081612 Edge Magazine

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The Criterium returns page 4

St. Petersburg, Russia page 16

You Gotta' Eat page 20

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Aug. 16 ISSUE



What’s Inside 3

Faith Coalition Helping those in need.

4 The Criterium

Bicycle race to invade Edwardsville.



Galena makes plans for annual event.

16 St. Petersburg

A feast for the senses in Russia.

19 You've seen it before "Celeste and Jesse Forever."

19 "Hope Springs" Film fills the late-summer void.

20 You gotta' eat

Lotawata Creek in Fairview Heights.




What’s Happening Friday Saturday ___________ Aug. 17 Aug. 18___________ • The Sound of Music, The R o b e r t G. R e i m T h e a t re , S t . Louis, 8:00 p.m. • T h e C o m p l e te Wo r k s o f S h a ke s p e a re ( A b r i d g e d ) , Grandel Theatre, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • D a n i e l l e S p ra d l ey : O ve r Time, Bruno David Gallery, St. Louis, by appointment. Runs through Aug. 25. • L i q u i d Te r ra i n : 2 0 Ye a r s o f Wo r k s o n P a p e r by E va L u n d s a g e r, Th e S h e l d o n , S t . Louis, noon - 5:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 18. • Pepperland (Beatles Revue), Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. • Ralph Butler, 3:00 p.m. / Fantasy, 8:00 p.m., Fast Eddie's Bon Air, Alton • Ring, Cicada, Centaur, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. • John Paul Keith, Yankee R a c e r s , B r o t h e r F a t h e r, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. • M a ke s h i f t P ro d i g y, T h e Rogue, Fubar, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Hobo Jungle, Laurie's Place (Back Bar), Edwardsville, 9:30 p.m. • Cave w/ Catacombz, Skarerauradio, Plush St. Louis, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. • Mo' Pleasure, Villa Marie Winery, Maryville, 7:00 p.m.

• The Sound of Music, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, St. Louis, 4:00 and 7:30 p.m. • The Complete Works of S h a ke s p e a re ( A b r i d g e d ) , Grandel Theatre, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • Laleh Khorramian: Water Panics in the Sea, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through October 21. • In the Still Epiphany, Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through October 27. • 8th Annual Juried Exhibition, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 19. • Ockum's Razor - 10 Year Anniversar y Show, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Hoosier Daddy's, 3:00 p.m. / Fantasy, 8:00 p.m., Fast Eddie's Bon Air, Alton • D e r r i c k S t r i e b i g, D a n ny Fruend, Tennessee Two Piece, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. • Miss Jubilee and the Humdingers, Bobby's Frozen Custard, Maryville, 7:30 p.m. • The Chris Robinson Brotherhood, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • The Orbz Final Show w/ The Few, Glass Academy, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. • Hemorrhaging Elysium,

Tyranny Enthroned, Fubar, St. Louis, Doors 5:00 p.m. • Jam Session w/ Mo' Pleasure, 2:00 p.m. / 420 Crossing, 6:30 p.m., Laurie's Place (Front Bar), Edwardsville • Fraid Not, Laurie's Place (Back Bar), Edwardsville, 9:30 p.m. • Buffalo Clover, Plush St. Louis, St. Louis, Doors 8:30 p.m.

Sunday Aug. 19___________ • The Sound of Music, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. • The Complete Works of S h a ke s p e a re ( A b r i d g e d ) , Grandel Theatre, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. • A Room Divided, The Eugene Field House & Toy Museum, St. Louis, noon to 4:00 p.m. • Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated), St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 26. • 8th Annual Juried Exhibition, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton, noon to 4:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 19. • The Lion King, Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 1:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., Runs through September 2. .m., Runs through September 16. • The Dirty Guv'nahs, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Hoosier Daddy's, 2:00 p.m. / Jamberilla, 7:00 p.m., Fast Eddie's Bon Air, Alton • Po m e g ra n a te s w / M e n

Who We Are ON THE EDGE OF THE WEEKEND is a product of the Edwardsville Intelligencer, a member of the Hearst Newspaper Group. THE EDGE is available free, through home delivery and rack distribution. FOR DELIVERY INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 20. FOR ADVERTISING INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 35. For comments or questions regarding EDITORIAL CONTENT call 656.4700 Ext. 28 or fax 659.1677. Publisher – Denise Vonder Haar | Editor – Bill Tucker | Lead Writer – Krista Wilkinson-Midgley | Cover Design – Desirée Bennyhoff


On the Edge of the Weekend

Aug. 16, 2012

People Faith Coalition is remodeling homes Newly-formed group is helping around community By JULIA BIGGS Of The Edge


hen tornados ripped through Joplin last year, people from the local community joined together to come to the assistance of Joplin’s residents. It was during one of three trips to Joplin that Joe Russo made when he said he felt the need to do more - but in his own community. That “prompting or calling,” as Russo explained it, has led to the formation of Faith Coalition, a group of church member volunteers from various churches in the area. Its mission - “The Faith Coalition is a Christian organization united in love and truth. Our mission is to be Christ’s hands and feet in our local community and beyond.” The newly formed organization is remodeling a house in Edwardsville for its first project. When completed, the house will be sold and its proceeds donated to the local Habitat for Humanity. Russo, a general contractor and current church relation chairperson for Habitat For Humanity, said the idea was to pursue “an organization or gathering of area churches that I hadn’t seen in Edwardsville before.” Differing from the Glen-Ed Ministerial Alliance, which brings together local church representatives to provide The Mayor’s prayer breakfast, needed services and prayer support specific to the community, Faith Coalition has a slightly different focus. “What we are doing shifts a lot of the daily responsibilities off the pastor and their support staff to strictly being a group of volunteers from area churches of different denominations to do the work of volunteering in different ways,” Russo said. “We’ve appreciated the cooperation and support of the Ministerial Alliance in allowing us to speak to their organization and some of their congregations and we are looking forward to continuing this relationship once the new leadership team and the members of the Ministerial Alliance reconvene in September.” Russo visited some local churches presenting his plan to various congregations in hopes of gaining an interest in Faith Coalition’s mission. His goal was to unite area churches in a common mission by becoming involved, obtaining commitment from one representative from each church to serve as a Faith Coalition representative, and then enlisting the church representative to develop a list of its congregation’s volunteers who would be willing to help with community projects. Kim Durr from Newsong Fellowship Church, Gregory Erspamer from Eden United Church of Christ, Pat Sartini from St. Johns United Methodist Church and Julie Hinrichs from The Bridge Free Methodist Church volunteered to join Russo and represent their respective churches. Faith Coalition was born. Since about January, the group has been meeting to plan its first project – the remodeling of a house located at 922 Grand Avenue in Edwardsville that had been generously donated by Richard Rothermich to the Edwardsville/Glen Carbon Habitat for Humanity Chapter. Faith Coalition plans to remodel the house, sell it, and then donate all proceeds to the local Habitat for Humanity chapter. The house is not intended to be inhabited by a Habitat for Humanity family. Instead by selling the house at market value, the proceeds are expected to provide enough money for the Habitat for Humanity local chapter to build two new homes for partnering Habitat for Humanity families. The Faith Coalition members met recently one evening at the house on Grand Ave. to finalize plans for the first remodeling

Julia Biggs/The Edge

Pictured above are the original members of Faith Coalition. From left to right are: Pat Sartini of St. Johns United Methodist Church, Kim Durr from Newsong Fellowship Church, Julie Hinrichs from The Bridge Free Methodist Church, Gregory Erspamer from Eden United Church of Christ and Joe Russo. workday. "I just think it is really neat that the churches have come together, and if Joplin hadn’t happened, would we be here?" Hinrichs asked having been one of the original people that Russo pitched his idea to while at Joplin last summer. “In a sense because Joplin brought so many people together - national disasters that are happening so frequently - it’s like an awakening. It’s bringing more and more people together.” Certainly the spirit of Faith Coalition may have been rooted in Joplin, but this group is now focused on the local community and beyond– and not just Habitat For Humanity. “This is the actual pilot project which was started by Joe, but we hope for it to continue into future projects for the community,” Sartini said. “We hope to identify other things in the coming years too. To expand on that.” “It’s not limited to just the remodeling of this house,” Russo confirmed. “For example St. Johns is doing a community garden. That’s an example of something that St. Johns can bring to our group that different churches can help with also. This house remodeling project for Habitat for Humanity is another example of what can be brought to this group.” They fully intend to undertake other projects once a specific community need has been identified. “The grand scope of Faith Coalition is much bigger than just this one house,” Russo said. “It’s much bigger than like partnering with habitat for humanity as an example The concept is open to kind of how we are led or whoever comes to us with what their need might be. We’re starting with this one house and that arm of this will grow into what is called an Apostle’s Build where the area churches will provide all the money and labor and actually build a house for a habitat family from the ground up. But this group, as it is structured, will also be the kind of a group

that will organize and gather and then go out to Joplin, for example, and service that area, or those kinds of things that come up in the future.” “And by doing these projects together as a group, we can be more ready when another Joplin happens. We’ve already got a group together that we can call people up and say, ‘Let’s go down Saturday or let’s spend a week there. Who wants to go?’” Erspamer said. "Our resources are already in place,” Durr added. The projects that Faith Coalition hopes to be a part of are just as varying as the people that it hopes will become involved. “Our hope is this coalition will be able to pull in people with all different, varying interests,” Durr said. “Not everybody wants to roll up their sleeves and do some hammering but somebody might want to go out and pull weeds at the community garden and that’s going to be just as helpful to the greater good as the rehab project.” “It’s just not limited to remodeling,” Sartini emphasized. “There may be someone who wants to volunteer that really isn’t into construction and maintenance,” Hinrichs added. “We have skills lists that we’ve got for volunteers to fill out. There’s hospitality, PR work. Hospitality can be like providing lunch or snacks if people want to donate lunch or snacks for the people working. There’s lots of ways that people can volunteer.” “A lot of hands working, and it will be a lot easier work,” Erspamer said. “It’s a lot of work, but if you get 10 or 12 people (working) every Saturday, you can get a lot done.” Faith Coalition’s volunteers have already begun working on the house at Grand Ave. They plan to work every Saturday from 7 a.m. to noon, but they are hoping more churches will join in the effort. Any area church that would like more information on the Faith Coalition, this project or future

Aug. 16, 2012

ones, should contact Joe Russo at 618-9727000. Faith Coalition is also seeking $32,000 in cash and material donations. Monetary donations can be mailed to P.O. Box 355, Edwardsville, IL 62025. Make checks payable to “Habitat for Humanity” with “Faith Coalition” placed in the memo line. The group is also currently seeking a lot within district 7 for a future “Apostles Build” for a Habitat for Humanity partner family. An Apostles Build differs from the current house project on Grand in that an Apostles Build house is built specifically for a Habitat for Humanity partner family. The house on Grand is a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity. Also, two key professional labor donations that have not been found are heating and cooling system installers and plumbers. The organization has the heating and cooling system, but it is in need of the labor. Anyone wishing to donate any material or labor can contact Russo for details. Sartini encouraged more churches and congregation volunteers to join them in their effort. “The bigger pool of volunteers that we can draw, the less we are going to wear out the few who are starting so we want to keep growing,” she said. “The “prompting or calling” that started from the Joplin disaster has grown into what can now be best described from a quote from St. Ignatius. “The glory of GOD is in man fully alive,” Russo said. “It’s not just this project. It's the united community of Christ followers, the one body, who are responding to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. This is a powerful example of what St. Ignatius was talking about. We are all partners in the story of creation, whether we are aware of it or not. It is in us who can see, taste, feel, smell, and hear it - the ones who realize the gifts and blessings. It is in us that understand and know the truth that can only be found in the word of God and the Trinity. It is in us and through us that the glory of God becomes fully alive.”

On the Edge of the Weekend



Scott Evers for The Edge

Pictured are two views of the 2011 Stivel Nicolaus Edwardsville Rotary Criterium.

Criterium to invade Edwardsville

For The Edge Now entering its third year, the Stifel Nicolaus Edwardsville Rotary Criterium will be held on Saturday, Aug. 18, and promises to be bigger and better in 2012 than ever before. Hailed as one of Edwardsville’s most unique signature events, the Criterium is a series of high-speed professional bicycle races on Downtown streets, accompanied by free kids' races, live music and a downtown food and drink crawl. In years past, the races have taken place on a Sunday afternoon and a kickoff concert was held on Saturday night. This year, both the race and the concert will take place on Saturday night and the concert is moving from City Park to Main Street in front of the Court House for a high-energy afternoon and evening of music, bike racing, and great food and drink for families and spectators of all ages. Again, there will be a $10,000 purse, one of the largest one-day payouts for a bike race in the region. Here's the schedule:


On the Edge of the Weekend

3:00 – 11:00 p.m. – Eight High Speed Pro Bike Races in Downtown Edwardsville 5:00 – 10:00 p.m. – Live Music on Main Street featuring “Borderline” and “Crazy Chester” 4:00 – 11:00 p.m. – “Race Route Pub Crawl” Food and Drink Crawl on Main Street 6:45 p.m. – Free Kids' Races on Main Street “Moving from a Sunday afternoon to a Saturday night and bringing the concert to Main Street will create a much livelier atmosphere,” said Race Director SJ Morrison. “We’re looking forward to a large event this year.” “Rotary continues to receive tremendous support from the City of Edwardsville, Mayor Gary Niebur and the Council, Ben Dickmann, City Clerk Dennis McCracken, Chief Bedell and the Edwardsville Police Department and more than 40 area businesses and organizations,” said Morrison. “It truly is a community-wide

Aug. 16, 2012

event.” As if the excitement of high speed bike races and live music in front of the court house wasn’t enough to energize downtown Edwardsville in one evening, the Rotary Club of Edwardsville is partnering with the Edwardsville Glen Carbon Junior Service Club to host the Race Route Pub Crawl on Saturday, Aug. 18, the same afternoon and evening as the Stifel Nicolaus Edwardsville Rotary Criterium. Tickets for the crawl are $25 each, and all proceeds will benefit the Junior Service Club’s Boundless Playground Project and the Edwardsville Rotary Club. Advanced ticket sales are recommended to guarantee t-shirt size. Tickets can be purchased by calling one of the following individuals: Zhanell Enloe: 920-9115, SJ Morrison: 558-3062, Rachel Case: 520-7467, Emily Morrison: (217) 8201984 or Tara Riggs: 580-7470. Pub Crawl attendees will receive a free t-shirt, a free Edwardsville Rotary

Criterium cup and fantastic food and drink specials at nine Downtown Edwardsville dining destinations. Thanks to an open containers perimeter along the Main Street portion of the race route, pub crawlers and other spectators will be able to purchase beverages in plastic containers at downtown businesses and step out onto the sidewalk to watch the race or walk over to the concert area to enjoy the live music. “The Race Route Pub Crawl is an opportunity to support both Junior Service and Rotary, while enjoying some of our area’s best food and drinks at a great price, and having a good time with friends in the process,” said Morrison. “Even if you’re not part of the crawl, we encourage you to come downtown, watch the races, support the businesses and enjoy the live music.” For more information about the Race Route Pub Crawl or the Edwardsville Rotary Criterium, visit www. EdwardsvilleCriterium.com or e-mail stm11@hotmail. com.


