Manual de Inglês (preview) Marta Loureiro dos Santos Edições Universidade Sénior Contemporânea

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Coleção de Manuais da Universidade Sénior Contemporânea do Porto

Manual de

Língua Inglesa Professora

Marta Loureiro dos Santos

Coleção de Manuais da Universidade Sénior Contemporânea do Porto

© 2014, Edições Universidade Sénior Contemporânea Todos os direitos de publicação reservados por: EDIÇÕES UNIVERSIDADE SÉNIOR CONTEMPORÂNEA E MARTA LOUREIRO DOS SANTOS Universidade Sénior Contemporânea do Porto Rua Nova do Tronco, nº 504 4250-339, Porto, Portugal Telf: (+351) 964 068 452 / (+351) 964 756 736 Email: Edições Universidade Sénior Contemporânea Ilustrações do próprio autor Impressão e Acabamento Nativartes, Vila Nova de Gaia ISBN: 978-989-99005-5-4 Março de 2014



Marta Loureiro dos Santos

Coleção de Manuais da Universidade Sénior Contemporânea do Porto

MAIN FORMS Na Lingua Inglesa existem três formas verbais principais, chamadas de MAIN FORMS. Essas três formas são aquelas em que enunciamos um verbo, por exemplo: TO BE / WAS / BEEN. Aqui estão as três formas que englobam o Infinitivo e o Present (THE INFINITIVE AND THE SIMPLE PRESENT), o Passado (THE SIMPLE PAST) e o Particípio Passado (THE PAST PARTICIPLE). Para além das formas principais, existem outros tempos verbais que auxiliam a gramática inglesa, como podemos observar na listagem abaixo. Estes correspondem também aos tempos verbais da gramática portuguesa, pelo que à frente de cada um expliquei o seu significado. De qualquer forma há que relembrar os alunos e qualquer utilizador deste manual que a semelhança espácio- temporal de duas línguas nunca é exactamente igual, assim como o seu campo abstracto, como ouvimos com insistência nas nossas aulas. A função do Docente de uma Lingua estrangeira passa também pelo trabalho de aproximação do contexto vivencial das duas Línguas. Nunca nos esqueçamos que “traduzir de uma Lingua para outra não é como verter a água entre dois copos iguais”. Seguem-se os tempos verbais em Inglês, com a respectiva tradução: Present - What happens? – O que acontece. I work Present Continuous – What is happening? – O que está a acontecer neste momento. I am working Present Perfect - What has happened? – O que tem acontecido. I have worked I Past - What happened? – O que aconteceu.




I worked - I was working Past Perfect - What had happened? – O que tinha acontecido. I










Marta Loureiro dos Santos

Coleção de Manuais da Universidade Sénior Contemporânea do Porto

Future - What will happen? – O que acontecerá. I will work - I will be working Future Perfect - What will have happened? – O que terá acontecido. I will have worked I will have been working Future (going to) - What is going to happen? – O que irá (está para) acontecer. I am going to work - I am going to be working Future (in past) - What was going to happen? – O que esteve/estava para acontecer. I was going to work - I was going Conditional - What would happen? – O que aconteceria.




I would work - I would be working Conditional Perfect - What would have happened? – O que poderia ter acontecido. I would have worked I would have been working Modals - What (could, must, should, …) happen? – O que poderia/deveria acontecer. I (could, must, …) work - I (could, must, should, …) be working Modals + Have - What (could, must, should, …) have happened? – O que poderia/deveria/teria de ter acontecido. I (could, …) have worked - I (could, must, should, …) have been working Imperatives - Make it happen! - Let's make it happen! - Faz acontecer! (Tratase de uma ordem. Este tempo verbal é igual ao modo imperativo em português). Work!. Let's work!



Marta Loureiro dos Santos

Coleção de Manuais da Universidade Sénior Contemporânea do Porto

O verbo to be é o primeiro verbo que um estudante de Inglês aprende, aqui está ele, conjugado em todos os tempos verbais:

To be/was/been (Ser ou Estar) Present

Present Perfect

I am a student Sou um estudante I am studying Estou estudando

I have been a student Tenho sido um estudante I have been studying Tenho estado estudando


Past Perfect

I was a student Fui/era um estudante I was studying Estive/estava estudando

I had been a student Eu tinha sido um estudante I had been studying Eu tinha estado estudando.


