December 13, 2018 Volume August16, 2, Issue 2018 17
Vol. 15 No. 49
August 26, 2018 Vol. 15, No. 51 Midwest Salute to the Arts – Page 16
Gaslight Cabaret page 15
Boutique built Alton-area on love, faith, concerts Page 2 page 18
All About You… Holiday fun, Gotta Eat frolic at Edison’s page 26 Entertaiment Complex, Page 9 Vision 3 Cholesterol 3
Blood Pressure
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On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • 3
December 13, 2018
Cover story: Sour Mash Boutique
Movie review: ‘The Front Runner’
What to discover ... Arts
24 What to do ... Events
Who to contact
26 People at the Party 28 Food for Thought ... with Vicki Bennington 33 What to hear ... Music 35 After a year full of tears, Ariana Grande comes out on top
THE EDGE PUBLISHER • Denise THE EDGE ADVERTISING DIRECTOR • Carole Fredeking THE EDGE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF • Jill Moon ..................................... THE EDGE EVENT COORDINATOR/GRAPHICS • Rachel Shaffer
ON THE COVER: Sour Mash Boutique owner Kenneathia Williams, pictured, of Edwardsville, had the opportunity to gift one of her favorite music artists, Drake White, right, with a cuff at a concert in Springfield, Illinois, and has designed custom cuffs for White and his band. Her retail destination boutique, Sour Mash, opened in Downtown Edwardsville earlier this year. For The Edge
THE EDGE CONTRIBUTORS • Vicki Bennington............... • Keith Brake
4 • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • On the Edge of the Weekend
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6 • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • On the Edge of the Weekend
327 Olive Olive Street Street •• Edw, Edw, IL IL 327 656-0845 656-0845 Steve Jackson, Jackson, Pastor Pastor Steve Sunday School: School: 9:30 9:30 a.m. a.m. Sunday Morning Worship: Worship: 10:45 10:45 a.m. a.m. Morning Wed. Early Early Morning Morning Prayer: Prayer: 5:00 5:00 a.m. a.m. Wed. Wed. Bible Bible Study: Study: 7:00 7:00 p.m. p.m. Wed.
131 N. N. Main Main St., St., Glen Glen Carbon, Carbon, IL IL 131 288-5700 Dr. Dr. Penelope Penelope H. H. Barber Barber 288-5700 310 South South Main, Main, Edwardsville Edwardsville 310 656-7498 656-7498
SundayMorning MorningWorship Worship--8:15 8:15&&10:45a.m. 10:45a.m. Sunday SundaySchool School--9:30 9:30a.m. a.m. Sunday
Traditional Worship: Worship: 9:00 9:00 a.m. a.m. Traditional Contemporary Worship: Worship: 10:30 10:30 a.m. a.m. Contemporary Sunday School: School: 10:30 10:30 a.m. a.m. Sunday Youth: 5:30 5:30 p.m. p.m. Youth: Dr. James James Brooks, Brooks, Lead Lead Minister Minister Dr. Rev. Jeff Jeff Wrigley, Wrigley, Assoc Assoc Minister Minister Rev.
Mid-Week -- Every EveryWednesday Wednesday evening evening -Mid-Week Youth Bible Bible Study Study -- 6-7:30 6-7:30 p.m. p.m. Youth AdultClasses Classes&& Adult PrayerShawl ShawlMinistry Ministry--6:30-7:30 6:30-7:30p.m. p.m. Prayer
1 District District Drive, Drive, Edwardsville Edwardsville
3277 3277 Bluff Bluff Rd. Rd. Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL IL 656-1500 656-1500
(Liberty (Liberty Middle Middle School) School)
Rev. Rev. Diane Diane C. C. Grohmann Grohmann
Bible Bible Studies, Studies, Family, Family, Youth Youth & & College College Ministries Ministries 9:30 9:30 a.m. a.m.Worship Worship // 11:15 11:15 a.m. a.m. Sunday Sunday School School
Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.
Rev. Rev. Aaron Aaron Myers, Myers, Pastor Pastor
Phone: Phone: 618-307-6590 618-307-6590 Presbyterian Presbyterian Church Church in in America America
Our Our Facility Facility isis Handicap Handicap Accessible Accessible
Fully Accessible Accessible Facilities Facilities Fully
110 110N. N.Buchanan Buchanan Edwardsville Edwardsville 656-6450 656-6450 Very Very Reverend Reverend Jeffrey Jeffrey Goeckner Goeckner
Sacrament Sacrament of of Reconciliation: Reconciliation: Wed., Wed., & & Thurs. Thurs. -- 66 pm pm Saturday Saturday -- 3:30-4:00 3:30-4:00 pm pm Saturday Saturday Vigil Vigil Mass Mass -- 4:15 4:15 pm pm Sunday Sunday Mass Mass -8:15 8:15 am, am, 10:15 10:15 am, am, 5:15 5:15 pm pm Spanish Spanish Mass Mass -- 12:15 12:15 pm pm Daily Daily Mass Mass Schedule Schedule -- Mon., Mon., 5:45 5:45 pm pm Tues., Tues., Thurs., Thurs., Fri. Fri. -- 8:00 8:00 am am Wed., Wed., & & Thurs. Thurs. -- 6:45 6:45 pm pm
All All Are Are Welcome Welcome
“O SON SON OF OF SPIRIT! SPIRIT! “O The best best beloved beloved ofof all all things things inin My My sight sight The Justice;turn turn not not away away therefrom therefrom ifif thou thou isis Justice; desirest Me, Me,and and neglect neglect itit not not that that II may may desirest confide inin thee. thee.Verily Verily justice justice isis My My gift gift toto confide thee and and the the sign sign ofof My My loving loving kindness.” kindness.” thee Baha’u’llah ~~ Baha’u’llah
407 Edwardsville Edwardsville Rd. Rd. (Rt. (Rt. 162) 162) 407 Troy, IL IL 62294 62294 Troy, 667-6241 667-6241 Andy Adams, Adams, Pastor Pastor Andy SundayWorship: Worship: Sunday a.m., 99 a.m., a.m., 10:15 10:15 a.m. a.m. && 10:45 10:45 a.m. a.m. 88 a.m., The Bahá’is of Edwardsville warmly Wednesday Evening EveningYouth Youth Services Services MOUNT JOY The Bahá’is of Edwardsville warmly Wednesday welcome and invite invite you you toto investigate investigate the the welcome and MISSIONARY BAPTIST New Life Student Ministry New Life Student Ministry teachings ofof the the Bahá’i Bahá’i Faith. Faith. CHURCH OF teachings
For more more information information call For call 310 South Main, Edwardsvil 327 Olive Street • Edw, IL 656-0845 (618) 656-4142 656-4142 or or email: email: 656-7498 (618) Traditional Worship: 9:00 a.m Steve Jackson, Pastor Contemporary Worship: 10:30 P.O. Box 545 P.O. Box 545 Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. 903 Second Street 903 N. N. Second Street Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL IL 62025 62025 Youth: 5:30 p.m. Dr. James Brooks, Lead Minis Wed. Early Morning Prayer: 5:00 a.m. Edwardville, IL62025 62025 Wed. Bible Study: 7:00 p.m. www.bahai.usRev. Jeff Wrigley, Assoc Minis Edwardville, IL 62025
EDEN CHURCH EDEN CHURCH 656-4330 656-4330 656-4330
JohnRoberts, Roberts, Senior Pastor John SeniorPastor Pastor
Sunday Worship: Sunday Worship: Worship: Traditional Traditional Service 8:00 AM Traditional Service8:00 8:00AM AM Sunday Sunday School School 9:15 9:15 AM Sunday 9:15AM AM Contemporary Contemporary Service Service Contemporary Service--10:30 AM AM 10:30 AM EDEN EDEN
1802 Madison Avenue OF CHRIST 3277 Bluff Rd. Edwardsville, IL 62025 Edwardsville, IL (618) 656-4857 1 District Drive, EDEN 656-1500 CHURCH CHURCH CHURCH Edwardsville Weekend Masses: Rev. Diane C. Grohman (Liberty Middle School) Saturdays 5:00 pm Rev. Aaron Myers, Pastor Sundays 8:00 am & 10:30 am Sunday Worship Bible Studies, Family, Youth & College MinistriesConfessions Saturday 3:30 to 4:30 pm 10:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Worship / 11:15 a.m. Sunday School Daily Mass: Our Facility is Handicap Accessib Phone: 618-307-6590 Tuesday 6:30 pm, Wed-Fri 8:00 am Presbyterian Church in America 1802 1802 Madison Madison Avenue, Avenue, email: Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL IL 62025 62025 St. Mary’s School (618) 656-1230 (618) (618) 656-4857 656-4857 Weekend Weekend Masses: Masses:
St. Mary’s Parish
Let’s Worship. Call Rachel @ 618-208-6441
Saturdays Saturdays 5:00 5:00 pm pm Sundays Sundays 8:00 8:00 am am && 10:30 10:30 am am Confessions Confessions Saturday Saturday 3:30 3:30 to to 4:30 4:30 pm pm
Faith Is All Around Us. Let’s Worship. email: email: Call Rachel Rachel Call St. St. Mary’s Mary’s School School (618) (618) 656-1230 656-1230 @ 618-208-6441 Daily Daily Mass: Mass:
Tues., Tues., 6:30 6:30 pm, pm, Wed-Fri., Wed-Fri., 8:00 8:00 am am
@ 618-208-6441
On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • 7
This image released by Sony Pictures shows Hugh Jackman in a scene from “The Front Runner.”
