22 March 2019 Primary Newsletter

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22 March 2019

Primary Newsletter

Safeguarding Children As part of their curriculum, the children learn how to keep themselves safe. The following website has been set up by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) to offer parents and schools advice on how to raise safeguarding awareness with children. There is a notable section called ‘The Underwear Rule’ which is of particular support and guidance to parents. The website also offers advice regarding ‘online safety’ and how to obtain support or advice regarding the safeguarding of children. www.nspcc.org.uk

Uniform Information & School Uniform Purchases The Primary uniform can be purchased through the Khalsa Schoolwear website or can be bought at Khalsa Schoolwear shop in Bethnal Green. To save on the cost of delivery charges, Khalsa Schoolwear does a school delivery once every month. You can find further details of the delivery dates on their website or you can ask the reception office staff.

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We expect every child to be in full uniform every day with their top button done up and wearing their tie All coats must be plain black Shoes must be plain black – no trainers, plimsolls or boots! If you are not sure about the types of shoes that are part of our uniform policy, please ask. Please label every item of clothing One pair of plain stud earrings can be worn Nail polish is not allowed Jewellery is not permitted Long hair for both boys and girls must be tied back. Hair decorations must be small and plain and match the school uniform

Important reminders •

Schools starts at 8.45am (8.35am for Year 3 & Year 4). It is important that your child arrives on time every day so that the teachers can start the lesson promptly. The school gate will be open from 8.25am and will close at 8.45am.

School finishes at 3.45pm (3.35pm for Year 3 & Year 4) every day other than Tuesday when we finish at 3.00pm (2.50pm for Year 3 & Year 4).

If any of your details have changed e.g. your address or phone number – please ensure you contact the office to inform us, so that we can update our records and contact you in case of an emergency.

Please ensure your child attends school every day and on time. If your child is sick then you must call the office to let us know by 8.15am. If your child has a medical appointment you must let us know in advance.

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From Tam Broadway – Primary Headteacher Thank you to those of you that were able to attend the Parent Coffee morning this week. A representative from Khalsa Schoolwear was also in attendance. He was able to discuss any uniform queries from parents and make some suggestions on how the service could be improved going forward. We also discussed some of the parking issues and the dangers of parents perpetually parking on the double yellow lines each day and causing a hazard along the walkway on Cricklefield Place. Minutes of the meeting will be shared with all parents in the coming week.

Absences immediately before or after a school holiday If your child is absent before or after a school holiday we must see evidence for the absence. This may be medical evidence if your child is unwell, or evidence of flight delays or circumstances beyond your control. We cannot authorise any absences before or after a holiday without this evidence and you risk being issued with a penalty n�tice.

22 March 2019

Primary Newsletter


Breakfast and Afterschool Club Every parent has Wisepay details and a password, which will enable you to book a place for ‘Breakfast Club’ or ‘After School Club’. Payments must be made in advance. If you experience any problems, please contact Ms Chaggar who will be happy to help. Breakfast is available each day from 7.45am and costs just £2.50 per day. The children enjoy a range of cereals, toast and different topping, juice or milk and fruit. Any child attending must be brought to the main reception area by 8.20am at the latest. After School Club runs from 3.45pm – 6.00pm (3.00pm – 6.00pm on Tuesdays) and costs just £5.50 per hour. The children enjoy a range of snacks each evening and a variety of games and activities.

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Spring Term Celebration and Awards Assembly At the end of every term the children enjoy the opportunity to share and celebrate some of their learning and achievements with you. Each teacher chooses two children from their class to receive a certificate in the Celebration and Awards Assembly, one in recognition of a child who has demonstrated the habits of all the seven BRIDGES throughout the term, and the other in recognition of a pupil’s outstanding academic effort and achievement. The assemblies start at the following times in the Primary dining hall:

Wednesday 3rd April 8.45-9.15am – Year 4 (All Year 4 parents are invited to attend) 9.30-10.00am – Year 1 (All Year 1 parents are invited to attend)

Thursday 4th April 8.45 – 9.15am – Year 3 (All Year 3 parents are invited to attend) 9.30-10.00am – Reception (All Reception parents are invited to attend) 10.15-10.45am – Year 2 (All Year 2 parents are invited to attend) The spring term Pupil Progress Reports and Parent Progress Meetings will take place after the Easter break. The Pupil Progress Reports will be sent out to you on Friday 26th April and the Parent Progress Meetings will take place on Tuesday 30th April; school will finish at 12.15pm on this day.

