22 November 2019 Secondary Newsletter

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22 November 2019

Secondary Newsletter

Southern Entrance

We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.

Safeguarding The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Leanne Abbott-Jones Vice Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Sugra Alibhai Head of Sixth Form Designated Child Protection Officers Patrick Ball (Online safety) Amreen Patel Pardeep Chaggar Jag Singh Gareth Marshall-Jones David Wilson Mariam Mayet You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.


Secondary Newsletter

22 November 2019

Dear Parents and Carers, We were treated to some really great performances on Tuesday evening at the GCSE music recital. It was a perfect example of students using their BRIDGES dispositions. The students have obviously been working hard and practising a great deal and during the perfomances they showed courage, risk-taking, concentration and collaboration to name a few! Well done to all the students who performed and many thanks to the music team, and to Ms Zembron in particular, for organising the event. Everyone at INA, staff and students alike, marked our annual Ahmed Al Khafaji Day on Wednesday by taking the opportunity to focus on an aspect of their learning or to engage with a particular passion of theirs. Some of the activities that our teaching and operational staff engaged in included visiting museums to improve subject knowledge and prepare for potential school trips (such as the Tate Modern, and the Transport museum), visiting other schools both within and outside of the Ark network to learn about best practice elsewhere, and studying for a further qualification. We will be putting together a display of all of our learning and experiences from the day over the next few weeks. Our first IL Day of the year is on Tuesday 26th November. On this day, school is closed to students, whilst teachers are engaged in assessing and moderating assessments. Students will be provided with learning for each of their subjects on the day and should have at least five hours of learning. All learning will be available on the school website. This is also a perfect opportunity for Year 11 students to focus on revision and digging deeper into some of the GCSE topics they are studying. On this day we also hold our Year 11 Next Steps interviews when all Year 11 students have a 1:1 with a member of the senior team to explore their future career aspirations and their current thinking around KS5 courses and degree courses. Year 11 Progress meetings take place on Wednesday 27th November from 2.30-6.30pm. We look forward to seeing the parents of every Year 11 student on this afternoon. We will share Autumn mock data and discuss what each individual student needs to do in each of his/her subjects to ensure that they achieve their target grades in the GCSE exams.

With all best wishes,

Jo Spencer

Cover Photo: View from the roof terrace. 22 November 2019

Secondary Newsletter


Independent Learning day Tuesday 26th November 2019 This day is designated as an independent learning day and students will need to complete the learning for the subjects they have on that day at home. This is an excellent opportunity for students to develop their independence and prepare fskills required at university and beyond. Learning will be given to students prior to the day which they should complete and hand in on the next day to their teachers. A link to their learning can be found on our website at the following location: https://isaacnewtonacademy.org/ secondary/independent-learning-day-26november-2019 Mr Clift-Matthews Assistant Principal

Skills London 2019 All Year 10 students attended Skills London at Excel on Friday, the UK’s largest career fair. Students signed up for unique opportunities, spoke to prospective employers and were exposed to companies and potential careers they may have never knew existed. “Great trip”, “I want to be a pilot now” and “I didn’t know you could work for TFL and not be a train driver” were just a few memorable quotes Thank you to all parents for their support. Mr Crowther-Green


Secondary Newsletter

22 November 2019

Year 11 News Supporting your child through GSCEs Key Dates Date


25th November 2019

Year 11 students receive reports

26th November 2019

Year 11 Next Steps Interviews

27th November 2019

Year 11 Parent Progress meetings 2.30pm-6.30pm

11th December 2019

Parents workshop – supporting your child with GCSE revision with Ms Abbott-Jones and Ms Spencer - 6pm

20th December 2019

End of term awards assembly

13th – 31st January 2020 Year 11 Mock exams - all subjects 24th February 2020

Year 11 students receive reports

5th March 2020

Sixth Form Interviews

10th March 2020

GCSE Exams meeting (all parents and students required to attend) 5-6pm

11th May 2020

GCSE Exams begin

A full calendar of all Year 11 key dates and subject deadlines can be found on the website under ‘Community and Carreers\Resources for Parents’. We look forward to continuing to work in close partnership with you to support your child as they approach their GCSEs and beyond. Ms Abbott-Jones, Vice Principal

22 November 2019

Secondary Newsletter


Year 11 Progress Meeting Wednesday 27th November 2019 2:30 – 6:30pm Year 11 Progress Meeting is calendared for Wednesday 27th November 2019 from 2:30-6:30pm. All students will complete lessons P1 – 4a (Year 10 and Year 11 students will complete lesson 4a as per KS3 timings). P4a will finish for all students at 1:05pm. Students who are eligible for Free School Meals who request lunch in advance (via form tutors) can collect a lunch bag from the KS3 desk area as they leave. Tutors will escort students to the KS3 gate at 1:15pm where students are expected to go directly home and return between 2:30-6:30pm with parents/carers. Students are expected to attend with an adult family member in full school uniform. The last appointment is 6:25pm for a 6:30pm finish. Staff will set Independent Learning for Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 in advance for P5 and 6. The school will be closed to Years 7, 8, 9 and 11 from 1:15pm. Enrichments and detentions will not take place. Mr M Crowther-Green Assistant Principal


