a Tourism Act to develop planned tourism in Ceylon. It's Golden Jubilee of 50 years in the industry will be celebrated this year on 2nd May at the BMICH. Today, called Sri Lanka Tourism, this consists of four major organizations - Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA), Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB), Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism and Hospitality (SLITHM)

Today, called Sri Lanka Tourism, this consists of four major organizations - Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA), Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB), Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism and Hospitality (SLITHM) and Sri Lanka Convention Bureau (SLCN) and Sri Lanka Convention Bureau (SLCN). SLTDA and SLTPB focus on different aspects of tourism including Research and Statistics, Planning and Development, Marketing and Promotion, Regulation of tourist facilities and services, Manpower Development, Domestic Tourism and Community Relations. SLITHM is mainly a training facility while SLCN is out of scope for this article.

These government positions do not face tourists but enable tourism to happen. While specific jobs are not advertised, they say: “Do you love Sri Lanka? Do you believe that it is truly a small miracle, offering visitors a big adventure? Do you like to develop and promote Sri Lanka tourism to the world introducing its varied cultures, historical artefacts, beautiful beaches, scenic mountain ranges and cuisines? Do you believe in service with a smile? If you answered yes to all of the above, then you could be an ideal candidate for a job in the SLTDA”. The government is very serious about promoting Tourism. They have been talking to world-wide travel experts, so expect exciting new things to happen, requiring people with a variety of skills. Common amongst these will be a good command of written and spoken English. If you are interested, contact the organisations mentioned and follow up your interests. Competition will be heavy and there is no certainty that vacancies are available. Remember, ‘one size doesn't fit all', so clarify your own needs and follow them up to find the ideal career that suits you.


Top Story


Xt»[‰ l£Y‰}ÚY Yª~zl£{xp‰ ~¹a£yY {³£r£yxf u£ýl£ Yyp‰p ~fƒp - pz‹p‰ [ªj{Mop rù{Mlpx - nšr£z‰ ý»FÜzY

Kr±n£õY “R£[p‰lªY ~l‰Y£yx” ƒ£ t¥ãj§ ~¹a£yY {³£r£y»xˆ {¯l‰Ýp‰ r‹…‹tn r…v§{ ~‹ƒ‹xf Wp§»xˆ ~«r»Nnx. Y…vj£Yyjx, rùr£zpx, »~ˆ{£, [‹j§K ~ƒ ýYªj§K {¥ë âx. l£Y‰}j u£ýl£ ÃúK »K Rlªùp‰ r±v¨Zl£{xf »p£[¥»p‰. c¹[v UrYyj, ‡¥Y‰~‰ xp‰l² R£nš l£Y‰}ÚY UrYyj »r…Y‰ u£ýlx »ƒ¤ R¥l¥Kýf R{u£ýlx lª… l£Y‰}j u£ýl£{ Wƒ‹ »Y£f~Y‰ t{f |Ÿ]²»xp‰ rl‰»{ñp‰ r{Ý. ‡¥Y‰~‰ u£ýlx »{p§{f T»Kz‰ u£ýl»xp‰ ~l‰Y£yY »~ˆ{£ ~Ktp‰o »{J Rhý ƒ£ ~Ktp‰o þv, rM»xˆ}j, »{p‰Yy{£ [¥ìK ~ƒ R£Yz‰r a£ùY£ (Virtual Tours) ~nƒ£ Rp‰lMc£zx u£ýl£ Ãúv ~ƒ ~¯c§ ýÃÛK/ »{…n n¥p‰þK ~nƒ£ y¦r{£ƒ‹ëx u£ýl£ Ãúv cpr±‹x »{ñp‰ r{Ý. Xp‰ zõp‰ r±»N|rl² »{p‰Yy{£ [¥ìv (online ticketing), ~‰{x¹{ rùY‰}£þ R¥lª† þv (self check-in) nY‰pf z¥»J. ë{£h§ r¥»Y‰c Y²v u£ýl£{f ~ƒ »{p‰Yy{£ [¥ìK ~ƒ Amadeus, Gallileo, Sabre, Worldspan {¥ë r±»N| rl² ëYªl‰ ÃúK Y²v»Nn ~½nƒ£ ý»|‰} r§ƒ§j§ ÃúK R{|³ »N.

R{~£p {|»xp‰, a£ùY£ ~ƒ ~¹a£yY òx£{z‹ {znš l£Y‰}jx u£ýlx r‹…‹tn{ tzr£p ìÜvx ll‰l‰{ r{Ý. Wƒ‹nš nl‰l ÷Y [¥ìv, »~°Zx ~ƒ R£yY‰}£{, »y[ªz£~‹{zf Rp§Y®zþv, »r°n‰[z‹Yl‰{x ~ƒ ~õtM R£yY‰}£{ xp â r±o£p »N. »l£ylªy¥ l£Y‰}j r£gv£z£{Ãp‰ S»[p»[p »ƒ¤ p¥Ü{ »~{§K xp‰l² (Search engine) u£ýlx, a£ùY£ »v»ƒx{p‰p£ ~ƒ a£ùY£ ë»x¤Ël »{J Rhý u£ýlx, r{Üp »l£ylªy¥{z ëy{n³l£{x lƒ{§y¥ Yy [¥ìv »vp‰v R£yY‰}‹l »{p‰Yy{£ [¥ìK ~nƒ£ R¥Ü ƒ¥Ãx£{ r±o£p þ R¥l. Yyp§ ztp Y£Mx Rp§{ R»pYªl‰ ~£v£p³ {|»xp‰ R{|³ ƒ¥Ãx£{p‰ {p§»xˆ word processing (Un£ - r£ù»u¤[‹Yõp‰f z‹r‹ x¥þv) ƒ¥Ãx£{, Spread Sheets (Un£ - R¥lªzl‰ ÃúK / »Y£ñ~‰ vGfK [jpx ~ƒ Rv§l‰lp‰»[‰ ~¹Z³£»zˆZj, ýYªj§K nl‰l R¥lª† Ãúv) ~ƒ databases, (Un£ z‹r‹p »zˆZjxf WYlª ÃúK, r£ù»u¤[‹Y »l£ylªy¥ x£{l‰Y£zŸp ÃúK) {¥ë âx. Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ r¥{¥l‰v ~ƒ ~¹a£yYõp‰ r¥ñÛK {¥ÕYy [¥ìv ~nƒ£ R£YM|jx {p§»xˆ YªvYfn ~ƒ Tf »ƒ‰lª{ n¥p [¥ëv R{|³ »N. ƒv§{p ~‰m£p{znš r±|‰j£{z‹{zf r‹…‹lªy¥ zt£[¥ìK {¥ë Y²v{z‹p‰ »vv »l£ylªy¥

zt£ [p‰p£ Rly, A{£ rù[jY{zf R¥lª† Yyp§ z¥»J. ý|£z nl‰l ý|‰»zˆ}j u£ýl£ Yyñp‰, »vv Yy¥j§ [zrñp‰, r{l‰p£ [¥f†{zf ý~ãK zt£nšvf u£ýl£ Y… ƒ¥Ã ëxvl£ »x¤cp£ Ãúvf Yfx§lª »Y»M. ~¹a£yY {³£r£yx lª… rù[jY ƒ£ ~p‰ë»Nnp l£Y‰}jx, rù|ŸzY (user level) vGf»K ~‹f rn‰oÜ vGfv (system level) nY‰{£ ~‹xû l£Y‰}ÚY ƒ¥Ãx£{p‰ {¥n[l‰ Y£Mxu£yxp‰ Sf§Yyp§ ztp t{ »rì xõ. »vv lplªy¥{zf W…¥ôv ~nƒ£ »~ˆ{£»x¤cYõp‰ ý~‹p‰ Xt ~lª{ X{§p‰ »~£xp ƒ¥Ãx£{p‰ Ü»tp t{ n¥p [¥ìv R{|³»N. »vx r…v§{ lY‰»~ˆy¥ Yyp§»xˆ Xt np‰p£ »nŠ »v£p{£n xp‰»pp§õ. WpK Xt »x£v§{p lplªyf Rn£…{ Xt»[‰ Ì{ nl‰l rl²»xƒ‹ R¥lªzl‰, Xt»[‰ r§ƒ§j§ ƒ£ cx[²ƒj r‹…‹tn ~£Y‰}‹ nyj ~§ã~§YK R¥lªzl‰ ~ƒÜY v[‹ë. ñp‰ Rplªy¥{ Xt»[‰ R£Yz‰r, ƒ¥~‹úK, Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ Sn˜ùxf x£vf Xtf R¥Ü ~§ã~§YK r‹…‹tn{ lY‰»~ˆy¥ Ãúv U»n~£ ~Kv§Z rùY‰}j{zf Y¥n{p§ z¥»J. SÜp‰, »vv Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ Xt [¥…»rp ~‰m£px ƒãp£»[p A »{lfv »x£v§{p‰p. Xt»[‰ ~§ã~§YK{z Rh§ ûƒ§h§ l¥p‰ ƒãp£»[p A{£ ~Kr«Mj Yy [ëñp‰ Y¥rþ {¥h Ãúvf ~«n£pK {p‰p.

