Angels army kids jan 2014 english

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February 2014


St. Michael the Arch Angel, be our guide and our guard during the time of our spiritual warfare. Protect us from the evil designs of Satan, our enemy. We humbly pray that God rebuke him. O chief of the heavenly army, expel all the wicked spiritual forces that roam the earth with the intention of destroying souls. Drive them to the fires of hell by the power of God.

PRAYER TO THE GUARDIAN ANGEL O my dear guardian Angel, protect me from all dangers. Help me, so that I may remain a beloved child of my Jesus. Safeguard me from all dangers and bad dreams in this night.


Are not all angels spirits in the divine service, sent to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation? Hebrews 1:14 Editor Sunil Elias Executive Editor Mary Martin Executive Manager Sinjo P.K. Editorial Board Fr. Cherian Nereveettil, Renny Njarakulam, Preetha Joseph, Martin Jose, Rose, Mini Wilson, Justin Printer & Publisher Jose Dominic Layout : Diason D’Silva


Patrons Bishop Mar Raphael Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission, KCBC) Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Karikkassery (Charismatic Commission, Vice Chairman, KCBC) Bishop Samuel Mar Irenios (Charismatic Commission, Vice Chairman, KCBC) Spiritual Advisor Rev. Fr. Varghese Manavalan Advisory Board : Rev. Fr. Justin Kaiparambadan, Sr. Sergius, Dr. Edward Edezhath, Baby Chacko, Boney Chellanam Animator Rev. Fr. Abraham Pallivathukal S.J. Jesus Youth, Emmaus, H.M.T.Colony P.O. Kalamassery-683503, Kochi, Kerala Ph: 0484 6444702. Email:


ST. ISIDORE AND ANGELS My dear friends, have you ever heard of St. Isidore? He is a saint who was born in Spain, in the capital city of Madrid. Due to lack of money he could n o t p u rs u e h i s st u d i e s . However Isidore was a very prayerful boy. He would f re q u e nt l y re p e at s m a l l

ejaculatory prayers. He would even make little sacrifices. He was very fond of Jesus. Because of the poverty in h i s f a m i l y, h e h a d t o discontinue his studies and had to start working in the fields. He worked for a man named John. His main job was ploughing. He also had to ward off the birds that came to pick the grains of corn from the fields. Isidore was very regular in attending daily Mass. Mass was at 5 o'clock in the evening. That was the time when most birds would come to eat the corn. Hence it was necessary that somebody had to be present in the fields at that time, to drive away the birds. Isidore's father knew that Isidore was particular about



attending Mass daily, so he would come to the field in the evening to take Isidore's place and send him for Mass. One day his father did not turn up even after 5 p.m. He wondered what he should do. He did not wanted to miss Mass. But if he went, the birds would eat the grains. He got an idea. He told his Guardian Angel, "Look, I am going for Mass, you see to it that the birds don’t come and eat the corn, ok?" With faith he went off for Mass. After Mass he came running back to the fields. What he saw got him worried. His master, the owner of the field was there. "My goodness! Have the birds destroyed the field? Has the master found out that I wasn't here?", he thought to himself.

He fell at the master's feet and b e g ge d fo r fo rg i ve n e s s , "Master, please forgive me if the birds came". His master lifted him up gently and said, "Look, the birds are eating the corn and destroying the other fields, but how is it that there are no birds only in our field?� Isidore explained everything to his master. He told him about his love for the Eucharistic Celebration and about the help he gets from the Heaven. The master was wonderstruck as he listened. "It was Jesus who sent angels to guard our field", Isidore said. There were many, many such occasions in the life of Isidore, when he was helped by the angels. When work was heavy, angels from Heaven would even help him to plough.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And do not rely on your own insight. Lord! I trust in Thee.





Bedtime stories

(Sam's selections of stories from the lives of Saints)

Hello friends, Welcome back. Hope Christmas and New Year has brought happiness, peace,and joy in your homes.Let’s continue with the story of St.Theresa.

Little Flower reaches the Carmelite Convent to visit Pauline, her sister. Do you still want to join the Carmelite Convent, Therese?



yes, I do

Therese, you are still too young. It’s not yet time to decide. We can think of it when it’s time.

Back at home… My heart is hurrying up to be in the Carmelite convent. I feel that God wants me to be here. “For those who find joy in pleasing God, this house will be like heaven.”

Celine, I want to join the Carmelite Convent at the earliest. My heart is full of love for Jesus.

See, that is the order of this place. If God really wants you to be here , you will. I will be praying for you.

