Edex Magazine April June 2017

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Vol.07 No. 03 | April- June 2017 Vol.07 No. 03 | April - June 2017

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Careers ~Kvp‰l²j ƒ£ r±nM|p ~¥z~§K Ãúv epfo;Tfs;> khehLfs;> fz;fhl;rpfspd; Kfhikj;Jtk; Managing Events, Conferences & Exhibitions epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;Jtk; Event Management “Beyond Boundaries” Event Management “Beyond Boundaries” Event Management and Volunteerism at its best ~‰»NDb£ »~ˆ{x ƒ£ Event Management v[‹p‰ rj»np EDEX Expo cr;rk; njhl;l epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;JtKk;> njhz;lu;fSk; Y¥rþvf R¥[övY‰ zt£»np Xù‡‰»zˆK Events ART OF THE EVENT epfo;r;rpapd; fiyak;rk; ART OF THE EVENT EVENT PLANNING - Skills You Need for Success R{~‰m£ ~¥z~¨KYyj»xˆ ~£MmYl‰{x U»n~£ Xt ~lª ýx x§lª Yª~zl£ epfo;r;rp jpl;lkply; mjd; ntw;wpf;F Mw;wy;fs; gy mtrpak;

08 09 10 11 12 13 14

Top Story Event Management - Then and Now RÝl ƒ£ {Mlv£p Ul‰~{ ~¥z~§K epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;Jtk; ,d;Wk; md;Wk;


15 16 24 26 29 30 31 33

04 05 06

võY²»‡¤px r‹f§r~ ƒ¼h The voice behind the mic xypthq;fpapd; gpd; xU Fuy; »~{j¥z‹ Yz£{ The art of shadows epoy;fspd; fiy Card Creations - We create your ideas Creating and sustaining a new world for celebrating v¹[z Ul‰~{ ~¥z~§K Ãúv

17 18 19 20 21 22 37 38 40


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Dr. Ruklanthi Fernando

The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd

Dr. Ligourani Fernando

Commercial Printing Dept.

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Masud Zaheed

PUBLISHED BY EDEX Advisory and Management Committee Royal College Union Rajakeeya Mawatha, Colombo 07 Tel : + 94 (11) 4327070 E-mail : magazine@edex.lk

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Event Management Then and Now By Dr. Ligourani Fernando

vent Management is, “the application

E of project management to the

creation and development of large scale events such as festivals, conferences, ceremonies, formal parties, concerts or conventions. Examples are a wedding, birthday party, seminars, get-togethers, award ceremonies, musical shows convocations etc. Event Management entails planning and executing the event, takingresponsibility for the creative, technical and logistic elements. This includes overall design, brand building, marketing and communication strategies, audio visual production, script writing, logistics, budgeting,negotiation and client service, identifying the target audience, preferences, culture, myths, norms and status core.

Planning Firstly identify the function, the date and the duration. Then think about the target audience, the number of people you expect to attend the event. Next comes the budget allocation. And then planning.

Factors taken into consideration Selecting the best venue, and if it to be indoor or outdoor.When location is selected you should get the necessary permits and permission from relevant authorities. Catering is also a big consideration. Deciding on it depends on the time of the day, morning evening, tea lunch or dinner or just a snack.

Then and Now – A Wedding In good olden days a wedding is considered as a very big event in the family and the village. Event management was solely done by the parents, relatives and neighbors, who all get involved. Ideas are

exchanged. The bride and the groom are less involved. The wedding is a success from the time that both the parties agree to the marriage. Responsibility of poruwa ceremony,catering, transport, decorations, are taken care of.The organising is done with love and affection and ‘heartfelt thanks’ is the only payment. The modern trend is that an Event Management has become a fashion and a paid job for many. An Event Planneris hired, whom they think is most suitable to plan this event. These professionals do it for a big amount of money. The bride and the groom or the parents discuss about the dresses, place invitations, decorations and rituals. Total responsibility is vested with them. Every ‘nitty-gritty’ item is discussed with them and enacted to perfection. It saves the family a lot of hassle. There are several universities which offer courses on event management. Youth who have a flair for organising and like to work in events and people can consider this a full-time or parttime career.


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RÝl ƒ£ {Mlv£p Ul‰~{ ~¥z~§K

~fƒp - R£a£Mx z‹»[°y£ë r±p£p‰ã rù{Mlpx - v£zÝ yl‰p»~ˆYy Management xp§ Ul‰~{, E vent ~Kvp‰l²j, r±‹x~Ku£}j, r±~¹[, Ur£é r±n£»p¤l‰~{ {¥ë vƒ£rùv£j {³£r¯Ü ~½nƒ£ Y…vj£Yyp Y²v»Nn »x£n£ [¥ìvõ. »vÄ Ul‰~{ ý{£ƒ Ul‰~{, Urp‰ n™p ~£n, ~Kvp‰l²j, r‹ù~Y‰ WYf WY‰{ ƒv§þK, ~Kv£p r±n£»p¤l‰~{, ~¹[Ÿl ~¹nM|p, ƒ£ Ur£é r±n£»p¤l‰~{ R£nš »vÄ »p£Ä ýýo£Y£y»xˆ A{£ ýx ƒ¥Ãx. ~¥týp‰v »vƒ‹ Event Management xp§ ~¥z~§K Ãúv ƒ£ Wv ~¥z~§v r±Y£y{ Ul‰~{x »v»ƒxþvõ. Wƒ‹nš {[ÄK ~ƒ[l{ ëMv£j£l‰vY »z~ ~‹xû »nŠ ~¥z~§K Y… x§lªx. »vxf ~v~‰m ëMv£jx ~¥z~§K Ãúv, ~p‰p£v »[£hp¥[Ÿv, »{…½n ƒ£ ~p‰ë»Nnp UrY²v, |²{³å|³ ë}‰r£np, Üyr‹frl yapx, ~¹ýo£px, Rx{¥x, ~£YDb£, »~‰{£n£xYx£»[‰ R{|³l£{x, SzY‰Y Yy[l‰ »r±ˆY‰}Yxp‰ ƒ¼ãp£[¥ìv, y¥ÇYl‰{x, ~¹~‰Y¯Üx, ñl³£{, ëxvxp‰, ll‰l‰{x, R£nš R¹[ [jp£{Y‰ R¥lª…l‰ x.

~¥z~§K Ãúv v§z‹p‰v Ul‰~{ R{~‰m£{ ƒ¼ãp£[p‰p. Wx r¥{¥l‰ýx x§lª n˜px, ƒ£ »Nz£{ n¥p [p‰p. Sp‰r~§ Ul‰~{xf r¥ñ»jp R£y£él r‹ù~ [¥p ~‹lp‰p. »Y£rvj r‹ù~Y‰ A ~½nƒ£ ~ƒu£[‹ »Nx¥õ Xt ~‹lp‰»p‰n? »Y£rvj v§nzY‰ A ~½nƒ£ {¥x Yyp‰»p‰ n xp‰p n¥p [p‰p. »K ~‹xz‰z WYlª Yy[l‰ r~§ ~¥z~§K Yyp‰p.

~¥zÃz‰zf [l x§lª Yy¥j§ {h£l‰v UÇl ~‰m£px »l¤y£[p‰p. W…vƒ»p‰ »ƒ¤ |£z£{Y‰ lª… {¥ë Bp¦v ~‰m£pxY ýx ƒ¥Ãx. ~‰m£px »l¤y£ [¥ì»vp‰ Rplªy¥{ A ~½nƒ£ R{|³ Rp§v¥Üx ~§ã~§ Rx§ùp‰ zt£ [p‰p. R¥l¥K ýf tzrl²xY‰ n zt£[¥ìvf R{|³ ýx ƒ¥Ãx. R£ƒ£y ~¥röv r‹…‹t½n{n »t£»ƒ¤ ~¥zÃz‹vl‰ ýx x§lªx. Wx Ul‰~{ »Nz£{ Rp§{ WpK U»nŠ »ƒ¤ ƒ{~ Rp§{ Ýyjx Yyp‰p. Wx »l‰ r¥p‰, n‹{£ R£ƒ£y, y£Ý² R£ƒ£y »ƒ¤ »YÑ Y¦vY‰ n ýx ƒ¥Ãx.

RÝl»xˆ ƒ£ {Mlv£p»xˆ v¹[z Ul‰~{ ~¥z~§K Ãúv RÝl»xˆ ý{£ƒ Ul‰~{xY‰ xp§ r{§»zˆ »vp‰v [»K Sl£ {¥n[l‰ R¹[xY‰ »z~ ~zYp znš. ~¹ýo£p Yfx§lª ~Kr«Mj»xp‰v »nv£r‹xp‰, R~z‰{£~Ÿp‰, p¦xp‰, R£nš ~‹xû {¥Õƒ‹Ñxp‰»[‰ ~ƒu£[Ÿl‰{»xp‰ ~‹ãýx. X{§ƒ§ WûpY£»[‰ Rnƒ~‰ ƒ§{v£y¥ Yy [l‰ƒ. ~¹ýo£p Yfx§lª ~½nƒ£ vp£zx£ »ƒ¤ vp£z‹x ~ƒu£[‹

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epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;Jtk; ,d;Wk; md;Wk; Mf;fk;: yp$udp ngdhz;Nlh jkpopy;: Rizwan Segu Mohideen r;rp Kfhikj;Jtk; vd;gJ> ep fo; jpl;l Kfhikj;Jtj;jpd; fUtp nfhz;lhl;lq;fs;> khehLfs;> jpUtpohf;fs;> cj;jpNahfg+u;t epfo;Tfs;> epfo;r;rpfs; my;yJ khehLfs; Nghd;w ghupa kl;lj;jpyhd epfo;r;rpfis cUthf;fp> nkU$l;LtjhFk;. jpUkzk;> gpwe;jehs; nfhz;lhl;lk;> fUj;juq;Ffs;> xd;W$ly;fs;> tpUJ tpohf;fs;> ,ir epfo;r;rpfs;> gl;lkspg;Gfs; vd;gtw;iw

,tw;Wf;F cjhuzq;fshf Fwpg;gplyhk;. epfo;r;rp xd;iw jpl;lkply;> eilKiwg;gLj;jy; kw;Wk; gilg;ghw;wy;> njhopy;El;gk;> nghUl;fs; Nghd;wtw;iw nghWg;Ngw;wy; vd;gd epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;Jtk; nfhz;bUf;fpd;wd. ,jpy;> midj;J tbtikg;Gfs;> juf;FwpaPl;il NgZjy;> tpw;gid kw;Wk; njhlu;ghly; je;jpNuhghaq;fs;> xyp> xsp jahupg;Gfs;> mjd; vOj;jhf;fk;> nghUl;fs;> tuT nryT> cld;ghLk; thbf;ifahsu; NritAk;> ,yf;F itf;Fk; ghu;itahsiu milahsq;fhZjy;> Kd;Dupikfs;> fyhrhuk;> njhd;ikfs;> tpjpKiwfs;> me;j];J Mfpa midj;J cs;slq;fpAs;sd.

jpl;lkply; Kjypy; epfo;tpd; ehs; kw;Wk; xJf;fg;gl;l Neuj;jpd; mbg;gilapy; mjid milahsk; fhz Ntz;Lk;. gpd;du;> ,yf;fpw;Fs;shFk; ghu;itahsu;fs;> vjpu;ghu;f;fk; vz;zpf;if vd;gd Fwpj;J rpe;jpf;f Ntz;Lk;. mjd; gpd;> xJf;fg;gLk; njhif> mjw;fLj;J jpl;lkply;.

ftdj;jpy; nfhs;s Ntz;ba tplaq;fs; me;jf; fhyj;jpy;> jpUkzk; vd;gJ FLk;gj;jpy;> fpuhkj;jpy; ,lk;ngWk; kpfg; ngupa epfo;thf fUjg;gl;lJ. me;epfo;r;rp> ngw;Nwhu;fs;> cwtpdu;fs;> maytu;fspd;

gq;fspg;Gld; Kw;WKOjhf mtu;fshNyNa jpl;lkplg;gl;L elhj;jg;gl;ld. ,q;F MNyhridfs; gupkhwg;gl;ld. ,jpy; kzkfd;> kzkfspd; gq;fspg;G kpff; Fiwthdjhf fhzg;gl;lJ. ,U rhuhupdJk; ,zf;fj;ij mLj;J> jpUkzk; rpwg;ghf ele;NjWk;. rk;gpujhaq;fs; Kjy;> rikj;jy;> Nghf;Ftuj;J> myq;fhuk; vd;gd Fwpj;J ftdk; nrYj;jg;gLk;. md;G> ghrj;Jld; midj;J tplaq;fSk; ,lk;ngWk;. ed;wp xd;Nw mjw;fhd $ypahf mikAk;. jw;Nghija epiyapy;> ,t;thwhd epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;JtkhdJ ehfupfkhdjhfTk; mjpfkhNdhUf;F njhopy;tha;g;igAk; toq;Ffpd;wJ. Fwpj;j epfo;it jpwd;gl Nkw;nfhs;sf;$ba xU epfo;r;rp jpl;lkpLgtu; ,g;gzpf;fhf mku;j;jg;gLthu;. mj;Jiwrhu;e;jtUf;F ,jw;fhf ngUksthd gzk; toq;fg;gLk;. kzkfd;> kzkfs; my;yJ ngw;Nwhupdhy; Milfs;> miog;gpjo;> myq;fhuq;fs; kw;Wk; rk;gpujhaq;fs; Fwpj;J mtu;fsplk; fye;Jiuahlg;gLk;. midj;J nghWg;Gk; mtu;fsplk; xg;gilf;fg;gLk;. xt;nthU rpW rpW tplaq;fs; Fwpj;Jk; mtu;fsplk; Ngrg;gl;L> mit kpfr; rpwg;ghf elhj;jg;gLk;. ,jd; %yk; FLk;gj;jpdu;> vt;tpj rpf;fy;fSf;Fk; Mshf Ntz;bajpy;iy. ,t;thwhd epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;Jtk; njhlu;gpy; gy;NtW gy;fiyf;fofq;fs;> ghlnewpfis toq;Ffpd;wdu;. tplaq;fis jpl;lkpLtJ njhlu;gpy; Mw;wy; nfhz;l ,isQu;fSk;> epfo;r;rpfspy; gzpGupa tpUk;GNthUk;> ,jid KO Neu my;yJ gFjp Neu njhopyhf Nkw;nfhs;s KbAk;.




~Kvp‰l²j ƒ£ r±nM|p ~¥z~§K Ãúv ~fƒp - pnš}£ r{§z‹~‰ rù{Mlpx - v£zÝ yl‰p»~ˆYy lª… nš ëyl ýx ƒ¥Ã ÷Ãx£ |²Ÿ z¹Y£{ r‹…‹t½n »l£ylªy¥ »~þ»Knš Event Management (EM) xp§ R£MÞY {|»xp‰ {£~‹n£xY, n˜x§j§ýx ƒ¥Ã Y‰»}ˆl²xÃ. Wƒ‹nš Xtf {³£r£y, IJh£, ~¹~‰Y¯ÜY, ý»p¤ncpY Ul‰~{ »vp‰v »r°n‰[z‹Y Yfx§lª R£nš ýýo£Y£y »nŠ ~¹ýo£px Ãúvf ~‹ã»N. {¯l‰Ýx vGf»Knš Sƒ…‹p‰v ~‹Ñp Ul‰~{ ~¥z~§KYy¥{p‰ ÷~‰þK, ~Kvp‰l²j, r±nM|p, ƒ£ »p£»xY‰ Yj‰h£xK n˜ù [¥p‰þ»K Ul‰~{ R£nš MICE tourism »v»ƒx{õ. "Rr‹ Event Management ƒ‹ »n{p ryKry£{. 80 ƒ£ 90 n|Y{z Rr‹ »K r‹…‹t½n{ S»[p [l‰»l‰ R»rˆ »c³}‰gxp‰»[p‰. WYz Event Management v£p{ ~Krl‰ Y…vp£Yyjx ƒ£ xK »nxY‰ vp£ »z~ ~¹ýo£px Ãú»K Y£Mxxp‰»[‰ WYlª{Y‰. Rn {»[‰ »p»{õ. Rrf n˜x§j§ l£Y‰}Úx »v{zK Üt§»j‰ p¥ƒ¥. ƒ¥v »nŠv Y»…ˆ RÜp‰võ. xp‰l²{z‹p‰ »p»{õ. Rr‹ p{ »n»pY‰ nƒ »n»pY‰ WYv rù[jYx u£ýl Y…£. n¥p‰ »vv Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ ëyl þvf »ƒ£½nv Y£zx Un£»{z£. ƒ¥v»nŠv ýýoõ. Sl£ ~Ÿ[²»xp‰ p{³Yyjx »{p{£."Aitken Spence Travels ƒ‹ ë»x¤c³ ~£v£p³£éY£ú, Ziyan Ameen vƒl£ Event Management r‹…‹t½n Rnƒ~‰ nY‰{p zn‰»nŠ »v»z~‹p§õ. W»vp‰v Xƒ§ Sri Lanka Association of Professional Conference, Exhibition & Event Organisers (SLAPCEO)ƒ‹ ~u£rÜo«yx »ƒ£t{p Rly ~¹a£yY Rv£l³£¹|x xf»l‰Ã²x£lY‰vY {p |²Ÿ z¹Y£ ~K»Kzp Y£Mx£¹|»x ƒ‹

vj‰hz ~£v£ËY o¬yxY‰ n nyõ. òf {~y 15 Yf »ry Ziyan lv {£Úc»Nnš Ur£éx »Y£…w ý|‰{ ýn³£z»xp‰ zt£ [¥ì»vp‰ Rplªy¥{ Aitken Spence ~v£[vf ~Ktp‰o {p‰»p‰ r±nM|p ýYªj§K ëzoy»xY‰ (Exhibition Sales Person) »z~‹p§õ. "Rrf R{|³ ~¹a£yxf Upp‰ã{Y‰ nY‰{p vƒp‰~‹»xp‰ {¥hYyp‰p Y¥vÜ R»rˆ »~ˆ{£ ztp‰pp‰ ~lªf§ Y… x§lªõ xp Ryv§j Ré}‰g£px R¥Ü{ {¥h Yyp Rx. »vlpf »Y»pY‰ Wp‰»p‰ {³£r£y Yfx§l‰lY‰ Ryv§j§ Yy»[p. lvp‰f »ƒ£¼n™p‰ ~¥zYªK z¥»tp{£ pK X{§p‰ »t£»ƒ£v Y¥vÜõ. {¯l‰Üx ~v` ëMv£j|Ÿz‹ t{ ƒ£ n¥Õ R£|£{ WYlª {§j£v Xtf n˜[ª [vpY‰ x£vf ƒ¥Ã »Ný"ÃN»{l‰ Ziyan Ameen võ.