Secondary Newsletter

22 November 2019

Year 11 Next Steps Interviews In order to support students with making informed decisions about their post 16 choices each student will have a 1-to-1 interview with a member of SLT or the Pastoral Team. Interviews will take place on Tuesday 26th November on the Independent Learning day. Each meeting will be approximately 20 minutes. Students will be advised of the time of their interviews by letter and parents will be informed that the letter has been issued by text. The interviews will only involve the student and the member of staff. This is to support the students in transitioning into being fully independent learners. As we are sure you can appreciate; logistically arranging the meetings for all of Year 11 is a large and complex operation. Therefore it will not be possible to amend the meeting times. The discussion at the interviews will centre on the following questions: • What university courses or equivalent are you considering? Will this impact on your current career aspirations? • What courses have you considered studying at KS5? Why? What research have you completed around other possible choices? • Are you intending to stay at INA? Have you submitted an application? • What is your plan for KS5 if your ideal situation does not occur? What steps have you taken to research your secondary plan? • Are you considering the EPQ? Why? If yes, what would your area of research be? We trust that parents and carers will support students by ensuring that they are fully prepared for these important meetings by discussing the above questions with them in advance of the meeting. To support with research we would recommend the following websites: http://russellgroup.ac.uk/media/5320/informedchoices.pdf https://www.ucas.com/?schemes=Undergraduate&theme=all_ stages&tile=tile-276 https://www.unifrog.org/student https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/ http://www.plotr.co.uk/ http://www.bestcourse4me.com We hope that this meeting will be a great opportunity for our Year 11 students to feel excited about their future decisions and we look forward to supporting them during this time. Ms Alibhai & Mr Crowther- Green 22 November 2019

Secondary Newsletter



What is Sel

Being able to underst actions, work out wh or course of action, k

TOP TIPS: Students

Layegha Marfat Layegha Marfat is 22 and works in an all-female team that clears land-mines in Bamiyan, Afghanistan. After four decades of conflict, Afghanistan is one of the most heavily land-mined countries in the world. Almost 700 square miles of Afghan soil remains contaminated by mines and other explosives, and they cause innocent people injuries and can be fatal. Marfat’s job is extremely dangerous but she is committed to making the region safe for the local population. Marfat is highly skilled and uses a demining probe to detect explosives. A key disposition to use is self-regulation. When an explosive is found it is crucial to stay clam, think rationally and use reasoning skills to decide the correct course of action. This selfregulation allows the team to dispose of explosives whilst also keeping themselves safe.

‘With self-discipline almost anything is possible.’

• Ensure that you fo and expectations returning your tra indoor voice in the • Research the puni in society who bre • Create and follow • Ensure that you m • If any disagreeme always stop to thin actions might hav

Students wh

Khadija 9A

Theodore Roosevelt


Secondary Newsletter

22 November 2019


lf Regulation?


tand and know yourself, control your hat is the most appropriate response know your impact on others.

Stopping and thinking before acting, being rational, having control over your emotions and actions, doing the right thing, following the rules and values of a community or society.


ollow the established school routines without being asked to e.g. line up, ay before eating at lunch, using an e corridors ishments/sanctions given to people eak rules/laws w to a revision timetable maintain 100% punctuality ent emerges with another students, nk about the consequences your ve

• Encourage your child to self-regulate, discuss the expectations at home and at INA • Look at examples of people in the news who have not been able to self-regulate their behaviour and the impact of this on their lives and on others • Share times when you have had to self-regulate in order to manage a situation

ho have shown great Self Regulation at INA Khadija displays extremely high levels of self-regulation. This is especially true in her learning, where she is independent and takes full responsibility for ensuring she completed all learning to a high standard.

Afridi always takes time to consider his actions. This level of thoughtfulness is appreciated by his friends and the other students in Year 10, meaning he is a positive role model.

Afridi 10A

INA BRIDGES 22 November 2019

Secondary Newsletter


Saturday Stretch Aviation Technology – 16th November 2019

On Saturday 16th November we were pleased to host our second Saturday Stretch of this academic year. The session was led by Raj Gill, a graduate in Aviation Technology with Pilot Studies from Leeds University.

