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Who can apply / travel? To go on exchange with us, you need to be between 15 and 17 years old (sometimes exceptions can be made for 14 or 18 year olds, please call our office if you’d like to explore this option), be in high school and attend school full time before your departure. You also need to have an average C gradel, be in good health and be motivated for a high school exchange abroad.
How early should I apply? We accept students all year round but always encourage you to apply early. This gives us both more time: for you to prepare for your exchange and for us to match you with the exchange that best meets your personal and academic goals.
What does a regular host family look like? Host families come in all shapes and sizes and from a variety of backgrounds. What all families have in common is a genuine interest in welcoming you into their home and showing you everyday life in your new country.
Why do families host exchange students? Many of the reasons are similar to why students go on exchange. Host families have a desire to get to know a new culture and broaden their horizons. Some have kids who are or have been on exchange in other countries. Many are experienced host families that find it rewarding to welcome an exchange student into their home, and want to do it again and again. How do you match students to host families? Our staff do their best to match our exchange students and host families based on their profiles and applications. In the end, it’s the family that decides whether or not they’d like to host a particular student. Host families often make this decision based on a student’s interests and on information included in the student’s application. It’s important to be honest and give an accurate description of yourself and of your expectations for the exchange.
Are host families paid? It depends on the program and country. In Great Britain, Ireland, Spain and, in some cases in Japan, the host families are paid. The reason that host families are paid in these countries are tradition and economics. Host families for our Select High School program also get a stipend to cover additional costs like food and gasoline. Because the Select program lets you choose a specific school, we want to make sure we find a good host family near your chosen school. Offering payment to a prospective host family helps us do that. Regardless of whether or not they’re getting paid, all host families go through the same stringent application and screening procedure.
How does Southern Cross Cultural Exchange decide if a family is suitable for hosting an exchange student? All our families go through a thorough application procedure, where our team members abroad: • make a home visit • check references • obtain government-required checks • interview all family members to find out if they meet our standards
Do I have to share a room? You will always have your own bed, but there are some situations where you could share a room (in these cases, you will always share room with a person of the same gender): • In some families, you might share a room with the host family’s son/daughter. • In some families you could share a room with another exchange student. This student won’t be from your home country and will speak another language. • Some countries offer a single room guarantee at an additional cost (please contact our office for more details)
Can I live with a friend? We don’t allow friends to stay with the same host family because we feel this this will hinder you from immersing fully in the family’s daily life, culture and language. If you choose the Select program, you and your friend can go to the same school but will still live with different host families.
What if I’m not happy with my placement? We have a lot of experience when it comes to making good matches between students and host families. We are also ready and flexible if you aren’t happy with your placement. We will always try to solve the issue first, but if there is no way around it, we will look for another family for you.
Can I have visits during the year? Family visits are discouraged, however if your family does want to visit, we recommend they only visit towards the end of your program. Before that time, you’ll be busy with school, activities and new friends. Visits should be planned for, and you need to get permission from your host family and their local area representative. Talk to us about family visits so we can recommend a plan that complies with your program’s rules and recommendations. Can I travel during my exchange? There may be opportunities for travel organised through your local support person or your school. These would be arranged while you are on the program and for an additional fee. The most important thing when it comes to travels in your host country is safety. An unsupervised trip is not an option during your exchange. All trips will need to take place with adults, and you must inform your parents, your host family and the appropriate contact person from your exchange organisation.
Can I go on exchange even if I have pre-existing conditions? This depends on many factors. Whether you have allergies, special dietary needs or other pre-existing conditions, we will do our best to find the perfect exchange for you.
Can I continue the sport I’m playing in my home country? On our Select Program, you can choose a school that has your favourite sport. Many of them even have programs for sports on a professional level! You will also have the option for sports on our Classic Programs, but we cannot guarantee that you’ll get a spot in the team. Talk to us – we’ll help you to find the best solution.
What should I do now? Schedule a free online meeting with us. We want to meet you and one or both of your legal guardians, so we can answer your questions and get a better understanding of what you’re looking for in a high school exchange.
To book your appointment, email scceaust@scce.com. au or give us a call at (03) 9775 4711 (Australia) or 0800 285887 (New Zealand). We look forward to meeting you!