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Mother’s Day
Saturday-Sunday, May 11-12, 2013 —
Letters to Mom
Mark Polege/Intelligencer
Mrs. Hastings fourth grade class at St. Boniface Elementary School. The students in Mrs. Hastings fourth grade class at St. Boniface wrote letters to their mothers for Mother’s Day. Dear Mom, I just want to say thank you for everything. You’re the reason I’ve come so far in sports, hobbies, and everything. You give me responsibility and your trust. You are the best. Love you always, Lucas Dear Mom, Happy Mother’s Day. I love you with all my heart! You do so much for me. Thank you for that. You are the best. Love you! Thank you. Love, Emma
Dear Mom, I know you love me but you know what too? I very much love you, too. You’re the best mom who ever lived, so thank you so much for all you did. You care for me and give me hugs, you make me feel better when I have a bug. I love you more than anyone, that’s why I call you #1. Love, Katelynne Dear Mom, I just wanted to say you are the best mom in the world. You make me feel better when I am down. You take care of me when I am sick. You are always there for me. If it wasn’t for you I don’t know what I would do. That is why you are the best mom in the world. Your daughter, Lauren Dear Mom, I love you, You love me, That is the way it should be, You’re not the best cook, But I love when you read books, I love you with all my heart, You think I am as sweet as a cherry Poptart, I love you, You love me, That is the way it should be. Happy Mother’s Day, You’re the best mother in the world. Love, Ally
Dear Mother, I need you to know you’re a gem to me. The way you smile always brings me glee. Your eyes shine like the stars of night. (You never knew how to rap.) You’re truly the best. There’s no contest. A day or two without you isn’t the best. You brighten my day. I don’t know what to say but one little thing. I love you. Love, Caley Dear Mom, You are the best mom in the world, no universe. I have a heart the size of my fist, but every little piece is filled with love for you. You do many things for me. You help me with my allergies. Help me when I’m sick. I want to thank you for all you do on cold days, warm days, good days, bad days. I will always love and thank you. Just know I will always be there for you. Your son, Daniel Dear Mom, This day is about you! Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for loving me also. I love you just as much back! These are a few things you do for me: You take me places. You buy me clothes and other things. You also cook for me. Thank you mom. Love, Lydia Dear Mom, You’ve cared for and nurtured me for ten years. I like your bean and pasta soup. I thank you for all you do. You also gave me a great school when I transferred. From the bottom of my heart, Lino Dear Mom, Roses are red, Violets are blue, You love me and I love you too, You cook and clean and care for me, You’re the best mom for all to see. Love, Murphy
Dear Mom, This is a poem just for you! You’re my mom, and I love you too! Most fun girl ever! Only awesome mom in the world! Most entertaining mom ever! Love, Anna Dear Mom, I just want to say that you are the best mom ever. You almost always make me feel better. You do my hair (when I can’t). You pick us up from school on Mondays and Fridays. And most of all, you love Ella, Dad, Megan, and I. Thank you for being the wonderful mom you are. With love, Lily Dear Mom, You are very sweet, you are very neat. You are the best mom ever, you never could be better. You are near me when I am sad, you are near me when I am mad. You are the best mom anyone ever had, you always make me feel glad. I love you! Love, Reese Dear Mom,
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Thank you so much for being the best mom. You drive me to sports, and you feed me. You always do your best on special days of mine. You cheer your loudest at my sports events. But most important of all you’re my mom. You are the best mom in the world! Love, Taylor Dear Mom, You are the best mom anyone could ever ask for. You are always there for me. When I need help with my homework, you help me. When I have bad days, you comfort me. No one could ask for a better mom. Love, Claire Dear Mother, You are the best mom on earth. You don’t make me do chores. You also don’t make me study on weekends. You are the best and don’t let some one tell you different. That is true. Your son, Tyler Dear Mom, You are the best mom because you help me when I have a problem. You’re there by my side when I am sick. You give the best hugs and kisses a mom can