Raj captivated his audience of students ranging from years 7 to 12 with his educational journey as a student at a local comprehensive school, who went on to study at a Russell Group university and is now earning his pilot stripes with British Airways. Our students completed a range of tasks relating to Raj’s university studies such as ‘wing design’ and ‘evaluating the expansion of Heathrow airport’. Students were also provided with an insight into the Aviation industry, with specific information provided about the different pathways to becoming a Pilot, which although expensive, is made accessible to all, through sponsorship schemes and bursaries (please find information below). At the end we all came together to thank Raj for his engaging and informative presentation, and we wish him all the best for the future. Some useful websites: https://www.pegasuspersonalfinance.co.uk/path2pilot/ https://www.airleague.co.uk/scholarshipsold/flying-scholarships/ We’d also like to commend all students who attended – we hope you gained plenty from the session. Mr Singh & Mr Osmani


Secondary Newsletter

22 November 2019

Isaac Newton Academy's

Christmas Party 2019 Tuesday 10 December 3pm - 4:30pm We are delighted to announce this year’s Christmas Community Party on Tuesday 10th December 2019. Every year, we host a Christmas themed afternoon team for older members of our local community, governors and VIP guests. As part of our charitable endeavours and our commitment to community spirit, we ask each form group to donate two Christmas gifts to present to our guests. Please encourage your son or daughter to contribute. Due to the Christmas Community Party, there will be an early closure for secondary students; unless a student is involved in supporting the Community Party, the school day will end at 1.15pm. There will be no after school enrichments or interventions on that day and there will be no lunch for students, other than students who return consent slips as a helper for the party. Students eligible for free school meals will be given a packed lunch on request. KS3 & Y13

KS4 & Y12

8.25am to 12.15pm

Normal school day

Normal school day

12.15pm to 1.10pm

Normal 4a lesson

4b lesson during 4a slot

1.10pm to 1.15pm

Registration & dismissal

Registration & dismissal

3pm to 4.30pm

All students off site unless a performer or helper Community Party (only student performers and helpers remain on site)

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support with our charitable endeavours and for your generosity in giving to our community party guests. It is always highly appreciated by our guests. Ms McEvoy, Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Sixth Secondary 22 November 11 2019 Newsletter

15 November 2019 11

Modern Foreign Languages


Purchase one or both of the following to support your learning.

Speak to Miss Coates if you are interested.


Secondary Newsletter

22 November 2019

Years 10 and 11 Be sure to purchase a GCSE Science revision guide and workbook Contains revision notes, exam practice Qs, glossary of key words and more

Combined Science students - ÂŁ9 Separate Science students - ÂŁ12

(for three books: Biology, Chemistry and Physics)

Collect books from Mr Golinski (T17) on Wednesdays/Fridays after school once purchased

22 November 2019

Secondary Newsletter


INA Attendance and Punctuality Regular attendance is a crucial factor in students’ educational development and success in achieving their full potential. Missing out on education and learning leaves students vulnerable to falling behind, putting them under unnecessary pressure. At Isaac Newton Academy every student is expected to maintain 100% attendance.


All students need to be present on site and ready for line up no later than 8.25am each day and as such we advise students to be through the school gates (side entrance and southern entrance) no later than 8.23am.

Reporting of child’s absence

In line with INA attendance policy it is the parent/ carer's responsibility to phone the school by 8.15am on each day of an absence. If you fail to contact the school to inform us of your child’s absence we may take the necessary steps to ensure your child is safe. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the INA Attendance policy.

Year group and form attendance for last week

Tutor 7A 7C 7E 7I 7N 7S 7W Total

% Tutor % Tutor 96.2 8A 94.7 9A 94.4 8C 93.4 9C 96.8 8E 96.8 9E 94.8 8I 96.3 9I 96.7 8N 93.0 9N 93.8 8S 97.0 9S 98.4 8W 93.4 9W 95.8 Total 94.9 Total

% Tutor % Tutor % 95.3 10A 97.3 11A 89.0 96.0 10C 96.0 11C 96.8 93.5 10E 93.8 11I 97.9 95.9 10I 94.9 11N 95.4 98.0 10N 93.8 11S 94.5 99.5 10S 93.4 11T 91.3 92.9 10W 94.9 11W 96.0 95.8 Total 94.9 Total 94.4

Absences immediately before or after a school holiday If your child is absent before or after a school holiday we must see evidence for the absence. This may be medical evidence if your child is unwell, or evidence of flight delays or circumstances beyond your control. We cannot authorise any absences before or after a holiday without this evidence and you risk being issued with a penalty notice.


Secondary Newsletter

22 November 2019




KS3 INDEPENDENT LEARNING INSTRUCTIONS: For your PE independent learning, you need to refer to the resources:

This PC > Student Share (S) > _Student_Share_MODIFY_Folder_ >PE

UNWANTED TRAINERS: If you have any unwanted trainers the P.E. department would be very grateful for your donations. Please give your donations to a member of P.E. staff in S01.

22 November 2019

Secondary Newsletter


Autumn Term 2019 Monday 2nd September - Friday 20th December 2019 Key Dates Monday 25th November

Year 7–10 Assessments end

Tuesday 26th November

IL Day – Students study at home Year 11 – Next steps interviews

Wednesday 27th November

Year 11 – Progress meetings 2.30-6.30pm

Wednesday 4th December

GCSE Presentation Evening

Tuesday 10th December

Community Party

Thursday 12th December

Christmas Lunch

Monday 16th December

Year 7 Awards Assembly

Thursday 19th December

Winter Concert

Friday 20th December

Year 8-11 - Awards Assemblies


Secondary Newsletter

22 November 2019

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