Top Story



Ntfkhf Kd;NdWk; Rw;Wyhj; Jiwapd; tsu;r;rpg; gbapy; ePq;fs;... - eyPd; Fztu;j;d nkhopngau;g;G: wg;`hd; wpghd;


w;Wyhj;Jiwiag; gw;wp NgRifapy; gy ehl;bypUe;J ek; ehl;Lf;F kw;Wk; ek; ehl;bypUe;J gy ehl;Lf;F kf;fs; gazpg;gijNa fUJfpd;Nwhk;. MdhYk; ,e;jpahtpf;F gazpg;gij tpl nkhd;Nfhypahtpd; vy;iyf;F gazpg;gJ kpfr; rpukhdJ. ,J Vd;? Rw;Wyh vd;W tUifapy; "jpiuf;Fg; gpd;" cs;s tplaq;fisg; gw;wp ek; ftdk; kpff; FiwthfNt fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. kf;fspd; efu;Tf;F gpd;dzpapy; gy;NtWgl;l fhuzpfs; nry;thf;F nrYj;Jfpd;wd. mtw;wpy; mjpfkhdit murhq;fj;jpdhy; Kd;ndLf;fg;gLk; tzpf> tprh kw;Wk; ehza khw;W njhlu;ghd cld;ghL kw;Wk; xg;ge;jq;fs; %ykhf tYg;gLj;jg;gLtNjhL Nritfs; kw;Wk; Rw;Wyhj; Jiwf;F toq;fg;gLk; MjuTfs;> Rw;Wyhj; Jiwapd; tsu;r;rpf;F nry;thf;Fr; nrYj;Jfpd;wd. ,yq;ifapy; Rw;Wyhj; Jiwapid Nkk;gLj;Jk; Nehf;fpy; Rw;Wyhr; rl;lj;jpd; %yk; ,yq;ifr; Rw;Wyhr; rigahdJ 1966 Mk; Mz;L Nk khjk; 2 MtJ jpfjp cUthf;fg;gl;lJ. ,e;epfo;tpd; nghd;tpoh ,t;tUlk; Nk khjk; 2Mk; jpfjp BMICH. ,y; elf;fTs;sJ. ,d;W> ,yq;if Rw;Wyj; Jiw vd;W Fwpg;gplg;gLk; NghJ mjpy;

gpd;tUk; ehd;F Kf;fpa mikg;Gf;fs; cs;slq;Ffpd;wd. mitahtd ; ,yq;if Rw;Wyh mgptpUj;jp mjpfhu rig (SLTDA)> ,yq;if Rw;Wyh Cf;Ftpg;Gg; gzpafk;(SLTPB)>> Rw;Wyh kw;Wk; N`hl;ly; Kfhikj;Jtj;Jf;fhd ,yq;if epWtdk;(SLITHM)> ,yq;if khehl;Lg; gzpafk;(SLCN). Rw;Wyhj; Jiwapd; gy;NtWgl;l tplaq;fs;> Kf;fpakhf Ma;T kw;Wk; Gs;sptpgutpay;> jpl;lkply; kw;Wk; mgptpUj;jp> tpsk;gug;gLj;jy;> Rw;Wyj; Jiw Nritfs; njhlu;ghf rl;lTUthf;fk;> kdpj ts mgptpUj;jp> cs;ehl;L Rw;Wyj; Jiw kw;Wk; kf;fs; njhlu;G gw;wpa tplaq;fspy; SLTDA kw;Wk; SLTPB Mfpa mikg;Gf;fs; ftdk; nrYj;Jfpd;wd. SLITHM MdJ Rw;Wyhj; Jiwapd; Kf;fpa gapw;Wtpg;G epWtdkhf jpfo;fpwJ. Nkw;Fwpg;gpl;l murhq;f jFjpfs; Neubahf Rw;Wyhg; gazpfSld; njhlu;G glhtpbDk; ,e;epWtdq;fs; ,yq;ifapy; Rw;Wyhj; Jiw tsu;r;rpAUtjw;Fk; epyTiff;Fk; fhuzkhf mike;Js;sd. Fwpg;gpl;l njhopYf;fhd tpsk;gug;gLj;jy; Nkw;nfhs;sg; glhj epiyapy;> mtu;fs; "ePq;fs; ,yq;ifia Nerpf;fpd;wPu;fsh? ,yq;iff;F tUgu;fSf;F cz;ikahd

rhfrq;fis toq;FtJ xU mjprakpf;f tplakhff; fUJfpd;wPu;fsh? ,yq;ifapy; fyhr;rhuk;> ,aw;if vopy;> tuyhw;Wr; rpd;dq;fs; kw;Wk; mofpa fhl;bfspD}lhf ,yq;if Rw;Wyhj; Jiwia cyfstpy; tpsk;gug;gLj;j ePq;fs; tpUk;GfpwPu;fsh? ePq;fs; Nkw;$wg;gl;l Nfs;tpfSf;F " Mk;" vd;W $WtPu;fshapd; SLTDA ,y; njhopy; ngwj; jFjp ngw;Ws;sPu;fs;" vd tpsk;gug; gLj;Jthu;fs;. ,f;fhyfl;lj;jpy; murhq;fkhdJ ehl;bd; Rw;Wyhj; Jiwia Nkk;gLj;Jtjpy; kpff; ftdk; nrYj;jp tUfpd;wJ. mtu;fs; ru;tNjr uPjpahd Rw;Wyh epGzu;fSld; njhlu;Gfis Nkw;nfhs;fpd;wdu;. ,jd; %yk; ehl;bd; Rw;Wyj; Jiwapy; Gjpa khw;wq;fs; vjpu;ghu;f;fg; gLtJld;> gy;NtWgl;l jpwikfSld; $ba kdpj tsKk; mjpfk; vjpu;ghu;f;fg; gLfpd;wd. ePq;fSk; ,t;tplaq;fspy; mf;fiwAs;stuhapd; Nkw;Fwpg;gpl;l epWtdq;fis njhlu;G nfhz;L cq;fs; tpUg;gq;fis gpd; njhlUq;fs;. Nghl;bfs; mjpfkhf fhzg;gLtJld; tha;g;Gf;fspd; epyTiff;F ve;j tpj cj;juthjKk; ,y;iy. kwf;fhjPu;fs;> "xNu Mil vy;yh cly; msTfSf;Fk; nghUe;jhJ". Mf cq;fs; Njitfis rupahf ,dq;fz;L > cq;fSf;F kpfTk; nghUj;jkhd Jiwia ehb efUq;fs;.




Myriad opportunities for Hospitality Professionals Gitanjali Chakravarthy Haaland

y childhood dream was to become

M a doctor. I wanted my line of

work to be connected with people. Gone are the days of limited choices if one did not want to pursue university education. I was undecided what I wanted to do and my grandmother comes with the great idea of “why not the hotel industry”? Looking back on, of the achievements and the opportunities in hospitality during the last 28 years, I have no regrets of not being able to accomplish my dream, as I am humbly proud to be a part of this wonderful, ever exciting and thriving industry. As a young kid I didn’t realise the amount of hard work a job of a hotelier entailed. Challenges were immense so the opportunities. Through work I have met interesting people from all over the world giving plenty of opportunities to sharpen my people and customer service skill. Tourism offers huge variety of employment opportunities for young people. One need not have a degree in hotel management to start a career in tourism. It’s an industry where one can climb up the ladder faster than most other industries. All you need is to be passionate, ambitious, committed and enjoy working with people. As you progress in the industry combination of hands on experience, education and a never give up attitude will get you to the pinnacle. The latest statistics from World Travel & Tourism Council says a staggering 266 million jobs were supported by the travel and tourism industry in 2013, accounting for one in eleven all jobs around the world. While the industry is expanding with more hotels being constructed, with many international brands opening hotels in this beautiful island, there is a huge dearth of skilled persons

to fill in positions in the industry. It is the right time for youth seeking careers as successful professionals to take tourism as a career as there is much potential for advancement Additionally, the skills gained working in the tourism industry can be used in a number of different sectors, whether inside the industry or in other business. Many hospitality professionals today have become entrepreneurs of large group of hotels, restaurants and some have moved to travel and leisure business. Hospitality it’s all about helping people to make their dream holiday perfect by creating unforgettable experiences. Your job is solely making people happy which will make you a happy person.

Gitanjali Chakravarthyy




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rpwe;j Cjpak; jUk; njhopy; Jiwfs; ftu;e;jpOf;Fk; Mw;wy; kpFnjhopy;fs; Mf;fk;: eypd; Fztu;jd nkhopngau;g;G: K. mg;]u; e]Pu;


hk; KOikahd Mu;tj;JlDk; vjpu;g;ghu;g;GfSlDNkNa njhopy; NjLk; Kaw;rpia Muk;gpf;fpd;Nwhk;. Mdhy; Nfs;tp kw;Wk; toq;fy; Nghd;w ajhu;j;jq;fs; ek;ik gpd;dila itf;fpd;wd vd;gNj epju;rdkhd cz;ik. vdpDk; rpwe;j Cjpak; jUk; Ntiyfs; NjLgtu;fis ,t;thwhd fhuzpfs; ghjpf;ff;$lhJ. NuhkhGup efuk; xUehspy; cUthf;fg;gltpy;iy vd;gij Qhgfj;jpy; itj;Jf; nfhs;sNtz;Lk;> vdNt> xU ,yf;if tiuaWj;J mjid Nehf;fp xt;nthU mbahf vLj;J itg;gNj rpwe;jJ. rpy Ntisfspy;> mjpf rk;gsKk; njhopy; %yk; fpilf;Fk; me;j];j;Jk; xd;NwhL xd;whf Nru;e;J nry;yhJ. vdNt vJ Kf;fpak; vd;gij ePq;fs; KbT nra;aJ nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. NkYk;> epfutUthah my;yJ Cjpakh Kf;fpak; vd;gijAk; ePq;fs; jPu;khdpj;Jf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. epfu tUkhdkhdJ> rk;gsk;> gq;fpyhgk;> juF kw;Wk; cupikf; fl;lzk; vd;gtw;iw cs;slf;fpaJ. Mdhy; njhopy; ghJfhg;G vd;gJ ,q;F Nfs;tpf;FwpNa! ,t;thwhd ,f;Ffs; gyTk; ,q;F fhzg;gLfpd;wd. mjpf Cjpak; jUk; Rw;Wyhj;Jiw njhopy;fSf;F xU ,skhzpg; gl;lk;> Fiwe;j gl;rk; VO tUlnjhopy; mDgtk;> kw;Wk; jplkhd jiyikj;Jt jpwd;fs; vd;gdit Njitg;gLfpd;wd. mj;NjhL rpwe;j fw;gid Mw;wy;> ey;y jfty; njhlu;Gjpwd;> rpwg;ghd MSik Nghd;wdTk; Ntz;lg;gLfpd;wd. Rw;Wyhj;JiwahdJ kf;fSld;

fye;JiuahLtij mbg;gilahff; nfhz;lNj! vdNt jpwik> nghWik kw;Wk; Gupjy; Nghd;witAk; mtrpag;gLfpd;wd. ,Wjpahf fbd ciog;G kw;Wk; mu;g;gzpg;G Nghd;wtw;wpw;F khw;wPNl ,y;iy vdyhk;> ehk; tpUk;Gk; ntFkjpfis mila Ntz;Lk; vdpy;> ,g;gz;Gfs; vk;kplk; ,Ue;jhfNt Ntz;Lk;. ,yq;if Rw;Wyhj;Jiwapy; mgptpUj;jp mile;J tUfpd;wJ> vdpDk; ,J rhu;ghd tpupthd njhopy; Gs;sp tpguq;fs; vk;kplk; ,y;iy. Fwpg;gpl;l rpynjhopy;fSf;Nf cyfpy; jFe;j mq;fPfhuk; fpilf;fpd;wdgy ,lq;fspy; ,t;thwhd epiyNa fhzg;gLfpd;wJ> tUq;fhyj;jpy; mNj epiyNa ,q;Fk; fhzg;gLk;. mt;thwhd rpy njhopy;fshdit: ngU epWtd jiyikr ikaw;fhuu; (Corporate Chef)- gy czT tpLjpfSf;F nghWg;ghsu;> czTg; gl;bay; jahu; nra;jy;> czTg; nghUl;fs; nfhs;tdT nra;jy; kw;Wk; Vida rikaw;fhuu;fSf;F gapw;rp toq;Fjy; kw;Wk; jiyikj;Jtk; tfpj;jy; Nghd;wd ,tuJ fUkq;fshFk;. ,j;njhopYf;F rikaw;fiyapy; ,skhzpg;gl;lk; kw;Wk; rikay; Fwpg;Gfis ifahs;tjpy; fzpjj;Jiwapy; epGzj;Jtk; vd;gd mtrpakhFk;. tpLjp Kfhikahsu; (Hotel Manager)tpLjp nraw;ghLfs;> gzpahsu; epakdk;> thbf;ifsahsu; Nrit cs;spl;l midj;J tpLjp eltbf;iffs; kw;Wk; nrhj;Jf;fis epu;tfpj;jy;. ,jw;F gupkhWjy;> tuNtw;wy;> J}a;ikahf;fk; Nghd;wtw;wpy; mDgtk; Njit. gpuhe;jpa cztf Kfhikahsu;