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Galena makes plans for Oktoberfest September 22, 2012 is the start of Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany, but it’s also a day of similar celebration in Galena, Ill. The 6th annual Galena Oktoberfest will entertain and delight your entire family and is a whole lot easier on the budget than a flight to Munich. The event takes place at Depot Park, 99 Bouthillier St., just east of the Galena River near the intersection of U.S. Highway 20 and Park Avenue from noon to 10 p.m. Galena Oktoberfest is hosted by the Galena Lions Club and all of the proceeds help individuals with sight and sound needs, as well as supporting community projects. People of all ages enjoy Galena Oktoberfest, as it features non-stop live music by three bands, polka dancing and lessons, wiener dog races and parade, a beer stein endurance contest, a bean bag tournament, bounce houses and games for the kids, and of course plenty of German-style food, soda and beer. The day begins at noon with a cannon blast and the ceremonial tapping of the keg, followed by the ever-famous wiener dog races. Online pre-registration is encouraged for both the wiener dog races and the bean bag tournament. Take a spin on the dance floor and Jennifer Mulcahey, of Ballroom by Jennifer, will teach you how to polka. Back-to-back bands include two polka bands, the Jim Busta Band from Spring Grove, Minn. and The Goodtime Dutchmen from Kewaskum, Wisc., as well as local rock favorite Mighty Short Bus from Madison, Wisc. Gate tickets to Galena Oktoberfest are $5 for adults and teens, children 12 and under are admitted free. Parking is free near the festival site. Festival goers can also take a ride on the free trolley that will be shuttling visitors from the Galena’s historic Main Street to the festival. For more information about Galena Oktoberfest and the Galena Lions Club, go to www.galenaoktoberfest.com or call 815.331.0180. Visit Galena Oktoberfest on Facebook for updates and to find out ‘Where in the World is Otto?’ Additional area offerings and visitor information may be found at the Galena/Jo Daviess County Convention and Visitors Bureau at www.galena. org or by calling 877.464.2536. While in town, visit the CVB’s Old Train Depot Visitor Information Center at 101 Bouthillier St. for on-site assistance and countywide information.

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Aug. 16, 2012

On the Edge of the Weekend


People People planner MoBOT offers youth programs School may be back in session soon, but that doesn’t mean the days of outdoor fun have to end! The Missouri Botanical Garden offers a variety of educational and entertaining programs designed for children and their families to enjoy positive outdoor nature experiences t o g e t h e r. E v e n t h e y o u n g e s t of chi l d re n c a n b e n e f i t f ro m offerings created to prepare them for preschool and kindergarten, and instill an early appreciation of the natural world. Programs are designed for children up to age 12 with an adult. Advance registration is required and fees vary; Garden members receive a discount. View a print-at-home catalog, browse a complete list of classes online and register at www.mobot.org/classes. For more information, call (314) 5775140. The Strollerobics fitness series is a fun workout for new parents and their babies or toddlers. Participants push strollers along the Missouri Botanical Garden’s mostly flat paths, stopping to do cardio and toning

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exercises and to enjoy the natural sights and sounds. Cost per eightweek session is $62. Choose from: • Tuesday evenings: Tuesdays, Sept. 4 through Oct. 23. 6 to 7 p.m. • Thursday mornings: Thursdays, Sept. 6 through Oct. 25 from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. • Friday mornings: Fridays, Sept. 7 through Oct. 26 from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. The Little Sprouts series at the Missouri Botanical Garden is made for children ages 2 to 3 with an adult. Learn about plants and nature together through indoor, hands-on activities, songs, stories, snacks and an outdoor walk. The $118 sevenweek fall series will search for the Garden’s full-time residents— insects, frogs and furry friends. The $67 four-week winter series will explore how the Garden changes when snow is on the way. Choose from: • Fall Monday series: Mondays, Sept. 10 through Oct. 22 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. • Fall Tuesday series: Tuesdays, Sept. 11 through Oct. 23 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. • F a l l We d n e s d a y s e r i e s : Wednesdays, Sept. 12 through

Oct. 24 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. • Wi n t e r M o n d a y s e r i e s : Mondays, Nov. 19 through Dec. 10 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. • Winter Tuesday series: Tuesdays, Nov. 20 through Dec. 11 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Discover the amazing plant world with your preschooler in Garden Buds, designed for children ages 4 to 5 with an adult. Each program features a unique theme and costs $17 per child. Register for three or more Garden Buds classes before Aug. 31 and your child will receive a free t-shirt and journal. Choose from: • Peek at a Pond: Thursday, Sept. 6 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. • Under the Garden: Thursday, Sept. 20 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. • Beautiful Bamboo: Thursday, Oct. 18 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. • Leaf Giants: Thursday, Oct. 25 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. • Cheer for Chocolate: Thursday,

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Nov. 1 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. • Planted Presents: Thursday, Dec. 6 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Great Green Adventures are ongoing drop-in family programs each Saturday throughout the year, designed for children ages 6 to 12 with an adult. Sign up in advance or just stop by to explore a special area of the Garden. Cost is $3 per child (up to three children allowed per adult); regular Garden admission also applies. This fall and winter, choose from: • Grow Like a Seed: Saturday, Sept 15 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. • Signs of Fall: Saturday, Oct. 20 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. • Preparing for Winter: Saturday, Nov. 17 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. • Bird-friendly Gardens: Saturday, Dec. 15 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. or

1:30 to 2:30 p.m. • Winter Color Walk: Saturday, Jan. 19 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. • Art in the Garden: Saturday, Feb. 16 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. The Missouri Botanical Garden also offers a variety of programs and overnights for scouts! Experience fun, challenging and inspiring outdoor programs that align with badge and award requirements. Dig into soil, become a naturalist, learn about flowers, trees or water conservation and more. To find a perfect program for your scout’s troop, visit www. mobot.org and click the link to “Learn and Discover.” The Missouri Botanical Garden is located at 4344 Shaw Blvd. in south St. Louis, accessible from Interstate 44 at the Vandeventer exit and from Interstate 64 at the Kingshighway North and South exit.

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On the Edge of the Weekend

Aug. 16, 2012

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People People planner Great Godfrey Maze to open Aug. 31 Crop circles have been spotted in the “Out of this World� seven-acre corn maze in Godfrey’s Glazebrook Park. You don’t have to be an astronaut to enjoy the adventure this fall as the Great Godfrey Maze takes you deep into the cosmos. Thrill seekers will get to blast off on a space adventure beginning Friday, Aug. 31 as the Great Godfrey Maze opens for its 13th season in Glazebrook Park, located at 1401 Stamper Lane in Godfrey. The theme for this year’s maze is “We’re out of this world.� A space shuttle, a planet and an alien are cut into the maze to give visitors an out of this world experience. Lift off for the 2012 maze will begin at 6 p.m. with a ribbon cutting ceremony and then the maze will be open for the first time this year to travelers wishing to get a little lost. The movie, E.T. the Extra Terrestrial, will be shown on the giant inflatable outdoor screen as the sun sets. Regular admission fees apply for the maze. Concessions will be available on the grounds. Mark your calendar for special events at the maze where you can get lost in space and enjoy some corny fun. The annual Fall Corn Festival will take place on Saturday, Sept. 29 from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Activities will include: the cow (rocket) train, craft vendors, live music, tractor show and more. Festival

admission is free. Regular fees apply to maze and maze activities. In October, the Haunted Maze opens for those brave enough to venture in. Let the force be with you as you navigate the maze during the Halloween season on Fridays and Saturdays in October. The Haunted Maze will be open from dark to 10 p.m. on Oct. 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26 and 27. Regular fees apply. General admission prices are $6 for 12 and up, $4 for ages 6 through 11 and children 5 and under are free. Operating hours for general admission are: Fridays from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., Saturdays 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sundays from 1 p.m. to dusk. The Maze is available for group tours and birthday parties during regular operating hours. The Maze is also available for school groups and private rentals, Monday through Thursday by reservation. The Great Godfrey Maze is located in Robert E. Glazebrook Park at 1401 Stamper Lane, a half mile west of Route 67 (Godfrey Road) in Godfrey, Ill. For more information, call (618) 466-1483 or go to GodfreyIL.org.

in the CHL beginning with the 201314 season and will be called the Chill. The announcement was made on Wednesday at a press conference at the Arena Club Restaurant in The Family Arena. The St. Charles Chill ownership group consists of Gustavo Hernandez, Alfonso Arguindegui and Glenn Hart and the team will play its home games at The Family Arena. To learn more about The Family Arena “It is with great excitement that we announce that St. Charles and The Family Arena are now a part of the Central Hockey League family,â€? said Duane Lewis, CHL Commissioner. â€œWe know the Chill is in great hands with the very accomplished and highly decorated people that are heading up this effort. We are also very happy with the relationship that we have built with Mark (Reifsteck) and his staff and are looking forward

to strengthening that bond. This strong market and outstanding facility make this a welcome addition to our current group of member teamsâ€?. “We are excited to be given the opportunity to join such an amazing community and the Family Arena,â€? said Gustavo Hernandez, Chill Co-Owner. â€œWe look forward to providing a quality, family friendly product on the ice and becoming a fabric of this great community.â€? “The Family Arena is very excited to see hockey returning to our market in addition to bringing back the ice to our venue,â€? said Mark Reifsteck, Family Arena General Manager. â€œWe have plans to utilize the ice in other revenue producing capacities such as league play, public skates, and special events. We are especially pleased to welcome the reputable Central Hockey League into our building. Old rivalries

will return, such as the Quad City Mallards in Moline, Illinois, and new ones will be formed with the Bloomington Blaze in Bloomington, Illinois and the Missouri Mavericks in Independence, Missouri. During these economic times, we are excited to be able to offer the community a high quality sporting event at such a reasonable price for families who like hockey. We have inherited one of the top teams that played in the CHL with an ownership group that is strong and committed to their team. Our staff looks forward to that same commitment in bringing future championships to our venue. We would also like to thank the CHL League Office for their continued support during this process, especially Duane Lewis, Commissioner of the CHL. We look forward to working with him and the team over the next five years and beyond.â€?

Minor league hockey coming to St. Charles The CHL announced recently that the Laredo Bucks franchise rights have been transferred to the market of St. Charles County in Missouri and that the new franchise will compete

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Aug. 16, 2012

On the Edge of the Weekend


Religion briefs Pennsylvania pastor to fight charges in mock kidnapping

Fort Collins church eyes split from Presbyterians

LANCASTER, Pa. (AP) — The attorney for an Assemblies of God youth pastor who staged a church youth group kidnapping as a lesson on religious persecution said his client will fight the charges. A n d re w J o rd a n b l i n d f o l d e d the teens in March, bound their wrists and drove them in a cargo van to a dingy basement where they overheard mock torture. H i s a t t o r n e y, W i l l i a m DeStef a n o , s a i d t he re w a s n o evidence anyone hurt the girl whose complaint led to charges of assault and false imprisonment a g a i n s t t h e G l a d Ti d i n g s Assembly of God youth pastor. Dauphin County prosecutors said the half-hour ordeal included interrogation and staged torture using power tools. DeStefano told the Intelligencer Journal/Lancaster New Era he can challenge the false imprisonment charge because the girl never tried to flee her fake captors.

FORT COLLINS, Colo. (AP) — Leaders of First Presbyterian Church of Fort Collins are seeking dismissal from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), which last year struck down a barrier to ordaining gay leaders. The Coloradoan reports leaders of the Fort Collins church are citing “irreconcilable spiritual differences” in recommending that it join the Fellowship of Presbyterians a n d s e e k d i s m i s s a l f ro m i t s denomination. The Fort Collins congregation of about 1,000 would have to take an advisory vote on leaving, and Executive Presbyter of the Presbytery of Plains and Peaks Dan Saperstein must ultimately approve whether the dismissal occurs. A final decision could come within a year. Church member Dale Preston says he plans to oppose the move. He says he and others believe the Presbyterian church has a history of being respectful of diverse opinions.

Indiana megachurch fires pastor amid police investigation into church, college

a heart attack. Schaap, now 54, is a Holland, Mich., native who came to northwestern Indiana in 1977 to attend and graduate from HylesAnderson College, which Hyles

HAMMOND, Ind. (AP) — A northwestern Indiana megachurch has fired its pastor amid a police investigation into the independent Baptist congregation and a college it operates. The First Baptist Church of Hammond said in a news release Tueday that pastor Jack Schaap committed “a sin that has caused him to forfeit his right to be our pastor.” Church representatives said they were cooperating with police, but offered no specifics on the allegations against Schaap. Lake County Sheriff John Buncich told The Times of Munster (http:// bit.ly/R4ZeyJ) that his department began a criminal investigation of the church and Hyles Anderson College after talking with high-ranking representatives of the congregation. He declined to identify the target of the investigation or other details. First Baptist elected Schaap its pastor in February 2001, a month after the late Rev. Jack Hyles died of

founded four decades ago. He met and married Hyles’ youngest daughter, Cindy, and served the church early in his career as an assistant youth director, bus captain and mentor to young students.

Feed Your Faith

at Eden United Church of Christ Sunday, August 19 at 9 am Join us for breakfast as we start the new Sunday School year! Kids will move to their new classrooms after having breakfast with their families. Adults will learn about upcoming Sunday School classes and why “feeding your faith” is so important. Jesus is the bread of life, and Eden Church is committed to sharing his word.

Sunday Services:

8:00 AM - Traditional Worship 9:15 AM - Sunday School for all ages & coffee hour 10:30 AM - Contemporary Worship

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903 N. Second Street • 656-4330 www.eden-ucc.org

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ST. ANDREW’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Hillsboro at North Buchanan in downtown Edwardsville 656-1929 The Rev. Virginia L. Bennett, D. Min. Sunday Services (thru Sept. 2): 9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Come worship with us! standrews-edwardsville.com facebook.com/Standrews.Edwardsville

First Presbyterian Church 237 N. Kansas Edwardsville, IL

Located 1 Block North of Post Office Early Worship: 8:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages: 9:15 a.m. Child/Youth Choir: 10:15 a.m. Late Worship w/Chancel Choir: 10:45 a.m. For Music and Other Activities

NEW BETHEL UNITED METHODIST 131 N. Main St., Glen Carbon, IL Rev. William Adams Church Phone: 288-5700 Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Adult & Children’s Sunday School 9:40 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Nursery 8:30 a.m. to Noon Senior High Youth Group Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Senior High Bible Study Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Fully Accessible Facilities www.newbethelumc.org e-mail office@newbethelumc.org






332 S. Brown Street Edwardsville, IL 62025 Pastor Carlos Bryant 618-931-3707 Sabbath Morning 9:30 A.M. Sabbath Evening 6:00 P.M. Wednesday Evening 7:00 P.M.

