JUNE 2019
Bu konuşma klavuzu “Beyond the Borders” isimli eTwinning projesi kapsamında TOBB Fen Lisesi, Gaziantep / TÜRKİYE’den Efser Neci; V Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Jana III Sobieskiego w Białymstoku, Białystok, POLONYA’dan Ewelina Wojcik ve proje ekiplerindeki öğrencileri tarafından hazırlanmıştır.
Słownik ten został przygotowany przez Efser Neci z TOBB Fen Lisesi, Gaziantep / TURKEY, Ewelina Wójcik z V Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Jana III Sobieskiego w Białymstoku, Białystok, POLSKA i ich uczniowie w zespołach projektowych w ramach projektu eTwinning o nazwie “Beyond the Borders”.
This phrase dictionary was prepared by Efser Neci from TOBB Fen Lisesi, Gaziantep / TURKEY, Ewelina Wojcik from V Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Jana III Sobieskiego w Białymstoku, Białystok, POLAND and their students in their project teams as part of the eTwinning Project with the name of “Beyond the Borders”.
Upper Case A B C Ç D E F G
Lower Case a b c ç d e f g
Lengthens vowel (After a,ı,o,u) y as yellow (After e,i,ö,ü)
h ı i j k l m n o ö p r s ş t u ü v y z
‘a’ ‘be’ ‘ce’ ‘çe’ ‘de’ ‘e’ ‘fe’ ‘ge’
‘he’ ‘ı’ ‘i’ ‘je’ ‘ke’ ‘le’ ‘me’ ‘ne’ ‘o’ ‘ö’ ‘pe’ ‘re’ ‘se’ ‘şe’ ‘te’ ‘u’ ‘ü’ ‘ve’ ‘ye’ ‘ze’
As in English Word [arbor] [bed] [jacket] [chair] [day] [egg] [face] [game]
Turkish Example anne ‘mother’ , baba ‘father’ bardak 'glass', beyaz 'white' ceket 'jacket', baca 'chimney' çiçek ‘flower’ , bahçe ‘garden’ düzen'order' , kedi'cat' ev' home', kelime'word' fare'mouse' , kafes'cage' gelenek'tradition' , denge ' balance' yağmur ‘rain’ , soğuk ‘cold’ eğitim ‘education’ , öğlen ‘noon’
[hat] [oven] [internet] [pleasure] [cat] [lemon] [member] [neighbour] [or] [girl] [pencil] [ran] [seven] [sheriff] [ten] [put] [führer] [very] [yellow) [zoo]
hatıra'memory' , tahta'board' ılık ‘warm’ , sıcak ‘hot’ iklim 'climate' , kişilik'personality' jest ' gesture ' , imaj ' image ' kalem ' pen ' , akşam 'evening' leylek ' stork ' , eklem ' joint ' meslek ' job', elma 'apple' nane 'mint' , yeni 'new' okul ' school' , komik 'funny ' ölüm ‘death’ , göz ‘eye’ para 'money ', kapı 'door ' renk 'color' , kar 'snow' sekiz 'eight', eski 'old' şeker 'sugar', işçi 'worker' tablo'table' , kitap 'book' pembe 'pink' , kalp 'heart' üzüm ‘grapes’ , Türkiye ‘Turkey’ veri 'data' , kivi 'kiwi' yeşil 'green' , ay 'moon' zeki 'clever' , izci 'scout'
Upper Case
Lower Case
As in English Word
Polish Example
a b
"a" "b"
aparat "camera" banan "banana"
ć d e f
"ć" "d" "e" "f"
albert beach *not present in engilish* *not present in engilish* demoralise ending fantastic
g h
"g" "h"
golf health
j k
‘I’ ‘k’
[eye] [cat]
l m
‘l’ ‘m’
[lemon] [member]
r s ś t u v w x y z ź ż
‘er’ ‘es’ ‘esh’ ‘te’ ‘oo’ ‘faw’ ‘voo’ ‘eeks’ ‘eegrek’ ‘zet’ ‘zyet’ ‘zhet’
[rainbow] [sun] [ship] [time] [move] [value] [oxygen] [zone] [zinc] -
cebula "onion" ćwiczyć "practise" dostępne "available" elektryczność "electricity" flet "flute" gawędzenie "having a chat with someone" hrabia "lord"
inteligentny ‘intelligent’ , instrument ‘instrument’ Jabłko ‘an apple’ keczup ’ketchup’ , kelner ‘waiter’ Leniwy ‘lazy’ , lekarz ‘doctor’ Meble ‘furniture’ , melodia ‘melody’ Neon ‘neon’ , nerwowy ‘nervous’ Orka ‘killer whale’ , orientacja ‘orientation’ perfekcja ‘Perfection’ percepcja‘perception’ rower ‘bike’, rekin ‘shark’ słoń ‘elephant’, spokój ‘peace’ świeca ‘candle’, światło ‘light’ twarz ‘face’, torba ‘bag’ kubek ‘mug’, ubrania ‘clothes’ (letter is unused) wąż ‘snake’, wakacje ‘holidays’ (letter is unused) mydło ‘soap’, mysz ‘mouse’ złoto ‘gold’, zamek ‘castle’ źródło ‘source’, źrenica ‘pupil’ życie ‘life’, żaba ‘frog’
