KERN Engels vmbo en havo/vwo
Leer uw leerlingen echt Engels!
v Écht Engels in échte situaties
Leer snel Engels met KERN Engels, de complete lesmethode voor vmbo-basis(kader), vmbo-kgt, vmbo-t/havo, havo en vwo. In herkenbare situaties oefenen je leerlingen intensief met lezen, luisteren, schrijven en spreken. Ze krijgen écht Engels in échte situaties!
v Sociale vaardigheden
Vanaf de eerste lessen voeren ze gesprekken, waardoor hun zelfvertrouwen groeit. De uitleg is helder en beknopt, met voldoende voorbeelden en aandacht voor sociale vaardigheden.
v Werken met boek en/of online
KERN Engels kan eenvoudig worden geïntegreerd in je bestaande lesstructuur. Kies voor werken met papieren leer(werk)boeken, eventueel met een digitale aanvullende licentie, of werk volledig digitaal.
v Structuur
De vaste structuur biedt houvast en maakt zelfstandig werken mogelijk. De rustige lay-out ondersteunt de focus en minimaliseert afleiding.
v Eenvoudige lesorganisatie
Motiveer je leerlingen met korte, afwisselende onderwerpen en een duidelijk lesdoel.
v Heldere uitleg
Elke thema begint met een introductiefilm waarin vocabulaire en uitdrukkingen zijn opgenomen.
v Formatieve evaluatie
Dankzij formatieve evaluatie kun je snel de behoeften van de leerlingen beoordelen en toetsen en lessen inzetten ter ondersteuning van het leren.
v Digitale leeromgeving
Onze uitgebreide online omgeving bevat films, uitlegvideo’s, audiofragmenten, extra adaptieve oefeningen en een leesapplicatie. Onze rijkgevulde docentenomgeving is gratis beschikbaar voor de docent.
v Volledig RTTI-gecertificeerd
U kunt snel zien wat de leerling nodig heeft dankzij RTTI in alle opdrachten en toetsopdrachten. Dat maakt differentiëren en formatief evalueren eenvoudig.
v Leerstof is leerdoelgestuurd
Ieder hoofdstuk heeft dezelfde gestructureerde opbouw. In elke paragraaf staat één leerdoel centraal. Zowel de theorie, de opdrachten zijn gekoppeld aan het leerdoel.
v Focus op de kern van het vak
KERN Engels motiveert de leerlingen met leerstof die behapbaar en uitvoerbaar is.
Leerjaar 1 en 2 zijn gericht op het snel aanleren van Engels. De lessen zijn opgebouwd rond lezen, kijken / luisteren, spreken en schrijven. In KERN Engels voor havo en vwo duiken de leerlingen in culturele fenomenen van Engelstalige landen. De fictielessen en teksten zorgen voor een meeslepende leerervaring.
Leerjaar 3 en 4 vmbo staan in het teken van lezen, luisteren, kijken, schrijven en spreken. De lessen sluiten perfect aan bij de keuzeprofielen van het vmbo. Elk profiel wordt behandeld in twee lessen, gevolgd door een uitgebreide fictieles na drie profielen. Een les is opgebouwd uit drie delen: ‘look around’ (introductie op het onderwerp), ‘learn more’ (verdieping van het onderwerp) en ‘practice’ (toepassing van wat je hebt geleerd). Alle vaardigheden komen geïntegreerd aan bod, met verwijzing naar grammaticaonderwerpen die apart behandeld worden. In het vierde jaar besteden we ook veel aandacht aan het schoolexamen en het eindexamen. Onze overzichtelijke lessen bereiden de leerlingen uitgebreid voor op de verschillende examenonderdelen.
In leerjaar 3 havo/vwo draait het nog steeds om lezen, luisteren, kijken, schrijven en spreken. We behandelen grotere onderwerpen zoals werk, taal en school. In drie aparte lessen gaan we dieper in op boeiende aspecten van deze thema’s. De vierde les staat in het teken van fictie. Elke les bestaat uit drie delen: ‘settling in’ (introductie van het onderwerp), ‘in-depth’ (verdieping en uitbreiding van kennis) en ‘reflect and create’ (reflectie op het onderwerp en uitvoering van een uitgebreide taaltaak). Alle vaardigheden komen geïntegreerd aan bod, inclusief de behandeling van een grammaticaal onderwerp.
v Bekijk op de volgende bladzijden voorbeeldpagina’s uit de methode.
v Meer informatie? / kern-engels
De methode is zo ingericht dat de leerlingen gelijk actief aan de slag gaan met de Engelse taal en ik merk dat ze daardoor veel zekerder worden in het gebruik ervan. De focus ligt op het communiceren en dat is wat mij betreft het belangrijkste aspect van mijn vak.
suzanne meeuwsen Gomarus College, Drachten
Aan het eind van de les kunnen de leerlingen aangeven welke lesdoelen zij hebben bereikt. Het helpt de leerkracht dus al om de les op te delen in lesfasen. Wij ervaren het als een erg gebruiksvriendelijke, complete methode waar zowel leerlingen als docenten graag mee werken.
jessica akkermans Praktijkschool De Poort, Den Haag
lesdoel Leerlinggericht geformuleerd voor focus in de les.
Oefen de kijk- en luistervaardigheid met een korte film waarin vocabulaire en chunks zijn opgenomen.
talking about yourself
How to understand people when they introduce themselves
d o e l Je leert hoe iemand zichzelf voorstelt.
Wat zeg jij als je jezelf voorstelt? Schrijf dit op in het t1 Nederlands. x
Wat zeg je als je jezelf in het Engels voorstelt? x t1
Bekijk de video bij deze les.
In de video stellen David en Fiona zich aan elkaar voor. t1 Welke zinnen gebruiken ze om zichzelf voor te stellen? Schrijf hieronder drie zinnen in het Engels op. x
Geef in het Nederlands voor jezelf antwoord op de vragen t1 die je bij opdracht 4 hebt opgeschreven. x
In de eerste les van de week veel lezen en kijken / luisteren.
Variatie in oefening en snel zien hoe je de leerling verder helpt dankzij RTTI.
In de tweede en derde les van de week veel aandacht voor spreken en schrijven, meteen vanaf de eerste week.
David en Fiona stellen ook vragen om elkaar beter te leren t1 kennen. Schrijf drie van deze vragen op in het Engels. x
Lees de tekst.
My name is Jill. I am twelve years old and I live in Manchester. It is a city in England. I like to play football.
I go to a nice school. My favourite subject is biology. My best friend is Nicole. We see each other every day! Nice to meet you!
talking about yourself
Lees de tekst.
Good afternoon, we would like to welcome a new guest to this episode of Walking & Talking! Hello, would you please introduce yourself?
Sure! My name is Will Parker. I am twenty-three years old and I live in Scotland in a village called Killin.
12 13 01
Thank you, Will. Could you tell us about your favourite hobbies and activities?
Of course! I love to play video games and I enjoy watching soccer on television, too.
That’s great! And, what about work? Do you have a job?
I work as a waiter in a restaurant. I like it a lot because the customers are nice.
That sounds great! Well, that’s it for this episode of Walking & Talking. Thank you for joining us Will.
De gast vertelt verschillende dingen over zichzelf. t1 Kruis aan welke. x
y Hij vertelt zijn naam.
y Hij vertelt wie zijn moeder is.
y Hij vertelt waar hij werkt.
y Hij vertelt over zijn hobby’s.
y Hij vertelt over zijn huisdieren.
Welke dingen zou jij over jezelf vertellen wanneer je je t1 voorstelt? Schrijf drie woorden op in het Nederlands en zet de Engelse vertaling erachter. x
Dutch English x x x x x x
Beantwoord de vragen. Gebruik de tekst. x t2
Wat is de naam van de gast? x
Waar woont de gast? x
Wat vindt de gast van voetbal kijken op televisie? x
Wat voor werk doet de gast? x
x x x
x x x 1 2 3 4
x x x
5 6 01
Waarom vindt hij zijn werk leuk? x 8
thema Motiveer leerlingen met korte, afwisselende onderwerpen.
6 Kruis aan: true or false? x t1 true false
Lees de tekst. Schrijf vier woorden uit de tekst op die je al t1 kent en vertaal ze naar het Nederlands. x English Dutch x x x x x x x x
Hoe mensen zich aan elkaar voorstellen
Als je iemand voor het eerst ontmoet, is het netjes om je voor te stellen.
Eerst groet je de ander: Vervolgens zeg je wie je bent:
Hi! My name is Oscar.
Hello! I am Mia.
Good morning!
Het is beleefd om elkaar aan te kijken als je jezelf voorstelt en om te zeggen dat je het leuk vindt de ander te ontmoeten.
Je zegt dan:
Nice to meet you. Pleased to meet you.