(Regional Restaurant Manager)- gy cztf FOkq;fSf;F nghWg;Gjhupahf ,Uj;jy;> eltbf;iffis Nkw;ghu;it nra;jy;> Copau;fis gzpaku;j;jy; kw;Wk; mtu;fSf;F gapw;rptoq;fy;> xt;nthU ];jhgdq;fSf;Fkhd tpw;gid jpl;lq;fis tbtikj;jy; Nghd;wd ,tuJ nghWg;GfshFk;. tPl;L guhkupg;G jiyik mjpfhup (Head of Housekeeping)- N`hl;ly; my;yJ Xa;T tpLjpfspd; ehshe;j eltbf;iffspy; guhkupg;G Nritfis topelhj;jy; ,tuJ ghupa nghWg;ghFk;. tpUe;jpdu; ,d;geyk; kw;Wk; mjD} lhd N`hl;ly; ed;kjpg;G vd;gdtw;wpd; Kf;fpa $uhf Rj;jk; mikfpd;wJ. vdNtjhd; ,J Kf;fpanjhU gzpahf mikfpd;wJ vdNt ,r;Nritfis Kfhik nra;tjw;F jiyrpwe;j jiyikj;Jtk; mtrpakhFk;. gpuahz Kfhikahsu; (Travel Manager)- ngupa epWtdk; xd;wpd; gazj; Njitfshd tuTnryTfis jpl;lkply;> jq;Fkplk; kw;Wk; ,jugpuahz Njitfis Kfhik nra;jy; jw;fhyj;jpy; ngupa N`hl;ly; epWtdq;fs; ,yq;ifapy; KjyPL nra;tjhYk; Rw;Wyhj;Jiw tsu;r;rp ehL KOtJk; tpahgpj;J fhzg;gLtjhYk; ,t;thwhd njhopy;fis ,q;Fk; vjpu;ghu;f;fyhk;. vdNtjhd; ePq;fs; jFe;j Mw;wy;fis fl;likj;Jf;nfhs;sNtz;Lk;> Mq;fpy nkhopapy; epGzj;Jtk; ngw;wpUf;f Ntz;Lk;> mj;NjhL ePq;fs; toq;Fk; Nritapy; rpwe;jjuk;> nray; ty;yik> kw;Wk; ek;gfj;jd;ik Nghd;wtw;wpd; %yk; ed;kjpg;ig ngw;Wf; nfhs;sTk; Ntz;Lk;.




Dynamic Jobs To Compete For By Nalin Goonewardene

we start job hunting we are W hen full of enthusiastic expectations. Soon reality such as Demand versus Supply, bring us down to earth. This should not deter those who are seeking the best paid jobs. Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day", so it is good to define a target and take the steps to get there.

Sometimes, high pay doesn't go hand-in-hand with prestige, so decide if this matters to you. Also, decide if it is net earnings or salary that is important. A net income may include salary, shares, commissions and royalties. There are also risks, where job security may not be what you expect. Any highly paid job in tourism will need a bachelor's degree, a minimum of 7 years experience and solid leadership skills. It will also need a degree of imagination, good communication skills and a pleasant personality. Tourism is about interacting with people, which also needs tact, patience

and understanding. Finally, there is no substitute for hard work and dedication, needed to reap the rewards you seek. Sri Lanka is developing its tourism industry, but detailed job statistics are not available. Following what has happened elsewhere, certain jobs appear to be valued the world over, and will be here too.

Some of these are: Corporate Chef - responsible for several restaurants, to set menus, purchase food and train both chefs and the leadership. Requires a bachelor's degree in culinary arts, where mathematics is necessary for dealing with recipes. Hotel Manager - managing all aspects of hotel properties including operations, staffing, and customer service. Requires experience in catering, front desk, housekeeping and management. Regional Restaurant Manager – responsible for a group of restaurants, overseeing operations, hiring and training staff and designing sales plans for each establishment. Head of Housekeeping directs the daily operations of a hotel or resort's housekeeping services. Cleaning is an essential component of visitor comfort and hence hotel reputation, It’s difficult work and requires a tremendous leader to manage the service. Travel Manager - manages a major organization’s travel needs including budgeting, accommodation, and complex travel requests. These types of jobs WILL be available in Sri Lanka as major hotel chains are investing here and tourism is being extended right round the island. You will need to build up the required skills, obtain a good command of English and earn respect by the quality, capability and reliability of what you can offer.

Seylan Bank offers ‘Seylan Scholar’ for youth to live their dreams As the nation’s future economic success heavily depends on the effective utilization of intangible assets such as knowledge, skills and innovation, it’s the duty of a responsible corporate citizen to contribute towards this endeavor. The role of higher education is a major driver in driving towards a knowledge led society. However, pursuing higher education in private universities and institutes require a significant amount of investment. This becomes an obstacle to Sri Lankan students who have been educated under the free education system. Understanding this requirement, Seylan Bank has introduced ‘Seylan Scholar’, an educational loan which can be applied for local as well as overseas education. Seylan Bank also facilitates financial assistance in terms of personal loans, in the realm of higher education.

Since its launch in 2011, Seylan Scholar has helped students live their dreams as highly educated professionals in their field of interest, bestowing them a successful career. Seylan Scholar has tied up with many institutes, offering academic and professional qualifications, to facilitate the financial needs of their students. Seylan Scholar Higher Education Loan is facilitated for Students as well as working professional’s to fulfill their dreams to complete the courses such as MBA, CIM, SLIM, AAT, CIMA, Fashion Designing Courses, MBBS, Engineering Degrees, Private Pilot License, Commercial Private License etc. The above loan could be obtained as individuals or jointly with parents /spouse with an attractive interest rate.




Jiwrhu; tsu;r;rpAk; mjd; Nghf;Fk;

espd; Fztu;j;jd nkhopngau;g;G: ,utPe;jpud; mUNzhjad;



100 rjtpfpjk; EZf;fkhf vtuhYk; vjpu;T$w KbahJ vd;gJ cz;ik. ,Ug;gpDk;> Rw;Wyhj;Jiwapd; gupzhk tsu;r;rpapid mtjhdpj;Jk; Muha;e;Jk; nghUj;jkhf fzpg;gpl;Lk; mjd; Nghf;F gw;wpa vjpu;T$wy;fis rpy Jiwrhu; epWtdq;fs; Kd;nkhope;Js;sd. cyf gpuahz kw;Wk; Rw;Wyhj;Jiw mikg;gpd; Gs;sptpgug;gb cyf Ntiytha;g;Gfspy; 8% Rw;Wyhj;Jiwapdhy; G+u;j;jp nra;ag;gLtNjhL ,j;Jiw jplu;e;Jk; kpspu;tjw;fhd rhj;jpaf;$Wfs; epiwa ,Uf;fpd;wd vdTk; Fwpg;gplg;gLfpwJ. 2020Mk; Mz;lstpy; ru;tNjr uPjpapy; 1.56 gpy;ypad; gpuahzpfs; gazq;fis Nkw;nfhs;thu;fs; vd vjpu;ghu;f;fg;gLfpwJ. ,yq;if ehl;bidg; nghWj;j tiuapy; 2016Mk; tUl ,Wjpapy; 2.5 kpy;ypad;

gazpfs; tUifia vjpu;T$w KbAk;. njhlu;ghly;Jiw tsu;r;rp> nghUshjhu murpay; gyk;> fyhrhu NtWghLfs;> fhyepiy kw;Wk; tsg;ghJfhg;G vd;gtw;wpdhy; fl;b vOg;gg;gl;l cyfkakhf;fyhdJ ,j;Jiwrhu; Nghf;fpy; ngUk; nry;thf;F nrYj;JfpwJ. Nkw;Fyf gpuahzpfs; nefpo;Tj;jd;ik> rpf;fd gpuahz nryTfs;> ghJfhg;G> jdpj;Jtkhd mDgtq;fs;> ,aw;if moF vd;gtw;iwj; Njb efu;fpwhu;fs;. ,izf;fg;gl;l njhlu;ghly;fspd; tpisthf kpfTk; rhJ}u;akhd Njly;fspd; %yk; rpwe;j mDgtq;fisg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s Kidfpwhu;fs;. gazr;re;ijapy; BRIC (gpNurpy;> u\;ah> ,e;jpah> rPdh) ehl;L gpuahzpfspd; eltbf;iffSk; mjpfupj;J tUfpd;wd. Rw;wyhj;Jiwf;fhd Nghl;b Nkw;gb khw;wq;fis cs;thq;fp mjid njhlu;e;J epyTifg;gLj;JtjpNyNa

jq;fpaps;sJ. ,yq;if ehl;bidg; nghWj;j tiuapy; mjw;fhd rhj;jpaf;$Wfs; epiwaNt ,Uf;fpd;wd. ,e;j ,af;f R+oypy; vk;Kila vjpu;fhyk; vq;fSila ,yf;F kw;Wk; mjid Nehf;fpa Kaw;rp> fbd ciog;G> mu;g;gzpg;G vd;gdtw;wpNyNa jq;fpAs;sJ. Rw;Wyhj;JiwahdJ ,yq;if ehl;bd; ghupa tUtha; <l;Lk; Jiwahf ,Ug;gjdhy; murhq;f jdpahu; KjyPLfs; mjpfupj;j tz;zk; ,Uf;fpd;wd. jukhd njhopyhsu;fisj; Njb ,j;Jiw efu;fpwJ. nra;Kiw mwpT> jukhd fy;tp kw;Wk; fyhrhu tpopu;g;Gzu;T epuk;gpa xUtuhy; ,j;Jiwapy; ghupa rhjidfis epfo;j;j KbAk;. Kw;Nghf;fhd epWtdj;jpd; Copauhf re;ijapd; khw;wj;jpidg; Gupe;Jnfhs;s Kbe;jhy; Jiwrhu; epGzj;Jt nraw;ghLfs; gytw;iw ,yFthf cq;fshy; Kd;ndLj;Jr; nry;y KbAk;. mjd;%yk; gy rhjidfis epiyehl;l tha;g;GfSk; cz;L.