Running on empty: ‘The Front Runner’ doesn’t add much to well-known story
By Robert Grubaugh Contributing columnist
I will admit that I took news of the death of our former president, George Herbert Walker Bush, harder than I’d expected when a CNN news alert woke me out of a lessthan-sound sleep on a Saturday morning. I’ve long respected the man for his office, but also for the other reasons that we’re all celebrating this week: his decency, his longevity and his peerless resume befitting a life devoted unto the service of country and others. It’s the same patriotic stirring I felt when Sen. John McCain died earlier this year, but I never wrote a letter to McCain when I was in the fourth grade. I wasn’t precocious enough to impose upon another state’s senator to express my concerns about inflation and the direction of our country and his spaniel, Millie, but that’s exactly what I did. And, someone, presumably in the president’s “Office of Student Fan
Mail,” sent me back an 8-by-10-inch glossy of “41,” which included a “wet ink” signature. I’m sure I still have it around somewhere, but my search continues. It was with Bush in my thoughts that I sought out a matinee of “The Front Runner,” a weeks-old film, from director Jason Reitman, set about Bush’s glory days and concerning the dramatic run for a nomination that Gary Hart made in the 1987 Democratic primaries. It was my little way of paying homage, if you can make sense of that. Hart (Hugh Jackman) was a 10-year senator from Colorado in 1987. He was youthful, charismatic and had the same free-spirit appeal that other candidates have to young voters. He was a sexier Bernie Sanders. Hart had a 12-point lead in polls leading up to Super Tuesday, but a pair of Miami Herald reporters (Steve Zissis and Bill Burr) broke open a story about his dalliances with a young woman (Sara Paxton) who was not his wife (Vera Farmiga).
You all should remember the story. They’d met on a party yacht called Monkey Business. Johnny Carson had a field day with that one. If politics were like any other pursuit, “The Front Runner” would be a cautionary tale about adultery and loss of moral righteousness. But, we know it’s not. And, we know, truthfully, that it’s actually only gotten worse in the 30 years since. The emphasis of this movie, based on the book by Matt Bai, is Hart. Jackman is as good as usual in the lead. He always seems genuine, even when you know the jig is up and Hart’s world is a stiff breeze away from collapse. Campaign handlers (including J.K. Simmons, Molly Ephraim as standouts) try to keep ahead of the story. They fight like animals to discredit the Herald and its editor (Kevin Pollak), but there is a shift at play, which allows rumor and speculation to have its day in the sun. If anything, the supporting characters in this movie, especially the
ones playing real-life media figures, don’t get a chance to demonstrate much range. I can’t be the only one that remembers that movies about newspaper reporters can be pretty great, right? The Washington Post tries to stay out of the mud, delaying their response to Hart’s indiscretions, but Ben Bradlee (Alfred Molina, playing the power broker more weakly than either Tom Hanks or Jason Robards) eventually gives in to pressure. If tabloid journalism and mainstream journalism are going to become (no longer strange) bedfellows, let it be on his watch. Every generation seems to think the one coming up behind it has lost the ability to be pure and toe an ethical line — not so. It’s always going to be the people who decide that for themselves. “The Front Runner” runs 113 minutes and is rated R for language, including some sexual references. I give this film one and a half stars out of four.
8 • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • On the Edge of the Weekend
What to discover … arts Thursday, Dec. 13
• Dr. Seuss’ “How the Grinch Stole Christmas The Musical,” Stifel Theatre, St. Louis, 7 p.m. • Meet Me in St. Louis, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 7 p.m. • “A Christmas Story,” Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, St. Louis, 8 p.m., runs through Dec. 23 • “Les Miserables,” Fabulous Fox Theatre, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m., runs through Dec. 16 • Family Christmas Movie – “Elf,” Roxana Public Library District, Roxana, Illinois, 5:30 p.m. • Water’s Edge Art Walk, The Audubon Center at Riverlands, West Alton, Missouri, 2 4 p.m., runs through Dec. 22 • Public Workshop, Courage & Grace, Edwardsville, Illinois, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. • WOOD Exhibition, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton, Illinois, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., runs through Dec. 22
Smashing Pumpkins’ frontman and guitarist Billy Corgan on stage during a recent performance at St. Louis’ Stifel Theatre. Keith Brake Photography / Keith Brake | For The Edge
Friday, Dec. 14
• Painting with the Park, Legacy Golf Course, Granite City, Illinois, 6:30 p.m. • Holiday Market, Vicia, St. Louis, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. • Quarter Auction, Moose Lodge, Wood River, Illinois, 6 p.m. • Bissinger’s Wine Pairing Event, Bissinger’s Handcrafted Chocolatier, St. Louis, 6:30 p.m. • Wellspent Movie Night - A Christmas Story, Wellspent Brewing Co., St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. • “Rocky Horror Picture Show,” Crack Fox, St. Louis, 9 p.m. • December Art Show, The Old Bakery Beer Co., Alton, Illinois, 3 - 9 p.m. • UnWine Restorative Workshop, Vive Yoga Studio, Glen Carbon, Illinois, 7 p.m. • A John Waters Christmas, Sheldon Concert Hall, St Louis, 8 p.m.
Saturday, Dec. 15
• Birds of Winter: Swans of Riverlands, The Audubon Center at Riverlands, West Alton, Missouri, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Winter Makers’ Parade, Bonboni Home & Gift Co., St. Louis, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Winter Wonderland Storytime, Wood River Public Library, Wood River, Illinois, 10 a.m. • Holiday Shopping Extravaganza, St. Clair County Event Center, Belleville, Illinois, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. • December Art Show, The Old Bakery Beer Co., Alton, Illinois, 2 - 9 p.m. • Mini Makers Public Workshop, Courage & Grace, Edwardsville, Illinois, 2 - 5 p.m.
• Brunch with the Coco, La Patisserie, Florissant, Missouri, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • Coffee With The Artists Gallery Talk, Art Saint Louis, St. Louis, 10 a.m. • Yoga + Beer & Holiday Cookie Pairing, International Tap House - Central West End, St. Louis, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. • Christmas Open House, The Chirping Frog, Worden, Illinois, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 16
• Christmas Open House, The Chirping Frog, Worden, Illinois, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Cookies with Santa, Afterwords Books, Edwardsville, Illinois, 1 - 2:30 p.m. • December Art Show, The Old Bakery Beer Co., Alton, Illinois, 2 - 9 p.m. • Guided Meditation and Visualization with Dave, It’s Raining Zen, Alton, Illinois, 3 - 4:30 p.m. • Learn - Letter with Red Lettered Goods: Holiday Edition, Lark Shop, Webster Groves, Missouri, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. • “The Nutcracker,” Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center, St. Louis, 2 p.m., runs through Dec. 23 • Magic Wonderland - Pony Rides, Crafts and More, Avalon Horse Farm, Millstadt, Illinois, 1 - 5 p.m. • Rhythm & Brushes Sip ‘N Paint, Brentwood Community Center, Brentwood, Missouri, 6:30 p.m. • Reiki + Restorative Sound Healing, Shanti Yoga South City, St. Louis, 7:30 - 9 p.m.
Monday, Dec. 17
• Yoga Under the Stars, Saint Louis Science Center, St. Louis, 7 p.m. • Dinner with Santa, Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis, 5 p.m. • Adult Tap, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton, Illinois, 3:15 - 4 p.m. • Four Legged Running HOWLiday Virtual Run, Endangered Wolf Center, Eureka, Missouri, runs through Dec. 31 • John Morgan, Funny Bone, St Louis, 7:30 p.m. • The Comedy Shipwreck Open Mic, The Heavy Anchor, St. Louis, 10 p.m. • Gentle Yoga Classes, Energy Yoga & Fitness, Highland, Illinois, 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. • Date Night, Piasa Armory, Alton, Illinois, 4 - 7 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 18
• Yoga, Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville, Illinois, 7 p.m. • Dinner with Santa, Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis, 5 p.m. • Yoga + Beer, Perennial Artisan Ales, St. Louis, 6:30 p.m. • Public Wood Sign Painting, The Railshake Brewery, Highland, Illinois, 6 p.m. • Happy Holidays Schlafly Brewery Beer Dinner, HopCat, St. Louis, 7 p.m. • Wine + Design: Holiday Wreaths, Maypop Coffee & Garden Shop, Webster Groves,
Missouri, 6 p.m. • “White Christmas” the Sing A Long, Das Bevo, St. Louis, 7 p.m. • Holiday Mocktails with Earthbound Satellite, Larder & Cupboard, Maplewood, Missouri, 7 p.m. • Wine, Chocolate & Candle Making for the Holidays, The Candle Fusion Studio, St. Louis, 6 - 8 p.m. • Dance B, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton, Illinois, 6:40 - 7:40 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 19
• Dinner with Santa, Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis, 5 p.m. • Public Workshop, Courage & Grace, Edwardsville, Illinois, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. • Xtreme Bar Bingo, Alton VFW, Alton, Illinois, 7 p.m. • Christmas Lights Run & Cookie Exchange, RunWell, Edwardsville, Illinois, 6:30 p.m. • Open Mic Night, Helium Comedy Club, St. Louis, 8 - 10 p.m. • Makers Night: Image Transfers on Wood with Andrea Coates, Laumeier Sculpture Park, Sunset Hills, Missouri, 6 p.m. • Winter Solstice Candlelight Yoga, Joy of Yoga, St. Louis, 7 p.m. • Geeks Who Drink Trivia, The Sliced Pint, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. • Yoga for all by Samantha, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton, Illinois, 5:30 - 6:15 p.m.
