Games and Play Club

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Erasmus+ KA2 Think and create your Own Hobbies Jelgavas Pārlielupes pamatskola 2020 -2021 Project Activities

Games and Play Club

Children love to play games: indoors and outdoors. Games help develop children’s concentration, memory, attention span, fine motor skills, logical thinking and, of course, imagination.

Within the Games and Play Club we discussed students’ favourite board games. One of the most favourite board games is “Riču – Raču”.

Nowadays children spend a lot of time in front of different kinds of screens or playing with gadgets, so we decided to send our partner schools the active game “Akmentiņ, lec laukā!’’ / “Pebble, jump out”.

Latvian traditional game “Pebble, jump out”.

1. The game must be played at least by four and more children.

2. All the children sit in a circle with their elbows crossed and holding their palms together.

3. The leader has a pebble in his hands while also holding his palms together so nobody can see the pebble.

4. The leader goes along the players and tries to slip the pebble into one of the player’s hands, imitating the same action with all the players. Nobody knows who he has given the pebble to.

5. Then the leader shouts: “Akmentiņ, lec laukā!’’ “Pebble, jump out!”

6. The player with the pebble should try to jump out and escape the circle.

7. The other players must guess who has the pebble before they jump out and try to stop that player from escaping the circle.

When we received the game from our partner schools, all our students were studying online, except pre-school students. So the five/six year old students enjoyed all received games. But we had the opportunity to hand some games to the older students, too.

The Manual and Domestic Arts Club

Art gives meaning to our lives and helps us understand our world. Through introducing our children to different kinds of art and techniques we help them develop their creativity, give them inspiration and new ideas, help better understand their emotions and, of course, it is an incredible leisure time activity.

During the art club students tried different art techniques such as painting with flour, creating paintings using cotton pads, designing figures from salt dough.

The salt dough:

 1 cup of salt

 1 cup of flour

 1 cup of water

 Mix all ingredients together.

 Form dough in different shapes or figures.

 Bake them in the preheated oven until dry and hard about 2 hours.

 Colour the figures by gouache.

Pre-school students made fascinating ice paintings. They put different nature materials in different trays, poured watr over their oranments and left them outside to freeze.

As all of the studying process was still happening online, students were offered a chance to decorate their homes to celebrate the beginning of spring. Fifth-graders had a spring and Easter decorations online workshop. They decorated their flats, houses and gardens.

The second grade students had an online origami workshop. They created Easter bunnies and chickens.

Easter is the important celebration in our country. Despite the pandemic, our students enthusiastically prepared traditional Easter foods at home. They baked Easter cakes and biscuits, coloured eggs and decorated the tables.

Environmental and Gardening Club

We need to protect our nature and environment because we depend on it completely. If we do not have plants, clean air and water, we cannot live. Within the Environmental and Gardening Club we discussed the importance of keeping our nature safe. Each of us is responsible of saving our planet, at least of saving our neighborhood. So, we had a lot of activities during this club.

Our students participated the Big Cleanup Day (“Lielā Talka” in Latvian). It is the biggest volunteers’ movement in Latvia that has gathered more than 500 000 participants both in Latvia and Latvian diasporas in the world during its 10 years of existence. On the Big Cleanup Day people gather waste in their neighborhood (parks, streets, river banks), they also plant trees, build bird-cages and restore fences and benches.

Pre-school students attended school, so they made small gardens in their classrooms.

The second-grade students had an online waste and recycling workshop. During the workshop students made stationery organizers from their homes’ different leftovers.

The sixth- graders prepared presentations in English about different environmental problems and their possible solutions. Students discussed issues such as different kinds of pollution,

deforestation, discharge of food, consumerism, waste and recycling.

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