give, even though I get embarrassed in front of friends. You make cookies and brownies because you love me. I love you! Your daughter, Haley Dear Mom, I just wanted to take a few minutes to tell you that I love you very much. You are always right along beside me where ever I go. You help me when I feel down. You always watch out for me along the way. Thank you so much for being the mom you are. I love you. Carson Dear Mom, I think you are the best mom there ever was. You make my meals, do my laundry, wash my dishes, and much more. Without you the family would be hopeless. You are the glue that holds us together. You love and care for us. We could never replace you. You are truly the best, all-around greatest mom ever. I love you! Love, Luke P.S. Happy Mothers’ Day! Dear Mom, You are the best mom ever. I love you so much. You are awesome! Happy Mothers Day!!! I am very thankful for you, mom. You Rock!!! You are the best because you are nice to me no matter what. Love, Patrick Dear Mama, You are so sweet and caring. You always give me a second chance. A mom like that should deserve something big. Something to make you feel special. Hugs and kisses! I hope you have a Happy Mother’s Day! Love,
Brandon P.S. Have a great day! Dear Mom, I need you to know that you’re the best mom. Thank you for what you do. You help me learn things. You teach me what is right and wrong. You help me with things I don’t understand. You should get a trophy for what you do too. Those are some things that make me think you’re the best mom. Love, Jack Dear Mom, Happy Mother’s Day! I love you so much! You are the best mom in the world! Why? You cook, check homework, do my hair, buy clothes for me, watch movies with me, paint my nails, and care for me. You are awesome! Thanks for being the best mom ever! Love, Emily Dear Mom, You are the best because you cook for me and clean the house. You play with me and Dad so we don’t get bored. You are the best. Love, Elijah Dear Mom, I love you. You are really nice and funny. I like to watch you take carpet-naps. You work hard and take care of me. You are the best mama ever. Love, Elizabeth Dear Mom, Thank you for what you do. It is awesome and you are, too. Your words are encouraging. Your bravery is breathtaking. You are there when I need you and sometimes when I don’t. I guess what I’m trying to say is I love you, Mom, thank you! Love, Jackson Dear Mom, If there is someone better for a mom than you, will you please tell me. I don’t believe there is because you’re the best of them all. You love me and care for me. Most of all, in your world all you need is a son like me. In my world all you need is a nice, pretty mom just like you. Love, Drew Dear Mom, I (heart) you. You’re the best mom ever. I couldn’t survive without you. I am writing this letter to tell you how thankful I am to have you as a mom. You make me feel better when I’m sick. You make me happy when I’m sad. You also buy me things when I need them. I don’t know what I’d do without you. You help me up when I fall. You cook me food when I am hungry. I just wanted to say thanks for all you do. Love, Alannah
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Saturday-Sunday, May 11-12, 2013 —
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Mother’s Day
Letters to Mom The students in Mrs. Maggie Clark's fourth grade class at Cassens Elementary School wrote letters to their mothers for Mother’s Day. Dear Mom, You are a great mom because you pay for all of my sports and you drive me to them also. You do laundry every night. You pay for all of my clothes which I am so thankful for. You always help me when I’m down. You are the best mom in the world. I would never ask for a better mom. I love you so much. You are so caring and nice. I hope you have a great mothers day. Roses are red violets are blue candy is sweet just like you. Love, Lexi Dear Mom, You are a great mom because you buy me my needs and some of my wants. You buy me clothes, food, water, and shelter. Whenever you buy me my wants they are usually for my birthday, Christmas or any other special occasion. Sometimes it is even for the heck of it! If I am hurt you will help me feel better. If I am scared you will help me overcome my fear. If someone is hurting me you will protect me. Sometimes you are over-protective but I know it is for a good cause. When you get mad at me for something and you say something that you don’t mean, I know that you regret it and you still love me. So I only have one thing to say to you. I love you mom! Love, Jessie Dear mom, You are a great mom because you’re so nice and