Trends and Career Development

By Nalin Goonewardene

no one can predict the future W hile with 100% certainty, ‘think tanks’

of major organisations in Tourism have described their findings arrived at by observation, research and qualified deduction. This is better than our gazing into the ‘crystal ball’ and guessing. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, travel and tourism accounts for 8% of the world's jobs and has the highest potential for growth of any industry. World Tourism Organisation’s Tourism-2020-Vision forecasts that international arrivals will exceed 1.56 billion by the year 2020. Sri Lanka Tourism itself is expecting 2.5 million tourists by the end of 2016. This will create many job opportunities, but read on. Today, Globalisation is on it its way influenced by advances in technology, shifts in economic and political power, as well as changes in culture, climate and protection of global resources. For evidence see airline alliances and the emergence of integrated companies owning travel agencies, tour operators, airlines, cruise

ships, and hotels in many countries. Western travellers will be seeking lower-cost transportation, greater flexibility, safety, authenticity and unique experiences. They will move from requiring Service to Self-service using interconnected tools, tailored to identify the perfect package of personal preferences.

BRIC travellers (from Brazil, Russia, India and China) - the fastest growing emerging travel markets will not be far behind. Tourism will change to accommodate these requirements. Competition for tourists between countries will become intense, so Sri

Lanka will have to offer its own unique benefits. Many of the advances in technology will be instigated by players outside the travel industry who have identified a better way of doing things.

So where would you fit in? In this dynamic environment, your future is only limited by your ambition, dedication, ability to work with people and hard work. Tourism, identified as a primary income source will receive the government’s attention. The advent of large international conglomerates will create more opportunities. Consider joining one of these to grow with them. As skills shortage become acute, training existing staff will precede recruitment. You will need a mix of practical experience and academic credentials particularly in IT and English, while cultural sensitivity will be critical. From within a progressive organisation you will be able to recognise trends in the industry to create your own career development strategy as changes unfold. 2020 onwards is well within your lifetime, so think seriously about your career for the future.




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The Globe-Trotting Modern Tourist Excerpts from an interview with Paddy Witharana, Chairman Sri Lanka Development Authority

By Sharlene De Chickera

ourism is one of the biggest T industries that can help the country and the youth can drive it! Sri Lanka is blessed with an abundance of nature and culture. It is a ‘jewel-of-an-island’, with pristine beaches, plantations, waterfalls, rain-forests, culture, and a proud heritage. Located in a strategic point, it can attract the flow of tourists travelling through to the East to the West Pakistan, Germany, China, France, Maldives, Russia, UK and USA. Many youth wish to explore exotic Sri Lanka.

On your marks, get-set go! Youth take decisions on the spur of the moment. Currently, the rave is to book on-line. Youth can be enticed to visit Sri Lanka through on-line bookings. One of the major attractions

in the island is surfing. Fifty percent of globe-trotting tourists are less than 40 years. Youth engage in various activities, surfing, wildlife, research-culture, adventure sports. The government of Sri Lanka is also looking to reduce taxes on water sports, yachting, surfing and cruise ships to champion these. The future is global tourism. Sri Lanka has a distinct advantage in this sphere being in the cross-roads of back-packers, adventure seekers, cultural connoisseurs and a host of endless possibilities. Sri Lanka can lure the tourists to their blessed shores and inland havens.

Attractions Farm Tourism is one niche that many can delve in. The rural milieu can beckon the tourist to see the simple pleasures of rustic farm-life, organic home grown fruits and vegetables, and the charm of farming.

The home-stay concept is also ever popular, to enjoy the ambience of a traditional home. Boutique hotels dot the beautiful hills and valleys of resplendent Sri Lanka. Culture, tradition and charm are infused in the architecture and beauty of ancestral homes, play host.

Must Learn the Job Youth have to learn the job and have no fear of learning any ‘nitty-gritty’ on the job. English language skills are a must.

Youth as Role Models A plethora of youth can entrench in the Tourism and Travel Industry by qualifying in the traditional hotel school system, or create a scheme of things that are unique. Youth can join the industry as mainstream employees or part-time. Since youth unemployment is high, at 35%, this industry may well be a lucrative one. Other interesting options for women will include Landscaping, Ayurveda Special Therapists, Hostess Services and being Nature Interpreters.



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nfhz;L Kd;Ndhf;fpr; nrd;Nwhk;> jpypdp $wpdhs;. rhfr gapw;Weu; vd;w Kiwapy;> midj;ijAk; fl;Lg;gLj;j Ntz;baJ mtsJ nghWg;ghFk;. "ehk; cq;fSf;F xU mDgtj;ij cUthf;fpf; nfhLf;fpd;Nwhk;. ehk; ftdkhf ,Ug;gJ mtrpak;. Mdhy;> fhl;by; ve;j Neuj;jpy; vd;d elf;Fnkd;W $wKbahJ" mtsJ thu;j;ijfs;. ,Jtiu mts; Kfq;nfhLf;Fk; ngupa ,ilA+W mjPj Fspu; MFk;. xU rpy MNyhridfs; 1. jz;zPupy; ,Ue;jhy; gjl;lkila Ntz;lhk;. 2. Ntbf;if vd epidj;J Kl;lhs;j;jdkhd fhupaq;fspy; <Lgl Ntz;lhk;. jpypdpapd; nraw;ghLfSld; ifNfhu;f;f tpUk;gpdhy;> https://www. facebook.com/travelwithdilini "N`hu;ld; rkntspapd; cr;rpapy; ,yq;ifapNyNa caukhd ehd;F kiyfs; thDld; NkhJk; moiff; fhzyhk;. ehk; f\;lg;gl;l midj;J Kaw;rpfSk; mj;jUzj;jpy; kwe;JNghFk;" -jpypdp




Travel with Dilini Tips from an Adventure Instructor

By Nadeesha Paulis

is only 19. With short hair that S hecovers her eyes, a tall 5’8” build that

says,‘You really don’t want to mess with me’, Dlini is fresh out of school with a lot to offer. Her title goes as ‘Adventure Instructor’ and what she does is touring people on hikes, treks and various other endeavours that are centered on excitement and adventure as opposed to leisure and relaxation. I met her when I was hiking in Meemure. I was awed by her sheer dedication and will to continue in a field that is predominantly run by men, and especially at such a young age. “The first trial to prove myself to them [her employer] was to jump off a 22 ft cliff into water. It was a waterfall, and I had to jump without a life jacket. I had 3 days to practice”, she says. Dilini has been on the field for a few months now, so she is not a pro -yet - But she is determined to get to the very top. (pun intended) She likes that her hobby is now her job. When asked if she ever saw herself doing a desk job, she says she prefers this because the wild has always been her calling. Even at school, she preferred scouting and netball to English or Math, and now she finds herself jumping off waterfalls for a living. “I was taken on a hike to check my fitness and to see if I could actually do this. Honestly, I thought I couldn’t make it to the bottom because my hands and

1.If you’re in water, do not to panic. Keep calm and stay put. If you panic and cling on to the person who comes to rescue you, i.e. us, we will both drown. Seriously.

feet were frozen. But I made it”! Today she finds herself 2.While it you’re here to have fun, don’t forget hopping a mountain every to not do stupid things. Use your brain and God other week or so. given common sense. Don’t try to be too cool and Unlike travelling for fun, show off because there may actual dangers that which is what you and I do we warn you about. on a holiday, travelling for a living is different. Touring a bunch of travellers is not as easy as she says. Thus far, her Kryptonite has it sounds. It’s a lot of responsibility. been the freezing cold. Especially when it comes to adventure If you would like to join her on one travels because there is lot more of her expeditions, get in touch with at stake. It’s not a day at the beach her on fb https://www.facebook.com/ relaxing or a stroll by a heritage site. travelwithdilini It’s a few days out in the freezing cold, “At the summit of the Horton Plains, on top of mountains with no cellular you see the four highest mountains of coverage and no way of calling for help Sri Lanka lined against the sky. This if the need arises, with only a backpack view is worth all your efforts to the top”, of essentials for sustenance at the mercy says Dilini. of the wild forest and creatures that roam in it. Not to mention the leeches. “We’ve passed areas where the fresh cadaver of some unfortunate stag was left over by a wild cat. We just make a lot of noise and hope that we don’t meet the same fate”, she says. As an Adventure Instructor, she has to be in control. “We curate an experience to you. So we need to know what’s going on at all times. But out there in the jungle, it’s unpredictable”,


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What’s in the Chef ’s Hat? Not a Rabbit, but a recipe for hard-work!

