the Edge
JUNE 2018
An interview with Annette Bruchu on Angel Relationships & MORE ANGEL STORIES
Q & A with Psychic Cindy Lehman • Instant Forgiveness The Great Transformation: A World Awakening Pleiadian Message • Horoscope • Coming Events • More SERVING YO U SINC E 1 9 9 2 • E X P LORE W W W.E D GE MAGA Z I NE.NE T
exploring the evolution of consciousness F L I P T H I S M AG A Z I N E O V E R F O R T H E S P R I N G / S U M M E R E D G E D I R E C TO RY
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J U N E 2018
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The Edge Interview with Annette Bruchu
by Tim Miejan
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OUR FEATURED TOPIC: ANGELS 16 Angels are Here for Us, by Jaci Loos 6 Coming Soon: Profound Reconnections A Pleiadian Message, by Christine Day 10 Consciousness Technology Seminar returning to Cities 10 Peace Fest coming to Columbia Heights 10 The Edge upgrades its Online Directory 12 June Horoscope: Heart-Mind, Mercurial Messages through the Zodiac, by Heather Roan Robbins 12 A Super Spring Salad, Food First, by Nutrition Julie 22 Q & A with Psychic Cindy Lehman 24 Practice Instant Forgiveness to Transform Your Life, by Master Francisco Quintero 25 The Great Transformation: A World Awakening, by Saharadevi 26 Healing the Sabotaging Beliefs of Unworthiness, by Eric J. Christopher
17 Meeting My Angels, by Allie Maurer 18 Angelic Access, Spirit Leaves, by Janet Michele Red Feather 19 Connect to Your Guardian Angel in less than 5 Minutes, by Kirstin Chatfield Barsness 20 Receiving Your Wings of Light, by Carolyn Vinup 21 Moses, Angels & Heaven! Oh My! by Mary Carol Ross 27 Dedicated to the Mystery, by Maggie Wilson 27 The Journey Home, by Chris Roe
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Coming Soon: Profound Reconnections A PLEIADIAN MESSAGE
by Christine Day Beloved ones, we greet you. Throughout the ages Earth has been entrenched to the full spectrum of illusion. This illusion has formed a powerful anchoring of restriction and limitation within you and your life. Humanity has been operating within these constraints within your Earth plane for eons. The majority of you have been playing within a very narrow base of reality through your lives within this illusion. The reset of energy that took place in late March has been transforming you systematically, creating a natural process of realigning you to Truth. Many of you are experiencing a profound readjustment period within your own consciousness, and simultaneously there is the reopening of a pathway to your multidimensional heart. The cells of your body are realigning to this new life force pulse that is now being transmitted through your heart. This pulse is creating a steady, flowing movement that is building in momentum and is designed to gradually reopen all of your multidimensional systems. Step by step, you are being realigned and redefined to access your multidimensional nature. This pulse can be likened to a heartbeat that is ongoing and will continue to build in intensity. This pulse creates an action of pure light being manifested within, and carries the mission as the awakener to your own God light.
THE PULSE The source of this pulse has arisen from the very central multidimensional point within your resident Universe. It sources directly from the collective God consciousness. Your Earth is being moved, transformed dimensionally by this God consciousness light, which has always been carried within this frequency pulse. Your planet is slowly being repositioned energetically through this pulsing light. Earth is being reborn, taken beyond its original limited illusion framework setting to a higher multidimensional level reality of Truth. You are each being currently held within
the God light and simultaneously your hearts are being awakened through the pure integrity of your individual aspect of God light. This pulse was birthed and activated in March and is designed to gradually realign you to the true perceptions held within the Universe. This metamorphic process is to enable you to respond differently within your own heart through this frequency of Universal Truth. The frequency from this pulse has been designed to speak to each one of you individually through the multidimensional chamber of your Heart. This interaction of the pulse will realign you to your authentic Higher Self pathway within your heart. You will return to that expanded aspect of your consciousness, which you have always been. Through this frequency pulse, your journey homeward will be able to accelerate. This pulse has always been in existence throughout our resident Universe. For the very first time in the history of your plane, Earth is finally operating within the same frequency pulse as the rest of the Universe. The action of this multidimensional birthing on Earth is creating a new flow, a quickening to open within the consciousness of the entire Universe.
THE SAME RESONANCE Your planet Earth has always been part of the physical Universe, however never before have you held the same resonance as the Collective Consciousness within the entire Universe. Through this elevation of Earth’s resonance, a Higher Realm doorway has
THE EDGE MAGAZINE 763.433.9291 P.O. Box 664, Anoka, MN 55303
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EDITOR TIM MIEJAN 651.578.8969
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been opened making it possible for the entire Universe to access and align to the “God Seat of Power.” This opening will allow all “life force groups” within our Universe to expand into another multidimensional focus within the Collective Consciousness. We will anchor an expanded light force within the full arena of the Universe between us. This process of opening will allow us to hold the expanded expression of God Consciousness communion collectively between us. The resident Universe is able to move to another level of evolution because of this “happening” on Earth. All life force groups within the Universe are holding a strong platform of support for those of you on Earth who are ready to consciously rejoin our Collective Communion. This is a beginning of a great shift of consciousness for those of you who are willing to begin to utilize your natural multidimensional reconnections within your heart. The doorway of your heart has transformed for the sole purpose of your self-realization through the utilization of your heart as a multidimensional tool.
RAPID RECONNECTION Each one of you has said “Yes” to being here at this juncture on Earth. This is your time for rapid reconnection, reunion and reawakening now. We see you as if you are in a dilemma while you are having your human experience, as you juggle with the dynamic of your ego mind’s assessment of the illusion of the drama that has been and is continually unfolding on your planet. Remember, your ego mind does not understand anything beyond 3rd dimensional illusion. Your ego mind constantly misinterprets and misunderstands that which is in front of you within the drama. The ego cannot accurately assess what is taking place within the 3rd dimension and beyond, including your relationship to the Higher Realms within your Higher Self. Here’s what is imperative for you to fully appreciate: Your need to witness all the illusion within the drama currently being played out on your planet. This drama is
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J U N E 2018
continued from p. 6
meaningless within the higher dimensional realms. It is important to understand that whatever dramas are unfolding on the planet and within your life right now will not impact and have no consequences within the Higher Realms. No ripples are created from the drama on your planet beyond the 3rd dimension. The sacred transitional process on your Earth plane continues to evolve, regardless of the drama and is insignificant within the big picture within the Higher Realms. Our assessment of your awakening is that you are fully on track in your current evolutionary transition on Earth. We witness you in a different light from your own assessment of your self. We see your brilliance without the interference of illusion. We see your reconnections without the interference and misperceptions of your ego mind. The focus within our mission right now is to support you in the anchoring of the realignment to your multidimensional heart. Your reconnection to your heart naturally aligns you beyond the illusion, beyond the ego mind to your Higher Self. This anchoring allows you to open into moments of clarity enabling your Higher Self to bring enormous support to your human element. Your human self has been immersed within the illusion of the drama, which has created fear, struggle and a sense of powerlessness. This reconnection to your sacred structure is designed to bring a new experience of stability to your human aspect. There can be relief within your human aspect, as a new sense of higher sustenance becomes part of your day-to-day living from your Higher Self reconnections.
LESSENING OF FEAR What you will experience in the moments of reconnection to your Higher Self will be an alleviation of the struggle and a lessening of fear held within the ego mind. As you open into experiencing the peace that is part of your Higher Self and move into a deepening clarity around your life, your ego mind will receive some of that serenity. The energy of this essence can release tension and anxiety within the ego mind. Each time you open into your heart, into that place beyond the drama, you align to a depth of stillness and your ego mind begins to register relief. This is accumulative within you, and your human aspect begins to feel nourished and supported through each moment of reconnection. There is a necessity for you to comprehend your unique makeup and the full dynamic that takes place within: You have your human aspect and your Higher Self, 8 W W W. E D G E M A G A Z I N E . N E T
which is your sacred aspect. Your sacred aspect is fully intact just beyond the veil. Up until recently you have only been consciously connected to your human self, through the ego mind. For lifetimes you have had incarnations of having to leave your physical body to reconnect to your Higher Self. In this lifetime, as you move into the third transition phase of the “new dawning” era on Earth, you are able to consciously realign to your Higher Self, while still in this physical body. You will begin to appreciate aspects of your multidimensionality. This is a natural state of being for you, an aspect of your sacred makeup. You are, in Truth, a “multidimensional being” simultaneously having a human experience in this lifetime.
ALIGN CONSCIOUSLY When you align consciously within your heart, you are choosing to move beyond the 3rd dimensional reality. Your heart is a multidimensional tool for you to utilize in any experience within a chosen moment. It is important to recognize and know that as you take this step to align within your heart, your ego mind is not able to comprehend an aspect of any experience you have outside the illusion of 3rd dimension. So it is essential to realize ahead of time that your ego mind will not be able to identify any experience you have as authentic. Even while you are having an experience with your Higher Self, your ego mind will probably attempt to negate every aspect of your experience. Just because the mind is breaking down your experience within the very moment of reconnection within the heart does not mean you are having any less of an expanded experience. You will come to realize that because of your multidimensionality you can have more than one full experience at any one time. You can be listening to the ego mind’s constant dialogue and simultaneously have your full experience of reconnection with your Higher Self. The one experience does not discount the other experience, and you can open into a deeper understanding of your self, your multidimensionality, and the play out with your ego mind. This will enable you to develop a working relationship between your human aspect and Higher Self. This knowledge of your Self will support you to ultimately be able to move forward beyond the sabotage of your human aspect. Creating new building blocks for a steady and deepening foundation with your Higher Self. Another key factor to consider is there is nothing more you have to achieve or evolve within your human self before aligning to the sacred aspect of your Higher Self. You are ready now! Let’s look at the simple process of recon-
nection to your multidimensional tool of your heart.
PROCESS: 1. Always use the conscious breath to enter your heart (breathe in the mouth and out the mouth.) 2. Always have the palms of your hands flat on your chest. Know that the full chest area is your heart space. 3. Bring your awareness to your hands rsting on your chest, and then use the conscious breath. Breathe into where your hands are physically connecting to your heart space. Do the process a number of times until you feel, sense or see a deeper connection opening up. 4. Now bring in the sound, ESTE (pronounced ESTAY). Direct the sound within the opening of your heart. Keep using the sound while the heart continues to actively open to you. Use this sound until you feel, sense or see the full opening within your heart. 5. Then stop. Bring your awareness into where you find your self. This may be an unfamiliar place. Use the conscious breath into the space, and feel how your breath aligns you deeper within the multidimensional space of your heart. 6. Simply open into the experience of your Self, use the breath and let go. The more you do this process, the more you will unfold within your Higher Self. This is your time to liberate your human self. Celebrate your humanness, your imperfections and your idiosyncrasies. We remind you once more that you have come to have your human experience while consciously aligning back to your sacred nature. This is your mission in this lifetime! The third transitional phase has just begun on planet Earth, and you can expect a further series of profound reconnections to activate over the coming months. We, the Pleiadians, are part of a Universal team assisting Earth. Know that there are many life force groups supporting your transition at this time. The spiritual realms are playing pivotal roles within your transition. You can call any one of us forward to support you. Blessings, The Pleiadians. a CHRISTINE DAY is a leading spiritual teacher, healer, channel and author. Following a traumatic childhood in her native Australia, Christine was diagnosed with advanced Systemic Lupus at the age of 31 and given a short time to live. Shortly afterward, she experienced a profound spiritual awakening with the Pleiadians, the energy of which moved her to a place of complete self-healing. Since then Christine has been presenting Pleiadian Events, Seminars and Transmissions of Light throughout the United States and internationally. Visit COPYRIGHT © 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
J U N E 2018
Consciousness techology seminar returning to Cities The Minneapolis HoloSynchronous Energetic Technology Systems (Holo-SETS) seminar will take place July 21-23 at the Crowne Plaza AiRE-MSP Airport - Mall of America, 3 Appletree Square, in Bloomington. This course is being offered as a complete three-day seminar. Attendees will learn Holo-SETS directly from world-renowned consciousness technology thought leader Dr. Richard Bartlett, founder and instructor for The Institute for Harmonic Resonance Technology. The seminar embodies Dr. Bartlett’s 25 years of knowledge and the wisdom of his master teachers and combines the Master Energy Dynamics (MED) and Master Harmonic Resonance Technology (MHRT) courses into a unique and easy-to-access format that will allow attendees to go deep into the path of the physiology of the body. Students will learn to work with conditions and patterns and how to
apply specific solutions and modules to create a new, healthy and vital state of being. There is no prerequisite required to attend this course. Dr. Bartlett is the developer of Matrix Dr. Richard Energetics, Master Bartlett Energy Dynamics, and Holo-Synchronous Energetic Technology Systems and the author of several award-winning books including Matrix Energetics: The Science and Art of Transformation. He holds a doctorate in chiropractic from Parker Chiropractic College and a degree in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University. Tution is $650 through June 29, and $700 after. For more information, contact Kay Sassani at 800.368.0973 or or visit a
The Edge upgrades its online Directory The Edge has taken its online Edge Directory to a higher level of responsiveness for its advertisers, switching to a format that allows every advertiser to control the photos, text and message they want to share with their community. The directory, located at, is now a subscriptionbased service for the holistic community in the Twin Cities, Upper Midwest and beyond. All Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 Directory advertisers in print have been placed online for free until July 15, and each advertiser can claim a listing online for a length of time determined by subscribing for one month, three months or 12 months. For complete details, go to a
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Peace Fest coming in June to Columbia Heights A Peace Fest, a festival celebrating individual and global peace through meditation, community service, art and food, will take place in Columbia Heights, MN, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, June 23, hosted by the Science of Spirituality Meditation Center, 4054 Van Buren St. NE. This festival will host a symposium on peace with various guest speakers from the around the country and organizations in the community that are working hard to spread the vision of peace in various ways. The Peace Fest will also have live music, fun children’s activities, live cooking demos, and an international vegetarian food court. Admission is $2. All proceeds will go to charity. Science of Spirituality is a worldwide spiritual organization dedicated to transforming lives through meditation, under the guidance of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj. Meditation helps all of us achieve inner peace, leading to global peace. The event is in partnership with the City of Columbia Heights and the Columbia Heights Police Department. The City of Columbia Heights supports peace among its diverse community and has received recognition for being a “City of Peace.” CHPD has been leading several projects and taking pivotal steps in making the police force more diverse and proactive peacemakers. For more information, please contact Arvind Naik at or call 612.216.4444. Visit the Science of Spirituality at a
A Super Spring Salad FOOD FIRST
by Nutrition Julie One of my favorite healthy food strategies is to make a couple of “grab and go” salads for the week. I love this one because it has plenty of protein and veggies to give you lots of energy throughout the day. This salad is great all on its own, or on a bed of lettuce greens, or even popped into a wrap or pita along with some avocado. Enjoy it however you like as a snack, lunch or after work-out treat. It’s also great as a potluck picnic salad to share with friends. Enjoy!
