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Exchange in Italy
Study in the land of medieval history, coastal towns, fashion and pizza
Italy is one of the world’s most charming countries, with its beautiful medieval towns, massive mountain chains in the Alps, fashionable big cities and beaches along the coast. It’s well known for culture-steeped cities like Venice, Florence and Rome and for its romantic language. And let’s not forget, the best pizza in the world!
Learn for Life in Italy
As an exchange student in Italy, you’ll get to experience life and school as a true Italian teenager. You’ll learn mandatory subjects that typically include maths, history, Italian literature, physical education and English.
Experience the Classic exchange in Italy
In Italy we offer the Classic High School program, which provides the traditional exchange experience. You’ll live with a caring host family and attend a high school near your new home. You’ll be immersed each day in a new culture and language, and share meals and other daily rituals with your host family. Throughout your entire exchange, you’ll be supported in both your home and host country by our One Team Across the Globe, who will work together to ensure you have a safe and successful exchange.
“My last day of school was a day of so many mixed emotions: happy to be heading home but ultimately very sad to be saying goodbye after so many amazing memories. I’ve since realised that saying goodbye isn’t really ‘goodbye’, but just a ‘see you soon’, as I will definitely be back and so many of my friends want to come to visit me. This experience has taught me that no matter how different we are, we can always find common ground. I’ll never forget this experience and I’ll never forget the amazing people I got to meetalong the way.”
– Edith in Italy
• Student age: 15–17 years • Program length: 6 weeks, 2, 2.5 or 3 months,
Semester, Academic Year • Month of departure: January, September, October,
November, December • Language requirements: Basic Italian skills are highly recommended, additional language course available in
Milan (at an additional cost) • Programs: Classic High School • Area choice: Yes, Area and City Choices At an additional cost, popular destinations have limited spots available which are allocated on a first come first served basis (see website) • Soft Landing Camp: Milan (offered for some exchange programs at an additional cost - please check our website for details) • Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost