Angels army kids april 2014

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April 2014

PRAYER TO THE GUARDIAN ANGEL O my dear guardian Angel, protect me from all dangers. Help me, so that I may remain a beloved child of my Jesus. Safeguard me from all dangers and bad dreams in this night.

PRAYER TO ST. MICHAEL, THE ARCH ANGEL St. Michael the Arch Angel, be our guide and our guard during the time of our spiritual warfare. Protect us from the evil designs of Satan, our enemy. We humbly pray that God rebuke him. O chief of the heavenly army, expel all the wicked spiritual forces that roam the earth with the intention of destroying souls. Drive them to the fires of hell by the power of God.


Dear Jesus, I love you and, in order to please you , I make the resolution always to obey. —Anne de Guigne Editor Sunil Elias Executive Editor Mary Martin Executive Manager Sinjo P.K. Editorial Board Fr. Cherian Nereveettil, Renny Njarakulam, Preetha Joseph, Martin Jose, Rose, Mini Wilson, Justin Printer & Publisher Jose Dominic Layout : Diason D’Silva


Patrons Bishop Mar Raphael Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission, KCBC) Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Karikkassery (Charismatic Commission, Vice Chairman, KCBC) Bishop Samuel Mar Irenios (Charismatic Commission, Vice Chairman, KCBC) Spiritual Advisor Rev. Fr. Varghese Manavalan Advisory Board : Rev. Fr. Justin Kaiparambadan, Sr. Sergius, Dr. Edward Edezhath, Baby Chacko, Boney Chellanam Animator Rev. Fr. Abraham Pallivathukal S.J. Jesus Youth, Emmaus, H.M.T.Colony P.O. Kalamassery-683503, Kochi, Kerala Ph: 0484 6444702. Email:

The Angel of Heaven Then in the year 1915 her father died in a war. Nenette was barely 5 years old at that time. Informing her of her father's death her mother said to her, "If you really wish to console me, then you should change and become a good girl in future." From that day on, Nenette sincerely tried to shed her disobedience, her jealousy and her obstinacy. For love of her mother she contained her selfish desires.

Venerable Anne de Guigne Anne de Guigne was born on 25th April 1911 in the city of Savoy in France. She was named Jean Mary Josephine Anne. Her pet name was Nenette. Her father who was in the army was a devout, practising Catholic. She was an obstinate and spoiled child, who would fight and quarrel to get her desires met. The birth of her four younger siblings made her a jealous girl too. 4

APRIL 2014

At the age of 5, she wished to receive First Communion. In the First Communion Preparatory Class , Mother Raymond asked her to repeat in her own words, all the difficult things that had taught in the class. She repeated each and every word of what was taught. It looked as if God Himself had taught her. She had the answer even for questions to which nobody, not even the elder students, could reply. She would never make fun of anybody or nor would she use words that hurt others. So her friends and her teachers became very fond of her.

Getting her ready for her First Confession, sister asked her, "Do you feel scared to make a confession? Are you afraid of the priest?" "But Sister why should I? Did you n o t s a y, t h a t i n t h e Confessional, the priest takes the place of our Lord?", Anne replied. The preparatory classed for the First Holy Communion got over. But, permission to administer Communion to the little 5 year old was not received from the Bishop. He appointed a Jesuit priest to conduct a special test for Anne. When Anne was about to be interviewed, Mother Raymond started feeling tense. But Anne was the least bit scared. To every question shot by the priest she answered to the point. Realising that she had prepared well, the priest started asking tougher questions. "What is your most important shortcoming?", asked the priest. "Pride and disobedience", she said humbly. Next question, "When does Jesus obey?" "In Holy Mass", she said correctly.