2- 15 oz. cans of Garbanzo Beans, rinsed and drained 1 English Cucumber, peeled, seeded and diced 1/2 Red Pepper, seeded and diced 3 Green onions, chopped 2 Carrots (small), peeled and chopped 2 Celery stalks (small), chopped 1/2 Red Onion, peeled and finely chopped 3 Radishes, chopped 2 Garlic cloves, minced 1/4 c. Fresh Parsley, chopped 2 T. Fresh Dill, chopped 2 T. Fresh Basil, chopped 2 T. Lemon juice 2 T. Apple Cider Vinegar 8 oz. container of Cottage Cheese Salt and Pepper to taste Garnish options: Cherry tomatoes, Pepitas or sunflower seeds, or Alfalfa sprouts. Mix all ingredients into one large bowl and garnish with suggested options. a NUTRITION JULIE is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Raw Food Nutrition Educator who is passionate about nutrition, health and wellness. Julie believes that real, whole, nutritious foods are a powerful tool in living a healthy, conscious, disease-free life and works to educate, inspire and empower the people she works with through her step-by-step Food First System. For more information, visit www. COPYRIGHT © 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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by Heather Roan Robbins
Come into your heart. As June begins, our minds buzz with unusual activity, our emotions and intuition are strong, but we can easily separate the two and lose our wisdom. We need to consciously keep our mind and heart working together throughout June. Venus in Cancer forms a grand trine with intuitive Neptune and expansive Jupiter in water signs at the beginning of the month, and Mercury takes her place at the end of the month. These grand trines bring our attention to our intuition and the magic of spirit working throughout our life. At the same time, first Venus, and then Mercury also take their turns opposing grim Saturn and Pluto and test us to use that imaginative faith even in challenging situations. Love no matter what and feel loved by spirit through a life that stretches us to grow and evolve. Some logistical challenges mid-month ask us to stay emotionally even-keeled while we work out the details. Instead of putting up our defenses, we need to stay honest, calm and open-hearted from the summer solstice on June 21 through June 26 as Mars opposes Venus and then retrogrades. Let’s review our summer’s ambitions to align them with our soul’s path.
Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…Reach into your softer side. Stay in your heart around family and intimate, be generous with your resources and grateful when others are generous back. There may be potential wrangling at work where you need to step carefully and with consciousness, but leave that tension at work. Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…Communicate and network with siblings and sibling-like friends. Share camaraderie with work and romantic partnerships; celebrate their successes and their loyalty increases towards you. A recent loss may soften your heart and encourage you to reorganize mid-month, then work towards connection versus conflict when summer arrives. Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Through June 12, take advantage of good fortune. You may feel more stretched, potentially out of your element, but able to get real and serious mid-month as Mercury opposes Saturn. After June 19, the pressure shifts and doors begin to open, bringing potentially good changes. Cancer (June 21-July 22)…These grand trines in water signs, near your sun, trigger an emotional high tide. Love yourself not with defensive bravado but through deep personal nurturance. Know you have as much right for joy and support as anyone else. Take the lead in action after June 21 and manifest a plan. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…This could be a thoughtful and introspective month for you; do quality work and take care of long-term health issues. Support others, and your luck improves. Do not wait for
others to appreciate; reach out and encourage them first, and fan the spark of romance, when Venus enters Leo June 13. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…If you have been inwards and withdrawn this year, now it’s time to reconnect. Use artistic moments, opportunities and chances of compassionate action to network during these first two weeks, and again around the summer solstice. Be ready to make important adjustments towards the end of June. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Your resources, health and work resonate together for potential good; know when to be generous but not naïve or co-dependent. At work, use your prodigious people skills to negotiate adjustments that work for all. Stay centered and patient around the solstice, then make magic towards the end of the month. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…You’re encouraged to step out and be visible, which may be a change for you. Take an opportunity to work with people and concepts from faraway places. Use agreedupon philosophies to take the sting out of personal frustrations and hold people gently accountable. Exercise tact through discouragement June 21-27, then rebound. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…Feel spirit working behind-the-scenes for you as the grand trine and water signs illuminate your natural 12th houses. Keep clear healthy boundaries and ask for what you need, even while sharing generously. An important situation can improve if you hold the vision when others doubt. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19)…You’ve been called to speak up, hold boundaries, and be an adult for a long time. While you need to keep adulting, create lateral connections this month and network outside of the work hierarchy. Look for a fresh playfulness and heart-centered opportunity, particularly the week before the summer solstice. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…Avoid unintentionally abrasive responses when you get impatient. With Mars now in Aquarius, you are called to be assertive and lead rather than criticize. Take care of some longstanding health issues. Connect that formidable brain to your heart and find better outcomes. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…People project their hopes and fears onto you, but you can use this for good. Strive to be understood by intimates, but everywhere else, use your magic to help people imagine how they can cooperate more dynamically. Take care of yourself best by being centered rather than defensive. a HEATHER ROAN ROBBINS is a heart-centered and choice-oriented astrologer, palmist and ceremonialist with 30+ years’ experience. Her book, Moon Wisdom: Transform Your Life using the Moon Signs and Cycles, brings real astrology into an accessible format. She’s trained in astrolocality, mythic, multi-generational and traditional astrology and uses them at the core of her spiritual counseling. For a daily view, read Starcodes at COPYRIGHT © 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
J U N E 2018
ANGEL RELATIONSHIPS The Edge Interview with Annette Bruchu
by Tim Miejan Picture, if you will, a 4-year-old girl who is in the water at her swimming lesson. She knows that in order to pass the class, she must be able to swim out to the middle dock. But this girl, young Annette, didn’t have the encouragement or confidence to swim that far. Enter divine intervention. “I went under water and did not surface, and an angel lifted me up and the life guard had time to rescue me,” Annette said in an interview with The Edge. “That was my first (encounter with an angel) that I remember, though the connection has grown increasingly over time.” Annette Bruchu lives in Stillwater, MN, where she runs her Helping You Heal Center and Grow Center. She is known for her aura photography, but she also teaches classes on how to develop your intuitive abilities and how to be a better healer. She also offers guidance on how to trust and grow our angel connection. Her book, Angel Relationships: A Match Made in Heaven, was just published and in it she describes a cosmic shift that is taking place, pulling the higher realm of the angels closer to humanity at a time in which both angels and people desire to be closer. “A wonderful phenomenon is happening in heaven and on Earth,” she writes. “Angels want to prove their existence, and they are reaching out to connect with us more than ever. Likewise, here on Earth, people are learning more about the angelic realm and the roles and purpose of angels in our lives.” The Edge spoke with Annette about angels and her new book that is the perfect resource for someone who wants an angelic connection. What is the purpose of angels? The purpose of angels is to have that connection with us so we can change and grow. They help guide us to wisdom. They help guide us through lessons in life and emotions. They talk to us through our gut so we can not live in regret. They intervene with us and they prepare us. They recharge us, and they also make a plan with us. A plan? They make a plan with us. So, when we rest or take a nap, sometimes that is when we are planning our next step through our dream, our transcendental process. They love to plan with us. Do angels assist every human being on the planet? 1 4 W W W. E D G E M A G A Z I N E . N E T
with emotions and sickness and providing direction. Are the number of ways they can help us unlimited, depending on what our circumstances are? Absolutely. They are very encouraging. I always say the bottom line is very basic: talk to them, set an intention, tell them what you want, or to choose whether it is material, spiritual, healing. They will lead you in a better outcome. The trust that we build is key, and as the miracles of the angels intervene and you follow that gut feeling, it is amazing. I’ve worked with many serious situations and by following my angels’ guidance, came through with a great recovery and out of turmoil. It’s about having the patience to really hear or listen to them through your thoughts or your heart or your soul, however you recognize the connection to the angels. Some people say they just feel.
The answer is if we are willing to believe that they are important to us, they do. Every human being or mere mortal has an assigned angel to them. Not everybody knows how to trust them, however. But, the answer is yes to that. Is the angel assigned to us our guardian angel? That’s correct. A guardian angel has the vantage point so we can have that free will to live in healthier ways and be more motivated and the outcome is better than what we expect. After your experience of the angel helping to save you in the water, how have angels helped you in your life? Many ways. They have given me daily assistance. They have spoken to me and I’ve heard their words. They have a great impact and a solid impact on my life. For example, driving down the highway the other day I heard their voice three times to go a different way. However, it is up to me to trust that voice, which I did, and I avoided a car accident. That’s only one example. The other day they told me something about a person who came to visit me and asked a question about headaches. The angels said, “It is her premolar and the outside of her enamel has a crack in it.” Angels speak to me with words and they speak to me with messages of thought. They are very unique and very brilliant, in more ways than not. In general, how do angels help all of us in our lives. In your book, you mention assistance
By reading a book like yours, we are given information about angels, but the next step is having that direct experience with an angel. Is there a certain mindset that you need to experience them directly? A lot of people say you have to meditate and you have to be relaxed, but I say as long as you have them fused to you as they do and are to me, and pay attention to your thoughts, the reaction is much better. Angels will intervene under stress. They will give you a head’s up in a dream state. In all our busy-ness, why are people always aligned at the right place at the right time? Through opportunities, the angels will move them or assist them. I do see that people are becoming more sensitive. They are definitely raising their energy and vibration. They have fed their spirituality and their intuition for many years now and the key is to balance out their thinking and trust more of their feeling. So many people over-think the angel communication and add a lot of doubt to the process. In hindsight, that’s how we learn to listen to our angels and access that expert information. The connection is softer. They will never let you down. You talked about the angels being fused to you. Is the key to develop a daily relationship with them, as your book implies: an angel relationship? I say it should be daily, it could be hourly. I don’t walk around with my fingers touching each other and wondering, “Are they with me? Are they with me?” I pay attention to thoughts that pop into my head and I don’t wonder where they’re from. I take notice of the randomness of what is happening.
Signs, for instance. Many people are attracted to listening to signs and looking for signs, and when they look for the signs that can be a great effect, and actually a fun way, to help them smile, to be more peaceful, to be more insightful. I say the tips of the angel wings can touch us often and kind of nudge us, but so many people worry about things that they shouldn’t need to pay attention to or worry about. I’m always awestruck when somebody comes in to our center and they are over the top with excitement that something made a difference. They listened to their intuition. They felt it in their gut, and they simply made that shift. So, the book will speak to us for a lot of growth in a lot of troubled times. It’s true that angels will not take action unless we ask them to? Well, that comes with the free will that we were gifted at birth. So, when we hear them and react to them, they will assist us. I don’t know if that’s fully the truth because I’ve seen many boatloads of miracles happen and a lot of people didn’t believe in spirituality. I do think they are enthusiastic to help us. When we have a mission or a purpose in our life to fulfill, I think they can accelerate that motion and not be afraid to make a phenomenal change without us even knowing it. Are there cases where consciously we may not be asking, but maybe on an inner level we have that connection that we’re not aware of? And someone who may not believe in angels or believe in spirituality may have an active relationship with an angel without knowing it consciously? That’s very possible, and probable. They are connected to everyone in every way. Many times the angels will sit back and just observe situations. I’ve seen angels sit back and just file their nails, hoping that I can increase my awareness from a different perspective. They’re trying to reach out and connect with us more than ever, and they’re hoping somebody else can acknowledge them or hear their guidance. They try to influence us over logic and fear. They must have a lot of patience with us, because on some level we must seem like we are asleep most of the time, people who are not conscious of what’s going on. Absolutely. I think they have a great deal of patience and imagination, but yet they are able to use their voice in so many ways. Have you ever heard three times in one day through your friends or people crossing in front of you or a stranger mention an inspirational idea to move forward or to change that job? They will use other people’s energy to get that message to you, so you get very excited, like, “Oh, I get it now!”
percent than confidence with 99 percent. That 1 percent can always be that, “Yeah, but….”
