17 January 2020 Secondary Newsletter

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17 January 2020

Secondary Newsletter

Southern Entrance

We would like to remind parents and carers that the gate at the southern entrance will be locked at 08:23 each morning. Students arriving after this time should enter via the main entrance in Cricklefield Place.

Safeguarding The welfare and safety of our students is our priority. We do everything possible to ensure our students’ safety, both within the school community and outside of school, including working with relevant agencies to address any issues related to child protection. Students are informed of who they should go to should they have a concern about their own safety or the safety of others. At INA, all staff have regular safeguarding training to ensure that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities. We also have a number of staff who are designated to respond to any child protection concerns and to liaise with social services: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Leanne Abbott-Jones Vice Principal Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Tam Broadway Primary Headteacher Sugra Alibhai Head of Sixth Form Designated Child Protection Officers Patrick Ball (Online safety) Amreen Patel Pardeep Chaggar Jag Singh Gareth Marshall-Jones David Wilson Mariam Mayet You can find the INA Safeguarding policy, Child Protection policy and other related policies and procedures on the Academy’s website.


Secondary Newsletter

17 january 2020

Dear Parents and Carers, It is a very important time for Year 9 students who are about to commence the options process. This started on Tuesday with our Options Evening for parents and their children. It was great to see such fantastic attendance at this key event. This will be followed by options interviews which will be held over the next few weeks with parents and their son/daughter and a senior leader to discuss students’ options choices before students submit their options forms on Thursday 13th February. Year 11 mock exams are in full flow. We have been very impressed with Year 11’s focus, commitment and determination so far. We are looking forward to reviewing their progress and attainment over the next few weeks. We were delighted to receive a record number of applications from Year 8 and 12 students for the Phillips Exeter Academy Summer School last week. On Tuesday, Ms Abbott-Jones and I interviewed the students who were shortlisted. We were incredibly impressed with the mature and confident way the students interviewed and we had a hard time deciding upon the six students who are fortunate enough to be given this amazing opportunity. We will announce their names shortly. Finally, just a reminder that it is Sixth form Open Evening on Tuesday 21st January. More details can be found later in the newsletter. We look forward to seeing Year 11 students and their parents at this important event. With all best wishes,

Jo Spencer

Cover Photo: Musical item from the Winter Concert - December 2019 17 january 2020 Secondary Newsletter


BRIDGES Mentoring Wednesday 29



The first BRIDGES mentoring session takes place on Wednesday 29th January from 1:45-4:30pm. All students will be given a fifteen minute 1:1 coaching session with their BRIDGES mentor.

Key Stage 3 students will use this opportunity to reflect on how they have

strengthened their BRIDGES dispositions and creating a plan for further growth.

Year 10 students will be engaging in a mock interview focusing on their

preparedness for GCSEs and work experience. This will also include how they will further be strengthening their BRIDGES dispositions to achieve success in both.

Year 11 students will be engaged in one to one coaching focusing on mock-exam reflection, well-being and planning for next steps post-GCSE.

Arrangements All students will complete lessons p1 – 4 (Y10 and Y11 students will complete lesson 4 as per Key Stage 3 timings). Period 4 will end at slightly earlier at 12.50 to allow time for all students to make their way home for lunch before returning to school for their allotted mentoring session. Failure to attend the mentoring session will lead to an unauthorised absence. Students who are eligible for Free School Meals and request lunch in advance (via form tutors) can collect a lunch bag from the student reception as they leave. Students are expected to go directly home and return between 1.45-4.30pm for a fifteen minute 1:1 coaching session with their BRIDGES mentor. Appointment times will be issued to students beforehand. Students must attend their session on time. Key Stage 3 students must wear full school uniform. Year 10 and Year 11 students may wear either school uniform or professional work wear. We are unable to supervise any students as all staff are BRIDGES mentors and will be engaged in mentoring session throughout the afternoon. Parents are not required at the sessions but will be given feedback on how their son or daughter’s BRIDGES skills are progressing later in the year. Please note that enrichment will be cancelled on this day. Mr Ball, Lead Pastoral Leader / Acting Assistant Principal


Secondary Newsletter

17 january 2020

Isaac Newton Academy’s

Sixth Form Open Evening Join us for our Sixth Form Open Evening where you can see our Sixth Form facilities and meet the INA staff.

21 January 2020 st


The deadline for Sixth Form applications is

Friday 24th January 2020

For more details on how to apply, please visit the website.

