Thanksgiving Parade page 5
Celebrating Disney page 18
"The Butterfly Lovers" page 19
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What’s Inside 3
Going to the dogs Area girl bakes for pooch pals.
4 50 years after Dallas JFK history isn't hard to find.
Thanksgiving Parade Engelbreit to serve as grand marshal
15 "All Is Lost"
A distilled survival tale.
18 Celebrating Disney New exhibit opens in Chicago.
19 "The Butterfly Lovers" Shanghai Ballet coming to St. Louis.
24 You Gotta' Eat Cheeseburger in Paradise.
What’s Happening Friday Nov. 1_____________
p.m. • Candyland 5, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 9:00 p.m. • Flux Pavilion - Freeway Tour w/Skism, Roksonix, The Pageant, • Art Attack, Plush St. Louis, St. St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • Karol Radziwonowicz, Sheldon Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. • First Fridays, Grand Center, St. Concert Hall, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. Louis, Venues open until 9:00 p.m. • Moshe Kasher, Blueberry Hill, St. • Scarefest: Creepyworld, Koller Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Plastics, Fenton, 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. • Scarefest: The Darkness, Next to Soulard Market, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. • Scarefest: The Haunting of • Scarefest: Creepyworld, Koller Lemp, Lemp Brewery, St. Louis, Plastics, Fenton, 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. • Haunted Hayrides, Eckert's p.m. • Scarefest: The Darkness, Next C o u n t r y S to re a n d F a r m s , to Soulard Market, St. Louis, 7:30 Millstadt, After Sunset • Disney's Beauty and the p.m. to 11:30 p.m. • Scarefest: The Haunting of Beast, Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 7:30 Lemp, Lemp Brewery, St. Louis, p.m. • T h e R e p p re s e n t s F l y, 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. • Disney's Beauty and the Loretta-Hilton Center Browning Beast, Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 2:00 Mainstage, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • The Past, Present and Future p.m. and 7:30 p.m. • T h e R e p p re s e n t s F l y, of Nature Photography Exhibit, Loretta-Hilton Center Browning The International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Mainstage, St. Louis, 5:00 p.m. • The Past, Present and Future Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., of Nature Photography Exhibit, Runs through January 25, 2014. • Chiura Obata: Four Paintings, T h e I n te r n a t i o n a l S t . Lo u i s Four Moods Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Symphony Live at Powell Hall: Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to Fantasia, Powell Symphony Hall, 9:00 p.m., Runs through February St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. • A a ro n Wa t s o n , L u m i e re 2, 2014. • Florida George Line w/Colt Theatre, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. • Peter Martin Music, Sheldon Ford, Tyler Farr, Chaifetz Arena, St. Concert Hall, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Louis, 7:30 p.m. • Lotus w/The Floozies, Cosby • St. Louis Symphony Live at Powell Hall: Fantasia, Powell Sweater, The Pageant, St. Louis, Symphony Hall, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. Doors 7:00 p.m. • Five Eight w/Last To Show First • Strutter: A Tribute to Kiss, Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville, 8:00 To Go, Plush St. Louis, St. Louis,
Saturday Nov. 2_____________
Doors 7:00 p.m. • Living Colour, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. • Mom's Kitchen w/Entwistle, The Gramophone, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. • Hip Hop Showcase, Pop's, Sauget, 6:30 p.m. • Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through January 25, 2014. • A New Voice: Contemporary Art Exhibit, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • I Was A Soldier: Photos by Jerry Tovo, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 20, 2014. • 50 Years of Wilderness: Through the Lens of Missouri's 8 Wilderness Areas Exhibit, History Museum in Forest Park, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 5, 2014.
Sunday Nov. 3_____________ • 35th Annual St. Louis Jewish Book Festival, Jewish Community Center, St. Louis, Times vary • Disney's Beauty and the Beast, Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 1:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. • T h e R e p p re s e n t s F l y, Loretta-Hilton Center Browning Mainstage, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. • Danica Dakic Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, Noon to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 26, 2014.
Who We Are ON THE EDGE OF THE WEEKEND is a product of the Edwardsville Intelligencer, a member of the Hearst Newspaper Group. THE EDGE is available free, through home delivery and rack distribution. FOR DELIVERY INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 20. FOR ADVERTISING INFO call 656.4700 Ext. 35. For comments or questions regarding EDITORIAL CONTENT call 656.4700 Ext. 28 or fax 659.1677. Publisher – Denise Vonder Haar | Editor – Bill Tucker | Cover Design – Desirée Bennyhoff
On the Edge of the Weekend
October 31, 2013
Julia BIggs/The Edge
Anna Erber with two of her black Labrador Retrievers and a plate of dog cookies.
Girl bakes cookies for pooch pals By JULIA BIGGS Of The Edge
henever 8-year-old Anna Erber receives a dog cookie order from Annie’s Frozen Custard, Anna’s mother Noelle says her daughter’s face lights up. The dog-loving Columbus Elementary third grader has been baking her special recipe dog cookies since May and selling them to Annie’s to put atop Anna’s dog treat creation – Bow Wow Sundaes for dogs. Anna’s parents, Noelle and Jeff Erber of Edwardsville, agreed that their daughter had been baking dog treats since she was “probably in kindergarten.” It started about three years ago when Noelle began making cookies to sell at bake sales to raise money for Cookies for Kids’ Cancer, and Anna wanted to help. Dog cookies were a kid-friendly kind of treat to bake and Anna enjoyed making them. “She started making them for the bake sale, and they’d sell out every time,” Noelle said. “They’d buy a treat for their dog and a cookie for themselves,” Jeff pointed out. “She’s baked over a thousand cookies easily for the bake sales to help raise money for Cookies for Kids’ Cancer,” Noelle added. Having a serious love of dogs, Anna has baked her dog cookies for their three black Labrador Retrievers – Sage, Bear and Dakota – for years. “When Christmas comes, Anna bakes up dog treats for all of her friends’ dogs and delivers them,” Noelle said. “Even this past Christmas, when Santa asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she told him that the only thing she wanted was toys for her dogs.”
Anna’s love of dogs is well known across her neighborhood. “Anna is known far and wide in the neighborhood as the dog girl. She babysits a lot of dogs at our house, for free,” Noelle said with a chuckle, “just because she likes having dogs here. So everyone knows if they need dog help to ask Anna.” It was a phone call from a former neighbor who moved to Virginia that catapulted Anna’s dog cookie sales into a whole new stratosphere. “When our neighbor moved she went to their local ice cream store and saw that they were selling dog sundaes with a dog treat on it. And she said, “You have to tell Anna,”” Noelle recalled from the conversation. “So I told Anna and she got all excited about it and thought, well, we need that here for our dogs. So, with Annie’s being her favorite custard/ice cream place, we set her plan in motion.” Anna baked some of her dog-bone shaped dog cookies, the Erbers purchased a sugar-free cup of Annie’s frozen vanilla custard, and put the bone on top surround by some crumbled up dog treat sprinkles to top it all off. “We took pictures of the sundaes and pictures of the dogs eating the sundaes,” Noelle explained. “Anna glued all of the pictures on a poster board, and we wrote down her idea along with the name she came up with - Bow Wow Dog Sundaes, and we dropped her proposal off at Annie’s.” Noelle said that within a few days Annie’s called. “They said that they loved the idea and were going to start selling the sundaes with the Bow Wow Dog Sundae name that Anna had come up with, and they asked Anna to be their dog treat supplier. So, she was in business,” Noelle said. “She started up her own little business at the age of 7 doing something she loves and is very passionate about.” Noelle pointed out that Anna prides herself on having
a “real job” and she takes it very seriously. "It was funny the day she realized – I have a boss, and I can get fired if I don’t make these,” Noelle said. But this young entrepreneur is also learning the pride of a job well-done. “When a new order comes in from Annie’s - like one did yesterday - Anna’s whole face lights up,” Noelle said proudly. Anna’s dog cookie business has been going so well that a second business in town recently asked if they could start carrying Anna’s dog treats too. “We haven’t decided if she’s ready to expand yet,” Noelle said with a grin. “It’s soccer season,” Noelle said explaining the hesitancy to expand. “During the summer it wasn’t so bad. That was her summer job.” Anna had been saving all the money she had made from her dog cookie business, but just a couple of weeks ago she decided to spend a little. “She dropped off 100 cookies at the Metro East Humane Society and also donated all of her August earnings to them too. And visited all the dogs,” Noelle noted. Because the dog cookies are made with basic flour, water, oil and a secret ingredient that couldn’t be revealed, they are quite safe for people to eat as well. Noelle said that it wasn’t uncommon for Anna and her older brother, Wyatt, to eat them and sometimes take them to school for a snack. “It probably looks like we’re sending them with Milkbones into school,” Noelle said laughing. But don’t think for a minute that Anna isn’t a smart little business woman. “She charges her brother for the dog treats too,” Noelle noted. Annie’s Frozen Custard sells Anna’s Bow Wow Sundaes at its 245 S. Buchanan St. location in Edwardsville and its 11 Illini Dr. location in Glen Carbon. Annie’s is open 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
October 31, 2013
On the Edge of the Weekend
People St. Charles Convention Center to host annual event For The Edge The Holiday Craft Show & Expo hosted by Treasure Chest Shows is the only 3-day Holiday Show in St. Charles County. This will be the show's 6th year featuring arts, crafts, gifts and more. There are hundreds of booths filled with thousands of items hand-made by local artisans and crafters. If you need something new for your home check out the booths with home decor items, such as seasonal items, wreaths, table decorations, wall hangings, and stockings. You will find hand-formed dough ornaments made by Santa's helper, handmade family ornaments, and personalized ornaments by Personalized Creations. For entertaining, you may want to pick up a unique set of hand-turned wooden salt and pepper mills, a new cheese and cracker tray, or a bowl embellished with a wood burned design made by Trees to Treasures. In your kitchen, you may like new placemats, handmade decorative dish towels that attach to your oven door or refrigerator handle, or hand towels embroidered with a design for every season.
Some of the food items include uniquely flavored olive oils from Olive Oil Market Place, jellies, jams, and fudges from Arndt's Fudgery, as well as dips and mixes by All Stars Dips. Before you leave, try some salsa from Jasbo's or pick up a box of cookies for a friend. Children's items are available including polished rocks and geodes, tanks and planes made from bullets, an 8-shot rubber band gun and target, hand-made head bands, bows, tutus and accessories for girls. You will also find hand-made items including doll furniture, clothes and accessories for Barbie Dolls, 18" dolls, baby dolls and more. Jewelry booths will have glass beads, hand wrapped, gem stones, crystals, silver, children’s jewelry, wire wrapped, wooden beads, original designs, one-of-a-kinds, costume jewelry and even items designed by Ricochet Rounds Designs, made from spent rounds. Other accessories available include purses, leather belts, phone cases, and wallets. Ladies clothing includes items from Ecuador and Peruvian sweaters. Also featured are hand poured candles by Burning Expressions, tie-dyed clothing, hand-
For The Edge
Above, doll clothes, furniture and accessories made by various crafters. Left, hand-made Christmas decorations made by Patty Davison, owner of A Little Something. made gift cards, hand knitted scarves, quilts, and a large assortment of night lights. Beauty products will be on hand such as Australian Eucalyptus Oils, It Works skin care products and supplements or any one of the 50 varieties of Goat's Milk soaps, creams, balms or oils made by Lomah Acres Goat Farm in Milford, Nebraska. Local artisans and crafters include: A Little Something, NoMan Necklaces, AAA Women Works Inc., Hip Klips, All Quacked Up!, Just Headbands, Dollightful Creations, All Occasions Embroidery and many more. Some nationally-known vendors that are participating include Pampered Chef, Cutco Cutlery, Thirty-One Gifts, Scentsy, Juice Plus, Usborne Books and My Pillow to mention a few.
The Holiday Craft Show & Expo is held at the St. Charles Convention Center, One Convention Center Plaza, St. Charles, MO. The Show is open Friday, November 22 from 12:00 noon till 7:00pm; Saturday, November 23 from 9:00am until 5:00pm and Sunday, November 24 from 10:00am till 4:00pm. Admission and parking are free. Gift Certificates and door prizes that are donated by the artisans, crafters and vendors are given away throughout the weekend. For more information contact Treasure Chest Shows at 636-240-5689, Email: info@ treasurechestshows.com, Web: www. treasurechestshows.com. For directions, contact the Convention Center at 636-669-3000.
Finding JFK history 50 years after death By BETH J. HARPAZ AP Travel Editor Three cities loom large in the life and death of John F. Kennedy: Washington, D.C., where he was president and senator; Dallas, where he died; and Boston, where he was born. With the 50th anniversary of his Nov. 22, 1963 assassination at hand, all three offer places where you can learn more about him or honor his legacy. Here’s a list of museums, monuments, historic sites and events in those cities and a few others around the country. (Note several sites are affected by the federal government shutdown.) BOSTON AREA • Tour: A walking tour of downtown Boston looks at JFK as an emerging politician in the context of his Irish immigrant ancestors and family political connections, with stops at the JFK statue on the Boston State House lawn; the Union Oyster House, where he often dined in an upstairs booth; the Parker House hotel, where he proposed to Jacqueline Bouvier, and Faneuil Hall, where he gave his last speech in the 1960 campaign. The $12 tour meets Wednesday-Saturday, 11:30 a.m., Boston Common Visitor Center, 139 Tremont St., http://www. kennedytour.com . • Presidential Library and Museum: The I.M. Pei-designed museum houses permanent displays on the campaign trail, Kennedy’s family and the first lady, along with special exhibits on the Cuban missile crisis and Jackie’s White House years, http://www.jfklibrary.org/ (temporarily closed by shutdown). • Birthplace: Kennedy, one of nine children, was born at 83 Beals St., in Brookline, a Boston suburb, in 1917. The house is a National Park site, http://www.nps.gov/jofi (temporarily closed by shutdown). • Hyannis: In the 1920s, JFK’s father Joseph bought a
On the Edge of the Weekend
waterfront vacation home for his family in Hyannis Port on Cape Cod, about 75 miles (120 kilometers) from Boston. Other family members including JFK bought property nearby. A seasonal cruise operates through Oct. 27 offering views of the Kennedy Compound from the water, http://www.hylineharborcruise. com . The privately operated JFK Hyannis Museum, open through November, has an exhibit on his last visits to the Cape, http://jfkhyannismuseum.org . DALLAS AREA • Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza: Kennedy’s assassin Lee Harvey Oswald fired at the president’s motorcade from a window on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. The site is now the Sixth Floor Museum. The privately operated museum has exhibits about the assassination and is hosting a series of talks by individuals connected to the events of that day, including authors of several new books; 411 Elm St., http:// www.jfk.org . • Memorial ceremony: On Nov. 22, church bells will toll citywide at 12:25 p.m., followed by a moment of silence at 12:30 p.m., the time of the shooting. Events in Dealey Plaza will include Pulitzer Prize-winning historian David McCullough reading JFK speeches, a performance by the U.S. Naval Academy Men’s Glee Club, a military flyover and prayers. Public viewing screens will be set up around the city to broadcast the event for • Other local sites connected to the assassination: Love Field airport (where JFK landed in Dallas and where Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as president to replace him); Parkland Hospital (where Kennedy was taken and where Oswald died after being shot by Jack Ruby); and a marker in the Oak Cliff neighborhood at 10th and Patton streets where Oswald shot a police officer, J.D. Tippit. A 99-cent app, “JFK in Dallas 50,” offers an interactive map of Dallas, video and images related to the shooting, https://itunes.apple.com/app/jfk-in-
October 31, 2013
dallas-50/id694762432?mt8 . • Dallas LOVE Project: Dallas was branded the “City of Hate” after the killing. Some 30,000 works of art reflecting on Dallas as a city of love are going up around town this fall to mark the anniversary, http://dallasloveproject.is/ . • JFK Tribute: This sculpture of Kennedy in Fort Worth marks the spot where JFK spoke the morning of Nov. 22 to crowds gathered outside his hotel, now the Fort Worth Hilton, http://www.jfktribute.com/ . • Amon Carter Museum of American Art: Through Jan. 12, the museum hosts “Hotel Texas: An Art Exhibition for the President and Mrs. John F. Kennedy,” which includes a Picasso and other works of art that were originally loaned by local collectors for a display in the hotel suite where the Kennedys spent the night before his assassination, http:// www.cartermuseum.org/ . • University of Texas at Arlington Libraries: An exhibit of 80 photos shows JFK and the first lady during their visit to Fort Worth, just before he arrived in Dallas, http://www.uta.edu/ news/releases/2013/08/JFK-FWST-exhibit.php . WASHINGTON D.C. AREA • Arlington National Cemetery (Virginia): Kennedy’s gravesite is marked with an eternal flame, in accordance with his widow’s wishes, http://www.arlingtoncemetery.mil/ VisitorInformation/MonumentMemorials/JFK.aspx (open despite shutdown). • Newseum: Through Jan. 5, this privately operated museum hosts three exhibits related to JFK: “Creating Camelot,” family photos; “Three Shots Were Fired,” including artifacts like the Zapruder movie camera, which captured the shooting on film; and “A Thousand Days,” a short documentary about JFK’s 1,000-day administration, http://newseum.org/exhibits-andtheaters/temporary-exhibits/jfk/ .
For The Edge
The Ameren Missouri Thanksgiving Day Parade draws large crowds to downtown St. Louis.
Engelbreit to serve as grand marshal in Thanksgiving Day Parade For The Edge Nationally renowned artist and entrepreneur Mary Engelbreit has been named Honorary Grand Marshal of the 2013 Ameren Missouri Thanksgiving Day Parade. "We are honored and truly thankful to have Mary serve as our grand marshal,” said Brian Hall, chairman of Christmas in St. Louis. “She is a true St. Louis treasure and national icon who has always given so much back to our community.” Now in its 29th year, the parade will begin at 8:45 a.m. Thursday, November 28 from the corner of Washington Avenue and Fourth Street in downtown St. Louis. It will be broadcast live (starting at 8 a.m.) on KMOV-TV Channel 4’s “Great Day St. Louis.” A St. Louis native who went to work directly out of high school at an art supplies store, Engelbreit initially focused her talents on greeting cards, drawing attention from other companies anxious to license her artwork on a wide range of products; nearly 6,500 products in all, with
more than $1 billion in lifetime retail sales. She was also editor-in-chief of the awardwinning creative lifestyle magazine, Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion. Today, thousands of retailers sell Mary Engelbreit products to her countless fans, and Mary Engelbreit Studios continues to add new licensees and product categories. Nearly 30 years after that first trip to New York, Engelbreit fulfilled her dream of illustrating children's books, and is now one of a select few artists with three New York Times children's best sellers. The annual Ameren Missouri Thanksgiving Day Parade is hosted by Christmas in St. Louis along with presenting sponsor Ameren Missouri and the City of St. Louis. In addition to dozens of magnificent floats and colorful helium balloons, the parade will feature area marching bands and the annual Battle of the Bands Contest. As a Christmas in St. Louis partner, the St. Louis Convention & Visitors Commission’s Holiday Magic http://stlholidaymagic. com/ team will once again participate in
this year’s parade. The Holiday Magic mascot, Snowflake, will also be on hand. Christmas in St. Louis will utilize Mary Engelbreit artwork for its first Ameren Missouri Thanksgiving Day Parade Coloring Contest. Kids ages 5 to 12 are encouraged to enter. The winner of the coloring contest will be named Junior Grand Marshal and receive an exciting ride in the parade! Download and print the coloring poster from http:// www.maryengelbreit.com/cmss_files/ attachmentlibrary/TreeOfOrnamentsLA.pdf Download and print the rules and release form at http://christmasinstlouis.org/ images/cisl_coloring-contest-rulesandentry_ 2013.pdf For all the details visit Christmas in St. Louis website. Christmas in St. Louis christmasinstlouis. org is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization dedicated to promoting activities that inspire people to show their unique holiday spirit while enhancing the texture and heritage of the St. Louis community. For more information, follow us on facebook.com/ChristmasInStLouis.