So it’s almost like the angels are conspiring, “Hey, I can’t reach my guy. Can you reach him through your person?” That’s right, absolutely. To me that’s a phenomenal way in which they can warn us or heighten our awareness of a situation. They’re always there for us, and I think they’re extremely patient. What inspired you to write the new book, Angel Relationships? It was my belief in angels and how we are fused, how they are fused to me, and their expertise of knowledge is so encouraging and they are supporting so many people. Every day I meet a lot of enthusiastic people who have such a strong effect on me, and I try to teach them that they also have help and support through their own angels, to get rid of old stagnant thinking and to look at things in a new way and really assess the inspiration of this angel relationship. I see that people are growing in a positive way and they want their life to be simpler. To me, that’s very important. I always tell people to really be compassionate, trust their sensitivity, and keep their lives simple. The inspiration came in many ways to write this book, but I hear so many people asking, “How do you do this? How do I trust?” The first thing I say is, “Don’t doubt.” Does that create a block in our connection with them when we have the doubts and fears in our mind? I don’t know if creates a block, but it does not accelerate the motion of hearing their voice. The angels will have to work harder at their unique way of inspiring us, but angels will find a way. I don’t know that it will block their motion. Doubt is doubt. I say I’d rather see people with confidence 100
Many books have been written on angels. What sets your book apart from the others? Everybody has unique talents and gifts and we’re always influenced over time to use our logic over our intuition. Many people view common sense as coincidences and I say it’s God’s way of staying anonymous, as Albert Einstein stated. Angel energy is both empowering and limitless, and I encourage people to choose and embrace their spirituality and their intuition, because over time angels will show us how we can have a better life, how we can discover smiles again, laughter again. I say, stay connected. I try to share different ways of meditation, experiences of adaptation and growth. It’s more than just talking about that we have an angel. It’s how to have a solid understanding to connect with them. My book is designed to help you to know your angels through meditation, and to call them in in times of trouble — but not always at times of trouble, but also during times of celebration. Tell our readers about the angel messages in your book. All my life I’ve been receiving angel messages of protection, voices of love, and I jot down these angel messages as a reminder that maybe they’re for me, maybe they’re for others, but I do share them. These angel messages give me hope and guidance, as well as for other people. So many people live with anxiety and fear. There is a simple recipe to do it better. Angel messages remind us to pay attention and don’t forget that they’re there. They are always keeping us moving forward so we don’t jump from the boat too soon. Hang in there another day. The encouragement of these messages is to be kinder. Angels look at our life as 3D and we look at our life as linear. So when they give us guidance through words and inspiration, they have a better behind-the-scene perspective of our life. That’s why I urge everybody to not over-think, but to slow down and listen to their connection of kindness. When you were speaking I was thinking about how angels are so often described as performing miracles, but potentially they assist us millions of times throughout the hours and days and it’s the subtle things that go unnoticed by most people. The subtle things can go unnoticed by people. Once you start clearing up and seeing those subtle things, then you will be able to use them in miracle situations. see ANGEL RELATIONSHIPS on p. 16 J U N E 2018
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I work with a lot of serious situations faced by clients — double lung transplants, for example, which is very serious. I call upon the angels to be present with their procedure and bring them miracles. The angels can help our people and clients navigate through life and life challenges, however they also have a healing effect, calming us down in ordinary day-to-day situations: “I’m glad I got gas now,” “Well, I’m glad I didn’t accelerate through that yellow light.” They can communicate with us on every level we can imagine. What do you say to somebody who says, “I’ve asked my angels for help and I’m not getting it. They didn’t help me in such and such a situation.” Well, maybe they did help them through the situation and still someone feels they were let down. That might be that 1 percent doubt that I was referring to earlier. Maybe it was a karmic experience. It depends on the situation, of course. Do you talk about archangels at all and what role they have compared to other angels? The archangels are in a sacred space and they have a lot of assistance in other angelic realms. They are part of the team, and they are simply very powerful. In the center of my focus I call forth “The Angels” or “The Voice of the Angels” to encourage me. I don’t have to be specific — archangel, specific angel, guardian angel — I just call the angels in general. What message do you want to leave with those who read your book? The overall message that I would like to leave the readers is that the angel relationship is a match made in heaven and it’s filled with guidance, that we can grow and bond with our guardian 1 6 W W W. E D G E M A G A Z I N E . N E T
angels, or our Heavenly beings, that we can better discover the signs and how to navigate through out earthly challenges. A healing effect takes place when you have completed the angel book, knowing that our angels have devoted their Heavenly energy and higher intelligence to us mortal humans, that God created the angels for a specific purpose, so that we would not have to walk alone on our path. I hope many readers expand their angel communication and their awareness. Where can people find your book? You can go to my website, and click on Angel Relationships book, or the link for Amazon to order it. It is available nationwide in stores and bookstores near you, or you can come to the Helping You Heal Center in Stillwater and we will have it here, as well. What final message would you like to leave with our readers today? It’s wonderful to know that Heaven is filled with a lot of guidance. It’s wonderful to know that intuition is nature’s way of providing our subconscious with advice that will guide us through our lives. I hope everybody enjoys reading Angel Relationship, A Match Made in Heaven to improve their intuition and their growth. a For more information on Annette Bruchu and her book, Angel Relationships: A Match Made in Heaven, visit angel-relationships/ TIM MIEJAN is editor & co-publisher of The Edge magazine. Contact him at 651.578.8969 or Visit The Edge online at COPYRIGHT © 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
OUR FEATURED TOPIC: ANGELS Read 12 additonal articles on our Monthly Topic at, beginning June 1.
Angels are Here for Us by Jaci Loos In my experience, angels are always working with us, guiding us, teaching us and loving us. The first time I experienced working with an angel was during a weeklong certification class on healing. We had each vowed to be a node of peace so that we could work with a group of beings who are offering their assistance in healing. Then it was my turn to practice the techniques we had learned. When I started, I saw a hand from behind me start guiding me on what to do. When I looked over my shoulder to see who it was, I could not believe it. It was Archangel Raphael. I was so humbled by the love and support that he was showing me as he guided me through the healing process. I was smiling ear to ear as I followed his techniques. You might ask what he looked like or how I knew it was Archangel Raphael? It wasn’t like I saw a man with wings, but I saw a very tall dark figure and I just knew. Most of the time when I see angels, they do not have wings. I also see Archangel Michael as really big but glowing with a white golden light. Angels come with all their glory and are present for all of us. I do an interdimensional sound healing that has been taught to me and tweaked with the assistance of angels and masters. When I work with someone, many angels will come to add more consciousness, embrace them, sing to them and support them during their session. It is truly beautiful and humbling to experience such unconditional love being shown to the client. These angels are waiting for us to call upon them and ask for assistance. They hold us, talk to us and infuse light into us. The angels will even find us parking spaces and lost items, according to my husband! One technique I have used is to ask from appreciation for whatever you need, then journal about it. Write down whatever you feel, see, hear or know, and then wait to read it for a few days. Another technique that is very effective is this: prior to going to sleep, ask the angels for assistance in whatever you need and keep a dream journal about the dreams you have. They will work with us as much as we allow them to. The angels are here for us, waiting to engage. Let them into your heart. a
JACI LOOS is an Akashic Record Consultant, Sound Healer and Teacher. She is dedicated to change, growth and personal integration. Her passion is to empower others to experience their life with greater joy and ease. She is from Minnesota, however she also works with people around the globe. She offers private sessions in person, phone sessions or long distance; classes and tours to sacred sites. Visit or call 651.269.7545. COPYRIGHT © 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Meeting My Angels by Allie Maurer As 2015 was ending, I was once again on a journey of awakening. I had turned off my gifts a couple years earlier in another attempt to be “normal.” As it never works in harmony to step away from our authentic selves, I was disconnected and unhappy. From there, I realigned and reopened myself to who I was. This time, when I opened myself, angels were waiting for me. Growing up, there were spiritual beings that I would allow in to teach me, such as my spirit animals and spirit guides, but I had always steered away from “angels.” It seemed too religious, and I was always more drawn to spirituality than religion. When I pictured angels in my mind, I envisioned the figurines on my grandmother’s knick-knack shelf, and that “just wasn’t for me.” However, when I became fixated on my own spiritual healing, I prioritized aligning with truth, authenticity and unconditional love. When my angels came in, I was able to see them for what they really were, beyond my childhood teachings and assumptions. These were the highest vibration spiritual beings of unconditional love — and limitless patience. As pure energy, they are not bound by space and time, for they are infinite, as are our true selves.
ANGELS AROUND ME Intrigued, I started to explore and grow my relationship with my personal angels and the archangels. The angels around me the most included Archangels Michael (protecting me, especially when I am actively using my gifts), Raphael (supporting me in healing others), and Ariel (helping me during animal communication and animal healing). I was a bit skeptical at first. But I will never forget my
first experience that was truly the catalyst for changing my belief system. It was during a horrible snowstorm in January 2016 and I was trying to navigate the back roads from Carver to Prior Lake. Cars were in the ditch and 4-wheel drive vehicles were spinning out — and I was in my little Honda Accord. It is far from a formidable winter vehicle, and I was terrified. I realized I should not be on the roads and that I made a bad decision as I leaned over the steering wheel, white knuckled and panicked, with tears in my eyes, my car sliding all over the road at 10 miles an hour. In sheer desperation I called out to Archangel Michael, asking him to protect me and my car to get to my destination. Suddenly, this bizarre wave of euphoria washed over me. I was in an extreme state of calm and peace and singing along to the radio, and all fear was gone. My car stopped sliding and never faulted a single time. The roads may as well have been completely clear. I remember walking into work in sheer joy, peace and absolute gratitude — not just for arriving safely, but also for that incredible experience and proof that this was a very real, and very loving force.
SUPPORT SYSTEM Since then I have established a strong relationship with my angelic support system. And it is something everyone can do. The angels are always willing and ready to help with any situation. However, you do need to ask for their help; because of free will, they can’t interfere unless you ask. There is nothing too big or small they can handle. It is like having your own spiritual entourage. They love letting you know they are with you in wonderful ways, finding white feathers and interesting synchronicities. I have two wonderful pictures in my office from see MEETING on p. 18 J U N E 2018
Angelic Access SPIRIT LEAVES
by Janet Michele Red Feather We often imagine angels as brilliant winged beings dwelling eons away in some remote Heaven. The way Cedric Red Feather explains it, we all have spirit guides or helpers situated just above our shoulders, ready and waiting to offer help and guidance; all we have to do is give them permission. In the evening, before I go to sleep, I ask angels to keep me safe. Ever since I began doing this, I have avoided bad dreams. The most striking instance of their intervention came while I was practicing law for a defense firm in Pasadena. My tenure with that firm was, happily, by choice, a short-lived one. I had come from a tough firm of defense litigators in Culver City, CA, so the performance expectations at this new firm were high. They entrusted me with a load of thick, complex cases; unfortunately, I was not magician enough to sort out their unwieldy files. The commute alone was killer. The Pasadena freeway is riddled with eight lanes of vehicles plus merging lanes for on and off ramps. At rush hour, it’s a spinning carousel of cars with no room for error.
CENTERMOST LANE Returning from work one evening, I drove a rental car. I had earlier crashed my regular vehicle into a garage pillar trying to park during my brief stint with this firm. I presently found myself in the centermost lane of the 6 p.m. rush, when my little tin of a rental car ground to a halt. It just would not restart; I was cast into auto limbo with no way out. Realizing the improbability of the situation, I resorted to the only open course — I capitulated. In one grand swoop, I opened
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clients who said their spirit guides would not allow them to come see me until they made me a picture of an angel. I also received a wood-carved angel holding a puppy for Christmas in a random gift exchange last December. It was the only 1 8 W W W. E D G E M A G A Z I N E . N E T
the driver’s door, pushed down the lock button, and inadvertently dropped my keys on the seat. The second the door closed, I realized I had sealed my fate. I turned to face the oncoming packed lanes and, in a gesture of complete surrender, threw up my hands. I felt like a cartoon character in some unfortunate episode of The Flintstones. The irreversibility of my predicament gave me an adrenalin rush of bravado. Suddenly, miraculously, traffic ground to halt. Within seconds, three men from different vehicles leaped to my aid. I blurted that I was locked out, and one man retorted he was an off-duty volunteer fireman with a tool in his car that would help. He returned with a long, thin, steely serrated blade that he wedged between the driver’s side window and door. With that tool, he popped up the old-fashioned button lock and opened the door. He jumped in, shifted into neutral and steered as the other two men pushed; a third soon brought up the rear. Vehicles yielded until they had successfully maneuvered my car to the shoulder. Yet another man diverted traffic and personally escorted me in a zigzag through the cars to my stalled vehicle and the cement shoulder’s questionable harbor.