On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • 9
Comfortable winter entertaining ideas Winter entertaining need not end once Christmas and New Year’s Day have come and gone. Getting together with friends and family is still possible even if the weather outside is frightful. When Mother Nature takes a chilly turn, those who don’t want the party can consider the following entertaining ideas. • Indulge in sweet treats. Comfort foods can make even the most blustery winds easier to tolerate. Invite people over for a dessert party. At a dessert pot luck party, everyone brings along a favorite decadent dessert, from molten lava chocolate cake to warm bread pudding. Serve alongside tea, coffee and hot chocolate. Adults can enjoy the added punch of spiked beverages, which can warm everyone up instantly. • Host a “snowed in” party. Spending a day cooped up inside when the roads are covered in snow might not be your idea of fun, but invite a mix of friends and neighbors who live nearby over, and this impromptu party can make the cabin fever disappear. Ask guests to bring one food item or beverage. Light a fire in the fireplace and set out some cozy throw blankets. If possible, invite everyone outdoors to build a snowman. • Get physical. Get physically active with friends or family members by staging mock Olympic events in the yard. These can be fun “sports” created by participants or variations on fun winter activities. Sledding races, snowball dodging contests, ice skating obstacle courses, and much more can make for an entertaining afternoon. • Get cooking. Cooking can certainly pass the time, and it can be even more enjoyable when done in the company of others. Send out an invitation for friends to stop by for a meal or plan a meal prep party. • Host a movie marathon. Handpick some favorite films and invite everyone over for a movie marathon. Fill the family room, home
theater room or living room to capacity and host a group for a film fest. If space permits, set up one room with a children’s movie for youngsters, while the adults retire to another
room for movies that are more their speed. A buffet table set up with assorted snacks will help keep bellies full while guests watch some favorite flicks. Winter days and nights
are ripe for entertaining possibilities. These events help squash the cabin fever that can sometimes develop during the colder times of year.
Christmas trees, Santa Claus, menorahs, and glittering lighting displays are just a few of the many prominent symbols of the holiday season. And while mistletoe might garner more attention and inspire more displays of affection, poinsettias are another prominent sign that the holiday season has arrived. Thanks to its bright red and green colors, the poinsettia is perhaps the ideal holiday plant. But as much as it suits holiday decor and seems tailor-made for that special time of year between Thanksgiving and the first of
January, the poinsettia has a reputation that few plants would want. First discovered in Mexico and brought to the United States by Dr. Joel Poinsett, the poinsettia has long been rumored to be poisonous. However, the National Capital Poison Center notes that poinsettias are not deadly. In fact, the NCPC notes that the rumor that poinsettias are deadly may have been around for more than a century, tracing its origins all the way back to a child who was found dead lying next to a poinsettia plant. The plant was blamed for the child’s
death, and even though that blame was misplaced, the stigma stuck. WebMD notes that others trace the false rumors surrounding poinsettias to 1919, when parents blamed the death of their daughter, who they thought had eaten poinsettia leaves, on this ubiquitous holiday plant. Even today, when researchers have long since proven that poinsettias are not deadly, many people still believe they can be fatal if consumed. The NCPC notes that, in most cases, exposure to any part of a poinsettia plant in chil-
dren or pets has little, if any, effect. However, if the plant is swallowed, some people and pets may experience symptoms including nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Some who touch the plant may develop a rash after contact. While poinsettias are not deadly, the NCPC still advises those who plant to include the plant in their holiday decor to take every measure necessary to prevent children and pets from swallowing it. Placing poinsettias beyond the reach of kids and pets is one simple way to accomplish just that.
Poinsettias are pretty, but are they also poisonous?
10 • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • On the Edge of the Weekend
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12 • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • On the Edge of the Weekend
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On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • 13
Stay safe stringing holiday lighting
Lighting displays are one of the many things that help make the holiday season a special time of year. Often awe-inspiring, holiday lighting displays present a perfect opportunity for communities and individuals to showcase their festive sides. Safety should always be a priority when stringing holiday lights both inside and outside a home. The National Fire Protection Association notes that, between 2009 and 2014, fire departments in the United States responded to an average of 210 home fires that started with Christmas trees per year. Lighting displays strung on home exteriors also can pose safety risks if homeowners do not exercise caution. Fortunately, various strategies can help homeowners safely decorate their homes’ interiors and exteriors this holiday season. • Choose a fresh tree. The NFPA recommends celebrants who prefer natural Christmas trees choose ones with fresh, green needles that do not fall off when touched. Dry trees are more likely to catch fire than freshly cut trees. Adding water to the tree stand each day will keep trees fresher longer. When
placing the tree, avoid placing it too close to heat sources, making sure it is at least three feet away from fireplaces, radiators, candles, heat vents, or lights. • Check all lights before stringing them. All lights, including those going on trees inside a home and those being strung outside, should be inspected prior to being strung. Look for any worn or broken cords and replace any defected lights. • Employ the buddy system. When stringing lights, always work with at least one
other person. This makes it safe for homeowners who must climb ladders to string lights on especially tall trees and/or on their home exteriors. • Avoid working in inclement weather. The weather during the holiday season can sometimes be unpleasant or unpredictable. Check the forecast before stringing exterior lights to ensure Mother Nature won’t pose a threat. Avoid hanging lights if the forecast predicts wet, icy or windy conditions that can make ladders unstable.
• Turn lights off when going to bed and/ or leaving the house. Interior and exterior holiday lights should not be left on when no one is home or everyone inside is sleeping. If left on overnight or when no one is home, lights may contribute to fires that damage homes and may even prove fatal. Holiday lighting displays help make this time of year special. Following some simple safety procedures when decorating with lights can ensure everyone enjoys a safe and happy holiday season.
Thanks to families being more spread out than ever before, today’s holiday shoppers must figure out ways to get holiday gifts to their destination on time. The holiday season tends to be the busiest time of year for many delivery services. The following tips should help shoppers ensure their loved ones’ gifts arrive on time. • Ship directly. Adobe Analytics reported that online shopping hit a record high of $108.2 billion in the 2017 holiday shopping season, and all indicators suggest online shopping will only increase in the years to come. Holiday shoppers who want to ensure their loved ones will receive their gifts on
time can rely on online shopping. When checking out, have gifts shipped directly to loved ones’ homes. Many online retailers will even wrap gifts for a nominal fee. • Research shipping options. In 2018, Christmas falls on a Tuesday. Shoppers who plan to rely on two-day or overnight shipping should keep that in mind. Some delivery services may be open throughout the weekend before Christmas, while others may only be open on Saturday. Last-minute shoppers, whether they’re shopping online or in-person, should confirm their shipping options well in advance of Christmas. Because Christmas is on a Tues-
day this year, getting gifts to their destination on time may require shoppers to purchase and ship them earlier than they otherwise might. • Purchase package insurance. Consumer Reports notes that UPS and FedEx shipments automatically come with declared-value coverage of up to $100. (Note: Declared value is the carrier’s maximum liability.) Purchasing additional insurance can ease shoppers’ concerns about lost or stolen packages. Just be sure to keep all invoices and receipts in case claims must be filed. Shoppers also should ask for tracking numbers on all packages so they can confirm when pack-
ages are delivered. • Properly secure the package. Many delivery services now have off-site drop-off boxes that can make it easy to send gifts. This is a convenient service, but shoppers who use them won’t be able to have a company employee provide in-person confirmation that their packages are secured to company standards. Poorly packaged items may never be shipped. Visit the shipping company’s website for packaging guidelines, and include a business card and duplicate label inside the package just in case it is damaged after being dropped off.
Plan ahead to get gifts to destination on time
14 • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • On the Edge of the Weekend
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On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • 15
Starts Starts Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!
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16 • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • On the Edge of the Weekend
Christmas trees brighten season
Decked out in tinsel, lights, ornaments, and garland, Christmas trees are enduring symbols of the holiday season that boast a rich history. Evergreen trees have been used to celebrate winter festivals for thousands of years, and eventually became associated with Christianity. Plants and trees that remained green all year held special meaning to ancient peoples, and were purported to keep away illness and evil spirits. Germans were credited with tying evergreen trees to Christmas celebrations. In the sixteenth century, devout Christians brought decorated trees into their homes. Martin Luther, the Protestant reformer, is believed to have first added lighted candles to these trees after he was inspired by twinkling stars in the night sky. While early Americans found Christmas trees an oddity, the tradition, brought over by German settlers, eventually caught on. Today, between 25 and 30 million natural Christmas trees are sold in the United States each year, states the National Christmas Tree Association. Trees are grown in all 50 states and Canada. The following is a look at some popular tree varieties. Living Christmas trees Living Christmas tree, which refers to those with their roots still intact, are popular among eco-conscious holiday enthusiasts. That’s because living trees can be promptly planted after they’ve served their purpose indoors. Opt for a moderately sized tree, as root balls on larger trees can be heavy and difficult to move. Living trees can typically be kept indoors for around seven to 10 days before they will need to be returned outside. Move such trees to a sheltered outdoor area for one to two weeks so they can reacclimate to the climate. So long as the ground is not frozen, trees can then be planted when the reacclimation period ends. Better Homes and Gardens suggests selecting a mild day to plant the tree. Fraser fir Fraser fir trees are typically uniformly pyramid-shaped trees that have strong branches that turn slightly upward. These trees have good needle retention and a dark, blue-green hue. Many people feel these trees have a pleasant scent. Because they are such a quintessential Christmas tree, Fraser fir, as well as their close cousin, Balsam fir, tend to be more expensive than others. Scotch pine One of the advantages of Scotch pine trees is their needle retention. Experts say Scotch pine needles will not drop off even if the tree is dry. Scotch pine is an introduced species brought to North America by European settlers, and it’s known for dark green foliage and sturdy, stiff branches. The Scotch pine is one of the most popular Christmas trees today.
How to make the holiday season more eco-friendly With so much to do, it can be easy for people celebrating the holiday season to forget about the environment. But no matter how hectic the holiday season can be, there are always some simple opportunities to make it more eco-friendly. • Create an eco-friendly party theme. Many holiday parties have themes. For example, “ugly sweater parties” have become so popular that many clothing manufacturers now intentionally produce colorful sweaters that might otherwise draw the ire of fashionistas. Hosts planning to throw an ugly sweater party can easily transform
such festivities into something more ecofriendly by encouraging guests to purchase their sweaters from thrift stores. A Christmas tree planting party is another eco-friendly party theme that can benefit the planet and revitalize local forests at a time of year when they might be depleted due to the demand for natural Christmas trees. • Serve locally sourced foods. Food is often front and center during the holiday season. Whether hosting family and friends at home, dining out or catering an office party, patronize businesses that sell only locally sourced foods. Locally sourced foods
are much more eco-friendly than foods that must be shipped from afar before they land on your dinner table, and such foods tend to taste fresh as well. If serving at home, use reusable dishware and cutlery. • Reuse decorations year after year. Decorations need not be discarded once the holiday season ends. Come the new year, inspect holiday decorations and store those that made it through the season unscathed. Doing so benefits the planet and will save you the trouble of shopping for new decorations next holiday season. • Get rid of your old holiday lights. Still
using the same Christmas lights you used in 1995? Such lights are likely incandescent bulbs that are considerably less efficient than today’s LED Christmas lights. The Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy notes that LED lights consume 75 percent less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent lighting. In addition, LED holiday lights are easier to install and that as many as 25 strings of lights can be connected endto-end without overloading a wall socket. An eco-friendly holiday season is easier to realize than many holiday celebrants may know.