“Where Everybody is Somebody and Jesus Christ is Lord. We Welcome You to Our Family.”

LECLAIRE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1914 Esic Drive, Edwardsville, 656-0918 “Loving People to Jesus” Shane Taylor, Senior Minister Matt Campbell, Youth and Worship Minister Shawn Smith, Family Life Minister Sunday Schedule: Worship at 9:30 am and 11:00 am

Please see leclairecc.com for more information.

800 N. Main Street Edwardsville (618) 656-4648


Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Wed. Early Morning Prayer: 5:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.


Wednesday Schedule: Men’s Ministry 6:45 pm

Daycare 656-2798 Janet Hooks, Daycare Director

327 Olive Street • Edw, IL 656-0845 Steve Jackson, Pastor

“The fundamental purpose animating the Faith of God and His Religion is to safeguard the interests and promote the unity of the human race.” ~ Baha’u’llah Promote the Unity of the human race everyday! The Bahá’is of Edwardsville warmly welcome and invite you to investigate the teachings of the Bahá’i Faith. For more information call (618) 656-4142 or email: Bahai.Edwardsville@sbcglobal.net P.O. Box 545 Edwardsville, IL 62025 www.bahai.us

ST. PAUL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 3277 Bluff Rd. Edwardsville, IL 656-1500

Rev. Diane C. Grohmann September - May Worship 10:15 a.m. June-August Worship 9:30 a.m. Our Facility is Handicap Accessible


Summit at School Street Glen Carbon, IL 288-5620 Rev. Dr. Arnold Hoffman Holy Eucharist at 10:30 a.m.

Rev. Jackie K. Havis-Shear

St. Thomas Child Care Center Now enrolling infants through Pre-K Call 288-5697

9:30 a.m. ~ Contemporary Worship 11:00 a.m. ~ Traditional Worship Free Friday Lunch - 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

www.immanuelonmain.org 407 Edwardsville Rd. (Rt. 162) Troy, IL 62294 667-6241 Dennis D. Price, Pastor Sunday Worship: 8 a.m., 9 a.m., & 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Worship: 6:30 p.m.


“Where Jesus Christ is Celebrated in Liturgy and Life.”

ST. BONIFACE CATHOLIC CHURCH 110 N. Buchanan Edwardsville 656-6450 Very Reverend Jeffrey Goeckner

Saturday Vigil - 4:15 pm Spanish Mass - 6:15 pm Sunday Mass 8:15 am, 10:15 am, 5:15 pm Daily Mass Schedule Mon., 5:45 pm Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:00 am Wed., 6:45 pm

310 South Main, Edwardsville, 656-7498 Traditional Worship: 9:00 a.m. Coffee Fellowship: 10:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Youth: 6:00 p.m. Dr. Brooks, Lead Minister www.fccedwardsville.org

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF EDWARDSVILLE 534 St. Louis Street Edwardsville, IL (618) 656-1008 Rev. Stephen Disney, Pastor Sunday Schedule Sunday School - 9:30 am Worship Service -10:45 am Wednesday Schedule Bible Study - 6:00 pm Wheel Chair Accessible www.edfbc.org office@edfbc.org

All Are Welcome


Let’s Worship...

This page gives you an opportunity to reach over 16,000 area homes with your services schedule and information.

Call Lisa at 656-4700 Ext 46 Aug. 16, 2012

On the Edge of the Weekend


The Arts Arts calendar Thursday, Aug. 16 The Sound of Music, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Danielle Spradley: Over Time, Bruno David Gallery, St. Louis, by appointment. Runs through Aug. 25. Liquid Terrain: 20 Years of Works on Paper by Eva Lundsager, The Sheldon, St. Louis, noon - 5:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 18. A Room Divided, The Eugene Field House & Toy Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Laleh Khorramian: Water Panics in the Sea, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through October 21. Contemporary Artists Respond to Art History, Edwardsville Arts Center, Edwardsville, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 17. 8th Annual Juried Exhibition, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 19. Odell Mitchell, Jr. Retrospective, The Sheldon Gallery of Photography, St. Louis, noon - 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 1. The Lion King, Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., Runs through September 2. Urban Wanderers Exhibit, St. Louis University Museum of Art, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through September 16.

Friday, Aug. 17 The Sound of Music, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. T h e C o m p l e t e Wo r k s o f Shakespeare (Abridged), Grandel Theatre, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Danielle Spradley: Over Time, Bruno David Gallery, St. Louis, by appointment. Runs through Aug. 25. Liquid Terrain: 20 Years of Works on Paper by Eva Lundsager, The Sheldon, St. Louis, noon - 5:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 18. A Room Divided, The Eugene Field House & Toy Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated), St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 26.

Contemporary Artists Respond to Art History, Edwardsville Arts Center, Edwardsville, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 8th Annual Juried Exhibition, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 19. Odell Mitchell, Jr. Retrospective, The Sheldon Gallery of Photography, St. Louis, noon - 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 1. The Lion King, Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m., Runs through September 2. Urban Wanderers Exhibit, St. Louis University Museum of Art, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through September 16.

Saturday, Aug. 18 The Sound of Music, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, St. Louis, 4:00 and 7:30 p.m. T h e C o m p l e t e Wo r k s o f Shakespeare (Abridged), Grandel Theatre, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Danielle Spradley: Over Time, Bruno David Gallery, St. Louis, by appointment. Runs through Aug. 25. Liquid Terrain: 20 Years of Works on Paper by Eva Lundsager, The Sheldon, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. A Room Divided, The Eugene Field House & Toy Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Laleh Khorramian: Water Panics in the Sea, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through October 21. In the Still Epiphany, Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through October 27. 8th Annual Juried Exhibition, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 19. Odell Mitchell, Jr. Retrospective, The Sheldon Gallery of Photography, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., Runs through September 1. The Lion King, Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., Runs through September 2. Urban Wanderers Exhibit, St. Louis University Museum of Art, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs

through September 16.

11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through September 16.

Sunday, Aug. 19 The Sound of Music, The Robert G. Reim Theatre, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged), Grandel Theatre, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. A Room Divided, The Eugene Field House & Toy Museum, St. Louis, noon to 4:00 p.m. Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated), St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 26. 8th Annual Juried Exhibition, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton, noon to 4:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 19. The Lion King, Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 1:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., Runs through September 2. Urban Wanderers Exhibit, St. Louis University Museum of Art, St. Louis,

Tuesday, Aug. 21 Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated), St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 26. Odell Mitchell, Jr. Retrospective, The Sheldon Gallery of Photography, St. Louis, noon - 8:00 p.m., Runs through September 1. Laleh Khorramian: Water Panics in the Sea, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through October 21. The Lion King, Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m., Runs through September 2.

Wednesday, Aug. 22 Danielle Spradley: Over Time, Bruno David Gallery, St. Louis, by appointment. Runs through Aug. 25.

Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated), St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Aug. 26. Odell Mitchell, Jr. Retrospective, The Sheldon Gallery of Photography, St. Louis, noon - 5:00 p.m., Runs through September 1. Laleh Khorramian: Water Panics in the Sea, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through October 21. The Lion King, Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m., Runs through September 2. Urban Wanderers Exhibit, St. Louis University Museum of Art, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through September 16.

Thursday, Aug. 23 Danielle Spradley: Over Time, Bruno David Gallery, St. Louis, by appointment. Runs through Aug. 25.

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On the Edge of the Weekend

Aug. 16, 2012

Free Screenings 9 a.m. – noon Dr. James Lieber and the Godfrey Lions Club will be offering diabetic retinopathy screenings during the fair. Free, no appointments needed. Free boxed meals from Quizno’s in the cafeteria beginning at 10:30 a.m. You must register in advance for the fair to guarantee a lunch.


AMH12570 7/12

The Arts Artistic adventures Focus on the Collection exhibition celebrates Italian printers The Saint Louis Art Museum announces the exhibition of 16th and 17th century etchings and engravings in Drawn in Copper: Italian Prints in the Age of Barocci, opening September 14. This Focus on the Collection exhibition draws from the Museum’s more than 14,000 works on paper to explore prints made by Italian painters turned printmakers. Presenting engravings, known for their precision, and etchings, celebrated for their spontaneous l i n e q u a l i t y, t h i s e x h i b i t i o n provides a condensed introduction to the state of Italian art in a moment of rich development in technique, style, and subject matter. It also serves as a complement to the special exhibition Federico Barocci: Renaissance Master, which includes paintings and drawings as well as all of Barocci’s prints. Drawn in Copper presents eleven works by as many artists who were all predecessors, contemporaries or successors of Federico Barocci and who were active in cities across Italy. Included are Agostino Carracci and Camillo Procaccini, who worked in Bologna, Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione from Genoa, Pietro Testa, who worked in Rome, as well as the Bolognese Antonio Fantuzzi, who worked in France. The painter-etchers of this era, Barocci famously among them, exploited print media as a means of spreading and popularizing their work. They also often depicted new subjects in a time of tumult, upheaval and refinement of doctrine in the Catholic Church. Curated by Elizabeth Wyckoff, curator of prints, drawings, and photographs, the exhibition o ff e r s a n i n t ro d u c t i o n t o t h e astonishing advancements made by printmakers of the era and to the relationship between prints and painted works. Drawn in Copper: Italian Prints in the Age of Barocci will be on view from September 14, 2012 through January 13, 2013 in Gallery 321. Wo r k s o n p a p e r m a y a l s o be viewed by appointment in the Study Room for Prints, Drawings, and Photographs on the fourth floor of the Cass Gilbert building. Call 314.655.5402 or e m a i l p a p e r @ s l a m . o rg f o r a n appointment or more information. For more information on Drawn in Copper: Italian Prints in the Age of Barocci or Federico Barocci: Renaissance Master, on special exhibit from October 21, 2012 to January 20, 2013, visit slam.org.

Saint Louis Art Museum to spotlight Barocci This fall the Saint Louis Art Museum presents Federico Barocci: R e n a i s s a n c e M a s t e r. O p e n i n g October 21, 2012, this international exhibition showcases a trove of exceptionally beautiful paintings and studies, the majority of which have never before been seen in this country, gathered from over 50 institutions worldwide. Federico Barocci was one of the most innovative Italian artists of the second half of the 16th century and was highly sought after by

both religious and secular patrons. A major influence on European masters such as Peter Paul Rubens, Barocci's art combines the beauty of the High Renaissance and the dynamism of the Baroque. In addition to his refined paintings, Barocci completed thousands of preparatory studies (over 1,500 survive), including pastel drawings and oil sketches— a technique he pioneered. Curated in St. Louis by Judith W. Mann, curator of European art to 1800, and Babette Bohn, professor of art history at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Federico Barocci: Renaissance Master offers visitors a unique opportunity to study and understand a master's artistic process. The exhibition features a range of Barocci’s best works from enchanting pastel and chalk studies to truly exceptional and breathtaking paintings. An international symposium

will be held January 10–12, 2013, featuring exhibition curators Judith W. Mann, Babette Bohn, and Carol Plazzotta of the National Gallery, London, as well as an international panel of scholars. A keynote address will be given by David Ekserdjian, Professor of the History of Art and Film at the University of Leicester. Following its presentation at the Saint Louis Art Museum, Federico Barocci: Renaissance Master will travel to The National Gallery, where it will be on display from February 27 to May 19, 2013.

MOSAICS Missouri Festival for the Arts set Enjoy the beauty of arts and culture outdoors on Historic Main Street in St. Charles,

Missouri, at the upcoming 18th Annual MOSAICS Missouri Festival for the Arts. This signature arts event will take place the weekend of September 14th through 16th, 2012, and will feature 11 5 j u r i e d a r t i s t s f ro m t h e S t . Louis metro area and across t h e c o u n t r y, w h o w i l l e x h i b i t works of art representing 16 mediums - including drawings, paintings, sculptures, p o t t e r y, p h o t o g r a p h y, g l a s s a r t , h a n d m a d e j e w e l r y, woodworking, and more. The MOSAICS Festival will also include FREE family-friendly fun, with a performance stage that will showcase a variety of musical and performing artists; the Children's Village with handson art experiences for children of all ages; the Mentor Me

Exhibition at the Foundry Art Centre, which recognizes art teachers and students from area school districts for their arts programming; and an artists d i s p l a y f ro m F e s t i v a l p a r t n e r Blank Canvas Studios. The hours for this year's MOSAICS Missouri Festival for the Arts are: - Friday, September 14 - 4:00 until 9:00 pm - S a t u r d a y, S e p t e m b e r 1 5 11:00 am until 9:00 pm - Sunday, September 16 - 11:00 am until 5:00 pm. F o r m o re i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t the 2012 MOSAICS Missouri Festival for the Arts, please email the organization at mosaicsartfest@gmail.com. Additional details are available online - including participating artist bios and samples - at www.stcharlesmosaics.org.

Building relationships with you and your hair! Dutch Hollow welcomes David Williams to our salon team.

