August 4, 2011
Vol. 8 No. 48
Project Restore page 3
Shell collecting page 11
The Pink Elephant page 19
What’s Inside 3
Project Restore
Helping the people of Uganda.
7 Sounds you remember The Fox to celebrate Zappa, Santana.
11 Shelling
Tips on starting a collection.
15 The Muny rolls on "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers."
18 "Captain America" Chris Evans savors the moment.
19 Roadside America Livingston's pink elephant.
21 Back-to-school
Every kid wants a delicious treat.
What’s Happening Thursday Aug. 4_ ___________
Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. • The Secret Garden, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 8 p.m. • “Pots, Prints, Glyphs, • Bats in the Clocktower, Tivioli Paints” Edwardsville Arts Center, Theater, St Louis, 7 p.m. • S even Br i d es fo r S eve n Wednesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. Brothers, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 to 4p.m., Exhibit runs through Aug. 12 p.m. • The Cunninghams: Coming • Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, Home One Mo’ Time, The Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 8 p.m. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Hoosier Daddy’s, Fast Eddie’s • The Black Lips, The Firebird, St. Bon Air, Alton, 3 p.m./ Ultraviolets, Louis, 9 p.m. • The Secret Garden, The Robert 8 p.m. No cover charge. • Murder Mystery Dinner, The G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Lemp Mansion, St. Louis Center, 8 p.m. • “Pots, Prints, Glyphs, Paints” Edwardsville Arts Center, Wednesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4p.m., Exhibit runs through Aug. 12 • Radio Star, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, 7 p.m. No cover charge. • Soulard Blues Band & The Blues Brothers, Strauss Park, 6 p.m. • The Wizard of Oz, Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville, 7:30 p.m. • Missouri Botanical Garden Daylily Associtaion sale, Missouri Botanical Gardnen, St. Louis, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. • S even Br i de s fo r S even Brothers, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. • Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, • The Wizard of Oz, Wildey Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, Theatre, Edwardsville, 7:30 p.m. • S even Br i d es fo r S eve n noon - 5 p.m. • Children’s Story Time, Garden Brothers, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 Gate Shop, Missouri Botanical p.m. • Tribal Seeds, The Firebird, St. Garden, St. Louis, 10 to 10:45 a.m. • The Secret Garden, The Robert Louis, 8 p.m. • Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic
Saturday Aug. 6_ ___________
Friday Aug. 5_ ___________
Center, 4 and 8 p.m. • “Pots, Prints, Glyphs, Paints” Edwardsville Arts Center, Wednesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4p.m., Exhibit runs through Aug. 12 • Ludo with Sparks the Rescue, Tommy & the High Pilots, Stamps, Without a Face, The Pagaent, St. Louis, 7 p.m. • Hoosier Daddy’s, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, 3 p.m./ Ultraviolets, 8 p.m. No cover charge.
Sunday Aug. 7_ ___________ • The Wizard of Oz, Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville, 2 p.m. • Breaking Away, Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville, 6:30 p.m./9:30 p.m. • S even Br i de s fo r S even Brothers, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. • Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, noon - 5 p.m. • DMS: George Duke, Marcus Miller, David Sanborn, The Touhill, St. Louis • The Secret Garden, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 2 p.m. • Cafe Flora Brunch, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. • Hoosier Daddy’s, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, 2 p.m./ Sable, 7 p.m. No cover charge.
Who We Are ON THE EDGE OF THE WEEKEND is a product of the Edwardsville Intelligencer, a member of the Hearst Newspaper Group. THE EDGE is available free, through home delivery and rack distribution. FOR DELIVERY INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 20. FOR ADVERTISING INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 35. For comments or questions regarding EDITORIAL CONTENT call 656.4700 Ext. 26 or fax 659.1677. Publisher – Denise Vonder Haar | Editor – Bill Tucker | Lead Writer – Krista Wilkinson-Midgley | Cover Design – Desirée Bennyhoff
On the Edge of the Weekend
August 4, 2011
Project Restore Local organization does what it can to improve lives in Uganda
This is the harsh reality faced by thousands of families in Uganda every day which Project Restore, a not-for-profit humanitarian organization based in Glen Carbon, hopes to change. “Our core value is sustainability,” said Project Restore Executive
hunger and clean water. “We could have a fantastic education system, but if they’re starving to death it isn’t going to do them any good. They just all are interwoven together and they all need attention,” said Keck. “We didn’t want to introduce anything that isn’t sustainable.” For the past three years, Project Restore has been focusing the majority of its efforts on helping the community of Namulonge in Uganda, Africa. The connection was made when a mutual friend put Keck in touch with Dr. Fred Ssewamala, an associate professor of social work and international affairs at Columbia University. He grew up in Namulonge and suggested the village as the perfect place for the fledgling organization to direct its
place during previous visits. The team left on Aug. 3 and will be working in the community through Aug. 14. To help raise money for this trip, Edwardsville District 7 agreed to co-sponsor a dance fundraiser in
Director Catherine Keck. “For us, sustainability is moving a community to the next level of self-sufficiency and self-independence and really getting them out of that rut of poverty and breaking that cycle.” Keck said the organization was founded with the aim of tackling the basic human needs of people globally that are not currently being met. Everyday activities such as drinking a glass of clean water, feeding your child a nutritious meal, sending them off to school and watching them grow up without the fear of diseases such as malaria and Typhoid fever are all luxuries that we take for granted daily. Founded in 2007, Project Restore’s aim is to change all of that by addressing the four interrelated core values it has identified to achieve its goal of sustainability. These core values are: education, medical care,
mission of providing aid while also putting in place the necessary tools for the people to eventually become self-sufficient. Ssewamala also serves as the International Social and Economic Development Director on the Project Restore board of directors. Project Restore has sent teams each year to Namulonge since then. Much of the early work was devoted to providing access to clean water tho Namulonge and the surrounding villages. To date, the organization has repaired five fresh water wells in the area and installed five rain water harvesting tanks with two in Namulonge, one in Buso and two at the nearby Muslim school. As you read this, the next team will have already arrived in Namulonge ready to get to work carrying on the projects put into
conjunction with National Dance Day on July 30 and the popular “So You Think You Can Dance” television dance series. This involved teaching members of the community a routine choreographed by “So You Think You Can Dance” judge Mary Murphy. As a follow-up to the event, the team will teach the villagers the same routine performed in Edwardsville, film their performance and submit it to the television producers. All proceeds raised from the Edwardsville event will go to Uganda. The team of seven includes Keck; Jan Miller, a retired District 7 middle school music teacher, who will be heading up the education part of the trip; a dental assistant who will be providing follow-up care to previous trips; a social worker; a nurse from Maryville University who will
magine going to school and trying to concentrate while your belly rumbles and cramps because you haven’t eaten for days. Or walking two miles every day just to get clean water for your family and then walking two miles back.
For The Edge
Top photo: Dr. David Guilbeault sits with a group of children. Middle photo: Catherine Keck distributes malaria nets. Bottom photo: Jan Miller teaches youngsters to sing. be continuing work on malaria prevention and two other volunteers. Although basic survival needs like fresh water and food are always on the Project Restore to-do list, many of those needs are now being met at an acceptable level. This allows the team to move forward with their sustainability plan and address other core values like education. “We’re very excited. A lot of the focus is going to be on the education pieces and what are the obstacles that are keeping children from succeeding. The education system is just so different from here,” said Keck. “The whole school of 450 students didn’t even have one copier.” Miller serves as president of the Project Restore board of directors and is also the organization’s director of education. She said the organization has been working to strengthen the educa-
August 4, 2011
tional system in Namulonge and the surrounding villages and to help provide much-needed supplies like textbooks and a permanent science building to house the school’s equipment. Miller said Project Restore has already donated five laptops and will be taking three more on this trip. “We hope to create a computer lab eventually, but the electricity is very sporadic,” said Miller. She added that another item on the village’s wish list is a library. Unfortunately, shipping books is prohibitively expensive. Miller said the group has been using the help of a nun in Kansas City who ships her own container of supplies to the area every few years. Miller said the nun kindly allows Project Restore to “piggy-back” on her container and send books when the opportunity arises. See "RESTORE" on Page 6
On the Edge of the Weekend
People People planner Magic House teams up with Blues
information, please call (314) 8228900 or visit The Magic House online at
The Magic House is teaming up with the St. Louis Blues on Friday, August 5 from 5:30 to 9:00 pm with a special hockey-themed Fitness First Friday. Sports fans can skate over to The Magic House to score fitness points and participate in fun hockey activities with the help of a trainer from the St. Louis Blues. The Blue’s mascot Louie the Polar Bear will also be on paw to cheer you on in your fitness goals. This Fitness First Friday is sure to be a real winner. Sponsored by Centene Corporation, Fitness First Fridays allow families to stretch their muscles and their minds as they don pedometers and walk a 1,000 step circuit throughout the museum touring hundreds of fun, educational exhibits and looking for “Fit Facts” filled with useful health and nutrition information. Fitness First Fridays are held on the first Friday evening of every month from 5:30 to 9:00 pm at The Magic House and are free with museum admission. Children who complete a monthly Fitness First Challenge on The Magic House’s website can earn free admission to The Magic House for a Fitness First Friday. To register or to take a fitness challenge, visit The Magic House online at www.magichouse. org. The Magic House is located at 516 S. Kirkwood Road, one mile north of Highway 44 in historic downtown Kirkwood, M i s s o u r i . S u m m e r h o u r s a re Monday through Thursday, 9:30 am to 5:30 pm, Friday 9:30 am to 9:00 pm, Saturday 9:30 am to 5:30 pm and Sunday 11:00 am to 5:30 pm. Parking is always free at The Magic House. For more
THF Realty Gateway Cup scheduled Four days of cycling events and festivities will mark the T H F R e a l t y G a t e w a y C u p ’ s a n n u a l P ro A m t o u r t h ro u g h St. Louis’ most colorful and historic communities. The race, presented by the Residence Inn by Marriott St. Louis Downtown, draws top tier riders from across the country including pro cycling’s largest contingent of women competitors. The competition is open to riders of all skill sets. The cycling events will be held in the Lafayette neighborhood, St. Francis Park in St. Louis Hills, on the Italian Hill neighborhood a n d i n h i s t o r i c B e n t o n P a r k . There are competitive races for men and women and fun races for children. The events will be held Friday – Monday, September 2-5. On Thursday night, Big Shark Bicycle Company invites all competing cyclists to “carb up” with pizza and beer at Pi, one of St. Louis’ favorite places to grab a slice. Participants can also pick up their race number at Big S h a r k B i c y c l e C o m p a n y, 6 1 3 3 Delmar Boulevard in University City, as part of the Early Bird registration. Children are encouraged to participate in the cycling events. In the place of charging a registration fee for the Kid’s Races, the THF Realty Gateway Cup will be accepting donations for the Big Brothers Big Sisters Amachi Program, which provides assistance to children
with incarcerated parents. Prizes for the kids include goodies from the St. Louis Science Center, The City Museum and Build-A-Bear Workshop. Friday afternoon kicks off the THF Realty Gateway Cup’s first race, the Tour de Lafayette. The nighttime criterium, or short course cycling race, features a .9 mile loop around beautiful Lafayette Park. T h e To u r d e L a f a y e t t e i s sponsored by Studio 2108. Participants, volunteers and spectators will enjoy the second leg of the THF Realty Gateway Cup in Francis Park. St. Louisans take pride in the many charms of the St. Louis Hills district and m o s t f a m o u s l y, t h e d e l i c i o u s flavors of Ted Drewes custard. Big Shark Bicycle Company sponsors the Saturday events. Recreational cyclists will be able to tour the course and then embark on rides of various l e n g t h s o n t h e To u r d e U n i t e
recreational ride benefitting the Delta Gamma Center for Children with Visual Impairments. O n S u n d a y, T h e G i ro D e l l a Montagna race, presented b y Tr a i l n e t , w i l l c e l e b r a t e i t s 26th anniversary as part of the longest standing bike race in the St. Louis metropolitan area. With roots that go back to 19th century Italy, The Hill in St. Louis is one of the most culturally dynamic neighborhoods in the city. The Hill offers a wealth of authentic I t a l i a n re s t a u r a n t s , b a k e r i e s , bars, social organizations and churches. Sunday’s events will begin and end at St. Ambrose Catholic Church, starting with a fun ride sponsored by Trailnet at 8:30 am. From 4 to 8pm riders and fans alike can enjoy the festive Giro Pasta Dinner at the St Louis Bocce Club. The menu includes all the pasta you can eat, plus two meatballs, salad, Italian bread and dessert. Tickets a re $ 7 f o r a d u l t s a n d $ 4 f o r
children and are available at the door. The Greenstreet Properties Benton Park Classic Criterium is the fourth and final stop of the THF Realty Gateway Cup. Monday’s course is framed by t h e A n h e u s e r B u s c h B re w e r y a n d t h e h i s t o r i c S o u l a rd a n d Benton Park neighborhoods. Registration opens at 9 am and the day will conclude with an awards ceremony. The THF Realty Gateway Cup depends on help from volunteers. It takes 100 volunteers everyday to stay on schedule. Volunteers are needed for 2-3 hour shifts before, during and after the races. Interested parties may register online at Cyclists interested in competing in the Gateway Cup a re e n c o u r a g e d t o re g i s t e r a s soon as possible, as fields are expected to fill early. To register, visit
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On the Edge of the Weekend
August 4, 2011
People People planner Wildey announces August film lineup Clint Eastwood, Julie Andrews, naked Brits, and Newman and Redford are among the highlights of the August schedule of movies at Edwardsville’s Wildey Theatre. “Breaking Away”, the Oscarwinning story of a town-versusgown Indiana bicycle race is scheduled to coincide with the Stifel Nicolaus Edwardsville Rotary Criterium, a fast-paced, pro-am bicycle race held in downtown Edwardsville on Aug. 7. “Breaking Aw a y, ” w i t h s t a r s D e n n i s Christopher and Dennis Quaid, plays at 6:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Clint Eastwood is celebrated with a double feature of recent films he directed - “Gran Torino” and “Invictus.”. In “Gran Torino,” Eastwood stars as an aging auto worker forced to deal with shifting cultures and looming threats in a Detroit neighborhood he refuses to abandon. “Invictus” tells the inspiring story of how a white South African rugby team becomes the unlikely catalyst for racial tolerance at the end of the apartheid era. Morgan Freeman stars as Nelson Mandela, supported by Matt Damon as the Springboks team captain. The double feature shows on Aug. 19, with “Gran Torino” (Rated R) at 6:30 p.m. and “Invictus” at 9:30 p.m. The hills are alive with the sound of Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer and a small battalion of cute Austrian kids and nuns as the Wildey presents “The Sound of Music,” one of the most popular movie musicals of all-time on Aug. 21 at 3 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Stunned by their plant closure, six English steel-workers take a lesson from the Chippendales and produce a male striptease show, much to the delight of the local ladies, in the Oscar-winning comedy “The Full Monty.” The film, which sparked an award-winning musical version, stars Robert Carlyle and Tom Wilkinson. “The Full Monty” (Rated R) plays twice on Aug. 26 at 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. That same evening, Late Night Wildey presents a midnight showing of the college comedy, “Animal House.” The late John Belushi stars as John “Bluto” Blutarsky in this wild college Ffaternity comedy. The Wildey’s August movies closes with the con-game classic “The Sting,” winner of seven
Oscars, including Best Picture. Paul Newman and Robert Redford headline the cast in the story of a big con pulled on a despicable banker responsible for their mutual friend’s death. “The Sting” will be shown on Aug. 28 at 3 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Tickets to Wildey movies are $8 for adults and $6 for students and seniors. The Eastwood double feature can be seen individually at those prices, or for both films at $14 for adults and $10 for students and seniors. Movie tickets can be purchased at the theatre’s Ticket Booth one hour prior to show time, or in advance at www.wildeytheatre. com or by phone at the City of Edwardsville’s Parks and Recreation Department at (618) 692-7538
sesquicentennial reenactment to be held west of the Mississippi River. This event is the first to receive Signature Event designation from the Missouri Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission. M i s s o u r i e x p e r i e n c e d m o re than 1,100 Civil War battles and skirmishes, third only to Virginia and Tennessee. Because it was the second major battle of the war, Wilson’s Creek commands a great deal of attention in the reenactment community. The Blue-Gray Alliance, a well-respected and well-known reenactor organization, will design battle scenarios and handle all military aspects of the reenactment. The Blue-Gray Alliance anticipates more than 3,000 reenactors will participate. The goal of this 150th anniversary commemoration is to educate and entertain through a variety of activities that appeal to all generations and interest groups. In addition to the battle reenactments, activities include a sutler area, with authentic Civil War goods; military encampments; craft vendors; period games (including 1800s baseball); political stump speeches; period music; duels; fashion shows; night
Civil War re-enactment at Wilson’s Creek set The Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield Foundation will stage a Civil War reenactment, August 1214, 2011, to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Wilson’s Creek. This is the first full-scale
firing demonstrations; an outdoor church service; and a wedding in period costumes. As part of the event, the Wilson’s Creek Foundation is offering a special Family Camping Experience on Friday night and Saturday night: camp with the reenactors; smell the coffee brewing over the open fire; listen to the soldiers tell their stories; hear taps played to end the day. For $250 per person, you sleep in a tent, get two authentic meals, and are issued a knapsack with all the essentials you need. The “battle” is held as close to Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield as possible. For tickets, schedules, details, and to register for the Family Camp, go to Applications to be a reenactor are on the website as well.
