7 December 2018 Primary Newsletter

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7 December 2018

Primary Newsletter

Safeguarding Children As part of their curriculum, the children learn how to keep themselves safe. The following website has been set up by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) to offer parents and schools advice on how to raise safeguarding awareness with children. There is a notable section called ‘The Underwear Rule’ which is of particular support and guidance to parents. The website also offers advice regarding ‘online safety’ and how to obtain support or advice regarding the safeguarding of children. www.nspcc.org.uk

Uniform Information & School Uniform Purchases The Primary uniform can be purchased through the Khalsa Schoolwear website or can be bought at Khalsa Schoolwear shop in Bethnal Green. To save on the cost of delivery charges, Khalsa Schoolwear does a school delivery once every month. You can find further details of the delivery dates on their website or you can ask the reception office staff.

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We expect every child to be in full uniform every day with their top button done up and wearing their tie All coats must be plain black Shoes must be plain black – no trainers, plimsolls or boots! If you are not sure about the types of shoes that are part of our uniform policy, please ask. Please label every item of clothing One pair of plain stud earrings can be worn Nail polish is not allowed Jewellery is not permitted Long hair for both boys and girls must be tied back. Hair decorations must be small and plain and match the school uniform

Important reminders •

Schools starts at 8.45am (8.35am for Year 3 & Year 4). It is important that your child arrives on time every day so that the teachers can start the lesson promptly. The school gate will be open from 8.25am and will close at 8.45am.

School finishes at 3.45pm (3.35pm for Year 3 & Year 4) every day other than Tuesday when we finish at 3.00pm (2.50pm for Year 3 & Year 4).

If any of your details have changed e.g. your address or phone number – please ensure you contact the office to inform us, so that we can update our records and contact you in case of an emergency.

Please ensure your child attends school every day and on time. If your child is sick then you must call the office to let us know by 8.15am. If your child has a medical appointment you must let us know in advance.

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From Tam Broadway – Primary Headteacher It has been another busy and fun-filled week. The children have enjoyed practising their songs and performances in preparation for next week and are looking forward to sharing their learning with you. Please ensure you check the days and times for each performance. The Pupil Progress Reports and Parent Progress Meetings will take place in January. The Pupil Progress Reports will be sent out to you on Friday 11th January and the Parent Progress Meetings will take place on Tuesday 15th January. There will be still three Termly Reports sent out over the course of the year and three Parent Progress Meetings. Further details will be sent out in due course. PLEASE NOTE: There will not be a newsletter published next Friday 14 December, however there will be a special Festive edition published on Friday 21 December instead.

Enrichment Club Bookings The Primary enrichment tab will be going live on Monday 10th December 2018 at 5pm! The tab will close on Wednesday 12th December 2018 at 5pm. All bookings made outside of this time will NOT be counted although the system will still allow you to process the booking.

Friends of Isaac Newton Academy I am hoping to get parents from both Primary and Secondary together who would be interested in setting up a new FOINA (Friends of Isaac Newton Academy) group, with the purpose of planning fundraising events for the school throughout the year. If you are interested and hadn't done so before, in the summer term, I ask that you sign up with either the Primary or Secondary reception. Ms Broadway 7 December 2018 Primary Newsletter


End & Start of the School Day Arrangements Please be reminded that Year 3 & 4 children are expected to start their day 10 minutes earlier than other year groups at 8.35am and finish their day 10 minutes earlier at 3.35pm. It is important that this valuable 10 minutes is not lost every day as this soon mounts up to a considerable amount of learning time lost each week. As we are now finding ourselves in the winter months there is an increased chance that it will be raining at the end of the day. Therefore, when we encounter rain, we have put in place the following plan to dismiss the Year 2 and 3 children from the stairwells and hall doors rather than have them lining up on the playground

Year 2 Year 2 will be dismissed at their usual time with Pythagoras exiting from the double doors by the hall. Fibonacci will use the stairwell nearest to the library and Al-Kashi will use the stairwell nearest to the Reception classes.

Years 3 and 4 Year 3 will be dismissed at their usual time with Ellington and Nicks exiting from the stairwell by the reception classes. Shankar and Ramanujan will exit from the stairwell by the library and Lovelace and Mirzakhani exiting by the double doors nearest the hall. This will take longer to give out the children as the teachers will only be able release one child at a time, so we ask that you remain patient while we check everyone goes home safely. Thank you in advance for your support.

Absences immediately before or after a school holiday If your child is absent before or after a school holiday we must see evidence for the absence. This may be medical evidence if your child is unwell, or evidence of flight delays or circumstances beyond your control. We cannot authorise any absences before or after a holiday without this evidence and you risk being issued with a penalty notice.

