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Exchange in Spain
Exchange in España? How exciting
Spain is a colorful nation offering everything you need for a successful exchange abroad. The rich culture, pleasant climate, beautiful nature, and laid-back lifestyle yearly attract exchange students from all over the world. From long beaches along the coast to impressive mountain ranges and medieval cities, Spain has it all.
Learn for Life in Spain
With over 400 million Spanish speakers, the language is one of the most common languages spoken in the world. This means you will open doors by studying here, providing future career opportunities and connections with new people. Look forward to an exchange program full of delicious food, sunshine, language skills, and friendships!
Experience the Classic exchange in spain
In Spain we offer the Classic High School program, which provides the traditional exchange experience. You’ll live with a caring host family and attend a high school near your new home. You’ll be immersed each day in a new culture and language, and share meals and other daily rituals with your host family. Throughout your entire exchange, you’ll be supported in both your home and host country by our One Team Across the Globe, who will work together to ensure you have a safe and successful exchange.
“I chose the country I visited by talking to my older sister about it, because she’s travelled a lot of Europe. She told me Spain was her all time favourite and she’d go back in a heartbeat. I completely and utterly agree with her now and I don’t regret my descition of Spain in the slightest.“
– Abbey in Spain
• Student age: 15–17 years • Program length: 2 or 3 months, Semester, Academic Year • Month of departure: February, September, October,
November • Language requirements: Basic Spanish skills are highly recommended • Programs: Classic High School • Area choice: No • Soft Landing Camp: Barcelona (offered for our
September programs at an additional cost - please check our website for details) • Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost