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EDIZIONI VERSANTE SUD | COLLANA LUOGHI VERTICALI | RUNNING MARCO TOMASSINI TRAILS FINALEof 50 selected itineraries between Borgio Verezzi, Finale Ligure and Noli


First edition June 2022 ISBN 978 88 55470 629 Copyright © 2022 VERSANTE SUD – Milano, via Rosso di San Secondo 1. Ph. +39 02 7490163

It has been compiled by local authors, who live and promote trekking in the area reviewed.

Allwww.versantesud.ittranslation,reproduction, adaptation and electronic registration, either totally or partially, by any methods, are rights reserved for all countries.

This is a “zero-miles” guidebook. It’s locally produced!

Local authors promote and respect their area: they review with a local attention to the territory they pay attention in the same way to any different tours they meaningfully interact with local actors

Cover image Marco Tomassini Text Marco Tomassini Photos Marco Tomassini English translation Alexandra Ercolani Maps Silvia Ruju. © Mapbox, © Open Street Map Symbols Tommaso Bacciocchi Layout Silvia Ruju Printing Press Grafica S.r.l. - Gravellona Toce (VB), Italy

Note Trekking is a potentially dangerous sport in which participation is entirely at your own risk. All the information in this guide has been updated based upon information at the time of publication, however it is vital to evaluate every situation yourself before placing yourself in a life threatening situation or to seek the advice of experienced and qualified individuals.

This guidebook is homegrown and producedlocally ZERO miles!

Trekkers benefit from local authors: locals know the latest news and updates locals don’t promote only the most “commercial” tours locals invest the revenues from the guidebook in exploring new itineraries

EDIZIONI VERSANTE SUD MARCO TOMASSINI ZERO miles This guidebook is homegrown and locally produced TRAILS OF FINALE 50 selected itineraries between Borgio Verezzi, Finale Ligure and Noli

INDEX General Map ......................... 6 Preface 8 Thanks .............................. 8 Technical Introduction 12 Scale of difficulties ................... 24 Symbols 26 BORGIO VEREZZI 20 01. Ramate Path 22 02. Geological Path 26 03. Nature Path 32 04. Culture Path 38 05. Via dei Carri Matti 44 06. Mulino Fenicio-Torre di Bastìa Loop . 50 07. Arene Candide Loop 54 08. Caprazoppa Loop 60 CALICE LIGURE - RIALTO .............. 64 09. Pilastro Path 68 10. Calice (Eze)- Osteria Vecchia (Ca’ del Din) 72 11. Rialto-Miniere d’argento del Marchesato Loop 78 12. Rialto (Cheirano) -Osteria Vecchia (Ca’ del Din) ..................... 86 13. Munta and China 92 14. Rialto (Berea)- Carbuta Calice Loop 100 MAGLIOLO ......................... 106 15. Montà Path 108 16. Castagni Path 112 17. Borgate Path 116 18. Barbottina Loop 122 FINALBORGO - PERTI 126 19. Via del Purchin 130 20. Bolli Blu Path 136 21. Mulo Loop 142 22. Bric Pianarella Loop 146 23. Perti-Carbuta-Feglino 150 ORCO - FEGLINO 156 24. Frati Loop 160 25. Taverna Loop 166 26. Ciappi Loop 172 27. Canyon Monte Cucco-Ciappo delle Conche Loop 178 28. Ponte Cornei-Church of San Lorenzino 184 29. Strapatente Loop 190 30. Zenestrin Loop 196 FINALPIA - CALVISIO - VERZI DI FINALE 202 31. Finalmarina-Calvisio 206 32. Monte di Pia-Verzi di Finale Loop 212 33. Camporotondo Loop 216 34. Rocca di Corno Loop 222 35. Ponti Romani Loop .............. 234 36. Ponti Romani - Prati de Landrassa Loop 234 VARIGOTTI - LE MÀNIE 240 37. Varigotti and its historic centres 242 38. Territorio Indiano Loop 250 39. Punta Crena Loop 256 40. San Lorenzo Loop 262 41. Varigotti-Noli ................... 268 NOLI 276 42. Amico Path 278 43. Buongiardino Loop .............. 282 44. Noli-Bric dei Crovi Loop 286 45. VeScovado Loop 292 46. Roman Road 298 47. Bric dei Monti-Prati de Landrassa 302 48. Communal Road Voze-Tosse 308 49. Rocche Bianche-Colle di San Giacomo 314 50. Eremita Path 322 4

The church of San Pietro (Rialto) 5

1 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 Borgio Rialto 6

2 8 1920 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 36 37 38 41 4243 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 3 64 5 7 34 25 30 40 35 39 Finalborgo Varigotti Borgio VerezziVerezzi 7

The total vertical height gain of each itine rary refers to the total sum of the uphill me tres, including the up and down sections: for this reason the data usually adds up to more than the total of the vertical height gain of the main ascents. The calculation was made using the data supplied by the GPS, duly rounded up. The real vertical height gain, together with the average duration of the itinerary, is among the most important information used in evaluating how difficult a route is.

Horizontal opening band: progressive number, province, geographic area, title of itinerary.


