Italian Pool Technology 2021-2022

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9 th E D I T I O N

Products, accessories, components, building systems, installation technologies, treating systems and equipments

2021 2022 ED.



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under the patronage

in cooperation with

it’s a project by

Sales of stands and scientific secretary: Editrice Il Campo s.r.l. - tel. +39 051 255544 - Organizing secretary and press office: ABSOLUT eventi&comunicazione - tel. +39 051 272523


February 2022 Bologna Fair District Hall 19 | ITALY

Three days of discussions in presence to resolutely move on and strive for innovation, sustainability and a more effective use of energy and resources. In 2022, ForumPiscine – Italy’s only pool and spa fair of international scope – will be an opportunity to learn about all the latest goods and services, attend qualified training and educational events, and extend one’s networking opportunities. The perfect time to seize new opportunities that are already within reach.


13 International Pool & Spa Expo and Congress



9 th E D I T I O N

Products, accessories, components, building systems, installation technologies, treating systems and equipments

ITALIANPOOLTECHNOLOGY was created to promote Italian products for pools and spas in the world market, to facilitate contacts between international companies and Italian organizations. On the website you can subscribe to our periodical newsletters to be regularly updated and to receive the digital copy of the magazine as soon as it’s published. In its 2021 edition, Italian Pool Technology presents the latest news from the Italian pool’s market, with a special section dedicated to prefabricated pools. But the protagonists of Italian Pool Technology are the Italian companies, presented with the information that best describe them and their products, history, vision and mission.

2021 2022 ED.

[ On the front page: Trullo Giulio - Photo: Gaby Mann ]


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ITALIANS DO IT BETTER Design, technology, but also respect for the environment and nature. These are key trends for the Italian pool and spa Industry: beautiful water areas both comfortable and super-equipped.


Fiberglass filters for swimming pools




PREFABRICATED POOLS MADE IN ITALY Today, the Italian market offers a very wide range of technical and construction possibilities for prefabricated pools, multiple options that allow us to place the pool more or less where we want it, transforming builders skills and the customers imagination into reality.



Swimming pool grates and accessories


FAVARETTI GROUP Manufacturer of pool covers

ForumPiscine, the only Italian trade fair with an international range for the pool and spa sector, is ready to welcome all professionals of the industry on 23-2425 February 2022, at the Bologna Fair District, for an exhibition event stimulated by the recovery of a rapidly growing market.




Chemical products for water treatment

34 C.P.A.

Movement and management of water




Solutions for passage and delivery of fluids


Manufacturing of components for pools

ITALIAN POOL TECHNOLOGY № 9 Edition - 2021/2022 powered by PISCINE OGGI magazine ISSN: 0390-3230 To contact the editorial staff: Editor in chief Federico Maestrami Editorial staff: Rita Cesarini, Annalisa Dall’Oca, Davide Venturi Graphic design, print layout & premedia: Paolo D’Andrea

Manufacturer of pool covers

Swimming pool dehumidifiers


A quality selection of Italian companies

Founded by Franco Maestrami Editorial directors: Federico Maestrami, Roberto Maestrami Production and accounts: Via Amendola, 9 - 40121 Bologna (BO) Italy Tel: +39 051255544 - Fax: +39 051255360 E-mail: -

Copyright © all rights reserved. It is forbidden to partially or fully reproduce articles, photographs and designs published in Italian Pool Technology, by any means, without expressed authority from the editor. Names, companies and prices that are eventually published are reported without responsibility, as pure informative right and as a service to the reader. The editor doesn’t respond to expressed opinions by authors in the published articles.


ITALIANS DO IT BETTER « Design, technology, but also respect for the environment and nature. These are key trends for the Italian pool and spa Industry: beautiful water areas both comfortable and super-equipped »

↑↑ [ Doc. Onda Blu Piscine - Photo Marco Bargnesi ]


he coronavirus pandemic we have been experiencing for two years has reshaped the image we had of our private spaces, our homes, our gardens and led us to reclaim and use them like never before. Since last spring, more and more Italians felt the desire – and the need – to give new life to their gardens (and their terraces, roofs, and interiors) by introducing a swimming pool: water is strongly perceived as an element of health and well-being, a tem-


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ple of relaxation and a symbol of fun. This kind of made up for the impossibility to go to public facilities and created many available safe oases for when it’s not possible to get away from home for the summer holidays. Consequentially, small gardens were converted into “outdoor living rooms”, residential pools became gyms for water yoga or water gymnastics, the need to air rooms removed the barriers between indoors and outdoors, and sunbathing

now takes place in the safety of private terraces rather than among other people in a park. At the same time, together with the increase of new pools in Italy (some Italian companies report a 30-50% increase in turnover), there has been a growth in their modernisation and renovation, especially for private pools and private pools for public use. Italian pools are especially outdated: many pools are out of standard and/or need improvement, not only aesthetically, but

« Water is strongly perceived as an element of health and well-being, a temple of relaxation and a symbol of fun »

↑↑ [ Doc. Nord Piscine ]

also in terms of engineering. For this reason, taking advantage of the stalemate imposed by the regulations to prevent the spread of Covid-19, many private individuals and managers of hotels, accommodation facilities, resorts and public facilities decided to upgrade their swimming pools, improving their safety, efficiency and – of course – aesthetics. Thanks to government bonuses, many have also opted for energy and water efficiency interventions to lighten the

consumption of resources and the amount of bills, all with a green perspective that is increasingly felt in our country. Having said that, what are the main features currently required by the Italian pool market? Let's see them together! ITALIAN STYLE Made in Italy knows no bounds: thanks to their skills and experience, Italian pool designers and manufacturers cre5

ate incredibly beautiful and unique scenarios, meeting the tastes and needs of both private and public customers. The Italian swimming pool park welcomes projects of any type, varying from those characterized by an urban feel to the purest and most natural ones, to complex geometric shapes or minimal lines. The elements used – glass, metal, wood, concrete, resin, etc. – combine harmoniously with each other to create high quality pools with great aesthetic impact. Three are the key concepts: design, technolo-

↑↑ [ Doc. Preformati Italia - Photo Ladislav Cesnek ]


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gy and respect for the environment and nature. The Italian pool and spa Industry boasts beautiful water areas both comfortable and super-equipped, enriched with accessories for relaxation and wellness, as well as purely hitech details often combined with the use of natural materials. Among the most recurring elements, the suggestive infinity edge, the insertion of one or more glass or acrylic walls, the stone and wooden surfaces, the underwater LED lighting, the hydromassage areas, water-saving and en-

« Light is a fundamental element, one of the most versatile and exciting architectural forms that can be moulded »

ergy systems, and safety devices. What's more, the management of the pool no longer weighs heavily on the owner. On the contrary, it's simple and smart thanks to home automation, which, with a wide range of automated solutions, facilitates maintenance and ordinary “administration” of the pool. Particularly, glass is an undisputed protagonist in the Italian pool industry when it comes to scenographic effects, always maintaining a refined and modern elegance that strikes straight to the heart of the observer. By using ↓↓ [ Doc. Punto Blu - Photo Michele Iannotti ]

glass for the walls or the floor, the pool gains a considerable architectural and functional value. And let’s not forget another very relevant ally for transparency in the pool: the acrylic, a material that's experiencing ever-increasing popularity in this sector. Although it needs more accurate and careful maintenance, acrylic allows creating the most extreme shapes and innovative patterns, with the designer imagination as the only limit. Light is another fundamental element, one of the most versatile and exciting architectural forms that can be molded, set up and changed: for this reason, designers love it and use it to give pools a truly unique touch. From underwater RGB LEDs, which light up water with iridescent shades, to poolside lights, whose combinations create fantastic and captivating atmospheres or romantic and delicate ones depending on the context and the moment. The Italian pool Industry is also moving towards soft geometries, smooth lines, and a strong presence of sand, wood, or vegetation. Natural and pure, with local and environmentally-sustainable materials: this is the identikit of a pool that’s more and more requested. A mountain lake or pebbled shore, a pool inspired by the countryside, that merges seamlessly with the outdoor area and the outdoor beauty. 7