Future Perfect

I will be a student Serei um estudante I will be studying Estarei estudando

I will have been a student Terei sido um estudante I will have been studying Terei estado estudando


Conditional Perfect

I would be a student Eu seria um estudante I would be studying Eu estaria estudando

I would have been a student Eu teria sido um estudante I would have been studying Eu teria estado estudando

Vista Completa - Forma Afirmativa Present

Present Perfect

I am - sou/estou you are - é/está he is

I have been - tenho sido/estado you have been - tem sido/estado he has been



Marta Loureiro dos Santos

Coleção de Manuais da Universidade Sénior Contemporânea do Porto

we are you are they are

we have been you have been they have been


Past Perfect

I was fui/era/estive/estava you were he was we were you were they were

I had been - tinha sido/estado you had been he had been we had been you had been they had been


Future Perfect

I will be - serei/estarei you will be he will be we will be you will be they will be

I will have been - terei sido/estado you will have been he will have been we will have been you will have been they will have been


Conditional Perfect

I would be - seria/estaria you would be he would be we would be you would be they would be

I would have been - teria sido/estado you would have been he would have been we would have been you would have been they would have been

Forma Negativa Present

Present Perfect

I am not you are not he is not we are not you are not

I have not been you have not been he has not been we have not been you have not been



Marta Loureiro dos Santos

Coleção de Manuais da Universidade Sénior Contemporânea do Porto

they are not

they have not been


Past Perfect

I was not you were not he was not we were not you were not they were not

I had not been you had not been he had not been we had not been you had not been they had not been


Future Perfect

I will not be you will not be he will not be we will not be you will not be they will not be

I will not have been you will not have been he will not have been we will not have been you will not have been they will not have been


Conditional Perfect

I would not be you would not be he would not be we would not be you would not be they would not be

I would not have been you would not have been he would not have been we would not have been you would not have been they would not have been

Forma Interrogativa Present

Present Perfect

am I? are you? is he? are we? are you? are they?

have I been? have you been? has he been? have we been? have you been? have they been?


Past Perfect

was I?

had I been?



Marta Loureiro dos Santos

Coleção de Manuais da Universidade Sénior Contemporânea do Porto

were you? was he? were we? were you? were they?

had you been? had he been? had we been? had you been? had they been?


Future Perfect

will I be? will you be? will he be? will we be? will you be? will they be?

will I have been? will you have been? will he have been? will we have been? will you have been? will they have been?


Conditional Perfect

would I be? would you be? would he be? would we be? would you be? would they be?

would I have been? would you have been? would he have been? would we have been? would you have been? would they have been?

VOCABULARY MEALS bacon (béikn) - toucinho fumado baked potatoes (béikt potéitous) - batata assada beef (bíif) - carne bovina beef steak (bíif stéik) - bife blood sausage (blad sósidch) - morcela, chouriço brains (bréins) - miolos canneloni (kanelóni) - canelones cheese (chíis) - queijo



Marta Loureiro dos Santos

Coleção de Manuais da Universidade Sénior Contemporânea do Porto

cheeseburger (chíis-bérguer) - hambúrguer com fatia de queijo derretido chicken (chíken) - frango cold cuts (kóuld kats) - frios dessert (disért) - sobremesa french fries (french fráis) - batatas fritas fried chicken (fráid chíken) - frango frito gnocchi (nóki) - nhoquis ground meat (gráund mit) - carne moída ham (hám) - presunto hamburger (hámburguer) - hambúrguer hot dog (hot dog) - cachorro quente kidneys (kídnis) - rim lamb (lam) - cordeiro lasagne (lasáni) - lasanha liver (líver) - fígado macaroni (mákaroni) - macarrão mashed potatoes (másht potéitous) - purê de batatas mayonnaise (meionéis) - maionese meatballs (mít bols) - almôndegas noodles (núudls) - talharim omelet (ómlit) - omelete pasta (pásta) - massa pizza (pítza) - pizza pork (pork) - carne de porco pork chops (pork chops) - costelinha de porco potato chips (potéitou chips) - batata frita ravioli (ravióli) - ravioles ribs (ribs) - costelas roastbeef (róustbif) - rosbife salad (sálad) - salada salami (salámi) - salame sauce (sóos) - molho sausage (sósidch) - linguiça scrambled eggs (skrámbld éggs) - ovos mexidos soup (súp) - sopa spaghetti (spaguéri) - espaguete