Maximum altitude reached

The itineraries have all been checked and veri fied recently before publishing the guide book, the information described here could be subject to change due to external factors which are impossible to predict and which could change with the passing of time and the change in se asons. Exceptional weather conditions, severe phenomena of instability or man’s intervention can change, even radically, the conditions and characteristics of the itinerary.


Vertical left hand column: contains fundamen tal technical information to quickly contextuali se the itinerary.

The maximum height reached is fun damental information since climatic changes become more sudden with the increase in altitude. If the weather is uncertain or the temperature is cold iti neraries which run along at lower altitu des are preferable. During hot summer days, climbing up at altitude instead means hiking at cooler temperatures.

Vertical left hand band: province, geographic area, title of the itinerary, progressive number.

VERTICAL LEFT HAND COLUMN Starting point Specifies the itinerary’s starting point. Thanks to the QR-code with the car park symbol, simply scanning this code using one of the many available apps, it is pos sible to activate the navigator on your smart phone which will lead you directly to the car park. The coordinates refer to Google maps.


Opposite page: layout with areas and waypoints Withcrossed.the data and information laid out in this order, you will manage to understand the itine rary’s characteristics and check if it is ideal for your expectations, your experience, and the type of physical effort and time needed to complete it. I encourage you to always check that what you are about to tackle is consistent with your physi cal and technical preparation to avoid finding yourself in situations and environments that are difficult to deal with.

Elevation gain and loss

Usually the name of the itineraries respects the toponym of the territory and often indicates the arrival point and the line followed to reach it; in other cases you will find the reference of the path indicated with CAI numbers.

Vertical right hand column: it contains a few technical notes, the detailed description of the itinerary and its elevation profile.

Even white or dirt roads Technical path/Exposed: paths which run along technical terrain, such as screes, or along exposed sections such as ridges and via ferrate, traversing uneven terrain, scrambling on rocks, or on difficult surfa ces. To tackle these paths decent techni cal ability is required.

Mule track/Paved road: country roads, old paths and even mule tracks made with stones. Often it is not possible to drive along Asphaltthese.or cement: asphalt roads or cycling paths. Mountain roads covered in cement are included.

Telephone reception

You will find the type of signs and how of ten they are used along the itinerary (often they are difficult to find since they are old and rare).

The quality of phone reception recorded while writing this guide book is described here; over time the strength could vary therefore the description refers to the pu blishing date of this volume. QR-code

In a few pages you will find a QR-Code with a few instructions on how to use it. 9

Duration It is an average measure which has been calculated taking into account the length and vertical height gain of the itinerary walking with a regular pace and not too quickly; with the itinerary’s increase in difficulty good physical shape was taken into consideration. As for the distance the measure is considered overall only if it is a loop. The time of duration indi cated on each itinerary, was calculated using the average stride of an expert hiker, without taking into consideration any breaks.

Here you will find the total kilometres covered from the start of an itinerary to its end. The distance is calculated with the help of a GPS. The total amount of the itinerary’s kilometres is easy to re cognise thanks to the altimeter which goes with the description of the itinera ry. This value can be different even up to 10% according to the device or software used for elaborating and visualising the track.

Sign posts

Trail: mountain trails, more or less wide or marked, which run across non-technical terrain. The surface generally consists of dirt or grass, but can also be on stones as long as they are within everybody’s reach.

Four types of terrain have been defined so as to allow better planning of the itinerary.


Difficulty Indicates the difficulty according to the classic scale used for the hiking excur sions on page 10. Water sources All points where it is possible to stock up on water are indicated (natural wa ter sources, fountains etc) not only the perennial ones. In fact it is best to keep in mind that many of these are dry some months of the year; while others instead offer water which is visibly not for drin king.

Type of terrain

OPPOSITE PAGE Map Allows to see the total length of the itinerary with the main points of reference indicated to help orientation and to see the waypoints which you will find in the description and the main areas reached by the itinerary. In the GPX files which you can download by registering the guide with a specific code you will find all the waypoints.

It is the easiest climbing grade, you have to know how to choose foot holds and often it is necessary to use hands to keep your balance; you can find moves of I and II grade and the progression could be not so easy for anyone suffering from vertigo.

Excluding itineraries along glaciers, even if flat and/or with no crevasses on appearance (because crossing them would require the use of a rope and ice axe and knowledge of belaying manoeuvres). You will need: experience in the mountains in general and good knowledge of alpine environments; a steady step and must not suffer from vertigo; equipment, gear and adequate physical preparation.


T Itineraries=Tourist which run along lanes, mule tracks or easy paths, with evident routes and do not offer uncertainty or orienteering problems. They are usually carried out below 2000m and usually consist of access paths to alpine pastures or mountain huts. They require some knowledge of mountain environments and fitness for walking.

CAUTION: Any mountaineering difficulty must be considered superior to excursion difficulties.


Equipped routes or vie ferrate, the use of self belay devices are necessary (harness, energy absorber, carabiners, Kevlar threads) and personal protection gear (helmet, gloves).

