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2 - January 2014 Entertainment Guide -
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Published since 1862, the Edwardsville Intelligencer has delivered local news into Edwardsville, Glen Carbon and surrounding communities. As Edwardsville’s oldest, continuously-operated business, the Edwardsville Intelligencer has grown and prospered in a world where newspapers have evolved from hot-lead type to computer generated pages. The Intelligencer has withstood radio, television and the Internet, joining the latter to provide the community with The Edwardsville Intelligencer is consistently adding new products to add to the value of our media, and to remain a value to our readers. The EDGE is a weekly, direct mail publication reaching over 16,500 homes in Edwardsville and Glen Carbon, serving as our community’s news and entertainment source. Our publications are distributed in community with an average household income level of $85,000 PLUS! More than 74% of our readers are homeowners. Madison County HOMES is a full color booklet and is distributed monthly. Great marketing tool to reach those buying or selling! If you are looking to extend your message to our “growing” community, we offer numerous online/offline packages to fit every budget. I would like the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how our partnership can prove a positive return on your investment.
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PUBLISHER Denise Vonder Haar, Ext. 14
Bill Tucker, Ext. 47
Jennifer Dyer, Ext. 32 - January 2014 Entertainment Guide - 3
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CHURCH DIRECTORY St. Andrewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Episcopal Church Hillsboro at North Buchanan Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 656-1929 Sunday Services (Sept thru May) 8:00 am - Said Eucharist 9:10 am - Adult Education 10:00 am - Church School 10:00 am - Choral Eucharist Sunday Service (June thru Labor Day) 9:00 am - Holy Eucharist Child Care Available all Year
Center Grove Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church in America 6279 Center Grove Road Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 656-9485 Sunday Worship - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages - 11:00 a.m. St. Mary Catholic Church 1802 Madison Avenue Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 656-4857 5:00 pm - Saturday Evening 8:00 & 10:30 am - Sunday Morning 5:00 pm - Lifeteen Mass - Sunday Evening Penance - Saturdays 3:30 - 4:30 pm
4 - January 2014 Entertainment Guide -
Scott Marion/Intelligencer
A waitress serves patrons during lunch at Lucy 'n Ricardo's Mexican and Italian Restaurant.
Eatery mixes Mexican and Italian By Scott Marion For 37 years, Rich Tallerico owned Four Flags Motors in Edwardsville, so he knows cars. But Tallerico’s new business venture is proving that he knows food as well. In October, Tallerico opened Lucy ‘n Ricardo’s Mexican and Italian Restaurant at 3624 Edwardsville Road in Edwardsville. The establishment is named after Tallerico and his wife. The building has been home to several other bars and restaurants, including the Oasis, but has been vacant in recent years. “We just had a feeling about it and we started from scratch,” Tallerico said. “We ripped down the walls and put in new plumbing and wiring. “I was in the restaurant business years ago and at Four Flags we used to do a lot of cooking, especially my four sons. My wife is a great
cook and we would always have people at the house. We have a lot of special recipes, Mexican and Italian.” “Starting from scratch” is an equally appropriate way to describe the food at Lucy ‘n Ricardo’s. “All of the tamales and meatballs are handmade and we have fresh pasta,” Tallerico said. “It’s not fast food. You may have to wait a while to get it, but it comes out great. “Like I told my wife, our name is on it, and if it’s not right, we’re not doing it.” Italian entrees range from $9.95 to $13.95 and include lemon chicken, chicken Parmesan, spaghetti, fettucine alfredo, lasagna and white fish. Mexican items include tamales, enchiladas, chicken or steak fajitas, beef or chicken burritos and chimichangas (beef, chicken, steak or pork) and range from $8.95 to $13.95. The appetizer menu includes nachos, chicken wings and tenders, quesadillas and a variety of
other items. Pizza, tacos, sandwiches, salads, chili and soup are also available. “It’s a little tricky doing Mexican and Italian and it would have been easier to do just one, but my wife can cook both,” Tallerico said. “It’s a good working relationship and we have some of the family working here. We have a full bar, but it’s a family restaurant. “We give you a lot of food for the money and we have homemade desserts including cannoli and a ‘cinni my’ (cinnamon) taco. Right now we’re featuring a 14-inch Chicago style hot dog and we may add steaks and some other things to the menu.” The restaurant also has a private party room for up to 30 people. Hours are 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday and Sunday, and 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. The restaurant is closed on Monday. For more information, call 6550707. - January 2014 Entertainment Guide - 5
