The Edge 4/25/19

Page 1

April 25, 2019 Volume 17, Issue 17

The Land of Goshen Community Market celebrating 24th season, opens May 11, page 2 Takin’ It To The Street: Favorite Goshen Market finds, page 21

Check out Metro East House Hunters guide, page 9 Progressive Taste of Edwardsville/Glen Carbon, page 30

2 • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • On the Edge of the Weekend

Season Opener:

Lenny’s Carpet & Floor Center

Annual Land of Goshen Community Market kicks off May 11

• Vinyl • Laminate • Ceramic Financing & • Hardwood Installation Available • Carpet 123 N. BLUFF HWY. 157 COLLINSVILLE, IL Mon - Fri 9 - 6

By Jill Moon

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EDWARDSVILLE — The neighborhood market, by which nearby communities’ and farmers’ markets set their bar, is about to open for its 24th season. The Land of Goshen Community Market in Edwardsville, Illinois, became a model for its community and an outreach to its own and other communities. Its opening day is Saturday, May 11, in Downtown Edwardsville. Market hours are from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Satur-

days through October. Founders Jamie and Sharon Henderson, of Edwardsville, started the Land of Goshen Community Market in 1997. As big fans of a farmers’ market in Madison, Wisconsin, the couple not only decided to try one in Edwardsville, but also thought it would be a success. And, rightly so. “They did it,’” said Goshen Market board member Emily Morrison, who’s the Goshen Market board secretary. “They said, ‘We can do this in Edwardsville.’ It started with just the main part of St. Louis Street.

See MARKET, Page 4

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601 Edwardsville Road Troy, IL 62294 ~~~




Hours: M-F 8-6, Sat 8-4, Closed Sunday


On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • 3

April 25, 2019 2

Land of Goshen Community Market ready


‘Aftermath’ not so much a history lesson


What to do ... events


Metro East House Hunters guide


What to hear .... music


Taking It to the Street


Food for Thought ... with Vicki Bennington


What to discover ... arts


People At the Party

Who to contact THE EDGE PUBLISHER • Denise THE EDGE ADVERTISING DIRECTOR • Carole Fredeking THE EDGE MARKETING STRATEGIST • John Wunderlich THE EDGE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF • Jill Moon .....................................

ON THE COVER: Edwardsville, Illinois’ Land of Goshen Community Market vendor, Greenville, Illinois’ Daydream Farm’s Jim Haas, left foreground, and his son, Bruce Haas, left background, package their Daydream Farm’s fresh produce for Goshen Market visitors. One of the many special aspects of shopping at the Goshen Market is getting to know the farmers and growers who work so hard to bring their offerings to the Market, opening Saturday, May 11, for its 24th season in Downtown Edwardsville.

THE EDGE EVENTS COORDINATOR • Kendra McAndrews ..... THE EDGE CONTRIBUTORS • Vicki Bennington............... • Keith Brake • Robert Grubaugh .............. On The Edge Of The Weekend is a product of Hearst Illinois Media Group.

5 • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • On the Edge of the Weekend

On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • 5

MARKET Continued from Page 4 through its programs, including Farm To School; The Beet Box; and, Market Sprouts, a program held during Goshen Market hours for children to learn the value of growing their own food. Additionally, the event helps the foundation share fresh produce and food to in-need families and individuals, as well as provide more locally grown produce for purchase to Goshen Market visitors. The fourth annual Burgers & Brews bash will take place Saturday, June 29. “It has really taken off,” Morrison noted to The Edge. “We partnered with Edwardsville restaurants and, through the meat vendors from the market, those restaurants make handcrafted sliders and ticket-holders vote on their favorite slider. It’s just a magnificent feast.”

Bill Tucker|For The Edge A vendor sets up at the Land of Goshen Community Market, opening for its 24th season Saturday, May 11, in Downtown Edwardsville. Burgers & Brews includes live acoustic music, as well as yard games on the Goshen Market Green, located on St. Louis Street, across from the market’s information tent. “It’s been selling out very, very quickly,” Morrison said.

“It is capped at two hundred tickets so that the event will stay intimate with room for the activities, to maintain the concept of the event of people communing on the green.” The foundation’s Market




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Sprouts program gives children experience with fresh produce. “They get access to vegetables and food that they might not try if it was just on a plate,” Morrison explained. “They really get into it. They

get a stamp when they visit Market Sprouts’ booth to get seeds.” The Beet Box, a mobile market, is one of the Goshen Market’s biggest projects of the last decade. “There are five different stops, reaching areas that are classified as food deserts (locations that don’t have a grocery store within a onemile radius),” Morrison said. Starting in May (until October), The Beet Box will make stops at Fairmont City, the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville campus, Granite City, Madison and AgeSmart in O’Fallon, Illinois. A new destination will be the Edwardsville YMCA Meyer Center’s Early Childhood Center in Glen Carbon’s Cottonwood neighborhood, where many residents are unable to easily access grocery stores. “It’s a great residential area with the potential to reach a lot of recipients,” Morrison noted.

Community support, in turn, thrives for Goshen Market. The Metro East Rotary Club donated “veggieforward” books, which volunteers read to children who live within The Beet Box’s jurisdiction. “The Beet Box program in high-need areas provides not only fresh food, but also education,” Morrison noted. The Edwardsville Rotary Club is a Market Sprouts sponsor and the club funded the raised beds used by Sprouts at the Market Green on Saturday mornings. The Land of Goshen Community Market also showcases local artists, who sell their one-of-a-kind artworks at the market. “It’s an ag-based market, but we definitely value the artisans’ portion (which is kept at a lower percentage than the agriculture vendors). We conduct the artists

See MARKET, Page 7

Celtic Spring A Celebration of Music From Scotland, Ireland, Wales and Cornwall 7:30 P.M., FrIdAy, MAy 3, 2019 Saint Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church, St. Louis 3 P.M., SundAy, MAy 5, 2019 Saint Clare Catholic Church, o’Fallon, IL TICkeTS:

6 • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • On the Edge of the Weekend


327 Olive Street • Edw, IL

407 Edwardsville Rd. (Rt. 162) 656-0845 Troy, IL 62294 667-6241 Steve Jackson, Pastor Andy Adams, Pastor Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: Morning Worship: 10:45&a.m. 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Wed. Early Morning Prayer: 5:00 a.m. Wednesday Youth Wed. BibleEvening Study: 7:00 p.m.Services New Life Student Ministry

ST. PAUL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 3277 Bluff Rd. Edwardsville, IL

1 District Drive, 656-1500 Edwardsville Rev. Diane C. Grohmann (Liberty Middle School)

Rev. Aaron Myers, Pastor

Sunday Bible Studies, Family,Worship Youth & College Ministries 10:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Worship / 11:15 a.m. Sunday School Our Facility618-307-6590 is Handicap Accessible Phone: Presbyterian Church in America


131 N. Main St., Glen Carbon, IL 288-5700

Dr. Penelope H. Barber

310Morning South Main, Sunday WorshipEdwardsville - 8:15 & 10:45a.m. Sunday656-7498 School - 9:30 a.m. Traditional Worship: 9:00 a.m. Mid-Week - EveryWorship: Wednesday evening Contemporary 10:30 a.m.Youth Bible Study -10:30 6-7:30a.m. p.m. Sunday School: Adult 5:30 Classesp.m. & Youth: Prayer ShawlBrooks, MinistryLead - 6:30-7:30 p.m. Dr. James Minister Rev. Jeff Wrigley, Assoc Minister Fully Accessible Facilities

