Golf Central Magazine-Vol 22 Issue 2

Page 56

Meet LidoChem, Inc founder

– Don J. Pucillo – Note: This year marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of LidoChem. Inc. This month’s Performance Superstar features a conversation with company founder Don Pucillo.

How did you decide to get into the specialty fertilizer business? Pucillo: After graduating from Wagner College in NJ in 1976, and working for BASF, I took a position with a NY subsidiary of a European water-soluble phosphate producer, Prayon-Rupel, and learned about specialty fertilizer production and input sales. I loved the business, but when the New York office closed, I discovered my entrepreneurial spirit and decided to go out on my own. At that time there were only two producers of high-quality water-soluble phosphates. I believed if I could secure the source of products, price them more competitively and serve my customers well, I could build a sustainable business. On May 26, 1981, together with my wife Lisa, we started LidoChem, Inc. in the second bedroom of our home and, with the $2,500 we had saved, bought a desk, chair, business cards, stationary and a telex machine. I flew to Belgium and negotiated an

in the USA, and I was ready for my next

and soil microbes;


• Respect the contribution of each

What are your goals for LidoChem?

component of the ecosystem through

agreement with Prayon-Rupel to act

Pucillo: My guiding philosophy is to be

as their exclusive sales agent in the

“Partners In Growth” with our custom-

USA. During subsequent years I made

ers, helping them solve problems and

several trips to Europe and secured

bringing value in everything we do. The

exclusive rights from other manufac-

overall mission of LidoChem and the

turers of raw material that my custom-

Performance Nutrition Division is to:

a comprehensive Ecosystem Management approach that allows for the optimalization of chemical fertilizer and pesticide applications while correcting the “stressors” that inhibit plant performance and vitality; • Delivering value to our customers

ers used. Within three years of dogged

• Develop & market economical, effec-

determination, we had captured about

tive and “greener” products & programs

33% of the USA market. After ten years,

for crops, turf and ornamental fertility

Prayon-Rupel opened their own office

and disease control utilizing natural

What do you see as highlight to your success?

resources to provide nutrition for plants

Pucillo: Recognizing that with change


each and every time.

Golf Central • Volume 22, Issue 2

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