IN ENGLISH Hello Goodbye Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good night Please Thanks What is your name? My name is…… How are you? I am fine. Fine, and you? Where are you from? I'm from...... Pleased to meet you What is your job? What do you do? I am a student I am a teacher I am a doctor I am an engeneer I am a housewife I am a dentist What are your hobbies? Reading Listening to music Travelling Playing the violin / the piano / etc Playing tennis / football / etc Riding a horse Drawing
IN TURKISH Merhaba Hoşçakal Günaydın Tünaydın İyi akşamlar İyi geceler Lütfen. Teşekkürler Senin adın ne? Benim adım... Nasılsın? Ben iyiyim. İyi, ya sen? Nerelisin? Ben...-lıyım Tanıştığımıza memnun oldum. Mesleğin ne? Ben öğrenciyim Ben öğretmenim Ben doktorum Ben mühendisim. Ben ev hanımıyım. Ben diş doktoruyum. Hobilerin neler? Okumak Müzik dinlemek Seyahat etmek Keman / Piyano / vb. çalmak Tenis / Futbol / vb. oynamak Ata binmek Resim yapmak
IN ENGLISH Hello Goodbye Goodmorning Goodafternoon Goodevening Goodnight Please Thanks What is your name? My name is…… How areyou? I am fine. Fine, andyou? Whereareyoufrom? I'm from...... Pleasedtomeetyou What is yourjob? What do you do? I am a student I am a teacher I am a doctor I am an engeneer I am a housewife I am a dentist Whatareyourhobbies? Reading Listeningtomusic Travelling Playingtheviolin / thepiano / etc Playingtennis / football / etc Riding a horse Drawing
IN POLISH Cześć Do widzenia Dzień dobry Dzień dobry Dobry wieczór Dobranoc Proszę Dziękuje Jak masz na imię? Nazywam się..... Jak się masz? W porządku W porządku a ty? Skąd jesteś? Jestem z..... Miło mi cię poznać Jaką masz pracę? Co robisz? Jestem studentem Jestem nauczycielką Jestem doktorem Jestem inżynierem Jestem gospodynią domową Jestem dentystą Jakie masz hobby? Czytanie Słuchanie muzyki Podróżowanie Granie na skrzypcach/pianinie/itp Granie w tenisa/piłkę nożną/itp Jeżdżenie konno Rysowanie
CLASSROOM EXPRESSIONS IN ENGLISH Put up your hands Put down your hands Don’t talk with each other Put your rubbish into the dustbin. Listen to the teacher carefully Be kind to your friends ,please. It’s your turn. Look at the board,please. Can I take your rubber ,please? Here you are. No ,not now, I’m sorry. COURSES Maths Language and literature History Chemistry Geography Physics Foreign languages P.E. I.C.T Art Religion What is your favourite lesson? Time is up Break time Lunch bteak
IN TURKISH Ellerinizi kaldırın Ellerinizi indirin Birbirinizle konuşmayın Çöplerinizi çöp kutusuna atın Öğretmeni dikkatle dinleyin Lütfen arkadaşlarınıza karşı kibar davranın Sıra sende Tahtaya bak lütfen Silgini alabilir miyim lütfen? Buyur / Buyrun Hayır, şimdi olmaz üzgünüm Dersler Matematik Dil ve edebiyat Tarih Kimya Coğrafya Fizik Yabancı diller Beden eğitimi Bilgisayar bilimi Resim Din Kültürü En sevdiğin ders ne? Süre doldu Teneffüs Öğle arası
CLASSROOM EXPRESSIONS IN ENGLISH Put up your hands Put down your hands Don’t talk with each other Put your rubbish into the dustbin. Listen to the teacher Be kind to your friends ,please. It’s your turn. Look at the board,please. Can I take your rubber ,please? Here you are. No ,not now, I’m sorry. COURSES Maths Language and literature History Chemistry Geography Physics Foreign languages P.E. I.C.T Art Religion What is your favourite lesson? Time is up Break time Lunch bteak
IN POLISH Podnieś ręce Opuść ręce Nie rozmawiajcie Wyrzuć śmieci do kosza Słuchajcie nauczyciela Bądźcie mili dla kolegów, proszę Twoja kolej Spójrz na tablicę, proszę Czy mogę wziąść twoją gumkę? Proszę Nie teraz, wybacz Kursy Matematyka Literatura i język Historia Chemia Geografia Fizyka Obce języki Wf Informatyka Sztuka Religia Jaka jest twoja ulubiona lekcja? Koniec czasu Przerwa Przerwa na obiad