October 31, 2013
Mary Engelbreit
On the Edge of the Weekend
People People planner Science Center hosts exhibit on bugs The Saint Louis Science Center will open its doors for an insect invasion when it hosts Harry’s Big Adventure: My Bug World! Oct. 19, 2013 through Jan. 20, 2014. The exhibition, which was developed by national pest control company Te r m i n i x , i s a m u l t i s e n s o r y experience that immerses visitors into the world of bugs by introducing them to thousands of live insects. Hosted by Harry, a Chinese praying mantis, and his insect friends, Harry’s Big Adventure: My Bug World! takes visitors on a unique journey through the habitats, sights, sounds and social structures of some of nature’s smallest, yet most important, contributors. “We are so excited to host Harry’s Big Adventure,” said Jackie Mollet, Senior Director of Exhibits at the Saint Louis Science Center. “The hands-on nature of the exhibition, coupled with thousands of live bugs, makes this fun and educational for all of our visitors.” Harry’s Big Adventure takes guests on an educational journey around the world through six distinct zones to see how insects impact their surroundings, the environment and ultimately human lives. Filled with interactive games and competitions, visitors can see how far they can spit a cricket, pick their favorite roach in the Roach Race, get up close and personal with insects in the Bug Petting Zoo and even try an insect delicacy cooked up by the Bug Chef. For more information and to purchase tickets please visit slsc.org/harrysbig-adventure or call 800.456.SLSC x4424 or 314.289.4424.
Globetrotters returning to St. Louis The world famous Harlem Globetrotters will take fan interaction to a new level when the 2014 “Fans Rule” World Tour comes to Scottrade Center in St. Louis on Friday, Jan. 3, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. Online voting is now open at harlemglobetrotters.com/rule, where all fans can choose which new game-changing rules they want to see in their hometown. The Globetrotters were the first organization in sports and entertainment to let fans vote on rules when the team introduced the concept last year. Since the fan response was so overwhelming, the team is doing it again – but with a major twist. The 2014 online ballot includes three never-before-seen revolutionary rules: • Hot Hand Jersey – Both teams will have a “Hot Hand Jersey” they can pass among each other. The player who is wearing this jersey will receive double points on made baskets. • Make or Miss – The quarter begins with only two players on the court for each team. When a team scores, a teammate may enter the game. When they miss, the player missing the shot must leave the court, leaving his or her teammates shorthanded. • Trick Shot Challenge – Via three challenge flags per team, each coach can challenge the other team to make a trick shot. If the team makes the trick shot, they earn five points. If they miss, the other team
receives five points. With a roster showcasing stars such as Special K Daley, Big Easy Lofton, Flight Time Lang, Hi-Lite Bruton and Dizzy Grant – plus female stars TNT Maddox, T-Time Brawner and Sweet J Ekworomadu – the Globetrotters’ one-of-a-kind family show features mesmerizing ball handling, an assortment of trick shots, high-flying dunks and precise timing – all with an array of comedy guaranteed to entertain the young and the young at heart. After virtually every game, Globetrotter stars remain on the court for autographs and photographs with fans. Tickets start at $21.00 and are now available at harlemglobetrotters. com, www.ticketmaster.com, the Scottrade Center box office or by phone at 800-745-3000. Information on group and scout tickets can also be found at harlemglobetrotters. com. The Globetrotters tipped off the North American leg of their world tour with the first-ever events at the new Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine, on Sept. 20 and 21. The tour recommences on Dec. 26, 2013, with the Globetrotters playing more than 290 games in over 250 cities in 47 U.S. states, six Canadian provinces and Puerto Rico through April 2014.
Dunham returning to St. Charles The nation’s number one comedian Jeff Dunham and his beloved cast of characters announce the kick off of the winter leg of their 2013 “Disorderly Conduct” w o r l d w i d e t o u r. T h e w i n t e r 2013/2014 international concert series begins on December 26, 2013 in Toledo, OH and continues through February 28, 2014 in Champaign. IL. Dunham is scheduled to appear at the Family Arena in St. Charles on Feb. 7. Tickets are available through MetroTix.com or by calling 1-314534-1111. Fans all over the world can look forward to a new jam-packed show with more laughs than ever
before. Dunham’s famed troupe of sidekicks are back: Walter the Grumpy Retiree, Achmed the Dead Terrorist, the beer-fueled redneck Bubba J, the manic purple creature Peanut, the spicy pepper from south of the border José Jalapeño, and Peanut’s own ventriloquist dummy Little Jeff, a mini-version of the ringmaster himself. Dunham and his comedic sidekicks most recent Comedy Central one-hour special entitled “Minding the Monsters,” is the fifth in a string of record-breaking specials. “Minding the Monsters” takes its audience into the ultimate haunted house where you can see Walter transform into something grumpier than he already is, watch Bubba J rise from the dead, meet Peanut’s alter ego, The Purple Avenger of the Night, and his spicy sidekick, and witness Achmed literally dressed to kill in an outfit that would terrify the most terrifying terrorist! It debuted on Comedy Central to 7.5 million viewers, making it the most watched special of the year for the network. Upon its release on DVD, it was the #1 comedy DVD on Amazon.com and exceeded platinum sales within 6 days. It has already reached triple platinum status. The amazing rise of Jeff Dunham continues apace, with 2013 having seen Jeff continue to pack arenasized venues. Dunham and his sidekicks are preparing for their sixth trip to Europe this fall, stopping in the U.K., Germany, and Belgium. In 2013, fans will also get the chance to see Achmed the Dead Terrorist like he's never been seen before! This December, Jeff Dunham will premiere his very first animated feature “Achmed Saves America,” starring the world’s most beloved, failed bad-guy! In this full length animated movie, Achmed is having a very bad day... After accidentally blowing himself up, the world's most incompetent suicide bomber finds himself whisked away from his homeland by a giant bald eagle and dropped off in... Americaville, USA. There, mistaken by the kind-hearted Wilson family for a visiting French exchange
student, "The Little Skeleton That Couldn't" bumblingly plots to destroy the town and all of its "infidels". But, once he's exposed to the sweet things in life -- including all-you-can-eat buffets and frozen yogurt -- Achmed's campaign of hate turns into a patriotic AllAmerican lovefest.The phenomenal international success of Dunham and his cohorts have been driven by his Comedy Central specials, which set global records for both ratings and sales. Dunham’s 4th Comedy Central TV special “Controlled Chaos,” premiered to a staggering 8.3 million viewers overall making it the most viewed cable show that night. The global TV event enjoyed a never-before simultaneous same day worldwide debut in a dozen countries. Dunham continued to break ratings records at the end of 2011, when The Bio Channel’s premiere of Jeff Dunham: “Birth of a Dummy” became the network’s top rated telecast ever.No wonder The New York Times Magazine declared Jeff Dunham “the most successful comedian working in America.” Dunham was recently named Pollstar’s #1 Comedy Tour in North America for three years running as well as their Top Worldwide Tour for two years in a row.
Y98 to host Mistletoe Show KYKY-FM (Y98-FM) in St. Louis will host Avril Lavigne, Backstreet Boys, Gavin DeGraw, and Five for Fighting at the Y98 Mistletoe Show – An Evening of Hits on Sunday, December 8, at the St. Charles Family Arena. This single city show will feature these artists’ traditional hits in an up close and personal concert experience. Avril Lavigne, Backstreet Boys, Gavin DeGraw, and Five for Fighting are just some of the artists that can be heard on Y98-FM. Listen to the station on-air, online at www. y98.com and through a variety of mobile devices including the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Android. Tickets will start at $29.75, including service charge, and can be purchased through Metrotix.com
or over the phone at (314) 534-1111. For more information about the show, please visit www.y98.com. The Y98 Mistletoe Show will be AVRIL LAVIGNE’s first appearance in St. Louis since 2005. Over the past eight years, she has sold nearly 20 million tracks worldwide with hits that include “Complicated,” “Sk8er Boi,” “My Happy Ending,” “Nobody’s Home,” and “The Best Damn Thing.” Her biggest record to date, “Girlfriend” which was the top digital track of 2007, selling more than 7.3 million downloads in eight languages. Her current single “Rock N Roll” can currently be heard on Y98. All five members of THE BACKSTREET BOYS, A.J. McLean, Howie Dorough, Nick Carter, K e v i n R i c h a rd s o n , a n d B r i a n Littrell will be returning to St. Louis. The Backstreet Boys have sold over 130 million records worldwide making them the bestselling boy band in history. This year, they received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and released their first album back as a quintet titled In a World Like This. Their single “In a World Like This” can be heard on Y98. This year, singer, songwriter, GAVIN DEGRAW will return to the Y98 Mistletoe Show. DeGraw rose to fame in 2003 with his song “I Don’t Want to Be.” Earlier this year, he released the lead single for his upcoming fifth studio album, “Best I Ever Had.” The release of his new album, “Make A Move” is set for October 15, 2013. FIVE FOR FIGHTING is the stage name for American singersongwriter John Ondrasik, best known for his piano-based rock with Top 40 hits including “Superman (It’s Not Easy), “100 Years”, and “The Riddle.” During his career, Ondrasik coordinated the release of 13 free songs for US military members called CD for the Troops. There have been 5 CDs for the troops and over 1 million copies given away. The songs donated included tracks from Billy Joel, Jewel and Sarah McLachlan, Keith Urban and Trace Adkins, Chris Rock, Ray RomanoAdam S a n d l e r, M a t c h b o x 2 0 , G a v i n DeGraw, and Sara Bareilles.
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People People planner Science Center hosts "Jerusalem" "Jerusalem", a new captivating film about the Holy Land’s most enigmatic city, premiered at the Saint Louis Science Center ’s Omnimax Theater on October 4, 2013. Jerusalem: sacred to half the people on earth; fought over more than any other place in history; conquered and destroyed, rebuilt and reinvented repeatedly over 5,000 years. Now, for the firsttime ever, a new giant screen film adventure immerses audiences in a spectacular cinematic journey— soaring high above the Holy Land and plunging deep into the vibrant Old City—so they can experience as never before the iconic sites cherished by billions. Narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch (“Star Trek into the Darkness,” PBS’s “Sherlock”), "Jerusalem" gives audiences a rare glimpse of the ancient, storied city, as well as exclusive access to revered holy sites and little-known parts of the region—including the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy S e p u l c h e r, t h e D o m e o f t h e Rock, the Jordan River, the Sea of Galilee, and the mountain fortress of Masada. Filmmakers were granted special permission in the region’s strict no-fly zone, enabling them to capture the firstever large format aerial images of the Old City and throughout the Holy Land. “What you’re going to see is an amazing city, stunning in its beauty, and incredibly complex because it is the intersection of re l i g i o n , h i s t o r y, p o l i t i c s a n d s c i e n c e , ” s a i d B e r t Ve s c o l a n i , President and CEO, Saint Louis S c i e n c e C e n t e r. “ I t ’ s j u s t a powerful experience.” Audiences will discover why this tiny piece of land is sacred to three major religions through the stories of Jewish, Christian and Muslim families who call Jerusalem home. They will also j o i n re n o w n e d a rc h a e o l o g i s t , Dr. Jodi Magness, as she travels underground to solve some of this city’s greatest mysteries. Find
out why, after thousands of years, Jerusalem and the Holy Land continue to stir the imagination of billions of people. An original production from Cosmic Picture and Arcane Pictures and distributed by National Geographic Entertainment, the 43-minute large format film was executive produced by the late Jake Eberts, legendary producer of movies such as “Gandhi,” “Chariots of Fire,” and “Dances with Wo l v e s ” ; p ro d u c e d b y Ta r a n D a v i e s , G e o rg e D u ff i e l d a n d D a n i e l F e rguson; and written and directed by Daniel Ferguson. Large format industry veteran Reed Smoot, ASC is Director of Photography. “ Wi t h t h i s e x t r a o r d i n a r y film’s immersive experience, audiences will feel as if they are really walking the streets of this beloved and iconic place,” said Lisa Truitt, president of National Geographic Entertainment. "Through the unrivaled beauty, visceral nature and incredible technology of the giant screen format, you feel as if you are experiencing Jerusalem up-close and first-hand," said writer/ director Daniel Ferguson. For more information, to view the trailer and to purchase tickets please visit slsc.org/jerusalem or call 800.456.SLSC x4424 or 314.289.4424.
MoBOT plans "Garden Glow 2013" The Missouri Botanical Garden is excited to announce its plans f o r “ G a rd e n G l o w 2 0 1 3 , ” t h e Garden’s first-ever winter light exhibit. Visitors will have the o p p o r t u n i t y t o s t ro l l t h ro u g h the Garden at night surrounded by a spectacle of unique light installations. The exhibit will o p e n N o v. 2 3 , 2 0 1 3 a n d r u n through Jan. 4, 2014. H u n d re d s o f t h o u s a n d s o f lights will adorn some of the Garden’s most iconic locations including the Climatron®, Kaeser Memorial Maze, the Central Axis and Tower Grove House.
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Walkways will be transformed into sensory light tunnels providing an explosion of visual magic, while more traditional candlelight village displays will delight crowds of all ages. “Our members, visitors and staff have asked about the possibility of seasonal lights f o r y e a r s . T h i s i s t h e y e a r. ” said Missouri Botanical Garden President Peter Wyse Jackson. “ G a rd e n G l o w w i l l b e c o m e a destination for St. Louisans and visitors this year and for years to come.” Garden Glow will also feature music, food and drinks, including s’more-making, at fire pits on the grounds. Special Glow gear will be sold throughout the Garden and in the Garden Gate Shop, giving show attendees an opportunity to become a part of the fun. The Missouri Botanical Garden is located at 4344 Shaw Blvd. in south St. Louis, accessible from Interstate 44 at the Vandeventer exit and from Interstate 64 at the Kingshighway North and South exit. Free parking is available on site and two blocks west at the corner of Shaw and Vandeventer. For general information, v i s i t w w w. m o b o t . o r g o r c a l l ( 3 1 4 ) 5 7 7 ‑ 5 1 0 0 ( t o l l - f r e e , 1‑800‑642‑8842). Follow the Garden on Facebook and Twitter at www.facebook.com/ m i s s o u r i b o t a n i c a l g a rd e n a n d http://twitter.com/mobotnews. More than 44,000 households i n t h e S t . L o u i s re g i o n h o l d memberships to the Missouri Botanical Garden. Memberships begin at $65 ($60 for seniors) and offer 12 months of free general
admission for two adults and all children ages 12 and under, plus exclusive invitations and discounts. Members help support the Garden’s operations and world-changing work in plant science and conservation. Learn more at www.mobot.org/ membership.
MoBOT hosts Terra Circus exhibit Join the Garden in welcoming the work of acclaimed photographer, Caren Alpert to the Missouri Botanical Garden September 6 through November 22 for her exhibit entitled “terra cibus.” The San Francisco-based fine art and commercial photographer combines her love for photography, food and art in photos taken with an electron microscope. Alpert captures the microscopic, almost other-worldly surfaces of common foods such as Oreo cookies, shrimp, leaves and candy, turning what might normally be a scientific endeavor into fine art. Caren Alpert's Pineapple Leaf “Photographs taken with electron m i c ro s c o p e s h a v e s e i z e d m y interest because of their mystery and simultaneous familiarity. This medium deconstructs, abstracts, and reveals the ordinary in a riveting way. The closer the lens got, the more I saw food - and consumers of food - as part of a larger eco-system,” stated Alpert. The exhibit assists in bringing attention to the International Year of Food and the Garden’s “Foodology: Dig In” theme for
2013. The “terra cibus” exhibit will be shown in Monsanto Hall of the Ridgway Center and is included with Missouri Botanical Garden admission of $8 for adults and free for children ages 12 and under. St. Louis City and County residents enjoy discounted admission of $4 and free admission on most Wednesday a n d S a t u rd a y m o r n i n g s u n t i l noon. Missouri Botanical Garden members are free. The Missouri Botanical Garden is located at 4344 Shaw Blvd. in south St. Louis, accessible from Interstate 44 at the Vandeventer exit and from Interstate 64 at the Kingshighway North and South exit. Free parking is available on site and two blocks west at the corner of Shaw and Vandeventer. For general information, v i s i t w w w. m o b o t . o r g o r call (314) 577‑5100 (tollfree, 1‑800‑642‑8842). Follow the Garden on Facebook and Tw i t t e r a t w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / m i s s o u r i b o t a n i c a l g a rd e n a n d h t t p : / / t w i t t e r. c o m / mobotnews. More than 45,000 households in the St. Louis region hold memberships to the Missouri Botanical Garden. Memberships begin at $65 ($60 for seniors) and offer 12 months of free general admission for two adults and all children ages 1 2 a n d u n d e r, p l u s e x c l u s i v e invitations and discounts. Members help support the Garden’s operations and world-changing work in plant science and conservation. L e a r n m o r e a t w w w. m o b o t . org/membership.
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October 31, 2013
On the Edge of the Weekend
People People planner Zoo announces winter events The following events have been scheduled at the Saint Louis Zoo: November 13 – December 24, 2013 Holiday Zootique at Treetop Shop. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. More information: www.stlzoo.org or (314) 781-0900. Shop Holiday Zootique at Treetop Shop in The Living World for unique gift ideas, ornaments and much more. Seasonal items will be available for purchase through December 24. November 28, 2013 Holiday Hours: Zoo is open 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. November 29-December 1, 6-8, 1315, 20-23, 26-30, 2013 U.S. Bank Wild Lights. 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. $4/Member; $5/Nonmember. Children under 2 are free. Free parking will be provided on the Zoo’s South Parking Lot on Wells Drive. More information: www. stlzoo.org or (314) 781-0900. Walk through the Zoo’s holiday wonderland of spectacular light displays. Sponsored by U.S. Bank, Prairie Farms Dairy, Build-A-Bear Workshop® At The Zoo and Fresh 102.5. December 2013 Daily through December 24, 2013 Holiday Zootique at Treetop Shop. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. More information: www.stlzoo.org or (314) 781-0900. Shop Holiday Zootique at Treetop Shop in The Living World for unique gift ideas, ornaments and much more. Seasonal items will be available for purchase through December 24. November 29-December 1, 6-8, 1315, 20-23, 26-30, 2013 U.S. Bank Wild Lights. 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. $4/Member; $5/Nonmember. Children under 2 are free. Free parking will be provided on the Zoo’s South Parking Lot on Wells Drive. More information: www. stlzoo.org or (314) 781-0900. Walk through the Zoo’s holiday wonderland of spectacular light displays. Sponsored by U.S. Bank, Prairie Farms Dairy, Build-A-Bear Workshop® At The Zoo and Fresh 102.5. December 7-8, 14-15, 21-22, 2013 Breakfast with Santa. Seating
times: 9 and 11 a.m. Members: $20/adult, $18/child (2-12); Nonmembers: $22/adult, $20/child (212). Children under two are free. More information: (314) 646-4897 or www.stlzoo.org/santa. Festive holiday breakfast includes a photo with Santa, a gift for kids, visits from costumed characters, free parking and more. Pre-paid reservations are required, and seating is limited. December 20-23, 2013 Dinner with Santa. Seating times: 5 and 7 p.m. Members: $23/adult, $21/child (2-12); Non-members: $24/adult, $22/child (2-12). Children under 2 are free. More information: (314) 646-4897 or www.stlzoo.org/ santa. Enjoy an Italian buffet dinner while overlooking the colorful lights of Wild Lights. Evening includes dinner, admission to Wild Lights, visits from costumed characters Rudolf and Frosty, photo with Santa and free parking. Prepaid reservations are required, and seating is limited. December 24, 2013 (Christmas Eve) Holiday Hours: Zoo is open 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Christmas Eve. December 25, 2013 (Christmas Day) Zoo is closed on Christmas Day. December 27, 2013 Raja’s 21st Birthday. Celebration from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at River ’s Edge, weather permitting. Raja the bull Asian elephant turns 21. More information: www.stlzoo.org or (314) 781-0900. December 31, 2013 (New Year ’s Eve) Holiday Hours: Zoo is open 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Cinema St. Louis announces SLIFF lineup The lights are about to go down, and the stars are getting ready to shine. The 22nd Annual Whitaker St. Louis International Film Festival (SLIFF) will be held Nov. 14-24. SLIFF will screen 330 films: 75 narrative features, 63 documentary
features, and 192 shorts. This year’s festival has 201 screenings/programs, with 54 countries represented. The highlight of this year ’s fest is an appearance by Oscar®winning writer/director Oliver Stone, whowill receive a Lifetime Achievement Award, discuss his career, and screen his director’s cut of “JFK” onFriday, Nov. 22, the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. The fest will host more than 100 filmmakers and related guests, including honorees Jon Jost (Lifetime Achievement Award), Arsen Anton Ostojic (Contemporary Cinema Award), Nina Davenport (Women in Film Award), and AJ Schnack (Charles Guggenheim Cinema St. Louis Award). The festival will open on Thursday, Nov. 14, with the St. Louis premiere of “We Always Lie to Strangers,” an extraordinary documentary on Branson, Mo., by AJ Schnack (“Kurt Cobain About a Son”) and David Wilson (co-founder of the True/False Documentary Festival). The film premiered to great acclaim at SXSW and was featured at such major documentary fests as Toronto’s Hot Docs and Full Frame. Edwardsville's Wildey Theatre will again take part in the festival. Other prominent films featured in the festival include “August: Osage County,” “The Invisible Woman,” “Le Week-End,” “Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom,” “Nebraska,” “One Chance,” “The Past,” and “Philomena.” T h e f e s t s c h e d u l e , t i c k e t information, and a complete list of films (with descriptions) are available at the Cinema St. Louis web site.
Fair Saint Louis moving to Forest Park The Fair Saint Louis Foundation today announced it will celebrate the 34th annual Fair Saint Louis in Forest Park in 2014. “America’s Biggest Birthday Party” will be centered on Art Hill and include activities July 3, 4 and 5.
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The event will include traditional Fair Saint Louis favorites, such as headlining concerts, spectacular fireworks and a Kids Zone. In addition, the Fair will introduce several new and exciting programming elements that will be unveiled early next year. “St. Louis is fortunate to have innumerable historic venues, and we are thrilled to bring our great St. Louis tradition to the iconic
Forest Park for the 2014 Fair,” said Parker Condie Jr., Chairman of the Fair Saint Louis Foundation. “Art Hill is a natural amphitheater and the surrounding areas will provide fantastic outlets for our Fair traditions as well as new and exciting features that we’ll introduce to next year’s Fair.” “Forest Park is one of the greatest outdoor spaces in the country,” said Mayor Francis Slay.
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Show Your Support of our Troops! The Edwardsville Intelligencer will publish a special feature page honoring our troops on Saturday, November 9, 2013. We are accepting photos for publication and would like to honor both past and present service men and women for their sacrifices in defense of our country. THERE IS NO CHARGE. Here’s all you have to do: Send photo along with the completed form below to: The Edwardsville Intelligencer Attention: Bill Tucker 117 North Second Street Edwardsville, IL 62025 or email photo and information to: btucker@edwpub.net Name: Branch of Service: Years of Service: Hometown: Brief paragraph honoring your veteran (In Memory of, We are so Proud, etc.)
Information submitted by: (Name and address will not be published.We need it to return the photo.)
618.288.9117 • 110 Cottonwood Rd., Glen Carbon • On the Edge of the Weekend
October 31, 2013
All information must be received by Friday, November 1,2013
Music Tuning in Garrett to peform at The Fox David Garrett, the phenomenal maverick violinist who mixes rock, pop and classical styles, will debut at the Fabulous Fox Theatre for the first time ever in Music: A Gala Night with David Garrett at 8:00pm on Friday, January 10, 2014. A child prodigy in his native Germany, he first became famous as a classical artist and later broadened his repertoire to include rock songs, movie themes and his own compositions. To purchase and for more information, visit MetroTix.com, call 314-534-1111 or visit the Fox Theatre Box Office. With a touch of genius and without any lessons, a young G a r re t t p i c k e d u p t h e v i o l i n and began playing, quickly becoming one of the world’s foremost violinists. Within just a few years he was working with legendary groups like the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of esteemed maestro Zubin Mehta. When David Garrett wanted a title for his new CD in 2012, he came straight to the point and called it Music. The CD pulls together an intoxicating mix of classic rock, pop and classical styles. To him, it's all music and all equally valid. He provokes Garrett-mania among hordes of international fans wherever he performs with his spectacular fusions of rock and pop melded to symphonic or baroque traditions. Garrett's art lies in the way he opens a two-way s t re e t b e t w e e n c l a s s i c a l a n d popular music. His version of Coldplay's “Viva La Vida” not only makes use of sophisticated e l e c t ro n i c m u l t i t r a c k i n g , b u t also incorporates the spirit of minimalist composers such as Philip Glass or Michael Nyman. When he takes on the significant weight of Queen's anthem “We Will Rock You,” he makes room for some daredevil classical flourishes in between the detonating rhythmic explosions. David Garrett will perform at 8:00pm on Friday, January 10,
2014 at the Fabulous Fox Theatre. Tickets are on sale and range from $30 to $100 depending on seating preference. All prices include applicable facility fees. Additional service charges may apply. Tickets may be purchased in person (no service fees) at the Fox Theatre Box Office (531 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63103), online at MetroTix.com or by calling 314534-1111.
Sheldon to host Audra McDonald The Friends of the Sheldon present award-wining vocalist, Audra McDonald, November 15 at 8 p.m. in the perfect acoustics of the Sheldon Concert Hall. This benefit event is co-chaired by Maurice and Edna Mae Graham, and honorary chair Mike Isaacson. Proceeds from this special evening benefit Sheldon Educational Programs, which serve over 20,000 St. Louis area students each year. Audra McDonald is unparalleled in the breadth and versatility of her artistry as both singer and actress. With her luminous soprano voice, McDonald is equally at home on Broadway and opera stages as in roles on film and television. Born into a musical family, McDonald grew up in Fresno, California and received her classical vocal training at the Juilliard School. Within one year of graduation, McDonald was awarded her first Tony Award, for Carousel at Lincoln Center. She went on to win four more Tonys, including her fifth, and her first in the leading actress category, for her role in The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess. She has also earned two Grammy Awards, and a long list of other accolades including four Drama Desk Awards, three Outer Critics Circle Awards, four NAACP Image Awards nominations and an Ovation Award. In addition to her theatrical work, she maintains a major career as a concert and recording artist, regularly appearing on the great stages of the world in opera productions and with major
symphony orchestras such as the Boston Symphony, Chicago Symphony, Cleveland Orchestra, N e w Yo r k P h i l h a r m o n i c a n d San Francisco Symphony. She is familiar to television audiences for her recurring roles in shows such as Law and Order: Special Victims Unit and Private Practice. Her latest album, Go Back Home, marks her first solo recording in seven years, and
features music by Rodgers and Hammerstein, Kander and Ebb, and Stephen Sondheim, as well as emerging composers such as Adam Gwon, Heisler and Goldrich, and Will Reynolds. Patron tickets are on sale now at $150 and $125 and include preferred seating, complimentary parking, a post-concert reception, and a tax deduction. For patron tickets and more information,
call The Sheldon's Development Department 314.533.9900. Concert-only tickets are $50 orchestra/$45 balcony, and are on sale now through MetroTix at 314534-1111, through The Sheldon’s website at TheSheldon.org, or in person at The Fox Theatre Box Office, 534 N. Grand Blvd. For more information, call The Sheldon at 314-533-9900 or visit TheSheldon.org.
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October 31, 2013
On the Edge of the Weekend
Music Tuning in Ricki Lee Jones to make Sheldon debut The Sheldon presents the singersongwriter Rickie Lee Jones: A Rock and Roll Woman (Stories and Song), Friday, November 8 at 8 p.m. in the perfect acoustics of the Sheldon Concert Hall. Making her Sheldon debut, Grammy Award-winning Rickie Lee Jones will present an evening of music and stories from her eclectic career. For three decades, Rickie Lee Jones has made a profound impact on the music world and remains a unique artist of undeniable influence on singers and songwriters today. Born in Chicago, Illinois, Jones was discovered in the late 1970s in Los Angeles when her song, “Easy Money,” was recorded by Lowell George, the founder of the band Little Feat. Her 1979 debut album, Rickie Lee Jones, was nominated for five Grammy Awards including Jones’ now iconic song “Chuck E.’s in Love.” Jones was immediately emulated by young artists who found her deeply personal work a model for the new generation. Following her successful debut, Jones released Pirates, the highly celebrated second recording further pushing her singer-songwriter abilities. Jones’ subsequent releases include, Flying Cowboys, produced by Steely Dan’s Walter Becker, and Pop Pop, an Argentinean flavored jazz and blues standards record. In 1988 she was nominated for a Grammy for Best Jazz Vocal for her rendition of "Autumn Leaves" on Rob Wassermann's Duets album, and the following year her duet with Dr. John on "Making Whoopee,” won both of them a Grammy for Best Jazz Performance. On her latest release, The Devil You Know, Jones turns her focus to Rock & Roll including the work of such giants as Neil Young (“Only Love Can Break Your Heart”), The Band (“The Weight”) and Van Morrison (“Comfort You”). Tickets are $45 orchestra/$40 balcony, and are on sale now through MetroTix at 314-534-1111, through The Sheldon’s website at TheSheldon.org, or in person at The Fox Theatre Box Office, 534 N. Grand Blvd. For more information, call The Sheldon at 314-533-9900 or visit TheSheldon.org.
McBride to appear at The Fox Superstar singer/songwriter Martina McBride announced the 2013 Pandora Jewelry Presents Martina McBride: “The Joy of Christmas” Tour dates which will include a stop at the Fabulous Fox Theatre Friday, December 13 at 7:30pm. Tickets for the December 13 engagement at the Fox will go on sale Friday, October 4 at 10am online
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at MetroTix.com, by phone at 314534-1111 and in person at the Fox Theatre Box Office. Ticket prices are $40, $45, $50, $55, $65 and $95. A limited number of VIP packages are available. “This is such a fun and special tour to do,” said Martina. “I love bringing Christmas to life on stage and putting everyone in the Christmas spirit. My favorite part of the show is the Q&A where I go into the audience. You never know what is going to happen, and the spontaneity is something I really enjoy. A three-time Academy of Country Music “Top Female Vocalist” award winner, four-time Country Music Association “Female Vocalist of the Year” and Grammy-winning recording artist, Martina McBride has sold more than 18 million albums and garnered numerous #1 hits throughout her career. For more news, tour dates, ticket information and more, visit www. MartinaMcBride.com.
Pixies to perform in St. Louis Fortified with eight instantly-soldout U.S. club shows, a sold-out UK/ European tour, and critical and fan acclaim for the live shows and five brand-new songs, Pixies announce that a 33-city, coast-to-coast North American leg has been added to its 2013-2014 world tour and will kick off in Toronto, Canada on January 15, 2014. Tickets for the February 6th St. Louis show at Peabody Opera House are $59.50, $49.50 & $39.50 and may be purchased at the Ford Box Office at Scottrade Center, all Ticketmaster Ticket Centers, by phone at 800-745-3000, or online at ticketmaster.com. Additional Ticketmaster service charges and handling fees apply to all tickets purchased through Ticketmaster outlets, by phone or online. For disabled seating, call 314-622-5420. Log onto pixiesmusic.com for more information. “…there’s no denying Pixies’ superlative live impact. Deal or no Deal.” – Guardian UK Pixies – Black Francis/guitars, vocals, Joey Santiago/guitars, drummer David Lovering, and touring bassist Kim Shattuck – are on the road in support of the band’s first collection of new music in more than 20 years that began with the surprise release of the single “Bagboy” on June 28. That was
followed by the four-track EP-1 that came out of the blue on September 3. “Andro Queen,” the melancholy, surrealistic sci-fi ballad that opens EP-1, is the project’s brand-new music video, and now available at www.pixiesmusic.com “Andro Queen” was conceived and directed by filmmaker Ondi Timoner through her Interloper F i l m s p r o d u c t i o n c o m p a n y. Timoner won the Grand Jury Prize for Documentary Features at the Sundance Film Festival twice and has work permanently displayed at New York’s Museum of Modern Art. She also produced and directed the original VH-1 series “Sound Effects,” and directed the opening film for President Clinton’s 2011 birthday/ fundraiser held at the Hollywood Bowl that featured Steven Spielberg, Barbra Streisand, Jay-Z, and the President, among others. Timoner is the founder and director of webchannel “A Total Disruption” that features the work of cutting-edge innovators and entrepreneurs who use technology to transform lives, our economy and where we’re headed. “The new numbers more than held their own…Four stars” – The Times of London All of the Pixies dates on this tour will feature a brand new stage set and production, and will give the band an opportunity to not only debut brand new Pixies songs, but to offer the most wide-ranging concert set lists of Pixies music in the band’s career. As Black Francis told The Daily Beast, “I’m happy that we have new songs to play because playing only the old songs…you’ve already proven that. You can try to do it better, but you’re not really proving anything to anyone except that you can still do it.”
Trans-Siberian Orchestra to perform in St. Louis Trans-Siberian Orchestra (TSO) will celebrate their first 15 years of touring with an encore and final performance of their multiplatinum rock opera, "The Lost Christmas Eve." TSO’s 2013 Winter Tour will begin on November 13th, playing over 100 shows in 67 cities across North America, presented by Hallmark Channel. Live Nation is proud to welcome TSO when they return to Saint Louis for two spectacular shows
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at Scottrade Center on Monday, December 23 at 3:00pm and 7:30pm. Tickets are on sale now. TSO, whose phenomena has grown year after year, has played over 1,500 shows for more than 10 million fans in the past fifteen years, and quietly became one of the world’s biggest arena rock acts. The unprecedented fan driven growth is a testament to TSO founder Paul O’Neill’s vision of "Rock Theater," the perfect amalgamation of Broadway storytelling with the spectacle of rock, delighting audiences of all ages year after year. For one final year, audiences will get to experience the modern Charles Dickens-like classic, "The Lost Christmas Eve." Following the 2012 premiere of this acclaimed rock opera, critics were raving, calling it "…a must see for any music lover" , "…a rock ‘n’ roll holiday celebration worth seeing !" and an "unrivaled spectacle of sight and sound." "The Lost Christmas Eve" features a diverse soundtrack fusing elements of rock, classical, folk, R&B, and theatrical-styled music, with the story taking you on a journey into the "Capraesque" world of TSO creator / producer, Paul O’Neill. The critically acclaimed rock opera encompasses a rundown hotel, an old toy store, a blues bar, a Gothic cathedral, and their respective inhabitants all intertwined during a single enchanted Christmas Eve in New York City. "The Lost Christmas Eve", performed in its entirety for the final time, will feature the hit single "Wizards in Winter" as well as longtime crowd favorites, "Christmas Nights in Blue" and "Siberian Sleigh Ride." It will be followed by songs from last years EP release from Lava/Republic, "Dreams of Fireflies (On a Christmas Night)", classics from TSO's debut album, "Christmas Eve & Other Stories" and the rest of the heralded catalogue of rock operas. While off the road, TSO is constantly stockpiling new projects in their Rock Theater arsenal, including the rock operas "Gutter Ballet and the New York City Blues Express," "Letters from the Labyrinth" and "Romanov: When Kings Must Whisper", an epic story set amidst the Bolshevik Revolution.
Robin Thicke to appear at the Fox Following the release of his best selling new album, Blurred Lines, recording artist Robin Thicke has announced details of his highly anticipated Spring 2014 North American tour. The artist will be joined by special guests Jessie J and DJ Cassidy on all dates making this the hottest concert package of the spring. The tour will make 15 exclusive stops across North America and will kick off on February 21st in Atlanta, Georgia at the Fox Theatre, continuing through the spring. Robin is teaming up with Tickets-for-Charity to offer fans some of the best seats in the house to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). These special tickets will be available exclusively at www.ticketsforcharity. com. Tickets and special limited VIP packages are available for purchasenow. For additional tour information, please visit www. robinthicke.com. Thicke will appear March 15 at the Fox Theatre. This past summer marked the debut of Robin Thicke’s highly anticipated sixth studio album, Blurred Lines (Star Trak/Interscope Records). The collection debuted at #1 on Billboard Top 200 while, “ B l u r re d L i n e s , ” t h e s i n g l e , continued its 12-week reign on the Billboard Hot 100 chart making Robin the first artist to take the top spot on both lists since December 2012 and only the 17th act to earn the distinction in the past ten years. “Blurred Lines” scored the highest audience ever recorded and broke records by climbing to #1 on 5 radio charts simultaneously (Top 40, Rhythm, Urban, Hot AC & Urban AC) – the first time this has ever been done by an artist. New York Magazine called the album, “A great record. Period,” while Rolling Stone said, “Robin Thicke sings, writes, produces, plays keyboard and even raps a little on his excellent sixth album.” The second single off of the album, “Give It 2 U” ft. Kendrick Lamar, is available now.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
October 31, 2013
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Music Music calendar **If you would like to add something to our music calendar, email it to theedge@edwpub.net.