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Message from the Reception Team We ask that every child bring in a NAMED baby photograph as part of their learning next week. The classes will be sharing these pictures with the whole class, linking it to our learning about the Christmas story. The children will take them home again by the end of the term.

Christmas Lunch & Christmas Jumper Day Friday 14th December

The children and adults are all invited to wear their Christmas jumpers on Friday 14th December or festive colours of green, red, yellow etc. Since this is a normal school day we do ask that the children wear clothes and shoes that are still comfortable and will allow them to access their usual school curriculum and run around in the playground. No jewellery items! The Reception children will have adapted PE lesson for the day to allow them to wear non-uniform items and jumpers too. We will be collecting ÂŁ1 from everyone in non-uniform, all of which will be donated to the Save the Children charity. 7 December 2018 Primary Newsletter


Primary Winter Concerts Year 3 and 4 (including members of the Primary Choir) Primary Winter Concert will be held on Monday 10th December at 2:40pm in the Primary Hall. All pupils will be performing and all families will be issued with a two tickets per child.

Year 1 and 2 Primary Winter Concert will be held on Wednesday 12th December at 3:00pm in the Primary Hall. All pupils will be performing and all families will be issued with two tickets per child. Both concerts will finish in good time for pupils to be picked up at the end of school day as normal.

Reception Nativity Play The Reception pupils will be performing the Nativity play on Wednesday 12th December at 9.15am. Reception parents are invited to attend. Two tickets will be issued per child in due course.

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Celebration and Awards Assembly At the end of every term the children enjoy the opportunity to share and celebrate some of their learning and achievements with you. Each teacher chooses two children from their class to receive a certificate in the Celebration and Awards Assembly, one in recognition of a child who has demonstrated the habits of all the seven BRIDGES throughout the term, and the other in recognition of a pupil’s outstanding academic effort and achievement. The assemblies start at the following times in the Primary dining hall:

Wednesday 19th December 8.45-9.15am – Year 4 (All Year 4 parents are invited to attend) 9.30-10.00am – Year 1 (All Year 1 parents are invited to attend)

Thursday 20th December 8.45 – 9.15am – Year 3 (All Year 3 parents are invited to attend) 9.30-10.00am – Reception (All Reception parents are invited to attend) 10.15-10.45am – Year 2 (All Year 2 parents are invited to attend)

7 December 2018 Primary Newsletter


Creating Kalimbas

This week, the pupils have been creating their own percussion-based musical instruments based on the design of the African ‘Kalimba’ instrument. Pupils had the opportunity to design the aesthetic properties of their instrument as well as the structural elements.

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Lovely Learning

Year 1 & 2 children enjoyed the opportunity to compete in the Multi Skills Sports Event along with pupils from Winston Way. INA pupils did a tremendous job and showed good spirit throughout the afternoon. A big thank you to Mr Marecar and the rest of the PE team who supported.

7 December 2018 Primary Newsletter


Praise and Recognition

Every week each teacher chooses two children from their class to receive a certificate in assembly; one is in recognition of a child demonstrating our BRIDGES habit of the week, and the other in recognition of a pupil’s academic effort throughout the week. Well done to the following children, who have been recognised this week: Curie Class: • Aarav Singh – BRIDGES Habits Award (for managing his distractions during learning time). • Kaysaan Uddin - Scholar of the Week (for doing an excellent job of learning his lines for the Nativity). Maxwell Class: • Sufyan Ali – BRIDGES Habits Award (for staying focused and completing his learning activities). • Mihrimah Tanvir - Scholar of the Week (for speaking in full sentences when answering questions). Newton Class: • Aneesh Saravanan – BRIDGES Habits (for being determined to attend school even though he is unwell). • Abeeha Zahir – Scholar of the Week (for supporting her partner during maths lessons). Britten Class: • Musa Syed – BRIDGES Habits Award (for concentrating well during independent learning all week). • Aisha Ali – Scholar of the Week (for using the number bond strategy successfully to solve equations). Fitzgerald Class: • Annika Taheem – BRIDGES Habits Award (for consistently demonstrating great concentration and helping others concentrate too, during partner and group activities). • Dylan Vaughan – Scholar of the Week (for some fantastic writing retelling the story of the Great Fire of London). Glennie Class: • Jasnoor Kaur – BRIDGES Habits Award (for successfully managing distractions and determination to improve her writing skills).

