Vol.06 No. 04 | September 2016 Vol.06 No.04 July - September 2016
Features Cartoons for Children’s Rights ny¥{p‰»[‰ RõÝp‰ U»n~£ Y£f§p‰ Foe;ijfspd; cupikfSf;fhf Nfypr;rpj;jpuq;fs; Listen, the Oblivion… Isn’t this a Worthy Cause? ~{p‰ »np‰p, ý~‰v¯Üx... »vx {¥n[l‰ Yy¥jY‰ »p£»Nn? Oblivion : ,J xU gad;jUk; nraNy! Education with a difference: bringing smiles amidst tears »{p~Ãp‰ x§l‰ Ro³£rpx Y¼ã† Rlùp‰ ~‹pƒ{ Y¥p‰nõ xU tpj;jpahrkhd fy;tpKiw: fz;zPUf;F kj;jpapy; Gd;dif The Youth looks in the Mirror and sees an Elder lªy¥j© c{»xp‰ r‹ï»np »ƒzˆ»rˆF z¹Y£... 'fz;zhbiag; ghu;j;j ,isQd; tNahjpgidf; fhz;fpwhd;" Is there a Cheshire cat that grins here? Ra ikag;gLj;jg;gl;l tho;f;ifapy; xU mehjutw;wtUf;F Mjutspf;f ,lKz;lh? Cheshire cat Xt »n~ tz£ ~‹p£»~õn? A place in your heart cq;fs; ,jaj;jpy; xU ,lk; X»J ƒn{lf ÷Ãx£{Y‰ A view from the TOP Begins with a step at the BOTTOM Sƒ… ~‹f »r»pp£ n~§p r…v§ r‹x{ùp‰ R¥y»L fPNoapUe;J vLj;J itf;Fk; gbfspNyNa mrhj;jpakhd cauq;fis miltJ rhj;jpakhfpwJ
13 14 15 16 17 18
Top Story Caring for Elders 24x7 KjpNahu; Nky; mf;fiw nfhs;Nthk; 24x7 {¥Õƒ‹Ñxp‰ ÷Y tz£ [¥ìv
28 29 30
19 22 23 25 26 27 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39
Education UNICEF & NCPA – Advocating for #OnlineSafety UNICEF kw;Wk; NCPA xd;iyd; ghJfhg;igg; gupe;Jiuf;fpwJ UNICEF & NCPA Rp‰lMc£z u£ýl»xˆ R£yY‰}£{ ~qƒ£ Ur»nŠ|px
10 11 12
Careers Select the most appropriate Career for YOU Ã~‹ã ~y~ýxY‰ Xtf »ƒ£qv l¥p »p£ýx ƒ¥Ãx 'gy;fiyf;fofk; rpwe;j njupT ,y;yhky; ,Uf;fyhk;" Careers in Child Care …v£ ÷Y{yj {¯l‰Ýp‰ rpwhH guhkhpg;G njhlHghd Ntiy tha;g;Gfs;
04 05 06 07 08 09
Disclaimer : Opinions expressed in the articles and in other material are those of the authors; they do not necessarily reflect the views or the policy of EDEX or the attached institutions.
ADVERTISERS Front Inner Pg 01 Pg 03
Deputy Editor - Sinhala Arunothayan Raveendran Deputy Editor - Tamil
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Kusum Gunawardena
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Nadeesha Paulis
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Kamal Abeysinghe - Chairman Abhaya Amaradasa - Consultant Dr. Nandaka Molagoda - Editor
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The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd
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EDEX Advisory and Management Committee Royal College Union Rajakeeya Mawatha, Colombo 07 Tel : + 94 (11) 4327070 E-mail : magazine@edex.lk
Select the most appropriate Career for YOU By Nalin Goonewardene
very year, around 300,000 students take A/Levels as gateways to a free university education. In general, about 60% pass, but only 22,000 actually enter university. This leaves a large number of disillusioned students. Let’s see what they can do about this. The A/Level is the most important educational platform to launch any career and having passed, take courage that all is not over. Your options will depend on the grades you received.
Good grades You did not get a place due to no fault of your own. Have confidence in your capabilities as it’s clear you have what it takes, so should aim to pursue a formal degree via one of the established fee-paying external degree courses. These can be expensive, so if you do not have the funds, consider a loan from a reliable source such as a bank. Another approach would be to apply for an Internship with one of the major organisations in your chosen field.
Average grades Consider re-sitting to get better results only if certain circumstances, like illness prevented achieving your potential. Be clear why you are doing it as you are giving up one year of your valuable life, for what? There are so many careers available
after A/Levels that do not require degree entry levels. Think twice before taking a fee-paying external degree. Maybe university is not for you and your talents lie elsewhere. Consider an Internship with one of the major organisations in your chosen field.
Low grades Consider re-sitting to get better results only if certain circumstances, like illness prevented achieving your potential. Maybe it’s time to face reality that higher education is not for you, right now. You may be a late developer. Consult your parents and teachers as well as take psychometric tests to identify likely career directions. Select the most appropriate for YOU, as no two people are alike. Consider an Apprenticeship in your chosen industry. Internships and Apprenticeships are available in varied fields such as Finance, Legal, Telecommunications and Engineering. The fast changing technological world will force the best companies to adapt to compete. As the subjects are changing, there will be few qualified people available, so they will train you if you are with them. You should be flexible enough to take advantage of this. Later, professional exams will be more valuable than a degree. So, ‘No university’ may be the best thing for you. Want to find out what you are best at? Take the Psychometric Test! Within the EDEX Careers value offering, the most unique and one of the most sought after services is the administering of the psychometric test and one-on-one in person counselling services. Every year thousands of students select an A/L stream without a deeper understanding of the future career opportunities available in their selected field. They also lack the understanding of their own skills, preferences and personality traits in selecting a career defining A/L stream. This ultimately lands him in a dilemma as he is faced with career choice that
does not suit his skill set or preference. Psychometric tests are a standard and scientific method used to measure individuals' mental capabilities and behavioural style. Psychometric tests commonly designed to measure candidates' suitability for a role based on the required personality characteristics and aptitude (or cognitive abilities). They identify the extent to which candidates' personality and cognitive abilities match those required to perform the role. Employers use the information collected from the Psychometric test to identify the hidden aspects of candidates that are difficult to extract from a face-to-face interview. EDEX Careers had identified this critical need and formed an effective response to help such students in identifying a suitable career for themselves. Over the past 10 years EDEX careers has facilitated administering of the Psychometric testing for all EDEX Expo participants at specially designed EDEX Career Pavilion within the Expo. The results of this test are then interpreted with the help of trained career counsellors who help the participant to better understand the career choices he/she should explore depending on his skills and preferences. EDEX Careers has forged a strategic partnership with the Career Guidance Academy headed by Mr. Ajith Jayawardana in delivering the valued service to EDEX Expo participants. The following seminars were conducted free of charge at the recent EDEX Mid-Year Expo 2016 to a youth audience of post A/L and Undergraduate students. The themes selected were as follows; “Career in Sales and Marketing”, by Mr. Shantha Katipearachchi. “Human Resource Management”, by Mr. Janaka Kumarasinghe, “Hospitality”, by Mr. Dileep Mudadeniya, “Finance and Accountancy”, Mr. Hasitha Premarathna, “IT/Software Development”, Sampath Jayasundara, “Law”, by Tivanka Ekaratne. The Main EDEX-Expo 2017 will be held at the BMICH from 20-22 January 2017 and the twin exhibition in Kandy, at Kandy KCC Centre on January 27-28 2017. The Expos will be the 29th and 30th in a series of continuing exhibitions.
Ã~‹ã ~y~ýxY‰ Xtf »ƒ£qv l¥p »p£ýx ƒ¥Ãx ~£v£p³ ~£v£Mmxp‰
v {~yYv 300,000 rvj ~‹~§ r‹ù~Y‰ ënƒ~‰ ý|‰{ýn³£z Ro³£rp»xˆ r‹ý~§v {p U~~‰ »r… ýu£[xf v§ƒ§j »nÜ. ~£v£p³»xp‰ Wv ~‹~§p‰»[p‰ 60% Y‰ rvj ~vl‰{p pv§l‰ ý|‰{ýn³£z{zf r‹ý~Ÿvf ƒ¥Ã{p‰»p‰ 22,000Yf rvÚ. »vlª…‹p‰ ý|£z ~‹~§ r‹ù~Y‰ R»rˆY‰}£u¹[l‰{xf rl‰»{Ü. »vƒ‹nš X{§pf Y… ƒ¥Y‰»Y‰ YªvY‰n¥õ Rr‹ ýv~£ tzv§. U~~‰ »r… x»vYªf lv {¯l‰Ýx R¥yw§v ~qƒ£ {h£l‰v {¥n[l‰ Ro³£rp lzx {p Rly, Wx ~vl‰þv l{ãyfl‰ Sn˜ùxf x£vf R{|³ »»oMxx ~rxõ. Xt Wƒ‹nš zt£[p‰p£ r²Üsz vl Xt ztp »l¤y£ [¥ìv yq£ r{Ý.
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[p‰p. Xt »l¤y£[l‰ {¯l‰Üx Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ Ru³£~z£uŸl‰{x (Apprenticeship) z¥ðv [¥p ~…Y£ tzp‰p. v«z³, ìÜ, ãyYlp ~p‰ë»Nnp, S¹Ë»p‰y¥ {¥ë ýýo Y‰»}ˆl²{z ~Ÿv£{£~‹Y ~ƒ Ru³£~z£uŸ ÷Ãx£ ~qƒ£ R{~‰m£{p‰ r{Ý. ~‹]²»xp‰ »{p~‰{p l£Y‰}ÚY »z£{ ý~‹p‰, »ƒ£qv ~v£[K{zf, ly` Ãúv ~qƒ£ ~«n£pK{p »z~ tzYyp§ R¥l. Wt¥ýp‰ X{§p‰ ~v[ WY‰{§{»ƒ£l‰ X{§p‰ Xt{ r§ƒ§j§ Yyp§ R¥l. »vv R{~‰m£»{p‰ r²»x£‰cp [¥ìvf r²v£j{l‰ »z~ Xt pv³|Ÿz‹ ýx x§lªx. YzY‰ [l {p ýf {¯l‰Ýxvx ýu£[xp‰ Ur£éxYfl‰ {h£ {Ñp£Yñp‰ {¥Õ{p§ R¥l. Wt¥ýp‰ ý|‰{ýn³£z Ã~‹{Y‰ Xtf »ƒ£qv ~‰m£px »p£ýx ƒ¥Ãx. r~¨[Œx {~y v¥n EDEX EXPO 2016 r±nM|p»xˆ nŸ U~~ˆ »r… R{~p‰ Y… Ur£é R»rˆY‰}Y »x£{§p‰ r‹ù~Y‰ ~qƒ£ rƒl áY‰»{p ~Kvp‰l²jx »p£ñz»xˆ r{l‰{p znŸ. »l¤y£[l‰ »l‰v£{p‰ rƒl rùn™ ýx, “ýYªj©K ƒ£ »{…q»r£z r±{Mop R¹|»xˆ ÷Ãx£ R{~‰m£{p‰”, |£p‰l Y¥Ñ»rR£yDÇ vƒl£ ý~‹p‰, “v£p{ ~Krl‰ Y…vj£Yyjx”, cpY Yªv£y~‹¹ƒ vƒl£ ý~‹p‰, “~l‰Y£yYl‰{x”, n™z‹rˆ v¨à»nÚx vƒl£ ý~‹p‰, “v¬z³ ƒ£ [Œj©KYyjx”, ƒ~‹l »r±ˆvyl‰p vƒl£ ý~‹p‰, “»l£ylªy¥ l£Y‰}j/v¯ãY£¹[ n™x¨j©{”, ~Krl‰ cx~¨p‰ny vƒl£ ý~‹p‰, “ìÜx”, Ü{¹Y AYyl‰p vƒl£ ý~‹p‰. r±o£p EDEX EXPO 2017 r±nM|px BMICH ƒ› nŸ 2017 cp{£ù 22 ~‹f 24 nY‰{£l‰ WƒŒ ë{§p‰ p§{y r±nM|px vƒp§{y KCC vo³~ˆm£p»xˆ nŸ 2017 cp{£ù 27-28 nY‰{£l‰ r¥{¥l‰‰»N. A{£ EXPO r±nM|p v£z£»N 28 »{ë ƒ£ 29 »{ë A{£ {p§ R¥l.