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Calling all Singers! The Arts Academy of Illinois Announces the Formation of

The Children’s Choir of Madison County (For Children in First - Sixth Grades)

Meet the Artistic Director, Linda Plant Public Information Meeting - ALL Welcome! Tuesday, August 21st, 2012 - 7 pm Main Street Community Center

First Rehearsal:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012 Beginning at 4:30 pm

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Register at www.artsacademyil.com or Call (618) 633-2422 Aug. 16, 2012

On the Edge of the Weekend


The Arts Artistic adventures The Fox to host "Les Miserables" Cameron Mackintosh's new 25th anniversary production of Boubil and Schonber's "Les Miserables" is coming the Fox Theatre Oct. 16 to 28. Tickets are on sale now. The all new production of "Les Miserables" features glorious new staging and spectacular reimagined scenery inspired by the paintings of Victor Hugo. Performances run October 16 – 28, 2012 on Tuesday – Saturday evenings at 8pm; Saturday & Sunday matinees at 2pm and Sunday, October 21 at 7:30 pm. There is a matinee Thursday, October 25 at 1pm. To purchase tickets, visit metrotix. com, call 314-534-1111 or visit Fox Theatre Box Office at 527 N. Grand Blvd. Ticket prices start at $15. Prices are subject to change; please refer to fabulousfox.com for current pricing. For more information on the production, engagement dates, and locations please visit www. LesMis.com. For a video sneak peek of the New 25th Anniversary Production of Les Misérables, please visit www.LesMis.com/watch. T h e N e w Yo r k Ti m e s c a l l s this "Les Miserables" “an unquestionably spectacular production from start to finish.” The London Times hails the new show “a five star hit, astonishingly powerful and as good as the original.” The Star-Ledger says "a dynamically re-imagined hit. This Les Misérables has improved with age” and NY1-TV proclaims “this new production actually exceeds the original. The storytelling is clearer, the perspective grittier and the motivations more honest. Musical theatre fans can rejoice: Les Miz is born again.” “I’m delighted that 25 years after Les Miz originally opened in London the audience for this marvelous show is bigger and younger than ever before,” said producer Cameron Mackintosh. “Over the years I have seen many successful but visually different productions, so it has been exciting to draw inspiration from the brilliant drawings and paintings of Victor Hugo himself, integrated with spectacular projections. The new Les Miz is a magnificent mix of dazzling images and epic staging, driving one of the greatest musical stories ever told.” Based on Victor Hugo’s classic

novel, Les Misérables is an epic and uplifting story about the survival of the human spirit. The magnificent score of Les Misérables includes the classic songs “I Dreamed a Dream,” “On My Own,” “Stars,” “Bring Him Home,” “Do You Hear the People Sing?,” “One Day More,” “Empty Chairs at Empty Tables,” “Master Of The House” and many more. C a m e ro n Mackintosh’s new production of Boublil and Schönberg’s Les Misérables has music by Claude-Michel Schönberg, lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer from the original French text by Alain Boublil and JeanMarc Natel, additional material by James Fenton and original a d a p t a t i o n b y Tr e v o r N u n n and John Caird. The original Les Misérables orchestrations are by John Cameron with new orchestrations by Christopher Jahnke and additional orchestrations by Stephen Metcalfe and Stephen Brooker. The production is directed by Laurence Connor and James Powell, designed by Matt Kinley inspired by the paintings of Victor Hugo with costumes by Andreane Neofitou and additional costumes by Christine Rowlands, lighting by Paule Constable, sound by Mick Potter, musical staging by Michael Ashcroft and projections by FiftyNine Productions. Les Misérables originally opened in London at the Barbican Theatre on October 8, 1985, transferred to the Palace Theatre on December 4, 1985 and moved to its current home at the Queen’s Theatre on April 3, 2004 where it continues to play to packed houses. When "Les Miserables" celebrated its 21st London birthday on October 8, 2006, it became the World’s Longest-Running Musical, surpassing the record previously held by Cats in London’s West End. In celebration of its 25th anniversary, the legendary musical Les Misérables made theatrical h i s t o r y w i t h an international first - three different productions in London at the same time. The Original Production (still playing to packed houses at the Queen’s T h e a t re ) , t h e a c c l a i m e d N e w 2 5 t h A n n i v e r s a r y P ro d u c t i o n at the Barbican (where the show originally premiered) and a celebratory concert at The O2 A re n a . T h e O 2 C o n c e r t w a s presented in over 500 cinemas throughout the United States on November 17, 2010 and is

to the Imperial Theatre on October 17, 1990 running for 6,680 performances. The US National Tour began in November 1987 and visited over 150 cities before closing in St. Louis, MO in 2006. Broadway audiences welcomed

now available on Blu-ray DVD through Universal Studios Home Entertainment. The Broadway production of "Les Miserables" originally opened at the Broadway Theatre on March 12, 1987 and transferred

Les Miz back to New York on November 9, 2006 where the show played the Broadhurst Theatre until its final performance on January 6, 2008. To date, Les Misérables remains the 3rd longest-running Broadway production of all time.

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On the Edge of the Weekend

Aug. 16, 2012

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On the Edge of the Weekend


Music Tuning in Anthony Hamilton to perform at The Fox Fox Concerts & AEG Live present the Back to Love Tour starring Anthony Hamilton with special guests Estelle & Antoine Dunn on September 27 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $69.50, $59.50, $49.50 and $39.50 and are available at the Fox Box Office or by calling 314/5341111. Order tickets online at www. metrotix.com. T h i s f a l l , G r a m m y Aw a r d winning, multi-platinum selling and critically acclaimed entertainer Anthony Hamilton will headline the Back To Love Tour, where his legions of fans across the country will have the opportunity to see him perform his timeless brand of music, including the latest hits from his fourth studio album of the same name. Anthony will bring along special guest, Grammy winner Estelle, and R&B newcomer, Antoine Dunn. Hamilton, a Charlotte, NC native who first began singing in church at the age of 10, has sold and collaborated on more than 20 million albums worldwide. Most recently, Back to Love was named one of the “Best of 2012…So Far” by iTunes. The latest single from the CD, the Babyface-produced “Pray for Me,” was the #1 most added single at urban adult radio and showcases Hamilton’s signature vocals and remarkable range. In addition, his duet with Jill Scott, “So In Love” from Scott’s Light of the Sun album, maintained the #1 spot on Billboard’s Urban Adult Contemporary chart for 18 weeks last year, tying a record for longest time spent at #1 on the Urban AC Charts.

Moody Blues to stop in St. Charles Rock legends The Moody Blues has announced that their upcoming winter tour will hit the U.S. starting November 23 through December 15. The tour continues the celebration of the 45th Anniversary of their landmark album "Days of Future Passed." T h e M o o d y B l u e s re c e n t l y completed dates in South Africa in Capetown, S.A. and in Johannesburg, S.A.; in addition to a 32-city U.S. tour across the East Coast this past March and April, which was one of the Top 20 grossing tours this year according to Pollstar Magazine. Additionally, Johnny Depp’s film “Dark Shadows,” features The Moody Blues’ legendary classic hit, “Nights In White Satin,” in the film and on the soundtrack. “Nights In White Satin”, originally released from the "Days of Future Passed." album, is one of the biggest selling singles in history, and hit No. 1 three separate times on Billboard. The tour will stop at 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 9 at The Family Arena in St. Charles. Tickets can be purchased at the Family Arena Ticket Office or online at www.metrotix.com. Prices: $97 (Gold Circle), $74 (Floor), $55 (Lower Level), $45 (Upper Level) To charge by phone call MetroTix at 314-534-1111. For help purchasing accessible seating, please call The Family Arena ADA Hotline at 636896-4234.

Peabody to host Primus in 3D Primus is excited to announce a unique 3D tour this fall, featuring


two sets per evening. Primus comes to Peabody Opera House on October 28th. Tickets are on sale now. This is the first-ever traveling 3D enhanced live musical performance. This groundbreaking tour is sure to provide a one-of-a-kind psychedelic experience that is further enhanced by the fact that every show will also feature Quad Surround Sound. Tickets are $35-$55 and can be purchased at the Ford Box Office at Scottrade Center, livenation.com, ticketmaster.com all Ticketmaster Ticket Centers or by phone at 800745-3000. There is a facility fee on all tickets purchased at all locations, including at the Scottrade Center Box Office. Additional Ticketmaster service charges and handling fees apply to all tickets purchased through Ticketmaster outlets, by phone or online. For disabled seating, call 314-622-5420.

LCCC announces fall music scheduled The Lewis and Clark Community College Music Department is announcing its Fall 2012 calendar. All events are free and open to the public, with the exception of the Alton Symphony Orchestra concerts. For additional tion on these events and more, contact the Music office at (618) 468-4731 or log on to www. lc.edu/music. September Tuesday, Sept. 11 Jim Manley in Concert Presented by the Hayner Public Library System and L&C Music Department 7:30 p.m., Benjamin Godfrey Memorial Chapel Wednesday, Sept. 12 Brown Bag Salon – The Landolfi Quartet A string quartet performing a mix of classics and classic rock Bring your lunch – Noon, Ringhausen Music Building Monday, Sept. 17 Brown Bag Salon Extra – “Music and Memories of the Civil War” The Battle of Antietam – R e f l e c t i o n s b y D r. K e l l y Oberneufemann with music by Limited Edition Bring your lunch - Noon, Ringhausen Music Building Organ Spectacular III 7:30 p.m., Benjamin Godfrey Memorial Chapel Friday, Sept. 21 Faculty Concert 7 p.m., Ringhausen Music Building Wednesday, Sept. 26 Brown Bag Salon – Featuring Bud Shultz and the “You Can’t Beat Experience” Jazz Band B r i n g Yo u r Lu nch – No on , Ringhausen Music Building October Wednesday, Oct. 3 Brown Bag Salon – “Opera A-LaCarte” Featuring Susan Parton Stanard and guests Bring your lunch – Noon, Ringhausen Music Building Tuesday, Oct. 9 Student Recital 12:30 p.m., Benjamin Godfrey Memorial Chapel Wednesday, Oct. 10 Brown Bag Salon – Featuring Doug Byrkit on acoustic guitar Bring your lunch – Noon, Ringhausen Music Building Tuesday, Oct. 16 Brown Bag Salon Extra – Featuring Rebekah Heckler, Jennifer Heckler and Andrea Heckler on violin Bring your lunch – 11 a.m.,

On the Edge of the Weekend

Ringhausen Music Building Wednesday, Oct. 17 Brown Bag Salon – Featuring Wayne Kimler on solo classical guitar Performing compositions from around the world Bring your lunch – Noon, Ringhausen Music Building Saturday, Oct. 20 Heroes of Alton – Featuring the Alton Symphony Orchestra and the L&C Concert Choir In conjunction with the celebration of the 175th Anniversary of Alton 7 p.m., Ann Whitney Olin Theatre, Hatheway Cultural Center Tuesday, Oct. 23 Fall Choral Concert – “Autumn Intermezzo” Featuring the Concert Choir, Limited Edition and the Riverbend Children’s Chorus 7 p.m., Hatheway Cultural Center Gallery

Wednesday, Oct. 31 Brown Bag Salon – Featuring The Louis Michael Trio Bring your lunch – Noon, Ringhausen Music Building November Tuesday, Nov. 6 Student Recital 12:30 p.m., Benjamin Godfrey Memorial Chapel Wednesday, Nov. 7 Brown Bag – “Music of Francis Poulenc” Featuring Barbara Kramer, Susan Parton Stanard, Pauline Stillwell and Ann Davidson Bring your lunch – Noon, Ringhausen Music Building Monday, Nov.19 L&C Jazz Band Concert 7:30 p.m., Advanced Technology Center - Trimpe 141 Sunday, Nov. 25 Limited Edition Holiday Concert – “Caroler’s Noel”

In conjunction with the Hayner Library Recital Series 3 p.m., Evangelical United Church of Christ, 1212 W. Homer Adams Parkway in Godfrey Seating reservations not needed. Monday, Nov. 26 Guitar and Wind Ensemble Concert Featuring the L&C Guitar Ensemble and the L&C Wind Ensemble 7 p.m., Ringhausen Music Building Tuesday, Nov. 27 Student Recital 12:30 p.m., Benjamin Godfrey Memorial Chapel Choral Holiday Concert – “Sleigh Bells and Snowflakes” Featuring the Concert Choir, Limited Edition and the Riverbend Children’s Chorus 7:30 p.m., Hatheway Cultural Center Gallery

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Music Music calendar Thursday, Aug. 16

Tuesday, Aug. 21

Chris Knight, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Radio Star, Fast Eddie's Bon Air, Alton, 7:00 p.m. Starring, Guardian Angel, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Meek Mill w/ Rockie Fresh, The Pageant, St. Louis, doors 6:30 p.m. Sublime with Rome, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater, Maryland Heights, 6:00 p.m. Turbid North w/ Compelled to Destroy, invicta, Fubar, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Aaron Kamm & the One Drops, Laurie's Place (Back Bar), Edwardsville, 10:00 p.m.

Thomas Wynn & The Believers, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Mark Johnson, Laurie's Place (Front Bar), Edwardsville, 6:30 p.m. The Blue Canyon Boys, Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m.

Friday, Aug. 17

Thursday, Aug. 23

Wednesday, Aug. 22 Jay N Waylon, Fast Eddie's Bon Air, Alton, 6:00 p.m. The Fixx, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. A Silent Film w/ Wax Wine, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Mo' Pleasure, Laurie's Place (Front Bar), Edwardsville, 6:30 p.m.

Pepperland (Beatles Revue), Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Ralph Butler, 3:00 p.m. / Fantasy, 8:00 p.m., Fast Eddie's Bon Air, Alton Ri n g , C i c a d a , C e n t a u r, T h e Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. John Paul Keith, Yankee Racers, Brother Father, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Makeshift Prodigy, The Rogue, Fubar, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Hobo Jungle, Laurie's Place (Back Bar), Edwardsville, 9:30 p.m. Cave w/ Catacombz, Skarerauradio, Plush St. Louis, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Mo' Pleasure, Villa Marie Winery, Maryville, 7:00 p.m.

Ultraviolets, Fast Eddie's Bon Air, Alton, 7:00 p.m. Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. R a v e l l o w / Vi b r a s l a p , T h e Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Fit For An Autopsy w/ The Odius Massacre, Fubar, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. DJ Too Tall, Laurie's Place (Back Bar), Edwardsville, 9:30 p.m. Santah w/ Union Tree Review, Vintage Years, Plush St. Louis, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. The Dream Tour w/ David Sanborn & Brian Culbertson, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.

Saturday, Aug. 18

Sable, 3:00 p.m. / Millennium, 8:00 p.m., Fast Eddie's Bon Air, Alton Rockin' Chair, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Dear Landlord w/ Sink the Bismark, The Mondales, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m. Icon & Anchor, Fubar, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m.

O c k u m ' s R a z o r - 1 0 Ye a r Anniversary Show, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Hoosier Daddy's, 3:00 p.m. / Fantasy, 8:00 p.m., Fast Eddie's Bon Air, Alton Derrick Striebig, Danny Fruend, Tennessee Two Piece, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Miss Jubilee and the Humdingers, Bobby's Frozen Custard, Maryville, 7:30 p.m. The Chris Robinson Brotherhood, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. The Orbz Final Show w/ The Few, Glass Academy, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Hemorrhaging Elysium, Tyranny Enthroned, Fubar, St. Louis, Doors 5:00 p.m. Jam Session w/ Mo' Pleasure, 2:00 p.m. / 420 Crossing, 6:30 p.m., Laurie's Place (Front Bar), Edwardsville Fraid Not, Laurie's Place (Back Bar), Edwardsville, 9:30 p.m. Buffalo Clover, Plush St. Louis, St. Louis, Doors 8:30 p.m.