VERTICAL Main characteristics of the itinerary Short description and introductory note of the itinerary’s general characteristics. Description Complete description of the itinerary. Elevation profile This quickly indicates the positive and negative gradients which the itinerary offers.

Itineraries which are usually sign posted but that require ability to move along particular terrain. Paths or tracks on arduous and treacherous terrain (steep slopes and/or slippery on grass, or mixed with rocks and grass, or rock and debris). Varied terrain at relatively high altitudes (scree, short and not steep snow fields, open slopes with no points of reference, etc). Rocky sections, with slight technical difficulties (equipped routes, vie ferrate, the least difficult).

EE = for expert excursionists


F = Easy, does not present any specific difficulties


The single moves on rock can reach up to III grade and often mountain progression is necessary. You have to move one limb at a time and the use of hands is continuous on good holds.


PD = Not very difficult, presents a few mountaineering difficulties on rock

E = ItinerariesExcursionistwhich almost always run along paths, or else along tracks on varied terrain (pasture land, debris, screes), usually with sign posts; can be short, flat sections or slightly inclined with residue snow, and in case of falling, the sliding down can be stopped within a short distance and is without dangers. They often develop along open terrain, without paths but not problematic, always with adequate sign posting. They may develop along steep slopes; the exposed sections are generally protected (barriers) or can be carried out in safety (cables). They may have single passages on rock, not exposed, or short sections which are not tiring nor difficult thanks to equipment (ladders, pegs, cables) which do not require specific gear (harness, carabiners, etc). They require a sense of orienteering, as well as a certain amount of experience and knowledge of mountainous terrain, fitness in walking, as well as adequate footwear and gear.

EEA = for expert excursionists with gear

VIA DON VENTURINI 13 - PIETRA LIGURE (SV) +39 392 4078887 WWW.BBCADEMA.IT INFO@BBCADEMA.IT Bed&Breakfast Cà de Mâ Set between mountain and sea, in batteries.andperfectwelcomingDEsurroundings,leafyCÀMÂiscozyand-thespottorelaxrechargeyour

This new edition of the “Sentieri di Finale” guide, still dealing with the same area as the first edi tion, is obviously more up to date but also more precise and complete. Some itineraries have been left out which were not loops and were long and complex, so replaced with new loops which are shorter and simpler. The guide book deals with areas which always start off from Borgio Verezzi and end up in Noli but pushing inland and touching on some smaller munici palities. One of these new additions is Magliolo. Here the vegetation visibly changes, the woods are thicker and the trees are often high. Never theless in this inland area you can glimpse the sea which makes  these four excursions in this area very special. Since the first edition (2013) a lot of changes have been made to the provincial and state roads and paths. New roundabouts and new roads, traffic lights and cross roads as well as very often new junctions and new sign posts along the paths. All text has been checked individually and the GPS tracks identified again and compared to those in the first edition. Also, to be more precise, all the altitude measure 12




ments at the departure points and the highest points reached have been verified on geographic maps and corrected in the case of any discre pancies. To increase the precision even more in this new edition the main junctions and points of major interest have been inserted in bold print; these can be found in parallel also on the eleva tion profiles and on the maps of every itinerary (indicated as a waypoint). A valid help to locate your own position on the map and understand more easily where you are. In some cases, whe re there are no signposts in place and where it is easier to get lost, compass-points have been placed (so keep your compass in your backpack). On the general map on the first pages of “Sen tieri di Finale” are all the tracks with related departure points; so you will have a good idea of the dislocation over the territory of the 50 ex cursions in this edition. For further clarification and information both on the altitude profiles and on the maps, the different kinds of terrain are indicated in different colours. A few short videos have been included which can be watched using the QR CODES, and as well as being a good instrument for understanding the type of envi ronment you are going to cross, it helps increase the understanding of the itineraries. pier 2017 

PRESENTATION Without realising it, I am already writing the se cond edition of this guide. For me it is not only my second edition but also the twelfth manual I have produced since, almost as a pastime, in 2007 I published my first volume “Finale by Thomas”. From then onwards came the websi te: “Finale by Thomas” and many other publica tions and articles for various magazines My first passion has always been sports climbing and maybe before that bolting. So I dedicate my time to writing, bolting and also my day job as shop assistant in the Salewa mountain shop of Final borgo. Writing a guide book in fact is not simple and needs a lot of time. To produce a guide book for excursions means following all the routes on foot while writing, correcting and mapping using a GPS navigator and then going home and unlo ading it on to the computer where you transcri be and elaborate it all. The photographic part, although you could consider it more relaxing, needs just as much time; choosing the best days, often checking the weather forecast, or ganising the subjects to be photographed and choosing the best panoramic spots is a big job.


Even describing precisely the approach by car so that everybody understands it, requires commit ment, but above all passion. ..since it is a gui de book , as such, it has to guide. The territory of Finale Ligure is very beautiful and varied, in addition the presence of the sea makes it truly unique. The signposts and the cleaning of the paths, left completely in the hands of volunteers, remains a huge problem. Several signposts have never been reviewed, some paths are closed and many trails cross over the previous official ones. So it is a hard task to try and describe clearly and precisely an itinerary, especially when there are no points of reference. In this new edition, I have tried and I hope succeeded in increa sing the precision of the descriptions, obviously updating and checking all the texts. Describing and achieving 50 itineraries, of which ten com pletely new, has kept me very busy as always. I hope to have worked meticulously, but in any case certainly with lots of passion. Sea 






Alberto Ghisellini, Alessandra Fiorenza, Ales sandra Telesco, Vergano, Amanda Girardi, Astrid Hahn, Chiara Gabrielli, Chiara Minetti, Chiara Pranteda, Daniele Rosa, Dorisa Keci, Federica Chiesa, Flavia Patera, Panzera, Vallarino, di Vie tro, Isabella Parodi, Ivan Soddu, Ivan Terranova, Lea Ruiz, Marta Tosco, Martina Pulze, Michael Pace, Michaela Fischer, Micol Schiaroli, Moni ca Aimo, Pia, Roland, Katja, Anja, Enya e Joël Sutterlüty, Riccardo Negro, Silvia Ciciliot, Sonia Garofalo, Stefania Muzza e Valentina Rodondi.


Federica Chiesa on the belvedere - Le Mànie 16



Farmacia Monte Ursino (Noli) Tel. + 39 019 748936 Hospital Santa Corona (Pietra Ligure) Tel. + 39 019 62301 Hospital San Paolo (Savona) Tel. + 39 019 84041

Information Office and Tourist Hospitality Corso Italia, 8 - 17026 Noli (SV) Tel.: + 39 019 7499003 - For more information on the local buses contact: Switchboard TPL: + 39 019 22011 Ticket office TPL: + 39 019 2201231 (Savona, near the railway station) Salewawww.tpl.itMountain Shop Finalborgo Via Nicotera, 6 - 17024 Finalborgo (SV) Tel. + 39 019 690928

Borgio Verezzi Information Office and Tourist Ho spitality of Noli Via Cristoforo Colombo, 47 17022Borgio Verezzi (SV) - Tel.: + 39 019 610412 info@ Finalborgocomuneborgioverezzi.itInformation Office and Tourist Hospi

If you wish to contact the author Marco (Thomas) Tomassini:

Farmacia della Marina (Finalmarina) Tel. + 39 019 692670 Farmacia Ferrando (Orco-Feglino)

Tel. + 39 019 699350 Farmacia di Varigotti (Varigotti) Tel. + 39 019 698100

Tel.: + 39 019 681019 iat.finalmarina@visitfinaleli

Via(seasonal)Aurelia, 79 - 17024 Varigotti (SV) Tel.: + 39 019 6890600 iat.varigotti@visitfinaleligu


Mountain Rescue Finale Ligure (CNSAS) Emergency Number (NUE) 112 Police 113 Fire fighters 115 Health emergency and ambulance 112 Highway Patrol+ 39 019681501 Traffic warden + 39 019691380 Doctor on call: 800556688

Information Office and Tourist Ho ViaspitalitySan Pietro, 14 - 17024 Finale Ligure (SV)


Farmacia di Borgio (Borgio Verezzi) Tel. + 39 019 610469 Farmacia Calice Ligure (Calice Ligure) Tel. + 39 019 65443 Farmacia S. Antonio (Magliolo) Tel. + 39 019 634414 Farmacia del Borgo (Finalborgo) Tel. + 39 019 690623

Information Office and Tourist Hospitality

tality Piazza(seasonal)SantaCaterina - 17024 Finale Ligure Borgo (SV) - Tel.: + 39 019 6890604 iat.finalborgo@visitfi

Verezzi 19

The present Borgio Verezzi, on the western border of the Finale area, is derived from the fusion of two settlements in remote times Burgum Albinganeum (Borgio) owned by the Bishop Count of Al benga and Veretium (Verezzi) a settlement on the slope where the inhabitants on the coast escaped to during the pirate attacks by the Saracens and Turks. Today Borgio Verezzi is divided into three different centres: the new town of Borgio, built during the 1960s and 70s along the coast at the outlet of the river Bottassano; the old hamlet of Borgio, perched at the foot of the west side of Monte di Caprazoppa and higher up, half way, the four hamlets of Verezzi (Poggio, Piazza, Roccaro and Crosa). Since 2008 Borgio Verezzi has been a member of the “Most beautiful historic centres in Italy” Club (Club dei “Borghi più belli d’Italia”) and is also famous for its caves, amongst the most colourful in Italy as well as its Theatre Festival which takes place in Verezzi in August presenting national pre mieres of theatrical productions. The itineraries around the area of Borgio Verezzi mainly wind along



the old mule trails which once connected the historic centre over the sea to the settlements perched on Caprazoppa, to then arrive downhill as far as the historical centre of Finale. Mediterranean bush as well as wide terraced areas characterize these itineraries, some still producing olives today while others have been abandoned for some time. The municipality of Borgio Verezzi, taking care of its own territory, has improved and signposted a great part of these itineraries where can find informa tion boards giving details on botany, fauna and human activities.

To find out 01. Ramate Path 02. Geological Path 03. Nature Path 04. Culture Path 05. Via dei Carri Matti 06. Mulino Fenicio-Torre di Bastìa Loop 07. Arene Candide Loop 08. Caprazoppa Loop Verezzi Contrada Piazza 21

1 Park Sentiero delle Ramate (16 286m) m 270m /  270m 8,5 km 3hE BORGIO VEREZZI 10,2 m 100 m 200 m 285,9 m 0 km 1 23 4 56 78 8,4 1 2 3 4 Yes - No difficulty of path signs along path starting point total elevationhighestdistancepointgain and loss typewaterphonedurationreceptionsourcesofsurface Camporeddirt+paved+asphaltarrows(raresigns)Addestramento

Cani ACCESS. Take the Finale Ligure motorway exit and after 800 meters there is a roundabout. Go down to the left towards the coast along the SP490 (Strada di Gorra). After 1.2 km there is another roundabout, continue straight on still along the SP490 (Via Caprazoppa). After 1.5 km there is a Stop sign. Keep to the right and continue along the main coast road, the SS1, towards Imperia and Borgio Verezzi. Continuing for 2.4 km, going through a tunnel and then a long straight section of road, at the traffic lights keep in the right hand lane following signs for Borgio Verezzi. Turn right and cross the level crossing and con tinue to the left along Via Giacomo Matteotti. After 100 meters there is a junction, continue straight on still along Via Giacomo Matteotti. Continue for a farther 300 meters until reaching a junction. Continue straight along Via Giacomo Matteotti for another 300 meters reaching a final junction. Here, turn right following Via Bottassano for 100 me ters (follow the signs for Santuario) and park on the opposite side of the road, near a stone bridge. CHARACTERISTICS. This is a panoramic path and it runs up the first section offering a view over the sea and the coast of Borgio Verez zi which reaches out until the Gallinara island, the path reaches an opening with a fountain then go downhill once again back to the start ing point. The last section, before reaching the car park is on an as phalt road, definitely not as interesting compared to the path taken uphill. DESCRIPTION. From the car park of Via Bottassano (Park Sentie ro delle Ramate) continue on foot crossing over the stone bridge which runs over the torrent Bottassano. Follow via pian dei Rossi to the sanctuary of Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio. Here turn right


1 2 3 4 A10 295 Cima della Brona  Monte299 Grosso 4312 WAY POINT Junction 02- Go right Junction 05- Head uphill to the left Junction 12- go down to the right Opening, ideal for a break 23



1 (Junction 02) go past the cemetery and then shortly head uphill along via Chiappelle. After a few metres leave the asphalt road to follow a wide path which runs up on the right through the vegetable patches. It runs up the olive gro ves going past a tank for collecting water. Once you reach a junction along a short flat section (Junction 05) turn left (red arrow on rock). Con tinue up a panoramic path and up the hair pin bends, the view opens up over Borgo Verezzi all the way to the Gallinara island, until you al most reach the top of Monte Grosso where you will find a junction. Continue along flat terrain to the left (westerly direction), after a few dozen metres you will reach the “Y” shaped junction. Follow to the right on the flat (red marks and ar row on rock) and at the next junction continue straight on and along flat terrain, continue along a slightly downhill section ignoring the various junctions, passing under the electricity cables of the pylons and reach a fenced off area. Ignoring the junction which runs down to the left towards the pylons (marked as A.T.C. SV2 Voliera di Am bientamento) continue straight on for a few me tres to reach another junction. Gradually climb up to the right along the fence and climbing up straight after to the left (metal plaque marking the path “Sentiero Liguria” – Luni su roccia). De scending the last section you will shortly reach a flat area with a majestic pine tree, a water source and a wooden shelter with benches and tables (dog training field). It is worth taking a break in this point, you are now half way along the itinerary and then it is all downhill. Gradual


ly climb up to the right (north-west direction) to then descend with panoramic view over the town of Gorra and over Rocca di Perti (follow sign posts Sentiero Liguria Luni – Ventimiglia). In a few minutes reach a junction (Junction 12) near a “teccio” (small stone building with wooden ti les) from here go down to the right continuing along the flat along a wide path. Cross over the fence which runs along the dog area and then walk along an asphalt and uneven road reaching a junction. Go down to the left along the asphalt. Once you reach the junction near a large stone gas unit with yellow pipes descend to the right (towards Bottassano) along a wide path. Once you reach an evident junction near an olive grove continue straight downhill. Reach another evi dent junction on the right where you turn right along the flat (easterly direction) then down the asphalt road. Continue for a long section on flat on asphalt road following Torrente Bottassano and then passing below the motorway viaduct. Cross the bridge and walk shortly up to reach a junction. Go down to the right always along the asphalt road to enter the commune of Bor gio Verezzi, go past a small industrial area and reach the starting point.