'gy;fiyf;fofk; rpwe;j njupT ,y;yhky; ,Uf;fyhk;" - eypd; Fztu;jd jkpopy; wg;`hd; wpghd;
t;nthU tUlKk; Vwj;jhs 300>000 khztu;fs; f.ngh.j cau;ju guPl;iria gy;fiyf;fof Eioit vjpu;ghu;j;J Kfq;nfhLf;fpd;wdu;. nghJthf 60% khztu;fs; rpj;jpaile;jhYk; 20>000 khztu;fSf;Nf gy;fiyf;fof fy;tpiaj; njhlu tha;g;Gf; fpilf;fpd;wJ. ,jdhy; ngUe;njhifahd khztu;fs; nra;tjwpahJ khiafspy; tplg;gLfpd;wdu;. mj;jifa khztu;fshy; nra;af;$ba tplaq;fisg; gw;wpg; ghu;g;Nghk;. cau;juk; vd;gJ kpf Kf;fpakhd xU re;jp];jhdkhFk;. Fwpj;j xU njhopy;rhu; Jiwia njupTnra;tjw;Fk;> mjd; topNa Kd;NdWtjw;Fk; cau;ju guPl;irapy; rpj;jpailtJ kpf Kf;fpakhdjhFk;. Mdhy; guPl;irapd; rpj;jpAld; vy;yhk; Kbtjpy;iy. cq;fs; njupTfs; ePq;fs; ngWk; ngWNgWfspy; epr;rak; jq;fp ,Uf;Fk;. rpwe;j rpj;jpfs; ePq;fs; gy;fiyf;fof tha;g;ig ngwhikf;F fhuzk; "ePq;fs;" md;W. cq;fSila ,aYikAk; Nky; G+uz ek;gpf;ifia itj;J> epjp nrYj;jp njhluf; $ba rpwe;j ntspthup gl;lg;gbg;G fw;if newpfisj; njhlUq;fs;. nrytpdk; mjpfkhf ,Uf;fyhk;>
mjw;F jPu;T toq;f $ba tq;fpfld; jpl;lq;fs; mjpfk; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. ,J jtpu cq;fs; JiwapYs;s rpwe;j epWtdk; xd;wpy; cs;spUg;Gg; gapw;rpf;fhf tpz;zg;gpf;fyhk;. ruhrup rpj;jpfs; Fwpj;j epiyg;ghLfs;> cjhuzkhf Neha;tha;gly;> Nghd;wtw;iwf; fUj;jpy; nfhz;L cau; juguPl;irf;fhd kPs; mku;it gw;wp rpe;jpf;fyhk;. Mdhy; ePq;fs; xUtUl fhyj;ij tpl;Lf; nfhLf;fpd;wPu;fs; vd;gij kpf ed;whfg; Gupe;Jnfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. vjw;fhf mt;thW nra;aNtz;Lk;? vd;w Nfs;tp kpf Kf;fpakhdJ. ,yq;ifapy; gyrpwe;j Jiwfs; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. mtw;wpy; Muk;g epiyf;F fhy;gjpf;f cau;ju rpj;jp xU Kf;fpakhd fUJNfhshf ghu;f;fg;gLtjpy;iy. epjpnrYj;jp nra;aNtz;ba fw;if newpfisj; njhluKd; epr;rakhf ,U jlitNaDk; Nahrpf;f flikg;gl;Ls;sPu;fs;. gy;fiyf;fofk; cq;fSf;F rpwe;j njupthf ,y;yhky; ,Uf;fyhk;. cq;fs; jifikfSf;F jf;f NtW ,lk; fhzg;glyhk;. ePq;fs; tpUk;Gk; Jiwfspy; cs;s epWtdq;fspy; cs;spUg;G gapw;rp rpwe;j tha;g;Gf;fis cUthf;Fk;. Fiwe;j rpj;jpfs; Fwpj;j epiyg;ghLfs;> cjhuzkhf Neha;tha;gly;> Nghd;wtw;iwf; fUj;jpy; nfhz;L cau;ju guPl;irf;fhd kPs;
mku;it gw;wp rpe;jpf;fyhk;. rpyNeuk;> cau; gbg;G vd;gJ ,j;jUzj;jpy; rupahd njupT my;y vd;w Kbit ePq;fs; vLf;fyhk;. ePq;fs; nkJthf Kd;NdWk; eguhf fhzg;glyhk;. cq;fs; cz;ikahd epiyia fz;lwpa ngw;Nwhu; kw;Wk; Mrpupau;fSld; fye;JiuahLq;fs;. kNdhtpay; uPjpahd Nrhjidfis gad;gLj;jp cq;fs; ,aYikiaAk; tpUg;G ntWg;GfisAk; fz;lwpAq;fs;. mjd; %yk; cq;fs; Jiwia njupTnra;a Kaw;rp nra;Aq;fs;. "cq;fSf;F" kpfTk; nghUj;jkhd Jiwia njupT nra;Aq;fs;> Vnddpy; ,Utu; xUNghJk; rupepfuhd ,ay;Gfisf; nfhz;bUf;f khl;lhu;fs;. cs;spUg;Gg; gapw;rpfs; epjp> rl;lk;> jfty; njhlu;ghly; kw;Wk; nghwpapay; Jiwfspy; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. Ntfkhf khWgLk; cyfpy; Nghl;bapLtjw;fhf epWtdq;fs; jk;Ks; khw;wq;fis nfhz;L tUfpd;wd. Jiwfspy; Vw;gLk; Ntfkhd khw;wq;fs; fhuzkhf jifikAs;s egu;fs; FiwthfNt fhzg;gLfpd;wdu;. vdNt mj;jifa epWtdq;fs; cq;fis rpwe;j Kiwapy; gapw;Wtpf;fty;yitahFk;. ,tw;iw cs;thq;Fk; msTf;F nefpo;Tj; jd;ikAilatuhf ePq;fs; jpfo Ntz;Lk;. gpw;fhyj;jpy;> gl;lq;fis tpl Jiwrhu; jifikfs; ngWkjpkpf;fitahf fhzg;gLk;. vdNt> cq;fSf;F gy;fiyf;fofk; rpwe;j njupthf ,y;yhkypUf;fyhk;.
Natasha Balendra
By Nadeesha Paulis
t a glance, Child A Protection and Child Care are not
social work as people don’t find the “status” factor “appealing” enough. It is assumed that this field is not as lucrative or satisfying compared with others. Sajeeva reassures otherwise. “People in my field love doing what they do. They are here by choice and put a lot of effort -most of the time, unnoticed.How we identify ourselves and how we value our contribution to society is what matters. A social worker is as important to society as much as doctor or lawyer,” says Sajeeva. Those with leadership skills and vision to make a difference are sought out in this field. The best way to know if this field is for you, is to volunteer in an organisation. There are always organisations looking for volunteers and the best way to check is to visit the local Divisional Secretary’s Office (AGA Office) and meet the NCPA Officer or the Child Rights Promotion Officer (CRPO). However, this field poses many challenges too. Education, awareness and research are important while analysing what has and hasn’t worked in the past to establish and implement better solutions in the future. According to Natasha who is heading the whole operation, genuine community participation, ownership and leadership is critical. Child protection has to be grounded in social work. As such, volunteering and community service are a part of Child Care. “Without understanding how people live and act, we cannot help them,” says Sajeeva who began his career as a Lawyer and shifted his course into this field. According to him, those who value service more than financial gain are more inclined to pursue careers in this field. “It takes an individual with a strong social consciousness to really get into working in this field,” he says.
Careers in Child Care
“ordinary” fields that one would consider joining as soon as they leave school or when deciding a career. More so in Sri Lanka where social work is not as prominent as it is in other countries. Not much is said or known about this field or the individuals and organisations involved. To shed more light in to this uncharted area, EDEX Magazine spoke to Natasha Balendra (Chairperson) and Sajeeva Samaranayake (Deputy Chairperson) at National Child Protection Authority (NCPA) to learn more about the work they do and career options in this field. Child Care goes beyond distributing goods to the poor, which though useful, is not a solution to the complex social problems we have. Some, like
Natasha and Sajeeva work indirectly in organisations such as the NCPA which focuses on advising the government on policy and law in terms of child protection, monitoring the implementation of the laws and policies, monitoring investigations in child abuse, raising awareness on the public on child protection and prevention of child abuse. Similarly, there are many other non-government and government organisations that work with communities. Others work directly with children through probation services, early child care development, teaching, care giving, children’s homes, medicine, nursing, Psychology and social work. There is a lack of interest or reluctance to make a career out of
…v£ ÷Y{yj {¯l‰Ýp‰ ~fƒp - pnŸ}£ r{§z‹~ˆ rù{Mlpx - v£zÝ yl‰p»~ˆYy vf …v£ R£yY‰}£{ ƒ£ t¥ ü…v£t¥zˆ÷Y{yjx xp§, x»vY‰ r£~zˆ ƒ¥y[Œx ý[~ »ƒ¤ {¯l‰ÜxY‰ Ýyjx Y… ý[~ ~Ktp‰o þvf ~‹Üx ƒ¥Ã ‘~£v£p³’ Y‰»}ˆl²xY‰ »p£»N. W»vp‰v |²š z¹Y£»N ~v£c »~ˆ{x R»pY‰ yf{z »vp‰ r±v¨Z òx£{Y‰ »p£»N. »t£»ƒ¤»np£ »vv Y‰»}ˆl²x [¥p np‰»p‰{l‰ Yl£ Yyp‰»p‰{l‰ »p£W»~ˆpK »t£»ƒ¤ r§nŠ[zxp‰ »ƒ¤ R£xlp »vxf ~Ktp‰o {p‰»p‰{l‰ p¥l. r±v£j{l‰ R{o£pxf zY‰ »p£{« »vv Y‰»}ˆl²xf p{ R£»z¤YxY‰ zt£nŸ»K Rn™fëp‰‰ EDEX ~`y£{ c£ÜY …v£ R£yY‰}Y RéY£ù»xˆ (NCPA) ~u£rÜ pf£}£ t£»zˆp‰æp‰ vƒl‰ñxl‰, Ur~u£rÜ ~¨Ì{ ~vyp£xY vƒl£l‰ ~v` r‹…‹~qyY »xã»p‰ »vv Y‰»}ˆl²»xƒŒz£ X{§p‰»[p‰ Sf§{p Y£Mxu£yx ƒ£ »vv Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ R¥Ü {¯l‰Ýx R{~ˆm£ r‹…‹tq áp[¥ì»K RuŒz£}»xë. ãrˆrlªp‰f u£j‰h »tà nŸv {¥ë r±»x¤cpxp‰ R¥ll‰ Rrf R¥Ü ~¹ÄMj ~v£c r±|‰p{zf ý~¼ãvY‰ »p£{p òx£{p‰f Wr‹Ñp‰ {¬{Ã. …v£ R£yY‰}£{f Rà… r±Ürl‰Ü ƒ£ ìÜ r‹…‹tq ycxf Ur»n~ˆ nŸv, Wv ìÜ ƒ£ r±l‹rl‰Ü òx£l‰vY Ãúv, RêY‰}jx Ãúv, …v£ Rr»x¤cp ývM|px RêY‰}jx Ãúv, …v£ R£yY‰}£{ ~ƒ …v£ Rr»x¤cpx p¥{¥l‰þv r‹…‹tq vƒcp áp§{l‰ Ãúv {¥ÕÃúK R£n™x yc»xˆ R{o£pxf »x£v¨ Yyp NCPA {¥ë R£xlpxp‰ƒŒ pf£}£ ~ƒ ~¨Ì{ {¥ë Rx {Y² Rx¨ùp‰ àxY
»N. W»vp‰v r²c£{ ~v` Yfx¨lª Yyp l{l‰ »t£»ƒ¤ y£c³ ƒ£ y£c³ »p£{p R£xlp R¥l. R»pY‰ Rx rù{£~ »~ˆ{£, r¬M{ …v£ ~l‰Y£y {Mopx, S[¥p‰þv, ~l‰Y£y ~¥röv, …v£ ë{£~, X°}o, »ƒnYv, v»p¤ýn³£{, ~v£c »~ˆ{£ R£n™x ƒyƒ£ ~¯c§{v …v¨p‰ ~v` WY‰{ {¥hYyõ. ~v£c »~ˆ{£ ÷Ãx£ ry£~»xˆ {¯l‰ÜxY‰ Ãúv »Y»yƒŒ RYv¥l‰lY‰, Upp‰ã{Y‰ »p£v¥ÜYvY‰ cpl£{ Rly R¥l‰»l‰, Wv[Œp‰ ~‹l‰ [p‰p£ ~¨† ~v£c ll‰l‰{xY‰ z¥ïx »p£ƒ¥Ã t¥ýë. W»~ˆv, »vv Y‰»}ˆl²x, R»pY‰ A{£ ~v` ~~qp ýf, WlyK z£uàö »ƒ¤ l¯rˆÜvl‰ »p£{p t{f ~¥z»Y‰. »Y»~ˆ {§{n ~¨Ì{ lv ý|‰{£~x »v»~ˆ lƒ{§y¥ Yyõ. “v»[‰ Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ Rx X{§p‰ Yyp »nŠf R£nyx Yyp{£. X{§p‰ »vxf R£»N Y¥v¥l‰»lp‰ A {»[‰v X{§p‰ »t£»ƒ¤ ýf áÕ rù|²v»xp‰ Yfx¨lª Yyp{£. Rr, Rr{v ƒ¼ãp£[p‰p£ R£Y£yx ƒ£ ~v£cxf R»rˆ àxYl‰{x Rr lY‰»~ˆy¥ Yyp R£Y£yxõ {¥n[l‰”. ~v£c »~ˆ{Y»xY‰
xp§ »»{n³{y»xY‰ »ƒ¤ ìÜe»xYª {»[‰v ~v£cxf {¥n[l‰ r§nŠ[z»xY‰.” p£xYl‰{ ƒ¥Ãx£ ƒ£ »{p~Y‰ R¥Ü Y… ƒ¥Ã áY‰vY‰ ~ƒŒl Rx »vv Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ »~£x£[l x¨lªõ. »vv Y‰»}ˆl²x Xt »{p§»{p‰áõ áp [¥ìvf »ƒ£qv v[ {p‰»p‰ Rà… ~¹ýo£pxY ~ˆ»NDb£»{p‰ {¥h Ãúvõ. ~¹ýo£pxY‰ ƒ¥výfv ~ˆ»NDb£ »~ˆ{Yxp‰ »~£xp Rly A ~qƒ£ »ƒ£qv v£M[x {p‰»p‰ r±£»nŠ|›x »zˆYK Y£Mx£z »{l »[£~ˆ NCPA ëzo£ùx£ »ƒ¤ …v£ Rõl‹{£~‹YK r±{Mop ëzo£ùx£ (CRPO) ƒv¨ þ »~£x£ t¥zšvõ. »Y»~ˆ {§{ n »vv Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ RuŒ»x¤[ ÷~Y‰v R¥l. Ro³£rpx, áp¨{l‰ Ãúv ƒ£ rM»xˆ}j {¥n[l‰ {p Rlyv RÝl»xˆ Y… ƒ£ »p£Y… »nŠ ý|‰»zˆ}jx Yyñp‰ Rp£[l»x‰ nŸ {h£ »ƒ£q r±ÜYMv òx£»{ƒŒ »xnþv Y… x¨lªx. pf£}£ f Rp§{ ~v~ˆm òx£{z‹x »v»ƒxþv, R{³£c r±c£ ~ƒu£[›l‰{x, RõÜx ƒ£ p£xYl‰{x Sl£ {¥n[l‰ x. ~v£c »~ˆ{£»N rnpv …v£ R£yY‰}jx ýx x¨lªx. W»z~v ~ˆ»NDb£ »~ˆ{x ƒ£ r±c£ »~ˆ{£{ …v£ ÷Y{yj»x‰v R¹[x. ìÜe»xY‰ »z~ lv {¯l‰Ýx Ryw£ »vv Y‰»}ˆl²xf »x£v¨ {« ~¨Ì{ r{~p‰»p‰ “ñë~¨p‰ Ì{l‰{p ƒ£ òx£Yyp R£Y£yx R{»t¤o Yy »p£»[p Rrf X{§p‰f UrY£y Y… »p£ƒ¥Ã” t{õ. Xƒ¨f Rp§{ v¬z³ r±Üz£uxf {h£ »~ˆ{x R[x Yyp‰pp‰ »vv Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ {¯l‰Ýp‰ƒŒ ëx¥zš»K {¥Õ p¥w¨y¥l£{Y‰ R¥l. “~¥t¥ýp‰v »vv Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ Yfx¨lª Ãúvf pK r§nŠ[z»xY‰ |Y‰Üvl‰ ~v£c ýÐpxY‰ R¥l‰»lY‰ ýx x¨lªx‹” ~¨Ì{ r{~õ.
