Vol.07 No. 03 | April- June 2017 Vol.07 No. 04 | July - December 2017
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Top Story The End-Game… Is just the beginning…
Features UlªK z‹x ~Kv£pxf r£l² {§j§ pnšY£ “Dancing Queen” ~cd;dj ngz;| tpUJ ngw;w ejPfh âl‰ »nr£ p¥Ü ñë~Yª»[‰ r§py£[vpx »z¤Yxf Rr«M{l‰{xY‰ WY‰ Y… R~£v£p³ [¥ƒ¥p§ Chasing Dreams ~‹ƒ‹p ƒw£x£v fdTfis ntw;wp nfhs;Nthk; Gifted Children and Taking Care of Them tukha; fpilj;j rpWtu;fSk; mtu;fsJ guhkupg;Gk; ~§u[ ny¥{p‰ ƒ£ X{§p‰ ÷Ytz£ [¥ìv MrPu;tjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fspd; cyfk; 10 Gadgets That Can Help Persons with Disabilities Outshining Disability through Willpower »y¤n r§f§»N ~‹f Ìýlx cx[l‰ R¥x...
05 06 07 08 09 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
rf;fu ehw;fhypapypUe;J tho;f;ifia ntd;w jf;\pyh Technologies that Empower the Human Spirit »z¤Y»xˆ pvY‰ l¥t« »vyf ëMv£jYy¥»{Y‰ kdpjdpd; tsu;r;rpf;F cWJizahFk; njhopy;El;gq;fs; ã}‰Yyl£ v¥n {§{l‰ X{§ƒ« Rr r~§Yy [‹»x¤x To make them see A Successful and Inspiring Persons with Disabilities lë r£n»xp‰ ~¥lr§K nƒ~‰ [jpY‰ ãy [vpY‰ A Movie Star with a stellar attitude! jdp xU fhypdhy; gy iky; njhiyT gazk; I dance to a different drummer, Won’t you please clap for me? »Y¤~z»[‰ R~ƒ£x pMlp ƒ¥Ãx£{p‰ jhs re;jq;fspy; gupzkpf;Fk; eldk; One Step at a Time l{l‰ WY‰ Sn˜ù r‹x{yY‰ xU jlitapy; Xu; vl;L The Boy who Travelled Xƒ§»[‰ ƒ§nYz£ »p£{« [vp
22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
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July - December 2017
EDEX Expo 2018
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Mahinda Galagedera - Chairman Abhaya Amaradasa - Consultant Dr. Nandaka Molagoda - Editor Nalin Goonewardene Deputy Editor - English Sharlene De Chickera Deputy Editor - English Deepal Wijethilake Deputy Editor - Sinhala Arunothayan Raveendran Deputy Editor - Tamil
Danushka Godakumbura
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Rizwan Segu Mohideen
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PUBLISHED BY EDEX Advisory and Management Committee Royal College Union Rajakeeya Mawatha, Colombo 07 Tel : + 94 (11) 4327070 E-mail : depeditor.magazine@edex.lk
Top Story
The End-Game…
Is just the beginning… By Sharlene De Chickera and Ushan L. Samarakone
eing a Star at 15 years may seem like B a dream for many teenagers. But for a National level Chess Champion, Akindu Bandara being a National Star at fifteen is an achievement par excellence! Behind a friendly smile and charming demeanour is a strategist. A logical thinker. And a mind that has clever moves mapped out to defeat his opponents.
Welcome to the world of competitive Chess We meet Akindu in the Royal College Union Skills Centre Boardroom. We engage with a teenager who possesses a brilliant mind, a penchant for Photography and a love for music. We ask him the road to reaching the first pinnacle in Chess. Achieving National Chess Champion. He smiles disarmingly. “I learn from every mistake. Life is like Chess. They are inter-related. Intertwined. You cannot afford to make the same mistake twice. You have to move on”.
Chess Captain Apart from being a internationally rated Chess Player, Akindu works hard at his
Akindu ath his best
studies, and is pursuing Business studies. His ambition is to be a recognised professional in Economics, or an Entrepreneur or a change-maker in Business. He is naturally the Chess captain of his school. Interestingly he also mentors a young Chess aspirant, as a coach, and gave him the impetus to play Chess competitively. His competitive spirit is interlaced with championing his peers, a noble quality, rare in modern competition. He also credits his coach Nirosh De Silva as being the epitome of a professional coach and guide, who has been key in moulding his chess prowess. As a student of Asian International School, his school-life balance is pretty normal. He wakes up at around 5 am and has pretty much a regular routine. He has also had the distinction of taking part in FIDE and becoming one of the few AFM titled players in the country. Having achieved many wins during his youthful tenure in Chess up to now, he feels that Chess like life has the same adage to live by.
“Love what you do. Do what you love! Never Give Up”! Powerful words from a teenager. But then again Akindu is no ordinary teen. He is a champion. A visionary. A ‘Master-of-the-Game’. A worthy opponent. “My advice to those who would like to get into chess would be to simply start playing,even though one may not end up becoming a world champion it teaches us to take responsibility for our actions and critical thinking, even if none of these interests you I am sure this fascinating sport of complex tactics and deep strategy will keep you hooked.”
~fƒp - v¹c§z£ ýcxyl‰p
UlªK z‹x ~Kv£pxf r£l² {§j§ pnšY£
»|‰} ƒ¥Ãx£{p‰ R¥Ü »vyf n˜ùx [¥ƒ¥p§p‰ [¥p Yl£ Ãú»Knš pnšY£ Ì{p‰Ü ~vy»Y¤p‰ »vpýx [¥p Yl£ »p£Y…»ƒ£l‰ Wx ý|£z Rh§{Ã. pnšY£»[‰ ý»|‰} ƒ¥Ãx£{p‰ [¥p Yl£ Yyp‰pf Rrf ~Ktp‰o Yy[l ƒ¥Ã {§»j‰ pn˜Y£»[‰ v{, Ü…‹p£ [ªj»~ˆYy vƒl‰ñxõ. Ü…‹p£ [ªj»~ˆYy vƒl‰ñx [ªy¥ {¯l‰Ü»xp‰ »K {pýf ý|²£v »[p ~‹Ñp‰ìx. r²|‰px: pnšY£ ý»|‰} ny¥{Yª t{ Xt ƒ¼ãp£[l‰»l‰ »Y£»ƒ£vn? r‹…‹lªy: ~£v£p³ ny¥{Yª ƒ¥Ñxf Srãpl‰ n{~‰ ËrxY‰ [l»{n‰nŸ R¥x{ Yƒ r£f »{p‰p rfp‰ [l‰l£. Tf r²ÜY£y Ãú»Knš lvõ »»{n³{y¥p‰ ÃN»N »vx£ »r£HhY‰ »{p~‰ ny¥»{Y‰ Ãxz£. r²|‰px: A t¥N n¥p[l‰ R{~‰m£»N ~‹f Xt »Y£»ƒ£vn Y²‹x£ Y»…ˆ? r‹…‹lªy: ~£v£p³ ny¥{Yª ƒnp ýéxf v£ R¥x{ ƒ¥ã»N. R»pY‰ ny¥{Yªf zt£»np ƒ¥v »nxY‰v Rr‹ R¥xfl‰ zt£ ãp‰p£. Rr‹ xp Bp¦v l¥pYf R¥x{l‰ ÷»[p [‹x£. A ë~£ ~v£c»xp‰ ~`{£»[p Rr‹ R¥x{ ƒ¥ã»N p¥ƒ¥. r²|‰px: Ro³£rpx ztp {x~f R£{v »Y£»ƒ£vn Tf R¥x{ »x£v§ Y»…ˆ? r‹…‹lªy: [¹»[£hýz »M{l ýn³£zxf »x£v§Y…£. Wƒ‹ ý»|‰} Ro³£rp AYYx rfp‰ [¥p§»p‰ pnšY£»[‰ R¥lª…l‰þvl‰ ~v`õ. Wƒ‹ r²‹x£ë ý»F~‹¹ƒ [ªy¥vƒl‰ñx pnšY£f ý»|‰} v` »rp‰þvY‰ Y…£. pn˜Y£l‰ Yfx§lª Y»…ˆ A [ªy¥lªñxf ƒ§`Y‰ R£ny»xp‰. Sp‰r~§ Rr‹ pnšY£{ Çl²£»zˆp‰ r£~zf »x£v§ Y…£. R{§y¥ã 18 {plªy¥ R¦ Wƒ‹ Ro³£rpx z¥t§»N. Rl‰YK R£nš {¥hl‰ t£znY‰} Yfx§lªl‰ R¦ Wƒ‹nš Y…£. r²|‰px: pnšY£ pMlpxf ý»|‰} ƒ¥Ãx£{Y‰ Ü»xp »Y»pY‰. R¦ pMlpx R¥yw§»N »Y£»ƒ£vn?
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Uhyf ~Kr²n£xf. pMlp R¹[ »à…ƒÃp‰ ~vp‰ýl r²~¹[xYªl‰ R¦ Wƒ‹nš r¥{¥l‰{«{£. Wxf Rvly{ R¥x ûqz‰r‹Ñ»xˆ n˜ùx ny¦ r‹x»~ƒ‹l‰ {¯l‰Ýx r§ƒ§j§{Y‰ z¥t§{£. Wxl‰ ý»|‰} ny¥{p‰ ~½nƒ£ ñ÷p‰h£ »ƒ‰vzl£ vƒl‰ñx xf»l‰ r{l‰p£»[p xp R£xlpxY‰. »Y£»ƒ£v {§jl‰ »v»lY‰ zt£ [l‰ pMlp n¥p§v ë~£ R¥xf Y£p‰l£ ýn³£z»xˆ pMlpx S[¥p‰þK Yfx§lª{zf ~ƒu£[Ÿ »{p‰pl‰ R{~‰m£{ z¥t§j£. l{vl‰ R¦ A ÷Ãx£{ Yyp{£. pnšY£ A ÷Ãx£{f ƒ§`Y‰ Y¥vÜõ. r²|‰px: pnšY£ UlªKz‹x ~Kv£pxf r£l² {§j§ x§{ÜxY‰. ..?.. r‹…‹lªy: XN, R¦ Wv ~Kv£px zt£[l‰»l‰ 2008 {~»Mnš. A [¥p R¥x ƒ§`Y‰ ~lªf§ »{p{£. v£ Ü…‹p£ [ªj»~ˆYy vƒl‰ñx ~v` Yl£ t»ƒƒ‹ »x»np ýf Rr Rlyf r¥ñÚ pnšY£ v£ ~v` R»l£yY‰ p¥Ü{ Yl£{f {¥f§»j‰ vƒl‰ R£|£{Ãë. W»{»zƒ‹ R¥»[p‰ ~yz r²|‰p ËrxY‰ R~p‰pf R{~‰m£{ vf z¥ïj. r²|‰px: pnšY£ p¥f§K{zf ƒ§`Y‰ Y¥vÜn? r‹…‹lªy: XN, vv ƒ§`Y‰ Y¥v¥Ý. vf »ƒ£½nf pfp‰pl‰ r§†{p‰. vv {¥Õ»xp‰v Y¥v¥Ü Uhyf p¥f§K{zf. r²|‰px: pnšY£f »{p »v£p {»[‰ {¥hn Yyp‰p r§†{p‰ ? r‹…‹lªy: »Y‰Y‰ ƒnp‰p, »}¤MG TG~‰ ƒnp‰p r§†{p‰. tl‰ Uxp‰pl‰ r§†{p‰. Rl‰ {¥h Yyp‰pl‰ vv S»[p [l‰l£. Çl² R¼n™p‰pl‰ Y¥v¥Ý. r²|‰px: pn˜Y£f RYªy¥ z‹xp‰p, »r£l‰ Ãx{p‰pl‰ r§†{p‰n? r‹…‹lªy: XN, vv »r£l‰ Ãx{p{£. r²|‰px: »v£p{n Rp‰Üvf Ãx{r§ »r£l‰? r‹…‹lªy: [K»ry…‹x, Rw xƒ†»{¤, X}‹p‰, a£lªMxx£ r²|‰px: »r£l‰ [p‰»p‰ »Y£»ƒp‰n? r‹…‹lªy: Y£p‰l£ ýn³£z»xˆ r§~‰lY£z»xp‰. pnšY£ Y… ý~‹lªy¥ Rl‰YK ëMv£j ÷~Y‰ vf R¥»[‰ ë{»~ˆnš n¥Y[p‰pf z¥ïj. Rl‰YK ëMv£j {³£r£yxY‰ vGfñp‰ Yy»[p x£vf lyK |Y‰ÜxY‰ pnšY£ ~lª{ p¥Ü t{ R¥»[‰ v{ v£ ~v` r¥{~§{£x. Rl‰YK ëMv£j{zf [p‰p£ »yn˜ R£n˜»xp‰ p¥»`p ョýz‹ R¹|ª ë~£ R¦ Sl£ SY‰vëp‰ »y¤[Ÿ ll‰l‰{xp‰f rl‰ þv Wxf »ƒ‰lª{õ. W»~ˆ {§{l‰ h{§p‰ ~‹p‰»h²¤v»xp‰ »r»…p R¦ {¥ë x§{ÜxY pMlp»xp‰ r¥ñÚ n˜[ª [vp l{l‰ W{¥ë ny¥ n¥ùxp‰ lª… »»oMxxY‰ ~ƒ Ru‹»r±ˆyjxY‰ R¥Ü Yyp{£f Ã~‹ã ~¥YxY‰ p¥l.
