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Facts Big Book
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Ciclo 1
Lengua extranjera. Inglés Big book
Estimada alumna, estimado alumno: El Libro de lecturas que tienes en tus manos es el resultado del esfuerzo que realizan el gobierno federal, los gobiernos estatales, las maestras y los maestros para garantizar que todas las niñas, los niños y los adolescentes que cursan la educación básica en nuestro país cuenten con materiales educativos para construir su aprendizaje, y con ello alcanzar una educación de excelencia. Tu Libro de lecturas promoverá que te desarrolles integralmente, fomentará en ti el amor a la Patria y el respeto a todos los derechos; así reconocerás lo que te rodea, apreciarás tus fortalezas y sabrás lo que tu comunidad, México y el mundo necesitan y lo que puedes hacer por ellos. En el marco de la Nueva Escuela Mexicana, la equidad y la calidad son premisas de la educación. Este libro forma parte de los materiales educativos que se ofrecen para que, con el trabajo diario de maestras, maestros, autoridades y familias, alcances el máximo logro de aprendizaje y el fortalecimiento de los lazos entre tu escuela y tu comunidad. Este libro ya es tuyo; es un regalo del pueblo de México para ti. ¡Conócelo, cuídalo y disfrútalo! Distribución gratuita, prohibida su venta.
Facts Big Book Sally Marshall
Princetown - Correo del Maestro Editorial Coordinator Author Editor Copy Editor Editorial Assistant
Jean Denise Salazar Wolfe Sally Marshall Stefanía Villarreal Riva Palacio Brenda K Zarzoza López Jean Denise Ruanova Salazar
Content Designers Servicios Editoriales Digital layout
Servicios Editoriales
Cover designer Servicios Editoriales (Pablo Guzmán de la Cruz) Photo research Servicios Editoriales Art Servicios Editoriales Photography
Photo on cover
Audio Recording
Luis Benito Reynoso Góngora Correo del Maestro Miembro de la Cámara Nacional de la Industria Editorial Reg. Núm. 2817
978-607-903-482-5 Rights Reserved © 2018 Princetown - correo del maestro, s.a. de c.v. Av. Reforma No. 7 Int. 403, Ciudad Brisa Naucalpan, Estado de México, C.P. 53280 Tels. 53-64-56-70 / 53-64-56-95 correo@correodelmaestro.com www.correodelmaestro.com First published 2018 First reprint 2019 Second reprint 2020 Third reprint 2021 The presentation and layout of Beats! K Facts Big Book are property of the publisher. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the Publisher.
Programa Nacional de Inglés. Para alumnos en Educación Básica. Proni La producción de estos materiales fue hecha por encargo de la Secretaría de Educación Pública para usarse como material didáctico en escuelas públicas de Educación Básica. Impreso en México · Printed in Mexico Distribución gratuita · Prohibida su venta Esta obra se terminó de imprimir en diciembre de 2021, en los talleres de Corporación en Servicios Integrales de Asesoría Profesional S.A. de C.V. con domicilio en Calle E No. 6, Parque Industrial Puebla 2000, C.P. 72225, Puebla, Pue.
Presentation Dear Teacher, Welcome to Beats! K - Facts Big Book where you will find interesting facts to teach your students about different and important topics about themselves, about others and about the world around us. Teaching a foreign language at this age using interesting, student-age centered topics such as facts gives you a great opportunity to set an interesting and very enjoyable learning environment for reading, where children become more curious, ask about what they are listening to and feel encouraged to use the language they are learning in a natural way. In this Facts Big Book you will find daily life topics related to the immediate world that surrounds your students; also, each reading text is directly correlated to a specific unit in the Activity book which improves and increases vocabulary as students start developing critical thinking skills as well as reading strategies such as identifying letters, differentiating graphical elements from written words, following a reading, reading comprehension as well as working on listening skills since every text has been recorded and included in the audio CD that comes with your Teacher’s Edition book. However, the most important fact about encouraging children at this age to follow a reading is awakening the desire and joy for reading. And this is what Beats! Big Books -Facts and Stories are specially meant for, to help you teach children to read through fun and culture. Finally, we are sure you and your students will enjoy sharing, listening and reading aloud the contents in this Facts Big Book as you all start beating to the rhythm of reading! The Author.
Contents Fact 1
Fun fruit salad from England!
Academic and Educational Environment Correlated to Unit 3 in the Activity Book Follow a recipe
Track 43 Fact 2
Look at the Signs! Familar and Community Environment Correlated to Unit 4 in the Activity Book
Explore public signs
Track 44 Fact 3
What’s in the Backpacks? 19 Academic and Educational Environment Correlated to Unit 7 in the Activity Book
Understand questions to identify information about objects in the classroom
Track 47 Fact 4
This is My House
Familiar and Community Environment Correlated to Unit 8 in the Activity Book Recognize information about household objects
Track 48 Fact 5
This is Mexico Academic and Educational Environment
Correlated to Unit 10 in the Activity Book
Recognize information about Mexican flora and fauna, with a graphic support
Track 50
Flashcards 4
rack 43
Fun fruit salad from England
Fact 1 Correlated to Unit 3
Ingredients • 2 apples • I orange • 2 pears 6
Academic and Educational Environment
• Grapes • 2 spoons of sugar • 4 spoons of water
Instructions 1. Wash your hands. 4. Wash the grapes. 2. Wash the apples. 5. Peel the orange. 3. Wash the pears. Unit 3
Fact 1 7
Cut the fruit. Put the fruit into a bowl.