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• Anya Mirza – Scholar of the Week (for successfully writing a letter including all the key features). Al-Kashi Class: • Arshitha Thelapurath – BRIDGES Habits Award (for managing distractions and always staying on task). • Kiana Benjamin - Scholar of the Week (for always applying prior learning to any tasks that she does in class). Fibonacci Class: • Ekamjot Pandher – BRIDGES Habits Award (for trying really hard to manage distractions and concentrate). • Yasin Alom – Scholar of the Week (for excellent use of different strategies during Maths Meetings). Pythagoras Class: • Youssef Abir – BRIDGES Habits Award (for showing grit during his maths learning, finding the answers to multiplication equations and self-checking these using his number line and bead string). • Aina Shah – Scholar of the Week (for writing her Charles Dickens fact file at length, editing it and self-correcting any spelling mistakes). Ellington Class: • Kamiah Reid – BRIDGES Habits Award (for her determination to improve her inference skills during Whole Class Reading). • Sarrinah Mohammed – Scholar of the Week (for asking interesting questions related to the topic ‘Who Were the First People on Earth?’). Nicks Class: • Aysha Islam – BRIDGES Habits Award (for showing great determination when calculating perimeters in mixed units). • Harneet Kang – Scholar of the Week (for making fantastic progress towards her understanding of inference questions). Shankar Class: • Kallum Bihal – BRIDGES Habits Award (for using wonderful determination when improving and editing his five part story). • Ryan Abraham - Scholar of the Week (for producing an excellent five part story during English lessons which included excellent descriptive language). 7 December 2018 Primary Newsletter


Lovelace Class • Yanis Benjamin – BRIDGES Habits Award (for trying to raise his concentration levels in all subjects allowing for more class discussion participation). • Charan Chaggar - Scholar of the Week (for using emotive language and subordinating conjunctions within her diary entry). Mirzakhani Class: • Anees Malik – BRIDGES Habits Award (for demonstrating determination by working hard to catch up with his learning). • Naniyah Owusu – Scholar of the Week (for using a range of interesting coordinating conjunctions in her writing). Ramanujan Class: • Khadijah Bukhari – BRIDGES Habits Award (for using wonderful determination habits to strive towards sporting success). • Jeevat Palray – Scholar of the Week (for wonderful participation within her topic lessons this week).

Breakfast & After School Club Every parent has Wisepay details and a password, which will enable you to book a place for ‘Breakfast Club’ or ‘After School Club’. Payments must be made in advance. If you experience any problems, please contact Ms Chaggar who will be happy to help. Breakfast is available each day from 7.45am and costs just £2.50 per day. The children enjoy a range of cereals, toast and different topping, juice or milk and fruit. Any child attending must be brought to the main reception area by 8.20am at the latest. After School Club runs from 3.45pm – 6.00pm (3.00pm – 6.00pm on Tuesdays) and costs just £5.50 per hour. The children enjoy a range of snacks each evening and a variety of games and activities.

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Headteacher’s Lunch Well done to the following pupils who have been nominated for the Headteacher’s Lunch for next Friday 14th December. An invitation will be given to the children during our Celebration and Awards Assembly: Ibrahim Nabi - Curie Kaysaan Uddin - Curie Edie Morgan - Maxwell Yahya Palejwala - Maxwell Anabia Nawab - Newton Amna Nusrat - Newton

Beeta Bayrami - Britten Simran Islam - Fitzgerald Hamza Dakri - Glennie Maisha Hossain - Pythagoras Alexis Burvill - Fibonacci Iman Hafeez - Al-Kashi

Shakira Choudhry - Shankar Innaya Islam - Ellington Zakariya Iqbal - Nicks Nirmalpreet Durhailay Lovelace Ronak Chatha - Mirzakhani Jasmine Gadhia - Ramanujan

Merits The following pupils have received 25 merits since September for making good choices and moving up to gold on the class ‘good choice chart’ – this is fantastic achievement. A special ‘bronze’ certificate will be presented during the Celebration and Awards Assembly. Humza Anwar Eric Vasile Diya Napal Arjun Bihal Mariam Chowdhury

Raisha Islam Ceylan Warner Rufaida Hasnat Jawad Imran Hanan Khan Aqeel Nazir

7 December 2018 Primary Newsletter

Abdullah Shahzad Meliah Henry Zunairah Raja Tyler Fraser Clarke Halima Chand


BRIDGES in the Primary Phase “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.� Isaac Newton BRIDGES are habits of mind or learning characteristics that develop a pupil's character and learning power and enable him/her to grow into a well-rounded individual and resilient learner. There are seven BRIDGES habits that we will be working on, which will rotate on a weekly cycle throughout the year. The BRIDGES habit of the week will always be introduced at the beginning of the week during the Monday assembly and reinforced throughout the week across the curriculum. Each class teacher will award a certificate to a pupil that they feel has demonstrated the BRIDGES focus for the week. Each week we will update you on the BRIDGES habit that will be introduced in the coming week and offer some top tips on how to reinforce the habit at home too. Please also refer to the Primary BRIDGES wheel below.