“Dancing Queen” By Manjula Wijayaratne
adeeka is an inspiration! Despite having Down Syndrome, she leads an exemplary life! N adeeka lives under the protection of her parents. So, I could contact her mother to talk about her daughter’s special abilities. Nadeeka’s mother Mrs. Thilina Gunasekera is a retired teacher now. Question: How did you identify Nadeeka as a special child? Answer: She was born as a normal child. But few days later, she started to get yellow. The doctors said that she would be a little different. Question: How did you change, from the time you came to know this? Answer: I raised her like a normal child. We gave her everything she needed. We took her wherever we went. We did not hide her from the society. Question: How was she directed to the education process when she was getting older? Answer: We sent her to Gangodawila Revatha Vidyalaya. Mrs. Priyani Wijesinghe of the school’s special educational unit was made a special guide to work with her and she loved the teacher very much. Then we
sent Nadeeka to Chitra Lane School, and she did very well under their tutelage. Question: Nadeeka has a special talent for dancing. How did she start? Answer: First, I took her to Mrs.
Sumana Nellampitiya. Nadeeka evolved and grew under her expertise and did some great dance performance under her. Nadeeka also participated in dancing performances at John de Silva Memorial Theater.We then directed her to Mrs. Miranda Hemalatha. Question: How did she perform under Mrs. Miranda Hemalatha? Answer: She diligently practiced both Bharatha and Kandyan dancing traditions. She preferred Kandyan dancing. Nadeeka then performed twelve dancing items. In addition, she received vocational training at Kindelpitiya Diriya Daru Piyasa. It is an institutefor the differently abled youth, managed by Mrs. Miranda Hemalatha. Owing to her knowledge in dance, she got a teaching stint at Ladies College, where she currently teaches. Question:She was honored with the “UthumLiya” Award. ….?.... Answer: Yes. She received that award in 2008. She is very happy about this. When I was chatting with Mrs. Thilina Gunesekara, Nadeeeka also joined with us. It was the golden opportunity I had, to talk with Nadeeka. Question: Do you like dancing so much? Answer: Yes, I prefer Kandyan Dance. I can dance very well. Question: What else you can do…?.. Answer: I can make cakes, shorteats. I also learned to make hand crafts. I like painting also. Question: Do you read books? Answer: Yes, I usually read. Question: What are the books you have read recently? Answer: “Gamperaliya”, “AmbaYahaluwo” “Chathurya” and “Oshin” Question:How do you get the books? Answer: From Ladies College’s library
Mf;fk;: kQ;Rsh tp[auj;d jkpopy;: Rizwan Segu Mohideen
Nrl jpwikfisf; nfhz;l ijupak; kpf;f ngz;fs; gw;wp NgRifapy;> ejPfh [Pte;jp rkuNfhd; mtu;fis gw;wp NgrhkypUg;Nghkhapd; mJ kpfg; ghupa Fiw vd;w $wNtz;Lk;. ejPfhtpd; tpNrl jpwikfs; gw;wp NgRtjw;F> ehk; mtuJ jha; jpypdh FzNrfuit re;jpj;Njhk;. Mrpupa njhopy; Gupe;j mtu; mjpypUe;J jw;NghJ Xa;T ngw;Ws;shu;. Nfs;tp: ejPfh tpNrl Foe;ij vd ePq;fs; vt;thW milahsk; fz;Bu;fs;? tpil: rhjhuzkhd Foe;ijahf gpwe;j mtu;> rpy ehl;fs; nrd;w epiyapy; kQ;ry; epwkhf khwj; njhlq;fpdhu;. mjw;F rpfpr;ir ngwr; nrd;w epiyapy;> ,tu; rw;W tpj;jpahrkhd Foe;ij vd itj;jpau;fs; $wpdu;. Nfs;tp: mt;thW njupe;J nfhz;ljd; gpd;du; ePq;fs; vt;thW nraw;gl;Bu;fs;? tpil: rhjhuz Foe;ijnahd;iw tsu;g;gJ Nghd;Nw ehd; mtiu tsu;j;Njd;. Vida Foe;ijfSf;F toq;Fk; midj;ijAk; ehk; mtUf;F toq;fpNdhk;. ehk; nry;Yk; midj;J ,lq;fSf;Fk; mtiuAk; mioj;Jr; nrd;Nwhk;. ,jw;fhf ehk; mtiu r%fj;jpypUe;J kiwj;J tsu;f;ftpy;iy. Nfs;tp: fy;tp fw;Fk; taij mile;jJk;> mtiu mjpy; vt;thW <LgLj;jpdPu;fs;? tpil: fq;nfhltpy; Nutjp tpj;jpahyaj;jpy; mtiu Nru;j;Njhk;. ejPfh mq;F Nru;f;fg;gl;lij mLj;Nj mq;F tpNrl fy;tpg; gpupnthd;W Muk;gpf;fg;gl;lJ. mq;F> gpupahdp tpN[rpq;f Mrpupiaahy; ejPfhtpw;F tpNrl topfhl;ly; toq;fg;gl;lJ. ejPfhTk; me;j MrpupiaAld; kpf md;NghL nraw;gl;lhu;. mjd; gpd;du; ehk; ejPfhit rpj;uh Nyd; ghlrhiyapy; Nru;j;Njhk;. 18 taJ tiu mtu; mq;F fy;tp fw;whu;. ifg;gzp cs;spl;l tplaq;fs;> rhuzu; nraw;ghLfspy; mtu; mq;F Nkw;nfhz;lhu;. Nfs;tp: ejPfh> eldj;jpy; tpNrl jpwik nfhz;ltu;. mtu; eldj;ij vg;NghJ Muk;gpj;jhu;? tpil: Kjypy; ehk; mtiu Rkzh ney;yk;gpl;ba Mrpupauplk; mioj;Jr; nrd;Nwhk;. ney;yk;gpl;ba Mrpupiaaplk; ejPfh mjpfsthd kl;lk; tiu eldj;ij gapd;whu;. Mtuhy; xOq;F nra;ag;gl;l> N[hd; b rpy;th epidT muq;fpy; ,lk;ngw;w eld epfo;r;rpapy; ejPfhTk; gq;Fgw;wpdhu;. mjd; gpd;du; ejPfhTf;F kpuz;lh N`kyjh mtu;fsplkpUe;J eldj;ij fw;gjw;fhd trjpfis ehk; nra;J nfhLj;Njhk;. Nfs;tp: kpuz;lh N`kyjh mtu;fsplk; mtu; vt;thW nraw;gl;lhu;? tpil: gujk; kw;Wk; fz;b eld mwpit NkYk; tsu;Jf; nfhz;lhu;. fz;b eld fiyiaNa mtu; mjpfk; tpUk;gpdhu;. eld mirTfs; 12 ,idf; nfhz;l epfo;r;rpnahd;iwAk; mtu; mq;F elj;jpdhu;. mJ jtpu> fpe;jy;gpl;ba jpupa jU gpar mikg;gpdhy;
'cd;dj ngz;" tpUJ ngw;w ejPfh
njhopw;gapw;rpiaAk; ngw;whu;. mJTk; tpNrl Foe;ijfSf;fhf kpuz;lh N`kyjh mtu;fshy; elhj;jpr; nry;yg;gLk; epWtdkhFk;. vt;thwhapDk; ,J tiu mtu; ngw;w eld mwptpd; %yk; mtu;> ngz;fs; tpj;jpahyaj;jpy; eldk; fw;gpf;Fk; eltbf;iffspy; <LglTk; tha;g;Gf; fpilj;jJ. ,d;Dk; mtu; me;j njhopiy Nkw;nfhz;L tUfpd;whu;. ejPfhtpw;F me;j njhopy; kpfTk; gpbj;Js;sJ. Nfs;tp: ejPfh ~cJk; ypa| (cd;dj ngz;) tpUij ngw;w xU ngz;...?... gjpy;: Mk;. mtu; me;j tpUij 2008 ,y; ngw;whu;. mJ njhlu;gpy; mtu; mjpfk; re;Njhrkilfpd;whu;. ehd; jpypdh FzNrfutplk; Ngrpf; nfhz;bUf;Fk;NghJ> mt;tplj;jpw;F te;j ejPfh vd;Dld; vt;tpj jaf;fKk; ,d;wp kpf MirAld; Ngr Kw;gl;lhu;. mt;Ntisapy;> xU rpy ruskhd Nfs;tpfis Nfl;gjw;F vdf;F tha;g;G fpl;baJ. Nfs;tp: ejPfh eldj;jpw;F mjpfk; tpUg;gkhdtu;? gjpy;: Mk;. vdf;F mjpfk; gpbf;Fk;. vdf;F ed;whf MlTk; njupAk;. vdf;F fz;b eldNk mjpfkhf gpbf;Fk;. Nfs;tp: ejPfhtpw;F NtW vd;dnty;yhk; nra;a KbAk;? tpil: Nff; nra;a> Nrhu;l; <l;]; nra;a KbAk;.
NrhW rikf;f KbAk;. iftpid nra;aTk; ehd; fw;Ws;Nsd;. rpj;jpuk; tiuaTk; vdf;F gpbf;Fk;. Nfs;tp: ejPfhtpw;F vOJtjw;F> Gj;jfk; thrpg;gjw;F KbAkh? gjpy;: Mk;. ehd; Gj;jfk; thrpg;Ngd;. Nfs;tp: filrpahf gbj;j Gj;jfk; vd;d? tpil: fk;nguypa> mk;g a`YNth> xrpd;> rhJu;aah Nfs;tp: Gj;jfq;fis vq;Nf ngWtPu;fs;? gjpy;: ngz;fs; ghlrhiyapd; E}yfj;jpy;. ejPfh nra;j ifg;gzp gilg;Gfs; gytw;iw> mtuJ tPl;by; fhzf;$bajhf ,Ue;jJ. ifg;gzp gilg;ig tu;j;jf kl;lj;jpy; Nkw;nfhz;L nry;Yk; mstpyhd rf;jp ejPfhtplk; ,y;iy vd> mtuJ jha; vd;dplk; njuptpj;jhu;. ifg;gzp gilg;GfSf;fhf ngwg;gLk;; Jzpfs;> nghUl;fs; Nghd;wtw;wpy; fhzg;gLk; J}R> Jzpf;iffs; fhuzkhf> mtu; kpf tpiuthf Neha;tha;g;gLtNj mjw;fhd fhuzkhFk;. vt;thwhapDk;> lTd; rpd;l;Nuhik nfhz;Ls;s mtu; Nghd;w ngz;> eld fiy njhlu;gpy; gazpj;J te;j ePz;l gazk;> mt;thwhd NkYk; gy Foe;ijfSf;F ijupaj;ijAk; jd;dk;gpf;ifiaAk; Vw;gLj;Jk; vd;gjpy; vt;tpj re;NjfKk; ,y;iy.
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Chasing Dreams By Nadeesha Paulis
shan Jalill always wanted to Iunderstood be Diplomat. From the time he world affairs, his aspiration was to travel and be involved in it. Today, he is the National Inclusion Consultant to the International Foundation For Electoral Systems (IFES) and is also the founder of a youth organisation named Action Against Apathy. He has also participated in United Nations conferences as a disability rights activist. His journey would have been ordinary if he had not been blind. His is an extraordinary story of determination and courage and above all, the will to rise above his circumstances.
A Habit of not saying “No” He is grateful for his parents and their support. They never denied him education. He went to blind school and did his A/L’s in Economics, Greek & Roman Civilisation and English Literature at S. Thomas’ College Mt Lavinia. “It was difficult learning Economics because of all the diagrams and graphs, but my teacher was determined to teach me using braille methods,” says Ishan. Ishan had a life changing experience when the rowing coach approached him and asked him to join Rowing. Ishan who had never done any sports was
intrigued and was willing to participate. “I still don’t have the habit of saying No,” says Ishan smiling. There had been many obstructions, especially with others parents approaching the coach to stop Ishan from participating because they thought the opportunity would be a waste. “It’s not that I would go on to be a sportsman or anything. My coach wanted to prove a point. He wanted to show that even a blind person will succeed in it if you believe in him enough,” Ishan explains. He participated at the Royal Thomian Mini Regatta and was the first born blind person to row at the time. He then followed International Relations at the University of Colombo and is the only blind person in Sri Lanka who did IR in the English Medium.
Building a disability friendly society In a society such as ours that is not very disability-friendly, it is essential to break the taboo. When applying for jobs, some workplaces are not supportive of disabled persons. Some organisations don’t take disabled people seriously. Even applying for a job is difficult. Employers Federation of Ceylon (EFC) has a network of more
than 100 companies that are committed to provide employment for Persons with Disabilities. “Just because a person is disabled, it doesn’t mean that they cannot do a particular task. It should be merit qualifications skill-based as with non-disabled people,” says Ishan who was also unemployed at a point. “It is natural to feel frustrated with all the disappointments in life, but you must move on. If you want to change your circumstances, you should do it yourself,” insists Ishan. (Pix : Nadeesha Paulis)
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R£t£élõp‰f ƒ‹lY£ò ~v£cxY‰ »[£hp¥[Ÿv Rr ~£v£cx ~¥týp‰v R£t£élõp‰ U»n~£ ƒ‹lY£ò WYY‰ pK »p£»N. »vv lƒ¹Ç ïq»ƒzŸv pK Rl³{|³õ. ÷Ãx£{Y‰ ~qƒ£ Rx¼ãK Ãú»Knš n R¥l¥K ÷Ãx£ ~‰m£p R£t£él r§n‰[zxp‰ ~qƒ£ R{~‰m£{Y‰ zt£ »p£»nŠ. R¥l¥K ~¹ýo£p n Ã~‹ý»fYl‰ R£t£élxp‰ ~qƒ£ R{~‰m£{Y‰ zt£ »p£»nŠ. Yy¥j§ »v»~ˆ Üïxnš R£t£élõp‰f ÷Ãx£{Yf RxãK Ãúv r{£ Sl£ Rrƒ~§õ. Wvë~£v z¹Y£ »~ˆ{Y ~K»Kzpx (Employers Federation of Ceylon (EFC)) ~lª{ R£t£él Rx ~qƒ£ ÷Ãx£ R{~‰m£ zt£nšvf ~«n£pK ~v£[K 100 Yf {h£ {¥Õ c£zxY‰ R¥l. “»Y»pY‰ R£t£él {« rvÚp‰v Wv r§n‰[zx£ Ã~‹{Y‰ Y… »p£ƒ¥Y‰»YY‰ »p£»N. R¥l¥Kýf R£t£él »p£{p R»xY‰fl‰ {h£ R£t£él r§n‰[zx£f xK YMl{³xY‰ ~Ktp‰o»xp‰ ~§ã~§YK, ƒ¥Ãx£{p‰ »ƒ¤ ~vl‰YK Üïx ƒ¥Ãõ” õ r{~p‰»p‰ l{vl‰ ÷Ãx£{Y‰ »p£v¥Ü S}£p‰. “Ìýl»xˆ ~‹xû Rƒ‹ñþK ƒv§»N YzÃúK ~£v£p³õ. pv§l‰ Xt A ~qƒ£ v§ƒ§j n˜x x§lªõ. Xt ~Ktp‰o {« ~‹xû »nŠ »{p~‰ Ãúvf R{|³ pK Wx Y… x§l‰»l‰ Xtvõ.” S}£p‰ R{o£yj»xp‰ Ãx£ ~‹Ò.
fdTfis ntw;wp nfhs;Nthk;
Mf;fk;: ejP\h Nghyp]; jkpopy;: Rizwan Segu Mohideen
[yPy; xU murhq;f , \hd; gpujpepjpahf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk; vd epidg;gtu;. cyf elg;Gfs; njhlu;gpy; mwpa Muk;gpj;j mtu;> gazq;fis Nkw;nfhz;L> mjpy; jd;id <LgLj;jpf; nfhz;lhu;. Nju;jy; Kiwfs; njhlu;ghd ru;tNjr mikg;gpd;> Njrpa cs;sPl;L MNyhrfuhfTk; (IFES)> Ntw;Wikf;F vjpuhd eltbf;if vDk;> ,isQu;fSfhd rq;fj;jpd; Muk;gfu;j;jhthfTk; jpfo;fpd;whu;. tpNrl NjitAilatu;fspd; cupikf;fhd nraw;ghl;lhsu; vDk; uPjpapy;> If;fpa ehLfspd; khehLfspYk; mtu; fye;Jnfhz;Ls;shu; vd;gJ Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. mtu; ghu;f;Fk; jpwd; nfhz;ltuhf ,Ue;jpUe;jhy;> mtuJ gazk; rhjhuzkhdjhfNt mike;jpUe;jpUf;fyhk;. mtuplk; fhzg;gl;l kdj;jplk;> Cf;fk; Nghd;w tplaq;fNs mtu; ,t;thwhdnjhU cau;e;j ,lj;ij miltjw;F fhuzkhf mike;jJ vdyhk;.
KbahJ vd $whj gof;fk; mtuJ ngw;Nwhu; kw;Wk; mtu;fsJ fuprid vd;gd mtUf;F ghupa gf;fgykhff; fhzg;gl;ld. mtu; fy;tpia ngWtjpy; mtu;fs; vt;tpj jaf;fj;ijAk; fhz;gpf;ftpy;iy. ghu;itaw;wtu;fSf;fhd fy;Y}upapy fy;tp fw;w mtu;> tu;j;jf Jiwapy; cau; juk; fw;whu;. fy;fp];i] Gdpj Njhk]; fy;Y}upapy;> fpNuf;fk;> cNuhk ehfupfk; kw;Wk; Mq;fpy ,yf;fpaj;ij fw;whu;. 'cz;ikapy; tu;j;jf ghlj;ij fw;gJ fbdkhdjhf fhzg;gl;lJ. fhuzk; mjpy; gy;NtW tiuGfs; kw;Wk; ml;ltizfs;
fhzg;gLfpd;wd. MapDk; vdJ Mrpupau; kpf cWjpAld; gpiwy; (Braille) Kiw %yk; mjid fw;Wj; je;jhu;" vd;fpwhu; ,\hd;. glNfhl;Lk; gapw;rpahsu; xUtu; ,\ hid glNfhl;Lk; gapw;rpapy; <LgLkhW mioj;jjd; %yk; ,\hd; jdJ tho;f;ifapy; khw;wj;ij Vw;gLj;jpa kw;WnkhU mDgtj;ij ngw;whu;. mjw;F Kd;du; vt;tpj tpisahl;Lg; Nghl;bfspYk; gq;Fgw;wpapuhj ,\hd; mjpy; gq;Fgw;w Kd;te;jhu;. ~KbahJ vd nrhy;Yk; gof;fk;> vd;dplk; ,J tiu ,y;iy| vdr; nrhy;yp rpupf;fpwhu; ,\hd;. ,jd;NghJ gy;NtW vjpu;g;Gfs; te;jd. Fwpg;ghf Vidatu;fSld; xg;gpLifapy;> ,\hd; mjpy; gq;FngWtjpy; vt;tpj gaDkpy;iy vd gapw;rpahsuplk; ngw;Nwhu; njuptpj;jdu;. ~ehd; xU tpisahl;L tPuuhfNth my;yJ VNjh xU epiyf;F nry;Ntd; vd;gjy;y. ePq;fs; ek;gpf;if itj;jhy;> ghu;itaw;w xUtuhy; $l xU tplaj;ij nra;a KbAk; vDk; tplaj;ij> vdJ gapw;rpahsu; ep&gpf;f tpUk;gpdhu;| vd ,\hd; tpsf;fpdhu;. Nwhay; - gupRj;j Njhk]; fy;YupfSf;fpilapyhd rpW glNfhl;l Nghl;bapy; gq;Fgw;wpa mtu;> mg;NghJ Kjd; Kjyhf glNfhl;l Nghl;bapy; gq;Fgw;wpa Kjy; ghu;itaw;wtuhf ,Ue;jhu;. mjd; gpd;du;> nfhOk;G gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy; ru;tNjr njhlu;Gfs; fw;if newpia njhlu;e;j mtu;> mf;fw;if newpia Mq;fpy nkhopapy; gapd;w xNunahU ghu;itaw;wtuhthu;.
tpNrl NjitAilatu;fSf;fhd el;GwT r%f cUthf;fk; xU r%fj;jpy;> Fwpg;ghf ehk; thOfpd;w r%fk;> tpNrl
NjitAilatu;fs; mjpfk; tpUk;gf;$bajhf ,y;iy. ,e;epiy khWtJ kpf mtrpakhFk;. xU njhopYf;fhf tpz;zg;gpf;Fk;NghJ> rpy Ntiyj;jsq;fs; mtu;fSf;F ,iaghdjhf mike;jpUg;gjpy;iy. mNj Nghd;W rpy epWtdq;fs; mtu;fis Ntiyf;fku;j;JtjpypUe;J jtpu;e;Js;sd. njhopYf;fhf tpz;zg;gpg;gJk; fbdkhdjhf ,Uf;fpd;wJ. ,yq;if njhopy; toq;Fdu; $l;likg;G (EFC) Rkhu; 100 ,w;Fk; mjpfkhd epWtdq;fs; %yk; tpNrl NjitAilatu;fSf;F Ntiy tha;g;ig toq;Ftjw;fhf mu;g;gzpg;Gld; nraw;gLfpd;wJ. ~xUtu; CdKw;w epiyapy; cs;shu; vdpd;> mtuhy; xU Fwpg;gpl;l Ntiyiar; nra;a KbahJ vd;gjy;y. xU Fiwghlw;w kdpjupd; jifik my;yJ tpNrl rpj;jp my;yJ jpwikf;F ,Uf;Fk; tha;g;G toq;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;| vd;fpwhu;> xU fhy fl;lj;jpy; Ntiy tha;g;gpd;wp ,Ue;j ,\ hd;. 'tho;f;ifapy; gy;NtW Vkhw;wq;fis re;jpf;Fk; epiyapy;> tpuf;jpailtJ ,ay;ghdNj. MapDk; cq;fsJ gazj;ij ePq;fs; njhlu Ntz;Lk;. cq;fsJ epiyikia khw;w Ntz;Lkhapd;> mij ePq;fNs nra;a Ntz;Lk;" vd;fpwhu; ,\hd;.
By Nadeesha Paulis
of organisations in Sri A handful Lanka specialise in enabling
children with special needs to discover their true potential. But many of these organisations suffer with lack of funding and the lack of support and awareness within the society to make a real change. Parents and caregivers with Children with Disabilities feel they are “burdened” with this responsibility and perhaps, due to many factors such as the narrow mindness of people in society and the lack of understanding and compassion within people, it resonates true.
Programmes for kids with special needs Non-Profit Organisations such as Centre for Humanitarian Affairs (CHA) conduct programmes for special needs children as well as parents to help them overcome this challenge. CHA has a Learning Support Unit where volunteer teachers coach kids with homework and academics on weekends as well weekdays. CHA is also reaching out to schools to set up Support Units to accommodate children in the schools. CHA conducts bi-monthly workshops for kids to empower them and allow them to interact with each other. All of these workshops have volunteers who help. 25 teachers and 30 assistant caregivers volunteer with CHA to make these programmes an enjoyable, constructive experience for the kids. “Programmes focusing on art, music, dance and therapy are free and held on weekends so that parents can also attend. A specialist Doctor focusing on behavioral therapy and
Gifted Children and Taking Care of Them
a speech therapist is available on Saturdays while Psychologists are available during the week. CHA is also happy to sponsors 5 children per month for therapy. We encourage parents to bring gifted youngsters to participate in the free programmes we offer,” says Dhanya, Programme Director - Rights and Development at CHA. “We need to focus on Children with Disabilities to make them feel less isolated, less withdrawn and less different,” she adds.
Kids with special needs are unique Capabilities of gifted children expand far beyond the normal scope of children who are born without special needs. Some excel in mathematics, while others shine bright in dancing and
music. Unfortunately, people don’t see it that way. Parents themselves feel that it is their “fault” to have special kids and there have been instances where the father blames the mother for conceiving these children. ‘We need to understand is that gifted children are different and they do need special care, but it is not a bad thing. It is not a taboo topic. It should not be considered a burden or a shame, but rather an opportunity to make a real difference in someone’s life. It is a challenge, yes, but rather, a gift from God. You have been chosen to be a hero to your child,” says Kumutha who is a proud and devoted mother of a gifted child and also works as a Programme Assistant at CHA to help special children and their parents. Contact Details Please call for an appointment or seek more information on the programs available. 4061461 or 077 0029103 progast@cha.lk, info@cha.lk http://www.humanitariansrilanka. org/special-needs/ L- Kumutha R- Dhanya (Pix : Nadeesha Paulis)
Magazine Mf;fk;: ejP\h Nghyp]; jkpopy;: Rizwan Segu Mohideen ifapYs;s gy , yq; mikg;Gfs;> tpNrl NjitAila rpWtu;fs; vjpu;Nehf;Fk; cz;ikahd gpur;rpidfs; Fwpj;J mf;fiw nfhz;L ,aq;Ffpd;wd. mjpfkhd ,t;thwhd mikg;Gfs;> epjp gw;whf;Fiw> cjtpapd;ik kw;Wk; r%fj;jpy; tpopg;Gzu;tpd;ik fhuzkhf cz;ikahd khw;wj;ij Vw;gLj;Jtjpy; gpur;rpidfis vjpu;Nehf;Ffpd;wd. mjpf nghWg;G> mj;Jld; FWfpa kdg;ghq;if nfhz;l r%fj;jpYs;stu;fs; kw;Wk; kf;fspilNa fhzg;gLk; Fiwthd njspT Nghd;w fhuzpfshy;> tpNrl NjitAila rpWtu;fis ngw;Nwhu; kw;Wk; ghJfhtyu;fs;> xU ghukhf fUJfpd;wdu;. mJ kWf;f Kbahj cz;ikAkhFk;.
tpNrl NjitAila rpWtu;fSf;fhd epfo;r;rpfs;
tukha; fpilj;j rpWtu;fSk; mtu;fsJ guhkupg;Gk;
kdpjhgpkhd tptfhu ikak; (Centre for Humanitarian Affairs CHA) Nghd;w ,yhg Nehf;fj;ij nfhz;buhj epWtdq;fs;> tpNrl NjitAila rpWtu;fs; kw;Wk; mtu;fsJ ngw;Nwhu;fs; vjpu;Nehf;Fk; rthy;fis vt;thW Kfk;nfhLf;fyhk; vd;gJ njhlu;gpyhd gy;NtW epfo;r;rpfis Kd;ndLj;J tUfpd;wd. mj;Jld;> CHA fw;if cjtp gpupit nfhz;Ls;sJ. ,q;F njhz;lu; Mrpupau;fshy; thu kw;Wk; thu ,Wjp ehl;fspy;> khztu;fs; tPl;LNtiyfs; kw;Wk; fy;tp eltbf;iffs; njhlu;gpy; gapw;Wtpf;fg;gLfpd;wdu;. (CHA ghlrhiyfis mZfp> mt;thwhd khztu;fSf;F cjTk; tifapyhd cgfuzq;fis toq;fp> mtu;fisAk; ghlrhiyfspy; cs;thq;Ftjw;fhd eltbf;iffspYk; <Lgl;L tUfpd;wJ. rpWtu;fs; mtu;fSf;fpilNa xd;wpize;J nraw;gLtij Cf;Ftpg;gjw;fhd khjhe;j gapw;rpg;gl;liwfis CHA Nkw;nfhz;L tUfpd;wJ. ,g;gapw;rpg;gl;liwfis njhz;lu;fNs Nkw;nfhz;L tUfpd;wdu;. ,t;thwhd epfo;r;rpfs; rpWtu;fSf;F kfpo;r;rpfukhdjhfTk;> gaDs;sjhfTk; mikAk; tifapy;> 25 Mrpupau;fs; kw;Wk; 30 cjtp guhkupg;ghsu;fisf; nfhz;l njhz;lu; FOtpid CHA nfhz;Ls;sJ. ~rpj;jpuk;> ,ir> eldk; kw;Wk; njugp rpfpr;ir vd;gd ,ytrkhdJ vd;gNjhL> mit thu ,Wjp ehl;fspy; ,lk;ngWfpd;wd. vdNt mtw;wpy; ngw;NwhUk; fye;Jnfhs;syhk;. tpNrl itj;jpa epGzu;fs; ftdk; nrYj;Jk;> nraw;ghL uPjpahd rpfpr;ir> Ngr;R rpfpr;ir Nghd;wd rdpf;fpoikfspy; ,lk;ngWtNjhL> kdey kUj;Jtu;fs; thu ehl;fspy; rpfpr;ir toq;Ffpd;wdu;. CHA khjhe;jk; 5 rpWtu;fSf;F
,t;thwhd rpfpr;irf;F kdKte;J mDruiz toq;Ffpd;wJ. mUl;nfhil ngw;w ,t;thwhd rpWtu;fis> ,ytr epfo;r;rpfSf;F mioj;J tUkhW ehq;fs; ngw;NwhUf;F miog;G tpLf;fpNwhk;| vd;fpwhu;> CHA mikg;gpd; cupik kw;Wk; mgptpUj;jp njhlu;ghd epfo;r;rpg; gzpg;ghsu;> jhd;ah. ~tpNrl Njitfisf; nfhz;l rpWtu;fs;> jdpikg;gLtJ> <Lghlw;wpUg;gJ> Ntw;Wikg;gLj;jg;gLtJ vd;gtw;wpypUe;J jtpu;g;gJ njhlu;gpy; ehk; ftdk; nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;| vd njuptpf;fpwhu;.
tpNrl NjitAila rpWtu;fs; jdpj;Jtkhdtu;fs; tpNrl NjitAila rpWtu;fs;> rhjhuzkhd rpWtu;fspYk; ghu;f;f mjpfsthd
jpwikfis nfhz;ltu;fshf fhzg;gLfpd;wdu;. rpyu; fzpjj;jpy; rpwg;ghdtu;fshfTk;> rpyu; eldk; kw;Wk; ,irapy; jpwikAs;stu;fshfTk; fhzg;gLfpd;wdu;. MapDk; gyu; mjid mt;thW Nehf;Ftjpy;iy. ngw;Nwhu;fs; $l> ,t;thwhd tpNrl NjitAila rpWtu;fis nfhz;bUg;gJ jkJ jtW vd epidg;gNjhL> rpyNtis ,t;thwhd gps;isia ngw;wJ njhlu;gpy; je;ij> jhia jpl;LtJk; cz;L. tpNrl NjitAila rpWtu;fs; tpj;jpahrkhdtu;fs; vd;gNjhL> mtu;fSf;F tpNrl guhkupg;G mtrpak; vd ehk; Gupe;J nfhs;tJ mtrpakhFk;. mJnthd;Wk; jtwhd tplakd;W. nfl;l tplaKk; md;W. mJ xU Fw;wj;jpw;Fupa my;yJ ntl;fj;jpw;Fupa nrayhf fUJk; tplakd;W vd;gNjhL> xUtuJ tho;tpy; cz;ikahd khw;wj;ij vjpu;nfhs;tjw;Fkhd re;ju;g;gkhfTk; ,J mikfpd;wJ. mJ xU rthyhdjhFk;. MapDk; flTsplkpUe;jhd nfhilAk; mJNtahFk;. ePq;fs; cq;fs; Foe;ijf;F xU fjhehafd;| vd;fpd;whu; FKjh. mtu;> mUl;nfhilahd Foe;ij xd;wpd; jha; vd;gNjhL> tpNrl NjitAila rpWtu;fs; kw;Wk; mtu;fsJ ngw;Nwhu;fSf;F cjTk; tifapy; CHA apy; epfo;r;rp cjtpahsuhf gzpahw;Wfpd;whu;. njhlu;Gnfhs;s re;jpg;ig Vw;gLj;j my;yJ epfo;r;rpfs; njhlu;ghd Nkyjpf jfty;fSf;F 4061461 or 077 0029103 progast@cha.lk, info@cha.lk http://www.humanitariansrilanka. org/special-needs/
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“vitnay;yhk; ,ay;G epiyapypUe;J tpyfpaitahf cyfj;jhuhy; fzpf;fg;gLfpd;wdNth mitNa jdpj;Jtkhdit” ,d;W> ,e;jf;fzj;jpNy xt;nthU jdpkdpjDf;Fk; Vuhsk; gpur;rpidfs;> Fog;gq;fs;> Neug;gw;whf;Fiw...tpisT r%fj;jpd; kj;jpapNy mtrpak; tpopg;Gzu;T Njitg;gLfpd;w> mtrpak; tpopg;Gzu;T Vw;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;ba tplaq;fs; njhlu;gpy; NghjpasT Muhag;glhj epiyik cUthfp tpLfpwJ. mj;jifanjhU mk;rNk jw;Gidtho;T my;yJ jd;dho;Tf; FiwghLila Foe;ijfSk;> mtu;fs; tho;tpay; kw;Wk; vjpu;fhyk; gw;wpajhFk;. GupAk;gb nrhy;tnjdpy; Xl;brk; (Autism) FiwghLila Foe;ijfs;. r%fj;jpy; ngUk;ghd;ikapdiug; ghjpf;Fk;; mNefu; kPJ Mjpf;fk; nrYj;Jk; murpay;> nghUshjhuk; Nghd;w ,d;dgpw tplaq;fs; gw;wpg; NgRjYk;> njspT ngwYk; vkJ NjitNaad;wp> vk;ikAk; vk;ikr; rhu;e;jtu;fisAk; ghjpf;fhjtiuapy; ,J Nghd;w FiwghLfs; gw;wpa tpsf;fk; mtrpakpy;iy vd;gJ Raeyky;yth? ajhu;j;jj;jpNy rhjhuzu;fis tplTk; Xl;brk; (Autism) FiwghLila Foe;ijfsplk; mjprapf;fj;jf;f jpwd;fs; kiwe;jpUf;Fk; vd;fpwJ kUj;Jt tpQ;Qhdk;. vk;kplk; Nfhgk;> FNuhjk;> nghwik vd vj;jidNah FiwghLfs; cs;s mNjNtis> MrPu;tjpf;fg;gl;l Foe;ijfsplKs;s xNu FiwghL Xl;brk; (Autism). ekJ FiwghLfis rupahd topfhl;Ljy; %yKk;> Kaw;rpapd; %yKk; eptu;j;jpf;fyhk; vd;gij NghyNt Xl;brk; (Autism) FiwghLila Foe;ijfis Kiwahff; ifahz;L> mtu;fspd; jdpj;Jtj;jpid ,dq;fz;L Cf;Ftpg;gjd; %yk; mjptPupakhd jpwDilNahiu r%fj;jpw;f;Fj; juKbAk;. vdNt ,J vkf;F mtrpakpy;iy vd xJq;fhJ r%fj;jpy; rpwe;j KbTg;nghUisg; ngw %yg;nghUs; kw;Wk; mjd; ,ay;G gw;wpj;njspT ngw Ntz;baJ mtrpak;. mJ r%fg;nghWg;Gk; $l! Nkw;fj;Nja ehLfspy; ,J njhlu;gpyhd NghjpasT Gupjy; fhzg;gLtNjhL> ,t;thwhd
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mNefkhfj; Njhw;wtaJ ,Ugj;jpiae;jpw;F Nky; ,Uf;Fnkd;Nw Njhd;WfpwJ. vdpDk; mq;F gzpGupAk; Mrpupiafs; mjPj nghWikAlDk;> cz;ikahd mu;g;gzpg;GlDk; mtu;fisf; ifahSfpwhu;fs;. fhiy 9 kzp Kjy; khiy 3 kzptiuahd ghlrhiy Neuj;jpy; czTNtis jtpu NtW vjw;Fk; Neuml;ltizfs; ,y;iy. me;je;jr; rpwhu;fspd; tpUg;gq;fSf;Fk;> kdepiyf;FNkw;g cs> cly; gapw;rpfs; toq;fg;gLfpd;wd. nrhw;fis vOJfpwhu;fs;> rj;jkpl;L thrpf;fpwhu;fs;> Mf;Nuh\khfg; ghLfpwhu;fs;> clNd ntl;fg;gl;L epWj;Jfpwhu;fs;> tpisahLfpwhu;fs;> tho;j;Jkly;fs; nra;fpwhu;fs;> ve;NeuKk; Gd;difj;Jf;nfhz;Nl ,Uf;fpwhu;fs;! epr;rakhf NtW cyfk; jhd;! ,g;ghlrhiy epu;thfk; jd;dhu;tyu;fis ,izj;Jf;nfhz;L Xl;brk; (Autism) gw;wpa tpopg;Gzu;it Vw;gLj;Jk; eltbf;iffspYk; <LgLfpwJ. tpopg;Gzu;tpd;ikahy; ,t;thwhd mNef Foe;ijfspd; vjpu;fhyk; rpije;JNghtijj; jLg;gNjhL> tPl;by; Klq;fpf;fplf;Fk; ,t;thwhd Foe;ijfisj; jkJ ghlrhiyapy; ,izj;Jf;nfhs;Sk; ed;Nehf;fpNyNa Nkw;gb nraw;wpl;lk; Kd;ndLf;fg;gLfpwJ. Xl;brk;(Autism) vd;gJ xU FiwghNlad;wp mJ xU Nehay;y. Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Michelangelo, Ladyhawke, Aamir Khaan vdg; gyu; ,f;Fiwghl;bypUe;J kPz;ltu;fNs! mjw;nfd mtu;fspd; Rw;wKk; Jiz epd;wJ. vdpy; ehk; Jiz epw;gpd; vk;khy; vj;jid vj;jid gpugyq;fis cUthf;f ,aYk;? jdpj;Jr;nraw;gl Kbahjtplj;J> Kd;dpd;W nraw;gLNthUf;F vk;khyhd gq;fspg;gpidr; nra;Nthk;. mjpy; ngUik vd;gij tpl mJ vk; flik vd;gij czu;Nthk;!
3. Sesame Phone
By Yogesh Kumari
the world is busy in their busy W hile and hectic schedule, tech scientists
are trying to provide Persons with Disabilities a better life. Technology has become so advanced today that there are a wide range of accessible tech products and services available to help Persons with Disabilities so that they can live their life easily and efficiently without depending on others.If you know someone, maybe your friends or relatives who need such help, then you can help them through these tech gadgets and make their lives easier. Here are few tech gadgets for people with disabilities so that they could lead a fuller life. 10 Gadgets that can help Persons with Disabilities
1. Assisted Vision Smart Glasses
No doubt mobile phone plays a very important role and has become common for everyone including the people with disabilities. Regular phones are not equipped with features needed for people with disabilities so it is difficult for them to operate. Sesame phone is touch free smartphone especially designed for people with disabilities that captures small head movements, tracked by its front facing camera. All the gestures are recognised by fingers, to swipe, play and browse. Voice control is also provided in the smartphone to provide a hands-free experience.
on which you can attach any eating utensil and it will work as a fork or spoon. The device is helpful for persons with Intellectual Disabilities who suffer from Parkinson’s disease or other type of disorder which causes hand tremors. Liftware helps in reducing the spilling of content before it reaches to patient’s mouth. Liftware includes stabilising handle, charger, utensils, fork, soup spoon and spoon that can be washed like normal utensils.
7. HeadMouse Extreme HeadMouse Extreme replaces the standard keyboard for the people who can’t make use of or have limited use of their hands. It translates the head movements into proportional mouse pointer movements and performs the respective operation. It works with Mac, Windows, Chrome, Android, Linux operating system.