Je sluit het gesprek af door afscheid te nemen.
See you! Goodbye!
Jill is dertien jaar oud. y y Jill houdt van hockey. y y Haar favoriete vak is biologie. y y Ze ziet haar beste vriendin elke dag. y y Lees nu de uitleg in het vak IMPORTANT
Bekijk de tekst op de linker pagina nog een keer. Heeft Jill t2 zich netjes voorgesteld? Waarom wel of niet? x
Maak de tekst hieronder compleet. Gebruik de woorden t1 uit de wordpool hieronder. Er blijven twee woorden over. x from / nice / biology / meet / evening / see you / name / country
Hello! My is Jack. It is to you! I am the United States. My favourite subject at school is . Well, I have to go now.
Antwoorden direct bij de opdracht invullen. Dit helpt de bk-leerling bij de organisatie van de lesstof.
Oefenen met de woorden uit de woordenlijst.
Kort en bondig, met genoeg voorbeelden en aandacht voor hoe je met elkaar omgaat.
Gesprekken voeren vanaf de eerste lessen, waardoor de leerling meer zelfvertrouwen krijgt bij het spreken van Engels.
Luister naar het audiofragment.
Harry en Ian voeren een gesprek waarin ze zich aan elkaar t2 voorstellen. Schrijf hieronder twee verschillende dingen die ze over zichzelf vertellen. x
x x
(good) morning goedemorgen
good afternoon goedemiddag
good evening goedenavond
(good)bye dag/doei
see you (later) tot ziens
name naam
age leeftijd
Hoe stelt Ian zich voor? x t2
Hoe vertaal je dat? x i
Leer de woorden: Engels – Nederlands en Nederlands – Engels.
Heb je het leerdoel bereikt?
Kruis aan: x
y Ik weet hoe mensen zich aan elkaar voorstellen en r welke woorden daarbij gebruikt kunnen worden. y Ik kan verstaan welke woorden mensen gebruiken t1 om zich aan elkaar voor te stellen.
y Ik kan een gesprek begrijpen waarin mensen zich t2 aan elkaar voorstellen.
y Als iemand zich met andere woorden voorstelt, i kan ik dit begrijpen.
city stad
village dorp
birthday verjaardag
hobby hobby
nice leuk
place of residence woonplaats
boy jongen
girl meisje
school school
subject vak
biology biologie
English Engels
maths wiskunde
favourite favoriet
country land
job baan(tje)
waiter ober
paper boy krantenbezorger
baby-sitter oppasser
dishwasher afwasser
stacker vakkenvuller
Relevante woorden die de leerling nodig heeft om echt Engels te leren.
Controleer samen met de leerling of de lesstof is begrepen.
Ook motiverende spelvormen als oefening.
! 7 8
9 10
14 15 16 17
9 7
Motiveer leerlingen met korte, afwisselende onderwerpen.
Leerlinggericht geformuleerd voor focus in de les.
How to work with your classmates
You learn to ask more questions about school and homework.
Look at your school stuff. Write down three things you have got with you. t1
Example: I have got a backpack.
Now read the explanation in the IMPORTANT box.
How do you ask for a pen? t1
How do you ask what the homework is? t1
In de tweede en derde les van de week veel aandacht voor spreken en schrijven, meteen vanaf de eerste week.
How do you say that you need a notebook? t1
Look at the chunks again.
What other questions could you ask about school stuff? Write down three questions. t2
Look at the images. For each image, write down what that person has got with him or her. Write complete sentences. t2
The girl has a notebook.
Oefen de kijk- en luistervaardigheid met een korte film waarin vocabulaire en chunks zijn opgenomen.
Variatie in oefening en snel zien hoe je de leerling verder helpt dankzij RTTI.
The sentences in the conversation below are mixed up. Put the sentences in the correct order. t1
A Wait, I’ve got notes for every page of the chapter. Do you want to copy them?
B ‘Sure, let’s work together. What do we have to do for biology?’
C ‘Robin, shall we work together? We’ve got a lot of homework for tomorrow.’
D ‘Oh no, the chapter is 20 pages long! I don’t have time to study everything!’
E ‘Let’s see ... The instructions say we have to study chapter 4 completely.’
How to understand a conversation about family
You learn to understand someone who tells about his family.
Watch this week’s video.
Why is David worried? Choose the two correct answers. t1
A There are no people with red hair in his family.
B His family is a little weird.
C There are no baby photos of him.
Is David rightly worried? Explain your answer. t2
Now read the explanation in the IMPORTANT box.
Look at the family tree below.
What do you call your father or mother’s sister? t1
What do you call the child of your uncle and aunt? t1
What do you call your parents’ parents? t1
in the classroom 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 a b c d e 22
about your family
07 1 4 5 6 2 3 This is Raji’s family tree. MOHINDER grandfather INA aunt ANATA cousin ANIKA sister SURI mother DAYA aunt RAHUL grandfather ANATA grandmother NAMID uncle DEV cousin RAJI CHAYTON brother NARA cousin PAYAT father AMIL uncle SONA grandmother vmbo-kgt 8
06 how to work with your classmates
Talk about what you have got with you — Chunks
x I have got a book.
x You have got a lot of pencils.
x She has got a calculator for maths.
x We have got homework for tomorrow.
x You have got nice smartphones.
x They’ve got really cool backpacks.
q Have we got homework for tomorrow?
a Yes, we have.
q Has he got a red pen?
a No, he hasn’t got a red pen.
q Have you got a pencil I can borrow?
a Yes, or course.
q What’s the homework for English?
a We have to study the words from lesson 4.
q Shall we work together?
a Yes, let’s work together.
x I haven’t got my book for English class.
x I need a piece of paper.
x Can I borrow your textbook?
x Can I go to the toilet, please?
x Can I close the window, please?
x Can we pack our things now?
x See Grammar § — Present simple van het werkwoord to have (got)
Send a message to a classmate from primary school who went to a different school than you did. Take notice of the following: I
x greet him or her ;
x name two subjects that you have got at school ;
x name three things you have got with you at school ;
x ask three questions about what the other person has got ;
x end the message. I spy, with my little eye
Work together with your classmate. You are going to play ‘I spy, with my little eye, ...’ i
Example: I spy, with my little eye, something blue.
Tip: You can give each other hints.
have you reached your goal ?
r I know the chunks I need to ask questions about school and school stuff.
t1 I can use the chunks to ask questions about school and school stuff.
t2 I can make sentences about school and school stuff myself.
i I can talk about school with my classmates and ask them questions.
Doeltaal = voertaal
Relevante woorden die de leerling nodig heeft om echt Engels te leren.
Ook motiverende spelvormen als oefening.
Gesprekken voeren vanaf de eerste lessen, waardoor de leerling meer zelfvertrouwen krijgt bij het spreken van Engels.
A family tree
In a family tree you can see which place someone occupies in the family. People of the same generation are on the same line. A family tree can represent the side of the mother or father.
Many family trees start at the top with the oldest family members. But a family tree can also start at the bottom (at the trunk). You then create a tree that starts with one person and you fill in more and more ancestors.
Look at the family tree above.
True or false? t1
a Finn and Liam are cousins.
b Kevin and Mike are brothers.
c Lauren’s grandfather is George.
d Evelyn is Megan’s mother.
e George and Evelyn have three children.
f Ryan and Megan are married.
Controleer samen met de leerling of de lesstof is begrepen.
9 10 23
how to understand a conversation about family
Kort en bondig, met genoeg voorbeelden en aandacht voor hoe je met elkaar omgaat.
Motiveer leerlingen met korte, afwisselende onderwerpen.
Leerlinggericht geformuleerd voor focus in de les.
after-school activities
Reading about after-school activities 40
goal Q You will learn to quickly understand what a text is about.
this week’s video 1 2
a How often does Jamie train for track and field every week? t1
b What does track and field help Jamie with? t1
c What activity did Paul and Jamie both choose? t1
d Why is the teacher confused? t2
a Which after-school activities do you do? t1
b Where do you have to go for your after-school activities? t1
Understanding the general idea of a text
opdrachten met geïntegreerde vaardigheden
De vaardigheden komen geïntegreerd aan bod in gevarieerde taalopdrachten.
When you want to know what a text is about quickly, you do not have to read every word. In this case, you use a reading strategy called skimming. When you skim a text, you get a general idea of what it is about.
Follow these steps:
v Read the title;
v Read the first sentence of each paragraph (the topic sentence);
v Look at subheadings (the titles of paragraphs);
v Look at images or photos;
v Look at numbers and names.
Kernachtige uitleg van strategieën om teksten en fragmenten te leren begrijpen.