The first section of the path 


Finalborgo (Piazza del Tribunale) 18 390m m  372m / 372m 7,4 km 2,5hE 19 FINALBORGO-PERTI 11,2 m 100 m 200 m 300 m 389,9 m 0 km 12 34 56 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Yes - No difficulty of path signs along path starting point total elevationhighestdistancepointgain and loss typewaterphonedurationreceptionsourcesofsurface dirt+ paved+ asphalt white / red flag VP (frequent) Finalborgo, Località I Cianassi e Perti

ACCESS. Take the Finale Ligure motorway exit and after 800 meters there is a roundabout. Go down to the left towards the coast following the main road, the SP 490 (Via Caprazoppa) for 1.2 km until reaching another roundabout. Turn to the left here and continue for 200 meters crossing over a bridge and then going down to the right. After another 200 meters the parking areas can be found on the left. The pedestrian area starts here leading to Porta Testa, the entrance to Finalborgo. Walk into the old village of Finale Ligure (Finalborgo) from Porta Tes ta, go along Via Nicotera for 90 m then turn left into Via del Municipio for 70 m which will then take you into Piazza del Tribunale.

CHARACTERISTICS. This path is not very difficult and is character ised by a lot of vertical height gain, in fact it climbs up to the summit of Rocca di Perti (370m). Many historical climbing routes pop out on top of Rocca di Perti. Along the itinerary you will find two of the main castles of the Finale area (Castel San Giovanni and Castel Gavone), the monument complex of Perti, the crags of Rocca di Perti and the renaissance church of Nostra Signora di Loreto known as the five bell towers “Cinque campanili”.

DESCRIPTION. The Via del Purchin is the first trekking itinerary cre ated by the Finale section of the Italian Alpine Club. This is a loop which starts at Finalborgo, climbs up to Becchignolo and Rocca di WithPerti.this itinerary a part of the Finale territory was “adopted” which includes history, environment, nature and outdoor activities with spe cial interest given to the historical climbing routes. Via del Purchin is without a doubt, a curious name for non locals. Purchin is simply a small crustacean, commonly known as the pill bug but it is also

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SP27 SP27 SP17 A10 SP490  398 Bric della Croce  Monte338Sordo  Bric313Ercea TorrenteAquila 61238745 WAY POINT Piazza Martiri Perticesi Junction 02 (head up to the right Junction 04 (go to the left) Testa Junctiondell’elefante07(continue straight on) Summit cross Grottino del Bric della Croce Junction 12 (multiple, and go down to the right) 131


19 the name given to a historical climbing route on Rocca di Perti (Il Cammino del Purchin) and above all, it is the symbol of Finale Ligure’s CAI Alpinism School “Gianni Calcagno”. From Piazza del Tribunale take Via Beretta, easy to recognise thanks to the characteristic tiled street, just after the white/red signs (Via del Purchin) which indicates the beginning of the itinerary. The road climbs up and turns into cob ble stones and leads across Porta di Mezzaluna, outside the historic centre walls and at the en trance of the Spanish fort of Castel San Giovan ni. From here continue into the Mediterranean bush untl you find, on the left, the junction which detours and leads us to Castel Gavone. Conti nue straight, on the flat, through olive groves to reach Piazza dei Martiri Perticesi (Perti). Cross the asphalt road, on the left the signs lead back


to the main itinerary (Junction 02, follow signs for Cava-Croce vetta and Strada delle Ville), first on cobble sones which run along the back of the Church of Sant’Eusebio, and shortly after on the path which runs up steeply into the beechwoods. Once you reach the successive junction (Junction 04), continue to the left along a path which gradually climbs up until it arrives at the main square of the abandoned quarry of Rocca di Per ti. Walk across the large square and head below the quarry’s carved out sections from where an evident path with signs climbs up leading to the base of the crags of Rocca di Perti; from here continue uphill to reach a panoramic point near Testa dell’Elefante (small crag which is part of the Finale climbing area). After enjoying the splendid view of the westerly section of Ligu ria’s coast, the path turns to the right going

The summit cross of Bric della Croce 


DESCRIPTION. From the car park, continue on foot climbing up be hind the square stone building along the cement road, then it turns into a dirt road and then it is flat, which keeping to the right short ly leads near a woodshed. Just before this, to the right, a path with full red circle sign (Junction 01). Take the path which runs into the woods of holly oak trees, climb up to the junction, level with a stone wall, from where you turn right following the same signs. After one hundred metres climbing uphill you reach two large rusty pulleys. From here, the path starts to gradually descend and after a short flat section it climbs up until it is near an evident boulder with three red dots on it.

CHARACERISTICS. This path is not very difficult and offers many up and down sections, Along the itinerary there are interesting arche ological areas, Ciappo dei Ceci and Ciappo delle Conche, with cave incisions which date back to the Neolithic era.

Park Bar dall’Orco 395 m  176m /  176m 4,4 km 2hE 26 ORCO-FEGLINO 232,8 m 300 m 260 m 340 m 380 m 1763 m 0 km 12 34 4,369 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 difficulty of path signs along path starting point total elevationhighestdistancepointgain and loss typewaterphonedurationreceptionsourcesofsurface

Turn right (junction 03, signs for La Taverna) climbing up among the holly oaks and a beautiful view over Orco and the church of San Lorenzino opens up. Continue uphill steeply through the woods un til you reach thre summit of Monte Cucco. From here, following the

nonefrequentdirtoccasional CIAPPI LOOP 172

ACCESS. Exit the motorway at Feglino and at the stop sign turn right following the main road, the SP27, towards Finale Ligure. Continue for 1.7 km until reaching a junction that goes up to the left (signed to Boragni and Orco). Continue in this direction going uphill for 2.5 km along the SP27bis until reaching the base of a square building in stone, visible on the right just above the road. Go right up the short cement ramp (signs for Via San Lorenzino from n.7 to n.13) and park in front of the stone building or else along the road below.