“GREEN”, PLEASE Eco-sustainability is a central focus. Considered that swimming pools can be eco-sustainable, in Italy Piscine Oggi magazine and ForumPiscine - International Pool and Spa Expo & Congress presented the Self-sufficient Pool, a special project based on a perfectly functioning 1:1 scale installation of an eco-friendly, zero-impact swimming pool, that has been the masterpiece of 2020 edition of the Salon. In short, the demonstration of how technology, automation, sustainability, self-sufficiency can – and must – coexist together in the aquatic system, a model that's not only a construction methodology but a sum of technical devices and good practices united under an avant-garde concept that’s necessary in an age when fresh and clean water is becoming an increasingly rare commodity. Sustainability and zero impact are two more and more important concepts for Italian designers. One of the most recent examples of this trend is in Verona, where a 50,000 square metres disused area will benefit from a redevelopment project leading to the creation of a sports and leisure centre of about 8,000 square metres, the Platys Center. The project, by Magnoli&Partners, an architecture firm of the Edison energy ↓↓ [ Doc. SYS Piscine - Photo Clara Azenoni ]


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« Sustainability and zero impact are two increasingly important concepts for Italian designers »

↑↑ [ Doc. Milla ]

↑↑ [ Doc. Studio Landesign - Photo Cristina Franceschini ]

group, immediately stood out for its strong eco-sustainable connotation, translated into a plan for urban and human regeneration where aesthetics combines with ethics with a view to eco-literacy. The Platys Center, whose design has been awarded the Green Building Council certification (granted to a sports and leisure centre for the first time in Europe) will be classified as a nZEB structure, an acronym for Nearly Zero Energy Building used to indicate highly efficient buildings that require an extremely small amount of energy to operate. These two “awards” were gained by a project that’s perfectly in line with Verona’s need to cut energy consumption and reduce both pollution and carbon dioxide emissions, in order to make the urban environment healthier and fight against energy poverty. 9

↑↑ [ Doc. Edilfare Piscine ]

↓↓ [ Doc. Oase ]


IPT  2021-2022

LET’S HAVE FUN! An especially popular new trend in the Italian private sector is the inclusion of slides, showers and devices that transform the swimming pool into a sort of personal water park. In public centres, the “adventure” dimension is very popular, often including rivers, torrents to be sailed up with rubber dinghies, more or less daring slides, water blades and waterfalls, which transform a pool into a water park without affecting the entrance fee too much. The general impoverishment caused by 2008 economic crisis and, recently, the financial crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic led many families, with less money and more uncertain professional prospects, to change their definition of holi-

« More and more people want some devices that transform the swimming pool into a sort of personal water park »

↑↑ [ Doc. Acquapark ]

days, aiming at low-cost experiences. The same trend, although on a smaller scale, has occurred in the residential swimming pool sector: more and more private individuals want to add a little exercise, for the health of the body and the enjoyment of the mind. Similarly, there are people who prefer to convert their swimming pool into a gymnasium, also taking into account the coronavirus restrictions: this is

why they choose elements that allow them to do sport in the water, from aquabikes to underwater treadmills, up to devices for swimming with a current. Finally, there is an increasing demand for waterfalls, spouts, geysers and hydromassage areas: apart from livening up the pool area, these elements are extremely useful allies for well-being and relaxation. 11

KEY WORD: SAFETY No device can ever replace a human being. However, devices might help to ensure that there is constant control in the pool and intervene and prevent fatal accidents. For this reason, more and more private pool owners and managers of public facilities decide to provide their pools with safety devices. Underwater alarms, in particular, are considered to be very effective in preventing accidental drowning, especially in combination with a barrier that keeps children from entering the water without supervision. While a cover is necessary to prevent accidental falls when the pool is

not in use, wearable water wings are becoming increasingly popular, especially in order to protect younger swimmers. Safety outside the pool is also taken into account by installing anti-slip and anti-trauma floors, which are very useful for reducing the number of accidents linked to the presence of water on surfaces that become slippery. Finally, circulation pumps equipped with a safety device capable of disabling the pump's suction capacity within a few seconds and immediately releasing a trapped body or object are becoming increasingly common. ↑↑↓


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[ Doc. Progetto Ambiente - Photo Piscine Castiglione ]

« Decorating the area around a swimming pool is like decorating a living room or a dining room: you need taste, an eye and above all a good overall view »

DECORATING WITH STYLE As stated before, the pandemic we are currently living has reshaped our private spaces and gardens. For this reason, more attention is being paid to the furnishing of these spaces and, of course, of the poolside. The choice is increasingly falling on sofas in resistant yet fashionable fabrics, carpets that withstand poolside constant humidity and beautiful wooden tables designed to withstand the weather. And then the materials: wood, glass, plexiglass, stone, metals. Decorating the area around a swimming pool is like decorating a living room or a dining room: you need taste, an eye and above all a good overall view. By combining design and materials, our outdoor environment can take on the character we want: a shabby chic corner, with pastel colours and soft curves, with a hint of Art Nouveau and a touch of classic country taste, a more minimalist connotation, with clean lines, uniform shades and a studied contrast between materials or even a romantic atmosphere, with floral patterns, sweet combinations of canvas and wood, and maybe some floating lamps. And since taking a shower is a good rule before entering a pool, this accessory also becomes a stylish detail: made of steel or wood, with a built-in foot washbasin or eco-friendly, in all shapes and/or sizes, the shower is a must-have that washes all thoughts away before a healthy dive into the pool.

↑↑ Doc. Mirani Piscine - Photo Marco Tosi


PREFABRICATED POOLS MADE IN ITALY « Today, the Italian market offers a very wide range of technical and construction possibilities for prefabricated pools, multiple options that allow us to place the pool more or less where we want it, transforming builders skills and the customers imagination into reality »

↑↑ Doc. Preformati Italia


refabricated pools evolved over time and today represent an economical solution that is, at the same time, versatile and aesthetically appealing. Thanks to the latest technological innovations, an untrained eye might not even notice any difference between a “classic” pool and a prefabricated one. Increasingly well-equipped, with more attention to details and finishes and more and more care-


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fully and elegantly integrated into the surrounding area, prefabricated pools are the best solution for those who cannot have a pool built on site. Since they are produced in-house and then assembled on-site, these pools can be easily transported, not to mention the considerable advantage of a significantly reduced completion time, up to a few days. Panels can be made of various materials: metal,

« Italian companies have developed a number of building systems to manufacture prefabricated pools of the highest level » ↑↑ [ Doc. Piscine Solaris ]

cement, plastic, and innovative mixtures. Italian companies have not fallen behind and, in some instances, have even developed several building systems to manufacture prefabricated pools of the highest level and with unique characteristics. Below is a selection of Italian companies that offer solutions characterized by the quality that only Italian products can guarantee. 15

C.P.A. M

editerranea is C.P.A.'s self-supporting and completely independent swimming pool that, thanks to its modular structure in galvanised steel panels, allows for practical and suitable installation on any type of soil without any building work. Mediterranea is suitable for both outdoor and indoor solutions and has a pre-welded PVC coating that guarantees its durability over the years and a perfect aesthetic finish. All the components for operating the system are pre-equipped in the structure - it is possible to equip the pool with a counter-current swimming system, hydromassage systems and an in-pool or out-


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pool RGB LED lighting. The modular composition also allows for quick installation and is perfect for those contexts where an in-ground pool might be too challenging. If you want to remove the pool, simply dismantle it without too much effort. Finally, the last external cladding allows a wide choice of colour combinations between the edge and the side panels to choose the most suitable style and give it the right touch of personality. The kit comes complete with operating system, accessories and electrical panel. →


assion, style and quality: these elements have characterised our business for over 47 years. Carobbio is a Made in Italy flagship in the sector of edges and accessories for swimming pools. The craftsmanship that is part of our culture has allowed us to develop an international market of over 3,000 swimming pools per year. Carobbio is the strength of a founder and the expansive capacity brought to the company by the second generation, with commitment, spirit of initiative and readiness to new challenges. Rock Pool is a new and innovative system of self-supporting and modular reinforced fibre cement panels, created

and patented by Carobbio (PATENT NR 000141413 Rock Pool Technology). Our construction technology makes it possible to manually install any form of self-supporting swimming pool by means of individual prefabricated concrete panels, in a short time and in compliance with anti-seismic regulations and UNI EN 16582. Rock Pool is the ideal solution for pools that can be assembled and disassembled. They can be assembled in just one day and are anti-seismic, light and suitable for all types of coverings. →



emi is specialized in design and construction of swimming pools, saunas, wellness centers, rehabilitative pools, water parks and thermal parks, indoor and outdoor for public and residential buildings for customized projects. All our items are made in high-quality materials and we are focused on research and new technologies according with all market demands. Steela is Cemi's revolutionary stainless-steel structure suitable any kind of facility by opti-


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mizing construction times and maintenance cost. With the know-how accumulated and consolidated throughout 50 years of activity, Cemi and its personnel support the customer in designing and carrying out any kind of water facilities with the best available technologies and the touch of Italian style and creativity. →