caring and you make my brother and I our favorite food. You help us with our homework. When we’re outside you play basketball with us. You buy us the stuff we need like food, clothes, and coats when it’s cold outside. She pays money so I can do sports. She buys us books so we can read. She helps me with science projects and other projects. She’s a sweet and loving caring mom and I love you mom. Love, Chris Dear mom, You are a great mom because you wash my clothes. You provide me with food. You take me places. You buy me electronics. You take care of me when I’m sick. You help me when I am stuck. Love, Izaia Dear mom, You are a great mom because you work to get money for the things I need. You cook for me when I’m hungry. You let me do chores. You let me take a nap when I want. You give me all of your care. You never break a promise. You always know what I like. Love, Jack Dear Mom, You’re a great mom because you take care of me. You take me to fun places that I haven’t been before. You feed me every night with delicious foods. You protect me from dangerous people. You buy me fun things to play with. You respect me in every way you can. You’re great mom because you do all of this for me. Love, Jacob Dear Mom, Paul is too silly, and too small. Ask if I like Bieber, I’ll say not at all. Now I should admit this, My heart goes to you. I regret saying that, cause now you’re battlin’ with my friends and Dad. Adrienne, wasn’t karate for exercise, not combat? Mom, nice Kickboxing! Was it from boot c- Ow! I think you might win, but oh, what a sin! I’ll never say I love someone more than everyone else. I don’t want to get hurt. Love, Elise Dear mom, You are the greatest mom got me a Kindle fire. And you put it on your account. And you give me enough presents for Christmas to please any child. You give me more love than one million moms could give me. You take me to places like
Marci Winters-McLaughlin/Intelligencer
Maggie Clark's fourth grade class at Cassens Elementary School. McDonald’s. You buy me nice things and you do the laundry for me. And most of all I love you and you love me. Love, Tyler Dear Mom, You are a great mom because...You let me sleep in your room sometimes. You play with me. You’re silly. You’re nice. You’re helpful. Most importantly you love me! Sincerely, your daughter, Kyra Dear Mom, You are a great mom because...You take care of me when I am sick and every day. You buy me new things when I “need” them. You say good night every night. I love you sooo much and don’t know what I would do without you! You inspire me to do great things! I want to be just like you! I love you sooooo much! Love, Katelyn Dear mom, I love you because you take care of me. You put a roof over my head and buy me food. You buy my clothes and take me to places. You buy our supplies so we can live. You clean my clothes. You let me go outside with my friends and my dog. You take me on trips. You give me a place to live. You buy me stuff to have fun with. You buy me stuff to read. You are a great mom to me. Love, Andrew Dear Mom, You are a good mom because you help me with homework and you keep me clean. You pay all the bills so I get to keep my home. I love you because you tell me every night: I love you sweetheart, see you tomorrow. My mom is very special. If I didn’t have a mom I wouldn’t be here. If my mom didn’t love me I would be sad and my life would be dark and cold. But my mom does love me so I’m happy and bright! Happy mothers day! I love you. Love your lovable daughter, Wren Dear Mom, You are a great mom because you are the one who is there for me. I love you because you give me the best hugs. You wash my clothes and always make sure we have paid for our house. You are the
best mom because you put a smile on my face when I am sad. You never say mean things to me or say something bad. You help me with my homework every single day. You take me to fun places if a day is going bad for me. All times she would say to me that she loves me more than anything in the world. I will always love her back. Your son, Samantez Dear Mom, You are a great mom because you help me with my homework. You help me study my spelling words. You don’t let me be late for school. You keep me safe. You snuggle with me. You play card games with me. She calms me down. She does my laundry. You take me to baseball. Love, Calvin Dear Mom, You are a great mom because you always make my lunch for school and you wash my clothes. You always make me feel better when I’m sad. You help me learn things. You also tell me what is right to do or what is wrong to do. You make breakfast