Grafton to celebrate 175 years Imagine if you will a riverfront packed with manufacturing companies, mills, quarries, loading
docks and riverboat traffic. This was the vision of James Mason when he purchased the land that is now Grafton, Illinois. Founded in 1836, Grafton will commemorate its 175th Anniversary this fall with a celebration of “175 Years on the Rivers” scheduled for Saturday & Sunday, September 17 and 18. Planning for the city wide anniversary celebration has been under way for the past several months. The event will kick-off with a reenactment of the Opening of the Great River Road on Saturday, September 17 at 9 a.m. Festivities will continue throughout the weekend with a full schedule of events, which includes: “Life on the River” land parade, memorial ceremony to honor veterans, patriotic boat parade, Grafton School Alumni Reunion, dog fetch & fish, car show, boat show, motorcycle show, historic displays, walking tours, Rendezvous Camp, craftsman demonstrations, kid’s activities, softball tournament, fireworks, merchandise vendors and food. For more information or a full schedule of events, go to www. or call (618) 7867000.
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August 4, 2011
On the Edge of the Weekend
People MoBOT prepares for Japanese Festival Celebrate the culture and traditions of Japan when the 35th annual Japanese Festival returns to the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis! From music to martial arts, sumo to sushi, bon odori dancing to bonsai displays and taiko drumming to Tea House Island tours, the threeday Labor Day weekend is filled with sights, sounds and experiences fit for the entire family. The 2011 Japanese Festival is Saturday, Sept. 3 and Sunday, Sept. 4 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Monday, Sept. 5 (Labor Day) from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $15 for adults, $10 for seniors (ages 65 and over) and $5 for children ages 3 to 12. Visit japanesefestival for details. Seiwa-en, the “garden of pure, clear harmony and peace” and one of the largest authentic Japanese strolling gardens in North America, takes center stage for the weekend’s festivities. A boisterous opening ceremony kicks off the celebration Saturday morning at the Japanese Garden entrance with an elaborate omikoshi Shinto shrine parade, bon odori festival dancing, taiko drumming and remarks by local
Restore Continued from Page 3 However, no amount of books and laptops will make any difference if the students are too hungry to pay attention. “They’re just starving. They come hungry and they can’t pay attention. That was just the heartbreaking reality,” said Keck. Miller said that while the government does provide a meal plan for children up to the age of 13, older children who are able to continue their education must pay for tuition and meal fees separately. The result is that many children who manage to attend school beyond age 13, do so on an empty stomach. “The children who pay get to eat and the poor children who don’t pay watch the other children eat,” said Miller. To address this, Project Restore has put into place an initiative for the people of Namulonge to sustain themselves. This includes five milking cows, 12 goats and 250 banana trees. There is also a 500-roost chicken coop, which is a microfinance project letting the excess eggs/meat be sold at the local market creating ongoing financial support for the school. The result is a mini-farm for the school that provides adequate food for the students, as well as an opportunity to learn about agriculture while maintaining their own food supply. “Students will do the work as part of the agriculture class. It’s incorporated into their curriculum . We’re hoping the parents will get involved too,” said Keck. Finally, the team will tackle urgent medical needs while they’re there. Top of the list is figuring out what can be done about a collapsed wall of the community clinic in the village. According to Keck, the clinic serves more than 42,000 people in Namulonge and the surrounding
and visiting dignitaries. New in 2011, the private Tea House Island of the Japanese Garden will be open for guided public tours every hour from 12 to 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday and from 12 to 4 p.m. on Monday. Normally closed to the public, visitors can see the Garden’s soan, or “farm hut” style tea house, which was a gift from Missouri’s sister state of Nagano prefecture in Japan. The tea house was originally built in Japan, and then reassembled on site by Japanese craftsmen and dedicated by a Shinto ceremony in 1977. Tea house tour tickets are $5 each and the maximum group size per tour is 20. Japanese musicians Kaoru Watanabe and Kenny Endo will entertain crowds with a unique blended performance. Watanabe, a former member of the Japanese taiko ensemble Kodo, is a practitioner of various Japanese traverse bamboo flutes and the Western flute, along with the taiko drum. His blend of Japanese folk and classical traditions with contemporary improvisational and experimental music will be paired with the
area. All maternity services are currently shut down. Miller said the group wasn’t sure yet if they will have the funds to completely repair the clinic wall, but they hope to do what they can. Dental treatments too have played a big role in each of Project Restore’s trips. Local dentist Dr. David Guilbeault, who runs Ginger Creek Dental in Glen Carbon, is an active and enthusiastic partner with Project Restore. He has previously provided dental treatment in the village and enables the organization to contribute 100-percent of their funds to the projects by providing office space and covering administration costs for Project Restore. “He is just an extremely generous man,” said Keck. Keck added that Guilbeault has also been instrumental in future Project Restore plans. In keeping with its mission of self-sufficiency, the organization is always looking
sibility for it,” said Keck. To find out more about Project
Restore, volunteer or make a donation, visit
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On the Edge of the Weekend
ahead. The goal is to help a particular community within a specific time frame and then move on to the next area of need, according to Keck. She said the next project could be work in south Sudan. “As soon as the region stabilizes and it’s safe to go, we’ll do an assessment trip and put together a five-year plan,” she said. For now though, there is still much to be done in Uganda. The team is there now hard at work putting their plans into action. When they return in a couple of weeks, there will no doubt be even more work to do. For people with as much passion, drive and determination as Keck, Miller and everyone involved with Project Restore, this is just par for the course. “Project Restore definitely does not want to create a type of dependence. We try to get as much done as we can. We want the village leaders to own it and take respon-
Learn the steps and join in a bon odori dancing demonstration. Take in a colorful kimono fashion show on Sunday inside the Shoenberg Theater; seating is limited. The “Candyman” Masaji Terasawa is back to roam the grounds, delighting onlookers with his unique style of street magic and sugaryspun creations. Stop by the Spink Pavilion to enjoy children’s activities including origami paper folding and traditional Japanese games. Japanese Festival hours are Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 3 and 4 from 10 a.m. to 8 p. m. (doors open at 9 a.m. and remain open until 10 p.m. for evening candlelight walks), and Monday, Sept. 5 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $15 for adults, $10 for seniors ages 65 and over and $5 for children ages 3 to 12. Missouri Botanical Garden members are $5 and members’ children are free. The Missouri Botanical Garden is located at 4344 Shaw Blvd. in south St. Louis, accessible from Interstate 44 at the Vandeventer exit and from Interstate 64 at the Kingshighway North & South exit.
contemporary percussion and rhythm of Endo, a vanguard of the taiko genre during his 35year career. The St. Louis Osuwa Taiko group returns to the Garden to celebrate their 25th Japanese Festival appearance. These hometown favorites will sound their formidable taiko drums during reverberating performances twice daily at the outdoor Cohen Amphitheater. Also taking the stage are retired sumo wrestlers from the Hawaiian islands. These gentle giants give visitors a glimpse of the lifestyle, training and fighting techniques of Japan’s ancient warriors. Hear their perspective and watch several practice bouts during demonstrations twice daily. Watch martial arts demonstrations of aikido, judo, kendo and karate-do, along with the more ancient koryu bugei. Learn about the disciplined art of ikebana flower arranging and the proper pruning of a delicate bonsai tree. Marvel at the quick work of ice sculptor Naomi Hamamura as he wields a chain saw to create birds and other objects from large, frozen blocks.
4101 N. Belt West (Next to Shop & Save)
618 207-3765
For The Edge
Return to Forever
The sounds you remember Return to Forever, Zappa Plays Zappa and Santana to appear at The Fox By SARA HALL For The Edge
f you want to experience a stellar jazz performance you’re sure to always remember, check out the renowned jazzfusion group Return to Forever as they partner with Zappa Plays Zappa on Aug. 25 at 8 p.m. at the Fox Theatre.
Return to Forever/ Zappa Plays Zappa Return To Forever, whose mind-blowing experimentation in jazz and rock transformed the music world, debuts its historic new line-up of Chick Corea, Stanley Clarke, Lenny White , Jean-Luc Ponty and Frank Gambale with this massive summer tour. Described by All About Jazz magazine as “the real thing‚ world class chops,” the tour brings a re-imagined musical dimension to both the wildly influential group and its repertoire. Solidifying the tour‚ a once-in-a-lifetime experience, Zappa Plays Zappa, the musical tribute to Frank Zappa, joins the bill alongside Return To Forever IV‚ (RTF IV), the legendary group‚ a fresh incarnation. The RTF IV lineup consists of core members Corea (keys), Clarke (bass) and Lenny White (drums), along with Mahavishnu Orchestra alum and violin virtuoso Ponty as well as guitarist Gambale. Working together with complete creative compatibility and steeped in the tradition of extreme freedom of expression, these
five pillars of jazz and rock have prepared a must-see performance that will please fans new and old. Their ever-evolving set list encompasses an amalgam of Return To Forever classics, highlights from each member's solo repertoire, and brandnew compositions written for the RTF IV lineup. "Since all the guys in the band are such good composers, I wanted to have everyone's compositions add to the new RTF IV vibe,” Corea said. "So we all agreed: let's open it up, which is the way we like it, and I think the way the fans like it too." Corea, Clarke and White are touring in support of the recent release of "Forever." The project is an electric/acoustic two CD set of 18 quintessential tunes. The bonus disc features special guests Chaka Khan, Jean-Luc Ponty and original Return to Forever guitarist Bill Connors. Zappa Plays Zappa was founded by Dweezil Zappa to bring the music of his late father, Frank Zappa, to contemporary audiences through a series of international performance tours dubbed “Tour De Frank.” Dweezil’s fellow band members are among the most brilliant and innovative players working in any genre and, collectively, rise to the challenge of bringing the legendary Zappa repertoire alive in concert. Dweezil Zappa, a 2009 Grammy Award winner, continues to record and perform on a regular basis around the world. For more information on RTF IV, visit For more information on Zappa Plays Zappa, visit
Tickets are on sale now at the Fox Theatre box office for $60, $50, $40 and $30. A limited number of Gold Circle seats are also available. To charge by phone, call MetroTix at 314/534-1111, or order online at www.
Santana Although they may be four-decades old, classic rock band Santana shows no signs of slowing down. Join Carlos Santana and the Santana Band with special guest Michael Franti & Spearhead as they bring their summer 2011 Sound of Collective Consciousness Tour at 7:30 on Sept. 6 at the Fox Theatre for a nonstop knock-out show. Carlos and the Santana Band will perform classics from the group‚ an extensive career, as well as spotlight songs from their latest album, "Guitar Heaven: The Greatest Guitar Classics of All Time." With its release, Santana joined the Rolling Stones as one of only two music acts in Billboard chart history to score at least one Top Ten album in each decade from the 1960s through the present. With highlights including the first single, "While My Guitar Gently Weeps‚" featuring India Arie and Yo Yo Ma accompanying Santana. "Guitar Heaven" is Santana's 29th Billboard Top 200-charting release, 12th Top Ten album debut and third Top 10 debut in the past five years. Ever since Santana emerged from the San Francisco Bay Area music scene in the late 1960s, the group has sold more than 100 million records and reached more
August 4, 2011
than 100 million fans at concerts worldwide. To date,Santana has won ten Grammy Awards, including a recordtying nine for a single project, 1999's "Supernatural" (including Album of the Year and Record of the Year for "Smooth"). In 1998, the group was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, whose website notes, "Guitarist Carlos Santana is one of rock's true virtuosos and guiding lights." Among many other honors, Carlos Santana has also been cited by Rolling Stone Magazine as No. 15 on its list of the 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time. Michael Franti is the creator and lead singer of Michael Franti & Spearhead. For more than two decades, the Bay Area-born Franti has built a diverse and inspiring repertoire of music, including his most recent release, "The Sound of Sunshine‚" the highest Billboard 200 chart debut of his career. The album continues to find chart success with the latest single, "I'll be Waiting." It follows up Franti's acclaimed 2008 album "All Rebel Rockers," and the hit single "Say Hey (I Love You)" For more information on Santana, visit For more information on Michael Franti & Spearhead, visit Tickets for are on sale now at the Fox Theatre box office for ranging from $40 to $80. A limited number of Gold Circle seats are also available. To charge by phone, call MetroTix at 314/534-1111, or order online at www.