By Sharlene De Chickera

rom a Grade 4 drop-put to being F world recognised as a Chef par excellence, Dr. Pubilis De Silva has promoted authentic Sri Lankan cuisine to the world. His many cookery books titles vouch for his. Awards of excellence in cookery and culinary art are displayed around his office, like embellishments on a cake. Pubilis celebrates his 81st birthday on March 24th 2016, having worked for 62 years at Mt. Lavinia Hotel. He plans to launch his auto-biography soon. He shares with the Youth timetested recipes for success. The first ingredient of success is hard-work. There is no other substitute to this ‘salt’ than this! The second ingredient to success is the mixed-spice of family. He tells us how the love and support of a steadfast wife who is ‘Queen of the kitchen’, at home. “I have not cooked at home, my wife’s domain, and leant the art of cooking from her”, he says with a twinkle in his eye. The third is loyalty of heart and mind, to your work-place, as it provides

discovering new methods”. the ‘bread’ and ‘butter’ to your table. The best advice I give the youth is Pubilis has been the chief Chef of the to be honest and sincere. The bottomMt. Lavinia Hotel for 32 years. He has a line is youth must know their trade well record of 62 years of unbroken service. The fourth is being an all-rounder and love it, be it cookery or any other in your chosen profession. Pubilis profession! has mastered a plethora of cooking methods. “I recall the 10th Anniversary of Sirasa, preparing 27,000 pieces of Kiribath (Milk Rice) from 1,000 kilos of rice. 27,000 pieces were made, on the street in public view, he recalls. The fifth rule is linked to the fourth, is ‘do what you love, and love what you do!” Coming to work daily is eagerly anticipated. Every Sunrise brings something new. He also exudes love, kindness and compassion when cooking. He opines that pure thoughts are integral for food to turn out wholesome. The sixth rule is let your work be of service! His recognition has been earned by hard work, dedication, and long hours in the kitchen, perfecting recipes. The seventh secret ingredient is health. “Health is wealth”. Pubilis cares about nutrition, the value of medicinal herbs and organic food. “I am still Dr. Pubilis De Silva

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The endless horizons for the Human Spirit By Sharlene De Chickera

the helm and heart of the A tHospitality and Tourism industry

smiles, veteran hotelier Hiran Cooray,who vouches that the true hotelier has to inherently ‘love people’. If a young person can get up in the morning with their heart and mind on wanting to make people happy, their inherent disposition,could be directed in to entering a career in the Hospitality and Tourism industry, he opines. There are other indications that may give a sign the Hospitality and Tourism industry beckons. A fetish for being neat. A penchant for cooking. Having a welcoming spirit and accommodating peoples’ wishes, a knack for designing. All these pointers could mean that the youth in concern could thrive in this eternal industry.

It pays to be attentive The youth of Sri Lanka can also earn while they learn and enjoy the experiences the industry offers. Entry point in to the industry can be at O/L or through a formal hotel school. “Tips and service charges on the job are enticing”, Cooray notes. And with a year and a half of experience under the belt, a youth who works in the ‘spirit’ of the industry can earn around 50 Thousand Rupees. The beauty of this industry is youth can live and work in their rural milieu. Sri Lanka being blessed with a resplendent landscape has a plethora of sites that offer tourists sun, sand, sea and a thousand other attractions. “The Eastern sea-board is an attractive place for tourists to surf, laze

and simply enjoy the warm hospitality”, he says, noting an increase in tourist arrivals in the Eastern part of Sri Lanka. With a 3-4 Thousand increase in hotel rooms annually, the booming industry demands a fresh intake of youth of approximately 8,000 -10,000.

Join Now! Being at the helm of a family hotel chain that has grown from 6 rooms to span eco villas, luxury resorts, Cooray opines the current context is really conducive for youth to join. “The Hospitality and Tourism Industry will teach youth to be confident, give opportunities to travel, embraces youth from all walks of life and makes a person observe different personas, cultures, cuisines and interesting experiences”. Like Alice went through the looking glass out of sheer

Mr. Hiran Cooray

curiosity, the Hospitality and Tourism industry beckons the youth to become ‘curiouser’ and ‘curiouser’. All you have to do is just walk in!


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Ue;Njhk;gy; kw;Wk; Rw;Wyhj;Jiwapy; mDgtk; kpFe;j `puhd;$Nw $Wifapy;> ,j;Jiwapd; Kf;fpa mk;rk; ahnjdpy; kf;fis cskhu Nerpg;gNj MFk;vd;fpwhu;. xU ,isQu; fhiyapy; Japy;tpl;L vOk;Gk; Nghj mtupd; kdKk; rpe;jidAk; kf;fis vt;thW re;Njhkhf itj;jpUg;gJ vd;W rpe;jpf;Fkhapd; mtUf;F ,e;j Jiwapdpy; jdJ njhopy; tho;f;ifapid mikj;Jf; nfhs;s KbAk;. ,ijj; jhz;bAk; rpy milahsq;fs; mtuplj;jpdpy; fhzg;glyhk;. Neu;j;jpahf ,Ug;gjw;fhd mtupd; Kidg;G> rikay; fiyapdpy; mtu; fhLk; <LghL> tpUe;Njhk;gy; gz;G tbtikf;Fk; jpwd;. ,tw;NwhL xU ,isQu; fhzg;gLthu; vdpy; mtUf;F ,j;njhopy; Jiwapy; rpwe;j vjpu;fhyk; fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. ftdj;Jld; ,Ug;gjw;fhf fl;lzk; nrYj;jg;gLfpd;wJ. ,yq;iftho; ,isQu;fSf;F gapYk; NghNj rk;ghjpf;fTk; Kbfpd;wJ> ,j;Jiwapdpy; Eioa f.ngh.j. rhjhuz juNkh my;yJ xU N`hl;ly; fy;Y} upapd; fy;tpj; jifikNah Muk;gkhf mikAk;. Nritf; fl;lzk; ,j;Jiwjdpy; trPfuj;jpid Vw;gLj;Jk;. xd;wiu Mz;L fhyk; mDgtj;Jld; cj;Ntfj;JlDk; $ba xU ,isQUf;F

,j;Jiwapdpy; 50000 &gha; ,yFthf rk;ghjpf;f KbAk;. ,isQu;fs; jkJ fpuhkg;Gwq;fspy; ,Ue;Nj Ntiy nra;af;$bajhf ,Ug;gJ ,j;njhopw;Jiwapd; rpwg;gk;rkhFk;> ,yq;ifapy; Rw;Wyhg; gazpfSf;fhf fly; kzy; ntapy; vd gpufhrkhd epyg;gFjpfs; kpifahf fpilf;fg; ngw;w xU ehlhFk;. Fwpg;ghf fpof;Fg; gFjpfspy; Rw;Wyhg; gazpfs; flNyhLtjw;Fk; ,isg;ghwTk; tpUe;Njhk;giy mDgtpg;gjw;Fk; vz;zw;w trjpfs; cs;sd vdTk; `puhd; Fwpg;gpLfpwhu;. 3000 - 4000 tiuapyhd tUlhe;j N`hl;ly; miwfspd; Njit mjpfupf;fpd;wJ. mjw;Nfw;wthW 8000-10000 tiuapyhd ,isQu;fSk; tUlhe;jk; Njitg;gLfpd;wdu;. MW miwfisf; nfhz;l xU rhjhuz N`hl;ly; ,ypypUe;J ,e;J xU ghupa tpy;yh khspif kw;Wk; FLk;g N`hl;ly; rq;fpyp xd;wpd; jiyikapypUf;Fk; `puhd; jw;Nghija ,r;R+oyhdJ ,isa jiyKiwapdUf;F cfe;jjhFk; vd;fpwhu;. "tpUe;Njhk;gy; kw;Wk; Rw;Wyhj; JiwahdJ ,isQu;fSf;F ek;gpf;if> gazq;fSf;fhd re;ju;g;gk;> tho;ifapd; vy;yh El;gq;fs; kw;Wk; ntt;NtW tpjkhd fyhr;rhuq;fs; rikay; tpj;jpahrkhd mDgtq;fs; vd;gtw;iw epr;rak; toq;Fk;. myp]; ,d; nthz;nlu; Nyd;l; ,y; tUtJ Nghy;> ,e;j njhopy;JiwapYk; cs;Ns nry;y nry;y NkYk; Rthu\;ak; $bf;nfhz;Nl nry;Yk;. ePq;fs; cs;Ns Eioa Ntz;baJ khj;jpuNk !


Feature : Eco Tourism


Eco Team Sri Lanka By Nadeesha Paulis

co Team since its founding in 2000

E has transformed in to a much sought after brand in ‘Eco-tourism’. The 30 civil war ravaged some the most beautiful parts of the country, adversely affectingtourism. Times have changed and ‘Ecotourism’ has flourished, attracting many a wanderlust tourist to the island; in pursuit of the thrills that our wild forests have to offer. Eco Tourism provides experiences from a customised wild safari adventure under tents, in jungles with wild animals roaming the rim of the forest and more. EDEX Magazine met founder and Managing Director of Eco Team Sri Lanka, Anuruddha Bandara, to share with youth his pioneering journey to become one of Sri Lanka’s top Tourism Service Providers. “We started as a service provider to niche segments and offered outdoor activities such as tented safari camps, trekking, kayaking, canoeing and rafting. Today we have

ten brands including Mahoora and Big Game Camps which cater to high end clients who yearn for the adventurous outdoors. We are the first of our kind”, said Anuruddha. Yala National Park and Udawalawe National Park were selected to be among the top twenty Safari destinations in the world in 2016. This was a moment of pride for Eco Team because they had, provided some of the best tented safari camps in the country focusing on those two parks, for 16 years.

“We are proud to say that we are the world's first entirely carbon neutral mobile tented safari camp brands. Mahoora Yala was selected by Huffington Post as one of the top ten most romantic safari camps in the world”, says a triumphant Anuruddha. His advice to youth is to first have a foundation. “To explore this area as potential career, first learn the ropes of the trade. And for that, you need guidance. A tourism diploma or degree will give you knowledge on a little bit of everything. Tourism is such a vast area that you really need to do a lot of research to find your calling. You can specialise in boutique hotels, outdoor activities etc. Do your research to know what people would pay and begin specialising. It is a continuous process. We too learn new ideas and business opportunities every day,” says Anuruddha. “If you want to build your company, seek out your specialty and find a way to give a brand new experience for your clients. Nowadays youngsters tend to expects everything to come easy for them. It doesn’t. A lot of work has to be put into to rise beyond your capabilities.” he says.




Vacation Experts – a taste of Hospitality By Navangi De Silva

April holidays drawing W ithnear,thethere’s only one thing on

everyone’s mind – vacation! And who doesn’t love a good vacation? With the end of the 30 year war, the tourism and hospitality sector in Sri Lanka is thriving and to learn more about it, I met up with the Consultant Director of Procurement Shangri-La Investment Lanka Pvt Ltd, Ms. GitanjaliChakravarthy-Haaland. With over 25 years of experience under her belt, she’s one of the top successful people in the sector. I asked her how she got into the hospitality industry. “It was my grandmother,” she laughs. “I was never interested in this field until one day my grandmother spoke toone of the senior managers at (the then) Oberoi hotel abouta career in hospitalityfor me. And, well, it

snowballed from there.” And snowball it did. Gitanjali worked as a trainee for six months at Hotel Ceysandsin Bentota, and then attended the Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management to specialise in rooms division. After graduating, she filled the position of assistant housekeeper at Hotel Citadel, Kandy andwithin six months, was promoted the Executive Housekeeper position. She has worked in many other hotels since then and at each hotel, Gitanjali’s hard work paid off with promotions to top positions and glowing recommendationsfrom her seniors. She has worked with people from different cultures from around the world but to get there took immense dedication. “It was tough,” she recalls. “I used to work from 6.30am to 11.30pm. I was away from home. I missed my family –

especially my daughter.” The hospitality industry is rewarding but tough. When asked about specific characteristics needed to for this field, she answers, “Self-confidence and the determination to never give up. Everybody thinks it’s so rosy, but it’s not. You need to sacrifice a lot.” Speaking about a common problem – gender bias – in the hospitality sector, she admits that bias is still involved. “It’s improving though,” she says. “It’s much better than it used to be.” When asked about any qualifications, she says no special degree is neededto join this sector apart froma passable completion of O/Levels. She does however advise it wise to follow a course in hospitality management. “There are so many opportunities now,” she says.“All you have to do is to take the leap.”




