Lesson 2
• Uses multiple sources to research information about a topic. • Analyzes informative texts.
What can you learn about in museums? 1.
Where do you normally research information for your school projects? Talk about the different sources where you can find information. Which source of information does this text come from?
Listen and read the text and underline the information that you would include in a museum card on ¨The First Flushing Toilet.
Five thousand years ago, the Mesopotamians and other civilizations had toilet seats with holes in them. The waste was carried away by water that ran under the seats. Centuries later, this idea was adapted by an English inventor called John Harington. He drew a toilet with a seat with water flowing underneath. But his toilet was never actually made because everyone thought the idea was too amusing. It wasn’t until 1775 that the first real flushing toilet was made by Alexander Cumming, yet another English inventor. His design was special because he invented an S-shaped pipe that lay below the toilet bowl. It prevented waste from flowing back into the bowl. Our toilets today are still made in a very similar way.
Compare and exchange with a partner the information you underlined as important. Tell him or her why you think the information is important. Next, look at these sentences. Can they be included in museum cards? Why? Write some more examples of sentences that can be included in museum cards in your notebooks. • Toilets are still made in a similar way. • The waste was carried away by running water • The idea was adapted by an English inventor.
Gathers information about a topic to make museum cards and set up an exhibition.