On the Edge of the Weekend
Music Making it to the big stage Local bands perform at the Wildey By KRISTA WILKINSON-MIDGLEY Of The Edge
elevision talent competitions like “American Idol” and “The Voice” may pluck a few fortunate performers out of obscurity to become superstars, but for most, the big break only comes after years of hard graft playing in local clubs and bars.
Thirty years ago, these bands would have had to go on the road for a year or more traveling from one bar to the next hoping to develop a fan base that might, one day, lead to something bigger. Thanks to social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, that’s no longer the case. Still, many bands need a little help sometimes to get their music out to wider audiences. Fortunately for Edwardsville, the Wildey Theatre is the perfect venue to showcase these talented performers who might not otherwise get the opportunity to play for a large crowd. On July 23, the Wildey Theatre was full of youthful energy as five local bands took to the stage for a special show called “We Got Our Foot in the Door” to give audience members a taste of the homegrown talent right here in Edwardsville and the surrounding area. The lineup included The Vanilla Beans, Robin Bettonville Hileman (of Rock Hill Academy), Belleview, Explosive Space Modulator and The Highway Companion. The event was the brainchild of Jamal McLaughlin, of the band Belleview, who served as promoter for the show. McLaughlin said he hoped the show would not only help give local bands a boost, but also add a more youthful element to the Wildey’s list of films, concerts and theater performances. “We noticed they didn’t really have a lot of younger acts,” said McLaughlin.
Krista Wilkinson-Midgley/The Edge
Robin Bettonville Hileman of Rock Hill Academy performs solo on the Wildey stage. That’s not to say that the Wildey’s current lineup of classic films and concerts aren’t deeply appreciated. The recent Erin Bode performance has been a highlight of the season so far. However, there’s always room for more, which can only be a good thing. On the night, a decent-sized crowd turned up for the show and only got bigger as the night wore on. People were still making their way into the theatre more than an hour after the show started. The Vanilla Beans kicked things off with several sweetly ironic
acoustic songs peppered with a few dead-pan jokes. Songs like “I’m Going to Catch You” kept the energy up while humorous introductions kept the crowd smiling. “This is a song about thinking someone’s real cute and then realizing it’s never gonna happen,” said one band member. Robin Bettonville Hileman, of the band Rock Hill Academy, gave a solo acoustic performance that was a highlight of the night. Sitting alone on the stage with her guitar, Hileman’s performance
came across as a mix between Sarah McLachlan’s soaring melodies and Sheryl Crow’s down to earth rock. By the time Belleview took the stage, the crowd was well and truly warmed up and ready for a little excitement. “We want to thank you all for coming out tonight. We know this isn’t the kind of music you usually listen to and we appreciate it. Thanks for sticking with us,” said McLaughlin. The night finished up with fellow indie rock bands Explosive Space Modulator and St. Louis-based The
Highway Companion. “It was pretty good. We were proud that the community was able to rally around and support us,” said McLaughlin. “If we ever get to do it again in the future, I think we could really get a following together.” Let’s hope so. For more information about the bands, visit their Facebook pages by searching out their names. To learn more about the Wildey Theatre, visit www.wildeytheatre. com.
State Fair gets ready to rock – and more Annual event runs Aug. 12 to 21 in Springfield Tickets for 2011 Illinois State Fair concerts can be purchased at the Grandstand box office on the fairgrounds. It will be open weekdays, except holidays, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Grandstand box office will also be open July 30 and Aug. 6 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. “I think fairgoers will find this year ’s line-up very appealing and very diverse,” State Fair Manager Amy Bliefnick said. “We have country, comedy, rock, rap, R&B and even a Broadway musical. There’s something for everyone to enjoy!” Ventriloquist and stand-up comedian Jeff Dunham will open the State Fair concerts Friday, Aug. 12. Dunham has starred in several Comedy Central specials, including “Jeff Dunham: Arguing with Myself,” “Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity” and “Jeff Dunham’s Very Special Christmas Special.” 3 Doors Down will take the stage Saturday, Aug. 13. 3 Doors Down rose to national fame in 2000 with the release
On the Edge of the Weekend
of their first single, “Kryptonite.” The band’s fifth album, “Time of My Life”, is scheduled to be released this summer. Jason Aldean, winner of the Academy of Country Music (ACM) Top New Male Vocalist Award in 2006 and nominee for this year ’s ACM Entertainer of the Year Award, will entertain fairgoers Sunday, Aug. 14. Five of his songs – “Why,” “She’s Country,” “Big Green Tractor,” “The Truth” and “Don’t You Wanna Stay” - have reached the number one spot on the Billboard Hot Country Songs charts. Grammy nominee Chris Young will sing his hit singles “Gettin’ You Home,” “Voices” and “The Man I Want To Be.” Thompson Square also will perform. The Illinois Symphony Orchestra and the Chicago cast of Million Dollar Quartet will give a free concert Monday, Aug. 15. Million Dollar Quartet is inspired by the famed recording session that brought together rock ‘n’ roll icons Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins for the first and only time. The musical is currently running on Broadway at the Nederlander Theatre and at the Apollo Theater in Chicago.
August 4, 2011
Luke Bryan will sing his chart topping hits “Rain Is a Good Thing” and “Someone Else Calling You Baby” Tuesday, Aug. 16. Trailer Choir, who is touring to support its debut album, “Tailgate,” will open for Bryan. The legendary Oak Ridge Boys and Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers will take the stage Wednesday, Aug. 17. The Oak Ridge Boys have won dozens of awards and sold more than 30 million records during their 30 year career. Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers became one of country music’s most successful acts of the 1970s and 1980s. Greyson Chance has been booked to open for Allstar Weekend Thursday, Aug. 18, Bliefnick said. Chance released his debut single “Waiting Outside the Lines” in 2010 and is set to release his debut album “Hold on ‘Til the Night” Aug. 2, 2011. Allstar Weekend released its debut album “Suddenly Yours” and guest starred on the popular Disney Channel series “Sonny With a Chance” last fall. .38 Special will perform hits like “Hold On Loosely” and “Caught Up in You” the following night. Loverboy, April Wine
and The Tubes also will rock the stage Friday, Aug. 19. Rapper MC Hammer and Boyz II Men will headline the Saturday, Aug. 20 concert. MC Hammer won numerous awards for his 1990 smash hit “U Can’t Touch This.” Boyz II Men is the bestselling R&B group of all time. The Grandstand entertainment concludes on Sunday, Aug. 21 with country superstars Lady Antebellum. Lady Antebellum’s hit song “Need You Now” won five awards at this year ’s Grammy Awards. The trio also won Album of the Year and Top Vocal Group of the Year at the 2011 ACM Awards. Stealing Angels will open the show. All concerts begin at 8 p.m. except for the Allstar Weekend concert, which begins at 6:30 p.m. and the 38 Special concert, which starts at 5 p.m. Tickets can also be purchased on the internet at, by calling 1-800-7453000 or visiting any Ticketmaster outlet. All adults and children 3 years of age and older must have a ticket. All sales are final. The fair does not provide refunds or exchanges on ticket purchases.
Music Tuning in Bode to appear at JAC Vocalist Erin Bode will lead The Erin Bode Group in Popular Jazz and Folk on Saturday, Sept. 24 a t t h e J a c o by A r t s C e nt e r in Alton. Bode has the rare mix of sophistication and class w i t h a s i n c e re k i n d n e s s a n d approachability. Her easy smile only enhances the talent and training that is so compelling in her performances. Erin’s talent and appeal have been lauded in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Jazz Times, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and many other major publications. The Erin Bode Group, featuring Adam Maness on piano and acoustic guitar, Sydney Rodway, bass, and Mark Colenburg, drums, has performed nationwide at venues such as Blues Alley in Washington, D.C., Zanzibar Blue and World Café Live in Philadelphia, and at Sweet Rhythm and Joe’s Pub in New York. They have played three European tours, as well as, a stint at the Cotton Club in Tokyo, Japan. Erin has opened for Jamie Cullum, Michael Buble, Chris Botti, and a host of other high profile musicians. She has received classical training and holds a bachelors degree in music. The Erin Bode Group will be Jacoby’s premiere Special Engagement concert in the LIVE at Jacoby: last saturday nights program. Special Engagement Prices: $20 General Admission; $18 Seniors. Purchase tickets at Jacoby Arts Center and Halpin Music in Alton, Jerseyville and Wood River libraries. Season Ticket holders may use two admissions for this concert. Intimate cabaret setting. Cash bar available. Located between at 627 East B ro a d w a y i n A l t o n , I l l i n o i s , the Jacoby Arts Center is open Tuesdays-Fridays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. , Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. , Sundays from 12 to 4 p.m. , and closed on Mondays. For more information, visit www. or call 618462-5222.
Bolton to appear in St. Charles Michael Bolton, the multiple Grammy Award-winning Singer, Songwriter and Social Activist, who has sold more than 53 million albums and singles worldwide, is currently on a 115 city world tour spanning several continents, all while working on a myriad of genre- and style-spanning projects including work in film, television and musicals. He will appear at 7 p.m. on Oct. 6 at the Family Arena in St. Charles. In recognition of his artistic achievements, Michael has received 2 Grammys for Best Pop Male Vocal Performance, 6 American Music Awards, and a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. As a songwriter, he has earned over 24 BMI & ASCAP Awards, including Songwriter of the Year, 9 Million-Air awards, and the Hitmakers Award from the Songwriters Hall of Fame. To date, Michael has seen 8 studio albums rank in the Top Ten, with 9 #1 singles. Bolton’s true signature success was seized with the 6x platinum album “Soul Provider”, selling more than 12 million copies world-wide, and showcasing several chart-toppers including the #1 hit single “How Am I Supposed to Live Without You,” which earned
Michael his first Grammy. This pivotal album also includes the hit singles “When I’m Back on My Feet” Again,” “How Can We Be Lovers,” and “Soul Provider.” S o o n a f t e r, B o l t o n re l e a s e d the No. 1 album “Time, Love & Tenderness”, which has sold over 16 million copies world-wide, and features his Grammy Awardwinning vocal performance of the #1 blockbuster hit “When A Man Loves a Woman.” This album also produced the hit singles: “Love Is a Wonderful Thing,” “Time, Love and Tenderness” and “Missing You Now”. Bolton followed this up with a collection of soulful classics o n “ Ti m e l e s s , ” d e l i v e r i n g the hit singles “To Love Some Somebody” and “Reach Out I’ll Be There.” “Timeless” sold over 7 m i l l i o n c o p i e s w o r l d w i d e ! From his next album ” “The One Thing” came Michael’s massive single “Said I Loved You…But I Lied,” which spent 12 weeks at #1 on the AC charts and e a r n e d h i m another Grammynomination. Tickets can be purchased at the Family Arena Box Office or online a t ww Tickets are: $70.00 (Gold Circle), $60.00 (Remaining Floor), $51.00 (Lower Level), $32.00 (Upper Level). To c h a r g e b y p h o n e c a l l MetroTix at 314-534-1111.
host their outdoor summer concert series, Friday Live at 5, beginning on June 3. The River Music Experience is excited to announce that they will once again feature their annual outdoor music series, Friday Live at 5 for the 2011 summer season! Admission is still free adults and kids. Friday Live at 5 will host local and regional music every Friday beginning June 3 outside on the RME Courtyard, located next to the Skybridge. F r i d a y L i v e a t 5 w i l l g i v e residents and visitors an opportunity to experience the downtown atmosphere with live
music outdoors, immediately after the busy work week ends. The RME is also proud to provide an opportunity for local and regional acts to gain exposure to a wider audience in the Quad-Cities via this free music series. Gates will open at 5 p.m. and the event will go until 7:00 p.m. A cash bar will be available serving both alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages. In the event of rain, the concert will be cancelled. This series will not be held during major festival weekends, so please see below for a calendar of several upcoming s h o w s . M o re a r t i s t s w i l l b e announced in the coming weeks.
For further information visit ,, or call 563-326-1333. Kick off Date: Friday, June 3 featuring Patio Where: River Music Experience/ Skybridge Courtyard Admission: Free Gates: 5 p.m. Upcoming Shows & Sponsors August 05: The Candymakers sponsored by Eye Surgeons Associates August 12: Funktastic 5 sponsored by Wells Fargo August 26: Ellis Kell B a n d s p o n s o r e d b y TA G Communications
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August 4, 2011
On the Edge of the Weekend
Music Music calendar Thursday, Aug. 4 The Black Lips, The Firebird, St. Louis, 9 p.m. Radio Star, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, 7 p.m. No cover charge. Soulard Blues Band & The Blues Brothers, Strauss Park, 6 p.m.
Friday, Aug. 5
Wednesday, Aug. 10
Tuesday, Aug. 16
Wednesday, Aug. 24
Hoosier Daddy’s, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, 6 p.m. No cover charge. Tally Hall with Speak, Casey Shea, The Firebird, St. Louis, 8 p.m. 100 Monkeys with The Kissing Club, Bleeding Horse Express, 7 p.m. D e f L e p p a r d , Ve r i z o n W i r e l e s s Amphitheater
Queensryche, The Pagaent, St. Louis, 8 p.m. C h e s t e r f i e l d C h a m b e r o f C o m m e rc e S u m m e r C o n c e r t S e r i e s : Ye s s i r, F a u s t Park
The Cute Lepers with Something Fierce, The Firebird, St. Louis, 8 p.m. Steely Dan, The Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 8 p.m. Jammin’ at the Zoo presented by Macy’s, St. Louis Zoo, 6 to 10 p.m.
Hoosier Daddy’s, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, 3 p.m./ Ultraviolets, 8 p.m. No cover charge. Tribal Seeds, The Firebird, St. Louis, 8 p.m. The Cunninghams, Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 8 p.m.
The Heather’s, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, 7 p.m. No cover charge. The Brothers Lazaroff & The Last Waltz, Strauss Park, 6 p.m.
