Edmonton Green Magazine - February 2022

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#19 - FEB - 2022


Live, shop, eat and play local! www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

Winter Lights Festival

The festival will Illuminate the streets of Enfield in February and March; bringing light, joy and positivity. FEBRUARY 2022



Edmonton Green Magazine | #19






Edmonton Green Magazine | #19



WHAT’S INSIDE... Art and Culture

6 Winter Lights Festival 8 Calling all Young Writers


Local News

10 Redeveloped Industrial Estate Community - Edmonton Green

12 Blue Badge Holders Go Free


14 Little Community Library

Take a book... leave a book!

16 Edmonton Green Centre

Better offering, happier customers Dream, Believe Succeed

18 By Ben Bryant - ECP Heritage

20 Leeds Street N18


22 Kids

Half Term

18 Contact us:

info@ngmedia.solutions T: 020 3612 4805 www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk



| Art and Culture |

WINTER LIGHTS FESTIVAL The inaugural Enfield Winter Lights Festival will illuminate the streets of Enfield in February and March; bringing light, joy and positivity.

Enfield Winter Lights is a series of largescale art installations and activations designed to illuminate our town centres. Angel Edmonton, Enfield Town, Palmers Green and Southgate. The festival will bring together artists, local businesses and the wider community, with spectacular light artworks designed to celebrate the heritage of Enfield and dazzle Angel Edmonton, Enfield Town, Palmers Green and Southgate with colour, creativity and innovation. Enfield Winter Lights is delivered by Artist Hive Studios in partnership with Enfield Council. Festival highlights feature six prominent UK based artists who have been shortlisted to deliver site-specific takeovers in each of the town centres. We can expect playful and unexpected installations including a mesmerizing light projection by Claire Luxton who will transform two iconic architectural landmarks and an immersive neon light garden, bathing us in light and positivity created by Eve De Haan. A 6

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luminescent sculpture promoting unity and connection by local artist Mark Beattie will also feature for the duration of the festival. A series of light portraits “Let there be Light” will be installed by local rising talent King Owusu shining a spotlight on residents of Upper Edmonton working with local group REACT and Platinum Academy. A light artwork by Lauren Baker is proposed to be installed at a local landmark Palmers Green Triangle, focusing on the significance of the Suffragette movement and female power, and local artist Dan Maier will deliver site specific installations in Southgate bringing the essence of nature to architectural landmarks. In addition, local artists have been selected to uplift our high street with mean-while installations activating vacant shops and connecting with local businesses. We will also invite the community to enjoy a curated boroughwide art trail viewable night and day, on billboards in seventeen locations. www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

Enfield Council’s Deputy Leader, Cllr Ian Barnes said: “The Winter Lights celebration will transform high streets through the darker winter months, showing how we can deliver art, for free, to everyone in the borough through accessible and exciting family friendly installations. We have some truly astonishing art works coming to Enfield, from larger than life building projections to an interactive exhibition within a shipping container, and much more in between. “This ambitious public arts programme will help to bring local stories to life while encouraging visitors into our town centres, to offer support to our local businesses who will be nestled amongst these inspiring artworks. We know that culture can play a great role in economic development and to help shape local pride and identity for all our communities; I can’t wait to welcome everyone back to Enfield’s high streets.” The festival pays homage to local luminary Sir Joseph Wilson Swan, a pioneer in the electronics industry and an early developer of a successful incandescent light bulb, over 130 years ago. In 1886 Edison Swan United Electric Light Co. took over the former jute mill at Duck Lees Lane in Ponders End and converted it to manufacture electric light bulbs, leading to the factory being known colloquially as ‘The Lamp’. As well as iconic outdoor art interventions the festival will also include interactive elements, where the community is encouraged to get