ANGELIC RESCUE I thanked and blessed them all profusely. One stayed behind to call and await the tow. I sat in my car, dazed. Not ten minutes later, I glanced up at the rear view mirror and saw the front end of a long bed vehicle pull up behind. Above the cab were displayed large upper and lower case letters that in a friendly type font proclaimed, “Jan’s Towing.” In those days, I went by “Jan” rather than “Janet.” Seeing my name was the consummate flourish in this dazzling montage of heavenly grace. I was overjoyed. What had been a nightmare was transmuted into an angelic rescue. From the volunteer fireman, to the “good citizens” to the personalized tow service bearing my name — all were synchronically orchestrated for my highest good. If I had doubted before, I knew then with certainty there are angels among us. Ordinary deeds are, through Divine timing, alchemically rendered extraordinary. If you have a wish to work with angels, don’t wait for a crisis to communicate with them. Pray and give them permission to enter your life. Humbly ask for wisdom and knowledge, and for good guidance. What these loving beings offer far surpasses our dreams and imaginings. a JANET MICHELE RED FEATHER, J.D., M.A., is a ceremonial singer who has learned over 60 traditional songs in Mandan and Lakota and sings in nine different languages. Janet was a full-time defense litigator in California for nearly eight years. Her life changed significantly after she traveled to North Dakota in 1993 to fast and pray for a way of life. A regular columnist for The Edge, she has also appeared in Psychic Guidepost, FATE Magazine and Species Link. Her book, Song of the Wind (2014, Galde Press), dealt with her experiences as an empath, and her journey through Mandan spiritual culture. She is currently a full-time, tenured English faculty member at Normandale Community College, having taught Composition and Literature for a span of 20 years. COPYRIGHT © 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
angel in the exchange and no one knew who would end up receiving which gift. I immediately said “Hi” to Ariel and smiled as I held it. Just a little reminder that she is with me and I am here for animals. If you have never established a relationship with your angels, I highly recommend it. You have nothing to lose and unconditional love and support to gain! a
ALLIE MAURER was born with her psychic, medium, and healing gifts that she utilizes to help people and animals around the world. For those seeking guidance on their journey of awakening, she teaches and aids in making what is hidden in the shadows, conscious to them. Her mission is to spread consciousness, connection and healing by aligning people with their fearlessness, authenticity, and unconditional love to to support a better future for all. Contact Allie at or 952.334.6496. COPYRIGHT © 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Connect to Your Guardian Angel in less than 5 Minutes by Kirstin Chatfield Barsness I met my guardian angel when I was 29 years old. At the time, my life was a void and all I saw was bleakness. The stress of building a new home, not being able to sell the one I had, and a job I loathed all combined to affect not only my mental health, but my physical health, as well. Sleepless nights and a dangerous weight drop. I was a hot mess. Days would go by when I just sobbed. Not eating. No zest for life, just emptiness. I felt stuck and wondered, “How did I get here? Is this really my life?” One night, unable to sleep, I went downstairs to sit. I felt empty and just wanted to escape my life. I was sitting on the sofa, crying softly and trying not to wake up anyone in the house when I felt a shift. It was so subtle, but my soul knew something had changed in the room. My body stilled, and my energy changed frequency. I looked up from my hands and hiccuped. Radiant in a blue-white light, I saw the love and kindness on her face. Her eyes met mine and I looked into a place so deep and filled with light that my breath left my body. She stretched out her arms and I felt a love so deep fill me up. Every part of my body and soul felt alive, humming, and for the first time in many months, I felt safe. My angel. My own angel. The tears streaming down my face were relief leaking out of my body. I was not alone. My angel shared a smile that let me know I was deeply loved — and then she was gone. I’ve encountered her many times since that dark night — in moments of deep stillness, at the pinnacle of grief, and
even in the instance of pure bliss. She is there, walking beside me. Guiding, protecting and loving me. Connecting with her is one of my greatest sources of joy and comfort. Her name is Mary and she’s my guardian angel. We all have guardian angels. Connecting with yours is simpler that you can even imagine. There are ways for you to open or deepen your relationship with your guardian angel. I’m thrilled when I receive a sign or just feel her presence nearby — a gentle breeze when there’s no other air moving or an energetic humming in my body. Here is a guide to angels: • Know that everyone has a guardian angel. They’ve been with you since birth and are with you on life’s journey. • Angels can’t come to our aid without our asking. We must invite their help, wisdom and love into our lives. Simply state, “Angels, please help with….” • Communication with your angels can happen in many ways, through signs such as angel numbers, feathers, animals or coins. For me, I can feel angels through a change in my energy, a humming feeling in my body. • You can ask your angels to help or heal others as long as it’s in the best interest of the other person. • Want to know your guardian angel’s name? Ask. Get into a quiet space, breathe slowly and deeply through your nose for a few minutes and ask, “Beautiful guardian angel, what is your name?” Be still, listen. The answer will be the first name to pop into your head. • Remember to say thank you and acknowledge your see GUARDIAN on p. 21 J U N E 2018
Receiving Your Wings of Light by Carolyn Vinup I received my Wings of Light on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. It was a new beginning for me spiritually. I remember the experience well. As soon as I opened my eyes, I felt like this was a brand new day, for a brand new me. The energy around me was brighter, lighter, fuller, deeper, and richer. As I opened the bedroom shades and scanned my backyard, I was in AWE of the beauty of nature: the blue sky, sun warming my face, the colors of fall season, the green grass peeking through harvest golds, and the brown hues of leaves piling up on the ground. I touched my heart and felt the presence of internal peace, grace, and divine love. As I prepared my two dogs, Hope and Shylo, for our morning walk, I knew something wonderful was happening. As we rounded our first corner, headed to our walking path, I was in silent meditation. I was “Calling in the Light of Healing Light” and was grateful for all the beauty, grace and love that blesses me and fills me daily. At that moment, I felt tingling and pressure in my shoulder blade area, the wing pit. I stopped and thought, “Wow, what is happening? Wow, this is happening! I am getting wings!”
PURE DELIGHT I continued to walk and felt my wings unfold. I paused and reached behind to touch my wings. I smiled. I was in pure delight. I took a deep breath and straightened my back and stood up taller. I wanted to wear my wings proudly. The rest of the morning I practiced walking with my new wings of light. At 7 p.m. that evening, I decided to attend the Healing Ministry at Unity Minneapolis. I was given the opportunity to experience three energy healers that evening for 10 minutes each. Each time the energy healer asked what I desired, and I responded, “I ask to be filled with more light.” As the third energy healer was working with me, I felt her “energetically” touch my wings and open them. I thought to myself, “That’s silly. She doesn’t know about my wings.” As the session ended, she bent down and whispered into my ear, “I was opening your wings.” I stood up and presented my hands in prayer pose/Namasté hands and bowed to her. I said, “Thank you for acknowledging my wings, I just got
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them today!” She gave me a big hug and we had a sweet laugh of understanding between the two of us. It was an amazing confirmation of this new blessing.
HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS Since that time, my work with sacred sound and the Light of Healing Light has accelerated. My business, Gateways to Brilliance, focuses on transformational ceremonies that awaken your higher consciousness and expand your inner light. I now offer monthly workshops to support the activation of Receiving Your Wings of Light. Receiving Your Wings of Light workshop is an invitation from the Universe to be in service to all beings on planet Earth. Our calling, beckoning, knowing, quickening is to shower more Divine love, healing light, grace, peace, compassion and joy to those we encounter, both physically and intuitively. This workshop allows you to walk through another gateway that activates your higher heart and infuses you with spiritual light. If you have felt that your wings are trying to sprout or open into full glory, or your wings have temporarily closed and you are ready to awaken them again, this workshop is for you. Maybe you already have your wings and you are being called because your heart is vibrating divine love and you are ready to support the expansion of light. The expansion of light is part of your purpose and service to humanity. Lightworkers, it is our time! Light continues to expand on the planet. We are being called to radiate our light more brightly and confidently. Receiving Your Wings of Light is a great way to share your love with others and support humanity. May the winds of blessings lift you up on angelic wings. a Carolyn Vinup’s activation is offered in a small group setting of 8-10 people. The next workshops offered are June 23, July 21 and August 25. Visit CAROLYN VINUP is a clear channel for divine love, healing light, grace, peace and compassion. She is passionate about cultivating conscious environments, both inner and outer, through her work as a certified Feng Shui, Sacred Sound & Light consultant. Her ceremonies and workshops are interactive, powerful, meaningful and transformational. To learn more please visit www.GatewaysToBrilliance. com, and contact Carolyn at or 612.325.5162. COPYRIGHT © 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Moses, Angels & Heaven! Oh My! by Mary Carol Ross It was a mild Texas summer day in 1975. I was one of eight cousins visiting Aunt B’s ranch that day. As typical kids, we had escaped the adults to explore the fifty acres and its five ponds. Prior to my arrival my older cousins had been digging tunnels in the dry side of a pond’s outer bank. My younger sister, my cousin and myself decided we would continue digging to extend the length of the tunnels. I remember lying inside the tunnel, at the very base, face up, with my right hand extended, writing “Mary Carol was here!” At that very moment, unexpectedly, my world went dark. I could not see anything. I screamed out for help! I could not breathe! Without warning the walls had instantly collapsed around me. I found myself buried eight feet below the surface. Following that moment of darkness, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. As quickly as the darkness fell, the light began to return. I felt myself being separated from my body and my consciousness being lifted from the dirt towards the heavens. As I looked down towards my body, I saw a beautiful angel hovering over my lifeless body. She was glowing with the essence of a billion twinkle lights and the illumination of a hundred full moons. Her wings were in full extension, and her left hand reached into the dirt. Her hand was cupped like an oxygen mask over my mouth, nose and eyes. The angel’s right hand was guiding me upward. I could see my sister and my cousin frantically digging in the dirt at the base of the tunnel as I continued upward. My upward journey took me to a beautiful outdoor room, an elderly man with a long white beard waiting to greet me. In my young brain, I thought it was God; it was actually one of my Master Teachers, Moses. Time seemed to stand completely still. During my conversation with Moses he said, “My child, you were in an accident and you have died. It’s not your time to be here and end this life; you have work to do. But it is your choice.” It was my decision whether to return to my body and my life. Once I made the decision to return, I was quickly sent back to my body. It felt like an instant thought
and I was back! When Angel Gabrielle received the message that I was going to return to my life, she raised my physical body closer to the surface. I was no longer eight feet under. Only my eyes, nose and mouth were exposed to the air; my right arm was buried, but only by a light cover of dirt. I lifted my arm, brushed the dirt from my face and yelled to my family below. Most of my body was still encapsulated in the earth. I needed to be dug out. My cousin yelled to me, “How did you get up there? You were down here! What happened?” I didn’t have an explanation for her at that time. Later, I learned the instant the cave-in happened, my Joy Guide, Posey, called out to the angels to help me. Angel Gabrielle came to my rescue immediately. She arrived with the much-needed oxygen to keep my little body alive while I conversed with Moses. She gave me the boost I needed to be freed from my earthy tomb. Miraculously, I had no injuries. Angels are the most widely known of our spiritual helpers available. They are Universal souls and can be compared to our first responders on Earth, just as our police officers, paramedics and firefighters come to our rescue when we are in trouble or in crisis. Angels are the first on the scene of an emergency for both humans and animals. From that day forward, my intuition, visions, and my ability to read the energy of people and animals, has only intensified. One of the blessings that came out of that buried-in-the-earth tragedy is that it gave me the road map to navigate between the worlds, with frequency and ease. Applying this knowledge, I learned to heal humans and animals with spiritual energy. a MARY CAROL ROSS is a former legal corporate international road warrior. She served more than 25 years in the corporate world before stepping into her true calling and creating an innovative type of healing in Spiritual Archaeology. A neardeath experience was the catalyst to enable her to move from the Earth plane and the spiritual world with frequency and ease. She certifications as a Medical Intuitive, Professional Life Coach, Career Intuitive, Hypnotist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Master Intuitive, Crystalline Healing Master, Medium, Transitional Therapist and Mediator. Mary Carol is the author of Ally’s Spiritual Journey. Visit
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angel’s help! Being open to angel encounters is the first step. As your awareness increases, you’ll notice the signs from the angelic realm. When I received my first sign it was on a license plate in from of me while I was driving. It read KEB444 — my initials plus the angel number that represents my guardian angels being with me. I nearly wet my pants I was so excited! Start today and begin a beautiful relationship with your angel. Then share you experience with others. We all need a bit of help, and who better to lend a hand than an angel? a KIRSTIN CHATFIELD BARSNESS owns Kismet Coaching and is a certified spiritual life coach. She works with women over 40 to heal their most important relationship, the one with themselves. Kirstin came to life coaching after feeling stuck in her own life and knowing she wanted to leave a positive imprint on the world, by empowering others to heal themselves. Contact Kirstin at COPYRIGHT © 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
J U N E 2018
Q & A with Psychic Cindy Lehman The Edge reached out to longtime advertiser and intuitive Cindy Lehman, to learn more about her journey and what she offers her community. Cindy, what was your first conscious experience with intuition? Intuition has always simply been a part of who I am, which I think is true for most people. I didn’t question it much until I got older and had learned, as most of us do, to rely on my rational mind more than what I intuited. I remember as a young child being able to sense the presence of non-physical beings. We moved several times during my childhood, and I could hear and feel other beings in the various places we lived. One house in particular was quite full of unsettled spirits and I spent a lot of time developing relationships with angelic beings and spirit guides to help me feel safe. I tried to “tune out” the distractions of the non-physical world, because what I learned is that it wasn’t safe to talk about these things to other people. I was reprimanded for using my “imagination” too much. As an adult, I now know that imagination comes directly from your soul. It is a gift to be honored and used to create your dreams. Many deaths of loved ones as a teen left me firmly knowing that my loved ones were gone physically, but I could sense and feel them non-physically. I knew they still existed and were around me. I could feel their presence and often their love. I somewhat led a “double life,” trying hard to fit in and be like others, all the while knowing and trying to repress what I knew spiritually. What did you want to be when you were a young girl, and what inspired you to become a professional intuitive? As a young girl, I longed to be seen and loved. I grew up in an abusive, alcoholic home so it was hard to imagine a future, or to be able to think about what I wanted other than to be accepted, feel safe and loved. I chose a very conventional career and worked in a corporate job for many years. I didn’t know what a professional intuitive was until I was much older. It wasn’t until I was an adult with my own children that I became aware of this whole new world. In 1996, I was living with my children in a house that had a very active ghost. It was frightening so I hired two women who were professional psychics to come out to my house and clear this spirit. I was with them as they worked with this lost soul and the experience opened all those doors to my soul that I had shut so tightly and I couldn’t 2 2 W W W. E D G E M A G A Z I N E . N E T
ignore this part of me any longer. I learned from and worked with these women and other teachers for the next ten years. I began practicing working as a professional intuitive doing Soul Readings in the year 2000 and teaching Psychic Development classes in 2005. I eventually left the corporate world, and have been grateful and fulfilled doing this, my soul work, ever since. What is your purpose in this lifetime? My purpose first has been to love and accept myself for who I am and not what others expect of me. To create a fulfilling and rewarding life as I work with myself and others to heal and learn. What I can give back in return is helping others discover how to love and accept who they really are and what they are here for. This is what thrills my soul and fulfills my purpose here. To be of service in helping others to discover their own magnificence. And of course, I am still learning in many different ways which makes life exciting for my soul, and sometimes challenging for my body. You offer Soul Readings. What are unique about these, perhaps different than the average psychic reading? The Soul Readings I offer don’t focus on predicting the future. The readings are focused on what your soul wants you to know in present time, such as the gifts you brought in as you and what your purpose(s) is in this lifetime. Sometimes future information slips in, because we are working with non-physical sources, such as souls, angels, spirit guides, ancestors and loved ones. They are not limited by time and space like we are in physical bodies. But they can provide a non-physical or soul perspective which is sometimes exactly what we need to remember who we are and why we are here. A Soul Reading also includes connecting with loved ones, either still physically here or those who have passed on. A soul is a soul whether currently in a body or not and can be connected to in a Soul Reading. Souls (ours or others) usually appreciate an opportunity to have their say. What role does the heart play in your process with clients? What process do you recommend for a client to engage their heart consciously?