10 Gadgets That Can Help Persons with Disabilities
Eyes are the major sense organ that one can think about. Think about blind people how they manage to live without their eyes. The tech gadget Assisted Vision Smart Glasses is a pair of glasses that gives a little sight so that the blind people can walk around unfamiliar places, can recognise obstacles. This gadget gives great independence, consists of two small cameras, gyroscope, compass, GPS unit, headphone and transparent OLED displays. With this, visually impaired people would be able to distinguish between light and dark. The glasses will make anything a little brighter when it comes near so that they can discern people and obstacles.
2. Braille ebook reader Well, everyone knows how important Internet can become and of course e-books and e-documents. So, how can blind people benefit from the internet? How can they use the internet efficiently? The amazing Braille e-reader, a Kindle style e-reader, makes blind and partially sighted people to read easily. Its alphabets enable them to read by tracing lines of raised bumps with the help of their fingers. It also helps in understanding graphics, figures and even graphs.
8. Skinniest Disability Scooter
4. UNI
UNI provides a two-way communication for the Hearing Impaired people using speech and gesture technology. The gadget detects the hands and figure gesture with its camera algorithms, then converts in to text and provides the meaning of sign language. UNI uses a specialised camera to track your finger movement with incredible speed.
5. Dot Dot is a wearable smartwatch that works for blind people and helps them to access tweets, messages anytime and anywhere right from their smartphones. The device can connect with any smartphone via Bluetooth and translate the text on its screen. The smartphone features alarm, notifications, touch sensor, Bluetooth 4.1 and Gyroscope.
6. Liftware Liftware is a self stabilising handle
The Skinniest Disability Scooter works the same way like other scooter does in public road but it gives an easy way for Persons with Disabilities who can’t travel or walk by their own. It is four-wheeler scooter and full lightning system with lockable but removable doors.
9. Tactile Wand Electronic Stick This electronic stick helps visually impaired people to determine the object that comes in their way. Tactile Wand Electronic Stick detects the object in front of the user and vibrates with the increasing intensity as soon as you get closer to it.
10. Finger Reader Finger Reader is a wearable tool that helps in reading. The device helps visually impaired people to read any printed book or anything on any electronic device. Finger Reader includes a small camera that scans the text and provides real-time audio feedback of the detected words. These were some amazing gadgets for the Persons with Disabilities. If you know some more then let us know via comments. Also, please share this post in your social media channels to let others know and benefit from this information.
Outshining Disability through Willpower By Sandani Silva
Gandhi once said M ahatma “Strength does not come from
physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will”. Indeed, willpower surpasses physical strength and throughout history has proven to be a pre-requisite of success. It is the force that drove many individuals despite various disabilities to reach the pinnacle of success. There are many among us who, due to unfortunate circumstances at birth or faced during life, are living with disabilities, thus with limited
physical and mental capacity. They are the visually impaired, the hearing impaird and persons with speach difficulties, those without limbs and with other illnesses, struggling day by day to meet the demands of life. They too are human beings with needs, feelings, dreams and a responsibility to serve society. Often, the Persons with Disabilities are seen as weak and helpless, therefore pitied. This is the surface level understanding of the society and the negative outlook of some individuals with Disabilities themselves which is far from the truth. Physical strength does not determine one's destiny, it is the willpower, in other words, the desire to succeed, courage to face difficulties and positive outlook that brings about results. This is an ultimate truth all human beings should etch in their hearts and minds. Many brave persons bear witness to this truth, who contributed towards society's well being, who realized their dreams in spite of difficulties. Dr. Ajith C.S. Perera, Sri Lankan, Chartered Chemist and former Cricket Umpire is a paraplegic. He is an advocate of disability rights and is the patron of "IDIRIYA", a nonprofit organisation concerned with creating easy and safe access to environmental facilities for the Persons with Disabilities. Stephen Hawkings, a paralytic, is an author, physicist, and mathematician and is considered the greatest scientist in the 20th century. He founded the “Big Bang Theory”. Hellen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to obtain a
degree. She was an activist of women’s voting rights. Born without limbs, Nick Vujicic is a motivational speaker and evangelist, continuing to touch hearts with optimism and courage. Though out of the public eye, there are countless others who rose above their physical impairements, acquired great things and many who continue to do so. Today's society is more concerned about the Persons with Disabilities. With the advancement of technology, scientists are focusing on innovating devices enabling the Persons with Disabilities to have the maximum functionality. Driverless cars, Multifunctional wheelchairs and artificial limbs are only few examples. More organisations offer employment opportunities for the Persons with Disabilities than before and shopping malls, stores, banks etc. facilitate easy access. Yet the Persons with Disabilities feel challenged at the hands of society as well. Being considered as inferior and less productive, regarded as an additional expense, unwillingness to support are few examples. Yet it is amidst the pain and discomfort caused by these challenges that the Persons with Disabilities should thrive towards success. "Disability is a State of Mind". It is no match for willpower. Dear Friends, do not be disheartened, let not your weakness deprive you of the greatness you can achieve. Come, the world needs you !
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Mf;fk;: kQ;Rsh tp[auj;d jkpopy;: Rizwan Segu Mohideen
f;fyhd Neha; epiy fhuzkhf> rf;fu ehw;fhypapy; jdJ tho;f;ifia fopf;Fk; jf;\pyh Fzjpyf> tho;f;ifapd; f\;lq;fis re;Njhrkhf Vw;Wf;nfhs;Sk; xU ngz; Mthu;. mtu; jdJ tho;f;if mDgtk; kw;Wk; vjpu;ghu;g;Gfis vk;Kld; ,t;thW gfpu;e;jhu;. Nfs;tp: jf;\pyh ePq;fs; vt;thW ,e;j epiyf;F MshdPu;fs;? gjpy;: ehd; gpwe;J %d;W ehl;fs; fle;jpUe;j epiyapy;> vdJ ,Lg;ig mz;ba gFjpapy; tpr fpUkp ,Ue;jJ njupa te;Js;sJ. mjid mfw;Wtjw;fhf vdf;F rj;jpurpfpr;ir Nkw;nfhz;bUf;fpwhu;fs;. MapDk; me;Neha; epiyapypUe;J g+uzkhf Fzkilatpy;iy. ,jdhy; rpwpJ fhyj;jpw;F gpd;du; vdJ clypd; ,Lg;gpw;F fPOs;s gFjp nraw;glhj epiyf;Fs;shdJ. Nfs;tp: ,e;epiyikapy; ePq;fs; vt;thW fy;tpia ngw;Wf;nfhz;Bu;fs;? gjpy;: ehd; Yk;gpzp kfh tpj;jpahyaj;jpy; fy;tp fw;Nwd;. %d;whk; juk; tiuf;Fk; vd;id J}f;fpf; nfhz;L vdJ ngw;Nwhu; vd;id ghlrhiyf;F mioj;Jr; nrd;wdu;. fhy;fSf;F tpNrlkhd rg;ghj;J mzptpj;J> fhy;fis nraw;gLk; epiyf;F nfhz;L tu KbAkh vd> mg;NghJ itj;jpau;fs; kPz;Lk; Kaw;rpj;J ghu;j;Js;shu;fs;. MapDk; ntw;wpfukhd KbTfs; fpilf;ftpy;iy. mg;NghJ Kjy;> ehd; xU Nrhb Cd;WNfhy;fSld; ghlrhiyf;F nry;y Muk;gpj;Njd;. rhjhuz juj;jpy; %d;W cau; rpj;jpfSld; rpj;jpaile;Njd;. cau; juj;ij njhlu;tjw;F> mjpgu; vdf;F tha;g;gspj;jNghjpYk; ehd; mjid Vw;Wf;nfhs;stpy;iy. Nfs;tp: Vd; ePq;fs; me;j tha;g;ig jtwtpl;Bu;fs;? gjpy;: vdJ jha; vd;dhy; kpfTk; f\;lg;gl;lhu;. ehd; ghlrhiy nrd;wNghjpYk;> vdJ tFg;Gfs; KbAk; tiu mtu; ghlrhiyapNyNa epd;whu;. mjw;F NkYk; ehd; mtUf;F f\;lj;ij nfhLf;f tpUk;ghjjd; fhuzkhf cau; juk; fw;gjw;fhf fpilj;j tha;g;ig ehd; Vw;Wf;nfhs;stpy;iy. Nfs;tp: ghlrhiy fy;tpapd; gpd;du; ePq;fs; ve;j Jiwapy; <LghLnfhz;Bu;fs;? gjpy;: njhopy; fy;tpia ngw;Wf;nfhz;lhy; ed;whf ,Uf;Fk; vd> ehd; epidj;Njd;. mjd; fhuzkhf
maytu;fs; thapyhfTk; gyu; njupe;J nfhs;tjw;fhd tha;g;G Vw;gl;lJ. tPl;Lf;F te;J Foe;ijfSf;fhd Milfis ijj;Jf;nfhs;Nthupd; vz;zpf;if> ,t;thNw gbg;gbahf mjpfupj;jJ. Nfs;tp: ePq;fs; yf;ry tpw;gid epiyaj;Jld; vt;thW njhlu;Gw;wPu;fs;? gjpy;: Foe;ijfSf;fhd Milfis ijf;Fk; epiyapy;> gpd;dy; ijay; %ykhf moF nghUl;fis tbtikf;fTk; Muk;gpj;Njd;. ehd; ijj;ij Frd; ciwfSf;F mjpf Nfs;tp Vw;gl;lJ. Frd; ftu;fis yf;rytpw;Fk; toq;fp vdJ jahupg;Gfis tpupthf;fk; nra;tjw;Fk; vdf;F tha;g;G Vw;gl;lJ. Nfs;tp: gpd;dy; ijay; %ykhf ePq;fs; Nkw;nfhs;Sk; NtW jahupg;Gfs; vd;d? gjpy;: Rtu; myq;fhuq;fis Nkw;nfhs;fpNwd;. Rq;fkpj;ij mtu;fs; Nghjp kuj;ij nfhz;L te;jij rpj;jupf;Fk; ,U rpj;jpuq;fis> ehd; jw;NghJ gpd;dy; ijay; %yk; Nkw;nfhz;L tUfpd;Nwd;. mit Rtu; myq;fhuj;jpw;F Vw;wit. gpd;dy; ijay; %yk; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLk; gilg;GfSf;F mjpfsthd Kw;$l;ba Nfhuy;fs;; fpilf;fpd;wd. Nfs;tp: NtW vt;tifahd gilg;Gfis cq;fshy; Nkw;nfhs;s KbAk;? gjpy;: Nlrp tpl;lr;rp mtu;fsplk; ehd; ngr;Ntu;f; fiyia fw;Wf; nfhz;Nld;. mJ njhlu;ghd gilg;GfisAk; ehd; nra;Njd;> nra;Jk; tUfpNwd;. Nfs;tp: jpwikfis tsu;j;Jf;nfhz;L Kd;Ndwpr; nry;Yk;NghJ> ePq;fs; vjpu;nfhs;Sk; gpur;rpidfs; vd;d? gjpy;: vdJ cly; NkYk; NkYk; mfykhfpf; nfhz;L nry;tNjhL> mjw;F ve;jnthU rpfpr;irAk; ,y;iy. gilg;nghd;iw Nkw;nfhs;Sk;NghJ> gy kzp Neuj;jpw;F xNu ,lj;jpy; ,Uf;f Ntz;ba epiy Vw;gLfpd;wJ. ,J vdf;F f\;lkhf ,Uf;fpd;wJ. ijg;gjw;F mtrpakhd msTfis vLf;f> jdpahf xU NghJk; nra;a KbahJ. ,tw;Wf;fhd %yg; nghUl;fis nfhs;tdT nra;tjw;F> ,d;W tiu vdf;F Njhs; nfhLg;gtu; vdJ mk;kh. vdJ tpahghuj;ij Nkw;nfhz;L nry;y Jizahd xUtu; ,y;yhjpUg;gJ vdf;F ghupa ,ila+whFk;. vdJ gilg;GfSf;F cupa ,lk;> cupa tpiy fpilf;fhky; Nghd re;ju;g;gq;fSk; cz;L. mt;thwhd jilfs; ,Ue;jNghjpYk;> fil xd;iw Muk;gpj;J> vdJ jahupg;Gfis kf;fsplk; nfhz;L Nru;f;Fk; vjpu;ghu;g;Gld; ehd; ,Uf;fpd;Nwd;.
u f ; f r J ; e U p y p a p y h f ; w h a e i f i ; f ; o h h t y p \ ; f j w ; d t n cldbahf> nkhul;Lt ru;Nthja njhopy; gapw;rp ghriw gapw;rp newpia fw;f Muk;gpj;Njd;. Jzp ntl;Ljy; kw;Wk; Mil ijj;jy; njhlu;ghd xd;wiu tUl ghlnewpiaNa ehd; mq;F fw;Nwd;. Nfs;tp: ghlnewpapy; fw;gpj;jthW> Jzpfis ntl;b Milfis ijg;gjw;F cq;fshy; Kbe;jjh? gjpy;: vdf;F> Foe;ijfspd; Milfis jahupg;gJ njhlu;ghd gFjpapNy tha;g;G fpilj;jJ. Vnddpy; ngupatu;fspd; Milfis ijf;Fk;NghJ> mtu;fis msg;gjpy; vdf;F rpukkhf ,Ue;jJ. mjw;fhf vg;NghJk; vdJ mk;khit njhe;juT nra;a Ntz;bAk; Vw;gltpy;iy. Nfs;tp: mt;thW ijf;fg;gl;l Foe;ijfspd; cilfis vt;thW tpw;gid nra;tPu;fs;? gjpy;: Kjd;Kjypy; ehd; Foe;ijfSf;fhd Milfis> vdJ cwtpdu;fspd; Foe;ijfSf;Nf ijj;Njd;. ehd; Foe;ijfSf;fhd Milfis ijf;fpNwd; vd mtu;fs; thapyhfTk;
Magazine By Sharlene De Chickera
alking through the woods a youth captures the wondrous colours of nature with the swipe of a finger, which is translated on to a computer screen. Nature is thus replicated on Technology. And this feat is achieved with precision cloud technology from the canvass of nature. Growing up at Royal College, Suranga Nanayakkara, was inspired by his environs and the beauty of nature, the gardens, the flowers and the lush Green trees spoke to his heart, as he worked diligently as a school boy. “I won the prize for Mathematics in school and achieved 5th place in Mathematics all-island for my A/Ls”, he informs. After completing his education at Royal College, Suranga got the opportunity to study in Singapore where he pursued Electronics and Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He was then selected to study at the University of Birmingham, UK, and as an exchange student at the University of California. Today, he is an Assistant Professor at an Augmented Lab in Singapore, which engages in research and development to create ‘enabling’ technologies that seamlessly integrate with the human body, mind and behavior.
lead him and his team to cosmetically enhance the ring to make it pretty.I want the Ring-Finger to be a cool thing for the person to wear, he smiles. Enhanced versions of the reader can detect exacting details of packaging, for instance in products, and can alert the consumer if the packing is old and thereby the product.
