8 November 2019
Secondary Newsletter
Southern Entrance
We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.
Safeguarding The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Leanne Abbott-Jones Assistant Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Sugra Alibhai Head of Sixth Form Designated Child Protection Officers Patrick Ball (Online safety) Amreen Patel Pardeep Chaggar Jag Singh Gareth Marshall-Jones David Wilson Mariam Mayet You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.
Secondary Newsletter
8 November 2019
Dear Parents and Carers, We are busy analysing the data from the Year 11 mock exams and look forward to discussing students’ progress and next steps with parents/carers at the Year 11 Progress meeting on Wednesday 27th November. All other year groups will commence assessments starting Monday 11th November in readiness for the autumn data collection and reports cycle and students should be busy practising and revising in preparation. On Wednesday 20th November INA has its annual Ahmed Al-Khafaji Day. For families new to the school, Ahmed was student in our founding year group who was with us throughout Years 7 to 9 but sadly passed away in July 2014. Ahmed was a great character. His sense of excitement for learning and knowledge was palpable. His sense of curiosity and imagination as a learner was infectious. He was a committed musician who had his own band and loved to play the trombone and piano, he wrote poetry, he was a keen scientist, a debater, a student with strong social, moral and political views. He loved languages and read and wrote in Arabic. He was a fantastic all-rounder! And he was loved by his peers and the staff. Ahmed displayed so many of the BRIDGES dispositions and character traits. In honour of Ahmed and to keep his memory alive in the school, we take a day out of our routine each year to model the behaviours that Ahmed displayed so powerfully. On this day we encourage everyone in the INA community, staff and students, to get engrossed in learning about something that really excites and engages them. For some this will involve a trip to a museum or gallery, for others curling up and reading some books related to a course they are studying or watching documentaries or films related to course material. Some students spend the day making music with friends or practising a sport they are learning. Some staff members visit other schools to learn from best practice or carry out research or further reading. We all learn off-site on this day. For pupils in primary, it would be great if parents could think about what activity they could undertake to promote curiosity, a thirst for learning and a sense of excitement about acquiring new knowledge. Once we return to school following Ahmed Day, every student and every member of staff is invited to complete a card reflecting on what they spent the day doing and learning and display these around the school. And finally, just a reminder that we have an IL Day scheduled for Tuesday 26th November. More details will follow in next week’s newsletter.
With all best wishes,
Jo Spencer
Cover Photo: Students enjoying their lunchtime under the canopy. 8 November 2019
Secondary Newsletter
Years 10 and 11 Be sure to purchase a GCSE Science revision guide and workbook Contains revision notes, exam practice Qs, glossary of key words and more
Combined Science students - £9 Separate Science students - £12
(for three books: Biology, Chemistry and Physics)
Collect books from Mr Golinski (T17) on Wednesdays/Fridays
after school once purchased
Friday 7th February 2020 at the Apollo Theatre, London Students will leave school after line-up and will be back by 4:30 pm Students will hear talks aimed at GCSE students from these famous, well-renowned scientists.
Prof Helen Czerski
Prof Andrea Sella
Prof Alice Roberts
Prof Robert Winston
Improve your Science GCSE results with top tips on examination success from an experienced science examiner. The event costs £19.00, to be uploaded to Wisepay by Friday 22nd November. Students are expected to catch up on any learning missed.