Such a good question. I couldn’t do this work without a heart connection to my clients and students. I set up a session or a class with a process that invites connection to the divine for protection, connection and healing. In this process we set the intention that this is for the highest and best purpose and healing for all. From this perspective, it just comes naturally to be able to see others in their own divinity, no matter what their current circumstances are. The natural outcome of this is love. I am able to come from a place of heart and non-judgment and do the work involved from that place. A huge benefit for me is once the session is over, I am filled with love and gratitude for these beautiful souls that allow me to do this work. They enrich my life and my purpose. A good practice to engage your heart is to remember someone or something that you love or have loved unconditionally. Just sit for a moment remembering what that felt like. What happens is your heart will open, your vibration will lift and you will be able to see from your heart perspective. Your heart is where your body and soul meet and become the alchemy that is you. Things often look very different when our hearts are open and engaged. We then have access to our caring and courage and can make choices that serve both our body and soul. You also are a teacher. Share with us what you teach and why you choose to do this. I teach beginning and advanced Psychic Development classes. The Psychic Development Beginning/Foundation class or what I simply call the Foundation class is based on what I originally learned from my teachers. It is a nine-month class, so it’s difficult to briefly describe, but the basic goal is teaching people how to honor their own combination of body and soul for this lifetime. How to work with and care for your body to allow it to more fully serve your soul and it’s reasons for being here. So many teachings are about leaving the body or viewing it as a hindrance. It is a gift. We are here in bodies right now because this is what our souls chose. It is this physical experience our souls desired and continue to desire. It is only by honoring our physical existence that we can truly know ourselves and be more fully in touch with our own essence or soul. The body is the tool we use here to do this. You cannot physically create on this planet without one. And we are all here to experience, learn and create. We start with learning about the body, and then learn to bring in our own soul energy even more fully and consciously to live from this
truth. The truth of who we are and why we are here. Bodies are short lived — they don’t last long. These experiences here in a body are designed for learning. Souls are forever, but bodies only get this one go-around and are time limited which makes them incredibly precious. I have created and continue to create advanced classes that focus on a variety of topics, such as how to safely channel, knowing more about chakras as conduits for body and soul energy, guidance, etc. These advanced classes are offered to students who have completed the Beginning/Foundation class. Teaching allows me to open up and share what I have learned. I also “semi-channel” during classes which allows additional information to come in as needed. There is a solid curriculum for every class I teach and opening up to channel enhances the material and often customizes it to individual needs. This makes it an adventure in learning for me too, and I am delighted to be able to serve in this way. It is an honor and privilege to do this work.
What intuitive message do you have for our readers at this time? Don’t miss out on this life you have chosen. You are here for many reasons and your soul knows what they are and is always working to remind you. You have teams of non-physical beings that are in your service, available to you and are aligned with your soul to accomplish what you are here for. Honor this unique body and soul combination that is you in this lifetime. I like to think of a lifetime as a love affair between body and soul, and at the end of this lifetime is a parting of ways. The ultimate goal is for body and soul to partner in unconditional love to serve self, humanity and the planet. These lives are not always easy, but often incredibly rewarding. It is why we are here. It is the living miracle that you are. Blessings, from my heart to yours. a Contact Cindy Lehman at 612.669.1861, email cindy@ or visit
For Children: Quotations from His Holiness the Dalai Lama
A new book shares the Dalai Lama’s messages of love and compassion to educate children’s hearts and help them grow up to be kind and tolerant adults. The Dalai Lama’s Advice for Children of All Ages is available on Amazon, in English, French and Spanish. For more info, visit J U N E 2018
Practice Instant Forgiveness to Transform Your Life by Master Francisco Quintero Forgiveness practice is one of the cornerstones of creating a healthy, peaceful and happy life. It holds great value as a spiritual practice and as a method for healing or transforming blockages. To truly forgive can release the attachments and blockages that prevent us from moving forward in our lives. However, I have learned that the practice of “instant forgiveness” is even more astounding. Based on the profound teachings of my spiritual father and teacher, Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha, I understand that the purpose of my life is to serve. The purpose of my physical life is to serve my soul journey, and the purpose of my soul journey is to uplift my soul (through service) so that I can be an even better servant. When I focus on this, everything in my life transforms, and the practice of instant forgiveness is a huge key to my success. The importance of our soul journey cannot be overstated, particularly at this time on Mother Earth. Our souls want to serve. They want to grow. They want to accumulate virtue and light. The best way to do this is to serve others well, and stop making “bad karma.” To stop making bad karma, we must learn how to maintain goodness in our thoughts, words, actions and deeds. Most of us slip and fall from time to time (quite often, actually). This is where the secret of “instant forgiveness” comes into play. It may seem simple, but it has far-reaching positive consequences. Master Sha teaches that forgiveness brings inner joy and inner peace. It does this by setting us free from spiritual blockages, or negative karma. The teaching of instant forgiveness is that at any time we notice that we did not behave in accordance with our soul journey, or anytime we may have hurt someone in any way, even with our negative thinking, we can instantly apologize to the souls involved. We can close our eyes and sincerely ask for forgiveness and make a commitment to do better. Watching what we think, say and do, in addition to what we see and hear and
When you are ready to practice instant forgiveness, close your eyes and connect to your heart. Connect to your Source. Connect in the following way to the souls you have been unkind to, apologize and ask for forgiveness:
perceive, is of great benefit to our spiritual growth. The goal is to align them with the greatest service and light. In all these endeavors, we can transform negativity with love and compassion by practicing instant forgiveness when we slip. As human beings, we have our weaknesses. We will have our moments. In these cases, instant forgiveness can reverse the impact of the negativity and save us from incurring further karmic debt. To pause and practice is also to interrupt the old pattern and fill it with light. This will help us to eventually drop the pattern altogether. For example, let’s say that you used to gossip and have given it up. However, occasionally, you still slip, only to regret it right away. The teaching is to practice instant forgiveness. The moment you realize you gossiped, close your eyes and apologize. Connect with the souls involved. Connect with the Divine or the Creator or the Universe. Tell them you’re sorry. Ask for forgiveness. Commit to doing better. Send love and blessings. It’s simple, yet powerful. It can help prevent us from creating “new karma” and it interrupts the karmic pattern itself, giving us the perfect opportunity to transform our condition and make forward progress. It is clear to me how much this practice has and continues to transform my life. I have learned that the moment I am “in it” is the perfect moment to transform the root cause. It’s simple and profound. I encourage you to try the practice of Instant Forgiveness in your life. You can do it in your own way, but for those who want an example of how to do it, the following is one you can use.
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Dear ____ (Divine/Source/Creator) Dear my soul Dear the soul(s) of ____ (fill in by name or by group; i.e. “all the souls at the party tonight”) I love and honor you I humbly apologize for my mistake (you can fill in more, such as “for gossiping about you, for thinking negative thought about you, for being dishonest with you”, etc.) I’m very sorry. Please forgive me. I am committed to doing better. Thank you if you can forgive me. I forgive all souls who have contributed to this pattern in me. Thank you ____ (Divine/Source/Creator). Thank you ____ (the souls you’ve called). If you have time, please chant a sacred mantra, such as “Divine Forgiveness,” and visualize light going to all the souls. This will increase the power and effectiveness of your transformation. As we go through the day, we can do this at any time. My teacher suggests that we check ourselves no fewer than three times a day. In the morning, midday and evening, we can pause and ask ourselves, how have I done today? Is there anything I should ask for forgiveness for? Then do it! These simple steps are the steps to genuine life transformation. I hope you are blessed by implementing them in your life. Thank you for the opportunity to share the wisdom and practice that have transformed my life. I am deeply honored. a MASTER FRANCISCO QUINTERO, the lead teacher at the Tao Academy, has developed worldwide training programs based on the teachings of Master Zhi Gang Sha. Co-author of Greatest Love: Unblock Your Life in 30 Minutes a Day with the Power of Unconditional Love, Master Francisco helps people overcome life challenges by using simple yet powerful Tao practices. Visit COPYRIGHT © 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
THE GREAT TRANSFORMATION A World Awakening by Saharadevi We are currently living in the most profoundly transformative time in the history of the planet. Never mind the Industrial Revolution or even the advent of our current techno wonderworld: this is a time of awakening consciousness on a planetary level, and not one single being or location on the Earth will remain untouched. Of course, you may not be remotely aware of this, as we each experience life depending upon where we put our attention — and right now there is a reality show of international proportions grabbing the spotlight from nightly news to social media.