On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • 17
Christmas crafty with homemade ornaments Handmade gifts, trinkets and treats help make the holiday season special. Although cookies and other baked goods are some of the most popular homemade creations this time of year, gift-givers young and old can put their talents to use with various craft projects. Ornaments and decorations are one such idea. Here are some clever and, nottoo-time-consuming craft projects to try this holiday season. • Mini sleighs: Create miniature replicas of Santa’s famous sleigh. Paint several popsicle sticks to form the main body of the sleigh and glue them together. Put one at the top perpendicular to the others to serve as the steering rudder. Two silver-painted popsicle sticks placed on their thin sides act as the blades of a sled. • Popcorn garland: Garland made of popcorn is a classic handmade holiday project. For a new twist, toss the popcorn with food coloring and allow it to dry before stringing for some bright color on the tree. • Photo ornaments: Print out several different photos that you love. Purchase round or square thin wood pieces from a craft store and attach the photos with Mod Podge®. When dry, drill a hole through the top and thread with twine. • Advent calendar: Make an Advent calendar to count down to Christmas by covering a foam board with fabric. Use paper tags
or small ornaments and write a number on each for each day of the month. Hang these all from the board. As each day passes, move the tag or ornament to the tree. • Wooden snowflakes: Have children collect small twigs from outdoors, as well as holly leaves and some sprigs of evergreen. Arrange similarly sized twigs in the shape of snowflakes and glue together, or tie with twine. Embellish with stickers, glitter, dried
berries, and more. • Dough ornaments: Anyone can have fun molding their own ornaments, letting them dry and then painting them. Use cookie cutters to get perfect holiday shapes. Craft stores sell various types of modeling clays and lightweight modeling materials. Or, make your own salt dough. • Reindeer bottle topper: Put to use any wine corks you have lying around. Attach
googly eyes and a small fuzzy nose to the front of a cork. Insert twisted, brown pipe cleaners to make the antlers up top. Add ribbons, small snippets of faux fur or any other extras you desire. • Sweet sentiments: Use old Scrabble® letter tiles to form a favorite holiday phrase, like “Joy to the World.” Glue the tiles together and hang from the tree on a piece of ribbon.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, as long as holiday happenings go as planned. Celebrants can ensure that this joyous time of year is not marred by injury, theft or accidents by always keeping safety in mind. DO turn off Christmas lights before going to bed or leaving home. Lights left on can overheat and cause fires. Electrical distribution or lighting equipment was involved in two of every five home Christmas tree fires between 2011 and 2015, according to the National Fire Prevention Association. DON’T locate a Christmas tree too close to a heating source, fireplace or lit candles, as trees can dry out and ignite.
DO extinguish candles before retiring for the night. DON’T gift without doing research into whether or not toys are age-appropriate. Pay attention to toy recalls as well. The Consumer Product Safety Commission provides lists of recalled items. DO roast rather than fry the holiday turkey. Burns, explosions and carbon monoxide poisoning are some of the dangers associated with turkey fryers. The CPSC, which discourages the use of fryers, says there have been 168 turkey-fryer related incidents since 2002. DON’T keep purchases in view of potential thieves. Resist putting presents under the
tree until the night before Christmas. Hide large product boxes so they’re not visible in the trash or recycling pickups, where thieves might look to see what’s inside the house. DO wait until after your holiday excursion to take to social media about it. Otherwise, you’re simply advertising that you are not home and risking a break-in. DON’T drive distracted or under the influence. This is a busy time of year when more people are out and about, so keep your eyes on the road at all times. DO keep poisonous plants out of reach of pets and children. These can include Jerusalem cherry, mistletoe berries and holly ber-
ries. DON’T locate breakable ornaments close to the bottom of the tree in reach of young children. Glass can shatter and cause serious injuries. DO tie the Christmas tree to the car securely after purchasing it to avoid lift-off while taking it home from the lot. At home, secure the tree to the ceiling or a wall with a piece of invisible fishing line for extra security against tip overs. DON’T underestimate the things that can and will go wrong when hosting for the holidays. Take a deep breath, assess the situation and stay calm through any hiccups.
Simple dos and don’ts can keep holiday safer
18 • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • On the Edge of the Weekend
Easy Christmas morning breakfast a family-pleaser Christmas morning is an exciting and joyous time for families. Children are anxious to rush downstairs and see what Santa has left under the tree, and parents are eager to see the looks on youngsters’ happy faces. Having a fast and easy breakfast at the ready on Christmas morning allows families to jump right into the festivities rather than spending too much time in the kitchen. This recipe for “Spiced Yogurt Muffins,” courtesy of the National Dairy Council, Dannon and McCormick, can be made in advance and then enjoyed while peeking into Christmas stockings or watching holiday parades on television. This big-batch recipe is ideal for feeding a houseful of overnight holiday guests. Or it can be prepared in advance and doled out as needed throughout the week. The muffins also can be made as a treat for holiday office luncheons. Cut the recipe in half for smaller yields.
Spiced Yogurt Muffins (Yield: 50 servings) 6 1/2 cups plain fat-free Greek yogurt 4 cups water, room temperature 1 box (5 lbs) Muffin Mix, Whole Grain 3 tablespoons pumpkin pie spice 2 tablespoons cinnamon Combine yogurt and water in mixing bowl. Whisk until blended. Set aside. Add spices to dry muffin mix in a large bowl. Add yogurt and water mixture to the muffin mixture. Mix until just blended. Don’t overmix. Using a scoop, portion into greased or lined muffin pans. Bake at 350 F for 24 minutes, or 17 to 20 minutes in a convection oven, until the tops are golden brown.
Visit these festively named holiday locations The weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day are some of the most anticipated, jolly and busy moments of the year. People partake in all sorts of traditions in the name of holiday festivity. Trimming the tree or caroling with friends may be some of the more standard holiday protocol. However, there are always opportunities to bring new traditions into the mix. People bitten by the travel bug may want to include visiting new towns and cities as part of their holiday plans. In fact, it can be fun to take in the sites at these festively named locales across North America. • Bethlehem, Pennsylvania • Christmas, Florida • Christmas, Michigan • Christmas Cove, Maine • Evergreen, Alabama • Hallelujah Junction, California • Joy, Illinois • Mistletoe, Kentucky • Noel, Missouri • North Pole, Alaska • Rudolph, Wisconsin • Santa, Idaho • Santa Claus, Arizona • Santa Claus, Georgia • Santa Claus, Indiana • Snowflake, Arizona
Canadian travelers or those heading north of the border can explore these locales: • Candyville, Ontario
• Christmas Island, Nova Scotia • Cranberry Junction, BC • Gift Lake, Ontario • Noelville, Ontario
• Sled Lake, Saskatchewan • Snowflake, Manitoba • Snowfall, Ontario • Winterland, Newfoundland
20 • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • On the Edge of the Weekend
Thursday, December 13, 2018 • On the Edge of the Weekend • 21
Giving Is Good Edwardsville Fraternal Order of Police sponsor 9th annual ‘Christmas with a Cop’ Submitted photo
Students at Leclaire Elementary pose in front of the school’s Giving Tree, at the school, located at 801 Franklin Ave., in Edwardsville. In addition to the hat-and-mitten tree, Leclaire students also participated in the United Way’s Community Christmas collection efforts.
Leclaire students host Giving Tree
The Edge EDWARDSVILLE — Students at Leclaire Elementary strive to help others through their Giving Tree. The school, located at 801 Franklin Ave., in Edwardsville, Illinois, is currently collecting hats and gloves for children in need. In addition to the hat-and-mitten tree, Leclaire students also participated in the United Way’s Community Christmas collection and are performing random acts of kindness for the month of December. Leclaire Elementary Principal Cornelia Smith and school staff said the activities emphasize kindness and giving, especially this time of the year.
‘’Tis the Season’ show comes to town Edwardsville’s Cabaret Showcase Productions (CSP), will present its annual Christmas program, “‘Tis the Season,” at 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 16. The performance will take place at the New Life in Christ Interdenominational Church, 689 Scott Troy Road, in O’Fallon, Illinois. Tickets cost $10 and will be available at the door or can be reserved by calling 618-656-7219 or sending email to
By Charles Bolinger EDWARDSVILLE — Edwardsville’s Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), Lodge 244, will sponsor its ninth annual “Christmas with a Cop” program, Saturday, Dec. 15. “I enjoy watching the kids light up when they get to buy presents,” said Sgt. Matt Breihan, who participates in the annual event. “My favorite part is giving back to the community we serve. The kids are great; they shop for siblings or for parents. They don’t spend all of the money on themselves.” Christmas with a Cop en-
ables officers and other volunteers to spread Christmas joy while getting to know some of the community’s citizens. The positive interactions that take place between officers, children and their families can be lifelong. The program begins at 8 a.m. at the Edwardsville Public Safety Building, 333 S. Main St., where 20 pre-selected children will receive a free breakfast, prepared by police officers. Afterward, the children will ride along in police squad cars to Target, where they will pair off with an officer. Each child will receive $200 to spend on
Friends of the Wildey selling ornaments
Submitted photo
Edwardsville Police Department officers pause for a photo during 2017’s “Christmas with a Cop” event at Target. holiday gifts. After the children buy gifts, they will accompany the officers to a gift-wrapping table, where they will have volunteers wrap each gift. The Edwardsville FOP, Lodge 244, would like to thank Target Corp., as well as numerous private, community donors who
Donations sought for Glen Carbon’s Wreaths Across America This year will mark the seventh annual Wreaths Across America Ceremony in Glen Carbon, Illinois, sponsored by the Gen. George Rogers Clark Chapter of The Sons of the American Revolution, at Glen Carbon Village Cemetery at West Guy and Center streets, beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 15. The event is rain-or-shine. Each wreath sponsorship costs $15 and the goal is to place 75 wreaths in the cemetery. Volunteers who wish to sponsor a wreath or speak about their ancestor should call Philip Bailey at 618-288-5551.
