Mfl year 7

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Year 7 French and Spanish Module 1 - Introductions In this first unit, students learn to ask and answer simple questions about themselves in the target language (French or Spanish). They learn the names of classroom objects, meeting and greeting people, the date, age and birthdays, classroom instructions and some basic rules for pronunciation and spelling. New language content - French • • • • •

indefinite and definite articles numbers 1-31 il y a regular plurals possession using de

New language content - Spanish • indefinite and definite articles • numbers 1-31 • hay • regular plurals • possession using de At the end of this unit, most students will understand basic classroom instructions spoken by the teacher; use some classroom expressions including requests for help in French; identify classroom objects with the correct article; understand that the spelling of a word helps you to pronounce it, and understand spellings of names; carry out a simple conversation when meeting someone; copy accurately, and spell many words correctly when writing from memory. French and Spanish Module 2 - School In this unit, students express opinions and give reasons for them. They talk about what they and other people like and dislike. They also use a dictionary to look up adjectives and form sentences about their school. New language content - French • • • • • •

negatives (ne ... pas) asking for and giving simple opinions and reasons using pourquoi? and parce que/qu' quantifiers (très, assez, trop, un peu) further pronunciation/spelling rules introduction to reflexive verbs telling the time

New language content - Spanish • negatives (no) • asking for and giving simple opinions and reasons using ¿porqué? por que es... • quantifiers (muy, bastante, un poco)

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further pronunciation/spelling rules introduction to reflexive verbs

At the end of this unit, most students will understand spoken and written passages and dialogues about school, including school subjects, likes and dislikes, and information using numbers; read independently some simple texts such as class readers/magazines or pages on the internet about another school; carry out conversations of at least two or three exchanges, asking and answering questions about school subjects, teachers, and school routines; write two or three sentences about school, using notes of previously learnt language with aids such as a glossary or small dictionary; express orally and in writing simple opinions about school and give reasons; write short phrases about school from memory. French and Spanish Module 3 - Hobbies This unit builds on much of the learning in the previous units and provides students with an opportunity to use the language they have learnt throughout the year to communicate on the subject of hobbies and interests. Students consolidate their knowledge, skills and understanding of verbs, negatives and questions developed in previous units. They learn strategies for skimming and scanning written texts. New language content - French • • • • • • • •

the infinitive à + definite article -er verbs verb + definite article (j'aime le français) negatives qu'est-ce que/est-ce que ...? days of the week the time

New language content - Spanish • • • • •

juagar / hacer + a + definite article use of infinitive after gustar and other verbs adverbs of time and frequency combining sentences with conjunctions the time

At the end of this unit, students will understand main points and some details in short passages about people's hobbies and interests; read some passages independently, selected from the class reading list, using a glossary or dictionary as support; take part in conversations of two or more exchanges about their own or other people's hobbies and interests, including opinions; talk and write about their interests, and express simple opinions with reasons, following a model; write an informal letter, initially using a model for support; speak and write from memory .

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