»vv Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ Xtf ƒv§{p Ru‹»x¤[ »v£p{£n? Xtf ƒv§{p n¥{¥p‰lv Ru‹»x¤[x v£p~‹Y R£lÜx ny£[¥ìv. xK Ul‰~{ R{~‰m£{Y‰ ~¥z~§KYy òx£{f p¥¹þ»Knš {¥yn˜x ƒ¥Ã l¥p‰ Rlr~§ýx ƒ¥Ã â »t£»ƒ£võ. ~Kr«Mj òx£n£vx r§y£{f ~‹xû â f {[Ã{ x§l‰l£ Xtv rvjõ. Wv ë~£ ~¹ýo£p Yª~zl£ vp£ »z~ r±[ªj Yy r{l‰{£[l x§lªõ. |²Ÿ z¹Y£»N Sl£ ý|‹}‰f [j»xˆ {³£r£ùY R¹[ ƒ£ ~Kvp‰l²j R£nš â c£ÜY vGf»vp‰ r¥{¥l‰»N. »Y»~ˆ {§{n ý|£z r‹ù~Yf ÷~‰ýx ƒ¥Ã |£z£ rƒ~§YK Rrf p¥ƒ¥. ~‹¹[r‰r«y¥»N p¥ÜpK v¥»z‰~‹x£»N ñë~§p‰ 15,000 Yf ÷~‰ýx ƒ¥Ã |£z£ Üt§jl‰ Rrf Ü»xp‰»p‰ ñë~§p‰ 1,600Yf rvj r±v£j{l‰ |£z£ rvjõ.

EM ~½nƒ£ »x£v§ þ»K r«M{ ~§ã~§YK »v£p{£n? v«z‹Y Ul‰~{ Y…vp£Yyj n¥p§vf Rvly{ v§nz‰ rùƒyjx ë~‹ »z~ ~‹ãÃú»K n¥p§vl‰ r±»x¤cp{l‰ »Ný. Xtf »{p‰ Y… v§nz ~Y~‰ Y… Rx{¥xYf Rp§{ Y…vp£Yyjx Y…»ƒ£l‰ R£xlpxf z£u Sröv »t£»ƒ£v rƒ~§ Yfx§l‰lY‰ »Ný. U°{»{z‰z~‰~ ý|‰{ ýn³£zx ƒ£ »Y£…w ý|‰{ ýn³£zx xp y£c³ ý|‰{ ýn³£z{zl‰ l{l‰ »t£»ƒ¤ »r°n‰[z‹Y ý|‰{ ýn³£z{zl‰ EM ƒ£ ~Ktp‰o Ur£é r£gv£z£ ƒ¥âùx ƒ¥Ãõ. pv§l‰ R¥l¥K r£gv£z£{p‰ ƒ‹ xK Ul‰~{xY‰ ~¹ýo£px Ãúvf Rn£… r±£»x¤[‹Y n¥p§v zt£ »p£»np t{l‰ ~‹ƒ‹ lt£[p‰p. W»vp‰v Xt S¹[²š~‹ u£}£{ ƒ¥~‹yþ»K nY‰}»xY‰ ýx x§lªx. S¹[²š~‹ »n{p u£}£{Y‰ {§{l‰ Xtf ý»nŠ|‹x [p§»np§Yy¥{p‰ ƒ£ WY‰{ {¥hÃúvf ~‹ã»Ný. Rp‰lMc£z R£nš rƒ~§YK Üïxnšl‰ S¹[²š~‹ »p£np‰p£ t{ r¥{~Ÿvf Xtf x§lª »p£»N. Xt Ã~‹ý»fYl‰ S¹[²š~‹ Yl£ Ãúvf zFc£ ýx x§lª p¥ƒ¥. Y¥h§j©§ S¹[²š~‹ »z~ R¥~§pl‰ Rrf »n{p t~Y‰ r±[ªj Y… ƒ¥Ãõ. "Rrf R{|³ ~£v£p³ n¥ìv ~ƒ‹l r‹ù~Y‰. vf ƒv§»{z£ Üxp ~vƒy ly¥j Rxf xK ~‹ãþvY‰ r±£»x¤[‹Y{ ~‹ã{p R£Y£yx ~‹Ý»K ƒ¥Ãx£{ p¥ƒ¥" »z~ Ziyan r¥{~§»N x.



epfo;Tfs;> khehLfs;> fz;fhl;rpfspd; Kfhikj;Jtk;

Mf;fk;: ejP\h ngsyP]; jkpopy;: Rizwan Segu Mohideen ifapy; njhopy; , yq; Gupaf;$ba rpwe;j njhopy;

Jiwfis NjLk; vkJ gazj;jpy;> epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;Jtk; vd;gJ gyuhYk; <Lgl;L Kd;Ndwf;$ba xU ,yhgkPl;lf;$ba Jiwahf milahsk; fhzg;gl;lJ. ,q;F tu;j;jf> tpisahl;L> fyhrhu> nghOJNghf;F kw;Wk; jdpg;gl;l epfo;Tfis cq;fshy; xOq;F nra;a KbAk;. njhopy;rhu; uPjpapy; ,jd; cau; kl;lj;jpy;> ghupa epfo;Tfs; xOq;F nra;ag;gLfpd;wd. cjhuzk;: $l;lq;fs;> Cf;Ftpg;G epfo;Tfs;> khehLfs;> fz;fhl;rpfs;. ~ehq;fs; epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;Jtj;jpy; ,uz;lhk; jiyKiwapdu;. 80 fs;> 90 fspy; ,Ue;j vkJ Kd;NdhbfsplkpUe;J ehk; ,jid fw;Wf; nfhz;Nlhk;. mjd; gpd;du;> epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;JtkhdJ> kdpj tsk; kw;Wk; nghUl;fs; vd;gtw;wpd; fyitahdJ. MapDk; ,d;iwa njhopy;El;gk; md;W ,Uf;ftpy;iy. midj;Jk; Neubahf Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl;lJ. xd;gJ my;yJ gj;J Ngu; xU fzdpia gad;gLj;jpNdhk;. gy;NtW fz;Lgpbg;Gfs;> gbj;juq;fs; te;Jtpl;ld. ,j;Jiwapy; ,Ug;gjw;F ,JNt Kf;fpa jUzkhFk;.| vd;fpwhu; va;l;fd; ];ngd;]; l;uty;]; (Aitken Spence Travels) epWtdj;jpd; gpujpg; nghJ Kfhikahsuhd rpahd; mkPd; mtu;fs;. mJ khj;jpukd;wp mtu;> ,yq;if njhopy;rhu; khehL> fz;fhl;rpfs; kw;Wk; epfo;r;rp xOq;fikg;ghsu; rq;fj;jpd; (SLAPCEO) jiytUk;> Rw;Wyh mikr;rpd; fPo; ,aq;Fk; ,yq;if khehl;L gzpafj;jpd; epu;thf FO cWg;gpdUk; Mthu;. jdJ tzpf gl;lj;ij (BCom) nfhOk;G gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy; g+u;j;jp nra;j rpahd;> fle;j 15 tUlq;fSf;F Kd; va;l;fd; ];ngd;]; epWtdj;jpy; fz;fhl;rp tpw;gidahsu; (Exibition Sales Person) Mf ,ize;jhu;. ~Rw;Wyh njhlu;gpy; Mu;tk; nfhz;l> kpff; fbd ciog;igf; nfhz;l> vkJ Nritis ngWNthUf;F rpwe;j Nritia toq;FNthiu ehk; vjpu;ghu;f;fpd;Nwhk;. vkJ thbf;ifahsu;fs; tu;j;jfj;jpw;fhf tUfpd;wdu; vdNt mtu;fs; rpwg;ghf ftdpf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. njhopy;thz;ik + gilg;ghw;wy; + Mu;tk; vd;gd cq;fis cr;rj;jpw;F nfhz;L nry;Yk;| vd;fpwhu; rpahd; mkPd;.

,j;Jiwapy; ePq;fs; fhZk; rthy;fs;? xU jdpg;gl;l eguhf kd mOj;jj;ij NgZtJ kpfg; ghupa rthyhf mikfpd;wJ. ePq;fs; xU epfo;tpw;F nghWg;ghf ,Uf;fpd;w epiyapy;> me;epfo;T rupahd Kiwapy; nry;fpd;wjh vd;gJ njhlu;gpy; nghWg;ghf ,Uf;Fk;NghJ> gy tplaq;fs; gpioahdjhf mikAk; epiy Vw;gLk; tha;g;G fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. MNuhf;fpakhd tifapy; mike;j xOq;FgLj;Jk; Mw;wiy ePq;fs; Ngz Ntz;Lk;. Njrpa uPjpapy;> tu;j;jf epfo;r;rpfs; kw;Wk; khehLfis elhj;Jtjw;F> ,yq;if xU kpfr; rpwe;j ,lkhFk;. MapDk;> mjpfsthd kf;fis nfhs;sf;$ba cl;fl;likg;G trjp FiwthfNt fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. 1>600 NgNu vkJ kpff; $ba nfhs;sT nfhz;l ,ltrjpahFk;. ,JNt rpq;fg;g+u;> kNyrpahtpy; 15>000 Ngu; nfhs;sTila kz;lgq;fs; fhzg;gLfpd;wd.

,j;Jiwapy; <Lgl cq;fSf;F vt;thwhd jFjpfs; mtrpak;? epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;Jtj;jpw;F mtrpakhd mbg;gil mwpTld;> epjp njhlu;ghd mwpT kpf cjtpaspf;Fk;. xU Fwpj;j njhiff;F Vw;g nryTfis epu;tfpg;gJ vt;thW vd ePq;fs; mwptPu;fshapd;> cq;fshy;


cq;fs; epWtdj;jpw;F ,yhgj;ij toq;f KbAk;. ngUk;ghyhd jdpahu; kw;Wk; mur (Cth nty;y];] kw;Wk; nfhOk;G) gy;fiyf;fofq;fspy; epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;Jtk; njhlu;ghd gl;lq;fs; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. mtw;iw ePq;fs; njhluyhk;. MapDk; ,t;thwhd gl;l ghlnewpfspy; nrad;Kiw uPjpapy; xU epfo;it xOq;fikg;gJ njhlu;ghd gapw;rpfs; vd;gJ FiwthfNt fhzg;gLfpd;wd. ePq;fs; Mq;fpyj;jpy; ruskhf NgRgtu;fshf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. Vnddpy; mJ vkj ,uz;lhk; nkhop vd;gNjhL> ntspehl;L thbf;ifahsu;fisAk; ePq;fs; ftdpf;f Ntz;batu;fshf ,Uf;fPd;wPu;fs;. ePq;fs; Mq;fpyk; njupahJ vdf; $w KbahJ. Vnddpy; vk;kplk; ,izak; Nghd;w gy;NtW tsq;fs; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. ePq;fs; Mq;fpyk; NgRtw;F jaq;ff; $lhJ> XusT njupe;jij NgRtJ $l rpwe;jJ. Vnddpy; ekJ ,uz;lhk; nkhopia ,jd; %yk; nkUNfw;wpf; nfhs;s KbAk;. ~vkf;F nghJ mZFKiw (Common Sense) nfhz;Nlhu; mtrpak;! rpy ,isQu;fs; eilKiw gpur;rpidfis vjpu;nfhs;tjpy; gpd;dpw;gij ehd; mtjhdpf;fpd;Nwd;.| vd;fpwhu; rpahd;.




Managing Events, By Nadeesha Paulis

Conferences & Exhibitions

n our hunt for some of the best industries to work in Sri Lanka, we’ve narrowed down Event Management (EM) as a very lucrative industry to join and thrive in. You can organise business, sports, cultural, entertainment and personal events. On a professional level, top event organisers operate MICE tourism i.e. meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions. “We are the 2nd generation of Event Managers. We learnt from our superiors during the 80’s and 90’s. Back then, EM was a mixture of HR and logistics. Unlike today, we hardly even had any technology. Everything was manual. Nine or ten of us shared just one computer. Now is the best time to be in this industry as there is so much diversity and innovation,” says Mr. Ziyan Ameen, Assistant General Manager of Aitken Spence Travels. He is also President of the Sri Lanka Association of Professional Conference, Exhibition & Event Organisers (SLAPCEO) as well as a Board Member of Sri Lanka Convention Bureau under the Ministry of Tourism. After he finished his BCom Degree at the University of Colombo, Ziyan joined Aitken Spence as an ‘Exhibition Sales Person’ 15 years ago. “We need people who are passionate about travel, who work hard and are determined to give our clients a good time. Clients come here on business, and they like to be treated well. Professionalism + Creativity + Passion will take you a long way, ” Ziyan Ameen.


level of organisation skills. On a national level, Sri Lanka is an excellent destination for business events and conferences. However, there is a lack of infrastructure that can hold a large number of people. Our maximum capacity is about 1600 people while Singapore and Malaysia have halls that can fit 15000 people.

You also need to be good in English, even though it’s our second language as you will be dealing foreign clients. You can’t say you don’t know English when we have so many resources such as the internet available for us. You should never be shy to speak English, as broken as it sounds because we can always improve on a second language. “We need people with common sense! I find that some youngsters lack the ability to think practically in a situation,” says Ziyan.

What qualifications do you need to get into EM? Added to basic event management knowledge, a sense of finance is helpful. When you know how to stick to a budgets and manage revenue, you’re able to bring in profits to your company. Many private and local (Uwa Wellassa and Colombo) universities have EM related degrees that you can follow, keeping in mind that some of these degrees lack the practical aspect of organising an event.

What challenges do you find in this industry? As an individual, the biggest challenge is managing stress. There are many things that could go wrong when you’re in charge of an event as its upto you to check if the event runs smoothly. You must maintain a healthy

Ziyan Ameen




Mf;fk;: Nj\hdp tPurpq;f jkpopy;: Rizwan Segu Mohideen


Mk; Mz;il Nehf;fp gazpf;Fk; ehk;> me;j 2020 ,d; mDgtj;ij ngw MtYld; ,Uf;fpd;Nwhk;. “gpNahz;l; ngsz;up];” MdJ> epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;Jtk; nra;Ak; xU epWtdkhFk;. fle;j 2013 Mk; Mz;L Kjy; ,J ,aq;fp tUfpd;wJ. ,q;F ,jw;fhf me;epWtdKk; mjd; Copau;fSk;> tiuaiwfSf;Fl;gl;L ,lk;ngWk; xU epfo;it kpf rpwg;ghfTk; tpj;jpahrkhdjhfTk; ,lk;ngw khWgl;l tifapy; ciof;fpd;wdu;. epWtdq;fs;> mjd; Copau;fs;> gq;fshu;fSldhd njhlu;Gfis tYthf;fp> mtu;fsJ NtiyfSf;fhd ntFkjpfis toq;fp> kd typik kw;Wk; tsu;r;rpf;fhd #oiy Gjpa uPjpapy; Nkw;nfhs;tJ njhlu;gpy;> gpNahz;l; ngsz;up]; epWtdk;> epfo;r;rpfis jpl;lkpl;L toq;Ffpd;wJ. ,jd;NghJ mJ> FO gpizg;G> Cf;Ftpg;G nghjpfs;> jpl;lkpl;l gazk; Nghd;w tplaq;fspy; Kf;fpa ftdk; nrYj;Jfpd;wJ. epWtdq;fs; khj;jpukd;wp ntspj; njhlu;Gfis gyg;gLj;jp Kd;Ndw epidf;Fk; FOtpdUf;Fk; ,tu;fs; jkJ Nritfis toq;FtjhdJ> ,tu;fsJ jdpj;Jtj;jpw;F fhuzkhf mikfpd;wJ.

