1 February 2019 Primary Newsletter

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1 February 2019

Primary Newsletter

Safeguarding Children As part of their curriculum, the children learn how to keep themselves safe. The following website has been set up by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) to offer parents and schools advice on how to raise safeguarding awareness with children. There is a notable section called ‘The Underwear Rule’ which is of particular support and guidance to parents. The website also offers advice regarding ‘online safety’ and how to obtain support or advice regarding the safeguarding of children. www.nspcc.org.uk

Uniform Information & School Uniform Purchases The Primary uniform can be purchased through the Khalsa Schoolwear website or can be bought at Khalsa Schoolwear shop in Bethnal Green. To save on the cost of delivery charges, Khalsa Schoolwear does a school delivery once every month. You can find further details of the delivery dates on their website or you can ask the reception office staff.

• • • • • • • •

We expect every child to be in full uniform every day with their top button done up and wearing their tie All coats must be plain black Shoes must be plain black – no trainers, plimsolls or boots! If you are not sure about the types of shoes that are part of our uniform policy, please ask. Please label every item of clothing One pair of plain stud earrings can be worn Nail polish is not allowed Jewellery is not permitted Long hair for both boys and girls must be tied back. Hair decorations must be small and plain and match the school uniform

Important reminders •

Schools starts at 8.45am (8.35am for Year 3 & Year 4). It is important that your child arrives on time every day so that the teachers can start the lesson promptly. The school gate will be open from 8.25am and will close at 8.45am.

School finishes at 3.45pm (3.35pm for Year 3 & Year 4) every day other than Tuesday when we finish at 3.00pm (2.50pm for Year 3 & Year 4).

If any of your details have changed e.g. your address or phone number – please ensure you contact the office to inform us, so that we can update our records and contact you in case of an emergency.

Please ensure your child attends school every day and on time. If your child is sick then you must call the office to let us know by 8.15am. If your child has a medical appointment you must let us know in advance.

2 Primary Newsletter

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From Tam Broadway – Primary Headteacher It was great to have our first Friends of INA (FOINA) meeting this week where we spent time electing a new committee. It was lovely to have parents from both the Primary and Secondary phases and in some cases parents with children in both phases of the school. Next week I will be able to share with you our new committee members and the date of the next meeting where will welcome more parents to come and along and get involved.

Wednesday 6th February 9.00am This is open to all Primary parents; we look forward to seeing you all then!

1 February 2019 Primary Newsletter


Breakfast and Afterschool Club Every parent has Wisepay details and a password, which will enable you to book a place for ‘Breakfast Club’ or ‘After School Club’. Payments must be made in advance. If you experience any problems, please contact Ms Chaggar who will be happy to help. Breakfast is available each day from 7.45am and costs just £2.50 per day. The children enjoy a range of cereals, toast and different topping, juice or milk and fruit. Any child attending must be brought to the main reception area by 8.20am at the latest. After School Club runs from 3.45pm – 6.00pm (3.00pm – 6.00pm on Tuesdays) and costs just £5.50 per hour. The children enjoy a range of snacks each evening and a variety of games and activities.

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SATs Information Workshop Mathematics (Year 2 Parents) Thursday 31st January Thank you to the Year 2 parents and carers that were able to attend the KS1 Maths SATs workshop on Thursday. We received a good turnout for both the morning and evening sessions. The power point presentation is available to view from the ‘Community’ tab on the website and then in ‘Resources for Parents’. We hope that you were able to take lots of practical and ideas away with you, to help you support your child at home.

Message from Year 1 Next half term in Year 1 we will be creating fantastic Design and Technology transport vehicles. For this, we need lots of cardboard kitchen rolls and small boxes! If you have any at home, please bring them in to one of the Year 1 class teachers. Many thanks in advance!

Absences immediately before or after a school holiday If your child is absent before or after a school holiday we must see evidence for the absence. This may be medical evidence if your child is unwell, or evidence of flight delays or circumstances beyond your control. We cannot authorise any absences before or after a holiday without this evidence and you risk being issued with a penalty notice. 1 February 2019 Primary Newsletter


Maths with Parents Workshop (Year 1 & Year 2) It is really important that you all sign up for the resources and online games that you can do with your child at home to support and complement their learning. If you are having trouble signing up please see your child’s class teacher who will be happy to help. A special well done to the following children who have accessed the most activities and played the most games to date: Year 1 Bilal Hussain Alizah Bhatti Simon Plaskiewicz Hong Yip Aarzoo Ilyas Joshua Adjarho Ethridge