Annie’s is a local favorite By BILL TUCKER Kay Gieszelmann didn’t stop at a good idea. She took it all the way to great. Now, she is the undisputed, if unofficial, queen of frozen custard in the metro-east as the owner and operator of the two Annie’s Frozen Custard shops. Entering its 18th season overall, Annie’s branched out in 2012, opening a year-round, dine-in location in Glen Carbon. It compliments the original Edwardsville location, a walk-up facility located in what was once a Jack Schmidt Ford dealership. Gieszelmann said the process began about 20 years ago and grew from a simple desire. “It was just because our kids were little and we liked ice cream,” she said. Two years of research later, Annie’s Frozen Custard opened for business at 245 S. Buchanan St. in Edwardsville. Gieszelmann’s daughters, Sarah and Emily, didn’t mind driving all over Madison County to buy frozen treats, but it wasn’t exactly Kay’s first choice. “We were going to Bobby’s in Maryville, Baskin Robbins in Granite City with my kids, my nephews. We made it a family event,” Gieszelmann said. “There wasn’t really anything in Edwardsville. That’s how it got started. The love of the frozen treat is really what drove us.” So Gieszelmann, with the help and encouragement of her husband, took a leap of faith. “Leo and I always wanted to own our own business. It takes a special kind of person,” Gieszelmann said. “It’s a risk.” So Gieszelmann and her daughter, Sarah, traveled to Milwaukee to research – and work at – a frozen custard shop. Annie’s first location soon followed. Sarah has since moved on from the family business, working as an emergency room nurse in St. Louis. But her younger sister, Emily Reznack, stayed with Annie’s. Gieszelmann has a partner in the Glen Carbon location, attorney Glenn Bradford, the man who pushed the idea. “It has gone very well,” Gieszelmann said of the Glen Carbon plan. “The drive thru is wonderful. Edwardsville and Glen Carbon have been very good to us.” That goes along with Gieszelmann’s belief that local people should support local businesses and vice versa. “I work very hard to support all of the Edwardsville businesses and all of the independents particularly,” she said. “We try to give back. We had a fundraiser for Relay for Life. I think this year we’re going to try to do something for the orchestra. We’ve had a benefit for the Boundless Playground.” Gieszelmann also believes her employees help separate Annie’s from the crowd. During peak times, Annie’s employs approximately 30 people, with many sharing time between locations. “I can’t say enough about the employees,”
Gieszelmann said, pointing
Marci Winters-McLaughlin/Intelligencer
Annie’s Glen Carbon location at 11 Illini Dr. out the responsibilities of the two store managers in particular. “They do an excellent, excellent job. And it can be a pretty big ship you’re steering.” There is no closely-guarded secret to the custard recipe used at Annie’s, although an emphasis is placed on freshness. “It’s an all-natural mix. There are no preservatives in it,” Gieszelmann said. “We make it fresh all day long. It’s not frozen.” And it’s not just vanilla. Annie’s keeps things interesting with its standard offerings of vanilla, vanilla lite, chocolate and butter pecan. There’s also a flavor of the week – peppermint was offered over the holidays and summer usually features the interestingly named lemony snicket. “We have flavors. We’re the only independent custard shop on this side of the river that does that.” Gieszelmann said. In addition to the frozen custard, Annie’s offers concretes, sundaes, shakes and more. Currently, Annie’s is conducting a createyour-own concrete contest on its Facebook page. Also available, and often overlooked, is the line of gourmet hot dogs available for those who want something savory with the sweet. When both stores are open, their menus mirror each others and Gieszelmann likes it that way. In fact, both will offer live music this summer as well as a bag toss game. “I think the music has been good. It was wellreceived in Edwardsville," Gieszelmann said. “The stores are similar, but there’s a lot of
biking and walk-up traffic in Edwardsville,” Gieszelmann continued. “I feel like I have the best location in Edwardsville and best location in Glen Carbon. When you look at the corners, that just happened.” Downtown Edwardsville – and events like the Route 66 Festival or the Bonifest – certainly send custard lovers down Buchanan Street to visit Annie’s. ShowPlace 12 and Edwardsville High School, meanwhile, help the Glen Carbon location. Gieszelmann said, however, that residents travel from as far away as Granite City, Troy and Highland to enjoy a frozen treat. And that says something. Before Annie’s, frozen custard fans had to travel to Bobby’s in Maryville. For ice cream, there were North Side Dairy Haven and the Glen Carbon Dairy Queen. Annie’s arrived and thrived – even as the competition increased. “Think about what has come along,” Gieszelmann said. “We have a second Diary Queen, Cold Stone Creamery, there was the frozen yogurt shop for a short time by Buffalo Wild Wings. So there’s been competition come along in these 17 years.” Annie’s grew from one location to two even while others we’re trying to carve out their own niche. Will there be a third location? Gieszelmann said she’s pleased with what’s transpired to this point. “Maybe that’s for the next generation,” she said. “It’s been good. We’re pleased we’re open 12 months. We thought that was the right choice.”