Therese, are you serious about it? If it is, I shall pray for you. May His will be done. Speak to Daddy. He is in the garden.




Yes my little Princess!

Daddy, I want to join the Carmelite Convent. But… you aren’t old enough for that!

Jesus is calling me, Daddy. I can hear that clearly. My heart is craving to run over to Jesus, leaving all the worldly pleasures.

If that’s God’s will, I have nothing against it.



Three of my daughters have alreay become the brides of the Lord! If you too wants to join them, I will consider it as an honor from God. Keep on praying. God will surely open a way.

So friends..with today’s episode I am sure you will start praying that God reveal your vocation. “Lord, do unto me according to Thy will”.

Mathew 16:26 For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life? Or what will they give in return for their life? Lord! Let all the worldly pleasures be bitter for me.




With JOY‌ Annumol is a class II student. And her younger sister is in class I. They both prayed earnestly and received a gift from Jesus. Now that they are five at home. Annumol, Minnukkutty, Chinnuvava, Papa and Mummy. When Papa returns to home from office, Annu and Minnu are very happy. Pappa will take them if he goes out. But they have to finish the home work first. They get chances alternatively. Means if papa takes Annu today Minnu will take care of Chinnumol and thing reverses next time. Mummy is happy that one child will be there to take care of Chinnu. One day papa had to meet his Parents. That day the turn was of Minnu. Minnu was very happy that the journey was long. Also 10


she could meet her grant parents. But Annumol was sad because she lost the chance to visit her grant parents. Annu was very dear to her grandmother. As the elder one, she had spent more time with her grant mother. Annu could not contain her sorrow. She started crying. She requested to Minnu: “Can I go with

Pappa this time?” Minnumol couldn’t accept it: “Why? This is my turn to go. Why are you asking like this?” Both of them went to Pappa . Minnu said, “Pappa, this is my turn to come with you. But Annu chechy is asking me to give her this chance. How can this be?” Annu intervened: “Pappa, I am craving to meet granny. Give me this chance.” Pappa responded;’ “It’s up to you to decide. One of you have to give way for the other happily.Both of you go and spend some time in prayer before Jesus. Then come and tell me your decision.” They knelt down before Jesus and prayed for some time. Minnu returned to Pappa first, with a smile.

She said, “papa, please take Annu chechi. She desires very much to meet granny . I shall stay back with Chinnu and Mummy. I will do it happily.” Pappa went into tears. He scooped chinnu up,hugged her and asked, “ Minnu, why did you do that? Minnu replied,” I felt that Jesus asked me to do that way.” “Aren’t you sad then?” “Not at all --- because it’s the Lord’s wish” Dear friends! We should help others to become happy ,do good for them, and should enjoy in their happiness. That’s what Jesus wishes! BONNEY JOSEPH CHELLANAM

1 Timothy 4:12 Let no one despise your youth ,but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love ,in faith, in purity. Oh! Jesus, fill me with your love.




Oh Kittoo, we didn’t know that Little Mary is the mother of our Saviour. Of course she is the one who is worthy to become the mother of our Saviour. What humility, what meekness....

u ttu KittM i

Are they still in that cave? No, no. A kind woman has given them a room to stay in her house. I had been that way yesterday.

Baby Jesus,...Jesus little darling go to sleep, I'll sing you a lullaby, my dear darling Jesus

Joseph, look who's coming. Our priest, Zachariah



You both went through a lot of trouble, isn't it? That shepherd told us everything.

Where is the blanket that those shepherds brought? Shall we cover the baby with it? He must be feeling really cold. The climate's very bad, terribly cold.

But God took care of everything. Please do come in.

My Saviour

The baby is in deep sleep

Oh ! Elizebath was so keen to see the baby.

But our little John has a discomfort. The weather is also very bad

See, all this, she has sent. They’ll be useful to you now.

Thanks a lot Zachariah

How true the prophecy has turned out to be! The Saviour has to be born in Bethlehem only. Let him grow up here. Let God's will be done



Mittoo, I heard a news that tomorrow Baby Jesus will be taken to the temple.

I am ready dude, we can see the presentation of baby Jesus in the temple on the 40th day.

Joseph and Mary ...going to the temple with baby Jesus.

The priest presenting baby Jesus to the Lord.



Mary ...handing over the baby to the priest.

Dear daughter, will you please place the infant in my hands?

Master, eyes have seen your salvation,....a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel

This child is to be a sign that will be opposed, so that the inner thoughts of many will be revealed ...and a sword will pierce your own soul too.