22 March 2019

Primary Newsletter


Easter Bonnet Parade

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 This year the competition will run for the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children only. This was a decision made in consultation with the School Council. The Easter Bonnet Parade will take place straight after school in the dining hall at 4.00pm on Wednesday 3rd April. Every child is invited to make an Easter Bonnet to enter the competition. The children will need to be able to wear their bonnet for a short time to show off to our panel of judges. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes will be given for the most inventive and creative bonnets from each year group. You will need to sign up to say that your child will be entering on one of the sheets in the playground or front reception office by Wednesday 27th March. We will then issue you with spectator tickets on Monday 1st April; we will be able to allocate either one or two tickets for your child depending on the number of entrants we receive. So, it is really important that you sign up on time so that we can work out the number of spectators and ensure we have the correct capacity. If you are struggling with ideas, there are plenty of inspirational designs on google images. You are welcome to bring and leave your child’s bonnet in a safe place at school for the day and to collect at 4pm, if you are leaving it please make sure it is labelled. Alternatively, you may want to bring it into school at 4pm.

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Decorated Eggs Competition Year 3 and Year 4 Having consulted with the School Council, we have decided to introduce a new competition this year for the older children. Pupils are invited to imaginatively decorate a small egg; this can be a hard-boiled egg or small wooden egg. All entries will need to be clearly labelled with your child’s name and form group and handed in to their class teacher by Monday 1st April in time to be judged. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes will be given for the most creative and well decorated eggs from each year group. The eggs will be on display during the End of Term assemblies for parents to view. If you would like your child to enter either competition, we ask for a £3 contribution. The money raised will help to buy the mini eggs for the Easter Egg Hunts for all year groups.

The Easter Egg Hunts will take place during the last week of the term during learning time. Every child will make a small basket and will receive some mini eggs to take home with them. 22 March 2019

Primary Newsletter


Lovely Learning this week! Over the past few weeks, Year 1 have been designing and creating their own 3D wheeled vehicles during design and technology lessons.

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Lovely Learning this week! They are very proud of their final products!

22 March 2019

Primary Newsletter


More Lovely Learning this week! This week, Year 4 visited Sukkat Shalom Synagogue in Wanstead to support their Judaism topic in R.E. The pupils examined the different features of a synagogue including a mezuzah which is found on the doorpost of Jewish homes. They then explored different Jewish items such as a kippa, menorah, shofar and the Torah scrolls. The rabbi answered a range of pupils’ questions about Judaism and provided an insight to Jewish festivals.

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Year 3 visit the Science Museum On Monday 18th March, 2019 – Year 3 went on a wonderful trip to the Science Museum! The trip was to compliment the science topic that we’ve been focusing on this term entitled ‘How do forces help us?’ The children were able to have a look around the museum, as well as participate in an incredibly engaging workshop called ‘Feel the Force’ where they were able to learn lots more about forces and magnets. Overall, an excellent day, which was made even better by the fact the children got to learn even more about our namesake; Isaac Newton!

22 March 2019

Primary Newsletter



Regular attendance is a crucial factor in students’ educational development and ability to achieve their full potential. At Isaac Newton Academy every student is set the target of 100% attendance. The class with the highest attendance for the phase by the end of every week is awarded the attendance trophy during Friday’s Award & Recognition assembly.

Early Years and Key Stage 1 Curie Maxwell Newton

97.3% 91.7% 95.7%

Britten Fitzgerald Glennie

95.0% 93.0% 94.0%

Al-Kashi Fibonacci Pythagoras

97.3% 98.6% 97.3%

Well done and congratulations to Fibonacci class who are the winners this week with 98.6%.

Key Stage 2 Ellington Nicks Shankar

93.7% 96.3% 99.7%

Lovelace Mirzakhani Ramanujan

92.7% 93.3% 96.0%

Well done and congratulations to Shankar Class who are the winners again this week with 99.7%.

Overall Attendance: 95.5%. The attendance figures are disappointing this week in some classes; we hope to see an improvement next week. National average attendance for primary schools is 97.1%. It is important that the children attend school every day and do not miss any learning. Thank you for your support in ensuring your child is at school every day. We always strive for 100%.

