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Exchange in the netherlands
The dutch way of life
The Dutch have very active lifestyles and you will see lots of locals riding around on bicycles, which is something we certainly encourage whilst in The Netherlands! At Christmas time, the main square of every city has its own brightly lit Christmas tree, making it a very enjoyable place to be over the winter holiday season.
Learn for Life in the Netherlands
While the Dutch rank highly in many fields of education, their teaching style is known to be interactive and studentcentred. Most schools in the Netherlands are publis schools and most people speak English well. Due to the Netherlands small size you will also be close to Germany, France and Belgium.
Experience the Classic exchange in the netherlands
In the Netherlands we offer the Classic High School program, which provides the traditional exchange experience. You’ll live with a caring host family and attend a high school near your new home. You’ll be immersed each day in a new culture and language, and share meals and other daily rituals with your host family. Throughout your entire exchange, you’ll be supported in both your home and host country by our One Team Across the Globe, who will work together to ensure you have a safe and successful exchange.
“Through my exchange I truly believe that I have grown more independent and aware of the world around me, gaining skills of tolerance, persistence and strength. My host family were amazing and I made plenty of friends whom I still talk to now via social media. I wish to revisit everyone I have met again after I have finished school.”
– Mieka in the Netherlands
• Student age: 16–18 years • Program length: 2 or 3 months, Semester, Academic Year • Month of departure: January, August, October,
November • Language requirements: None • Area choice: No • Soft Landing Camp: Amsterdam (included in our fee) • Programs: Classic High School • Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost