#6 - October - 2017 - Edmonton Green Magazine

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#6 - OCTOBER - 2017

Our Local Magazine

JACK AND THE BEANSTALK North London’s biggest Christmas Pantomime is back! HISTORY Edmonton Statute Fair By Joe Studman

‘STOPTOBER’ Stopping smoking is good for your health and your pocket


The month celebrates the enormous contribution from the black community www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

Salisbury House October 2017 1N9

SUNDAY NOVEMBER 12TH 2017 | 12 - 3PM

The Wedding Showcase

ENGAGED? Come and see our historic venue dressed for a wedding and meet excellent suppliers for your dream wedding. MEET WITH REGISTRARS | VIEW VINTAGE CARS TRY OUT A PHOTO BOOTH AND MUCH MORE Free admission | COMPLIMENTARY GLASS OF PROSECCO ON ARRIVAL



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Halloween Fun DaY at

Salisbury House

Join the Salisbury House team to celebrate Halloween in one of Enfield's oldest haunted houses Fancy dress welcome Parents are welcome to Pa enjoy the fun by assisting with the crafts or relax and have a chat and cup of coffee or tea in the Garden Room

Friday 27th October

Time: 3pm - 6pm Address: Salisbury House Bury Street West Edmonton N9 9LA


Suita ble fo from r Children 5 ye upwa ars rds


•Pumpkin carving and the pumpkin to take home (This will be outdoors so warm clothing required ) •Cake decorating with a cupcake individually wrapped to take home •Arts and crafts - flying bat artwork to take home www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

October 2017




BOX OFFICE: 020 8807 6680 • ONLINE: www.millfieldtheatre.co.uk Millfield Theatre, Silver Street, Edmonton, www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk London N18 1PJ Edmonton Green Magazine | #6


October 2017


Hello Welcome to our October issue! Phew! It’s been six months since we published the first issue of Edmonton Green Magazine! Can you believe it? We are very happy to provide you with information about our community, starting with: North London’s biggest Christmas Pantomime! Show casing Jack and The Beanstalk. Don’t miss out! Black history month is around the corner, find out more about the events that are taking place throughout the month in our area. We are very lucky to have another article from Joe Studman; local History guide and speaker in our magazine. Joe knows every brick in Edmonton! In this issue we will learn about the history of Edmonton’s Statute Fair. We also have more information on events, find out more! See you next time!


Edmonton Green Magazine | #6


WHAT’S INSIDE... 8 Jack and the Beanstalk 12

Edmonton Statute Fair By Joe Studman


STOPTOBER: Quit for good


Nightingale Academy Sixth Formers Trip


EVENTS The Tarantinos


Enfield Music Service Open Day


Get creative with Doodle Designs


Black History Month

Editing and Proofreading PaperTrue www.papertrue.com

Contact us:

info@edmontongreenmag.co.uk T: 020 3612 4805

For Advertising:

advertise@edmontongreenmag.co.uk www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

October 2017


Arts t

‘North London’s biggest Christmas Pantomime is back, this time with Jack and the Beanstalk. Passing the test of time, Millfield Theatre’s Christmas pantomimes continue to fill families with joy and excitement that draws them back again and again. It will be yet ‘another rip- roaring Millfield panto’ states resident Creative Producer, Marc Day. Who is in this year’s Panto!? If you have seen a recent Millfield pantomime you probably witnessed Alex Scott Fairley spruce up the villain with his charming comical flair. No Millfield panto would be the 8

Edmonton Green Magazine | #6

same without him, so Alex returns this year as the evil hentchman, Fleshcreep. Alex James Ellison is set to play Jack Trott after appearing in the UK/Asia tour of the children’s favourite, Aliens Love Underpants! www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

Kationa Perrett as Fairy Deluxe


October 2017


Arts Alex has delighted audiences at the Union Theatre with Whistle Down the Wind and the Hertfort Theatre with Simple Simon. Jill will be played by Lydia Rose Bertie. Lydia is no stranger to pantomimes after recently appearing in the nearby Dugdale’s Easter show Red Riding Hood. David Boyle will play the much loved role of Dame Dottie Trott. Often cast in the role of Peter Sellers between


Edmonton Green Magazine | #6

panto the seasons, David’s endless list of credits for his theatre work will fill the page… Oh yes it will! We can also expect Christopher Burr as Simple Simon, Katriona Perrett putting the magic into Fairy Deluxe all alongside six professional dancers and eight talented local children. All brought together with melodious music and energetic choreography there is no doubt it will be a fun filled festive treat.