rpwhH guhkhpg;G njhlHghd Ntiy tha;g;Gfs; vOjpatH: ejP\h gTsP];
Nu ghHitapy; Nehf;Fkplj;J> rpWtH ghJfhg;G kw;Wk; rpWtH guhkhpg;G Mfpad ntWkNd ghlrhiy tpl;L ePq;fpaJk; my;yJ> njhopw;Jiw ghij xd;wpid njhpT nra;ifapy; ,yFthf ,ize;J nfhs;sf;$ba Jiw my;y. ,yq;ifapy;> r%f NritahdJ> Vida ehLfisg; Nghy Kf;fpa my;yJ Kd;dzp Ntiyahf fUjg;gLtjpy;iy. ,e;jj;Jiw Fwpj;J gutyhf mwpag;glhJs;sJld;> jdpegHfNsh> ];jhgdq;fNsh ,jpy; mjpfsT <LgLtJkpy;iy mjpfk; ntspj;njhpahj ,e;j gug;G Fwpj;J MuhAk; tifapy; EDEX rQ;rpifahdJ> Njrpa rpWtH ghJfhg;G mjpfhu rigapd; (NCPA) jiytH elh\h ghNye;jpuh kw;Wk; Jizj; jiytH r[Pt rkuehaf;f MfpNahUld; mtHfs; Kd;ndLf;Fk; gzpfs; kw;Wk; ,e;jg; gug;gpy; epyTk; Ntiy tha;g;Gfs; Fwpj;J fye;JiuahbaJ. rpWtH guhkhpg;G gzpahd> ViofSf;F nghUl;fis tpepNahfk; nra;tjw;F mg;ghw;gl;lJ. ,g;gzp cgNahffukhdJ. MapDk; ehk; vjpHnfhs;Sk; rpf;fyhd r%f gpur;ridfSf;fhd jPHthf ,J mikahJ. elh\h kw;Wk; r[Pt Nghd;wtHfs; kiwKfkhf Njrpa rpWtH ghJfhg;G mjpfhu rig Nghd;w ];jhgdq;fspd; Clhf gzpahw;Wfpd;whHfs;. ,e;j ];jhgdq;fs; rpWtH ghJfhg;G njhlHghd Nfhl;ghLfs;> rl;l%yq;fs; Fwpj;J murhq;fj;jpw;F MNyhrid njhptpj;jy;> Fwpj;j Nfhl;ghLfs; kw;Wk; rl;l%yq;fis mKy;gLj;Jjy;> rpWtH J\;gpuNahfk; njhlHgpyhd tprhuizfis fz;fhzpj;jy;> rpWtH ghJfhg;G Fwpj;J nghJkf;fs; kj;jpapy; tpopg;GzHtpid Vw;gLj;jjy; kw;Wk; rpWtH J\;gpuNahfj;ij Kd;$l;bNa jLj;jy; Nghd;w tplaq;fspy; ftdk; nrYj;Jfpd;wd. ,NjNghd;W> r%fq;fSld; ,ize;J nraw;gLk; NtWgy murrhHgw;w kw;Wk; mur ];jhgdq;fSk; cs;sd. VidatHfs; ed;dlj;ij Nritfs;> Kd;gps;is guhkhpg;G Nkk;gLj;jy;> fw;gpj;jy;> eyd; Ngzy;> rpWtH ,y;yq;fs;> kUj;Jtk;> jhjpa Nrit> cstpay;> r%fNrit Nghd;wtw;wpd; Clhf Neubahf nrayhw;Wfpd;wdH.
r%f Nritapid xU njhopyhf nra;Ak; MHtj;ij kf;fs; nfhz;bUg;gjpy;iy vd;gJld;> mjid Nkw;nfhs;tjpy; jaf;fKk; fhz;gpf;fpd;wdH. r%fNrit vd;w epiyahdJ NghjpasT <Hg;gpid mspf;fhikAk; ,jw;fhd fhuzkhf ,Uf;fyhk;. Vida njhopy;fSld; xg;gpLifapy; ,e;j gug;G NghjpasT ,yhgkspg;gjhfTk;> jpUg;jpfukhfTk; ,y;yhjpUj;jy; ,jw;fhd kw;nwhU fhuzpahFk;. vdpDk; ,jid kWj;Jiuj;j r[Pt mtHfs; vdJ njhopw;Jiwapy; cs;stHfs; jhk; Kd;ndLf;Fk; midj;ijAk; tpUg;gj;Jld; nra;fpd;wdH. tpUg;gk; rhHe;Nj ,e;jJiwapy; Eioe;j mtHfs;> kw;wtHfs; mwpahj tifapy; jkJ KO Kaw;rp kw;Wk; Neuk; Mfpatw;iw nryT nra;fpd;wdH. r%fj;ij nghWj;jtiuapy; ehk; vkk;ik vg;gb milahsg;gLj;jpf; nfhs;fpd;Nwhk; vd;gJk;> vkJ gq;fspg;gpd; ngWkhdk; vd;d vd;gJNk Kf;fpaj;Jtk; tha;e;jJ. r%f NritahsH xUthpd; gzpahdJ> itj;jpaiug; NghNy> tof;fwpQiu Nghy r%fj;jpw;F Kf;fpakhd kw;nwhU gzpahFk; vd;W Fwpg;gpl;lhH. jiyikj;Jt jpwd;fs; kw;Wk; khw;wj;jpid Vw;gLj;jf;$ba Nehf;fpid nfhz;ltHfs; ,j;Jiwia NjHe;njLg;gJ rhyg;nghUe;Jk;. ,j;Jiw cq;fSf;F nghUj;jkhdjh vd mwpe;J nfhs;s nghUj;jkhd topKiw> jd;dhHtyuhf xU njhz;L epWtdj;jpy; gzpahw;WtjhFk;. gy ];jhgdq;fs;> jd;dhHtyHfis vjpHghHj;J fhj;jpUf;fpd;wd. ,jid Nkw;nfhs;s> cs;Shpy; cs;s gpuhe;jpa nrayhsH mYtyfj;jpw;F (AGA Office) nrd;W mq;Fs;s NCPA mYtyH my;yJ rpWtH chpikfs; Nkk;gLj;jy; mjpfhhpia (CRPO)re;jpg;gJ kpfg;; nghUj;jkhdjhFk;. vdpDk; ,j;Jiwapy; gy;NtW rthy;fSk; cz;L. fy;tp> tpopg;GzHT kw;Wk; kjpg;gha;T Mfpad Kf;fpaj;Jtk; ngWtJld;> fle;j fhyq;fspy;
ve;nje;j nraw;ghLfs; ntw;wpaspj;jd my;yJ ntw;wpaspf;ftpy;iy vd;gJ Fwpj;J gFg;gha;T nra;J> mjw;fikthf vjpHfhyj;jpw;fhd rpwe;j jPHTfis mKy;gLj;j Ntz;baJ mtrpakhFk;. KOikahf midj;J eltbf;iffSf;Fk; jiyik tfpf;Fk; elh\hit nghWj;j tifapy;> kdg;G+Htkhd r%f gq;fspg;G> chpikj;Jtk; kw;Wk; jiyikj;Jtk; Mfpad kpf mtrpakhFk; vd Fwpg;gpl;lhH. rpWtH ghJfhg;ghdJ> r%f Nritf;Fs; cs;slf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. mJ Nghd;Nw> jd;dhHt njhz;L kw;Wk; rKjha gzp Mfpad rpWtH guhkhpg;gpd; xU mq;fkhf tpsq;fNtz;Lk;. kf;fs; vt;thW tho;fpd;whHfs;> vt;thW nraw;gLfpd;whHfs; vd;gij mwpahJ> mtHfSf;F vk;khy; cjtpaspf;f KbahJ vdj; njhptpj;j r[Pt mtHfs; Muk;gj;jpy; xU tof;fwpQuhf gzpahw;wp ,g;NghJ r%f Nritahsuhf ,j;Jiwapy; nrayhw;WfpwhH. mthpd; $w;Wg;gb> epjp Mjhaj;jpid Nehf;fhJ> Nrit nra;jypd; ngWkhdj;jpid kjpg;gtHfs;> ,e;j gug;gpy; Nritahw;Wtjw;F tpisfpd;whHfs;. tYthd r%frhH rpe;jid nfhz;l jdpegH xUtuhNyNa ,e;j njhopw;gug;gpy; gzpahw;w KbAk; vd mtH Rl;bf;fhl;bdhH.
UNICEF & NCPA – Advocating for #OnlineSafety
By Suzanne Wooster
very child has the right to survive E and thrive, to participate and to be heard, be educated and free from violence and abuse. Protection of children and safeguarding their rights is the collective duty of a society. In this context the internet is a valuable tool that allows children to access information, express their views, participate in community and acquire skills that help them grow. Internet penetration and access is ever growing across Sri Lanka, especially among young people. However the associated risks and safety measures that must be taken online are not as widely known. Around half of the 3.1 billion Internet users worldwide live in Asia. Over 4 million internet users were recorded in Sri Lanka alone by late 2015[1]. Globally, over 60% of children and young
people participate in Internet ‘chat rooms’ daily; about 75% of them are sharing personal information in exchange of goods and services online. A majority of children today are exposed to enormous new opportunities as well as evolving new risks online. The trilingual Online Safety Campaign jointly implemented by UNICEF and the National Child Protection Authority (NCPA) addresses this emerging threat to child protection and aims to encourage parents to be more involved in their child’s online activities while also educating children on how to be better digital citizens. The campaign aims to provide information and increase awareness on key topics to ensure online safety among children, youth and parents including the importance of having open lines of communication between parents and children
on their life online, inspire parents to be more familiar with online platforms, encourage children to be more knowledgeable on how to be safe online and motivate parents and children alike to take measures to be safe and responsible digital citizens. The campaign is currently being rolled out on the UNICEF Sri Lanka and NCPA Facebook pages with links to Twitter and Instagram. In addition a hub page on the UNICEF Sri Lanka website www.unicef.org/srilankaalso provides in-depth information on cyberbullying, online harassment and online fraud. For more info visit https://www.facebook.com/ UNICEFSriLanka/ [1]. Internet users by country. Sri Lanka, Internet Live Stats: 2015, 23rd December, 2015, htp://www.internetlivestats.com/ internet-users-by-country/
kw;Wk; NCPA xd;iyd; ghJfhg;igg; gupe;Jiuf;fpwJ
t;nthU Foe;ijf;Fk; capu; tho;tjw;Fk; nropgg ; hf tsu;tjw;Fk; nrtpkLf;fg;gLtjw;Fk;> gq;Fgw;Wtjw;Fk;> fy;tp fw;gjw;Fk; kw;Wk; td;Kiw kw;Wk; J\;gpuNahfkpdw ; p tho;tjw;Fkhd cupik cs;sJ. rpwhu;fspd; ghJfhg;igAk; mtu;fsJ cupikfis NgZtJk; xU rKjhaj;jpd; xd;wp ize;jflikahFk;. ,e;j R+oypy; ,izakhdJ rpwhu;fSf;F jfty;fis mwpeJ ; nfhs;s> jkJ fUj;Jf;fis njuptpff ; r%fj;jpy; gq;Fnfhs;s kw;Wk; jkf;Fj; Njitahd jpwd;fis tsu;jJ ; f; nfhs;s cjTk; xU Kf;fpakhd fUtpahFk;. ,izaj;jpd; jhf;fKk; mjd; CLUtYk; ,yq;ifia nghWj;j kl;by; jPtpukhf tsu;rr ; p ngw;W tUfpdw ; J. Fwpgg ; hf ,isNahupd; ,iza gad;ghL mjPj tsu;rr ; p fz;Ls;sJ. ,Ue;jhYk; ,izak; my;yJ Xd;iyd; ,d; mghak; kw;Wk; ghJfhg;G eltbf;iffs; njhlu;ghd eilKiwfs; ntFthf mwpag;gltpyi ; y. cyfpd; 3.1 gpyy ; pad; ,iza gadu;fspd>; miug; gq;fpdu; MrpahtpNy tho;fpdw ; du;. 2015 ,Wjpahz;L fzpgg ; stpy; 4 kpyy ; pad;
gadu;fs; ,yq;ifapy; khj;jpuk; cs;sdu;. 60% f;Fk; mjpfkhd rpwhu;fs; ehshe;jk; ,iza "chat room " ,y; ciuahLfpdw ; du;. 75% MNdhNu xd;iyd; nghUl;fs; kw;Wk; NritfSf;fhf jkJ jdpgg ; l;l jfty;fis gfpue ; J ; nfhs;fpdw ; du;. rpWtu;fspy; ngUk;ghd;ikahNdhu; ,d;wstpy; ,izaj;jpy; cs;s mNef tha;gG ; f;fis vjpun ; fhs;Sk; mNjNtiy Gjpjhf cUthFk; mNef xd;iyd; mghaq;fis vjpun ; fhs;s Ntz;bapUf;fpdw ; J. UNICEF kw;Wk; Njrpa rpWtu; ghJfhg;G mjpfhu rigapdhy; (NCPA) xOq;fikf;fg;gl;bUf;Fk; Kk;nkhopfspyhd ghJfhg;Gg; gpur;rhuk; ,e;j xd;iyd; ghJfhg;G tptfhuj;jpy; ftdk; nrYj;JtNjhL> ngw;NwhUf;F jkJ gpsi ; sfspd; ,iza xd;iyd; nraw;ghLfspd; fq;fhzpgi ; gg; gw;wpAk; tpsf;fTs;sJ. NkYk; rpWtu;fSf;F ,izaj;jpd; rupahd gad;ghl;bidg; gw;wp mwpT+l;b vt;thW rpwe;j b[pll ; y; Fbkfd;fshf tho;tJ vd;gijAk; jd; ,yf;fhff; nfhz;bUf;fpdw ; J. ,g; gpur;rhukhdJ rpWtu;fs; ,isa
jiyKiwapdu; kw;Wk; ngw;Nwhu;fs; kj;jpapy; xd;iyd; ghJfhg;G njhlu;ghd tpopgG ; zu;itAk;> ngw;Nwhu; gpsi ; sfSf;fpilapyhd xd;iyd; rk;ge;jkhd njhlu;ghlypd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk;> ngw;Nwhu;fis gy;NtWgl;l xd;iyd; jsq;fSf;Fg; guPlr ; ag;gLj;Jjy;> rpwhu;fis xd;iyd; ghJfhg;Gj; njhlu;ghf mwpT+l;ly; NkYk; ngw;Nwhu; rpWtu; ,UtUf;Fk; xd;iyd; ghJfhg;igg; gw;wp Cf;fkspgg ; jd; %ykhf nghWg;ghd b[pll ; y; Fbkfd;fshf cUthf;Fjy; vd;gtw;iw Nehf;fkhf nfhz;Ls;sJ. ,g;gpur;rhukhdJ jw;NghJ UNICEF kw;Wk; NCPA ,e;j Kfg;Gj;jf gf;fq;fspy; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLfpdw ; J. l;tpll ; u; kw;Wk; ,d;]l ; hfpuhk; gf;fq;fspYk; ,jidg; ghu;itaplyhk;. Nkyjpfkhf Adpnrg; ,yq;ifapd; tiyj;jsj;jpy; www.unicef.org/srilanka ,iza nfhLikg;gLj;Jjy;> xd;iyd; Jd;GWj;jy;fs;> kw;Wk; xd;iyd; Nkhrb njhlu;ghd Mokhd jfty;fis toq;Ffpdw ; J. Nkyjpf jfty;fSf;F https://www. facebook.com/UNICEFSriLanka/ ,id mZfTk;.
