#21 - MAY - 2022
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MAY 2022
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Edmonton Green Magazine | #21
MAY 2022
SAT 27TH AUGUST | 19:45
The Lewis Sisters
DJ Bradshaw
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HELLO EDMONTON! This edition is also a very special one! We are celebrating 5 Years of Edmonton Green Magazine! We are so proud of everything that has been achieved, but most importantly, how we have supported so many local organisations over the past 5 years. We love being a powerful voice in Edmonton and broadcasting important news and information to you all. And now we are certain that our readers would know what is featured in this special issue. Firstly, Councillors are working hard on campaigns for the upcoming Local Elections in May. Candidates have shared their plans with Edmonton Green Magazine and this is a must-read! Congratulations to our newest local author, Erina Lewis, on the book launch of ‘My Crown’. We were delighted to see so many children enjoy her storytime at the event too. And guess what’s back this July... the absolutely amazing Mauritius Open Air Festival! We cannot wait to see the tropical performances, experience the culture and enjoy authentic food at this family-friendly event. Finally, thank you so much to our wonderful readers for supporting us, and of course our loyal advertisers too.
We hope you enjoy the issue! Keep in touch with us on social media @edmontongreen
MAY 2022
Edmonton Green Magazine | #21
The Mauritius Open Air Festival
8 is back!
10 Community
Period Poverty Book Launch:
12 Female Empowerment
14 Play Street is back!
16 Community
Angel Edmonton
18 Local Elections 2022 Your vote matters
16 14 Contact us:
info@ngmedia.solutions T: 020 3612 4805 www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk
MAY 2022
| Art and Culture |
THE MAURITIUS OPEN AIR FESTIVAL IS BACK! The Mauritius Open Air Festival(MOAF) is celebration of the culture of Mauritius and a real feast for all the senses! The event is known as the largest celebration of Mauritian music and culture outside the Island itself. This iconic event is a totally unique London offering and is a must go, family-friendly event that will bring a taste of Mauritius’ culture and vibrancy to the famous Trent Park in London. An authentic and vibrant atmosphere will be created with Sega Dancing, Music from Mauritius and many other tropical performances, as well as arts and crafts workshops and face painting for children. Trent Park will be lined with a beautiful mix of coloured stalls 8
Edmonton Green Magazine | #21
and flags. Food lovers will be spoiled for choice with an array of authentic street food vendors serving up a mix of delicious food with beer and cocktails. Each year, since the Festival was first staged in 2009, the Mauritius Open Air Festival has brought together a vibrant mix of Mauritian musicians and the finest Mauritian cuisine in a lively and familyfriendly environment that perfectly reflects Mauritius’ welcoming island culture. As Europe’s largest exhibition for Mauritius and its interests, wellestablished eateries, bars and businesses www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk
are represented, making the Festival the ultimate showcase for Mauritius. The event has been held in Trent Park since 2018 and in 2019, MOAF celebrated their 10th edition of the Festival which attracted an incredible 15,000- plus people, making it one of London’s largest mass community participation events of any kind. So whether you want to try some “Dhal Pouri” (Indian style flatbread stuffed with ground yellow split peas, served with a bean curry and chutney), or feast on a selection of “Gajaks” (deep-fried snacks such as potato fritters and samosas),
there is a little something for everyone. MOAF offers up a perfect time to bask in the atmosphere with a bellyful of food, enjoying the sounds of Sega (Mauritian music) while you relax with a cold bottle of Mauritius’ award-winning lager, Phoenix beer. Once you’ve experienced this home away from home, it’s guaranteed to become a firm date in your summer calendar. With great food, live music and entertainment for the whole family, the event represents the warm friendly culture and everything that makes Mauritius the gem of the Indian ocean.