Alex James Ellison as Jack Trott

Tickets are now on sale! head over to: www.millfieldtheatre.co.uk or call the Box Office on 020 8807 7760


October 2017



Edmonton Statute Fair For nearly 200 years Edmonton was the centre of September festivity. The Statute of Labourers was imposed by Edward III to standardise wages for peasant workers after the Black Death had caused a shortage of hands. From this developed a medieval employment exchange known as Statute Fairs where artisans and servants would meet prospective employers. To show their skills farmhands would carry a pitchfork, milk maids a stool and 12

Edmonton Green Magazine | #6

female servants carried a mop. Even today in Northern England these festivals are known as Mop Fairs. The first Edmonton Statute Fair was held on 14th September 1680 near the corner of Angel Road. Probably motivated by Settlement Laws introduced in 1662 which stated that unless you were established in a parish by birth or long term employwww.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

Joe Studman ment you could not claim parish relief and would have to return to your place of birth for financial support. The Poor Laws had put extra demands on ratepayers and every parish looked for ways to lessen the burden of relieving the sick & unemployed. To dissuade itinerant workers from claiming benefit an act was initiated specifying that you had to work in a neighbourhood for at least a year before you could expect support from the vestry. In practice this meant that arrangements agreed at Statute Fairs were restricted to one year’s employment. To formalise the agreement the employer would give the peasant a shilling, making him or her feel very rich. However, sharper fellows than our humble rustics were determined to take that shilling off of them as quickly as possible and introduced sideshows, roundabouts, knick-knack stalls and more than a few legerdemain tricksters. Consequently they became pleasure fairs. A painting of 1788 shows Ed-


Local History Guide and Speaker www.jaywalks.com

monton Statute Fair in full swing. Robinson writing in 1816 claimed 30,000 people attended the Edmonton “Statty” Fair. By this date it was claimed that it was the only hiring fair within reach of London. It was held at three sites. Fairfield Road marks the spot where theatres and rides set out stalls. Around the Angel junction traders sold jewellery, lace and every type of dress to attract youths to part with their money. A third site to the East of the present Angel sideshows displayed strong men, giants, dwarves, learned pigs and performing fleas. It was held early September soon after Bartholomew’s Fair in Smithfield. It seems that the carnival moved north almost immediately.

October 2017


History The road from Shoreditch to Edmonton was supposedly full of carts, carriages, costermongers stalls and folk. Not everyone approved and the revellers were labelled “THE MOB”. In 1860’s Edmonton gentry complained that the fair induced the poor to “to spend money in no real comfort to them now or hereafter.” and campaigned to have the fair terminated The last mention I can find is a cutting from Weekly Herald September 19th 1863 “The Fair, which was abolished two years ago but was revived last year, was held on the first three days the present week in a field opposite The Bell Inn”. The Fair seems to have died out after that but within a few decades costermonger stalls were appearing around The Angel and The Green but that’s another story... 14

Edmonton Green Magazine | #6



October 2017



Make October ‘Stoptober’ and quit for good Stopping smoking is good for your health and your pocket During the 28-day quitting challenge, there will be lots of support to smokers on their quitting journey from our health partner ‘Quit 51’ who offer support and medication to help to ditch smoking for life.


Edmonton Green Magazine | #6

Smoking is one of the biggest causes of death and illness in the UK, every year around 100,000 people in the UK die from smoking, with many more living with debilitating smoking-related illnesses.


Smoking increases your risk of developing more than 50 serious health conditions. Some may be fatal and others can cause irreversible long-term damage to your health. You can become ill if you smoke yourself or through other people’s smoke (passive smoking). Smoking causes about 90% of lung cancers, It also causes cancer in many other parts of the body, including the mouth, lips, throat, voice box, oesophagus, bladder, kidney, liver, stomach and pancreas. Smoking also damages your heart and your blood circulation, increasing your risk of developing conditions such as coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, damaged blood vessels and arteries, asthma and emphysema.

Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Public Health, Cllr Krystle Fonyonga, said: “We’ll be offering lots of help and support to smokers who want to kick the habit and I’d urge people who want to quit to give it a go during Stoptober. All the research shows that people who stop smoking for 28 days are much more likely to give up for good so now is a good time to start. “Quitting smoking is not only great for your health, but it’s good for your pocket when you add up how much money you will save when you do not have to regularly buy cigarettes which are expensive.”

STOPTOBER It’s like October but without cigarretes To find out more about quitting smoking go to: www.quit51.co.uk or www.enfield.gov.uk/healthyenfield www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

October 2017


SIXTH FORMERS SPENT A DAY GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER BEFORE LESSONS BEGAN Nightingale Academy sixth form NTA6 took Year 12 and 13 students to Tolmers Activity Centre Students took part in activities including archery, pedal-karting, wall climbing and team challenges. Nicola Hunt, pastoral lead for Year 12 and 13, said: “This was a chance for students to get to know each other and to build a new team. It’s how we move forward as a sixth form; being supportive of each other. “We wanted to get students motivat-


Edmonton Green Magazine | #6

Fatma Year 12 Akkuyu, 16, , enjoyab said: “It was v ery le. I me t and lea rned ho new people w cate wit h them. to communiThe helped with sta day really sixth fo rting in the rm; it fabulou was s.”

ed and to show them how much they can achieve by working together. For those who didn’t believe they could complete these physical challenges, it was a real confidence boost when they realised, with the support of their peers, they could. Not only did they complete the tasks, but they enjoyed them, too. “We are all excited for the year ahead.”






SIXTH FORM EXPERIENCES: “Nightingale Academy Sixth Form (NTA6) has been the best decision I could have made!

“As a student who emigrated from Germany to Britain, I can say that the Nightingale Academy was the best choice I have ever made. The academy has done a world of good by offering opportunities, helping me develop the skill that allows you to express yourself in our homogenised society through communication: the English language.

We get wonderful opportunities to visit universities and employers as well as getting to attend careers fairs and events looking at higher education. It is all very helpful!

The EAL (English as Additional Language) program gave me a voice by improving confidence in the language within just a week and within only two years I accomplished (with support from my teachers) a grade 6 in my GCSE English Language and a grade 8 in my GCSE English Literature.

Personally I want to study medicine and I have had lots of support in getting useful information, attending talks, courses and exams. There have been times I question myself and whether I can achieve this but when I do my teachers believe in me and encourage me and this makes me work harder.

I have now chosen to continue my studies at Nightingale Academy Sixth Form because it is a wonderful place to be and I know the staff and students will continue to support me as I prepare for my future.” - Ahmad Mosa – Year 12

I was nervous as starting in a new environment but soon noticed how much support students were getting at NTA6. It was very welcoming and I felt like I belonged there in no time at all.

At Nightingale Academy, there are lots of champions! All students are supported in becoming outstanding individuals!” - Seher Keskin, Year 13

Location: Nightingale Academy, 34 Turin Road, Edmonton, N9 8DQ If you would like a tour, please contact Alec Laing 1 020 8443 8500 0 contactus@nightingaleacademy.org T Follow us @Nightingale_NTA www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

T @NightingaleNTA6 f Like us on Facebook October 2017




On the 29th September, The Tarantino’s performed at Millfield Theatre. What a night!

The band captured the hearts of Quentin Tarantino’s fans with their music and acting which transported the audience back to the iconic movie scenes. They played all the best-known hits from the cult movies, such as; Kill Bill, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Dusk Till Dawn; as well as the new hits from Tarantino Films, Deathproof and Inglorious Basterds. 20

Edmonton Green Magazine | #6


Full engagement from the audience was epic! The theatre was full of happy people who participated in singing and dancing throughout their performance. The musicians were very professional, along with the lead singer who was fantastic and really got the crowd going.


Lead singer performs the famous twist dance from ‘Pulp Fiction’


October 2017



ENFIELD MUSIC SERVICE OPEN DAY On Saturday 30th September Enfield Music Service held their termly Open Day at the Saturday Music Centre based at Houndsfield Primary School in Edmonton. Parents, carers and children from all around the borough came along and had a lovely time trying out different 22

Edmonton Green Magazine | #6

instruments and taking part in different activities such as playing in a steel pan group or a ukulele group. Lots of young children also took part in ‘Music Club’ which is a singing and percussion group that takes place each Saturday during term time. www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

Paula Warren, Head of the EMS Saturday Music Centre said: “Our termly Open Days provide an excellent opportunity for children to try out which instrument they’d like to learn and also the opportunity to explore the various music groups on offer. It’s really inspiring!”. Enfield Music Service provides a wide range of instrumental and vocal tuition in schools throughout the borough of Enfield and at the Saturday Music Centre. It also runs music groups to suit all ages and levels.