Saturday, Aug. 6
Friday, Aug. 12
Thursday, Aug. 11
Hoosier Daddy’s, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, 3 p.m./ Ultraviolets, 8 p.m. No cover charge. “Cross 4 Crowns,” Bethalto Church of God, 800 E. Bethalto Blvd. Bethalto, $5 per person donation appreciated. www.cross4crowns. com. Ludo with Sparks the Rescue, Tommy & the High Pilots, Stamps, Without a Face, The Pagaent, St. Louis, 7 p.m.
Scott and Karl, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, 3 p.m./ My Friend Mike, 8 p.m. No cover charge.
Sunday, Aug. 7
Hoosier Daddy’s, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, 2 p.m./ Jamberilla, 7 p.m. No cover charge. Diz Strohman Big Band, featuring vocalist Stephanie Strohman, On The Hill Golf Pub, 58 S. Rte. 157, Edwardsville, 618-656-9774, 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Hoosier Daddy’s, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, 2 p.m./ Sable, 7 p.m. No cover charge. DMS: George Duke, Marcus Miller, David Sanborn, The Touhill, St. Louis Back In The Saddle, Pierre Marquette Lodge Peach Festival, Grafton, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday, Aug. 13 Hoosier Daddy’s, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, 3 p.m./ My Friend Mike, 8 p.m. No cover charge.
Sunday, Aug. 14
Wednesday, Aug. 17 Scott and Karl, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, 6 p.m. No cover charge. Joan of Arc with Implodes, Bomb Dawg, I Could Sleep In the Clouds, The Firebird, St. Louis, 8:30 p.m.
Thursday, Aug. 18 Ultraviolets, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, 7 p.m. No cover charge. Sleepy Kitty & To Catch a Theif, Strauss Park, 6 p.m.
Thursday, Aug. 25 Tyler Bryant, The Firebird, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. Return to Forever IV with Zappa Plays Zappa, The Fox Theatre, 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 26 Saturday, Aug. 27 LouFest, Forest Park featuring The Roots, TV on the Radio, Cat Power, Deerhunter, !!!, The Hold Steady and more. www.loufest. com/
Sunday, Aug. 28
Friday, Aug. 19 Sable, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, 3 p.m./ All Mixed Up, 8 p.m. No cover charge. ungle Boogie Friday Night Concert Series: Bottoms Up Blues Gang, The St. Louis Zoo, 5 to 8 p.m.
Sunday, Aug. 21 Missouri Black Expo, America’s Center, St. Louis, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Jesse Malin and The St. Mark’s Social with Biters, The Firebird, St. Louis, 9 p.m. Back In The Saddle, South Roxana Home Coming (Misty Ridge), South Roxana, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
• Back In The Saddle, Tri-County Antique, Dow, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 23 • Diz Strohman Big Band, featuring vocalist Stephanie Strohman, On The Hill Golf Pub, 58 S. Rte. 157, Edwardsville, 618-656-9774, 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 27 • Diz Strohman Big Band, featuring vocalist Stephanie Strohman, On The Hill Golf Pub, 58 S. Rte. 157, Edwardsville, 618-656-9774, 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
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August 4, 2011
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Bringing home a little bit of the sea By BILL TUCKER Of The Edge She sells sea shells by the sea shore. But not to us. We’ve got several thousand, thanks. Big ones and little ones fill mugs, vases, jars, bowls and boxes in our house. They line bookshelves, sit on top of the television and spin on the lazy susan on the dinner table. Over the past 25 years, my family has made 20-some trips to beaches on both the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. We’ve picked up every shell we have come across. Boxes of them sit in the basement waiting their turn as decorations, but that didn't stop us from bringing home about 50 new ones
from an excursion in Destin, Fla. We’ve yet to visit the seashell mecca of Sanibel Island, Fla., but it’s on our list. We’re working up to it. If you’d like for your life to go to shell – like ours has – here are a few tips. • First and foremost, seashells stink. They were, after all, once home to a living creature. Plastic bags are a must when you go shelling. Seal them tightly for the ride home. Just hold your nose when you open the bag. • Seashells can be cleaned without harm. Warm water and dish soap can take away whatever slime lingers. A good washing also improves the smell. • Sand dollars are considerably more fragile than your average shell. If you’re lucky
enough to make it all the way home with one intact, mix a little white glue with water and brush it on both sides of your prized pickup. The mixture won’t change the color and will help preserve the sand dollar. • Don’t pick up any shells that still have occupants. It’s against the law in most coastal states to remove inhabited seashells. It’s also pretty heartless. • The Carolinas are better shelling states than you might expect. Georgia is terrible. The east coast of Florida is hit and miss, but the Gulf side can be a bonanza. • If you can find a shelling cruise, by all means, take it. The natives know where to find the shells and they’re not about to let paying customers go home and tell their friends
they spent $25 and came up empty. We’ve taking shelling cruises in Charleston, S.C., and now Destin, Fla. Both were successful. Very successful. • Size doesn’t matter. Everyone wants the big conch shell they can lift to their ear and hear the ocean. But several dozen little scallop shells in a vase looks pretty cool when you’re stuck in your house during an Illinois winter. Destin, 2011 Having baked for a day on the beach – and collecting just three shells – we decided to take a shelling cruise. The particular company we contacted, the Explorer, offered three: 1 p.m., 3:15 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Had we been just a tad more organized, we would have opted for the 1 p.m. sailing as it would have been nice to see what washed up overnight. But 3:15 worked best for us and we joined two dozen other shell hunters on a pontoon boat that left Destin for Choctawhatchee Bay. Once there, the cruise skipper anchored us on a sand bar in the bay where the water was between knee deep and ankle deep. For the next 90 minutes, everyone on board scattered in their search for shells. The water was clear – clear enough to see the hermit crabs scuttling about on the sand. The shelling was good, too, as we picked up several varities we’d never seen before. At $68 (three adults and one child), it wasn’t a bad investment. Shell-wise, it beat the heck out of the three freebies the day before. The shells we brought home from this trip now sit on the book case with shells we’ve brought home from all the other trips. They remind us of warm days spent at the sea as a family. That’s priceless – particularly when we come in from shoveling snow.
Above, a collection of shells picked up recently in Destin, Fla. At left, the Tucker family scours the water of Choctawhatchee Bay. Photos by Pete Midgley, top, and Bill Tucker, left.
August 4, 2011
On the Edge of the Weekend
The Arts Artistic adventures Wash. U. to host Sukkah City STL The Sukkah is an ancient yet ephemeral form of architecture. In Jewish tradition, these small temporary structures — places to share meals, entertain, sleep and rejoice — are erected each autumn during Sukkot, a weeklong harvest festival and remembrance for the 40 years Jews spent wandering in the desert. In October, the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, in partnership with St. Louis Hillel at Washington University and The Museum of ImaJewnation, will host Sukkah City STL, a design competition and exhibition that reimagines the Sukkah through the lens of contemporary art and architecture. “The biblical narrative of the Sukkah commemorates the temporary dwellings of the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt,” says Rabbi Andrew Kastner of St. Louis Hillel, who is organizing the competition with Brian Newman, adjunct lecturer in the Sam Fox School. “But it also represents universal ideas of transience and permanence, as expressed through architecture and ritual,” Kastner continues. “The Sukkah is a means of ceremonially practicing homelessness, while at the same time maintaining a close proximity to the comforts of our
modern, sheltered world.” Newman, who also serves as a project manager in the university’s facilities department, says Sukkah City STL was inspired by a similar competition held last fall in New York. He notes that, on the question of just what constitutes a Sukkah, Talmudic law is at once fluid and exacting. Subtitled “Defining and Defying Boundaries,” Sukkah City STL asks participants to focus on the role of boundaries — whether material, cultural or metaphorical — in defining our lives and the ways we relate to an increasingly global society. “The Sukkah is a kind of physical manifestation of boundaries,” Kastner says. “It both embodies both the promise of refuge and embraces the vulnerability of exposure to the elements. For participants, the challenge will be not only to build a Sukkah that meets the traditional criteria, but also to examine and express a boundary issue that exists today within our collective lives.” Sukkah City STL is open to artists, architects and designers of all faiths and backgrounds, working in teams or as individuals. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, Sept. 14. A panel of architects, designers, critics, academics and religious thinkers will then select 10 designs for construction, with each project receiving a small honorarium to
help defray building costs. Completed Sukkahs will b e i n s t a l l e d o n Wa s h i n g t o n University’s Danforth Campus from Oct. 17-23. For more information or to request detailed submission guidelines, visit samfoxschool. or email
STAGES presents “The Secret Garden” Unlock the magic behind “The Secret Garden,” opening July 22 at STAGES St. Louis. “The Secret Garden” continues through Aug. 21 at the Robert G. Reim Theatre in Kirkwood. Winner of three Tony Awards,
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running for two successful years. Along with the exciting 25th Anniversary Season, STAGES will offer special events throughout the season, including the new Audience Enrichment Series, which features in-depth discussions and lectures on themes related to each production. Information on the lecture for is listed below. The single ticket price for lectures is $15. STAGES, in partnership with Fleming’s Restaurant, will host Retro-tini events for the young professional on the first Friday evening of each production. The Retro-tini includes a ticket to the show and an invitation to a postshow gathering with beverages and appetizers, immediately following the performance, held at Fleming’s Restaurant, located at 1855 South Lindbergh, Saint Loui. All for the low price of $35.
including Best Book of a M u s i c a l , ” T h e S e c re t G a rd e n ” brings Frances Hodgson Burnett’s t re a s u re d Vi c t o r i a n n o v e l t o wondrous life onstage. In the grand writing style of such literary masterpieces as “Jane Eyre” and “Wuthering Heights,”The Secret Garden” spins a tale of three lonely children are forever changed as they learn to trust each other while finding refuge in the restoring glow of the nurturing garden. The touching operetta influenced score includes “A Bit of Earth,” “Lily’s Eyes,” and “Come to My Garden.” The Music is by Lucy Simon, with book and lyrics by Marsha Norman. This timeless tale, where miracles abound and friendship holds a magic all its own, has captivated readers for generations. The musical production opened on Broadway at the St. James Theatre in April 1991,
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On the Edge of the Weekend
August 4, 2011
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The Arts Arts calendar Thursday, Aug. 4
Sunday, Aug. 7
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. The Secret Garden, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 8 p.m. Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. “Pots, Prints, Glyphs, Paints” Edwardsville Arts Center, Wednesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4p.m., Exhibit runs through Aug. 12
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. The Secret Garden, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 2 p.m. Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, noon - 5 p.m.
Friday, Aug. 5 Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. The Secret Garden, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 8 p.m. Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, L a u m e i e r S c u l p t u re P a r k , S t . Louis, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. “Pots, Prints, Glyphs, Paints” Edwardsville Arts Center, Wednesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4p.m., Exhibit runs through Aug. 12
Saturday, Aug. 6 Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. The Secret Garden, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 4 and 8 p.m. Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, noon - 5 p.m. “Pots, Prints, Glyphs, Paints” Edwardsville Arts Center, Wednesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4p.m., Exhibit runs through Aug. 12
Monday, Aug. 8 Bye Bye Birdie, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m.
Tuesday, Aug. 9 Bye Bye Birdie, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. The Secret Garden, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 8 p.m. Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday, Aug. 10 Bye Bye Birdie, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. The Secret Garden, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 2 and 7:30 p.m. Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. “Pots, Prints, Glyphs, Paints” Edwardsville Arts Center, Wednesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4p.m., Exhibit runs through Aug. 12
Thursday, Aug. 11 Bye Bye Birdie, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. The Secret Garden, The Robert
G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 8 p.m. Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. “Pots, Prints, Glyphs, Paints” Edwardsville Arts Center, Wednesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4p.m., Exhibit runs through Aug. 12
Friday, Aug. 12 Bye Bye Birdie, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. The Secret Garden, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 8 p.m. Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. “Pots, Prints, Glyphs, Paints” Edwardsville Arts Center, Wednesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4p.m., Exhibit runs through Aug. 12
Saturday, Aug. 13 Bye Bye Birdie, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. The Secret Garden, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 4 and 8 p.m. Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, noon - 5 p.m.
Tuesday, Aug. 16 The Secret Garden, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 8 p.m.
Wednesday, Aug. 17 The Secret Garden, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 2 and 7:30 p.m. Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday, Aug. 18
Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday, Aug. 20 The Secret Garden, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 4 and 8 p.m. Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, noon - 5 p.m.
Sunday, Aug. 21
The Secret Garden, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 8 p.m. Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
The Secret Garden, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 2 and 7:30 p.m. Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, noon - 5 p.m.
Friday, Aug. 19
Tuesday, Aug. 23
The Secret Garden, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 8 p.m.
Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday, Aug. 14 Bye Bye Birdie, The Muny, St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. The Secret Garden, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, Kirkwood Civic Center, 2 p.m. Dog Days of Summer Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, noon - 5 p.m.
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August 4, 2011
On the Edge of the Weekend
The Arts Artistic adventures The Peabody to host The Grinch Big League Productions presents the critically acclaimed, record-breaking Broadway p r o d u c t i o n D r. S e u s s ’ H o w The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical at Peabody Opera House during the 2011 holiday season. The classic, whimsical tale will enchant audiences for 21 performances only in St. Louis, Wednesday, December 7 through Sunday, December 18. T h e G r i n c h h a s b ro k e n b o x o ff i c e a t t e n d a n c e re c o rd s f o r two consecutive years on B ro a d w a y d u r i n g i t s l i m i t e d holiday engagements at the St. James (2007) and Hilton (2006) theatres in New York. Thousand of families have been delighted by this heart-warming holiday musical, which The New York Ti m e s p r a i s e d a s “ 1 0 0 t i m e s better than any bedside story.” D r. S e u s s ’ H o w T h e G r i n c h Stole Christmas! The Musical, presented by Scottrade features the hit songs “You’re A Mean One Mr. Grinch” and “Welcome C h r i s t m a s ” f ro m t h e o r i g i n a l animated series. Max the Dog narrates as the mean and scheming Grinch, whose heart is “two sizes too small,” decides to steal Christmas away from the Holiday loving Whos. Magnificent sets (John Lee Beatty) and costumes (Robert Morgan) inspired by Dr. Seuss’ original illustrations help transport audiences to the whimsical world of Whoville, while the Music and Book of Mel Marvin and Timothy Mason breathe new life into this timeless story of the true meaning of Christmas. The 2010 production is directed by Matt August and choreographed by Bob Richard based on the original choreography by John DeLuca and originally created by 3- time Tony Award® winning director, Jack O’Brien. Stefan Karl, star of Nickelodeon’s LazyTown (Robbie Rotten) will enchant audiences of all ages as the Grinch. C o m i n g i n D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 , Peabody Opera House welcomes The Grinch as part of its inaugural season. Ticket prices r a n g e f ro m $ 2 5 - $ 6 2 . Ti c k e t s go on sale Friday, July 29, at 10 a.m. Tickets are available at the Scottrade Center Box Office, by phone at 800-7453000 and online at Ticketmaster. com. For disabled seating, call 314-622-5420. For more information, please visit www.peabodyoperahouse. com
1998 action comedy blockbuster R u s h H o u r, a l o n g s i d e J a c k i e Chan, that turned the comedian into an international star. The action comedy would transfix audiences and surpass box office records, making the feature length film a certified success. The widely popular movie spawned an even more popular sequel further establishing Tucker as one of the highest paid actors in history. The third installment of the mega hit went on to debut as the number one movie in America. Tickets are $65, $55, $45 and $35 and are available at the Fox Box Office or by calling 314/5341111. Order tickets online at www.