ST.UNITED BONIFACE ST. PAUL CHURCH CATHOLIC CHURCH OF CHRIST 110 N. Buchanan Edwardsville 656-6450 3277 Bluff Rd. Goeckner Very Reverend Jeffrey Edwardsville, IL Sacrament of Reconciliation: 656-1500 Wed., & Thurs. - 6 pm

Saturday - 3:30-4:00 pm

Rev. Diane Grohmann Saturday VigilC.Mass - 4:15 pm

Sunday Mass 8:15 am, 10:15 am, 5:15 pm Spanish Mass - 12:15 pm Daily Mass Schedule - Mon., 5:45 pm Tues., Thurs., Fri. - 8:00 am Our Facility Handicap Accessible Wed., & isThurs. - 6:45 pm

Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. All Are Welcome


131 N. Main St., Glen Carbon, IL 288-5700

Dr. Penelope H. Barber

Sunday Morning Worship - 8:15 & 10:45a.m. 310 South SundayMain, School -Edwardsville 9:30 a.m. 656-7498 Mid-Week - Every Wednesday evening Traditional Worship: 9:00 a.m.Youth Bible Worship: Study - 6-7:30 p.m. a.m. Contemporary 10:30 Adult 10:30 Classes &a.m. Youth: Sunday School: Prayer Shawl5:30 Ministry - 6:30-7:30 p.m. p.m. Dr. James Brooks, Lead Minister Sullens, FullyMacy Accessible Facilities Youth and Childrens’ Minister

ST. BONIFACE St.CATHOLIC Mary’s Parish CHURCH 1101802 N. Buchanan Edwardsville 656-6450 Madison Avenue, Very Reverend Jeffrey Goeckner Edwardsville, IL 62025

Sacrament Reconciliation: (618)of656-4857 Wed., & Thurs. - 6 pm Weekend Masses:pm Saturday - 3:30-4:00 Saturdays 5:00 -pm Saturday Vigil Mass 4:15 pm SundaysSunday 8:00 am & 10:30 Mass - am 8:15 am,Saturday 10:15 am, 5:15 pm pm Confessions 3:30 to 4:30 Spanish MassMass: - 12:15 pm Daily Daily Mass Schedule - Mon., 5:45 pm Tues., 6:30 pm, Wed-Fri., 8:00 Tues., Thurs., Fri. - 8:00 amam Wed., & Thurs. - 6:45 pm email:

All Are Welcome

St. Mary’s School (618) 656-1230


407 Olive Edwardsville (Rt. 162) 327 StreetRd. • Edw, IL Troy, IL 62294 656-0845 667-6241 Andy Adams, Pastor Steve Jackson, Pastor

Sunday Worship: Sunday 9:30&a.m. 8 a.m., 9 a.m.,School: 10:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship: Wednesday Evening 10:45 Youtha.m. Services Wed. Early Prayer: 5:00 a.m. NewMorning Life Student Ministry Wed. Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.

EDENCHURCH CHURCH EDEN 903N.N.Second SecondStreet Street 903 Edwardville,ILIL62025 62025 Edwardville, 656-4330 656-4330

JohnRoberts, Roberts,Senior SeniorPastor Pastor John Sunday Worship: Sunday Feb. 3 Service -Worship: 9:15 a.m. May 5th 9:15a.m. TraditionalService 8:00 AM Traditional 8:00 Combined Service SundaySchool School9:15 9:15 AM Sunday Please come and enjoy Contemporary Service Contemporary Service this 10:30 time worship 10:30ofAM AM


St. Mary’s Parish

Let’s Worship. Call Rachel @ 618-208-6441

1802 Madison Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 656-4857 Weekend Masses:

Saturdays 5:00 pm Sundays 8:00 am & 10:30 am Confessions Saturday 3:30 to 4:30 pm

Daily Mass:

Tues., 6:30 pm, Wed-Fri., 8:00 am email: St. Mary’s School (618) 656-1230

“O SON OF SPIRIT! The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice; turn not awayDrive, therefrom if thou 1 District desirest Me, and neglect it not that I may Edwardsville confide in thee.Middle Verily justice is My gift to (Liberty School) thee and the signMyers, of My loving kindness.” Rev. Aaron Pastor Bible Studies, Family, Youth & College ~ Baha’u’llah Ministries 9:30 a.m. a.m. Sunday School TheWorship Bahá’is/ of11:15 Edwardsville warmly

Phone: welcome and 618-307-6590 invite you to investigate the teachings of the Bahá’i Faith. Presbyterian Church in America For more information call (618) 656-4142 or email: P.O. Box 545 Edwardsville, IL 62025

Call Regina at 618-208-6433 to add your church listing

On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • 7

Love and war

‘The Aftermath’ not so much a history lesson

By Robert D. Grubaugh Contributing columnist

I had narrowed down my moviegoing options a couple weeks ago to three options. Two were World War II-era dramas centered around intimate relationships and the other a loud new comedy about an aggressive businesswoman aging backward into her snotty pre-teen self; which seemed to me to be very similar to “Big,” Tom Hanks’ great breakout from the ’80s — except this one, called “Little,” I scorned, based purely on the laziness of its title. So, my wrath temporarily abated, I opted for the safer of my two Word War II movies — “The Aftermath.” (But, I’m going to cheat a little and also admit to going a few days later to see that other one, “Transit.” Ain’t I a stinker?) “The Aftermath,” based on the novel of the same name by Rhidian Brook, is set in Hamburg, Germany, just after V-E Day, officially known as Victory in Europe Day, May 8, 1945, marking the formal acceptance of Nazi Germany armed forces’ unconditional surrendor. “The

Aftermath,” not so much a history lesson, is a peek behind the curtain of a military marriage and what war can do to shatter that union. British Colonel Lewis Morgan (Jason Clarke, coincidentally also the lead of my recent On The Edge Of The Weekend review of “Pet Sematary”) has been stationed in Hamburg to lead the security forces of the post-war rebuild and help ferret out which of the German survivors were victims and which survivors were perpetrators of high crimes under the Third Reich. Joining Morgan on this long-duration assignment is his wife, Rachael (Keira Knightley). The couple have been separated for quite a while and the violence of the war is only secondary to the gulf between them. But Rachael, and maybe Lewis, doesn’t own up to the condition of their marriage, which ended the day their young son died in the Blitz and Lewis failed to return on leave to bury him. That would be hard thing to help sustain any couple’s relationship. Instead, Rachael tries to make a fresh start elsewhere in Germany where they are lodged in a large

MARKET Continued from Page 5 jurying process as a comittee, around two months before the market opens,” Morrison explained. “Just like we want the food to be grown within a hundred mile radius, we also want art that’s not mass produced, to ensure a local emphasis.” Goshen Market co-founder, Sharon Henderson, an artist with a passion for visual arts, wanted the market to be a culture maker in the community. “There’s a satisfaction of knowing you’re supporting what you love,” Morrison said. Morrison received her bachelor’s and master’s in English from SIUE.

