Think and create your Own Hobbies
A science club in primary school develops students’ scientific thinking process and explains the world around them. Different activities like experiments or conducting mini-gardens help students acquire new knowledge and skills to solve problems and draw conclusions.
Our school’s students actively participated in various science activities indoor and outdoor.
During the Science club third graders made mini – gardens at their homes or prepared plant herbariums.
Second graders did a plant growth experiment. Students filled little plastic bags with soil and planted peas. The mini-gardens were then suited in different places in order to observe the development of the plants in different conditions. During the experiment students regularly watered their plants, made measurements of the growing plants and recorded the whole process and changes in a special science diary.
First, second and third graders had a lot of different activities outdoors. First graders practiced numbers. Second graders learned the difference between different needles amongst
coniferous trees. Third graders did a quiz about environment and also measured trees in the school yard.
The fifth graders explored different conditions of water. They searched for important information about water and then participated in a Water Quiz.
1. Vai ūdeni cietā veidā sauc par ledu?
2. Vai cilvēks var bez ūdens izdzīvot vairākas dienas?
3. Tīram ūdenim nav garša?
4. Vai ūdens ir ķīmisks elements?
5. Ūdens klāj aptuveni 71% no Zemes virsmas.
6. Vai ūdens vārīšanās temperatūra ir 100 °C ?
7. Ūdens sasalšanas temperatūra ir 0 °C.
8. Pudelēs pildītā ūdens patēriņš pēdējos gadu desmitos ir manāmi pieaudzis.
9. Ledus slīkst ūdenī.
Uz jautājumiem atbildēt ar jā/ nē.
1.Does the water is a solid form is called ice?
2. Does the person can survive without water for several days?
3.Does the clean water have taste?
4.Does the water is a chemical element?
5.Water covers about 71% of the earth surface.
6. Does water boil at 100 °C degrees?
7.Water freezes at 0° C.
8. Bottled water consumption is increasing in the last ten years.
9. Ice sinks in water.
Answer only yes/no.
Sixth graders did experiments connected to physics. They discovered the importance of balance in daily life, environment and nature. They designed various constructions to keep balance, to observe balance in different situations.
The most impressive experiment was building bridges. Firstly, students had to do research about this topic. They found a lot of useful information, had a discussion with a science teacher and only then started building their bridges.