Marta Loureiro dos Santos

Coleção de Manuais da Universidade Sénior Contemporânea do Porto

steak (stéik) - bife stew (stiú) - guisado tomato sauce (toméitou sóos) - molho de tomate turkey (térki) - pavão veal (víl) - carne de vitela vegetables (védchetabls) - verduras

DRINKS apple juice (ápl dchúus) - suco de maçã brown beer (bráun bíar) - cerveja preta can of Coke (kan óv kóuk) - lata de Coca Cola champagne (shampéin) - champanha cider (sáider) - cidra coffee (kófi) - café gin (dchín) - gim hot chocolate (jót chóklit) - chocolate quente juice (dchús) - suco lemonade (lémonéid) - limonada light soda (laít sóuda) - refrigerante dietético liqueur (likér) - licor milkshake (mílkshéik) - batida de leite com sorvete orange juice (órendch dchúus) - suco de laranja pineapple juice (páinapl dchúus) - suco de abacaxi red wine (red uáin) - vinho tinto rum (ram) - rum soda (sóuda) - refrigerante soft drink (sóft drínk) - refrigerante sparkling water (spárklin uóter) - água mineral com gás still water (stíl wóter) - água mineral sem gás tea (tíi) - chá tomato juice (toméitou dchúus) - suco de tomate vodka (vodka) - vodca water (wóter) - água whisky (wíski) - uísque



Marta Loureiro dos Santos

Coleção de Manuais da Universidade Sénior Contemporânea do Porto

white wine (wáit wáin) - vinho branco wine (wáin) - vinho FRUITS almonds (ámonds) - amêndoa apple (ápl) - maçã apricot (ápricot) - albricoque, damasco avocado (avocádou) - abacate banana (banána) - banana blackberry (blák bérri) - amora-preta cherry (chérri) - cereja chestnuts (chéstnats) - castanhas coconuts (kóukonats) - cocos date (déit) - datil fig (fig) - figo grapefruit (gréipfrut) - taranja grapes (gréips) - uvas hazelnuts (héizelnats) - avelã lemon (lémon) - limão lime (láim) - lima mango (mángou) - manga medlar (médlar) - nêspera melon (mélon) - melão mulberry (mólberri) - amora orange (órendch) - laranja peach (píich) - pêssego peanuts (pínats) - amendoim pear (péar) - pêra pineapple (páinápl) - abacaxi plum (plam) - ameixa pomegranate (pómigranit) - romã quince (kuíns) - marmelo raspberry (rásp-bérri) - framboesa seed (síid) - semente strawberry (stróberri) - morango tangerine (tándcherin) - tangerina walnuts (wólnats) - nozes watermelon (wótermélon) – melancia MANUAL DE LÍNGUA INGLESA


Marta Loureiro dos Santos

Coleção de Manuais da Universidade Sénior Contemporânea do Porto

Coleção de Manuais da Universidade Sénior Contemporânea MANUAIS JÁ DISPONÍVEIS Informática Internet Fotografia Digital História Universal Património Cultural – As Serras Património Cultural – Os Museus Nacionais Património Cultural – Os Mosteiros Património Cultural – Património Mundial História do Porto I e II Inglês Espanhol 0Artes e Humanidades I e II Poesia Inteligência Emocional Ritos e Mitos da Humanidade Lendas Tradicionais de Portugal Relaxamento e Movimento Corporal



Marta Loureiro dos Santos

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