help the department benefit more children in need. For more information about the program, contact officer Rick Thompson at 618-6562131, ext. 157, or rthompson@ or Breihan at 618-781-2761 or
The Friends of the Wildey Theatre is currently selling Wildey Theatre Christmas ornaments, with images of the Wildey marquee, the ticket booth, the building’s facade, the stage, and a collage of images from the historical archives of the Wildey. Each heirloom-quality ornament is 1.5 inches by 2.5 inches on pewter and being sold for $25. A set of all five ornaments is available for $100. The Friends of the Wildey also have available sidewalk bricks and auditorium seat sponsorships for sale. The ornaments are available at the Wildey Business Office, 252 N. Main St., in Edwardsville. Orders also can be placed by contacting the Friends group at or writing Friends of the Wildey, 70 Hairpin Drive, P.O. Box 0005, Edwardsville, Illinois, 62026. The ornaments are being sold now through Dec. 30 while supplies last.
Bake sale comes to Petco Hope Animal Rescues is holding a bake sale at the Edwardsville Petco, 6631 Edwardsville Crossing Drive, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 22. Skip baking for the holidays and buy fresh, homemade cookies, cakes, pies, fudge and dog treats. All proceeds benefit Hope Rescues. Hope Rescues is an all-volunteer, no-kill dog rescue that saves dogs from neglect, abuse and death at animal control.
Church accepting donations for ‘No Child Left Behind’ event The Edge VENICE — New Shining Light Church Community Outreach Ministry is currently accepting donations for their 18th annual No Child Left Behind Without Christmas Toys event. The event is from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 22, at the church, 740 Broadway St., in Venice, Illinois. Doors open at 1 p.m. Every child is to get free toys for Christmas. There
will also be free food baskets, a drawing for free gas cards and a bicycle-and-coat giveaway for children. The event is free to attend. To receive toys, parents must have their children with them. There are no expectations, according to a news release. All children must have a child with them at the event. Children are not allowed at the event without proper supervision.
“We want to put a smile on our children’s faces and make this the best Christmas they have ever had,” organizers said. In addition, the church is asking for new bicycles for boys and girls and toys donations. The church’s goal is to give away 100 new bikes, topping last year’s total of 60 bikes given away. To donate, contact John Williams at 618-530-2347 or youth minister Shelonda Williams 618-558-6143.
On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • 23
ReLoved Leather for men
Kenneathia Hagen | For The Edge
Sour Mash From page 2
Jill Moon | The Edge Sour Mash Designs created a T-shirt design to promote America’s newest “Idol” darling, Meghan Woods, who is one of three finalists to compete during “American Idol’s” Hollywood Week in 2019. Hagen has designed for Woods, 17, since the singer was 14 years old. Woods is slated to be the “next Carrie Underwood.”
going to Hollywood Week for the reality competition’s 2019 season. Woods, who started as a gospel singer, wore reLoved Leather during several live performances. ReLoved Leather also was one of 17 designers to be included in the Golden Globes gifting lounge and swag bag. But, rest assured, reLoved Leather is affordable to all. “I have ‘everyday’ wear, to more elegant pieces,” Hagen said. And, she still uses old belts and vintage jewelry to repurpose for reLoved Leather creations, fashioned and signed by the artist. “One of my favorite things to do is treasure hunt,” she said. Hagen also creates specific custom designs, relating to color and width of the band of leather and the color of the stones. She hand selects every piece — doesn’t buy online, but rather visits thrift stores, antique shops and estate sales. All reLoved Leather are premium-quality costume jewelry, including features such as Swarovski crystals, aurora borealis stones, natural stones and findings from Eisenberg, Schiaparelli, Julianna, Weiss, Kramer and Monet. ReLoved Leather cuffs
For The Edge Sour Mash Boutique’s founder and reLoved Leather designer Kenneathia Hagen, with staff member Emily Whitaker and Hagen’s daughter, Kennedi Brown, who also works for the retailer. are her store’s number one seller, followed by Sour Mash Design T-shirts. Sour Mash Boutique, which opened last Valentine’s Day, not only pays homage to style, but also to music and faith. Hagen believes Sour Mash Boutique’s building is an anointed space. In the 1940s, the building housed the Lux, built in 1920 as the Lux Theatre, at 116 N. Main St. in historic Downtown Edwardsville, Illinois, where the
boutique is located. “The last thing shown there was ‘The Ten Commandments,’” Hagen noted. “A client brought in an article to show me. We are very anointed in this space. Customers come in and say it feels comfortable and safe. They share stories. I have a gift of creating, but really I’m here to spread love and speak to people in a
See SOUR MASH | 25
24 • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • On the Edge of the Weekend
What to do … events Friday, Dec. 14
• Brewery Lights, Anheuser-Busch Brewery, St. Louis, 5 - 10 p.m., runs through Dec. 30 • Garden Glow, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, 5 - 10 p.m., runs through January 1st. • U.S. BANK Wild Lights, Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m., runs through Dec. 30 • Winter Wonderland, Tilles Park, Ladue, Missouri, 5:30 - 9:30 p.m., runs through Dec. 30 • Holiday Dinner Cruise, Gateway Arch Riverboats, St. Louis, 7 p.m. • Science Illuminated, Saint Louis Science Center, St. Louis, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m., runs through Dec. 30 • Gardenland Express Holiday Flower & Train Show, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., runs through Dec. 31
• Candy Cane Lane Holiday Lights Trolley Tour, Shrewsbury Aquatic Center, St. Louis, 6 p.m., runs through Dec. 30 • Our Lady of the Snows Holiday Lights Trolley Tour, Eckert’s Country Store & Farms, Belleville, Illinois, 6 p.m., runs through Dec. 30 • Tilles Park Holiday Lights Trolley Tour, Plaza Frontenac, St. Louis, 6 p.m., runs through Dec. 30 • Saint Charles Christmas Traditions, St. Charles Historic Main Street, St. Charles, Missouri, 6 - 9 p.m., runs through Dec. 24 • Kids’ Night Out, Roxana Public Library District, Roxana, Illinois, 6 - 8 p.m. • Dazzler Express Parents’ Night Out, Fitness and Fun, East Alton, Illinois, 6 - 11:30 p.m. • Santa Comes - Soulard, Soulard Station, St. Louis, 6 p.m.
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Saturday, Dec. 15
• Breakfast with Santa & Rides on the Racetrack, Tri-City Speedway, Granite City, Illinois, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. • Santa, Edwardsville City Park, Edwardsville, Illinois, 1 - 4 p.m., runs through Dec. 22 • Wundermarket, Das Bevo, St. Louis, 12 - 8 p.m. • Goshen Winter Market, Newsong Fellowship, Edwardsville, Illinois, 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. • Breakfast with Santa, Edison’s Entertainment Complex, Edwardsville, Illinois, 8:30 - 11 a.m. • WinterMarkt, Urban Chestnut Brewing Co. – Midtown, St. Louis, 12 - 4 p.m. • PJs & Pancakes with Santa Claus Cruise, Gateway Arch Riverboats, St. Louis, 9 a.m. • 1st Inaugural Country Christmas, Brookdale Farms, Eureka, Missouri, 5 - 10 p.m. • The Chase Park Plaza Historic Holiday Hotel Tour, The Chase Park Plaza, St. Louis, 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. • 3rd Annual Ugly Sweater Party, Sloan’s Pub House, Collinsville, Illinois, 8 p.m. • “Nightmare Before Christmas,” International Tap House – Soulard, St. Louis, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. • Skate With Santa, McKendree Metro Rec Plex, O’Fallon, Illinois, 3:30 - 5 p.m. • Krampus Haunted Christmas, Darkness Haunted House, St. Louis, 7 - 10 p.m. • Brunch with Santa, Boathouse at Forest Park, St. Louis, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 16
• 1st Inaugural Country Christmas, Brookdale Farms, Eureka, Missouri, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. • Wundermarket, Das Bevo, St. Louis, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. • Holiday Market, The Boulevard, Richmond Heights, Missouri, 2 - 6 p.m. • Police vs. Fire Hockey Game, Enterprise Center, St. Louis, 4:30 p.m. • Breakfast with Santa, Copper Dock, Pocahontas, Illinois, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. • Free Sunday Brewery Tours, Schlafly Bottleworks, Maplewood, Missouri, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. • A Very Merry Cridermas Market, 2nd Shift Brewing, St. Louis, 1 - 5 p.m. • Vinyl Night - 70s Rock, The Old Bakery Beer Company, Alton, Illinois, 5 - 8 p.m. • St. Louis Blues vs. Calgary Flames, Enterprise Center, St. Louis, 2 p.m. • Cookies with Santa, Afterwords Books, Edwardsville, Illinois, 1 p.m. • Supper with Santa, Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House, Chesterfield, Missouri, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. • Owl Prowls: Harry Potter Night, World Bird Sanctuary, Valley Park, Missouri, 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Did you know? Karoke means “empty orchestra” in Japanese.