Thursday, Oct. 31 Blaze Luminous w/Toymaker, Mussy Cluves, Unanimous, DJ Howard Deans, Plush St. Louis, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. RemiXT, Cicero's, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. dada w/Tok, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Buck 65 w/Farout, Seymour Awesome, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Taking Back Sunday w/Polar Bear Club, Transit, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Toymaker w/Mussy Clubes, DJ Howard Deans, Plush St. Louis, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. MME w/Franco Hill, Souls of Liberty, Ekletrip and J'Demul, The Gramophone, St. Louis, Doors 9:00 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 1 Florida George Line w/Colt Ford, Tyler Farr, Chaifetz Arena, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. St. Louis Symphony Live at Powell Hall: Fantasia, Powell Symphony Hall, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. S t ru t t e r : A Tr i b u t e t o K i s s , Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville, 8:00 p.m. Candyland 5, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 9:00 p.m. Flux Pavilion - Freeway Tour w/Skism, Roksonix, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Karol Radziwonowicz, Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. Moshe Kasher, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 2 St. Louis Symphony Live at Powell Hall: Fantasia, Powell Symphony Hall, St. Louis, 7:00 p.m. Aaron Watson, Lumiere Theatre, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Peter Martin Music, Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. Lotus w/The Floozies, Cosby Sweater, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Five Eight w/Last To Show First To Go, Plush St. Louis, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Living Colour, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Mom's Kitchen w/Entwistle, The Gramophone, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Hip Hop Showcase, Pop's, Sauget, 6:30 p.m.
Makj, Carl Tricks, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Black Tusk w/Inter Arma, Ashes and Iron, White Fire, Fumer, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 8
Talib Kweli, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Tuesday Night House Party w/Cree Rider Family Band, The Gramophone, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. August Burns Red w/ Blessthefall, Defeater, Beartooth, Pop's, Sauget, 7:00 p.m. Te r r a p l a n e S u n w / D i s t a n t Correspondent, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m.
Kiss and& Tell Mansion…A Murder Mystery, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Mom's Kitchen - Widespread Panic Tribute, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Old Salt Union w/The Big Idea, The Gramophone, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Sepultura w/Unearth, Kataklysm, Hung Like a Martyr, Pop's, Sauget, 5:30 p.m. The Ides of March feat. Jim P e t e r i k , T h e Wi l d e y T h e a t re , Edwardsville, 8:00 p.m. Pistols and The Sisters w/ Cree Rider Family Band, Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 6
Saturday, Nov. 9
Portland Cello Project, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Ty c h o w / B e a c o n , O l d R o c k House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Periphery w/Born of Osiris, Dead Letter Circus, Virucide, Pop's, Sauget, 6:00 p.m. Screaming Females, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m.
Thomas Dolby (Film & Live Performance), Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. T h e B l i n d E y e s w / D e c k e r, Quick and Easy Boys, Spectator, The Gramophone, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Datsik w/Funtcase, Protohype, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Tr o u t F i s h i n g i n A m e r i c a C h i l d re n ' s S h o w, T h e Wi l d e y Theatre, Edwardsville, 3:00 p.m. Trout Fishing in America, The Wildey Theatre, 8:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 5
Thursday, Nov. 7 Skylar Grey, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Johnathan Rice w/The Apache Relay, The Gramophone, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. RFT Best of St. Louis Party '13, Plush St. Louis, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Steve Aoki w/Borgore, Waka Flocka Flame, Felix Cartal, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m. Nick Africano w/Jenny and the Late Nights, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 10
Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Cut/Copy w/Larry Gus, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 12 Pure Bathing Culture, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Tuesday Night House Party w/Cree Rider Family Band, The Gramophone, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 13 Chuck Berry, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Nativ w/Lionfight, Pop's, Sauget, 6:00 p.m. Washed Out, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 14 Unknown Hinson, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Sol Cat, The Gramophone, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Pan w/Giant's Knife, Plush St. Louis, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Asking Alexandria w/ Sevendust, All That Remains, Emmure, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 5:30 p.m. Tim Kasher w/Laura Stevenson, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 15 Krewella w/Seven Lions, Candyland, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Sleeping Thru Sunday w/ Nothing Set In Stone, The Setback, Pop's, Sauget, 6:00 p.m. Winter Concert Series feat. The Rick Haydon Quartet, The Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville, 7:00 p.m. Foxing w/Bear Hive, Parisian, Dots Not Feathers, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16 Ed Kowalczyk, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. North Mississippi Allstars, Plush St. Louis, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m. Timeflies w/Chiddy Bang, Cash Cash, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Trivium and Devildriver w/ After the Burial, Thy Will Be Done, Pop's, Sauget, 6:00 p.m. Joe Pug w/Sera Cahoone, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 17 Smile Empty Soul w/Acidic, First Decree, A Life Less Gray, Pop's, Sauget, 6:30 p.m. Less Than Jake w/Anti-Flag, Masked Intruder, Get Dead, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 6:00 p.m.
The Lone Below w/Greg Holden, Old Rock House, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Holy Grail w/Broke Neck, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 11 Trombone Shorty & Orleans,
Fall Styles Available Now!
Sunday, Nov. 3 St. Louis Symphony Live at Powell Hall: Fantasia, Powell Symphony Hall, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. Deer Tick w/Robert Ellis, The Firebird, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m. Lee Brice, The Pageant, St. Louis, Doors 7:00 p.m. Oleta Adams, Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 5:00 p.m. Arvin Mitchell & Friends, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 7:30 p.m. Battle For Pointfest feat. Yankee Rain, The Setback, Skull Folder, Pop's, Sauget, 6:00 p.m.
Just get engaged? $200.00
Discount will be applied to your tuition account at $20 per week for 10 week.* * New Clients Only. Offer Expires 11-30-2013
Marking an anniversary? Recently married? Having a birthday? Maybe you've welcomed a baby. As it has for 150 years, The Intelligencer still runs family-based items of interest at no charge. If you have something you'd like to submit, contact city desk clerk Renata Pipkin at 656-4700, ext. 28 or by e-mail at citydesk@edwpub.net.
Monday, Nov. 4 Cassandra Llea CD Release Party w/DJ Karma, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, Doors 8:00 p.m. Bingo Players w/Bass Jackers,
October 31, 2013
On the Edge of the Weekend
Photographer writes about Syria
backseat to violence? Where did we go wrong?" Shamsi-Basha was born in Damascus in 1965 and grew up speaking Arabic as his native language, but learned English in school. During his childhood, Damascus was known for religious tolerance, Shamsi-Basha said. "It was a beautiful city, the oldest continuously occupied city on the planet." As a child, he didn't think about politics. "We lived under a dictator," he said, referring to Hafez al-Assad. "For a kid, freedom is not on the radar." The city was mostly Muslim, but had about 15 percent Christians, he said. "It was a very open, very tolerant society," he said. When he would have dinner at a Christian friend's house, the family would hold hands and pray, in the name of God, rather than in Jesus' name, so as not to exclude him. As a teen, he was a devout Muslim, praying five times a day. But he envied his Christian friend's faith; they would talk for hours about religion. "We were obsessed with it,"
Shamsi-Basha said. "His whole life revolved around grace and freedom. Mine was the law. In Islam, every sin is counted against you, and every good deed is counted for you, and you weigh them out. Love is not in the picture. In Christianity, love is the picture. I never understood the grace of Christianity until I became a Christian. It's hard to understand grace when you come from the law. Love is mentioned in the Quran a few times. Fear is mentioned a lot. I didn't want a God of fear. I wanted a God of love."" Shamsi-Basha said his curiosity about religion got him in trouble. "I asked a lot of questions about Christians," he said. In eighth grade religion class, he got in trouble with the teacher for posing a troublesome question: "Did God make man, or did man make God?" The teacher paddled him, then the principal paddled him and sent him home with a note. His father was more understanding. "That's an interesting question," he told his son. Then he told him, "It's a lot easier to live knowing that God made man."Shamsi-Basha said he
replied to his father, "I don't want just easier to live." His father encouraged him to explore spiritually. Shamsi-Basha said he began writing the book as a series of letters to his father in heaven. "I never told him that I converted," Shamsi-Basha said. "I regret that. I was afraid his pride would be shattered." He rarely discusses his conversion to Christianity with his Muslim family, although they are all aware of it. "I just choose to let them see it in me," he said. "My mom knows. She's fine with it." The book was not meant as a knock on the faith he was raised in, he said. "It doesn't say anything bad about Islam," he said. "All I'm preaching is peace and love. Christianity is all about love." Shamsi-Basha grew up 45 minutes from the Israeli border, a fact that weighed heavily in Syrian society. "I grew up being told to hate the Jews every day," he said. "We had to go out in the street and shout, 'Death to the Jews.' It took me 10 years to come to love them. I love the Israelites of the Bible. I don't love the Israeli government. They're not doing it
right, and the Palestinians are not doing it right. Both sides are doing horrific things to the other. When you grow up in a refugee tent and all you know is cloth walls, what are you going to do? Any human suffering caused by another human is wrong. We were told that they took our land. But wasn't it their land before it was our land? Nobody really knows whose land it was. We are all on this tiny ball hurtling through space and we're really here to love God and feel his love for us, instead of hate each other." Shamsi-Basha met a Christian publisher, Michael Gaydosh, the founder of Solid Ground Christian Books, and told him about being from Damascus, and becoming fascinated with the Apostle Paul, to the point of converting from Islam to Christianity. "Now the road to Damascus is my life," Shamsi-Basha said. Gaydosh was fascinated by the story. Solid Ground published "Paul and Me: A Journey to and from the Damascus Road from Islam to Christ," this year, and it is available on Amazon.com, or through the web site, Paulandme.com.
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BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — Karim Shamsi-Basha spent his childhood in Damascus, Syria, and when he tells that to Christians, they ask if he knew the road to Damascus where the Apostle Paul converted to Christianity. Shamsi-Basha grew up a Muslim, so for a long time he didn't know what they were talking about. "I would say, 'Yes, we have roads in Damascus.'" Finally someone told him he should read about Paul in the Book of Acts. "The first time I read the ninth chapter of Acts, I said, 'Whoa! That's where I grew up,'" ShamsiBasha said. "Syria is throughout the Old Testament too. Damascus was Damascus before the Bible was the Bible." Now Shamsi-Basha has written a book about leaving Syria, and about leaving Islam. It's called "Paul and Me: A Journey to and from the Damascus Road, From Islam to Christ." He has found his own road away from Damascus, but in many ways his heart is still in Syria. His home country has been wracked by civil war for the past two years. President Barack Obama has threatened a military attack in retaliation for Syria's alleged use of chemical weapons. That has been on hold as Russia negotiates with Syria to get the government to surrender its chemical weapons. Shamsi-Basha said the situation in Syria is complicated, since the rebels, including some terrorists aligned with al-Qaeda, may be worse than the country's dictator, Bashar alAssad. "They don't have a Martin Luther King Jr.," Shamsi-Basha said. "It's divided up into all these factions. I really don't know what the solution is. Why does it have to come to shooting? I don't understand the human need for violence." His two sisters are still practicing Muslims who wear hajib, the scarf that covers a Muslim woman's hair. One lives in New York City and one still lives in Damascus. "I talk to her just about every day," he said of his sister in Syria. "She'll say things like, 'Today they bombed about two streets over.' And I'll say, 'I'm glad you're okay.' She wants Assad to stop. She wants the rebels to stop." The family wants her to leave Damascus, but that's not easy. "We're trying to get her a visa," ShamsiBasha said. "There's about a million Syrians trying to get visas right now. There are 2 million Syrians in refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan." Shamsi-Basha left Syria at 18. He graduated from the University of Tennessee and moved to Birmingham in 1989 to work as a photographer for the Birmingham Post-Herald. In 1992, he was covering a fire at Independent Presbyterian Church when he collapsed in the parking lot. He suffered a brain aneurism that could have left him permanently paralyzed. He was able to fully recover after months of therapy. "Surviving that and making it all the way back is miraculous," ShamsiBasha said. In the book, he recounts that as part of his long spiritual journey that started in Syria. "It's a love story," he said. "God loves every person on the planet the same. He doesn't love believers more than non-believers. He just cries and watches what we're doing to each other. Why has love taken a
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EDEN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 903 N. Second Street Edwardville, IL 656-4330 John Roberts, Senior Pastor Sunday Worship: Traditional Service 8:00 AM Sunday School 9:15 AM Contemporary Service 10:30 AM www.eden-ucc.org
ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL “Be generous in prosperity and thankful in adversity. Be fair in thy judgment, and guarded in thy speech. Be a lamp unto those who walk in darkness, and a home to the stranger...” ~ Baha’u’llah Be generous, fair and a lamp to others! The Bahá’is of Edwardsville warmly welcome and invite you to investigate the teachings of the Bahá’i Faith. For more information call (618) 656-4142 or email: Bahai.Edwardsville@sbcglobal.net P.O. Box 545 Edwardsville, IL 62025 www.bahai.us
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ST. BONIFACE CATHOLIC CHURCH 110 N. Buchanan Edwardsville 656-6450 Very Reverend Jeffrey Goeckner
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Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Wed. Early Morning Prayer: 5:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.
LECLAIRE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1914 Esic Drive, Edwardsville, 656-0918 “Loving People to Jesus” Shane Taylor, Senior Minister Matt Campbell, Youth and Worship Minister Shawn Smith, Family Life Minister
Sunday Schedule: Worship at 9:30 am and 11:00 am Please see leclairecc.com for more information. Daycare 656-2798 Janet Hooks, Daycare Director
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Call Lisa at 656-4700 Ext 46 October 31, 2013
On the Edge of the Weekend
QuickGlance Movie Reviews
"Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2"
It’s not too much of a spoiler to tell you that, because without the FLDSMDFR, more precisely known as the Flint Lockwood Diatonic Super Mutating Dynamic Food Replicator, there would hardly be reason for a sequel to the sweet and entertaining 2009 family film, “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.” And if “Cloudy 2,” which ups the zany quotient in the continued adventures of Flint and his food-producing FLDSMDFR (we just love the name, so we’ll keep saying it) lacks the heart and fresh feel of the original, it almost makes up for it in gorgeous, color-popping visuals and in its most important new creation: the Foodimals. Like we said, almost. But first, what are Foodimals? Your kids probably know already, and pretty soon, they’re gonna be asking for their Foodimals multivitamins. So you’d better educate yourself. Watermelephants. Bananostriches. Shrimpanzees. Tacodiles. Cheesepiders. Yes, the remnants of FLDSMDFR’s food storm have turned into living things. To recap, at the end of the last movie, Flint (voiced by Bill Hader) had saved the world by heroically deactivating his over-performing FLDSMDFR, with the help of his brainy friend and sort-of love interest, Sam (Anna Faris), and others including “Baby” Brent (Andy Samberg), loyal monkey Steve (Neil Patrick Harris), and Flint’s dad Tim (James Caan). The sequel, directed by Cody Cameron and Kris Pearn, begins precisely eight minutes later, with Flint’s Swallow Falls facing a huge cleanup job from that giant storm created by, yup, the FLDSMDFR. Or, in one of the first of the movie’s many, many puns: a disaster “of epic portions.” RATED: PG by the Motion Picture Association of America for “mild rude humor.” ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.
"Runner Runner"
A story like that at the heart of “Runner Runner,” about a young American gambler who gets sucked way above his head into the criminal doings of a big-time offshore operator, would have found its ideal life as a tough, punchy, black-and-white programmer back in the 1950s. Today, it would have been most viable as a grandiose character study done on an operatic scale by a filmmaker like Martin Scorsese or Michael Mann. What’s actually up onscreen in this vaguely ambitious but tawdry melodrama falls into an in-between no man’s land that endows it with no distinction whatsoever, a work lacking both style and insight into the netherworld it seeks to reveal. Despite an intriguing setup and Ben Affleck and Justin Timberlake heading the cast, this Fox release holds a losing box-office hand. The opening of the script by Brian Koppelman and David Levien (“Solitary Man,” “Oceans 13”) combines with Timberlake’s presence to suggest a somewhat less exceptional variation on “The Social Network’s” focus on maverick entrepreneurialism in the Ivy League. Threatened with expulsion from Princeton unless he shuts down his online gambling site, finance grad student Richie Furst (Timberlake), with nothing now to lose, heads for Costa Rica determined to stick it to the undisputed king of computer gambling, Ivan Black (Affleck). RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for “language and some sexual content.” RUNNING TIME: 91 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: No ranking.
On the Edge of the Weekend
In an age when we’re able to consume content so many different ways — and that’s a good thing, mostly — let’s declare right now that there’s only one truly correct way to experience “Gravity,” Alfonso Cuaron’s thrilling new space film. In a theater. On a huge screen. And in 3-D. Yes, even for all you 3-D naysayers — we hear you, but this is the movie you HAVE to see in 3-D. And please, no matter how many months or years pass, don’t watch this film on your little smartphone. If you’ve seen the heart-pounding trailer, you’ll know that Sandra Bullock and George Clooney play astronauts who experience a traumatic accident in space. You may also know about the extraordinary special effects used to create this weightless cinematic world — so extraordinary that many are calling the film a landmark of the sci-fi genre. But what you can’t know, until you’re in the theater, is just how much you’ll feel like you’re up there in space, feeling its vastness, perhaps even feeling cold. And how you might let yourself forget, momentarily, that this movie wasn’t shot on location. And how you’ll ask yourself, how did they DO this? And how you’ll then forget the question, because you’ll be caught up once again in this 90-minute thrill ride. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for “intense perilous sequences, some disturbing images and brief strong language.” RUNNING TIME: 90 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Four stars out of four.
"Captain Phillips"
If you saw Paul Greengrass’s “United 93,” a terrifying depiction of one of the doomed flights on 9/11, you know this director can evoke a harrowing, real-life event like few others. In fact, you may not have recovered yet from the experience. So it’s no surprise that Greengrass has produced another expertly crafted, documentary-style film based on a real event — the 2009 hijacking of a cargo ship by Somali pirates and the five-day standoff that ensued, with the ship’s American captain, Richard Phillips, held captive in a stifling covered lifeboat after offering himself as a hostage. A major difference is that this movie has a happy ending — for the captain, anyway, who was rescued in a dramatic high-seas Navy sniper operation. Three of the overmatched attackers were killed; the fourth is in a U.S. prison. More cinematically speaking, the difference is that “Captain Phillips” is a star vehicle. In some cases, this can detract from the sense of veracity of a truth-based film. Tom Hanks, though, delivers some of his finest work here, playing the Everyman role he does so well, in this case a fairly ordinary guy forced by circumstance to be a hero. And yet “Captain Phillips” is a remarkably unsentimental film, with an emotional catharsis coming only at the very end, when we’re all ready for some kind of release. This is where Hanks digs deepest as an actor. As for Hanks, his final moments are his best, as Phillips registers in an intensely personal way the cumulative effects of what he’s endured. It’s safe to say those moments will be what’s remembered most from this movie, and for a long time. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for “sustained intense sequences of menace, some violence with bloody images, and substance use.” RUNNING TIME: 134 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three and a half stars out of four.