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solplast has been dealing with waterproofing for more than 15 years and this experience has led to the creation of Isola, an innovation and design concept that offers a high-quality product, patented and completely Made in Italy. Isola is an above-ground swimming pool with a load-bearing design thanks to its structure in top-grade, self-extinguishing EPS, fully lined with Isolflex, a resistant, elastic and aesthetically pleasing elastomer that eliminates the need for PVC sheeting. Isola is versatile in terms of size and comfort (thanks to its slightly soft and anti-trauma sur-

face), aesthetic line and lightness given by the materials used. Isola can be placed both indoors and outdoors, becoming an integral part of the surrounding area. Therefore, it can be customised according to personal taste, from the colours of the interchangeable covers to the fabrics for the components and optional extras. Isola's structure is load-bearing and compact along the entire edge perimeter so that you can sit down before enjoying a pleasant bath! →



ounded in 1961 in Italy, Myrtha Pools has become leader in the swimming pool industry. Its patented pre-engineered modular pool system - featuring laminated stainless-steel panels and a buttress system - enables a Myrtha structure to attain perfect waterproofing. Myrtha technology provides the ideal solution to the many limitations of traditional reinforced concrete structures and ordinary prefabricated swimming pools. For swimming pool refurbishment and renovation of existing pools, the special RenovAction technology has been developed based on Myrtha Pools’ exclusive modular system. In addition to their durability, Myrtha swimming pools can easily be installed on floors above ground level. Taking our swimming pools


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as close as possible to the sky has never been easier, all we need is a lift! Myrtha pools are light, as well as being sturdy and flexible. Three characteristics that allow to install Myrtha pools anywhere, even in the most challenging of environments such as in seismic zones and on landfills. Myrtha Pools leads the way in sustainability in the swimming pool design and construction industry contributing to several categories of the LEED and BREEAM rating systems. Energy efficiency, water and raw material savings, long life cycle, indoor air quality, and low emissions are just some of the areas where Myrtha pools make a difference. →


ynamism, soundness and attention to new market trends in order to always offer an up-to-date, quality product: this is the philosophy of Piscine Solaris. The company has developed exclusive, patented production systems that allow us to make in-ground pools of all shapes and sizes with overflow skimmer (with the exclusive “Skimmer-up”, the water level is only 5 cm from the edge) or with overflow edge (with the exclusive patented “Sfioro-top” system, the overflow channel perfectly follows the shape of the in-ground pool and the overflow level can be adjusted by up to 1 cm even when the pool is completed) for

both private and public use. Oasix, one of our top products, can have different shapes and sizes depending on the customer's choice. It can have geometric, curved, classic or modern lines and can be developed in a whole series of models inspired by oases around the world. Each pool can be equipped with a sunken beach and a concrete solarium. Oasix swimming pools are characterised by rounded shapes, progressive depth and a whole series of elements that contribute to making them as close as possible to natural environments. →



olyfaser is a European leading company in the development, production and marketing of fibreglass (GRP) swimming pools and swimming pool covers. With the flexibility of a family company and through continuous innovation and creativity, we work tirelessly to inspire our customers and partners every day. From the very beginning, we have focused on manual manufacturing our products: all layers are applied by hand and finally supplemented by auxiliary structures. In cooperation with our experienced suppliers, we constantly work on further developing materials and production techniques. For these reasons, our


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GRP swimming pools are durable and designed for use over several decades, quick to be assembled and immediately ready for use and with reasonable purchase and maintenance costs. In addition, they require little maintenance and are easy to clean and commission even after periods of disuse. They are weatherproof and resistant to seasonal temperature changes and are stable and officially certified by specific tests, guaranteeing uncompromising high quality (model approval and static tests are carried out by TÜV-Germany). →

PREFORMATI ITALIA P reformati Italia is an innovative and dynamic company that operates in the wellness market with professionalism and extreme competence. It is the first company in Italy to produce self-supporting EPS System prefabricated modular structures made of high-density self-extinguishing sintered expanded polystyrene (EPS AE - Airpop™ Engineered Air), smoothed and reinforced with fibreglass fabric. With Klimapool, Preformati Italia creates lightweight swimming pools (they can even be positioned on the top floors of buildings), customised (thanks to light and ductile state-of-the-art materials that allow designers to give free play to their creativity and create extraordinary

architecture, even in extremely difficult environmental and structural conditions), highly energy-efficient (Klimapool® swimming pools are accompanied by an energy classification certificate) and environmentally friendly. Klimapool exploits the insulating properties of the raw material used to manufacture the swimming pool, a polymer compound with high quality standards, and combines it with reinforcing and waterproofing solutions: all the swimming pool elements manufactured with this technology have a higher energy yield than the most common traditional technologies. →



he design and functionality skills that have always been Iron Sistemi’s distinctive signs have created the right conditions for focusing the spotlight on a creative product, which can be offered to the international market through a collection of above-ground swimming pools with the utmost level of technological innovation and aesthetics. A project that takes shape in the creation of an entire collection inspired by wellness, comfort and sustainability, without sacrificing aesthetics: SpatiumPiscine. High-quality materials, modularity in width and depths and a wide range of finishes make this new collection of SpatiumPiscine the perfect furnishing accessory in different settings and applications. Planar is a new design trend: is the ideal solu-


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tion for those looking for a garden pool that fits into limited spaces. There are various possible settings and configurations of the Planar model with the implementation of mezzanines, platforms, stairs and complementary handrails without sacrificing design; and Spatium poolscan be placed on any type of ground. Our team includes technical experts capable of responding to any request in terms of design, space and materials. Spatium above-groundpools, leaders in multi-sensorial experiences: they can be installed in any environment, even inareas limited by landscape constraints, without any kind of building work. →

The collection dedicated to the design and technology of the Italian pool

The Italian Pool Design collection shows the most beautiful pools candidate to the Italian Pool Award, year after year

A collection of solutions, projects and ideas for the design, the inclusion in the environment and the production of private pools, commercial pools and bio pools: this and much more is Italian Pool Design. The series of volumes, which has its roots in the Italian Pool Award, the Italian prize created by the magazine Piscine Oggi, comes from a clear intent: to highlight the design and manufacturing excellence of Italian companies throughout the world.

For orders: e-mail: tel: +39 051 255544 web:


EXPO, MEETING AND MUCH MORE « ForumPiscine, the only Italian trade fair with an international range for the pool and spa sector, is ready to welcome all professionals of the industry on 23-24-25 February 2022, at the Bologna Fair District, for an exhibition event stimulated by the recovery of a rapidly growing market »


ave the date: from 23 to 25 February 2022, at Hall 19 of the Bologna Fair District, the international aquatic industry meets to take stock of the situation. The thirteenth edition of ForumPiscine – International Pool & Spa Expo and Congress will be a chance, for the swimming pool and spa industry, to give life to a shared relaunch platform, to take the floor and define common requests together, a starting point for overcoming the Covid-19 emergency and the subsequent economic crisis. The leading com-


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panies of the sector, both in Italy and elsewhere, will present products, technologies, accessories and solutions for building, renovating, maintaining and managing swimming pools, from private pools to public swimming facilities of all sizes (from large swimming pools to the pools of spas, sports centres and fitness clubs). In short, it will be an opportunity to meet and talk, to discuss the latest regulations and reformations, and meet new operators and buyers.

WATER CULTURE IN THE POST-PANDEMIC AGE ForumPiscine Congress 2022 – with free admittance – will deal with managerial and environmental sustainability, innovation and research, investments and savings, rules and sports regulations, addressing the whole supply chain of a market that, after the long closure imposed by the pandemic, is polarized between an increase in demand and the difficulties faced by pool and aquatic facility managers in restarting their activities at full capacity. Therefore, ForumPiscine 2022 will be a great opportunity for companies and players to make a fresh start in the challenging scenario created by the long health emergency. The three days will see important initiatives and projects aimed at providing actual support to the sector, in close collaboration with institutional partners such as FIN – the Italian Swimming Federation, ENEA – the Italian National Agency for Energy Efficiency and Economic Development and ICS – the Italian Institute for Sports Credit, academic institutions such as the University of Rome Foro Italico, leading companies in the water sector and a network of new players known thanks to initiatives aimed at supporting the sector organised in these difficult past months. Also worth emphasising is the participation of UNPISI (the Italian Association of Prevention Technicians in the Environment and

« ForumPiscine is an opportunity to meet new operators and buyers, to discuss the latest regulations, to discover the innovations »

Workplaces), whose collaboration with ForumPiscine has a main clear purpose: to contribute to a paradigm shift that will allow managers of public and private pools for collective use to interact positively with prevention technicians who inspect facilities, leading to a virtuous synergy between these two realities that, until today, looked at each other with suspicion. All this in the common interest of developing effective and efficient management practices for the benefit of users. 27

THE SPECIAL PROJECT “LABORATORY POOL” ForumPiscine 2022 will also feature an unprecedented installation dedicated to the culture of water in its broadest meaning, the Laboratory Pool, a multifunctional treatment scientific swimming pool. Among the main novelties of ForumPiscine 2022, indeed, is the Project “Educational” dedicated to the analysis of water for recreational use (even in times of pandemic): the Laboratory Pool will be a pool equipped with an open system of water treatment and filtration in compliance with current regulations, an

equipped area that will host theoretical and practical moments of water analysis and testing, as well as simulations and live shows for companies. This special project was developed by ForumPiscine in collaboration with the Laboratory of Epidemiology and Biotechnology of the University of Rome “Foro Italico” and with the participation of UNPISI. The Laboratory Pool will be a great opportunity for discussion and education with a view to the improvement of the entire sector.