For The Edge Fresh produce from regional farmers is among the big draws at the Land of Goshen Community Market. “The relationship between the university and the community is so vital,” Morrison

Photo by Rebecca Cabage/Invision/AP|For The Edge Actor Jason Clarke is on a roll, playing lead roles in two recently released films: the role of British Colonel Lewis Morgan in “The Aftermath” and the lead role of Louis Creed in “Pet Sematary,” reviewed in last week’s edition of On The Edge Of The Weekend. manor home belonging to Nazi Party member Stefan Lubert (Alexander Skarsgard), displaced and suffering the indignity of manual labor during post-war rebuilding. Lubert lost his wife in the Allied bombing of Hamburg during World War II and his daughter (Flora Thiemann) hardly speaks to him.

said. “The market is such an asset, and we want students to have access to it. We want students to be aware of it being Downtown. SIUE is a food desert and the market provides vendors a chance to sell mid-week, which is a desire we heard about and wanted to accommodate.” The Beet Box truck also is parked at SIUE on Tuesday nights, exclusively for SIUE students, offering its bounty at a discount. “A large portion of the produce used for The Beet Box, we buy from Goshen Market vendors and they also donate quite a bit. They’re incredibly generous,” Morrison said. Another source of The Beet Box’s produce comes from the Goshen Market Foundation’s Food For Friends program. Market patrons can buy extra produce and

With guilt and grief still throughout their hearts, the Morgans allow the Luberts to stay in the house, rather than the Luberts being displaced to the camps set up for them. Stefan is grateful, but suspicious. His daughter takes the opportunity to be calculating in her defection to young Hitler Youth resistance

operator Jannik Schumann. Their questionable relationship is the uninteresting B-plot of the movie. Instead, “The Aftermath” is largely about the affair that Stefan and Rachael conduct to help thwart their mutual, similar pain. It’s especially steamy, but also somewhat understated. Keeping the secret from Lewis is a tad on the manipulative and manufactured side, but the movie is not really all that daring in the first place. “The Aftermath” is a solid movie, but it’s not especially memorable in any way, having the same “sexy” foundation as “Allied” (a much better espionage film, with Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard) yet leaving less importance on either the Morgans’ marriage or service to country. This is Clarke’s second pairing with Knightley, cast as his wife, the other being “Everest,” and that movie would get a similar summation from me — good, not great. “The Aftermath” runs 108 minutes and is rated R for sexual content/ nudity and violence, including some disturbing images. I give this film two stars out of four.

Who’s who in the Land of Goshen Community Market The Land of Goshen Community Market Board of Directors Goshen Market co-founder and President Sharon Henderson Vice President Candice Watson Treasurer Jessica DeSpain Secretary Emily Morrison Market Managers Tara Pohlman and Candice Watson, who oversee day-today operations for the Market alongside a group of committee members, who include: Pohlman, Watson, Morrison, Donna Charleston, Sherry Chase, Jessica DeSpain, Jamie Henderson (also Goshen Market co-founder), Sharon Henderson, Patty Herman, Sherrie Hickman, Jane Muscroft, David Reinhardt and Janice Reinhardt donate it at a table near the Market’s information tent; the donated produce then is sold at The Beet Box truck for 25 cents each. ”If it hasn’t sold at the end of the day, it’s given away and the money goes back to the foundation for more pro-

duce,” Morrison explained. Last year, the foundation collected nearly one ton of food through the Food For Friends program. “I’m so proud of the Goshen Market. I’m not a food grower myself, but when Jessica DeSpain, a long-time

committee member, president of the foundation and a force of nature, invited me to be a part of the Market committee, I jumped at the chance,” Morrison recalled. “My husband, SJ, and I live

See MARKET, Page 19

8 • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • On the Edge of the Weekend

What to do … events Friday, April 26 • • • • • • • • • •

2019 Super Chevy Show & Heads-up Hootenanny, Gateway Motorsports Park, Madison IL, 8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Hoker Trucking Best in the Business 50, Tri-City Speedway, Granite City IL, 5 p.m. Sips & Snuggles, Green Finned Hippy Farms Inc., Pocahontas IL, 6 p.m. Patton Oswalt, Family Arena, St. Charles MO, 8 p.m. St. Louis Cardinals vs. Cincinnati Reds, Busch Stadium, St. Louis MO, 7:15 p.m. Xtreme Bar Bingo, The Wild Turkey, Worden IL, 7 p.m. Fortune Feimster, Helium Comedy Club, St. Louis MO, 7:30 p.m. Citywide Yard Sale, Jerseyville IL, Times vary. 2019 SLIAC Men’s Tennis Tournament, Dwight Davis Memorial Tennis Center, St. Louis MO, 5 p.m. Artifact Spotlight- Tom Herr, Cardinals Nation, St. Louis MO, 3 p.m.

Saturday, April 27 • • • • • • • • • • •

2019 Super Chevy Show & Heads-up Hootenanny, Gateway Motorsports Park, Madison IL, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fortune Feimster, Helium Comedy Club, St. Louis MO, 7:30 p.m. Citywide Yard Sale, Jerseyville IL, Times vary. 2019 SLIAC Men’s Tennis Tournament, Dwight Davis Memorial Tennis Center, St. Louis MO, All day. Pick-Your-Own Asparagus, Eckert’s Country Store & Farms, Belleville IL, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Healthy Pets, Happy Pets by Purina Microchip & Vaccine Clinic, Metro East Humane Society, Edwardsville IL, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Save The Frog Day, Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis MO, 1 to 3 p.m. 3-Gun Monthly Match, World Shooting and Recreational Complex, Sparta IL, 8 a.m. St. Louis Earth Day Festival 30th Anniversary, The Muny, St. Louis MO, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aziz Ansari: Road To Nowhere, Stifel Theatre, St. Louis MO, 7:30 p.m. Riverside Flea Market, The Loading Dock Bar & Grill, Grafton IL, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Sunday, April 28 • • • • • • • • • • • •

2019 Super Chevy Show & Heads-up Hootenanny, Gateway Motorsports Park, Madison IL, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. 2019 SLIAC Men’s Tennis Tournament, Dwight Davis Memorial Tennis Center, St. Louis MO, All day. Pick-Your-Own Asparagus, Eckert’s Country Store & Farms, Belleville IL, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. St. Louis Earth Day Festival 30th Anniversary, The Muny, St. Louis MO, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Blessing of the Bikes, Bald Knob Cross, Alto Pass IL, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. St. Louis Cardinals vs. Cincinnati Reds, Busch Stadium, St. Louis MO, 1:15 p.m. TransGeek - QFest St. Louis, Landmark’s Tivoli Theatre, St. Louis MO, 1 to 3 p.m. Xtreme Bar Bingo, Skeeters Pub, Staunton IL, 6:30 p.m. Family Sunday Adventures, Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House, Chesterfield MO, 2 p.m. Historic Village Open House, Faust Park, Chesterfield MO, 12 to 4 p.m. Rich Guzzi Comedy Hypnosis Show, The Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville IL, 7:30 p.m. Riverside Flea Market, The Loading Dock Bar & Grill, Grafton IL, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Edwardsville walks for clean water EDWARDSVILLE — On Saturday, May 4, Newsong Fellowship will host a local site of the World Vision Global 6K for Water. This year Newsong is partnering with Immanuel United Methodist Church (who are also 6K host site alumni) and, together, they expect more than 125 participants. This event is part of a global movement comprised of host sites throughout the United States, as well as sites in more than 20 other countries (including Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, Spain, Turkey, and the U.K.). Participants will walk or run six kilometers (3.7 miles) for an extraordinary cause — bringing clean water to children and their families. Six kilometers is the average distance people — usually women and girls — walk to fetch water for their families and homes in the developing world. Often the walk is dangerous, children miss school, and the water is dirty. Each day, nearly 1,000 children younger than age 5 die from diarrhea caused by contaminated water, poor sanitation and improper hygiene — more than AIDS and malaria combined. But thankfully, clean water frees children from deadly diseases, liberates women and children from a life spent gathering dirty water, and opens the door to education, a promising future and a full life. Every $50 registration ($25 for youth) in the Global 6K for Water provides clean water to one person. Each participant will receive a T-shirt and a medal, and will walk or run wearing a race bib featuring a photo of the child receiving clean water. Today, nearly 90 percent of the global population has access to clean water, and organizers believe that local communities can help bring clean water to everyone in part through the Global 6K for