"All Is Lost"
What floats your boat? Do you like your movies with dialogue, multiple characters,
October 31, 2013
complex story lines — you know, stuff? Or can a film without the benefit of such things fill your sails? J.C. Chandor’s second film, “All Is Lost,” starring Robert Redford, is typically characterized by what it isn’t. There’s little in the way of backstory. There’s only one character. And he generally doesn’t talk. There is a man at sea, an old man. And that is about it. Hemingway’s tale is a garish soap opera by comparison. We know little about our unnamed man (Redford). We’re informed that he’s located 1700 nautical miles from Indonesia’s Sumatra Straits. In the opening, he reads in voice over a letter in which he, down to only half a day’s ration, pens a farewell and an apology for some unspecified failing in his now decidedly precarious life. “I tried,” he says. “I think you will all agree that I tried.” The film then properly begins eight days prior, when our man awakes to find that, in the middle of the Indian Ocean, a floating cargo ship container has lodged itself in the hull of his 39-foot yacht. It leaves a gaping hole that, aside from threatening to sink him, has destroyed all the ship’s radios and electronics. RATED: PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for “brief strong language.” RUNNING TIME: 107 minutes. ASSOCIATED PRESS RANKING: Three stars out of four.
"Bad Grandpa"
If the “Jackass” movies have always spit exuberantly in the face of age and mortality, it’s fitting that co-creators Johnny Knoxville, Spike Jonze and Jeff Tremaine have now given us one devoted to Knoxville’s octogenarian alter ego, Irving Zisman. Strangely touching, too, given that the “Jackass” boys are all in their 40s now and still throwing caution to the wind. Strapping a loose narrative framework onto the series’ patented stunts and candid-camera gags, “Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa” shows there’s still comic life in this decade-old franchise — provided, of course, the sight of a senior citizen getting his penis caught in a vending machine is the kind of thing that brings a smile to your face. Originally introduced during the final season of “Jackass” on MTV, the Zisman character has been a mainstay ever since, sometimes paired with Jonze’s nonagenarian prostitute character Gloria for maximum elder-care chaos. In “Bad Grandpa,” Irving’s family is fleshed out to include a crackaddict daughter (Georgina Kates), who, on the verge of returning to prison, tasks Irving with transporting his 8-yearold grandson (Jackson Nicoll) to the boy’s deadbeat father (Greg Harris) in North Carolina. That’s the “plot” as far as it goes, which is really just a device for putting Knoxville and the cherubic, foul-mouthed Nicoll (“The Fighter”) in a car together and letting them wreak their inspired havoc across state lines. A couple of the movie’s best and most outrageous payoffs come right up front, when Irving enlists a couple of unwitting furniture movers to help him load the corpse of the late Mrs. Zisman (Catherine Keener) into his car, then tries to circumvent the road trip by simply UPS-ing little Billy all the way to Raleigh. The m.o. of “Jackass” has always been the comedy of physical pain — a “Three Stooges” for the X-Games era — married to a kind of anarchic street theater. Knoxville and company delight at finding ways to make life veer off its neatly ordered path and in capturing the flummoxed reactions of those who bear witness. Here, they take an added glee in playing off social mores concerning children and the elderly — how they should be treated, and when they shouldn’t be held responsible for their actions (as when Irving and Billy eat their way through a mini-mart, then make a run for it). RATED: R by the Motion Picture Association of America for “strong crude and sexual content throughout, language, some graphic nudity and brief drug use.” RUNNING TIME: 91 minutes.
Associated Press
This photo released by Roadside Attractions shows Robert Redford starring in J.C. Chandor's "All Is Lost."
"All Is Lost" a distilled survival tale By JAKE COYLE Associated Press What floats your boat? Do you like your movies with dialogue, multiple characters, complex story lines — you know, stuff? Or can a film without the benefit of such things fill your sails? J.C. Chandor ’s second film, “All I s L o s t , ” s t a r r i n g R o b e r t R e d f o rd , i s typically characterized by what it isn’t. There’s little in the way of backstory. T h e r e ’ s o n l y o n e c h a r a c t e r. A n d h e generally doesn’t talk. There is a man at sea, an old man. And that is about it. Hemingway’s tale is a garish soap opera by comparison. We k n o w l i t t l e a b o u t o u r u n n a m e d m a n ( R e d f o r d ) . We ’ r e i n f o r m e d t h a t h e ’ s l o c a t e d 1 7 0 0 n a u t i c a l m i l e s f ro m Indonesia’s Sumatra Straits. In the opening, he reads in voice over a letter in which he, down to only half a day’s
ration, pens a farewell and an apology for some unspecified failing in his now decidedly precarious life. “I tried,” he says. “I think you will all agree that I tried.” The film then properly begins eight days prior, when our man awakes to find that, in the middle of the Indian Ocean, a floating cargo ship container has lodged itself in the hull of his 39-foot yacht. It l e a v e s a g a p i n g h o l e t h a t , a s i d e f ro m threatening to sink him, has destroyed all the ship’s radios and electronics. The film proceeds to depict, in rigorous detail, his step-by-step attempts to fix the hole, weather a hellacious storm and, quite basically, survive. The will to survive has been a subject of countless films, but it has here been stripped to the barest of existential essentials: A man might die and his is how he, one small solution at a time, tries not to. Every ingenuity — gluing over
the hole, fashioning a hand pump — i s m e t b y a n o t h e r c ru e l t w i s t o f f a t e . He frustratingly grunts as he wrestles around the small confines of his boat as his situation steadily worsens, forcing constant reappraisal and reluctant but necessary acceptance. The story’s minimalism is contrasted by the maximum presence of its star. Redford has always been an actor capable of doing a lot with few and slight gestures, which makes “All Is Lost” a beautiful and noble capstone. Here is, at 77, one of the most charismatic performers in movie history working with both hands tied behind his back. An everyman, to the last. Chandor ’s first film, the super talky “ M a rg i n C a l l , ” w a s i n m a n y w a y s a n opposite. But “All Is Lost” also connects to that boardroom story of the financial meltdown. Our man is helplessly shipwrecked by the debris of a global economy. Several cargo ships, too, pass
him as he frantically waves for help — an unnoticed spec in an ocean filled with far bigger corporate fish. (When a Maersk ship passes, one wants to squint for Tom Hanks, whose “Captain Phillips” would make a fitting double feature.) So is there enough here? Chandor has slimmed down the story so much that one hungers for a few more layers. But if “All Is Lost” can feel underwhelming, it also resonates upon reflection. The movie’s unadorned, unsentimental imagery lodges within as a stark symbol of striving. The feeling of doom, whether personal o r p l a n e t a r y, i s t o d a y p e r v a s i v e . B u t “All Is Lost,” in the end, is a stirring, repudiation of its own title. “All Is Lost,” a Lionsgate release, is rated PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association o f A m e r i c a f o r “ b r i e f s t ro n g l a n g u a g e . ” Running time: 107 minutes. Three stars out of four.
"Escape Plan" a jump into the '80s By ROBERT GRUBAUGH Of The Edge You can't always let Box Office returns dictate the success or appeal of a motion picture. Take this weekend's release of "Escape Plan," for instance. The movie opened in fourth place behind three-time winner "Gravity" this past weekend, but it's really not that bad a picture. Just like some of the most beloved TV shows these days, you have to take the opinion of rabid fan bases into account. In my life, that would be Uncle Dan. He's been dying to see this movie for months. And why not? Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the same testosterone-fueled jailbreak movie? Trading punches and punch
lines for ninety minutes? That sounds just like the formula these two stars created in their '80s heyday and the duo does not disappoint for one second of snarling screen time. "Escape Plan" is not too hard to figure out. Stallone, the picture's star, plays Ray Breslin, an expert at escaping from prison. He's made a great career out of eluding detention and has literally written the book on identifying how maximum security jails aren't all they're cracked up to be. Ray reunites with his support team (Amy Ryan and Curtis '50 Cent' Jackson) after busting out of a Florida fortress during a staged car fire incident. It's then that he's put up to the task of his career when his boss (Vincent D'Onofrio) relays a $5 million o ff e r t o t a k e o n a p r i v a t e l y -
funded, hush-hush "mega-prison" t h a t g o v e r n m e n t s a ro u n d t h e world are contemplating for the rendition of society's worst and most dangerous. Ray begrudgingly agrees to help the Department of Homeland Security and the CIA, the face of whom is their lawyer/ agent (Caitriona Balfe). His incarceration into "The Tombs" is supposed to be carefully staged, but he ultimately finds himself trapped in a Plexi-glass maze of suspended boxes that trap him in a system run by barcode scanners, faceless masked guards, and a vengeful warden (Jim Caviezel) and his lackey (Vinnie Jones) that want nothing more than to defeat Breslin's theories about prison management. It's soon after his intake that he befriends Emil Rottmayer (Schwarzenegger), a
controlling thug being held until he reveals the details around the network of his criminal mastermind boss. With the help of Rottmayer and an Islamist extremist (Faran Tahir), Breslin soon learns the routine of the guards and gets the run of the prison's bizarre layout. With the first two tenants of his jailbreak philosophy in place, it's up to Ray to find inside help in the form of the prison's doctor (Sam Neill) before the heat lamps of the isolation cells break his spirit for good. The movie culminates in a d a r i n g r i o t t h a t h i d e s B re s l i n and his team as they try to climb out of the verticallydesigned prison. One thing that occurred to me while screening this film was that the content really only just barely justified
October 31, 2013
the R-rating. A few ill-placed curse words and maybe the reduction of so many bullets in the climax and this could easily have earned a PG-13. The choice to limit your audience for a movie that won't last the test of time seems odd to me. While it may not be the most complicated story, but "Escape Plan" does sneak in one or two "surprise" elements that make t h e m o v i e s t a n d o u t f ro m i t s basic formula. I won't reveal them here but to say that I was impressed when I found out the t ru e l o c a t i o n o f R a y ' s p r i s o n . Besides, this one's all about Sly and Arnie doin' their thing. "Escape Plan" runs 125 minutes and is rated R for violence and language throughout. I give this film two stars out of four.
On the Edge of the Weekend
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Thursday, October 31, 2013
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosting Agent: Megan Wood 33 Wolfe Creek Ct., Glen Carbon $398,000 Beautiful 2 story that’s well cared for & ready to move into.
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosting Agent: Julie Mayfield 8 Goldenrod Lane, Edwardsville $369,000 Large ranch. Walkout LL. 4BR/3BA. Wooded lot!
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosting Agent: Linda Shaffer 8919 Wheat Drive, Troy $319,900 Shadowwood NEW Subd. in Troy Hwy. 40 to Bauer Road.
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosting Agent: Paula Rickey 81 Southcrest, Edwardsville $289,900 Beautiful open floor plan. 4BR/4BA
Open Sunday 1:00 -3:00 Hosting Agent: Angie Daniels 260 S. 9th Street, East Alton $239,900 Exquisite 4BR/3BA with over 2700 sq. ft.
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosting Agent: Gay Schaake 240 Glen Carbon Road, Glen Carbon $199,000 3BR/3BA ranch. Fenced back yard. 2 car garage.
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosting Agent: Sook Hee Hensiek 151 Munzert Drive, Glen Carbon $150,000 3BR/2BA on cul-de-sac near everything.
Open Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 Hosting Agent: Carrie Brase 704 Thomas Street, Edwardsville $134,900 Home has 4 large bedrooms & 2 full baths.
Scan the QR-code using your mobile device to view Open Houses near you!
8 Fairway Drive, Edwardsville 5 Bedroom, 4 Bath on golf course. $397,000
68 Birdie Court, Edwardsville Gourmet kitchen with granite. Fenced yard. 4BR/5BA. $379,900
181 Somerset Dr., Glen Carbon Over 2400 sq. ft. on main level + finished basement. 4BR/3BA. $339,900
171 Heatherland Drive, Bethalto Spacious open floor plan. Great for entertaining! $230,000
420 Sheridan, Bethalto Fabulous new construction in the heart of Bethalto. $144,900
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223 St. Mary’s Street, Bethalto Remodeled in 2013! Cute 2BR/2BA home. $89,900
511 S. Olive, Hartford Great Starter Home! $20,000
3039 Sunset Hills Blvd., Edwardsville Custom 7000 sq. ft. 6BR home with wooded yard. $799,000
7536 Prairietown Road, Worden Beautiful 4 bedroom home on 25 acres. $489,000
5420 Springfield Dr., Edwardsville Charming country home on 20 private acres. $449,000
45 Sunset Hills Dr., Edwardsville Better than new gorgeous 4BR/3BA home! $413,000
15 Fairway Drive, Edwardsville Modern amenities with classic details & charm! $396,000
102 Suzanne Court, Edwardsville 3+ Bedrooms, 4 baths. $340,000
230 N. Kansas, Edwardsville Historic Edw home with charm & character! $325,000
324 Shea Court, Edwardsville Custom built 3BR/3BA Craftsman style. $309,900
348 W. Lake, Edwardsville Dunlap Lake. Lakefront. Updated. Fabulous views. $299,900
6932 Saint James Drive, Edw. Lovely 4BR/3BA home on 3 acres. Country setting. $287,900
308 W. Country Lane, Collinsville Beautiful walkout with large yard. $266,900
889 Malibu Way, Edwardsville 1 acre lakefront 4BR/2BA. $252,900
305 Washington, Hamburg Original school house updated to 3BR home. $198,000
3 West Beacon Hill, Fairview Hgts. Ranch home on a lake! $139,950
218 E. Market, Troy Updated with overabundance of space. $138,000
406 West Warren, Bunker HIll Victorian dream home on a double lot! $129,900
605 W. Pearl Street, Jerseyville 3BR/2BA. Close to schools. $128,000
2475 Center Street, Granite City Fabulous house at a fabulous price! $66,400
Lots & Acreage TBD State Hwy 109 Parcel 3, Jerseyville 6831 Middlegate Ln., Glen Carbon
15554 Rita, Gillespie 1BR/1BA home in Gillespie. $21,500
5320 & 5324 Godfrey Road, Godfrey COMMERCIAL: Potential usage on a great location! $369,000
201 S. Jefferson, Jerseyville COMMERCIAL: Well maintained commercial building. $364,000
2945 Madison Ave., Granite City COMMERCIAL: 4000 SF high traffic, good parking, multi-business. $49,000
BROWN REALTORS® Independently Owned and Operated
8505 Collinsville Rd., Collinsville 2 retail units & 2 residential units, large outbuilding & ample parking. $165,000
1501 Troy Road, Edwardsville Updated quick serve restaurant, excellent location, high traffic, on corner lot. $265,000
5020 N. Illinois St., Fairview Hgts. Class A office, 10 private offices, 2 executive offices, nice reception area. $550,000
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On the Edge of the Weekend
October 31, 2013
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October 31, 2013
On the Edge of the Weekend
Family Focus Museum of Science and Industry pays tribute to a great American storyteller For The Edge Treasures of the Walt Disney Archives, presented by D23: The Official Disney Fan Club, an exhibition which encompasses more than 300 artifacts from nine decades of Disney history, opened at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago (MSI) on October 16 – the 90th anniversary of The Walt Disney Company. The exhibit showcases the creative accomplishments and innovations of one of Chicago’s native sons, Walt Disney, and the ongoing legacy of the company that bears his name. From Mickey Mouse and Mary Poppins to Captain Jack Sparrow, the exhibition features many artifacts from Disney’s rich history that have not been widely seen by the public—including drawings; props; costumes; artwork from classic Disney animated films, theme park attractions, TV shows and live-action films; plus items from contemporary Disney milestones. This exhibit will run at MSI through May 4, 2014 and is presented by Walgreens. “Treasures of the Walt Disney Archives showcases the creativity and innovation that has defined Disney for 90 years,” said Robert A. Iger, chairman and CEO, The Walt Disney Company. “We’re proud of this heritage, and we are very pleased to share this rare glimpse into our rich history with Chicago’s world-renowned Museum of Science and Industry.” In addition to myriad fascinating
artifacts that are sure to stir childhood memories and be familiar icons to many, the exhibition will feature hands-on, interactive stations that will bring Disney technological breakthroughs in animation and motion pictures to life. Guests can explore the technology behind the 53 animated Disney feature films and even learn the steps to drawing some favorite Disney characters in the “Animation Academy.” “Through this exhibit we’re pleased to showcase Walt Disney as both a master storyteller and innovator whose creative legacy continues to inspire people of all ages,” said David Mosena, president and CEO of the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. “Guests will be immersed in Walt Disney’s ‘can do’ spirit, optimistic outlook and never-ending curiosity that propelled him through his impressive career. This spirit continues to be the creative inspiration behind many of the incredible experiences created by Disney today.” Among the extraordinary items to be featured: • Clips from several of Walt Disney’s earliest animated works, before there was a Mickey Mouse. The original script, typed by Walt Disney, for the 1928 cartoon short Steamboat Willie, which introduced movie theater audiences to Mickey Mouse for the very first time. • A partial recreation of Walt Disney’s formal office from the Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, Calif.,
For The Edge
Above, Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse. At left, a costume from the film, "Mary Poppins." including original furnishings and many of his personal items. • Hand-drawn artwork, handsculpted models and props used in the production of some of Disney’s most iconic and renowned animated features, including Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo and Sleeping Beauty. • A recreation of a working animator’s office from the Disney Studios featuring authentic animator’s furniture, and models. • Animation models and artwork from contemporary Disney animation film hits, including The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King and Aladdin. • Props from classic Disney live-action films, including Mary Poppins, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, The Rocketeer, The Princess Diaries, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl and Enchanted. • A special area of the exhibition that is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the release of Mary Poppins, with film clips, interviews with the movie’s creators and rare behind-the- scenes photos. • A salute to Disneyland Park in California and Magic Kingdom® Park in Florida, showcasing artwork, Audio-Animatronics® characters, and memorabilia from such popular attractions as it’s a
On the Edge of the Weekend
October 31, 2013
small world, Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln, The Hall of Presidents, as well as early plans and correspondence for Walt Disney’s vision of EPCOT. This exhibit is not included in Museum Entry and will require an additional timed-entry ticket, which is $9 for adults and seniors and $7 for children 3-11. Tickets are on sale at msichicago.org. MSI members can purchase exhibit tickets for $4.50 per guest. D23 Gold and Silver Members will receive a special discount on exhibit entry. About D23 The name “D23” pays homage to the exciting journey that began in 1923 when Walt Disney opened his fledgling studio in Hollywood. D23 is the first official club for fans in Disney’s nearly 90-year history. D23 gives its members a greater connection to the entire world of Disney by placing them in the middle of the magic through its quarterly publication Disney twenty-three; a rich website with members-only content at D23.com; member-exclusive discounts and special events for D23 Members throughout the year, highlighted by the D23 Expo in Anaheim, California, August 9–11, 2013. Fans can join at Gold, Silver and Free Membership levels at D23.com and at www.DisneyStore.com/D23. To keep up with all the latest D23 news
and events, follow us @DisneyD23 on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube. The Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago (MSI), one of the largest science centers in the world, offers world-class and uniquely interactive science experiences that inspire inventive genius and foster curiosity. Through groundbreaking and award-winning exhibits that can’t be found anywhere else, to Live Science Experiences that make you the scientist—a visit to MSI is where fun and learning mix. Through its Center for the Advancement of Science Education (CASE), MSI offers a variety of student, teacher and family programs that make a difference in communities and contribute to the Museum’s larger vision: to inspire and motivate children to achieve their full potential in science, technology, medicine and engineering. Come visit and find your inspiration! MSI is open 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. every day except Thanksgiving and Christmas day. Extended hours, until 5:30 p.m., are offered during peak periods. The Museum is supported in part through the generosity of the people of Chicago through the Chicago Park District. For more information, find MSI online at msichicago.org or call (773) 684-1414 or (800) GO-TOMSI outside of the Chicago area.