LABORATORY POOL AREA A. Laboratory Pool B. Workshop/Live Show Room C. Information Area

« This special project was developed by ForumPiscine in collaboration with the Laboratory of Epidemiology and Biotechnology of the University of Rome “Foro Italico” and with the participation of UNPISI »


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THE LIVE SHOWS ForumPiscine 2022 will offer its visitors, free of charge, a rich programme schedule of Live Shows, i.e., practical presentations of products and applications as well as professional demonstrations and exchange of know-how. At the stands in the expo area of Hall 19, visitors can attend a program of live events held by the exhibiting companies, with a dynamic and spectacular approach, to allow them to learn about and touch directly the main innovations and latest trends in the sector. A unique opportunity to discover at first hand and without filters what the future holds for the aquatic sector.


ITALIAN EXCELLENCE ON DISPLAY In 2022, the Italian Pool Award - the prize created by the magazine Piscine Oggi – will also return, celebrating its 50th anniversary at ForumPiscine 2022, an important and prestigious milestone – with the intent of celebrating Italian professionals in the pool and spa sector. The Italian Pool Award strives to recognize and celebrate the pools that em­body a model of a well-designed and well-built facility, with innovative technological content, respect for the environ­ment, an accurate design, and care to water and/ or energy savings. A jury of professionals will carefully evaluate the candidates for each of these categories: residential pools (indoor and outdoor), commercial pools (indoor and out­door), and bio-pools. During ForumPiscine 2022,


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the ever-present photographic exhibition of all the competing pools will present them to the public and will give visitors the chance to view their plans and sections, discovering every design secret. Well, almost!

MANY GOOD REASONS TO PARTICIPATE →→ The only international trade fair for the swimming pool and spa sectors in Italy, the 4th market in Europe. →→ Event organized in total safety, with the guarantee of the measures adopted by BolognaFiere. →→ Relevant business and networking opportunities with players from the entire supply chain and collateral sectors. →→ Laboratory Pool. →→ Live Show. →→ International congress with technical and managerial sessions and insights. →→ Presence of exhibitors and visitors from countries around the world.

STAY IN TOUCH Web: E-mail: Phone: +39 051 255544 Fax: +39 051 255360



Barchemicals Group SECTOR: Chemical products for water treatment, dosing and control technologies for aquatic centers and spas COMPANY NAME:


Dr. Corrado Barani Dr. Andriy Bilyy


Via Salvador Allende, 14 41051 Castelnuovo Rangone (MO), Italy PHONE: +39 059 537765 FAX: +39 059 5332058 E-MAIL: WEB:

« Barchemicals Group, a 35 years old reliable company in the water treatment market » LARGE GROUP, GREAT SERVICE


archemicals Group, founded and managed by Dr. Corrado Barani, operates, since 1984, in Water Treatment Market, with both chemical and technology products. All products are strictly “Made in Italy”, produced by group companies, compliant with high quality criteria on local and international level: Barchemicals Group takes care of chemicals for swimming pools, spa

BIOVITRUM® BioVitrum® is the new filtration media made of potassium sodium silicate glass with added chemical composition of nanotechnological particles of Silver and Titanium. It pro32

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centers, bio lakes and hard surfaces treatment. Engineering Corporation produces DDS (Diluition Dosing Systems), electronic control units (Telepool) and UV Lamps. Meanwhile Barchemicals Biopharma is focused on Legionella disease prevention, with a large offer of chemical products and Smart Medical System Technology.

vides highest efficiency saving water and electricity by preventing limes-scale formation and avoiding caking process inside the filters. ↑

I SALI DELLA VITA® I Sali della Vita® - Thermal and Spa line, made for recreating the most important characteristics of alkaline thermal water, allowing benefits of healthy mineral salts like Magnesium (Mg), Potassium (K), Iodine (I). Among the products are offered natural pH correctors, oxidants, algaecides, bactericides and products for electrolysis treatment. →

DDS – DILUTION DOSING SYSTEMS Professional feeders, characterized by easy installation, simple use and low maintenance costs. Operating through atmospheric pressure it guarantees high safety levels with important energy savings. DDS are made in many different models: →→ DDS Eco Wash & DDS Evolution – calcium hypochlorite tablets (max 20 gr.); →→ DDS 3000 – calcium hypochlorite tablets to be used in large dimension pools; →→ DDS G. – any kind of granular biocide: SDIC and calcium hypochlorite; →→ DDS 3000 G. – any kind of granular biocide: SDIC and calcium hypochlorite mainly for agriculture use; →→ DDS Multi-action – for biocide’s tablets: calcium hypochlorite TCCA, SDIC, bromine and active oxygen.

SMART TELEPOOL SAVE ENERGY Smart Telepool Save Energy is a brand new colorimetric controlling system model, made to check water quality (free and combined chlorine, pH level, redox, conductivity and temperature) thanks to its user friendly LCD touch screen. It is possible to set and store data values, according with local regulations, and provide warning messages. Available in five different languages (Italian, English, French, Spanish and Russian). →

UV-C NANOTECH LINE Professional double-wave length UV lamps (185 and 253.7 nanometers) able to destroy both organic and bacteria components. The Ozone Plus model combines water disinfection with ozone’s power, thanks to a patented system of continuous quartz’s tube cleaning. UV-C Nanotech is compatible with most coatings and materials and is very simple and easy to be installed. UV-C Nanotech has two product lines and five different models. Low pressure UV-C lamp model has a life time of about 16,000 working hours. ←

SMART MEDICAL SYSTEM Proportional system for dosing microbiocide to prevent and control of legionellosis disease. Suitable for both chlorine and oxygen biocides, the technology improves biocides power using a reaction chamber added with Biovitrum Ag+ and Titanium nanoparticles, on a very extended superficial area. → 33





C.P.A. s.r.l. SECTOR:

Manufacturing of components for pools CONTACT PERSON:

Ms. Federica Cussino E-MAIL:

Via Don Demetrio Castelli, 71 12060 Roddi (CN), Italy PHONE: +39 0173 615693 FAX: +39 0173 620922 WEB:


.P.A. s.r.l. is a leading Italian company specialized in the production of components for swimming pools and it has a long time experience in design, construction, and manufacturing of pool components. Activities are based on the design and manufacturing of products for residential and public pools. C.P.A. s.r.l. was born more than 20 years ago in the North of Italy, Region of Piemonte, and

over the years it has become a leader in the pool business, spreading its brand abroad in several countries in Eastern Europe, reaching a sales volume of over 10 million euros per year. Innovation and product quality have always been the main driving values of the company, along with careful market research on customers’ needs, to satisfy every demand aiming for the best.

« Innovation, research and development are the main driving values of the company to guarantee product quality » EPS PANELS C.P.A. s.r.l. manufactures pre-formed isothermal formworks used as a fast and easy casting system for concrete pools. Such hollow panels are reinforced with iron and anchored to the foundation, filled in by casting concrete in the mold which will incorporate the formwork that will be34

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come integral part of the structure. After that, the coating – any one is fine – and the hydraulic system can be placed. Moreover, EPS has isothermal properties that help maintaining temperature and reduce heat dissipation in the surrounding ground. ↑

LIBERTY SPA Liberty Spa is perfectly suitable for small spaces. Its compact dimensions facilitate its integration and installation outside and inside, while maintaining the advantages of a traditional swimming pool.