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J rpWtaJ mgpkhdk; xU itj;jpauhf tuNtz;Lk; vd;gNj. vdJ Jiwkf;fNshL rk;ge;jg;gl;L ,Uf;fNtz;Lk; vd;W tpUk;gpNdd;. gy;fiyf;fof EioT fpilf;fhtpby; xUtUf;F mupjhf tha;g;G fpilj;j fhynky;yhk; fle;J tpl;lJ. ed; vijr; nra;ag;NghfpNwd; vd;gij jPu;khdpf;ftpy;iy. Vd;N`hl;ly; njhopy;Jiwapy; <Lglf;$lhJ? vd;w vz;zj;jpid vd; ghl;bNa tpijj;jhu;. tpUe;Njhk;gy; Jiwapy;fle;j 28 Mz;Lfspd; tha;g;Gf;fisAk; milTfisAk; jpUk;gpg; ghu;f;Fk; nghOJ> vd;Dila ve;j xU fdtpidAk; mila Kbatpy;iyNa vd;w tUj;jk; vd;dplj;jpy; ,y;iy. ,e;j mw;Gjkhd ntw;wpfukhd njhopy; Jiwapy; ehDk; xU gFjpahf ,Uf;fpd;Nwd; vd;W jho;ikAld; $Wtjpy; ngUikailfpd;Nwd;. xU rpWtdhf ehd; ,Ue;j NghJ xU N`hl;ly; cupikahsuplk; ,Uf;f Ntz;ba fbd ciog;igg; gw;wp ehd;

njupe;J itj;jpUf;ftpy;iy. rthy;fs; Vuhsk;> mNj Nghd;W tha;g;Gf;fSk; Vuhsk;. ,e;j Ntiyapd; Clhf cynfq;fpYk; cs;s Rthurpakhd kf;fis re;jpf;ff; fpilj;jJ. mJ vdf;F thbf;ifahsu; Nritj;jpwidAk; kf;fs; jpwidAk; tsu;j;Jf;nfhs;s top NfhypaJ. Rw;Wyhj; JiwahdJ gy;NtWgl;l Ntiy tha;g;Gf;fis ,isQu;fSf;F toq;ff; $baJ. xUtUf;F Rw;Wyhj;Jiwapdpy; gzpahw;Wtjw;F N`hl;ly; epu;thfj;jpy; gl;lk; Njitapy;iy. Vida Jiwfisf; fhl;bYk; ,j;Jiwapdpy; Kd;NdWtJ ,yFthdJk; mD$ykhdJnkhd;whFk;. czu;TG+u;tkhfTk; yl;rpaj;NjhLk; cWjpNahLk; VidNahUld; ,ize;J gzpahw;Wjiy tpUk;Gk; xUtuhf ,Ug;gNj ,jw;F Njitahdit MFk;. ,j;Jiwjdpy; Kd;NdWk;NghJ mDgtk; fy;tpj;jifik ,tw;Wld; ,ize;J tplhKaw;rp kdg;ghd;ikAk; fhzg;gLkhdhy; mJ vk;ik ,j;njhopypd; cr;rj;jpw;F nfhz;L nry;Yk;. cyf Rw;Wyh kw;Wk; gazq;fs; rigapd; rkPgj;jpa juTfspd;gb 2013 Mz;lstpy; 266 kpy;ypad; Ntiytha;g;Gf;fs; Rw;Wyhj;Jiwapdhy; Vw;gLj;jg;gLfpd;wJ vd;fpwJ. NkYk; 11 Ntiy tha;g;Gf;F xd;W vd;w tpfpjj;jpy;

,J fhzg;gLtjhfTk; $Wfpd;wJ mj;juT. cyfpd; gy ru;tNjr juf;Fwpfs; ,d;Dk; gy ghupa N`hl;ly; tpLjpfis ,e;j ehl;by; fl;bf;nfhz;bUf;f ,j;Jiwapy; jpwikahd egu;fSf;F ghupa Nfs;tp epyTfpd;wJ. ,j;JiwahdJ NkYk; mgptpUj;jp milaf;$ba rhj;jpaf;$Wfs; ,q;F mjpfkhf ,Ug;gjdhy;> Rw;Wyhj; Jiwapdpy; <LghL fhl;Lk; ,isNahUf;F ,JNt rupahd jUzkhFk;. mj;Jld; Rw;Wyhj;Jiwf;nfd ngw;Wf; nfhz;l jpwd;fs;> NtW gy JiwfSf;Fk; tpahghuq;fSf;Fk; $l mD$yk; kpf;f xd;whfNt cs;sJ. gy tpUe;Njhk;gy; Jiw ty;Ydu;fs; ,d;W ghupa N`hl;ly; FOkq;fspd; njhopyjpgu;fshf ,Uf;fpd;whu;fs;. ,d;Dk; rpyu; Rw;Wyh kw;Wk; nghOJNghf;Fj; Jiwf;F khwptpl;lhu;fs;. tpUe;Njhk;gy; vd;gJ kf;fSf;F kwf;f Kbahj mDgtq;fis Vw;gLj;jpf; nfhLj;J mtu;fsJ fdT tpLKiwfisf; fopf;f cjTtNj MFk;. cq;fs; Ntiy kf;fis kfpo;tpg;gNj MFk;. mJ ,Wjpapy; cq;fis xU kfpo;r;rpahd eguhf khw;Wk;.




Tea-trails, temples and a thousand temptations By Sharlene De Chickera


he curtain of mist opens and unveils tea-gardens, glistening Green in the mist, dotted with colourful tea-pluckers, plucking busily, to earn a day’s wage. A tourists watches drinking a hot cup of tea. In the heart of the citadel Kandy the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic, a World Heritage Site in Kandy glistens White. Pure. Picturesque, evoking the eternal blessings on pilgrim and tourist alike. From the hills to the plains and the sea-shore, Sri Lanka is a ‘jewel-ofan island’, like no other.It is described in religious chronicles, by poets and travellers from ancient times to modern. Its eternal appeal is its diversity, people, cultural heritage, festivals, Ayurveda spas, wildlife, adventure, sports, hotels, food and shopping; cocooned in a melting pot. Its pristine beaches are wrapped around the pearl-shaped island, ideal for tourists to soak up the sun, sand and sky. Surfing, the new rave for youth. Away from the hills and the sea-shore, the city-centre of Colombo is alive with night-life. In a country that is Cricket crazy, matches are on the cards year round. Shopping remains a delightful past-time for any tourist.

Tourist Arrivals The statistics for tourist arrivals are

heartening, with job opportunities for youth. Tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka exceeded 1.5 Million in 2014 and is expected to exceed 2.5 Million by 2016. Tourist Arrivals in Sri Lanka increased to 1,798,380 in 2015 from 1,527,153 in 2014. Tourist Arrivals in Sri Lanka averaged 422,110.76 from 1970 until 2015, reaching an all-time high of 1,798,380 in 2015 and a record low of 39, 654 in 1971. The 2015 World Travel and Tourism Council Report in terms Sri Lankan context, states, Travel & Tourism generated 352,000 jobs directly in 2014 (4.3% of total employment) and this is forecast to fall by 2.6% in 2015 to 342,500 (4.2% of total employment).

By 2025, Travel & Tourism will accountfor 438,000 jobs directly, an increase of 2.5% pa over the next ten years. Sri Lanka is in need of more hotels and staff, more transportation services, more restaurants and hospitality staff, more interpreters, more guides, to ensure people on holidays have an amazing experience no matter how many visits they’ve had. The word is out that Sri Lanka is the next travel destination and as a result the number of tourism and travel services jobs is only going to grow for the youth of Sri Lanka.




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By Z.M. Rauf Marfyne

2013, the Lonely Planet Ithendeclared Sri Lanka number one travel destination in the world. Sri Lanka lost this niche owing to the war but is Tourism Industry is thriving again! In essence, the Travel and Tourism Industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in Sri Lanka,and is always on the lookout for energetic youth, who are motivated, dedicated and strongindividuals like you! It is the world’s largest industry, generating global revenue estimated at $13 trillion and direct employment for 204 million people worldwide. For someone qualifying in Travel and Tourism, the choices are endless. Whether you decide to work for a multinational travel company or a five-star hotel chain, or in the alternative, you can choose to become your own boss and run your own tour agency. There are many opportunities for both vertical growth within the industry and horizontal growth between

The Tourism and Travel Industry A career choice to die for! the travel and tourism industry and other related industries such as the hospitality. Similarly, there are opportunities both in government, semi-government and private sectors. As the world becomes smaller owing to better connectivity and rising interest in transcultural interaction, the travel and tourism (and related industries) are the growth areas of the future. This is the industry which offers fun, travel to exotic locations, chances to meet interesting people around the world, and attractive pay packages as well. For young people who are interested to explore the world, travel in style, speak foreign languages, meet diverse nationalities, culture and cuisine, there is no better way of doing it than by

joining the travel and tourism industry, which is incidentally the world’s largest industry, offering glamour and excitement. Sri Lanka Tourism and related industries offer exciting career paths. There’s an acute shortage of trained professionals, generating a huge demand for freshers too, with Travel and Tourism firms ready to dedicate time and money to train them. Inevitably, qualified Tourism professionals are drawn to private employers, travel agencies, package tour operators, airlines, hotels, cargo and courier agencies, and organisations that promote tourism, all of whom offer excellent of pay and perks. Similar opportunities exist in the government sector as well. What you gain! This fast-track industry offers more attractive remuneration and pre-requisite packages which include free travel for employees and family, overseas training. With a degree in travel and tourism from a local or foreign university, the world of adventure and opportunity are yours!




The Hospitality and Tourism Industry

A cup of tea, in style!