6 - January 2014 Entertainment Guide -
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8 - January 2014 Entertainment Guide -
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10 - January 2014 Entertainment Guide -
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12 - January 2014 Entertainment Guide -
Marci Winters-McLaughlin/Intelligencer
Jennifer Kelley and Chris Beard, co-owners of the new Gingham Buffalo, inside the new boutique store space opening on Center Grove Road.
Gingham Buffalo is one-of-a-kind By STEVE HORRELL Enter the Gingham Buffalo store on Center Grove Road, look left, and you’ll see Larry the Buffalo up on the wall. OK, so it’s a faux buffalo mount. But as a symbol for the uniquely named new store – chocked as it is with one-of-a-kind items – it works. Owners Jennifer Kelley and Chris Beard certainly think so. They hit on the name Gingham Buffalo (gingham is small check fabric pattern of alternating colors; buffalo is similar but with larger checks) after “hours and hours of word play.” “It kind of worked as a play on words, and then we thought about it and thought ‘We can actually put a buffalo head on it,” says Kelley. Beard added, “That kind of sealed the deal. We love animals. We both have three dogs. We were thinking something about dogs in the beginning, and somehow that evolved into buffalo. The store opens on Oct. 20, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 6620 Center Grove Road in Edwardsville. It features a showroom strewn with eclectic items. Dish towels. Gingham dishes. Antique silverware. Couches, sofas and tables. Bottle openers. Key chains. Even smart phone cases and iPad covers. “We wanted to offer enough variety to give people ideas to let them know that, even if every-
thing in the store isn’t exactly to your taste, we can decorate for any palate,” Kelley said. Both women are professional shoppers. They also do a lot of consulting and interior design work. Their store is unique, they say, because they have been able to find vendors who can supply them with “unique, hand-crafted, one-ofa-kind items” that are also affordable. “We spent hours and hours online, scouring antiques and things for our own houses, so we just decided that it would be a service that people would want,” Beard says. Neither grew up in Edwardsville. Kelley grew up in Rockford. Before moving to Edwardsville about 10 years ago, she spent several years as executive director for a non-profit, which gave her an extensive background in accounting and business. Beard grew up in Collinsville but has lived in Edwardsville for a couple of decades. Her mother and sister are C.P.A.’s, and Beard herself studied accounting for a couple of years. The two have become such good friends that they often finish each other’s sentences. “We had the same vision,” Kelley says. “It was like, ‘Why wouldn’t we just partner and do it together so we could utilize each other’s similarities and differences in design?' So it’s worked out awesome.” They found things to furnish the store that were both comfortable and affordable. But they also wanted the unique statement pieces that
are pricier. Kelley says their aim was to hook up with the right vendors so they would be bringing just the right items back to the store. They researched extensively. “We traveled and went to market so we could actually meet the vendors, feel the product,” Kelley says. “We did our homework. . . ” “. . . and didn’t sleep much,” Beard added. In addition to the retailing part of the business, Kelley and Beard also do consulting and interior design work. Should a customer mention that they’re unhappy, say, with the color of a bedroom, Kelley and Beard can help them with color selection. Or maybe it’s a light fixture or a throw rug or a piece of furniture. “We’ve had the concept for this for years,” Kelley says. “Once there was the thought, we were a high-speed train. Once we got the cars started . . . “ “. . . the momentum could not be stopped,” Beard said. Many of the offerings at The Gingham Buffalo can’t be found anywhere else in the Edwardsville area; some can’t even be found at places like the Galleria, in Richmond Heights. The Gingham Buffalo will have a grand opening a few weeks after the Oct. 20 opening. The latter is on a Sunday rather than a Saturday to avoid a conflict with the Edwardsville High School homecoming. Beard says that’s fine. “We’ve done everything else different – why not make the opening different as well?” - January 2014 Entertainment Guide - 13
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14 - January 2014 Entertainment Guide -
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16 - January 2014 Entertainment Guide -
Artfully Crafted.