For The Edge The Douglas family — left to right, top row, Rozalyn and Rubylyn Douglas and their children: Sean, Rachel, Gwendellyn and Camden — celebrates providing clean water to six children in need. Water. The Edwardsville 6K for Water will start at 9 a.m. Saturday, May 4, at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Visit to sign up, donate or learn more. Additionally, all are invited to Celebration Sunday, May 5, at

Newsong Fellowship, 201 St. Louis St., in Edwardsville, at either at 9:15 or 11 a.m., to enjoy orange doughnuts and learn about the impact of the Edwardsville 6K for Water event from a Team World Vision speaker. For more information, email

METRO EAST HOUSE HUNTERS • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • 9

Metro East House Hunters

Uncle Dave’s Mattresses & Stuff A family & home furnishings tradition, page 11 Choice Area Listings Coming Soon @

10 • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • On the Edge of the Weekend

12 • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • METRO EAST HOUSE HUNTERS

Dave Fredman, for whom Uncle Dave’s Mattresses and Stuff is named, came to the United States in 1910, the first Fredman family member to cross the Atlantic, generations ago, and eventually moved to Collinsville in 1915. In 1914, at the start of World War I, Harry Fredman followed in his brother’s footsteps, landing first in Belleville, Illinois. In 1919, the brothers opened Fredman Bros. Furniture Store, at Clay and Center streets, in Collinsville, Illinois.

DAVE’S Continued from Page 11 grocery and men’s clothing businesses and the Fredman brothers took over. They also bought the state bank building, at 102 W. Main St., in Collinsville in 1918. Then, in 1919, Schwartz talked the brothers into buying out his large furniture store, also on Main Street.

Dave lived upstairs where there were some apartments and Harry lived in the back of the store. In the 1920s, the Fredman brothers expanded their small business. When leases were up in the furniture store building, they remodeled the state bank building, where they moved the business in 1925. Today, Uncle Dave’s Mattresses and Stuff still is an independent, family-owned home furnishings store, in the furniture retail trade

for more than 100 years. It is not affiliated with any national chain or large corporation. “Our core promise then was there would be ‘no monkey business’ when you dealt with us, and we’ve carried that promise to our new venture,” Fredman said about Uncle Dave’s Mattresses and Stuff. “All I have is my name and reputation to compete with lower costs. I can’t lie about a product. Your history in the long run is your name.” Visit or contact

Ron Fredman by calling 618-344-5123, texting 314-616-1811 or emailing for more information. Uncle Dave’s Mattresses and Stuff business hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday; and, 12 to 5 p.m. Sunday. Reach Jill Moon at 618-208-6448 and Twitter @ jill_moon.

METRO EAST HOUSE HUNTERS • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • 13

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14 • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • METRO EAST HOUSE HUNTERS

METRO EAST HOUSE HUNTERS • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • 15

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16 • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • METRO EAST HOUSE HUNTERS

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On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • 17

What to hear … music •

Shaw, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. Open Mic Night, Germania Brew Haus, Alton IL, 7:30 p.m.

Friday, April 26 • • • • • • • • (Photo by Mark Weiss/Getty Images) Mitch Ryder performs during Hippiefest at Count Basie Theater on August 23, 2015, in Red Bank, New Jersey.

Thursday, April 25 • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The Mavericks, The Pageant, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. Oh Sleeper & The Agony Scene, Fubar, St. Louis MO, 6 p.m. Sittin’ on the Porch’ Thursday Night Jam, National Blues Museum, St. Louis MO, 6 to 9 p.m. Broken Arrow–A Tribute to Neil Young, The Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville IL, 8 p.m. Thursday Night Revue with The Unity Quartet, The Dark Room, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. Jennifer Thompson and Harvest Drive, Porter’s Steakhouse, Collinsville IL, 6:30 to 9 p.m. Open Mic and Jam Session, Imperial Pub & Club, Granite City IL, 8 p.m. Karaoke Thursday Nights, LakeHouse at Buffalo Park, Maryville IL, 8 p.m. The Alex Ruwe Band, Broadway Oyster Bar, St. Louis MO, 9 p.m. Justus & The Experience, Stagger Inn Again, Edwardsville IL, 9:30 p.m. Jake Shafer & The Truckers, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air Andrew Dahle, 1860’s Saloon & Hardshell Café, St. Louis MO, 6 p.m. Tommy Halloran, Alpha Brewing Co., St. Louis MO, 6 p.m. Adam Maness Trio, Thurman’s in

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Zac Brown Band: Down the Rabbit Hole Live, Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre, Maryland Heights MO, 7 p.m. SuperJam, River City Casino & Hotel, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. Boney James, The Pageant, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. Jake’s Leg, Old Rock House, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. Hot Mulligan, Fubar, St. Louis MO, 7 p.m. Del McCoury Band, Sheldon Concert Hall and Art Galleries, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. Boy Named Banjo, Off Broadway Music Venue, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. Pat Liston, Schmitty’s Sunset Inn Again, Troy IL, 9 p.m. Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels, The Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville IL, 8 p.m. Joe Park and the Hot Club of St. Louis, Focal Point Concerts, Maplewood MO, 8 p.m. Howlin’ Fridays, National Blues Museum, St. Louis MO, 7 p.m. Brad & Jerry, The Franchise Sports Bar & Grill, Wood River IL, 8 p.m. Bone Head, The Pump House Bar & Grill, Wood River IL, 9:30 p.m. Late Night with Tracer, The Dark Room, St. Louis MO, 10 p.m. Annie & The Fur Trappers, Irish Corner Pub, St. Louis MO, 9 p.m. Hunter Peebles, Porter’s Steakhouse, Collinsville IL, 7 p.m. Jeremiah Johnson, BB’s Jazz Blues & Soups, St. Louis MO, 10:30 p.m. Hollywood 5, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton IL, 8 p.m. Mo’ Pleasure, LakeHouse at Buffalo Park, Maryville IL, 7 p.m. Bryan White, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton IL, 7 p.m.