354 2 1 8 7 6  Monte398Cucco  370 Bric Spaventaggi Grotta del diedro rosso Arma do gallin Arma dei buoi 61238745 WAY POINT Junction 01 Go up to the right Junction 3 Go up to the right Ciappo delle Conche Ciappo dei Ceci Junction 11 Go down to the right Junction 16 Continue straight uphill Upper car park Monte Cucco Picnic area 173



26 signs of three red dots, continue on the left for a few metres on the flat among Mediterranean bush and then avoiding the junction for La Tav erna you descend. Along the first section with a rocky surface views over the crags of Valle Aquila open up. Then the path heads into the holm oak woods going down until Ciappo delle Conche. Once you reach the enormous stone slab you can move among the cave incisions. Not too far away it is possible to visit a pecu liar semicircular niche named “the throne” or the “courthouse”, it is a small cave where some niches, seats and tanks were carved out. From Ciappo, facing downhill, take the path on the right which runs down through the woods (marked with a full red square). Along the first part the track runs along a series of aban doned strips of land, then continues up and down through the holm oaks and Mediterrane an bush. Continue straight on for a long sec tion reaching a flat area with an evident three way junction where you can continue straight on following the previous signs. Continue and you will find another junction on the left which leads to the Bocca di Bacco crag, and leave it to continue to the right. Continue straight on ignoring other tracks on the left until you reach Ciappo dei Ceci. Go across Ciappo, and contin ue for a short section (full red diamond signs) ignoring the first junction on the right which runs down and turns into the second (Junc tion 11). From here, the path up and down heads into a pretty woods of holly oak, and crosses two small rocky slabs surrounded by Mediter ranean bush to then continue, for a long sec tion, through the woods scattered with plants to the panoramic point


Ciappo dei Ceci 175

Ponte delle Fate 140 m 312 m  172m / 172m 4 2hEFkm 34 FINALPIA-CALVISIO-VERZI DI FINALE 90 m 150 m 200 m 250 m 315 m 0 km 1323,967 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 difficulty of path signs along path starting point total elevationhighestdistancepointgain and loss typewaterphonedurationreceptionsourcesofsurface

CHARACTERISTICS. This path is of average difficulty and is charac terised by a large amount of vertical height gain, it is striking and magical along the wooded sections and very panoramic in many sec tions (detour to the edge of Rocca di Corno). Along the Rocca’s de scent there is a steep section of path equipped with fixed ropes.


variousdirtoccasional(rareandnot visible along the first section) none ACCESS. Take the Finale Ligure motorway exit and after 800 meters there is a roundabout. Go down to the left towards the coast along the SP490 (Strada di Gorra). After 1.2 km there is another rounda bout, continue straight on still on the SP490 (Via Caprazoppa). After 1.5 km there is a Stop sign. Stay left to turn left onto the main road towards Savona-Genova-Varigotti. Continuing for 400 meters along the coast road, the SS1, there is a roundabout in front of the Finale Ligure railway station. From here, continuing straight on towards Sa vona-Genova-Varigotti for 1.5 km there is a roundabout immediately before the Castelletto tunnel. Turn left towards “Vezzi-Portio/Verzi/ Calvisio/Loc. Le Mànie” and continue for 100 meters along the road Via Santuario ignoring the turning that goes up to the right to “Loc. Le Mànie”. Continue for 1.3 km along Via Calvisio, cross over a small square situated on top of a bridge over a stream, the Sciusa, noting on the left a church with a small porch (the church of Sts. Cornelius and Cipriano). From here keep going for another 700 m and you will see on the right a small stone bridge with directions for Verzi and Via Iulia Augusta; take this turn and go up for 800 m along a small road full of bends. On reaching the junction, go left onto the dirt road, with directions for Via Iulia Augusta, for another 600 m when you come to a part of the road which widens and allow you to park (Park Corno, GPS N44 11.691 E8 21.923).


BelvedereBelvederee 1 2 3 4 56 7 118 109 Agriturismo Valle Ponci Grotta Superiore dei Frasci Grotta Inferioredei Frasci Grotta del Corno Arma delle Fate Arma delle Spine 306 Rocca del Corno Monte Corno SP8 1110619238745 WAY POINT Ponte delle Fate Agriturismo Valle Ponci Junction 02- Head up to the left Grotta JunctionSummit77004- Go to the left Junction 06- Go to the right Junction 07- go to the right Belvedere 01 Belvedere 02 Junction 08 - Go down to the left 223