Friday, Aug. 24

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Sunday, Aug. 19 The Dirty Guv'nahs, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Hoosier Daddy's, 2:00 p.m. / Jamberilla, 7:00 p.m., Fast Eddie's Bon Air, Alton Pomegranates w/ Men Working in Trees, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m. Naked Rock Fight, Bobby's Frozen Custard, Maryville, 7:30 p.m. Black-Phaze, C-Sharp, Fubar, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. The Doggs, Laurie's Place (Patio), Edwardsville, 3:00 p.m. Roley Overmeyer, Villa Marie Winery, Maryville, 3:00 p.m.

Monday, Aug. 20 Murder by Death w/ Ha Ha Tonka, The 4onthefloor, Plush St. Louis, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Vektor w/ Black Fast, Acedia, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m.

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Aug. 16, 2012

On the Edge of the Weekend


Travel By CLAUDIA PEROZZI For The Edge Editor's note: This is the second in a two-part series. Author Claudia Perozzi, and her husband Bill, are former Glen Carbon residents who are spending their retirement seeing as much of the world as they can. Great expectations filled my head anticipating St. Petersburg, Russia. Frequently expecting too much can turn a good experience into a disappointing one. But fear not. St. Petersburg not only did not disappoint, it exceeded my expectations. Right in the middle of the Baltic cruise that my husband Bill and I took in June, we spent two days in St. Petersburg. Our literature referred to it as “The Pearl” and it certainly seemed to be the most outstanding jewel in the lovely setting of the Baltic cities we visited. We could not tour on our own without expensive visas so Bill had made arrangements for us to join SPB Tours. His thorough Internet search had led to finding this package that was less expensive than the ship’s excursions and limited the group to a much smaller size. We saw their welcoming signs as soon as we left our docked ship. Our pretty, young, blonde guide, who spoke English with a pleasing Russian accent, led our group of 11 Americans and Canadians to a comfortable van. Our ride down the main street of St. Petersburg, Nevsky-Prospekt, gave us the picture of a bustling, cosmopolitan city, with a population of 5 million, second largest to Moscow. We stopped at an entrance to the subway and rode down the longest escalator I have ever taken. We marveled at the marble on the subway platform and at

Bill and Claudia Perozzi Above, a street scene on Nevsky-Prospekt. Below, the Church of the Spilled Blood. the completely clean condition of everything in sight. Back on ground level we rode to a fresh food market, so colorful and abundant with fruit, vegetables and fish.

Our first main sight was St. Isaac’s Cathedral, the largest Russian Orthodox cathedral in the city. A statue of Nicholas I on horseback seems to guard the

entrance while a corresponding one of Peter the Great on horseback sits on a huge rock behind the church. The cathedral’s great dome, which is plated with pure gold, influenced

the design of the United States Capitol. The most iconic church in the city is the Church of the Spilled Blood which was built on the site where Alexander II was assassinated in 1881. He was known as the Great Reformer for freeing the serfs, among other reforms. We couldn’t miss the similarity to Lincoln. This Russian Orthodox church beams with colors in its multifaceted onion-shaped domes, some solid gold, some decorated like Faberge eggs. Equally colorful on the inside, it is second only to the St. Louis Cathedral in number of mosaics in a church. Next we drove onto the Hare Island in the Neva Delta to the Peter and Paul Fortress, founded in 1703. The fortress practically takes up the whole island and contains very important remains. In the church with a gold spire on top and long lines of tourists in front, we finally got to see tombs of most of the Russian czars, including Peter the Great and Catherine the Great. These two “Greats” were not blood related and were two generations apart. Besides many other accomplishments, in regard to St. Petersburg, Peter the Great carved out the canals and built the city; Catherine the Great decorated it. After a lunch of soup and pancakes and a boat ride through the canals, we arrived at the Winter Palace attached to the Hermitage Museum. This imposing three story, neoclassical green building with gold trim and white columns seemed to be a magnet for tourists. The hallways leading in were packed.

Continued on Page 17


On the Edge of the Weekend

Aug. 16, 2012

Travel Feast Continued from Page 16 Fortunately we were equipped with headsets so we could hear our guide and she could hopefully keep us from getting lost. The Winter Palace, the former main residence of the Russian czars, is over-the-top ornate and opulent with gold trim and crystal chandeliers reflected in many mirrors a la Versailles. The whole complex is imported French décor, the high fashion at the time of the construction and installation. We tourists voiced our appreciation with “Oho” and “Aha” and “Wow!” repeated many times. We flowed from the Palace into the Hermitage, the huge museum that includes more than three million works of art. This is what I had heard about the most and anticipated the most. I had read that when Catherine wanted some masterpiece, she was willing to buy a whole estate’s works of art just to get the peice she wanted. This treasure trove includes the largest collection of paintings in the world with all the famous names: Rembrandt, Renoir, Monet, Van Gogh, Cezanne, Matisse, just to name some. There were also rooms of tapestries and porcelains with sculptures throughout. Surprisingly, we tourists were allowed to take flash photos as close to the art works as we wanted. The whole experience was overwhelming and ended our first day on a very high note. As wonderful as our first day was, the second day was even better. The rare sunny day began with a hydrofoil ride out to Peterhof, which is Dutch for Peter’s Court. On our own we strolled though stylized flower beds surrounding fountains and statues. A group of children gathered around an area of cobblestones and took turns walking over them. Stepping on some of the

Bill and Claudia Perozzi

Above, the Peterhof. Below right, Claudia Perozzi inside Catherine's Palace. Below left, the exterior of Catherine's Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia stones triggered a spray of water and a round of laughter. We followed pathways in the gardens that led to the spectacular sight of Peterhof, a huge yellow, white-trimmed, copper-roofed palace. Peter, who created the army and the navy, thought on a large scale and his estate reflects his greatness. From the tiled terrace we overlooked fountains with larger

than life-size gold figures gleaming in the sun and geysers of water catching glints of sunlight. We had

are towers with onion shaped domes of gleaming gold. Our guide explained that Catherine’s

The palace wasn’t as crowded as the museum so we could wander to an extent and take photos any

a perfect day to see such amazing sights. I could have stayed and soaked in the beauty for hours but my reverie was interrupted by our guide calling us to lunch. Our group enjoyed trading superlatives as we lunched on corn salad, borsht soup, little pierogies (pillow shaped dough stuffed with potatoes and cheese) and ice cream. From the restaurant we rode by van to the home and statue of Alexander Pushkin, Russia’s most famous poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. On we rode to Catherine’s Palace, arriving at a gold gilded gate opening on to a brilliant blue, neoclassical palace with a front face more than eight football fields wide. Gold male statues serve as pillars as they seem to hold floors of the structure on their shoulders. At the corners of the main section

Palace was built for Peter the Great’s second wife, who was named Catherine, but was later also used by Catherine the Great. She commented that she hadn’t heard us say “Wow!” lately and several of us replied that we were just speechless. Inside we were required to put booties over our shoes, like crime scene investigators. As we walked up the main staircase I wanted to go in slow motion to see all the lovely details, like medallions made into sconces. In the great halls, gilded gold mirrors reflected more gilded gold. Very inviting dining tables were set to show lavish displays of table ware. Some rooms had mannequins wearing the elaborate dress of the day. Even many of the walls were dressed in rich fabric. “Wow!” just wasn’t enough.

where, except in the amber room. Yes, one room has walls covered in amber: red, orange and yellow amber gemstones, again too dazzling for words. But the most extraordinary thing is that all the amber had been stolen during World War II and now the room is completely restored based on photos of the original decorations. Amazingly, much of the palace was destroyed in the war and now it is completely restored and maintained in immaculate condition. This sumptuous feast for our eyes in St. Petersburg satisfied me for the whole cruise. Well, I still had a few more meals on the ship. But being in St. Petersburg was like dining at a five star restaurant, being served a five course meal and not gaining weight.

Aug. 16, 2012

On the Edge of the Weekend



QuickGlance Movie Reviews

“Katy Perry: Part of Me”

This Katy Perry documentary and its forerunner, “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never,” are mesmerizing pieces of pop propaganda. Both 3-D concert films give a reality TV-style portrait of a young star, scrubbed clean, at the pinnacle of pop: touring sold-out arenas while making Herculean sacrifices, always finding time for their fans and goofing around with their entourages of stylists and assistants. They’re unabashedly commercial movies made about unabashedly commercial enterprises. And yet they’re kind of fascinating. That’s because “Part of Me” is as good a document you’re likely to find of modern pop stardom: how it’s packaged, how it’s sold and what kind of power it holds over screaming ‘tween girls. The film, directed by reality show veterans Dan Cutforth and Jane Lipsitz (the pair produced “Never Say Never,”) follows Perry’s 2011 California Dreams world tour. The blue-haired, dinnerplate eyed 27-year-old makes for a compelling character, but the film doesn’t succeed as a full portrait. A less PG-friendly, more complicated version of the star surely exists off-screen. It must. RATED: PG for some suggestive content, language, thematic elements and brief smoking. RUNNING TIME: 97 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Two and a half stars out of four.

“Take This Waltz”

Here’s how masterfully Sarah Polley manipulates tone in just her second film as writer and director: She takes the Buggles’ peppy ‘80s anthem “Video Killed the Radio Star,” best known as the video that launched MTV, and finds unexpected poignancy in it. Following Polley’s beautiful 2006 debut “Away From Her,” “Take This Waltz” further establishes the young Canadian as an exciting filmmaker to watch, one with a maturity beyond her years. She takes risks, isn’t afraid to explore raw emotions and is willing to let her characters make mistakes that could make them unlikable. At the same time, Polley (who’s been an actress herself) never judges them. Instead, she depicts the giddy, fleeting and illusory nature of new love, and lets us get caught up in it, too. Michelle Williams gives the kind of subtle, complex performance we’ve come to expect from her as Margot, a freelance writer living in Toronto with her husband of five years, Lou (Seth Rogen, surprisingly good in a more low-key, dramatic role), a cook who spends his days in the kitchen working on chicken recipes. While out of town for an assignment, Margot meets Daniel (Luke Kirby). Their chemistry is immediate but it becomes even more obvious once they find they’re seated together on the flight home. Then as they share a cab from the airport, it turns out they just happen to live across the street from each other. As Margot and Daniel find reasons to bump into each other, the flirtation and tension steadily build. RATED: R for language, some strong sexual content and graphic nudity. RUNNING TIME: 116 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three and a half stars out of four.

"Killer Joe"

Matthew McConaughey has enjoyed a bit of a reinvention over the past year or so, casting aside eager-to-please roles in forgettable romantic comedies for dark, serious work in films with more shading and complexity to them. But McConaughey’s evolution reaches a thunderous crescendo in “Killer Joe,” in which he plays the title character: a meticulously smooth Dallas police detective with a side business as a hit man. He’s calm and controlling, soft-spoken and impeccably dressed. And he’s extremely dangerous. If you look closely, McConaughey hasn’t changed all that


On the Edge of the Weekend

much. All these performances call upon him to play on his persona, to work that seductive charm with his sexy smile and Texas twang, but now he’s doing it for dubious if not deadly purposes. As he embraces his maturity, he’s establishing a much more powerful screen presence. Joe is the frightening figure at the center of William Friedkin’s pulpy Southwestern noir, full of drug dealers and trailer parks, diner tips and tuna casseroles. This is the second time the veteran director of “The Exorcist” and “The French Connection” has adapted a play from Pulitzer Prize-winner Tracy Letts; their first collaboration was 2007’s “Bug,” about a couple who hide in a motel room and feed on each other’s paranoia, with Letts adapting the screenplay both times. “Killer Joe” is seriously graphic and squirm-inducing, especially at its climax — there’s a reason it earned an NC-17 rating — but while it may sound crass to enjoy on-screen violence at a time like this, the movie can be hilarious and unexpectedly fun. RATED: NC-17 for graphic disturbing content involving violence and sexuality, and a scene of brutality. RUNNING TIME: 103 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.

“Ruby Sparks”

“Ruby Sparks” slyly, smartly pokes holes in the romanticism of the Manic Pixie Dreamgirl, specifically. But it also toys with the larger notion of idealizing people you don’t really know just because you’ve fallen for them and want all that warm, gooey stuff to be true. Superficially, it’s about the struggle to create, as seen through the writer’s block an acclaimed novelist suffers in trying to craft his sophomore effort. But it’s also about the fantasies we all create in our heads, the detours from reality that assuage us. Delightfulness and charm ultimately win out over any deep revelations, though, as the script from Zoe Kazan — who also stars as the title character — keeps things light and bright. This is also true of the brisk direction from Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, the husband-andwife team behind “Little Miss Sunshine,” which was the very definition of a crowd-pleaser. The fact that Kazan and costar Paul Dano have been a real-life couple for the past five years provides a bit of intriguing context, but their on-screen romance is more universally relatable. Dano stars as Calvin, a writer who achieved worldwide success and acclaim at a staggeringly young age with a novel that gets mentioned in the same breath with “The Catcher in the Rye.” Years later, he’s still trying to follow that up. He wakes up each day by himself, drags his lanky body upstairs to his home office and stares at an empty sheet of white paper that sits in the typewriter, quietly mocking him. RATED: R for language, including some sexual references, and for some drug use. RUNNING TIME: 104 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.

"Step Up Revolution"

With “Step Up Revolution,” their second summertime atbat after “Rock of Ages,” producers Adam Shankman and Jennifer Gibgot return to one of the things they do best — making young unknowns look like the next big thing. In its fourth installment, however, the “Step Up” franchise has traded an air of inevitability for one of predictability. While die-hard fans and dance fanatics will respond on the opening weekend, ongoing competition from superheroes and cute cartoon characters may slow momentum in subsequent weeks. After dancing its way across Baltimore and New York City in previous iterations, “Step Up” moves to Miami, where homeboys Sean (Ryan Guzman) and Eddy (Misha Gabriel) have been best buds since toddler-hood and now lead a local dance flash mob known as, well, “The Mob,” just to keep things simple. Together with their crew, including choreographers, visual artists and a DJ, the guys

Aug. 16, 2012

have been busting out surprise dance numbers all over Miami and shooting video to compete in a YouTube contest to win $1 million. Sean’s day job as a waiter at a luxury hotel helps support his dance habit and pay the rent on the house he shares with his single-mom sister (Megan Boone) and niece. When Emily Anderson (Kathryn McCormick) turns up at the hotel — owned by her father Bill (Peter Gallagher), a ruthless real-estate developer — for a summer of bartending while preparing to audition for a coveted spot with a high-toned local dance company, attraction inevitably sparks between the two. RATED: PG-13 for some suggestive dancing and language. RUNNING TIME: 97 minutes.