Saturday, April 27 • • • • • •

Annie and the Fur Trappers, Yaquis on Cherokee, St. Louis MO, 10 p.m. The Yacht Rockers, The Loading Dock, Grafton IL, 3 to 7 p.m. Live Music, The Old Bakery Beer Company, Alton IL, 7 p.m. Adventure Club - Death or Glory Tour, The Pageant, St. Louis MO, 7:30 p.m. Levi Loyd, Grafton Winery Inc, Grafton IL, 3 to 7 p.m. The Crystal Method, RYSE Nightclub,

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St. Charles MO, 9 p.m. OTW Presents: lovelytheband - The Finding It Hard To Smile Tour, Delmar Hall, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. An Evening with Eighty-One, Atomic Cowboy Pavilion & The Bootleg, St. Louis MO, 7 p.m. DEVMO, The Firebird, St. Louis MO, 7 p.m. Jake Webber & The Lonesome Drifters, Pere Marquette Lodge & Conference Center, Grafton IL, 4 to 8 p.m. Valerie June, Blueberry Hill Duckroom, University City MO, 8 p.m. Vanity Vultures, The Franchise Sports Bar & Grill, Wood River IL, 9 p.m. NGK Band, Bakers and Hale, Godfrey IL, 7 p.m. Superjam, Pump House Bar and Grill, Wood River IL, 9:30 p.m. Elton Rock Tribute Dogs of Society, The Wildey Theatre, Edwardsville IL, 8 p.m. Hollywood5, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton IL, 8 p.m. Black Water Revival, Doits Village Inn, Pontoon Beach IL, 9:30 p.m.

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Tuesday, April 30 •

Sunday, April 28

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Shy Glizzy, The Pageant, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. Sweet Lizzy Project, Old Rock House, St. Louis MO, 7 p.m. Scott & Karl, Grafton Winery Inc., Grafton IL, 2 to 6 p.m. The Contortionist, Fubar, St. Louis MO, 7:30 p.m. Soulful Sunday with Carolyn Mason, National Blues Museum, St. Louis MO, 4 p.m. Robert Perry Band, The Loading Dock, Grafton IL, 2 to 6 p.m. Brunchin’ at The Dark Room with Montez Coleman & Friends, The Dark Room, St. Louis MO, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Shirts, The Cabin at Judy Creek, Glen Carbon IL, 2 p.m. Dale LaRose, SmokeHouse, Pierron IL, 4 to 8 p.m. Fiesta Latina - WashU Symphony Orchestra, The 560 Music Center, University City MO, 3 p.m. Acoustic Groove, Tri-County Rod and Gun Club, Brighton IL, 4 p.m. Leonard Bernstein’s Symphony #3 “Kaddish”, Powell Hall, St. Louis MO, 3 p.m. Bud Summers, Aerie’s Resort & Winery, Grafton IL, 2 to 6 p.m.

Monday, April 29

Young Cats of Jazz with Keith Bowman Quartet, The Dark Room, St. Louis MO, 7 p.m. The Tallest Man On Earth, Delmar Hall, St. Louis MO, 8:30 p.m. PJ Morton Acoustic Tour, Old Rock House, St. Louis MO, 7 p.m. D-LUX Acoustic Duo, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air, Alton IL, 6 p.m. Monday Funk with Third Sight, BB’s Jazz, Blues and Soups, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. This Wild Life: Petaluma Tour, Fubar, St. Louis MO, 6:30 p.m. StL Music Open Mic & Jam, Evangeline’s Bistro & Music House, St. Louis MO, 7 p.m. Ellington Plugged In: The Duke’s 120th Birthday Concert, Focal Point Concerts, Maplewood MO, 7:30 p.m. Adam Maness, Thurman’s in Shaw, St. Louis MO, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

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DMX : It’s Dark and Hell Is Hot 20th Anniversary Tour, Pop’s Concert Venue, Sauget IL, 7 p.m. Open Mic, Four Strings, St. Louis MO, 9 p.m. LANY - World Tour 2019, The Pageant, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. Superorganism, The Ready Room, St. Louis MO, 7 p.m. Emily King, Delmar Hall, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. The Marías, Old Rock House, St. Louis MO, 7 p.m. Dayseeker, The Firebird, St. Louis MO, 6:30 p.m. Monks of Doom, Blueberry Hill Duck Room, University City MO, 8 p.m. St. Louis Blues Society Presents Kingdom Brothers, The Dark Room, St. Louis MO, 7 p.m. Monthly Open Mic Night, Old Herald Brewery and Distillery, Collinsville IL, 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, May 1 • • • • • •

The Robert Cray Band, River City Casino & Hotel, St. Louis MO, 7:30 p.m. Karaoke, Four Strings, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. Chvrches - Love Is Dead US Tour 2019, The Pageant, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. IAMX, Delmar Hall, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. BoomBox, Old Rock House, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. Voodoo The Band, Broadway Oyster Bar, St. Louis MO, 9:30 p.m.

18 • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • On the Edge of the Weekend

Page reflects on Led Zeppelin's legacy and its sound

AP Photo/Seth Wenig Some of the instruments that former Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page used to create his sound are on display an exhibition called “Play It Loud: Instruments of Rock & Roll” at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. By JOHN CARUCCI Associated Press When Jimmy Page was a young student, he had already developed such an inseparable relationship with his guitar that school officials would often confiscate it. "It would be given back at the end of the day. And this was quite repetitive," Page said. That dedication worked out pretty well for Page, who took Led Zeppelin to the zenith as one of the most powerful outfits in rock history. Now some of the instruments that he used to create that Zeppelin sound are on display at an exhibition called "Play It Loud: Instruments of Rock & Roll" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Seven of Page's guitars, a few costumes and some of his equipment have been loaned to the exhibit, alongside dozens of guitars, drums and memorabilia from such legends as Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bo Diddley and John Lennon. While visiting the exhibition, Page sat down with The Associated Press to discuss

the band's legacy, why its music has endured and prospects for another reunion concert. AP: How frustrating are the Led Zeppelin reunion questions? You weren't completely happy with Live Aid or the 40th anniversary concert for Atlantic Records in 1988. What about the 2007 concert in London? Page: I'm rather pleased that we did it, because we sort of looked still similar to what we looked now, and, yeah, we did a really good job. But I don't think there's going to be another one.

Zeppelin was far ahead of the curve...

important is it?

Page: I'd like to think that it was, because the first album, I sort of knew, as we were doing the tracks, exactly how I was going to layer everything and the textures of them.... There's a variety of moods on 'Led Zeppelin I.' So, again, it was me challenging and pushing as far as I possibly could, not even thinking of my limitations, just going beyond, beyond, beyond.

Page: That guitar I had way back in the early '60s. And it's been with me all the way through, to the point where I used it as a writing tool... That particular guitar is the vehicle whereby the first album for Led Zeppelin is written, the second album is written, the third album is written, the fourth album is written and it's the guitar that actually culminates with playing 'Stairway to Heaven.'

AP: Let's talk about your earliest recollection with the guitar.

AP: What's it like having your guitars in the Met?

AP: Why has the Led Zeppelin catalogue endured?

Page: I was taking my guitar to school so that I could play at recess because I became so involved with it, we became inseparable. I had to do my academic studies, that was the deal I had with my dad. And the rest of the time I could play guitar. So, I took that one step further: I would take that to school and play at recess.

Page: You approach the gallery through Greco-Roman statues, and then the first thing you see is Chuck Berry's guitar. I said, 'What? The original one, the blond one,' and they said, 'Yes.' And I said, 'What would you like? Tell me what you want to help this along and you can have whatever it is that you want.'

Page: It approaches so many different styles and moods and it's very passionate. And it also very gentle. And it's very hard. And it's extremely dynamic. If anybody wants to be playing the guitar, the harmonica, the drums, the bass, the keyboards — well, it's all there. And it's organic music where everyone is playing together. I think it's a great legacy to have produced, to be honest.

AP: Your guitar work for Led

AP: You gave them your Sovereign Harmony acoustic guitar. How

On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • 19

For The Edge The Goshen Market Foundation’s Market Sprouts program, which takes place during Goshen Market hours, gives children experience with fresh produce, providing access to vegetables and food that they might not otherwise try when served casually on a dinner plate. Children can visit the Market Sprouts’ booth to get free seeds from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Saturdays, starting May 11, in Downtown Edwardsville.