Isaac Newton Academy, 1 Cricklefield Place, Ilford, IG1 1FY sixthform@isaacnewtonacademy.org | www.isaacnewtonacademy.org | 020 8911 6666

17 january 2020 Secondary Newsletter


Year 11 News Supporting your child through GSCEs Key Dates Date


13th – 31st January 2020 Year 11 Mock exams - all subjects 24th February 2020

Year 11 students receive reports

5th March 2020

Sixth Form Interviews

10th March 2020

GCSE Exams meeting (all parents and students required to attend) 5-6pm

11th May 2020

GCSE Exams begin

A full calendar of all Year 11 key dates and subject deadlines can be found on the website under ‘Community and Carreers\Resources for Parents’. We look forward to continuing to work in close partnership with you to support your child as they approach their GCSEs and beyond. Ms Abbott-Jones, Vice Principal


Secondary Newsletter

17 january 2020

Spring Mock Examination Timetable Janurary 2020 Mon 20th Jan

Tue 21st Jan

Wed 22nd Jan

Thu 23rd Jan

Fri 24th Jan

History paper 3 USA Civil rights and Vietnam 120 mins

Computer Science paper 2 52 students

Maths paper 3 90 mins

Spanish Writing Foundation 70 mins Higher 80 mins

Drama 90 mins


Combined Science Biology 2 75 mins

French Reading Foundation 45 mins Higher 60 mins

PE Paper 2 60 mins

Combined Science Chemistry 2 75 mins

Combined Science Physics 2 75 mins


Biology 2 105 mins

Chemistry 2 105 mins

Physics 2 105 mins

Times unless stated

AM P1 P2


Religious Studies paper 2 Islam 105 mins

French Listening Spanish Reading Foundation 35 mins Foundation Higher 45 mins Foundation 45 mins Higher 60 mins Design Technology 90 mins

Spanish Listening Foundation 35 mins Higher 45 mins

Music 75 mins

ART Exam: All day - Thursday 30th January - Art rooms

17 january 2020 Secondary Newsletter


What is Re

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TOP TIPS: Students

Jamie Edwards The photograph is of Jamie Edwards from Lancashire, who at the age of 13, is the youngest person ever to create a nuclear fusion reactor. This instrument crashes two atoms together to create energy. To make the reactor Jamie needed to use a huge amount of questioning, planning and - perhaps most importantly - reasoning. He made his reactor on a relatively small budget (£2,000). This meant he had to think very logically about the process and what equipment would fulfil specific roles. When things didn’t work first time, Jamie had to make inferences about the possible problems and use rational thinking to fix them.


Secondary Newsletter

• Think and cons drawing a logic • Play puzzles an development o • Make use of Ve and relationshi • Engage in mean verbal reasonin

Students w

Misb 7A

17 january 2020



nk and draw conclusions. The process usions, judgments, or inferences from e. The reasons, arguments, evidence is process.


sider all available evidence before cal conclusion. nd games that encourage the of problem-solving skills. enn diagrams as a tool to show the links ips between things. ningful discussion to enhance your ng.


Calling up your logical and rational skills to work things out methodically and rigorously; constructing good arguments, and spotting the flaws in others’.


• Engage in critical thinking exercises as a family and spend time discussing issues from different perspectives. • Discuss a controversial issue in the news with your son/daughter and consider the issue from different perspectives, exploring the reasons behind different views. • Encourage your children to support in problemsolving around the house, helping out when things go slightly wrong.

who have shown great Reasoning skills at INA Misba and Imaam are demonstrating their reasoning skills in maths. They approach problems in a logical and rational way and always consider a range of ways to reach their answer. Both students are currently Working Beyond Expectations in maths.




17 january 2020 Secondary Newsletter



A Christmas Carol On Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th January the Year 10 GCSE Drama cohort participated in our second Old Vic workshop followed by a trip to the theatre to see Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’. It was a wonderful way to start a new term and we learnt lots from the workshop in which we explored some the characters from the perspective of a costume designer. We learnt that every detail is considered and reasoned as a costume designer; that everything we see onstage means something. The level of care and thought that goes into every creative decision really surprised us and we were able to watch the production the following day with new appreciation. We had a go at designing a costume for our own ghosts in the workshop and analysed a piece of material we were given and from this, were able to come up with design concepts which we later presented back to the room.


Secondary Newsletter

17 january 2020

The production itself was magical; it was our first experience in seeing anything ‘in-the-round’ and noted how hard the actors were working to include every angle of audience. The classic was laden with symbolism and told through expert and careful ensemble work, which was clearly a product of an intense and rigorous rehearsal period. We were in awe of how the clever use of technology and set allowed us to experience and live the story, rather than being mere spectators. It was unanimous- it was a hit and we got free ice cream too! We’re very much looking forward to our next trip in March when we get to see Alan Cumming and Daniel Radcliffe in Endgame by Samuel Beckett.

17 january 2020 Secondary Newsletter


Press release Isaac Newton Academy awarded funding for new science laboratory

Isaac Newton Academy in Ilford has been awarded £27,000 by The Wolfson Foundation towards the cost of a new science laboratory. Isaac Newton Academy (INA) is an all-through school, part of the Ark network of schools, serving students aged 4 to 18 in Ilford. The school was rated Outstanding in all areas by Ofsted in October 2018. Science forms a key part of the school’s curriculum offer and is becoming increasingly popular at Isaac Newton Academy. The school will be expanding its KS5 curriculum offer next academic year with the option of a Level 3 BTEC in Applied Science. Being a fundamental part of the curriculum, the school wants to ensure that practical learning remains at the centre of its approach in continuing to improve exam performance of students and enrich their school experience of science.