creative. On the opening weekend of the festival, we invite the public to take part in a neon life drawing class led by Jylle Navarro, the innovative class uses UV reactive arts materials, described in TimeOut Magazine as ‘It might look like a Full Moon party, but this evening of sketching is an experiment in light, colour, and texture. The models become ‘living sculptures’ covered in UV lights and reactive body paints. Trippy.’ Southgate based artist, Dan Maier will also run a lamp making workshop at the Southgate Club. A second lamp making workshop will be held at FIELD with Minneapolis designer Blake CarlsonJoshua and architect and designer Purva Kundaje. ‘Object Expressionism Lamp’ is an open-ended activity based workshop, developing design narratives with each attendee, interpreting material, texture, colour and shape. All workshops will be under 10. Full details will be available at www. enfieldwinterlights.com This work is supported by The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) Welcome Back Fund, established through a grant from the European Regional Development Fund (EDRF). Delivered by Artist Hive Studios. The money is helping Enfield Council put in place additional measures to establish a safe trading environment for businesses and customers in the wake of COVID-19, particularly in high streets, and support our local economy on the road to recovery.

FIND OUT MORE Instagram @enfieldwinterlights | Facebook: @enfieldwinterlights www.enfieldwinterlights.com www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk



| Community |


It’s the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and Edmonton Green Shopping Centre want to send her the best gift around, and what’s better than a book written by the younger generation of Enfield? Edmonton Green Shopping Centre cordially invites all local young writers aged 5 – 16 to put their pen to paper and create their best poem celebrating the Queen and all things Royal to celebrate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee.

to reading your submissions.”

The young people of Enfield are being invited to submit their poems for a wonderful book that will be published to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. The book shall be printed and sent to the Queen, as well as all contributors. It will then be available to purchase on Amazon.

The final book will be available to purchase on Amazon with all proceeds going to local charity Time to Help UK.

Rebecca Bird, Retail Manager at Edmonton Green Shopping Centre, said, “It’s not very often we get to celebrate something as huge as this as a country. Especially right now, when things have been so tough for people, we wanted to do something memorable. “Having the book published and each contributor having their own copy will be such a special memento for those involved and we hope will really touch the Queen’s heart. We would like to encourage as many young people across Enfield to get involved, get inspired and get writing. We are really looking forward 8

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All entries must be in by 27th February and winners will be chosen by a local judging panel, with all winners being notified on World Book Day (March 3rd.)

Yusuf Kur, Chief Operating Officer at Time to Help, said, “It is great to see local communities coming together to celebrate our shared achievements and help people in need. With this partnership, we will be able to reach even more people to help them with their daily needs. This may vary from delivering food parcels to their doorstep to assisting them with a friendly call.” Submissions can be either sent via email to rebecca@ashdownphillips.com or via post to Rebecca Bird, Managers office, Edmonton Green Shopping Centre, 62 market square, N9 0TZ. Rebecca continued, “This is a really exciting time for the country to celebrate and we want as many of our local young people to be involved.” www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

Submissions can be either sent via email to rebecca@ashdownphillips.com or via post to Rebecca Bird, Managers office, Edmonton Green Shopping Centre, 62 market square, N9 0TZ.




| Local News |

REDEVELOPED INDUSTRIAL ESTATE WELCOMES NEW TENANTS The comprehensive redevelopment of Montagu Industrial Estate in Edmonton is continuing apace, with the completion of the first phase of its transformation into modern, sustainable industrial and logistics scheme, Workstown.