How to plan a trip 47
Skim the text An Introduction to Capoeira
a In your own words, write down what you think the text is about. t1
b Give each paragraph a suitable subheading. Choose from the ones below. t2
v The Benefits
v The History v What is it?
c Does this text interest you? Explain why (not). t2
Read the entire text An Introduction to Capoeira
a Which culture, next to the Brazilian culture, is very important for Capoeira? t1
b Next to movement, what is also part of Capoeira? t1
c What are people who participate in Capoeira called? t1
Iedere week handige chunks om de taal snel te kunnen toepassen.
De grammatica achter in het boek kan worden geraadpleegd voor uitleg en oefening.
goal Q You will learn to plan the date, time and directions for a trip.
Think of a field trip you've made with school.
a Where did you go? t1
b When did you go there? t1
c How did you go there? t1
d What did you like about the trip? t1
e What didn’t you like? t1
Write down at least five English words you think might be useful when talking about planning a trip. r
Read the conversation and fill in the gaps. Use the chunks or your imagination. t1
Sulaiman So, we have to plan the field trip this year. First, we need to discuss the date. [ a ] ?
Casper I think the teacher told us [ b ] the day after the Christmas holidays.
Lucie So, I guess the weather will be quite cold? Hmm, in that case, [ c ] ?
Sulaiman [ d ] the ice rink. Wouldn’t that be fun?
Lucie I think that would be great, but [ e ] the new swimming pool so maybe we could go there?
Casper Both ideas sound very nice, but we have to decide something. [ f ] the ice rink, since that is something we cannot do in summer. [ g ] the bus ride?
Sulaiman I think [ h ] an hour, so that’s not so bad!
Casper Great, I’m looking forward to it! Let’s tell the teacher about our idea.
v discussing dates and time
q When would you like to go to Paris?
v I think the spring break is the best time
q What is the best season to visit the amusement park?
v It’s best to go in spring or in autumn.
q How long is the bus ride?
v It’s about an hour.
v It usually takes two hours.
v discussing places
q What are the plans for our field trip?
v The plan is to go to the natural history museum.
q What places can we visit?
v We could go to the swimming pool.
v Let’s go to the forest and a café.
v I’ve heard that the farm is really nice
v We’re going to explore some famous buildings and museums.
q Which highlights are there in Reims?
v I believe the cathedral is a must
v See Grammar § 2.1.1 – Present simple
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1 2 3
chunks going places DW_Kern_Engels_VMBO_T_HAVO.indd 132 16/03/2020 10:40
Capoeira: part dance, part martial art.
An Introduction to Capoeira
Part dance, part martial art, capoeira is part of the culture of Brazil and has been slowly spreading in popularity worldwide.
Like many traditions and customs in Brazil, capoeira has roots in Africa because of the slave trade. Africans who were sold as slaves and brought to Brazil to work on sugar and coffee plantations were not really allowed to express their own traditions, and they were strictly forbidden to do any kind of sparring or fighting practice.
Capoeira is practised in a circle, called the roda, within which two or more capoeiristas—those who practice capoeira—participate in the martial art. There are also specific instruments
and music that accompany the practice of capoeira. These simple but beautiful instruments, combined with the voices of the members of the roda, create a unique sound that makes you think about the African roots of capoeira.
Today, capoeira is practised around the world. Capoeiristas benefit from faster reflexes and learn how to create graceful, impactful movements through the martial art. They are usually very fit, and it is an activity that can be—and is—practised by people of all ages and gender. Consider trying a capoeira class at a local gym or training centre, or anywhere in Brazil. It’s a unique way to connect to the history and culture of Brazil.
taal Doeltaal = voertaal leesvaardigheid
Interessante leesteksten voor de leerlingen.
Listen to the audio fragment from this lesson. You will hear Vera, Fatima and Justin talk about a trip. Answer the questions. t1
a When are they going on their trip?
b What kind of place have they decided to go to?
Listen to the fragment again.
a Write down the four different types of activities they want to do. t1
b Work in pairs. Choose a city you both know well that they could visit. Look up and discuss the best options for these four activities in this city. t2
Work in groups. You are going on a field trip with the entire class. The trip will last one school day. Each group will make their own plan and make a poster or a PowerPoint presentation with short notes about your plans to show the rest of the class.
Discuss the following: I
v When and where you are going.
v The activity or activities you are going to do.
v How you will get there: which transportation you will use and which directions you need.
Show your plans on a poster or a PowerPoint presentation. Be as convincing and creative as possible.
Lezen, luisteren en kijken worden afgewisseld.
De leerling kan zelf controleren of alle aspecten van het lesdoel zijn gehaald en krijgt zo eigenaarschap over het eigen leerproces.
I know the words needed to plan a trip. I can use the chunks used to plan a trip.
I can write short notes about a planned trip. I can discuss different details and options for a trip.
In elke les één of meerdere samenwerkingsopdrachten.
t1 t2 11
40 reading about after-school activities
1 2 3
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4 5 6
have you reached your goal ? r 47 how to plan a trip DW_Kern_Engels_VMBO_T_HAVO.indd 133 16/03/2020 10:40
Directions at St Pancras in London
Working with animals
What kind of job does Mike have? t1
What was his first job? t1
Mike says: ‘My Uncle managed a newsagent's and asked me if I would like to join their team.’
What do you think a newsagent's is? t2
A a place where you can buy newspapers
B a policeman who talks to the press
C someone who works for a newspaper
with Mike McCaffrey, keyholder at Pets at Home
After leaving school, Mike McCaffery started working in a supermarket.
‘After that I had an internship in a restaurant, but when that closed suddenly I was out of work,’ he said.
‘My Uncle managed a newsagent's and asked me if I would like to join their team. Thankfully I could get a job there.’
For four years, Mike worked there, but he just knew something better was out there for him.
He saw a newspaper advert for a job at Pets at Home near his home in Altrincham, Greater Manchester. He decided to apply, just to see what would happen.
He said: ‘I’ve always loved animals. I grew up with dogs and have a cat. It just seemed to make sense that I would use it in my career.’
Mike was surprised that he was invited for a job interview. They offered him a job as a general team member. ‘From the first day, I loved it. The atmosphere was great,’ he said. His manager picked up on his enthusiasm and Mike was promoted to keyholder.
‘I have the responsibility of opening and closing the store. I help with cashing up and banking, as well as dealing with customers. The job is so varied.’
There’s also the added bonus of being surrounded by animals and fellow pet lovers who would like nothing more than to talk with you about animals. In less than a year, Mike is on a fast track to being a manager. He is enrolled in a special management course that starts in January.
‘I can’t quite believe how quickly it has all happened. What I would like most is to be a manager of my own store one day.’
vmbo-basis 3 — voorbeeldhoofdstuk 12 74 Watch video 1
the typical day
three of the zookeeper’s daily activities. T1
cleaning up exhibits B feeding the animals C studying people’s personalities D talking to visitors E training the animals F studying animal behaviour
of the following animals are primates? T1
horses B lions and tigers
What is
of a
advice did Jess give to the people who are interested in a career as a zookeeper? T2
build a relationship with visitors B get a diploma or certificate in animal studies C gain work experience by volunteering in an animal organization D networking/get to know people in the field E volunteer in a school 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
would Mike like to be one day? t1
→ You will learn to talk about what you like, and do not like, about working with animals. 7 a Look around Learn more 25003_Kern Engels leerboek 3 vmbo-basis.indb 74 20-07-2021 14:27 75
Text 1 keyholder iemand die de winkel opent en sluit atmosphere sfeer 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 25003_Kern Engels leerboek 3 vmbo-basis.indb 75 20-07-2021 14:27
This woman made it her life's mission to rescue donkeys
Read text 2
True or false? T2
a Wilber is a big dog that stole Staci’s heart.
b Staci has thirteen animals on her ranch.
ɲ computer skills
ɲ creative
ɲ friendly/polite
Staci Greene opened her heart, and her ranch, to donkeys.
A surprising gift
Wilber stole Staci Greene’s heart years ago. The donkey was a special gift that changed Staci’s life.
‘He was so much like a big dog,’ Staci says. ‘I was in love with him and I knew I would never forget him.’
Rescue project Years later, after moving back to her parents’ ranch, Staci started making plans for a donkey rescue project. She began taking in unwanted donkeys and mules, naming her ranch ‘Hee Haw Place Donkey Rescue’. She learned about the unwanted animals
Hee Haw Place has had as many as thirteen animals at one time, but thanks to Staci’s hard work she has been able to find many people to adopt her donkeys. She now owns just six—two donkeys, two mules and two horses.
She makes sure that the animal’s new homes are comfortable and that future owners truly would like to add a donkey to their families. If an adoption doesn’t work out, Staci always welcomes the animal back to her ranch.
Caretaking Donkeys only need minimal care, she says. Their hooves should be trimmed once or twice a year, and they must have a large plot of grass where they can graze.