BB ,d; FO gpizg;G cq;fsJ epWtdk; cq;fis mDg;Gfpd;w rhjhuz FOg; gpizg;G gapw;rpfs; Nghyd;wp> ,it tpj;jpahrkhd Kw;wpYk; NtWgl;ljhFk;. rpwe;jJ ,ypUe;J kpfr; rpwe;jJ vd;gij Nehf;fpajhfNt ,tu;fs; FO gpizg;G epfo;Tfis tbtikf;fpd;wdu;. ,tu;fsJ mDgtk; tha;e;j FOtpduhy; fw;if Fwpg;Gfs; toq;fg;gLfpd;wd. mtw;iw cq;fsJ gzpapy; Neubahf gad;gLj;j KbAk; vd;gNjhL> mJ cq;fsJ epWtdj;jpd; midj;J epfo;TfspYk;> cq;fsJ FOtpdu; xd;whf ,aq;Ftjw;Fk;> xUq;fpize;J nraw;gLtjw;Fk; cjtpaspf;fpd;wJ.

d n o y “Be ” s e i r a d n u Bo

p r ; r ; o epf ; k t J ; j k i Kfh

cq;fsJ vjpu;ghu;g;ig kpfr; rpwg;ghf <Lnra;af;$ba tifapyhd gy;NtW njupTfSld; $ba nghjpfis ,tu;fsplkpUe;J ngw Kbfpd;wJ. cjhuzkhf BB energizer nghjp> cq;fsJ mYtyfj;jpw;f mUfpy;> Nfspf;if kpf;f FO gpizg;G nraw;ghLfspy; <Lgl itf;fpd;wJ.

BB Cf;Ftpg;G nghjpfs; tPzbf;fg;glhj tifapy;> jq;fsJ Copau;fSf;F tpj;jpahrkhd Cf;Ftpg;Gfis toq;f epidf;Fk; epWtdq;fs;> Cf;Ftpg;G gaz gupir toq;FtJ rpwg;ghFk;. mJ jtpu rpwpa rYiffis toq;FtJk; vt;tifapYk; ahiuAk; ghjpf;fhJ. Cf;fkspj;jyhdJ> tu;j;jf njhlu;Gfis tYthf;Fk; epfo;T vd tiutpyf;fzg;gLj;jyhk;. BB MdJ> ,yq;ifapy; jdpj;Jtk; kpf;f KO Cf;Ftpg;G Nritia toq;Ffpd;wJ. mtu;fsJ Cf;Ftpg;Gfspy;> FO gpizg;G> jiyikj;Jt Kd;Ndw;wk; vd;gtw;iw mtjhdpf;fyhk;. ,q;Fk;> gy;NtW tifapyhd Cf;Ftpg;G nghjpfis thbf;ifahsu; jhk; tpUk;Gk; tifapy; njupT nra;ayhk;. BB chill out MdJ> nrhFRkpf;f Xa;T kw;Wk; rhfrq;fisf; nfhz;ljhftk; BB Gala MdJ> kpfr; rpwg;G tha;e;j Copaiu my;yJ tpRthrk; kpFe;j tu;j;jf gq;fhsiu Cf;Ftpg;gjw;fhdjhFk;.

BB jpl;lkpl;l gazk; ehshe;jk; khw;wKWk; tu;j;jf cyj;jpy;> cw;gj;jpj;jpwd;> nraw;wpwd; kpf;f KbntLj;jy; kw;Wk; ,d;iwa epiyikf;F Kfk; nfhLj;jy; Nghd;wd ,yFthd fhupak; md;W. ,t;thwhd tplaq;fSf;F Kfk; nfhLj;J jpl;lkpl;l gazj;jpy; <LgLtjw;fhf BB MdJ Copau;fs; kw;Wk; egu;fs; Nkw;nfhs;sf;$batw;iw rpwg;ghdjhf Nkw;nfhs;s nra;tNjhL> mtu;fSf;F tYt+l;b> gue;j vz;zj;ij Vw;gLj;Jtjd; %yk; ,t;thwhd gy rthy;kpf;f ghj;jpuq;fis Vw;fTk; top nra;fpd;wJ. cq;fsJ epWtdj;jpw;Fk; BB ,d; cjtp mtrpak; vdpd;> www.bb.lk vDk; Kftupf;F nry;tjd; %yk; mtu;fSld; njhlu;ig Vw;gLj;jyhk;. ,J cz;ikapy; Xu; tpj;jparhkhd mDgtkhFk;.



By Deshanee Weerasinghe

ith a vision to have 2020 people

W who are happy to vouch for them

in 2020, Beyond Boundaries (BB) is a company that has been living and breathing in event management since 2013. At BB, what they do, they do best and strive to “Shake Up” the norm and change the way organisations and individuals operate. For organisations looking at innovative ways to bring their employees / partners together, to strengthen their relationships, to motivate and reward their workforce and to create an atmosphere of positivity and growth, BB offers the perfect blend of events in the areas of Team Bonding, Expeditions and Incentive packages. The uniqueness about BB is that they deliver not only to organizations but for just about any groups who need a little bit of improvement in collaboration and bonding to be their best.

best”. Their experienced team will provide you with learning points that can be directly applied to your work and will help your teams come together and work better and cooperate effectively across all organisational functions. When with BB, you also get the choice to choose from their range of packages the one you feel meets and fulfills your expectations the best. For example,the BB energizer will enable you to indulge in fun team bonding activities closer to your office location.

BB Incentives For organisations that want to stray away from the beaten track and give their employees a different kind of reward, an incentive travel award would be a sure winner. Besides, a little pampering never harmed anyone!Simply put, Incentives are events organized to strengthen business relationships. BB is the exclusive supplier of full-service incentives in Sri Lanka. Their incentives include team bonding and leadership development as part of the experience. Here again, the customer is able to choose

from a range of incentive programmes such as the BB chill out which offers luxurious relaxation with a touch of adventure and the BB Gala which helps to reward the outstanding employees or loyal business partners.

BB Expeditions Productive, effective decision making and staying on edge in the ever changing world of business is no easy task. It is the survival of the fittest and engaging in an expedition the type set out by BB will gear employees and individuals to be the best at what they do, sharpening their strenghths and broadening their minds to take on more challenging roles. Making an iquiry with BB for your organisation / team is just a click of a button away. Visit http://www. bb.lk/ to make inquiries and get your organisation connected with BB. It’s a truly different experience!

t n e m e g a n a ” M s t e i n r e a d Ev n u o B d n o ey

Team Bonding at BB

These are not the ususal team building trainings your company sends you for. Infact it is far from usual. At BB they design and deliver team bonding events to help the “good become the






~fƒp - »nŠ|£ë þy~‹¹ƒ rù{Mlpx - v£zÝ yl‰p»~ˆYy Boundaries (BB) xp§ {~y B eyond 2013 ~‹f event management

Y£Mxxp‰ƒ‹ ëx¥zŸ ~‹Ñp {~y 2020 nš ~v£[»K »~ˆ{£{p‰»[p‰ lªf§{« »~ˆ{£z£uŸp‰ 2020 Y‰ ~Kr«Mj Ãú»K n¥Y‰vY‰ R¥Ü{ »~ˆ{£ ~rxp ~v£[vÃ. X{§p‰ ~‹x Y£Mxx vƒl‰ rù|²vxÃp‰ vp£{ ~‹ãYy R£xlpxp‰ƒ‹ »vp‰v r§n‰[z òx£Y£yYK{z n ~§u{£nš »{p~‰YK ~‹ãYyõ. »t£»ƒ¤ R£xlp lv »~ˆ{Yxp‰ »vp‰v {³£r£y ƒ{§z‰Yy¥{p‰ xp »nr£M|{x Rly R¥Ü ~t½nl£ ~ývl‰ Ãúvf, X{§p‰ l{l{l‰ »~ˆ{x ~½nƒ£ n˜ùvl‰ Ãúvf, X{§p‰»[‰ Y£Mxx R[x Ãúvf, op£l‰vY »vp‰v {Mopx ýx ƒ¥Ã {fr‹f£{Y‰ ëMv£jx Ãúvf Rn£… p{ Y²v»Nn r‹…‹tq »t£»ƒ¤ Upp‰ã»N. »vƒ‹nš BB ý~‹p‰ »vÄ R£xlp ~½nƒ£ Yj‰h£xK ƒ¥`Ÿ»vp‰ WYv Ryv§jY‰ ƒw£xp r‹ù~Yf Rl³{|³ [ªj£¹[ {Mopx {p R£Y£y»xˆ ýýo {¥h~fƒp‰ r{l‰{p Rlyv »vv r‹ù~ n˜ù[p‰{p ýýo r¥»Y‰c R£xlpxf ƒ¼ãp‰{£»nõ. BB ƒ‹ ~§ý»|‰}š t{ {p‰»p‰ R£xlp U»n~£ rvjY‰ »p£{ ~ƒ»x¤[Ÿ{ Yfx§lª Ãúv ƒ£ Yj‰h£xK t¥¼n™v xp‰p ~r§y£ [¥ìvf R{|³ Y{y »ƒ¤ Yj‰h£xvY‰ ~½nƒ£ lv »~ˆ{x zt£nšvõ.

BB ƒ‹ Yj‰h£xK t¥¼nšv Yj‰h£xK t¥¼nšv »[£hp¹{p W»ƒl‰ ~£Kr±n£õY »p£{p ~§ý»|‰}Ÿ r§ƒ§j§{Y‰ »vƒ‹nš z¥»tp Rly Wv[‹p‰ Sl£vl‰ Sƒ… vGf»K Yj‰h£xK t¥¼nšvY‰ R¥Ü Yy{õ. Xtf òx£Y£yYK{znš ~¯c§{v »x£n£ [lƒ¥Ã S»[p§K Rõlv ~rxñp‰ Bp¦v R£xlëY òx£{Ynš ~£v§ƒ‹Y{, szn£ö{ X»J Yj‰h£xv ƒ£ WY‰{ {¥h Y… ƒ¥Ã R£Y£yx X{§p‰»[‰ Rl‰n¥ÄK ~r‹ù Yjh£xv ý~‹p‰ Xtf vp£{ ƒ§y¥Yy{õ. BB ƒ‹ »vv òx£Y£yYK{zf Rn£… r¥»Y‰c [jp£{Y‰ R¥l. A{£õp‰ Xt»[‰Ryv§jf ~ùzp r¥»Y‰cx Xtfv »l¤y£[l ƒ¥Y. Un£ƒyjxY‰ »z~ BB energizer v[‹p‰ Xt»[‰ Y£Mx£z rù|²xf ~òr ~‰m£pxY ý»p¤n£l‰vY{ Yj‰h£xK t¥¼nšv R¥Ü Yy{p òx£Y£yYK Xt »{p§»{p‰ ~Y~õ.

BB ƒ‹ n˜ù[¥p‰þK {¥ynšK ~½nƒ£ nh§{K »{p§{f »ƒ£¼n™p‰ {¥hYyp »~ˆ{Yxp‰ ~½nƒ£ »n~‰ ý»n~‰ ~¹a£y {¥ë ýýo£Y£y {« r¥~~§K zt£nšv Sl£ ~£MmY n˜ù[¥p‰þ»K Ur£xÃ. nY‰} »~ˆ{Y»xY‰f {¥Õ xvY‰ zt£nšv

Event Management “Beyond Boundaries” R»pY£f ƒ£ëxY‰ »p£»N. n˜ù nšvp£ {³£r£y ~t½nl£ ~ývl‰ Yy{p‰pÃ. BB xp§ |›² z¹Y£»N »~ˆ{Y n˜ùvl‰ Ãú»K Y²v»Nn ~Ktp‰o r«Mj »~ˆ{xY‰ zt£ [l ƒ¥Ã WYv R£xlpxõ. X{§p‰»[‰ n˜ù [¥p‰þK Y²v»Nn lª… Yj‰h£xK t¥¼n™v »vp‰v p£xYl‰{ ~¹{Mop Y²v»Nn n Rp‰lM[lx. W»vp‰v »vƒ‹ Y¥vÜ rùn˜ »l¤y£ [lƒ¥Ã {p »z~f ~Y~‰ {« r£ù»u¤[‹Yõp‰ n˜ù[¥p‰þ»K {¥h~fƒp‰ n R¥l. BB chill out RÜ ~§»Z£‰r»u¤[Ÿ{«l‰ [»N}j a£ùY£ n WY‰{ ý»NYx ý»p¤n»xp‰ [l Ãúvf R{~‰m£{ ~z~p‰pÃ. W»vp‰v BB Gala ý|‹}‰f [j»xˆ {« »~ˆ{Yxp‰ »ƒ¤ {³£r£yxf [¥Ü {« ƒ{§z‰Yy¥{p‰f r¥~~§K zt£nšvf UrY£ú»N.

BB ƒ‹ ~£MmYl‰{x szn£ö, ~£MmY Ýyj [¥ìv ~ƒ ~¥výfv »{p~‰ {p {³£r£y »z¤Y»xˆ r¥{¥l‰v rƒ~§ p¥l. pv§l‰ BB ƒ‹ vp£ r¥{¥l‰»K yƒ~ {p‰»p‰ X{§p‰ r§n‰[z ƒ¥Ãx£{p‰ l{l{l‰ v§{ƒl‰ Yyñp‰, r§ûz‰ n¥Y‰vY‰ R¥Ü{, WûpÃp‰ »{p~‰ {« u®ñY£{pf rj nš ëx¥»zp Bp¦v Y£MxxY ý|‹}‰fxp‰ þvf ƒ¥Ã Rpp³ Y²v»Nn [»N}jx v[‹p‰ ƒ¼ãp£»[p A{£ òx£{f p¥¹þvf Rn£… r§n‰[zxp‰ »x£v§ Ãúvõ. Xt R£xlpxf »ƒ¤ Yj‰h£xvf BB r‹…‹t½n ýv~Ÿvf »ƒ¤ X{§p‰ ƒ£ ~Ktp‰o þvf R{|³ pK, http://www.bb.lk/ »{J Rhýxf r‹ý»~p‰p. ~¥týp‰v Wx »{p~‰v Rl‰n¥ÄvY‰.




Event Management and Volunteerism at its best By Sharlene De Chickera

ri Lanka’s largest education

S exhibition and Job Fair is a case in

point for event management at its best, organised by a large volunteer team and a few staff members. The three annual EDEX Expos encompass, many facets and features that create a giant platform of local and global convergence, with the aim of offering choices, options and opportunities, for youth in Sri Lanka between 16-24 years. The event is organised to attract youth who are school leavers, to assist them in making the correct choices from their school-to-work transition, highlight interesting careers and enlightening them on sustainable living. For the event, many sponsors are canvassed. The sponsors are categorised in to Platinum, Gold and Silver. Parallel to the Education Expo, a careers based Job-Fair is organised for the benefit for those who wish to gain access to well-known companies. The Job Fair creates a conduit between Job Providers and Seekers, comprising over 40 stalls. An Entrepreneur Zone,also empowers aspiring youth, expert advice on starting their own business and establish themselves in gainful employment. Uploading CVs to edexcareers.lk is encouraged. The event is endorsed by the Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Higher Education and Highways Ministry of Skills Development and Vocational

Training, Ministry of Labour and Trade Union Relations, Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment and the International Labour Organisation. (ILO) Letters of request have to be sent, and the endorsement is given. The same goes for Strategic Partners; who in the past have included, the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) and Employers’ Federation of Ceylon. (EFC)

The Expocreates a convergence of key post-secondary educational stakeholders, of over 250 education exhibition booths, both local and foreign universities, and institutes from over 20 countries. International pavilionsare also managed. The Psychometric Testing Centre,in collaboration of the National Career Guidance Association (NCGA) provides youth yeoman service in guiding youth on the right career path. The event also has an invitation to treat by the public at large. EDEX Nenapahana, the outreach programme, invites donors to enrich the lives of rural school children by donating new books and other equipment for use of school-life. The whole event is organised through face-to-face meetings, e-mails, facebook, skype, and whatsapp. The team strengths, synergies and commitment are considered vital for sustainability. The event is based on a strong vision for youth, ethics, values and best practices.




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Event Management v[‹p‰ rj»np ~fƒp - |£zŸp‰ Ö. Ç»Y‰y£ rù{Mlpx - v£zÝ yl‰p»~ˆYy


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~¹ýo£px Yyp |²Ÿ z¹Y£»N ý|£zlv r±nM|px ƒ£ ÷Ãx£ »r£… event management xp‰p Sl£ Sƒ… vGfñp‰ ~‹ã{p‰pYf Un£ƒyjxÃ. EDEX Expo »z~ pK Yy R¥Ü »vx {~yYf »l{yY‰ r¥{¥l‰»N. {x~ R{§y¥ã 16 ~‹f 24 nY‰{£ {« |²Ÿ z£¹ÃY ly¥j r±c£{ U»n~£ ~§ý»|‰}Ÿ{ ~Y~‰ {« »vƒ‹ ýýo ý}x£¹[ ~½nƒ£ »nŠ|Ÿx{ ƒ£ ý»nŠ|Ÿx yf{z R¥Ü ýýo R{~‰m£ ~‹xz‰z WY‰Yy r±nM|px ~½nƒ£ {§ RÜ n¥{¥p‰l »Nn˜Y£{Y‰ ~Y~‰»N. »vx r£~z‰ ƒ¥y xp‰pp‰ U»n~£v ~¹ýo£px {«{Ã. WpK r£~»zˆ ~‹f ÷Ãx£ ~‰m£px nY‰{£ {p ~¹Y²£p‰Ü»xnš ë{¥yn˜ »l¤y£[¥ìK U»n~£ ~ƒx {p »~ˆ X{§p‰ Y¥vÜ {¯l‰Ýp‰ S~‰vlª Yyñp‰ Çy~‰m£ö n˜ýxY‰ ~z~£ [¥ìvf UrY£ú þv U»n~£v ~Y~‰ {«{Ã. »K ~½nƒ£ »t£»ƒ¤ Rp§[²£ƒYxp‰ n£xY »N. »vv Rp§[²£ƒY R£xlp Platinum, Gold ƒ£ Silver »z~ Y£j‰h{zf »tn£ R¥l.