On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • 25
Sour Mash
If you go
From page 23 comforting way and I never know what that will be from day to day. “These last ten months has blessed me on a personal and spiritual level.” Hagen’s reLoved Leather started when she made a cuff for herself from a much-loved, but worn leather belt bracelet. Several people asked where she bought it. When she told them she made it, they asked if she could make one for them. From then on, she began using old belts and vintage jewelry for her reLoved Leather pieces. “About 75 percent of reLoved Leather is custom. People want me to use Dad or Grandpa’s belt and make cuffs,” she said. “I’ve been collecting vintage jewelry for a long time, since I was nine years old. My dad was an antique collector. We were ‘pickers’ before people talked about pickers.” Hagen decided on the name Sour Mash, suggested by her husband, because it denotes a mixture of old and new. “I put new and old together, to make accessories no one else has,” she explained. Sour Mash Boutique also sells its own apparel brand — Sour Mash Designs — for its own collection, other retailers across the country and for business branding, all produced and printed in Edwardsville. Sour Mash Designs offers screen printing, full-color digital printing and sublimation printing. Sour Mash Boutique also carries other brands, such as Lane Boots, out of Texas, and merchandise from regional artisans. “We’re very much about shopping local,” Hagen said. “We support other local businesses and invite them to do the same.” Hagen recently merged reLoved Leather and Sour Mash Designs, launching the latter’s Facebook page last week. Sour Mash Designs is a creative branding
What: Sour Mash Boutique’s Holiday Open House When: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 15 Where: 116 N. Main St., Downtown Edwardsville, Illinois Info: Customer appreciation open house all day; live music from Jen Norman, from St. Louis, on the Sour Mash Stage from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Food will be served and a selection of reLoved Leather cuffs will be offered for sale at $10. More in-store Christmas sales to be announced that day.
Jill Moon | The Edge Hagen developed the studio logo and all of the merchandising for one of her biggest celebrity clients, John Schneider, best known as Bo Duke in “The Dukes of Hazzard” and a country music singer. Schneider’s guitar, signed for Sour Mash Boutique during a Facebook live feed during his radio tour in Springfield, Missouri, displayed at the store. and design/print business, making custom T-shirts and apparel individual one-time designs, corporate/tradeshow events branding, personalized apparel and merchandising for events such as family reunions, bridal parties, birthdays, sports teams, schools and small business specialty stores for boutique wholesale accounts. “You can walk in and say, ‘I have a friend and we have an inside joke. Can you design a T-shirt for us?’” Hagen explained. Hagen developed the studio logo and all of the merchandising for one of her biggest
celebrity clients, Schneider, best known as Bo Duke in “The Dukes of Hazzard” and a country music singer. Schneider signed a guitar for Sour Mash Boutique during a Facebook live feed during his radio tour in Springfield, Missouri, on display at the store. The retailer displays several pieces of memorabilia such as this, including a signed guitar from Dolly Parton and an old black and white framed photograph of Johnny Cash getting prepped before a performance, given to her by a client who got it from a basement in an old Nashville hotel. Hagen’s involvement as a designer of reLoved Leather for big name stars reflects her love of music. Sour Mash Boutique also has a
small stage for musicians to perform, such as Lexy Schlemer, who took the new stage during the store’s opening, and, most recently, acoustic duo Midnight Noon performed on the stage. Sour Mash Boutique’s Holiday Open House will feature musician Jen Norman, from St. Louis, on the Sour Mash Stage from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 15, during a customer appreciation open house from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Food will be served and a selection of reLoved Leather cuffs will be offered for sale at $10. “I never do that. If someone wants reLoved Leather, now is the time to get it, just through the holidays,” Hagen noted. More in-store Christmas sales will be announced that day. Working with Hagen is Emily Whitaker and Hagen’s daughter, Kennedi Brown. Now, reLoved Leather is sold in more than 25 boutiques, in 16 states, across the United States. “It was time to have my own store and space,” Hagen said. “I had been designing apparel and shirts in the corporate world, so I decided to do them here.” Visit, follow on Twitter @sourmashboutique or @reloved leather and Facebook or call 6I8-975-7997 for more information. Reach Jill Moon at 618-208-6448 and Twitter @jill_moon.
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26 • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • On the Edge of the Weekend
People at the Party
Visitors recently flocked to Grafton, Illinois, for its Santa’s Chocolate Express, a new event that featured chocolate treats at numerous local merchants and the sights and sounds of the holiday season. Photos by David Blanchette | For The Edge Grafton Fudge & Ice Cream’s Hannah Shultz serves three generations of Santa’s Chocolate Express visitors Grace Bishop, background, next to her mother Elana Viviano, center, and grandmother Irene Viviano.
A+ Rating
Patti LeBeau, at Piece of Quiche, sets out treats for Santa’s Chocolate Express visitors.
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d to our Community Meet & Greet. Learn about San Gabriel Memory C how we care for those with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Learn about: how we Services, care for those with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Learn about: amenities and all-inclusive pricing On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • 27
Services, amenitiesfor andcaregivers all-inclusive pricing Tips and resources Services, amenities and all-inclusive pricing Tours Tips and programs resources and for caregivers Daytime residential options APARTMENTS Tips and resources for caregivers Daytime programs and residential options Available APARTMENTS NOW Daytime programs and residential options APARTMENTS NOW AVAILABLE Any Time NOW AVAILABLE AVAILABLE
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28 • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • On the Edge of the Weekend
Food for Thought … with Vicki Bennington
Every year for the past couple of decades, my husband, Gary, and I have celebrated my birthday with another couple, who have been some of our best friends for … well … forever. You see, the other woman’s birthday is just a couple of days after mine, so she and I thought it appropriate that we should be the center of a celebration involving the four of us. The problem has become that, even though my big day is the end of September and hers the first of October, we are all so busy that ,this year, we didn’t set a date that we could all make until December! But, that’s OK, my previous “birthday Bennington month” just extended to “birthday fall” or maybe that would be “birthday fall and winter” … but, I digress. After waiting so long, we decided to really do it up right and take a drive to Porter’s Steakhouse in Collinsville, Illinois. The restaurant is located, surprisingly, inside the DoubleTree Hotel Hilton. I say “surprisingly,” but that’s nothing against the DoubleTree in particular, it’s just not often that you find fine dining in a family-friendly hotel — and, fine dining it is. Even Porter’s atmosphere has a “fine” feel, with magically glowing lights and, since we were so late in the year, there was a fire blazing in the fireplace, setting the mood for romantic whisperings over dinner, or in our case, great conversation with old friends. We started with the broiled escargot, classically prepared in garlic-butter, herbs and white wine, served topped with croustini. This is something I have always loved, but hadn’t had in a long time. It’s really not that easy to find. The serving of six pieces had the four of us fighting over who got seconds (we’re really good friends — we can do that). Next came the classic Caesar salad — except it just happened to be during the time period when Romaine lettuce was banned from 22 states — so ours was served with baby kale, instead of Romaine, which didn’t quite hit the spot, but it gave me an idea of what a true Porter’s Caesar salad will taste like next time, with the scrumptious housemade anchovy dressing. So, I like to try signature dishes when I can, because heck, if that’s what makes a place famous, who am I to argue with the masses? And, the Porter’s signature grilled pepperloin did not disappoint. I opted for the eight-ounce, while my husband went for the 14-ouncer, both grilled perfectly to our specifications. Described as a whole beef tenderloin, marinated for 48 hours, then rolled in pepper-
Seven-layer carrot cake
Porter’s signature grilled pepperloin
Photos by Vicki Bennington corn-herb mixture and sliced into medallions, it is then served with the signature mustard sauce. I preferred mine on its own, but others at the table swore by the mustard sauce. I thought the 2015 Five Rows, Durant Ranch Vineyard, California chardonnay was perfect with it, even though some people say you have to drink red wine with steak. I like it with white. My side baked potato was good, too. I know, it sounds like something that can’t go too wrong, but au contraire. I have had baked potatoes that aren’t all that good. This one was a winner. That sums up the fare for three out of four in our dinner party. The fourth went for the 14-ounce ribeye, because she wanted something with a little marbling of fat. It was visibly juicy, and she said it was flavorful, along with her side of fresh, sugar-snap peas. The pièce de résistance was the seven-layer
30 • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • On the Edge of the Weekend
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On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • 31
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“I had suffered for over a year with sciatic nerve pain in my lower back “I started laser therapy for my shoulder pain. I had difficulty getting dressed, “Since I have been treatments foramy hips, I have discovered “I had a year with sciatic nerve pain radiating down my having left side.the ItFAMILY had gotten to point where I was unable toCHIROPRACTIC putting on asuffered jacket or for evenover reaching to adjust the volume on my carradiating radio. I am FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC FAMILY FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC down my left leg. It had gotten to a point where I was unable to sit, “Since I have been having the treatments for my hips, I have discovered “I had suffered for over a year with sciatic nerve pain radiating sit, stand, walk or sleep comfortably. I began feeling better after the second or I can get out of the car, take off walking, or even walk up the steps now virtually pain free after the treatments. I can now do what I want to Alton do. This FAMILY FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC FAMILY FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC stand, walk or sleep comfortably. I read about your laser in the down my left leg. It had gotten to a point where I was unable to sit, third treatment and following my last treatment, I want to report that I have was Telegraph a very positive experience for me.” I can get out of the car,one takestep off walking, walk up the steps FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC without taking them at a time.or I even would recommend MLS and wascomfortably. thrilled thatI read you about got me into theinprogram stand, walkBrighton or sleep your laser the Altonso no sciatic nerve pain whatsoever! I am amazed with the results of this non- - Carol B. from quickly. After my third treatment, I have no sciatic pain whatsoever! FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC without taking them one step at a time. I would recommend MLS Telegraph and was thrilled that you got me into the program so Laser Therapy to anyone I am so much since starting the invasive procedure and haveand recommended it to better all my friends.” I am amazed results ofI have this non-invasive and quickly. After mywith thirdthe treatment, no sciatic painprocedure whatsoever! -treatment.” Leslie G. from Alton Laser Therapy to anyone andAlton I am so much better since starting the Carol N. - East
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32 • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • On the Edge of the Weekend
What to hear … music Thursday, Dec. 13
• Justin Timberlake - The Man Of The Woods Tour, Enterprise Center, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. • Lover’s Winter Fest, The Pageant, St. Louis, 7 p.m. • The Erin Bode Group Holiday Concert, The Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville, Illinois, 7:30 p.m. • Sitting on the Porch - Thursday jam sessions, National Blues Museum, St. Louis, 6 p.m. • KSHE 95 Welcomes: The Black Moods, Blueberry Hill Duck Room, University City, Missouri, 8 p.m. • Big Mike and the Blu City All Stars, Joe’s Café, St. Louis, 7 p.m. • Miss Jubilee, Blues City Deli, St. Louis, 6 p.m. • Miles Over Mountains, Broadway Oyster Bar, St. Louis, 9 p.m. • Hollywood 5, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, Illinois, 7 p.m.