But, they do need more than just space. ‘When I see a donkey just standing, it breaks my heart,’ Staci says. ‘These are working animals, and they need jobs.’
Donkeys are easy to train for both riding and for pulling a cart or a wagon. Staci trains them and helps their owners find work for the donkeys to do in their new homes.
Staci’s animals show off their training by walking in parades. The donkeys have even won prizes in competions. Love and patience is what has made the donkeys, and Staci, a winning team!
c Staci already knew something about donkeys.
d Donkeys are lazy animals.
e Donkeys are strong.
f Staci’s animals are very successful.
g Hee Haw is the sound a donkey makes.
h A mule is a type of horse.
9 preparing for competitions
Compare the information from video 1 and the two texts. t2
What kinds of tasks would you perform if you worked with animals? Give three examples for each job. You may use some of the words from the word pool. You can also think of your own ideas for useful tasks.
10 11 12 13
ɲ hard-working
ɲ helpful
ɲ patient
ɲ pro-active
ɲ smart
ɲ speak English ɲ strong ɲ ɲ
Which of these skills would help you if you were working with animals? T2
Would you like to work as a zookeeper? Explain your answer. I
giving presentations cleaning exhibits
Name some other jobs that involve working with animals. Name at least three. You can use the internet or a dictionary.
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 25003_Kern Engels leerboek 3 vmbo-basis.indb 76 20-07-2021 14:27 77
Working with animals 7 a
Fill in the gaps. Use the words from the word pool to complete the text. T1
ɲ I would like to work with animals after school.
ɲ Can you help me clean the exhibits?
ɲ Would you like to feed the birds?
Jill has always had a special [a] with animals. She feels that they are [b] creatures. She likes to study their [c] so she likes to go to the zoo, a lot. She [d] a donkey, because she likes to [e] of unwanted animals. Her experience as a volunteer will [f] to prepare her to be a zookeeper. Also, her [g] with young animals has helped to prepare her for a career working with animals. She is very motivated and wants to [h] all she can about animals.
ɲ Animals can really help me feel good about myself.
ɲ I could learn to like dogs, but they do scare me a bit.
ɲ Could you tell me more about animal behaviour?
ɲ Neal couldn’t tell the difference between a donkey and a horse.
ɲ Jan and Dean would like to know more about wild cats.
ɲ I don’t think I would like to work in a pet shop with animals in small cages.
ɲ Sheila would like to be a vet, but she can’t stand blood.
ɲ Cleaning cages isn’t something that I would like to do
⇢ See Grammar § 2.2.3 en 2.2.4 Het gebruik van would en would like Het gebruik van can en could
dealing with customers grooming animals 25003_Kern Engels leerboek 3 vmbo-basis.indb 77 20-07-2021 14:27
working with pets
Choose the correct alternative. T1
a Can / Would you tell me more about animal welfare?
ɲ Have you reached your goal?
r I know the words and chunks to talk about animals.
b We could / will use a helping hand at the animal shelter.
c He said he would / could like to find a new home for the frightened dog.
d I could / would advise you to be careful with these wild cats.
e Can / Could you keep a monkey as a pet?
f Instead of a parrot, I could / would like to get Josh a canary.
g The sign clearly says you can’t / won’t feed the animals.
h Warren said he can / would like to help us raise money for the safari park.
Write a text, for your favourite social media, about what you like about working with animals. Say what you like best and what you would not like about it. Use about 60 words.
Study the words from this lesson: English-Dutch and Dutch-English R
t1 I can understand information about working with animals.
t2 I can compare different texts about jobs with animals. I I can explain which skills I need to work with animals.
behaviour adopted helps learn 79
25003_Kern Engels leerboek 3 vmbo-basis.indb 79 20-07-2021 14:27 76 Working with animals 7 a Text 2
13 78
patience fascinating relationship take care 25003_Kern Engels leerboek 3 vmbo-basis.indb 78 20-07-2021 14:27
to adopt adopteren behaviour gedrag fascinating boeiend to graze grazen to groom trimmen, verzorgen hooves hoeven internship stage to investigate onderzoeken newsagent’s krantenkiosk parade optocht personality persoonlijkheid to promote bevorderen, stimuleren to reduce verminderen relationship relatie rescue redding to take care zorgen voor volunteer vrijwilliger
from other people, from places where donkeys were sold, and from the Humane Society.
Which characteristics and skills from the list below best describe you? You can add two skills that are not on the list. T1
training animals finding people to adopt animals giving advice to customers
examenteksten Échte examenteksten en échte vragen uit recente examens.
Joke Wigs for Babies
1 This is the latest craze from America, dressing your baby in a celebrity wig. The idea has taken the US by storm. Now it is being launched in the UK by an American firm. But children’s charities condemned it as irresponsible and described the dazzling wigs as dangerous and distasteful. Michelle Elliot, director of Kidscape, said: “This is ridiculous. Any parent who buys any of these wigs for their child needs their head examined. Wigs are incredibly uncomfortable. And what it the children start chewing the material? That is surely very dangerous. These wigs are a health hazard. Babies look ridiculous in these wigs and I cannot understand why anyone would buy them.”
2 The wigs come in four styles and are designed to be worn by babies up to nine months old. The range has just been launched in the UK by California-based firm BabyToupee and is available over the internet for £13 each. The firm’s website says its mission is to “show parenting can be a great responsibility, it can also be a source of endless amusement.” Founder Graham Farrar said: “Having a baby doesn’t mean you have to stop having fun or to do everything by the book. We don’t take ourselves or our products too seriously.”
Opgave 3 is een open vraag. Je antwoordt in het Nederlands. Let op! Je moet twee redenen opschrijven. De vraag toetst of je meningen kunt herkennen.
Uitleg bij de verschillende typen vragen die in examens worden gesteld.
Opgave 4 is een meerkeuzevraag. De vraag toetst de betekenis van een tekstgedeelte.
Heldere uitleg bij de verschillende schoolexamens.
Hoe maak je het examen
Welke redenen om pruiken voor baby’s af te keuren noemt Michelle Elliott in alinea 1? Schrijf twee redenen op in het Nederlands.
Why are these wigs for babies made, according to the firm BabyToupee?
A to help parents increase their children’s popularity
B to make bold babies look more attractive C to provide some entertainment for parents D to turn unhappy babies into happy ones
luister- en kijkvaardigheid?
doel → Je leert hoe je het examenonderdeel kijk- en luistervaardigheid maakt.
Luister- en kijkvaardigheid
In het examenjaar wordt je luister- en kijkvaardigheid getoetst. Dat gebeurt in een schoolexamen en/of in het digitale eindexamen.
Zo ziet het examen eruit
x In de luister- en kijktoets bekijk en/of beluister je een aantal video’s en audiofragmenten, waarover je vragen beantwoordt.
x De video’s en audiofragmenten zijn in het Engels, de opgaven in het Nederlands.
x De video’s en audiofragmenten bevatten pauzes. In de pauze maak je een opgave en lees je de volgende opgave. De opgaven zijn in het Nederlands.
x Aan de video’s gaat een inleidend fragment vooraf. Hier hoort geen opgave bij.
x De video’s en audiofragmenten gaan over allerlei onderwerpen en zijn verschillend van aard, denk aan een documentaire, een reisprogramma, een discussieprogramma, een Engelse serie of film, een instructiefilmpje, een podcast, enzovoort.
x Er zijn verschillende soorten opgaven. (zie ‘Soorten opgaven’ voor verdere uitleg.)
Op papier of digitaal
x Er zijn twee manieren om de toets te maken: digitaal of op papier. Als je de toets digitaal maakt, dan zit je in je eentje achter een
computerscherm. Als je de papieren versie maakt, dan zie je de video’s en audiofragmenten op een groot scherm in de klas. Je maakt de opgaven op papier.
x In het digitale examen worden de kijk- en luisterfragmenten afgewisseld met teksten en opgaven daarover.
x Voordat je begint aan het digitale examen, krijg je eerst een aantal controle- en informatieschermen. Er zijn hulpknoppen waarmee je het geluid harder of zachter kunt zetten of tekst kunt markeren of vergroten. x Op het informatiescherm van het digitale examen kan je lezen hoeveel opgaven er zijn, hoeveel tijd je daarvoor hebt en hoe je door de opgaven heen klikt en met het programma werkt.
x Je kan in het digitale examen vooruit klikken naar volgende opgaven en terug klikken naar vorige.
Tijd x Voor de kijk- en luistertoets heb je 60 minuten.
x In de digitale toets kan je fragmenten meerdere keren bekijken/beluisteren en vooruit klikken en terug klikken. Maar let op: blijf niet te lang stilstaan bij een fragment of een vraag, je kunt dan in tijdnood komen. (Zie ‘Tips’ voor hoe je tot een goed antwoord komt.)
