Exam question cards (lit)

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ENGLISH LITERATURE – PAPER 1 80 s mark You will need to remember the story, characters and themes.

PAPER 1 MARK SCHEME AO1: Read, understand and respond to texts students should be able to: •  Maintain a critical style and develop an informed personal response; •  Use textual references, including quotations, to support and illustrate interpretations. AO2: Analyse the language, form and structure used by a writer to create meanings and effects, using relevant subject terminology where appropriate. AO3: Show understanding of the relationships between texts and the contexts in which they were written. AO4: Use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate spelling and punctuation.

TIME: 1 hour 45 minutes (55 mins Romeo & Juliet, 50 mins Animal Farm) In this paper you will answer TWO questions – ONE about Romeo & Juliet (in two parts) and ONE about Animal Farm. You will have to evaluate texts and analyse language, form and structure.

Checklist ☐ Read and highlight the questions, finding out what kind of information you are being required to find. ☐Read and highlight the extract, finding examples of language, form and structure that link to the question.

You will need to read and annotate the extract.

Do you know how long you need to spend answering each question? Practice papers can be found on Fronter!

Exam Tips

☐ Make clear points, find relevant evidence and explain and analyse the effect of the language, form and structure.

ü  Use black ink or ball point pen.

☐ Make sure you save some time to read back over what you have written. Remember that there are 8 marks available for SPaG.

ü  You should spend about 50 minutes on section B.

ü  You should spend about 55 minutes on section A.

ü  This is a CLOSED BOOK EXAM; you will NOT be able to use your texts.

Section A: Shakespeare (Romeo & Juliet) 20 s mark

QUESTION A This question is the first of a two-part question. The task is focused on an extract of approximately 30 lines. You will need to identify examples of how Shakespeare uses language form and structure to create effects on the audience/reader.

Language Features SECTION A/A MARK SCHEME LEVEL 3 (9-12 marks) •  The response shows an understanding of a range of language, form and structure features and links these to their effect on the reader. •  Relevant subject terminology is used to support examples given. LEVEL 4 (13-16 marks) •  The response is focused and detailed. Analysis of language, form and structure features and their effect on the reader is sustained. •  Relevant subject terminology is used accurately and appropriately to develop ideas. LEVEL 5 (17-20 marks) •  The response is a cohesive evaluation of the interrelationship of language, form and structure and their effect on the reader. •  Relevant subject terminology is integrated and precise.

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Imagery Metaphors/similes Personification Hyperbole Dialogue Verb/adverb choice Antithesis/juxtaposition Puns Repetition Oxymoron Punctuation Structural Features

Making connections across the play Build up of tension Juxtaposition of scenes Transitions from comedy to tragedy Dramatic irony Foreshadowing

•  •  •  •  •

Form Features •  •  •  •  •

Dialogue or blank verse Sonnet or poetic form Features of a play script Soliloquy Performance elements

Have you commented on LANGUAGE, FORM and STRUCTURE in your answer?

You should spend about 25 minutes on this part of the question. You should use QUOTES and EVIDENCE from the extract.

Revision Tips ü  Revise the meanings and definitions of all the literary features. ü  Choose some extracts from the play, photocopy them and annotate with the features on the left. ü  Add to your annotations with the effect that the writer is trying to achieve.

Section A: Shakespeare (Romeo & Juliet) 20 s mark

QUESTION B This question is the second of a two-part question. The task is focused on how a theme reflected in the extract is explored elsewhere in the play. You will need to give a critical personal response, focusing on the main themes of the play and linking to the historical context.

SECTION A/B MARK SCHEME LEVEL 4 (13-16 marks): •  The response has a developed personal response and thorough engagement, fully related to the text. •  The critical style is sustained, and there is well developed interpretation. •  Well-chosen references to the text support a range of effective points. •  There is sustained comment on relevant context and detailed awareness of the relationship between text and context. LEVEL 5 (17-20 marks) •  There is an assured personal response, showing a high level of engagement with the text. •  A critical style is developed with maturity, perceptive understanding and interpretation. •  Discerning references are an integral part of the response, with points made with assurance and full support from the text. •  There is excellent understanding of context, and convincing understanding of the relationship between text and context is integrated into the response.

Main Characters •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Romeo Montague – A young lover Juliet Capulet – A young lover Lord & Lady Montague – Romeo’s parents Lord & Lady Capulet – Juliet’s parents Nurse – Juliet’s servant Friar – A sympathetic clergyman Mercutio – Romeo’s best friend Tybalt – Juliet’s cousin Benvolio – Romeo’s cousin Prince Escalus – The authority in Verona Paris – Prince Escalus’s nephew, suitor to Juliet Main Themes

•  •  •  •  •  •

Love & marriage Hate & revenge Families Loyalty Male honour Patriarchal society Historical Context

•  •

Life for young women in Elizabethan England Conflicting religious practices

Have you explored a THEME? Have you linked to the HISTORICAL CONTEXT of the play?

You should spend about 25 minutes on this part of the question. You should use references from the WHOLE PLAY.

Revision Tips ü  Read back through the play and make sure you know the key scenes. ü  Look at the list of all the main characters and find quotes from the play that describe them. ü  Find quotes from key scenes and put them into different categories based on theme.

Section B: Post-1914 Literature (Animal Farm) 40 s mark

This question requires you to write ONE essay on Animal Farm by George Orwell. You will need to have a knowledge of the WHOLE text and be able to evaluate the author’s intentions. You will also need to write about the wider context of the novel and where it fits into history.

Main Characters

SECTION A/B MARK SCHEME LEVEL 5 (27-32 marks): •  There is an assured personal response, showing a high level of engagement with the text and discerning choice of references to the text. •  A critical style is developed with maturity, perceptive understanding and interpretation with discerning choice of references to the text. •  The understanding of relevant contexts is excellent. •  Understanding of the relationship between text and context is integrated convincingly into the response. AO4 (SPaG) LEVEL 2 (3-5 marks) Learners spell and punctuate with considerable accuracy, and use a considerable range of vocabulary and sentence structures to achieve general control of meaning. LEVEL 3 (6-8 marks) Learners spell and punctuate with consistent accuracy, and consistently use vocabulary and sentence structures to achieve effective control of meaning.

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Old Major – Combination of Karl Marx and Lenin Napoleon – Joseph Stalin Snowball – Leon Trotsky Squealer – Minister of Propaganda (Vyacheslav Molotov) Mr Jones – Russian Tsar Nicholas II Mr Frederick & Mr Pilkington – Adolf Hitler. Boxer – A hard working cart-horse Mollie – A young white mare Benjamin – A donkey, one of the oldest, wisest animals on the farm Moses – The raven (Russian Orthodox Church) Main Themes

•  •  •  •

Power & politics Corruption Freedom of speech Human rights Historical Context

•  •  •

The Russian Revolution Communism Stalin’s rise to power

Have you explored evidence from the text? Have you linked to the CONTEXT of the novel?

You should spend about 50 minutes on this essay question. Remember that there 8 marks for SPaG in this question.

Revision Tips ü  Read back through the novel and make a timeline of the key events and their links to history. ü  Look at the list of all the main characters and find quotes from the play that describe them. ü  Find quotes from key scenes and put them into different categories based on theme.

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