IN ENGLISH Days of Week: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday weekend Today is Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday. Yesterday was Sunday. See you on Friday. See you at the weekend. ***** Seasons: Spring Summer Autumn / Fall Winter ***** Months: January February March April May June July August September October November December
IN TURKISH Haftanın günleri Pazartesi Salı Çarşamba Perşembe Cuma Cumartesi Pazar Hafta sonu Bugün pazartesi. Yarın salı. Dün pazardı. Cuma günü görüşürüz. Hafta sonu görüşürüz. ****** Mevsimler İlkbahar Yaz Sonbahar/güz Kış ******* Aylar Ocak Şubat Mart Nisan Mayıs Haziran Temmuz Ağustos Eylül Ekim Kasım Aralık
IN ENGLISH Days of Week: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday weekend Today is Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday. Yesterday was Sunday. See you on Friday. See you at the weekend. ***** Seasons: Spring Summer Autumn / Fall Winter ***** Months: January February March April May June July August September October November December
IN POLISH Poniedziałek Wtorek Środa Czwartek Piątek Sobota Niedziela Weekend Dziś jest poniedziałek Dziś jest wtorek Jutro jest niedziela Zobaczymy się w piątek Zobaczymy się w weekend ****** Wiosna Lato Jesień Zima ******* Styczeń Luty Marzec Kwiecień Maj Czerwiec Lipiec Sierpień Wrzesień Październik Listopad Grudzień
NUMBERS AND TIME IN ENGLISH Numbers: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty-one Thirty Thirty-seven Forty Fifty Sixty Seventy Eighty Ninety A hundred Two hundreds ****** Half past A quarter A quarter past A quarter to It s four o clock. It s a quarter past four. It s twenty past four. It s half past four. It s a quarter to five. It s ten to five.
IN TURKISH Sayılar Bir İki Üç Dört Beş Altı Yedi Sekiz Dokuz On On Bir On İki On Üç On Dört On Beş On Altı On Yedi On Sekiz On Dokuz Yirmi Yirmi Bir Otuz Otuz Yedi Kırk Elli Altmış Yetmiş Seksen Doksan Yüz İki Yüz ******* Buçuk Çeyrek Çeyrek geçiyor Çeyrek kala (var) Saat dört. Dördü çeyrek geçiyor. Dördü yirmi geçiyor. Saat dört buçuk. Beşe çeyrek var. Beşe on var.
NUMBERS AND TIME IN ENGLISH One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty-one Thirty Thirty-seven Forty Fifty Sixty Seventy Eighty Ninety A hundred Twohundreds ****** Half past A quarter A quarter past A quarter to It s four o clock. It s a quarter past four. It s twenty past four. It s half past four. It s a quarter to five. It s ten to five.
IN POLISH Jeden Dwa Trzy Cztery Pięć Sześć Siedem Osiem Dziewięć Dziesięć Jedynaście Dwanaście Trzynaście Czternaście Piętnaście Szesnaście Siedemnaście Osiemnaście Dziewiętnaście Dwadzieścia Dwadzieścia-jeden Trzydzieści Trzydzieści-siedem Czterdzieści Pięćdziesiąt Sześćdziesiąt Siedemdziesiąt Osiemdziesiąt Dziewięćdziesiąt Sto Dwieście ******* Wpół do Kwadrans Kwadrans po Kwadrans do Jest czwarta Jest piętnaście po czwartej Jest dwanaście po czwartej Jest wpół do czwartej Jest piętnaście do piątej Jest dziesięć do piątej
FREE TIME ACTIVITIES / HOBBIES IN ENGLISH What do you do in your free time? What is your favourite free time activity? Do you have any hobbies? I play football I read books I listen to music I go to theatre. Go camping Go fishing Go for a walk Go shopping Play computer games Visit friends Hangout with friends Ride a bike Take photographs Swim I like running,hiking,climbing and swimming Stamp collecting is my favourite. Painting and photography are my favourites. Do you like going to the theatre? Do you like going to the cinema? What kind of films do you like? Comedy / Science fiction / Horror / Thriller / Adventure / Action /Animated film Do you like extreme sports? Which extreme sports do you prefer? Skydiving or bungee jumping? I‘d rather go scuba diving. Which equipments do you need for paragliding? Helmet,gloves,belt,knee pads are needed. Life vest,paddle are needed. Wet suit is worn for diving. Rafting is a water sport.