Education Expo ƒ£ ~v[£ò{ {¯l‰Ýp‰ vl rnpK {« ÷Ãx£ »r£…Y‰ r¥{¥l‰»N. »vv[‹p‰ r±~‹n‰o R£xlpxp‰ƒ‹ »~ˆ{x Ãúv ~½nƒ£ tz£»r£»y£l‰lª {p‰pp‰f A ~½nƒ£ R{~‰m£{ Un£»N. YªÑ 40 Ãp‰ rvj ~vp‰ýl ÷Ãx£ »r£… ƒyƒ£ ÷Ãx£ »~£xp‰pp‰f ƒ£ ÷Ãx£ ~rxp‰pp‰f ƒv§þvf R{~‰m£{ Un£»N. {³{~£xYl‰{ Yz£rx ƒyƒ£ ly¥j ly¥Úxp‰ lv£»[‰v {³£r£yxY‰R£yKu Ãúvf ƒ£ Wx z£un£ö WYY‰ t{f rl‰Yy[p‰p£ R£Y£yx ~½nƒ£ R{|³ Ur»n~‰ zt£»nŠ. W»vp‰v edexcareers.lk f lv£»[‰ »l£ylªy¥ R¥lª…l‰ z‹xýz‰zY‰ R¥lª…l‰ Y… ƒ¥Y. »vv òx£{z‹x ~½nƒ£ R[²£v£l³ Y£Mx£zx, Ro³£rp Rv£l³£¹|x, U~~‰ Ro³£rp ƒ£ vƒ£v£M[ Rv£l³£¹|x, Yª~zl£ ~¹{Mop ƒ£ {¯l‰Ýx r§ƒ§j§ Rv£l³£¹|x, YKYy¥ ƒ£ {¯l‰Ýx ~t½nl£ Rv£l³£¹|x, rù~y ƒ£ vƒ{¥z‹ ~¹{Mop Rv£l³¹|x, Rp‰lMc£ÜY {¯l‰Ýx ~¹ýo£px (ILO) xp ~‹xû R£xlpxp‰ƒ‹ Rp§v¥Üx z¥ð R¥l. lv Sz‰zŸK z‹r‹ v[‹p‰ Sn˜ùrl‰ Y… x§lª Rly A ~½nƒ£

R{|³ Rp§v¥Üx zt£»nŠ. Strategic Partners ~½nƒ£ n »vx Rn£… {p Rly ñp‰ »ry Strategic Partners {«»xˆ Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) ƒ£ Employers’ Federation of Ceylon (EFC) x. »nŠ|Ÿx ƒ£ ý»nŠ|Ÿx ý|‰{ ýn³£z ƒ£ Ro³rp R£xlpxp‰f Rn£… YªÑ 250 Yf RéY r±v£jxY‰ »vƒ‹ R¥Ü Rly »K ~½nƒ£ yf{z‰ 20 Yf {¥Õ [jpY Ro³£rp R£xlp ~ƒu£[‹ »N. WpK Expo v[‹p‰ r|‰a£l‰ n‰ýÝõY Ro³£rp R{~‰m£{p‰ ~z~p‰pp‰ ~½nƒ£n lv R£xlpxp‰ r‹…‹t½n ly¥j ly¥Úxp‰ n¥p§{l‰ Ãúvf R{~‰m£{Y‰ z¥»J. v»p¤ñÜY rúY‰}j vo³~‰m£px r{l‰{£»[p xp§ ztp‰»p‰ |²Ÿ z¹Y£ {¯l‰Ýx v£M»[¤r»nŠ| R£xlpx v[‹ë. »vv[‹p‰ ly¥j ly¥Úxp‰f lv ƒ¥Ãx£{p‰f Rn£… {p ë{¥yn˜ {¯l‰Üx »l¤y£[¥ìv ~½nƒ£ R{|³ v£M»[¤r»nŠ| z¥»J. »vx vƒl‰ cp£nyxf r£l² {«{Ã. EDEX Nenapahana [²£òx r£~z‰ …v§p‰ ~½nƒ£ R{|³ Rûl‰ »r£l‰ ƒ£ R»pYªl‰ r£~z‰ UrYyj zt£nšv v[‹p‰ ãr‰rl‰ ny¥{p‰»[‰ Ìýl p[£ ~‹f§þvf Y¥v¥l‰l nY‰{p‰pp‰f A ~½nƒ£ n£xY þvf R£y£op£ Yyõ. »vv ~‹xz‰z ~¹ýo£px Yyp§ ztp‰»p‰ v§ƒ§jf v§ƒ§j ƒv§{p ÷~‰þK, ýn³§l‰ l¥r¥z‰ rÚ{§h (e-mails), v§ƒ§j§»r£l (face book), skype ƒ£ whatsapp ƒyƒ£x. »vƒ‹ ~£MmYl‰{»xˆ yƒ~‰ {p‰»p‰ Yj‰h£xK tzx, ~£v§ƒ‹Y t{ ƒ£ Y¥rþvõ. »vv R¹[x l£y¥j³xf, |Y‰Üvl‰ n¥Y‰vl‰, R£a£y oMv, {Ñp£YK ƒ£ xƒrl‰ Y²v»Nn vl v§ûvëp‰v rnpK {«{Ã.




cr;rk; njhl;l epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;JtKk;> njhz;lu;fSk; Mf;fk;: rhu;ypd; b rpf;Nfuh jkpopy;: Rizwan Segu Mohideen ifapd; kpfg; ghupa fz;fhl;rp , yq; kw;Wk; njhopw; re;ij MdJ> ghupa njhz;lu; gilazpAld; nrhw;gstpyhd mYtyf cWg;gpdu;fshy; xOq;F nra;ag;gLk; xU epfo;thFk;. ,J> epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;Jtj;jpd; rpwg;Gf;F xU rhd;whFk;. gy;NtW Kfq;fisAk;> rpwg;gk;rq;fisAk; nfhz;ljhf fle;j %d;W tUlkhf ,lk;ngw;w vnlf;]; vf;];Ngh epfo;tpy;> ,yq;ifapYs;s 16 - 24 tajpw;Fl;gl;l ,isQu;fSf;F rupahd njupTfs;> tha;g;Gfis toq;Fk; tifapy;> ngUkstpyhd cs;ehl;L kw;Wk; ntspehl;L fz;fhl;rpahsu;fs; gq;Fgw;wpapUe;jdu;. Fwpg;ghf ,e;epfo;T> ghlrhiyf; fy;tpia epiwT nra;Njhiu fUj;jpw; nfhz;L Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl;bUe;jNjhL> gs;sp tho;f;ifapypUe;J njhopy; tho;f;iff;F mb vLj;J itf;fTs;s mtu;fs;> rupahd njupit Nkw;nfhs;tjw;Fk;> mtu;fs; Mu;tkhfTs;s Jiwia ruptu milahsk; fhzTk;> mjd; %yk; cWjpahd vjpu;fhyj;ij toptFf;fTk; ,jd; %yk; toptFf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. ,e;epfo;tpw;F ngUkstpyhNdhu; mDruiz toq;fpapUe;jdu;. mDruizahsu;fs; gpshl;bdk;> Nfhy;l;>

rpy;tu; vd tifg;gLj;jg;gl;bUe;jdu;. fy;tpf; fz;fhl;rpAld; ,ize;jthW> njhopy; tha;g;G njhlu;ghd njhopw; re;ijAk; xOq;F nra;ag;gl;bUe;jJ. mjd; %yk; gpugy;akhd epWtdq;fspy; njhopy; ngWk; tha;g;Gk; Vw;gLj;jg;gl;lJ. 40 ,w;Fk; Nkw;gl;l fhl;rpf;$lq;fisf; nfhz;;l ,e;j njhopw; re;ij> njhopy; toq;FdUf;Fk; njhopy; ngWdUf;Fk; ,ilapy; xU Clfkhf nraw;gl;lJ. ,jpy; cs;slf;fg;gl;bUe;J Ra njhopy; Kaw;rpahsu;fSf;fhd tyaj;jpd; %yk;> Ra njhopy;fis Nkw;nfhz;L> jdJ nrhe;jf; fhypy; epd;W xU epiyahd ,lj;ij mila tpUk;Gk; ,isQu;fs; Cf;Ftpf;fg;gl;lNjhL> mtu;fSf;F Jiwrhu; epGzu;fspd; MNyhridfSk;

toq;fg;gl;lJ. mj;Jld; edexcareers.lk jsj;jpy; jq;fsJ Ra tpguf; Nfhitia juNtw;Wtjw;Fk; Cf;Ftpf;fg;gl;lJ. ,e;epfo;Tf;F> gpujkupd; mYtyfk;> fy;tp mikr;R> cau; fy;tp kw;Wk; neLQ;rhiyfs; mikr;R> jpwd; mgptpUj;jp kw;Wk; njhopw;gapw;rp mikr;R> njhopy; kw;Wk; njhopw;rq;f cwTfs; mikr;R> kfhtyp mgptpUj;jp kw;Wk; Rw;whly; mikr;R kw;Wk; ru;tNjr njhopy; rq;fk; (ILO) Mfpad jq;fsJ Mjuit toq;fpapUe;jd. ,jw;fhf ehk; mtu;fis fbjk; njhlu;G nfhz;lij mLj;J> mtu;fs; jq;fsJ Mjuit toq;fpapUe;jik Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. mNj Nghd;Nw %Nyhgha gq;fhsu;fshf njhlu;e;Jk; ,aq;fp tUk;> ,yq;if tu;j;jf rk;Nksdk; (CCC) kw;Wk; ,yq;if Copau; rk;Nksdk; (EFC) MfpadTk; ,ize;jd. ,f;fz;fhl;rp> Kf;fpakhd> gpd; Jiz fy;tp gq;fhsu;fisAk;> 250 ,w;Fk; Nkw;gl;l fy;tp fz;fhl;rp $lq;fisAk;> cs;ehl;L kw;Wk; ntspehl;L gy;fiyf;fofq;fisAk;> 20 ,w;Fk; Nkw;gl;l fy;tp epWtdq;fisAk; xUq;Nf nfhz;ljhf fhzg;gl;lJ. mj;Jld; ru;tNjr $lhuq;fisAk; nfhz;bUe;jJ. ,isQu;fis rupahd ghijapy; ,l;Lr; nry;Yk; tifapy;> cs uPjpahd guPl;rpg;G ikak;> ,yq;if njhopy; topfhl;ly; fy;tp epWtdj;jpdhy; toq;fg;gl;l jpwikahd ,isQu;fis ,dq;fhZk; Nritfs; vd;gdTk; fhzg;gl;ld. mj;Jld; ,e;epfo;tpy; ngUk;ghyhd kf;fs; gq;Fgw;Wk; tifapy; miog;G tpLf;fg;gl;bUe;jJ. vnlf;]; nezg`d (mwpnthsp) vDk; ngU tuNtw;Gg; ngw;w epfo;r;rp> fpuhkg;Gw ghlrhiy khztu;fis Cf;Ftpf;Fk; tifapy;> mtu;fsJ fy;tp eltbf;iffSf;F mtrpakhd> Gjpa mg;gpahrf; nfhg;gpfs; cs;spl;l ghlrhiy cgfuzq;fis md;gspg;G nra;af;$batu;fis xd;wpizj;jJ. ,t;tidj;J epfo;TfSk; Neubahf re;jpj;J> kpd;dQ;ry;> Ng];Gf;> ];ifg; kw;Wk; tl;];mg; Mfpatw;wpd; %yk; %yk; xOq;F nra;ag;gl;lJ. ,jd;NghJ> ,f;FOtpd; gyk;> xw;Wik> <LghL vd;gd kpfg; ngUk; gq;F tfpj;jd. ,e;epfo;T> ,isQu;fSf;fhd topfhl;bahfTk;> newpKiwahfTk;> ngWkjp kpf;fJk; rpwe;j nrad;KiwiaAk; nfhz;l kpf gyk; nghUe;jpa mbg;gil Nehf;fj;ij nfhz;ljhFk;.


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and Pakistan) ly`£{z‹x ~¹ýo£px Ãúvõ. »HýH Yª~z£px »fë~‰ IJh£»N »z¤Y Yª~z£px »z~ ~zYp Rly Wx »fë~‰ IJh£»N r±o£plv S~N{õ. Xƒ§ ý~‹p‰ R£{yjx Yyp zn R»pY‰ Y¥rŸ »rp¨j© R¹[ »z~ Carlton Rugby 7s (Press conference), Sri Lanka Tennis Premier League, Sri Lanka Tennis Nationals ~ƒ Sri Lanka Tennis Association v[‹p‰ ~¹ýo£px Yyp zn r±o£plv R¹[{z‹p‰ »t£»ƒ£vxY‰ »rp‰{£ n˜xƒ¥Ãx. »vÄ Ä²h£ R¹[ »v»ƒxþK{zf Rvly{ ~§ñl²£yDÇ »t£»ƒ£vxY‰ ë}‰r£np ƒ¼ãp‰{£ nš»K {¥h~fƒp‰ ƒ£ v£o³ ~£YDb£ R£{yjx Yy R¥l. v¦l Y£zŸp{ Xƒ§ Ru‹»r±ˆyjx, p£xYl‰{x, Ur£x ~¥z~§KYyjx ~ƒ [‹ý~£ [¥ì»K Ur£x v£M[ {¥ë v£l¯Y£{zf Rn£…{ r£~z‰ r±c£{ ~½nƒ£ {¥hv§û »v»ƒxþv R£yKu Yy R¥Ü Rly Wx Sp‰ Sƒ… vGf»K Rx{ûp‰fn »[p x£vf R»rˆY‰}£ Yyõ. Xƒ§ r{~p zn‰»nŠ Xƒ§ Rn {pýf Xƒ§»[‰ ~£v£p³ {¥hYyp »Nz£»{p‰ rùu£ƒ‹y{n {¥h~fƒp‰ »v»ƒx {p t{õ. vp‰n Xƒ§ ë»NnY {¯l‰Üxf, Ympxf ~ƒ p£f³ ~½nƒ£ »t£»ƒ¤ z¥n˜YvY‰ nY‰{p t¥ýë. Xƒ§ Ympxfv Urp‰»pÃ. võY²»‡¤px r‹f§r~ ~‹Ñp R£|‰aMxxÃ.

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The voice behind the

By Deshane Weerasinghe


article features Dinuka T hisSumithrarachchi, a talented 24 year old

who has come a long way since his school days of playing tennis and hosting tennis events at school level. He loved the sport and loved getting behind the mic. These stints of compering at school level laid the foundation for Sumithrarachchi to become what he is now, an outstanding speaker. There is a gist of calmness to his reassuring and powerful voice, which keeps any audience engaged and attentive right throughout the event. I know because I have witnessed it! A past student of Ananda College and a prominent ďŹ gure of the Interact movement, being the District Interact Representative for the Interact District 3220, Sri Lanka,Sumithrarachchi began considering compering for events on a more serious note when he was appointed as one of the guest speakers for the Rotary District Conference where he spoke alongside some senior corporate idols. This is also when he discovered that he was a natural behind the mic and began paying attention to developing this talent. Since then Sumithrarachchihas hosted a number ofevents, most of them in sports. Sumithrarachchi started off his journey in event management by compering at a junior level Tennis tournament which included 2000 players and was organised by the Sri Lanka Tennis Association. The level of competence and talent he showcased at this event presented him with several other opportunities such as hosting the Davis Cup by BNP Paribas Asia/Oceania group two tie between Sri Lanka and Pakistan. The Davis cup is considered the world cup of tennis and is a major event in the world of tennis. Other key events covered include the Carlton Rugby 7s ( Press conference), the Sri Lanka Tennis Premier League, the Sri Lanka Tennis Nationals and a majority of other events organised by the Sri Lanka Tennis Association. In addition to hosting sports events Sumithrarachchi also covers corporate events such as product launches and press conferences. In recent times, he has extended his talents to conduct workshops under the themes of motivation, leadership, strategic planning and negotiation strategies to school level forums and is anticipating taking it to the next level. He states that currently he hosts events outside his regular working hours, simply because of the unerring passion he has for compering, speech and drama.He is a born speaker and a marvel behind the mic.




xypthq;fpapd; gpd; xU Fuy; Mf;fk;: Nj\hdp tPurpq;f jkpopy;: Rizwan Segu Mohideen Liu> jpDf Rkpj;uhur;rp , f;gw;fwl;paJ. jpwik kpf;f xU 24 taJ ,isQdhd ,tu;> jdJ gs;spg; gUtk; Kjy; nld;dp]; tpisahLjy; kw;Wk; ghlrhiy kl;lq;fspy; nld;dp]; Nghl;bfis njhFj;J toq;fp te;jtuhthu;. tpisahl;il mjpfk; mjpfk; tpUk;Gk; ,tu;> xypthq;fpapw;F gpd;dpw;gijAk; tpUk;Gfpwhu;. ,t;thW ghlrhiy kl;lj;jpy; mwptpg;G Jiwapy; ,lg;gl;l mbj;jsk; Rkpj;jpuhur;rpia jw;NghJs;s epiyf;F nfhz;Lte;Js;sJ. mtu; ,d;W xU rpwe;j Ngr;rhsu;. xU mikjpia nfhz;Ls;s mtuJ Fuy;> cWjpkpf;f fk;gPukhdjhf xypf;fpd;wJ. mJ ve;j xUtiuAk;> Fwpj;j epfo;T KOtJk; mtu;fsJ ftdk; rpjwhJ me;epfo;tpw;Fs;NsNa itf;fpd;w;J. ,J vdJ mDgtKk; $l. Mde;j fy;Y}upapd; gioa khztuhd ,tu;> njhlu;G ,af;fj;jpd; (Interact Movement) kpfg; gpugy;akhdtuhthu;. ,yq;ifapd; khtl;l njhlu;G 3220 (Interact Disrict 3220) ,d; khtl;l njhlu;G gpujpepjpahd ,tu;> Nuhl;lup khtl;l khehl;bd; tpUe;jpdu; Ngr;rhsu;fspy; xUtuhf epakpf;fg;gl;l mtu; gy;NtW tu;j;jf gpugyq;fSld; ,ize;J ciu epfo;j;jpdhu;. ,jidj; njhlu;e;J> epfo;r;rpj; njhFg;G njhlu;gpy; mtu; mjpf ftdj;ij nrYj;j Muk;gpj;jhu;. ,aw;ifahf> jdf;F xypthq;fpapd; gpd;dhy; epw;Fk; jpwik cz;L vd;gij czu;e;j mtu;> mj;jpwikia njhlu;e;Jk; tsu;g;gjw;fhd Kaw;rpapy; <Lgl;lhu;. mjidj; njhlu;e;J> gy;NtW epfo;r;rpfis njhFj;J toq;fpaNjhL> mjpy; ngUk;ghyhdit tpisahl;L epfo;TfshFk;.