However, those of us looking in another direction are perceiving an expansion in consciousness of a cosmic magnitude. In 2008, after a 13-year unexpected sojourn living “on the street” and being carried around the world with no visible means of support, I returned to Bozeman, Montana, and wrote a little book called The Evolution Revolution/The First Peaceful Revolution In The World: A Handbook for Personal & Global Transformation. It was a work based on my own awakening and recognition that “whatsoever we do to or for another, we are doing to or for our own selves — for good or ill.” It spoke of a way of cultivating self-awareness and expanding consciousness, and was
published in the midst of the Great Recession, a crisis that demanded a rethinking of priorities and a recreating of systems. Unfortunately, rather than accept that uncomfortable truth and the accompanying challenge, the powers that be scrambled to recreate the status quo with all due haste. Nine years later we are experiencing the consequences of those decisions with a vengeance — a nationwide dissatisfaction of such profound depth it has led to an unprecedented rejection of establishment thinking and the elevation of an antihero into a position of power. Meanwhile, the energetics of Transformation — not to be trifled with by out-of-control egos of any stature — are barreling on and showing up globally: from the astonishing upstart in the Vatican speaking a Christ-like rhetoric of caring for the poor, to alternative energy becoming a new norm, and governments around the world granting rights to animals, water and the Earth herself. In all this we are witnessing what I call the Great Transformation: a period of societal upheaval and political antics, indicating the death throes and approaching dissolution of the Old Paradigm on the one hand, and a greater acceptance of our interdependence arising in the multitudes, leading us toward a new way of being in harmony with all life, on the other. So where does that leave us as individuals, the “little people” who may feel powerless to have an impact in the face of such great turbulence? Where does the average Joe, a decent, hardworking, liveand-let-live kind of guy who abhors how things are but doesn’t have a clue what to do about it, find the power to make a difference if he is not a protester, activist, billionaire, celebrity or CEO? If we are not simply reactive organisms, responding to stimuli like Pavlov’s dogs, we have the profoundly influential power (and empowerment) of intentional, conscious see TRANSFORMATION on p. 27
J U N E 2018
Healing the Sabotaging Beliefs of Unworthiness by Eric J. Christopher Nearly everyone feels confident at some times or in some areas of their life, while “not good enough” at other times. As the consciousness level of the planet rises, everyone’s “less than” programs are beginning to get triggered and surface, because they don’t resonate to the high-vibration frequency that is inherent to their true self. Freedom is an aspect of your true self, and freedom calls anything to the surface that is not free. If you follow the thread of almost any of your inner issues, complexes or fears to their root, they all boil down to some type of belief of unworthiness or “not good enough.” Most people are not even aware of these programs, yet they are built into the human experience. When we incarnate on Earth, we voluntarily cut ourselves off from our conscious connection to Source, to who and what we are as eternal light beings, and therefore become unconscious of our inherent value, power, sense of security and well-being. In our early years, we are solely reliant on our caregivers for not only a feeling of safety and security, but also a sense of being loved, valued, cherished and “good enough.” But if our caregivers are living with a lot of their own unconscious unworthy programs, and thus dealing with issues from their own baggage, or they are too busy to be fully present with us, we can feel neglected and rejected, and thus the seeds of unworthiness can sprout. Growing up in an environment in which we don’t feel safe or cherished can reinforce these feelings of “not good enough.” If you don’t get early emotional needs met, shame can develop. It’s as though an unconscious message becomes imprinted: “If I don’t feel secure or valued, I must not be worthy of it, something is wrong with me.” And shame really feels like it has something to do with you, like it’s part of you, like it defines you. It really feels true, but it isn’t. Similarly, it seems true that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, but it’s not. From a higher perspective, we see that the Earth revolves around the sun and rotates, creating the appearance of the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. When
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it comes to beliefs of unworthiness and shame, we have to apply the wisdom of Albert Einstein: “You can’t solve a problem at the same level of consciousness that created the problem,” so we go to a higher level of consciousness. How? First, know that you can. Why can you? Because of the vast growing pile of evidence that suggests you are an eternal, indestructible soul being using this body for a human experience. Science has not yet developed the tools to measure our soul or higher dimensions, of course, so for evidence we go to the growing multitude of individual cases of near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, evidence-based mediums, or accurate recall of past lives through past life regression, like the fascinating, solid case of the skeptical Indianapolis police detective, Robert Snow. Or even better, the increasing number of children who remember verifiable past lives, some of whom can be viewed on Personally, when I first discovered the evidence of reincarnation, I took it as evidence that we were eternal beings, outside of time and space. This insight is a life-changing paradigm shift for some, and an invaluable one. If you are this indestructible being, you should be able to tune into this higher part of you, since we’re multi-dimensional. One way we can do this is by quieting the thinking mind and going within through deep meditation or inner journey experiences such as past life regression. When I guide clients within to their higher self, they experience a part of themselves that has an inherent sense of security, well-being, wisdom and clarity. From this vantage point, it becomes very clear that shame has as much to do with you as an old shirt that your mother gave you when you were 5 years old. You are not born with shame. It fully comes from outside of you, from the subtle messages that you were given from caregivers and the challenging outside circumstances in your life. You are not those messages. You are far more than your programming and conditioning. From this higher perspective, we can more easily wash away the sticky identity of shame and begin, instead, to identify more with the truth of who and what we
really are — the part of you that lives on, that you can never really escape from. The modern teacher of awakening consciousness, Adyashanti, says: “Enlightenment is really a radical shift in identity.” Although it should be pointed out that he took it a step further…since all souls come from the same one energy source, one’s highest identity is Oneness, which, as any sage will say, is really only realized in the fully awakened state in which you know in your heart and whole being that you are the Christ consciousness, or Oneness consciousness, even more than you know that you are your body. However, for most of humanity, a powerful, transformative identity shift that we can make as individuals and as a society is to first see through any false shamebased mind programs, and then freely live from our true authentic selves. Often it is helpful to use body-centered healing methods to release past, outdated thoughts, feelings and beliefs that are held in the cellular memory of the body, such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), QNRT, Somatic Experiencing and Rolfing, among others. I offer an Emotional Healing session that uses body-centered releasing techniques while connecting to one’s higher self. When we heal ourselves and begin to live more from our true, authentic nature, many subtle fears fall away, such as the fear of being judged, the need to be perfect, or the fear of death. We’re no longer triggered by our old emotional baggage so it’s easier to connect with our loved ones and co-workers. In short, we become a freer being, no longer governed by our unconscious false beliefs, or feeling a need to numb our misperceived shortcomings with processed food, chemicals or overworking. You become aware that you are, and always have been, a magnificent, eternal free being! a ERIC J. CHRISTOPHER has a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and is a Certified Regression Hypnotherapist. Eric’s life passion has been to help clients connect to their inner wisdom that can uncover and heal the roots of limiting fears and beliefs. Visit COPYRIGHT © 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
continued from p. 25
choice. We can choose where to put our attention, we can choose what to feed with our energy, we can choose what to support with our money, we can choose how to respond to what we perceive, and we can choose the words and tone of voice in our speaking. We can choose the attitude and intention we bring into our world, and more specifically, our community. It’s actually quite simple: the key to the power of the individual (those who, en masse, make up the overwhelming majority) is in relationship — because the basis of a harmonious life in any society depends upon our interrelatedness and how we choose to treat each other on a daily basis. We needn’t wait for a natural disaster to evoke a sense of “all in this together” because we really are all in this life together. We needn’t wait for a catastrophe to inspire kindness, cooperation, consideration, generosity or compassion. We can choose to embody those qualities and express them in every encounter, every day — and race, religion, nationality, gender or even political affiliation need never come into play. Start where you are. The simplest way to say it is: be friendly. We can choose to be friendly and pleasant when engaged in transactions with the cashier or waitress who serves us, we can choose to be considerate of others when we’re driving down the street, we can choose to be kind, supportive or complimentary in every human transaction. In a world that has sped up exponentially, just being willing to spend the moment it takes to be still and listen to what another wants to express is a kindness. All around us are folks working at jobs we’ve done, or jobs we would never want to do. These people are not nameless ciphers, they are our neighbors — someone’s mother, father, sister, child or loved one — and they are serving us
in the positions they occupy. What if we expressed appreciation for their service and made their encounter with us a moment of warmth and connection? What if our default intention as we go about our daily life was making people feel good about themselves? What if our speaking elicited the response: “You made my day.” The change we want to see in our world is not something that can be legislated or imposed from without; it is not something we can achieve through protest. It is something that can only come from within each one of us choosing to bring a little more kindness into our way of being as we go about the business of living our lives. Quantum physics tells us how the observer affects that which it observes — this is the way as individuals we affect our collective reality. What if we started to observe through the eyes of Love? In the same way that the reward of patience is patience, the reward of kindness is finding oneself living in a kind world. Verily: whatsoever we embody and express creates the world in which we live. It’s a question of critical mass. Small numbers have the power to affect collective consciousness and do, as when TM meditators demonstrably reduced crime in cities by their focus. When we recognize we are part of a whole and continuously contributing the quality of our energy to that whole, we can begin to choose to embody and express more kindness, raising the vibratory rate of the collective and contributing to a transformed society. Change yourself and change the world. a SAHARADEVI is the author of The Evolution Revolution/The First Peaceful Revolution In The World, (currently available as an eBook) and the rap: The Evolution Revolution, found on her YouTube channel at videos. COPYRIGHT © 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Dedicated to the Mystery by Maggie Wilson
A familiar drive over 17 at dusk Forests filling the hills A gaze to the right Something captured me A pathway between two trees And Mystery revealed itself to me A magic spark filling my being A slight smile And softening eyes That eve I saw myself on that mountainside I lay in bed last night in fear Body contracted and feeling alone And then that Mystery filled my heart Something so deliciously unknowable And yet so intimately known The truth of my very own heart My heart is everywhere and everything The Mystery of mysteries a MAGGIE WILSON is a counselor and an energy healer who resides in Santa Cruz, CA, with her 12-year-old daughter. You can contact her at COPYRIGHT © 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The Journey Home by Chris Roe Touch my soul, Be the guardian Of my spirit, The sunrise And sunset Of my day. Be the Swallow That returns, That is Eternal spring, The reason That is, My journey home. a Chris Roe was born and still lives in Norfolk, England. He is 66 years of age and individual poems have been published in magazines and on websites around the world. His collection of poems, “In Search of Silence,” is available at COPYRIGHT © 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
J U N E 2018
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The Business Network is arranged by Category. $90 total for 3 mos., $150 total for 6 mos., $240 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Category, brief description (25 words or less), name, phone, email, website, photo/logo. To be included: 763.433.9291 or or ASTROLOGY: Personal Astrology Readings and Career Readings by appointment to help you gain insight into your soul blueprint and life, career and relationship questions. Located at Tall Reeds Healing Arts, 2909 Bryant Ave., Suite 302, Minneapolis. Natalie Walstein, Soulshine Astrology,,
EFT Guaranteed Fast & Easy relief. Change your life NOW. Dr. Kim Eisen is Experienced and Intuitive, Master of EFT. Dr. Kim Eisen, 612.802.HEAL (4325),,
BODYWORK & BREATHWORK Gently transform limiting patterns at their core. Restore well-being of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Experience your life’s flow / fulfillment. Lee Timm Beaty, Light Heart Unlimited, 612.721.7108,
EMOTION CODE/ ENERGY HEALING: An energy healing technique that releases trapped emotions, which are harmful energies from negative past events. Clearing trapped emotions helps the body to heal. All sessions are done remotely, meaning you don’t have to leave home or work. Tree of Life Healing, Colleen Picha, ECCP, CMT, 507.649.0580,,
BREATHWORK Guided Breathing Sessions & Reiki combined to release trauma, decrease pain and transform your life. Private sessions, live workshops and certifications available. Deanna Reiter & Troy Stende, 651.238.7248,,
ENERGY HEALING SERVICES / CHAKRA COLOR READINGS: In-person healing sessions and phone sessions that are a combination of Reiki and Healing Touch. Sessions include a Chakra Color Reading for additional clarity. Restorative Healing, LLC, Vicky Plante, 612.669.4389,,
BREATH WORK / ENERGY HEALING / SOUL COACHING: Heal your Body, Clear your Blocks, Enhance your Soul Connection, Transform your Life. Soul Breathing™ workshops and group sessions ongoing. Individual Breath Sessions / Pranic Healing® / NPMDT® / Bemer® by appointment. Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh., 651.442.4623,,
FENG SHUI SERVICES Residential/Business consultations, mentoring, energy clearing, workshops Barbara Bobrowitz, Energetic Alignments, 763.571.9437,
CHRIST HEALING Mind Body Spirit Listening to help you heal. Children, Adults, Couples. Heal Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Relationships. Get Clarity on Purpose, Release barriers to change. Susan Broadwell, MA, PsyD., 952.220.5225,,
FLOWER ESSENCES: Numerous Flower Essences for spiritual and emotional healing. Books, Practitioners Available. In business 37 years. Located at 3546 Grand Ave. S. Minneapolis. Contact Martin Bulgerin. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,,
COACHING: I am an experienced coach who builds a unique strategy with each client and makes the process of coaching enjoyable resulting in behavior change with lasting results. Complimentary 20-minute phone consultations. Me Only Better Coaching, 763.318.5472,,
FLOWER ESSENCE THERAPY & TRAINING Accredited Flower Essence Therapy (SEDIBAC #402), Constellation work and psychotherapy tools for mind-body healing and transformation. Flower Essence Training Course begins in October. Loey Colebeck, 952.201.2966,,
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HEALING TOUCH & THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Relax with a meditation, intuitive healing touch and chakra balance, then enjoy a 60-minute therapeutic massage, all for $75 for first-time clients (2 hours). Edgar Massage & Chakra Balance, 5215 28th Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.384.4572,
HYPNOTHERAPY/PSYCHOTHERAPY: Help with healing overwhelm, trauma, sexual abuse. Build two-way communication with God, angels, guides, dead relatives. Heal across time/lives. Exorcisms. Channel for Mother Mary. Jerry Buchmeier, Ph.D., Psychotherapist, 763.546.4133,,
HERBS: 600+ medicinal & cooking herbs, tinctures, capsules & oils, new and used books, Natural healing practitioners available. Contact Dr. Andrew Lucking, ND, Duane Givens. In business 37 years at 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,,
HYPNOTHERAPY & TRAINING Past Life, Between-Lives Regression. Spiritual Coach 20 years experience. Madonna Kettler, Ph.D., LBL, 612.709.5578,
HOLISTIC HEALING In-home Reiki and Shamanic healing. Reiki for cats and dogs. Serving Minneapolis, St. Louis Park and Edina. Call or text for more information. Colleen Wallace, 612.220.5263
METAPHYSICAL SHOP: Palm Reading, Astrology and Psychic Readings Drumming & Meditation, Biomat Sessions available. We carry various products such as Crystals, Rocks, Cards, Jewelry, Dream Catchers & many gift items. Open Thursdays 3-8 Fridays 11-5, Saturdays 10-3 . At 26789 Forest Blvd., Wyoming, MN. Crescent Moon Metaphysical Shop, Nancy, 612.328.0891
HOMEOPATHIC HEALING & COACHING Get well, naturally! Desirée offers homeopathic medicine for physical and emotional healing, and she pairs it with Conscious Parenting Coaching and Personal Transformation. Learn more today! Spark Wellness, Desirée Brazelton, 612.232.6453,,
PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT / SOUL READINGS Soul Readings for clarity and guidance. Psychic Development classes to heal, reclaim your gifts, and consciously create with your own unique body/soul partnership. Cindy Lehman 612.669.1861,,
HOMEOPATHY: 2,000 Homeopathic Remedies, Individual Potencies, Books, Practitioners Available. Contact Dr. Andrew Lucking ND, Martin Bulgerin, We buy and sell new and used books. At 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,,
SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS Do you transform people’s lives, but are struggling to get more clients, money, or grow your business? Check out the “Shortcut to Success – Quick Start Program.” Kim Eisen, Success Coach, Master of EFT, 612.802.4325,,
HYPNOTHERAPY: Need relief from anxiety, depression, phobias or PTSD? Ready to gain insight into your soul’s purpose through Past Life or Life-Between-Lives regression? Over 15 Years Experience. Located in St. Paul, MN. Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT, 651.649.1952,
SUFI Four Layers of the Heart. Jess Fauchier, 763.360.9259,,
HYPNOTHERAPY & CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING™: Change your mind. Change your life. Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy.™ Transform limiting beliefs, fears, anxiety, habits, 5 Pillars of Balance, Spiritual Direction, Conflict Resolution Skills. Judith Froemming, BA, CH, CTC, HNLP, Infinite Mind Hypnosis & Coaching, 651.216.0085,
EXPLORE THE EDGE DIRECTORY ONLINE Discover Holistic Resources at the new subscription-based online Directory. Maps, photos, descriptions, rate your experiences and send comments.