Liberty Spa is a combination of technology, equipped (Prestige version) for your wellness with: counter-current swimming device, hydromassage seats, air jets lounger and automated heating system. ↓

MEDITERRANEA, THE INDEPENDENT POOL Mediterranea is the new self-supporting and independent pool by CPA that – thanks to its particular structure – can be easily set up both indoor and outdoor to meet any desire and space requirement. Its exclusive structure, with a few simple tricks, allows an easy installation on all types of ground without structural work. Mediterranea is made with a modular galvanized steel pan-

els system and a PVC coating welded in place that guarantees durability over the years. The outer coating is in hot-painted plate, resistant to any kind of external aggression like insects, fungi or hail, snow and UV radiation. It has an equipped technical room located discreetly in the head of the pool to optimize space and guarantee a perfect aesthetic finish. ↓

SPA YUI YUI is the new, elegant and minimal hydromassage tub created in collaboration with the French company Red Pool, that has included it in its production of pool components among the wide range of fiberglass ladders, technical rooms and Blue Vision mini-pools. The clean, linear and contemporary design makes Yui a wellness item – thanks to its air/water nozzles – and a piece of furniture suitable for indoor and outdoor use as it can be installed harmoniously in any environment. ← 35




Canale Antonio & C. SECTOR:

Fiberglass filters for swimming pools CONTACT PERSON:

Mr. Lorenzo Canale E-MAIL:

Via Umbria, 10 Z.I. 36015 Schio (VI), Italy PHONE: +39 0445 575297 FAX: +39 0445 575377 E-MAIL: WEB:

Pure filtered water Made in Italy.

Dal 1973 produciamo

Since 1973 we have been producing FRP Filters for water

treatment to the following standards: UNI 10637, DIN 19605 « Always our constant to quality, we are proud Filtri inemphasizing Vetroresina per depurazione acque,commitment 19643-19644, Ö-Norm M6216, SIA, GOST, etc. Over the years, we have specialized inthe producing bobbin wound le normative:aUNI 10637, DIN 19605,so that tosecondo have remained family business we can conserve style and filters with radial and polar windings using machines we design O-Norm M6216, SIA, GOST. and build ourselves. We can construct small filters for private brand of our tradition » Nel corso di questi anni, ci siamo specializzati pools and especially large-size filters for hotels, public water

nella produzione di filtri bobinati con avvolgimento radiale e polare, avvalendoci di macchine da noi progettate Antonio & C. is a company deals with fibereanale realizzate. Siamo in gradothat di costruire filtri glass, especially in the construction of filters for wadi piccole dimensioni per piscine private, e ter treatment. Since 1973, our presence in the sector has soprattutto filtri di gradi dimensioni been recognized all over Europe and we have been proper alberghi, impianti pubblici, bagni ducing FRP Filters for water treatment to the termali following e centri ricreativi. In caso di ristrutturazione standards: UNI 10637, DIN 19605 19643-19644, Ö-Norm piscine non sia installare M6216,di SIA, GOST,dove etc. Today we possibile are especially active in Germany and Austria, but also in thei Baltic countries filtri interi, possiamo fornire filtri tagliati in like 2, Sweden, Poland, andsaranno Russia. Over the years, we have dai spe3, 4 parti, che assemblati in loco cialized in tecnici producing bobbin wound filters with radial and nostri specializzati. Costruiamo inoltre Filtri orizzontali, Reattori per Ozono, Prefiltri, IPT  2021-2022 Serbatoi in Vetroresina, realizzati anche in dimensioni speciali a disegno,



systems, thermal spas, and recreational facilities. Whenever the renovation of existing pools precludes the assembly of whole filters, we can provide filters cut into 2, 3 , and 4 parts to be assembled onsite by our specialized technicians. We also construct horizontal filters, ozone reactors, pre-filters, polar windings using machines we design and and build ourGRP tanks, can also besmall built to special designs andand selves. Wewhich can construct filters forclient private pools dimensions in compliance with regulations.

especially large-size filters for hotels, public water systems,

thermal facilities. Whenever the renSeit 1973spas, stellenand wir recreational GFK-Filterkessel für Wasseraufbereitung nach den of Normen UNIpools 10637, DIN 19605the 19643-19644, ovation existing precludes assembly of whole Ö-Norm M6216, SIA und GOST. Im Laufe dieser Jahre haben filters, we can provide filters cut into 2, 3, and 4 parts to be wir uns auf die Produktion von umwickelten Filtern mit assembled onsiteWicklung by our specialized technicians. radialer und polarer auf selbst konstruierten undWe also constructMaschinen horizontal filters, ozone reactors, pre-filters, and gebauten spezialisiert. Wir bauen kleinere Filter für private Schwimmbecken, Filter mit großen GRP tanks, which can alsovor beallem builtaber to special client designs Abmessungen für Hotels, öffentliche Anlagen, Thermalbäder and dimensions in compliance with regulations. und Freizeitzentren. Wenn bei der Umgestaltung von Schwimmbecken keine ganzen Filter eingebaut werden können, liefern wir in 2, 3 oder 4 Teile getrennte Filter, die vor Ort von unseren Techniker zusammengesetzt werden. Zudem fertigen wir Horizontalfilter, Ozonreaktoren, Vorfilter und GFK-Behälter, die auch nach Zeichnung gemäß den

EUROPA FILTER DIN 19605 Bobbin wound FRP-Filter DIN 19605, complete with plate and sprayer nozzles (min. 70 units/sqm) and side manhole Ø 400-500, upper manhole from Ø 150 to 500, sightglass Ø150 - 210 (Hs.1250mm) PN 10 in/out Flanges, water drain, air outlet, round base in fiberglass. Constructed in Isophtalic resin and Liner in DIN 18820 Vinylestere Gel-Coat. ↓

Discover all the available sizes FILTER Ö-NORM M6216 Bobbin wound GFK-Filter according to Ö-NORM M6216, complete with plate and sprayer nozzles (min. 70 units/ sqm), side manhole from Ø 400-500, and sightglass Ø 210300. PN 10 in/out Flanges, water drain, air outlet, GFK-feet. Constructed in Isophtalic resin with internal Liner in certified DIN 18820 Vinylestere Gel-Coat. ↓

Discover all the available sizes

FILTER UNI 10637 Bobbin wound FRP-Filter UNI 10637, complete with plate and sprayer nozzles (min. 70 units/sqm) and side manhole, Ø 400, upper manhole Ø 150 - 210 - 300 - 400. On request with Sightglass Ø150 - 210. PN 10 in/out Flanges, water drain, air outlet, round base in fiberglass. Constructed in Isophtalic resin and with internal Liner in certified DIN 18820 Vinylestere Gel-Coat on request. ↓

Discover all the available sizes FILTER DIN 19605-19643/19644 Bobbin wound FRP-Filter DIN 19605- 19643/19644, complete with plate and sprayer nozzles (min. 70 units/sqm) and side manhole from Ø 400-500, upper manhole from Ø 150 to 500, sightglass Ø 150-210-300 (Hs.1250mm). PN 10 in/out Flanges, water drain, air outlet, support feet in fiberglass. Constructed in Isophtalic resin with internal Liner in certified DIN 18820 Vinylestere Gel-Coat. ↓

Discover all the available sizes





Dab Pumps

049 5125000 049 5125950 E-MAIL: WEB: FAX: +39


Movement and management of water ADDRESS:

Via Marco Polo, 14 Mestrino 35035 (PD), Italy

« Simple and efficient solutions are the biggest types of innovations. The technology of our products speaks the same language of those who buy or use them. This is our strength »


ounded in Mestrino (Padua) in 1975, DAB Pumps Spa is a company specialized in the sector of the technologies for the movement and management of water. DAB offers technological solutions capable of ensuring reliability and efficiency, and to optimise energy consumption in residential building service, commercial building service, agricultural and irrigation applications. Grown in the industrial area of the North-East, among the most active in our


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country, today DAB is a multinational company that has 6 production sites – 4 in Italy (the headquarters in Mestrino, Bientina, Castello di Godego and Val Liona), 1 in Hungary (Nagykanizsa) and 1 in China (Qingdao) – 14 sales branches around the world and a sales representative in the United Arab Emirates (Dubai), with a volume of business that in 2019 exceeded 326 million euros. The constant dedication to ensuring high standards of performance, the de-

clared orientation towards sustainability and transparency, the flexible and customer-focused approach, the enhancement of human resources, the far-sighted but concrete entrepreneurial vision, which embraces the new digital challenges and offers its customers simple and effective solutions thanks to the experience, know-how and talent of its professionals: these are the distinctive features of the company philosophy that have made DAB Pumps one of the big players in the sector at international level.