Rp‰lMc£z u£ýl»xˆ R£yY‰}£{ ~qƒ£ Ur»nŠ|px rù{Mlpx - nšr£z‰ ý»FÜzY
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Cartoons for Children's Rights Edited by Sharlene De Chickera, courtesy www.unicef.org/cartoons
What are children's rights? In 1989, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This landmark treaty, spells out the rights of all children to health, to education, to an adequate standard of living, to leisure and play, to protection from exploitation, to express their own opinions and many more. Cartoons for Children's Rights with its captivating images and crosscultural appeal, animation is the perfect tool for informing children about their rights and society about its obligations, all over the world. Through Cartoons for Children's Rights, broadcasters can use their inďŹ&#x201A;uence to help make the Convention on
the Rights of the Child relevant and important to every child. www.unicef.org/ crcartoons is a UNICEF broadcast initiative that aims to inform people around the world about child rights. So far, the effort has forged partnerships with nearly 70 animation studios in 32 countries that have developed 30-second non-verbal public service announcements (PSAs). UNICEF distributes the PSAs to broadcasters for the cost of the tape. The spots have aired on more than 2,000 television stations globally, in 160 countries, to an estimated one billion people! Some have won prestigious awards. These cartoons includes contributions from 25 countries, from Argentina to Armenia. Hundreds of artists have participated, developing more than 45,000 drawings - representing a total of more than $3 million worth of donated time and talent! UNICEF, the only UN organisation dedicated exclusively to help protect the lives and rights of children, invited animators to a summit meeting on Animation for Development in 1994. The summit, attended by heads
of major animation studios, as well as 150 participants from 45 countries, demonstrated how animation could be used to support child rights. Cartoons for Children's Rights evolved from that meeting, the brainchild of C.J. Kettler, then Presidentof Sunbow Entertainment. The initiative was supported by a grant from the Cartoon Network, allowing spots to be commissioned from more than 10 countries. Support has also been given by the Government of Denmark, Christie's auction house and the School of Visual Arts in New York, which has trained animators from a variety of countries.
The International Children's Day of Broadcasting Cartoons for Children's Rights builds on the success of the International Children's Day of Broadcasting (ICDB), a unique partnership between broadcasters and UNICEF. The Day gives children a voice on the airwaves, airing special child-focused programming - in many cases created by children themselves.
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ny¥{p‰»[‰ RõÝp‰ »v£p{£n ? 1989 nš r¥{Ü WY‰~l‰ c£Ýp‰»[‰ vƒ£ ~u£ {£y»xˆnš ny¥{p‰»[‰ RõÝp‰ r‹…‹tq ~Kv§Ýp‰ ~Kvl Yy [p§ z¥ïÚ. »vv {¥n[l‰ [‹ý~§»vƒ‹ ~‹xû ny¥{p‰ƒf »~°Z³ rƒ~§YK z¥ðvf, R{o£px z¥ðvf, ý»p¤nx ƒ£ »~z‰zK Ãúvf, Rr»x¤cp»xp‰ R£yY‰}£þvf, lvp‰»[‰v Rnƒ~‰ r±Y£| Ãúvf ~ƒ l{l‰ »t£»ƒ¤ RõÝp‰ Rh¹[ª {§Ú.
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r‹úvÃ. »K nY‰{£ »vv r±xl‰px {ap yƒ‹l ll‰ry 30 ~v£c »~ˆ{£ ë»Nnp (Public Service AnnouncementPSAs) ~Y~‰ Yy R¥Ü yf{z‰ 32 Y az y¦r |Jn£[£y (Animation Studios) 70 Y‰ ~v[ ~tnl£ R¥ÜYy [ëñp‰ Sn˜ùxf [vp‰ Yyñp‰ ~‹Ò. UNICEF R£xlpx v[‹p‰ »vv PSAs A{£»xˆ y¦r rf»xˆ ë}‰r£np ýxnvf rvjY‰ r±a£yYõp‰ ƒf »tn£ƒ¥úv ~‹ãYyõ. »K{£ »z£{ {f£ yf{z‰ 160 Y r§n‰[zõp‰ ïz‹xpxYf y¦r{£ƒ‹ì vo³~‰m£p 2000 Y‰ ƒyƒ£ ýY£|px Yyp§ ztõ. Sp‰ ~vƒyY‰ »[°y{ ~Kv£p n˜p£ Ü»J. »vv Y£f§p R£Mcp‰Ñp£»N ~‹f RM»Këx£{ nY‰{£ yf{z‰ 25 Y n£xYl‰{x nyõ. 45000 Yf {¥Õ Çl², y¦r~fƒp‰ ~Y~‰ Ãúvf Çl² |‹z‰rŸp‰ ~‹x[jpY»[‰ ~ƒu£[Ÿl‰{x v[‹p‰ »h£zM ñz‹xp 3 Y‰ rvj {Ñp£ n£xYl‰{x X{§p‰»[‰ Y£zx ƒ£ ëMv£j£l‰vY t{ lª…‹p‰ zt£nš R¥l. ny¥{p‰»[‰ Ìýl ~ƒ RõÝp‰ ~§÷Ävf rvjY‰ Y¥r{« WY‰~l‰ c£Ýp‰»[‰ WYv ~¹ýo£px {p UNICEF v[‹p‰ 1994 nš ~¹{Mopx U»n~£ az y¦r (Animation for Development) U»n~£ {« ƒv§{Y‰ (Summit) ~qƒ£ az y¦r ~Y~‰ Yyp‰pp‰ (Animators) ƒf R£y£op£ Yyp znš. »vv ~v§†{ ~nƒ£ r±o£p az
y¦r |Jn£[£y{z (Annimation Studios) r±o£ìp‰ ~ƒ yf{z‰ 45 Ãp‰ 150 Y‰ rvj ~ƒu£[Ÿ {« Rly, Wƒ‹nš ny¥{p‰»[‰ RõÝp‰ U»n~£ R£o£y þvfl‰ R»pYªl‰ Rp‰lMc£ÜY ~¹{Mop Y£Mxxp‰fl‰ Y£f§p‰ u£ýl Yyp§»xˆ »Y»~ˆ n xp‰p r¥ƒ¥n˜…‹ Yy »np znš. Wv ƒv§»N ~‹f Sunbow Entertainments R£xlp»xˆ ~u£rÜ ~ƒ r±o£p ýo£xY ëzo£ú {« C.J. Kettler vƒl£»[‰ Rnƒ~Y‰ {« Cartoon for Childrens Rights {¥h~fƒp {Mopx ýx. »vƒ‹ v«z‹Y Yfx§lª ~qƒ£ Y£f§p‰ »pG{MY‰ v«z³ r±n£pxÃp‰ R£o£y Yyp zn Rly, »vv {¥h~fƒp‰ yf{z‰ 10 Yfl‰ {h£ r±v£jxY ýY£|px Yyþvf ñp‰ ƒ¥ÃýÚ. ýýo yf{z‹p‰ r¥ñÚ Y£f§p‰ |‹z‰rŸp‰ r§ƒ§j§ Yyþv v[‹p‰ »hp‰v£MY‰ ycx n, ò~‰G~‰ XY‰}p‰ ƒ{§~‰ ~ƒ ëN»x¤MY‰ ƒ‹ School of Visual Arts R£xlpx n ~ƒ»x¤[x nY‰{p znš.
The International Childrens Day of Broadcasting Cartoon for Childrens Right {¥h~fƒp, ýY£|Yõp‰ ~ƒ UNICEF ~¹ýo£px Rly ~§ý»|‰}Ÿ ~ƒ»x¤[Ÿl£{»xp‰ »[£h p¥[ªj The International Children’s Day of Broadcasting (ICDB) ƒ‹ ~£MmYl‰{x vl »[£hp¥[ªÚ. »vv n˜px ny¥{pf ~‹x ƒh [ª{pf p¥[Ÿvf R{~‰m£{ ~z~£ »np Rly, ny¥{p‰ ~qƒ£ {« ý»|‰} {¥h~fƒp‰ [ª{pf v§~§Yyõ. A »t£»ƒ¤vxY‰ ë}‰r£npx Yyp§»xˆ n ny¥{p‰ ý~‹p‰vx.
Foe;ijfspd; cupikfSf;fhf Nfypr;rpj;jpuq;fs; Foe;ijfspd; cupikfshdit vit? 1989 Mk; Mz;by;> If;fpa ehLfs; nghJr; rigapy; Foe;ijfspd; cupikfs; Fwpj;j cld;gbf;if Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gl;lJ. ,e;j xg;ge;jk;> midj;J Foe;ijfspdJk; Rfhjhuk;> fy;tp> jFe;j tho;f;ifj; juk;> Xa;T kw;Wk; tpisahl;L> Ntiyr ;Ruz;lypy; ,Ue;J ghJfhg;G> fUj;Jr; Rje;jpuk; Nghd;w gy cupikfis ntd;W nfhLj;Js;sJ. Foe;ijfspd; cupikfSf;fhd Nfypr;rpj;jpuq;fs; mtw;wpd; ftu;r;rpfukhd glq;fs; kw;Wk; khw;Wf; fyhrhu (cross culture) Kiwik> Foe;ijfSf;F mtHfsJ cupikfs; kw;Wk; r%fj;jpd; kPJs;s flikfs; vd;gtw;iw njuptpg;gjw;F mdpNk\d; xU rpwe;j fUtpahf cyfk; KOtJk; gad;gLj;jg;gLfpd;wJ. Foe;ijfspd; cupikfSf;fhd Nfypr;rpj;jpuq;fs; %ykhf xspgug;ghsu;fs; Foe;ijfs; cupikfSf;fhd cld;gbf;ifia xt;nthU Foe;ijf;Fk; njhlu;Gilanjhd;whfTk; Kf;fpak; tha;e;jnjhd;whfTk; khw;wKbAk;.
www.unicef.org/ crcartoons MdJ rpWtu; cupikfs; gw;wp cyfk; KOtJk; cs;s kf;fSf;F njuptpf;f Kaw;rpf;fpd;w xU UNICEF xspgug;G Kd;ndLg;ghFk;. ,Jtiu ,k;Kaw;rpahdJ 32 ehLfSld; $l;lzpapy; <Lgl;L 70 mdpNk\ d;fis muq;fq;fspy; fpl;lj;jl;l 30 ,uz;lhtJ tha;nkhop mw;w nghJr;Nrit mwptpg;Gf;fis (Public Service Announcements -PSA) cUthf;fpAs;sJ. UNICEF MdJ PSAf;fis xspg;gjpT ehlhtpd; fpuaj;jpw;Nf tpepNahfk; nra;fpd;wJ. ,it cyfk; KOtJk; 160 ehLfspy; 2000 ,w;Fk; mjpfkhd njhiyfhl;rpfspy; xspgug;gg;gl;L Vwj;jhs xU gpy;ypad; kf;fis NrHe;jile;Js;sJ. mtw;Ws; rpy nfsut tpUJfisAk; ntd;Ws;sJ. ,e;j Nfypr; rpj;jpuq;fs; Mu;n[d;Bdh Kjy; Mu;Nkdpah cl;gl 25 ehLfspd; gq;fspg;Gf;fis cs;slf;fpAs;sJ. Rkhu; $3 kpy;ypad; ngWkjpahd jpwik kw;Wk; Neuk; vd;gtw;iw gpujpepjpj;JtgLj;jp 45>000 ,w;Fk; mjpfkhd rpj;jpuq;fis cUthf;Ftjw;F E}w;Wf;fzf;fhd fiyQu;fs; gq;Fnfhz;Ls;sdu;. Foe;ijfspd; capu; kw;Wk; cupikfis ghJfhg;gjw;F cjTk; I.eh.tpd; xNu xU gpuj;jpNafkhd mikg;G UNICEF khj;jpuNk. ,t;tikg;G 1994 ,y; eilngw;w mdpNk\d; cr;rpkhehL $l;lj;jpw;F mdpNk\d; Jiw ty;Yeu;fSf;F miog;G tpLj;jpUe;jJ. md;iwa Sunbow nghOJNghf;F epWtdj;jpd; jiytu; C.J. nfl;yupd; rpe;jidapypUe;Nj Foe;ijfspd; cupikfSf;fhf Nfypr;rpj;jpuq;fs; vd;w vz;zf;fU mf;$l;lj;jpy; cjpj;njOe;jJ. ,k;Kd; Kaw;rpahdJ Cartoon Network ,dhy; MjuT njuptpf;fg;gl;lNjhL 10 ,w;Fk; Nkw;gl;l ehLfspy; nraw;gLj;jg;gl;lJ. nld;khu;f; murhq;fk;> Christie's auction house kw;Wk; epa+Nahu;f; fhl;rpf;fiy ghlrhiy Nghd;w epWtdq;fSk; gy;NtW ehLfspYs;s mdpNk\d; Jiwty;Yeu;fis gapw;Wtpj;J ,jw;F MjuT njuptpj;Js;sJ.
ru;tNjr Foe;ijfs; jpd xspgug;G xspgug;G JiwapdUf;Fk; UNICEF ,w;Fk; ,ilapyhd $l;L gq;Filikahy; Foe;ijfspd; cupikfSf;fhf Nfypr;rpj;jpuq;fs; vd;w vz;zf;fU ru;tNjr Foe;ijfs; jpd xspgug;G %yk; fl;bnaOg;gg;gl;lJ. ,e;ehshdJ thdiyfspy; Foe;ijfSf;F FunyOg;g mtfhrkspf;fpd;wJ. mj;Jld; Foe;ijfis ikag;gLj;jpa epfo;r;rpfisAk; xspgug;Gfpd;wJ. mtw;Ws; mNefkhdit Foe;ijfshNyNa cUthf;fg;gl;litahFk;. jkpo; nkhopngau;g;G : K. mg;f]u; e]Pu;
Listen, the Oblivion… Isn’t this a Worthy Cause? By Dulmin Wijerathne
epartment of Probation and D Childcare Services is fully administered by the Provincial Council of the Western Province. Seven ordinances have their total functionality within the organisation and the services provided by the DPCS include an array of benefits meant especially for the not – so privileged children in society. Under their control are two certified schools, two detention centers and one center for enrollment of children. The detention homes in Makola and Rammuthugama accommodate children pending court verdicts. The DPCS carries a close study of each individual child while they are detained in these homes in order to suggest the best probation programme once court proceedings are over. Certified schools welcome children who are released from detention homes based on a court order and a range of
vocational skills are available for them to choose from. Vocational training in masonry, electricity, welding, sewing,and computer repair could be obtained or even formal school education in a state school is also an option for these children. 120 Children’s Homes located in the Western Province cater for children that have undergone the darkest days of their life; those kids abused, orphaned and victimised by socioeconomic forces that are beyond their control seek shelter in these homes. State schools provide them with the much needed basic education. Probation centres called ‘state receiving homes’ are dedicated to looking after children left behind by parents under different conditions; parentless children found in hospitals, in streets, and amidst various catastrophic phenomena. In addition to maintaining homes for orphaned children, the DPCS is committed to providing financial aid
to children. These include monthly allowances and ad-hoc grants. Minor Incentives are also offered on a daily basis. A vital aspect of child care, a frequently undermined subject is health and nutrition of growing children and the DPCS manages two ‘nutrition centres’ with the help of voluntary organisations where children affected receive the much needed nutrition along with the food supplement. Thus, the character of the DPCS is defined by versatility in terms of their performance and a range of services rendered to society. It is understood that the DPCS is committed to a worthy course concerning the future owners of our country. However, being a fully sate owned entity, restricted may be their capacity to serve the underprivileged community of children, however, with the support of responsible as well concerned citizens of Sri Lanka, there certainly is a possibility to expand their services to children.