Search & Discover Holistic Resources Place Your Listing for 1, 3 or 12 months • 763.433.9291 J U N E 2018
The Edge Intuitive Network is $45 monthly (1-3 mos.), $35 monthly (4-7 mos.), $30 monthly (8-12 mos.) Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: headline (10 words or less); description (80 words or less); name; phone; email; website; photo(s) or logo (2 inches wide x .75 inches high). To be included: 763.433.9291 or
LynMarie8 – Intuitive, Medical Intuitive, Medium. Healing all aspects/expressions of your multi-dimensional self on the mental, physical, spiritual levels resolves in all issues of the past, present, future simultaneously & permanently. LynMarie receives your truth from your records. Creating permanent shift on all levels of Mind, Body, Soul and in all areas of your life. Helping you align with your highest potential of Love Consciousness.® LynMarie8 Is the founder and teacher of Beyond Quantum Consciousness ® & Love Consciousness.® LynMarie8,,
Hi my name is Monica and I am a natural-born psychic with 25 years experience, with the ability to see beyond the future and to help people all around the world through all matters of life. As a spiritual life coach, I can tell you your past, present, future, and answer all questions. I also work with very high, powerful meditations like chakra balancing, aura cleansing, crystal healing, Reiki healing, twin flame white magic, spiritual uplifting energy healing, reunite loved ones, and many more. I also offer seven different types of readings by phone. Call today. Monica Wilson, 586.241.9550
Deborah is unlike any others, she will give you Names and Descriptions of people alive and or deceased from your past, present and future. Are you feeling lost, like you don’t have a clue which way to go? Be assured that Deborah Lynn11, with over 30 years experience, will Guide you to where YOU need to be. Deborah Lynn 11, 651.439.5337,
Get a handle on behavior problems. Discover what makes your pet happy and what irritates them. Animals are sentient beings and can have surprisingly complex thoughts. Our pets are on a divine mission to bring love and companionship into our lives. They are aware of our burdens and difficulties, and can be greatly affected by them. A little guidance and insight can help both you and your pet on your journey together. Marie Savage, 612.508.9606,
612.508.9606 www. earthwaterwellness. com
I have been an intuitive tarot reader for nine years. I am very honest and up front not only with what I am seeing in the cards, but what I am feeling as well. I do though express this information with complete tact and tender loving care. I have done my readings in a boutique and at expos with great success and my clients have left very happy. I also do private readings by appointments. Brenda’s Intuitive Tarot Readings, 651.492.9917,
SOUL HEALING, SPIRITUAL COUNSELING, CHANNELED MESSAGES, SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT CLASSES Maggie Chula is a Spiritual Teacher and Healer for the Soul. She is a Certified Psychic Professional, Neuro-Linguistic Hypnotherapist and Medical Intuitive. Maggie’s mission is to help you connect to the wisdom of your soul and understand how to communicate with your divine guidance. Her teachings help you become inspired, ignite your imagination, engage your mind, and construct well balanced goals. She is committed to helping you create divine health and well-being for every level of your life today. Maggie Chula, 651.214.7635,,
Jurema is an internationally known psychic, medium and healer. She grew up in Brazil experiencing an amazing variety of ancient healing practices. Nearly 30 years ago, she brought to the U.S. her spiritual knowledge with an original approach to healing and psychic readings. Channeling her spirit guides, Jurema looks into your energy field (soul) and becomes aware of your past/past lives, present and future. Schedule your appointment today. “She is the REAL DEAL!” — Leslee P. from New Hampshire Jurema Silva, 320.260.7305,,
David Champion is a psychic who has insights that resonate within you.Honest. Hopeful. Accurate. 30 Minutes for $45. Paypal/Credit Card. David Champion, 757.708.1182,
3 0 W W W. E D G E M A G A Z I N E . N E T
CALL 651. 492.9917
651.214.7635 Maggie@
juremashealinggarden@ juremasilva.brazilianhealer
Allie Maurer is an International Psychic Medium, Healer, Animal Communicator, Spiritual Teacher, and Intuitive Life Coach. She is passionate about her life’s purpose: utilizing her natural gifts to provide guidance, clarity, and healing to those looking for support. Her clients love her accuracy, honesty, authenticity, compassion, and that she always treats them as an equal. Whether it is connecting to a pet, deceased loved one, seek deeper knowledge to the events unfolding in your life or healing: she is here to help. Allie Maurer, 952.334.6496,,
RECONNECT WITH YOUR HIGHER SELF ON THIS ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME SPIRITUAL ADVENTURE Spend 16 days with Angela Blaha and allow your divine wisdom to flourish. This journey is so intense
that you’ll return home a completely changed person. Your spirituality will be fully awakened, you’ll be open to miracles you never believed were possible. You’ll feel fully alive for the first time in your life! You’ll experience a sense of magic every time you inhale and remember the mystical air of Peru. Angela Blaha, MA, Consciousness Mentor,,
PATRICE CONNELLY, DIRECTOR OF QUESTFIELDS: INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT TEACHER, HEALER, STUDENT For 35 years I have taught and continue to teach Intuitive Development classes,
worked with numerous clients in one-on-one sessions in person or by phone bringing Spirituality, creativity and humor together. I offer practical hands on tools for students and clients to explore and to develop their own unique gifts working with their Spirit through soul, mind and body. It is a never-ending source of delight and pleasure to see students and clients become empowered in their ownership. Patrice Connelly, Questfields,
Born a naturally gifted Psychic Medium. And one of the finest professionals and most referred name by those in the know. Five-star ethics with an objective approach in her established career and stays on point with fine-tuned focused readings, utilizing her efficient modern question direct© methodology. Alison has a strong affinity with animals of all kinds and is a successful Healer. She is the genuine real deal! Alison James, 612.424.1411,,
MULTIDIMENSIONAL MASTER SHAMAN PaLiChi AND TEACHER OF ENLIGHTENMENT Chee Vue (PaLiChi) uses a variation of Shamanic readings, soul diagnosis and spirit medicine to
accelerated meditation and trauma releases. She instructs FaLiThi Chi (Qi) energy healing and meditation for revitalization and DNA activation. Her ancient spirit guides and numerous angels bring gifts to you through personalized experience to boost you to levels of highest and best. This is “Where manifestation comes to life.” Call for a free 10-minute phone consultation now! FaLiThi Healing LLC, Chee Vue (PaLiChi), 763.742.8690,,
Akashic Records are the energetic recording of your soul’s journeys, in this lifetime and past lifetimes. You are connected to this energy whether you are in soul form or human form. Akashic Readings allow you to learn your soul’s purpose and desired intents in this lifetime. This includes information regarding career choices, relationships, lifestyle choices and best possibilities for your future. An Akashic Reading can assist you in understanding your purpose and current life circumstances. Don Snyder, 763.300.7521,,
I offer private, respectful Soul Readings to connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance, clarity and healing. All questions are welcome. Relationships can be looked at from a soul perspective including connecting with those who have passed on. I also offer beginning and advanced Psychic Development classes. My passion is teaching others to more fully access their own intuitive/psychic/soul gifts, while living and creating from heart in a healthy partnership honoring both body and soul. Cindy Lehman, 612.669.1861,,
Emotion Code is the surprisingly effective, simple clearing technique everyone’s raving about! These 45-minute telephone sessions quickly track down trapped emotions and release them. Clients report feeling physically lighter and being less reactive in relationships. Some lose weight. Clients report moving forward on stalled projects and feeling more authentic in their lives. Let’s remove the walls around your heart, so you can love the way you did before you got hurt. Albert Lea, MN. Kenna J. Josephene, 505.321.1256
763.742.8690 services@
CALL 505.321.1256 Albert Lea Minnesota
Call Today for Ad Rates & Media Kit: 763.433.9291 • Details on Edge Advertising: J U N E 2018
Sacred Gatherings are $90 total for 3 mos., $150 total for 6 mos., $240 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Name, address, phone, email, website, gathering times & brief description. To be included: 763.433.9291 or or Center for Spiritual Living Minneapolis: 615 1st Ave. N.E., Minneapolis, 612.759.0870, — We support the positive transformation of both our personal lives and the world itself. Through this philosophy of the Science of Mind, we can become aware of our unconscious thoughts, create new thoughts and experience a new reality in our life, manifesting improved conditions in our lives. “As you think, so you become.” We are all one with this One Infinite Mind and that each of us has direct access to It. Through the use of these spiritual principles, we can manifest a life of health, happiness, and abundance. We are “open at the top” and realize that all paths lead to that One Infinite Mind. Meditation: 10:25am.; Sacred Gathering: 11am. Eckankar / Temple of ECK: The Path of Spiritual Freedom, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, — Keys to spiritual experiences: Explore past lives, dreams and Soul Travel. ECK Light and Sound Service: first Sunday of each month, 10-11am. Experience the Sound of Soul: third Sunday of each month, 10-11am. Free Spiritual Exploration Classes: Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm. Temple hours: Noon-9pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and from noon to 4:30pm on Saturday and Sunday. Tours available. Lake Harriet Spiritual Community: A Center for Conscious Living, 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.922.4272, — Raise your consciousness by attending our classes, workshops and Sunday Services led by
amazing speakers! Raise your vibration in our beautiful, historic building (now on the National Historic Register). Give us a try as part of your spiritual journey and feel the love of our heart-based community. Visit our community for: great meditations, yoga classes, speakers and programs that include mindfulness, developing your intuition, releasing negative beliefs, allowing greater abundance, and breaking the barriers to deep self-healing. Spirit United Community: Celebrations and Gatherings, 701 N. Lexington Parkway, St. Paul, 612.378.3602,, — We are an adventurous, creative and supportive Spiritual Community connecting with Universal Essence through Presence, Practice and Play. We serve those aware individuals who seek a personal spirituality in addition to that offered by traditional religions. We welcome your life experience, your imagination, and your participation. Explore with us! Sunday Gatherings: 10:30am. Unity Minneapolis: 4000 Golden Valley Road, Minneapolis. 763.521.4793, — We are an all-inclusive community that offers a positive, practical, everyday spiritual message. No matter which of our Sunday services you attend (9:45/11:30), you will experience a dynamic message and music program. We have an engaging youth program, as well as adult education classes, throughout the year. Our monthly healing service is at 7pm on the first Tuesday of each month. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here.
S E E K I N G , S E L L I N G , P R O M OT I N G
Classifieds are $1 per word, 20-word minimum. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Category & text To be included: 763.433.9291 or
Unity North Spiritual Center: 11499 Martin St. NW, Coon Rapids, MN, 763.754.6489,, — Unity North Spiritual Center is committed to offering a space to support community members and youth in fulfilling their potential. Services and events include healing, prayer, men’s and women’s groups, meditation, sacred text and shamanic studies. UNSC serves the wider community through programs such as Family Promise and Family Table. Unity South Twin Cities: 7950 1st Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.884.6656, — Whatever your religious background — or if participation in a spiritual community is new for you — you are welcome here. We invite you to join us for Sunday Services (9am and 10:3am), classes of self-discovery, social events and charitable team projects we do in our Minneapolis metro. Our youth program builds self-esteem through discovery classes and fun activities. For a 30-minute refresh we invite you to our inspiring and peaceful Prayer Services (M-Th, 11am). At Unity South, we honor the God-created beauty and worth in each person. Our spiritual community is part of Unity Worldwide Ministries and is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ as practiced in daily living. Let’s celebrate one another! Unity of the Valley Spiritual Center: 4011 W. Highway 13, Savage, MN, 952.895.0745, — Discover this all-inclusive community teaching positive, practical spiritual ideas. Our Sunday service and youth programs are at 10 a.m. We also offer a variety of classes throughout the week ranging from meditation to A Course in Miracles to 12 Step and much more for those who want to evolve in spiritual understanding and consciousness in a supportive community. Visit our website for class details or to sample Sunday services. Just west of 35W on the Burnsville/Savage border.
THE GREAT COSMIC TEACHINGS of Jesus of Nazareth are the Absolute Law, the law of the true life, which He taught to the inner circle of His apostles and disciples who could understand them, 2,000 years ago. Hardbound 880 pgs. 844.576.0937
PROMOTE THE EDGE: The Edge magazine is seeking volunteers in Mankato, MN, to identify new locations where The Edge can be shared with the public. If possible, we’d love for you to take The Edge around to these locations each month. Call Cathy at 763.533.9291 or email for more details!