The priest asked again, "What words does Jesus obey?" The words of the priest which say, "This is my body, this is my blood" With these he understood that Anne was well prepared to receive First Holy Communion. Thus Anne was able to receive Eucharistic Jesus at the tender age of 5. She got stricken with Arthritis at a very young age. She offered her aches and sufferings to Jesus, for others. In December 1921, when she was just 10 years old, she was afflicted with Meningitis. She became bed-ridden. When others prayed for her healing, she would add, "Lord, heal all those who are ill" In the morning of 14th January 1922, she left this world to be with the Lord forever. Just before she died she told the nun standing beside her, "Sister, I am going to join the angels" Thus she left for Heaven. In the year 1990 she was raised to the title of "Venerable". Let us not forget to ask Venerable Anne de Guigne for her prayers. APRIL 2014


(Sam's selections of stories from the lives of Saints)

My dear little friends, Last time we saw how enthusiastic Little Flower was to enter the Carmelite Convent. Did you all think about God's call? Ok, let's proceed...

My dear children, a good number of people from here are going to visit Rome and the Holy Land. Shall we also go with them?

That's a wonderful idea! May be we could even meet the Holy Father.


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In the Holy land

Little Flower, what bliss to walk through this place where Jesus, and Mary and Joseph lived, isn't it?

Celin, that Blessed house where the Holy Family lived.... the little cup that Baby Jesus used.... I put my rosary into that cup for a while, what a beautiful moment!

My dear kids, tomorrow we will start for Rome. I heard that we can offer Holy Mass with the Pope. And afterwards he will meet visitors, I believe

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Pope Leo XIII sitting ‌

Holy Father, on this occasion of your Jubilee, Celin, I feel like telling No problem, please permit me to join the Pope about my desire be courageous. the Convent of the to join the Convent of the Carmelites at Carmelites, but I'm getting the age of 15. scared to tell him.

Very good my dear. Obey the decision of the authorities. Oh Holy Father , she is a child who wishes to join the Carmelite Convent at the young age of fifteen. The authorities are examining this matter. But Holy Father, if you permit, I will surely be able to join. If God permits, you will join.


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Dad waiting outside... My dear, what did the Pope say?

Oh Daddy, he didn't give any assurances. Doesn't matter dear, God will lead .

Journey back to Lisieux....

Celin , we don't derive contentment from external situations, but from within the soul.

What luxurious hotels. What comforts. We've never before experienced such luxury, isn't it? Yet we don't feel sad that it is all over.

Oh Jesus, you alone are my joy. I am a small ball in your hands. Small cheap ball, that can be kicked about and hugged by anyone .Oh Jesus, do unto this ball as you wish, as if it were your own.

Reached the kitchen with the maids....

Little Flower , are you mad to give up all these comforts to join the Cloister Convent? Why don't you go elsewhere where you can help and serve others?

Oh come on! You don't realize the glory of the Carmelite Convent, that's why. The world stands on the prayers of the angels within that Convent.

Christmas time..... Little Flower visits her sisters....

I do understand your sadness. You had expected to be here this Christmas, isn't it?

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Sr. Agnes is holding a statue of Infant Jesus, looks like it has life. 'Little Flower' is written on it. Doesn't matter. The more the delay, the greater the joy. You see this?

Wow, Celin! It's really beautiful!

Little Flower

I have no complaints Jesus. Even here I can lead a life of sacrifice, just as in the Convent. Little My dear, the permission of sacrifices like, not the Bishop has been leaning my back, received at the Carmel controlling my Convent. But they have likes and decided that you are to desires etc. enter only after Great Lent. May only So you will have to wait Jesus be aware another 3 months. of them. Lord, grant me the Grace to thirst for souls. Going back home...

After a period of 3 months, Little Flower enters the Convent of the Carmelites Oh Daddy...


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My dear, you will always belong to Jesus.

Dear friends, I’m stopping here the story of Little Flower. Next month I'll be back with the story of another saint. Till then, make small voluntary sacrifices for the love of Jesus, like Little Flower did. Also don’t forget to read the autobiography of Little Flower to know more about her.

IT’S MY JESUS IN THE HOST The First Holy Communion preparatory classes for the children of the parish was going on. After enquiring about their welfare Ancy Miss asked the children,” How many days are left to receive First Holy Communion?” “Five days”,they said aloud. "And how long since our classes have begun?" "Two months", said Mathew promptly. "Ok then, what have you learnt in these two months?" "One by one the children called out, 'The ten commandments', 'The Creed', 'The precepts of the Church', 'The Sacraments'..... Ancy Teacher was pleased. She said, "Ok, so you have finished learning your Catechism. Now if you have any doubts to clear, any questions to ask, you may. "Ma'am, is Jesus really present in the Consecrated Host?" asked young Austin. All the kids looked keenly at Ancy Teacher's face. "A good

question from Austin, all of you listen attentively", said Ancy Miss and she started to explain. "Our Jesus who created us and gave us everything, is really and truly present in the Blessed Host. The Jesus who loves us more than anybody else, the Jesus who knows all the secrets of our heart, Yes, this very Jesus is present in the Host." "But we can't see Jesus in the Host", quipped little Theresa."Yes true, we can't see Jesus in the Host with our eyes, but when we look intently and with faith, Jesus in the Host will become clear to our inner eyes. There is an ejaculatory prayer which helps to increase our faith in the presence of Jesus in the Consecrated Host" "What's this prayer Ma'am, please tell us", asked the eager kids in unison. “The prayer is....It’s my Jesus in the Holy Host” , the children seemed to like it and went on repeating the ejaculation. APRIL 2014


Once again Ancy Teacher asked whether there were any more questions. Little Kripa stood up and said that she had a question to ask. "Why has Jesus made His presence in the Holy Host?" "Ok Kripa, sit down, I'll explain. Jesus has made His solemn presence in the Blessed Host, because He loves us. He doesn't want us to be left alone on this earth. Another reason is that He wishes to console us in our troubles by coming into us in the form of the Host" On hearing this Marcus exclaimed, "Wow! That's really wonderful!What exactly is Jesus in the Host doing inside the tabernacle?" "Now, that's a nice question, Marcus", said Ancy Teacher. She explained, "Listen carefully. In the Ta b e r n a c l e , H e k e e p s thinking about us, waiting for us, ready to grant us Grace in abundance. Therefore He just loves it when we go to church and when we partake in the Holy Eucharist.” “There's time for one more question, who is going to ask?” “I'll ask”, Godwin jumped up and said . “What are the things that we children, who are receiving Holy Communion for the first time, have to do?" Ancy teacher was pleased to hear that question. She said, "Very good. The last question is not the least. 12

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My dear children, we should try to conform our lives to the life of Jesus. Jesus in the Host is a silent worker. We should also do a lot of good, but, noiselessly. We should never boast of the good we do. Here are some of the things that you can do in order to become like Jesus....... -Share your chocolates and toys with others. -Give away at least half of your pocket-money to the poor. -Offer study materials like notebooks, pens, pencils, school-bags, etc. to those who need it. -Pray daily for others. -Help your parents in the daily chores. -When your parents ask you to do things that you don't relish, obey without opposing or grumbling. -Respect your parents and your elders, do not answer them back. After saying all this, Ancy teacher added, “From now onwards, find yourself more things that you can do on behalf of Jesus, and do it without telling anyone. Then, Jesus will become very happy. May Jesus bless you all. Now,let us say our prayers, and go back home.” Boney Chellanam

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An angel of the Lord warned the Wise Kings from the East not to meet King Herod but to return by another route. Oh, is that so?

Joseph gets up with a start from his sleep and hurries to the next room... Mary

We have to leave this place immediately. An angel of the Lord appeared in my dream and said, 'Get up, take the child Jesus and his mother, and flee to Egypt. The baby's life is in danger.'

Yes Joseph, what's wrong? Your face looks pale? What happened?

Oh my God, my poor little baby

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Take only whatever is absolutely necessary, we'll leave the rest of our things here itself. I'll go out and buy a donkey, it's going to be a long journey

Oh no Mary! Taking care of you and the baby is not a botheration for me at all. Get ready fast

Mary is getting the child ready to leave


APRIL 2014

Oh Joseph, you are having to take a lot of trouble

We have to leave before dawn.

My dear little son, my darling baby

Joseph comes back... Could get three donkeys . We can fruitfully use the gifts that the Wise Kings gave us. It'll help us to tide over for some time, even after that God will provide

Mary bids farewell to the people of that house..

Go your way dear, may God bless you

Joseph has come to the market to buy donkeys. I think they are going somewhere. Come, let’s go and find out

cont'd APRIL 2014


YOUCAT 120 CCC 738-741 What does the Holy Spirit do in my life? The Holy Spirit makes me receptive to God; he teaches me to pray and helps me to be there for others. Child

: Granny, papa and mummy told me that we are going for a retreat in the vacation. But, same time I have a summer camp in the school. I don’t know for which I should attend. I am totally confused!

Granny : Don’t worry my dear. The Holy Spirit within you will guide you. Be quiet and listen to what the Holy spirit wants to tell you. Child : How does the Holy Spirit speak to me? Granny : The Holy Spirit is just like a silent guest within us who speaks softly. This Divine Guest talks to us through the voice of our conscience and also through inner promptings. Child : Will the Holy Spirit live in my heart? Granny : Surely. By Baptism He already started living in you. So you have to include Him in all your affairs and discuss with Him all the matters concerning your life. Thus You should live an orderly life, that is pleasing to the Holy Spirit. Child : When the Holy Spirit dwells in my heart happily, I too will obtain God’s qualities. Right granny? Granny : Exactly. And you will be able to do what the God pleases. Child : Thus I will always be happy. I will be able to love and forgive everyone, and do good always. 16

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Hello friends, Hope all of you are enjoying your holidays. This month we are starting the Family Bible study, for which we have been waiting for a long time. We start with the Gospel according to St.Mark and the Psalms. In this month we will be studying the first 4 chapters of the Gospel, one chapter per week and the Psalms chapters 1&2

April 6-12 • Mark 1:11 And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Abba father ,we adore you. April 13-19 • Mark 2:5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee. O Jesus, forgive me; I am a sinner. April 20-26 • Mark 3:35 For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother. O Resurrected Jesus, let your will be done in me. April 27- May 3 • Mark 4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. O Jesus, fill me with your calmness.

APRIL 2014



Again Jesus began to teach beside the sea... Other seed fell into good soil, growing up well and yielding grain thirtyfold, sixtyfold and a hundredfold


APRIL 2014

Come on, let's begin our Bible study. Hmm good, all of you are ready and on the dot for the study. Ok then, Jerin dear , please read the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 4

I have a doubt. Isn't it because the seeds fell at various places that they didn't grow well? Then isn't the mistake with the sowing?

Yes Mom, that's true. Sometimes during Holy Mass, when the Word is being read, I don't even hear what Sephy dear, the field represents our heart, the seed represents the Word. When God was being read. On the other hand, if I pray and prepare my mind before the Father sows the seed, the harvest going to the mass, what new depends on the condition of our heart. For e.g., when our hearts are full of stray thoughts and insights are received while the Word is being read, also what peace is worries, the Word doesn't bear fruit experienced!

St. Therese, the Little Flower whom Sam told us about, used to mug up lot of verses on Love

That means the Word became alive in her, isn't it? Which must be why she could love others so much"

Yes Joby dear, what you said is absolutely correct. It’s not the fault of the Word or of the Sower. The fruit and the harvest depend solely on the field where the Seed falls

Hence, before we read the Word or listen to the Word, let’s pray to the Holy Spirit to prepare our hearts.

APRIL 2014



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ESHFireAHEBAH of Love ANGELS ARMY FAMILY GATHERING 2014 Families, Parents & Children, come together for a family retreat where separate programs are held for parents & children (according to their age group). Programs are arranged in 6 regions. For details contact the respective persons. 1. Kannur

May 16-19

Regional Pastoral Lina : 9495466524 Centre, Padannakkad

2. Palakkad

April 25-27 Senai Retreat Centre, Mundoor

Wilson: 9497252303

3. Trichur

May 9-12

PACCS Irinjalakukda

Joby : 9747237792

4. Ernakulam

May 16-18

Vimaljyothi Renewal Centre, Aluva

Swapna : 9349205088

5. Kottayam

May 8-11

Parithrana Retreat Centre Adichira

Bobachen : 9446202481

6. Thiruvananthapuram

May 1-4

Canosian Convent Vettuthura

Lilly : 9447154184

To get Angels Army Magazine by Post Send us your address and phone number or SMS the detail to the following number 8891585850, 9349205088

Email: Ph: 0484 6444702

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