Celebrating Life to the fullest Other innovations from the Augmented Lab include, baby pacifiers that are electronically tuned to singing a favourite rhyme, as soon as the baby awakes, before the mother or father arrives at the cot. And a Haptic Chair that plays music for the persons with hearing impaired via vibrations. Remember as children when we were mesmerised by the story of Aladdin’s magic table-cloth? Well now there’s a digital version, where the motifs of the birds fly in formation when the cloth is laid down for visual effect. Wall-papers that turn to different colours, and clothing that change colour with the mood of the wearer, are other creative inventions that enhance daily life-styles. When Singapore Celebrated its 50th anniversary, Suranga and his Team from Augmented Lab, set alight the water facade of the Singapore main pier with a digitalised world map, which was illumined by mobile phone users.
Technologies that Empower the Human Spirit
A Potato is not only a lump
He speaks of his friend, Aimee Mullins, a double amputee, an inspirational speaker, who has a wonderful attitude to life and can adjust the height of her prosthetic legs. “It is like a stilt walker, walking on stilts”, she jokes, in a video, he plays for us. Suranga pauses the video and shows the EDEX Magazine team a collection of ‘Finger Readers’, specially designed for the blind by the Researchers at the Augmented Lab. These finger readers can read any text from a book or newspaper,as a value-added aid for the visually-impaired. “I want a Ring-Finer’ as pretty as my watch”, a blind recipient had requested from Suranga. This comment has
Suranga demonstrates a picture of potatoes, surrounded by creative shapes of the potato - hearts, rings, triangles, squares, loops and ornamental designs. These are symbolic of transformation and the unlimited choices in life. Suranga is no couch-potato. He was recently selected as the “Young Innovator for Asia Pacific 2014”. His inventions have earned the admiration and respect of many funders too.92.5 million worth of funds have been channeled to his Augmented lab. He has many accolades remains true to an ideology that benefits humanity. “Changing the way people live and how it impacts and creates change”.
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tho;f;ifia KOikahf nfhz;lhLjy; kha nghUs; Ma;T$lj;jpd; kw;Wk; rpy fz;Lgpbg;Gfshf> Foe;ij tpopj;jJk; my;yJ je;ij my;yJ jha; Foe;ijaplk; tUk; tiu> Foe;ijf;F gpbj;j rpWtu; ghliy ,irf;Fk; ,yj;jpudpay; Foe;ij jhyhl;Lk; fUtp> Nfl;Fk; jpwdw;wtUf;F mjpu;Tfspd; %yk; ,iria toq;Fk; fjpiu Nghd;wd fhzg;gLfpd;wd.
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~£õ r²~£n‰ ý|‰{p£lp‰ ~£õ r²~£n‰ ý|‰{p£lp‰ [ª{p‰ YyjK »Y…‹»xp‰ pvY‰ ÷½n {« Y²šhY»xÃ. Xƒ§»[‰ [ª{p‰ YyjK nÃp »Y»pYªf Xƒ§ R£t£élxYª t{ Ã~‹ý»fYl‰ ƒ¥»`p‰»p‰ p¥l. ~£õ r²~£n‰»[‰ ~‹y¥»M S»jp‰ rƒ… RYMvp³x. {£Ml£{p‰ƒ‹ n¥Y‰»{p Rp‰nvf Xƒ§ »K RYMvp³ ~‹y¥yl‰ ~vty Yy»[p RÕ 14,000Y‰ Sƒ… Rƒ»~ˆ ~‹f n~‰YK r£õ. W»vp‰v Xƒ§ v£p{ ƒ‹l{£nš ñë»~Ã. R[ ƒ‹`YK{z‹p‰ »r»…p ny¥{p‰»[‰ Ro³£rpx p`£ ~‹f§{p‰pf Rlƒ‹lnš»K {¥hr‹…‹»{zY‰ »ƒ»lv R£yKu Yy Ü»J.
By Nadeesha Paulis
Weerawardane’s vision was A soka to enable access of information to
the blind and vision impaired. Partially blind since birth, Asoka initially studied at the Deaf and Blind School in Ratmalana, then at St Thomas’s College Mt Lavinia followed by successfully completing a degree at the University of Kelaniya with a 2nd upper class. As he entered the workforce, he felt that he was not able to work as well as his colleagues because there was a gap in technology. “I could not use the computer with assistive technology because it was in English and not Sinhala,” said Asoka. His IT knowledge gave him the necessary background to apply for IT scholarships abroad and he went on to create two very important software and firmware technologies for Text to Braille and Optical Character Recognition that support Sinhala and Tamil. He also took the lead in a third innovation called Books on Call service supported by Mobitel which allows blind users to listen to books on a wide range of subjects. Currently the database has around 4000 books that are narrated so that the subject is heard and understood by anyone who does not have vision.
Asoka Weerawardane
To make them see Obstacles to overcome There is a lot to be done for the wellbeing of people living with disabilities. While it is true that people are becoming more compassionate towards the disabled, there are no long term solutions in place. Everyone thinks that giving money or items such as spectacles to the blind is a solution. It is a good deed but is not a sustainable solution because disability is a growing problem. “We need impactful research which eventually lead to projects that make a meaningful difference in the lives of the disabled.
Next to education, technology is the greatest tool that disabled people should have,” says Asoka. Implementation of correct methods of education and facilities, access to information and being more open and inviting towards people with disabilities working in your organisations. The biggest problem faced when implementing Books on Call was copyrights laws that restrict the digitising and distributing of a book. If a book can’t be turned to a recording or to braille, how can the blind read it? “We need to have laws that include everyone, especially the disabled,” emphasises Asoka. “It is unfair to assume we are “incapable” even before we are tested for skills. Especially when it comes to jobs, it is assumed that we are not capable of doing a task because of our disability,” says Asoka further elaborating the challenges met by the Persons with Disabilities.
By Dr. Ligourani Fernando
istory has witnessed some of H the outstanding achievements in people with physical and mental disabilities. It takes courage for any ordinary man to achieve his or her goal or become successful, and even more so for a person with disability! Inspiration, then becomes a driving force that offers the needed strength to sail on with a positive mind. It helps to restore faith, when everybody has given up on the person. So it’s a great act of merit to inspire somebody. In my opinion one of the most successful, inspiringdifferently able people in the world, is Stephen William Hawking. Bornon 8thJanuary, to highly educated parents, Frank and Isobel Hawking, both Oxford Graduates. Hawking studied Physics at University of Oxford, and later Astronomy and Cosmology at the Trinity Hall- Cambridge. He is one of the greatest Scientists, a Theoretical Cosmologist and Physicist. He currently is the Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at Cambridge, and propounds Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanism.His‘A Brief History of Time’,a best seller,explains theories of Cosmologyin a simple manner.
Stephen was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) a form of motor Neurological disease shortly after his 21st birthday, at Cambridge.ALS isa progressive disease that affects the nervous system, and destroysneuron cells, causing disability. Gradually all muscles under voluntarycontrol disintegrate and people affected, lose their strength and ability to speak, eat move and breathe. There is no cure and no effective treatment to halt or reverse its progression. In spite of being wheel-chair bound and dependent on a computerised
A Successful and Inspiring Persons with Disabilities
voice system known as an Equaliser for communication, which can communicate only about 15 words per minute, he has authored many books, given lectures and written a host of scientific papers. He combines family life, has three children and three grand-children, whilst researching into theoretical physics, and travels extensively to deliver public lectures.He still hopes to make it in to space someday. This severe disability did not impede Hawking from becoming the most successful and inspiring personality in the world. He is a true inspiration! In times of crisis people often looks for the inspiration to cling onto life with hope for a better tomorrow. A recommended read is ‘Hope for Tomorrow’, which sums up his philosophy of life!
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A Movie Star with a stellar attitude! By Manjula Wijayarathne
udha Chandran is a renowned Saccomplished Indian Film and TV actressand well Bharata Natyam dancer as well.
So, what makes SudhaChandran so special? She was born in Mumbaito cultural Telugu parents and is the only child. Seeing her passion for dancing, his father decided to enrol her in a dancing institute at an early age of three, with her first stage performance at eight. Just four months before her 16th birthday, she met with an accident while travelling in a bus in Tamil Nadu. Her right leg got damaged, a fracture and cuts. Due to medical negligence the doctors did not pay due diligence to her cuts on her right ankle. They just wrapped her leg with plaster. This resulted in severe
infection and the doctors were left with no other option but to amputate her right leg, 7.5 inches below the knee to avoid the infection from spreading. Sudha was left devastated. All her dreams of making a name in the dancing world, and she was extremely depressed. The negative thoughts anger, frustration, and uselessness overpowered her.But, she was not a quitter. Her passion for dancing made her walk again with the help of an artificial limb, and achieve stardom. After becoming comfortable in walking, she started practicing her dance steps. It was a painful journey where she was required to learn each and every step again. There were moments when her leg would bleed. But, she kept going. “I take inspiration from my failures. When people tell me, ‘you can’t do this’, or ‘you’re not eligible to do this, or ‘it is not meant for you’, these things empower me to prove myself. It’s better to have tried and failed than to never try at all. …” she said emphatically. She not only overcame her disability, but earned her B.A and an M.A in Economics. Apart from her dancing skills, Sudha Chandran is also known for her astounding
performances in Indian movies and television series.She has done several films in various languages. Her films include the 1984 Telugu film Mayuri in which she plays herself was inspired by her story. She was awarded the 1986 Special Jury Award at the National Film Awards for her performance in Mayuri. Her biography is an inspirational component of the curriculum for Indian school children for ages eight to eleven years.
Mf;fk;: kQ;Rsh tp[auj;d jkpopy;: Rizwan Segu Mohideen
jpdhW tajhd ,sk; mofpa ngz;. mts; tho;it khw;wpa me;j ehs;> 1981 Nk 02 Mk; jpfjpahFk;. jkpo; ehL efu kj;jpapy; nry;ytpUe;j g];]py; mts; VwpaJ> jdf;F vd;d elf;fg; Nghfpd;wJ vd;gJ njupahky;. mts; Vwpa g];> gazj;ij njhlq;fpaJ. tPjpapypUe;j ,Uk;Gfis Njhw;fbj;J> mts; nrd;w g]; Ntfkhf gazpj;jJ. mjpf J}uk; nry;Yk; Kd;> gyUf;F fhaj;ij Vw;gLj;jpathW me;j g]; ghupa mdu;j;jj;jpw;Fs;shdJ. fhakile;jtu;fSs; vkJ fijapd; fjhehafpahd 16 taJ ngz;Zk; ,Ue;jhs;. mtsJ tyJ fhypy; ghupa fhak; Vw;gl;bUe;jJ. ,jd; fhuzkhf mts; nkl;uh]pYs;s tp[ah itj;jparhiyf;F mioj;Jr; nry;yg;gl;lhs;. itj;jpau;fs; cldbahf mtsJ tyJ fhypw;F rpfpr;ir toq;f Muk;gpj;jdu;. ,jd; fhuzkhf mtSf;F itj;jparhiyapy; gy ehl;fs; jq;fp rpfpr;ir ngw Ntz;bapUe;jJ. rpy ehl;fSf;F gpwF mtsJ fhaj;ij guPl;rpj;j itj;jpau;fs;> fhypd; epiy kpf Nkhrkile;Js;sjhf njuptpj;jdu;. mtsJ fhypd; xU gFjpia n tl;b mfw;w Ntz;Lk; vd;gNj itj;jpau;fspd; Kbthf ,Ue;jJ. me;j Kbit khw;Wtjw;F ahuhYk; Kbatpy;iy. gjpdhW tajhd mofpa ngz;zpd; tyJ fhypd; xU gFjp ntl;b mfw;wg;gl;lJ. mtsJ fhypd; xU gFjpia ntl;b mfw;Wtnjd;w> itj;jpau;fspd; KbT vLf;fg;gLk; Ntisapy;> mts; eldj;ij Mokhf fw;Wf; nfhz;l xU khztpahf ,Ue;jhs;. mts; %d;wiu tajhf ,Uf;Fk;NghNj eldj;jpy; Mu;tk; fhl;l Muk;gpj;jhs;. mjdhy; mg;NghjpUe;J mtsJ ngw;Nwhu; mtis eldj;jpy; <LgLj;jpAs;sdu;.