The Arts Dance St. Louis to welcome the Shanghai Ballet For The Edge
hanghai Ballet, one of the world’s premier international ballet companies and one of five ballet companies in China, comes to St. Louis for the first time to perform "The Butterfly Lovers" on November 8 and 9 at the Touhill Performing Arts Center.
The elegant, folk-infused ballet, where Western ballet meets Chinese dancing, follows the fairytale story of the blossoming yet illfated romance of a young couple. It is often considered the Chinese version of Romeo and Juliet. The four-act production showcases stunning and ornate costumes; elaborate set designs reflecting the changing seasons; and breathtaking choreography that highlights Shanghai Ballet’s striking classical technique. Performances are Friday, Nov. 8 at 8 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 9 at 2 and 8 p.m. Tickets are $35-55 for evening performances; $35 for matinee performance. "The Butterfly Lovers" tells the story of a young woman named Zhu, who disguises herself as a man to obtain admittance to school. She falls in love with schoolmate Liang, but her betrothal to the evil and violent Ma complicates her feelings for Liang. In a jealous rage, Ma kills Liang when he attempts to intervene and profess his love for Zhu. (Spoiler alert: Distraught, Zhu sacrifices her own life in order to spend eternity with Liang, and the two are reunited in the afterlife as a pair of colorful butterflies.) Choreographed by Shanghai Ballet Artistic Director Xin Lili, "The Butterfly Lovers" premiered in December 2001 at the Shanghai International Arts Festival. Balletco (Ballet.co.uk) calls "The Butterfly Lovers", “a Chinese fairytale … just breathtaking.” Critics say Shanghai Ballet “is as elegant as the delicate porcelain imported from China.” Organized in 1979, the Shanghai Ballet Company became famous in
For The Edge
Pictured are two views of the Shanghai Ballet peforming "The Butterfly Lovers." the international ballet world with the performance of The WhiteHaired Girl, a classical 20th century Chinese ballet that won the gold medal of the “Best Classical Dance Works of the 20th Century” in China. Since then, the company has done more than 1,700 performances of The White-Haired Girl. It was introduced to North American audiences during its coast-to-coast tour in 2002. Over the past 34 years, many of the company’s dancers have won a total of 32 medals in various international dance competitions and received impressive results in
nationwide competitions. The company has established itself as a prestigious international company by creating and staging new folk-styled ballet productions of "The Butterfly Lovers" (Xin Lili) and A Sigh of Love (Bertrand d’At). The company’s repertoire also includes classical ballet pieces, such as Swan Lake (Derek Deane), The Nutcracker (Tetsutaro Shimizu), Romeo and Juliet (Derek Deane) and Serenade (George Balanchine) along with such modern pieces as The Imagination of Red, Fébrile, Now, Here and Conversation with Chopin. The Shanghai Ballet has
performed many pas de deux from classical ballets, including Giselle, Don Quixote, Le Corsaire, The Sleeping Beauty and many more. The Shanghai Ballet has toured throughout China as well as multiple cities in the United States, Canada, France, Spain, Norway, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Dance St. Louis Artistic & Executive Director Michael Uthoff will host a free program, the Marjorie Orgel Speaking of Dance Series in the Touhill’s Terrace Lobby
October 31, 2013
at 7:15 p.m. prior to the 8 p.m. performances and at 1:15 p.m. prior to the Saturday 2 p.m. performance. Tickets are available at the Dance St. Louis box office at 3547 Olive St. in the Centene Center for Arts and Education in Grand Center, by calling 314-534-6622, or by visiting dancestlouis.org. 2013/2014 DANCE ST. LOUIS SEASON Dance St. Louis continues to be recognized as the leading dance presenter in St. Louis, the Midwest and by the professional dance community. The next performances of this season are: • Chicago Co-presentation with the Fox Theatre September 20-22, 2013 Fox Theatre • PNC Arts Alive New Dance Horizons II October 4-5, 2013 Touhill Performing Arts Center • Evita Co-presentation with the Fox Theatre October 8-20, 2013 Fox Theatre • Wizard of Oz starring Ballet Memphis January 24-25, 2014 Touhill Performing Arts Center • Diavolo February 28-March 1, 2014 Touhill Performing Arts Center • Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater April 25-26, 2014 Fox Theatre • 7th Annual SPRING TO DANCE® FESTIVAL 2014 Co-presentation with the Touhill Performing Arts Center May 22-24, 2014 Touhill Performing Arts Center
On the Edge of the Weekend
The Arts Arts calendar **If you would like to add something to our arts calendar, email it to theedge@edwpub.net.
Thursday, Oct. 31 The Rep presents Fly, LorettaHilton Center Browning Mainstage, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. The Past, Present and Future of Nature Photography Exhibit, The International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Runs through January 25, 2014. Dickson Beall and Barb Flunker: Hybrid Terrain, COCA, St. Louis, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Runs through Nov. 17. Slavery at Jefferson's Monticello: Paradox of Liberty Exhibit, History Museum in Forest Park, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through March 2. The United States Navy: WWI and WWII, Jefferson Barracks Museums, St. Louis, Noon to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 29. Yoko Ono: Wish Tree, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through December 31. Postwar German Art, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 26, 2014. Highlights from the Textile Collection, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 12, 2014. Encounters Along the Missouri River: the 1858 Sketchbooks of Carl Ferdinand Wimar, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Jan. 19. A New Voice: Contemporary Art Exhibit, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I Was A Soldier: Photos by Jerry Tovo, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 20, 2014. 50 Years of Wilderness: Through the Lens of Missouri's 8 Wilderness Areas Exhibit, History Museum in Forest Park, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 5, 2014.
Friday, Nov. 1 Disney's Beauty and the Beast, Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. The Rep presents Fly, LorettaHilton Center Browning Mainstage, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. The Past, Present and Future of Nature Photography Exhibit, The International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 25, 2014. Dickson Beall and Barb Flunker: Hybrid Terrain, COCA, St. Louis, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Runs through Nov. 17. Chiura Obata: Four Paintings, Four Moods Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs through February 2, 2014. Slavery at Jefferson's Monticello: Paradox of Liberty Exhibit, History Museum in Forest Park, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through March 2. The United States Navy: WWI and WWII, Jefferson Barracks Museums, St. Louis, Noon to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 29. Yoko Ono: Wish Tree, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs through December 31. Postwar German Art, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs through January 26, 2014. Highlights from the Textile Collection, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.,
Runs through January 12, 2014. Encounters Along the Missouri River: the 1858 Sketchbooks of Carl Ferdinand Wimar, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs through Jan. 19. A New Voice: Contemporary Art Exhibit, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. I Was A Soldier: Photos by Jerry Tovo, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 20, 2014. 50 Years of Wilderness: Through the Lens of Missouri's 8 Wilderness Areas Exhibit, History Museum in Forest Park, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 5, 2014.
Saturday, Nov. 2 Disney's Beauty and the Beast, Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The Rep presents Fly, LorettaHilton Center Browning Mainstage, St. Louis, 5:00 p.m. The Past, Present and Future of Nature Photography Exhibit, The International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Runs through January 25, 2014. Danica Dakic Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, Noon to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 26, 2014. Dickson Beall and Barb Flunker: Hybrid Terrain, COCA, St. Louis, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Nov. 17. Slavery at Jefferson's Monticello: Paradox of Liberty Exhibit, History Museum in Forest Park, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through March 2. Donald Judd: The Multicolored Wo r k s E x h i b i t , P u l i t z e r Foundation for the Arts, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 4. The United States Navy: WWI and WWII, Jefferson Barracks Museums, St. Louis, Noon to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 29. Chiura Obata: Four Paintings, Four Moods Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through February 2, 2014. Yoko Ono: Wish Tree, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through December 31. Postwar German Art, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 26, 2014. Highlights from the Textile Collection, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 12, 2014. Encounters Along the Missouri River: the 1858 Sketchbooks of Carl Ferdinand Wimar, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m., Runs through Jan. 19. A New Voice: Contemporary Art Exhibit, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I Was A Soldier: Photos by Jerry Tovo, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 20, 2014. 50 Years of Wilderness: Through the Lens of Missouri's 8 Wilderness Areas Exhibit, History Museum in Forest Park, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 5, 2014. The 1968 Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 5, 2014.
Sunday, Nov. 3 Disney's Beauty and the Beast, Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 1:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. The Rep presents Fly, LorettaHilton Center Browning Mainstage, St. Louis, 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Danica Dakic Exhibit, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, Noon to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 26, 2014. Slavery at Jefferson's Monticello: Paradox of Liberty Exhibit, History Museum in Forest Park, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through March 2. Yoko Ono: Wish Tree, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through December 31. The United States Navy: WWI and WWII, Jefferson Barracks Museums, St. Louis, Noon to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 29. Chiura Obata: Four Paintings, Four Moods Exhibit, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through February 2, 2014. Postwar German Art, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 26, 2014. Highlights from the Textile Collection, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 12, 2014. Encounters Along the Missouri River: the 1858 Sketchbooks of Carl Ferdinand Wimar, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Jan. 19. A New Voice: Contemporary Art Exhibit, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I Was A Soldier: Photos by Jerry Tovo, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 20, 2014. 50 Years of Wilderness: Through the Lens of Missouri's 8 Wilderness Areas Exhibit, History Museum in Forest Park, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 5, 2014. The 1968 Exhibit, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 5, 2014.
Monday, Nov. 4 Dickson Beall and Barb Flunker: Hybrid Terrain, COCA, St. Louis, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs through Nov. 17. Slavery at Jefferson's Monticello: Paradox of Liberty Exhibit, History Museum in Forest Park, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through March 2. I Was A Soldier: Photos by Jerry Tovo, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 20, 2014. 50 Years of Wilderness: Through the Lens of Missouri's 8 Wilderness Areas Exhibit, History Museum in Forest Park, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 5, 2014.
Tuesday, Nov. 5 The Past, Present and Future of Nature Photography Exhibit, The International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Runs through January 25, 2014. Dickson Beall and Barb Flunker: Hybrid Terrain, COCA, St. Louis, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Runs through Nov. 17. Slavery at Jefferson's Monticello: Paradox of Liberty Exhibit, History Museum in Forest Park, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through March 2. Yoko Ono: Wish Tree, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through December 31. Postwar German Art, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 26, 2014. Highlights from the Textile Collection, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 12, 2014. Encounters Along the Missouri River: the 1858 Sketchbooks of Carl Ferdinand Wimar, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through Jan. 19.
A New Voice: Contemporary Art Exhibit, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I Was A Soldier: Photos by Jerry Tovo, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through January 20, 2014. 50 Years of Wilderness: Through the Lens of Missouri's 8 Wilderness Areas Exhibit, History Museum in Forest Park, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Runs through January 5, 2014.
Wednesday, Nov. 6 The Rep presents Fly, LorettaHilton Center Browning Mainstage, St. Louis, 8:00 p.m. The Past, Present and Future of Nature Photography Exhibit, The International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Runs through January 25, 2014. Dickson Beall and Barb Flunker: Hybrid Terrain, COCA, St. Louis, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Runs through Nov. 17. The United States Navy: WWI and WWII, Jefferson Barracks Museums, St. Louis, Noon to 4:00 p.m., Runs through December 29. Slavery at Jefferson's Monticello: Paradox of Liberty Exhibit, History Museum in Forest Park, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through March 2. Yoko Ono: Wish Tree, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through December 31. Donald Judd: The Multicolored Works Exhibit, Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts, St. Louis, Noon to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 4. Postwar German Art, Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 26, 2014. Highlights from the Textile Collection, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Runs through January 12, 2014.
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The Arts Artistic adventures "Jersey Boys" returns to the Fox Ti c k e t s a re o n s a l e n o w f o r t h e S t . L o u i s re t u r n engagement of the Tony, Grammy and Olivier Awardwinning hit musical JERSEY BOYS, the story of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons, playing the Fox Theatre February 19-March 2, 2014. D i r e c t e d b y t w o - t i m e To n y Aw a r d - w i n n e r D e s McAnuff, JERSEY BOYS won the 2006 Tony Award for Best Musical, the 2006 Grammy Award for Best Musical Show Album, the 2009 Olivier Award for Best New Musical, the 2010 Helpmann Award for Best Musical (Australia), and continues to break box office records on Broadway and across North America. JERSEY BOYS worldwide has been seen by over 18 million people (as of July, 2013). JERSEY BOYS is written by Academy Award -winner Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice, with music by Bob Gaudio, lyrics by Bob Crewe and choreography by Sergio Trujillo. JERSEY BOYS is part of the U.S. Bank Broadway series presented in St. Louis by the Fox Theatre. Catch a sneak peek of Jersey Boys! Log on to www. JerseyBoysTour.com/watch. JERSEY BOYS is the story of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons: Frankie Valli, Bob Gaudio, Tommy DeVito and Nick Massi. This is the story of how a group of blue-
collar boys from the wrong side of the tracks became one of the biggest American pop music sensations of all time. They wrote their own songs, invented their own sound and sold 175 million records worldwide - all before they were thirty. JERSEY BOYS opened at the August Wilson Theatre on Broadway to critical acclaim on November 6, 2005. The JERSEY BOYS First National Tour opened to rave reviews in San Francisco on December 1, 2006, played a record-breaking run in Los Angeles and is still breaking house records in cities across North America. JERSEY BOYS is currently playing in New York; London; Las Vegas; Perth, Australia; Johannesburg, South Africa and across North America on tour. JERSEY BOYS is will open soon in Capetown, South Africa. T h e J E R S E Y B O Y S d e s i g n a n d p ro d u c t i o n t e a m c o m p r i s e s K l a r a Z i e g l e ro v a ( S c e n i c D e s i g n ) , J e s s Goldstein (Costume Design), Howell Binkley (winner of the 2006 Tony Award for his Lighting Design of JERSEY BOYS), Steve Canyon Kennedy (Sound Design), Michael Clark (Projections Design), Charles LaPointe (Wig and Hair Design), Steve Orich (Orchestrations) and Ron Melrose (Music Direction, Vocal Arrangements & Incidental Music). JERSEY BOYS is produced by Dodger Theatricals, Joseph J. Grano, Tamara and Kevin Kinsella, Pelican
Group, with Latitude Link and Rick Steiner. JERSEY BOYS will return to the Fox Theatre in St. Louis February 19 – March 2, 2014. The performance schedule is Tuesday – Saturday evenings at 8pm; Sunday evenings at 6:30pm; Saturdays at 2pm, Sundays at 1pm; with a weekday matinee Thursday, February 20 at 1pm. Ti c k e t s f o r J E R S E Y B O Y S b e g i n a t $ 3 0 a n d a re available online at MetroTix.com, by calling 314-5341111 and in person at the Fox Theatre Box Office. VIP Tickets in the first five rows are also available for all performances. Performance schedule, prices and cast are subject to chance without notice. For more information, please visit www.JerseyBoysTour.com or FabulousFox. com. The Original Broadway Cast Recording of JERSEY BOYS, produced by Bob Gaudio, was recently certified Platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America. The cast recording is now available on Rhino Records. JERSEY BOYS: The Story of Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons (Broadway Books) is the official handbook to the smash Broadway hit. Seasons Greetings: A JERSEY BOYS Christmas, a new holiday CD featuring international cast members of JERSEY BOYS, produced by Bob Gaudio, is now available on Rhino Records. Visit the JERSEY BOYS website at www.JerseyBoysTour. com.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
The Arts Artistic adventures Peabody to present the Moscow Ballet Celebrate the beauty of the holidays and the best of Russian ballet in Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker! Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker returns to the Peabody Opera House on Sunday, Dec. 8 for a 5pm performance. The holiday favorite dramatizes the traditional story of Masha meeting her “Prince.” This year, exclusive to Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker, a tribute to world peace will be added. The “Dove of Peace,” will feature two dancers who become one bird with a 20 foot wingspan and escort Masha and Prince to the “Land of Peace and Harmony.” Tickets are $90, $60, $45 & $35. Tickets may be purchased at the Ford Box Office at Scottrade Center, all Ticketmaster Ticket Centers, by phone at 800-745-3000, or online at ticketmaster.com. There is a facility fee on all tickets purchased at all locations, including at the Scottrade Center Box Office. Additional Ticketmaster service charges and handling fees apply to all tickets purchased through Ticketmaster outlets, by phone or online. For disabled seating, call 314-622-5420. For more information go to http://www.nutcracker. com/yourcity/st-louis-mo Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker tells the beloved Christmas story of the girl who falls in love with a Nutcracker Prince – with Russian flair. Praised by the NY Times as “thrilling and expansive,” the 40 impeccably trained Russian dancers leap, spin and lunge bringing the traditional story to life. The Act I Christmas party enchants with its magical toys, evil Mouse King and a journey through the glittering Snow Forrest. Unique to the Great Russian Nutcracker, Russian folk characters Father Christmas and the Snow Maiden escort Masha (aka Clara) to the Land of Peace and Harmony in Act II where she and the Nutcracker Prince are honored by emissaries from heritages the world over; African, Russian, Asian, European and Hispanic. Set to Pytor Tchaikovsky’s famous score, Moscow Ballet’s production features lavish costumes, nine hand-painted backdrops with 3-D ornamentation and fanciful, largerthan-life puppets designed by Russian puppet master Valentin Federov. A must see show for everyone in the family this holiday season! www.nutcracker.com Akiva Talmi Presents Inc. (ATP) is known for its annual, touring Great Russian Nutcracker and full-length productions of the classic story-ballets; Swan Lake, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and others by the Moscow Ballet. ATP produced the “Cynthia Gregory National
Tour” with Nancy Reagan as Honorary Chair; the “From the Top” NPR TV special featuring NYCB’s Violette Verdi and Itzhak Perlman, the “Alexander Godunov” national tour and more. Created by award-winning Juilliard alumnus, composer/conductor and theatrical producer, Akiva Talmi, ATP evolved out of the all-star Russian "Glasnost Festival Tour" (1986-92). The Great Russian Nutcracker made its debut in 1993 and was directed and choreographed by soloist Stanislav Vlasov of the famous Bolshoi Theater. In 1994, the Moscow State Theatre of Natalia Sats and the theatre's full orchestra joined Moscow Ballet to expand the company to an 88-artist tour which was billed as the "19th Century Classical Nutcracker." In 2003, Anatoly Emelianov, then an upstart choreographer and winner of the Diagelev award, restaged the Great Russian Nutcracker to critical acclaim. Moscow Ballet productions continue to feature award-winning principals and top graduates of Perm, Vaganova, Moscow State Academic Choreographic and Kiev schools.