For all information please visit: www.mauritiusfestival.com For all press related inquiries please contact: 0843 289 4421 or email: info@mauritiusfestival.com
MAY 2022
| Community |
EMPOWERING AND STRENGTHENING OUR COMMUNITIES Local initiative launched helping those facing period poverty
Anthro Vision, an inclusive local Community Interest Company (CIC), has been paving the way to help young people access wellbeing care packages when they need them the most. The People with Periods (PWP) initiative provides free essential items to those who are experiencing period poverty or are from a low-income household within the borough. Care packages are designed to help by stimulating each one of the senses to ensure all recipients experience a positive period. Packs include, for example, sanitary towels, facial products, chocolates or biscuits. Anthro Vision – meaning Human Vision – was founded by local resident Lea Gibson in the midst of lockdown to create a space where people can be their true selves and grow in an environment that allows them to flourish. The small but highly passionate and experienced team aim to help others achieve within society. Lea said, “During lockdown, it became apparent to me that there was a need for support in our local community. Young people were reaching out to me around period and hygiene poverty and I couldn’t stand by and watch. “It was also evident that there needed to 10
Edmonton Green Magazine | #21
be something available that was inclusive so Anthro Vision was born. We aim to tackle period poverty, one wellbeing care pack at a time. We are the only organisation within the borough that supports trans men, women and nonbinary individuals with our care packages. We want to change the narrative and educate society on what it means to have a period.” Rebecca Bird, Retail Manager at Edmonton Green Shopping Centre, said, “When I first met Lea, I could see the passion she had for the community and how much she wanted to make a difference to young people today. We are really proud to support their efforts within the community and have made a donation ourselves to finance more wellbeing packs. If anyone else would like to help I suggest you get in touch with the team. With little steps, we really can make a difference.” www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk
The PWP initiative is only the beginning of what Anthro Vision has to offer. There are also workshops across a wide range of areas including mindfulness, expressive arts, creative writing and sexual health awareness. In addition, there is the Big Mentoring Programme which pairs a young person with an older person helping them to build confidence. Lea continued, “Young people are our future leaders and game changers so if we don’t give them an environment
to thrive in, we are setting them up for failure. We aim to empower and uplift young people to become their best selves. It is very easy to feel alone in this world and that is something we seek to change.” Anthro Vision is always happy to receive support so the team can continue to help others rewrite the narrative for the next generation. If you’d like to offer any support and provide a donation for our wellbeing care packs please do get in touch.
For further information please visit www.anthrovision.co.uk
MAY 2022
| Community |
LEARNING TO LOVE YOURSELF Erina Lewis celebrates her differences and female empowerment. We dove into the topic of female empowerment at a book launch at the Culture Palace Erina Lewis launched her new book MY CROWN at the Culture Palace earlier this month. MY CROWN is a children’s book all about self-love and growing up. The main character, RiRi, is a girl who finds it tricky to love and look after her hair. MY CROWN takes her on a journey of learning to love herself and to love her curls! Erina Lewis is a female, local author, who is all about empowering the younger generation to love their identity and individuality rather than trying to fit into the mould. She describes MY CROWN as; “A reminder for all, young and old, to love your differences and embrace your unique qualities. The love you have for yourself is what shines through!”
Edmonton Green Magazine | #21
The book launch was hosted by Pickled Pepper Books at the Culture Palace in Enfield Town. There was a huge amount of people who attended, and they loved the activities, where they were able to design and create their own crown. Erina hosted a storytime session and then held a Q&A with the audience, which was a lovely opportunity for people to find out more about her as an author and her inspiration behind the book. She wrote this book based on her own experiences growing up as a girl in Enfield with parents of mixed heritage (Mum being Greek and Dad being Jamaican) hoping that her memories and her own journey will be able to help a little girl who is still learning to love herself.
Erina Lewis is currently working on her next book, and we can’t wait to read it! Look out for MY CROWN which will be at AMAZON soon and major book stores. Follow @evlproductions
MAY 2022
| Edmonton Kids |
PLAY STREET IS BACK! This Sunday from 1-4pm, Edmonton Parents Get Together will be hosting the next Exeter Road N9 Play Street. The theme of this FREE community event will be all things Jubilee, in the lead up to the national celebrations next month. Play Streets are where families can come together to have some outdoor fun on the streets they live. The road will be closed to through-traffic and is open to all... So why not come out and play! Bring scooters, bikes, inflatable balls, chalks, any outdoor games and most important of all - community spirit! We’ll also be getting crafty with artists from Tiger Monkey, who will be running a pop up creative workshop for children to make their own jubilee-inspired crowns, banners, costumes and puppets,
Edmonton Green Magazine | #21
representing our diverse community and what the Jubilee means to them. There will be opportunities for the artworks to be showcased in the Grovelands Park Jubilee Parade on 4th June. The workshops are part of the ‘Let’s Create Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations 2022’ funding from Arts Council England, commissioned locally by Every Parent and Child. Just turn up and take part! Edmonton Parents Get Together is THE local Facebook group for families in the area. Founded in 2019, the group is currently at 1.1k members and aims to help build a positive network for parents living and raising their children in N9 and N18. Members share local info, groups and items to give away, and much more. Please join the group for all Playstreet updates.
Please join the group for all events updates! www.facebook.com/groups/EdmontonParentsGetTogether/ Stay in touch on Instagram @doodle.enfield www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk
MAY 2022
| Community |
DIVINE INTERVENTIONS FOR ANGEL EDMONTON The wide-ranging ambitions of Enfield Council’s Angel Edmonton Town Centre Action Plan are being delivered with the start of transformational work around Fore Street funded by the Mayor of London. The upgrade of Fore Street Library has begun while the first of several art installations for the town centre has been unveiled. Plans have also started on the delivery of affordable workspaces for local businesses at Angel Yard with the appointment of project partner Launch It. These projects are part of a £2.2 million programme of works supported by the Mayor of London’s Good Growth Fund, and sit alongside further plans for the area spearheaded by Enfield Council which include improving public spaces, and introducing a programme of arts and cultural activities. Enfield Council’s Leader, Cllr Nesil Caliskan, said: “These plans will create a resilient, vibrant town centre and connects the people of Angel Edmonton to the wider strategic growth at the nearby Joyce and Snell’s estates and Meridian Water. “The transformation of the library is a significant step as it lies at the heart of the town’s community activities.” The library will become a flexible, community focused facility and ‘living 16
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room’ for people to access learning and employment skills and to enjoy a programme of activities including performances, readings and workshops. The Council appointed local building firm Nico Contractors Ltd and Meridian Water based fabrication specialist Bloqs to complete the works at the library, designed by Jan Kattein Architects. The library is expected to reopen in the Summer of 2022. Representatives of these local businesses met Enfield Council’s cabinet member for Children’s Services, Cllr Mahtab Uddin and Council officers at the library site. The visitors also saw the recently completed mural ‘Charlie’ inspired by the Leeds Street market trader of the same name who has worked as a green grocer for 70 years. The mural, designed by artist Albert Agwa and developed with Fisher Cheng Architects, was voted for by members of the public from three shortlisted designs. The mural on the corner of College Gardens and Fore Street is a stone’s throw away from an old laundry yard that will be transformed into 32 affordable
workspaces and a new community area, also funded by the Good Growth Fund. Launch It an organisation dedicated to helping empower and train young people
to start their own businesses, has been appointed by Enfield Council to operate the workspaces known as Angel Yard from this Autumn 2022.
To find out more about the plans for the regeneration of Angel Edmonton visit: https://letstalk.enfield.gov.uk/angeledmontonap
MAY 2022
| Local Council Elections |
Edmonton Green Magazine | #21
LOCAL COUNCIL ELECTIONS ON THURSDAY 5 MAY 2022 Local council elections for Enfield will take place on Thursday 5 May 2022. Voters in the borough will choose who they want to represent them as their ward councillors. VOTING IN PERSON - POLL CARD If you are eligible to vote at a polling station, you will be sent a poll card which will inform you of the date of the election, where your polling station is and the hours of poll. Poll cards are normally delivered to all registered electors around two to three weeks before an election, usually before the deadline for applications for postal or proxy votes. This card is for information only. Don’t worry if you lose it or forget it - you can still vote without it, although it will help the staff at the polling station if you take it with you. VOTING AT A POLLING STATION There will be at least two members of staff in the polling station - a presiding officer and one or more assistants, known as poll clerks. You will be asked by the staff for your name and address. If you have a poll card it will help the staff but you will still be asked to confirm your name and address. It does not matter if you have forgotten your poll card as you will still be able to vote if you are registered.