By Z.M Rauf Marfyne

very year, 120 million young people E enter the workforce with enormous potential to lead productive and engaged lives and help drive real economic growth around the globe. Yet today, more than 75 million of them face significant barriers to finding decent work, locking them in to a cycle of displacement and frustration. Today’s industries need to hire young people to grow and compete in the marketplace, and young people desperately need jobs. Yet there is a significant mismatch between what companies need in their new hires and the lackof in-demand skills among the pool of potential recruits. The size, scale, and rapid growth of the travel and tourism sector requires impactful and scalable solutions to this youth employment crisis. The hospitality industry is entering an exciting phase. As other industries struggle to recover from the global economic downturn, hospitality has proved resilient. Hospitality, travel and tourism offer high-quality, entry-level jobs to youth in developing countries. By 2022, travel and tourism will employ 300 million people around world, creating over 70 million new jobs. That might be a Front desk job in Dubai, a Food and Beverage Manager in Colombo, Executive Chef in the Maldives or an Executive Housekeeper in Bahamas. Hospitality and Accommodation Enterprises to

cater to the steadily increasing tourist arrivals to the Island. Our mother land “Sri Lanka” Pearl of the Indian ocean” is forecasted to achieve a target number of 2 million tourists by 2016. These figures imply the necessity for action to procure and preserve the skilled workforce in Sri Lanka. This incredible journey begins, with an individual, who likes to be with people, travel and meet different nationalities, a thirst to know the differences in culture and cuisine enabling youth to develop and nurture to grow and maintain a good self-esteem thus exposing to opportunities in Sri Lanka and around the world. When you work in a Hospitality and Tourism establishment you learn and acquire all of the above for free, additionally a glamourous and wholesome lifestyle, fascination

A Word of Advice In a career, there are few basic needs to be strengthened, educational qualification is only a requirement to perform; You need life skills: ● Creative thinking ● Manage emotions ● Personal responsibility ● Respecting you and others ● Communication and negotiation skills ● Critical thinking and Problem solving ● Self confidence ● Dress smart and dining ethics

to beautiful décor and comfortable working environment with an attractive landscape. None the less it extends recreation facilities including medical insurance, attractive pay for the right candidate with service charge, bonus, tips, reward schemes, welfare benefits and discounts. Furthermore free uniform with laundry facility, transport, meals on duty, air- conditioned atmosphere in lodging, including all day hot water with locker facilities “sound’s great!” A good citizen of Sri Lanka is born with a culture of hospitality, a smile with the heart and has only to enroll nowfor the basic qualification to a course of education in hospitality management. If you have Completed O/L or A/L - Follow a Basic Certification/ Diploma/Advance Diploma Programme in a Government or Private Institute. When completed your basic study, you will be trained on the job, in the areasof frontOffice /Housekeeping, / Food and Beverage- Service / Production. Furthermore, you can advance your levels by obtaining a degree-MBA, PHDin a local university or overseas. You will be able to take up duties as head of department, in the area of room division and food and beverage or in the General Management itselfdepending on your strengths. The future of Sri Lankan hospitality is already and laid out, ARE YOU READY! to explore and experience this adventurous journey?


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a time when tourism was the A t‘road not taken’, Mr. Dharshana

Cabraal, Director of Tour Blue, an emerging inbound tour organiser in Sri Lanka, decided to go against the trend. Here is what he has to share with young entrepreneurs aspiring to excel in tourism.

Passionate beginning Mr Cabraal was fortunate because his parents were able to ‘foresee that tourism in Sri Lanka would be a very significant industry one day. Besides, he was so passionate about tourism and customer service, which motivated is to join the Ceylon Hotel School. “ In fact I was still studying at Ananda College when I joined CHS. The socio-political condition of the country was not so favorable but I took a risk because I was confident that tourism industry would bloom in Sri Lanka in the future.” says Mr. Cabraal.

The take off After completing his basic studies at CHS, Mr Cabraal joined a reputed inbound tour company as a

“Don’t forget that so many hotels are coming up which means tourism in Sri Lanka is growing fast. With the current demand, reaching the 2.5 million tourists per annum is not an unrealistic target.” management trainee where he worked for 13 years. In 2007, the young, but adequately experienced young man left the company to take up a new challenge in the UAE,.

Tourism, a lucrative industry? Tourism is of course very a popular industry according to Mr. Cabraal. He emphasises on the a scarcity of experienced and skilled staff. He holds the opinion that there are probably several job opportunities around the world, which is why trained workers tend to seek employment overseas.

“However, since I have worked for a foreign DMC ( Destination Management Company) for 9 years I know the significance of Sri Lanka as a potential tourist destination among many other places in the world” says Mr Cabraal. “Don’t forget that so many hotels are coming up which means tourism in Sri Lanka is growing fast. With the current demand, reaching the 2.5 million tourists per annum is not an unrealistic target.” Mr Cabraal sounds very hopeful.

Pre – service training In the four departments in hospitality management, front office, house keeping, F&B, and kitchen, basic knowledge of at least one is essential before considering a career in this field, according to Mr. Cabraal.

The golden piece of advice for the young Don’t be tempted by temporary opportunities.. Receive the right guidance and acquire the knowledge and skills in the chosen industry. Today, Mr. Cabraal appears to us as a victor despite his journey being an uphill struggle. The core of his message to young entrepreneurs; let’s travel the ‘road not taken’ without compromising our passion.




Riding A Magic Carpet Travel Agent - a well-paid career By Sharlene De Chickera


ot an insatiable travel bug? Do you have a penchant for travel details? Do you like to wear many hats – Blue, Pink and Green? Do you think of visiting exotic places? You may want to step in to the shoes of a Travel Agent as a Career!

Wearing Many Hats Travel Agents must be able to handle a plethora of tasks in a fast-paced office atmosphere. From marketing to organising, the gamut of skills needed to cater to a destination of the client’s choice requires juggling a few acts and being a detail oriented person.

Traits of the Modern Travel Agents Love meeting a host people. Good in Geography. Organsied. Crazy about destinations. Speak multiple languages. IT Savvy. The travel industry is becoming more sophisticated. The web is the ‘happening-place’ to find travel information. As such as a Travel Agent in 2016, you need to have an edge. You may also like to venture to destinations and get acquainted with the local traditions and customs. Patience to organise itineraries and good customer service is also essential. Finding that ‘dream vacation’ and the best pricing for your client are important facets.

You will be responsible to pulling it all together in one need package of transportation, hotel accommodation, tours and dining.

Travel Agent’s Training A/L is a starting point.Training is not required to become a travel agent. Travel experience, computer skills and the ability to manage databases, knowledge of geography and customer service are pre-requisites. In-house travel agent training can be offered to the Travel Agent in terms of how to use the software of the travel industry. Booking tickets for planes, trains, boats, and buses along with connecting flights and various modes of transportation are part and parcel of the job. Travel agents must know and understand the laws and local customs of foreign countries. Although travel agent training is not a pre-requisite for becoming a travel agent, knowledge of travel is an absolute must.

Trends for 2016 A person who can fit all of the pieces of the travel puzzle together and has the ability to win satisfied clients time after time makes a good travel agent. One of the benefits travel agents enjoy is the opportunity to visit exotic destinations at a reduced cost and the buzz of the process. The fluidity of trends, terrorism and technology makes the expertise of travel agents more valuable than ever.




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VOL 06 NO 03 | APRIL 2016

AT YOUR SERVICE. Endorsed by the Ministry of Education


Careers Chart


Career Paths in the Trave a£ùY£ ~¹ýo£px ~ƒ ~¹a£yY Y Sector / R¹|x

Sub Sector / Rp§ R¹|x

Position / lplªy¥ Receptionist / r‹…‹[¥ì»K ëzo£ú Domestic Consultant / »nŠ|›x Ur»nŠ|Y

Operational Positions / »v»ƒx¨K lplªy¥

International Consultant / Rp‰lMc£ÜY Ur»nŠ|Y Corporate Assistant / AY£tnŠo ~ƒ£xY Consolidator Consultant / AY£tnŠo Ur»nŠ|Y Senior Consultant / »F³}ˆf Ur»nŠ|Y

Retail Travel / ~‹zˆzy {|»xp‰ Yyp a£ùY£

Supervisory Positions / RêY‰}j lplªy¥

Travel Supervisor / ~¹a£yY RêY‰}Y Sales Co-ordinator / ýÃj©K ~v£»x¤cY Marketing Co-Ordinator / R»zý ~v£»x¤cY Corporate Supervisor / AY£tnŠo RêY‰}Y Retail Agency Manager / ~‹zˆzy Acp‰~‹ Y…vp£Yy¥ Marketing Manager / R»zý Y…vp£Yy¥

Management Positions / Y…vp£Yyj lplªy¥

HR Manager / v£p{ ~Krl‰ Y…vp£Yy¥ Area Manager / r±£»nŠ|›x Y…vp£Yy¥ Franchise Manager / RéY£úx Y…vp£Yy¥ Manager Finance/ v¬z³x Y…vp£Yy¥ Receptionist / r‹…‹[¥ì»K ëzo£ú Documentation Officer / r±£»zˆZp ëzo£ú

Operational Positions / »v»ƒx¨K lplªy¥

Administration Assistant / rùr£zp ~ƒ£xY Inbound Tour Co-Ordinator / yf lª…f r¥ñ»jp ~¹a£yYxp‰»[‰ a£ùY£ ~v£»x¤cY Sales Co-Cordinatior/ ýÃj©K ~v£»x¤cY

Tour Wholesale / »l£[ {|»xp‰ Yyp a£ùY£

Line Department Manager »MÆx »nr£Ml»Kp‰lª Y…vp£Yy¥ Supervisory Positions RêY‰}j lplªy¥

Sales Represenatative / »{…q ë»x¤Ël Marketing Co-Ordinator / R»zý ~v£»x¤cY Product Co-Ordinator / ë}ˆr£np ~v£»x¤cY Owner Operator / ƒŒñYy¥ »v»ƒx¨K Product Manager / ë}ˆr£np Y…vp£Yy¥

Management Positions Y…vp£Yyj lplªy¥

Marketing Manager / R»zý Y…vp£Yy¥ Manager Finance / v¬z³x Y…vp£Yy¥ IT Manager / »l£ylªy¥ l£Y‰}j Y…vp£Yy¥ HR Manager / v£p{ ~Krl‰ Y…vp£Yy¥


Careers Chart


vel and Tourism Industry Y Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ {¯l‰Ýxvx [vp‰ v¹


Qualifications / Experience / ~¨ã~¨YK /r…r§y¥nŠn

Salary LKR / {¥f§r

Promotional prospects and career options / U~~ˆþK ~ƒ {¯l‰Ýx ýYzˆr


Careers Chart


Receptionist / r‹…‹[¥ì»K ëzo£ú Administration Assistant / rùr£zp ~ƒ£xY Operational Positions »v»ƒx¨K lplªy¥