mjd; gpd;du;> ,yq;if nld;dp]; rk;Nksdj;jpdhy; xOq;F nra;ag;gl;l> 2>000 tPuu;fs; gq;Fgw;wpa fdp\;l kl;l nld;dp]; Rw;Wg;Nghl;bia njhFj;J toq;fpajd; %yk;> Rkpj;uhur;rp epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;Jtj;jpy; jdJ gazj;ij Muk;gpj;jhu;. ,e;epfo;r;rpapy; mtu; ntspg;gLj;jpa Mw;wy; fhuzkhf> mtUf;F gy;NtW tha;g;Gfs; te;J Nru;e;jd. mjpy; ,yq;if kw;Wk; ghfp];jhd; ,U jug;G cwTfspd; mbg;gilahd BNP Paribas ,dhy; elhj;jg;gl;l Mrpa/ ,e;J rKj;jpu FO Nltp]; fpz;zj;ij njhFj;J toq;Fk; tha;g;ig Fwpg;gplyhk;. Nltp]; fpz;zkhdJ nld;dp]; cyf Nfhg;igf;F <lhdjhf fUjg;gLtNjhL> cyfshtpa nld;dp]; Nghl;bfspy; kpf Kf;fpa ,lj;ijak; gpbf;fpd;wJ vd;gJ Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. mJ Nghd;W fhu;s;ld; uf;gp nrtd;]; (Carlton Rugby 7s) Clf re;jpg;G> ,yq;if nld;dp]; gpuPkPau; yPf;> ,yq;ifapd; Njrpa nld;dp]; Nghl;bfs; kw;Wk; ,yq;if nld;dp]; rk;Nksdj;jpdhy; xOq;F nra;ag;gl;l ngUk;ghyhd epfo;r;rpfisAk; Fwpg;gplyhk;. Rkpj;uhur;rp> tpisahl;L epfo;Tfis njhFj;J toq;FtJ khj;jpukd;wp ngUk; epWtdq;fspd; epfo;Tfis> mjhtJ jahupg;G mwpKf epfo;Tfs;> Clf re;jpg;Gfs; Nghd;wtw;iwAk; Nkw;nfhz;L tUfpwhu;. jw;NghJ mtu;> jdJ jpwikia Nkk;gLj;jp Cf;Ftpg;G>

jiyikj;Jtk;> je;jpNuhgha jpl;lkply; Nghd;w vz;zf;fUtpd; fPo; mike;j gapw;rpg;gl;liwfis Nkw;nfhs;Sjy; kw;Wk; cld;ghl;L %Nyhghaq;fs; njhlu;gpy; ghlrhiy kl;lj;jpyhd kd;wq;fis Nkw;nfhs;Sjy; Nghd;wtw;wpYk; <Lgl;L tUfpwhu; vd;gNjhL> mjid mLj;j fl;lj;jpw;F vLj;Jr; nry;tjw;Fk; vjpu;ghu;j;Js;shu;. jdJ rhjhuz Ntiy Neuj;jpd; gpd;du; jhd; jw;NghJk; epfo;Tfis njhFj;J toq;Ftjhf mtu; Rl;bf;fhl;Lfpd;whu;. epfo;r;rpj; njhFg;G> Ngr;R> ehlfk; Nghd;wtw;wpy; mtu; nfhz;Ls;s <LghNl mjw;fhd fhuzkhFk;. mtu; xU rpwe;j Ngr;rhsu;> xypthq;fpapd; gpd; mw;Gjk; gilg;gtu;.




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Ãú»K nš X{§p‰»[‰ T…` Ru‹r±£x {p‰»p‰ »vv r±~¹[ »Y£…óp‰ r‹f r±»nŠ|{zfn »[px£v t{ n¥p[p‰pf z¥ïÚ. »K nY‰{£ »Y£…w r¥{Ü r±~¹[{znš ÄMÜvl‰ Yz£Yy¥{p‰ R¥lªû »t£»ƒ¤ »r±ˆY‰}Yxp‰»[p‰ X{§p‰f Svƒl‰ r¥~~§K z¥ð R¥l. A{£õp‰ X{§p‰ vƒl‰ »~ˆ n˜ùvl‰ {p§ »p£Rp§v£px. »p£~‹lp ý»fY Rr tz£»r£»y£l‰lª »p£{p »nŠ ~‹ãýx ƒ¥Ãõ. W»vp‰v »p£~‹l® ýy¦ »nŠ Rrf z¥ïx ƒ¥Ãõ. lv£}£ »[‰ Ìýlx »{p~‰ Y… »vv Rnƒ~ v§z‹p‰v R¥xf ƒv§{«»xˆ shadow theatre ~v£[vY‰ {p shadowland v[‹p‰ youtube ƒyƒ£ Rp‰lMc£zxf v§n£ƒ¥ù þÕ»x¤{Y‹ë. R¥x ly¥j {³{~£xYxp‰ »{l zt£ »np rÚ{§hx {p‰»p‰ Xt [¥pv ƒ£ X»J p»{¤l‰r£np ƒ¥Ãx£{ »Y»yƒ‹ ý|‰{£~ Yyp‰p. SY‰vëp‰v R£yKu Yyp‰p xp‰põ. Xt »Y£lyK »ƒ£¼n™p‰ ~¥z~§K Yyp{£n xp‰p [¥fû{Y‰ »p£»N. Xtf Rë{£Mx»xp‰ t£o£ ƒ£ R~£MmY þK{zf v§ƒ§j nšvf ~‹ã»Ný. pv§l‰ l{ãyfl‰ ëƒk{ ƒ‹Ñ»x£l‰ pK Xt R~vl‰ »Ný. »ƒp‰ù »‡¤H pK vƒ£ [l‰ Ylª{yx£»[‰ {np‰{zf Rp§{ "Xt xvY‰ Y… ƒ¥Ãõ Ãx£ ~‹lª{ n W»~ˆl‰ p¥l‰pK xvY‰ Y… »p£ƒ¥Ãõ Ãx£ ~‹lª{n Xt ë{¥yn˜x." In the words of the great Henry Ford himself “If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.” “Vitalize” Sn˜ùrl‰ Yyp Tz[ r±~¹[x pywp‰p RvlY Yyp‰p Wr£. »K lv£}£ »[‰ vlY‰ ÃúvY‰. And don’t forget to keep an eye out for the next show by “Vitalize”!




The art of shadows By Lasni Silva

ive entertainment is an essential L part of any event. A live band, a captivating dance or a stand-up comedian can instantly help diffuse the pressure and liven the atmosphere in even the most intense forum. Therefore, nowadays entertainment is rarely left off the program of any wedding, award ceremony or corporate event. In search of captivating and innovative forms of entertainment, we came across an act that is both rare and remarkable. Shadow theatre is a relatively novel concept to the arena of entertainment in Sri Lanka. The actors perform from behind a screen and convey a story using only their bodies, background imagery and music. This complex art form successfully conveys a message to the audience despite its lack of dialogues, facial expressions, props and costumes, all of which usually play a large role in any stage or screen production.

Incorporating a fusion of disciplines such as acting, gymnastics and dance, the performances are both riveting and surprisingly emotional. The group we encountered call themselves vitalize, which is apt considering the lively young lady we met, who directs and runs the show. Thamasha Jayasuriya, a 24 year old university student in biomedical science, runs her company with a group of fellow students. She started at the age of 19, and they have now performed at a number of corporate events and have hosted their own shows at auditoriums in and around Colombo. Thamasha being an athlete, a netball player and a karate champion in school possessed no background or training in dance, drama or gymnastics. But the stage held her interest, and against

all odds she decided to start a theatre company. As with most experiments, her initial attempt in theatre was unsuccessful. After numerous obstacles and setbacks, she happened upon shadow theatre and the rest was history. In discussing what is in store for “Vitalize” we were told, that their next step is to bring the show to areas outside of Colombo. Thus far they have had some amazing reviews from renowned artists and great responses from audiences within Colombo. Inspiration can stem from the most mundane source. However, what you do about it is what matters as not even the best idea in the world will amount to anything if no action is taken. Thamasha first encountered her life changing idea in the form of a youtube clip of a shadow theatre company named shadowland. Her parting message to all young entrepreneurs was to believe in yourself and your innovation, andto start immediately. No matter how well you plan things out, obstacles and failures are inevitable, but as long as you don’t quit, you have not failed. In the words of the great Henry Ford himself “If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.” And don’t forget to keep an eye out for the next show by “Vitalize”!




Mf;fk;: y];dp rpy;th jkpopy;: Rizwan Segu Mohideen e;jnthU epfo;r;rpapdJk; kpf Kf;fpakhd gFjpahf Neub nghOJNghf;F mk;rk; mike;JtpLfpd;wJ. Neub ,ir epfo;r;rp> mofpa eldk; my;yJ eifr;Rit Ngr;rhsu; xUtuhy;> ek;kplKs;s ve;jnthU mOj;jj;ijNah my;yJ epiyikiaNah xU rpy tpehbfspy; kwf;fbf;f KbAk;. mJ ve;jnthU Kf;fpa epfo;thfTk; ,Uf;fyhk;. ,jd; fhuzkhf> jw;nghOJ ve;jnthU epfo;r;rpapYk; mJ jpUkzkhfNth> tpUJ toq;fk; itgtkhfNth> tu;j;jf epfo;thfNth ,Ug;gpDk; nghOJNghf;F vd;gJ xU mk;rkhf ,lk; gpbf;fpd;wJ. me;j tifapy;> ftuf;$baJk; GJik kpf;fJkhd nghOJNghf;f tplaq;fis Njba vkJ gazj;jpy;> kpf mupaJk;> kwf;fKbahjJkhd epfo;nthd;iw ehk; fz;Lnfhz;Nlhk;. epoy; jpiuauq;F vd;gJ ,yq;ifapd; nghOJNghf;F Jiwapy; kpf etPdhu;j;jkhd mk;rkhfpd;wJ. ebfu;fs; jpiuf;Fg; gpd;dhypUe;J jq;fsJ cly; mirTfs;> gpd;Gy fhl;rpfs; kw;Wk; ,irapdhy; khj;jpuk; jkJ jpwikfis ntspg;gLj;Jfpd;wdu;. ,r;rpf;fyhd fiy fyitaapy; trdq;fs;> Kf ghtidfs;> Mil kw;Wk; mzpfyd;fs; Nghd;w ngUk;ghyhd muq;Ffspy; Kf;fpa ,lj;ijg; gpbf;fpd;w jpiu jahupg;Gfis mupjhf nfhz;Ls;s NghjpYk; ghu;itahsu;fSf;F mu;j;jKs;s jftiy toq;Ffpd;wik Rl;bf;fhl;lg;gl Ntz;ba tplakhFk;. ebg;G> rhfrq;fs;> eldk; cs;spl;l fz;fis ftUk; tplaq;fs; nfhz;l ,jpy; ntspg;gLj;jg;gLk; ntspaPlhdJ> kpf mw;GjkhfTk;> czu;r;rpg+u;t khdjhfTk; mikfpd;wJ. mt;thwhd fiyak;rk; njhlu;gpy; ehk; re;jpj;j FONt ‘Vitalize’ (Mw;wy; jUNthu;) ngaUf;Nfw;whw;Nghy; Xu; ,sk; Atjpia ehk; re;jpj;Njhk;. mtNu mf;FOit ,af;fp> mjd; epfo;r;rpfis nraw;gLj;jp tUfpwhu;. jkh\h [a#upa> 24 tajhd capupapy; gpupT gy;fiyf;fof khztpNa mtu;. jdJ epWtdj;ij jd;Dld; gbf;Fk; xU rpyUld; Nru;e;J elj;jp tUfpwhu;. mtu; jdJ 19 MtJ tajpy; ,jid Muk;gpj;Js;sNjhL> ,J tiu gy;NtWgl;l tu;j;jf epfo;Tfspy; jq;fsJ Kaw;rpia ntspg;gLj;jpAs;sNjhL> nfhOk;G kw;Wk; mjidr; #oTs;s gFjpfspy; jq;fsJ nrhe;j epfo;Tfs; gytw;iwAk;




elhj;jpAs;sdu;. jlfs tPuu;> $ilg; ge;J tPuu;> ghlrhiyapd; fuhj;Nj rhk;gpadhd jkh\ h> eldk;> ehlfk;> rhfrq;fs; njhlu;gpy; vt;tpj gpd;Gyj;ijNah> gapw;rpiaANkh ngwhjtuhthu;. MapDk; mtuJ Nkilfs; kpf Mu;tj;ij Vw;gLj;Jtjhf ,Ue;jNjhL> mJ mtiu fiy ntspg;ghl;L jpiu epWtdnkhd;iw Muk;gpf;fTk; nra;jJ. gy;NtW gupNrhjidfspd; gpd;du; mtu; Nkw;nfhz;l KjyhtJ Kaw;rp ntw;wpaspf;ftpy;iy. mjd; gpd;duhd gy;NtW jilfs;> gpd;dilTfspd; gpd;du;> mtu; epoy; jpiuapy; ntw;wp fz;lhu;. mjd; gpd;du; ,lk;ngw;witnay;yhk; tuyhNw. ‘Vitalize’ njhlu;gpy; fye;Jiuahba ehk;> mjd; mLj;j fl;l efu;T> nfhOk;Gf;F ntspNa epfo;Tfis elhj;JtJ vd mwpe;J nfhz;Nlhk;. mJ khj;jpukd;wp> Gfo; ngw;w fiyQu;fsplkpUe;J rpwe;j gpd;D}l;lq;fisAk; ngw;Ws;s mtu;fs;> nfhOk;gpYs;s ghu;itahsu;fsplkpUe;J rpwg;ghd tpku;rdq;fisAk; ngw;Ws;sik mwpaf;$bajhf ,Ue;jJ. kpf rhjhuzkhd %yq;fspypUe;Jk; J}z;LjyhdJ Vw;glhyhk;. vt;thwhapDk;> vijAk; nra;ahjpUg;gij tpl> mt;tplak; vt;thwhdjhf ,Ug;gpDk; mJ xU rhjhuz Nahridahf ,Ue;jNghjpYk; mjid nra;tJ rpwg;ghdjhFk;. jkh\htpd; tho;f;ifia khw;w mtu; Nkw;nfhz;l Kjy; Kaw;rp> epoy; jpiu njhlu;ghd shadowland vDk; jpiuauq;fj;jpd; xU YouTube ntspaPlhFk;. cq;fs; kPJk; cq;fsJ gilg;Gfs; kPJk; ePq;fs; ek;gpf;if nfhs;tNjhL> mjid clNd Muk;gpAq;fs;> vd ,sk; Kaw;rpahsu;fSf;F mwpTiuahf $Wk; mtu;> xU tplaj;ij ePq;fs; vt;thW jpl;lkpLfpd;wPu;fs; vd;gJ njhlu;gpy; ftiy nfhs;shjPu;fs;. jilfSk; Njhy;tpfSk; jLf;f KbahjitfshFk;. MapDk; cq;fs; Kaw;rpapypUe;J ePq;fs; tpyfhj tiu ePq;fs; Njhy;tpailakhl;Bu;fs; vd;fpwhu;. ,ij typAWj;Jk; tifapy; n`d;wp Nghu;l; $wpa “cq;fshy; xU tplaj;ij nra;a KbAk; my;yJ KbahJ vd epidf;fPd;wPu;fsh cq;fs; vz;zk; rupNa” mj;Jld; ‘Vitalize’ ,d; mLj;j epfo;r;rp njhlu;gpy; mtjhdkhf vjpu;ghu;j;jpUq;fs;.!



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Y¥rþvf R¥[övY‰ zt£»np Xù‡‰»zˆK Events nš ~‹ã Yyp {¥n[l‰v »nxY‰ {p§»xˆ ~ƒu£[Ÿ {p‰pp‰f »ƒ£½n r‹…‹[¥ìvY‰ zt£ nš ~Ku£{p£{f r£l² Ãúvõ. »K ~½nƒ£ ýýo n˜x§j§ l£Y‰}ÚY Y²v ƒ£ Ul‰YM|{l‰ ƒ£ R£YM|p£l‰vY {¥h~fƒp‰ R¹[ ~¹ýo£px »Y»M. Un£ƒyj »z~ RÕ 40 x 10 rvj {p RÜý|£z r§†z‰ ÜyxY‰ vl ~Kv£pxpf r£l² {p Rx ƒãp‰{£ nšv {¥ë l£Y‰} ÚY Y²v »vƒ‹ z£ Ur»x¤[Ÿ Yy [¥»p‰. WY‰ WY‰ vGfK{zf rl‰ {«{p‰ R[xñp‰, Üz‹j, ~ƒÜY, rnY‰YK R£nš ýýo Y²v ƒyƒ£ X{§p‰ ~Ku£{p£{f zY‰ Yy »vv Event WY X{§p‰»[‰ Ìýl»xˆ RvlY »p£{p r²u£M}{l‰ Rl‰n¥ÄvY‰ t{f rl‰ Yyp§ ztõ. ~ƒu£[Ÿ {p‰pp‰f »vv Event {z nš ~‹x Rnƒ~‰ r²Y£| Ãúvf ƒ£ ~‹x nY‰}l£ Sn˜ùrl‰ Ãúvf, y` n¥Y‰þvf, »NnšY£{ ý{¯l »N.