DESCRIPTION. After parking the car continue uphill along a wide dirt road following the full red circle signs. After a few hundred metres pass above the first of the five ancient Roman bridges (one is destroyed) which cross over Rio Ponci; Ponte delle Fate. After the bridge, con tinue on the flat for roughly 10 minutes staying on the right to go uphill, then to the left, and shortly after a few metres head back to the left (Junction 02) following the path marked with a red H (sign not very obvious on stone wall). You are now in thick woods and the path climbs up steeply until you find, on the right, an overhang ing crag from where you continue on the flat and along short steps. This shaded and striking val ley (Valle dei Frassini) owes its name to the fact that the characteristic microclimate has allowed the ash trees, that usually do not grow in the Fi nale area, to grow luxuriant. After a long uphill itinerary through the woods (roughly 40 minutes among many felled trees which you need to of ten climb over) steeply along the last section you reach the top of Rocca di Corno. From here, at the junction (Junction 04) turn left following the empty red diamond signs and a white line and red horizontal lines. Walk along a long section on the flat (roughly 15 minutes) sometimes open and sometimes in the holm oak wood until a junction from where you continue to the right (Junction 06). After roughly 500 metres, go down to the right (Junction 07) finding a section equipped with fixed ropes. It is worth taking the path to the left, extending the itinerary of 200 metres, until you reach the southern edge of Rocca di Corno to enjoy a breath taking view over Valle del Torrente Sciusa and over the sea. Once back on the route you can now descend from the Rocca being very careful along this first section since you are signs found along the descent 

View over Finale Pia 225


CHARACTERISTICS. Beautiful and panoramic path, it overlooks Var igotti and its historic centres crossing one of the most beautiful areas of Finale’s hinterland, the Territorio Indiano delle Mànie, unfortunate ly destroyed by the devastating fire of 2003.

DESCRIPTION. Park the car, follow the cobble stone road which, near the junction between Via degli Orti and Strada Vecchia, runs up along the stream (two red X’s). Shortly after, at the first sign post there is another sign (an empty red circle with red dot in the middle). After a few metres leave a splendid Liberty style villa on the right (recently


Varigotti 10 m 310 300m / 300m 5,2 km 2,5hE 38 VARIGOTTI-LE MANIE 17 m 150 m 100 317,9250200mmm50mm 0 km 12 34 4,495 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 difficulty of path signs along path starting point total elevationhighestdistancepointgain and loss typewaterphonedurationreceptionsourcesofsurface Yes - No variousdirt (quite frequent) none ACCESS. Take the Finale Ligure motorway exit and after 800 meters there is a roundabout. Go down to the left towards the coast along the SP490 (Strada di Gorra). After 1.2 km there is another rounda bout, continue straight on still on the SP490 (Via Caprazoppa). After 1.5 km there is a Stop sign. Stay left to turn left onto the main road towards Savona-Genova-Varigotti. Continuing for 400 meters along the coast road, the SS1, there is a roundabout in front of the Finale Ligure railway station. From here, continuing straight on towards Sa vona-Genova-Varigotti for 1.5 km there is a roundabout immediately before the Castelletto tunnel. Continue straight on following the coast road, the SS1, and going through the tunnel. Continuing for 2.4 km the town of Varigotti is reached. Enter Varigotti and continue for 1.1 km and then turn left uphill into Strada Vecchia for 50 m. On reaching the junction with Strada degli Orti, park beside the stream where the itinerary starts. You can also park along Strada Vecchia (on the left before coming to the junction with Strada degli Ulivi), or continuing along Strada Vecchia (on the left) which becomes a dead end after 350 m or else along Strada degli Ulivi (on both sides) if you turn left at the crossroads.


1 2 34 5 6 7 8 SP45

Cianassi Terrritorio Indiano

61238745 WAY POINT Cave with madonna Junction 01- Straight on the flat Junction 04- Head up to the right Junction 05- Head up straight Fire extinguishing water tank Junction 06 - Right, on the flat Junction 08 - Go down to the right Junction 10- Go down to the right


38 restructured). Along this first section, the cobble stone (panoramic over Varigotti and the coast to the island of Gallinara) runs along cultivated strips of land and olive groves. Near an evident boulder on the right, the track becomes dirt and flat. After a long, flat section the cobble stone section which climbs up steeply and panoramic over the sea among cultivated strips of land and olive trees (marked with two red Xs and a red empty circle with red dot in the middle). Once the uphill cobble stone road has ended level with a hair pin bend to the left, two isolated maritime pine trees close off a cave where someone has placed a statue of the Virgin Mary (20 minutes from car park). The track, which is wider and dirt, continues flat across Mediterannean bush

es (the pine forest was destroyed due to a fire in 2003 which devastated Varigotti and sets off from the Altopiano of Mànie). Shortly after a track runs up to the right, ignore it and continue straight on (Junction 02, connected to the return path). Af ter a few dozen metres, cross the dry river bed of Rio Armoreo and climb up a cobble stone road until you find an asphalt road for Isasco. Follow it for roughly 10 minutes climbing uphill and pass a hair pin bend which turns left, continue until you find a short section on cement. Here on the right a path runs up gradually through the woods on a gravel/dirt surface (Junction 04 with wooden signpost Altopioano delle Mànie – Capo Noli, empty red circle with red dot not visible in the middle). Here leave the asphalt road climb View over the coast  253


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