144 Voorbeeldopgaven – examen leesvaardigheid 14
Text 2
Text 2
Text 2
26314_03_Kern Engels vmbo 4 kader_Examenvoorbereiding.indd 144-145 150
26314_03_Kern Engels vmbo 4 kader_Examenvoorbereiding.indd 150-151
vmbo-kader 4
Should I keep my smartphone and tablet out of my bedroom?
1 Our being accessible all the time may not be as great as we think it is. More than 80% of people with smartphones have them switched on all the time, including in bed. Mobiles or tablets often get used as alarm clocks, but once on the bedside table they’re a terrible temptation for one final text or email after the light goes out. But even if you don’t use your device it may disrupt your sleep. A small study of tablets (used by 13 volunteers aged 20) from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York found that the light from these sources suppresses the body’s melatonin levels by 23% when used for two hours before bedtime. The authors speculated that since melatonin levels reflect how dark it is outside and tell the body how ready it should be for sleep, tablets may contribute to insomnia.
2 A laboratory in the USA advises not to use a tablet before bed, even just to read, ____6____the light shines directly into your eyes. If you read with a lamp however, the light points down. Last week research from the Mayo Clinic in Arizona, published in the journal Sleep, suggested that turning down the light on these devices could reduce melatonin suppression and improve sleepiness. So can you
Opgave 5 is een meerkeuzevraag. De vraag toetst de betekenis van een tekstgedeelte.
stack your mobile devices back on your bedside table after all?
3 Doing anything stimulating before going to bed – reading with a light in your face, answering emails – increases insomnia. Good sleep hygiene means relaxing in a dark room without noise. Other studies have shown that using mobile phones and tablets too much – however much that is, and wherever it is done – causes disturbed sleep and depression, especially in young people. Being accessible all the time may not be as great as we think it is. And we should definitely be more selective about how much of the outside world gets into our bedrooms.
The Guardian, 2013
What becomes clear about mobile devices in paragraph 1?
A They can trick your body into thinking it is day time.
B They disturb you with messages that come in during the night.
C They expose you to radiation when they are too close.
Dit wordt er getoetst:
x Begrijp je wat het hoofdonderwerp van het fragment is?
x Begrijp je wat het belangrijkste is wat er in het fragment gezegd wordt?
x Begrijp je de gevoelens of gedachten van wat een persoon vertelt?
x Kun je aangeven of een bepaalde bewering in het fragment te horen is?
Soorten opgaven
x Meerkeuzevraag: je krijgt meerdere keuzemogelijkheden en kiest daaruit het juiste antwoord.
x Juist/onjuist-vraag: Je krijgt een lijstje beweringen en kiest of de beweringen juist of onjuist zijn volgens het fragment.
x Maak aantekeningen, als dat voor jou werkt. Schrijf in steekwoorden op wat je hebt gehoord.
x In de papieren versie kun je belangrijke woorden onderstrepen in de vraag- en antwoordopties.
x Blijf niet te lang stilstaan bij een vraag. Ben je niet zeker van je antwoord? Vaak is je eerste ingeving juist. Schrijf die op zodat je in elk geval antwoord hebt gegeven.
Stap 1: Controleer of alles compleet is en werkt. Controleer of je alle nodige papieren hebt en of het geluid en het beeld van je computer goed werkt.
Stap 2: Lees de opgave.
Door eerst de opgave goed te lezen, weet je waar je je in het fragment op moet richten.
Stap 3: Luister geconcentreerd naar het fragment.
x Let niet teveel op details, maar focus op hoofdlijnen. Dwalen je gedachten af of raak je afgeleid? Leg je focus dan weer op wat je hoort en ziet.
x Focus je op wat er gezegd wordt. Let ook op de toon waarop mensen iets zeggen (blij, boos, serieus, negatief, ...).
x Als je een woord hoort dat je niet kent, probeer dan rustig te blijven en blijf je op de hoofdlijnen concentreren.
Stap 4: Vind het juiste antwoord.
Er zijn verschillende manieren om tot het juiste antwoord te komen:
x eigen antwoord bedenken en dan het antwoord kiezen wat daar het best bij aansluit;
x antwoorden wegstrepen tot het juiste antwoord overblijft;
x je eerste ingeving volgen, vaak is dat de juiste. Heb je echt geen idee? Kies dan het langste antwoord.
Maak een kijk- en luistertoets en/of digitaal examen. Bekijk en beluister de fragmenten en maak de opgaven erbij.
Kijk je antwoorden na met behulp van een antwoordblad.
Ga na welke vragen je fout had. Bekijk het fragment nog een keer en lees het goede antwoord. Begrijp je waarom dit het goede antwoord is?
Duidelijk stappenplan
Hoe bereid je je goed voor op het schoolexamen?
Text 3
16-08-2022 09:05 151
1 2 3
16-08-2022 09:06
havo / vwo
Motiveer leerlingen met korte, afwisselende onderwerpen.
Leerlinggericht geformuleerd voor focus in de les.
Oefen kijk- en luistervaardigheid met een korte film, waarin vocabulaire en chunks zijn opgenomen.
Kernachtige uitleg van strategieën om teksten en fragmenten te leren begrijpen.
Interessante leesteksten voor de leerlingen.
40 Reading about after-school activities
goal : You will learn to quickly understand what a text is about.
This week’s video
1 a Which after-school activities are mentioned in the video? T 1
b What does Jamie like about track and field? T 1
c Why is the teacher confused? T 2
2 a How many after-school activities do you have? Write them all down. T 1
b Where do you have to go for your after-school activities? T 1
Understanding the general idea of a text
When you want to know quickly what a text is about, you do not have to read every word. In this case, you use a reading strategy called skimming. When you skim a text, you get a general idea of what it is about.
Follow these steps:
v Read the title;
v Read the first sentence of each paragraph (the topic sentence);
v Look at subheadings (the titles of paragraphs);
v Look at images or photos; v Look at numbers and names.
Oefenen met de woorden uit de woordenlijst.
Iedere week handige chunks om de taal snel te kunnen toepassen.
3 Skim the text below.
a Write down in your own words what you think the text is about. T 1
b Does this text interest you? Explain why (not). T 2
What is home chemistry?
5 10 15 20 25
Home chemistry is an amazing exploration of the world around you through the science of chemistry. Learning how things react with each other and how to separate them back into their components is a great way to learn about the natural world. For home chemistry you don’t necessarily need expensive glassware and equipment. Many amateur chemists are perfectly happy working with measuring cups and jars. Others prefer the quality of real lab glass. But all home chemists share a passion and an appreciation for science.
In the media, chemistry has unfortunately been stereotyped as only being good for making drugs and explosives. The truth is that there is much, much more to the subject. Far more interesting and safe things can be done at home. Personally, I don't work with energetic materials because I don't want to take the risk. Making something just to "blow something up" doesn't interest me at all. I much prefer reactions with beautiful colours, for example.
Adapted from:
41 Talking about after-school activities
1 Complete the sentences with the words from lesson 40. T 1
a My favourite pastime is going to the , I just can’t get enough of books.
b When you do home chemistry you have to be , because it can be dangerous.
c I love telling jokes; I would really love to do at a talent show.
d Ella is sunbathing again. If you’re looking for her, she is on the e Monopoly is my favourite
Talking about after-school activities
v Chunks
v Questions & answers
q What do you do in your free time?
a I practise skateboarding in the park.
q Where are you off to? a I’m going to my homework class.
q Why can’t you hang out on Monday? a I have piano lessons on Mondays.
v I have table-tennis training. The competition is next week.
q Do you like Irish dancing?
a Yes, I do Irish dancing competitively.
q Does your sister enjoy working out?
a Yes, she likes being active.
v Yes, she works out three times a week.
q Why do you like yoga?
a I like to focus.
v I like to be on my own.
q What do you like most about social media?
a What I like most is that I can talk to my friends every day.
v I develop better social skills through social media.
v Grammar
: You will learn to talk about after-school activities.
§ 2.1.1 If you like to read and focus, the public library in Amsterdam is a nice place
to go to.
De grammatica achter in het boek kan worden geraadpleegd voor uitleg en oefening.
taal Doeltaal = voertaal
With cabbage leaves and food colouring, you can make visible how plants absorb water and nutrients.
4 Read the entire text What is home chemistry?
a Why is home chemistry so interesting according to the author? T 2
b What negative image exists about home chemistry? T 1
5 Listen to the audio fragment from this lesson.
a Why does Tomek go to a homework class?