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Praise and Recognition

Every week each teacher chooses two children from their class to receive a certificate in assembly; one is in recognition of a child demonstrating our BRIDGES habit of the week, and the other in recognition of a pupil’s academic effort throughout the week. Well done to the following children, who have been recognised this week: Curie Class:

Haniya Shaikh – BRIDGES Habits Award (for showing great humanity by taking care of her peers in the classroom and in the playground). Ekaterina Ratkova - Scholar of the Week (for using the classroom resources to support her learning). Maxwell Class:

Musa Malik – BRIDGES Habits Award (for using his kind hands in class and outside). Alisha Islam - Scholar of the Week (for exploring addition by counting on). Newton Class:

Tahsin Chakma – BRIDGES Habits (for always being the first to offer support when his friends are in need of help). Ayat Zahra – Scholar of the Week (for showing great ambition and determination when adapting The Very Hungry Caterpillar). Britten Class:

Alizah Bhatti – BRIDGES Habits Award (for always being fair and working well with her peers). Ayaan Muhammad – Scholar of the Week (for writing a fantastic alliterative poem). Fitzgerald Class:

Jai Pathak – BRIDGES Habits Award (for showing kindness and humanity during partner learning and in the playground). Fatima Kashif – Scholar of the Week (for some excellent accurate and neat quartering of shapes).

22 March 2019

Primary Newsletter


Glennie Class:

Fatiha Majumder – BRIDGES Habits Award (for always being kind in class and on the playground). Sheryar Javed – Scholar of the Week (for successfully finding a quarter of a shape). Al-Kashi Class:

Sarah Master – BRIDGES Habits Award (for always being a kind, caring and helpful classmate to her peers). Jashandeep Singh Mehmi – Scholar of the Week (for improving the quantity and quality of his writing within the time he was given). Fibonacci Class:

Nobin Chowdhury – BRIDGES Habits Award (for using his humanity and being kind to everyone). Humzar Anwar - Scholar of the Week (for applying all the skills learnt in his writing to all other subjects). Pythagoras Class:

Imaan Javed – BRIDGES Habits Award (for the positive and open way that she interacts with her friends). Jawad Imran – Scholar of the Week (for a positive attitude to learning and a willingness to attempt every task). Ellington Class:

Sohana Hoque – BRIDGES Habits Award (for showing citizenship when working with her peers during maths). Mohid Asif – Scholar of the Week (for finding unit and non-unit fractions of a given amount). Nicks Class:

Ekam Bains – BRIDGES Habits Award (for demonstrating excellent citizenship when on a school trip). Maya Ahmed – Scholar of the Week (for writing a mini-saga demonstrating that she is meeting her writing targets).

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Shankar Class:

Saminderpreet Kaur – BRIDGES Habits Award (for showing excellent citizenship by helping her classmates to all feel a sense of togetherness). Inshirah Nabeel - Scholar of the Week (for producing three excellent minisagas which included fantastic vocabulary and adjectival phrases). Lovelace Class

Nirmalpreet Durhailay – BRIDGES Habits Award (for always demonstrating humility and fairness towards her peers). J’Shawn Holland - Scholar of the Week (for using suspense and tension generating techniques in his writing). Mirzakhani Class:

Ghiyas Elahi – BRIDGES Habits Award (for demonstrating integrity by always being honest). Swara Kinhikar – Scholar of the Week (for writing an excellent suspense text in English). Ramanujan Class:

Jeevat Palray – BRIDGES Habits Award (for demonstrating citizenship by showing consideration for her environment). Sayef Ahmed – Scholar of the Week (for making some insightful scientific conductors and insulators).

22 March 2019

Primary Newsletter


Headteacher’s Lunch Well done to the following pupils who have been nominated for the Headteacher’s Lunch for next Friday 29th March 2019. An invitation will be given to the children during our Celebration and Awards Assembly: Elsa Matilda - Curie Tahsinah Begum - Britten Nicholas Fetrina Jardiel Ellington Ahmad Musa - Curie Medina Islam - Fitzgerald Haroon Ali- Nicks Musa Malik - Maxwell Hamza Dakri - Glennie Jeevan Hunjan - Shankar Monira Miah - Maxwell Preeti Caldiera - Al-Kashi Osman Dean - Lovelace Maximilian Kimborowicz Zoya Butt - Fibonacci Newton Ryan Charles - Pythagoras Ronak Chatha - Mirzakhani Khadeeja Nadir Khan Jasmine Gadhia Newton Ramanujan

Music of the Fortnight Evelyn Glennie

For the next few weeks after half term, we will be listening to and learning about Evelyn Glennie as our Composer of the Fortnight. As a suggested activity to support at home, you could gather some facts about Glennie in preparation for the coming weeks. You can find out some facts and hear some of her music on the following links. http://www.youtube.com/user/DameEvelynGlennie http://www.evelyn.co.uk/composer/