Magazine ~ƒu£[Ÿ {p‰pp‰f »ƒ£½nv R£Y£y»xp‰ ~l‰Y£y Ãúvf n »vv R{~‰m£ ~¹ýo£xYxp‰ {p Xù‡‰»zˆK R£xlp»xˆ Y£Mx vj‰hzx RvlY »p£Yyp Rly, ~‹x r{§z‰{z Rx ~v` n »vv R{~‰m£{zf ~ƒu£[Ÿ þ»K R{~‰m£{, ~‹x {¯l‰Ýx Y¥rþv lª…‹p‰ Un£ Yy [¥ìvf n R{~‰m£{ R¥l. »vv Event W»Yƒ‹ R{~£p»xˆnŸ ~‰{Äx {³£r£y»xˆ Sn˜ù {~»M SzY‰Y r±Y£| Ãúvf WûpY£f R{~‰m£{ zt£ »np Rly Wx ~£Y‰}£l‰ Yy [¥ìvf X{§p‰ lª… Üy Rn˜fpY‰ R¥Ü YyzŸv »vƒ‹ nš R»rˆY‰}£ »Y»M. R{~£p»xˆ »vv Event WY RvlY »p£{p ~‹ƒ‹{fp ÷~Y‰ ~v`‹p‰ {Ñp£ l¦[‹ vz‰zY‰ n ~ƒu£[Ÿ {p‰pp‰f ƒ‹ñ Yy »nñp‰ R{~p‰ »N. n˜p 03 Y‰ r§y£ r¥{¥l‰»{p Ro³Y‰} ~Kvp‰l²jx n »vxfl‰ {h£ Ul‰YM|{l‰ Rx§ùp‰ ~¹ýo£px »Y»M. 20 {p »]¤}£ (20th Gosha) »z~ pKYy Üt« r~§[‹x ~Kvp‰l²jx ƒKtp‰»l£f Shangri-la »ƒ¤fz»xˆ nš r¥{¥l‰{§Ú. »l‰v£ y£l²‹x (Theme Night), ýýo ~¹nM|p, Sn˜ùrl‰ ÃúK ÷~Ãp‰ n, ~‹l‰[p‰p£ {¥hv§†, ý»p¤nx Gala Night, DJ R£n˜»xp‰ n ~vp‰ýl{ »vv R{~‰m£{ RvlY »p£{p Rl‰n¥ÄK ~Ku£yxY‰ ~ƒu£[Ÿ{p‰pp‰»[‰ Ìýlxf WYlª Yyõ. »vƒ‹ nš »ƒ£½nv p£xYõp‰ 15 »np£f ~§ý»|‰} r‹…‹[¥ëvY‰

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IIT will pave your path to success With over 27 years of educational excellence, Informatics Institute of Technology (IIT) is an unmatched pioneer in providing globally renowned British higher in IT and Business in Sri Lanka. IIT campus which has produced nearly 3,000 graduates who are spread across the globe is currently offering internal degrees from the University of Westminster, UK and Canterbury Christ Church University, UK. The University of Westminster degrees offered at IIT are BEng (Hons) Software Engineering, BSc (Hons) Business Information Systems, BA (Hons) Business Managementand BSc (Hons) Computer Science with specialization pathways in Gaming and Computer Graphics Development, Mobile and Web Computing and Multimedia Computing. IIT is also offering a unique BSc (Hons) Business Management from Canterbury Christ Church University, UK which includes a Higher National Diploma in Business awarded by the Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA).One of the key benefits of these degree programmes is that it displays much emphasis on theory and hands-on experience ensuring that students are fully immersed in the practical aspects of the subjects. IIT offers the Foundation Certificate in Higher Education which is designed for those students after O/ Levels or students who don’t have adequate A/L results to followthese degree programmes. The Foundation

Certificate in Higher Education is an ideal pathway to pursue a degree soon after O/Levels which allows a student to gain an early start in completing their degree. The one-year mandatory industrial placement offered at IIT is another unique factor which is part of the institute’s curriculum. At IIT Campus, students are provided with a more hands-on experience by giving students a chance to obtain work experience during the course of their degree. Many multinational and local blue-chip companies have come forward to provide the necessary exposure for IIT students which have helped them to gain an insight into their respective industries as well as acquire essential skills that are vital to a successful career. IIT is an award winning campus, which has bagged many accolades for innovation in local and international competitions such as Microsoft Imagine Cup, National Best Quality Software Awards (NBQSA), Google Summer of Code, APICTA, British Council-HSBC Youth Enterprise Award and e-Swabhimani. With its strong international affiliations, outstanding resources and focus on quality higher education, IIT is without a doubt an ideal place for students to follow world renowned IT and Business degrees. For further information, e-mail “admissions@iit.ac.lk” or call the hotline 0722 72 72 72 or visit IIT Main Campus at No. 57, Ramakrishna Rd, Colombo 6.




By Dr. Ruklanthi Fernando

an you see yourself working

C behind the scenes of next

Olympic Games? Organising a musical show for Tom Jones, Festivals, or planning a celebrity or a Royal Wedding. If that’s your dream, then you need a degree that will give you experience skills and connections to succeed in the international world events. Event management is a growing field that involves the planning of large scale events such as festivals Trade Shows and product launches. Event managers combine creative skills such as promotion and brand management with more practical ones budgeting and scheduling. A Course in Event Management teaches students how to plan all aspects of event that cater to large crowds and gives them an idea of what challenges to expect. Event Management is a useful skill to have in a variety of different fields. There are different job categories who are involved in event planning. They are; Event Coordinators Event Managers Event Planners Production Supervisors



He is the person who plans and executes the events taking responsibility for the creative, technical and logistical elements. This includes overall event design, brand building marketing and communication strategy. Audio visual production, script writing logistics,budgeting,negotiations, and client service.

EVENT COORDINATOR Planning coordinating and executing events to achieve expected out comes. This job role calls for irregular work hours and meeting of tight deadlines. Excellent communication skills, Fluency in language and IT literacy are essential.


PRODUCTION SUPERVISORS The ideal candidate should be able to plan, organize and effectively execute multiple production tasks to expected quality standards within tight deadlines. Liaising with external service providers, handling logistics and managing event inventory will also be under his purview.

EVENT PLANNING Several people are involved in this. The process of planning and coordinating the events usually refer to as event planning and which can include budgeting, scheduling, site selection, acquiring necessary permits coordinating transportation and arranging for speakers orentertainers, arrangingdécor, eventsecurity, catering coordinators with third party vendors and emergency plan. Types of special events 1. Corporate 2. Social

3. Weddings 4. Fairs and Festivals 5. Parades Understand the five stages of event management 1. Research 2. Design 3. Planning 4. Co-ordination 5. Evaluation Although this event management was there for a long time we never thought of giving it a name or teach it separately as a degree programme. Or than ever before a creative approach is the quest to face all these challenges in the world of event management.

Event Management technology A recent trend in event technologyis the use of mobile apps for events Event mobile apps has a range of uses.So enroll for the next degree programme in event management.



Reading Maketh a Full Man ~ Sir Francis Bacon By: Azza Rizmi Reading biographies can shape you into a better person. If you read about the life of a brilliant person, you can learn about his or her experiences and life lessons. You can look up to them as a role model and follow in their footsteps. You can learn about their mistakes and try not to make the same ones. Reading can inspire you. For example, if someone teaches you the importance of friendship and kindness, you’ll be inspired to be a better person. Reading can also give you tips and advice that you can use in your day-to-day life. You can learn the traits required to live a successful life. Reading biographies also allows you to see the world in new ways. It can make you a knowledgeable and well-rounded person. It puts you in the shoes of another person living a different lifestyle than you. Reading biographies teaches you important things in life.




epfo;r;rpapd; fiyak;rk; Uf;yhe;jp ngdhz;Nlh jkpopy;: Rizwan Segu Mohideen


Lj;j xypk;gpf; njhlUupd;; gpd;dpd;W ciof;Fk; vz;zj;ij nfhz;Ls;sPu;fsh? my;yJ gpugyk; xUtupd; ,ir epfo;r;rpia xOq;F nra;aNth> mur FLk;gj;jpd; tpoh my;yJ jpUkzk; xd;iw jpl;lkpLtjw;Nfh cq;fSf;F vz;zk; cs;sjh? mJNt cq;fsJ fdthapd;> cq;fSf;F Xu; gl;lk; mtrpakhFk;. mJ mt;thwhd ru;tNjr uPjpapyhd cyfshtpa epfo;Tfis xOq;fikj;J mjpy; ntw;wp fhz;gjw;F mtrpakhd mDgtj;ijAk; Mw;wiyAk; toq;Fk;. epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;JtkhdJ> tu;j;jf fspahl;l fz;fhl;rp> nghUs; xd;wpd; mwpKfk; Nghd;w ngupa mstpyhd epfo;Tfis jpl;lkply; njhlu;ghd xU tsu;e;J tUk; JiwahFk;. epfo;r;rp Kfhikahsu;fs; tpsk;gug;gLj;jy;> ju Kfhikj;Jtk; Nghd;w gy;NtW Mw;wy;fis nfhz;ltu;fshfTk;> tuT nryT kw;Wk; fhytiuaiw Nghd;w eilKiw uPjpahd tplaq;fis mwpe;jtu;fshfTk; fhzg;gLtu;. epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;Jtk; gw;wpa fw;if newpahdJ> ghupa vz;zpf;ifapyhNdhUf;F czT toq;Fjy; Kjy; mjpy; vjpu;Nehf;ff; $ba midj;J rthy;fs; cs;spl;l epfo;r;rp jpl;lkply; njhlu;gpyhd midj;J tplaq;fisAk; fw;gpf;fpd;wJ. epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;JkhdJ gy;NtWgl;l Jiw rhu;e;j gad;juf;$ba Mw;wyhFk;. epfor;rp jpl;lkplypy; gy;NtWgl;l njhopy; gpuptpdu; mq;fk; tfpf;fpd;wdu;. mit: - epfo;r;rp xUq;fpizg;ghsu;fs; - epfo;r;rp Kfhikahsu;fs; - epfo;r;rp jpl;ltpayhsu; - jahupg;G Nkw;ghu;itahsu;fs;

epfo;r;rp Kfhikahsu; epfo;rpapd; gilg;ghw;wy;> njhopEl;gk;> nghUs; ifahsy; Nghd;w tplaq;fs; njhlu;gpy; jpl;lkpl;L mtw;iw eilKiwg;gLj;jy; njhlu;gpy; mtNu nghWg;ghf ,Ug;ghu;. ,jpy; epfo;r;rpapd; G+uz tbtikg;G> ju epiyehl;ly;> re;ijg;gLj;jy; kw;Wk; njhlu;ghly; %Nyhghaq;fs; Nghd;wit mlq;Ffpd;wd. xyp> xsp toq;fy;> vOj;jhf;fk;> nghUs; Kfhikj;Jtk;> tuT nryT epu;zak; Ngrpj; jPu;khdpj;jy; kw;Wk; thbf;ifahsu; Nrit Nghd;wdTk; mtu; nghWg;ghFk;.

epfo;r;rp xUq;fpizg;ghsu; epfo;r;rpia jpl;lkpl;L> xUq;fpizj;J> nraw;gLj;jp vjpu;ghu;f;Fk; ntspaPl;il ngWjy; ,tuJ gzpahFk;. xOq;fw;w Neuq;fspy; gzpahw;Wjy;> ,Wf;fkhd fhyf;nfLf;fspy; re;jpg;Gfis Nkw;nfhs;sy; vd;gd ,g;gzpapd; gz;GfshFk;. rpwg;ghf njhlu;ghLk; jpwd;> nkhop Mw;wy; kw;Wk; jfty; njhopEl;g mwpT vd;gd ,jw;F mj;jpahtrpak;.

jahupg;G Nkw;ghu;itahsu; ,Wf;fkhd fhyf;nfLf;fSf;F kj;jpapy;> vjpu;ghu;j;j juj;jpyhd> gy;NtWgl;l jahupg;G gzpfis jpl;lkpl;L> xOq;fikj;J jpwd;gl nraw;gLj;JtNj ,tuJ flikahFk;. ntsp uPjpahd Nrit toq;FdUld; njhlu;GWjy;> nghUl;fis ifahSjy; kw;Wk; epfo;r;rp njhlu;ghd nghUl;fSk; ,tuJ fl;Lg;ghl;by; ,Uf;Fk;.

epfo;r;rp jpl;lkply; ,jpy; gy;NtW egu;fs; njhlu;Ggl;bUg;gu;. epfo;r;rpfis jpl;lkply; kw;Wk; xOq;fikj;jiy epfo;r;rpj; jpl;lkply; vdg;gLfpd;wJ. ,q;F> tuT nryT> epfo;r;rp epuy;> ,lk; njupjy;> Njitahd mDkjpfis ngWjy;> Nghf;Ftuj;J xOq;fikg;G> tpNrl nrhw;nghopthsu; my;yJ

nghoJNghf;fhsiu xOq;F nra;jy;> myq;fhu Vw;ghLfis xOq;F nra;jy;> epfo;T ghJfhg;G> czT toq;Fdu; njhlu;G> ntsp tpw;gidahsUldhd xUq;fpizg;G kw;Wk; mtru epiyfs; Nghd;w tplaq;fs; mlq;Ffpd;wd.

tpNrl epfo;Tfspd; tiffs; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

ngUepWtd epfo;Tfs; r%f uPjpahd epfo;Tfs; jpUkz epfo;Tfs; re;ijfs; kw;Wk; tpoh epfo;Tfs; Cu;ty epfo;Tfs;

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ART OF THE EVENT ~fƒp - R£a£Mx y¥Y‰z£p‰Ü r±p£p‰ã rù{Mlpx - v£zÝ yl‰p»~ˆYy …` Xz‹Kr‹Y‰ IJh£ Ul‰~{x ~¥z~§K T Yyp‰pp‰ Rly Xtl‰ ~‹Ñp‰»p‰n? Tom Jones ~½nƒ£ {p ~¹[Ÿl ~¹nM|px ~¹ýo£px Yyp‰»p‰ Xtn? W»~ˆl‰ »p£v¥ÜpK y£cÄx ý{£ƒ Ul‰~{xY‰ »ƒ¤ »{pl‰ Ul‰~{xY‰ ~¥z~§K Yyp‰»p‰ Xtn? »K Xt»[‰ ~‹ƒ‹pxY‰ pK A r‹…‹t½n Rl‰n¥ÃK, Yª~zl£ ƒ£ Rp‰lM c£ÜY »[¤zŸx Ul‰~{ ~¹ýo£xYxp‰ ƒ£ ~t½nYK xp »K ~‹xz‰z zt£ »np Ur£éxY‰ ƒ¥âúvf Xtf R{|³»Ný. Event management (R{~‰m£ Y…vp£Yyjx) xp§ n¥p‰ ~Ÿ[²»xp‰ n˜x§j§ {p Y‰»}ˆl²xÃ. Wxf »{…½n r±nM|p, ë}‰r£np ƒ¼ãp‰{£ nšK {¥ë vƒ£rùv£j ~¥z~§K Ãú»K R¹[ R¥lª…l‰ »N. Event managers (R{~‰m£ Y…vp£Yy¥{p‰)»[‰ r±{Mopx, ~p‰p£v Y…vp£Yyjx R£nš ëMv£j£l‰vY Yª~zl£ ƒ£ Rx{¥x, {¥h~fƒp‰ zõ~‰lª [l Ãúv R£nš r±£»x¤[‹Y Yª~zl£{p‰ WYf ~¹x§Y‰lþ R¥l. Event management (R{~‰m£ Y…vp£Yyjx) r‹…‹t½n {p r£gv£z£{p‰ v[‹p‰ ~‹~§p‰ƒf R{~‰m£{Y‰ ƒ£ Rn£… {« ~‹xû S~N Y…vp£Yyjx Yyp R£Y£yx S»[ìvf R{~‰m£{ z¥»J. Wv[‹p‰ ý|£z r‹ù~Y‰ ~ƒu£[‹ {p Ul‰~{xY‰ Y…vp£Yyj»xˆnš v§ƒ§jnšvf ~‹ã{p Ru‹»x¤[ r‹…‹t½n Rnƒ~Y‰ zt£»nŠ. R{~‰m£ Y…vp£Yyjx xp§ ýýo£Y£y Y‰»}ˆl²xp‰ X~‰»~ˆ {« Rl³{|³ Yª~zl£ ~v«ƒxY‹p‰ x§lª {« R¹[xÃ. Ul‰~{ ~¥z~§KYyj»xˆnš ëx¥»zp ýýo£Y£y {« ÷Ãx£ rƒl R£Y£y»N. • Event Coordinators- Ul‰~{ ~Ktp‰êY£yY{y¥p‰ • Event managers- Ul‰~{ Y…vp£Yy¥{p‰ • Event PlannersUl‰~{ ~¥z~§K Yyp‰pp‰ • Production supervisors- ë}‰r£np RêY‰}jx Yyp‰pp‰

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Skills You Need for Success By Sharlene De Chickera

you are contemplating a career as an I fevent planner, whether that be with an event planning company, in an event planning position within a corporate organisation, or starting your own event planning business, it is smart to make sure that the event planner job is a good fit. In addition to learning the ins and outs of event planning and what the work requires, it is equally as important to be sure you have the event planning skills you need for success. The most successful event planners have a toolbox filled with an impressive skillset. Of those, these are the top 5 event planning skills you will reach for on a regular basis and the ones that can make or break your success.