Year 2 Isa Ijaz Hanfi Mohammed Jameel Arshitha Thelapurath

Please sign up using the following website and six-digit codes. www.mathswithparents.com Once you are on the main page you will need to click to ‘log in’ you will be asked to click on the ‘new parent’ tab. When asked for the six-digit class please add as follows and complete the registration details:

Britten Class


Fitzgerald Class










6 Primary Newsletter

1 February 2019

Parent Workshop: Online Safety Wednesday 6th March at 9am Primary Hall

Don’t know your Roblox from your Minecraft? Want to find out why your children love Snapchat and WhatsApp? We are holding a parent workshop on Wednesday 6th March 2019 at 9am in the Primary Hall. The aim of the workshop is to help parents and carers feel more confident about what your children do online, and learn how you can help protect them from some of the dangers and risks. The session will be run by Parent Zone, the leading experts in providing information to parents on the digital world.

1 February 2019 Primary Newsletter


Lovely Learning this week!

This week Year 1 finished sewing and decorating their hand puppets! They are very proud of their final products.

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More Lovely Learning this week! As part of the Year 2 topic on Islam this half term, the pupils took the opportunity to visit Ilford Mosque in order to deepen their knowledge and understanding of Islam and the significance of the Mosque for Muslims.

1 February 2019 Primary Newsletter


If you go down in the woods... ...you might see even more Lovely Learning this week! Next week the reception children are reading the Gruffalo in class.

We were very lucky that we got the opportunity to visit Thornton Country Park and take part in all the different activities and explore the outdoor.

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The children also got to see all the different characters from the book and enjoyed re-enacting the story. Despite the cold weather, the children wrapped up warm and had a fantastic time on the Gruffalo trail.

1 February 2019 Primary Newsletter


THE ROMANS Year 3 produced information posters on The Romans.

Using their understanding of how non–chronological posters are created, they were able to use plan, produce and present their poster to the class.

12 Primary Newsletter

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1 February 2019 Primary Newsletter



Which class can grow the most potatoes?

15th – 18th February From the 15th February each class will chit potatoes, plant them and care for them. On the 18th June we will count up which class harvested the most!

The winning class will get a certificate and win a funky class grass head to have fun growing and hairstyling!

14 Primary Newsletter

1 February 2019


Regular attendance is a crucial factor in students’ educational development and ability to achieve their full potential. At Isaac Newton Academy every student is set the target of 100% attendance. The class with the highest attendance for the phase by the end of every week is awarded the attendance trophy during Friday’s Award & Recognition assembly.

Early Years and Key Stage 1 Curie Maxwell Newton

98.7% 96.0% 99.0%

Britten Fitzgerald Glennie

81.7% 92.2% 93.3%

Al-Kashi Fibonacci Pythagoras

95.7% 98.9% 94.7%

Well done and huge congratulations to Newton class who are the winners this week with 99%. It is great to see the Reception pupils are back this week. We hope to see a healthier Year 1 next week.

Key Stage 2 Ellington Nicks Shankar

98.3% 99.0% 97.3%

Lovelace Mirzakhani Ramanujan

94.7% 97.7% 99.3%

Well done and congratulations to Ramanujan class who are the winners this week with 99.3%.

Overall Attendance: 97.7% National average attendance for primary schools is 97.1%. It is important that the children attend school every day and do not miss any learning. Thank you for your support in ensuring your child is at school every day. We always strive for 100%.

1 February 2019 Primary Newsletter


Praise and Recognition

Every week each teacher chooses two children from their class to receive a certificate in assembly; one is in recognition of a child demonstrating our BRIDGES habit of the week, and the other in recognition of a pupil’s academic effort throughout the week. Well done to the following children, who have been recognised this week: Curie Class: • Ahmed Syed – BRIDGES Habits Award (for being an enthusiastic explorer during the Gruffalo trail). • Ekamjot Kaur - Scholar of the Week (for trying hard to write sentences during English lessons). Maxwell Class: • Isra Shahid – BRIDGES Habits Award (for noticing all the different animals on the Gruffalo trail). • Viraaj Saini - Scholar of the Week (for independently joining in all the activities on the school trip). Newton Class: • Fadil Baig – BRIDGES Habits (for his positive attitude during our visit to Thorndon Park). • Maximilian Kimborowicz – Scholar of the Week (for working really hard during English lessons). Britten Class: • Hamza Ahmed – BRIDGES Habits Award (for showing curiosity by asking lots of questions). • Raihan Alom – Scholar of the Week (for successfully adding the prefix ‘un’ to words). Fitzgerald Class: • Azhan Ishaque – BRIDGES Habits Award (for disovering lots of new things about INA life and settling in really well). • David Bros – Scholar of the Week (for always being ready and excited to learn and beginning to use exclamation marks in his writing).