MARKET Continued from Page 7 Downtown, and walking to the Market on Saturday mornings is always part of our weekend routine.

“We love to visit farmers’ markets when we go on vacation in different cities and I’m really impressed by what we’ve accomplished here in Edwardsville compared to these major cities. Our market is a cultural and community asset.” See MARKET, Page 20

For The Edge One of the many special aspects of shopping at the Land of Goshen Community Market is getting to know the farmers and growers who work so hard to bring their beautiful offerings to market.

On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • 21

What’s your favorite find from The Land of Goshen Community Market?

Devin C. DiDominicus, of Edwardsville, associate attorney with Edwardsville-based Swanson & Sackett P.C. “There’s a mushroom booth that’s really good. They’ve had some morels, which is the first time I got to try them and some really good shiitake mushrooms — I cook a lot. There’s all kinds of real high-quality meats there, too. I’ve never been disappointed.”

Sheila Ruth, of Edwardsville, retired SIUE professor of philosophy “Fresh chicken livers from a lady who ran a farm not far from here. I was thrilled because those are hard to find anywhere. My husband went every Saturday morning, without fail. You can find cuts of meat you can’t find in the store.”

Versatile shoes that go from hiking to exploring the city

Follow us each week as On The Edge of The Weekend asks people in our community fun questions that stir new ideas, fun memories or just a good laugh. Watch for your friends and neighbors in Takin’ It To The Street!

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22 • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • On the Edge of the Weekend

Food for Thought …with Vicki Bennington

Livin’ On the Edge

If you’re out for a drive on a Sunday afternoon, and it’s not quite dinner time, but you are a little hungry, it’s time to figure out a solution. Try “happy hour” at EdgeWild Edwardsville — this was not a happy hour chosen by the restaurant, but rather a self-guided one, though there is an EdgeWild timeframe on weekdays with special happy hour pricing. On this particular Sunday afternoon, a Chardonnay and a Riesling, along with ice-cold water started it off just right (and I don’t even know what time it was — let’s call it “late afternoon”). Not wanting to get so full we wouldn’t enjoy dinner later when we met with friends,

but yet needing (wanting) something to stop the hunger pangs (a sensation even if the body does not need food), we decided to share two EdgeWild choices from its appetizer menu: New Orleans Cajun shrimp with grilled baguette and table breads, with roasted garlic oil, chipotle-honey butter and tomato-basil sauce for dipping. I have to say, the shrimp didn’t look as good as I thought it would, but the TASTE made up for any visual shortcomings, and the grilled baguette was tasty. We weren’t sure what to expect with table breads — maybe a basket of assorted breads? Instead, they came in the form of seasoned breadsticks, which were perfectly fine. And,

there were enough to allow us both to sample the three dipping choices. All three were good. But my favorite — the chipotlehoney butter. Duck tacos are another starter that might catch your eye, with smoked duck breast, jicama-poblano salsa (I found out that the jicama is a watery root vegetable and the poblano is a mild chili pepper), shaved Brussel sprouts, chipotle-dark cherry aioli and flour tortillas. These certainly are not your mother’s tacos. Roasted garlic-stout mussels, brisket mac ‘n’ cheese, traditional hummus, the popular chicken wings and more provide a variety of choices to either “tide See FOOD, Page 23

Vicki Bennington|For The Edge




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In this column, Vicki Bennington shares her love of food and all that involves, from special dishes at local and regional restaurants to new trends and fads, and things to try at home. Contact her at with comments, ideas or suggestions


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Vicki Bennington|For The Edge Table breads with roasted garlic oil, chipotle-honey butter and tomato-basil New Orleans Cajun shrimp with grilled baguette sauce

On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • 23


What’s your favorite find from The Land of Goshen Community Market?

Continued from Page 22 you over” or get your appetite rolling. If you’re there for either lunch or dinner, the menu really gets extensive. After the appetizers, there are soups, including chicken tortilla or crab chowder; several choices of salads; and, my favorite, Buddha bowls with chicken, tuna or salmon. Hearty sandwiches, such as pulled pork, baked Italian and brisket burnt ends are oversized and filling. The burgers are huge. There’s even an “impossible” burger — impossibly with no meat. The All American Burger is offered for $5 on Tuesdays. Entrée choices include everything from chicken to steak, étouffée, salmon, pork chops and meatloaf. Of course, all have a special spin to set them apart, as in the meatloaf made with bison and wrapped in bacon! You can even get pizza. The dessert menu lists seasonal cobbler — OK, I have to stop by here again, just for dessert sometime. If you’re interested in beer, EdgeWild has around 30 varieties on tap. Wine lovers can choose from a number of EdgeWild wines, as well as other labels. EdgeWild’s Wine Down Wednesday features half-price bottles of wine, all day — up to a $99 value — Wow! — that might be a good day of the week to try something extra special. EdgeWild Edwardsville’s kitchen serves until 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday and until 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. On Sundays, brunch runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., followed by dinner from 3 to 9 p.m. The day we were there, it was still a little too chilly to eat outside, but the large patio will definitely be inviting when our Midwestern spring finally arrives for good.

Vicki Bennington|For The Edge A Chardonnay and a Riesling, along with icecold water starts a self-guided happy hour off just right. The Sunday brunch looks scrumptious Follow us each week as On The Edge of The Weekend asks people in our community fun — and adds another menu — with so many questions that stir new ideas, fun memories or just a good laugh. Watch for your friends and choices that you probably have to come back neighbors in Takin’ It To The Street! more than once to try a little of everything. Specialty pancakes, crab cakes and eggs, biscuits and gravy, chicken and waffles (I always thought this combination was strange, but people go crazy for it.), build-your-own omelet bar and even a build-your-own bloody Mary bar. Then there’s the smoked salmon Benedict — oh my! Sister establishments are EdgeWild Bistro & Tap in Creve Coeur, Missouri, and EdgeWild Restaurant & Winery in Chesterfield, Missouri.

Bieber, Grande join Lil Dicky for Earth Day video NEW YORK (AP) — Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande and Leonardo DiCaprio have joined rapper-comedian Lil Dicky on a new song and video aimed at bringing awareness to climate change and Earth Day, which was last Monday. Dicky released the animated clip for the song "Earth," where Bieber is a baboon and

Grande is a zebra. The video, featuring 32 artists, also stars Ed Sheeran (koala), Miley Cyrus (elephant), Shawn Mendes (rhino), Katy Perry (pony) and Kevin Hart as Kanye West. Dicky says he "didn't really realize how Left to right, Wendy Grant, of Edwardsville, insane our climate crisis is and how screwed and Paula Swierczek, of Columbia, Illinois “Lilies from a farm outside of Edwardsville.” humanity is about to be."

Dickie Spurgeon, of Maryville, retired SIUE professor of English & past member of the city of Edwardsville Plan Commission, in 1970s, who worked on concept plans for today’s Governors’ Parkway and plans for rerouting of Illinois Route 159 “For me, the single most important thing is the opportunity for people in the community to come together and meet new people in the community. It’s a genuine community activity, people put a high value on that.”

24 • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • On the Edge of the Weekend

What’s your favorite find from The Land of Goshen Community Market?