Write down at least two reasons. T 2
b Which subject does Amal have trouble with? T 1
c Why can’t Amal ask her teacher for help after school? T 2
d Do you think a homework class could be helpful for you? If you already are in a homework class: do you think it is helpful? Why (not)? T 1
2 Read the text messages. Finish the conversation with the chunks. T 1
6 Fill in the gaps with the following words. Note: there are more words than sentences.
gardening / even / scouting / to win / energy / perplexed / some / shelter
a When it comes to board games, I’m a bad loser; I always want
b I’m not a fan of , but my brother loves to look after the plants.
c Ted got his dog from the d Sheila is good at cooking, but Tommy is better at it.
e You have so much ! Maybe you should do another after-school activity.
f people like doing the dishes, but I’m definitely not one of them.
In de eerste les van de week worden lezen, luisteren en kijken afgewisseld.
4 Read the text below.
a Think of a new club for your school. T 1
2:08 PM AT&TLE Contact
80% Back
b Write down at least three reasons why this club would be good for your school. T 2
Hey Mish ;) [a] on Thursday?
I told ye! [b] I have bagpipe practice.
Ugh, right. [c] playing that thing so much?
It’s cultural, ye tattie! Also, [d] and when I start playing everyone leaves. Why, [e] ?
Hahahaha xD Well, [f] four days a week so I don’t get behind on schoolwork, but not on Thursdays and I want to do something fun :/
Ah, gotcha! Sorry I can’t help, good luck :/ Gotta run now!
Hamish Message
3 a Work in pairs. Have a conversation with your classmate and make notes about their after-school activities. Make a list with the following:
v Your classmate’s after-school activities, v Why they like the after-school activities, v How often they do the activities. T 2
b Work in different pairs. Tell this classmate about the after-school activities of your other classmate. Use all the information you learned in 4a, and speak in complete sentences. T 2
c Work in groups. Discuss the different clubs you would like to have in your school, and why these should be introduced at your school. Choose an after-school club that everyone thinks should exist at your school. I
d Make a presentation about the club you’ve agreed on. Say what the club would be like and explain why you think the club should be at your school.
Choose one of the options below: I
v PowerPoint presentation
v Poster v Video v An original form of presentation of your own creation
School clubs Does your school have any clubs? Ask around! There might be a maths club or a debate club that you can join, or maybe even a tech club.
5 10 v Have you reached your goal?
Perhaps there is a music club to draw your interest , or a programming club where you can develop your own video games. Some schools have a school newspaper that you could write for, or homework guidance programs where you could improve with your schoolwork. What if there aren’t any clubs for the things that interest you? See if you can start your own club!
opdrachten met geïntegreerde vaardigheden
De vaardigheden komen geïntegreerd aan bod in gevarieerde taalopdrachten.
In elke les één of meerdere samenwerkingsopdrachten.
R I know the chunks to talk about after-school activities.
T1 I can use the chunks to talk about after-school activities.
T2 I can make my own sentences to talk about after-school activities. I I can have a conversation with someone about after-school activities.
De leerling kan zelf controleren of alle aspecten van het lesdoel zijn gehaald en krijgt zo eigenaarschap over het eigen leerproces.
113 00 TITLE
1 Work and personality goal You will learn to discuss work and personality.
v Think about what you want to be when you grow up. What sector is a good fit for your interests and skills? What would you like to know before deciding on a future career?
If you could try out any job for a day, what would it be?
A professional shopper. I am not really sure if such a 'profession' exists. But if it does, I would love to try it out as I am the perfect candidate!
I love shopping myself, and even when my wardrobe is overflowing with clothes, I cannot control my urge to shop. So, why not shop for someone else?
Basically, people who hate shopping can hire me as their personal shopper. I will choose items that match their personality and spend oodles of money shopping on behalf of them. And in my free time, I can shop for myself using the money I earn!
1 Read the text If you could try out ... on the left.
a Would you like to try this job? Why? T 1
b If you could try another job for a day, what job would you choose? Why? T 1
c What do you hope to learn through doing the job you've chosen? T 2
2 a Which personality traits do you think fit a nurse and which traits fit an MMA fighter? Copy the table in your notebook and complete it with at least three traits for each. T 1
5 10 15 20
Cage fighter champion is nurse by day and 'feels bad' when she hurts people exclusive: Bryony Tyrell, a nurse and mother of two, goes by the name Killa B as an MMA fighter who has four professional titles under her belt. From preventing pain in her work life to inflicting it in her spare time, the two sides of Bryony’s life could hardly be more stark. But with four professional wins under her belt, the 40-year-old says she knows that when it comes to cage fighting, it’s hit or be hit. She says: “I would never want to hurt anyone intentionally but when you’re in there you have a fight-or-flight response and if you don’t fight you’ll get beaten up. I don’t enjoy hurting people but once I step into the ring I lose all sense of pain. I’ve won fights from ground and pound, which is when you sit on their chest and hit them as hard as possible. Afterwards I am flooded with guilt and I think this is even worse as I can see these injuries at work.” [...]
From: Mirrorpix
3 a What kind of person are you? Answer the following questions very quickly—try not to think for more than a second! T 1
1 Are you a creative person?
2 Do you like helping out other people?
Nurse MMA fighter
3 Do you like other people telling you what to do, or do you prefer to decide for yourself?
4 Do you like to work in a team, or do you prefer to work alone?
6 Match
b An idea for a business usually starts when you , meaning you think you have something to offer that people would want to spend their money on.
c Running a business isn’t easy; you have to work hard and sometimes.
d Negative comments on social media are but they also motivate Henry to work hard and prove they are wrong.
e Only very few entrepreneurs succeed on the first try. Most entrepreneurs know:
f Setting up a business is a lot of hard work, but if you do it well it
b Work in pairs. Together, think of two traits that a nurse and an MMA fighter might have in common. T 2 c Read the text on the right about the woman in the pictures. Which personality traits do you see in Bryony? T 1 d Discuss: would you like to make a career out of your hobby, or would you prefer your hobby and career to be separate worlds like in Bryony’s life? T 2
5 Do you need deadlines and competition to do your (school) work well?
6 Is money important to you?
7 Would you like to travel abroad regularly for your future work?
8 Are you happy to work in groups?
9 Do you like routine and structure in your work?
10 Do you like surprises and improvising?
8 a Work in pairs. Look at the words in the word pool below and discuss what they mean. If you don’t know a word, look it up. T 1
b From the word pool, find at least six traits that apply to Henry. Write down each characteristic and cite a part of the interview that shows this trait. T 2
c Explain in your own words why school was not easy for Henry. I
curious deep thinker calm confident caring greedy humorous creative go-getter introverted mature naive relaxed selfish nervous precise tough
9 Henry proves that you don’t have to wait until you’re mature to start your career. He’s always trying new and different things. Work in pairs. Have a brainstorming session and discuss the following points. Take notes while you talk. T 2
v Would you like to be a young entrepreneur?
Why (not)?
v Suppose you would, what kind of business would you like to set up?
v In what way are you like Henry Patterson and in what way are you not?
v How does Henry react when he fails at something? What do you think about this?
d Look at Question 6. One or more verbs are omitted in this sentence. Rewrite the question with the verb(s) included. T 2
e Write down two open and two closed questions that you could use in an interview about work. T 2 open / closed
1 Can you tell us a bit about that?
2 Why did you want to enter the world of business at such a young age?
3 Can you tell us about some of them?
4 Have they all been successful?
5 What’s been your biggest challenge in business so far?
6 Any advice for your fellow pupils?
7 What should they be doing in order to learn more about entrepreneurship?
8 How did your business responsibilities affect your school life and education?
9 Fitting in your studies around your schedule must be challenging?
a Answer the following questions. T 1
1 For how long has this person worked at this job?
2 What tasks do they have to do? Mention at least two.
3 What were their reasons for choosing this job?
4 Why is this job so fulfilling?
b Would you like to do this job? Why (not)? T 2
11 Design a job quiz. Follow the steps below.
a Choose two job sectors from the list below and write them down. R b For each of the two sectors, write down eight character traits and/or skills you think you need to work in it. You can use the word pool in Exercise 8 for help, or do some research on the internet. T 2 c For each character trait and/or skill, write a closed question for the quiz. Example: character trait ‘you like to work alone’ > question ‘Do you like to work alone?’ T 2 d Work in pairs. Ask each other your 16 questions. Write down the answers your classmate gives. T 2 e Analyse the answers you got from your classmate. Which job sector fits him or her best? T 2
Job sectors v travel v healthcare v law enforcement v sports and entertainment
v farming
v business / trade v social media / communication
v education v product development v arts and design v economy and finance
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vwo 3 — voorbeeldhoofdstuk 18
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Settling in 5 10 15
Aspect Points money colleagues fun and friendly atmosphere travel working alone helping other people being creative being your own boss deadlines and competition variety and improvisation certainty and routine/structure Total 100 points b Copy the table below and divide 100 points over the following work aspects. The more important an aspect is to you, the more points it gets. Give points to at least six aspects. T 1
What kind of work do you think suits your personality? Think of a job sector, for example: healthcare, law enforcement, media, art and design, or economy and finance. Look up a list on the internet if needed. T 2 d What school subjects do you think are important for this kind of work? Write down at least three and explain why they are relevant. T 2
video from
lesson in which someone talks about their job.
