June 2019
We, as teachers, would like to thank to the students who took part in this project. They made a great effort and prepared these outstanding works. THANK YOU
Efser NECÄ°
Evangelia MIKA
About Our Project Our project aims at knowing each other better as two brother countries. Through this project our students got information both about their own cultures and about their friends cultures. They focused on the characteristics of the hometowns, countries, languages, food and festivals. While searching and preparing their works for the project the students used different web.2. tools. At the end of the project we created an ebook and we shared what we did, with other schools. We also prepared a 3 Language Phrase Dictionary and shared it on digital platform, too.
Partners of The Project Fadile Efser Neci from TOBB Fen Lisesi, Gaziantep, Turkey Evangelia Mika from Γενικό Λύκειο Εξαπλατάνου "Μενέλαος Λουντέμης", Exaplatanos, Greece
Aims of The Project Learning both their own culture and their friends culture. Working on the similarities and differences of both languages. Being able to use web.2 tools efficiently. Being able to make presentations by using presentation techniques.
Work Process February Matching the students. Making Logos and Logo contest. March Preparing presentations about their friends city and country. Introducing themselves by using animation characters and avatars. April Studies about both languages (Turkish and Greek) and preparing a dictionary in three languages (Turkish, Greek, English) May Creating magazines about traditional food and festivals June Collecting all the works in an ebook.
Expected Results Learning both cultures. Working cooperatively. Learning and being able to use information technologies, web.2 tools. Publishing a basic dictionary and an ebook that the outputs, Being able to integrate the works in the curriculum. Having friends from a foreign country and being able to observe the similarities and differences of both languages in person and when it is needed being able to use English which is learned as foreign language in both countries.
At the beginning of the project, we chose the students for the project teams and got Parent Permission Forms to share the works of the students. While starting the project we asked the students' expectations from the project.
After getting the results in both countries, we did some brainstorming activities by using different Web.2.0 Tool.
And It was time to prepare the logos for our project and choose our logo. Both schools worked on logos. Logos from TOBB Fen Lisesi
Logos from Γενικό Λύκειο Εξαπλατάνου "Μενέλαος Λουντέμης"
We used Google Forms for the logo contest
After voting our project logo is;
To attract the attention of both our project teams and the other students at our schools, we organized a poster contest on Safer Internet Day.
The winner of the contest is;
After poster contest we made our Avatars and our Voki Characters Prepared by TOBB Fen Lisesi
- http://tinyurl.com/yy6pcym6
Prepared by Γενικό Λύκειο Εξαπλατάνου "Μενέλαος Λουντέμης"
The students in Exaplatanos prepared some presentations of their new friends by using Linoit
http://linoit.com/users/basileiadoy/canvases/Mary%20v http://linoit.com/users/TheFearlessAngel/canvases/sezen%20Ă–zsefil
TOBB Fen Lisesi planted a pistachio tree in their school garden as the symbol of their project
Then we prepared some presentation about our friends' city and country.. From TOBB Fen Lisesi
From Γενικό Λύκειο Εξαπλατάνου "Μενέλαος Λουντέμης"
After cities and countries we focused on languages. Each student translated one part of our Phrase Dictionary and after finishing the teachers collected them in an e-book
We celebrated 9th May eTwinning Day at our schools. At TOBB Fen Lisesi They planted some Daphne and Pine trees to the school garden with the other teachers and students of the other project teams. They gave some information to the other students at their school about eTwinning.
At Γενικό Λύκειο Εξαπλατάνου "Μενέλαος Λουντέμης" The students and their teacher at Γενικό Λύκειο Εξαπλατάνου "Μενέλαος Λουντέμης" celebrated eTwinning Day with some presentations, activities and an eTwinning Cake.
After these works we worked on our cuisines.We gave information about some traditional food of our city or country. From TOBB Fen Lisesi
From Γενικό Λύκειο Εξαπλατάνου "Μενέλαος Λουντέμης"
The last task for the project was our festivals The festivals in Turkey
The festivals in Greece
At the end of the project we wanted to see the effects of the project on students. Therefore, we collected the responses. We used Surveymonkey.