The staff will check that your name is listed in the electoral register. When your details have been verified, you will be given a ballot paper, which you should take to a polling booth. A mark will be made against the register to show that you have voted. You will not be able to vote again in the same election. Polling booths are provided to allow you to cast your vote in secrecy. If you need help to mark your ballot paper, e.g. because you are blind, you can either ask the presiding officer to help you or you can take a companion to the polling station with you. You must inform the presiding officer if you wish to do this as he or she will need to make a record of the number of votes not marked by the elector - this is to protect against fraud. There will be a notice in the polling booth indicating how many candidates you can vote for. If you vote for more candidates than you are entitled to, your vote will not be counted. After casting your vote, you should fold the ballot paper and place it in the ballot box, which will be situated next to the staff working at the polling station.
MEET YOUR LOCAL CANDIDATES>>> www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk
MAY 2022
| Local Council Elections |
CHINELO ANOLUE Jubilee Ward - Labour
My name is Chinelo Anyanwu born and brought up in Edmonton. I am standing for Labour candidate in Jubilee Ward. After I was elected as Jubilee ward councillor a year ago in a bi-election, I have wasted no time in supporting the residents along side my colleagues. Working hands on with the Waste Enforcement team to help tackle fly tipping, which has amounted to numerous fines being issued. I have been dedicated to a Greener Enfield by helping to launched Boundary Park Improvement Scheme in Jubilee Ward. I have been working with young people within schools in the ward, delivering leadership talks and developing a mentor scheme. At Woodpecker Hall School we are improving road safety and listening to the needs of the school. I have also been working with local charities like NYCC, to support young people who face extreme challenges.
Edmonton Green Magazine | #21
I’m dedicated to a supporting resident through an extremely challenging time with cost of living. Despite government funding cuts I will continue to work hard to ensure that key services are protected. The well-being of our community is at the core of everything I do.
| Your Vote Matters |
CHRISTINE WILLIAMS Edmonton Green Ward - Conservative
I am one of the three Conservative candidates for Edmonton Green Ward, in the May elections, together with Phivos Joannides and Andi Smith. We are standing on a platform to improve the area. Edmonton Green has been neglected by Enfield Council in recent times. Litter is everywhere and general state of the roads and pavements are poor. To address these problems Conservatives want to crack down on fly tipping and will double the number of Waste Enforcement officers, as well as introducing 100 more CCTV cameras to catch fly-tippers in the act. We will reverse Enfield Council’s disastrous decision to end weekly bin collections and we will reintroduce collections on a weekly basis To deal with the poor repair of our roads and pavements we will set up a £2m pavement fund to cover the cost of improving our pavements and a £2m roads fund to improve our roads and reduce potholes.
And to improve the street scene further we will roll out the largest ever programme of street tree plant, aiming to plant some 3,000 new street trees improving not only the appearance of the Borough but helping improve air quality for residents. Edmonton Green deserves better than it has had from the Enfield Council over the last 12 years. It’s time for change. I hope we will have your support on polling day.
MAY 2022
| Local Council Elections |
CLAYTON BARNS Haselbury Ward - Conservative
I am one of the two Conservative candidates standing for the Haselbury ward, in the May elections, together with Clare Spring. We are standing on a platform to improve the Borough and particularly Haselbury Ward, which has been neglected by Enfield Council in recent times. We are particularly concerned about Enfield Council’s draft Local Plan which not only plans to build housing on large swathes of Green Belt land, but also proposes Church Street Recreation Ground as one of two possible sites for a new crematorium. We believe this site is totally unsuitable for a crematorium due to the close proximity to residential housing and to Latymer School. It would also involve destruction of an historic avenue of horse chestnut trees at the front of the site -which would be an environmental outrage. We will oppose any such plans. Conservatives believe in enhancing our environment which is why we’re
Edmonton Green Magazine | #21
proposing to plant 3,000 more street trees and to invest an extra £500,000 in our parks’ maintenance and buildings. Fly tipping also remains a major blight across the ward, and we want to see action by Enfield Council on this. If elected, Conservatives will double the number of Waste Enforcement officers and introduce 100 more CCTV cameras to catch fly-tippers in the act. We will also scrap the appointments system at Barrowell Green recycling centre to promote increased use of the facility. Conservatives will also reverse Enfield Council’s disastrous decision to end weekly bin collections and will reintroduce collections on a weekly basis. Haselbury ward deserves better than it has had from the Enfield Council over the last 12 years. It’s time for change. I hope we will have your support on polling day.