ESWIM 300 Born from DAB Pumps forty years of experience in the field of technologies for movement and management of water, ESwim 300 is a high energy efficiency electronic pump for swimming pools, perfect for both residential environments and public installations, for its high hydraulic performance allows to adapt it to any pool. In particular, the new version is excellent for meeting the filtering and cleaning needs of large swimming pools, completing, with ESwim 150, a

range of electronic pumps, unique on the market in terms of energy-saving, ease of installation and silence. The elements that distinguish this pump are the high-efficiency permanent magnet motor, water-cooled, which ensures silent operation; the variable or constant flow control, that offers unparalleled ease of installation, and finally, the design that blends aesthetics with resistant and robust materials. Furthermore, ESwim 300 can be managed both from the integrated display, in manual or automatic mode with weekly programming, and from any external control panel, analog or digital, thanks to increased hardware and software functions. The flexibility of use adds to the greater safety already guaranteed by the SVRS device - Safety Vacuum Release System - capable of disabling the suction capacity of a pump in the pool within 4 seconds, to immediately free a body or a trapped object. 39




Depa s.r.l. SECTOR:

Swimming pool grates and accessories CATEGORY:

Equipment and accessories CONTACT PERSON:

Mr. Nicola Devescovi

Via Tolotti, 2/B 25040 Esine (BS), Italy PHONE: +39 0364 360260 FAX: +39 0364 360657 WHATSAPP: +39 335 1286033 E-MAIL: WEB:

«Thanks to its extensive experience in the field, its competence and specialist know-how, Depa can offer top quality products at competitive prices» 50 YEARS TOGETHER Depa was founded in 1972 and our “core business” is represented by the production and sale of technical items for swimming pools such as gratings, floating anti-wave lanes, pvc and liner profiles, drainage drains, ladders and also portable anti-slip floors and beach walkways, all in compliance with the regulations, FINA, FIN, DIN, EN, RoHS y REACH. Over the years, we have established profitable business relationships in over 81 countries around the world. Our main goal is complete customer satisfaction. Every day we listen carefully to individual requests and propose the most appropriate solutions from time to time.


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GRATINGS Depa manufactures grates for gutter in 16 models and 16 standard colors, such as green, blue, grey, crème, yellow, orange, etc. Depa can offer linear and bendable grates, roll-up and rigid grates, with perpendicular or parallel elements. The grates are studied for heavy duty purposes. All grates are manufactured in Green PVC or PP of high quality with special additives against UV ray and against crashes. Depa grates are covered with a long time warranty all over the world. Depa also manufactures herringbone corners in many degrees. Depa grates don’t yellow and don’t breake down. Depa manufactures only unbreakable grates.

GR2 GRATINGS This is a very strong grating, suitable in 4 thicknesses and every width. This perpendicular grating can be assembled on rubber (for roll-up solutions), stainless steel or plastic screw bars (for rigid and strong solutions). GR2/C is the bendable model of this grating that is designed for shaped gutters. ←

GR43 GRATINGS This is a rigid and parallel grating manufactured by injection and suitable in 3 standard widths: 182 mm, 245 mm, 330 mm. Intermediate widths can be obtained by cutting. Pieces 333,3 m long: 3 pieces for 1 meter of grate. The structure and 21 cross sections of the gratins guarantee a high weight load capacity and mechanical resistance. For these reasons this grate is perfect for linear gutter for private or public pools. ←

GR20 GRATINGS A strong parallel grating manufactured by extrusion and suitable in every width and in every color on demand. Width from 150 mm to 400 mm, pieces 1 meter long and 6 support tubes for piece. Suitable for private or public pools. ←

GR90 GRATINGS This bendable grating is manufactured using high quality PP. Features: →→ height 22 mm; →→ width 245 mm. The geometry we designed allows the grating to be extremely strong and resistant in order to enable great amount of weight bearing. Anti UV additives guarantee colour resistance throughout time, while anti-shock additives improve mechanical performances. ←

GR47 GRATINGS The best bendable grating, suitable in many sizes: →→ thickness 20 mm and 295 mm wide; →→ thickness 25 mm and 180, 198, 205, 250 and 300 mm wide. The structure and reinforced slats ensure an extremely high weight load capacity. Available in white but also in other colors: minimum order 100 meters for each color. ←

WE RESPECT THE ENVIRONMENT We have always been committed to protecting the environment, using raw materials free of heavy metals. Noteworthy is the adoption of Green PVC, used for the production of pool grates, 100% recyclable. COMPANY NEWS Depa has been specializing in the production and sale of beautiful and durable swimming pool gratings, since 1972.

Depa swimming pool gratings are made of Green PVC, 100% recyclable. They don’t yellow, float or break thanks to the highly thickness of the profiles used. →→ 5 years warranty on all models. Solid and resistant structure. →→ Wide range of customizable colours. Any widths, millimeter by millimeter. →→ Anti-slip certified to DIN 51097 standards.




Favaretti Group SECTOR:

Manufacturer of pool covers ADDRESS:

PHONE: +39

049 5380535 049 9539124 E-MAIL: WEB: FAX: +39

Via Quinta Strada, 5/7 35023 Bagnoli di Sopra (PD), Italy

« Favaretti boasts a strong culture of quality that emerges in all aspects of doing business, through a constant process of innovation and development, in accordance to laws and regulations and with a particular attention for the performance required »


avaretti Group, whose history began in 1980 when the founder Carlo Favaretti started a new business by importing the first pool covers from abroad, pays particular attention to technological innovation and to the research and development of solutions that offer high performance, excellent roofing solutions and maximum safety, with particular attention to environmental issues. The production is 100% “made in Italy” as proof of the interest and involvement of the group in the entire production cycle and its


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complexities. Leader in sales and distribution, Favaretti Group is able to offer an extremely complete and diversified range of products that can be used in the most varied fields of application, thus confirming the professionalism and reliability that distinguish it. In 2009 the company obtained the SOA certification (Certification for works and public works contracts) for the OS33 category, class II. In November 2012 the group obtained the up-grade to class IV (for the execution of public works up to € 2.5 million). All

of this highlights the great commitment to careful and responsible business management. Indispensable throughout winter and the warmest summer months, Favaretti Group’s pool covers are the optimal solution to decrease

maintenance costs, prolong the bathing season and guarantee appropriate safety. Favaretti Group offers countless solutions for swimming pool covers to meet any requirement in terms of cleaning, energy saving and safety.

AUTOMATIC SLATTED COVERS FOR EVERY NEED Automatic slatted covers for pools are the ideal addition to private residences, big recreational centers, spas, and thermal pools. The automated covering system with rigid slates guarantees the utmost safety thanks to the high resistance of its PVC tiles. The cover, in fact, ensures 360° protection all year round: during the summer it drastically reduces evaporation whilst in the winter it protects from atmospheric agents, keeping the pool in optimal conditions. The automated slatted covers for pools are specifically designed to reduce maintenance costs up to 60% for both outdoor and indoor pools. Specifically designed to withstand heavy workloads, they are suitable for both existing facilities as well as those in construction thanks to the completely customizable cover contour. Made in compliance with the European regulations regarding material safety, the automatic slatted covers for pools by Fa-

varetti don’t overlook the aesthetic side, allowing clients to choose between a wide range of colors available upon request. ↑

ISOLA: THE MOBILE DECK FOR THE POOL Isola is both a mobile deck and a safety cover, a solution that allows to enjoy the space of the pool when it is not in use and to keep the backyard safe all year long. The bearing capacity of 350 kg/m2 (up to) allows installing Isola in both private and public pools. Every cover is 100% tailor-made per the customers’ need and can be integrated with both existing and new pools. Every terrace is 100% customizable, therefore it’s available for both existing and new pools. Isola can be finished with IPE wood, WPC slats, grass, or the materials considered most suitable for every backyard. Isola is available in both manual and motorized versions. →

COVERALL: A SAFE COVER ALL YEAR ROUND Coverall is the perfect combination between a security cover and an automatic cover: a 100% automatic-safety cover realized with a reinforced PVC fabric and a hydraulic winding system able to hermetically cover the pool in a few seconds. Coverall is designed for both new constructions and for existing pools. Not only it’s easy to maintain, but it allows to save money by reducing the pool heating and water bills and actually provide a ROI (Return on Investment)… in other words, a system that will pay for itself. Two are the models available: the Model TP-IN integrated system, with a 100% hidden system located in a dry “basin”, the best possible solution for new pools. The floor can be made of IPE wood, WPC or PVC, while rails are available under, flat and top. The Model TP-FT with bench, instead, is the best possible solution for existing swimming pools, with an elegant bench (finished with PVC, WPC, or wood slats) that protects the system. Available rails: flat and top. ← 43





Solutions for passage and delivery of fluids ADDRESS:

PHONE: +39

0444 461000 0444 461099 E-MAIL: WEB: FAX: +39

Via Piave, 8 36066 Sandrigo (VI), Italy

« Manufactured with patented technologies, FITT B-Active Flex and Rigid are totally Made-in-Italy hose and pipe that ensure double benefits thanks to their 10-year warranty and insurance coverage » 44

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ITT, a leading international group established in Italy in 1969, is a pioneer in the production and development of highly innovative solutions for the transfer of fluids for domestic, professional and industrial applications. For over 50 years, FITT has been developing complete thermoplastic pipelines and systems for the transport of liquid, gaseous and solid substances, with products

Even more resistant to cracking

at the forefront of technology, design and sustainability. FITT B-Active Flex and FITT B-Active Rigid, are the top products of FITT Pool&SPA Solutions, business-unit of FITT which develops complete solutions and produces hoses and pipes, fittings and accessories for water circulation, pool and Spas cleaning.