Fox to host teen talent competition Fox Performing Arts Charitable Foundation (FPACF) is pleased to announce the 4th Annual St. Louis Teen Talent Competition in the spring of 2014. Online registration to enter is now open for all high school students in the St. Louis Metropolitan area. There are no fees to participate. The event will follow a competition format with students vying for scholarships, special awards, prizes and the opportunity to compete in the finals on the Fabulous Fox Theatre stage on Friday, April 4, 2014. This event showcases the most talented teens in our region who excel in the performing arts. Some Finalists from the past three years have performed in the Muny, with the Chamber Music Society of St. Louis, at the Sheldon Concert Hall, TEDx St. Louis and the U.S. Board on Books International Conference. Last month, more than 180 senior high schools and performing arts organizations in the St. Louis metro area received details about the 4th Annual St. Louis Teen Talent Competition. The call for entries deadline is November 22, 2013. Contestants must be enrolled in the 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade in the 2013-2014 school year and must attend a high school/home school within a 50mile radius from the Arch. The Preliminary round will be held on Saturday & Sunday, February 1 & 2, 2014. Acts may include up to six students performing as a group. “We hope students who are passionate about
the performing arts will think creatively and register for the competition said Mary Strauss, President of the FPACF. Performing arts categories include (but are not limited to): singers, dancers, actors, musicians, comedians, ventriloquists, and circus skill artists. Contestants may perform with original or published material. Finalists in past years have included an aerialist, classical and pop singers, a whistler, dancers, jugglers, a spoken word artist, musicians and baton twirlers. The 2013 winners of the competition were “Two Mellow Cello Fellows” performing their original arrangement Pachelbel Pop. The duo consisted of Grant Riew from John Burroughs School and Christopher Halen from Whitfield School. The three Preliminary round locations for Saturday & Sunday, February 1 & 2, 2014 are: St. Louis Community College/Forest Park, UMSL’s J.C. Penney Conference Center and Lindenwood University’s Belleville campus auditorium in Illinois. St. Louis Community College/Forest Park will host the Semi-final round on Saturday, March 1. High school students can respond to the “Call for Entries” and register on-line at www.foxpacf.org. Each round and location will have a panel of at least three judges who will adjudicate and advance acts to the next round of competition. Judges for the Preliminary and Semi-final rounds are arts professionals from the St. Louis region who are asked to give each act constructive, verbal feedback immediately after they perform. The finalists will compete on the Fox stage as part of a professionally produced show on Friday, April 4, 2014 Students placing First, Second and Third will win college scholarships. Contestants who advance to the Semi-final round will be eligible for various prizes and special awards, list available at www.foxpacf.org. Finalists will also be provided unique performance opportunities within the St. Louis area arranged by FPACF and by request. In 2013 finalists performed at the Muny, National Dance Week, Webster Groves Art & Air Festival, Shakespeare Festival St. Louis, Dancing in the Street and the MidTown Taste & Art Fair. “We have been thrilled with the response to this event from students, parents, arts organizations and the community. The Fox Performing Arts Charitable Foundation is uniquely positioned to provide the opportunity for students to perform at the Fox and on other stages around St. Louis. We are pleased that we are able to put talented young people in the spotlight,” said Strauss.
Sheldon Gala to host Renée Fleming One of the most beloved and celebrated musical ambassadors of our time, soprano Renée Fleming captivates audiences with her sumptuous voice, consummate artistry, and compelling stage presence. Known as “the people’s diva” and winner of the 2013 Grammy Award for Best Classical Vocal Solo, she continues to grace the world’s greatest opera stages and concert halls, now extending her reach to include other musical forms and media. Over the past few seasons, Fleming has hosted a wide variety of television and radio broadcasts, including the Metropolitan Opera’s Live in HD series for movie theaters and television, and Live From Lincoln Center on PBS. Fleming will perform at the annual Sheldon Gala at 8:15 p.m. on March 15. A four-time Grammy winner, Renée Fleming has been sought after on numerous distinguished occasions, from the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize ceremony, to Beijing during the Olympic Games, and, breaking a precedent, as the first woman in the 125-year history of the Metropolitan Opera to solo headline an opening night gala in 2008. More recently, she appeared on We Are One: The Obama Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial, and in an historic first in 2012, Fleming sang on the balcony of Buckingham Palace in the Diamond Jubilee Concert for HM Queen Elizabeth II. Fleming is currently a member of the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Hall Corporation, and in 2010, was named the first ever Creative Consultant at Lyric Opera of Chicago. She is currently curating the creation of a worldpremiere opera based on the best-seller Bel Canto for Lyric Opera's 2015-2016 season. Proceeds from this very special evening, chaired by Tim and Kim Eberlein and Don and Mary Pillsbury Wainwright, benefit the concerts, gallery exhibitions and educational programs of the Sheldon Concert Hall and Art Galleries Gala tickets are on sale now, starting at $500 and include pre-concert cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, dinner, preferred concert seating, complimentary valet parking and a tax deduction. Call The Sheldon at 314-533-9900. Concert-only tickets go on sale February 1 at 10 a.m. Tickets are $55 orchestra/$45 balcony and are available beginning February 1 through MetroTix at 314-534-1111 or online at www.TheSheldon.org. For more information, call The Sheldon during normal business hours, Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
October 31, 2013
Dining Delights Portland tempts with endless array of eats By J.M. HIRSCH AP Food Editor PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Getting a great meal in Portland is harder than you’d think. Not for lack of talented chefs creating world-class food. Rather, too many of them. Deciding where to dine among the many contenders can quickly leave you overwhelmed. I know. First-world problem. But it’s true. Portland’s dining scene has such a delicious glut of talented, creative chefs, you may find yourself calculating how many dinners — if one started early — could be jammed into a single evening. Gluttonous, perhaps, but nonetheless the best way to make the most of a short visit. And if you were to attempt said gluttony, consider starting the evening at Gabriel Rucker ’s Le Pigeon, where the rustic Frenchinspired food — including a jerked take on the namesake bird — simply astounds. Le Pigeon is ideal for an early dinner because it’s likely the only way you’ll get in the door. Reservations for this tiny restaurant are tough, but 10 seats at the chef’s bar are reserved for walk-ins. Get there 10 minutes before they open at 5 p.m. and you’ll be good to go. And don’t even think of leaving without getting the foie gras profiteroles for dessert. They are, simply, an intensely rich and decadent dessert that will leave you so very happy. For dinner No. 2, try like mad for a reservation for the 8:45 p.m. seating at Naomi Pomeroy’s Beast, where diners enjoy a six-course prix fixe dinner built around massive flavors and the chef ’s penchant for butchering whole animals. The rustic, yet refined menu changes weekly, but you can expect the likes of charcuterie plates with steak tartare and mains of braised pork belly. But what about the rest of the day? While planning your multiple dinners, you’ll probably be walking around the city. And it would be a shame to do that on an empty stomach.
For breakfast, head to Kenny & Zuke’s Delicatessen, a wonderful ode to the classic Jewish deli. Though they have ample seating and a full — and deliciously tempting menu — consider trying the take-out counter. Spend a moment admiring the wall of vintage-style and artisanal sodas, then move to the deli case. Grab some of the house-cured gravlax to go (sold by the deliciously thin slice). It is savory and salty with a wonderful chew that teases an almost jerky flavor and texture. Don’t be afraid to ask for a sample. There is no shame in eating the gravlax straight up. But you also could get a bagel — the salt bagel would be a delicious choice — or a potato and onion knish. Have them heat the knish for a rich, flaky, yet substantial breakfast. Now take your deli goodies next door to a Portland institution, Stumptown Coffee Roasters. The coffee — particularly when served up as a gorgeous whole milk latte — is as good as its reputation suggests, smooth, yet bold in a way that a certain national chain could only wish to be. After you grab your coffee, head into the adjoining lobby of the Ace Hotel, where chairs and couches welcome you and an oversized (massively so) coffee table anchors the room. And if the caffeine leaves you feeling feisty, the lobby has a fun old-school photo booth. R e a d y t o e x p l o re ? S t a r t b y crossing the street, where in an architecturally stunning alleylike mall is hidden the tiny candy shop known as Quin. But this is no ordinary sugar load. This is artisanal candy of the highest order, all dreamed up by candy maker Jami Curl and made from local ingredients. Grab a bag of the Jacobsen sea salt caramels (made with Oregon salt by local producer Ben Jacobsen), and maybe some of the strawberry gumdrops. Ready for a rest? Head across the street where you’ll find the amazing indie bookseller Powell’s Books. You could lose yourself — and delightfully so — in here for hours. Or even just long enough until dinner.
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This undated image released by Le Pigeon shows foie gras profiteroles at Le Pigeon restaurant in Portland, Ore., where the rustic French-inspired food simply astounds.
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On the Edge of the Weekend
Dining Delights
Bill Roseberry/The Edge
Above, the Three Little Piggies with a side of fried pickles.
Cheeseburger in Paradise – the food is as good as the song By BILL ROSEBERRY Of The Edge
ove him or hate him as a musician, there’s one thing Jimmy Buffett knows how to do — have fun.
Whether he’s singing about lying on a beach somewhere, sipping margaritas, drinking beer, or eating food, Buffett knows a bit about paradise. When I went to Terre Haute, Ind. in August to cover the American Legion Post 199 baseball team I decided to check out Buffett’s idea of paradise by visiting his chain restaurant, Cheeseburger in Paradise (cleverly named after one of his songs). The island-themed eatery was decked out with pictures of beaches, surf boards, lays and other tropical decorations and of course had Buffett music raining down from the speakers. There were also TVs located at each booth to entertain patrons while they awaited their meals. The atmosphere was laid back and comforting. A full sized bar featuring margaritas, mohitos and other tropical drinks, along with a list of domestic and imported beers made Cheeseburger in Paradise look like a fun spot to hang with a few friends in the evening, too. For my purposes though, I was there to test out what Cheeseburger in Paradise had to offer in food and of course I went with the namesake, a cheeseburger, but added a twist. I ordered a new creation off of the aptly named “Cheeseburgers in Paradise” portion of the menu, the Three Little Piggies. The Three Little Piggies is highlighted by, you guessed it, bacon. If you’ve missed it in past “You Gotta Eat” reviews, I live by the mantra that everything is better with bacon. The Three Little Piggies starts out with a half pound premium beef patty which has been hand pressed and infused with
applewood smoked bacon. Next it is topped with cheddar cheese, pulled pork and — wait for it — two more pieces of delicious applewood smoked bacon. Topped off with barbecue sauce and served on a toasted white bun, this baby was big. The Three Little Piggies was hard to eat, not because of the taste, but because of the amount of ingredients. It was hard to keep everything contained under the bun without making a mess, but it was worth it. Some people might say it was just too much bacon, but I have never found an instance where too much bacon is a problem. I might have found my bacon in paradise with this meal.
On the Edge of the Weekend
October 31, 2013
The Three Little Piggies had a fantastic taste, the pulled pork and barbecue sauce tempered the taste of the bacon and the infused hamburger patty wasn’t overrun with the taste of bacon either. It had a great, meaty taste and was very filling. The bun was a little dried out and nothing special, but the pork, bacon and hamburger were plenty juicy and moist to make up for it. For fun I got a side of fried pickles to go with my sandwich. Called frickles on the Cheeseburger in Paradise menu, they were served with a horseradish dipping sauce and were up to my fried pickles standards. The sour taste of the pickles made for a good sidekick to the sweetness of the
barbecue sauce on my sandwich. All in all I have to say it was a very enjoyable meal, even considering Cheeseburger in Paradise is a chain restaurant. The Terre Haute location is actually the closest to Edwardsville, as there are no franchises in Missouri and only two in Illinois, Algonquin and Downers Grove in Chicagoland. There are plenty of options on the Cheeseburger in Paradise menu if you don’t want to load up on the bacon like me. On the cheeseburger portion of the menu there are a few other intriguing choices like: the baja burger with fresh avocado, sour cream, shredded lettuce, jalapenós, pepper jack cheese and salsa, the peanut monsoon with Thai peanut sauce, pepper jack cheese, sesame red cabbage slaw and a sweet chili sauce, topped with cilantro and sliced almonds and the pressed burger with sliced dill pickles and American cheese, topped with a Sambal aioli and then pressed to a golden brown. There is also an appetizer menu, a salad menu and what is called a handheld menu, which includes items like: the coastal tacos, a mango grilled chicken wrap and the El Cubano with slow cooked pulled pork, pickles, Swiss cheese and Dijon mustard pressed to a golden brown. Finally, there is a section of the menu called the island specialties which includes: fish and chips, scampi pasta, flat iron steak and Kingston salmon to name a few. Cheeseburger in Paradise wasn’t too pricey. I ate for around $15 and the service was top notch and very friendly on my visit. While I’m not the biggest fan of chain restaurants, I would definitely test out Cheeseburger in Paradise again, after all, you gotta eat. Maybe next time I can go during a time when I can try one of those mojitos to go with my meal.
Dining Delights Push made for pisco in the United States MICHELLE LOCKE Associated Press
Associated Press
This Sept. 23 photo shows the Cuzco, left, and Judgement Day cocktails in Concord, N.H. Pisco is a grape spirit that has not been aged in wood, leaving it white. Made in Peru and Chile, both countries claim it as their national spirit, spurring intense debate on who had it first. Grapefruit twist Pour a splash of kirsch into a Collins glass, then roll around to coat the glass. Pour out the kirsch, then place the glass in the freezer to chill. In an ice-filled cocktail shaker,
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combine the remaining ingredients. Shake, then strain into the chilled glass. Garnish with the grapefruit twist. (Recipe adapted from Jim Meehan's "The PDT Cocktail Book," Sterling Epicure, 2011)
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Absinthe 1 1/2 ounces pisco 1/2 ounce elderflower liqueur 1/2 ounce lime juice 1/2 ounce lemon juice 1/2 ounce simple syrup 1 egg white Ice Pour a splash of absinthe into a coupe or tumbler, then roll around to coat the glass. Pour out the absinthe, then place the glass in the freezer to chill. Combine the remaining ingredients in a cocktail shaker. Cover and shake vigorously. Add ice and shake again, then strain into the chilled glass. (Recipe adapted from Jim Meehan's "The PDT Cocktail Book," Sterling Epicure, 2011) CUZCO Start to finish: 5 minutes Servings: 1 Kirsch Ice2 ounces pisco 3/4 ounce Aperol 3/4 ounce simple syrup 1/2 ounce lemon juice 1/2 ounce grapefruit juice
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the government's promotional arm. That's because it happens to be the 400th anniversary of the first historical evidence of pisco production in Peru — a 1613 will bequeathing quantities of the spirit to the heirs of a man called Pedro Emmanuel. Asher, who was born in Peru but grew up in the United States, is CEO of Macchu Pisco, producers of Macchu Pisco and the limitededition La Diablada brands. She founded the company in 2004 with her family, including her 98-yearold grandmother who pitches in with advice on the La Diablada blend. While pisco punch hails from San Francisco, the classic pisco sour also has an American tie-in. It was created by Victor Morris, an American bartender who worked in Peru in the early 20th century. Pisco is, says Asher, a "perfect union of an American-Peruvian partnership." JUDGMENT DAY Start to finish: 5 minutes Servings: 1
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The Peruvian government believes it has a diplomatic solution to a spirited problem. T h e p ro b l e m ? N o t e n o u g h Americans are familiar with pisco, a Peruvian liquor that has been riding a popular wave of trendy South American cuisines to become an upand-comer on the cocktail scene. The solution? Appoint 10 U.S. bartenders to serve as official pisco ambassadors for the grape brandy. "Crazy, right?" says Todd Thrasher, of Restaurant Eve, PX Bar and TNT Bar in Alexandria, Va., and one of the 10 pisco plenipotentiaries. "When I started my job, my parents were like, 'What? You're going to be a bartender?' Then all of a sudden you're a Peruvian pisco ambassador." Admittedly, a total promotional stunt. But perhaps a clever one. In the spirit world, it isn't easy being the new kid in town. And it's not enough to be cool. To catch on, you also have to be tasted. And what better way to make that happen than to teach the folks who shake your drink? Once obscure — and still so in much of the country — pisco is showing up in a growing number of bars and liquor stores. It is made in Peru and Chile, and both countries claim pisco as their national spirit, spurring intense debate on who had it first. Either way, its clean taste and faintly fruity aroma makes pisco an easy partner for the sorts of citrusy cocktails Americans love. Pisco is a grape spirit that has not been aged in wood, leaving it clear. The new world of pisco goes well beyond the classic pisco sour and pisco punch cocktails. At the PISCO Latin Lounge in San Francisco, which opened five years ago and is believed to be the first modern U.S. bar devoted to pisco, guests get an authentic version of pisco punch, which was invented in 1880s San Francisco. But folks also can try flights of pisco intended to demonstrate the nuances the spirit can have depending on the grapes used to make it. PISCO owner James Schenk has watched as pisco has gone from little-known to a spirit that most serious bars carry at least one brand of, and maybe two or three. Meanwhile, pisco has been featured at major events, including a headliner event at last year's South Beach Wine & Food Festival. "The great thing about it is that five years ago, no one had pisco," says Schenk. "Now, there's an insurgence of people beginning to really introduce and explain to all these bars and restaurants — you can have one, you can have two or three." In Peru, the government has imposed several strict production standards, including a prohibition on adding anything to the distilled spirit, not even water, as well as mandating that the spirit rest for three months in a neutral container — never a wooden barrel. Officials also are working on promoting Peruvian pisco — after all, there is a rivalry going on — hence the bartender "ambassadors." Those U.S. mixologists got a trip to Peru to learn more about pisco and come up with cocktail recipes. Melanie Asher, master distiller and blender for La Diablada, says this year seemed the perfect time to partner with PromPeru,
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1965 17.5’ AIRSTREAM-CARAVEL Vintage charm /new decor. AC/microwave. 2nd owner, Very good condition $15,250 Negotiable Buyers Only! 618/462-4661
In today’s hard economic times, classified advertising remains as one of the mostaffordable ways to reach potential customers!
To Place Classified Advertising With The Intelligencer, Please Call 656-4700, ext. 27
If you have a specialized service and want to attract customer traffic, an ad in our Service Directory is a great way to do so!