"Celeste and Jesse Forever"

"Celeste and Jesse Forever" features all the familiar, triedand-true romantic comedy trappings. After the break-up of her marriage, our headstrong, type-A heroine (Rashida Jones) goes on a series of dates with guys who are terrible matches; naturally, there's also a man she meets and instantly clashes with (the suddenly ubiquitous and very good Chris Messina), who will probably end up being Mr. Right by the end. She has a wisecracking best friend (Ari Graynor) AND a wisecracking gay co-worker (Elijah Wood). She has a demanding career in media (as a trend forecaster) and lives and plays in a trendy, specifically detailed section of Los Angeles (Silver Lake/Echo Park). The script (which Jones cowrote) features plenty of pop culture references to keep the film rooted in a recognizable, contemporary reality, complete with a Britney Spears-style, bad-girl pop star (Emma Roberts) who functions as Celeste's nemesis. But ... it only seems like you've seen this movie countless times before. "Celeste and Jesse Forever" is by no means a parody of romantic comedy cliches, but rather an acknowledgement of them en route to an exploration of greater emotional truths. RATED: R for language, sexual content and drug use. RUNNING TIME: 91 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.

“The Babymakers”

“The Babymakers” is the kind of comedy that makes you appreciate Judd Apatow all the more. This is what happens when emotion and character are sacrificed for jokes, when set pieces are preferred over narrative, when a movie is just a collection of so-so gags. “The Babymakers” isn’t exactly an official Broken Lizard comedy (“Super Troopers,” “Beerfest”), but it bears the comedy troupe’s hallmarks of goofy gratuity and goodnatured slapstick. It’s directed by the group’s Jay Chadrasekhar (he also appears as a former Indian mobster) and features a number of its members, most notably Kevin Hefffernan. But the film’s stars are from far outside the Broken Lizard sphere. Playing a married couple trying, and failing, to have a child are Paul Schneider (“All the Real Girls,” “Bright Star”) and Olivia Munn (the “Daily Show” correspondent and supporting playing on HBO’s “The Newsroom”). Both are curious leads for a broad comedy — Schneider because he has definite acting chops (his performance in “All the Real Girls” is a rare combination tender and funny), and Munn because she’s almost distractingly stunning. RATED: R for crude and sexual content, brief graphic nudity, language and some drug use. RUNNING TIME: 95 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: One and a half stars out of four.

Movies Another romantic comedy you've seen before By CHRISTY LEMIRE Associated Press "Celeste and Jesse Forever" features all the familiar, tried-and-true romantic comedy trappings. After the break-up of her marriage, our headstrong, type-A heroine (Rashida Jones) goes on a series of dates with guys who are terrible matches; naturally, there's also a man she meets and instantly clashes with (the suddenly ubiquitous and very good Chris Messina), who will probably end up being Mr. Right by the end. She has a wisecracking best friend (Ari Graynor) AND a wisecracking gay co-worker (Elijah Wood). She has a demanding career in media (as a trend forecaster) and lives and plays in a trendy, specifically detailed section of Los Angeles (Silver Lake/Echo Park). The script (which Jones co-wrote) features plenty of pop culture references to keep the film rooted in a recognizable, contemporary reality, complete with a Britney Spears-style, bad-girl pop star (Emma Roberts) who functions as Celeste's nemesis.

Associated Press

Andy Samberg as Jesse, right, and Rashida Jones as Celeste in a scene from "Celeste & Jesse Forever." But ... it only seems like you've seen this movie countless times before. "Celeste and Jesse Forever" is by no means a parody of romantic comedy cliches, but rather an acknowledgement of them en route to an exploration of greater emotional truths. In the hands of director Lee

Toland Krieger, it feels like an arthouse version of what is ordinarily a glossy, jaunty genre. In the place of peppy, Top-40 hits to keep the energy high, "Celeste and Jesse Forever" features some unexpected, melancholy musical choices. But this aesthetic approach also includes the use of way too much hand-

held camera, which is sometimes distracting when stillness might have served an intimate moment better. J o n e s a n d c o - w r i t e r Wi l l McCormack, who plays a supporting part as the film's pot dealer/voice of reason, based the script on their realization after just three weeks of dating that they'd be better off as friends. Celeste and Jesse (Andy Samberg) have been together much longer: They fell in love in high school, went to college together and married young. Now that they're 30, the driven Celeste realizes just how different she and her unemployedartist husband truly are. At the film's start, they've been separated six months, but Jesse is still living behind their house in the converted garage/studio. And they're still best friends. But their engaged mutual pals (Graynor and Eric Christian Olsen) don't understand this unusual arrangement and urge them to stay together or get divorced once and for all. "Celeste and Jesse Forever" follows the ways in which they both struggle to make that transition. It feels very truthful in its gray areas, and in

depicting the contradiction between the need to move onto something new and the desire to cling to something safe. Even a character's obligatory epiphany in front of a large group of people rings with an unusual amount of honesty, it's so nicely underplayed. Jones and Samberg have such an easy, goofy chemistry with each other, you could make the argument for their characters to stay together while also understanding why they should probably forge separate lives. Both actors also get a chance to show a deeper, more complex side to their talents beyond the comic roots for which they're known. (Although Jones' dramatic performance is bit more convincing; there's a great groundedness and accessibility about her.) Watching them together in this setting is reminiscent of the joy of discovering Maya Rudolph and John Krasinski's more serious sides in "Away We Go," the 2009 comic drama from Sam Mendes about a couple expecting their first baby who travel across North America looking for the ideal place to settle down.

"Hope Springs" fills late-summer void By ROBERT GRUBAUGH For The Edge They should have sent a poet. That’s the sentiment, right, when someone is asked to describe or make comment on something that they lack the words for? I’m rarely speechless so I’ll do my best to help you understand the new movie Hope Springs. It deals with a few things – marriage and therapy – on which I have no personal experience, but the examples of my siblings and parents might put me in a better position than most. I’ll give it a whirl. Regardless, the picture is a shining display of the acting talents of Meryl Streep (who needs no praise) and Steve Carrel (who is so pitifully underrated that it hurts). Grab someone you love and go see this show. As a couple celebrating their thirty-first anniversary, and the successful rearing of two adult children, Kay (Streep) and Arnold (Tommy Lee Jones) are stuck in the same rut that many couples face after

so many years of companionship. They’ve fallen into a very familiar routine that accomplishes all of the rudimentary task of life, but fails to celebrate the romance that brought them together in the first place. Kay cooks and cleans and works parttime at a boutique operated by her friend (Jean Smart), but she doesn’t bring up the long-held secret that her marriage is unhappy. Her communication skills are nearly non-existent, but for when she issues ultimatums to get what she needs. Arnold is grumpy and miserly and quick to judgment. He also fails to keep up his end of the marriage by failing to remind his wife of why he works so hard to provide for them in the first place. When confronted with the fact that he hasn’t kissed his wife in a long while, he actually thinks that he has been doing so all along. He’s content to co-exist and then fall asleep watching the Golf Channel every night. No laughs here. Kay’s longing builds up to a pressure point and the two find

themselves winging eastward to Great Hope Springs, a charming seaside town in Maine, where they will spend an expensive week taking an intensive couples’ therapy course by a renowned author and counselor named Bernie (Carrel). Bernie has them complete many exercises designed to make them remember the emotional foundations of their marriage and the sexual intimacy that goes along with it. The movie is surprisingly adult in its content, but the material is presented in a caring, and often clinical way. More conservative moviegoers may object to some of the jargon and activities that are displayed, but it’s nothing that most of the world’s population doesn’t deal with in a normal day. Some of the movie even uses Arnold’s gruff exterior and Kay’s prudishness for big laughs. Don’t be mistaken, though. This is a serious drama. The therapy sessions in this movie are bliss for Kay, but brutal for her husband. They force Arnold to explore the parts of his

compassion and desire for his wife that have simply evaporated with age. Jones, who is no Spring Chicken, is a great choice to play the role of the boorish husband, even if I found his penny-pinching and constant griping a bit of an annoyance. The progress he makes will win you over, simply but the loving gestures that he’s reminded to make, by movie’s end. Elisabeth Shue cameos as a lovelorn bartender, but this movie belongs entirely to its three principle actors. They all pull their weight

and make a great film, but Carrel is the standout. He plays Bernie with a deadpan earnestness and a sincere good will. He is a great comic actor. We all know that, but his dramatic performances like Dan in Real Life and Seeking a Friend for the End of the World, have not gotten the notice they deserve. I look forward to more of his fine work. "Hope Springs" runs 120 minutes and is rated PG-13 for mature thematic content involving sexuality. I give this film two and a half stars out of four.

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Aug. 16, 2012

On the Edge of the Weekend


Dining Delights

Bill Roseberry/The Edge

Above, the fried mac daddy burger. Below, the entrance to Lotawata Creek.

You Gotta' Eat Lotawata Creek Southern Grill in Fairview Heights lets you do just that By BILL ROSEBERRY Of The Edge For the overindulgent eater, Lotawata Creek Southern Grill in Fairview Heights can only be described as a paradise. There should be a Surgeon General’s warning when you enter Lotawata Creek because there is a pretty good chance you’re going to expand your stomach a couple sizes and may have to whittle a new hole in your belt when you leave. Lotawata Creek, located at 311 Salem Place in Fairview Heights, is an ode to good ol' southern hospitality. The menu includes an abudance of southern style dishes, including a southern fried pork chop, chicken pot pie, Creole chicken and Cajun pasta to name a few. And you can always count on a heaping of servings. The first mistake many rookie patrons make when they visit Lotawata Creek is ordering an appetizer. Yes, they may look delicious but be prepared to take home leftovers. A side order of onion rings is delivered in a bucket and an order of French fries includes its own plate piled practically to the ceiling. On my recent excursion to Lotawata Creek, I followed the conservative rule and still got my butt kicked. I attempted the fried mac daddy burger and it hit me with an unforeseen right hook that rivaled that of Iron Mike Tyson in his prime. The fried mac daddy burger starts out with a 10 ounce burger and tops it with American cheese. That doesn’t sound so tough. But then comes the artistic masterpiece that puts this gargantuan sandwich over the top – a fried macaroni and cheese patty. Then slap on lettuce, a thick piece of tomato and a heaping of sliced red onions and the heavyweight burger is complete. To top it off, the fried mac daddy burger is accompanied by a heaping order of French fries. I like to consider myself an accomplished


eater who can put away whopping volumes of food in a sitting, but the fried mac daddy burger knocked my ego down a couple of notches. I was barely able to make it through a third of this monster and still had a fair amount of fries remaining when I hit my limit, too. The iron punch of the fried mac daddy burger came from the heaviness of all the cheeses. It definitely wasn’t short on taste. The burger was moist and juicy, the crispy crumb outer coat of the mac and cheese patty gave way to a sensational runny prize of creamy macaroni and the lettuce, tomato and onions

On the Edge of the Weekend

Aug. 16, 2012

were extremely fresh. The French fries were delicious, too. Packed with a peppery seasoning, they have a hearty taste. Anyone who attempts this entree can expect a to-go box for sure. Another all-star that accompanied my meal was the fresh bread which came with an unforgettable cinnamon butter spread to slather on. All breads are made from scratch in the Lotawata Creek bakery. I was visiting Lotawata Creek for lunch with my mother, a big fan of their green beans, which she ordered. The green beans and the broccoli there are spiced with a poultry

seasoning which gives them an appeasing original taste for the palate. Lotawata Creek boasts a mammoth menu also. It’s broken down into categories including: appetizers, soups and salads, Lotawata’s down south and colossal sandwiches, big south burgers, southern favorites, Lotawata Creek classics, Texas prime cut steaks and New Orleans prime rib, classic steak dinners, seafood, Lotawata Creek southern barbecue, Lotawata sides, a children’s menu and an all new lunch menu with smaller portions. Some of the awesome delicacies that comprise these categories are: a steak and rib combo for $19.49 and the big heart attack burger for $13.99 that takes a 10 ounce hamburger patty and smothers it with six slices of American cheese and three slices of Provel cheese, puts it on a homemade bun and then deep fries it in a beer batter to a golden brown. It is said to be served with something called high blood pressure sauce also. There is also the king of all Lotawata Creek sandwiches, the big hillbilly royale fried pork chop sandwich, for $13.99. This creation would make Dr. Frankenstein proud. It starts with a half pound fried pork chop, cooked like a country fried steak, then gets three eggs, bacon, American cheese and sausage gravy and is slapped on a buttery toasted French bread bun and served with French fries and a side of sausage gravy. A laundry list of other scrumptious meals can be found on Lotawata Creek’s website, www.lotawata.com. As far as price goes, two people can eat there for roughly $25 to $40. It’s not the cheapest place, but reasonable, and when you consider you will likely have another full meal the next day, it’s worth the visit. Lotawata Creek is definitely not a place where you go away hungry and that’s a good thing. I know I’ll be back, because after all, you gotta eat.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012— www.theintelligencer.com

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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MADISON COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION NO. 11-P-346 IN THE MATTER OF ) THE ESTATE OF ) RYAN J. STOLCIS, Deceased ) CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given in the death of Ryan J. Stolcis. Letters of Independent Administration were issued to Sarah M. Stolcis, 80 Lucinda Dr., Glen Carbon, IL 62034, whose attorney is Lorraine K. Cavataio, Sandberg Phoenix & von Gontard P.C., 784 Wall Street, Suite 100, O’Fallon, Illinois 62269. Claims against the Estate may be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Madison County Courthouse, 155 North Main Street, ESuite 120, dwardsville, IL 62025, or with the representative, or both, on or before March 1, 2013, or three months from the date of mailing or delivery of this Notice to creditors, whichever is later, and any claim not filed on or before said date is void.



NOTICE OF ORDINANCE 1-2011 TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Library Trustees of the Glen Carbon Centennial Library, pursuant to “An Act regulating wages of laborers, mechanics and other workers employed in any public works by the state, county, city or any public body or any political subdivision or by anyone under contract for public works”, approved June 26, 1941, as amended, has determined on, and as effective from, July 1, 2012 that the general prevailing rate of wages in this locality for laborers, mechanics and other workers engaged in the construction of public works coming under the jurisdiction of the Library, is the same as determined by the Department of Labor of the State of Illinois for Madison or St. Clair County as of July 1, 2012. A copy of the full resolution and the Department of Labor determination is available for inspection by any interested party in the Director’s office of the Library at 198 S. Main Street, Glen Carbon, Illinois, and to any employer or association of employers and any person or association of employees who have filed, or file their names and addresses, requesting requesting copies of the same.