Information Officer / »l£ylªy¥ ëzo£ú Booking Agent/ »{p‰Yy{£ [¥ì»K ëzo£ú Travel Advisor/ ~¹a£yY Ur»nŠ|Y Centre Supervisor / vo³ RêY‰}Y Sales Co-Ordinator / ýÃj©K ~v£»x¤cY

Visitor Information Services Rv¨l‰lp‰f »l£ylªy¥ zt£nŸ»K »~ˆ{£{

Supervisory Positions RêY‰}j lplªy¥

Marketing Co-Ordinator / R»zý ~v£»x¤cY Events Co-Ordinator / Ul‰~{ ~v»x¤cY Public Realtions Manager / vƒcp ~Ktp‰ol£ Y…vp£Yy¥ Centre Manager / vo³ Y…vp£Yy¥ Tourism Manager / ~¹a£yY Y…vp£Yy¥

Management Positions Y…vp£Yyj lplªy¥

Product Manager / ë}ˆr£np Y…vp£Yy¥ Regional Manager /r…£l‰tn Y…vp£Yy¥ Marketing Manager / R»zý Y…vp£Yy¥ Receptionist r‹…‹[¥ì»K ë…o£ù

Operational Positions »v»ƒx¨K lplªy¥

Meet and Greet Officer / v¨j[¥~šK ~ƒ R¥vlª ë…o£ù Conference Assistant / ~Kvp‰l²j ~ƒ£xY Events assistant / Ul‰~{ ~¹ýo£p ~ƒ£xY Events Co-Ordinator / Ul‰~{ ~¹ýo£p ~v£»x¤cY

Supervisory Positions RêY‰}j lplªy¥

Conference Co-Ordinator / ~Kvp‰l²j ~v£»x¤cY Sales Co-Ordinator ýÃj©K ~v£»x¤cY Marketing Co-Ordinator / R»zý ~v£»x¤cY

Meetings and Events ƒv¨ ~ƒ Ul‰~{

Event Manager / Ul‰~{ ~¹ýo£p Y…vp£Yy¥

Conference Manager / ~Kvp‰l²j Y…vp£Yy¥ Business Manager / {³£r£y Y…vp£Yy¥ Management Positions Y…vp£Yyj lplªy¥

Manager Finance v¬z³x Y…vp£Yy¥

Marketing Manager / R»zý Y…vp£Yy¥ Sales Manager / ýYªj©K Y…vp£Yy¥


“ A/L - with a pass for English, 01 Year Experience in a similar position, Excellent communication in English, Computer Literacy”

“20,000/- to 30,000/-”

Careers Chart

Front Office Assistants/ Executive Y£Mx£z Sn™ù »r… ~ƒ£xY/ ýo£xY

S¹[²š~‹ ~ƒŒl{ U~~ˆ »r… ~vl‰þv, »K lplª»yƒŒv {~yY r…r§y¥nŠn,Sl£ »ƒ£q™p‰ S¹[²š~‹ t~ ƒ¥~‹yþ»K ƒ¥Ãx£{ ~ƒ rù[jY u£ýl Ãúvf ƒ¥Ãþv

“Degree or Diploma in Marketing or Hospitality, 3 years experience in a similar position, Outgoing Personality”

“100,000/- to 140,000/-”

Senior Manager »F³}ˆg Y…vp£Yy¥

R»zýYyjx »ƒ¤ R£[p‰lªY ~l‰Y£y r‹…‹tq Õrˆ»z¤v£{Y‰ »ƒ¤ Ur£éxY‰, »K lplª»yƒŒ {~y lªpY r…r§y¥nŠn ~ƒ ñl²|›zš »r°y¥}xY‰

“Full Qualification of a recognized Professional Financial Institute such as CA, CIMA, ACCA or Degree from a recognised institution majoring Accounting and Finance, 05 years in a similar position” {yzl‰ [jY£éY£ú, CIMA, ACCA {¥ë R£xlpxÃp‰ ~¨ã~¨YK {¯l‰Ýx zt£ Üðv »ƒ¤ [jY£éYyjx ~ƒ v¬z³ xp ý}xp‰ ~ƒŒl{ r‹…‹[l‰ ý|‰{ ýn³£zxY Ur£éx ~ƒ {~y 5Y r…r§y¥nŠn

“100,000/- to 130,000/-”

Senior Manager - Finance »F³}ˆg Y…vp£Yy¥ - v¬z³x



Careers Chart

Magazine Receptionist / r‹…‹[¥ì»K ë…o£ù

Booking Officer / »r£l‰ l¥ð»K ë…o£ù Site Guide / ~ˆm£p v£M»[¤r»nŠŠ|Y Operational Positions / »v»ƒx¨K lplªy¥

Office Assistant / Y£Mx£zšx ~ƒ£xY Retail Sales Assistant /~‹zˆzyf ýYªj©K ~ƒxY Museum Guide / »Y°lªY£[£y v£M»[¤r»nŠ|Y Guest Service Co-Ordinatior / Rv¨l‰lp‰f »~ˆ{£ ~¥rö»K ~v£»x¤cY Sales reservations Agent / ýYªj©K »{p‰Y‹úK ë»x¤Ël

Tour Operations ~¹a£y »v»ƒx¨K

Operations Supervisor / »v»ƒx¨K RêY‰}Y Supervisory Positions / RêY‰}j lplªy¥

Sales Co-Ordinator / ýÃj©K ~v£»x¤cY Marketing Co-Ordinator / R»zý ~v£»x¤cY Owner Operator / ƒŒñYK òx£Yy¥ Manager / Y…vp£Yy¥ Operations Manager / »v»ƒx¨K Y…vp£Yy¥

Management Positions / Y…vp£Yyj lplªy¥

Manager Finance / v¬z³x Y…vp£Yy¥

Marketing and Sales Manager / R»zý ~ƒ ýYªj©K Y…vp£Yy¥ Site Guide / ~ˆm£p v£M»[¤r»nŠ³Y Tour Guide / a£ùY£ v£M»[¤r»nŠ|Y

Operatonal Positions / »v»ƒx¨K lplªy¥

Driver / ùxãy¥ Eco-Guide / rù~y v£M»[¤r»nŠ|Y

Tour Guiding

Local Guide / r±£»nŠ|›x v£M»[¤r»nŠ|Y

~¹a£yY v£M»[¤r»nŠ|px Ãúv

Specialist Guide / ý»|‰}e v£M»[¤r»nŠ|Y Tour Manager / a£ùY£ Y…vp£Yy¥ Tour Director / a£ùY£ Ro³Y‰} Supervisory Positions / RêY‰}j lplªy¥

Tour Leader / a£ùY£ v¬z‹Y Opertions Manager / »v»ƒx¨K Y…vp£Yy¥ Product Manager / ë}ˆr£np Y…vp£Yy¥ Tourism Manager / ~¹a£yY Y…vp£Yy¥

Magazine “O/L & A/L - with a pass for English, 01 Year Experience in a similar position, Excellent communication in English, Computer Literacy” /S¹[²š~‹ ~ƒŒl{ ~£.»r… ~ƒ U~~ˆ »r… ~vl‰þv, {~yY r…

“20,000/- to 30,000/-”

Careers Chart Front Office Assistants/ Executive Y£Mx£z Sn™ù »r… ~ƒ£xY/ýo£xY

r¨y¥nŠn,S¹[²š~‹ t~‹p‰ {¥hY‹ú»K ƒ¥Ãx£{, rù[pY ƒ¥Ãx£{

“O/L, 1 years experience in a similar position” /~£»r… ~vl‰,

“18,000/- to 25,000/-”

{~yY r…r§y¥nŠn

“A/L, Part Qulification in Travel/Tourism, 1 years experience in a similar position” / U~~ˆ »r… ~vl‰, a£ùY£ / ~¹a£yY Yfx¨¨lª r‹…‹tq

“25,000/- to 35,000/-”

Executive ýo£xY

~¨ã~¨YK, {~yY r…r§y¥nŠn

“A/L, Degree or Diploma in Travel/Tourism, 3 years experience in a similar position” / U~~ˆ »r… ~vl‰, a£ùY£/~¹a£yY Yfx¨¨lª

“40,000/- to 70,000/-”

Senior Executive / Team Leader »F³}ˆg ýo£xY/Yj‰h£xK r±o£ì

r‹…‹tq Õrˆ»z¤v£{Y‰, {~y 3 r…r§y¥nŠn

“Degree or Diploma in Travel/Tourism, 8 years experience in a similar position” /a£ùY£-~¹a£yY Yfx¨lª r‹…‹tq Ur£éxY‰ »ƒ¤ Õrˆ»z¤v£{Y‰

“130,000/- to 200,000/-”

“Degree or Diploma in Travel/Tourism, 8 years experience in a similar position” / Õrˆ»z¤v£{Y‰, {~y 08 r…r§y¥nŠn

“150,000/- to 250,000/-”

“Full Qualification of a recognized Professional Financial Institute such as CA, CIMA, ACCA or Degree from a recognised institution majoring Accounting and Finance, 05 years in a similar position” / {yzl‰ [jY£éY£ú CIMA, ACCA {¥ë R£xlpxÃp‰

“150,000/- to 200,000/-”

~¨¨ã~¨YK {¯l‰Ýx zt£ Üðv »ƒ¤ [jY£éYyjx ~ƒ v¨z³ xp ý}xp‰ ~ƒŒl{ r‹…‹[l‰ ý|‰{ ýn³£zxY Ur£éx ~ƒ {~y 5Y r…r§y¥nŠn

“Valid Licence for National Tourist Guide Lecturer issued by Tourism Deveopment Authority, 02 years experience in tourist guiding” / c£ÜY ~¹a£yY v£M»[¤r»nŠ|YxYª »z~ ~¹a£yY ~¹{Mop RéY£ù»xp‰ zt£[l‰ {z¹[ª ~ƒÜYxY‰, ~¹a£yY v£M»[¤r»nŠ|px r‹…‹tq {~y 2Y r…r§y¥nŠn

Senior Manager »F³}ˆg Y…v£p£Yy¥

Senior Manager - Operations »F³}ˆg Y…v£p£Yy¥ - »v»ƒx¨K

Senior Manager - Finance »F³}ˆg Y…vp£Yy¥ v¬z³



Choices, Options and Opportunities in Careers, Skills Development and Training for Sri Lankan Youth





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