1. Highly Organised In event planning, success is in the details. And there are many of them! Keeping track of numerous tasks, multiple vendors, and constantly changing to-do lists all at once while keeping your client happy can be

challenging for some and daunting for others. Being highly organised is a must for successful event planning. Event planners may manage one event at a time or be in the planning stages of multiple events simultaneously. Some events, such as annual conferences, take more than a year of planning so event planners must stay organised over the long haul. Organisational tools for event planners abound, from software that tracks registration to templates for forms and spreadsheets. An event planning checklistthat is customised for each event is one of the most valuable event planning tools regardless of your natural organisational ability. So figure out an organisational system that works for you because this is one of the most important event planning skills you can have.

2. Personable What do all events have in common? People! Who do you interact with and work with in the process of planning

events? People! Successful event planners are personable, engaging, good conversationalists and excellent listeners. Event planning is a very social profession in that the end result, the event itself is or a group of people, large or small. Understanding people and enjoying talking to them are part of the job. This does not mean that, as an event planner, you will spend most of your day out at client lunches and having cocktails at social events. Not at all. Event planning is hard work and much of it is spent at a desk with a phone or computer. But being personable is a must when tackling one of these common event planning tasks: • Negotiating with hotels • Discussing menus with catering managers • Meeting with vendors • Pitching your event ideas to a prospective client • Networking anytime and anywhere • Supervising event staff • Working your event and interacting with guests and workers



After all, in day-to-day life, most of us remember the pleasant, helpful people we interact with and that interaction can make an experience that much more enjoyable for both parties. Knowing how to relate to different personalities, how to connect with someone whom you want to do business with and being someone that makes a positive impression are keys to success so consider this one of those essential event planning skills. No one wants to work with or assist someone who is difficult to talk to, hard to understand or rude and unprofessional in any way.

3. Excellent Communicator Excellent communication skills are essential in many professions. In event planning, miscommunication can result in numerous problems for both the event planner and the client, and a simple misunderstanding can have catastrophic results. Being able to effectively communicate thoughts and ideas is a very practical skill that is used on a day-to-day basis by event planners of all experience levels. Here are a few examples of how these event planning skills are used when planning events: Written communication: • writing event proposals for a

Magazine prospective client • creating materials to market your firm • writing contracts with clients and vendors • drafting thank you notes to guest speakers and VIPs Verbal communication: • ability to explain the scope and purpose of an event • effectively communicating your ideas to a supervisor, client or vendor • understanding and processing information that is provided, such as the concerns of a client or questions from a caterer • skillfully negotiating hotel rates, contract details, or extras from a vendor

4. Creative Successful event planners have ideas. Lots of them. And with that creativity the ability to transform the idea into something tangible. They can take a vision and bring it to life. From developing a unique theme for a party to coming up with an affordable decorating solution that meets a small budget, creativity is essential when planning an event. Creativity also comes into play when facing the inevitable problems that arise during even the most diligently,

professionally planned event. In this scenario, creativity takes shape in the form of problem-solving. Being able to think creatively to develop solutions to problems can positively impact the success of your event.

5. Multitasker At various stages of the event planning process, there are numerous tasks being managed. You may be negotiating a hotel contract, meeting with the client to discuss potential guest speakers, booking a caterer, interviewing rental vendors and exploring entertainment options. And that is just for one event. Add multiple events in the planning stages all at once, and the result is a juggling act. Successful event planners need to know how to effectively multitask and keep many aspects of the event moving along simultaneously without any of those tasks falling by the wayside. Success lies in the ability to prioritise and focus on each task in that priority order without becoming distracted by other things that need tending to or becoming overwhelmed by the numerous things that need your attention. Staying calm, focused and flexible are attributes of the successful multitasker.




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1. Sƒz ~¹ýo£p£l‰vY ƒ¥Ãx£{ R{~‰m£ ~¥z~§KYyj»xˆnš ~£MmYl‰{x R¹[ ÄrxY‰ vl yn£ r{Ý. Y… x§lª ~‹xz‰z »vp‰v ýýo [¥p§KYy¥{p‰ n zõ~‰lª [l Y… x§lªx. Sn˜ùxf Y… x§lª â r‹…‹t½n z¥õ~‰lª{ ëyp‰ly»xp‰ »{p~‰ »Ný. Rr»[‰ »~ˆ{£n£xYx£ ~lªf§ Ãúv Ru‹»x¤[xY‰ »Ný. R¥l»vY‰ ~lªf§ »{n‰nš R¥l»vY‰ lyvY‰ ïx »Ný. »Y»~ˆ{§{l‰ Bp¦v »nxY‰ ~£MmY Yy[¥ìv U»n~£ vp£ ~¹ýo£p£l‰vY t{Y‰ Üðv Rl³£{|³»xp‰v {¥n[l‰ »Ný. R{~‰m£ ~¥z~§KYyp‰»pY‰f (event planner) {yYnš WY‰ R¹[xY‰ Y… vj£Yyjxf »ƒ¤ p¥l‰pK R¹[ [jp£{Y‰ WY{yv ~¥z~§K Ãúvf ~‹ã»Ný. {£M}‹Y ~v§û {¥ë R¥l¥K R¹[ ~¥z~§K Ãúvf {~yYfl‰ {h£ {¥Õ Y£zxY‰ [l»N. Wx ~¥z~§K Yyp‰p£ n˜[ªY£zŸp{ r±xl‰pxY‰ »z~ vƒl‰ þMxxÃp‰ Wx ~¥z~§K Y… x§lªx. ~¥z~§K Yyp‰pp‰ƒf ~¹ýo£px ~½nƒ£ Ur»x¤[Ÿ{p »v{zK »t£»ƒ¤ R¥l. »r¤yv (forms) ƒ£ r¥lªy¥Krl‰ (spreadsheets) ~½nƒ£ {p v£M[[lYxp‰ƒ‹ ~‹f R¹[ z‹x£rn˜¹Çx ~½nƒ£ {p v¯ãY£¹[ nY‰{£ ~¹ýo£px ~½nƒ£ Ur»x¤[Ÿ{p »v{zK »t£»ƒ£vxY‰ Rrf ƒ¼ãp£[l ƒ¥Y. Xtf ~‰{u£{»xp‰v ƒ‹ñ{« ~¹ýo£p ƒ¥Ãx£{p‰ »Y»~ˆ{§{l‰ A A R¹[x ~nƒ£ »{p »{pv r‹ùY‰~§K zõ~‰lª{Y‰ r{l‰{£ [¥ìv Sl£ {¥n[l‰x. Xt»[‰ òx£Y£yYK ~‹ã Y… ƒ¥Ã ~§ƒn|Ÿz‹ ~¹ýop£l‰vY {fr‹f£{Y‰ ~£n£ [¥ìv n »t£»ƒ¤ {¥n[l‰x. Wx Xt ~lª ýx x§lªv Yª~zl£{xÃ.

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3. ~£MmY Rnƒ~‰ ƒ§{v£y¥ Yyp‰»pY‰ »t£»ƒ¤ {¯l‰Ýp‰ƒ‹nš vp£ ~p‰ë»Nnp ƒ¥Ãx£{p‰»[p‰ x§Y‰l þv Rl³£{|³» Ný. Ul‰~{ ~¥z~§KYyj»xˆnš vp£ ~p‰ë»NnpxY‰ »p£v¥Üþv ~¥z~§KYyp‰p£f »vp‰v »~ˆ{£n£xYx£fn »t£»ƒ¤ [¥fû R¥Üþvf Yy¥jY‰ »Ný. Sl£v ~§û Rp{»t¤oxY‰ ë~£ ~‹ã{p‰pY‰ vƒ£ {³~pxYf »ƒ‰lª »Ný. Rnƒ~‰ ƒ£ ~‹lªýz‹ vp£ »z~ ƒ§{v£y¥Yy [l ƒ¥Ãþv R{~‰m£ ~¥z~§K Yyp‰pp‰ƒf Wn˜»pn£ Ur»x¤[Ÿ{p r±£»x¤[‹Y Yª~zl£{xÃ. »vv Yª~zl£{p‰ r±£»x¤[‹Y{ ~¥z~§KYyj»xˆnš Ur»x¤[‹ {p R£Y£yx rƒl Un£ƒyj v[‹p‰ n¥Y‰»N. z‹Ål ~p‰ë»Nnpx  »~ˆ{£n£xYx£ »{p§»{p‰ z‹x¥{§j¨ Rn£… R¹[x ~½nƒ£ {p »x¤cp£{  Xt»[‰ R£xlpx


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4. ëMv£j£l‰vY t{ ~£MmY ~¥z~§KYy¥{Yª ~lª{ »t£»ƒ¤ Rnƒ~‰ R¥l.WÄ Rnƒ~‰ ëMv£j£l‰vY týp‰ x§Y‰l{ òx£l‰vl »N. X{§p‰f A{£ n¥Y‰vY‰ ~ƒ‹l{ Ìýlxf »[p R£ ƒ¥Y. ~£nxY‰ Wxf Rpp³ {« »l‰v£{Ãp‰ x§Y‰l pK, Sl£v Rh§ n¥ùx ƒ¥Ã {« ýxnvY‰ n¥ú»vp‰ Rplªy¥{ Rz¹Y£y »z~ ~¥y~‹z‹ Y… ƒ¥Y. A ~½nƒ£ ëMv£j£l‰vY t{ Rl³£{|³x. Sl£ Y£MxY‰}v{ »ƒ¤ {¯l‰Ývx »z~ ~¥z~§K Y… S~N{Ynš {§{n ëMv£j£l‰vY t{ xp‰p Rë{£Mx r±|‰pxY‰ »z~ S~‰vlª ýx ƒ¥Ãx. »vƒ‹nš

ëMv£j£l‰vY t{ xp‰p [¥fû{Y‰ »z~n S~‰vlª »N. ëMv£j£l‰vY týp‰ x§Y‰l{ ~‹Ý»vp‰ »vv [¥fû ý~ãK Yy£ »[p x£»vp‰ Xt»[‰ Ul‰~{x op£l‰vY »z~ »ƒ£¼n™p‰ ~¹ýo£px Ãúvf ƒ¥Ã »Ný.

5.tƒ§ýo Y£Mx Ãú»K ƒ¥Ãx£{ R{~‰m£ ~¥z~§KYyj»xˆ ýýo Rn˜xy{znš Y…vp£Yyjx Yy[l x§lª R¹[ [jp£{Ã. Xtf »ƒ¤fz‰ ~v[ Yl£ Ãúvf ~‹ã»Ný. W»vp‰v »~ˆ{£n£xYx£ v§j[¥~Ÿ»vp‰ R£y£él »nŠ|Yxp‰ r‹…‹t½n n¥p [¥ìv, R£ƒ£y R¥j{§KYy¥{p‰»[p‰ R£ƒ£y R¥j{§K Ãúv, YªzŸ [¥p§KYy¥{p‰ ƒ¼ãp£[¥ìv, ý»p¤n£l‰vY R¹[ ƒ¼ãp£[¥ìv R£nš »t£»ƒ¤ »nŠ ~½nƒ£ Rnƒ~‰ ƒ§{v£y¥ Yy [¥ìvf Xtf ~‹ã»Ný. Wx WY‰ Ul‰‰~{xY‰ ~½nƒ£ rvÚ. R¥l¥Kýf Ul‰~{ [jp£{Y‰v WYýf ~¥z~§K Ãúvf ~‹ã»Ný. R{~£p»xˆ Xtf ýFc£Yy¥»{Y‰/v¥{§KYy¥»{Y‰ þvf ~‹ã»Ný. ~£MmY ~¥z~§KYy¥»{Y‰ ~lª{ Ul‰~{ [jp£{Y‰v WY‰{y ~¹ýo£px Ãú»K vp£ Yª~zl£{Y‰ R¥l. W»vp‰v ~v[£ò »z~ Ã~‹ã ýx{§zÃp‰ »l£y{ R¹[ [jp£{Y‰ ~¥z~§K Y… ƒ¥Y. ~£MmYl‰{x ÷¼n™ R¥l‰»l‰ r±v§Zl£{x nš»K ƒ¥Ãx£{ »vp‰v ýx{§zÃp‰ »l£y{ r±v§Zl£{x vl WY‰ WY‰ R¹[x r‹…‹t½n{ ~¥zÄ»vp‰ A{£ »{l Xt»[‰ R{o£px »x£v§þ»K ƒ¥Ãx£{ vlx. S{~Ÿ»vp‰ x§l‰Y þv, R{o£px »x£v§Ãúv, pv³|ŸzŸ þv xp [ªj£¹[ ~£MmY tƒ§Y£Mx ~rxp r§n‰[z»xYªf Rl³£{|xx.




epfo;r;rp jpl;lkply; mjd; ntw;wpf;F Mw;wy;fs; gy mtrpak; Mf;fk;: \hu;ypd; b rpf;Nfuh jkpopy;: Rizwan Segu Mohideen xU epfo;r;rp jpl;lkpLgtuhf eP q;tufs;Ntz; Lnkd epidg;gtu; vdpd;> epfo;r;rp jpl;lkpLk; epWtdnkhd;wpYs;s gjtpapypUg;gJ my;yJ ePq;fs; nrhe;jkhf mJ njhlu;gpy; xU tu;j;jfj;ij Muk;gpg;gJ vd;gJ> xU epfo;r;rpj; jpl;l MNyhrfUf;fhd kpfr; rpwe;j njhhopyhFk;. epfo;r;rp jpl;lkply; njhlu;gpyhd ;cs;sPLfs; kw;Wk; ntspaPLfs; njhlu;gpy; fw;Wf;nfhs;tNjhL> mJ njhlu;gpy; ePq;fs; Nkw;nfhs;s Ntz;ba tplaq;fis mwpe;jpUg;gJ vt;thW Kf;fpaj;JkhdNjh> mt;thNw mjpy; ntw;wp ngWtw;F epfo;r;rpj; jpl;lkply; njhlu;ghd Mw;wYk; cq;fSf;F mtrpakhFk;. epfo;r;rpj; jpl;lkply; njhlu;gpy; cr;rj;jpYs;s xUtu;> mJ njhlu;ghd <u;f;ff;$ba Mw;wy;fspd; ngl;lfkhfNt fhzg;gLthu; vd;gjpy; vt;tpj re;NjfKkpy;iy. me;j tifapy;> epfor;rpj; jpl;lkply; njhlu;gpyhd gpd;tUk; Ie;J Mw;wy;fs; cq;fSf;F md;whlk; mtrpakhdjhFk; vd;gNjhL> mJ cq;fis

ntw;wpf;Nfh my;yJ Njhy;tpf;Nfh top tFf;fyhk;.

1. rpwe;j xOq;fikg;G epfo;r;rpj; jpl;lkplypYs;s xt;nthU mq;fj;ijAk; rpwg;ghf ntspg;gLj;JtNj mjd; ntw;wpahFk;. mjpy; gy;NtW tplaq;fs; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. Nkw;nfhs;s Ntz;ba tplaq;fs; midj;ijAk; mJ KbAk; tiu gpd; njhlu;jy;> gyjug;gl;l tpw;gidahsu;fis ifahSjy;> mtw;wpw;F rkhe;jukhf> Nkw;nfhs;s tplaq;fspd; gl;baiy njhlu;r;rpahf rupghu;j;J Gjpjhf NgZjy; Nghd;w tplaq;fis Nkw;nfhz;lthW> cq;fs; thbf;ifahsiuAk; re;Njhrg;gLj;JtjhdJ> xU rpyUf;F rthyhd tplakhf ,Uf;fpd;w epiyapy; kw;Wk; rpyiu tYtpof;fr; nra;Ak; tplakhf mikayhk;. me;j tifapy; rpwg;ghd xOq;fikg;igf; nfhz;bUj;jyhdJ> epfo;r;rpj; jpl;lkplypd; ntw;wpf;F

kpf mj;jpatrpakhd xd;whFk;. epfo;r;rpj; jpl;l MNyhrfu;fs;> xU epfo;r;rpia jpl;lkpl;ltu;fshfNth my;yJ xNu rkaj;jpy; gy epfo;r;rpfspd; kl;lq;fis jpl;lkpl;lthNwh fhzg;gLtu;. rpy epfo;Tfs;> Fwpg;ghf tUlhe;j khehLfs; Nghd;wtw;Wf;F xU tUlj;jpw;Fk; Nkyhd fhyk; Njitg;gLfpd;wd. vdNt ,t;thwhd re;ju;g;gq;fspy; epfo;r;rpj; jpl;l MNyhrfu;fs; njhlu;r;rpahf mf;fhyk; KOtJk; jq;fsJ tplaq;fis xOq;fikj;Jf; nfhz;bUj;jy; mtrpakhFk;. xOq;fikg;G njhlu;gpy; gy;NtW fUtpfs; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. nkd;nghUs; xd;wpd; %yk;> gjpT nra;jy; eltbf;iffSf;fhd gy;NtW gbt mikg;Gfs; kw;Wk; ml;ltizfis guhkupf;fyhk;. epfo;r;rpj; jpl;lkplypd; nra;a Ntz;ba gl;bay; MdJ xt;nthU epfo;Tf;Fk; NtWgl;ljhf miktNjhL> cq;fsplk; ,aw;ifahf fhzg;gLk; xOq;fikf;Fk; jpwdpYk; ghu;f;f kpfg; ngWkjpahd> epfo;r;rpj; jpl;lkply; fUtpahFk;. vdNt> cq;fSf;F ,yFthd xOq;fikf;fg;gl;l njhFjpnahd;iw Nju;e;njLq;fs;. Vnddpy; mJNt epfo;r;rpj; jpl;lkplypy; ePq;fs; nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;ba kpf Kf;fpakhd Mw;wyhFk;.