For further details please contact EMS on 020 8807 8881 or at

info@enfieldmusicservice.org Information can also be found online at

www.enfield.gov.uk www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

October 2017


Get creative with doddle designs Doodle is a creative organisation that celebrates diversity and creativity for all. Their workshops are engaging, exciting and most of all, fun! These classes are designed for parents/carers who want to 24

Edmonton Green Magazine | #6

enjoy crafting alongside their little ones, letting them explore their creativity, whilst being able to get involved too! It is a fantastic opportunity to have fun and also develop fine motor skills and hand/eye coordination. www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

Kristina works in partnership with schools and other organisations to create and facilitate bespoke art and design workshops. Her workshops specialise in addressing a specific agenda and celebrate diversity, inclusion and engagement through art. Alongside her partnerships with schools, her recent clients have included IKEA, Enfield Youth Service and Enfield Council.


October 2017


? w o n K u o Y d i D Di


The word ceramic comes from an ancient Greek word for “burned earth�. 2

Ceramics are made by firing (heating) clay (fine particles of earth) in an oven called a kiln or furnace. 3

Porcelain has the finest texture of all ceramics. It is made from a white clay called kaolin, fired at very high temperatures. 26

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Upcoming dates: 13th Oct 20th Oct Booking is recommended to avoid disappointment. Please include the age of your child at time of booking. High chairs provided. £10 per session for 1 adult with 1 child.

Address: Millfield Arts Centre, Silver Street, Edmonton, London, N18 1PJ


For more information:

www.doodledesigns.co.uk www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

October 2017


Black History Month

BLACK HISTORY MONTH KICKS OFF Local star Janet Kay returns to celebrate Lovers Rock at the Millfield. The month celebrates the enormous contribution from the black community. Brace yourself, Enfield is preparing for a borough wide party to celebrate Black History Month in October and everyone is invited. There will be a packed programme of events at the borough’s libraries, 28

Edmonton Green Magazine | #6

the Millfield Theatre and Dugdale Centre to celebrate the contribution black people have made to the borough and the wider United Kingdom throughout the years. Opening the programme of events is a special evening of entertainment on 9 October at 6.30pm, at the Dugdale Centre, including talks, art and South African food and wine. Attended by dignitarwww.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

ies from the South African High Commission, this year is the 100th birthday of Oliver Tambo; South African anti-apartheid politician who served as President of the African National Congress (ANC) from 1967 to 1991. Mr Jabu Sibeko (Chairman of the ANC UK) will give a tribute and talk marking the occasion. There will also be events including plays, workshops and lectures, live music, dance, comedy, drama and sessions for kids; as well as the return of local songstress Janet Kay bringing Lovers Rock back to thrilled audiences across the borough. Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Community, Arts & Culture, Cllr Yasemin Brett, said: “Black History Month is an opportunity for is to celebrate the enormous contribution the black community has made to the United Kingdom and Enfield over the years. “Black History Month helps build strong communities and recognises the achievements black people have made throughout history and gives us a chance to celebrate the thinking, innovation and creativity that has enriched our culwww.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

ture and brought us together as a nation.” “We’ve got a brilliant programme of events planned throughout October which will offer something for everyone, so I’d urge residents to get out and about and explore some of the great events we’re hosting.” To find out more about the events for October go to: www.millfieldtheatre.co.uk/ www.dugdalecentre.co.uk/ October 2017



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October 2017


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October 2017




The mission of ConnectUS Academy is to help members increase their business through developing their knowledge and skills. We provide training in Social media, Public speaking, Personal improvement, motivation. The training also provides the opportunity for members to network with other businesses, share ideas and get feed back.


TIME: 10am-12pm Why we don’t do the things we should do?


TIME:10am-12pm Public Speaking – Perfect your elevator pitch



Early bird bookings £20 For more information:


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020 3612 0548


www.edmontongreenmag.co.ukOctober 2017




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