Kemper makes plans for new year T h i s f a l l , t h e M i l d re d L a n e Kemper Art Museum will p r e s e n t P r e c a r i o u s Wo r l d s : Contemporary Art from Germany, an exhibition exploring various aesthetic strategies through which artists mediate conditions of instability and fragility. Showcasing a group of important new acquisitions — made possible by a generous gift from the David Woods Kemper Memorial Foundation — the exhibition features large-scale works by Franz Ackermann, Thomas Demand, Sergej Jensen and Corinne Wasmuht, among others, as well as pieces already in the museum collection by Michel Majerus, Manfred Pernice and Wolfgang Tillmans. O p e n i n g S e p t . 9 , P re c a r i o u s Worlds is the first of four major contemporary exhibitions slated for the 2011-12 academic year. Also opening in the fall will b e To m á s S a r a c e n o : C l o u d Specific, which highlights a group of visionary and e x p e r i m e n t a l p ro j e c t s b y t h e internationally acclaimed artist. Drawing inspiration from clouds, bubbles, spider webs and other ephemeral natural structures, Saraceno’s gravitydefying installations both
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Chris Tucker to appear at The Fox Armed with a trademarked s t y l e , i n c o m p a r a b l e d e l i v e r y, impeccable comedic timing and a signature voice, comedian Chris Tucker brings his stand-up tour to the Fabulous Fox Theatre at 8 p.m. on October 28. I n t h e e a r l y ‘ 9 0 s , Tu c k e r became one of the top performing comedians, gaining the national spotlight after he was invited to perform on Russell Simmons’s HBO showcase Def Comedy Jam. In movies like Quentin Tarantino’s Jackie Brown and the cult comedy classic Friday, Tucker stood out as a comedic actor. But it was his co-starring role in the
capture the imagination and raise pointed questions about the sociopolitical conditions in which we live and our own potential to change them. In addition, this fall the Kemper Art Museum will mark the fifth anniversary of the opening of its current facilities with a striking new installation of the renowned permanent c o l l e c t i o n . Wo r k i n g i n collaboration with Los Angelesb a s e d a rc h i t e c t s F r a n k E s c h e r and Ravi Gunewardena, the curatorial staff has redesigned the Bernoudy Permanent Collection Gallery to shed new light on many of the museum’s most important artworks. S e l e c t i o n s f ro m t h e c o l l e c t i o n will be presented in three thematic sections — Nature | C u l t u re , A b s t r a c t | R e a l , a n d Body | Self — that reconsider the history of modern and contemporary art as one comprised of multiple, often intersecting narratives. Together, these sections challenge popular notions of progressive d e v e l o p m e n t f ro m f i g u r a t i o n to abstraction; investigate the political and national investment in landscapes; and explore depictions of the human f i g u re t h a t f o c u s o n s h i f t i n g conceptions of identity. In spring 2012, the Kemper Art Museum will be the only U.S. venue to present John S t e z a k e r, t h e f i r s t m a j o r s o l o museum exhibition of works by this contemporary British artist, whose subversive collages s l y l y re p u r p o s e c l a s s i c m o v i e stills, vintage postcards, book illustrations and other materials. Organized by the Whitechapel Gallery in London and Mudam in Luxembourg, John Stezaker surveys the artist’s career with more than 90 works dating from the 1970s to the present. Also opening in the spring w i l l b e K i l l i n g Ti m e , a s o l o exhibition of works by Balázs K i c s i n y, t h e 2 0 11 - 1 2 H e n r y L. and Natalie E. Freund Vi s i t i n g A r t i s t i n Wa s h i n g t o n University’s Sam Fox School of D e s i g n & Vi s u a l A r t s . O n e o f Hungary’s most highly regarded
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On the Edge of the Weekend
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August 4, 2011
contemporary artists, Kicsiny is perhaps best known for haunting sculptural installations — “frozen performances” — that draw equally on the languages of theater, philosophy and the visual arts. In conjunction with the exhibitions, the Kemper Art Museum will host a dynamic range of free public programs, i n c l u d i n g , l e c t u re s , c o n c e r t s , films, gallery talks and other e v e n t s t h r o u g h o u t t h e y e a r. Highlights will include a lecture by contemporary German photographer Thomas Demand, whose work is featured in Precarious Worlds, Sept. 14; and a talk by Tomás Saraceno Oct. 5. The Mildred Lane Kemper Art M u s e u m , p a r t o f Wa s h i n g t o n University’s Sam Fox School
o f D e s i g n & Vi s u a l A r t s , i s committed to furthering critical thinking and visual literacy through a vital program of exhibitions, publications and accompanying events. The museum dates back to 1881, making it the oldest art museum west of the Mississippi River. Today it boasts one of the finest university collections in the United States. The Kemper Art Museum i s l o c a t e d o n Wa s h i n g t o n University’s Danforth Campus, near the intersection of Skinker and Forsyth boulevards. Regular hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and T h u r s d a y ; 11 a . m . t o 8 p . m . F r i d a y ; a n d 11 a . m . t o 6 p . m . S a t u r d a y a n d S u n d a y. T h e museum is closed Tuesdays.
The Arts "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" Muny to present an American classic By KRISTA WILKINSON-MIDGLEY Of The Edge The summer may be drawing to a close, but the Muny season is still going strong as the month of August kicks off with the brawling, rollicking Johnny Mercer musical, “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.” The show is currently running now through Aug. 7. This is the barn-raising, axejumping, seven times everything musical that will have you clapping, stompin’ and singin’ in your seat to such favorites as “Bless Yore Beautiful Hide,” “Goin’ Courtin’” and “Sobbin’ Women.” The hit 1954 musical film directed by Stanley Donen, with music by Saul Chaplin and Gene de Paul was nominated for a Best Picture Oscar. Now, enjoy the beloved story and songs live at The Muny in this high-energy stage production that combines film favorites with performances from some of Broadway’s brightest stars. Backswoodsman Adam Pontipee swaggers down from his mountain to find himself a bride from town. It’s love at first sight for Millie, a sweet and sassy gal who happily marries him and heads back up the mountain for an idyllic life with Adam. Upon arrival back at the cabin, Millie discovers Adam’s six brothers who are all in dire need of a few manners and some dancing lessons before they’re ready to find a pretty wife like her for their own. Fortunately, the brothers, who all bear alphabetical Old Testament names (including Frank short for Frankincense with the Old Testament being fresh out of F names), meet six lovely little ladies at a barn-raising in town. The brothers are smitten, the girls are giddy and a happy ending seems inevitable. There’s just one problem. The girls already have beaux of their own and
For the Edge
A scene from "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" these young bucks aren’t about to let their girls go without a fight. Add six abductions of six town beauties, an avalanche and a long, long winter that results in one of the greatest dance shows of the summer. Adam, the eldest of the Pontipee brothers, will be played by Muny veteran, James Clow. In 2010, James starred as the Beast, in the Muny’s production of “Beauty and the Beast.” On Broadway, James has starred in “White Christmas,” “Assassins,” “Wonderful Town,” “Company,” “She Loves Me” and “Blood Brothers.”. Other New York performances include “Peter Pan” (MSG), “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” (Encores!), and Marc Blitzstein’s “Juno.” Millie, the first of the seven brides, will be played by Jenny Powers. Jenny has previously appeared
at The Muny as Guenevere in “Camelot” (2009) and Nancy in “Oliver!” (2006). Jenny’s Broadway credits include Rizzo in “Grease” (2007 revival) and Meg in “Little Women.” Other favorite roles include Diana Devereaux in NY City Center Encores! “Of Thee I Sing;” and Young Phyllis in Encores! “Follies.” If you haven’t yet made it to The Muny this summer, then now is the time to get over to Forest Park and catch a performance of “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.” You definitely won’t want to miss this one.
“Muny Menu” at the Melting Pot Additionally, for The Muny’s 2011 season, the Melting Pot Restaurant is offering a special discounted menu
for Muny ticket holders. The “Muny Menu” includes a four course meal for only $35 per person. Guests must present Muny tickets for the current week’s Muny show in order to receive the special discount. Reservations are recommended. For dinners on the night of p e r f o r m a n c e , re s e r v a t i o n s a t the University City location are suggested for no later than 6:15 p.m. The Melting Pot is located at 6683 Delmar Blvd., University City. For information, call the Melting Pot at (314) 725-4141. Tickets are available at The Muny Box Office in Forest Park seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., online at or by calling (314) 534-1111 and charging tickets to MasterCard, American Express, Discover or VISA. There is a convenience charge
added to the ticket price on MetroTix phone and online orders. Ticket prices: Center and Side Boxes, $68; Terrace A (Rows A-M), $48; Terrace A (Rows N-Y), $40; Terrace B (Rows A-M), $29; Terrace B (Rows N-Y), $19; and Terrace C, $10. Coupons are available in the St. Louis Post Dispatch and at area Schnucks locations for $5 off closing night (Sunday) tickets in Terrace A and B. There is a limit of ten (10) tickets per coupon. Coupons may be redeemed only at The Muny Box Office in Forest Park. “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” i s p re s e n t e d b y We l l s F a rg o Advisors. For information call (314) 3611900, or visit our website at www. To charge tickets by phone, call (314) 534-1111.
On the street What shows would you like to see come to the Wildey?
“More family events. Something that would incorporate the whole family.” Kate Geno, Edwardsville
“’80s cult classics like 'Sixteen Candles,' 'The Breakfast Club' or 'The Goonies.'” Karen MacMillan, Glen Carbon
“'South Pacific' or any of those musicals.” Leslie Arches, Edwardsville
“An X-Files marathon. I would totally come to an entire weekend of the X-Files.” K.C. Feldman, Edwardsville
August 4, 2011
“More live performances.” Abigail Veitch, Edwardsville
On the Edge of the Weekend
Religion Are you working diligently? In one of my Bible study classes, we are using a book by Dr. David Jeremiah as a study guide. It is called “Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World.” I’ll admit that it offers quite a challenge. He offers different actions we might choose as we try to live as God would have us live. Very cleverly, he has used all words that begin with the letter “C”. As an example, he began with “Stay Calm” and moved on to “Stay Compassionate”. I guess after viewing the video, reading the chapters and discussing them, I found myself understanding the explanations provided and challenges raised. When we reached the chapter on “Stay C o n s t ru c t i v e ” , I ’ l l a d m i t I w a s a b i t confused. What could this have to do with living a faith-filled life, I wondered? I’m not sure I have still grasped this concept but in my mind being ‘constructive’ would mean that we would work to ‘build up’ rather than to ‘tear down’. Being a member of a church is like being a member of a family and while there might be
Doris Gvillo differences of opinions on occasion, the need to unite and build a true family of b e l i evers is essential…at least in my opinion. It is very easy to ‘tear down’ an idea, a concept, and a project because we don’t agree with something. It is much harder to ‘build’ and sometimes I get the feeling that when something is ‘wrecked’ it is a total loss and what ‘was’ cannot be rebuilt and a great loss ensues. I’ll admit that it is sometimes easier to ‘tear down’ than to ‘build up’, but if we examine our hearts and ask ourselves, “What does God require of us?” then perhaps the choice to ‘build up’ will be the option that reflects God’s calling. We have quite a lot of chapters still to cover, but I’d like to share a few ideas from one other chapter with you. The chapter that has really caught my interest is one called “Stay Challenged.” I wondered just what in life was it that
offered me ‘challenges’? I found myself moved by the two stories that were related in this chapter that told of individuals who gave their ‘all’…one actually died that others might live. It is suggested that we think about what challenges us or inspires us. And the one word used quite a bit is ‘diligence’. So, naturally, I got out some of my reference books to ascertain some meanings of that word. I found the following, “busy, active, steadfast, careful, earnest, hardworking, constancy, persevering, untiring, patient, zealous, thorough, persistent, zealous, and commitment.” Now that is quite a long list, but as I read through this list, I found myself thinking, “You know what? Each and every one of these words seems to suggest that we do need commitment, but we also need to follow through. We need to ‘keep on keeping on’ even in the face of adversity. I believe that each of us have been blessed with different gifts and abilities. I love music but I can’t play an instrument and while I like to sing in church, I would
make a terrible member of the choir. But I have other gifts, and as I consider trying to follow Dr. Jeremiah’s idea of ‘challenge’, I think what is being asked of me is whether or not I am diligent in using what gifts I have been given to the glory of God and for the betterment of His people. I am going to make a guess and suggest that if all members of churches were ‘diligent’ and used the gifts they possessed, great things would happen. Churches would grow, good works would multiply, and the needs of those reaching out for help would be met, and there would also be ways to share God’s message and God’s love. Lives would be changed. I am going to suggest that in this week, we look carefully at our own life and ask the question, “What gifts has God blessed me with?” And then, “Am I working diligently to incorporate these gifts into my life that by so doing, I honor God and touch the lives of others?” Doris Gvillo is a member of Eden United Church of Christ.
Religion briefs Pope to meet with Kohl, Merkel during September visit to Germany BERLIN (AP) — Germany’s bishops conference says Pope Benedict XVI will meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel and longtime former leader Helmut Kohl in his upcoming visit to the country of his birth. The organization on Wednesday released the official program of the Sept. 22-25 tour, Benedict’s first state visit to Germany since becoming pope. It also includes meetings with other politicians, as well as Jewish and Muslim leaders. The pope is to focus on the future of faith in a country that saw record numbers of Roman Catholics leave the church in 2010. Among other things, he will celebrate mass in Berlin’s Olympic stadium, built during the Nazi era for the 1936 games. Benedict is also to give an ecumenical service in the eastern city of Erfurt.