The comprehensive redevelopment of Montagu Industrial Estate in Edmonton is continuing apace, with the completion of the first phase of its transformation into modern, sustainable industrial and logistics scheme, Workstown. The £150 million joint venture is replacing dilapidated, out-of-date buildings with modern, more energy efficient spaces for local small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Enfield Council’s Leader, Cllr Nesil Caliskan and the Cabinet Member for 10

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Finance & Resources, Cllr Mary Maguire, met council officers who have worked on the project and a team from property developer HBD, the council’s jointventure partner. They joined a tour of the scheme on Monday 24 January to view the completed first phase, which comprises nine industrial units totalling 60,000 sq. ft. of new space. Two thirds of the completed phase is already let or under offer. One of the new tenants, Hived, (pictured) is the first mass-market, zero emission parcel delivery provider, offering greener and www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

cheaper solutions from warehouses directly to customers. Cllr Maguire said: “Montagu Industrial Estate is transforming into a modern, fitfor-purpose and accessible site welcoming businesses that are at the forefront of manufacturing and logistics. The development will also have a significant impact on the local community, helping with the creation of a variety of highquality jobs within the borough and new opportunities for innovative businesses. I am also extremely happy to see that as well as providing new homes for existing and expanding local companies, we are also welcoming new businesses such as Hived to the area.” Adrian Schofield, Senior Director and Head of Region at HBD, said: “We have seen strong interest in Workstown from a wide-range of businesses, from start-ups through to larger companies - 70 per cent of the scheme was under offer before completion, which reflects the quality of the development. It is a fantastic www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

regeneration project and we look forward to bringing forward the further phases of the redevelopment.” Located just north of the A406, the 29-acre scheme is being redeveloped in phases to create more than 350,000 sq. ft. of employment space. The transformation is part of the Council’s ongoing and wider regeneration of the Edmonton area to create new opportunities, support employment and establish a new business community. The revamp of the estate is expected to create hundreds of new jobs, a significant boost for Edmonton. The estate, which housed some units from the 1950s has suffered from anti-social behaviour and unauthorised activities on the site, which has had a detrimental impact on surrounding residential areas. The next phases and compulsory purchase order are scheduled to be discussed at March’s Cabinet meeting. An overall masterplan will show how the remaining phases will be delivered. FEBRUARY 2022


| Community |

BLUE BADGE HOLDERS GO FREE Just register your badge and get shopping!

Edmonton Green Shopping Centre constantly strives in making the shopping experience for all its customers as accessible as possible. Having previously introduced dementia friendly maps and refurbished accessibility toilets, the centre is now focusing on parking. From Monday the 31st of January 2022, all 12

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Blue Badge holders can stay and park for free across three of the centre’s car parks. All visitors need to do is simply ensure they have pre-registered their badge and vehicle prior to their visit and once they have registered their free parking will be applied. www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

Sabri Marsaoui, Asset Director, Edmonton Green Shopping Centre, said, “It’s important to support members of our community in the best way we can, and we are hopeful that this change will make a difference to those that need it most.” Ray Downing, Artistic Director at Face Front Inclusive Theatre (based in the Shopping Centre), said, “We are thrilled with the incoming changes of free parking for Blue Badge holders at Edmonton Green Shopping Centre. These changes make the shopping centre and our studio space more accessible to our community. “Disabled people in particular face multiple challenges, including restricted access to leisure, employment, and education due to physical, attitudinal, and communication barriers as well as active discrimination. The money saved on parking can be repurposed to support more of our inclusive theatre groups and participants.”

Registered Blue Badge holders can park in designated bays for free, for a maximum of three hours, in: - the Asda car park - the Multi-Storey car park - the North Square car park. Badges should be clearly visible on the dashboard to prevent any charges being applied. Don’t delay and get your badge registered today. The staff at Edmonton Green Shopping Centre look forward to welcoming all visitors.

REGISTRATION IS FREE AND SIMPLE VIA: • the website https://edmontongreencentre.co.uk/parking-for-bluebadge-holders/ • email EdmontonGreen@ashdownphillips.com or • popping into the management office (located in Market Square) to register. When registering, visitors will need their number plate and a copy of their Blue Badge for verification.




| Community |

TAKE A BOOK... LEAVE A BOOK! A year on, Edmonton Green’s Little Free Library is going strong! To celebrate World Book Day last year, Edmonton Green Shopping Centre commissioned local creative, Christina Kalinowski of Doodle Designs and Facebook group ‘Edmonton Parents Get Together’ to design their own Little Free Library - a national campaign seeking to promote reading whilst encouraging us to rehome preloved books. Nearly a year

on, thousands of books have been exchanged through this initiative. So if you want to free up some space on your shelves for some new books or find some new ones, get yourself down to Edmonton Green and be part of this scheme. The Little Free Library is located outside Wilko and you can drop off or collect books 24 hours a day, seven days a week! Happy reading!