IN TURKISH Boş zamanlarında ne yaparsın? Senin favori boş zaman aktiviten nedir? Hiç hobin var mı? Futbol oynarım Kitap okurum Müzik dinlerim Tiyatroya giderim Kamp yapmaya gitmek Balık tutmaya gitmek Yürüyüşe gitmek Alışverişe gitmek Bilgisayar oyunları oynamak Arkadaşları ziyaret etmek Arkadaşlarla dışarıda takılmak Bisiklet sürmek Fotoğraflar çekmek Yüzmek Koşmayı,doğa yürüyüşü yapmayı,tırmanmayı,yüzmeyi severim Pul toplamak favorimdir. Boyama fotoğrafçılık favorilerimdir Tiyatroya gitmeyi sever misin? Sinemaya gitmeyi sever misin? Ne tür filmler seversin? Komedi/Bilim Kurgu/Korku/Gerilim/Macera/Aksiyon/Animasyon Extreme sporları sever misin? Hangi extreme sporu tercih edersin? İple atlama mı yoksa gök dalışı mı ? Tüplü dalışı tercih ederim Yamaç paraşütü yaparken hangi ekipmanlara ihtiyacım var. Kask,eldiven,kemer,dizliğe ihtiyaç var Can yeleği,küreğe ihtiyaç var Dalgıç giysisi dalış için giyilir Rafting(akan su üzerinde ilerleme) bir su sporudur
FREE TIME ACTIVITIES / HOBBIES IN ENGLISH What do you do in your free time? What is your favourite free time activity? Do you have any hobbies? I play football I read books I listen to music I go to theatre. Go camping Go fishing Go for a walk Go shopping Play computer games Visit friends Hangout with friends Ride a bike Take photographs Swim I like running,hiking,climbing and swimming Stamp collecting is my favourite. Painting and photography are my favourites. Do you like going to the cinema? What kind of films do you like? Comedy / Science fiction / Horror / Thriller / Adventure / Action /Animated film Do you like extreme sports? Which extreme sports do you prefer? Skydiving or bungee jumping? I‘d rather go scuba diving. Which equipments do you need for paragliding? Helmet,gloves,belt,knee pads are needed. Life vest,paddle are needed. Wet suit is worn for diving. Rafting is a water sport. What is your favourite free time activity? Do you like going to the theatre? Do you have any hobbies? What kind of films do you like?
IN POLISH Co robisz w wolnym czasie? Co najbardziej lubisz robić? Czy masz jakieś hobby? Gram w piłkę nożną Czytam książki Słucham muzyki Chodzę do teatru Jadę pod namiot Łowię ryby Idę na spacer Idę na zakupy Gram w gry komputerowe Odwiedzam przyjaciół Spotykam się z przyjaciółmi Jadę rowerem Robię zdjęcia Pływam Lubię biegać, wędrować, wspinać się i pływać Najbardziej lubię zbierać znaczki Moimi ulubionymi są malarstwo i fotografia Czy ty lubisz chodzić do kina? Jakie filmy lubisz? Komedia/science fiction/ horrory/ thrillery/ Przygodowe/ Filmy akcji/ Animowane Czy lubisz sporty ekstrealne? Jakie sporty ekstremalne wolisz? Paralotnia czy bungee? Wolę nurkowanie Jakiego sprzętu potrzebujesz do paralotnictwa? Kask, rękawiczki, pas, ochroniacze na kolana są potrzebne Potrzebna jest kamizelka i wiosło Kostium nurka jest potrzebny do nurkowania Tratwy to sport wodny Jakie jest twoje ulubione zajęcie w wolnym czasie? Czy lubisz chodzić do teatru? Czy masz hobby? Jakie filmy lubisz?