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v Which of your personality traits would make you a good or a bad entrepreneur? description (a-j). T 1 1 entrepreneur 2 to launch 3 capable 4 to succeed 5 thrilled 6 hiccups 7 sacrifice 8 to set up 9 client 10 conference
from the
(1-10) with their
7 Fill in the gaps with the following phrases from the text. Note: you may need to adapt the phrases to fit the sentence. T 2 hard to take / pay off / spot a gap in the market / practice makes perfect / go the extra mile / run a business
a Henry Patterson in children’s products under the name Not Before Tea.
a bumps in the road and unsuccessful times b to make things work out well c very happy d to start a new business e able to do things skilfully f customer g an event at which several people give presentations h to give a start i a person who organises and manages a business or enterprise j something you give up
Reflect & create
Below, you see all the questions Henry was asked in the text Pupil interview
T 1
a What is the difference between an open and a closed question? R b Copy the grid with only the numbers and write down for each question if it is an open or a closed question.
c Look at the questions you marked as ‘open’. What type of words do they start with? T 1
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v Grammar tip For more help with making questions, see Paragraph 3.2.
5 Read the text Pupil interview
a What job does Henry have, next to his school work? T 1
b What is Not Before Tea? T 2
c What inspired Henry to start selling sweets when he was nine years old? T 1
d Does Henry think school prepares you well for life? Explain your answer. T 2
e What was the first business Henry ran? What did he do? T 1
f Does Henry think his work is easy? Explain your answer. T 2
g How does Henry combine his business with his schoolwork? T 2 h What is Henry’s best advice for young entrepreneurs? T 1 ‘The world went mad for this story.’ (line 17) Explain what Henry means by ‘this story’. I
Pupil interview: entrepreneur Henry Patterson Henry Patterson set up his first business when he was just nine years old. He has since launched several more business ventures, written a book and regularly gives talks at major events and conferences. We asked him about his business career and experiences at InterHigh.
You hit the headlines for setting up the children’s brand ‘Not Before Tea’. Can you tell us a bit about that?
Not Before Tea was launched in 2013 when I was nine years old. Like most children, I was told those ‘when I was young’ or ‘back in the day’ stories by my parents. My mother shared the most magical memories of riding her bike to her local sweets and toy shop when she was younger.
It just seemed like the best thing ever! I went up to my bedroom and designed six jars of sweets and started selling them to family and friends. It started to grow and grow until one day, the story got picked up by the Daily Mail. Then it exploded!
The world went mad for this story.
Eventually, we stopped the sweets and I wrote a storybook called ‘The Adventures Of Sherb and Pip’. We designed products based around it and that was how Not Before Tea was created!
Why did you want to enter the world of business at such a young age?
Nine years old and running a business isn’t young enough for me. I constantly wonder why
I wasn’t doing anything for the first eight!
I don’t know why society has this idea that life starts when you’re 18. It simply isn’t true. We spend the first 17 years of our lives counting down the days until we finish school, but for what? Nothing changes overnight when you turn
18. You don’t suddenly become capable of doing anything you want. The earlier you start, the earlier you succeed.
Like all entrepreneurs, you have launched several businesses. Can you tell us about some of them?
No business comes around in an instant, and for the people who think it’s a natural born talent, think again. As they say, practice makes perfect and well ... I’m still practising! When I was four,
I launched my first business, ‘Henry’s Rotted Myor’. I know what you're thinking. I’m sorry, but what four-year-old do you know that can correctly spell the word ‘manure’?! To translate that into a more processable brand name, ‘Henry’s Rotten Manure’ came around when I really wanted a new toy. I’d spent my weekly allowance and NEEDED this toy with a great matter of urgency. We have horses and I went into the field and basically spent my evening shovelling poo into a bag. Whatever floats your boat I guess. I made a sign and put the bags outside our front gate. By the morning, they’d been sold and £1.50 was left in the post box. I was thrilled! My next venture was when I was seven. There were these incredibly popular toys at school and I noticed some of my friends had varieties that others didn’t. I did what any seven-year-old would do when spotting a gap in the market ... set up trade meetings with my friends! I had some serious clients in the playground.
Have they all been successful?
Absolutely not! ‘Henry’s Rotten Manure’ came crashing down when I realised that standing in a field when it’s -2 degrees is not fun. My trading empire was shut down when the head teacher at my school called me in and told me that money was banned from school. One of my friends had stolen from their mother's purses to afford one of the toys. You heard that right, there was a scandal! There have been gazillions of hiccups along the way with Not Before Tea and Young&Mighty too.
What’s been your biggest challenge in business so far?
I couldn’t possibly name just one! Criticism is hard to take, in business and just life in general. And I’m not going to glamorise it, you do have to make sacrifices and go the extra mile sometimes. It pays off though, I promise! (As you can tell, I’m also addicted to exclamation marks—resist Henry, resist.)
Any advice for your fellow pupils? What should they be doing in order to learn more about entrepreneurship? Research, research, research. Learn from other people's mistakes and successes. Learning in business isn’t copying, it’s listening, processing and then recycling however you want.
Can you tell us about your educational experiences before joining InterHigh: How did your business responsibilities affect your school life and education?
School was never easy for me. I was always asking questions and taking in-depth looks at topics from a young age. I was always different and my mind never turned off. I was constantly told (by the students and the teachers) that I was useless and would never get anywhere in life, which was really hard at such a young age. This led to me developing a stutter. Unfortunately, my school was completely against my business. Obviously, in their eyes, it would have been awful if someone under the age of 587 actually did something with their life instead of standing around playing polo.
You’re also an author and keynote speaker and appear in the media regularly. Is it difficult to fit your studies in around your work schedule?
It can be tough, and I can’t say I’ve not handed homework in late from time to time! I always plan my year in August, when I get my timetable, to try and make sure the two worlds don’t collide. When a media enquiry gets sent to my agent (who has a copy of my timetable), we try our best to make it work. When I was at a physical school, I was off more than I was there, so we were basically paying for me not to be there!!! That’s why InterHigh’s so great, I can do it anywhere.
13 Study the words and common phrases from this lesson: English–Dutch and Dutch–English. Any other words in this lesson that you find important and don’t know well? Look them up and write them down in your own word file. T 1
v Have you reached your goal?
advice reports. Check if the reports are complete and if all three elements from Exercise 12a are included. I
R I know words and phrases about work and personality. T1 I can understand specific information about work and personality. T2 I can ask and answer questions about work and personality. I I can explain why a certain career would or would not suit someone’s personality.
to grow up volwassen worden sector branche, sector skill vaardigheid to hire inhuren on behalf of namens to omit weglaten job advice baanadvies element deel career carrière separate gescheiden cage fighter kooivechter to prevent voorkomen to inflict toebrengen stark extreem to hit slaan intentionally met opzet sense gevoel chest borst flooded overspoeld guilt schuldgevoel vet dierenarts dental van de tanden surgery chirurgie drive drijfveer
Common phrases
random willekeurig
dedication toewijding
rewarding wat voldoening geeft
entrepreneur ondernemer
pupil leerling major belangrijk, groot to pick up oppikken mad for gek op to enter toetreden tot scandal schandaal criticism kritiek useless waardeloos to stutter stotteren to fit in inpassen enquiry vraag
caring zorgzaam confident zelfverzekerd
curious nieuwsgierig greedy hebzuchtig
nervous nerveus relaxed ontspannen selfish egoïstisch
There are a few traits a nurse and an MMA fighter might have in common
If you don’t fight, you will get beaten up
He hit the headlines for setting up a children’s brand at a very young age.
It is possible to run a business when you’re only nine years old.
When you spot a gap in the market, you can set up a business. You really have to work hard and go the extra mile sometimes. Criticism is hard to take, in business or just life in general.
They say practice makes perfect, and I’m still practising. Hard work pays off in the end.
19 74
In-depth A young entrepreneur 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 C WORK manure mest venture onderneming whatever floats your boat ieder zijn ding to collide botsen Henry Patterson preparing himself for a talk KERN_ENGELS_VWO_3.indd 74 19/04/2021 09:36 75
Adapted from: 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 1 WORK AND PERSONALITY 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 KERN_ENGELS_VWO_3.indd 75 19/04/2021 09:36 78 12 Share your job
your classmate. a Write the conclusive report. Explain which sector fits your classmate best and why. Include the following: v Information from the quiz about your classmate’s personality and skills; v A description of the kind of work you think your classmate will do in the future; v A conclusion with a few specific job suggestions for your classmate. I b Read each other’s job
advice with
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let op De verkorte vorm van had is hetzelfde als die van would: ’ d I’d had enough of the noise, so I left the room.