2. tpUk;gj;jF MSik midj;J tpjkhd epfo;TfSf;Fk; nghJthd tplak; vJ? Mk;. kf;fs;! epfo;r;rp Kfhikj;Jtk; njhlu;gpy; ePq;fs; ahuplk; njhlu;Gwg; Nghfpd;wPu;fs;> ahUf;F gzp Gupag; Nghfpd;wPu;fs;? Mk;. kf;fs;! ntw;wpfukhd epfo;r;rpj; jpl;l MNyhrfu;fs; tpUk;gj;jF MSik kpf;ftu;fshfTk;> <LghL nfhz;tu;fshfTk;> rpwg;ghf fye;JiuahLgtu;fshfTk;> nrhy;gtw;iw nghWikahf Nfl;gtuhfTk; ,Ug;gu;. epfo;r;rpj; jpl;lkplypd; ,Wjp tbtkhdJ> r%fj;Jld; ,izg;Gw;w xU njhopy; vd;gjhFk;. mJ xU rpW FOtpduhfNth my;yJ ghupa kf;fs; $l;lkhfNth ,Uf;Fk;. kf;fis Gupe;J nfhs;StJk;> mtu;fSld; md;ghf NgRtJk; ,j;njhopypd; mq;fq;fshFk;. mjw;fhf> xU epfo;r;rpj; jpl;l MNyhrfuhfpa ePq;fs;> cq;fs; thbf;ifahsupd; jpwg;G tpohtpYk;> tpUe;Jgrhuq;fspYk; cq;fsJ Neuj;ij fopf;f Ntz;Lk; vDk; mtrpakpy;iy. epfo;r;rpj; jpl;lkplyhdJ xU njhiyNgrp my;yJ fzdpAldhd Nkirapy; Neuj;ij nrytplf; $ba kpff; fbd ciog;igf; nfhz;lJ. MapDk; gpd;tUk; nghJthd tplaq;fspy;> midtuhYk; tpUk;gj;jF MSikiaf; nfhz;bUg;gjhdJ kpf mtrpakhd xd;whFk;. mit: - N`hl;ly;fis gjpT nra;tjw;fhd Ngr;Rthu;j;ij. - czT gupkhw;w KfhikahsUld; mjw;fhd gl;baiy fye;Jiuahly;. - tpw;gidahsu;fSldhd re;jpg;Gfs;. - epfo;r;rp njhlu;ghd MNyhridfis thbf;ifahsUf;F Gupa itj;jy;. - vg;NghJk;> ve;NeuKk; njhlu;Gwf;$batuhf ,Uj;jy;. - epfo;r;rp njhlu;ghd Copau;fis fz;fhzpj;jy;. - epfo;r;rp gzpfis Nkw;nfhz;lthW tpUe;jpdu;fs; kw;Wk; gzpahsu;fSld; ClhLjy;. vJ vt;thwpUg;gpDk;> md;whl tho;f;ifapy; ehk; re;jpf;Fk; kpff; fdpthNdhUk;> cjTk; kdg;ghq;if nfhz;ltu;fSk; vk; kdjpy; kpf Mokhf gjpthfpd;wdu; vd;gNjhL> mt;thwhd re;jpg;Gfs; mtu;fSf;Fk; vkf;Fk; xU re;Njhrj;ij toq;ff;$ba mDgtkhfTk; mike;J tpLfpd;wd. vt;thW> gy; jug;gl;l ,ay;Gilau;fSld; njhlu;G nfhs;Sjy;> mtu;fSld; tu;j;jf uPjpapyhd njhlu;Gfis itj;jpUj;jy; Nghd;wtw;Wld; Vidatu;fspd; kdjpy; rpwg;ghd ,lj;ij gpbf;ff;$ba xUtuhf ,Uj;jy; Nghd;wd ntw;wpf;fhd jpwTNfhy;fshFk;. vdNt ,t;thwhd mj;jpatrpakhd epfo;r;rp jpl;lkply; Mw;wy;fs; njhlu;gpYk; ftdk; nrYj;Jq;fs;. NgRtjw;F mnrsfupakhd my;yJ Gupe;Jnfhs;s fbdkhd my;yJ njhopy;thz;ikaw;w rpL rpLntd ,Uf;Fk; xUtUld; gzp Guptjw;Nfh> cjtp ngWtjw;Nfh ve;jnthU

Magazine re;ju;g;gj;jpYk; ahUk; tpUk;gkhl;lhu;fs;.

3. kpfr; rpwg;ghd njhlu;ghsu; gy;NtW njhopy; JiwfspYk;> kpfr; rpwg;ghd njhlu;ghly; Mw;wy;fs; mj;jpatrpakhdjhf fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. epfo;r;rpj; jpl;lkplypy;> gpioahd njhlu;ghlyhdJ epfo;r;rp jpl;lkpLgtUf;Fk; thbf;ifahsUf;Fk; gy;NtW gpur;rpidfis Vw;gLj;jyhk;. xU rhjhuz Gupe;Jzu;tw;w tplakhdJ gy;NtW rpf;fy;fis cUthf;fyhk;. vdNt rpwg;ghd njhlu;ghly; mwpT kw;Wk; Nahridfs; vd;gd> ve;jnthU kl;lj;jpyhd mDgtj;ijf; nfhz;l epfo;r;rpj; jpl;ltpayhsUf;fk;> md;whlk; mtrpakhfpd;w kpf Kf;fpa nrad;Kiw Mw;wy;fshFk;. epfo;r;rpfis jpl;lkpLk;NghJ vg;gb ,t;thwhd jpl;lkply; Mw;wy;fs; gad;gLj;jg;gLfpd;wd vd;gij gpd;tUk; cjhuzq;fs; %yk; fhzyhk;. vOj;J %ykhd njhlu;ghly;: - Nritia ngwTs;s xUtUf;fhd vOj;J %y epfo;r;rp Kd;nkhopTfs;.

thbf;ifahsupd; tpUg;gk; my;yJ czT toq;Fgtuplkhd Nfs;tpfs; Nghd;wit - N`hl;ly; fl;lzq;fs;> xg;ge;j tplaq;fs; my;yJ tpw;gidahsuplk; Nkyjpfkhf ngw Ntz;ba tplaq;fs; njhlu;gpy; kpfj; jpwikahf Ngrpj; jPu;khdpj;jy;.

4. gilg;ghw;wy; ntw;wpfukhd epfo;r;rp jpl;ltpayhsuplk; mjpfsthd Nahridfs; fhzg;gLk;. mt;thwhd Nahridfs; rpwe;j ngWNgWfshf khw;Wtjw;F gilg;ghw;wy; mtrpakhFk;. mit tho;f;iff;F mtrpakhdjhfTk; xU Nehf;fj;ij nfhz;ljhfTk; mikAk;. xU nfhz;lhl;l epfo;Tf;fhf jdpj;Jtkhd vz;zf;fUnthd;iw cUthf;Ftjw;F> Nghjpa mstpw;Fl;gl;l myq;fhuj;ij Nkw;nfhs;s rpwpa nryNt mtrpak;. ,q;F ,jid jpl;lkpLtjw;F gilg;ghw;wNy kpf Kf;fpa gq;Ftfpf;fpd;wJ. rpwg;ghfTk; njhopy;rhu; uPjpapYk; nrt;tNd jpl;lkplg;gl;l epfo;nthd;wpy;> rhjhuzkhf Vw;glf;$ba gpur;rpidfs; te;J NrUk; epiyapy;> mjid rup nra;a gilg;ghw;wYk; jdJ gq;fspg;ig Nkw;nfhs;fpd;wJ. ,t;thwhd re;ju;g;gq;fspy;> gpur;rpidia jPu;g;gjpy; gilg;ghw;wy; rpW gq;fspg;ig toq;Ffpd;wJ. gilg;ghw;wy; uPjpahf> gpur;rpidfis jPu;g;gjw;F Nahridfis Nkw;nfhs;tjhdJ> cq;fsJ epfo;r;rpapd; ntw;wpapy; ngUk; gq;fspg;ig toq;Fk;.

5. gy;gzpahsu;

- cq;fsJ epWtdj;ij re;ijg;gLj;Jtjw;fhd tpsk;guq;fs;. - thbf;ifahsu; kw;Wk; tpw;gidahsUldhd xg;ge;jq;fs;. - tpNrl Ngr;rhsu; kw;Wk; Kf;fpa gpuKfu;fSf;fhd ed;wpf; Fwpg;Gfs;. tha; %ykhd njhlu;ghly;: - epfo;r;rp xd;W njhlu;ghd Nehf;fk; kw;Wk; fhuzq;fs; njhlu;gpy; tpsf;fkspf;Fk; jpwik. - cq;fsJ Nahridfis> Nkw;ghu;itahsUf;F> thbf;ifahsUf;F my;yJ tpw;gidahsUf;F kpf Mf;fg+u;tkhf vLj;Jiuj;jy;. - toq;fg;gl;l jfty;fSf;F mika mtw;iw Gupe;Jnfhs;StJk; eilKiwg;gLj;JtJk; cjhuzkhf

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s n o i t a e r C d Car s a e d i r u o y e t a e r c We

By Nipun Kotage and Ravindi Periyapperuma

y self Nipun Kotage and my friend M Ravindi Periyapperuma used to know each other from long time back. When we got to know each other well we used to give greeting cards to each other. As this continued, two weeks before my mother’s birthday I wanted to give her a birthday card, I was telling my friend Ravindi about this and she told me that she will help me with this. I told her that I want to give an unique and a special one this time. After two days she dropped me a text me saying her card is ready, after I got the card to my hand I was amazed because it was all handmade and it was something unique for my eyes and creative. After I gave the card to my mother she was overjoyed,she never expected anything creative like this from me and my mother appreciated and thanked her. After some time I just gave her an idea to make this as making an income for herself with her own talents. She was happy about the idea and she said ok

but she had a few problem like,how to deliver how to attract customers etc. as this is a new idea which no one knows and all. But I told her ill take the responsibility if you start this. She was not really sure what I was going to do but she agreed. I started a Facebook page and thought of naming it in different ways but couldn't find any, at last I told Ravindi what I was doing and we both came up with the name Card Creations. In the start we didn’t have many likes or followers on Facebook but after sometime it started increasing little by little even though we have got only 40+ likes and a few orders by now we are really happy with it because we both believe in the quote by Zig Ziglar which says "You dont have to be great to start but have to start to be great". Our main target is to keep give our customers the best and to keep them with us throughout this journey. So for that we make sure that we are providing what the customer needs and make them satisfied. In Card creations, our process is all about coordination and team work ,we


know without each other making this an success is impossible. As we get an order from a customer we will start making what the customer requested and when the product is done it will be collected and delivered to the customer. Attractive discounts to our customers will be given: * If they place the order before two weeks we will be reducing the price. * We will be having free delivery for our cutomers. * If the customer orders 5 items the 6th item will be free from us. *Customers will be getting loyalty privileges after their 5th order. We have greeting cards, ribbon embroidery, and many creative items as to your request.ALL HANDMADE!! The customers can contact us from what’s app, viber and place their orders. Our hotline number is always there for the customers 24/7 to contact us, 0711924495. WE BOTH KNOW WE CANNOT MAKE THIS A SUCCESS WITHOUT OUR VALUABLE CUSTOMERS. PLEASE BE WITH US AND HELP TO CONTINUE OUR JOURNEY AND MAKE IT A SUCCESS.THANK YOU!!




By Dr. Ruklanthi Fernando

Wedding Planner

Marriages are supposed to be made in heaven but on earth there are many who plan the wedding. It’s no secret that wedding planning is a big business. Event Management is a useful skill to have in a variety of different fields. Wedding planning comes under it this purview. Opinions about wedding planners vary; wedding planning has to ‘go on’, if the big day is to be celebrated. Planning a wedding is no easy task. It involves endless details, deadlines and family drama. Here are some tips to make the wedding perfect. First step settle on a budget, then finding the date and perfect venue settling on wedding theme, colour, wedding style, selecting the dream gown or saree, finalising the guest list, determining catering, menu, and the cost, hiring vendors cateres, sound and light technicians, decorators entertainers, obtaining permits and licenses. Planning a wedding is a lot of work.

dressing, etc. Record everything about each task in the respective section, so that it will be very easy for you. When you make an advance to the photographer, write it or paste the receipt in the photography section. This way you can have a rough idea about what’ s done what is yet to be done.

Make a time plan

Make a wedding folder

When it comes to a wedding there are millions of things to look for like venue, dressing, invitations, cake boxes, cake structure and you can’t miss out anything. It’s wise to have things done before hand, but there are something like stitching the dresses that can’t be done before. Therefore make a big plan and execute it step by step.

Maintain a wedding folder. Collect photographs of dresses, bouquets, cake boxes, structures etc and put them in the folder.

Maintain a wedding book Take a note book and divide it into different parts. Have separate sections for things like venue, photography,

Creating and sustaining a new world for celebrating

Division of labour Even when you have a clear picture in your mind, you don’t have to take the responsibility of everything. Division of labour is a great idea! Divide responsibilities among all. Start soon since there is a lot to be done. The sooner you start the better. If you start planning soon, you will have ample time to compare a lot of choices and choose the best. Then you will have enough of time. And fulfill the promise of making her a happy and beautiful bride. A bride should look her best on her wedding day. It is their special day we should help make their dreams come true.

When planning a wedding these are the things you should consider beforehand Decide on the date and the theme Know about the budget Type of wedding- is it a simple or a grand wedding? Church wedding or a poruwa ceremony or any other Guest list - how many, their culture their traditions Choosing a reception hall accordingly well in advance Selecting invitations, cake boxes, etc. Bridal dress shoes and accessories type of dress Saree or a gown Decorations DJ music or a live band dancing troupes Photographer and videographer Hiring of vehicles Obtaining licenses or permits Liquor Wedding cake and boxes Decide on a priority list, and a check list When planning a wedding there are many categories of people who are involved In It. They are the Event Coordinators, Event Managers, Event Planners and Event Supervisors. There are lot of JOB opportunities open to these categories. It is wise to have things done before hand.



12 Months before

Event Management and the Wedding Plan

-Confirm date and auspicious time if necessary -Think about a theme or a color Start making a wedding folder of: Beauticians, photographers, videographers, decorators, dancers, live band -Select maid of honor best man and grooms group bride’smaids, little maids and flower girls -Venue 9 Months before Confirm Church the priest if it’s a church wedding. If it’s a poruwa ceremony confirm who is going to conduct the rituals. Confirm theme, confirm colour. Prepare the initial Guest list, planning honeymoon. Confirm and book the following, 1. Beauticians/photographer/ videographer 6months before Dress shopping Selecting Invitations

Ordering cake boxes, wedding structures Choose and confirm a flower decorator 3 Months before Make payments to hotels and honeymoon destination Buy saree/dress Book Drummers and Dancers Arrange Bridal Car Fulfill the legal marriage requirements Best man and groups attires Focus on beauty care If it’s a church wedding order Hymn Sheets choir and decide on the reading Finalising the guest list Order shoes and accessories for Bride and Brides Maids

1 month before Buy gold jewellery, saree jacket fit-ons, dress fit on


Finalising Reception hall plan 2 to 3 weeks before


Pack wedding cakes Finalise guest seating plan Day before the wedding day Send required tissues towels perfumes make up to hotel room


WEDDING DAY………..strict supervision of all the events in the check LIST. Every girl wants her wedding to be UNIQUE. So a creative approach to planning a wedding is very important in event management. These courses in event management provide an opportunity for the students to acquire knowledge on newer trends in event management and innovative ways to plan events.

Northshore College GRADUATES READY TO DRIVE INDUSTRY Established with the objective of providing high-quality educational opportunities, Northshore College has partnered with the University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, to provide graduate programmes in IT, engineering and management. With over 30,000 students and 3,500 staff, the degree programmes aim to mold students into individuals that meet all the requirements of present day employers. Degree programmesare based on employment opportunities in the job market currently, the highly sought after programmes include BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering, BEng (Hons) in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering and BSc (Hons) in Business Administration. All courses are professional programmes, which ensures employment soon after graduating. When you enroll at Northshore College you automatically become a full-time registered student of UWE from day one. The degree is awarded by the University of West of England and is recognized by the University Grants Commission.


With state of the art facilities it is situated on a 4-acre block of prime land conveniently located in the suburbs of Colombo for the benefit of aspiring students with all major roads interlinked to make transport easier. Scholarships,Study Grantsand Early bird discounts are on offer for aspiring students with good results. Pay after Graduate, Bank loans are being arranged for students who need’s financial support. The college recentlyembarked on another venture to offer cost-effective study programmes and introduced SQA (Scottish Qualification Authority) HND programmes in Business and Software Development to cut down costs. For more details contact 0715500200 or visit www. northshore.lk




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