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Glennie Class: • Ishaq Rahman – BRIDGES Habits Award (for always being curious and asking interesting questions during learning times). • Nidhi Jogia – Scholar of the Week (for successfully using the prefix ‘un’ to change the meaning of a work to its opposite). Al-Kashi Class: • Hanfil Mohammed Jameel – BRIDGES Habits Award (for showing good discovery in science when investigating about materials). • Manahil Shaukat – Scholar of the Week (for using relative clauses in her 5 part story). Fibonacci Class: • Devyani Soni – BRIDGES Habits Award (for using her creativity skills when designing a Paul Klee inspired picture). • Alia Malik - Scholar of the Week (for trying really hard in her maths this week, particularly with reasoning questions). Pythagoras Class: • Shresta Yeruva – BRIDGES Habits Award (for showing curiosity by drafting good questions to investigate about the effects of forces in science). • Tanush Handa – Scholar of the Week (for showing lovely grit during his tests this week and going back to self-check his answers and correct any errors). Ellington Class: • Asher Shah – BRIDGES Habits Award (for showing curiosity by asking questions and searching for answers). • Janani Pradeep Kumar – Scholar of the Week (for her use of the first person in narrative writing). Nicks Class: • Akbar Hussain – BRIDGES Habits Award (for showing fantastic curiosity about many areas of science and sharing his knowledge with the class). • Sanam Shah – Scholar of the Week (for being a role model to the rest of the class for her excellent attitude to learning).

1 February 2019 Primary Newsletter


Shankar Class: • Meliah Henry – BRIDGES Habits Award (for showing great ‘curiosity’ by asking lots of pertinent questions during lessons). • Miram Mirza - Scholar of the Week (for trying incredibly hard in her English lessons and for improving her writing in particular). Lovelace Class • Mariam Chowdhury – BRIDGES Habits Award (for an increased level of curiosity shown through asking more questions and becoming more receptive to teacher feedback). • Ayaan Riaz Hussain - Scholar of the Week (for articulating hardship and demographical issues through his diary entry giving Pascal’s perspective). Mirzakhani Class: • Avneet Chaggar – BRIDGES Habits Award (for demonstrating curiosity by asking perceptive questions during geography lessons). • Amber Carless – Scholar of the Week (for creating a fantastic chocolate box design by considering imagery, brand name and slogan). Ramanujan Class: • Aqeel Nazir – BRIDGES Habits Award (for demonstrating curiosity by asking questions to further his understanding). • Zaina Hussain – Scholar of the Week (for demonstrating enthusiasm during our geography lessons about Fairtrade).

Calling all Actimel Pots! Many thanks for the Actimel bottles being donated. Please keep these coming – either to the box in Reception or to Ms Willcox - over the next couple of months.

We need, ideally, 360!!!

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Music of the Fortnight Chen Yi

To celebrate the Chinese New Year, we will be listening to and learning about Chen Yi as our Composer of the Fortnight. As a suggested activity to support at home, you could gather some facts about Yi in preparation for the coming weeks. You can find out some facts and hear some of her music on the following links. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chen_Yi_(composer) http://www.composers21.com/compdocs/chenyi.htm

1 February 2019 Primary Newsletter


Headteacher’s Lunch

Well done to the following pupils who have been nominated for the Headteacher’s Lunch for next Friday1st February 2019. An invitation will be given to the children during our Celebration and Awards Assembly:

Raya Alam - Curie Taheem Ali - Curie Anaya Fahad - Maxwell Mohammed Esa Gul - Maxwell Shaan Bihal - Newton Muhammad Ali Butt - Newton

Khalid Ahmed- Britten Alisha Ali - Fitzgerald Zaki Adnan - Glennie Tasnia Anis - Al-Kashi Keyaan Alam - Fibonacci Youssef Abir - Pythagoras

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Mohammed Musa AliEllington Aairah Abid - Nicks Yusuf Ahmed - Shankar Zairah Ali - Lovelace Eesa Anwar - Mirzakhani Sayef Ahmed - Ramanujan