Secondary Newsletter

17 january 2020

To meet the increased demand for science courses at both KS4 and KS5, the school applied for funding to convert an existing general-use classroom into a high-specification science lab to ensure all science lessons are taught in a space fit for purpose. The refurbishment will include reconstructing the existing classroom with necessary plumbing, joinery and power, as well as fitting specialist laboratory furniture. In addition, it will equip the laboratory with stock required to fulfil the demands of GCSE and A-level specifications, enabling yet more students to be given the access and inspiration to select science-based university and career destinations. Interim Principal, Jo Spencer, said: “We are absolutely thrilled to have been awarded funding for a new science laboratory. Science is extremely popular with our students here at INA, and the addition of a new science lab will ensure 100% of GCSE and A level lessons are taught in a dedicated science lab that has the facility and equipment to run high quality practical lessons.” Head of Science, Ross Mounsey, said: “We are extremely excited to get the go-ahead for a new science laboratory at INA. We have a record number of students studying Sciences at GCSE and A level, and this has put increased pressure on current laboratory spaces. The new science laboratory will ensure that our students receive the best practical-centred approach, which has brought so much success in both student attainment and raising interest in the subject.” The grant has been awarded by The Wolfson Foundation, an independent, grant-making charity based in central London. Paul Ramsbottom, Chief Executive of the Wolfson Foundation said: “The Foundation is committed to improving the physical learning spaces in secondary schools to allow students to benefit from learning in a modern environment. We were very impressed by the Academy, and are pleased be able to support this important project to create a new science laboratory.”

17 january 2020 Secondary Newsletter


INA Attendance and Punctuality Regular attendance is a crucial factor in students’ educational development and success in achieving their full potential. Missing out on education and learning leaves students vulnerable to falling behind, putting them under unnecessary pressure. At Isaac Newton Academy every student is expected to maintain 100% attendance.


All students need to be present on site and ready for line up no later than 8.25am each day and as such we advise students to be through the school gates (side entrance and southern entrance) no later than 8.23am.

Reporting of child’s absence

In line with INA attendance policy it is the parent/ carer's responsibility to phone the school by 8.15am on each day of an absence. If you fail to contact the school to inform us of your child’s absence we may take the necessary steps to ensure your child is safe. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the INA Attendance policy.

Year group and form attendance for last week

Tutor 7A 7C 7E 7I 7N 7S 7W Total

% Tutor % Tutor 97.0 8A 95.0 9A 98.0 8C 98.0 9C 98.0 8E 98.0 9E 96.0 8I 91.0 9I 100.0 8N 94.0 9N 89.0 8S 95.0 9S 97.0 8W 97.0 9W 96.0 Total 96.0 Total

% Tutor % Tutor % 96.0 10A 96.0 11A 97.0 97.0 10C 90.0 11C 91.0 98.0 10E 88.0 11I 93.0 88.0 10I 92.0 11N 94.0 94.0 10N 93.0 11S 91.0 94.0 10S 92.0 11T 93.0 93.0 10W 97.0 11W 94.0 94.0 Total 93.0 Total 93.0

Absences immediately before or after a school holiday If your child is absent before or after a school holiday we must see evidence for the absence. This may be medical evidence if your child is unwell, or evidence of flight delays or circumstances beyond your control. We cannot authorise any absences before or after a holiday without this evidence and you risk being issued with a penalty notice.


Secondary Newsletter

17 january 2020


KS3 INDEPENDENT LEARNING: For your PE independent learning, you need to refer to the resources in the following order: This PC > Student Share (S) > _Student_Share_MODIFY_Folder_ > PE INDEPENDENT LEARNING > Year

UNWANTED TRAINERS: If you have any unwanted trainers the P.E department would be very grateful for your donations. Please give your donations to a member of P.E staff in S01.

17 january 2020 Secondary Newsletter


Spring Term 2020 Monday 6th January –Friday 3rd April 2020 INSET Days Monday 3rd February &

Friday 14th February

Independent Learning Day

Thursday 5th March

Key Dates Tuesday 21st January

Sixth Form Open Evening

Friday 24th January

Sixth Form Application deadline

Monday 27th January

Options interviews begin

Tuesday 28th January

Year 12 & 13 Progress Meetings 2:30–6:30pm

Wednesday 29th January

BRIDGES mentoring 1:45pm

Friday 31st January

Year 11 Mock Examinations end

Monday 3rd February

INSET - No school for students

Friday 7th February

GCSE Science Live trip

Thursday 13th February

Year 8 Progress Meetings - 2:30–6:30pm

Friday 14th February

INSET - No school for students

Friday 14th February

Sixth Form interviews

Monday 17th – Friday 21st February Monday 2nd March


Monday 2nd March – Friday 6th March Thursday 5th March

Family Week - (no after school events)

Thursday 12th March


Years 7-10 - Assessments begin

Independant Learning Day – students study at home Year 11 - Drama GCSE - Live theatre review trip Secondary Newsletter

17 january 2020

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