Past simple of past perfect? De past simple wordt gebruikt voor acties die op een bepaald moment in het verleden zijn afgerond. De past perfect wordt gebruikt voor acties die voltooid waren voor een bepaald moment in het verleden.
v De actie is afgerond. I ate my dinner very early.
v De actie was al afgerond voordat een andere actie plaatsvond.
I had already eaten when Cheng came over with food.
Wanneer twee acties in het verleden tegelijkertijd plaatsvonden, gebruik je voor beide de past simple
v De acties vinden tegelijkertijd plaats.
He fainted when he saw the blood.
v De actie was al afgerond voordat een andere actie plaatsvond.
He had already fainted before he saw any blood.
2.2.4 Used to / would Als je iets wilt zeggen over een gewoonte, toestand of een regelmatige gebeurtenis in het verleden die nu niet meer waar is, gebruik je used to of would
When I was little, my dad would always read me a story before going to bed.
Jordan used to have a beard when he was young.
v Wanneer je echter een toestand uit het verleden wilt uitdrukken door middel van een stative verb, kun je alleen used to gebruiken.
My grandparents used to have a house in Germany.
Sheila used to love cotton candy, but now she hates it.
v Wanneer je een dynamic verb gebruikt, kun je zowel used to als would gebruiken.
We would go on holiday to Switzerland every winter.
We used to go on holiday to Switzerland every winter.
Je vormt de werkwoordsvormen met used to + infinitief of would + infinitief.
Antoine would go to school by bus if it was raining.
There used to be a lot of flora and fauna in Australia before humans came.
Je kunt ook de past simple gebruiken voor een gewoonte of handelingen in of uit
het verleden. Het verschil met used to en would is dat de past simple minder nadruk
legt op de herhaaldelijke of continue aard van de gewoonte of toestand. Vergelijk:
We took a hike in the forest every Sunday.
We would take a hike in the forest every Sunday.
We used to take a hike in the forest every Sunday.
Een brief schrijven — Bij het schrijven van een formele brief moet je formele taal gebruiken en woorden voluit schrijven. Gebruik het schema hieronder. Bij het schrijven van een informele brief is het niet nodig om een bepaald format te volgen.
Jouw naam, jouw adres, postcode, plaats en land xx - xx -20 xx
Naam van de ontvanger, adres, postcode, plaats en land
Dear Mr Dickinson Dear Sir / Madam Dear Dr. Akhtar Jouw brief, gestructureerd met een inleiding, een kern en een slot. ]
Yours sincerely Yours faithfully Kind regards Jouw handtekening en jouw voor- en achternaam
5.6 Een essay schrijven
Een essay is een tekst waarin je je mening geeft over een onderwerp. Je mening moet je onderbouwen met argumenten. Die argumenten mag je zelf bedenken, maar je kunt ook informatie opzoeken. Een essay is een formele tekst en je moet daarom ook formele taal gebruiken. Als je nog weinig ervaring hebt met essays schrijven, houd je dan aan de volgende structuuren volg de stappen 1–3:
titel inleiding
alinea 1 alinea 2 alinea 3 conclusie
Informatief of creatief. Probeer de aandacht van de lezer te vangen.
Interessante eerste zin. Leg het onderwerp uit. Vraag of stelling.
Argument 1 + uitleg + voorbeeld
Argument 2 + uitleg + voorbeeld
Argument 3 + uitleg + voorbeeld
Samenvatting. Kom niet met nieuwe informatie. Geef je mening.
afzender datum ontvanger aanhef slot
Volgorde waarin je een essay schrijft
1 Bedenk een vraag of kom met een stelling.
2 Bedenk twee of drie argumenten die je vraag beantwoorden of je stelling onderbouwen.
3 Nu je dit alles hebt bedacht, kun je de vakjes invullen.
2.3 Toekomende tijd
2.3.1 To be going to Een veel gebruikte vorm van de toekomende tijd (future) is to be going to Deze werkwoordstijd wordt gevormd door to be + going to + het werkwoord.
In het Nederlands kun je vaak het woord ‘gaan’ gebruiken.
Je gebruikt to be going to als:
v je iets wilt voorspellen
It’s going to rain v je iets (niet) van plan bent I’m going to study tonight. They aren’t going to walk
2.3.2 Future simple Een andere vorm van de toekomende tijd is de future simple. Deze werkwoordstijd wordt gevormd door will + het werkwoord. Net zoals to be going to kun je will meestal vertalen met het werkwoord ‘gaan’ of ‘zullen’. Je gebruikt de future simple als: v je een voorspelling doet Amy will be here in ten minutes.
v je iets besluit op het moment van spreken (iets dat je wilt gaan doen)
I will make some tea with milk.
v je een belofte doet I will help you with your homework.
let op In de ontkennende vorm wordt de future simple vaak ingekort:
The hamsters will not survive two days without water. The hamsters won’t survive two days without water.
2.3.3 Present simple & present continuous for future
De present simple kun je naast de tegenwoordige tijd ook voor de toekomende tijd gebruiken. Je gebruikt de present simple voor de toekomende tijd wanneer het gaat om dingen die vaststaan, zoals:
v feiten
My birthday falls on a Monday next year.
v dienstregelingen Our flight to Shanghai leaves at 9 p.m. tomorrow.
v roosters Faizal has an English test tomorrow.
De present continuous kun je ook voor de toekomende tijd gebruiken.
Je gebruikt de present continuous voor de toekomende tijd wanneer je iets zegt over geplande acties of handelingen in de toekomst. Het gaat hierbij vooral om plannen die vooraf geregeld zijn.
I am leaving for Johannesburg tomorrow.
My grandparents are coming to our house next Sunday. We are having a staff meeting this afternoon.
5 Schrijven
5.7 Formeel taalgebruik
v Gebruik geen korte vormen, maar schrijf het voluit: don’t do not she shouldn’t — she should not gonna going to wanna — want to
v Vermijd het werkwoord to get. Zoek een vervangend woord: They got a present — They received a present They got there early — They arrived early
v Gebruik niet: lots of, loads, a lot of Gebruik wel: much, many, several, multiple
v Vermijd de woorden thing en stuff. Probeer in plaats daarvan preciezere woorden te gebruiken.
v Vermijd de woorden really en very.
Je kunt ze meestal gewoon weglaten maar je kunt ook sterkere woorden zoeken. Zie Woordenschat § 5, p. 88.
v Gebruik signaalwoorden en leestekens.
v Gebruik liever niet ‘and’ of ‘but’ aan het begin van een zin. Laat het weg of vervang het voor een synoniem.
v Werk je op een computer? Maak gebruik van de spellingscontrole.
v Vraag aan je docent of je I mag gebruiken in je essay of dat je onpersoonlijker moet schrijven: I think that schools should start no earlier than 9 o’clock / Schools should start no earlier than 9 o’clock.
5.8 Onderzoeksvaardigheden
Op school moet je regelmatig iets onderzoeken en de resultaten presenteren of in een verslag opschrijven. Hieronder zie je een overzichtelijk stappenplan dat je kunt volgen als je zelf onderzoek gaat doen.
1 Begin met brainstormen: misschien krijg je van de docent een richting of onderwerp aangeboden, maar anders kun je je afvragen: wat vind ik interessant?
Waar wil ik graag meer over leren? Ga ook op internet op zoek.
2 Bedenk een onderzoeksvraag: nadat je bij stap 1 een richting hebt gekozen, kom je nu met een precieze onderzoeksvraag. Zorg ervoor dat die niet te groot of te breed is.
3 Maak een stappenplan: nu je een gerichte vraag hebt, moet je (opnieuw) goed naar de instructies kijken. Hoeveel tijd heb je voor dit project? Wat wil je allemaal doen? Hoe lang moet het verslag zijn? Als je een testje wilt uitvoeren of mensen wilt interviewen, kost dat vaak meer tijd, omdat je afhankelijk bent van meerdere factoren. Plan dus goed.
4 Nu je het voorbereidende werk hebt gedaan, kun je echt aan de slag. Voer je test uit, trek erop uit of duik in de literatuur.
5 Als je een literatuuronderzoek hebt gedaan, staat er vast al veel op papier, maar anders is het nu tijd om alles netjes op te schrijven en met conclusies te komen. Als je een verslag moet schrijven, zorg er dan voor dat de lay-out netjes is en de bronvermelding op orde.
6 De laatste stap: waarschijnlijk mag je je resultaten presenteren. Misschien moet je een poster maken of een PowerPoint-presentatie geven.
20 29 28 Grammatica 2 Werkwoorden
65 64