1 February 2019

Merits The following pupils have received 25 merits since September for making good choices and moving up to gold on the class ‘good choice chart’ – this is fantastic achievement. A special ‘bronze’ certificate will be presented during the Celebration and Awards Assembly. Amina Ali Devyani Soni Araiya Lard Giorgio Nicosia Amber Carless Amna Nusrat Ayah Singh Khubaib Shahzad Avreet Kaur Abeera Ahmad Zenia Ziadi Beetaa Bayrami

Divyam Gohil Rushda Hasnat Jahdior Malcolm Taranveer Matharu Hiba Rehan Moazan Saraj Monira Miah Fathia Majumder Khadija Jamil Jasson Maheshwaran Elis Richardson Silha Omer

Emaan Hassan Tay’Shawn Holland Kaysha Reid Khadija Bukhari Shresta Yeruva Rida Alam Kiana Benjamin Maria Mohamed Faiz Arshitha Thelapurath Manahil Shaukat Aydin Landi

The following pupil has received 50 merits since September for making good choices and moving up to gold on the class ‘good choice chart’ – this is fantastic achievement. A special ‘silver’ certificate will be presented during the Celebration and Awards Assembly. Mohammadou Sillah Marega Muahid Ahmad Medina Islam Alizah Bhatti

1 February 2019 Primary Newsletter


BRIDGES in the Primary Phase “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.� Isaac Newton BRIDGES are habits of mind or learning characteristics that develop a pupil's character and learning power and enable him/her to grow into a well-rounded individual and resilient learner. There are seven BRIDGES habits that we will be working on, which will rotate on a weekly cycle throughout the year. The BRIDGES habit of the week will always be introduced at the beginning of the week during the Monday assembly and reinforced throughout the week across the curriculum. Each class teacher will award a certificate to a pupil that they feel has demonstrated the BRIDGES focus for the week. Each week we will update you on the BRIDGES habit that will be introduced in the coming week and offer some top tips on how to reinforce the habit at home too. Please also refer to the Primary BRIDGES wheel below.

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Week commencing 4th February 2019


Grit comprises seven dispositions: Perseverance Managing

Distractions Resilience Patience

Concentration Determination

At School •

At part of our 6 pillars we continuously stress the importance to the children about managing distractions and concentrating during their learning time.

It is essential that from Reception upwards that the children become better at managing distractions and demonstrate that they can work on a task for a sustained period of time.

We always encourage a ‘can do’ resilient attitude and talk to the children about the importance of not giving up on a task too easily, even when it presents as a challenge, learning that ‘practice makes perfect’.

We discuss that having patience and trying something again, even though we may find it difficult, will lead to success. We also explain that patient can also mean not having what we want instantly and that sometimes we have to wait our turn.

At Home •

Encourage your child to try and complete things more independently – when they say they can’t do something – tell your child to have a go and to try a little harder. If then they are still completely stuck with a task, then offer a small amount of help to get them started.

Offer encouragement and praise your child’s effort.

Talk to your child about how you learned to do things and how hard some things were for you too but through not giving up, being determined and practising you got better.

1 February 2019 Primary Newsletter


Key Dates for

Spring Term 2019 Friday 4th January - Friday 5th April 2019 Half Term: Monday 18th - Friday 22nd February 2019 INSET Days: 11th March 2019 Wednesday 6th February

Parent Coffee Morning & E-Safety Workshop – 9.00am

Friday 8th February

Ellington Class Assembly – Year 3 - 9.00 – 9.20am

Friday 8th February

Britten Class Assembly – Year 1 – 10.20 – 10.40am

Friday 15th February

Break Up for Half Term – 3.45pm

Monday 18th – Friday 22nd February


Wednesday 27th February

High Attainers Parent Workshop - 9.00am & 6.00pm

Monday 4th March

Home & Family Week – No enrichment clubs

Monday 4th March

Literature & Wonderful Handwriting Week

Thursday 7st March

World Book Day – (Dress up as a book character)

Monday 11th March

INSET– no school for students

Friday 15th March

Shankar Class Assembly – Year 3 - 9.00 – 9.20am

Friday 15th March

Fitzgerald Class Assembly – Year 1 – 10.20 – 10.40am

Wednesday 20th March

Parent Coffee Morning – 9am

Thursday 28th March

PE Spring Spectacular

Friday 29th March

Maxwell Class Assembly – Year R – 10.20 – 10.am

Wednesday 3rd April

Easter Bonnet Parade

Thursday 4th April

Easter Egg Hunt

Thursday 4th April

Music Spring Concert

Friday 5th April

End of Term Awards Assemblies – pupils finish at 12.15pm

24 Primary Newsletter

1 February 2019

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