Lawyer for chief rabbi asks court to dismiss lawsuit in fiery N.Y. attack NEW CITY, N.Y. (AP) — The chief rabbi in a Hasidic village in New York has asked a court to throw out a civil lawsuit implicating him in the arson attack that badly burned a dissident member. His lawyer says there’s no “factual basis” showing Grand Rabbe David Twersky directed the May 22 attack. Attorney Franklyn Snitow moved Monday to have the $18 million lawsuit dismissed. Plaintiff Aron Rottenberg claims Twersky targeted him because he began praying at another synagogue other than the village’s principal one. Another resident, 18-year-old Shaul Spitzer, has been charged with attempted murder, attempted arson and assault. He’s pleaded not guilty. His lawyer says Twersky wasn’t involved in the attack. Rottenberg’s lawsuit also names Spitzer. His lawyer says he will file opposition papers with the court.
Judge tells officials to remove Ten Commandments monument from courthouse TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — A rural north Florida county must remove a granite monument of the Ten Commandments from the front of its courthouse because it violates the constitution, a federal judge says. Senior District Judge Maurice Paul sided with The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida in its lawsuit against Dixie County. Paul gave Dixie officials until Aug. 14 to remove the six-ton monument located in front of the courthouse in Cross City. The ACLU filed suit four years a g o , a rg u i n g that an official government display of a religious monument violates a clause in the First Amendment that prohibits the government from promoting religious messages. The county argued that a private citizen owns the monument. “We hope that Dixie County officials will find a permanent place for it at a church or other house of worship, which is the appropriate place for religious monuments,” said Howard Simon, executive director of the ACLU’s Florida operation. “Removing the monument is the right thing to do.” County officials did not respond to requests for comment Monday. They had argued to Paul that the monument was built and paid for by Joe Anderson Jr. of Old Town, that it was placed there as a private expression of free speech and was not an official endorsement of religion.
who was allegedly whipped 40 times as a religious punishment for drinking alcohol. Wassim Fayad, 43, was freed on bail after being charged with aggravated breaking and entering with intent to commit an indictable offense. The same charges were laid against Tolga Cifci, 20, on Tuesday. Neither man has entered a plea.
Christian European background. Australia relaxed its immigration policies in 1973 when it opened its doors to nonwhites, attracting a flood of immigrants from South Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Prime Minister Julia Gillard weighed into the debate We d n e s d a y, t e l l i n g re p o r t e r s there is no place for religious punishments in Australia.
Religious Directory Bahá’í Faith
“God has endowed man with 1914 Esic Drive, Edwardsville, 656-0918 Hillsboro At North Buchanan “Loving People to Jesus” creation so that he may illumine Edwardsville, IL 656-1929 Shane Taylor Senior, Minister Th e Rev. Virginia L. Bennett, D. Min. the world with the flame of Matt Campbell, Youth and Worship Minister brotherhood and express the Sunday Services (June 5 - Sept. 4) Mary Lou Whiteford, Childrens Minister utmost state of unity and accord. ” Sunday Schedule: 9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 am ~ Baha’u’llah 9:00 a.m. Children’s Summer Program Illuminate the world everyday! The Bahá’is of Edwardsville warmly welcome and invite you to investigate the teachings of the Bahá’i Faith. For more information call (618) 656-4142 or email: P.O. Box 545 Edwardsville, IL 62025
Second man charged in whipping attack of fellow Muslim in Australia SYDNEY (AP) — A second Muslim man was charged Wednesday in connection with an attack on a recent convert to Islam
On the Edge of the Weekend
In granting bail, Magistrate Tim Kebby ordered Fayad to stay away from the alleged victim, saying the attack was “quite particular, arising from religious motivation.” T h e i n c i d e n t h a s c re a t e d a furor in the Australian media, reflecting the friction caused by the expanding Islamic migrant community in a country whose citizens are predominantly of
August 4, 2011
Lutheran ST. JAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH 146 North Main Glen Carbon, IL 288-6120 Rev. Robert Weise Sunday Services: 9:15 a.m. Adult Bible Class 10:30 a.m. Traditional Lutheran Worship Service
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QuickGlance Movie Reviews “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2”
If last year’s first half of the finale marked the beginning of the end with a gripping feeling of doom and gloom, this wraps things up once and for all on a note of melancholy. Oh, it’s dramatic, to be sure: gorgeous, somber and startling as the young wizard faces his destiny and fights the evil Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes). But the end of this staggeringly successful movie franchise, an epic fantasy saga spanning eight films over the past decade, provides a necessary emotional catharsis for Harry and for us. Even those who aren’t ardent Potterphiles might find themselves getting unexpectedly choked up a couple of times. That’s always been the real magic of the series, based on J.K. Rowling’s novels: that mixture of the exotic and the everyday, the otherworldly and the utterly relatable. No longer the innocent children they were when they entered Hogwarts, Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) are growing up and moving on, and so must we. That the future of the wizard world hangs in the balance in this final installment is only part of the tale. Still, director David Yates has accomplished the difficult task of bringing it all to a close in satisfying fashion. RATED: PG-13 for some sequence of intense action violence and frightening images. RUNNING TIME: 130 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three and a half stars out of four.
“Winnie the Pooh”
Pooh tends to amble unhurriedly through his days, enjoying his life and his friends in the Hundred Acre Wood at his own pace. But his new movie couldn’t have come along at a better time. It is the ideal alternative to all those big, shiny, effectsladen spectacles that tend to dominate during the summer — animated or otherwise. It’s not jammed with computergenerated trickery and, mercifully, it doesn’t pop out at you in 3-D. This is just 68 minutes of pure, hunny-covered satisfaction. Given the source material — A.A. Milne’s enduring writing for children — “Winnie the Pooh” is naturally geared toward the little ones, with its cuddly characters and pleasingly soft watercolor strokes, but not at the expense of adults’ enjoyment. Quite the contrary: Grown-ups may find themselves even more engaged by it and perhaps even moved to tears. This is hilariously funny, though; there’s a great energy about it, an earnestness to the adventures of Pooh, Tigger, Piglet and pals that results in abject zaniness. Jim Cummings, Craig Ferguson and Bud Luckey are among the vocal cast. RATED: G. RUNNING TIME: 68 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three and a half stars out of four.
Is Joyce McKinney a delusional, manipulative narcissist? Or just a clever, plucky charmer who’ll do anything for true love? Errol Morris lets her tell her own story, and lets us decide for ourselves. The master documentarian is having some fun here for the first time in a while. He’s explored weighty topics with his most recent films, 2008’s “Standard Operating Procedure” (about the prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib) and 2003’s Oscar-winning “The Fog of War” (about Robert McNamara, the U.S. defense secretary during much of the Vietnam War). He employs the same matter-of-fact interviewing style that has become his trademark, but in revisiting the late-’70s tale of a former beauty queen and the abducted Mormon who reportedly became her sex slave, he elicits answers that will make you giggle rather than
gasp. “Tabloid” is a playful, voyeuristic guilty pleasure, an exploration of the wacky and tacky and our compulsive need to feed on such tales. It lacks the substance and insight of Morris’ strongest work, but it’s consistently a kick, and with the recent collapse of Britain’s News of the World, it couldn’t be more relevant. RATED: R for sexual content and nudity. RUNNING TIME: 88 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.
“Captain America: The First Avenger”
The last Marvel Comics setup for next summer’s all-star blockbuster “The Avengers” finds Chris Evans starring as the World War II fighting hero. Evans brings an earnest dignity and intelligence to the role of Steve Rogers, a scrawny kid from Brooklyn with dreams of military glory. But scientist Abraham Erskine (Stanley Tucci) sees something special in him and enlists him for a daring experiment. Through some high-tech injections, Steve is transformed into a supersoldier known as Captain America. But he isn’t the only one who’s juicing: Hugo Weaving plays the former Nazi leader Johann Schmidt, aka Red Skull, who’s formed his own splinter group and built some intimidating weapons. Director Joe Johnston’s film feels weighty and substantial, even in 3-D, and it has a beautiful, sepia-toned, art-deco look about it. The abundant supporting cast includes Tommy Lee Jones and Dominic Cooper. But “Captain America” is far more engaging when it’s about a scrappy underdog overcoming the odds than it is about generic shootouts and exploding tanks. And it only scratches the surface in trying to examine the perils of premature fame. RATED: PG-13 for intense sequence of sci-fi violence and action. RUNNING TIME: 126 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two and a half stars out of four.
“Friends with Benefits” Director and co-writer Will Gluck (“Easy A”) has crafted a
hyper, R-rated, postmodern rom-com that laments the genre’s saccharine falsehoods while ultimately falling prey to the clichis it strives to upend. The dialogue is snappy and the plot makes efforts for emotional realism, but the story is a familiar one: romantically exhausted friends (Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis) try to forge a sexual relationship without emotion. They have terrific comedic timing and look great in bed together, but don’t have enough friction for real chemistry. Woody Harrelson, Patricia Clarkson and Richard Jenkins lead a strong supporting cast, but Gluck’s film is too smooth for the realism and mockery it seeks. Its best parody comes in a film within the film, a mock rom-com with Jason Segel and Rashida Jones. Easily superior to and far smarter than the earlier released “No Strings Attached.” RATED: R for sexual content and language. RUNNING TIME: 104 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two and a half stars out of four.
“The Myth of the American Sleepover”
Not a single moment rings false in this quietly observant, gently insightful feature debut from writer-director David
Robert Mitchell. What’s amazing is that Mitchell has taken a genre that’s overly familiar — the all-night teen dramedy — and makes it feel refreshing and new. He also makes it look effortless: By assembling a cast of unknowns, some of whom had never acted before, he creates a warm aura of authenticity and naturalism. Rather than seeming stiff, these kids simply feel real. Mitchell is clearly paying homage to “American Graffiti,” both in structure and tone, and has similarly set it in the place of his own youth, suburban Detroit. But “Myth” never lapses into parody. It’s too earnest for that, it has more substantial plans. At the high-school track and the community pool, the grocery store and the dance studio, Mitchell follows several characters as they prepare for and attend a series of parties and sleepovers. This little movie is pretty much perfect in depicting youthful imperfection. RATED: Not rated but contains teen smoking and drinking and language. RUNNING TIME: 93 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Four stars out of four.
“Project Nim”
Director James Marsh, who won the documentaryfeature Oscar for 2008’s “Man on Wire,” takes on yet another story of astounding human behavior; while he crafted that film about tightrope-walker Philippe Petit with the thrills of a heist flick, this animal tale plays like an engrossing, dramatic biography. In a bold experiment during the 1970s, Nim, a chimpanzee, was taken from his mother ’s arms just days after his birth and raised as a child — until his animal instincts became too overpowering and it became painfully obvious that the people in charge of him had no idea what they were doing. Marsh has interviewed the key players, most of whom look back with a cleareyed combination of fondness and regret. You get the sense that their intentions were honorable in studying the way animals and humans communicate — at least, at first. “Project Nim” ends on a vaguely uplifting note, but not before shaking you up and making you ponder what humanity is really all about. RATED: PG-13 for some strong language, drug content, thematic elements and disturbing images. RUNNING TIME: 93 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three and a half stars out of four.
“Another Earth”
The possibility that there’s another version of you out there — and of me, and of everyone we know — provides the mind-teasing premise here. It’s heady stuff, the kind of notion you’d toss around with your friends after too many beers and achieve no satisfactory answers, then go home and have strange dreams. But such philosophical fodder is contrasted with an achingly personal tale of loss and redemption. These two conflicting dynamics comprise the feature debut from Mike Cahill, who serves as director, co-writer, producer and cinematographer. He offers an intriguing juxtaposition of melodramatic elements — highs and lows that are the stuff of Greek tragedy — with a stripped-down, low-budget aesthetic. Cahill co-wrote the script with Brit Marling, who’s also the film’s star. Marling has a natural beauty and an immediacy to her emotions that make her impossible to stop watching. Her character, the MIT-bound Rhoda, crosses paths in a deadly car crash with William Mapother as an acclaimed composer. Years later, she tries to make amends with him, as a second version of our Earth inches ever closer. RATED: PG-13 for disturbing images, some sexuality, nudity and brief drug use. RUNNING TIME: 92 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.
August 4, 2011
On the Edge of the Weekend
Chris Evans, left, and Hayley Atwell, cast members in “Captain America: The First Avenger,” pose together at the premiere of the film in Los Angeles on July 19.
Chris Evans is savoring the moment By DERRIK LANG Associated Press LOS ANGELES (AP) — At the back of a lavish Hollywood party where the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are serving as the guests of honor, past the likes of Tom Hanks and Nicole Kidman, stands a tuxedoed and remarkably comfortable Chris Evans casually leaning against the bar, hair slicked back, champagne flute in hand. Though he’s been acting in films since he graduated from high school, Evans is among the youngest A-list attendees at the posh British Academy of Film and Television Arts soiree, one of the stops on the royal couple’s recent trip to the U.S. Yet wait, it seems Evans’ coolness might be as much of a facade as his costume in “Captain America: The First Avenger.” “I just thought, ‘There’s no chance these people will have any idea who I am,”’ the 30year-old actor remarked a week later during an interview to promote the live-action, 3-D rendition of the Marvel comic series. It’s hard to imagine that anyone, including
British royalty, isn’t aware of Evans, who’s already played a Marvel superhero on the big screen: the wisecracking Human Torch in both “Fantastic Four” films. The announcement that Evans would personify Captain America was met with both suspicion and excitement from fans. It’s a feeling Evans understood. The actor, perhaps better known for his hunky roles in mainstream ensembles like “Cellular” and “Not Another Teen Movie” than his nuanced performances in indies such as “Sunshine” and “London,” is “more nervous than anything else” about the Friday debut of “Captain America.” The film, about a scrawny orphan named Steve Rogers who transforms into a chiseled supersoldier after being injected with a topsecret serum during World War II, is the final Marvel film before next year’s fanboy-fantasycome-true, “The Avengers.” “It’s a double-edged sword,” said Evans. “On one hand, it’s terrifying, nerve-racking and intimidating. There’s a swirl of negative emotions that arise. On the flip side, it’s great. You have to maintain a healthy amount of
respect. You have to understand this is where I want to be. It could be so much worse. My life has unfolded in a fortuitous fashion.” Evans, whose father is a dentist and mother is the artistic director of a youth theater in Concord, Mass., spent four months bulking up with a trainer in order to fill out Captain America’s uniform. Computer-generated effects were used to shrink his body down for the scenes featuring Rogers before he became the Nazi-fighting peak of human perfection. In the film, which is set mostly during World War II, Rogers is aided in the battle against an occult-obsessed Nazi commander nicknamed Red Skull (Hugo Weaving) by British agent Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell), gadget whiz Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper), slick sidekick ‘Bucky’ Barnes (Sebastian Stan) and overbearing Col. Chester Phillips (Tommy Lee Jones). For his performance as the patriotic posterboy, Evans was inspired by a childhood friend named Charlie Morris “who always did the right thing.” Instead of the snarky silliness that Evans memorably brought to the “Fantastic Four” movies, he instills Rogers
with a subdued stoicism. In fact, Evans’ casting compelled the screenwriters to craft less goofiness. “We could dial back on the outright jokes in the script because he brings a likeability and warmth without having gag lines to punch it up,” said screenwriter Christopher Markus. “In the beginning, when we were writing in a vacuum, we felt the pressure that he’s getting too stiff. Give him a joke. Chris very wisely even took out a few of the wisecracks.” Evans hopes for “a long journey of character development” with Rogers, who will team up in the present day with Chris Hemsworth’s Thor, Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man and Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury in “The Avengers” next year. The screenwriters also left gaps in his World War II exploits for “Captain America” sequels to flashback to in the future. “We had to leave room in what we were telling for a career in World War II,” said screenwriter Stephen McFeely. “When he comes back in the present day, he has to be a seasoned soldier and a legend. He can’t be that having done just one battle."