FAMILY IN ENGLISH Mother Father Sister Brother Son Daughter Grandfather / Grandpa Grandmother / Grandma Cousin Aunt Uncle Nephew Niece Parents Relatives Twin She is my mother. He is my father. They are my parents. We are twins I have got a brother and a sister I am an only child. I love my family. My elder sister is a teacher. My younger sister is a doctor. He is my little son. I am the eldest of five. My daughter has green eyes and long straight blonde hair. My son is tall with short wavy dark hair and brown eyes. He is younger than me. She is older than me.
IN TURKISH Anne Baba Kız Kardeş Erkek Kardeş Evlat (Erkek) Evlat (Kız) Büyük Baba / Dede Büyük Anne/ Nine Kuzen Hala/Teyze Amca/Dayı Yeğen (Erkek) Yeğen (Kız) Ebeveynler Akrabalar İkiz O benim annem O benim babam Onlar benim ebeveynlerim Biz ikiziz Benim bir erkek ve bir kız kardeşim var Ben (ailedeki) tek çocuğum Ailemi seviyorum Ablam bir öğretmen Küçük kız kardeşim bir doktor O benim küçük oğlum Ben 5 kardeşin en büyüğüyüm Kızımın yeşil gözleri ve uzun düz sarı saçları var Oğlum kısa, dalgalı, koyu renk saçları ve kahverengi gözleriyle uzundur/uzun biridir. O (erkek) benden daha küçük O (kadın) benden daha büyük
IN ENGLISH Mother Father Sister Brother Son Daughter Grandfather / Grandpa Grandmother / Grandma Cousin Aunt Uncle Nephew Niece Parents Relatives Twin She is my mother. He is my father. They are my parents. We are twins I have got a brother and a sister I am an only child. I love my family. My elder sister is a teacher. My younger sister is a doctor. He is my little son. I am the eldest of five. My daughter has green eyes and long straight blond hair. My son is tall with short wavy dark hair and brown eyes. He is younger than me. She is olderthan me.
IN POLISH Mama Ojciec Siostra Brat Syn Córka Dziadek Babcia kuzyn Ciocia Wujek siostrzeniec siostrzenica Rodzice krewna Bliżniaki Ona jest moją mamą On jest moim ojcem Oni są moimi rodzicami My jesteśmy bliżniakami Ja mam brata i siostrę Jestem jedynym dzieckiem Kocham moją rodzinę Moja najstarsza siostra jest nauczycielem Moja młodsza siostra jest doktorem On jest moim najmłodszym synem I am the eldest of five. Moja córka ma zielone oczy i długie, proste, blond włosy Mój syn jest wysoki ma krótkie, faliste , ciemne włosy i brązowe włosy On jest młodszy ode mnie Ona jest starsza ode mnie
HEALTH IN ENGLISH How do you feel? Are you okey? I have a headache I have a sore throat I have asthma I have a cough I have the flu I have a toothache I feel sick I feel tired I have a cold I have a diarrhoea I have fever I'm fine Do you have any allergies? I am allergic to antibiotics. Is there a hospital near here? Tablets Drops Shot / Injection Syrup Bandage Needle Syringe Cream Crutches Wheelchair Thermometer Once a day Twice a day Three times a day Every four hours I’m sick / I’m ill I have a rash on my arm and it’s very itchy. Get well soon.
IN TURKISH Nasıl hissediyorsun? İyi misin? Başım ağrıyor. Boğazım ağrıyor. Astımım var. Öksürüğüm var. Grip oldum. Dişim ağrıyor. Kötü hissediyorum. Yorgun hissediyorum. Soğuk algınlığım var. İshalim var. Ateşim var. İyiyim. Herhangi bir alerjiniz var mı? Antibiyotiklere alerjim var. Buraya yakın bir hastane var mı? Tabletler Damla Enjeksiyon Şurup Bandaj İğne Şırınga Krem Koltuk değneği Tekerlekli sandalye Termometre Günde bir kez. Günde iki kez. Günde üç kez. Dört saatte bir. Hastayım. Kolumda kızarıklık var ve çok kaşınıyor. Geçmiş olsun.
HEALTH IN ENGLISH How do you feel? Are you okey? I have a headache I have a sore throat I have asthma I have a cough I have the flu I have a toothache I feel sick I feel tired I have a cold I have a diarrhoea I have fever I'm fine Do you have any allergies? I am allergic to antibiotics. Is there a hospital near here? Tablets Drops Shot / Injection Syrup Badage Needle Syringe Cream Cruches Wheelchair Thermometer Once a day Twice a day Three times a day Every four hours I’m sick / I’m ill I have a rash on my arm and it’s very itchy. Get well soon.