PVC-A with a 3-layer structure

FITT B-Active Flex is the flexible PVC spiral hose even more resistant to mechanical stresses thanks to the EVO TECH innovation. The EVO TECH innovation further strengthens the film covering the rigid spiral (Spiral Protection Barrier technology) and makes the hose 6 times more resistant to cracking than other hoses - according to EN ISO 3994. The hose is then protected whilst preserving its high flexibility and narrow bending radius characteristics. FITT B-Active Flex with inner anti-chlorine protective film (Chlorine Defence System patent), and rigid anti-crushing PVC spiral reinforcement (D-Shape patent) is ideal for embedded pools and SPAs. ↑

FITT B-Active Rigid has been manufactured by using the Shock Wave technology, which ensures its shock-resistance even at low temperatures (down to -10 °C). It is made of PVC-A and has a 3-layer structure that makes it corrosion-proof and resistant to soil pollutants. This facilitates its installation and reduces the accidental damages that may be caused by transportation or handling in the building site. To create a safe hydraulic circuit, FITT B-Active Rigid can be connected to FITT B-Active Flex. ↑

FITT is always looking for new technologies to make its products everyday better and more sustainable than those of yesterday. For some years, FITT has in fact been implementing a product development strategy based on eco-design lines that has taken two different directions: on one side the search for recyclable materials, thanks to an internal production chain based on zero production waste. On the other side, FITT is also developing products using innovative materials, in which better performance levels are associated with a lower use of raw materials and maxi-

mum compatibility of components during disposal. FITT’s eco-sustainable approach is reflected both in the production processes and in the products, and it involves the 3 main principles of eco-design: reduce, reuse and recycle.






Polimpianti s.r.l. SECTOR:

Manufacturer of pool covers CONTACT PERSON:

Dr. Diego Fidanza

Via Piave, 174 21022 Azzate (VA), Italy PHONE: +39 0332 457727 FAX: +39 0332 459126 E-MAIL: WEB:

« For more than 40 years the company has been providing certified quality products that guarantee energy and management savings. Now it’s the point of reference for the production of pool accessories »


olimpianti started in 1975 in the town of Azzate, near the city of Varese. Over the years it has committed a lot in the research for new tools and techniques to manage and maintain pools, attending the main trade shows and offering professional and state-of-the-art products. More than 40 years of research turned this company into the point of reference for the production of winter and isothermal covers, manual or automatic pool winders and for the design and construction of pools. After two years of specific studies and tests, in 2013 the company obtained the IMQ and IMQECO product certification for isothermal covers that guarantees real energy savings. This was all supported by the well-known Italian Institute for the


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Quality Mark (IMQ), which cooperated with Polimpianti and issued the relevant certificates, then renewed in 2014. Polimpianti is also an active member of the UNI authority in Italy and of the CEN in Europe acting as a support in regulations activities. Polimpianti is partner and official distributor in Italy of the Dolphin’s original series of automatic pool cleaners by Maytronics. Innovation is Polimpianti’s guideline: the company has always believed in it and it will continue to pursue its mission of passion, research and innovation in the future. Indeed, in compliance with the Kyoto Protocol and the environment, since 2011 Polimpianti has been manufacturing products with clean energy (e.g. installation of solar panels).

ISOROLL DE LUX AND SUNWEAVE Isothermal covers are the ideal solution in summer, but they are perfect also all year round for indoor pools (e.g. public pools) because they can hold back the heat that the water accumulates during the day and they keep it during the night, this way the water neither evaporates nor cools down. Thanks to this system, the time to use the pool can be extended and this means energetic and economic savings. The ISOROLL DE LUX model is made of an intermediate insulating layer and a PE mousse with closed cells weld-

ed to the lower membrane in PE, which acts as a steam barrier and is highly resistant to the attack of chlorine, algae and microorganisms. SUNWEAVE is an isothermal translucent cover made of a double layer in co-extruded PE manufactured according to the GeoBubbleTM technology, which is thermo-welded to a third upper layer made of a special weft knitted “fabric”. Both are made of three layers joined with a special procedure to make them inseparable and highly resistant to tears and UV radiation. ←

AQUAMATIC PVC RIGID SLATS COVER Isothermal cover made of slats in shock-absorbent solid PVC, stabilised with special additives to avoid yellowing and UV and chlorine resistant. Slats are arched and perfectly smooth to guarantee high levels of insulation thanks to the air chamber spread on the entire length. AQUAMATIC slats are equipped with ABS end caps welded with ultrasound technique and a removable end caps available in 3 different lengths, along with a version with levylene brisDiscover Aquamatic tles. →

WINCOVER AND WINCOGRILL Winter covers protect the pool during cold months thanks to a special ultralight material, which is resistant to tears, freeze and UV radiations; moreover it prevents algal photosynthesis and resists to shock chlorination. WINCOVER TJJ is the most classic floating solution, it is light and easy to install. WINCOGRILL is the elegant draining and stretched solution, it is equipped with a perimeter band in heavy calendered PVC in sturdy trevira texture. ← WINCOGRILL






MULTIMATIC ELEGANT 4 Polimpianti offers a wide range of automatic and manual winders. Automatic and mobile reel system with a stainless steel AISI 316 or pultruded structure, on which is it possible to roll up four isothermal covers, one over the other. Provided with strong side supports (L or XL dimensions) made of stainless steel AISI 316. L or XL side supports are treated to be rust proof and cannot be affected by the corrosion phenomenon (pitting). They are mounted on pivot wheels with service brake and are specifically designed to bear the weight of large-size public swimming pools covers. →

START SAVING MONEY NOW! New pool management costs by Polimpianti. It is a new software that can calculate energy and economic savings thanks to the use of our isothermal covers. According to some parameters, the software can effectively calculate the ROI estimated time. It’s like a user’s guide and an effective tool to choose the most suitable cover and winding system for any pool. ← 47





Cuoghi s.r.l. SECTOR:

Swimming pool dehumidifiers ADDRESS:

PHONE: +39

049 8629099 049 8629135 E-MAIL: WEB: FAX: +39

Via Garibaldi, 15 Z.I. 35020 Albignasego (PD), Italy

« Cuoghi s.r.l. for more than 40 years has designed and manufactured professional air humidifiers and dehumidifiers in Italy. All products are carefully designed and studied in order to optimize the performance and achieve high levels of efficiency and quality »



he dehumidifiers series SP and SPW have been specifically designed for small pools and spas, where a large drying capacity is needed to effectively prevent the damages caused by high humidity levels. They have highly professional features and are designed to work effectively for a long time. The body and frame are made of powder painted galvanized steel, the heat exchangers are coated with a special varnish that protects them from aggressive substances, like chlorine. The SP series is designed to be installed directly into the environment to be dehumidified, while SPW Series models are installed in the adiacent room and connected to the one to be dehumidified through the grids available as accessories on request. All models are equipped with an electronic control panel, with soft-touch buttons, which al-

lows to easily control all functions of the machine. The control panel, along with humidity and temperature sensors, can be easily detached from the machine and placed up to a distance of 5 meters. The dehumidifiers series SP and SPW are available in capacity sizes of 50, 80 and 120 l/24 hours. Thanks to the optional devices these dehumidifiers are designed to manage effectively and in an integrated way also to air heating and ventilation. Low power consumption, high efficiency, low noise, their robustness and the elegant and unique design make these dehumidifiers extremely versatile and adaptable to many different environments and dehumidification needs and to solve all the issues that a moisture excess can cause, such as deterioration of the plaster, metals, mold and odors. MAIN FEATURES →→ Easy to install. →→ Smart electronic control. →→ Epoxy paint coated heat exchangers. →→ Remotable electronic control (1 mt). →→ Up to 4 functioning modes. →→ Fully automatic. →→ Automatic restart operation after power outage with last functioning mode. →→ Sturdy and washable air inlet filter. →→ Remotable (1 mt) temperature/humidity sensor. ON REQUEST →→ Air/water heat exchanger. →→ Heater, 2000 W. →→ Connection cable for remoting control box (5 mt). →→ Air inlet grid with filter (SPW only). →→ Air outlet grid (SPW only).