for me every morning and dinner at night. Sometimes when I’m a little aggravating or frustrating you always make me feel better. You make me laugh and have fun with. You take me to places I want to go. You are very caring and kind. Love, Joseph Dear Mom, You’re a great mom because you care of the house and me. I’m pretty lucky to have to take care of everything and thanks. So that’s the reason you’re a great mom. And I like that you and I are pretty close. I’m glad that you and I work together well. I am happy to have a great house and a great family. So again, thank you so much. I hope it will stay like that. Thank you! From, Aidan Dear Mom, You are a great mom because you’ve taken care of me since I was born. Heck, you’ve even taken care of me before I was born! Ever since I was a baby, you’ve washed my clothes, fed me, and taken me wherever I’ve wanted to go. I remember when after preschool, we would go to the Florissant City Diner. You also pay for almost everything I own. We couldn’t have had bought a big
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house with an in-ground pool if it wasn’t for you going to work every day. You pay bills. We would have no electricity, no water, and no house if you didn’t pay bills. Honestly, I wouldn’t even be here on earth if it wasn’t for you. Love, Celie Dear Mom, You are a great mom because you help me when I need it. You help me make my lunch for school and make dinner for me. You take care of me when I’m sick. You help get money for our family. You help me stay healthing. You buy food for me. You help me with everything I need help with. Love, Frankie Dear Mom, You are a great mom because you’re nice, helpful and loving. You support me when I dance. You’re a great “dance mom.” When I need help on homework, you’re always there. You cook, clean, and play outside with me all the time. You take care of me when I’m sick. Also, you buy my stuff. Thank you mom! Happy Mothers Day! Love, Ava Dear Mom, You are a great mom because you are so nice. You buy me the stuff I want. You would do anything to make me happy. You always make me laugh. You like to have fun with me. You are always kind. You are very sharing. You will always try and be the best mom ever. From, Mason Dear Mom You are a great mom because you do so much for me. And here are some things you drive me to school, wash my clothes, you get me fed. And that’s just some things. You do way more. And I know sometimes we something wrong but I love you still and I know you still love me too. And you are the best and I love you. So every time I mess up I love you and you love me. Happy mothers day! Love, Avalon Dear Mom, You are a great mom because you help me whenever I am having trouble with my homework. Whenever I need to do my chores and I forget you always remind me. You pay the bills. You try to find a cure for cancer. You make me my food. You pack
my lunch. You always help me clean my room. You never get mad. You let me play with my friends when I want. Love, Nathan Dear Mom, You are a great mom because you are loving and caring. You buy my food and clothes. I’m glad to get it too! When I get good grades we go do fun things. You sign me up for really, really exciting things. You get me the supplies I need for school, activities, and the exciting events. I’m very happy you’re my mom. Love your son, Landon Dear Mom, You are a great mom because you take care of me. Because you feed me when I’m hungry. You clean the house when it is not. You take me to the mall. You drive me to school. You keep me healthy every day. And you’re so nice and loving. Love, Sami Dear Mom, You are a great mom because you buy me clothes. You buy me food. We have a house. You give me love. We spend time together. You drive me to my friends houses. You buy me things I need. You are the best mom ever!! I love you!! Love, Mady Dear Mom, I love you because you cook my food. You also help with stuff like homework, T.V., and sports. You dropped out of the military for me! Without mom, I would be dead. She taught me grammar, how to eat and to behave. Mom told me how to read. I love you with all my heart mom! Love, Isaac Dear Mom, you are a great mom because you take care of me. You feed me, you buy and wash my clothes, and you let me get lots of things that I want. You get all of our things organized, like vacations, bills, and other plans. You’re really nice and you let my friends come over whenever I want them to. You’re the best mom ever! I hope you have an awesome Mother ’s Day! I love you! Love, Claire
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