IN POLISH Jak się czujesz? Wszystko w porządku? Mam ból głowy/migrenę Mam ból gardła Mam astmę Mam kaszel Mam grypę Mam ból zęba Czuję się chory Czuję się zmęczony Jestem przeziębiony Mam biegunkę Mam gorączkę Jestem w porządku/Czuję się dobrze Czy masz jakieś alergie? Mam alergię na antybiotyki. Czy jest jakiś szpital w okolicy? Tabletki Krople iniekcja Syrop Bandaż Igła Strzykawka Krem Kule Wózek inwalidzki Termometr Raz dziennie Dwa razy dziennie Trzy razy dziennie Co cztery godziny Jestem chory Mam wysypkę na ramieniu i bardzo swędzi Szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia
RESTAURANT IN ENGLISH Can I help you? I’d like cheese omlette with chips. Anything to drink? I’d like a cup of coffee, please. A table for two, please. Are you paying together? Is service included? Could we have the menu, please ? Could I have the bill, please? Do you have a reservation? Meat Appetizers Vegetables Fruit Drinks/Beverages Desserts Beef Lamb Chicken Veal Pork Bacon Ham Onion Soup Minestrone Soup Tomato Soup Lentil Soup Knife Fork Spoon Salt Pepper Sugar Salad Bread Tea Coffee Milk Coffee with milk
IN TURKISH Yardımcı olabilir miyim? Ben peynirli omletle ve cips istiyorum. İçecek bir şey? Bir fincan kahve istiyorum, lütfen. İki kişilik masa, lütfen. Birlikte mi ödeyeceksiniz? Servis dahil mi? Bir menü alabilir miyiz, lütfen ? Hesabı alabilir miyim, lütfen ? Rezervasyonunuz var mı? Et Meze Sebzeler Meyve İçecekler Tatlılar Sığır eti Kuzu eti Tavuk eti Dana eti Domuz eti Domuz pastırması Jambon Soğan çorbası Sebze çorbası Domates çorbası Mercimek çorbası Bıçak Çatal Kaşık Tuz Biber Şeker Salata Ekmek Çay Kahve Süt Sütlü kahve
RESTAURANT IN ENGLISH Can I help you? I’d like cheese omlette with chips Anything to drink? I’d like a cup of coffee ,please A table for two, please Are you paying together? Is service included? Could we have the menu,please? Could I have the bill, please? Do you have a reservation? Meat Appetisers Vegetables. Fruit Drinks / Beverages Desserts Beef Lamb Chicken Veal Pork Bacon Ham Onion soup Minestrone soup Tomato soup Lentil Soup knife fork spoon salt pepper sugar salad bread tea coffee milk coffee with milk
IN POLISH Czy mogę ci pomóc? Chciałbym serowy omlet z frytkami. Coś do picia? Poproszę kubek kawy. Stolik dla dwojga proszę. Czy płacicie razem? Czy usługa jest wliczona w cenę? Czy moglibyśmy dostać menu? Czy mógłbym dostać rachunek? Czy masz rezerwację? Mięso Przystawki Warzywa Owoce Napoje Desery Wołowina Jagnięcina Kurczak Cielęcina Wieprzowina Bekon Szynka Zupa cebulowa Zupa włoska Zupa pomidorowa Zupa z soczewicy Nóż Widelec Łyżka Sól Pieprz Cukier Sałatka Chleb Herbata Kawa Mleko Kawa z mlekiem
WEATHER IN ENGLISH What is the weather like? It’s hot. It’s cold. It's warm It's cool It’s nice. It’s freezing. It’s windy. It’s rainy It's sunny It's snowy It's foggy It's cloudy What will the weather be like tomorrow? It will be hot It will be cold Today Yesterday Tomorrow Now This morning This afternoon Tonight Next week It was rainy yesterday. What is the weather like in Gaziantep in summer? What is the temperature? It’s 22 °C It looks like it’s going to rain. We are expecting thunderstorm What a nice day! What a beautiful day! The sun’s shining What a terrible day! You should wear warm clothes Don’t forget to get your umbrella.