On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • 33
• Smino - Zero Fatigue Kri3mas, The Pageant, St. Louis, 8 p.m. • Mike Zito Band, The Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville, Illinois, 8 p.m. • Jungle All The Way, Taha’a Twisted Tiki, St. Louis, 9 p.m. • BoneHead, The Pump House Bar & Grill, Wood River, Illinois, 9:30 p.m. • Big Freedia, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, 8 p.m. • Kendrick Smith Trio’s Friday Night Jazz Lab, Thurman’s in Shaw, St. Louis, 9 p.m. • Funky Butt Brass Band 10th Holiday Brasstravaganza, Off Broadway Music Venue, St. Louis, 9 p.m. • Randy Jackson, Lascelles, Granite City, Illinois, 9 p.m.
Saturday, Dec. 15
• Pale Divine, The Pageant, St. Louis, 8 p.m. • The Silver Creek Bluegrass Band, Stagger Inn Again, Edwardsville, Illinois, 10 p.m. • Doc Holiday, Doits Village Inn, Pontoon Beach, Illinois, 9:30 p.m. • Lanny & Julie + Alan, The Pump House Bar & Grill, Wood River, Illinois, 5 p.m. • Scott & Mechelle - Christmas Party, • 9th Annual Acoustik Element Christmas Eddie’s Bar & Grill, Granite City, Illinois, 5 - 10 Party, Joe’s Cafe Concerts, St. Louis, 7 p.m. p.m. • Live Music, The Old Bakery Beer
Friday, Dec. 14
Introducing one of the
Photo by Owen Sweeney/Invision/AP Marcus Mumford of the band Mumford & Sons performs in concert during the opening night of the North America leg of their “Delta Tour” at The Wells Fargo Center on Friday, Dec. 7, in Philadelphia.
Celebrating 32 years in business
463-8818 • • 3518 E. Homer Adams Pkwy • Alton, IL • Mon-Tue 10-5 • Wed 10-8 • Thurs 10-5 • Fri 10-8 • Sat 10-4
34 • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • On the Edge of the Weekend LEFT: Marcus Mumford, left, and Ted Dwane of the band Mumford & Sons perform in concert during the opening night of the North America leg of their “Delta Tour” at The Wells Fargo Center on Friday, Dec. 7, in Philadelphia. Photo by Owen Sweeney/ Invision/AP
Monday, Dec. 17
• The 442s Holiday Spectacular, The 560 Music Center, University City, Missouri, 7:30 p.m. • Hill Williams, Chez Marilyn, Alton, Illinois, 6 p.m. • Sepia at Dub Sector, The Monocle, St. Louis, 9 p.m. • Keeping’ it Reel, John D. McGurk’s, St. Louis, 8 p.m. • Karaoke Mondays, Livery Company, St. Louis, 9 p.m. • Monday Night Review, Hammerstone’s, St. Louis, 7 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 18
Company, Alton, Illinois, 7 p.m. • Kim Massie, Das Bevo, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m. • Whiskey Dixon, The Pump House Bar & Grill, Wood River, Illinois, 9:30 p.m. • Flying House with The Sparrows, Schlafly Tap Room, St. Louis, 9 p.m. • The MadBaileys, Chez Marilyn, Alton, Illinois, 8 p.m. • Jeremiah Johnson Band, The Beale on Broadway, St. Louis, 10:30 p.m. • Funky Butt Brass Band 10th Holiday Brasstravaganza, Off Broadway Music Venue, St. Louis, 9 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 16
• Dirty Heads - 105.7 The Point HoHo Show, The Pageant, St. Louis, 8 p.m. • Falling Fences, John D. McGurk’s, St. Louis, 8 p.m. • Funky Butt Brass Band 10th Holiday Brasstravaganza, Off Broadway Music Venue, St. Louis, 7 p.m. • Hollywood 5, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, Illinois, 7 p.m. • The Kuhlies, Some Kind of Nightmare and Stinkbomb, Evangeline’s Bistro & Music House, St. Louis, 8 p.m. • Carondelet Christmas Concert, The Ivory Theatre, Carondelet, Missouri, 3 p.m. • Javier Mendoza Christmas Concert, The Chapel, St. Louis, 6 p.m. • Brunchin’ with Tommy Halloran Band, Dark Room at The Grandel, St. Louis, 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
• Straight No Chaser, The Fabulous Fox, St Louis, 7:30 p.m. • Jazz St. Louis Big Band Plays Ellington’s Nutcracker, Jazz St. Louis, St. Louis, 7:30 p.m., runs through Dec. 20 • The 442s Holiday Spectacular, The 560 Music Center, University City, Missouri, 7:30 p.m. • DudeBro Duo, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, Illinois, 6 p.m. • Nothing Nowhere, Fubar, St. Louis, 6:30 p.m. • Tuesday Night Hit hosted by the Tonina Quartet, Dark Room at The Grandel, St. Louis, 7 p.m. • Turnt Up Tuesdays: Xstinction, Taha’a Twisted Tiki, St. Louis, 9 p.m. • Keeping’ it Reel, John D. McGurk’s, St. Louis, 8 p.m. • Soul Shed STL, Urb Arts, St. Louis, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 19
• Dog Town Athletic Club, Blueberry Hill Duck Room, University City, Missouri, 8 p.m. • D-LUX Acoustic Duo, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton, Illinois, 6 p.m. • Tab Benoit, Old Rock House, St. Louis, 7 p.m. • The 4th Annual Ho Ho Hardcore Show with Kublai Khan and Left Behind, The Sinkhole, St. Louis, 7 p.m. • Voodoo Zeppelin, Broadway Oyster Bar, St. Louis, 9 p.m. • Peter Mayer Group’s ” A Junkman’s Christmas,” Sheldon Concert Hall, St. Louis, 7 p.m. • Open Mic with Phil Russo, Irish Corner Pub, St. Louis, 9 p.m. • Keeping’ it Reel, John D. McGurk’s, St. Louis, 8 p.m.
On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 13, 2018 • 35
After a year full of tears, Ariana Grande comes out on top By MESFIN FEKADU AP Music Writer NEW YORK — Ariana Grande capped off a successful year as a pop star — but a trying one as a maturing young woman — at the 13th annual Billboard Women in Music event, where she was named Woman of the Year. The 25-year-old singer was teary-eyed at times during her acceptance speech as she reflected on her year, which included the end of her relationship with comedian-actor Pete Davidson and the death of her former boyfriend, the rapper Mac Miller. Last year, a bombing at her concert in Manchester, England killed 22 people. “I want to say that I find it interesting that this has been one of the best years in my career and like the worst of my life,” she told the audience in New York City at Pier 36 on Thursday. “I feel like a lot of people would look at someone in my position right now, I guess, like Woman of the Year, an artist that could be at her peak ... and think, ‘She’s really got her (stuff) together. She’s really on it. She’s got it all.’ And I do, but as far as my personal life goes, I really have no idea what the (expletive) I am doing.” “It’s been a very conflicting one,” she added. “I just want to say if you’re someone out there who has no idea what this next chapter is going to bring, you’re not alone in that.” Grande’s successful year included another No. 1 album with “Sweetener” as well as multiple hits, from “No Tears Left to Cry” to “God Is a Woman” to “Breathin.” She sang “Thank U, Next” — her first No. 1 smash on Billboard’s Hot 100 chart — in front of the audience including Alicia Keys, Dua Lipa, music executives and honorees like Cyndi Lauper and Janelle Monae.