Secondary Newsletter
8 November 2019
Year 11 Next Steps Interviews In order to support students with making informed decisions about their post 16 choices each student will have a 1-to-1 interview with a member of SLT or the Pastoral Team. Interviews will take place on Tuesday 26th November on the Independent Learning day. Each meeting will be approximately 20 minutes. Students will be advised of the time of their interviews by letter and parents will be informed that the letter has been issued by text. The interviews will only involve the student and the member of staff. This is to support the students in transitioning into being fully independent learners. As we are sure you can appreciate; logistically arranging the meetings for all of Year 11 is a large and complex operation. Therefore it will not be possible to amend the meeting times. The discussion at the interviews will centre on the following questions: • What university courses or equivalent are you considering? Will this impact on your current career aspirations? • What courses have you considered studying at KS5? Why? What research have you completed around other possible choices? • Are you intending to stay at INA? Have you submitted an application? • What is your plan for KS5 if your ideal situation does not occur? What steps have you taken to research your secondary plan? • Are you considering the EPQ? Why? If yes, what would your area of research be? We trust that parents and carers will support students by ensuring that they are fully prepared for these important meetings by discussing the above questions with them in advance of the meeting. To support with research we would recommend the following websites: http://russellgroup.ac.uk/media/5320/informedchoices.pdf https://www.ucas.com/?schemes=Undergraduate&theme=all_ stages&tile=tile-276 https://www.unifrog.org/student https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/ http://www.plotr.co.uk/ http://www.bestcourse4me.com We hope that this meeting will be a great opportunity for our Year 11 students to feel excited about their future decisions and we look forward to supporting them during this time. Ms Alibhai & Mr Crowther- Green 8 November 2019
Secondary Newsletter
What is Pla
Working learning ou you are going, the a and resources you w encounter. Giving p situation and break
What is Pr
Being able to order
TOP TIPS: Students
Jan Gehl In all aspects of our life planning and prioritising is crucial. For some careers, planning is the main disposition that is used. This is true for urban planners (people who design and plan towns and cities). One of the most successful urban planners is Jan Gehl. Gehl’s approach to urban planning stems from his prioritising – he decided early on his career that people, not vehicles, should be the most important consideration when designing a city. He has implemented this “Cities for People” method on cities around the world, including London, New York, Auckland and Copenhagen. Copenhagen is considered to be one of the most pedestrian-friendly cities in the world! You could also opt for a career in urban planning. Imagine the excitement of imagining an end goal and thinking through the steps to make that vision a reality!
Secondary Newsletter
• Use your organis information such instrument prac • Plan significant p starting them. • Make lists of tas complete them i • Create and use a meet or exceed • Use a calendar t as controlled ass forward plan you • With your daily a important and u
Students w
Samirah 10E
8 November 2019
ut in advance. Thinking about where actions you are going to take, the time will need, and the obstacles you may prior thought to the best strategy for a king it down into a sequence of actions.
Showing an awareness of the goal or target and knowing what steps to take to get there, thinking into the future to foresee the difficult steps, using a mind map and notes to ensure your end product contains all the details, working to a deadline, estimating times to complete certain tasks, learning from your experience, constantly redrafting and modifying learning, acting on feedback from yourself and others.
r things to achieve your goal.
ser to record I/L and other key h as meetings, rehearsals, reading, ctice, notes etc. pieces of IL and class learning before
sks which need to be done and in a targeted order. a revision timetable to ensure that you your targets. to record key upcoming events such sessments, tests and mock exams and ur time. activities, consider which is the most urgent and do that first.
• Continue to check your son/daughter’s organiser every week to ensure I/L and tasks they set themselves are completed. • Explain your own methods of planning and prioritising to your son/daughter. • Encourage your son/daughter to plan an event at home, at school or in the local community.
who have shown great Planning and Prioritising sklills at INA Samirah has shown great forward planning as she has started her GCSEs. This has included staying after school to complete IL well in advance of deadlines.
8 November 2019
Saarah 11S
Saarah demonstrates great prioritising through her logical approach to sequencing revision. Just one element of this is how she plans her revision so that she begins with the topic areas that will need most focus.
Secondary Newsletter
Modern Foreign Languages
Purchase one or both of the following to support your learning.
Speak to Miss Coates if you are interested.
Secondary Newsletter
8 November 2019
Saturday Stretch
Are you interested in Aviation? Do you want to be a Pilot? If the answer is YES then you should attend the next Saturday Stretch workshop from 10-12pm on the 16th November 2019 at Isaac Newton Academy. The session will be led by an Aviation Technology and Pilot Studies graduate, who studied at Leeds University. You will be presented with a unique and interesting insight into the Aviation industry and desirable skills for Pilots. If you would like to get involved please sign up with Mr Singh in S47. (P.S. The dress code is non-uniform!)