IPT 2021-2022

A CLASSIC OF WATER Piscine Oggi, for more than 49 years, has been the only Italian magazine dedicated to the pool and spa Industry. Piscine Oggi magazine shows the best public and private pools, aquatic parks, spas, thermal and wellness centres and every type of architectural structure with water as a protagonist. Every issue is unique and precious and all of them focus on the most innovative projects regarding design and technology, accessories, systems for water treatment, regulations, prices and market surveys.

for further information: -




Prefabricated Pools: concrete

AQUA San Martino in Rio, Reggio Emilia →→

CAROBBIO Sorisole, Bergamo →→

CEMI Eraclea, Venezia →→

TECHNO POOL Itri, Latina →→

C.P.A. PISCINE Roddi, Cuneo →→

PECCHINI PISCINE Borgo Virgilio, Mantova →→

HYDROLIVE Napoli →→ MYRTHA POOLS Castiglione delle Stiviere, Mantova →→ PISCINE LAGHETTO Vescovado, Cremona →→ PISCINE MILITE Cava de’ Tirreni, Salerno →→ PISCINE SOLARIS Burolo, Torino →→ POOL’S Castiglione delle Stiviere, Mantova →→


Prefabricated Pools: fiberglass / Polypropylene BUSCO Ancona →→ C.M.P. Castagnone di Pontestura, Alessandria →→ POLYFASER Prato Allo Stelvio, Bolzano →→ RESIN SYSTEM Conco, Vicenza →→ LA VENETA FORME Cimetta di Codognè, Treviso →→

BARCHEMICALS Address: Via Salvador Allende, 14 41051 Castelnuovo Rangone (MO), Italy Phone: +39 059 537765 Fax: +39 059 5332058 E-mail: Web:

CANALE ANTONIO Address: Via Umbria, 10 Z.I. 36015 Schio (VI), Italy Phone: +39 0445 575297 Fax: +39 0445 575377 E-mail: Web:

C.P.A. Address: Via Don Demetrio Castelli, 71 12060 Roddi (CN), Italy Phone: +39 0173 615693 Fax: +39 0173 620922 E-mail: Web:

CUOGHI Address: Via Garibaldi, 15 Z.I. 35020 Albignasego (PD), Italy Phone: +39 049 8629099 Fax: +39 049 8629135 E-mail: Web:

IPT 2021-2022


Prefabricated Pools: formwork C.P.A. PISCINE Roddi, Cuneo →→ GEOPLAST/GEOPANEL Grantorto, Padova →→ PONTAROLO/CLIMA BLOCK San Vito al Tagliamento, Pordenone →→ SICILFERRO/H2WALL Torrenova, Messina →→

Prefabricated Pools: self-supporting structures made of layers of quartz and resin A.P.I. ITALIA/BIODESIGN POOLS Maserà di Padova, Padova →→

Prefabricated Pools: above ground pool IL CEPPO Campagnola Emilia, Reggio Emilia →→ NEW PLAST Pozzaglio ed Uniti, Cremona →→

Prefabricated Pools: self-supporting structures made in EPS

OASI PISCINE Cadimarco, Brescia →→

ARTECO PREFORMATI Montecchio Maggiore, Vicenza →→

PISCINE LAGHETTO Vescovado, Cremona →→

EPS PREFORMATI Montebello Vicentino, Vicenza →→

POOL’S Castiglione delle Stiviere, Mantova →→

PREFORMATI ITALIA Mussolente, Vicenza →→

DAB PUMPS Address: Via Marco Polo, 14 Mestrino 35035 (PD), Italy Phone: +39 049 5125000 Fax: +39 049 5125950 E-mail: Web:

FAVARETTI Address: Via Quinta Strada, 5/7 35023 Bagnoli di Sopra (PD), Italy Phone: +39 049 5380535 Fax: +39 049 9539124 E-mail: Web:

DEPA Address: Via Tolotti, 2/B 25040 Esine (BS), Italy Phone: +39 0364 360260 Fax: +39 0364 360657 E-mail: Web:

FITT Address: Via Piave, 8 36066 Sandrigo (VI), Italy Phone: +39 0444 461000 Fax: +39 0444 461099 E-mail: Web:



A QUALITY SELECTION OF ITALIAN COMPANIES FROM THE POOL AND SPA INDUSTRY SPA/Mini-Pools RELAX ITALIANO/AQUALIFE Ruffano, Lecce →→ BEAUTY LUXURY Riccione, Rimini →→ BLUE & GREEN/BLUE SENSE Grugliaso, Torino →→ DIMHORA Arenzano, Genova →→ EGOÈ Schio, Vicenza →→ FABAR POOL Cerasolo Ausa di Coriano, Rimini →→ FRASCIO & COMPANY Cerasolo Ausa di Coriano, Rimini →→ GLASS 1989 Oderzo, Treviso →→ GRUPPO TRE S Nepi, Viterbo →→ GRUPPO GEROMIN/HAFRO San Stino di Livenza, Venezia →→ HI-TIDE Albinea, Reggio Emilia →→ HIDROSPACE/LA COLLINA Cesenatico, Forlì Cesena →→ LIFECLASS Schio, Vicenza →→

FORUMPISCINE Head office: Via Amendola, 9 40121 Bologna (BO), Italy Phone: +39 051 255544 Fax: +39 051 255360 E-mail: Web:


IPT 2021-2022

PISCINE LAGHETTO/PLAYA Vescovato, Cremona →→ TEUCO Montelupone, Macerata →→ ZUCCHETTI KOS Milano →→

Dosing, control systems, pumps, filtration, water treatment AQUA S. Martino in Rio, Reggio Emilia →→ ASTREL GROUP/MODO Mossa d’Isonzo, Gorizia →→ BRAM DOSING SYSTEMS  (*distributore anche Sugar Valley) Chiesa Nuova, Rieti →→ BARCHEMICALS Castelnuovo Rangone, Modena →→ BLU ALICHIM Corsico, Milano →→ CALPEDA Montorso Vicentino, Vicenza →→ CANALE ANTONIO & C Schio, Vicenza →→ CONTROLCHEMI Ovada, Alessandria →→ DAB PUMPS Mestrino, Padova →→

POLIMPIANTI Address: Via Piave, 174 21022 Azzate (VA), Italy Phone: +39 0332 457727 Fax: +39 0332 459126 E-mail: Web:

EMEC Vazia, Rieti →→

S.I.T.A. Genova →→


STEIEL Ponte San Nicolò, Padova →→

FIBER PLAST Laces, Bolzano →→

Pool Covers and Rollers

FIRMA Correggio, Reggio Emilia →→ FWT Ariccia, Roma →→ GIA-DA Isorella, Brescia →→ INJECTA Vazia, Rieti →→ JTC Padova →→ MATRA Nonantola, Modena →→ MICON Cittaducale, Rieti →→

AQUATECH Bodio Lomnago, Varese →→ FAVARETTI Bagnoli di Sopra, Padova →→ PLASTEKNO Lavezzola, Ravenna →→ POLIMPIANTI Azzate, Varese →→ SONNENPOOL Lana, Bolzano →→ TELONERIA FIORENTINA Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze →→ UNTHAL Algund, Bolzano →→

MICRODOS Vazia, Rieti →→ OSIP Padova →→ POOL’S Castiglione delle Stiviere, Mantova →→ SAER ELETTROPOMPE Guastalla, Reggio Emilia →→ SEKO Rieti →→ SHOTT INTERNATIONAL Cittadella, Padova →→ SICCE Pozzoleone, Vicenza →→



9TH EDITION  2021-2022



23-25 February 2022

Bologna Fair District Hall 19 | ITALY

Three days of discussions in presence to resolutely move on and strive for innovation, sustainability and a more effective use of energy and resources. In 2022, ForumPiscine – Italy’s only pool and spa fair of international scope – will be an opportunity to learn about all the latest goods and services, attend qualified training and educational events, and extend one’s networking opportunities. The perfect time to seize new opportunities that are already within reach.


13 International Pool & Spa Expo and Congress top sponsor


under the patronage

in cooperation with

Sales of stands and scientific secretary: Editrice Il Campo s.r.l. - tel. +39 051 255544 - Organizing secretary and press office: ABSOLUT eventi&comunicazione - tel. +39 051 272523

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