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Nritfs; jpizf;fskhdJ mtu;fSf;fhd epjp NjitfisAk; G+u;j;jp nra;fpd;wJ. khjhe;j rYiffisAk; jw;fhypf khdpaq;fis ,J cs;slf;FfpwJ. rpwpa rpwpa Cf;fj; njhifapidAk; ehshe;j mbg;gilapy; toq;Ffpd;wJ. rpWtu; guhkupg;gpd; kpf Kf;fpa mk;rkhd Rfhjhuk; kw;Wk; Ngh\hf;F mNefkhNdhu; fhzhj jtWk; xd;whFk;. ed;dlj;ij kw;Wk; rpWtu; guhkupg;G Nritfs; jpizf;fskhdJ jd;dhu;t mikg;Gfspd; cjtpNahL ,uz;L Ngh\hf;F ikaq;fisAk; ghjpf;fg;gl;l rpWtu;fSf;fhf Kfhikg;gLj;Jfpd;wJ. rpWtu;fsJ Ngh\hf;F FiwghilAk; Cl;lr;rj;Jj; NjitapidAk; ,J G+u;j;jp nra;fpd;wJ. ,tw;wpD}lhf ,e;j jpizf;fsj;jpd; r%fj;Jf;fhd NtWgl;l gzpfs; fz;$lhfpd;wJ. ed;dlj;ij kw;Wk; rpWtu; guhkupg;G Nritfs; jpizf;fskhdJ ek; ehl;bd; tUq;fhy cupikahsu;fis fUj;jpy; nfhz;L nray;gLfpd;wJ. ,Ug;gpDk; ,J muRf;Fr; nrhe;jkhd epWtdkhf ,Ug;gjhy; thLfpd;w r%fj;jpYs;s Foe;ijfs; midtUf;Fk; Nrit toq;FtJ Nfs;tpf; FwpahFk;. vd;whYk; nghWg;Gs;s ,yq;if Fbkfd;fspd; cjtpapD}lhf mtu;fspd; Nritapid tp];jupf;f tYthd tha;g;G ,Uf;fpd;wJ.
Education with a difference: bringing smiles amidst tears
By Sharlene De Chickera
ituated in a shady grove down Chitra SHousing Lane is a school with a difference. 200 children who have different learning abilities and artistic tendencies, the Chitra Lane School is a testament to the UN Convention on the rights of the child – Article 23 – “A special needs child has the right to special care, education, and training to help him or her enjoy a full and decent life in dignity and achieve the greatest degree of self-reliance and social integration possible”. The Chitra Lane School is celebrating 49 years of service this year. The school functions from 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. daily. Most parents who come from outstations are allowed to stay on during the morning period and be around the children if required. Most of these students have Downs-syndrome or are hyperactive. Some students have cerebral palsy,
behavioural or medial conditions. Doctors, Physiotherapists and trained teachers all form the network of caregivers help empower these children, from low-income families. “We empower the children and parents to cope with the day-to-day things they have to do to make their special child independent. Small things like combing the hair, doing their toiletries and tying shoe-laces are normal things to other children, but these children to do these tasks with effort”, says an official. More stake-holders who genuinely love children with special needs are required to ensure that students around the island are cared for. Pediatricians and Nutritionists visit the school on a regular basis to ensure that students are healthy. Segmented in to Junior, Intermediate and Senior, it offers specilised teaching to the students. Colourful class-rooms, a Child Resource
Centre, Swimming pool, bakery and printing press compliment the vision of the school, “to create a society where children with special needs reach their heights and potential”. Students are seen engaging in a print class. With guidance they stylise the correct design, amount of ink and nitty-gritty details, to produce a butterfly pattern. Cards are sold commercially. The bakery makes good sales. Students in the neat, hygienic bakery, wrapped in bright aprons, whip up a butter cake. The ‘chief-chef’, a senior student identified all the ingredients and quantities correctly. The recipe for normalcy seemed to be love and encouragement. The school is proof that children who are differently abled can learn something new every day and enjoy class-room work and play. Tender loving care is a gift to these special children for sure!
Careers Chart
Careers Chart
Care Giving Job Opportunities Sector
Sub Sector
CHILD CARE Baby Sitters
Qualifications / Experienced required In this line of work, formal training isn’t required and an applicant’s qualifications can vary by age, experience and life status – such as a college student looking for part-time work or an older woman looking for full-time employment. The needs of the family will dictate who fills the role best, but there are some qualifications that may be more important than others.
Promotional Prospects and Career Options
Salary LKR
Hourly Rate/ Average $ 10 per hour Around $12 per hour
Experience, Reputation Senior Care Giver at a home Day Care Centre Owner
CPR and First Aid,Water-safety Certification,Infant Care ,Nanny Basic Skills ,Professional Nanny Certification,Driver’s License,Nutrition and Cooking,Fitness ,Foreign Language,Special Needs Care,Positive Discipline ,Early Childhood Education
Care Centres
Child care or day care is the care of a child during the day by a person other than the child’s legal guardians, typically performed by someone outside the child’s immediate family. Day An average wage of $9.69 per care is typically an ongoing service during specific periods, such as the parents’ time at work. The service is known as child care in the United Kingdom, crèche in Ireland and New hour Zealand, and child care or day care in North America and Australia (although child care also has a broader meaning). The vast majority of childcare is still performed by the parents, in-house nannies or through informal arrangements with relatives, neighbors or friends. Child care in the child’s own home is traditionally provided by a nanny or au pair, or by extended family members including grandparents, aunts and uncles. Child care is provided in nurseries or crèches or by a nanny or family child care provider caring for children in their own homes. It can also take on a more formal structure, with education, child development, discipline and even preschool educationfalling into the fold of services.
Family Care
Compassionate and helpful people can enjoy a wonderful career as a caregiver.Caregiver jobs and eldercare are available in private homes, hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, and retirement communities. Often the main reason people hire a caregiver is that dealing with difficulty aging parents is a source of stress and concern for younger adults. For a career as a caregiver, the training requirement spans a broad range. Some caregivers are registered nurses with an extensive nursing school background. Find out what a typical caregiver resume looks like. Others have been custodial aides. Some who work in the care giving field have no advanced health care training to speak of. It is often their first serious job after having cared for one of their children or parents.
Starting salary: $41,600 P/ASenior salary: $70,000 P/AAverage salary: $55,000 P/A
Autism, Cerebral Palsy,Down Syndrome,Intellectual Disability
Starting salary: $30,000 P/ASenior salary: $65,000 P/AAverage salary: $42,500 P/A
Certified teachers, college professors, graduate students and professionals with Masters Degrees, Ph.D.’s
The median annual Special Professional Education Teacher salary is $51,800, experience as of August 29, 2016, with a range usually between $40,166-$63,433, however this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors.
Special Needs Care
Personal care for seniors entails: 24-hour care, bathing and dressing, medical aid, errands, transportation, companionship $ 10.00 - $ 35.00.00 per hour Director of a Day Assistance with Daily Movement Care When a loved one requires assistance to get out of bed each day, personal care is necessary. Seniors who are in need of help transferring themselves to a toilet also benefit greatly from Entrepreneur senior home care. Family members and loved ones should not attempt to move a senior on their own, as this can cause serious bodily harm to both the senior and themselves. Help With Eating Whether your senior family member needs help with the actual preparation of meals or simply requires some assistance when it comes to eating, personal care can help immensely. While Meeting individual preferences can shape many of us take the simple daily activity of eating food for granted, it can become incredibly difficult for some seniors. Personal care services will treat the senior like an adult, provide Comfort the caregiver’s overall them with as many food choices as possible, and ensure that they receive the proper amount of nutrition each day. work experience and Dressing and Grooming Ease of Use satisfaction. Seniors who require assistance with their dressing and personal grooming often come to rely on a personal care aide. A personal care aide has the experience needed to make this process quick and painless, allowing the senior to maintain a high level of dignity and making sure that their quality of life remains at the appropriate level. Other duties grooming duties that are Privacy entailed during personal care include bathing and skin care. The design of the Efficiency Basic Day-to-Day Care caregiving environment influences work flow, Personal care aides do not see themselves as doers, they see themselves as helpers. Home care for seniors is all about allowing the patient to maintain the same level of independence that Communication processes and policies. they are typically accustomed to. If the senior is used to a certain daily routine, personal care services are put in place so that this routine is not disturbed. Personal care for seniors also entails a certain amount of flexibility. Caregivers are able to learn about the specific needs of their clients and tailor their services accordingly. If a senior does Visibility Safety and clinical not need to bathe daily or prefers smaller meals to larger ones, their personal preferences are taken into account. accuracy are the Clinical Accuracy and Safety primary goals upon Increased Privacy which all other There are a number of sensitive tasks that home care services are able to provide assistance with, giving a senior the chance to maintain their privacy and their sense of self-worth. If they goals and needs Caregiver Safety are incontinent and need assistance using the toilet, personal care aides can offer the necessary help, while maintaining respect and dignity, all while keeping the senior’s spirits high. DA RY
24-hour care
Age Care/ Home Care Service
Home care Assistance for Senior Citizens
Home Care Assistants
Age 20 – 45 Years , N.I.C , Birth Certificate, GN Certificate, Community or Voluntary or Service experience
Caregivers - http://www.payscale.com/research/US/Job=Caregiver/Hourly_Rate / http://www.payscale.com/research/US/Job=Live-In_Caregiver/Salary / http://www.irishjobs.ie/Care-Assistant-Jobs / http://blog.caregiverlist.com/post/pay Geriatric Nurse - http://nursejournal.org/geriatric-nursing/geriatric-nurse-careers-salary-outlook/ Geriatric Case Manager - http://study.com/articles/Salary_and_Career_Info_for_a_Geriatric_Case_Manager.html Geriatric medicine - https://jobs.bmj.com/jobs/geriatric-medicine/
An attractive Salary
Advance Care giver Progrmmes Recommendation from HASL Previous experience qualifications are highly considered
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xU tpj;jpahrkhd fy;tpKiw: fz;zPUf;F kj;jpapy; Gd;dif \hu;ypd; b rpf;Nfuh jkpopy; nry;tuh[h mu;[_d;Fkhu; Wtu; cupik njhlu;ghd If;fpa ehLfs; xg;ge;jj;jpd; milahskhf rp nfhOk;G rpj;uh tPjpapy; xU ghlrhiy mike;Js;sJ. ,g;ghlrhiy tpj;jpahrkhd tpN\l jpwikfis cila 200 khztu;fisf; nfhz;Ls;sJ. rpWtu; cupik njhlu;ghd If;fpa ehLfs; xg;ge;jk;- cWg;Giu 23'tpN\l jpwikAs;s xU Foe;ij KOikahdjhu;kPf kw;Wk; RahjPdkhd tho;it gpd;gw;Wtjw;fhd tpN\l guhkupg;G> fy;tp gapw;rp Mfpatw;iw ngw;Wf; nfhs;Sk; cupikiaf; nfhz;Ls;sJ' rpj;uh tPjpapy; fhzg;gLk; ,t; tpN\l ghlrhiyahdJ 49tJ tUlj;jpy; fhyb vLj;J itj;Js;sJ. ,g;ghlrhiy fhiy 8.00 kzp Kjy; kjpak; 1.00 kzp tiu ,aq;Fk;. ntsp khtl;lq;fspy; ,Ue;J tUk; ngw;Nwhu;fs; Muk;gg; ghl Ntisfspy; ghlrhiyapy; jq;fpapUf;fTk; khztu;fSf;F xj;jhir GupaTk; mDkjpf;fg;gLtu;.
CdKw;w gps;isfs; kw;Wk; cau;Jbepiyahy; (hyperactive) ghjpf;fg;gl;l khztu;fNs mjpfk; fhzg;gLfpd;wdu;. %is CdKw;w kw;Wk; gof;ftof;fg; gpuo;Tfisf; nfhz;l khztUk; mlq;Ftu;. kpfTk; tWikahd FLk;gq;fspy; fhzg;gLk; ,k; khztu;fSf;F cjt itj;jpau;fs;> kd ey epGzu;fs;> gapw;rp ngw;w Mrpupau;fs; kw;Wk; njhz;^opau;fs; vd gy tifg;gl;ltu;fs; fhzg;gLfpd;wdu;. jpUkjp khg;gLd;d ,f;Foe;ijfisg; gw;wp njuptpf;ifapy; 'ehk; ,t;thwhd tpNrl Foe;ijfisAk; mtu;fspd; ngw;Nwhu;fisAk; Kd;Ndw;Wk; Kfkhf ,r;Nritiag; GupfpNwhk;. NkYk; md;whl Ntiyfis ,f;Foe;ijfs; RahjPdkhfr; nra;aTk; cjtp Gupfpd;Nwhk;" vd;whu;. NkYk; gyjug;gl;l kf;fs; kw;Wk; eyd; tpUk;gpfs; mtu;fsJ gq;fspg;ig toq;Ffpd;wdu;. Fwpg;ghf mtu;fsJ cly; jplfhj;jpuk; kw;Wk; Cl;lr;rj;J njhlu;ghd kUj;Jtj; Njitfs; rupahd fhy ,ilntspfspy; fz;fhzpf;fg;gLfpwJ. ghlrhiyapd; Nehf;fkhd 'tpN\l
jpwikAs;s khztu;fs; jhk; thOk; r%fj;jpy; cau; ,lj;jpid miljy;" vDk; caupa Nehf;fj;jpid miltjw;F topNfhyhf fdp\;l kw;Wk; rpNu\;l fy;tp KiwfSk; mofhd tFg;giwfs;> khztu; ts ikak;> rpw;Wz;br;rhiy kw;Wk; ePu;j; jlhf trjpfSk; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. mr;Rf;fiy tFg;Gf;fspy; khztu;fs; Mu;tj;Jld; gq;Nfw;gijf; fhzyhk;. mtu;fs; cUthf;fpa tz;zj;Jg;g;G+r;rp ml;ilfs; tpw;fg;gLtJ rpwg;gk;rk;. rpw;Wz;br;rhiyAk; khztu;fshy; Rj;jkhd Kiwapy; Ngzg;gl;L elhj;jg;gl;L tUfpwJ. gpujhd rikaw; tpw;gd;duhd rpNu\;l khztp xUtu; Nff; nra;aj; Njitahd nghUl;fs; kw;Wk; Njitahd mstpid kpfTk; Jy;ypakhf fzpj;Jr; nrhy;fpwhu;. mtu;fsJ Nff;fpy; ghrKk; md;GNk epuk;gp topfpwJ. tpN\l jpwikAs;s khztu;fs; xt;nthU ehSk; Gjpjhf xd;iwf; fw;f kw;Wk; tho;it ,dpikahf mDgtpf;f KbAk; vd;gjw;F rhd;W ,k;khztu;fNs. ,tu;fSf;F vk;khy; toq;ff;$ba ntFkjp md;G kl;LNk!