| Your Vote Matters |
DENNIS STACEY Lower Edmonton Ward - Conservative
I am one of the three Conservative candidates for Lower Edmonton Ward, in the May elections, together with Cllr Lindsay Rawlings and Anne Bagulay. We are standing on a platform to improve the Borough and particularly, Lower Edmonton Ward which has been neglected by Enfield Council in recent times. As I walk round the ward I am appalled at the poor state of the street scene with fly tipping everywhere and the poor state of roads and pavements. To begin to deal with this poor repair of our roads and pavements Conservatives will set up a £2m pavement fund to cover the cost of improving our pavements and a £2m roads fund to improve our roads and reduce potholes. To tackle fly tipping, Conservatives will introduce two additional fly tip crews to begin clearing up the mess, and introduce 100 more CCTV cameras to catch flytippers in the act. We will also reverse Enfield Council’s disastrous decision to end weekly bin collections and we will
reintroduce collections on a weekly basis We are also keen to see more done to improve for our parks and open spaces. Conservatives are pledged to invest £500,000 extra to improve our play grounds and skate parks and a further £500,000 in our parks’ buildings and maintenance. Lower Edmonton deserves better than it has had from the Enfield Council over the last 12 years. It’s time for change. I hope we will have your support on polling day.
MAY 2022
| Local Council Elections |
ERGIN ERBIL Edmonton Green Ward - Labour
I am proud to stand as a local Labour candidate for Edmonton Green ward, an area I have lived in my whole life. Edmonton is my home and its where I am raising my young family. I know and understand local issues. Together with my fellow Labour candidates, Abdul Abdullahi and Gunes Akbulut-Boga, we will work hard so that Edmonton Green is a great place to live, work, and study. What do I love about Edmonton? I love our diversity, I love our voluntary organisations, I love our thriving independent businesses, and more. Over the past four years I have continued to be amazed at the resilience of our local community, particularly through Covid. I have met the most amazing people and organisations who all contribute to our local area. If residents continue to put their trust in me, I will work with my Labour colleagues to make Edmonton greener, safer, and cleaner. Our election promises: • Plant over one million trees to tackle air pollution • Deliver 50 School Streets for safety on school roads 24
Edmonton Green Magazine | #21
• Install 200 CCTV cameras to tackle flytipping and litter • Investment in youth services - provide free courses for young people • Create a new Law Enforcement Team of 50 additional officers to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour • Create a Construction Academy and Film Academy in Edmonton training 1,000 a year • And much more! National government funding cuts mean our local services are under huge pressure. Despite these ruthless cuts, Enfield’s Labour Council has prioritised and protected the services that residents most care about. We have also brought several services back in house to be run by the council. Many thanks to Edmonton Green Magazine for arranging this publication. Labour is on your side. Vote Labour on 5th May!
| Your Vote Matters |
GLENN BRESLIN Jubilee Ward - Conservative
Glenn Breslin, who has lived, and run a business in Edmonton for many years, a family and community man, with three young children, dedicated to improving the area, and bringing the community together. Glenn has served as a school governor, ward panel chair, organised many community events, and always active in anything to do with the local area. Glenn wants to improve the area, clean up the streets and sort out the problems that have blighted the people of Edmonton for the last 12 years. Promoted by Alan Mulvey on behalf of Edmonton Conservative Association, 276 Baker Street, Enfield, EN1 3LD
MAY 2022
| Local Council Elections |
HILFUR RAHMAN Upper Edmonton - Conservative I am one of the three Conservative candidates for the Upper Edmonton Ward, in the May elections, together with Daniel Pearce and Rachel Shawcross. We are standing on a platform to improve the Borough and particularly Upper Edmonton ward, which has been neglected by Enfield Council in recent times. We are particularly concerned about Enfield Council’s Active Travel Scheme around North Middlesex Hospital and along Bull Lane N18, which many residents’ feel will worsen our already congested roads. Despite the strong opposition shown in the consultation, Enfield Council has decided to press ahead with the scheme. This is not the actions of a listening council prepared to take on the views of its residents. If elected, we want to change this and ensure residents’ wishes are acted upon by the Enfield Council and not ignored. Conservatives also want to see the scrapping of Enfield Council’s LTN road closure schemes in Bowes/Southgate
Edmonton Green Magazine | #21
and we would oppose any extension of these schemes to Upper Edmonton. Fly tipping is a major blight across the ward, and we want to see this tackled by Enfield Council. Conservatives support a crackdown on fly tipping, and we will double the number of Waste Enforcement officers, as well as introducing 100 more CCTV cameras to catch fly-tippers in the act. Conservatives will also reverse Enfield Council’s disastrous decision to end weekly bin collections and we will reintroduce collections on a weekly basis. The appointments system at Barrowell Green recycling centre will also be scrapped to encourage greater use of this facility. Upper Edmonton ward deserves better than it has had from the Enfield Council over the last 12 years. It’s time for change. I hope we will have your support on polling day.