Please join the group for all events updates! www.facebook.com/groups/EdmontonParentsGetTogether/ Stay in touch on Instagram @doodle.enfield 14

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| Local Business |


So, what exactly has the team at Edmonton Green Shopping Centre been doing to get this positive outcome? There is a real vibrant mix of tenants, both local and national, alongside the eclectic community within Edmonton Green Shopping Centre but something was always missing. Embracing the community, their roots, their lives and


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backgrounds was something that needed to be addressed and that’s exactly what property management company, Ashdown Phillips and Partners Ltd (Ashdown Phillips), have been doing over the past few years.




In October 2020, Ashdown Phillips were appointed to bring commercial management inhouse at the Centre and what a phenomenal turn around in such a short period of time. In just over a year: - Income has increased by 10%; - Tenant satisfaction has increased with positive responses up by 40%; - As of January 2022, bookings within the West Mall are at 100% capacity with a waiting list in place and - The team are seeing an additional 1520 onsite enquiries per month. The future of the Shopping Centre is bright and they are definitely one to watch.

The key to all of this success is down to Ashdown Phillips having placed a wonderful team within the Centre, who have a real passion for the Centre and are the absolute driving force championing the community and it’s needs. So much so, the team have actually won numerous awards including one for their great initiatives in supporting the community at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Anthony Springle, Surveying Director at Ashdown Phillips and Partners Ltd, said, “It has been a tremendous team effort to ensure a smooth and successful transition to inhouse commercial management. “The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, especially from the aspect of having a dedicated onsite point of contact.” The aim is to continue in this vein and really embrace the community and all that it has to offer. Edmonton Green Shopping Centre is just at the start of a new forward thinking and fresh vibe focused not only on retail but what is best for the community too. It is the perfect mix. WHAT THE FUTURE HAS IN STORE? But it doesn’t just stop there. The team are constantly reviewing their onsite management services to ensure they deliver the highest quality service while offering the best value to their clients. They are proud to be a community focused shopping centre and always will be. They are Edmonton Green.




| Community |



Edmonton Green Magazine | #19


On Thursday 13 January, we had the privilege of watching Platinum Performing Arts perform their show Fairytale High at the Millfield Theatre. Created especially for our Dream, Believe, Succeed project and performed for our schools, Fairytale High reflects real life problems facing our students. A team of familiar fairy tale characters embark on a journey through the forbidden forest and face many modern challenges along the way! We watch as Cinderella, Moana, Snow White, Prince Charming and Pinocchio embark on a journey with many obstacles and difficult choices along the way. Platinum worked with a number of primary schools conducting workshops and listening to young students about the positive and negative situations in their lives. They used all of their input to create a fun and accessible play that presents these situations back to them. The show demonstrates that whatever behaviour a young person may be engaging in, there’s always a deeper story. This play is a great example of what the ‘Dream, Believe, Succeed’ project is all about as we are committed to listen to, inspire and enable the full potential of young people in the community. It was shown to over 1,200 students across 4 performances, with some fantastic feedback from our students and teachers. It was great to see everyone giving their all and amazing to hear that it was rehearsed within just 4 days! Thank you to all who took part and helped create this show. For more information visit www.edmontoncommunitypartnership.org