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Week commencing 10th December 2018

Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence comprises seven dispositions: Empathy






Openness At School • • •

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At school we always remind the children to treat others in the way that they would like to be treated in return. At school we talk about having good listening skills and that we must look at the person who is talking to us to show respect for them and that we are listening to them properly. During every lesson the children are encouraged to develop their sociability by talking to their talk partner, when some children find this hard to do; an adult will sit and help facilitate paired talk. During the course of the year the children will be moved around and will have been encouraged to have different reading partners, maths partners etc. We discuss the importance of working together as one big team or family at school and that we need to take care of everybody – we use the phrase ‘kind hands, kind feet’ to remind children that we do not hurt others. When a child hurts someone or makes a poor behaviour choice, it is important that they reflect on their behaviour and if another person is involved, that they apologise to them. Through wider reading and research the children are able to extend their understanding of the world around them, reflecting on what makes things different and what are the common thread through life. Though reading stories the children can develop their skills of empathy through their comprehension of the characters, their motivations etc.

At Home • •

Having consistent boundaries between home and school is very important. Talk to your child about the importance of not hurting or hitting other children and that we need to treat everyone kindly and respectfully. We know that you have equally high expectations of your child at home as we at school and working in partnership has great strength in supporting your child to make good choices each day.

7 December 2018 Primary Newsletter


Music of the Fortnight

National Youth Orchestra of Wales conducted by Owain Arwel Hughes

For the next few weeks we will be listening to festive music from the National Youth Orchestra of Wales that has been conducted by Owain Arwel Hughes.

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Regular attendance is a crucial factor in students’ educational development and ability to achieve their full potential. At Isaac Newton Academy every student is set the target of 100% attendance. The class with the highest attendance for the phase by the end of every week is awarded the attendance trophy during Friday’s Award & Recognition assembly.

Early Years and Key Stage 1 Curie Maxwell Newton

88.5% 91.2% 95.6%

Britten Fitzgerald Glennie

92.0% 91.5% 99.0%

Al-Kashi Fibonacci Pythagoras

90.7% 98.3% 99.3%

Well done and huge congratulations to Pythagoras class who are the winners this week with 99.3% this week.

Key Stage 2 Ellington Nicks Shankar

97.3% 100% 91.3%

Lovelace Mirzakhani Ramanujan

98.7% 97.7% 98.7%

Well done and congratulations to Nicks class who are the winners this week with 100% and have earned themselves some extra playtime.

Overall Attendance: 94.1% The attendance this week continues to be very low; we hope to see everyone well and back to school again next week! National average attendance for primary schools is 97.1%. It is important that the children attend school every day and do not miss any learning. Thank you for your support in ensuring your child is at school every day. We always strive for 100%. 7 December 2018 Primary Newsletter


Festive Cards for sale designed by Primary Students

Every child designed a festive card in class. Ms West selected the winning designs which have been put into a pack of 20 and are on sale for you to purchase and share with your friends and family. A pack of 20 cards can be bought for ÂŁ10, payments can be made through WisePay and your cards collected from the reception office.

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Sound Workshop

This week, our Year 4 pupils visited the secondary school to participate in a workshop about sound. They had the opportunity to see how a real oscilloscope works; test out the pitches created by tuning forks and learn about the everyday uses of ultrasound. We are really grateful to Dr Mounsey and Mr Golinski for organising such a wonderful experience for us!

7 December 2018 Primary Newsletter


Key Dates for

Autumn Term 2018 Monday 3rd September – Thursday 20th December

Spring Term 2019 Friday 4th January - Friday 5th April 2019 Half Term: Monday 18th - Friday 22nd February 2019 INSET Days: Friday 4th January, Monday 7th January & 11th March 2019 Monday 10th December

Primary Winter Concert - Year 3 & Year 4 at 2.40pm

Wednesday 12th December

Reception Nativity Play - 9.00am

Wednesday 12th December

Primary Winter Concert - Year 1 & Year 2 at3.00pm

Friday 14th December

Christmas Lunch & Christmas Jumper Day

Thursday 20th December

Awards Assemblies - Term Ends at 12.15pm

Spring Term 2019 Friday 4th January 2019

INSET - No school for students

Monday 7th January 2019

INSET - No school for students

Tuesday 8th January

Back to school for students

Thursday 10th January

Reception Information Evening 6.00pm – September 2019 intake

Friday 11th January

Pupils Progress Reports sent home

Tuesday 15th January

Parent Progress Meetings – pupils finish at 12.15pm

Wednesday 16th January

English SATs Information – Year 2 Parents - 9.00am & 6.00pm

Friday 25th January

Lovelace Class Assembly – Year 4 - 9.00 – 9.20am

Friday 25th January

Al-Kashi Class Assembly – Year 2 – 10.20 – 10.40am

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