8 November 2019
Secondary Newsletter
INA Attendance and Punctuality Regular attendance is a crucial factor in students’ educational development and success in achieving their full potential. Missing out on education and learning leaves students vulnerable to falling behind, putting them under unnecessary pressure. At Isaac Newton Academy every student is expected to maintain 100% attendance.
All students need to be present on site and ready for line up no later than 8.25am each day and as such we advise students to be through the school gates (side entrance and southern entrance) no later than 8.23am.
Reporting of child’s absence
In line with INA attendance policy it is the parent/ carer's responsibility to phone the school by 8.15am on each day of an absence. If you fail to contact the school to inform us of your child’s absence we may take the necessary steps to ensure your child is safe. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the INA Attendance policy.
Year group and form attendance for last week
Tutor 7A 7C 7E 7I 7N 7S 7W Total
% Tutor % Tutor 92.8 8A 97.3 9A 96.8 8C 97.4 9C 100.0 8E 95.2 9E 95.5 8I 100.0 9I 93.9 8N 94.0 9N 97.4 8S 97.0 9S 99.6 8W 95.9 9W 96.5 Total 96.7 Total
% Tutor % Tutor % 95.7 10A 95.3 11A 95.6 98.7 10C 89.6 11C 94.1 98.5 10E 94.8 11I 98.2 91.8 10I 94.0 11N 90.1 99.2 10N 92.0 11S 94.2 95.9 10S 96.0 11T 88.2 96.8 10W 94.0 11W 89.4 96.7 Total 93.7 Total 92.7
Absences immediately before or after a school holiday If your child is absent before or after a school holiday we must see evidence for the absence. This may be medical evidence if your child is unwell, or evidence of flight delays or circumstances beyond your control. We cannot authorise any absences before or after a holiday without this evidence and you risk being issued with a penalty notice.
Secondary Newsletter
8 November 2019
KS3 INDEPENDENT LEARNING INSTRUCTIONS: For your PE independent learning, you need to refer to the resources:
This PC > Student Share (S) > _Student_Share_MODIFY_Folder_ >PE
FIXTURE REPORTS: Year 8 NETBALL – INA 3-2 LOXFORD Well done to the Year 8 Netball team for winning their first fixture of the league against Loxford. The team continued to demonstrate great resilience and determination as they made sure they held onto the win until the final whistle of the game. KS3/4 Girls Basketball Borough Tournament A huge congratulations to the girls Basketball team who finished runners up in the Basketball borough tournament. Great teamwork and resilience was demonstrated to ensure they were successful throughout their games, ensuring they received the well deserved title of being the second best girls Basketball team in Redbridge.
UNWANTED TRAINERS: If you have any unwanted trainers the P.E. department would be very grateful for your donations. Please give your donations to a member of P.E. staff in S01.
8 November 2019
Secondary Newsletter
Autumn Term 2019 Monday 2nd September - Friday 20th December 2019 Key Dates Monday 11th November
Year 7–10 Assessments begin
Friday 15th November
Year 10 – Skills London trip 12-4pm
Tuesday 19th November
GCSE Music recital
Wednesday 20th November
Ahmed Al-Khafaji Day – No school for students
Monday 25th November
Year 7–10 Assessments end
Tuesday 26th November
IL Day – Students study at home Year 11 – Next steps interviews
Wednesday 27th November
Year 11 – Progress meetings 2.30-6.30pm
Wednesday 4th December
GCSE Presentation Evening
Tuesday 10th December
Community Party
Thursday 12th December
Christmas Lunch
Monday 16th December
Year 7 Awards Assembly
Thursday 19th December
Winter Concert
Friday 20th December
Year 8-11 - Awards Assemblies
Secondary Newsletter
8 November 2019