By Sharlene De Chickera
“The complete life, the perfect pattern, includes old age as well as youth and maturity. The beauty of the morning and the radiance of noon are good, but it would be a very silly person who drew the curtains and turned on the light in order to shut out the tranquility of the evening. Old age has its pleasures, which, though different, are not less than the pleasures of youth”. W. SOMERSET MAUGHAM statistics shows IagenthatofSri60theLanka population above the years was 2.5 million in 2012 which is 12.5% of the total population. A projection shows that Sri Lanka would have elderly population of about 3.6 million by 2021, which is 16.7% of the total population and by 2041, onequarter of the population would be elderly. In a bid to make youth more aware, responsible and caring Helpage has taken the initiative to come up with youth programmes that are engaging and loving. The Youth Education Programme (YEP) of HelpAge Sri Lanka was established to raise
The Youth looks in the Mirror and sees an Elder
awareness and to educate children on establishing close links with elders in the family and in the community. The ethos of the programme is that our elders are the keepers of our heritage and traditions, and our children are our future. Building and restoring a strong relationship among these two groups are very important. The elders instruct the children in culture, social acceptances and wisdom. In addition, there are many benefits, which elders and children could acquire from inter-generational relationships. One initiative of HelpAge organised through the Headquarters at Boralesgamuwa is to train 30-40 young people and train them how to look after old people. “We need to open the eyes of the youth, that one day, they too will be senior citizens”, says Thilak De Soysa, Chairman, HelpAge. We get the trained youth to engage in their communities, and visit an elder’s home three times a week. “These visits are much looked forward to by the elders as they love the companionship of these youth”, says Mr. Geethal Mendis, Director, YEP Programme. Staff members from the YEP Division visit Government, Private and International schools and speak to the children on the benefits of crossgenerational communication and intergenerational relationships. The ethos of HelpAge is to offer love, care, value elders and instill human and moral values for all elders in Sri Lanka.
vƒûýx l£y¥j³x ~ƒ rùjlu£{x ~Kr«Mj n™ýxY ƒ{§zˆYy¥»{¤x. p¥»[pƒŒy Rƒ»~p‰ ƒŒy¥ Uà{p Ry¥j¥zˆz »|£‰u£vl‰x. nƒ{z r±u£vl‰x. »ày r‹xp‰ {~£ ~¥q¦ R¼ãy ãyzp§ r‹Ú~ rƒp‰ ázˆþv ƒ¨»nY‰ »t£…q òx£{Y‹. R£|‰{£ncpY l£y¥j³x ƒ£ ~¥~qŸ»K nŸ »{p~Y‰ áY‹x ƒ¥Y‹ {§{l‰ vƒû ýxf R£»NÚY {« l¯rˆl‹xY‰ n p¥lª{£ »p£»N. - hJ. ~vM»~G »v¤[K -
lªy¥j© c{»xp‰ r‹ï»np »ƒzˆ»rˆF z¹Y£... ~fƒp - p§{p‰Ü UnÑx£{z ~¹Z³£»zˆZp{zf Rp§{ |›² z¹Y£»N {~y 2012 nŸ {x~ 60 SY‰v{« v£p{ ~Krl zY‰} 25 Ã. Wx ~v~ˆl cp[ƒp»xp‰ 12.5 % Y‹. {~y 2021 {p ýf |›² z¹Y£»N {¯nŠo cp[ƒpx 30 zY‰}xY‰ {p§ R¥l¥x‹ R»rˆY‰}£ »Y»M. Wx v¨† cp[ƒp»xp‰ 12.5 % Y‹. {~y 2041 {pýf v¨† cp[ƒp»xp‰ 1/4 Y‰v {¯nŠoxp‰ t{f rl‰þv {¥…¥Y‰ýx »p£ƒ¥Y. »K »Y»yƒŒ {h£l‰ R{o£pxY‰ »x£v¨ Yyñp‰ ly¥j r±c£{ {[ÄK áúvf Upp‰ã Yy{p »ƒzˆ»rˆF z¹Y£ R£xlpx ly¥jõp‰ »{p§»{p‰ R£YM}Ûx {¥h ~fƒp‰ ÷~Y‰ R£yKuYyñp‰ A ~qƒ£ v¬z‹Yl‰{x »[p Y‹²x£ Yyõ. »ƒzˆ»rˆF z¹Y£ R£xlpx ý~‹p‰ n™xl‰ Yyp »vv r‹²x vp£r {¥h ~fƒp‰ Ìýl»xˆ ~¥q¦ ~vx [lYyp {x~ˆ[l ryr§y »{p§»{p‰ Rñz »v»ƒ{yY‹. »ƒzˆ»rˆF z¹Y£ R£xlpx ý~‹p‰ ly¥j Ro³£rp {¥h~fƒp‰ R£yKu Yyp znŠ»nŠ r{§»zˆ »vp‰v r±c£{ lª… ~‹Ñp {¥Õvƒzˆ Unýx ~v` ly¥j ryKry£»N ~òr ~Ktp‰ol£{ |Y‰Üvl‰{ r{l‰{£»[p x£»K Ré}ˆg£px »ryáù{õ. »K »{p§»{p‰ ly¥j ryKry£{f Yy¥j© R{»t¤oYy »nñp‰ »K YMl{³»xˆ {¥n[l‰Yv ~v£c[l Ãúv ~qƒ£ »vv`Œp‰ ýýo£Y£y»xˆ áp§{l‰ Ãú»K {¥h~fƒp‰
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n™p»xˆ |Y‰l‹ ~Krp‰p{ Yfx¨lª Y…n lv£ n vlª xK n™»pY vƒû ýx Yy£ W…»wp t{ ~‹lp‰pf ƒ¨y¥Yy{ñp‰ X{§p‰»[‰ »n»pl‰ {»x¤{¯nŠo {¥ÕƒŒÑxp‰ »{p¨»{p‰ »x£v¨ Yyþv ~‹x R£xlp»xˆ r±o£p Y£Mxx t{ »ƒzˆ»rˆF z¹Y£ R£xlp»x‰ ~u£rl‹ ÜzY‰n »~£õ~£ r{~õ. »ƒzˆ»rˆF z¹Y£ lª…‹p‰ ápf r§ƒ¨j©{ zn ly¥j ly¥Úxp‰ 30-40 Y‰ rvj ápf X{§p‰»[‰ r±c£{p‰ lª… »vv ~l‰Y£Mxx ~qƒ£ ~ƒu£[› {p Rly X{§p‰ ~ÜxYf »l{yY‰ vƒû p‹{£~ »{l »[£~ˆ {»x¤{¯nŠo {¥ÕƒŒÑxp‰ rúY‰}£ Yy t¥zšvfn RvlY »p£Yyõ. lv ä r§lªp‰ {¥p‹ ly¥j ly¥Úxp‰ r¥ñ»jp lªy¥ vƒû ë{£~{z »{»~p {¥ÕƒŒÑxp‰ »pl‰ Rx£»[p tz£ ~‹Ñp‰»p‰ RƒŒ¹~Y tz£»r£»y£l‰lª »ryáù{ t{ ly¥j Ro³£rp {¥h ~fƒp‰ Ro³Y‰} [›l£zˆ »vp‰Õ~ˆ vƒl£ r{~õ. »vv UlªK Y£Mx»xˆ ëx¥zš»vp‰ rvjY‰ ~šv£ »p£þ yc»xˆ ~ƒ »r°nˆ[z‹Y r£~zˆ »{l xñp‰ »ƒzˆ»rˆF z¹Y£ R£xlp»xˆ Y£Mx vj‰hzx Ìýl»xˆ ~¥q¦ ~vx [l Yyp {»x¤{¯nŠo {¥ÕƒŒÑxp‰ ~v` ~p‰ë»Nnp»xˆ ëylþ»K {¥n[l‰Yv »vp‰v {Ñp£Yv r‹…‹tq{l‰ r£~zˆ ny¥{p‰ áp§{l‰ Ãú»vƒŒ ëyl »{õ. Rp³p‰f UrY£y Ãúv, {¥ÕƒŒÑxp‰f ~¥zÄv U~~ˆ v£p{ [ªj£¹[xÃ. Sp‰ »p£p¥{Ý WÄ U~~ˆ [ªj£¹[ r‹…‹tq »ƒf »z£{ cx [p‰pf ~‹ƒŒp nÃp Rp£[l ryr§yfl‰ Ãx£nŸv Tfl‰ {h£ r«M{£nM|xÃ.
ghu;j;j ,isQd; tNahjpgidf; fhz;fpwhd;"
rhypd; b rpNfuh jkpopy; wg;`hd; wpghd;
uz tho;f;iff; NfhykhdJ ,sikiaAk; KJikiaAk; xUq;Nf jd;dfk; nfhz;lJ. fhiyapd; moFk; khiyapd; fjpu;tPr;rYk; uk;kpakhdJ. khiyapd; ep\g;jj;ij njhiyf;fjpiufis ,Oj;J> kpd; tpsf;Ffis Vw;wp khiyapd; ep\ g;jj;ij njhiyf;f KidAk; egu;> Gj;jp kq;fpatuhthu;. KJikf;nfd;Nw re;Njhrk; fhzg;gLfpwJ. mJ tpj;jpahrkdjhapDk; ,sikapd; re;Njhrj;jpw;F rw;NwDk; Fiwtw;wJ." lg;ypA+. rk;nrl; nksfd; 2012 Mk; tUl Gs;sptpguq;fspd; gb> ,yq;ifapy; 60 taijj; jhz;batu;fspy; vz;zpf;if 2.5 kpy;ypad;fshFk;. ,J nkhj;j rdj;njhifapd; 12.5% MFk;. mj;NjhL 2021 Mk; Mz;L ,j;njhif 3.6 kpy;ypad;fshFk; vdTk; mJ nkhj;j rdj;njhifapy; 16.7% Mf ,Uf;Fk; vdTk; xU Ma;T vjpu;T $Wfpd;wJ. ,isQu;fis tNahjpgu;fs; njhlu;ghf tpopg;Gs;stu;fshfTk;>
fUiz kw;Wk; nghWg;Gs;stu;fshfTk; cUthf;Ftjw;F HelpAge MdJ gy Kd;ndLg;Gf;fis nra;J tUfpd;wJ. HelpAge Sri Lanka ,dJ ,isQu; fy;tpj; jpl;lk; (YEP) MdJ ,isQu;fs; kj;jpapy; tNahjpgu;fs; gw;wpa tpopg;Gzu;it Vw;gLj;jTk;> mtu;fNshL rpwe;j njhlu;Gfis rpW guhak; njhl;L epiy epWj;jTk; cUthf;fg;gl;lJ. Kjpatu;fs; vq;fs; fyhr;rhuj;jpdJk; ghuk;gupaj;jpdJk; fhtyu;fs;. ,isQu;fs; vq;fsJ vjpu;fhyk;. ,tu;fSf;fpilAk; typikahd gpizg;ig cUthf;FtJk; Gjpg;gpj;jYk; fhyj;jpd; NjitahFk;. fyhr;rhuk;> r%f mq;fPfhuk; kw;Wk; Qhdk; njhlu;ghf Kjpatu;fs; ,isQu;fis topelj;Jfpd;wdu;. mtw;Wf;F Nkyjpfkhf> Kjpatu;fSk; rpwhu;fSk; mtu;fSf;fplNa Ngzg;gLk; rpwe;j njhlu;gpd; tpisthf gy eyd;fis ngwKbAk;. Kjpatu;fis vt;thW guhkupg;gJ njhlu;ghf 30-40 taJf;Fl;gl;ltu;fis gapw;Wtpf;Fk; Kaw;rpahdJ>
nghuy];fKitapYs;s HelpAge ,d; jiyikafj;jpD}lhf eilngWfpd;wJ. 'kpf mtrukhf ePq;fSk; Kjpatu;fs; MFtPu;fs; vd;gijAzu;j;jp ,d;iwa ,isQu;fspd; fz;fisj; jpwf;fNtz;Lk;". vd;fpwhu;> HelpAge ,d; jiytu;> jpyf; b nrha;rh mtu;fs;. ehq;fs; r%fj;jpYs;s gapw;Wtpf;fg;gl;l ,isQu;fis cs;thq;Ffpd;Nwhk;. mtu;fs; xU thuj;Jf;F %d;WKiw KjpNahu; ,y;ynkhd;wpw;F Nghfpd;wdu;. " ,j;jifa tp[aq;fs; KjpNahu;fshy; kpfTk; tuNtw;fg;gLfpd;wd. mtu;fs; md;G> MjuT kw;Wk; Njhoikia mjpfk; ehLfpd;wdu;". vd;fpwhu;> jpU. fPjhy; nkd;b];> jiyik epu;thfp> YEP nraw;wpl;lk;. YEP gpuptpd; Copau;fs; mur> jdpahu; kw;Wk; ru;tNjr ghlrhiyfSf;F tp[ak; nra;J> jiyKiwfSf;fpilahd cwthlypd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij gw;wp vLj;Jiuf;fpd;wdu;. md;G> MjuT kw;Wk; KjpNahu;fis kjpj;jy; vd;gd HelpAge ,d; tpOkpaq;fshf fhzg;gLfpd;wd.
Top Story
Caring for Elders
24 x 7
By Sharlene De Chickera
Love is a two-way street
What youth need to do is whilst associating with their friends, and engaging in their hobbies, is to take account of their parents and grand-parents too. The care that has been meted out to them has to be reciprocated. Inversely, parents should also try their best not to control their children too much, but give them the freedom and space to indulge in their activities. “What I want to tell the youth is, change your mind-set. One day you too will become old. In the
eet Nilmini Watawana, dressed in bright Yellow, with a smile as bright as her garment and a heart of Gold. After the death of her father, whilst she was just a school girl at Swanapali Balika Maha Vidyalaya, she decided that she wanted to spend the rest of her life caring for the elders in society, creating a haven that was happy, secure and healthy. Since then she has been instrumental in creating more than 50 homes in the suburbs for elders who need a ‘new’ home. “I trained as a nurse, initially, and then because of the close relationships I was able to foster with people, decided to open a home of my own in 2010, with a partner”, she informed. The care that I give all these elderly folk is 24x7 and includes total medical care, she says. “Every morning, the elders await my arrival. What they need really is a smile, a hug and tender loving care, from their children or a loved one”. “We also talk, dance and have many other interesting little activities to keep them entertained. One of my Elder’s home ladies, loves gardening and I have teamed her up with my gardener at home. She simply loves gardening and this brings her an immense amount of joy”, she says smiling. All adults are monitored 24 hours a day for their health needs and special medical care. “I also plan to open a new “Elder’s Village”, in Kalubowila shortly, where elders can have their own self-sufficient apartment and garden area.
Nilmini Watawana
meantime try and understand your elders. Think of all what your parents have endowed you with. You need to know that you have a responsibility with regard to them”, she says seriously. Having a good relationship, that is built on love, trust, mutual care and concern may keep the elders at home and off the streets, and elder care homes!