"Friends With Benefits" familiar but fun By ROBERT GRUBAUGH For The Edge Despite having a nearly identical plot to January’s "No Strings Attached," "Friends with Benefits" is a better film than that one was because of its frankness, supporting characters, and the trading talents of its two stars. But, still, they’re practically the same movie. Fresh off the plane from sunny California, Dylan (Justin Timberlake, America’s greatest living performer...after Betty White) finds himself alone in New York except for his tenacity and Jamie (Mila Kunis), the tiny firebrand headhunter that lured him there to take a lucrative job offer from GQ Magazine. The two have found themselves co-dependent: he needs her to show him the ways of the dangerous, swear word-
filled city and she needs him to keep her livelihood intact. Their easy, breezy relationship tries to be casual lunches and ready-made dates for corporate events, but this is a modern sex comedy and they fall into bed and fast, pledging to be physically intimate without the danger of those pesky emotions. So hip and trendy and American, the casual hook-up. It never works, though, does it? Family business, in this case, and natural chemistry always threaten the simple act that romantic comedies tell us can’t exist outside of a monitored environment. Jamie’s mother (Patricia Clarkson) is a wreck of the 1970s, a fun time she never quit. Her daughter has never found love because the role model set for her keeps showing up with a new guy or, worse, alone because of one. She’s funny, this
On the Edge of the Weekend
character, but not in a way where we don’t also pity her. The same is true of Dylan’s family. We meet them on a last minute trip back to L.A. for July 4th. They have a great pad right on the beach and shine in the sunny weather, but storm clouds loom badly for the brood. Sister Annie (Jenna Elfman) and nephew Sam (Nolan Gould, so excellent on TV as Modern Family’s Luke Dunphy) are left to deal with the pieces after Dylan flees for the other coast and his father (Richard Jenkins) falls further into the abyss of Alzheimer’s Disease. Their mom has long since split the scene, the heartless macguffin. The other sage to which we’re party is Dylan’s flamboyantly gay co-worker (Woody Harrelson). He dishes advice that largely g e t s i g n o re d t h ro u g h o u t t h e movie because he mixes it with
August 4, 2011
crude, hyper-sexual stream of consciousness about boys and girls and their caustic differences. The dialogues does zip along, thanks to polishes by writer/director Will Gluck (Easy A). There’s a few other tidbits that make it fun for the discerning adult viewer. Cameos by Andy Samberg (hoodie-clad doofus) and Emma Stone (John Mayer-obsessed freakshow) get the whole thing off to a splendid starts as they dump our main characters publicly and without any of the compassion romance is supposed to encompass. This was one of the better scenes in the whole feature, but I truly preferred the uncredited movie-within-a-movie look at how Hollywood has anesthetized us to the pain of love. Jason Segel and Rashida Jones play a cutesy couple who breakup and reunite in an obviously fake Grand Central
Terminal. This fairy tale sequence and other asides to the absurdity of movie-going, movie audiences, and the interchangeability of pop music, some of which nearly break the fourth wall, give us a little more than we’ve bargained for. "Friends with Benefits" is funny and certainly more dramatic than I was expecting. It’s good fun for an adult crowd, but also very NSFW. Many of the bedroom antics are a little more revealing than your run-of-the-mill picture and the appearance of Olympic snowboarder Shaun White will leave you wondering what’s real and what’s not. That was a level to the story I didn’t see coming. ••• "Friends with Benefits" runs 120 minutes and is rated R for some violent content and brief sexuality. I give this film three stars out of four.
Family Focus
Pink elephants and ice cream
Livingston's roadside attractions By SARA HALL For The Edge
hether you’re driving through the small town of Livingston or you’re just passing by on Route 66, when you pass a normal two-story building – surrounded by a towering 27-foot tall man, an ice cream cone building, and a giant pink elephant – what do you do? Of course you stop in and see what all the fuss is about. This is the exact reaction the owners of The Pink Elephant Antique Mall and Twistee Treat ice cream stand were hoping for in their attempt to grab the attention of antique hunters and roadside attraction lovers alike. And at this oddball antique mall, the bizarre eye-catchers are worth the stop. The Pink Elephant Antique Mall and Twistee Treat are owned by couple Cheryl and Dave Hammond Jr., along with his father, David Hammond Sr., who runs the day-today operations. However, the Hammonds first ventured into the antique business with their former antique mall, the Collesium Antique Mall in Benld. Cheryl said although they enjoyed running the Collesium, they decided to move to a bigger location when the sale of Livingston High School arose because it was exactly what they had been searching for. She said it was larger, in a more ideal location and just the right price. “A friend of ours called and told us (Livingston High School)
was going up for silent bid, and we thought it’d be an excellent location,” she said. “We came to look, made a bid and won. It was the best choice.” Since moving to a bigger location, the Hammonds said they have more of an opportunity to acquire new attractions. Cheryl said Dave is primarily in charge of obtaining these quirky sculptures. However, she said this process doesn’t happen overnight. “He’ll search things out, and he’ll see something and do research,” she said. “It might take two years to find one thing.” But while these outward attractions may be the initial draw for customers, the inside of The Pink Elephant is just as alluring. And with three stories full of diverse antiques, from Victorian-era jewelry to Civil War guns and gun powder to collectable marbles, even the rare antique searchers can find their most sought after items. The eclectic mix of antiques is brought in by individual dealers. Cheryl said The Pink Elephant has around 50 dealers and 100 booths and showcases. Each dealer usually has around two to three booths. Cheryl said the business is primarily run by the dealers. For every booth the dealers rent out, they must work two days per month. However, Dave said the employees have become such great friends with one another and enjoy the welcoming atmosphere so much, they often stop in even when they aren’t scheduled to work. “They’ll come to hang out there and it won't even be their day to work,” he said. “They’ll sit, drink
coffee and talk.” Cheryl said while each employee helps with the basic tasks that keep the mall operating, from helping customers to covering the cash register to wrapping purchases, they often go above and beyond their required duties. “They put a lot of hard work into (the mall) to make it look as well as it does,” she said. “People don’t realize how much work is involved for a booth.” Cheryl said the mall has a variety of vendors, all of whom offer different items, ranging from valuable collectables to wacky outof-the-ordinary finds. Whether dealers obtain their goods at an auction or take them from their own personal collections, Cheryl said she especially enjoys seeing what they have to offer. “Probably the coolest things for us is to see what the dealers bring in and all the stuff that goes out the door,” she said. Dave said he is marveled by how pristine items can be, especially given their history. “When you think how old that stuff that is, who’s owned it and now it’s in our antique mall, who held that and where it has been, it’s pretty great,” he said. Cheryl said she is equally as impressed by the quality of the items dealers have to sell. “It’s so awesome to think that it’s still in mint condition,” she said. Cheryl said many of the customers purchase items based on desires to recapture items from their childhoods. “A lot of the stuff gives customers a warm, fuzzy feeling,” she said.
Dave said the customers like the nostalgia, comfort and memories the antiques instill within them. “They go for things they had as a kid, like a bowl they used to make cookies with grandma with as a child. People will ask ‘Do you have this, my mom and grandmother used and that’s what I’m looking for,’” he said. “To think they want to use same thing as grandparents used before them, that’s great.” Cheryl said customers will often buy multiple items at the mall because they realize the urgency and exclusivity behind antiques. “They know the best time to buy antique is when you see it,” she said. “There isn’t anything in the world that’s not a collectible.” The Pink Elephant’s hours are 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., but Dave said the mall’s policy is to stay open until the last customer leaves because they want to ensure traveling customers get the best experience possible. “It may be their one and only opportunity to come here,” he said. “We might be here until 7 p.m.” After customers have found the perfect antique to satisfy their shopping needs, they may want to complete their visit by satisfying their taste buds as well. They need to look no further than The Pink Elephant’s latest business venture, the Twistee Treat ice cream stand. The Hammonds first acquired this giant ice-cream-cone-turnedbusiness after years of research for one of these rare buildings. Now in its third year of operation, the Twistee Treat is open from March to the end of September, from 11
a.m. to 10 p.m. The Twistee Treat not only offers delicious soft serve in the form of cones, shakes or sundaes and hand-scooped ice cream in flavors like birthday cake, butter pecan and strawberry cheesecake, but they also offer more filling food items, such as the quarter-pound hotdog, nachos and walking tacos, which consist of Fritos with chili and cheese. The Hammonds said they will even further expand upon the Twistee Treat when they turn it into a dining area by attaching it to the side of the antique mall. Cheryl said once they add the Twistee Treat to the mall, they will expand its menu to include soups, sandwiches and desserts. Dave said he hopes The Pink Elephant will live on long enough for future generations to continue to enjoy all the attractions the antique mall offers. “I like seeing all the families coming out to take pictures and having fun with it,” he said. “I’d (even) like to see the kids having their pictures taken by statues now to have their own kids take pictures with them.” Dave said the people are the reason he keeps going; he loves the satisfaction he gets from seeing other people enjoy their antique mall and all the attractions surrounding it just as much as he does. “The customers get a giggle out of it. They’re getting ice cream, having a good time,” he said. “Seeing a parking lot full of cars, you don’t get a better feeling than that.”
Edge photos by Sara Hall
August 4, 2011
On the Edge of the Weekend
Family Focus Mobile tech is this year's must-have item NEW YORK (AP) — What’s on top of the school supply list this year? It isn’t T-shirts and tennis shoes. It’s the other T, for mobile tech. Kids as young as elementary age are looking for smartphone upgrades, while the college set is sussing out the explosion in tablets, said Craig Johnson, president of the retail consulting and research firm Customer Growth Partners in New Canaan, Conn. “The single most important thing is the acceleration of technology for back to school. Kids don’t get excited about a new lunch box these days, or a new backpack. Cool means technology,” he said. That means e-readers with high functionality like highlighting, underlining, pagination and touchscreens. “All of the features are out now or in the process of coming out,” he said. The new Nook has a six-inch touchscreen and crisp, clear print for reading in bright light, tech analyst Andrea Smith told reporters at a recent Consumer Electronics Association trade show. It also indicates how many pages to the end of a chapter and
has received praise for long battery life. Back-to-school tech also means tablets. Once hallowed Apple ground, iPad 2 competitors are everywhere this season. Apple’s still the big kid but Android technology is in pursuit. Some of the new tablets run Adobe Flash software, which Apple doesn’t have. In addition to the iPad 2, Smith suggests the 10-inch Toshiba Thrive for back to school. It runs on Android, has two USB ports and an SD card reader. The new TouchPad by Hewlett-Packard, she said, runs on webOS, has a 9.7-inch screen and touts easy multitasking among open apps. For analyst Natali Morris, iPad 2 “really is the only tablet on the market that kids are coveting,” though she added that some Android technology is good for note-taking and syncing. Tablets are cool, but are they practical for actual schoolwork? That might have everything to do with the popularity of b l u e t o o t h - e n a b l e d k e y b o a rd a d d - o n s , including the new one Smith and Morris like from Logitech with a case that easily turns
into a tablet stand. Toshiba has a keyboard, too, also sold separately. Morris’ picks for student laptops: MacBook Air with an 11- or 14-inch screen. They weigh as little as 2.3 pounds and boot up in about five seconds, she said at the CEA line shows in June. Those features are good for students moving from class to class. Going head to head with MacBook Air for PC-prone students is the sleek new Samsung Series 9, Morris said. It’s light, boots Windows in 20 seconds and offers 160degree viewing for group work. Christine Mallon, vice president of retail marketing for Staples, agrees that mobile tech is leading the back-to-school drive and creeping onto supply lists for ever-younger kids. “One of the biggest trends that we’ve seen is that technology is becoming a school supply,” she said. “Kids need laptops, they need flash drives. We’re seeing it in a very big way this year.” Flash drives shaped like animals — safari to farm — have taken off, she said. Also look for Tony Hawk-branded skateboard drives
this year. More cool from the supply list: Pilot’s B2P pens (for bottle to pen) are made from recycled plastic bottles and designed to look like one. They’re lightweight with gel ink. “The quality of recycled products has gotten so much better this year,” Mallon said. A n i m a l p r i n t p e n s a n d e r a s e r s a re everywhere, including Staples. Post-it has been putting flags for tagging into the tops of pens and highlighters for a while now. There’s a highlighter-pen combo in a three-pack with room for 50 colorcoordinated flags on a shirt clip. Sharpie has gone gel for highlighters for a wider variety of paper, including ink jet, glossy and extra-thin surfaces. Twist the bottom to push up the gel. Crayola has a box of dry-erase crayons that come with an eraser mitt. K i d s s t i l l c a re a b o u t g o i n g g re e n , especially when it comes to paper products. Environmentally-friendly sticky paper has come into its own.
Tips on becoming an art collector NEW YORK (AP) – The a r t w o r k s o n H a ro l d C o r b i n ’ s walls in Madison, Miss., are full of memories. “Art needs to be not just a purchase but an experience,” says Corbin, 54, who has collected hundreds of paintings, prints and lithographs. “You’ve got a memory behind it.” Corbin, who developed an interest in art while in college, began buying art — often by Mississippi artists — after he had established his career as an accountant. He vividly recalls where he bought most of the pieces. “I had no idea I was collecting art,” says Corbin. “I bought some pieces I liked. More and more, it became what I did.” Purchasing art can be intimidating, but the joy of owning a collection of original works is worth it, Corbin and others say. Building a collection means learning more about the art world and about what you like,
and finding a theme — whether it’s subject matter, medium, artists or style — that ties the works together. Collecting is “more methodic than just starting out there with no guidance,” explains Catherine Evans, curator of photography at the Columbus Museum of Art. There needs to be “some narrowing or defining of what resonates with you.” A good place to start is by consulting with gallery owners, museum curators and artists, who often are eager to share their knowledge. “That’s their profession,” said Corbin. “I haven’t seen a time when they didn’t want to talk about it.” J u m a a n e N’Namdi, director of the G.R. N’Namdi Gallery in Chicago, which focuses on contemporary abstract art, considers it part of his job to create the next generation of collectors. He tries to make people feel welcome in the gallery.