Kittoo, though there were so many people in the temple, only Simeon and Anna were able to recognise him as the Saviour, isn't it?

old woman Anna near Mary Oh! Mary, I'm so happy that I lived to see your child, our Saviour. Hmm... he’s fast asleep

Hadn’t you heard what our masters said. ”Only a soul which has the innocence of a child can understand the thoughts of God”.




Heaven along with us I am Juanna . I am four years old and now in the United States of America with my parents. I attend pre-school here. Everyday I listen to the stories of Jesus, Mother Mary, saints and angels from my mother. I also have their pictures in my room. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is to say “Good morning” to all of them. Then I recite “Psalms 23”.Then I ask for the protection of my “Guardian angel and Michael the Archangel”. My mother used to remind me, ”Juanna, you should start the day with a heart of gratitude before leaving your bed”. Then I would say, ”My Jesus, I love you . I thank you for all the blessings you have given in my life”. Each morning my parents pray rosary and I too join them before I go to school. I read a passage from the children’s Bible. My mother used to tell me ,” When you go somewhere, invite Jesus, saints and angels to come with you and they will do it for sure”. So, while going to school I invite Holy Trinity, holy family, angels and all my favorite saints to come with me. What mom 16


says is correct. I can feel their holy presence around me on my way to school, in the school ,and way back home. In the evening mom wants me to go to bed early. One day she asked me to sleep alone. I was very much scared of darkness.So, I begged her, ” Don’t leave me alone mom, please be with me” and she said,” Sorry honey, I have a lot of work to finish. Why don’t you call your heavenly friends”.”Oh ! Yes, thank you mom.”I replied, and invited Jesus and Mary to sleep on my both sides . And I kept my head on the lap of the heavenly Father . I felt the presence of Holy spirit above my head. Surrounded by all the saints and angels I slept peacefully. I lost the fear of darkness.From that day onwards, I sleep alone. Activity for the kids. Dear children, Like Juanna, Shall we also invite angels and saints wherever we go? When you go to school, when you have to go to bed alone, when you are alone at home …etc, make it a practice to say, "Dear Jesus, Mother Mary, St.Joseph, all the angels and saints, come with me".

Mathew 11:25 I thank you, Father,Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants. Oh! Jesus Give me a clean heart.




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Are we all supposed to become “ saints”? Yes.The purpose of our life is to be united with God in love and to correspond entirely to God’s wishes.We should allow God “to live His life in us”(Mother Teresa).This is what it means to be holy: a “saint”. Child Granny Child Granny Child Granny

Child Granny Child



: Granny, Papa says that I should study well and get a job. What do you like me to become? : Even while studying or working , my sweet heart should lead a saintly life all the time. That’s what I wish. : what does it mean to live a saintly life, granny? : I will explain that… Why do you tell me everything when you come home? : That’s because …I love my granny so… much! : That’s nice. See, Jesus lives in your heart. So he can come wherever you go. You should love Jesus more than you love me and should tell him everything. Thus Jesus will become your best friend. : Then I will do only what my best friend tells me to do, right? : Yes my dear. You should share all your wishes with Jesus and should practice to pray that, “let your will be done, not mine”. : Oh! That was what Nannolina and Kochuthresia did, wasn’t it? I too will make Jesus my best friend and will lead a saintly life. I will also tell my friends to live a saintly life

Rosy,did you know that our Elsa has scored A grade in all subjects?

Why are you saying so? Don’t you know how hard she worked?

Didn’t you listen to what priest said? That we should share the happiness of our friends.That is what God’s children do.

Yes,I heard. That is why she is so over smart.

She used to ask doubts to our Judit. Anyway I felt so happy.

I am sorry Anu. What you said is correct. I ‘ll surely congratulate Elsa when I see her.



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February 2014

RESOURCE TRAINING PROGRAM Angels Army organises a resource training program for those leaders who prepare children and their parents for their First Holy Communion. Venue : Emmaus, Kalamassery Date : rd21st February Friday 5 pm to 23 February Sunday 5 pm Those interested please call : 9895923705 / 8891585850

ESHFireAHEBAH of Love ANGELS ARMY FAMILY GATHERING 2014 Families, Parents & Children, come together for a family retreat where separate programs are held for parents & children (according to their age group). Programs are arranged in 6 regions. For details contact the respective persons. Region

Date of retreat

Contact person

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

May 15-18 April 25-27 May 9-12 May 24-27 May 8-11 May 1-4

Lina : 9495466524 Wilson: 9497252303 Joby : 9747237792 Swapna : 9349205088 Bobachen : 9446202481 Lilly : 9447154184

Kanur Palakkad Trichur Ernakulam Kottayam Thiruvananthapuram

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