gjpdhW taJ g+u;j;jpaile;j epiyapy;> mts; eldf; fiyapy; mjpf J}u gazj;ij fle;jpUe;jhs;. MapDk; mtsJ tyJ fhypd; xU gFjpia mfw;WtJ> mtSf;F khj;jpukd;wp FLk;gj;jpd; VidNahuhYk; jhq;f Kbahj xU tplakhf ,Ue;jJ. mtsJ capiu fhg;ghw;w Ntz;Lkhapd;> me;j rj;jpurpfpr;iria nra;jhf Ntz;Lk; vDk; epiy fhzg;gl;lJ. tpliy gUtj;jpypUe;j mts;> itj;jparhiyapypUe;J n[a;g+u; nraw;if fhy;fSlNdNa ntspNawpdhs;. ,e;j mg+u;tkhd ngz; mt;tplj;jpNyNa jdJ tho;f;ifia xJf;fp tpltpy;iy. kw;nwhU tifapy; $wpdhy;> mtsJ tho;f;if> mk;khw;wj;Jldhd Njhw;wj;Jld; Gjpa capiu ngw;W kPs vOe;jJ. mts; eldj;jpy; NkYk; NkYk; ghz;bj;jpak; ngw;whs;. mJ khj;jpukpd;wp fy;tpapYk; ntw;wpf;F Nky; ntw;wpia gjpT nra;a mtshy; Kbe;jJ. me;j tifapy; fiy gPlj;jpy; KjyhtJ gl;lj;ij ngWtjw;Fk;> mjd; gpd;du; nghUshjhu Jiwapy; KJkhzp gl;lj;ijAk; ngWtjw;fhd tha;g;G mtSf;F fpilj;jJ. ve;j msT Moj;jpyhd fy;tpia mts; ngw;w NghjpYk;> mtsJ tho;f;ifg; ghijapd; mb ehjkhf eldf; fiyNa mike;jpUe;jJ. mjd; gpd;du; jdJ tyJ fhypd; xU gFjp ,y;iy vd;w Fiwia JspNaDk; fUjhj epiyapy;> mtu; jkpo; rpdpkhTf;Fs; Eioe;jhu;. jkpo; jpiug;glq;fs; %yk; njhiyf;fhl;rpj; njhlu;fspYk;> mjd; %yk; `pe;jp rpdpkhtpD}lhf midtupdJk; kdjpYk; ,lk;gpbj;Js;shu;. mtu; NtW ahUkpy;iy. gpugy eldf; fiyQu; Rjh re;jpud; Mthu;. neQ;Ruk; nfhz;l me;j ngz; ,d;W ,t;thW njuptpf;fpwhu;. ~~... ehd; Kfk; nfhLf;f Neupl;l tpgj;J> mjd; %yk; fhy;fis ,oe;jij mLj;J> tPo;e;j ,lj;jpNyNa tPo;e;J fple;jpUg;Ngd;. Mdhy; ehd; me;j ghijapypUe;J tpyfp> tho;tjw;fhd Nghuhl;l ghijia Nju;e;Njd;. mjw;F cukhf mike;jJ> vdf;F Vw;gl;l jilAk;> vdJ tPo;r;rpAkhFk;...|| ebg;G kw;Wk; eldk; njhlu;gpy; gy;NtW tpUJfis ntw;wp nfhz;l Rjh re;jpudpd; tho;f;if ghij njhlu;gpy;> 8 - 11 ,ilg;gl;l taJf;Fl;gl;l ,e;jpa ghlrhiy rpWtu;fspd; ghlj;jpl;lj;jpy; $l ,d;W Nru;f;fg;gl;Ls;sik Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ.
jdp xU fhypdhy; gy iky; njhiyT gazk;
By Sharlene De Chickera
rst met Kosala in the changing I firoom of the Mt. Lavinia Hotel pool.
He made no excuse for being there. He was dressing-up for a show. His mother was putting make-up. I watched in fascination. I realised he was special… and a little later, that he was a talented young dancer par excellence, when he performed on the terrace. KosalaDullewa stands out not just because he is a talented dancer, but also because he has thrived with Down syndrome. Now 21 and well-known in Sri Lanka, Kosala promulgates BharthaNatyam and awareness about Down syndrome. As a child, Dullewa displayed a keen interest in song and dance. Fascinated by music, song and lovely colourful costumes, little Kosala started dancing on his own.
He danced to a different drummer. The moves were in his blood. Whenever he heard music playing, Dullewa would break into dance. Though he could not sing, he created his own interpretation of the dances. His parents encouraged him to express himself and sought help to teach their son traditional dance. Dullewa first appeared on stage at age 12 and made history three years later by performing Diriya Narthana, a two-hour solo of Asian dancing. He won the Excellent Children of the Nation Award on World Children’s Day in 2004. Each year since then he has earned the special recognition award for outstanding performance in several competitions and has been the Gold medalist and national winner at the annual competitive festival of the British and International Federation of Festivals for Music, Dance and Speech. Dullewa was the first person with Down syndrome to win the Personal Improvement Award of the Outstanding Young Persons of Sri Lanka. Kosala has changed society’s attitude toward Down syndrome children, and inspired us to establish a foundation for children with special needs in Sri Lanka. The KosalaDullewa Foundation’s mission is to assist underprivileged children with different physical and mental disabilities to become useful
Dance Maestro : Kosala
I dance to a different drummer
Won’t you please clap for me?
citizens who could contribute positively to society and become the driving force to change attitudes of society toward children with mental and physical disabilities. Dullewa is also the first person from Sri Lanka with Down syndrome to
perform at the prestigious festival VSA, the international organisation on arts and disability, a nonprofit affiliated with the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. www.kosaladullewafoundation.org.
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jhs re;jq;fspy; gupzkpf;Fk; eldk;
Mf;fk;: rhu;ypd; b rpf;nfuh jkpo; : rptju;\pdp ehfuh[h
014 cyf rpWtu; jpdj;jpNy ehl;bd; rpwe;j rpWtUf;fhd tpUjpid ntd;w Nfhry mjd; gpd;du; xt;nthUtUlKk; gy Nghl;bfspy; rpwe;j eldj;Jf;fhd gy mq;fPfhuq;fisg; ngw;Ws;shu;. gpupl;ldpd; ,ir> eldk; kw;Wk; Ngr;Rf;fhd mikaj;jhy; elhj;jg;gLk; Nghl;bfspy; Njrpa ntw;wpahsuhfj; njupthfp jq;fg;gjf;fk; ntd;whu;. ,yq;ifapd; jd;dpfuw;w ,sk; egUf;fhd rpwe;j RaKd;Ndw;wj;Jf;fhd tpUij ntd;w Kjy; lTd; rpd;Nuhk; (Downâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Syndrome) nfhz;l egu; Nfhry vd;gJ Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. NfhrylTd; rpd;Nuhk; Fiwghl;Ls;Nshu; njhlu;ghd> r%fj;jpd; mZFKiwia khw;wpaJld; tpNrl NjitAilNahUf;fhd mwf;fl;lis xd;iw ];jhgpf;Fk; vz;zj;ijAk; vk;kplk; tpijj;Js;shu;. Nfhry Js;Nst mwf;fl;lisapd; Nehf;fk;> cjtp Njitg;gLk; khw;Wj;jpwdhspfSf;F Mjutspj;J mtu;fis r%fj;jpy; MNuhf;fpakhd khw;wq;fis tpijf;Fk; gpui[fshf;FtJk; mtu;fs; %ykhf khw;Wj;jpwdhspfs; njhlu;ghd r%fj;jpd; ghu;itia khw;WjyhFk;. mj;Jld; muq;fhw;wf; fiyfSf;fhd nfd;db fofj;Jld; ,ize;J fiy
kw;Wk; khw;Wj;jpwDf;fhd mikg;G elhj;Jk; Gfo; tha;e;j vspa tpohtpy; gq;Fgw;wpalTd; rpd;Nuhk; cila Kjy; ,yq;ifau; Nfhry vd;gJk; Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. ehd; Nfhryit Kjd; Kjyhf fy;fp];i] N`hl;lypd; xg;gid miwapy; re;jpj;Njd;.mtu;xUepfo;Tf ;fhfjahuhfpf;nfhz;bUe;jhu;. mtuJ jhahu; xg;gid nra;J nfhz;bUe;jhu;. ehd; mtu;fis tpag;Gld; ghu;j;Jf; nfhz;bUe;Njd;. mtu; jdpj;Jtkhdtu; vd;gJ Gupe;jJ. mtuJ epfo;r;rpiaf; fz;Lfspj;j gpd; mtu; xU mgupkpjkhd eldf;fiyQu; vd;gJk; Gupe;jJ. Nfhry jpwikahd eldf;fiyQu; vd;gJ kl;Lkd;wp lTd; rpd;Nuhk; rhu;e;j Fiwghl;Lldhd mtuJ Nghuhl;lj;jhYk; jdpj;Jtkhfpd;whu;. ,g;NghJ ,Ugj;njhUtajhFk; ,yq;ifapy; guj ehl;bak; kw;Wk;
lTd; rpd;Nuhk; gw;wpa tpopg;Gzu;Tfis Vw;gLj;jp tUfpwhu;. Nfhry rpWtajpy; ghly; kw;Wk; eldj;jpy; Mu;tk; nrYj;jpdhu;. ,ir> ghly; kw;Wk; fz;ftu; eldghtq;fshy; <u;f;fg;gl;l Nfhry rpWtdhf ,Uf;Fk; NghNj jPtpukhf eldg;gapw;rpfis Nkw;nfhz;lhu;. eld mirTfs; mtUf;F ,ay;ghfNt iftug; ngw;wJ. ed;whf ghlKbahtpl;lhYk; jhdhfNt ,irf;Fupa eld mirTfis cUthf;fj; njhlq;fpdhu;. mtuJ ngw;Nwhu; mtiu Cf;fg;gLj;jpaJld; ghuk;gupa eldj;ij Kiwahff; fw;gpf;fTk; njhlq;fpdu;. jd; gd;dpuz;L tajpdpNy Kjd;Kjypy; Nkil Vwpa NfhryntWkNd %d;W tUlq;fspd; gpd;du; jpupa eu;j;jd vd;Dk; ,uz;L kzpj;jpahy njhlu; ehl;ba epfo;tpid epfo;j;jp rhjid gilj;jhu;.
By Nadeesha Paulis
One Step at a Time
nspirational personalities live among us. They could be your classmate, your colleague or the person who sits next to you in the bus. We don’t know what challenges they are facing, but we must understand that everyone’s struggling with their own battles. Some have it far more challenging than others. A talented Graphic Designer by profession who never gave up, Sikuru Nanayakkara is 25 years old. He has come a long way, despite a rare nerve condition which led to two very painful surgeries, one when he was 7 and the other when he was 15. He finds it difficult to walk, but cheerfully chugs along because that’s what life's about. It’s about facing the unexpected, falling down a few times, but also having the courage to get right back up no matter what other people say. “I didn’t like school. My classmates were nice and teachers were very supportive. But the juniors always made fun of me maybe because I look different. But you get used to it. After a point, you don’t really care,” said Sikuru. Sikuru who followed an IT Diploma soon after O/L’s preferred university to school. “People were much nicer and understanding towards me and I really
loved IT,” said Sikuru. He learned video animation, photo editing, 3D modeling and graphic designing for his Business Information Technology (B.I.T) Degree. It was almost by chance when his and his friend’s IT project called “Cloud Dynamics” was recognised as a real-world application in
connecting users and designers to get their design requirements fulfilled. “I never thought much about it, but when I look back, I’d say that was the turning point. I learnt that if you put the maximum level of effort into what you do, and it will reap results,” says Sikuru. He’s been a freelance graphic designer since then and now works full-time for a UAE based e-commerce company. “People are definitely more understanding now. Sometimes strangers on the road ask me why I’m like this, and I just smile in reply,” shrugs Sikuru. There are many children born differently. Or like Sikuru, face challenges that test them and their parents later in life. It’s really important to understand someone else. Put yourself in their shoes. What would they have gone through? How would you feel if you were them? What can you do to make them feel better? (Pix by Nadeesha Paulis)
Sikuru posing as his favorite character ‘Groot’!