Within ten days after filing of the Claim with the Clerk, the claimant shall cause a copy of Glen Carbon Centennial the Claim to be mailed or delivLibrary ered to the representative of the By: David P. Jobe Estate and to the representaSecretary of tive’s attorney of record. the Board of Trustees July 25, 2012 SARAH M. STOLCIS (8/15) INDEPENDENT ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MADISON COUNTY ZONING THIS DOCUMENT BOARD OF APPEALS PREPARED BY: Lorraine K. Cavataio, Notice is hereby given that the #6228987 above named Board of Appeals, Sandberg Phoenix established under the terms of & von Gontard P.C. the Madison County Zoning 784 Wall Street, Suite 100 Ordinance, will hold a public O’Fallon, IL 62269 hearing on 08/30/2012, at the (618) 397-2721 time and place as noted below (8/1, 8, 15) for the purpose of hearing testimony from the public for the following proposed change:


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Petition of Matthew Blume, owner of record, requesting Special Use Permit as per Article 93.023, Section D and a Variance per Article 93.100 of the Madison County Zoning Ordinance in order to have 12 farm animals on site instead of the allowable 7. This is located in an Agricultural District in Hamel Township, more commonly known as 7431 State Route 140, Edwardsville, Illinois. Parcel Number: 11-1-10-07-00-000-018. Applicant/Petitioner: Blume, Matthew Date and Time of Hearing: 08/30/2012, 9:15 am All interested persons may attend both the public hearing and the deliberations of the Madison County Zoning Board of Appeals in person, in writing or by Counsel. The public hearing is an opportunity for public comment.



ASSUMED NAME PUBLICATION NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on August 1, 2012, a Certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Madison County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as TINA’S PET GROOMING, located at 529 St. Louis Street, Edwardsville, IL 62025. Dated August 1, 2012 MARK VON NIDA Madison County Clerk (8/8, 15, 22)

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Carrier Routes 401 305

Substitute motor route driver needed for August 30, 31, and September 1st. Area includes: Glen Carbon Rd, Glen Crossing Rd, Meridian Rd, Rt 162, Maryville area. Approximately 230 papers. Need t be available at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, Friday and 6:00 a.m. on Saturday. Allow about 4-5 hours to complete. Approximately 83 miles. For more information, call Edwardsville Intelligencer at 656-4700 ext. 20.

Al’s Automotive Supply The hearing will be held at the 115 St. Andrews, Edw. needs a above described site. The Zon- part-time driver with clean driving Board will then reconvene at ing record. $8.25 per hour. the Madison County Administra- Apply after 10AM, bring resume tion Building, 157 N. Main, Suite CARPENTER: Minimum 20 254 on or after 11:15 am to con- years experience in all phases of sider this application. residential remodeling. Call 618254-1882. Madison County Zoning Cleaning service Board of Appeals taking applications: Part Time. Mike Campbell, Chairman Experience preferred. http://www.co. Furniture 410 Apply @ madison.il.us/Planning/ www.bandrcleaningllc.com (8/15) ROLL TOP DESK College Student outdoor work, Oak finish, 53”W 54”H 25”D 20-25 hours/week, $8.25/hour Good condition $300. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING with raises, flexible hours. 618-530-4026 WEEKENDS OFF. 618/560NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by 1712 the Board of Education of School Sports Commercial Cleaning District No., 7 in the County of $8.50 per hr. 12-20 hrs. week. Equipment 416 Madison, State of Illinois, that a Maryville & Glen Carbon area. tentative budget for said School Work starts after 6:30pm. 2 small totes of District for the fiscal year beginCall Mark 618-610-8199 SPORTS MEMORABILIA ning July 1, 2012 will be on file Sc ce habla espanol $65 each or best offer and conveniently available to Rosie 618-401-5582 288-2934 public inspection at 708 St. Louis Street, Edwardsville Illinois in First Student is hiring part-time this school district and at the bus drivers for District 7 in 424 Edwardsville Public Library, 112 Edwardsville, IL. $10.80 per Carpeting, South Kansas Street, hour and up based upon experiEdwardsville, Illinois, Glen Car- ence. Training provided. Must Specials bon Centennial Library, 198 be able to pass drug test, backWHILE SUPPLIES LAST South Main, Glen Carbon, Illi- ground check and have clean nois, and at the Worden Library, driving record. Apply in person 115 West Wall, Worden, Illinois at: CARPET from and after 11:00 o’clcok 17 Commercial Court Beach House Glen Carbon, IL 62034 a.m., on the 24th day of August PH. 618-692-4290 & Summit $ .99sf 2012. Notice is further hereby given that public hearings on said budget will be held at 10:00 A.M., on the 24th day of September, 2012 at 708 St. Louis Street and at 6:00 P.M., on the 24th day of September, 2012, at 59 S. State Rt. 157, in this School District No. 7.

HARDWOOD 3 5/8” Classic Sable Solid Maple $ 4.99sf VINYL Congoleum 16x16 Luxury Vinyl Tile $ 2.99sf

Dated this 13th day of August 2012. Board of Education of School District No. 7 in the County of Madison, State of Illinois. By Bradley L. Hewitt, Secretary (8/14)

CALL THE ‘I’ 656-4700 ext. 22 To Run Your Legal Listings


Antique Split Rail Fence and posts, 10 sections $250.00 972-0948

C.K.S. METAL CORP. (618) 656-5306 M-F 8:00-5:00 SAT 8-12 EDWARDSVILLE, IL #1 Copper $2.85/lb. Handyman Assistant wanted. #2 Copper $2.75/lb. We do all types of work. Looking Yellow Brass $1.86/lb. for person who is reliable, cour- Stainless $.50/lb. teous, can follow directions. Painted Siding $.57/lb. Able to think on your feet. Must Scrap Alum $.52-.75/lb have drivers license. Please call Alum Cans $.55/lb. Lee 581-5154. Clean Alum Wheels $.74/lb. Electric Motors $.28/lb. $.22 Individual needed part-time in Seal Units $.30 Circulation Dept. at local news- Batteries paper to help with training and Alum Transmissions $.16 recruiting newspaper carriers, Insulated Wire#1-$1.10 #2-1.00 delivering and customer service. Scrap Iron - $140.-$160./Ton CHECK ALL OUR PRICES AT Hours: 3:00-5:00pm Monday CKSMETALCORP.COM thru Friday. CALL FOR TODAY’S PRICES!! Sat morning hours - need to be available 7:30-9:00am. Craftsman Cordless Drill Set: Position available August 20, 3/8 Drill Driver; Right angle drill; 2012. Battery Charger/2-Batteries $50 Must have dependable trans- 7 1/4” Skill Saw—$25. 410-7426 portation. Please apply or send in resume to the Edwardsville Inversion table, new $200. 618Intelligencer, 117 N. Second St, 410-7426. Edwardsville, IL 62025 Pool table, slate with removable ping pong top $850. 972-0948.

Scheffel & Company, PC Metro-East Accounting Firm Positions available for Assurance & Tax Accountants Automotive 206 Staff/Senior/Supervisor Edwardsville; Highland; Important Message: Jerseyville/Carrollton It’s illegal for companies doing 3-8 Yrs. Public Accounting Exp. business by phone to promise CPA/CPA Candidates you a loan and ask you to pay Apply at www.scheffelpc.com for it before they deliver. For Subway more information, call toll-free Asst. Manager Wanted 1-877-FTC-HELP. A public serCome join a growing company! vice message from the Send resume and Edwardsville Intelligencer and salary history to: the Federal Trade Commission. Shepard Subway Enterprises, Inc. #2C Professional Park Dr. Trailers 212 Maryville, IL 62062

Help Wanted General

Misc. Merchandise

MON., WED., FRI. 9AM-7:30PM TUES. & THURS. 9-5:30PM SAT. 9-4PM

VALLOW FLOOR COVERINGS, INC 1009 Plummer Drive Edwardsville

TICKETS 4-tickets for Toby Keith, Row J, Section-P1, Sept. 1st, Verizon in St. Louis, Brantley Gilbert opening—very good seats. 618-6562219. W/Coupon Prices Change SR. Day flat al. cans $ .73 Brass Copper Stainless Lead Nothing over 4ft.- c.batts $11 3990 Bunkum 618-271-5000

Yard Sale




8:00A.M.-12:00 Admission $1 25-Plus Families Participating EVERYTHING FOR CHILDREN



Morkie-Poo puppies: homeraised w/family, Edwardsville. 8weeks-old. All-black w/ringlet curls. Look for Charlie & Scarlet under on puppyfind.com Morkies. $750. 618/656-9898



We can help sell those special puppies, kittens or any other pet!!! Want to know more? CALL US FOR DETAILS 656-4700 EXT 27

Heating & Cooling


All Real Estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “ any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, status or national origin or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” Familial status includes children living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1800-927-9275.

Houses For Rent


1, 2, & 3 BR Maintenance-free Homes & Villas New construction

DOLCE PROPERTIES www.dolceproperties.com 618/972-5415 2 BR, 1 BA, Glen/off 162, quiet/ wooded area; remodld; w/d hkup; shed; all util. but elec. pd.; yd. mntce incl. $695/mo. + dep. 618/304-3638 or 618/447-2710. 2 bedroom 1.5 bath $850 deposit/$850 rent. 714 North Kansas St., Edwardsville. 618409-4925 / 618-616-1124. 3 Bd 1.5 Bt 2000sf close to dwntwn, possible commercial property for professionals, off strt prkng, all hrdwd floors refurnished, AC, frplc, w/d, frig, stove, microwave, dshwhsr incl, full unfnsd bsmt. $1350/mo $1000/dep. 314-574-3858. 3 BD, 1.5 BA, large master bdrm. Edw. 2-story: Newly remodeled. New carpet, wood floors, w/d hk-up off-strt prkng, $975/mo. Call/text 618/304-3638 or 830-3429 3 Bedroom plus bonus room, 2 bath, Montclaire subdivision. $950 monthly, last month and deposit required. 401-4201.

Apts, Duplexes, & Homes Visit our website www.glsrent.com 656-2230 Bunker Hill: 4BR/2BA, 5 acres w/pool & lake. Stove, frig, DW, w/d hookups, bsmt w/wet bar. $1750/mo. + dep., cr ck & references required. 618/980-5262 Edw 2 bd 1 bth, all new kit. hard wood flrs. 2 car gar. Near SIU. Nice yard. A must see! W/D hookup in bsmt. No pets. $875 + dep. Credit check. 656-3989. For Rent in Staunton: Clean modern 2 bedroom mobile home with refrigerator and stove. Very Nice!! $400 month. 618-6374444.


FOR ALL YOUR HEATING AND COOLING installation and fireplace needs, call Ernst Heating, Hamel. 633-2244

Food & Produce

Publisher's Notice


Glen Carbon 3 bed, 2 bath, walkout, 2 car attached. $995 DISCOUNTED. Call Agent: 618/789-5863 Residential & Commercial Properties for Rent: Office & retail space, apartments, duplexes, homes. Meyer & Assoc. 656-1824 Property Management Services Available. www.meyerproperties.com

“BEEF, sides & split quarters. Apts/Duplexes Natural, no antibiotics or added For Rent 710 hormones, pasture fed, small farm bred & raised. $2.90/lp hanging weight. www.Back- 2 BR TH 1.5 BA, very clean. 15min to St. L & SIUE $660 incl YardBeef.com w/s/t. Washer & Dryer in unit. Order at 618-973-7699” On-site mgr/maint, no pets, no smoking. 618.931.4700 www.fairway-estates.net 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, & 1 small house, w/1 bedroom. Some utilities included w/rent. Scheibal Property Management 618-581-5154 1 BDRM Apartment, W/D hookup. Non-smoking, no pets. Water furnished. $590 per month plus deposit. 656-9204 or cell: 444-1004 1 Bdrm Apt $425 Maryville W/S/T included, near public transportation 314-565-8502

Cars In Every Shape & Size Imaginable!

Edwardsville Intelligencer Automotive Section To Place An Auto Listing, Call 656-4700 ext. 27

656-7788 www.vallowfloor.com

OUTSIDE SALES-ACCOUNT MANAGER Springfield - Decatur - Edwardsville Great opportunity, for a confident, self motivated, and professional outside salesperson, wanted full-time for a growing area company to sell advertising to local area businesses. Earnings of 45K to 95K+ with commissions, bonuses, and benefits. No overnight travel. Outside sales experience is preferred.

Send resume with references to: Community Directories Inc P O Box 278 Litchfield, IL 62056 FAX (217-324-2960)

Opportunities Await! Come be part of Heritage Health! If you are looking for an opportunity to provide exceptional service to seniors in a team oriented environment, then we have the job for you! We are currently looking to fill the following positions: CNAs: full and par time openings for all shifts! Laundry Aides: full and part time opening available! Join our team and make a difference! We can offer you a competitive wage, benefits and a great staff of caregivers to work with, plus much more.

Please submit resume to or apply online at:

Heritage Health Attn: Leslie Vannoy 215 W. Pennsylvania • Staunton, IL 62088 www.HeritageOfCare.com

Wednesday, August 15, 2012— www.theintelligencer.com

Page 12

Apts/Duplexes For Rent

Classified 710

1 BDRM CONDO $575 some utilities incld. Garage. 1051 Lafayette, Collinsville Sullivan Properties 618-520-9788 1 Bedroom apt, 604-1 Dewey $650/month. Electric, gas, water and trash paid. Refrigerator & stove furnished. 618-581-5154.

Apts/Duplexes For Rent


2 Bedroom 1.5 bath TH, Edw.; No pets, Appl. fee required @dandiproperties.com 618-520-2813 2 BEDROOM apt. Gas, electric, water, sewer, trash, stove & refrigerator included in rent $725mth. 329 (rear)”M” Street. 618-581-5154.