Top Story
KjpNahu; Nky; mf;fiw nfhs;Nthk;
rhu;ypd; b rpf;Nfuh
hl;bd; gy ,lq;fspy; taJ Kjpu;e;jtu;fis mf;fiwAld; guhkupf;fj;jf;f 50f;Fk; Nkw;gl;l ,y;yq;fis ];jhgpj;j epy;kpdp tpjhd vDk; fUiz kpf;f ngz;kzpia EDEX FOtpdu; re;jpj;jdu;. jd rpWtajpy;> ];tu;zghyp ngz;fs; kfh tpj;jpahyaj;jpy; fy;tp fw;Fk; NghJ mtupd; je;ijia epy;kpdp ,of;f Neu;e;jJ. mJNt KjpNahu; Nky; vy;iyapy;yhj ghrKk; gupTk; mtu;fspd; cly; MNuhf;fpak; kPjhd mf;fiwAk; mtUf;F Vw;gl fhuzkhfTk; ,Ue;jJ. jhd; Kd;du; itj;jparhiyapy; jhjpahf flikahw;wpajhfTk; Nehahspfsplk; jdf;F ,Ue;j mf;fiw kw;Wk; njhlu;Gfspdhy; jdpNa mtu;fspd; eyd; NghYk; ikaq;fis mikf;fTk; nfhz;L elj;jTk; jhd; tpUk;gpajhfTk; epy;kpdp njuptpj;jhu;. xt;nthU fhiy NtiyAk; ,k;KjpNahu;fs; jd tUifia vjpu;ghu;g;gjhfTk; mtu;fspd; xNu vjpu;ghu;g;G md;Ngh mutizg;ghfNth ,Uf;fpd;wNj md;wp trjpfs; FiwghLfs; gw;wpajhf ,Ue;jNj ,y;iy vd;Wk; epy;kpdp njuptpj;jhu;. KjpNahu;fspd; kfpo;Tf;fhf fijfs;> eld epfo;Tfs; NkYk; rpwpa tpisahl;L nghOJNghf;F mk;rq;fis jhk; newpahs;if nra;tjhfTk; G+e;Njhl;lk; mikj;jy;> kuf;fwp gapu;r;nra;if> Xtpak; vd fiyahu;tk; cs;stu;fspd; jpwikfis ntspg;gLj;j ,lk; mspf;fpd;w NghJ vy;iyaw;w kfpo;r;rp fpilg;gjhfTk; epy;kpdp njuptpj;jhu;. vy;yh Kjpatu;fSk;
24 kzpNeuKk; Rfhjhu Njit fUjp fz;fhzpg;gpy; ,Ug;gjhfTk; vjpu;tUk; fhyq;fspy; fSNghtpytpy; KjpNahu; fpuhkk; xd;iw Vw;gLj;jp mtu;fspd; Njitfis NkYk; nropg;ghd tifapy; epiwNtw;w Mir ,Ug;gjhfTk; njuptpj;jhu;. ,d;iwa ,isQu;fs; jk; nraw;ghLfspYk; ez;gu;fSld; tpisahl;LfspYk; Vida nghOJNghf;F mk;rq;fspYk; Neuj;ij gad;gLj;JtJ NghyNt jk; ngw;Nwhu;> jhj;jh> ghl;b MfpNahuplKk; md;Gld; ele;J nfhs;s Ntz;baJ mtrpakhFk;. ngw;NwhUk; jk; gps;isfsplj;jpy; mtu;fspy; Rje;jpu nraw;ghLfspy; jiyaplhJ mtu;fspd; kPJ ek;gpf;if itj;J mtu;fSf;F mDkjp toq;Fk; NghJ mtu;fspd; tpidj;jpwd; mjpfupf;Fk;. midtUk; xU ehs; KjpatuhtJ cWjp. vdNt ,d;iwa Kjpatu;fis ,isQu;fs; Gupe;Jnfhs;s Ntz;baJ mtrpakhFk;. ,JNt mtu;fs; kPjhd jd cupikfisAk; nghWg;GfisAk; tiuaWg;gJ kl;Lkd;wp vjpu;fhyj;jpy;
jkf;F ,t;thW Njitfs; Vw;gLk; vd;gijAk; czu;e;J mjw;Nfw;g jd tho;tpid tbtikj;Jf; nfhs;sTk; cjtpahf ,Uf;Fk;. rpwe;j cwTKiw> njspT kw;Wk; Gupe;Jnfhs;Sk; rpe;jidAld; vy;iyapy;yh md;NghLk; gupNthLk; Kjpatu;fis elhj;Jjy; mtu;fis njUtpNyh KjpNahu; ,y;yq;fspNyh md;wp mtu;jk; nrhe;j tPLfspNyNa itj;Jf;nfhs;s cjTk;.
Top Story
24 x 7
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a e r e h Is t e r i h s e Ch t a h t t a c ? e r e h s grin
be judgmental. But the sad truth was, the elders were abandoned.
By Sharlene De Chickera
my holidays, as a child R ecalling and a teen-ager, I remember it
entailed visiting the Cheshire Home in Demanhandiya, Negombo. I used to drive up there with my grand-parents and brother to visit the ‘inmates’. Over the years, the inmates became friends and the visits would be looked forward to on both sides. I remember the sprawling house and lovely garden with bougainvillea vines that crept up the walls to the roof. The beauty of the premises however was scarred by the sadness and loneliness of the patients.
Abandonment Some of the inmates’ children had left them there, alone. When my brother and I visited, we would talk to them, sing and recite poetry. They used to tell us about their children. And how they missed them. We listened politely. We could not run away. But we felt a tinge of anger. Children, like us could
I remember a girl, who used to run from the porch across the garden and hide in the bushes. We ran after her once, and asked her why she was running away. “A big bird is trying to catch me and take me away”. We were fascinated, and a bit scared. We also had imaginary birds in our heads, but were not so scared of them.
Smiles amidst the tears I remember the parties for Christmas, and the jollity. The gifts that were given to them, and how happy they were. How sad that Christmas came but once a year! I remember the cakes my grand-mother took to the home, how we helped cut and serve them. I remember how much the cakes meant to them. And this brought a ‘tear’ to my heart
Time passes As we grew up, our priorities changed. We had to go in for higher studies and work. We did not visit our friends. Our grand-parents too died. Once, years later, I visited again. My friends were dead, but the furniture was still there. The memories were still there. There were new inmates. And I wish that I was a child again, able to sing and recite poetry and make them laugh. But the world of work and my so called ‘busy’ life beckoned me back to the city. Was I becoming like those who had abandoned my friends long ago? The ones I was angry at? In our fastpaced, selfish and self-centered lives, is there room for an elder or a child who needs a hug, in a home, that is forgotten and tucked away in a ‘lonely-paradise’?
Ra ikag;gLj;jg;gl;l tho;f;ifapy; xU mehjutw;wtUf;F Mjutspf;f ,lKz;lh? \hypd; b nrf;uh
dJ gps;isg;guhaj;jpd; tpLKiw ehl;fis epidT $h;ifapy; njkz; re;jp ePh;nfhOk;gpy; mike;Js;s nr\ ah; ,y;yj;jpw;Fr; nry;tJ epidTf;F tUfpd;wJ. mq;F trpg;gth;fisf; fhz ehDk; vdJ rNfhjuDk; vkJ jhj;jh ghl;bAld; nry;Nthk;. fhyQ; nry;yr; nry;y mt;tpyj;jpdUldhd el;Gg; ngUf ,U jug;gpdUf;Fk; xUtiu xUth; fhzNtz;Lk; vd;w vz;zk; tYf;fj; njhlq;fpaJ. me;j mofpa ,y;yKk; Njhl;lKk; Nghfd;tpyh nfhb glh;e;j RtUk; ,d;dKk; vd; epidtpy; cs;sit. ,j;jifa #oypd; moif mq;Fs;s Nehahspfspd; jdpikAk; Jd;gKk; kOq;fbj;J tpLk;.
xU gwit gpbj;J J}f;fpr; nry;y Kaw;rpg;gjhf mts; $wpdhs;. mtsJ gjpy; vkf;F Mr;rhpaj;ijAk; xUtpj gaj;ijAk; je;jJ. vkJ fw;gidapYk; gy gwitfs; cs;sd. Mdhy; mit vk;ikg; gag;gLj;Jtjpy;iy.
fz;zPUf;fpilahd rphpg;G ej;jhh; jpd cgrhpg;GfisAk; Nfspf;iffisAk; epidTgLj;Jfpd;Nwd;. ghpRfs; mth;fis kfpo;tpj;jd. ej;jhh; Vd; tUlk; xU Kiw tUfpd;wJ vd;nwhU ftiy. vdJ ghl;b jahhpj;j Nff;if mq;F vLj;Jr; nrd;W mth;fSld; gfph;e;Jz;Nghk;. me;j Nff; mth;fSf;F cah;thdnjhd;whf ,Ue;jJ. ,tw;iw vz;Zk; NghJ ,jaj;jpy; xU rydk; Vw;gLfpd;wJ.
fhyq;fs; fle;jd
mq;Fs;sth;fspy; rpyh; gps;isfshy; iftplg;gl;lth;fs;. ehDk; vdJ rNfhjuDk; mq;Fnry;Yk; NghJ ghl;Lg;ghb ftpijfs; nrhy;ypmth;fis cw;rhfg;gLj;JNthk;. mth;fs; jq;fs; gps;isfisg; gw;wpAk; gphptpidg; gw;wpAk; $Wk; NghJ nghWikAld; Nfl;Nghk;. mj;jifa jUzj;jpy; xU rpWNfhgk; vOk;. ehk; rpWth;fs; vijAk; Ngrptplyhk;. Mdhy; KjpNahh; mehjuthf;fg;gl;Ls;sdh; vd;gJ ftiyf;fplkhd cz;ik.
fhyq;fs; fle;jd. vkJ Kd;DhpikfSk; khwpd. cah; fy;tpf;fhfTk; Ntiyf;Fk;
fw;gid xU rpWkp mbf;fb Xbr; nrd;W Njhl;lj;jpYs;s gw;iwapd; gpd; xsptJ ,d;dKk; vdf;F QhgfkpUf;fpwJ. ehq;fs; fhuzj;ijf; Nfl;lNghJ jd;id
nry;yNtz;ba epiy Vw;gl;lJ. vq;fs; ez;gh;fisr; re;jpf;f Kbatpy;iy. vq;fs; jhj;jh ghl;bAk; $l fhykhfp tpl;ldh;. gy tUlq;fs; fopj;J kWgbAk; mq;F ehd; nrd;Nwd;. vd; ez;gh;fs; ,we;J tpl;ldh;. Mdhy; mq;fpUe;j jsghlq;fs; khwtpy;iy. Qhgfq;fs; khwtpy;iy. GJ mq;fj;jth;fs; te;jpUe;jdh;. kWgbAk; gps;isg; guhaj;jpw;Fr; nrd;W ghl;Lg; ghb ftpijfs; nrhy;yp mth;fis cw;rhfg;gLj;Jk; vz;zk; cUthdJ. vdpDk; vdJ ,ae;jpu tho;f;iff;Fj; jpUk;g Ntz;ba fl;lhaj;jhy; efuj;Jf;Fj; jpUk;gp tpl;Nld;. vdJ ez;gh;fis mehjuthf;fpNahh; Nghy ehDk; khwptpl;Nldh? ehd; ghh;j;Jf; Nfhgg;gl;Nlhiug; Nghd;W? vkJ Jhpj fjpahd Raeyk; kpf;f Raikag;gLj;jg;gl;l tho;f;ifapy; xU mehjutw;w KjpatUf;Nfh gps;isf;Nfh Mjutspf;f ,lKz;lh?
Cheshire cat Xt »n~ tz£ ~‹p£»~õn? ~fƒp - |£zŸp‰ n Ç»Y‰y£ rù{Mlpx - Yª~§K [ªj{Mop
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n i e c a l p A your heart By Navangi de Silva
n a world obsessed with money, Iincreasingly power and ambition, it’s becoming rare to find people who work for the betterment of others. In the quest to find this rare species of people, I found myself speaking with Roma Vedamuttu, project coordinator at ‘House of Hope’ (HOH) – a German based charity organisation that provides support and care for children with lifelong disabilities. An undergraduate of Horizon Campus, Roma had volunteered and organised fundraisers in aid of charity since she was young. Her experience at youth institutions such as SLMUN and NYMUN, coupled with her passion to help people, landed her a job at HOH.
When explaining what her job curtails, Roma says that she’s in charge of dispensing each beneficiaries’ quota of donations, while keeping track of their progress through visits.She’s also responsible for organising any fundraising events. Charity based employment is vastly different in relation to typical 9-5 jobs. Roma agrees that there are avenues for promotions,for example, in NGO’s, but it varies with each organisation. “But, personal satisfaction is high,” she says brightly. “When children I work with progress – that feeling of happiness can’t be described through words.” With disabilities ranging from heart diseases and leukaemia patients to mentally disabled children; there arecurrently over 20 beneficiaries under HOH’s care. Each child’s disability is unique with the only common
Roma Vedamuttu characteristic being that it is longlasting. “There isn’t much awareness in Sri Lanka on how to handle disabled children,” Roma says. “It’s better in Colombo where you get special needs homes like the one in Chitra lane, but awareness is very low in rural areas.” Unlike in many fields, it is experience that is vital to help propel your skills in this field of work. “Volunteer a lot,” Roma advises. “Once you join an organisation, you can easily find an area of interest such as event management or finance, depending on where your strengths lie.” One area that many grumble about when it comes to NGO based work is pay, but Roma disagrees. “My pay is enough for me to pay the bills, my daily expenses and I even have extra left to spend on myself. I have no complaints in that regard. Besides,” she laughs, “You don’t choose NGO work for the pay.” One thing’s for sure, this field of work is not for the fainthearted. “Passion is key. You need to want to help change the world and be a part of that change. You need to want to make a difference.”
cq;fs; ,jaj;jpy; xU ,lk; etq;fp b rpy;th
zk; mjpfhuk; kw;Wk; ,yl;rpak; Mfpatw;iw ikag;gLj;jpa cyfpy;> VidatHfspd; eyDf;fhd ciof;Fk; kf;fis fhz;gJ mz;ikf; fhyq;fspy; kpf mhpjhfNt tpsq;Ffpd;wJ.