Academic and Educational Environment
Put 2 spoons of sugar onto the fruit.
Unit 3
Fact 1 9
Add 4 spoons of water to the fun fruit salad. 10
Academic and Educational Environment
Look at the fun fruit salad. Apples, an orange, pears and grapes! Delicious! Unit 3
Fact 1 11
rack 44
Look at the Signs!
Fact 2 Correlated to Unit 4
Stop, Mom. Look, it’s red. Red means stop!
Unit 4
Fact 2 13
Look, Mom! Now it’s green. Green means Go!
Familar and Community Environment
Danny! Look at the sign! Don’t walk on the grass!
Unit 4
Fact 2 15
Please close the door, Karla.
Sorry Mr Green. Thank you, Karla.
Familar and Community Environment
Ana! Look at the sign! Please don’t feed the penguins!
Unit 4
Fact 2 17
Time to go! Come on, wash your hands, please.
Bye! Goodbye!
Familar and Community Environment
rack 47
What’s in the Backpacks?
Fact 3 Correlated to Unit 7
Tilly’s backpack is yellow. Ben’s backpack is green.
Academic and Educational Environment
Open your backpack, Tilly. What’s inside?
Look! A ruler and a pencil case. Unit 7
Fact 3 21
What color is your ruler, Tilly? It’s orange.
What color is your pencil case? It’s red. 22
Academic and Educational Environment
Open your backpack, Ben. What’s inside?
Look! Notebooks and colored pencils. Unit 7
Fact 3 23
How many notebooks are there? 1-2-3! 3 notebooks.
How many colored pencils are there?
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8! 8 colored pencils.
Academic and Educational Environment
Look at the lunch boxes!
Which is your lunch box, Tilly? The small one!
Which is your lunch box, Ben?
The big one!
Unit 7
Fact 3 25
Look at the erasers. Which is your eraser, Ben?
The big one!
Academic and Educational Environment
rack 48
This is my house
Fact 4 Correlated to Unit 8
Hello. I’m Ben. This is my bedroom. I have a bed and a yellow lamp. I have a big toy box, too.
Familar and Community Environment
This is the kitchen. Look! There’s a kitchen table and four chairs. Unit 8
Fact 4 29
Look! There’s my plate and my cup. I have a knife, a fork and a spoon too.
Familar and Community Environment
This is my bathroom. I have a toothbrush to brush my teeth. I have a brush to brush my hair. Unit 8
Fact 4 31
I have soap to wash my hands, and I have shampoo to wash my hair. 32
Familar and Community Environment
This is the living room. We have a big television. Look! I’m sitting on the sofa. I have the remote control. I love my house!
Unit 8
Fact 4 33
How about you? Where do you live? What do you have in your bedroom?
Familar and Community Environment
rack 50
This is Mexico
Fact 5 Correlated to Unit 10
Mexico is beautiful.
There are big mountains and a lot of forests. 36
Academic and Educational Environment
There are deserts, too. Look at the desert animals. This is a scorpion and this is a snake.
Unit 10
Fact 5 37
Mexico has beautiful beaches with palm trees.
Look at the ocean! It is blue.
Academic and Educational Environment
This is a turtle.
Look at the eggs on the beach! The baby turtles run into the ocean.
Unit 10
Fact 5 39
In the rainforests there are flowerswhite, yellow, pink and purple. There are parrots, too. 40
Academic and Educational Environment
There are monkeys in the rainforest. Look! They are in the trees.
Unit 10
Fact 5 41
Mexico has beautiful forests, oceans, deserts and mountains. Mexico has beautiful trees, flowers and animals too. How many can you see?
Academic and Educational Environment
palm tree 43
lamp U8
toy box 44
pencil case
lunch box 45
Wash your hands
Close the door
Don’t feed the animals
Don’t walk on the grass
plate 47
cook book
slice (slice)
Estimada alumna, estimado alumno: El Libro de lecturas que tienes en tus manos es el resultado del esfuerzo que realizan el gobierno federal, los gobiernos estatales, las maestras y los maestros para garantizar que todas las niñas, los niños y los adolescentes que cursan la educación básica en nuestro país cuenten con materiales educativos para construir su aprendizaje, y con ello alcanzar una educación de excelencia. Tu Libro de lecturas promoverá que te desarrolles integralmente, fomentará en ti el amor a la Patria y el respeto a todos los derechos; así reconocerás lo que te rodea, apreciarás tus fortalezas y sabrás lo que tu comunidad, México y el mundo necesitan y lo que puedes hacer por ellos. En el marco de la Nueva Escuela Mexicana, la equidad y la calidad son premisas de la educación. Este libro forma parte de los materiales educativos que se ofrecen para que, con el trabajo diario de maestras, maestros, autoridades y familias, alcances el máximo logro de aprendizaje y el fortalecimiento de los lazos entre tu escuela y tu comunidad. Este libro ya es tuyo; es un regalo del pueblo de México para ti. ¡Conócelo, cuídalo y disfrútalo! Distribución gratuita, prohibida su venta.
b hi
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Facts Big Book
ib tr
Ciclo 1
Lengua extranjera. Inglés Big book