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Merits The following pupils have received 25 merits since September for making good choices and moving up to gold on the class ‘good choice chart’ – this is fantastic achievement. A special ‘bronze’ certificate will be presented during the Celebration and Awards Assembly. Arfah Noor Ayaan Muhammad Amna Nusrat Zoya Butt Eshaal Khan Shayaan Sham Fatima Kashif Jashandeep Singh Mehmi Ayat Zahra Liyana Mubarack Ali Gurnoor Singh Kalkat Ryan Abraham Aariz Khan Ilyas Mohamed Anees Malik Sabah Akram Khadeeja Nadir Khan Tariq Hamed

The following pupil has received 50 merits since September for making good choices and moving up to gold on the class ‘good choice chart’ – this is fantastic achievement. A special ‘silver’ certificate will be presented during the Celebration and Awards Assembly.Assembly. Adam Chowdhury Zara Asim

Orpah Haque Gurkirpa Hunjan Mariam Faheem

Alexandra Bale-Orhorha Imani Salim

The following pupil has received 75 merits since September for making good choices and moving up to gold on the class ‘good choice chart’ – this is fantastic achievement. A special ‘gold’ certificate will be presented during the Celebration and Awards Assembly. Azmain Islam

22 March 2019

Primary Newsletter


BRIDGES in the Primary Phase “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.� Isaac Newton BRIDGES are habits of mind or learning characteristics that develop a pupil's character and learning power and enable him/her to grow into a well-rounded individual and resilient learner. There are seven BRIDGES habits that we will be working on, which will rotate on a weekly cycle throughout the year. The BRIDGES habit of the week will always be introduced at the beginning of the week during the Monday assembly and reinforced throughout the week across the curriculum. Each class teacher will award a certificate to a pupil that they feel has demonstrated the BRIDGES focus for the week. Each week we will update you on the BRIDGES habit that will be introduced in the coming week and offer some top tips on how to reinforce the habit at home too. Please also refer to the Primary BRIDGES wheel below.

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Week commencing 25th March 2019


Discovery comprises seven dispositions: Energy Enthusiasm

Noticing Open-Mindedness Curiosity

Imagining Creativity

At School •

We make our lessons as fun and interactive every day so that every child loves learning and have a sense of enthusiasm with everything they do. Our lessons are very hands on and we ask the children to share their learning with the ‘talk partners’. We talk to the children about looking out for the details on things around them, to look closely at the bugs and the leaves in the playground and what happens to everything as the seasons change. We encourage the children to check their work and try to spot any errors they may have made. Through our topic approach we engender a sense of curiosity and wonder in the children where they are keen to go home and find out more. We talk about human characteristics and traits and what makes us all the same but equally what makes us different and that it is good to have differences and to appreciate them with an open mind. Every area of the curriculum helps the children to become more creative –either through role-play, stories, music and PE – helping the children to use their imaginations.

At Home •

Encourage your child to use their imagination by making up stories together, or suggesting ways in which they could change parts of a story they know well , either change the gender of the characters, have them go on a different adventure etc. Pupils love to role play different characters and it is often even more fun when the adults join in too. Play along and have fun! Play games with your child like ‘I spy’ where you can see how many things they can notice beginning with a certain sound or letter they may already know or ask your child to think about an object and describe it using powerful adjectives. Ask questions like ‘I wonder what would happen if…?’ or ‘what do you think might happen if?’ or ‘why do you think…? These types of deeper questions will encourage the children to use their creativity and imagination more fully. Either independently or with help, encourage your child to read or research more information around the topics they have been studying in class. The children could also spend time researching our current composer.

22 March 2019

Primary Newsletter


Key Dates for

Spring Term 2019 Friday 4th January - Friday 5th April 2019

Wednesday 27th March

Year 3 and Year 4 Spring Music Concert 9am

Wednesday 27th March

Year 1 and Year 2 Spring Music Concert 3pm

Thursday 28th March

PE Spring Spectacular

Friday 29th March

Maxwell Class Assembly – Year R 9:00–9:30am

Wednesday 3rd April

Easter Bonnet Parade 4:00pm

Thursday 4th April

Easter Egg Hunt

Thursday 4th April

Music Spring Concert - Secondary

Friday 5th April

End of Term Awards Assemblies – pupils finish at 12.15pm

Summer Term 2019 Tuesday 23rd April - Tuesday 23rd July 2019

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