said a fan recently told her that listening to her album, “Dirty Computer,” encouraged her to come out to her family. “I think moments like those, they remind you no matter what’s going in your life, how bad you feel, that by us walking in our truths, it can sometimes give the next person the courage to walk in theirs,” Monae said. British singer Ellie Goulding hosted the two-our event, where Lauper was given the Icon Award and was honored by Emmy-nominated performer Tituss Burgess, who wonderfully sang “True Colors.” R&B singer SZA, who was the most nominated woman at this year’s Grammy Awards, received the Rule Breaker Award, while pop singer Hayley Kiyoko performed her upbeat song “Curious” and earned the Rising Star Award. “I’m going to be crying this whole time. This is my first time getting an award onstage,” Kiyoko said as the audience got out of their seats to cheer her on. “I’m trying to be professional.” Online: women-in-music Ariana Grande attends the 13th annual Billboard Women in Music event at Pier 36 on Thursday, Dec. 6, in New York. Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision | AP Patti LaBelle praised Grande for her strong vocal ability before handing her the award, and the night was full of similar moments as women uplifted one another. Country singer Kacey Musgraves kicked off the event with a soft performance and won the Innovator Award. Monae, who came out as pansexual this year, received the Trailblazer Award and
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3,500 iN reTail CoNSumer CaSh apr for 75 moS*. New 2015 3,500 iN reTail CoNSumer CaSh apr for 75 moS*. $ or $ ConsumeR New 2015 2015 $ NewDarT $ $ or $ 2015 Retail Cash* DoDge % forgT 200 or3,000 $ NewDarT $% for pluS 1,000 pluS for forgTChrySler Retail ConsumeR Cash* DoDge % % ChrySler 200 or3,000 2,500 rebaTe75 moS.* 5,500 rebaTe 1,000 pluS pluS or $ New 2015 New 2015 DoDge Charger SXT ram 1500 Crew Cab 2,500 rebaTe 5,500 rebaTe 75 moS.* or 2018 $Charger DoDge ram 1500 Crew Cab New 2015 SXT% New 2015 DoDge Charger SXT ram 1500 Crew Cab 75 moS.* 75 moS.* 40 • Thursday, December 13, • On the Edge of the Weekend % reTail boNuS CaSh rebaTe pluS 1,000 reTail boNuS CaSh $ reTail boNuS CaSh reTail boNuS CaSh rebaTe pluS 1,000 $ Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy apr for 75 moS*. 3,500 iN reTail CoNSumer CaSh Jeep Cherokee &% CouNTy New New 2015 for 75 moS*. 3,500 iN reTail CoNSumer $ $ ConsumeR $ TowN $ 2015 Cash* New 2015 Cash* New 2015 $ apr $ ConsumeR for Retail or $ CaSh $% for 1,000 3,000 pluS or pluS for Retail % for % or 2,500 rebaTe 5,500 rebaTe 1,000 3,000 pluS or pluS $ $ $ Cab 2,500 rebaTe 5,500 rebaTe New 2015 New 2015 or 75 moS.* 75 moS.* $ $ DoDge Charger SXT ram 1500 Crew $ $ New 2015 New 2015 or $ apr for apr for % 75 moS.* 75 moS.* % % DoDge Charger SXT ram 1500 Crew Cab reTail boNuS CaSh rebaTe pluS 1,000 reTail boNuS CaSh 500 pluS 2,500 pluS apr for apr for % pluS for for 75 moS.* %rebaTe % 75 moS.*Jeep % reTail% boNuS CaSh 1,000 reTail boNuS CaSh pluS 2,500 pluS 500 pluS pluS 75 moS.* Cherokee TowN & CouNTy 75 moS.* apr for 75 moS*. 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or 2,500 pluSor500 2,500 CoNSumer CaSh 4,500 75CoNSumer moS.* CaShrebaTe 75 moS.* pluS pluS Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy 75 moS.* YOUR AUTOMOTIVE Jeep Cherokee75 moS.* TowN & CouNTy rebaTe YOUR AUTOMOTIVE618-656-6070 rebaTe rebaTe 618-656-6070 75Your moS.* 75 apr moS.* See ForpluS All Automotive Needs 2 $ $Your $$ New 2015%Us New 2015 SUPERSTORE See ForpluS All Automotive Needs $ $ New 2015%Us New 2015 apr2 Miles forNorth 2 for rebaTe rebaTe New 2015 New 2015 SUPERSTORE 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 % or or $ $ 500 pluS 2,500 apr for apr for of I-270 on Hwy. 159 % or 500 or 2,500 CoNSumer CaSh 4,500 CoNSumer CaSh pluS 2,500 2,500 CoNSumer CaSh 4,500 CoNSumer 75 moS.* CaSh rebaTe 75 moS.* Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy 75 moS.* 75 moS.* YOUR AUTOMOTIVE rebaTe Jeep Cherokee TowN &YOUR CouNTy AUTOMOTIVE rebaTe rebaTe 618-656-6070 New& 2015 New 2015 618-656-6070 Jeep Cherokee CouNTy New 2015 New 2015 TowN 2 See Us For Your Automotive Needs $$ SUPERSTORE 2All See%Us For Allor Your $ Automotive Needs $ $ $500 $ SUPERSTORE apr for apr for 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 % % orpluS or $ pluS 2,500 apr for orpluS$ $500 apr for or 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 % or 2,500 CoNSumer CaSh 4,500 CoNSumer CaSh Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy pluS 2,500 2,500 CoNSumer CaSh 4,500 CoNSumer CaSh Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy 75 moS.* CaSh 75 moS.* CoNSumer CoNSumer CaSh 75 moS.* 75 moS.* YOUR AUTOMOTIVE rebaTe rebaTe YOUR AUTOMOTIVE rebaTe rebaTe $ $ 618-656-6070 $ $ New 2015 New 2015 618-656-6070 apr for apr for $ New 2015 % apr for SUPERSTORE $ New 2015 2on Hwy.pluS % 75 moS.* % apr for %Us % apr for pluSNeeds 2on$Hwy. pluS pluS See For All Your Automotive 500 2,500 apr for $ % SUPERSTORE 2 Miles North of I-270 159 See Us For All Your Automotive Needs 500 2,500 pluS or or pluS $ 2 Miles North of I-270 159 or $ or 75 moS.* 2,500 CoNSumer CaSh 75 moS.* 4,500 CaSh Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy75 moS.* 75CoNSumer moS.* 75 moS.*
*Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.
*Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.
*Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Cassens Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.
*Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for cy restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Cassens Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.
Cassens *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Cassens *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.
*Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed forCassens well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed forCassens well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.
CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for rebaTe rebaTeCassensprice. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months rebaTe Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.
YOUR AUTOMOTIVE New 2015 $ $ New 2015 apr for $Stk#18J412 $ New 2015 apr for $Stk#19D209 for or $ 2 Miles apr pluS SUPERSTORE North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 CoNSumer CaSh pluS or CoNSumer CaSh pluS or SUPERSTORE CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh 75 moS.* 75 moS.* MSRP $44,470 MSRP $53,450 MSRP $31,330 75 moS.* 75 moS.* *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. MustrebaTe receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for rebaTe Cassens cy restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Stk#18T57 New 2015
$ or
$ pluS 2 Miles apr Northfor of I-270 on Hwy. 159
YOUR$AUTOMOTIVE CoNSumer CaSh $ New 2015 apr for $ $$ apr for or $ or SUPERSTORE pluS pluS CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh SUPERSTORE 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh 75 moS.* 75 moS.* 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 75 moS.* rebaTe YOUR AUTOMOTIVE rebaTe YOUR AUTOMOTIVE rebaTe $ $$ $$ apr for orpluS$ apr for SUPERSTORE or pluS apr for orpluS$ $ apr for SUPERSTORE or CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 pluS CoNSumer CaSh CaSh 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 75CoNSumer moS.* 75 moS.* 75 moS.* 75 moS.* rebaTe rebaTe rebaTe rebaTe YOUR AUTOMOTIVE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE $ SUPERSTORE or $2,500 CoNSumer CaSh or $ SUPERSTORE 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 or $2,500 CoNSumer CaSh or 4,500 CoNSumer CaSh 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 4,500 CoNSumer CaSh CHEROKEE 4X4 LATITUDE 4X4 PACIFICA TOURING L YOUR AUTOMOTIVE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 618-656-6070 2 See Us For All Your Automotive Needs SUPERSTORE 2 See Us For All Your Automotive Needs 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 SUPERSTORE 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 YOUR AUTOMOTIVE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE618-656-6070 See Us For2All Your AutomotiveSUPERSTORE Needs 618-656-6070 2 See Us For All Your AutomotiveSUPERSTORE Needs 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for AUTOMOTIVE YOUR Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. YOUR AUTOMOTIVE Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. 618-656-6070 618-656-6070 2 See Us For 2All Your Automotive Needs SUPERSTORE See Us For All Your Automotive Needs SUPERSTORE 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for YOUR AUTOMOTIVE *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for YOUR AUTOMOTIVE Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. 618-656-6070 Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. 618-656-6070 2on Hwy. 159 SUPERSTORE 2on Hwy. 159 See Us For All Your Automotive Needs SUPERSTORE 2 Miles North of I-270 See Us For All Your Automotive Needs 2 Miles North of I-270 *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect618-656-6070 dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. YOUR AUTOMOTIVE Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect618-656-6070 dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. YOUR AUTOMOTIVE Stk#19S63 Stk#18F709T STK #18N401 *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for wellSee qualified buyers. all buyers will for lowest rate. Must receive financingNeeds from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for 2 2 Miles North Not of I-270 on2 Hwy. 159qualify Us For All Your Automotive SUPERSTORE 2 Miles North of I-270 on All Hwy. 159Your Automotive Needs See Us For SUPERSTORE Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s price. everyone qualifies Cassens price. Tax, title license & doc fee extra. 0% on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. MSRP $29,595 MSRP $39,175 $41,475 *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery byselling 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for wellfor qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate.,Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for APR for 75 monthsMSRP cy restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affectlisted dealer’s selling price.well everyonequalified qualifies for Cassensbuyers. price. Tax, title ,Not license &all doc fee extra. 0% APRwill for 75 months on selected Se dealer for details. MustAUTOMOTIVE YOUR Must by 11-30-15. listed based inventory. Savings for buyers qualify forvehicles. lowest rate. receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Manufacturer incentives subject *Residency to change without notice &restrictions may affect dealer’s sellingapply. price. everyone qualifiestake for Cassensdelivery price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APRVehicles for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer on for details. YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 $6,599 OFF $5,604 OFF $7,056 618-656-6070 Details Manufacturer to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. See Usqualifies For Your Automotive Needs 2OFF SUPERSTORE See Usincentives Forsubject All Your Automotive Needs 2All SUPERSTORE 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 Cassens Price $22,996 Cassens2 Miles Price $33,571 Cassens Price $34,419 YOUR AUTOMOTIVE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 618-656-6070 2 SeeEveryone Us For All Your Automotive Needs SUPERSTORE See Us For All Your AutomotiveSUPERSTORE Needs qualifies for2 Cassens prices. Tax, Title, License and Docs extra. 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 YOUR AUTOMOTIVE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 618-656-6070 2 SUPERSTORE 2 SUPERSTORE 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 CoNSumer CaSh YOUR AUTOMOTIVE New 2015
rebaTe rebaTe Cassens Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.
New 2015
apr for 75 moS.*
or $ pluS rebaTe
New 2015 apr for
or pluS
*Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Cassens *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Cassens Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.
*Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed forCassens well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed forCassens well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.
*Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Cassens Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. SeeUs UsFor ForAll AllYour Your Automotive Needs Needs See Automotive 618-656-6070 YOURAUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 YOUR 25 SUPERSTORE SUPERSTORE
*Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for cy restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Cassens Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.
Cassens Cassens
2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159
2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159
618-656-6070 618-656-6070 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159
2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159