IN TURKISH Hava nasıl? Sıcak. Soğuk. Ilık. Serin. Güzel. Dondurucu soğuk. Rüzgarlı. Yağmurlu. Güneşli. Karlı. Sisli. Bulutlu. Yarın hava nasıl olacak? Sıcak olacak. Soğuk olacak. Bugün. Dün. Yarın. Şimdi. Bu sabah. Bu öğleden sonra. Bu gece. Gelecek hafta. Dün yağmurluydu. Yazın Gaziantep'te hava nasıl? Sıcaklık nasıl / kaç derece? 22°C (santigrat derece) Yağmur yağacak gibi görünüyor. Fırtına bekliyoruz. Ne kadar güzel bir gün. Ne kadar güzel bir gün. Güneş parlıyor. Ne berbat bir gün. Sıcak tutan kıyafetler giymelisin. Şemsiye almayı unutma.
WEATHER IN ENGLISH What is the weather like? It’s hot. It’s cold. It's warm It's cool It’s nice. It’s freezing. It’s windiy. It’s rainy It's sunny It's snowy It's foggy It's cloudy What will the weather be like tomorrow? It will be hot It will be cold Today Yesterday Tomorrow Now This morning This afternoon Tonight Next week It was rainy yesterday. What is the weather like in Gaziantep in summer? What is the temperature? It’s 22 °C It looks like it’s going to rain. We are expecting thunderstorm What a nice day! What a beautiful day! The sun’s shining What a terrible day! You should wear warm clothes Don’t forget to get your umbrella.
IN POLISH Jaka jest pogoda? Jest gorąco Jest zimno Jest ciepło W porządku Jest niezła Jest bardzo mroźno Jest wietrznie Jest deszczowo Jest słonecznie Pada śnieg Jest mgliście Jest pochmurnie Jaka ma być jutro pogoda? Będzie gorąco Będzie zimno Dzisiaj Wczoraj Jutro Teraz Dzisiaj rano Dzisiaj po południu W nocy Następny tydzień Wczoraj było deszczowo Jaka jest pogoda w Gazantiep podczas wakacji? Jaka jest temperatura? Są 22°C Wygląda jakby miało padać Spodziewamg się sztormu Świetny dzień! Przepiękny dzień! Słońce świeci Koszmarny dzień Powinieneś założyć ciepłe ubrania Nie zapomnij aby wziąć parasol
SHOPPING IN ENGLISH I want to buy… Where is the nearest shopping centre? Is there a chemist / pharmacy in this area? What time are you open until? What time do you close today? Are you open on the weekends? Are you open on Sundays? We’re open on weekdays only (Monday to Friday) We are open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. May I help you? What colour would you like? What size would you like? Would you like to try on? Could you help me, please? Where is the changing/fitting room? It is too long. Too short Too tight Too loose Do you have a larger size? Do you have a smaller size? Do you have another colour? Red White Green Blue Pink Black Gray Yellow Brown Orange Purple How much is this? How much are these? It’s 50 Turkish Liras expensive cheap It’s too expensive They’re too expensive Do you accept credit card? Only cash That’s all, thanks
IN TURKISH … satın almak istiyorum. En yakın alışveriş merkezi nerede? Bu çevrede bir eczane var mı? Ne zamana kadar açıksınız? Bugün ne zaman kapatıyorsunuz? Hafta sonları açık mısınız? Pazar günleri açık mısınız? Sadece hafta içi açığız.(Pazartesi’nden Cuma’ya) Sabah 10’dan akşam 6’ya kadar açığız. Yardım edebilir miyim? Hangi renk istersiniz? Hangi beden istiyorsunuz? Denemek ister misiniz? Lütfen,bana yardım eder misiniz? Kabinler nerede? Bu çok uzun. Çok kısa. Çok sıkı. Çok gevşek. Daha büyük bir beden var mı? Daha küçük bir beden var mı? Başka rengi var mı? Kırmızı Beyaz Yeşil Mavi Pembe Siyah Gri Sarı Kahverengi Turuncu Mor Bunun fiyatı ne kadar? Bunların fiyatı ne kadar? Bunun fiyatı 50 Türk Lirası Pahalı Ucuz Bu çok pahalı. Bunlar çok pahalı. Kredi kartı kabul ediyor musunuz? Sadece nakit para. Bu kadar,teşekkürler.
SHOPPING IN ENGLISH I want to buy….. Where is the nearest shopping centre? Is there a chemist / pharmacy in this area? What time are you open until? What time do you close today? Are you open on the weekends? Are you open on Sundays? We’re open on weekdays only (Monday to Friday) We are open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. May I help you? What colour would you like? What size would you like? Would you like to try on? Could you help me, please? Where is the changing/fitting room? It is too long. Too short Too tight Too loose Do you have a larger size? Do you have a smaller size? Do you have another colour? Red White Green Blue Pink Black Gray Yellow Brown Orange Purple How much is this? How much are these? It’s 50 Zloty expensive cheap It’s too expensive They’re too expensive Do you accept credit card? Only cash That’s all, thanks
IN POLISH Chciałbym to kupić Gdzie jest najbliższe centrum handlowe? Czy w tej okolicy jest apteka? Od której jest otwarty ? O której jest dziś zamykasz? Czy jesteś otwarty w weekendy? Czy jesteś otwarty w niedziele? Jesteśmy otwarci tylko w dni robocze (od poniedziałku do piątku) Jesteśmy otwarci od 9.00 do 18.00 Czy mogę ci pomóc? Jakiego koloru potrzebujesz ? Jakiego rozmiaru potrzebujesz ? Czy chciał byś to przymierzyć? Mógłbyś mi pomóc? Gdzie jest przebieralnia? To jest za długie. Zbyt krótki Za ciasno Zbyt luźny Czy masz większy rozmiar? Czy masz mniejszy rozmiar ? Czy masz inny kolor? Czerwony Biały Zielony Niebieski Różowy Czarny Szary Żółty Brązowy Pomarańczowy Fioletowy Ile to kosztuje? Ile one kosztują? To 50 złotych kosztowny tani To jest zbyt drogie Są za drogie Czy akceptujesz kartę kredytową? Tylko gotówka To wszystko, dzięki
IN ENGLISH I’d like a ticket to Gaziantep ,please. May I have your passaport ,please? Here you are What is your final destination? How much is this fee? Are you checking any bags? Please place your bag on the scale. Which platform is it? What time is my flight? Is the flight on time? How many days will you stay there? Would you like single or return (ticket)? Have a good trip. Where is the bus stop? Where can I find a taxi? Where is the currency exchange? Do you have a map? Do you know where this hotel is? Where is the bank? Where are the elevators? I have lost my passport Someone stole my money Help! Whare is the police station?
IN TURKISH Gaziantep'e bir bilet lütfen. Lütfen pasaportunuzu alabilir miyim? Buyrun En son varış noktanız neresi? Bunun ücreti ne kadar? Çantaları kontrol ettin mi? Lütfen çantanızı teraziye koyun. Hangi platform? Uçuşum saat kaçta? Uçuş zamanında mı? Orada kaç gün kalacaksınız? Bileti gidiş mi yoksa gidiş-dönüş mü istersiniz? İyi yolculuklar. Otobüs durağı nerede? Nereden bir taksi bulabilirim? Döviz değişim yeri (döviz bürosu) nerede? Haritanız var mı? Bu otelin nerede olduğunu biliyor musunuz? Banka nerede? Asansörler nerede? Pasaportumu kaybettim. Birisi paramı çaldı. İmdat! Polis karakolu nerede?
IN ENGLISH IN POLISH I’d like a ticket to Gaziantep ,please. Poproszę bˆlet do Gazˆantep. May I have your passaport ,please? Mogłabym dostać twój paszport, proszę? Here you are Proszę What is your final destination? Jakˆ jest twój ostateczny cel? How much is this fee? Jak duża jest opłata? Are you checking any bags? Czy przeszłaś już przez kontrolę bagażu? Please place your bag on the scale. Proszę umˆeścˆć bagaż na wadze. Which platform is it? Która to jest platforma? What time is my flight? O której godzˆnˆe jest mój lot? Is the flight on time? Czy lot będzˆe punktualnˆe? How many days will you stay there? Jak długo tam zostajesz? Would you like single or return (ticket)? Chcˆałabyś bˆlet w jedną stronę czy w obˆe? Have a good trip. Udanej wycieczki. Where is the bus stop? Gdzie jest przystanek autobusowy? Where can I find a taxi? Gdzˆe mogę znaleźć taksówkę? Where is the currency exchange? Gdzie jest kantor? Do you have a map? Masz mapę? Do you know where this hotel is? Wiesz gdzie jest ten hotel? Where is the bank? Gdzie jest bank? Where are the elevators? Gdzˆe są wˆndy? I have lost my passport Zgubˆłam swój paszport. Someone stole my money Ktoś ukradł mˆ pˆenˆądze. Help! Pomocy! Whare is the police station? Gdzie jest posterunek policji?