Nicole Howell, of Edwardsville “Fresh vegetables and there’s a woodworking booth, with painted boards and different Brian Pacheco, of Glen Carbon woodworking features, too. It’s just nice to “They had big sunflowers for a dollar, I got for have that in the community.” my daughter. She loved them.”

Follow us each week as On The Edge of The Weekend asks people in our community fun questions that stir new ideas, fun memories or just a good laugh. Watch for your friends and neighbors in Takin’ It To The Street!

Allyson Morrison and daughters Nora, 4, and Eliza, 1, of Edwardsville “Cookies — the Seibold cookies. They have the smiley face. Those are a crowd-pleaser.”

Rees Law and daughter Aria, 7, of Worden “Bread from 222 Artisan, it’s my favorite place. They have the best coffee in town. They have the best baked goods, the best cinnamon rolls, by far.”

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Nancy Morgan, of Edwardsville, retired art therapist and teacher “My husband liked the fresh tomatoes.”

Paul Brown, of Glen Carbon “Goshen Coffee, because Matt and Debbie, the original owners of it, began selling out of the back of their car, at a booth at the Market. That, of course, evolved to be 222 Artisan Bakery. I also like the jams & honey, from Barb Beal and Charity Davis-Woodard, with Iris Hill Farm & Honey Maid Honey; JBoss Pottery, from John Boss; Mills Apple Farm; and, The Shepherd’s Wife, from Tracy Riddle.

Review: New doc shows how Beyoncé changed Coachella, forever


Beyoncé is extremely private, and only lets you know what she wants you to know, when she wants you to know it — typically, in a surprise post be it on her website or Instagram. But throughout the years, she's slightly cracked open her door to reveal parts of her life and personality — apart from what she gives through strong singing and extraordinary dance moves — to help remind us that though she is epic and flawless, she is still mortal. "HOMECOMING: A film by Beyoncé," which premiered Wednesday on Netflix, captures the human side of the superstar singer with behind-the-scenes, intimate moments of a mother, wife and artist tirelessly working on what's already become one of most iconic musical performances of all-time: Beyoncé's headlining show at the 2018 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival. The performance marked the first time a black woman headlined the famed festival and made Beyoncé just the third woman to score the gig, behind Bjork and Lady Gaga. Beyoncé took on the role seriously — as she does all live performances — giving the audience a rousing, terrific and new show highlighted by a full marching band, majorette dancers, steppers and more that is the norm at historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). The film takes it a step further to showcase what was happening to get to the historic moment: you see a mother bouncing back from giving birth to twins via an emergency C-section; an African American woman embracing her family's history and paying tribute to black college culture and honoring black art; and the world's No. 1 pop star defying the odds yet again and pushing herself to new heights, creating an even wider space between herself and whoever is No. 2. Simply put, Beyoncé changed Coachella — forever — and performing after her is like trying to out-ace Serena Williams or dunk better than Michael Jordan: You won't win. Woven into the film are audio soundbites from popular figures to help narrate the story: Nina Simone speaks about blackness, Maya Angelou talks about truth, and Tessa Thompson and Danai Gurira explain the importance of seeing people who look like you on large screens.

On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • 25

The performance marked the first time a black woman headlined the famed festival and made Beyoncé just the third woman to score the gig, behind Bjork and Lady Gaga.

Parkwood Entertainment/Netflix via AP Beyoncé speaks, too, saying that she This image released by Netflix shows Beyonce in a scene from her documentary "Homecoming: dreamed of attending an HBCU, though she A Film by Beyoncé." explains: "My college was Destiny's Child." She also says the importance of her Coachella performance was to bring "our culture to Coachella" and highlight "everyone that had never seen themselves represented." So many people were represented during those performances last April — her stage was packed with about 200 performers, from dancers to singers to band and orchestra players. Beyoncé kicked of the performance dressed like an African queen, walking up the stage as the jazzy, soulful big band sound of New Orleans is played. After letting her dancers and backing band shine, she emerges again, this time dressed down — like a studious, eager, hopeful college student. The musical direction and song selection flows effortlessly and was purposely crafted to tell a story: the first song is 2003's "Crazy In Love," a massively successful No. 1 hit and her first apart from Destiny's Child. It also was Beyoncé's first of many collaborations with Jay-Z. But then comes "Freedom," representing the Beyoncé of today, unconcerned with having a radio or streaming hit, but more focused on the art, and the message. And her message was loud and clear on "HOMECOMING": Her performance is a homage to the culturally rich homecoming events held annually at HBCUs, but also showcases Beyoncé's own homecoming — her return to her roots, and how she's found a new voice by reinterpreting her music through the lens of black history. Young, gifted and black, indeed.

On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • 27

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28 • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • On the Edge of the Weekend

What to discover … arts Thursday, April 25 • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Comprehensive Drawing, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton IL, 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Lecture by Kara Cooney: Women Who Ruled the World, Pulitzer Arts Foundation, St. Louis MO, 7 p.m. Woodshop Open Studio, Intersect Arts Center, St. Louis MO, 5 to 9 p.m. Pineapple Quilt, Warm N Cozy Quilting, Columbia IL, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. That’s It Thursday - Tapping with Verna, A Holistic Approach, Glen Carbon IL, 6:30 p.m. Morning & Evening Meditations, Riverbend Spirit Studio, Alton IL, 9 a.m. & 6 p.m. April Showers Bring May Flowers Stamp Class, StampinAndScrapbookin, Maryville IL, 6 to 8 p.m. Knit/Crochet Day, The Weaving Dept., Florissant MO, 1 to 4 p.m. Paint Your Pet, 4 Hands Brewing Company, St. Louis MO, 6 p.m. Thursday Nia Classes, Senior Services Plus, Alton IL, 11 a.m. Essential Oils 101, Caseyville Public Library, Caseyville IL, 6:30 p.m. A Voyage in Visual Metaphors: From the Nile to Now, St. Louis Public Library, St. Louis MO, 4 p.m. Bissinger’s Wine Pairing Event, Bissinger’s Handcrafted Chocolatier, St. Louis MO, 6:30 p.m.

Friday, April 26 • • • • •

Stitchin’ in the Stacks, Glen Carbon Library, Glen Carbon IL, 2 to 4 p.m. Storytelling in the Museum, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis MO, 10:30 a.m. Reel Late at the Tivoli: The Shawshank Redemption, Landmark’s Tivoli Theatre, St. Louis MO, 11:55 p.m. Wellspent Movie Night - Kindergarten Cop, Wellspent Brewing Company, St. Louis MO, 7:30 p.m. Never Let Go: A One-Woman Titanic

Highlights from bridal fashion week

• • • • •

Parody, The Improv Shop, St. Louis MO, 10 p.m. Toddler Storytime, Bethalto Public Library, Bethalto IL, 10:30 a.m. Bloom, The Marcelle, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. Chapter Chatter Book Club, Afterwords Books, Edwardsville IL, 6 p.m. Readers Roundup Book Club, Afterwords Books, Edwardsville IL 5:30 p.m. Looking Back From 75: The Liberation of Northwestern Europe, Jefferson Barracks Historic Site, St. Louis MO, 12 to 4 p.m.