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R.»r£.~. (~£v£p³ »r…) ýu£[x ëv{« ~¥Úp‰ Xƒ§ »l£ylªy¥ l£Y‰}jx r‹…‹tq Õr‰»z¤v£ r£gv£z£{Y‰ ƒ¥n¥úv R£yKu Yyp zn˜. “A Rx »[£hY‰ »ƒ£qõ. v£{ »[£hY‰ »l‰y¥K [l‰l£. vv R¥l‰lfv »l£ylªy¥ l£Y‰}jxf Y¥vÜ”õ. Xƒ¨ r{~õ. Xƒ§»[‰ {³£r£y »l£ylª÷ l£Y‰}j»Nnš Ur£éx (Business Information Technology (B.I.T)) ~qƒ£ þÕ»x¤ ~ÌýYyjx (video animation), b£x£y¦r ~¹~‰Yyjx (photo editing), l²‹v£j R£Y¯Ü ëMv£jx (3D modeling) ~ƒ R£»zˆZ ~¥z~§K (graphic designing) ƒn£yj znš. Xƒ§ ƒ£ Xƒ§»[‰ ñlªyp‰ »[‰ “Cloud Dynamics” pK {« {³£r¯Üx X{§p‰»[‰ ~‹ƒ‹p ~¥t¦ Yyñp‰ Wn˜»pn£ Ìýl»xˆ u£ýlxf ~§ã~§ lyKv »ƒ£q˜p‰ ~¥Y~« WYY‰ þv X{§p‰ zn ý|£z cx[²ƒpxY‰. “vv WlyK A [¥p ~‹lª»N p¥ƒ¥. pv§l‰ R£r~§ ƒ¥ú tzn‰nš Ã{ x§lªv »nxY‰ pK Wx v£»[‰ Ìýl»xˆ ƒ¥y{§K zY‰} xY‰ t{õ. A {»[‰v Rr‹ Urùv Ul‰~£ƒ»xp‰ xvY‰ Y»…£l‰ Wƒ‹ xƒrl‰ r²Üsz z¥ðv AY£p‰lõ” õ ~‹Yªy¥ r{~p‰»p‰. v§z‹p‰ Xƒ§ ënƒ~‰ Çl²Y ëMv£jYy¥»{Y‰ (freelance graphic designer) »z~ »~ˆ{x Y… Rly n¥p‰ WY‰~l‰ Ry£ï WòM y£c³ vl rnpK {« T-{£Úc³ (e-commerce) ~v£[vYf ~Ktp‰oþ r«MjY£zŸp ÷Ãx£{Y‰ Yyõ. “n¥p‰pK ñë~‰~§ Rë{£Mx»xp‰v »ƒ£q™p‰ ƒ¥v»nŠv
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; y p a t i l j U x L ; l v ; u X Mf;fk;: ejP\h Nghyp]; jkpopy;: Rizwan Segu Mohideen
z;Ljiy Vw;gLj;Jk; Fzhjpraq;fisf; nfhz;l gyu; vk; kj;jpapy; tho;fpd;wdu;. mtu;fs; cq;fs; ez;gu;fshfNth> rfghbfshfNth Vd; g];]py; cq;fSf;F mUfpy; mku;e;Js;stuhfNth ,Uf;fyhk;. mtu;fs; vt;thwhdnjhU rthiy vjpu;Nehf;fpf; nfhz;bUf;fpwhu;fs; vd ehk; mwpahj NghjpYk;> mtu;fs; xt;nthUtUk; VNjhnthU tifapy;> jq;fSf;fhd rthiy vjpu;Nehf;fpatu;fshf mtw;Wld; NghuhLgtu;fshfNt ,Uf;fpd;wdu; vd ehk; czu Ntz;Lk;. rpyu;> gyupYk; ghu;f;f mjpf rthy;fis nfhz;bUf;fyhk;. vjw;Fk; risf;fhj> 25 tajhd> njhopy; uPjpahd kpfj; jpwik tha;e;j
fpugpf; fiyQNu rpf;FW ehzaf;fhu. neLe;J}u gazj;ij fle;J te;j ,tu;> kpf mupjhf tuf; $ba euk;G gpur;rpidia nfhz;bUe;jhu;. mJ mtiu kpf tUj;jf;$ba ,U rj;jpurpfpr;irfSf;F Kfk; nfhLf;f itj;jJ. xd;W mtuJ 7 tajpYk; mLj;jJ mtuJ 15 tajpYk; ,lk;ngw;wJ. mtu; elg;gjw;F mjpf rpukg;gl;lhu;. Mapdk; mjid gofpf; nfhz;lhu;. tho;f;if vd;why; mJjhNd. ahu; vd;d nrhd;dhYk; xU rpy Ntisfspy; Vw;gLk; jpBu; rWf;fy;fs; mjd; gpd;du; Cf;fj;Jld; vOe;J epw;gjw;F fw;Wj; jUk;. ~vdf;F ghlrhiy vd;why; gpbf;fhJ. vdJ tFg;gpYs;s rf khztu;fs; md;ghdtu;fs;> Mrpupau;fSk; kpf cjtpahdtu;fs;. MapDk; rpwpa tFg;G khztu;fSf;F ehd; xU eifr;Rit nghUshfNt fhzg;gl;Nld;. fhuzk;> ehd; tpj;jpahrkhdtdhf ,Uf;fpd;wjhf ,Uf;fyhk;. MapDk; ePq;fs; gazj;ij njhlu Ntz;Lk;. xU vy;iyf;F gpd;du;> ePq;fs; mjid ftdj;jpw; nfhs;skhl;Bu;fs;| vd;fpwhu; rpf;FW. rpf;FW> rhjhuz juj;ijj; njhlu;e;J jfty; njhopy;El;g bg;Nshkh
fw;if newpiaj; njup nra;jhu;. ~vy;NyhUk; vd;Dld; kpf ,uf;fj;JlDk; Gupe;Jzu;TlDk; ele;J nfhz;ldu; vd;gNjhL> jfty; njhopy;El;gk; vdf;F kpf gpbj;Jg; NghdJ| vd;fpwhu; rpf;FW. mtu;> tu;j;jf jfty; njhopy;El;g (Business Information Technology - BIT) fw;if newpapy; tPbNah mdpNkrd;> Nghl;Nlh vbbq;> Kg;gupkhz mikg;Gfs; kw;Wk; fpugpf; birdpq; Nghd;wtw;iw gapd;whu;. mtUk; mtuJ ez;gUk; ,ize;J Nkw;nfhz;l ,izg;ghl jpl;lj;jpw;fhf rku;g;gpj;j "Cloud Dynamics" MdJ gad;ghl;Lf;Fupajhf mike;jJ xU mjpu;\lkhf mike;jJ. mJ> gadhsu;fisAk; tbtikg;ghsu;fisAk;> mtu;fSf;F mtrpakhd tbtikg;G Njitfis g+u;j;jp nra;tjw;F cjtpaJ. ~ehd; mJ Fwpj;J mjpfk; epidj;Jf; nfhz;bUf;ftpy;iy. Mdhy; rw;W jpUk;gp ghu;j;jNghJ> mJnthU jpUg;GKid vd mwpe;Njd;. ePq;fs; Nkw;nfhs;Sk; xU Fwpj;j tplak; njhlu;gpy; mjpf <Lghl;il fhz;gpf;Fk;NghJ> mJ rpwe;j gyidj; jUk; vd;gij ehd; fw;Wf; nfhz;Nld;| vd;fpwhu; rpf;FW. fpugpf; bird; (Graphic Design) Jiwapy; xU Rje;jpu gzpahsuhf jdJ gazj;ij Muk;gpj;j mtu;> jw;NghJ If;fpa muG ,uhr;rpaj;ij jskhff; nfhz;l ,iza tu;j;jf epWtdj;jpy; KO Neu gzpahsuhf gzp Gupfpd;whu;. ~kf;fs; jw;NghJ kpf njspthdtu;fshf fhzg;gLfpd;wdu;. rpy Ntis> ghijapy; nry;Yk;NghJ re;jpf;Fk; rpyu;> ehd; Vd; ,t;thW ,Uf;fpd;Nwd; vd Nfl;gu;. ehd; mjw;F rpupj;jtdhf gjpyspf;fpNwd;| vd;fpwhu; rpf;FW vt;tpj Fog;gKk; ,d;wp. gy rpWtu;fs; tpj;jpahrkhd ,ay;GfSld; gpwf;fpd;wdu;. rpf;FWit Nghd;wtu;fs; gy rthy;fis vjpu;Nehf;FtNjhL> mJ mtu;fSf;Fk; mtu;fsJ ngw;NwhUf;Fk; tho;f;ifapy; xU guPl;irahf mikfpd;wJ. kw;WnkhUtu; njhlu;gpy; tpsq;fpf; nfhs;tJ kpf Kf;fpakhdjhFk;. mtu;fsJ fhyzpfis mzptpj;J tpLq;fs;. mjd; %yk; mtu;fshy; vd;d nra;a KbAk;? mtu;fshf ePq;fs; ,Ue;jhy; cq;fspd; vz;zk; vd;dthf ,Uf;Fk;? mtu;fis ,ay;ghd epiyf;F khw;w cq;fshy; vd;d nra;a KbAk;?
The Boy who Travelled
By Nadeesha Paulis
ry being silent for one day while others around you go about their daily tasks. It is not easy. Not being able to communicate and express your thoughts, emotions and ideas is very frustrating. For almost 18 years, Chandima Rajapatirana was silent. “Chammi” as he is fondly called, was diagnosed with Autism when he was 4 and his parents Anoja and Sarath never gave up on him. Today, he is a published poet, award-winning author, activist and co-founder of E.A.S.E. Foundation which helps individuals with disability to build productive and stimulating lives. His book “Traveler’s Tales: My Journey with Autism” narrates the story of his quest to find a voice in the world he refers to as “the silent abyss”. In it, he expresses desire to join and “not hide” from the world and we are guided throughout his trials and victories in his discovery of the ability to type and communicate.
Disability must not be shunned While some people are sensitive to the term “disabled” and prefer to use terms such as special needs, gifted or differently-abled. “If I was differently
abled, I would be able to fly,” says Chammi who prefers to call it what it is. Years of hard work and research led Anoja to understand Autism. It’s not something to be feared or shunned. With the necessary care and support, people with disabilities can live fulfilling lives in society as exampled by Chammi and many others. Parents like Chammi’s are supportive, but some are not. They don’t consider ageappropriate education to be an essential part of their children’s life. Parents must break free from the mindset that their children are a lost cause. “We need to include them in society,” says Anoja.
Programmes at EASE Foundation In addition to their core educational programme, EASE conducts dancing, communication classes as well as vocational skills such as cooking and crafts which can be used to generate income for them. Shalini (name changed) was discovered by EASE at
age 12 when she was diagnosed as a slow learner with Autistic Symptoms. EASE taught her age-appropriate academics and improved her language abilities. She authored a children’s book called “After the storm” and she is able to bring in an income through it. Much like Shalini and Chammi, the foundation helps many children with disabilities “ease” into society and to their families as capable, contributing and inspirational individuals.
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EASE Foundation v[‹p‰ r{l‰{p§ ztp {¥h~fƒp‰
{§p‰»[‰ ƒyx£l‰vY Ro³£rëY {¥h~fƒp‰{zf Rvly{, EASE v[‹p‰ p¥f§K ƒ£ ~p‰ë»Nnp rp‰Ü »vp‰v, X{§p‰f R£n£xK v£M[xY‰ ~z~£ [¥ìvf UrY£ú {p, Sƒ§K r‹ƒ§K R£nš {¯l‰Ýp‰f Rn£… |‹z‰rŸx Yª~zl£ ƒ£ ~Ktp‰o r£gv£z£ n r{l‰{p§ z¥»J. {x~ R{§y¥ã 12 nš, R¥xf Rpp³ [Ü zY‰}j Rp§{, |z‹ë (pv »{p~‰ Yyp znš.) »~»vp‰ S»[p [p‰p£ »Y»pY‰ »z~ EASE ý~‹p‰ ƒãp£ [p‰p£ znš. EASE ý~‹p‰ R¥x»[‰ {x~f ~ùzp »z~ Ro³£rpx zt£ »np zn Rly R¥»[‰ u£}£ Yª~zl£ {¥Õn˜x§j§ Yyp znš. WÄ Yª~zl£{ “After the storm” xp …v£ »r£»lƒ‹ Ylª{ùx þvf lyK R¥x ~vl‰ {p Rly Wx ýYÛ»vp‰ R¥xf R£n£xvY‰n zt£ [¥ìvf ƒ¥Ãýx. |z‹ë ƒ£ aKñ »vp‰ {« l{l‰ R£t£él ny¥{p‰ [jp£{Yf ~v£c[l þvf »vv R£xlpx ~ƒx nš R¥l. W»vp‰v r{§z‰{zfn X{§p‰{ tyY‰ »p£þ»vp‰ r{§»zˆ Rxf v£p~‹Y ~§{x zt£nšvf »vv R£xlpx Yfx§lª Yy R¥l. ƒv§þv ~nƒ£ »Nz£{Y‰ »{p‰Yy [¥ìvf »ƒ¤ {¥h~fƒp‰ r‹z‹tn {¥Õãy »l£ylªy¥ n¥p[¥ìvf R{|³ pK Rr Rvlp‰p. 0773409148 http://easesrilanka.org/ easefoundation@gmail.com
Singapore Management University
International Scholarship Imagine yourself as an SMU scholar, empowered to pursue a path so different that it changes you. Take the next step and visit us at Edex Fair 2018, Hall B, Booth 160 H.
Eligibility Criteria:
Benefits: •
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Find out more about SMU and the SMU International Scholarship for Sri Lankan students at EDEX Fair 2018
Date: 19th to 21st January 2018
Colombo Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall Hall B, Booth 160 H