Explore the wide variety of advertising opportunities available in The Edge magazine each and every month. Your display ad will be visible in print – and online it will be featured on our “Advertisers This Month” page, and in our monthly flipbook, which is
3 2 W W W. E D G E M A G A Z I N E . N E T
read online by thousands of people around the world. Your ad on our flipbook also links to your website. Call Today to learn how The Edge can help promote you and your holistic business or service! 763.433.9291,,
Happenings Events are $29 for up to 35 words, $45 for 36-70 words. Listings over 70 words will be edited. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Date, title and text. Listing must include specific event dates and time, or it will be placed under Ongoing and not be included online. To be included: 763.433.9291 or or June 2 - Oneness Blessing | Angelic Guidance: Experience a guided meditation in which you will explore the realm of angels in order to receive guidance and special blessings from your angelic guides. This will be an excellent opportunity to create new connections with angels or to deepen your current relationship with them. 11am-Noon. Reserve your spot at: Contact Leah Somerville, 612.930.2662,, www. June 2 – Shamanic Journeying Monthly Series | Preparing for the Solstice: As Mother Earth welcomes a new season full of abundance we gather together to set new intentions for this fruitful time of year. You will receive powerful pre-solstice blessings and be lead on a unique journey to the inner garden of your soul, where amazing new resources await you. This is a part of a Monthly Shamanic Journeying. Participants lie comfortably on the floor with their hands and hearts open to the sky. Yoga mats, pillows & blankets provided, but feel free to bring your own. 12:30-1:30pm. Reserve your spot at: Contact Leah Somerville, 612.930.2662, Info@IntraAwareness. com, June 2-3 – Hanmi Buddhist Foundations for Self-Realization Retreat: Learn how effective these ancient Chinese Esoteric Buddhist meditations can be to calm your mind, uplift your spirit and create peace in your world. Taught by Vajracharya ZhiChan, Charlotte Steen. $360, 10am - 5pm daily June 2-3, Willow River, MN. To register: 651.278.0697 or Visit June 3 – Divine Love, the Secret of Life: Join people from all walks of life for ECK Light and Sound Service at the Temple of ECK. Dynamic speakers, original creative arts and singing HU, a sacred name for God, celebrate a life lived
in harmony with Divine Spirit. 10am, Sunday, June 3, and the first Sunday of every month, Temple of ECK/Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, June 4 – Tai Chi Summer Program: Beginning, intermediate, and advanced Tai Chi classes are available all summer long in the evenings from Monday through Thursday. Take one or all 10 Tai Chi styles being offered (Tai Chi for Arthritis & Balance, Shibashi Qigong, Yang 10, ABCs of Tai Chi, Shiba Louhan Qigong Level 1, Five Animal Frolics Qigong, Tai Chi for Energy, Yang 24, Yang Style Short and Long Form) to take the stress out of your summer, whatever suits your interest and schedule! Starting June 4 on weekday evenings, starting between 6:30-9pm. $65 for six weeks. Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, June 4-21 – EFT “Tapping” Free 15-minute “Life Breakthrough” Chat: Do you feel stuck? Need to get over something or move forward? Schedule your private 15-minute phone “Life Breakthrough Chat” to see if Kim can help you. Register at Kim Eisen, Experienced & Intuitive Master of EFT “Tapping,” Life Breakthrough Coach and Energy Healer. Call 612.802-HEAL (4325) or visit www. June 6 – Wild Plant Walk: Identification for Food & Medicine: Identify and appreciate basic edible and medicinal uses of wild plants and shrubs of late spring and early summer. Explore plant life in Normandale’s expansive natural setting and learn how to utilize them for food and medicine. Wednesday 5-7:30pm, $49 Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, www.normandale. edu/ce/classes
June 8 – Crystal Grid Experience: During this Crystal Healing Class, you will experience a customized crystal healing with a crystal grid set up in the room, as well as on and around each individual participant. Each monthly experience will be unique and customized. You will be guided to a deep state of relaxation where healing, release and restoration occur both consciously and unconsciously. 6:30-7:30pm. Reserve your spot at: Contact Leah Somerville, 612.930.2662, Info@, June 9 – Spiritual Awakening & Psychic Festival: Free Talks and Door prizes throughout the day! 25 + product vendors, readers, healers! Fees will apply to the individual services. $5, 10am5pm Saturday, June 9, at Earthway Farm, 15832 County Rd. 7, South Haven, MN. For more info: 320.236.7852 or Visit or www.facebook. com/earthwayfarm June 9 & 10 — Silva UltraMind ESP Systems Seminar for Absolutely Everybody: In Only 2 Days learn to: use your intuition, at a deep level of mind, dependably, at will, whenever you wish, for any positive purpose; turn problems into projects, into solutions; train your mind; change your thoughts; create better outcomes. Make a positive difference! 100% money-back guarantee! Silva: Changing lives since 1966! It works! Silva Instructor LaJeanne Runnels: 763.227.9577, June 11 – Eight-Week Intuitive Hands-on Healing Workshop with Carol Lowell: In this class, Carol will share techniques she has learned over the years from her teachers, spirit guides and clients. Classes will include opportunities for open Q & A discussion, practice sessions, as well as a calming meditation. Participation is open to beginners wishing to learn, as well as advanced students. $30 per class, 7-9pm Monday evenings starting June 11 at The Center for Intuitive Living, 5356 Chicago Ave. S., Minneapolis. Pre-register by June 1 by calling 612.840.3562 or email carol@ June 15-16 – The Temple Of Being, featuring Avatara Rising & Shane Thunder: Explore this immersive meditation experience, blending theater, art, music and mindfulness to explore the question of Who Am I? Who is this Being see HAPPENINGS on p. 34 J U N E 2018
continued from p. 33
that is me? Who am I beyond this body? Who am I as an infinite, spiritual being? This journey is facilitated by the sound alchemy of Avatara Rising and Shane Thunder for an effortless meditation, accessing expanded consciousness and awareness of your infinite nature. 7pm, The Lab Theater, 700 N. 1st St., Minneapolis. Info: Genevieve Wachutka 763.222.8600, hello@, www.thelabtheater. org/templeofbeing June 17 – Experience the Sound of Soul: Discover your inner guidance, healing for body, mind and spirit, and a higher form of creativity by chanting the sacred sound of HU. Spiritual discussion and light refreshments. Free. 10 am, Sunday, June 17, Temple of ECK/Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, June 20 – Light Being Tribe Gathering | Online: You are invited to join our monthly Light Being Tribe Gatherings online occurring every Third Wednesday! These events are Live and Interactive. Come with your questions & curiosity. All answers are channeled and custom for the group that has gathered online. Receive expert advice on topics that are most important to you while becoming a member of like-hearted community. 6-7pm. Register in Advance: www. Contact Amanda Rangel,, June 22-24 – Soul Camp: 3-Day Retreat: Three days of self-exploration, purifying your internal world, bringing you to a place of self-awareness. Have you been living a life of confusion, separated from your soul by illusions of who you are? Experience a physical and emotional detox for spiritual growth. Speakers leading you into exploration along with music and meditation. Plenty of time for contemplation and reflection. At Harmonic Spirit Center of Peace. Info & Registration at June 23 – Advanced Energy Medicine: Healing Trauma: This approach looks at healing and support for depression, anxiety, addictions and codependency. Must have basic understanding of energy to participate. Saturday 9am-4pm, $145 Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, June 23 – Peace Fest 2018: Science of Spirituality Meditation Center is hosting a Peace Fest, a festival celebrating individual and global peace through meditation, community service, art and food. Featuring a symposium on peace with guest speakers representing diverse communities working hard to spread the vision of peace. Also: live music, fun children’s activities, live cooking demos, and an international vegetarian food court. All proceeds go to charity. $2, 10am3 4 W W W. E D G E M A G A Z I N E . N E T
Listen to Free Podcasts in June June 5 – Free Podcast “Edge Learning Well” with Elise Marquam Jahns: Learning Well – Your partner in integrative health education. You’ll hear from fascinating experts who will share rich information designed to enhance your health, career and relationships. Learning Well…bringing growth, joy and inspiration to your life! This show is sponsored by the Integrative Health Education Center of Normandale Community College. 6pm, call 714.364.4750 at show time or listen anytime after the show at Blogtalkradio. com/edgemagazine.
Listen anytime for free at edgemagazine or call at show time at 714.364.4750. Show archives: Explore every show at Host your own show: call 612.710.7720 or 763.433.9291 for details question that begs you for insight and direction. 6pm, call 714.364.4750 at show time or listen anytime after the show at
June 8 – Free Podcast “Edge Happenings” with Cathy Jacobsen: Live conversations with those who are bringing special events to the community in the next month. Gather more insight into what to expect at these coming events and why they will be meaningful to you in your everyday life. 10am, call 714.364.4750 at show time or listen anytime after the show at
June 13 – Free Podcast “Edge Inner View” with Cathryn Taylor: Join host Cathryn Taylor as she speaks with as she speaks Dr. Richard Barnett on the upcoming Holo-Synchronous Energetic Technology Systems Seminar, July 21-23 in Minneapolis. Dr. Barnett is the founder and instructor of Master Energy Dynamics Matrix Energetics. 3pm, call 714.364.4750 at show time or listen anytime after the show at
June 12 – Free Podcast “Edge Insights” with Deborah Lynn11: Join host well-known Twin Cities psychic medium and author Deborah Lynn11. Discover why and what it is you are working on in your current incarnation. Learn how to manifest your life on earth as it is in your heaven, revealing your true purpose for being on the planet at this time. Call in for your “one-time-only” psychic answer to that one
June 17 – Free Podcast “Edge EFT Happy Half Hour – Rap & Tap” with Cathryn Taylor: “EFT for Body, Mind, Heart & Soul” – Take the edge off your day! Treat yourself to a half hour of relaxation and relief with the new, innovative stress-reducing technique of Energy Tapping, presented by host Cathryn Taylor. 3pm, call 714.364.4750 at show time or listen anytime after the show at
7pm at 4054 Van Buren St. NE, Columbia Heights, MN. Info: Arvind Naik, MinneapolisCenter@sos. org, 612.216.4444, June 23, July 21, August 25 – Receiving your Wings of Light Workshop: Experience Transformational Ceremonies that Awaken your Higher Consciousness and Expand Your Inner Light. Upcoming Workshops: June 23, July 21, August 25. Visit GatewaysToBrilliance. com to schedule a spiritual blessing session or register for a workshop. Info: Carolyn Vinup, 612.325.5162, June 23-24 – Star Gathering: Featuring six guest speakers from across the nation: Rev. Kari Chapman, Christine Day, Shirley Bolstock, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Garrett Duncan and Dave Barnett. A keynote experience featuring teachers dedicated to helpin Gaia. The time has arrived for you to remember your stellar/ star identity. Coming to the Star Gathering will help you recall your heritage and open you up to reveal the massive record banks of your own stellar intelligence. 8:30am-7pm June 23, 8:30am - 6pm June 24, at Hope Interfaith Center, 114 Pohl Rd., Mankato, MN. For more info: www. July 7 – Oneness Blessing | Illumination: We invite the sacred light of Divine to illuminate all
aspects of our being and return us to our natural state of oneness with all that is. Experience a beautiful guided meditation and blessings that will shine light on all aspects of your life that need awareness and illumination. Spiritual technology of the Oneness Blessing quiets the mind and raises consciousness through a neuro-biological shift; allowing for one to be in an open place to connect and receive insights directly from your Higher-Self. Open to all ages! 11am-Noon. Reserve your spot at: Contact Leah Somerville, 612.930.2662,, www. July 7 – Shamanic Journeying Monthly Series | White Buffalo Awakening: In this special journey you will travel within to a sacred valley where you will have access to the ancient wisdom of the White Buffalo. Allow yourself to be upgraded by this powerful spirit guide who will provide you with your own personal experience of Buffalo Medicine. This is a part of a Monthly Shamanic Journeying. Participants lie comfortably on the floor with their hands and hearts open to the sky. Yoga mats, pillows & blankets provided, but feel free to bring your own 12:30-1:30pm. Reserve your spot at: Contact Leah Somerville, 612.930.2662,, www.
July 13 – Crystal Grid Experience: During this Crystal Healing Class, you will experience a customized crystal healing with a crystal grid set up in the room, as well as on and around each individual participant. Each monthly experience will be unique and customized. You will be guided to a deep state of relaxation where healing, release and restoration occur both consciously and unconsciously. 6:30-7:30pm. Reserve your spot at: Contact Leah Somerville, 612.930.2662, Info@, July 18 – Light Being Tribe Gathering | Online: You are invited to join our monthly Light Being Tribe Gatherings online occurring every Third Wednesday! These events are Live and Interactive. Come with your questions & curiosity. All answers are channeled and custom for the group that has gathered online. Receive expert advice on topics that are most important to you while becoming a member of like-hearted community. 6-7pm. Register in Advance: www. Contact Amanda Rangel,, July 21 – The Spirit Wellness Center’s 8th Annual Holistic Fair: Over 25 Psychics, Healers, and Vendors plus free lectures! 9am - 5pm Saturday, July 21, Dakota Ridge, Best Western Hotel, 3450 Washington Drive, Eagan MN. Admission $5. Info: call Kellie at 61.804.-4463 or email July 21-23 – Holo-Synchronous Energetic Technology Systems Seminar: The HoloSynchronous Energetic Technology Systems (Holo-SETS) seminar takes place July 21-23 at the Crowne Plaza AiRE-MSP Airport - Mall of America in Bloomington. Attendees will learn Holo-SETS directly from world-renowned consciousness technology thought leader Dr. Richard Bartlett, founder and instructor for The Institute for Harmonic Resonance Technology. Students will learn to work with conditions and patterns and how to apply specific solutions and modules to create a new, healthy and vital state of being. $650 through June 29, $700 after. Info: Kay Sassani at 800.368.0973, or August 4 – Maple Grove Holistic Expo: Edge Life Expos & Events presents a summer expo for the community, from 10am-6pm at the Maple Grove Community Center, 12951 Weaver Lake Road, Maple Grove, MN. The day will feature provide a broad spectrum of opportunities for visitors to learn about the world of spiritual and psychic phenomena. The spotlight of the event will be the 40+ exhibitors. There will be intuitive readers, wellness products, healing resources, animal communicators, aura photos, jewelry, crystals and other unique gift items. Visit www. for complete details.
The Edge launches new Online Holistic Directory On the Directory Home Page, access our quick list of holistic resources, the monthly featured business listings as seen in print: It’s about time you got the keys to your personal business Edge Directory Listing! The New Edge Directory online is a subscription-based directory that gives you the keys to your own listing. Update photos, text, phone, website, location, hours and much more! The Edge Directory provides you with a smart set of tools to showcase your services and products and connect you to your community. Beautiful, simple and easy to use, The Edge Directory is a fun and friendly place to hook up with your customers. We’ve placed last year’s and this year’s Edge Directory Listings in print on the new online directory at no charge to you for one month. Claim your Directory Listing Today: Set up your personal account, pay online and modify the text and images of your listing, as you choose. Upload photos, add helpful links to your website or to social media, set an address and hours of operation and other informations that you may find relevant. VISIT WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET Directory Pricing: $9.95 for one month - $24.95 for three months - $49.95 for one year Visit Today! | 763.433.9291 | J U N E 2018