2 Bedroom duplex with base1 Bedroom efficiency (single ment, washer and dryer, covered occupancy). $350 monthly plus parking. 830-5769. utilities and deposit. No pets. 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, upstairs unit. 618-288-5618. RENTED!!!! All appliances, w/d hook up. No 1 Bedroom loft apartment, Also 1 pets. $625 a month. 692-1197. bedroom duplex. Clean and well maintained. CREDIT CHECK. 2 BR duplex, 1 BA, No pets, no smoking $585mth. 1 car garage, Glen Carbon, $585dep. 656-8953. w/d hook-ups, $775/mo, 1 Bedroom upstairs apt. close to (618) 307-5575. SIUE. New bath; large storage Please call before 7pm. area; cable/net ready; w/s/t incl. 2 BR LOFT, newly remodeled: No pets. $600. Call 692-6110. DW, micro, stove, frig, garbge 1 Bedroom, NICE,quiet, private. disp, w/d hkup. New kit/ba/wi/dr fireplace, walk-out patio, stove $715 incl wt/sw/tr 618/593-0173 refrigerator,washer/dryer. ALL 2 BR, 1.5 BA, Edw./Glen Cbn., UTILITIES PAID, partially furnear SIU: W/D hookups, off-st. nished. Immediate occupancy, pkng. $710 up to $745. 692deposit and lease $665. Call 6366. HSI Management Group 656-9200 3 Bdr 2 full bths, Glen Carbon, 1 BR apt, $435/mo. Maryville, one car garage, Avlb August WST, stove, refrig. Newly 15th, 2012. New carpet. remodeled, off street parking. 10 $1100/mth. No pets. Leave minutes from SIUE. Now availmessage: 618/304-3283. able 618-779-0430. 3 bdrm 2 bath apt. $950/mo 1 BR APT., Marine: NO pets. dwntn Eville. Stove, Fridge, Quiet neighbor; water, sewer, d/w furnished. No smoking/pets trash paid. $435/mo+deposit. term of lease negotiable. 2 Call 656-5772 after 6 p.m. or blocks from bike path 978-5044 leave msge. or ebeetne@siue.edu 1 excellent 3BR, 1200 sq.ft. TH: 3 Bedroom apartment. DownCollinsville, near 157/70; 12 town Edwardsville $1195 rent. min. to SIUE, FP, DW, W/D, ceilNicest in town. Contact Jeff 806ing fans, cable, sound walls, off2281. st. prkng. Sm pets OK, yr. lse. $780/mo. 618/345-9610 give 3 BEDROOM APT near SIUE: AM/PM phone. washer, dryer, microwave incld. No pets, no smoking. 1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms $900/mo. 618-972-3715. Edwardsville, Collinsville, Maryville

CALL Hartmann Rentals


618-624-4610 for Photos & Prices www.cecilmanagement.com www.HartRent.info Glen Carbon 24/7 recording 345-7771 1 BR, all electric, stove, fridge, dw, stacked w/d, FP, trash pd 1BR loft: walk to downtwn Edw.! from $625 618-624-4610 off-st. parking; w/frig, stove, carports available trash/ water; available 08/01; no 2 BR, 1.5 Baths, all electric, pets. $600/mth $600/dep 314- stove, fridge, wd hookups, from 574-3858. $715.00 618-624-4610

Apts/Duplexes For Rent


Apts/Duplexes For Rent

3 bedroom, 1 BA, 1 car garage, duplex. Glen Carbon, near WalMart. No pets. $900/mo., $900 deposit. Available now. 618278-4745.

Maryville Condo: 2BD, 2 full BTH, fam. rm, sun rm, w/bsmt, 2 car garage, includes appl. No animals, No smoking. $850 month. 667-6055 or 830-7339

Arbor Glen Townhome NEWER luxury 2 bdrm 2.5 bth Open Floor Plan Each bedroom has own on-suite bath in Glen Carbon. Nice Area. Great Location. Bsmt, deck, all appliances, w/d hookup. Lots of storage. $745/mo. + dep. 618/781-7692

Quiet Edwardsville neighborhood. Lovely 2 BR 1 bath upstairs apartment on north side. All electric, AC, stove, refrig, blinds, full kitchen, carpet. Parking. Tenant pays w/t/s and electric. One year lease. Non-smokers. $700. References. 415-755-8685.

Available Now! 2 & 3 bedrooms. Ask about our specials. 692-9310 www.rentchp.com Cute 1 bedroom apartment in older home, quiet neighborhood, new flooring. Recently updated. Close to SIU $500/mo. 6561357. Duplex: 2 BEDROOM, Glen Carbon on quiet cul-de-sac. Attached garage. $800 month $800 deposit. Available now. 618-560-1312. Duplex: 2 BR, 1 BA 1100 sq. ft., CA, off-street parking, Washer & dryer included. No pets/smoking, near SIUE $825 per month. 618-975-0670. FULLY FURNISHED. Dish TV, internet. Non-smoking male with references. $520/mo includes all utilities. 972-0948.


Commercial Space For Rent 720



Barber/Beauty salon space, close to downtown. Available August 1st. 314-574-3858.

Homes For Sale


Share house with 3 male persons. Smoking environment. $325/mth plus deposit, utilities paid. 656-0498.

Important Message: Companies that do business by phone can’t ask you to pay for Mobile Homes credit before you get it. For For Rent 715 more information, call toll-free 1877-FTC-HELP. A public ser2 Bdrm 1 bath, W/D: also vice message from the 2 Bdrm 1 bath, W/D hookup, Edwardsville Intelligencer and both $450/mo. incl W/T/S. 1st , the Federal Trade Commission. last month & security deposit. No pets. 618-780-3937.


Yard Sales

Quiet Edwardsville neighborhood. Lovely 1 BR, 1 bath first floor apartment in four-unit building on north side. Central AC/heat, stove, refrig, blinds, full kitchen, carpet. Parking. Landlord pays w/t/s. One year lease. Non-smokers. $600. References. 415-755-8685.

901 Chancellor Sat., Aug. 18, 8am-1pm

ADOPTION Loving couple wishes to give love, happiness and security to your newborn. Let’s help each other. Can help with expenses. Donna & Al 877-492-8546


Toys, Clothes, Beanie Babies, Electronics, Household Items.

If you are looking for a new, happy home to make you happy, check The Intelligencer’s Real Estate Classifieds!

Colman’s Country Campers We Buy/Consign Used Campers and RV's! 217-787-8653



Homes For Sale


bsmt, city water, septic sys, LP gas, CA. New roof 2011, 2 car detchd gar, large barn, 100amp elec. 5660 Old Alton-Edw Rd. 2 miles from dwntwn Edw. $199,500. Call (618)219-2595

Mobile Homes For Sale

Are you pregnant? A childless, happily married, couple seeks to adopt. Will be full time mom/devoted dad. Financial security. Expenses paid. Shirley and Tony. 1-888-882-8290.


LUXURY 2 BEDROOMS located at 270 & 111 behind McDonald’s. Gourmet kitchens, 2 bay windows, washer/dryer included. WST included. Must See. $625 (618) 931-3333.



Need to place your ad in more than 300 Illinois newspapers? Call Illinois Press Advertising Service 217-241-1700 or visit www.illinoispress.org

1 & 2 bedroom apartments, 5 minutes to SIUE 791-9062

Edwardsville w/full bsmt. Rehab needs to be finished. Nice established neighborhood. Asking $60,000. 618/917-9132.



HAMEL: 2 Bedroom Duplex , washer/dryer hookup. No steps, very quiet! 618-791-9062.


Lots For Sale


Hire Your Own Agent....per- FSBO: 3 BR, 2 BA home in House & 10 acres, 6rms 1bth, Live a block off Dunlap Lake & 4

sonal, professional, dedicated, experienced....and exclusive, without additional cost! Intending the best home buyer services Office Space we chose, 20 years For Rent 725 possible, ago, to serve only buyers with consultant-level realty services. DENTAL OFFICE 3000+ buyers later, we’re still the for lease located at only such agency in SW Illinois, 40 Edwardsville still totally free of confliction. Professional Park www.EdwardsvilleHomes.com MEYER REALTY 656-5744 and For Sale/Lease 1100 sq ft office www.HireYourOwnAgent.com space. Handicap accessibility. describe detail. Home Buyers Close to downtown. Great for Relocation Services, 6620 Censmall office or business. 618- ter Grove Road, Paul and Merrill Ottwein. 656-5588. 692-6110 for information.

Office space for lease at IL 157 Female to share newly renovatand Center Grove Road, up to ed 4 bedroom house w/3 other 3200sf, $2300/mth. 656-1824 females $300 + utilities. Good meyerproperties.com Edw. location. Call/text 217821-7383.

Homes For Sale

CAREER/EDUCATION AIRLINE CAREERS begin here - Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified Housing available. Job placement assistance. CALL AIM 800-481-8312

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blocks from LeClaire Elementary Schl. Building lot @17 Dunlap Cove, walkout, shade, sidewalk, underground utilities. $39,900 618-530-1148. SUN RIDGE ESTATES Just past Fruit Rd, Edwardsville 2+ Acre Lots Call for special prices 618/792-9050 or 618/781-5934

2012 Mobile Home Stimilus Pkg up to $25,000 for your trade in List of bank repos available Discount for landowners 314-567-2-7459

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LAKE PROPERTY DEAL FELL THRU Brand New Lake Cottage on 1.71 Acres Now $62,910! FREE Boat Slips Buyer forfeited deposit on gorgeous new 1,952 square foot lake cottage shell – ready for your finishing touches! Located on pristine cul-de-sac with 375’ paved frontage. Similar shell/homesite sold for $124,900! Great access to lake! Enjoy community pool, pavilion, walking trails, more. Excellent financing. Call now 1-800-7043154, x443

LEGAL SERVICES Need Legal Help? FREE REFERRAL Call 877-270-3855 Courtesy of the Illinois State Bar Association at www.IllinoisLawyerFinder.com

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YARD SALE Pinckneyville, IL City-Wide Yard Sale and Thresherman Show Flea Market Thursday, August 16 thru Saturday, August 18. Yard sale maps available at www.pinckneyvillepress.com

***THE BOAT DOCK*** We Buy & Consign Used Boats! Springfield, IL 217-793-7300




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Each Office Independently Owned and Operated Scan the QR-code using your mobile device to view Open Houses near you!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


1803 Meadow Ln., Edwardsville Updated 4BR/3BA dollhouse w/ large yard. $209,900

3037 Ash, Granite City Completely remodeled 3BR/2BA, move-in ready. $84,900



Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosting Agent: Donna Gayler 3813 N. Arbor Lake Dr., Edwardsville $595,000 Stunning 5BR/5BA Executive Home in Arbor Lakes!

Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosting Agent: Pat Schetzenhofer 5876 Saint James, Edwardsville $289,000 Acreage, wooded ranch, 3BR/3BA.

Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosting Agent: Carrie Caton 8439 Foehrkolb, Edwardsville $259,000 3BR log home on 5.2 wooded acres!

Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosting Agent: Sharon Joiner 2604 Sandstone, Maryville $249,900 Open Floor Plan! Move-in cond. w/walkout!

Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosting Agent: John Goodall 8485 Rosenheim Estates Dr., Edw. $230,000 Updated 4BR/3BA dollhouse w/large yard.

Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosting Agent: Donna Dempsey 1899 Ness School Road, Bunker HIll $124,000 2.2 acre 2BR/2BA, city water, clean.


353 Johnson Rd., Shiloh 28 Acres lake, 2SF Homes, Wooded Private! $560,000

6225 Timberwolfe Dr., Glen Carbon 4BR/3BA with Wooded Backyard! $369,900

1211 S. Oxfordshire Ln., Edwardsville Sophistication & Style in Stonebridge 3BR/4BA. $465,000

303 Thomas Terrace, Edwardsville 5BR/3BA Lake front home withopen floor plan. $355,000

101 Timbermill Ln., Edwardsville 4BR/5BA 1 acre privacy & luxury! $410,000

5 Pinebrook Ct., Edwardsville Grogeous Setting! 2 story in Pinebrook Estates. $324,900

9 Lakeview, Brighton Stunning Lakefront Home! $375,000

1564 Maplewood Ct., Edwardsville 4BR/4BA, updated flooring, & new roof. $269,900

Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosting Agent: Lisa Costin 9 Country Lane Ct., Granite City $97,000 All brick 2BR/1BA on quiet cul-de-sac.

6701 Oxford Ln., Maryville 4BR/2BA Spacious 1 story home! $269,900

439 Country Clube View, Edwardsville Spacious Move-in Ready Condo. Great Location. $265,000

2615 Iron Horse, Maryville Open Floor Plan 4BR/4BA. $260,000

3405 Manassas Dr., Edwardsville 4BR immaculate 2 story with finished lower level! $248,000

25 Woodland, Highland 4BR/3BA Home with large yard! $209,900

1947 Wellington Ln., Maryville 3BR/2BA Ranch with Finished Basement. $184,900

8425 Schiller, Worden Huge 3BR/2BA on 3/4 Acre! $177,400

225 E. Pearl, Staunton Updated Victorian 3BR/2BA, open staircase, large yard! $169,900

441 Tamarach, Edwardsville Full brick ranch with 3BR on 3 lots! $169,900

905 W. Deck St., New Douglas Country living, 10 acres with out-buildings. $150,000

7227 Renken, Dorsey 4BR/2BA country charmer in Edwardsville schools. $150,000

245 Lincoln St., Edwardsville Large charming cottage on huge lot! $149,900

526 Zenk Rd., Troy Nice bi-level with mature trees. $148,900

2624 Reveres Route, Granite City Great Floor Plan. Like new 3BR/2BA. $107,999

620 Truman, Moro 3BR/1BA home in Moro! $79,900

77 Glenview Dr., Belleville Nice move-in ready 3BR/2BA home. $69,900

1140 E. Leonard, Staunton Completely redone 2BR on corner lot. $68,000

2300-2302 State St., Granite City Good income potential. $37,000

5729 Old Alton Edwardsville Rd, Edw Beautiful 12 +/- acres. Rolling, tree lined. $200,0 00 xxx LIbra Rd., New Douglas Quiet, wooded, 9 acres. Close to interstate. $77,400 115 Brilstol Park Ln., Edw. Stonebridge lot, adjacent lot available. $125,000

Lots & Acreage

3506 Terrace Ln., Granite City All brick 2 bedroom Bungalow. $65,900

729 Hillsboro, Edwardsville 2BR/1BA home on large lot. $59,999

4400 Wabash, Granite City 2BR home with Large Master, cute and clean! $59,900

BROWN REALTORS® Independently Owned and Operated

Lakin Blvd & Rock Hill Rd, Wood River 26.92 Acres. In TIF district. High volume traffic. C263 $9,140,100


E Edwardsville Rd Wood River, IL 5.56 Acres visible from I-255, Rte 143. Excellent location for fast food, motel, etc. C266 $1,332,000

401 E Warren St, Bunker Hill 11,365 sq ft manufacturing building. Perfect for manufacturing or warehousing. C282 $159,000

(618) 692-7290

Aug. 16, 2012

2205B S. State Route 157 Edwardsville, IL 62025


3733 Blackburn, Edwardsville Prime commercial site at State Rt 143 & I-55. Suitable for a shopping center, hotel, office building, etc. C285 $2,100,000


Kettle River Dr, Glen Carbon 8.9 Acres +/- of light industrial property located in the heart of Glen Carbon. C297 $390,000

www.brownrealtors.com On the Edge of the Weekend

111 Bristol Park Ln., Edw. Stonebridge lot, adjacent lot available. $125,000 xxx Blackburn Rd., Edwardsville Level 15.58 acres, interstate access $1,800,000 xxx Blackburn Rd., Edwardsville Level 15.58 acres, interstate access $1,500,000

3 Club Centre Ct, Edwardsville 4 unit office/retail condominium. Nicely landscaped with a 4 yr old new roof. Excellent condition. C302 $850,000

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