• Saturday, April 27 • • • • • • • • • • •

Reel Late at the Tivoli: The Shawshank Redemption, Landmark’s Tivoli Theatre, St. Louis MO, 11:55 p.m. Never Let Go: A One-Woman Titanic Parody, The Improv Shop, St. Louis MO, 10 p.m. Bloom, The Marcelle, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m. Free Family Saturdays, St. Louis Artists’ Guild, Clayton MO, 12 p.m. Canvas Talks: Stories of Cassatt, Kahlo, Russell and O’Keefe, St. Louis Artists’ Guild, Clayton MO, 2 p.m. Travel/Street Photography, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton IL, 1 to 3 p.m. One Shot! Stained Glass Heart, The MAC - Macoupin Art Collective, Staunton IL, 1 to 4 p.m. Morning Meditations, Riverbend Spirit Studio, Alton IL, 10:30 a.m. Veterans Writing Workshop, St. Louis Public Library, St. Louis MO, 9 a.m. Tanzspiel Mime & Dance Performance, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton IL, 2 p.m. Salt, Root and Roe by Tim Price, The Kranzberg, St. Louis MO, 8 p.m.

Sunday, April 28 •

There was a church wedding with a Madonna soundtrack, a sit-down tea at a fancy Midtown hotel, and yards and yards of tulle and trains at April bridal fashion week in New York. Several dozen designers hosted the media and buyers for appointments or put together runway shows and presentations

• • • • • •

p.m. Salt, Root and Roe by Tim Price, The Kranzberg, St. Louis MO, 7 p.m. Digital Photography Basics, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton IL, 1 p.m. Adult Hands On Class: Cookie Bouquet, Eckert’s Country Store & Farms, Belleville IL, 1 to 3 p.m. Macramé and Merlot-Wall Hanging, City Sewing Room, St. Louis MO, 2 p.m. Knit/Crochet Day, The Weaving Dept., Florissant MO, 1 to 4 p.m. Tour, St. Louis Mercantile Library, St. Louis MO, 2 p.m. Tower Grove Lecture Series, Tower Grove Park, St. Louis MO, 3 p.m.

Monday, April 29 • • • • • • • • • • •

Bloom, The Marcelle, St. Louis MO, 8

By LEANNE ITALIE Associated Press

Yoga for Runners, RunWell, Edwardsville IL, 6 p.m. Hoop Dance Basics, The St. Louis Hoop Club, St. Louis MO, 7:30 p.m. Pound n Pour for a Purpose, Anheuser-Busch Brewery, St. Louis MO, 6 p.m. Dine to Donate for Partners 4 Pets, Cleveland Heath, Edwardsville IL, 5 to 9 p.m. Kirk W. Johnson, Author On Tour, St. Louis County Library, St. Louis MO, 7 p.m. Birding with Brent, The Nature Institute, Godfrey IL, 7 p.m. Monday Night Trivia, Urban Chestnut Brewing Company (Midtown), St. Louis MO, 7 p.m. The Comedy Shipwreck Open Mic, The Heavy Anchor, St. Louis MO, 10 p.m. Adult Tap, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton IL, 3:15 p.m. 40th Anniversary Storytelling Retrospective, St. Louis Public Radio, St. Louis MO, 7 p.m. Pilkey Party, Bethalto Public Library, Bethalto IL, 4 p.m.

for the twice-yearly celebration of bridal dressing, this time featuring looks for spring 2020. Some highlights: REEM ACRA She outdid herself, filling every seat in Midtown's huge and historic St. Bartholomew's Church, expanding her guest list to include regular brides. This collection, a mix of modern mini-dress, shorts looks and more traditional gowns, had a simple

Tuesday, April 30 • • • • • • • • • •

Comprehensive Drawing, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton IL, 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Free Kids’ Class: Foil Figures, The MAC - Macoupin Art Collective, Staunton IL, 4 to 5 p.m. Shibori Dyeing: Kumo Resist Workshop, Perennial, St. Louis MO, 6:30 p.m. Morning Meditations, Riverbend Spirit Studio, Alton IL, 9 a.m. Knit/Crochet Night, The Weaving Dept, Florissant MO, 6 p.m. Basic Yoga, City of Collinsville Parks and Recreation, Collinsville IL, 6 p.m. Free Sunrise Yoga, Kiener Plaza, St. Louis MO, 7 a.m. Lucas Place Walking Tour, Campbell House Museum, St. Louis MO, 1 to 3 p.m. Round Lake Vista: Spring Wildflowers Walk, Fish Hatchery in Forest Park, St. Louis MO, 5 p.m. Spring in Paris Paint Class, Highland Arts & Crafts LLC, Highland IL, 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, May 1 • • • • • • •

celebratory sentiment: Thank you. PHUONG MY Tran Phuong My, originally from Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam, launched her first bridal collection with a challenge to tradition, showing looks in bright red, using long black gloves against white, and fashioning helmet-shaped and flat disc head pieces. VERA WANG She doesn't often appear personally for private presentations

Glass on Glass Mosaic, Jacoby Arts Center, Alton IL, 5:30 p.m. Family Night, Cardinals Nation, St. Louis MO, 5 to 9 p.m. Repair/Remake/Recycle – Monograms, City Sewing Room, St. Louis MO, 6 to 8 p.m. Macramé and Merlot-Plant Hanger, City Sewing Room, St. Louis MO, 6 to 8 p.m. Dancing Club, Collinsville Memorial Library Center, Collinsville IL, 10 a.m. Prenatal Flow and Glow, Momentum Wellness and Learning, Edwardsville IL, 6 p.m. Evening Knitting & Crochet Group, Wood River Public Library, Wood River IL, 6 p.m.

at her bridal design studio, but this time she did. And her couture looks in muted color, visible boning and draped silk tulle lit up with outsize floral embellishment she used magically. INES DI SANTO Fairytales, dreams, clouds, Ophelia. These are just a few of the things that inspired Di Santo's collection. "The dress is more than a dress. It's a personality," she said.

ME: 7:00 pm ACE: Highland City Hall

On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • 29

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On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • 33




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On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • 37

38 • Thursday, April 25, 2019 • On the Edge of the Weekend

People At The Party

The sixth annual Progressive Taste of Edwardsville/Glen Carbon, a fundraiser for the Glen-Ed Food Pantry, occurred April 13, and boasted 24 area restaurants this year, which is a new record. The event is organized by Progressive Taste founder and Executive Director Shonda Justice. Each year, the number of participants has doubled.

Scott Marion | The Edge Left to right, foreground, Doc’s Smokehouse & Catering employees Alysia Brown, Nick Richardson and Matt Shannon, dressed as a slice of bacon; background, Marissa Montagnani.

Scott Marion | The Edge Peel Wood Fired Pizza assistant general manager Left to right, Edible Arrangements assistant Shannon Laidlaw, right, shows a sampling of Peel’s store manager Jamie Brewer and regular pizza selection to Progressive Taste visitors Collin customer LaKendra Moffett, of Edwardsville, and Lauren Carson and their daughter, Aster, 7, all of Collinsville, Illinois. Illinois. Scott Marion | The Edge

Scott Marion | The Edge

Bann Thai employees provide food to Progressive Taste of Edwardsville/Glen Carbon visitors.

Scott Marion | The Edge

Edible Arrangements assistant store manager Jamie Scott Marion | The Edge Brewer, left, helps customers Denise and Lonnie Smith, Abby Harmon, of Edwardsville, samples food. of Maryville, Illinois.

Scott Marion | The Edge

Bill and Cheryl Hennig, of Edwardsville, sample Peel Wood Fired Pizza cuisine, as Peel assistant general manager Shannon Laidlaw looks on.

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