Lenny’s CARPET
“It’s OK to just go in there and walk around in circles,” he says. He urges potential buyers to do research. “That doesn’t mean go read art books, because that’s not realistic,” he says. “Visit galleries. Allow yourself to grow with art.” He has organized a club for potential collectors who want to learn more. Members attend
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Museum of Art in Jackson, for instance, can join a New Collector’s Club, which offers private tours, visits with artists and other events. Beth Batton, curator of the museum’s collection, encourages people to visit museums and galleries and figure out what medium they like. Then seek good examples of it.
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lectures, meet artists and gather to discuss art. “ I ’ m t r y i n g t o i n t ro d u c e a culture,” says N’Namdi. “It’s bigger than, ‘Are you going to get something today?”’ Many museums also sponsor clubs dedicated to helping people learn more about art. Members of the Mississippi
August 4, 2011
$150 to Pick Up Ad in the Edge Throughout August
Dining Delights Cool treats ease back-to-school transition Yo u m a y n e e d t o s t o p t h e blender and stir the ingredients once to ensure everything blends evenly. Serve immediately. The drink will separate some as it sits. Either blend again or simply stir to combine. Other frozen or fresh soft fruits — such as raspberries, strawberries, bananas, peaches or grapes (especially frozen grapes) — also can be added when blending. If so, you may need to increase the amount of lemon juice to balance the other flavors. Nutrition information per serving (values are rounded to the nearest whole number): 80 calories; 0 calories from fat (0 percent of total calories); 0 g fat (0 g saturated; 0 g trans fats); 0 mg cholesterol; 24 g carbohydrate; 1 g protein; 1 g fiber; 65 mg sodium. MANGO-GRAPE-BANANA ICE CREAM If you have frozen pop molds,
All-day classes require the proper kind of refreshment By J.M. HIRSCH Associated Press The trouble with heading back to school is that it invariably happens when it still feels like summer. And sitting inside a hot classroom on a sunny summery day can be a total downer. While you can’t do much about the weather or school c a l e n d a r, y o u c a n o f f e r y o u r little ones a few cool and refreshing afterschool treats to help them beat the back-toschool blues. S t a r t t h e m o ff w i t h a f ro s t y glass of watermelon lemonade, a s w e e t a n d re f re s h i n g d r i n k you can feel good about serving. It’s nothing more than watermelon, ice, lemon juice and a splash of honey blended until thick. And feel free to add frozen strawberries, raspberries or other fruit for an even thicker slushy-like drink. Then move on to some ice c re a m s o h e a l t h y I s o m e t i m e s serve it to my son for breakfast. You do need a food processor to make this frozen fruit-based treat, but the result is similar to soft serve. And since it has no added sugar, I don’t feel guilty about letting my son add candy sprinkles to complete the ice cream effect. When I make this recipe, I u s u a l l y u s e o rg a n i c m a n g o , which typically is sold in 10ounce bags. Conventional mango often is sold in 12-ounce or larger bags. Don’t worry about the extra; this recipe is particularly forgiving. If you find it too thick, simply add water, orange juice or lemon juice until you get the consistency you want. Frozen grapes are a great treat on their own, too. To freeze, wash fresh grapes then arrange in an even layer on a baking sheet or pan. Freeze until firm, then transfer to a bag or container for longer storage. WATERMELON LEMONADE Start to finish: 5 minutes Servings: 4 4 cups ice 4 cups watermelon chunks 1/3 cup lemon juice 2 tablespoons honey (sugar can be substituted) Pinch salt I n a b l e n d e r, c o m b i n e a l l ingredients. Puree until smooth, about 1 minute.
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This photo shows watermelon lemonade. While you can’t do much about the weather or school calendar, you can offer your little ones a few cool and refreshing afterschool treats to help them beat the back-to-school blues.
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pour any leftovers into those and freeze for a great treat for later. Start to finish: 10 minutes Servings: 3 1 0 - o u n c e b a g f ro z e n m a n g o chunks 1 cup frozen red grapes 1 banana Pinch salt 1/4 cup orange juice Candy sprinkles (optional) In a food processor, combine all ingredients. Process until very smooth, about 2 to 3 minutes. You may need to stop and scrape the sides of the bowl once or twice to ensure all of the fruit is processed. Serve immediately. Nutrition information per serving (values are rounded to the nearest whole number): 140 calories; 0 calories from fat (0 percent of total calories); 0 g fat (0 g saturated; 0 g trans fats); 0 mg cholesterol; 36 g carbohydrate; 2 g protein; 4 g fiber; 80 mg sodium.
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FOUND Black cat, young adult male, 5lb., no collar. Found Walmart 400 Junction Dr., Glen Carbon. Very friendly. Call 618288-2639 or 618-972-5068. FOUND, young female cat near Glen Carbon post office in early June. Call 904-540-1901 to identify. REWARD! LOST Cat (7/31, LeClaire School): small female, light-tan/white, microchipped/no collar. photo@ 656-4148, 618/644-9287
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Receptionist needed for busy office. Must be able to use a multi-line telephone system, good speaking voice, great grammar, organized, reliable, basic computer knowledge, know Excel program and be accurate typist. Includes competitive pay, paid vacation and holidays. Fax resume & references to 217-324-6499 or email:, Attn: Receptionist, P.O. Box 447, Litchfield, IL 62056 Subway Asst. Manager Wanted! We offer Competitive Pay And Advancement Opportunities. Send resume and salary history to: Shepard Subway Enterprises, Inc. #2C Professional Park Dr. Maryville, IL 62062
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August 4, 2011
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Full time experienced CPA for fast growing privately held small company in Litchfield, IL. Must have experience in Federal and State tax filings, payroll, and all aspects of general accounting and know Quick Books. Competitive salary, paid vacation, holidays and great working environment. Send resume to: (FAX) 217-854-6673 or e-mail to:
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DOLCE PROPERTIES 618/972-5415 2 BD 1 BA in Edw, remodeled bath & kitchen, lrg fenced yard, W/D included. Unfinished basement. $735/mth. 618-304-3638. 2 Bdr 1 bth, Edw. 222 Olive. Small pets ok. $625/mth + dep. Appl. fee rqr’d. 618-520-2813. 2 BDR, 1 Bath, 116 N. Fillmore, Edwardsville: W/D hookup/ Stove, refrig included. Pets OK. $725/mth. 618-401-4664. 2/3BR, Leclaire, Edw: 1 BA, LR, eat-in kitchen, 1-car garage, w/d hookup. $800/mth. No Pets/Smoking. 618-604-7326 3 BDR, 1.5 BA, Edw. 2-story: Newly remodeled; new carpet, wood flrs, w/d hk-up off-strt prkng, $1090/mo. 618/830-3429 3 bdrm / 2 full bath house available immediately for rent in Edwardsville. Call Jacquie at 636-388-9551 for more info.
3 Bedroom 1 Bath, 1 car In-Home daycare has PT/FT garage. Nice area. openings. 6 weeks and up. Edwardsville, 837 Holyoake. CPR certified. References $1100/mth. 618-830-6830. available. Call 618-692-2143. 3Br, 1.5Ba Lg. Kit, 1 car gar., $1,300/mo. incl. water, gas, elec lawn svc. Avl 8/1. 618-692-6399 or 618-971-6088 Ask for Julia
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Apts/Duplexes For Rent
5-Rm house convenient to dwn- 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments. 3 BR DUPLEX: 2 BA, Esic town Edw.: nice yd., w/appli- W/S/T paid. 50 Devon Court., area. 1-car garage. $900/mo. ances, W/D . No pets. $730/mo. Edw. 656-7337 or 791-9062 618/541-5831 or 618/655-0334 w/ deposit. 656-4611 1 bedroom bsmt. apt., Edw. APTS/CONDOS/HOUSES COLLINSVILLE/MARYVILLE Fully furnshd. Utilities, cable, W/D usage incl;$650/mo.+ $850 & EDWARDSVILLE 1 bed $425-$450 deposit. No pets. 618/973/0773. 2 bed $475-$1650 Apts, Duplexes, & Homes 1 Bedroom efficiency (single 3 & 4 bed $800-$1500 Visit our website occupancy). $350 monthly, plus HARTMANN RENTALS 656-2230 utilities and deposit. No pets. 344-7900 RENTED for Photos & details Apts/Duplexes 1BR near downtown 24/7 recording 345-7771 For Rent 710 Edwardsville. W/S/T furnished; carport. Applications. No pets. Arbor Glen Townhome 1 excellent 3BR, 1200 sq.ft. TH: Rent $400. 656-7412 NEWER luxury 2 bdrm 2.5 bth Collinsville, near 157/70; 12 in Glen Carbon. Nice Area. 2 Bdrm near SIUE. Washer min. to SIUE, FP, DW, W/D, ceilBsmt, deck, all appliances, & Dryer. NO pets/smoking. ing fans, cable, sound walls, offw/d hookup. Lots of storage. $650 mthly. (618)972-3715. st. prkng. Sm pets OK, yr. lse. $745/mo. + dep. 618/781-7692 $780/mo. 618/345-9610 give 2 BR 1Bth apt, Troy: Close to hi- Available Now! 3 Bdrm TownAM/PM phone. way access, off street parking, home-$1260 2 Bdrm Duplex#12 Pebble in Esic, 1800sq. ft., on-site laundry. No smoking, no $1030. 2 Bdrm townhomesingle family dwelling 2 story pets $600/mo. 618/975-0670 $825. Ask about our Crazy brick. 3BD 3BA, LR, DR, Kitch. Specials & Look N’ Lease. Cerw/applncs, tiled screened in 2 BR apt., $580/mo. ,Maryville, tain Restrictions Apply. 618-692Newly 9310 patio, full bsmt, gar w/opener. WST, stove, refrig. $1,100/mo., 1 yr. lse, 1 mo. dep. remodeled, off street parking. 10 minutes from SIUE. Now Duplex: 2 BR, 1 BA 1100 sq. ft., Call 550-8519 CA, off-street parking, W/D available. 618-288-3286. 2BR TH 1.5BA, W/S/T incl. W/D hookup, no pets/smoking, near 2 BR/1 BA apt, w/d hkup — in unit. I-255/Horseshoe Lake SIUE $800/mo. 618-975-0670. 443 M St, Edw., $625+dep. Rd. area.15 min to St. Louis & HAMEL: 2 Bedroom Duplex w/ w/s/t incl. No Pets. App. fee SIUE. No pets. No smoking garage and opener. No steps, rqr’d 618-520-2813 $650/mo. 618.977.4859. great for seniors. 656-7337 or 2BR duplex, Glen Cbn: 1.5BA, 791-9062. Fairway Estates Apts. w/d hk up, quiet area, new inte2BR Townhouses. Call for Move in Special rior. $750/mo.+dep. Non-smokavailability. 618-931-4700 1st Month 1/2 off ers. Call lve msg. 618/977-7657 Avail. early Aug. Agent Owned. 2 BR, 1.5 Bath Glen Carbon 1 & 2 Bdrm apartments & townCottonwood Sub., w/d hookhomes conveniently located. 2BR TOWNHOMES, Edw. 1.5 BA, ups, TH, Newly Renovated, Most utilities paid. NO deposit w/d hook up, all kit appliances. $675 (618)346-7878 No pets. $800 w/gar;$750 w/out w/1 year lease. 618-931-0107. gar,. 618/659-2188; 978-2867 1 BDR lofts,1bdr dup. CREDIT NICE 2 Bdr apt. Electric, gas, CHECK. No pets, no smoking 3 BR 2 BA apt.: dwntn Edw. water paid. $725mthly. 329 $550mo. $550dep; $585mo. Newly remodeled. No smok- (rear)”M” Street. 618-581-5154. ing/pets. $950/mo. $950 dep., $585dep. 656-8953. $45 credit check. 618-978-5044 Quiet residential neighbor1 Bedroom Apartment with hood. 2 BR; all appliances stove, fridge. Security deposit; 3 BR DUPLEX, 1.5 BA, gar, LR, incl. wshr/dryer; w/s/t. $380/month. Maryville, IL. No FR, deck, patio, quiet area near Garages available. $750/mo. Glen Cbn WalMt, remodeled, lg pets. 618/345-0076. Call 618-343-4405 or go to: priv yd; no pets, fam. pref; w/d
Tree Service
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Apts/Duplexes For Rent
NICE 2 bedroom apt, large rooms, walkin closet, coin-op laundry. 10 minutes to SIUE. $525/mo. 618-560-4761.
3 Roommates Wanted To Live in 5 Bedroom House Pool $400/mth rent—each $400 sec dep—each utilities/internet/cable included 10 min from SIUE Jackie 314-487-0237
Commercial Space For Rent 720 220 N. Main St., Edwardsville, apprxly 1400sf, perfect for office, retail, restaurant. $12$15 per sf rent. 217-381-7069. Attention Dentist: Office in Edwardsville, complete with mechanical. Available Oct. 1st. Please call for details, Meyer Realty 618-656-1824
Office Space For Rent
1850 sq ft office (downtown Edw), free standing 8 room commercial office suite 2 blks from Madison Country courthouse. Ideally suited for attorneys, accountants or any professional offices. Off strt parking, 3yr lease w/dep. For more info, please call 314-650-0359. Location is 9 Junction Dr. Glen Carbon just off of Route 159. Units remaining are 700,1180 & 1250sqft. Also 2250sqft of walk out space available. To assist you we are providing 1 month FREE and possibly month to month for a short time basis. To help get your business up and running call 659-8744.
Air Conditioning/ Heating 976
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Lots For Sale
2.85 acre Wooded Lot Underground l utilities. Little Mooney Creek crossing. Adjoins 5ac commons with walking trail. E’ville schools 1/2 mi to Gov Pky 972-0948 MERIDIAN WOODS Custom home sites in private, gated setting. Glen Carbon. 618/402-2990. SUN RIDGE ESTATES 2+ Acre Lots, Edwardsville Call for special prices 618/792-9050 or 618/781-5934
Commercial Property For Sale 830 Office space for sale or rent: #2 Ginger Creek Pkwy., Glen Cbn. 2,200 s.f. plus bsmt. $279K $2,500/mo/OBO 618-789-7226
ARE YOU: •Renting •Buying •Selling
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August 4, 2011
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
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