VidatHfSf;fhf jpahfk; nra;Ak; mhpatif khdplHfis NjLk; vdJ gazj;jpy; ehd; `T]; x/g; N`hg; (‘House of Hope’ (HOH) vd;w n[Hkdpia jskhf nfhz;l njhz;L epWtdj;jpd; nraw;jpl;l xUq;fpizg;ghsuhf Nritahw;Wk; Nuhkh NtjKj;J mtHfis fz;lwpe;Njd;. ,e;j njhz;;L epWtdkhdJ> tho;ehs; mq;ftPd FiwghLs;s rpWtHfSf;F Njitahd MjutpidAk; guhkhpg;gpidAk; mspf;fpd;w ];jhgdkhFk;. n`hiurd; nfk;g]; (Horizon Campus) gl;ljhhpahd Nuhkh> ,sk; tajpypUe;J njhz;L Kidg;GfSf;fhf jd;dhHt hPjpapy; epjp jpul;ly;fs; kw;Wk; Nritfis Kd;ndLj;J tUfpd;whH. SLMUN kw;Wk; NYMUN Nghd;w ,isQH fofq;fspy; mtH ngw;Wf; nfhz;l mDgtk;> kf;fSf;F cjtp nra;tjpy; fhl;Lk; NguhHtk; Mfpad> HOH,y; mtUf;F rpwe;j gzpapid <l;bf; nfhLj;Js;sJ. mtuJ gzp Fwpj;J njhptpf;FkhW Nfl;lNghJ> ed;nfhilahsHfspd; mspf;Fk; ed;nfhilfis gadhspfSf;F gphpj;jspf;Fk; nraw;ghLfSf;F nghWg;ghf tpsq;FtJld;> gadhspfspd; ,y;yq;fSf;F tp[ak; nra;tjd; Clhf> ,e;ed;nfhilfs; Fwpj;j fz;fhzpg;Gfis Nkw;nfhs;tjhf Fwpg;gpl;lhH. epjpjpul;ly; epfo;Tfis Kd;ndLg;gjpYk; ,tH nghWg;ghsuhf tpsq;Ffpd;whH. njhz;L rhHe;j gzp vd;gJ> toikahd 9-5 tiuahd gzpapypUe;J Kw;wpYk; NtWgLfpd;wJ. ,J Fwpj;J njhptpj;j Nuhkh> ,q;F gzpAaHTfSf;fhd tha;g;Gfs; cz;L vd;W Fwpg;gpl;l mtH> cjhuzkhf> mur rhHgw;w epWtdq;fspy; gzpAaHT tha;g;Gfs; ,Ug;gpDk;> mJ epWtdj;jpw;F epWtdk; khWgLk; vd;whH. gzpapy; jpUg;jpNaw;gLjy; ,e;j Ntiyapy; kpf mjpfk; vd;w mtH rpWtHfspd; Kd;Ndw;wj;jpw;fhf gzpahw;Wifapy;> me;j czHT kw;Wk; kfpo;r;rpapid thHj;ijfspy; tHzpf;f KbahJ vd ngUik jJk;g Fwpg;gpl;;lhH. ,Uja Neha;fs; Kjy; ,uj;jg; Gw;W Neha;> kdtsHr;rp Fd;wpNahH tiu
tpNrl NjitAila gps;isfs; gyH cs;sdH. HOH ,d; guhkhpg;gpd; fPo; jw;NghJ 20 w;Fk; Nkw;gl;l gadhspfs; cs;sdH. xt;nthU gps;isapd; tpNrl NjitAk; jdpj;JtkhdJ. MapDk;> ePz;lfhy ghjpg;gpid nfhz;lJ vd;gJ kl;LNk xNunahU xw;WikahFk;. tpNrl NjitAila gps;isfis guhkhpj;jy; njhlHgpy; ,yq;ifaHfs; kj;jpapy; Nghjpa tpopg;GzHT ,y;iy. nfhOk;gpy; ,e;epiy XusTf;F guthapy;iy. rpj;uh xOq;ifapy; cs;s tpNrl NjitAilNahUf;fhd ghlrhiy Nghd;w ,y;yq;fs;> ,t;thwhd gps;isfis guhkhpf;Fk; Nehf;Fld; ,aq;Ffpd;wd. vdpDk; fpuhkg;Gwq;fspy; ,e;epiy kpff;Fiwthf cs;sJ. vd Nuhkh mtHfs; tprdk; njhptpj;jhH. Vida Jiwfisg; Nghyd;wp> ,j;Jiwapy; cq;fspd; mDgtj;jpid nghWj;Nj> jpwd;fs; rpwg;gilfpd;wd. jd;dhHt njhz;bid mjpfk; Nkw;nfhs;Sq;fs;. ePq;fs; xU ];jhgdj;jpy; ,ize;jJk;> mq;F cq;fSf;F cfe;j> ePq;fs; rpwg;ghd Kiwapy; Kd;ndLf;ff; $ba gphptpid> Kfhikj;Jtk;> epjp my;yJ NtW gphpTfis cq;fshy; ,yFthf milahsk; fz;Lnfhs;s KbAk; vd Nuhkh NkYk; njhptpj;jhH. murrhHgw;w ];jhgdq;fspy; gzpahw;w tpioNthH jaq;Fk; fhuzq;fspy; xd;whf mq;F mspf;fg;gLk; nfhLg;gdTfs; tpsq;Ffpd;wd. ,jid kWf;Fk; Nuhkh vdJ gpy; gl;bay;fis nrYj;Jtjw;F> ehshe;j nryTfSf;F khj;jpuky;yhky;> kPjkhf vdf;fhf nryT nra;tjw;nfdTk; vdJ tUkhdk; NghJkhf cs;sJ. ,J Fwpj;J vdf;F ve;jtpjkhd GfhHfNsh> tUj;jNkh ,y;iy vd;W njhptpj;j mtH mur rhHgw;w epWtdq;fspy; mtHfs; vd;d rk;gsk; nfhLg;ghHfs; vd vjpHghHj;J ahUk; gzpapy; NrHtjpy;iy vd;gij Rl;bf;fhl;bdhH. MapDk; ,t;thwhd jd;dhHt gzpahdJ> ,sfpa kdk; gilj;NjhUf;fy;y vd;gij typAWj;jpdhH. NguhHtNk ,jd; Kf;fpa mk;rkhFk;. cyfj;jpid khw;Wtjw;fhd MHtk; cq;fsplk; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;gJld;> me;j khw;wj;jpd; xU mq;fkhf ePq;fs; tpsq;f Ntz;Lk;. khw;wk; xd;wpid Nkw;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk; vd;w kdg;ghq;F cq;fsplk; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;gij mtH NkYk; typAWj;jp njhptpj;jhH.
X»J ƒn{lf ÷Ãx£{Y‰ ~fƒp - p{p‰[Œ n ~‹zˆ{£ rù{Mmpx - v£zÝ yl‰p»~ˆYy , tzx ƒ£ R£|£{p‰ rl£ xp v¨ nzˆ»z¤YxY R»pY£»[‰ RuŒ{¯nŠéx U»n~£ xvY‰ Yyp ñë~¨p‰ »~£x£[¥ìv Svƒl‰ ã}ˆYy »{ñp‰ r{Ý. »vv ãMzu ñë~ˆ {M[x£ »~£x£ xp [v»p‰ nŸ, ~àY£z‹Y R£t£él ll‰l‰{xf rl‰ {« ny¥{p‰f ~l‰Y£y ƒ£ UrY£y Yyp cMv£p§ r§j³ R£xlpxY‰ {p ‘House of Hope’ (HOH) ƒŒ {³£r¯Ü ~Ktp‰êY£yY »y£v£ »Nnv¨l‰lª vƒl‰ñxf Yl£ Ãúvf vf R{~ˆm£{Y‰ z¥ïj‹. »y£v£, »ƒ£yõ~p‰ ý|‰{ ýn³£z»xˆ (Horizon Campus) Ur£é R»rˆY‰}‹Y£{Ã. R¥x ly¥j R{é»xˆ ~‹fv ~ˆ»NDb£»{p‰v R~yj ~yj Yfx¨lª ~qƒ£ Ryv¨nz‰ ÷~‰
ÃúK ~¹ýo£px Y…£x. SLMUN ~ƒ NYMUN {¥ë ly¥j »~ˆ{£ R£xlpxp‰ ƒŒ R¥»[‰ Rl‰áÄK n R¥x ~lª ñë~¨p‰f UrY£y Ãú»K áÕ R£|£{ n HOH ƒŒ R¥»[‰ ÷Ãx£{f ~Ktp‰o þvf UrY£ú ýx. R¥»[‰ ÷Ãx£{ r‹…‹tq ý~‰ly Ãú»K nŸ R¥x r{~p‰»p‰, ƒ¥v r±Üz£uŒ»xYªfv ƒŒñ R£o£y »Y£f~ zt£ »np‰»p‰ X{§p‰»[‰ r±[Üx ëyp‰ly{ RêY‰}jx Yyñp‰ t{õ. W»vp‰v R¥x Ryv¨nz lyYyp ò‹x£Y£yYK ~¹ýo£px Ãú»K {[Äv n nyõ. r§j³YMv vl rnpK {« ÷Ãx£{Y‰ ~£Kr±àõY 9-5 ÷Ãx£{Yf {h£ »t£»ƒ¤ »~õp‰ »{p~ˆ x. y£c³ »p£{p R£xlpxp‰ ƒŒ U~~ˆþK ~qƒ£ {p r‹ý~¨K v[Y‰ »vƒŒ R¥Ü t{ »y£v£ r‹…‹[l‰l n, Wx R£xlpx Rp§{ »{p~ˆ »N. “pv¨l‰ r§nŠ[z l¯rˆÜx Sl£ Sƒ…õ” R¥x r{~p‰»p‰ r±šÜ»xë. “…v¨p‰ ~v` {¥h Yy X{§p‰»[‰ r±[Üx nÃnŠnŸ á»pp ~lªf§ ƒ¥`›v {ap»xp‰ ý~ˆly Yyp‰pf t¦”. ƒ¯n »y¤[ ƒ£ z‹x¨»Y‰ñx£{ {¥ë »y¤[£t£o{z ~‹f v£p~‹Y R£t£o nY‰{£ {« ry£~xY »y¤[£t£o R¥Ü, r±Üz£u [p‰p£ … võp‰ 20Yf {h£ HOH ƒŒ ~l‰Y£y ztõ. ~¦v …v»xY‰fv R£»NÚY {« R£t£oxY‰ Üt¨j n, ~¥vf »r£ã zY‰}jxY‰ {p§»xˆ A{£ Yzˆ [l {p »y¤[
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Seylan Bank offers ‘Seylan Scholar’ for youth to live their dreams s the nation’s future economic success heavily depends A on the effective utilization of intangible assets such as knowledge, skills and innovation, it’s the duty of a responsible corporate citizen to contribute towards this endeavor. The role of higher education is a major driver in driving towards a knowledge led society. However, pursuing higher education in private universities and institutes require a significant amount of investment. This becomes an obstacle to Sri Lankan students who have been educated under the free education system. Understanding this requirement, Seylan Bank has introduced ‘Seylan Scholar’, an educational loan which can be applied for local as well as overseas education. Seylan Bank also facilitates financial assistance in terms of personal loans, in the realm of higher education. Since its launch in 2011, Seylan Scholar has helped students live their dreams as highly educated professionals in their field of interest, bestowing them a successful career. Seylan Scholar has tied up with many institutes, offering academic and professional qualifications, to facilitate the financial needs of their students. Seylan Scholar Higher Education Loan is facilitated for Students as well as working professional’s to fulfill their
dreams to complete the courses such as MBA, CIM, SLIM, AAT, CIMA, Fashion Designing Courses, MBBS, Engineering Degrees, Private Pilot License, Commercial Private License etc. The above loan could be obtained as individuals or jointly with parents / spouse with an attractive interest rate.
Caring to Work are work is a sub-category of work, which includes all C tasks that directly involve care processes done in service of others. It is often differentiated from other forms of work because it is considered to be intrinsically motivated. People are motivated to pursue care work for reasons other than financial compensation. Care work refers to those occupations that provide services that help people develop their capabilities, or the ability to pursue the aspects of their lives that they value. Examples of these occupations include child care, all levels of teaching (from pre-school through universityprofessors), and health care of all types (nurses, doctors, physical therapists and psychologists). Care work also includes the array ofdomestic unpaid work that is often disproportionately performed by women. Care work is frequently focused on the responsibility to provide for dependents, such as children, the sick, and the elderly. However, care work also refers to any work done in the immediate service of others. In terms of youth there are many organisations that focus on Youth Empowerment. According to a statistic posted on CARE website, out of 75 million people, youth account for 40% of unemployment. In terms of empowerment adolescence is a seen significant
transition period and a unique window of opportunity to shape the healthy and successful development of future generations. And with more than 1.8 billion young people in the world today – 90 percent of whom live in developing countries, addressing the diverse needs of youth and adolescents is critical to ending poverty and promoting equality. To help youth grow into healthy, productive adults and citizens, CARE employs a rights-based and comprehensive approach that considers all the inputs a young person needs throughout their life. It addresses the specific and diverse needs of young people, ensuring they have access to the information, resources and support they need to escape poverty for good. It further recognises that poverty is inextricably linked to social marginalisation and discrimination. Experience has shown that simply providing young people with a few skills, then expecting them to conquer systemicinjustices is not effective and does not lead to their empowerment. Rather, large-scale and sustainable change requires addressing laws, policies, gender norms and social and cultural barriers that stand in the way. By creating an enabling and equitable environment where young people can exercise their skills, knowledge and leadership, they are able to step into new roles and lead the change themselves. Excerpts from http://www.care.org
A view from the TOP
Begins with a step at the BOTTOM
communicated that I climbed the Everestalone. I always say that Johan, my climbing partner and I did it as a team”. This ethos creates a winning combination, when scaling high mountains or working on a project. “I also overcame the depression caused by loneliness on a mountain crag covered with ice and rock”, she recalls. This is where the inner-staying power, comes from, she says.
By Sharlene De Chickera
eet tom-boy adventurer Jayanthi M Kurutumpala, who has a perpetual grin and an insatiable thirst for adventure. Having climbed all the possible trees in her garden as a child and youth, she started taking an interest in mountains. Local dares turned to foreign challenges, and the mountainclimber’s heights reached the clouds, literally, 29,029 feet. Her recent achievement of being the first Sri Lankan woman to scale the Everest Mountain, did not happen by chance. It has been a trek of a life-time of preparing to reach the pinnacle!
Dare to be different “I am glad my parents allowed me to climb trees, even after puberty”, she grins. So convincing them that I had a passion to climb mountains was no big deal, she shrugs.
How to reach the Zenith For all youth who have a penchant for wanting to climb mountains, or symbolically reach great heights, (in
whatever endeavor) Jayanthi says there is only a formula for success. Hardwork, and an indomitable spirit of saying,“I can do this, no matter what!” After rigorous training, which included runningaround the Independence Square with rock-filled knap-sacks, scaling Pidurutalagala many times, and having the special training, she was ready to take a journey that others would not dare.
Team-Work In a world of self-centeredness, Jayanthi says that team-work is of paramount importance. “I never once
Perspective After a great feat is achieved you feel a sense of exhilaration! Yet, during our quest to reach the top, we did not have many who believed in us, and especially in me as a woman, she says. “However, when the chips are down you have to stay true to your convictions and believe in yourself”. “When I reached the top, I could not really pinch myself, to saythat I had made it, and I wanted my Sherpa to do this for me, just to make sure”, she laughs. The bottom-line for youth who have aunattained dream,is to plan, work hard and have an unconquerable spirit.
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Choices, Options and Opportunities in Careers, Skills Development and Training for Sri Lankan Youth