| Heritage |

CHARLIE’S STALL HERITAGE PIECE 2022 Edmonton’s newest legacy murals, based on the rich history of Charlie’s fruit and veg stall on Leeds Street N18, are set to be installed this Spring. The nostalgic artworks, located in one of N18’s heritage areas, seek to retell the hidden stories observed through the eyes of the market and the community that it has served over the past 100 years. Inspired by the stories of Charlie, as well as contributions from Edmontonians past and present, the murals are influenced by Victorian illustrations, botanical studies and William Morris. The artwork will eventually evolve into a faux ‘ghost sign’ - where text and illustrations of years gone by remain visible, fading over time, contributing to the history of the area. Imagery taken from both the past and present include: crowns and a tun as a nod to the Paddy Power building once being a popular public house, and blocks representing the chimneys of Snells Estate Mansion - now demolished to make way for the current housing. Transport images through the years are depicted with both horse-drawn and electric trams, as well as the more recent mopeds, which reflect the long-standing hustle and bustle of Fore Street, being a thoroughfare since Victorian times. Colourful fruit, vegetables and fish are prominent in the pieces, marking the historical significance of the market 20

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stalls, with an array of different produce to reflect the deep-rooted diversity of Edmonton’s community. This contrasts with the monochromatic tones of the man-made transport elements of the piece, set in an urban environment. Quotes from ‘Charlie’s Stall’ by local Poet Keith Mowatt also feature throughout. The murals were designed by Edmonton creative Christina Kalinowski of Doodle Designs and delivered by Wood Street Wall. The project is funded by The Good Growth Fund and Enfield Council.







| Kids - Half Term |

IS THE THOUGHT OF HAVING YOUR HIGH ENERGY CHILD AT HOME ALL WEEK DURING HALF TERM STARTING TO WORRY YOU? Well, stress no more. We have the perfect solution Empire Cheerleading Academy, based in Enfield Island Village, has recently opened the doors to brand new premises with so much excitement to offer the children of our borough this half term. If you’re looking for something energetic, fun and different to keep your children entertained then take a look at the Cheer and Tumble Camps on offer. The camps will run daily from Monday 14th February to Wednesday 16th February inclusive. They are open to children aged 4 – 12 years old. The sessions are geared towards teaching cheerleading stunts and jumps as well as providing developmental work to strengthen and condition our young athletes. There will be two sessions on offer: - 4 – 6 year olds: 9am – 11am - 7 – 12 year olds: 11.30 – 3.30 am (Please note, all children will need to bring a packed lunch with them.)

Time is ticking though and places are filling fast so please do book soon to confirm your child’s space. If you’ve got any questions at all then please don’t hesitate to get in touch and one of the team will get back to you shortly.

Don’t worry. They don’t need to have any experience, as our team are highly qualified and will ensure they have the best time in our sessions. 22

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To book your place, please visit: www.empiresports.class4kids.co.uk We are looking forward to welcoming you and your young ones to our new premises this half term! www.empirecheerleadingacademy.com




FRI 4TH MARCH 2022 AT 7.30PM MILLFIELD THEATRE, SILVER STREET, EDMONTON, N18 1PJ Come and see some of Enfield's well known faces, local celebrities and other special guests, as they jump into the world of ‘STRICTLY!’ For one night only they’ll be putting on their Latin shoes (and possibly their b-boy caps) as they try and raise as much money for charity in a OUR BRAND NEW SHOW ‘Strictly Come Millfield!’ Join us on the 4th of March for night filled with music, dance, drinks and definitely a lot of laughter, as we all come together to celebrate the culture and community of Enfield under one roof for good cause! All event profits will be donated to a charity of the winners choice on the evening. TICKETS: £25 VIP | £20 STANDARD VIP Tickets include: a glass of bubbly on arrival, VIP Seating and access to VIP lounge in Bar www.millfieldtheatre.co.uk 24

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and the

Easter Pantomime | 9th - 16th April 2022

Box 8807 6680 • Online: www.millfieldtheatre.co.uk 28 Office: Edmonton020 Green Magazine | #19 www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk

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