0 70 6-4 27 5 6 xt e
CARPET Shaw Frieze Carpet with pad $ 1.79sf HARDWOOD 5” Hand Scraped Installed
TRI-COR Industries, Inc. Call Center at SIUE is looking for dependable, mature telephone interviewers, computer skills & typing 30 wpm required. Evening and weekend shifts. Up to 29 hours per week available. Shifts are: 4-8, 5-9,(M-F), 9-3(Sat), 12-6(Sun). Fax resume to: 618-659-9376
$ 5.99sf ‘ Hickory $ 3.69sf
VALLOW FLOOR COVERINGS, INC 656-7788 www.vallowfloor.com
Misc. Merchandise
40”x29” wide 10” table saw with blade, without motor. $35. Call (618)656-9256
C.K.S. METAL CORP. (618) 656-5306 M-F 8:00-5:00 SAT 8-12 EDWARDSVILLE, IL #1 Copper $2.75/lb. #2 Copper $2.65/lb. Yellow Brass $1.85/lb. Stainless $.40/lb. Help Wanted Painted Siding $.54/lb. Medical 308 Scrap Alum $.50-.68/lb Alum Cans $.48/lb. Dental Assistant, part-time Clean Alum Wheels $.68/lb. needed for Endodontic office in Electric Motors $.30/lb. Edwardsville. Please e-mail Seal Units $.16 resume to: Batteries $.30 endojob7@gmail.com Christmas Lights $.30 Insulated Wire#1-$1.20#2- 1.10 PT/FT MA Scrap Iron - $160.-$200./Ton for busy physician CHECK ALL OUR PRICES AT office in Maryville. CKSMETALCORP.COM Must be detail oriented CALL FOR TODAY’S PRICES!!
and able to multi-task. Send Resume to: P.O. Box 637, Maryville, IL 62062
Bed - Queen PillowTop Mattress Set, NEW, still in plastic, $175 (618) 772-2710 Can Deliver
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
In time for Christmas, 18 inch doll clothes (will fit the American Doll). All reasonable prices. Also, cheap Christmas gifts, hand made; clothspin hangers, kitchen towels, hot/cold packs(rice), Christmas ornaments, little boy & girl aprons. Come see it all! Mary - (618)656-2621
Houses For Rent
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
1 BDRM Apartment, W/D hookup. Non-smoking, no pets. Water furnished. $585 per month plus deposit. 656-9204 or cell: 444-1004
Registered Border Collie puppies, black & white, long haired, first shots & wormed. $250. (217)370-2951
1 Bedroom loft apt & 1 bedroom duplex $590 month incls W/S/T. $590 deposit. W/D hookup. ALSO 2 bedroom house $900 month $1000 deposit. You pay all utilities. Clean and well maintained. CREDIT CHECK. No pets, no smoking on all. 656-8953
Outlet Specials
LAMINATE Glazed Edwardsville firm seeks expe- Installed
Advertise It In The Classifieds! To List Your Specialized Service In The Intelligencer’s Service Directory, Call The Classified Department At 656-4700, ext. 27
Furniture For Sale: Complete bedroom and dining room. Good quality. Best Offer! Call (618)698-3943
rienced legal secretary for areas of corporate/real estate work, estate planning and probate. Must have 5 years experience, Microsoft Word, Outlook, TimeMatters. Salary commensurate with experience. Full benefits. Only emails will be accepted. Send to bar@bcpklaw.com
2br + bonus rm, 2ba, w/d hkup., hardwood flrs, $875/mo. Call (618)307-4876
1 BR apt, $450/mo 2 BR $550 Maryville, WST, stove, refrig. Newly remodeled, off street parking. 10 minutes from SIUE. Now available 618-779-0430.
3BR, 2BA Home, $1450, 1 year deposit, 1014 Georgia St. 413-531-4917
1 BR: Nice, private, clean & quiet. 5 mins downtown E’ville. Stove, fridge, washer, dryer; heat, air, elec., water incl. Fireplace and walkout patio. Partially furnished. $675. 618-656-9200.
3br, 805 N. Main, Edwardsville, 1ba, c/a, w/d hkup. $800/mo. Call (618)781-9231
5 Bd 4 Bt Country Club Manors 1 or 2 Bedroom (efficiencies) 1813 Butler Blvd, Edw. $400-$600 monthly plus utilities All new stainless appliances, and deposit 288-5618. new lighting, $2100\mo lease or option to buy. 314-971-5766. 1-2 BR 1 BA w/bsmnt
Bethalto. Starting @ $595. 15 min from SIUE. 619-807-8957
Apts, Duplexes, & Homes Visit our website www.glsrent.com 656-2230
1BDR, 425/M, w/t/w included, near pub. Transportation. Maryville. 314.600.8502
Collinsville-1530 Franklin, front: 4BR 1BA, remodeled, nice neighborhood, A/C, fridge, stove, w/d hkup. $900/mo. w/s/t incl. Look then call 288-0048.
1BR near downtown Edw. W/S/T provided; Carport. Taking Apps. No pets. Rent $425. (618)656-1725.
Gln Carbn/Edw. - Ginger Creek Executive living: 4BR 3BA, 2750sf. Starting @$2000mo. pool, tennis courts. Possible lease/CFD purchase. 779-6266
1BR, E’ville, range, dish/w, fridge & w/s/t incl. No pets/smoking $575. (618)656-1480
Large 4 bedroom house in rural Alhambra: large yard, 3 car garage, deck, fireplace, appliances. No pets. $1000/month. 618-972-3891.
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
2 BD 3rd flr Apt. Luxury plus! Rehabbed brick warehouse on 3 quiet acres dwntn Edwville. $800 + dep. No pets 270 W. Union. Avail 12/01/13. 692-9119
2 BR 1.5 BA Townhomes. Nice place to live! SMOKE FREE. 15 minutes to St. Louis and SIUE. I-255/Horseshoe Lake Rd area. $675 mo includes washer/dryer, water, sewer, trash service. No pets. Please call 618-931-4700.
2 BDR 1.5 bath apartment in Troy. Appliances, remodeled. $600/deposit, $600 rent. Off street parking. (314)-574-3858 2 BR LOFT, newly remodeled: new kitchen, bathroom, windows and doors. Dishwasher, w/d hook ups $695 incl wt/sw/tr 618/593-0173.
Like new townhouse, 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, w/d hookup. $665, private patio, quiet neighborhood, 1 YR lease, no pets. 977-7222
2 BR, 1 Bath Glen Carbon QUAIL HOLLOW, w/d hook-ups $675 (618)346-7878 www.osbornproperties.com 2 BR, 1.5 BA, Edw./Glen Cbn., near SIU: W/D hookups, off-st. pkng. $710 up to $745. 6926366. HSI Management Group 2BR TOWNHOMES, Edw. 1.5 BA, w/d hook up, all kit appliances. No pets. $750 w/gar;$700 w/out gar,. Ask about Move In Special 618-692-1745; 779-9985.
2br, 1ba, 692 S. Station, Glen Carbon. No smoking, no pets, newly remodeled w/ full bsmnt. $625/mo + dep. Call (618)288-5575 4 BEDROOM Rental Homes, Madison, IL Available Sec 8 4 Bedroom Voucher Required. New 2 story rental homes with 2 bath, energy efficient appliances, fenced in yard, and storage sheds. ADA units available. Rent $887. Income restrictions. This is a wait list program—there may be some wait period. LL pays water, sewer, and trash. Applications are available at Gateway Apts, 1676 Market St. Madison IL, ph. 618.345-5147 or MCHA, 1609 Olive, Collinsville, IL 618.345-5142 ext 1118. ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS 1, 2, & 3 Bedroom Meachum Crossing Apartments in Venice. Beautiful gated community with many amenities. All appliances furnished including washer and dryer. Rents range from $275 to $690 a month. Some income restrictions. This is a waiting list program and some short waits may apply. Applications available at Meachum Crossing Apartments office, 928 Bob Collins St., Venice, IL 62090 or call 618-876-7731 for information.
OPEN HOUSE, SUN., JUNE 13 1:00-3:00 P
Your Home... Our Commu nit
y (618) 655-1188
From The Edwardsville Intelligencer
23 GINGER RIDGE, GLEN CARBON CLASSIC FOUR-BEDROOM BEAUTY in popular Ginger Creek. Huge kitchen, large lot, fireplace, hardwood floors. $250,000
Yard Sales
Edwardsville, 1717 Meadow Ln. (Esic Subdivision) Garage sale: Friday November 1: 5:00 till 8:00 p.m. Saturday November 2: 8:00 a.m. Till 1:00 p.m. Christmas Items, Avon & Mary Kay, toys, clothes, books, glass bottles, baskets, jewelry.....etc.
Yard Sales
2220 HUNTERS POINTE, GRANITE CITY NEW CONSTRUCTION RANCH! Welldesigned home offers an open kitchen floor plan with big bedrooms and lots of closets. CALL SUSAN LANDING, MANAGING BROKER (618) 779-7777
109 SUNNYBROOKE, TROY OPEN RANCH ON CUL DE SAC LOT. Upgrades include new roof, water heater and lighting fixtures. Large 16x8 storage shed. $219,900
118 WEST MAIN STREET, COLLINSVILLE THIS MULTI-USE COMMERCIAL BUILDING located on one of the best blocks in downtown Collinsville is adaptable for retail, office space, entertainment, restaurant, or small manufacturing.
CASEYVILLE - BEAUTIFUL 25 ACRE FARM! Property includes a 2 story cabin and 3 stall barn. Several acres are tillable, several are fenced for horses. $330,000 FOR 24HR RECORDED PRICE & INFO CALL LINDA RAYHO 800-345-0796 EXT. 1018
CALL JIM REPPELL (618) 791-7663 www.HomesByReppell.com
Edwardsville, 6616 Fox Creek, Sat. 9a-?; Garage Sale for the Handy Man! Saws, sanders, router, drills/bits, plumbing/electrical tools and supplies, wrenches, sockets. Automotive and more!
1989 DOGWOOD, COLLINSVILLE TRULY ONE-OF-A-KIND! 1 1/2 story with 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, and a walkout lower level. MBR with 3(!) walk-in closets. CALL SUSAN LANDING, MANAGING BROKER (618) 779-7777
CALL THE LANDING TEAM (618) 655-1188
facebook.com/REMAXPreferredPartners View All Our Listings @ www.YourILHome.com
October 31, 2013
On the Edge of the Weekend
Classified Apts/Duplexes For Rent
Apts/Duplexes For Rent
3BR bsmnt, fully furnished, walk-out, $1000/mo. All utilities inc. (618)593-7226 Available Soon! 2br, 1.5 ba townhomes. Ask about our specials. (618)692-9310 www.rentchp.com
HOUSE & APT & CONDOS HARTMANN RENTALS CALL FOR DETAILS 618-344-7900 HartRent.info for Photos & Prices
Excellent 3BR, 1200 sq.ft. TH: Collinsville, near 157/70; 12 min. to SIUE, FP, DW, W/D hookup, ceiling fans, cable, free WiFi, sound walls, off-st. prkng. Sm pets OK, yr. lse. $790/mo. 618/345-9610 lv AM/PM phone
Mobile Homes For Rent
Office Space For Rent
2 bdrm $450 W/T/S incld in rent no pets: 1st + last months and security deposit. 618-780-3937.
HWY 159-Maryville, 1200 SQ., 5 offices, rec area. $900/mth (618)346-7878 www.osbornproperties.com
Rental Rental Properties Properties
Office space for lease at IL 157 and Center Grove Road, up to 3200sf, $2300/mth. 656-1824 meyerproperties.com
Immediate Occupancy 2 Bedroom Apartments 50 Devon Court, Edw. Short term lease 618-791-9062 Marine, nice ground level, 2BR apt. Quiet, huge closets. No pets/ smoking. 887-4568
305/307 N. MAIN ST., EDW., IL 62025
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 2013 at 10 AM
Homes For Sale
Move In Ready! 1514 Madison Ave. 3br, 1ba, 1 car gar, bsmnt $118,000/618-593-8662
103 B Southpointe, Edwardsville, IL 618-667-1959
FOR RENT: LUXURY TOWNHOMES AND APARTMENTS. MONTCLAIR AREA 2 or 3 BDRM/2 BATHS next to 2-3 Bedrooms 2 Bath Duplex Highland High School, Korte 1 - 2 Car Garages Rec. Center & 27th Street 1100$875 - $975 Rent 1300 sq. ft. These huge units 618-541-5831 or 618-558-5058 boast hardwood floors in the kitchen & hall. Walk-in master Move in Special closets, ceiling fans throughout, 1st Month 1/2 off full size W/D included in most 2 BR, 1 Bath Glen Carbon w/d and many more amenities. hook-ups, $655 (618)346-7878 Only $695-$735/month. $500 www.osbornproperties.com deposit. Call (618)830-4985. TROY, 2 Br Duplex Apt, Wilkendevelopment.com Close to downtown, Interstates $525/mo + Deposit 656-3256
2 Store Fronts! Excellent Location! Super Nice Brick Front, Commercial Building! B-1 Zoning.
Terms: Go to anthonysauctions.com for details. TO BE SOLD: Antiques & Collectibles; Horse Drawn Dr.’s Buggy Frame & Wheels; Lots Of Seasonal Items; Kitchen Items; Handmade Furniture; Signs & Memorabilia OWNER: JANICE MCDONALD
2806 Beth Ann, Granite City Amazing Kitchen 3BR/3BA - Lots of Updates Finished Family Rm in Lower Level 3-Car Garage Debbie Davis (6180 977-8296 $175,000 MLS 4209420
41 Highview Lane, Belleville Spacious 3BR/2BA Raised Ranch Updated Features Anita Anthony (618) 670-7344 $87,500 MLS 4214884
506 Reese, Collinsville Very Nice 2BR/1BA Walk-out Basement Jim Davidson (618) 363-3830 Jean Tiemann (618) 972-0538 $67,000 MLS 4215545
Anthony Emig AUCTIONEER LIC# 441.001319
(618) 224-9800
Trenton, IL REAL ESTATE BROKER LIC# 475.119149
For up to date listings and open house information visit: NEW LISTING NEW LISTING
2 ACRES & beautiful 3 bedroom ranch wtih 4 car garage in great location! $187,500 Greenville PR101485 JUDINE LUX OR CHRIS MILLER (618) 531-0488 (618) 580-6133
JAMSHED SYED (618) 406-9775
WELCOME JAMSHED! We are pleased to announce that Jamshed has joined our real estate team in our Edwardsville office! jamshedsyed1@ yahoo.com
36 GINGER CREEK PKWY, GLEN CARBON VILLA WITH 4BR/3 FULL BATHS walkout, granite counters, SS appliances, sun room, 2 FPs. $280,000 Glen Carbon PR101488 SANDIE LAMANTIA (618) 978-2384
8 HALLECK AVE., EDWARDSVILLE ITALIANATE STYLE BEAUTY 3 bedroom, 2 bath, oversize kitchen, 13’ ceilings main floor. $179,900 Edwardsville PR101479 IRMA AUGUST (618) 558-8422
505 BENTON STREET, MT. OLIVE RENOVATED SINGLE STORY 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 3 car garage, open floor plan, half acre lot.
3322 Snider Drive, Edwardsville $549,000 OPEN SUN. 1-3 PM CAROLYN KOESTER (618) 791-6712
$99,900 Mt Olive PR101487 JAMSHED SYED (618) 406-9775
5324 Fox Crest, Edwardsville $394,000 OPEN SUN. 1-3 PM TONYA CRANE (618) 709-9374
3171 Birmingham Drive, Glen Carbon $279,900 OPEN SUN. 1-3 PM SANDIE LAMANTIA (618) 978-2384
5567 N. State Route 159, Edwardsville $164,900 OPEN SUN. 1-3 PM DEBORAH AHRENS (618) 604-4924
1060 East Franklin, Edwardsville $150,000 OPEN SUN. 1-3 PM BETTY TREAT (618) 830-3952
7008 Alston Court, Edwardsville $469,900 OPEN SUN. 1-3 PM SANDIE LAMANTIA (618) 978-2384
DANA M. ALLEN (618) 444-7222
WELCOME DANA! We are pleased to announce that Dana has joined our real estate team in our Edwardsville office! dana@ danaallen.com
Prudential Real Estate Ranks Highest Overall Satisfaction for First-Time and Repeat Home Buyers and First-Time Home Sellers among National Full Service Real Estate Firms.
Edwardsville 1012 Plummer Dr.
BARB YUST (618) 407-3238
LAMANTIA (618) 978-2384 A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE has made this Associate a leader in the real estate market.
431 Chadwyck Drive, Glen Carbon TWICE AS NICE 2 STORY! Inground sprinkler system, hardwood floors. Expertly maintained!
$264,900 OPEN SUN. 1-3 PM BETSY BUTLER (618) 972-2225
WOW! 5 bedroom victorian home with incredible kitchen, wood flooring, 2 car garage. $268,500 Edwardsville PR101350
ROOM FOR EVERYONE! 2 fireplaces, 2 kitchens, new carpet, & fresh paint on main level $205,543 Edwardsville PR101008
COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITY 1+/- acre parcel at Rt. 162 & 157. Easy access to interstate. $259,000 Glen Carbon PR100364
BEAUTIFUL ATRIUM RANCH on large wooded lot. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, walkout, 20 minutes to downtown St. Louis. $249,900 Edwardsville PR101294
A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE has made this Associate a leader in the real estate market.
TONYA CRANE (618) 709-9374 A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE has made this Associate a leader in the real estate market.
EXECUTIVE STYLE CUSTOM 1.5 story with 5 bedrooms, 5 baths on great lot! $595,000 Edwardsville PR101371
SUPERBLY CRAFTED & ARTFULLY DESIGNED ranch with state-of-the-kitchen, hearth room, custom stone FP & finished walkout LL. $569,000 Edwardsville PR101340
DUNLAP LAKE IS YOUR BACKYARD! North Shore beauty priced below 2013 appraisal. $485,000 Edwardsville PR100751
DELIGHTFUL 1.5 story retreat in desirable Ebbets Field! All the bells and whistles! $375,000 Edwardsville PR101281
COME HOME to a 5BR/4BA Gerber Woods beauty! Walkout oversized lot. $330,900 Edwardsville PR101113
SPACIOUS FULL BRICK RANCH Corner lot, fenced yard, finshed LL, extensive landscaping! $188,900 Edwardsville PR101188
OPPORTUNITIES ABOUND with this brick home on .51 acre! $170,000 Glen Carbon PR101247
LARGE BRICK HOME ON 3 LOTS Beautiful setting, walkout basement, attached 2 car garage, inground pool & more. $169,900 Edwardsville PR101332
CUTE, CLEAN, COZY! Nice corner lot, close to downtown Edwardsville. $115,000 Edwardsville PR101204
RANCH 2 BEDROOMS, 1 BATH garage, drive-in basement. Great for rental or to rehab. Very large lot. $65,000 Edwardsville PR101330
An independently owned and operated broker member of BRER Affiliates Inc. Prudential, the Prudential logo and the Rock symbol are registered service marks of Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Used under license with no other affiliation of Prudential. Equal Housing Opportunity.
On the Edge of the Weekend
October 31, 2013