| Your Vote Matters |
LEONARD MUNASINGHE Jubilee Ward - Conservative
I am one of the three Conservative candidates for Jubilee Ward, in the May elections, together with Glen Breslin and Frank Greene. We are standing on a platform to improve the Borough and particularly Jubilee Ward, which has been neglected by Enfield Council in recent times. As we campaign across the ward, I am appalled at the poor state of the street scene. Fly tipping abounds and many of the roads and pavements are in a really poor state of repair. To begin to tackle this, Conservatives will set up a £2m pavement fund to cover the cost of improving our pavements and a £2m roads fund to improve our roads and reduce potholes and begin to address years of neglect by Enfield Council. Conservatives intend to crackdown on fly tipping by doubling the number of Waste Enforcement officers and introducing 100 more CCTV cameras to catch flytippers in the act. We will also reverse Enfield Council’s disastrous decision
to end weekly bin collections and we will reintroduce bin them on a weekly basis. We will also end the appointments system at Barrowell Green recycling centre. We also want to see the scrapping of Enfield Council’s LTN road closure schemes and would oppose these coming to Jubilee ward. Instead we want to see more school streets introduced and Conservatives have pledged to spend an extra £1m on school road safety. Jubilee ward deserves better than it has had from the Enfield Council over the last 12 years. It’s time for change. I hope we will have your support on polling day.
MAY 2022
| Local Council Elections |
THOMAS FAWNS Upper Edmonton Ward - Labour
Running as your local candidate in Upper Edmonton has been incredible. Meeting our inspiring youth workers, celebrating at gatherings on Fore Street, restoring our wetlands with Thames21, or supporting the many local businesses in our area are just a few ways I have been involved in Edmonton. I am constantly seeking new ways to tap into resident’s concerns, but meeting people out-and-about remains the best method. This is what I enjoy the most. Upper Edmonton is where I was born, and for many generations my family were born here too. It is an honour to be your candidate today. Ultimately, it is the community itself that I love and cherish the most. I have discovered there is something to learn from everybody who lives here. Edmonton itself has always been creative, entrepreneurial, and constantly evolving with the times. Long may it continue. My major concerns about Upper Edmonton are the high-levels of
Edmonton Green Magazine | #21
deprivation, crime, anti-social behaviour, and fly-tipping. More work is needed to ensure these issues are dealt with efficiently. I have heard these concerns echoed on the doorstep. Labour will respond to these concerns by planting thousands of urban trees, building affordable homes and installing CCTV to clamp down on fly-tipping. Even more policies are contained in our Enfield Labour Manifesto 2022 which can be read online! I am proud to be working-class, I am young, and I am ready to advocate on your behalf. I have already worked pro bono on behalf of the most vulnerable in society and will soon be awarded my Master’s in Law. By voting for me and our fellow Labour candidates, you will help unlock our area’s full potential. I am on your side. We are on your side. Please use all your 3 votes in Upper Edmonton for Labour on May 5th.
| Your Vote Matters |
MAKE SURE YOU’RE IN MAY 5TH www.edmontongreenmag.co.uk
MAY 2022
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